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Previous: >>488034971

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Build your Nicole already
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Any fellow sickfucks in here?
i really don't think it's right for wise to sleep with girls who haven't graduated. he needs a real woman, like zhu yuan
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ZY is lesbian coded
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Sleeping in the same bed as the police?
My nicole is useless until Qingyi releases because im not building the brick that is anby
But she doesn't need much investment
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I fucking need dennies
Fuck the police! Literally!
Lawfully of course
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Female agents and Belle need to be banned from posting on /zzz/
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>You aren't the only one with a guardian
>oh yeah where's yours then
thought so bitch
>sleep with Rina
>moves the goalposts to "I- I meant the Pubsec academy"
Nice fucking try, Zhu Yan.
Little Lord is an asshole.
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there are people in this very thread who would swap fluids with this
Are her deals in HZ worth it or is she ripping me off?
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i hate this general, you guys never answer my questions or talk about the game proper and instead opt to post gay pictures or retarded autistic ritual posts that serve to practical fucking purpose. /v/ threads are so much better.
>slaps your Bangboo's ass
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>a real woman, like Zhu Yuan
Nah, Wise needs the love and support of a good strong man to undo the damage done by his overly-needy sister.
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I love them so much, I can't wait to get her partner/buddy/fuckbuddy/nagging granny
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Think about it, Khors is fully human but Koleda has sharp teeth for some reason
Koledas mom is a Bear
SAARS I REDEEMED THE 7 ROLLS LUCY FROM THE SHOP I had a dream that Lucy was on Asaba's banner so I'm never getting her otherwise lol
Yes, I want to cuddle with Zhu Yuan as the big spoon and rub my dick against her butt.
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I'll swap sexual fluids with Emmie.
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Anally fucking the police, specifically.
that's a child
that's a predator
Am I retarded or i don't have anby's commision to unlock the trust shit? I'm interkot 28 after the end of chapter 2. Also i got pubsecass agent 10 rolls before 50/50, do i roll her C1 or keep for new limited? There was someone here that said she's cery strong at c1
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You ARE using Anton, right bros?
Trust events start at IKL30.
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soulhoundGODs please have mercy
i have no clue how to git gud in this minigame
That’s an onahole
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that sounds more like /gig/
post your question then, let's hear it
The succubus claims another anon
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Yes, of course.
Little Lord is courting death for trying to mess with my jade like beauty childhood friend (Belle)
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Forbid them not.
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There's no swapping involved
she would just straight up rob me and leave me begging for more
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that's ME!
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M6R5 7/7/7/7/7 core passive lv.3 but lv.4 is pre farmed
Billybwos talk about their adventures all the time though anon, what do you mean?
xhe is projecting, ignore it.
Would Nicole prefer missionary or pronebone
it's virtually nothing in terms of dennies for virtually nothing in terms of materials
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OUT OF 10!
do resistances only decrease damage or also daze on stunners?
Don't make me post it.
I pulled zy's banner just to c6 nicole. Her def shred with soukaku attack buff is unironically getting me through the critical nodes
You don't know how desperate I am for dennies.
Is Jane Doe a rat or a mouse, this is important since one is very dirty and one is clean
I think it affects daze, the shiyu bosses with their damage reduction buff up are much harder to stun
Is the 2pc pen set kinda slept on? Pen is always pretty valuable and seems like it could be over 10% Atk or element damage.
she definitely left a snail trail on eous's head
So i didn't fuck up, thanks.
Ether damage main stat chaotic metal 5 a good use of my guaranteed main stat for Zhu Yuan?
Anyone watching ecelebs can give me a QRD on Iyo XS? Why does every other gacha cc hate him? He's one of the only ones I watch because the fighting game comparisons unironically help me understand the mechanics (even if it's never that deep)
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Very good
We need more art of siblings double teaming agents
she identifies herself as a cat, respect her decision
Whats the good version of zzz? Like what Trails is to Star rail?
It's not much better than Attack %. I'd get crit slot 4 instead.
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Is disorder or mono fire the better team for S11?
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Once you beat the story you should be able to switch between Wise/Belle.
It is silly to lock you into a character for the whole game right at the start. I just thought they would be a bland avatar for roaming the game world so I picked the eye candy, I didnt KNOW I'd be locked in forever and there was DATING SIMS LATER
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>Sees this
Now what?
Scarlet Nexus
hell yeah!
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Once i realized you can just farm the skill chips now and not use them due to denny shortage I started doing that.
It takes a lot of resistance to click an upgrade though.
theres literally no point in putting points into anything except ex and chain attack.
She is a cat.

>What am I? A cat Thiren. You bet I'm the real deal.
>"*sigh*... Having such a rare lineage used to give me quite a headache."
>"Why would I lie to you? Meow~"
There was a way to do that in the beta by pausing a story mission in progress, I'm not sure that's still a thing
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we hate fofo here
we hate sucrose here
and we ESPECIALLY hate Corin.
tits too big, its slop
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new dramaslop clickbait since the previous "zzz is just mashing one button!" outrage failed. you'll quickly learn that most big hoyo content creators just look for something new to raise drama over every week
if your not rolling for zhu for some reason you get free chips this week which can be used for it.
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scarlet nexus although it's kinda shite
cute girls though
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Only one of those statements is true.
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Why did mihoyo name a character after her
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Remove sucrose
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what the fuck
ive just been ignoring that and using the coffees for shit actually useful.
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Really? you're posting shit like this of all things without giving the source?
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Which one is the A rank?
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go on without me level 50 bros, i just fucking cant with the shitty grouping in this game...
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you have no right
huge for abandon skyscraper or shield reso
The Robot 100%
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jane doe is a cat?
This is far from the worst one
Chinatsu, the manager.
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Wait, cuck Belle is canon?
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Going to diddle loli Zhu Yuan.
Eyes aren't far apart enough
This fucked one of my runs when I got it right before the boss and had 1 hp on everyone.
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I really wish there was any evidence to disprove that I don't want my koleda to be half t*rin
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kek good one sis
I've seen one person ever say anything about him once like two days ago so this isn't exactly something anybody really cares about. Somebody got pissy that the guy uses fighting game terms to describe ZZZ stuff. That's it. Boils down to some fighting game community guy taking the fighting game stuff way too seriously. It'd be like a DMC fan sperging out because people jokingly call stuff Royal Guard.
Let me guess, This is with Sig and Mindscapes?
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this kot can't get getting away with this.
The robot obviously, unless they release other robots before and see lots of interest in them
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Right here.
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When are we getting Royal Guard in this game
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not cool bro
Ben is royal guard pilled skibidi rizz though sigma
Will I be bricked if I roll ZY?
Bro, your Ben Bigger?
>worst one
dodge having lower cooldown breaks so many peoples minds though.
Ellen... Your long lost sister...
Bro your Ben Bigger?

Hopefully Ceasar though
miyabi wife
just pull if you like her. All 1.0 chars will be irrelevant by 2.0, and so on
Hollow Zero weeklies needed to have been hotfixed a week ago. There is 0% chance I am doing 5 15+ minute runs a week for however many more weeks until 1.1. HZ is an amalgamation of every terrible system and design decision in hoyo games. This should have been addressed in the first CBT. I am owed sex.
Making a hard call: All of them will be S rank.
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Yep, pulling for Miyabi. I will have ALL the sharkgirls.
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>2 hours
zoomerbros.. our attention span...
I mean if you stack up corruptions in the last map you end up with ones like "HP is capped at 50% and getting hit removes all of your energy"
They basically designed it so if you get to 4 corruptions you lose
you're supposed to do 15 runs
I see people talk about that corruption all the time, but I've never felt inconvenienced by it. Enemies don't attack often enough for it to matter.

>All 1.0 chars will be irrelevant by 2.0
Seele currently has the fastest clear time in Star Rail's latest endgame.
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My canonically underage wives...
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People are clearing S17 with S ranks with zero mindscape comps lil bro. Its all in the discs which anyone can farm, just gotta be willing to spend a shit ton of energy and batteries on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8_0YEmtBvA
feels like pen ratio 2c + disk4 could be better than crit + elemental dmg since apparently it gets stronger with flat pen
Ben Bigger
Consider that the dodge cooldown one can brick Ellen's kit because it stops her from dashing
How do you get this mission
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he's just standing there...
Gotta talk to NPCs on 6th Street.
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What animal is this?
what are the chances piper and rat make a good team, before I waste resources levelling piper
Like with literally every negative effect in HZ its only dangerous in 11/11. Weakened dodge in nineveh 11/11 is what I would consider impossible.
i hope they add a fluffy fox tail to miyabi
Dodge cooldown is a big problem against Nineveh since you can't parry anything in the last phase, but I agree it's not so bad against other enemies
I wanna touch this tail
I'd take this one. All damage is avoidable and the damage you do take is calculated trading. The real shitty one is >>488055242 if you abuse perfect dodges. The teleporting fuck ruins my day with it and the gorilla elite has that one string you can get 3 or 4 perfect dodges counters off on for max energy gen and damage.
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They're all S and they'll add a weird obsessed male fan as the A.
Ik lvl 40 talk to the two people next to the payphone, behind the noodle shop. Must be morning for them to spawn. Then go back there at midnight.
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I love how this rookie dumbass honestly thought we'd pretend to be his blind date so he wouldn't get in trouble
Seth I don't even know you yet you dummy.
You don't want to use both on the same team as they compete for the same role. You want to use a physical anomaly with a different anomaly for disorder.
>what are the chances piper and rat make a good team
Are there female furries?
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When will this kot stop doing this? Do i really have to get errect every time I play ZZZ?
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This game gave me an adult women fetish. It never used to be this way but good lord Grace and Zhu Yuan have unlocked something primal in me.
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>corruption that limits the resonium you can pick
>corruption that increases dodge cooldown
These are the worst corruptions you can get
Need Quicksilver character. That would be cool as hell.
Yes. There are sometimes some female cat furries in Lumina Square. And not tier 1 furries like Nekomata, they're full on Lycaon-tier.
don't let the lycaonlet anbycopers hear you
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Yes but only as NPCs so far
>Seele currently has the fastest clear time in Star Rail's latest endgame.
I know but how many eidolon seele is that. Clear time ranking is a literal meme. I get what you mean and I suppose c6 ellen or zy will still be viable next year too
This anon hasn't unlocked Withering Garden
Ty anons
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How are other women supposed to compete with this?
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trying to do one of the later shiryu defenses (9 or 10) and can't do enough damage with my physical/fire team to even get close. the mid boss for their run takes legitimitely minutes to run despite going piper/lucy/neko. They're a little under leveled so i'm not expected an s but with the enemies only a few levels higher they can't really be taking this long can they?
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Why the FUCK is targeting and locking so bad in this game
I swear that Shiyu 6 is cockblocking me only because of that and how jumpy those motherfuckers are
I'm close to going deaf because of how many counter pings there are
Why can't I manually lock onto a target
All assists will eventually switch to the boss and deal pea damage
This is worse than the jewish gacha at this point
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>I know but how many eidolon seele is that.
E0. This doesn't really assume higher Eidolons for anyone.
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Good. I'm not a furry, but I would like to see a cute wolf girl get added at some point
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reminds me of this yugioh monster
inb4 Qingyi straight up proposes marriage to the MC in a traditional and old fashioned Chinese way as a powermove in her trust events
i stopped watching him months ago.
He has a very huge ego, he constantly says the community has "problems", like in HSR, he was annoyed/mad that people liked/built Hyper carry
The last video i saw of him was when he said "it was stupid to NOT recommend lightcones and eidolons",
People hate him because he hates people opinions and he's not willing to improve.
The last drama showed his ego even more, he said "Wuthering waves community, the neo genshin community, it does not have a ME" among a lot of stupid shit
Even after all the hate he got for saying those retarded things, he STILL blames the community, liek what the fuck do you expect you are poking the bear in multiple directions and you are objectively wrong and an egomaniac,
>Why can't I manually lock onto a target
You can, but they don't list it in the controls menu for some reason. On a gamepad clicking the right analog stick toggles it
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>bangboo can have wants and desires of their own independent of and in conflict with their owners
>bangboo can feel lonely and betrayed
>bangboo can feel pain
>bangboo have enough autonomy to slack off in their programmed tasks or even refuse to do them
Bwos... are we enslaving sentient beings? I feel like we're enslaving sentient beings.
The cat and shark girl are not furries?
I want to fatten Koleda.
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If you end withering gardens with any corruptions you've actively gimped yourself.
The game sets itself up so EASILY for you to cheese its trio of tards even on 11/11
>Take bonus to pressure reduction on start, which gives you pressure gates every floor to remove one corruption
>take health penalty on second floor
>take coin penalty on third floor (after spending all your coins)
>refuse the final gift before the final fight which cancels the +3 corruptions penalty
>walk into Nineveh fight with zero risk of any cancer
Do we know what happens when the HZ season resets?
I'm max on investigation points and 7/7 on bounty progression, but I just reached withering garden and cleared it 3/11. Does progress and rewards reset so I need to go and 11/11 it now before reset so I'm not short on polychrome?
Take a look at the chart
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I'd like Nicole a lot more if her begging was more realistic. Like damn bitch, you urgently need 100 dennies? ONE ZERO ZERO?! Who's the debt collector this time, a fucking vending machine? Coffee at Tinmaster's is 2500.
100%. Piper holds 4pc anomaly and decreases enemy resistance to physical anomaly buildup. Rat builds up anomaly so fast that it's actually useful for you to run that on somebody and when fighting a boss you might actually hit the +20% resistance to physical anomaly buildup they gain for repeated procs.
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I want a Kemonololi to truly end the normalfags involvement with zzz.
They can barely deal with piper and lucy who are actually just teen sized adult women compated to the actual kindergarteners we see in game.
So a kemonololi would end them
If you have s11's trust resonia, it gives her 4th basic invulnerability (similar to the m4 she has), and also lets you follow up her dodge counter with that 4th basic for a very long iframe. She can basically spam it back to back even with the dodge cd increase. Not sure if others get such an impact resonia like hers.
pretends to be a top dom, but melts by handholding FINGERS LOCKED vanilla missionary
Why arent you having sex with your sister right now? You better have good excuse
It would depend on how well rat applies assault on her own. Piper may have openings to swap in and EX skill, but if rat can handle it on her own then there's nothing that Piper offers.
early spook with singles on standard so I'm not too mad at it
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It's looking more and more morally correct to have sex with Bangboos, hope Mihoyo touches on the subject of human/bangboo love
The police got me
>bratty fox child
Pretty cute idea
Nicole is better and has better genetics
I want to pinch nicole's pennies
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you can manually lock onto a target but it'll automatically switch when you counter or perfect dodge anyways
miyabi emptied my balls, sorry sis, I'll make it up to you once she's not in heat. might take a week or something but I promise I will
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>better genetics
>constantly in debt
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its a crime already theres no beast dog thiren on the cop faction, just give em a borzoi secretary or something
I can't believe she said this
What if someone heard her?
>dumb whore bitch has better genetics
shut the fuck up and pay us what you owe
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certainly we can all agree that zhu yuan's handcuff hairband is stupid as fuck, right?
I honestly find it way more annoying to NOT target enemies, the fucking camera and auto lock fixates on some idiotic shit when you're trying to kill that one add
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no, it's cute as fuck
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I feel like she's the type who likes a solid dick ride.
Goddamn, is it really two hours?
careful the white knights might notice the post and flood you with dismissive (you)s about how obsessive you are about their innocent and pure CCs
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Im dating this cute rat soon
It took me 1h2m.
What I hate is how hard it is to break the boxes because of the auto lock.
Let me get the dennies dawei.
That's the reason you want lockon, so you can kill the trash mob with 1hp you're standing next to instead of having your attack magnetically draw you to the boss standing 50 feet behind you
I have those two, but haven't leveled them since I am using Lycaon, Nicole and Sou. Are those two good?
But I need it so I know she's a cop, same way I'd never know Nekomata is supposed to be a cat girl if she didn't have giant shoulder tubes that say NEKO on them
I look like Nicole irl
>pig is actually covered in fur
Was this image AI generated?
More like an hour. My second run for the hidden achievement took 35 mins.
Infinite Abyss doesnt even have a fucking warning and that one is legitimately 2 hours long if you aim for the bottom
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type 3 furry soon
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Watercoomer needs to learn a couple lessons from World Flipper. Very good character variety.
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Wise is in danger
Lucy is a good general-purpose buffer, but Piper wants to be played in a disorder team.
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man, corin must be a pain to work with. Every few min she'd be on the verge of crying, falling apart, and be an emotional baggage. You'd have to watch your words or just be on the lookout so that this unstable snowflake doesn't self implode. I feel so sorry for the other victoria housekeepers.
The map says Nicole is somewhere on 6th street but I can’t fucking find that woman.
How much agent xp to go from 40 to 50?
Huh? She has a headband? She has a head?
ZY feels so fucking bad to play lmao.
Please date me
>if Ellen was type 3
My dick could not be contained
40-50 is the same amount as 1-40
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this has to be the worst abyss "buff" in the history of all chinkhoyo games
That's because you can technically clear infinite abyss at floor 15 or whatever it is, there's no actual reason to go to the bottom
The Prophecy has to be fully cleared and it's also quite easy to softlock yourself
Go around the shops until you see "Trust event nearby".
she's inside one of the residential houses mating with a random fat old bald guy for money
It's all fine as long as you don't spook her into taking out the chainbuzzsaw
No, this game really makes you fight the camera if you this, by locking on to an enemy you forgo almost complete control of the camera, so you have to rely on a shitty arrow, audio cues or good ol gut feeling to dodge anything behind you, which looks cool but its ultimately annoying when you could just turn the camera while whacking the add so you see what the other enemies are up to
walk near the shops and "Trust event nearby" will pop up
interact with that shop and exit
This chart is a little cope >>488056469 in trying to say Type 2 isn't furry, but it's otherwise correct.
her bio says she always succeeds at her tasks. you just have to encourage her, eventually she will reward you with rape
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Who's got that one miyabi picture?
Is that the minimum? I thought it'd be something like 9/9/9/9
But its the best?
It makes starlight engine/brimsotne better for Zhu and probably equal for Ellen.
try ramen, konbini and cafe, they can pop up after visiting
Against my will desu. The game gave me a C1 Grace and C0 Rina so I might as well use him
I know I can replace him with Piper but idk if PEN res affects Disorder/ Anomaly
Kek i thought everyone with who have animal characteristics was a furry
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Ive gotchu senpai
walk out of your video store front door
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Okay, I won't touch that quest real soon then, don't really have the energy to do it, every day I would just log in, do the dailies, farming mats/disks and then dip.
Then go back to sleep
How do you get this event?
post your full s-rank clear or shut the fuck up
Do the story nigger
It's Koleda's agent quest.
>if your not rolling for zhu for some reason
I'm not.
>you get free chips this week
Wait, what? Where? It's not the coffee is it? I was mostly ignoring the "LIMITED" ether shit because I thought it was a normal boost, but I noticed yesterday it gave me a warning saying it "wasn't an event coffee" or something.
Thx bros. She was at the Newstand.
it's more like kemono, which kind of is just japanese furries, but both sides claim that the differences are large enough to classify as separate types.
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>finish Grace's story
>"I never imagined Grace had such a human side to her, how beautiful. It makes me want to know her more intimately"
>Finish soldier 11's story
>"Ah Soldier 11... the sun to my moon, to think a cool beauty could burn so passionately. Your razor sharp edge that keeps me at bay, that gentle gravitas that pulls me ever close. My darling, my flame, my one and only. Oh how I yearn to hear your call again"
>finish Koleda's story
>"Good work finishing that commission Belle. Let's rest up."
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
It does, Anomaly/Disorder benefits from everything except crit. I also play the two hags with Anton though. Piper is needed on the other side.
Here is an idea for some kemonololis
Wolf Red Hiding Hood
Bunny Alice
Panda Kaguya
Also a kemonoshota group of dog, pheasant and monkey to reference momotaro could also work if they have a big ogre milf as their caretaker
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>ancient body
So wait, just how old is Qingyi?
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>ice damage buff
>dash attack buff
bro your ellen?
>gacha girls never get to lvl 2 or beyond.
What could have been.
he doesn't like midgets
post definitive proof Nicole is a prostitute
>Good work finishing that commission Belle. Let's rest up.
Belle's line is so much better
>Sasuga onii-chan!
Pre-Hollow Disaster, however long ago that was. Although we have no idea if she had been "active" since then.
I'm a bit tired and I didn't do the 7 super hollow things, how important is it?
Why are you mad about the truth tho?
i can't. that would get me banned :(
Ellen rerun when
she’s a robot from the pre-Hollow period so 100 years or so
it’s weird how everyone acts like the “old world” is ancient civilization when it was just a couple generations ago
wait, was I .. not a furry hater but just a male hater all this time
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this is a massive zhu/ellen wank, but most importantly makes starlight engine better than usual.
you DO have zhu, ellen and w5 starlight engine, right?
>shitty mob ai decides to step 3cm out of the way
>waste 10 seconds or force restart
no amount of shitty buffs can compensate for this absolute shitshow
Challenge her to prove her skills.
Probably around 6 months
>the eyes
no fucking way we have a OC drawfag in /zzz/?
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>praising other women in front of your sister
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>Anomaly/Disorder benefits from everything except crit.
>he doesn't know
Rat mindscape lets anomalies crit.
So what do you get to know about soldier 11 in her hangouts?, does she turn out to be a bigger autist than expected?
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this is some pure animal fucker cope. anything with animal qualities is furry. you like it because you find animal qualities hot, because you are degenerate, in the same way that male parts on a girl makes you a faggot. chick has big muscles? youre gay. chick has a dick? youre gay. chick has a big fluffy tail and cat ears? youre a fucking furry. acceptance is the first step furfaggots
I've been asking for kemono girls every single survey. We got furry males, we better fucking get furry females too, this is retarded.
the first or second one gives a standard roll, besides that it's whatever
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Bro your Housamo? The game is primarily for fags but they don't hold back on the girls when they add them
Oh I do this weird thing where I don't like feeling that a game I like is ending so I stockpile sidequests to do at the end only to never end up finishing the game
>covered completely in fur
>animal nose
>animal paws for feet and hands
I don't know who both sides are, but your average person will recognize that as a furry.
Not too much bro but surely you cleared all Shiyu Defense stages, right?
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I don't want to do the weekly Hollow Zero runs :(
Not Pre Hollow. Pre Hollow Zero explosion. Its confusing, but Hollows have been around for easily 100 years likely more.
Eridu was only destroyed when Hollow Zero expanded violently.
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>wow everyone hated Inazuma's enemies because all they did was dash away from the player...
>let's make the enemies for our game do the exact same thing!
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Holy sex
when such a catastrophic even separates two generations it is pretty significant
the "new world" is basically just new eridu
she looks like some wuxia robot made with muh 69k years old ancient Chinese alchemy with them heavenly jewels in her hair and mystical lightning staff so at least pre-old Eridu
Build nicole
>chick has big muscles? youre gay
Imagine having taste this shit.
Bwo, your Lumina Square cat office ladies?
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Please answer. I need to know if I have to no-life this or if I can just wait until after weekly reset.
nicole's ex special is fucking worthless if enemies are not standing 1cm away from each other
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My dick instantly recognized that suurin drew this. Just fucking hire him already, mihomo.
I cleared 3 or 4 or something, those get harder though and I'm lvl 38
You think thats funny. The retarded spinning arms robot from Genshin is in this game reborn as a slightly shorter reskinned robot but he has the identical attack.
But hes a joke in ZZZ because dodge counters are so good
That makes it 100% easier to groom her
>lets anomalies crit
Except it doesn't scale off your crit stat and instead is a constant 40% to do 50% damage, which increases with Anomaly Proficiency. Stop being obtuse, you know what I meant when I said it doesn't benefit from crit.
it gets a little silly when you have stuff like construction machines jumping out of your attacks
virtually everything in this game has some kind of backstep or jump
Dont worry
Garden doesn't reset
You guys do know that the arcade owner is a lvl3 furry right? Even the nose.
who is in the shop after lucy/billy ?
have you seen the animation leaks of upcoming limited characters. They have bigass aoe range to get you to pay
Skill issue tbqh
luckily for you, you're never forced to. just brick your account and stay casual
fuck off, girls with abs are great
wtf bro you weren't supposed to point that
It will massively benefit you in terms of dennies if you have all the other Z merit unlocks 9except bangboo exp which are horrifically overpriced for something you get for free) done. Thats basically it.
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>>wow everyone hated Inazuma's enemies because all they did was dash away from the player...
that's the best shit ever though? makes it extremely easy to manipulate enemies into grouping
I moreso mean how they act like “old world” things are archaic, unknowable concepts.
In a Lycaon trust event he refers to werewolves as something like “those legends from the old world about people growing bloodthirsty and running wild under the full moon” and it’s like, do they not remember what werewolves are? People in real life haven’t believed in dragons for hundreds of years but we still know what they are.
tracking enemies with attacks is really strong in this game so it's whatever, I just started playing wuwa and it's infuriating how many times your own characters step backwards and cause you to whiff attacks entirely, especially if there's any height difference at all.
we will know when seanigs get the reset early
How about you come here and play it for me how about that
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Why is it that the gay game is allowed to have girls in these clothes? It's not fair
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>physical resist boss at the start
billy can't carry me through this one lads
Piper/Corin, my dad is a janitor at Hoyoverse.
furfags have issues
Which ZZZ girl would make the best fqtty?
i dont understand zhu yan's assault mode at all
prydwen says to weave in dashes between shots but it all looks fucking the same to me and bullet seem to randomly generate
>pre hollow period.
Androids were made for hollows.
Okie I finally need to work on a 2nd team for shiyu defense. Can I make Lucy / Piper / Corrin work?
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walking huh
so these elements are all cool but don't you think we need a light and darkness element?
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this game is too easy bro haha look i beat it by mashing buttons haha bro so ea-ACK
>chick has big muscles
>has big muscles
>big muscles
if shes fit youre in the clear. if her abs are rock hard and each the size of your fist? you might be gay
Anby after a million burgers
I do the opposite, I get so invested in the story that I blitz through the ending because I just have to know how it ends.
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should I buy C1 Lucy?
I plan on getting her to C6 but given how lucky I am with A dupes (C4 Anton, C8 Soukaku, C7 Nicole, C10 Ben, all before 50/50) I guess it's better to just wait for a banner with her.
Don't press the dash button.
Just press left or right while pressing buttons
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you could but won't be pleasant since physical weakness is barely present in current endgame. Some even have phys resistance.
Assault mode is her default mode, she goes into suppression mode when attack is held. He's telling you to dash after the fifth attack, which is the single kick' to reset to the third attack in chain.
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Bwo? Your Nicole? Your Anton? Your Anby? Your Zhu Yuan?
If 5 is Lion King and Balto tier, then yes. I'm a sucker for fat art of Scar and Steele...
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I'm buying the ether plating.
tough choice, we have three food autists.
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it wasn't even red shiyu
fucking LOLE
>wow everyone hated Inazuma's enemies because all they did was dash away from the player...
The only enemies I remember doing that were the Kairagis or whatever they were called. What really pissed people off was that all the Inazuman enemies, even trash mobs, weighed 1000 pounds for no reason. It was bad enough they gave them liposuction in a rare nerf.
Ether is basically dark.
The men are at least twice as slutty so the girls being in bikinis comes across business as usual
it's true
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need a gay check on this
Housamo is a LGBT MCSexual game. Another Eidos is a pure chadgay furry game.
Should i care about leveling Bangboo?
The trick is not to use basics unless you want to for fun.
If you want to use it the onyl thing you have to know is that her special dash attack (Side Direction + attack) can reset back to basic 3.
Basic 1 > dash attack > B3,B4,B5 > DA > B3,B4,B5.
You can also DA into DA if you want to dodge
Enhanced baisc works the same
Hold Attack > Keep Holding + Direction until you are run out of bullets
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>2 min 29
The ether bangboo or the cunning hares one for my Zhu/Nicole/Anby team?
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my zhu yan does fuck all damage, what do? shes 40/190 with signature
>tfw Lycaon will never fatten you up and navel fuck you when he is in heat
What audio dub do you use?
Thanatos filtered HUNDREDS with one simple trick.
I didn't say I was good bwo
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how big is that?
>he pulled the sig
hope you luckshitted it in 5
I'm gayshe made my dick twitch a little
I want her to burp in my face while we watch shitty movies together . . .
Are u anons going for Zhu m1 or Qingyi w-engine ?
This guy is playing Ellen wrong he is losing DPS
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>decide to roll singles on limited banner after luckshitting Zhu Yuan early to get my Nicole from C5 to C6
>instead get KOTTED 5 rolls in, I now have a guarantee for 50/50
Holy fuck, I am so lucky
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I am sexually attracted to girl butts.
kpop idol...
Just use starlight engine.
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AMERICAN as god intended
Get to lvl 60
Sd 16 and 17 are bullshit
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Japanese game so no obligatory censorship, but also I am pretty sure that game has a higher age rating because there are detailed bulges in some characters and I don't think those are allowed in the same age rating as ZZZ
But there is an entire mechanic that you can make any two characters fall in love and some even have a special date quest that changes dialogue for some character pairings
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its ok to like girls a little bit
Imagine the stench of her braps, being a middle aged lolibaba AND a trucker who eats shitty greasy food while holding in her shits for hours before finding a rest stop.
EN, which I mostly like. Soukaku is getting on my nerves tho and I might be forced to go JP because her combat lines are grating. Unfortunate, because she sounds fine in the few cutscenes she's voiced.
poop comes out of there
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She can converse with cats and hates burgers.
>does she turn out to be a bigger autist than expected
Words cannot describe how high her autism powerlevel is.


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How would you react if we get loli versions of all the characters?
it's not exactly ideal, corin wants to hit stunned enemies, and she might have a problem with overcapping on energy because you won't have an opening to exspecial with no stunner.
when is Shiyu defense resetting?
no dont tell them, retards rolling bangboo dupes unironically need to be punished.
That is a penis.
Women really like wises eye bags huh?
Does Qingyi count as a loli baba?
>he rolls for factionboos over elementboos
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Japanese like all gachas should be.
Don't develop your stockholm syndrome any further, anon, switch to THE anime language in an anime game.
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i feel like she is a small nod to battle angel alita
its not exactly the same but some elements are the same.
Why does Ellen sound so done with me whenever I use her?
She's like "yeah sure whatever, master..."
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english soukaku took a while to grow on me but I agree, we need to hear so more voicelines from her besides "IS FOOD INCLUDED?"
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>not possible to buy out full sd shop even with max clear
anon, she is the textbook definition.
I need Lycaon to turn me into his bangmaid
retard, you want to get a copy of each element first, then you get faction specific ones for the ones you like.
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please answer.......
Jane lets Piper crit on assaults which is potentially stronger than disorder depending on the final numbers, and Piper has a universal damage buff for Jane to use.
I will swipe, simple as
Shut up Wise
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I'm talking about the 1st time clear bonuses, not the shop.
that's her entire gimmick
she's super-low energy and hates putting in more effort than the minimum
I haven't played that game in like two years, so I guess they finally added that feature in after like four years in total. I want my face rubbing against his bulge and suck his nipples.
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Works on my machine
Maybe she just doesn't like you
end of this week
betta hurry
>ENretards are also shitkakufags
Never has there been a bigger indicator of shit taste
1 she is narcoleptic
2 she saves energy for fights
3 she doesn't care about life in general, that is why she has no problems in almost killing Nekomata
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>if you can get Soukaku to 4k attack she starts wiping all current content with ease
She really seems to want to distance herself from anby in every possible way, i really want them to interact at one point
The datamine for Piper and Lucy's bangboo is insane. It gives you a 24% attack boost for 8 seconds every 20 seconds or so AND THEN it lets you thighfuck them naked for 8 seconds on a 12 second cooldown
Hmm I see what you mean. Which a-rank would you swap out Piper or Corrin in that case? I guess Anby could work as a stunner, but the team feels kinda one-note if it's just buff Corrin and stun for her.
So end of the month? Thanks
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Shant be rolling for ZY because she plays like shit. I thought this was just a meme but no, she actually plays like this.
two victoria maids have tried to "accidentally" kill Nekomata. They know something.
Another week, another Sunday I have to rush Hollow Zero...
>Never has there been a bigger indicator of shit taste
using JP voices instead of CN
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Jp fags are hypocrites they used to parade the "authentic to creators vision" bullshit for YEARS only to drop the rhetoric when they don't like hearing mandarin.
The basic (not-hold) attacks which don't cost ammo do NOT matter. There's endless "content" describing how they flow into each other and how you can save 0.2 seconds on building 1 bullet by doing a dodge to skip a normal but this is super fucking irrelevant. You should care about how to perform her optimal stun damage combo and how to play the team around her before spending any time fucking with the regular attack string
we should tie them up naked to the cross and then burn them
Only half right
I’ll let the schizos fight over which one is good taste and which one is the bad taste
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Yeah, when you take the permanent stages out of consideration it's only a little over 2k each month
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sorry chinkbro
should've made your language not sound like dogshit
"muh original voices" was always a sham, they just wanna hear "ara ara" for the millionth time, like a monkey watching keys jingle
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She offers you her candy and regrets it
>no suppression mode when bullets are full
>no completing combos to build bullets
>>>>>>>>>>>>she plays like this
I wish I could run JP for everyone but Billy. The EN voice just sounds more happy and fun.
Have you seen how clean and organized his room is? He's the perfect househusband.
i thought you only need 2.7k for full buff? are you talking about main dps?
I wish she didn't have high heels. I hate high heels
finna boutta spend the next few hours playing Soul Hounds 3
gonna wreck all you nerds in the event
None of that makes the english voice actors any less objectively terrible bwo
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Finally I'm level 30 and the 2 chapter quest started I need to finish to do be able to do events. That took a surprisingly long time
Is that 4k attack before or after self-buff? I'm not max IK level so I dunno how high the attack stats get.
>creators are "otaku"
>even chink otakus prefer jp voice
bwo, jp voice is canon
Her chain/assist attack is a massive AoE that saves you a lot of time I guess
sounds like the title of a youtube video
I do not want to thighfuck a bangboo.
>jp is canon
>chink symbols everywhere in game.
Sure buddy
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I don't use it at all
Anby stun > Nicole shred > 3 bullets > Nicole Ex > ult/empty the entire mag
I recover ammo on dodge counters or EX
Nicole is a Stacy and that makes you incels seethe
the timegating and levelgating in this game is it’s biggest demerit
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When I started this game I wasn't expecting Anby to rule my cock like she does
Except you can also fly across the battle arena with your basic attacks.
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>bwo, jp voice is canon
what language is this then?
does the japanese un-canonize when it's time to write something in-universe?
Autism is sexy as fuck
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>Zhuyuan getting more and more fanarts

Great. She's no Ellen but a honest booty cop is nice too
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If I wanted to listen to chinkshit voices, I would go play Wuwa, which is an actual chinkshit game. ZZZ is an anime game, which originated in Japan, so even if it's made by CN I'm still gonna listen to it in JP because it's obviously what the creators intended.
The real bigbrain move would be to let me change each character's VA to whatever language I want so I can pick the best ones of the bunch and ignore the shit ones.
not main dps, just treating her as a support with 4k completely vaporizing trash during her chain assist. You can quantify her use if he is putting in more damage in aoe situations
PS5 players, does this shit verify resources every start up?
Plenty of Japs are westaboos, which would make perfect sense in this setting
Using English in the age of globalism and America's cultural hegemony doesn't mean anything at all
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So I go for the dick sucking ball right?
>talk about voice
>random mention of visual symbols
uh.. okay? Should we consider those random glyph font they use for promotion video canon too? might as well
Am I buying zhu yuan niggas, I just won 130 dolalrs on betting on UFC fights last nights and I'm ready to waste it on gacha
is the rat gonna work with zhu? havent been following leaks but i just saw her and i want to be infected by whatever animal diseases she carries
>i forgot to do the notorious hunt shit for two weeks

the game didn't remind me of all the limited shit there's too much menus and screens to look at spaced at walking simulator hub mini worlds...

That is not for sticking a dick in
every time it updates
yes, even for tiny 1mb patches
yeah, it's the only decent one
Been playing for a few days just going slowly and was surprised how long it was been to get here. To be fair I have been playing it more like an RPG then a mobage and just fucking around have fun.
Pretty cool clear, 4pc woodpecker + 2pc pen on both dps too. 2 support Nekomata team.
Don't listen to the metafag youtube opinion, Cannon rotator is the best. The crit rate is very strong
ACAB includes Mewmew and Zhu
Is General Chop a robot or a demon?
>Nekomata + Jane + ???
Lmao even
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I think languages with frequent guttural sounds like German are worse. Chinese has a lot of soft sounds like Sh and Ch. Their different tones make it sound sing-songy too. It's a clunky language, but not ugly.
Webm seems like a shit player but generally speaking I hated playing Grace and Zhu during trial stages because their attacks constantly wrestled the camera away from me. I also don't like Zhu's roll going around an enemy rather than just directly to the side
Robot like Billy
Hokkien is the superior dialect
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This is ultimately subjective to one's personal taste so just use the dub you enjoy the most and let people enjoy what they want to.
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But not Qingyi
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i forget the set but theres one set that does +10% attack innate and then +25% attack on switch in or chain assist for 10 sec.
Prove it
unfortunately, it's passive effect is completely dogshit and cancels it out
Okay retard they are deffinitly canonicaly jp in Chink land
I've never argued that. JP voice actors are just more talented than any others. It's a proper profession of there.
Don't do it bro.
It's not worth it. Buy a pig and put the money inside, that will remind you of the good times
Playing ZZZ on chinese is like playing metal gear on japanese
Aren't her clothes just like painted on?
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do it you want Ass cop do it
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>the brew is not an event drink
What's so special about the Ether event latte? It does the same shit as a regular one.
How do we stop /vg/ from becoming a /hoyo/ board?
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all cops are beautiful!
Nah I'll never understand VA worship
>prove it
There's nothing to prove, it's a crit weapon and crit is hard to get.

Having enough crit means you minimum 50% more damage (multiplicative). That surpasses every other engine on there
belle anons why you play belle?
Is it more likely to give a male robot a penis or a female robot a pussy?
it's not RNG, that's it.
What's special is that it's available every day to make farming easier. That's it.
The event one costs 0
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It's honestly not a problem for most enemies, only the Thanatos, and only because that cocksucker has no ICD on his teleports.
>Run up to him to attack
>Teleports away
>Run up to him to attack
>He does his triple teleport combo
>Go to punish him
>He teleports away
>Run up to attack him
>He does his triple teleport combo
I've had that motherfucker be straight up removed from the fight for like 30+ seconds before I was allowed to hit him with more than a single left click.
Because Im not a homo
Is Weeping Gemini good for Grace?
She's cute to look at and I don't usually self-insert in games.
I don't give a shit about "canon language" or whatever but I'd rather die than listen to LA grifter whores try to phone it in. Shit, with HSR they even have literal ecelebs with no experience in voice acting for their characters.
/vhv/ just like what happened to /vp/.
It's also free
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it's like asking how do we stop /vst/ from becoming a paradox board or how do we stop /vt/ from becoming a hololive board.
you can't. it's objectively impossible to cut the website off from literally the biggest genre representative.
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I can only imagine a bucha sweaty male nerds making robutts
So female with a vagina seems obvious
>Crit is hard to get
>like 50% CR default with main piece
Sorry bro, in this game it isn't the case
two reasons
zero dennies, which is good but not that important since you can only get one per day
2nd ether skill chip coffee usually only a couple times a week, but this week its every day.
She’s sexy and cute
Why would you want that?
I love Mihoyo games.
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It's just another form of acting, like with hollywood movie stars. If you can't understand why people appreciate that then I'm sorry about your autism.
this nigga chose the cannon and has to gaslight himself
Ah, if only that slot could be used for another crit related stat. Hmmm. Care to guess what you could put there instead?
Hollow Zero doesn't give you anything outside of the first time rewards
Mihoyo needs to pay Hiroyuki first, intern-kun
>have e celebs voice
That sounds really soulful
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God I love being human.
Animals exist purely for our entertainment and consumption.
>ZZZ releases cop agent
>Copmala Harris enters the race
post miyabi.
this is a threat.
To be fair /vt/ was literally just made to contain hololive. Just like /vg/ was made originally mostly to contain lol threads.
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this game makes me want a stinky gf so bad wtf
Sir, this is a blue board.
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It's simple, people appreciate good performance. Works in the exact same way as movie actors, painters and musicians.
Good voice acting performance is just really fucking rare in the west compared to Japan and Poland.
japanese people worship VAs so weebs think they should do it too
always cringe seeing some timmy gushing about ching xhong #38403 that voiced some tranny character in a fotm anime from 10 years ago
I'm 100% correct. Spreadsheet cucks do not play the game and the "cannon rotator bad" is from week one.
I'm pretty sure moot made /vg/ to contain /ksg/
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You trade Bangboo EXP for Bangboo Uncap at the convenience store.
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Nope I won't watch genre of anime I have litterally no interest in just because some jap whore plays the female lead.
Yeah I don't get va or celeb worship in this particular regard.

All Cops Are Breedable.
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Whenever Zhu Yuan is in public, traffic accidents around her increase because the drivers want to get a look at that massive dumper of hers and stop paying attention to the road
But I need that shit to level up
Combat ATK % because its a separate modifier.
There use to be like 20 lol threads up at all times back then. Those fags stuck to one thread at least.
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I am a brocon.
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level 50 bros ive hit the wall...
Support and dps seems to shit crit bonus in this game, not sure if it's gonna be as important
I ended up getting a second copy of Brimstone from the normal gacha. Is it worth it to just build them both and not have to worry about having to roll anything else for attackers? I also have Soldier 11.
Hollow Zero is repeatable up to 15 times a week and gives you a bunch of exp chips to trade for uncap fluids. Dennies are the bigger bottleneck.
wtf does that even mean?
Shouldn't it be a C for cinema?
It's free dumbo
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Youthe grind Bangboo EXP in the Roguelite mode. Hope you enjoy it.
This is also why I have her constantly promote the store.
The cash just flows in like a flood.
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Bro just run Hollow Zero, they bury you in them.
You've gotta uncap them to level them up anyways, otherwise all those plugins are just wasting space.
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If you're not building chadlight engine then yeah, this seems like a solid choice.
congrats on your luck btw
Just save it until you need it. the increase of passive its negligible
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The bongs have some of the best actors and voice actors. So much so that studios will hire them even for american characters. It really is a cultural thing.
M for Mindscape. The real term is M6P5 for this game because you Phase the weapons when you raise their quality, not R for Refine.
It's insane how much more charismatic Qingyi is than Zhu Yuan.
I can appreciate a good performance.
But there's a difference In eating up everything they do.
I like when actors are chosen to portray thier roll and are a good fit.
I don't choose content because "actor is in it."
So no its not easy to get celebrity worship or actor worship or even musician worship as many make content I don't like as well as some I do
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I have a unique perspective of most of the anons on here because I am running a "no character rolling challenge, which also means i can't get any of the signature A rank either, except free stuff, and craftables.

I do agree that the cannon rotator is really good for my situation, but the first battlepass one I got was the game ball for nicole since it gives free crit to everyone and almost everything is weak to ether for now. I am probably going to pick up the cannon rotator on the next bp but I only have one dps to give it to, which would be billy. I used the 1 dollar pack to get the housekeeper for corin. So now my decision if the starlight engine is better than the cannon rotator or vise versa.
Billy may also be on my 2nd team where he wouldn't have nicole so i would have to use the blueberry instead, so it may be better to use the cannon rotator to make it easier to get enough crit.
>That unapologetic, almost smug look on Belle's face
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Because I want a doting big brother
I also wasn't implying shit by the way, just curious because I picked wise and I'm happy I get to listen mostly to belle, not sure how it is if you play belle. I do self insert though, but I know the majority of people don't do it.
Show builds, if you used mindscapes or ellen weapon it literally doesn't count and you lost more than you gained.
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Is Corin the ultimate for (You)?
She's cute
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The last limited attack character to be released doesn't want any crit

Grouping is one of the true skill issues in this game, if you're only being filtered by grouping then you should be able to get it
You can complain when your grouping and uptime is perfect but the boss doesn't die in time because your character just doesn't deal enough damage
>no roll challenge.
This sound completely unfun
most people don't do that
finding out shigeru chiba doing the final boss in ysx made me geek out because he has an insane range and powerful voice for an old man, but im not gonna go out of my way to watch one piece just for him
now, what you're referring too are koebuta freaks from /jp/, they're basically a different breed. i dont think they even care about the media at this point, they just wanted to watch their "seiyuufu"
That's because she has no shame.
I've played both siblings on different accounts, and I really like belle's animations.
Wtf is a mindscape
Why are we using lingo from other faggot mihoyo games?
You anons don't mean to tell me you play that other slop right?
Zzz and HI3 are the only good mihoyo games
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she would be the most interested in tender love and breeding
she would also be the perfect housewife
>slutty demon and chubby glasses girl wearing skimpy clothing
Who do I have to kill to get these but as humans in this game?
Yes, Corin is my wife.
No offense taken Wise-bro.
Well that's all I see posted here to when people freak out over some va playing a character they had no interest in then saying "wow I need to roll her now!!!!"
It's the exact same shit
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>another Mihoyo game
What the FUCK are you on?
an underbuilt corin, piper, and lucy clears the physical boss in about 4:30. Just be smart on applying piper + lucy buffs when you're supposed to stun the guy so that corin can absolutely shred that motherfucker
>right when Ellen "Sleepy" Joe Biden drops out
its fairly fun since you don't have to worry about rolling. I agree most people would hate this because you are attempting to avoid the gacha system as much as possible which means a lack of spending on rolling.
tfw I am always out of bullets with Zhu.
God I wanna BREED Coco so hard bwos.
Like 50% of success, save for levels obviously, is because of the right discs
I instantly S'd unstable 1-3 after finally upgrading my DPS discs
I'll dump all of my stamina into routine cleanup hoping to get to unstable 7
Look lads, there's probably nothing special about JP VAs, the problem is that American VAs are not fit for purpose and literally anything sounds better than getting an American actor's guild pleb to squeak into a microphone
I feel like sharkboo kind of sucks because his traps are so slow sometimes you finish the fight and there's 3 of them just moving around on the other side of the arena that the boss ignored.
How important is leveling up drive discs? I place them appropriately but leave them all level 1
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What does the fire symbol mean? I can't seem to find any info on it anywhere.
I don't know that feel.
Sharkboo was bait. The real play was Butlerboo.
>literally called Mind 1-6
>retard has a melty
C is from the "other faggot mihoyo games" retard.
If mindscape isn't from another mihoyo game then where is it from?
Can you name a English VA that is good?
A maxed out S rank crit disk is more valuable than an entire 4 piece set bonus.
Whoever the fuck voices mikoto misaka
tara reid
this is bait
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There absolutely is something special about them. I've tried other languages in games besides JP and the acting is always awful.
Her short rotations tell me that running her with a stunner is a trap. She really wants to ult/skill once then dump her bullets and switch out, possibly to a second damage dealer/anomaly unit
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>he listened to the sharkboo gaslighters
is there a crit damage w engine
I still can't believe most EN VAs just record from home using their shitty mics and the fans eat it up
There is literally a info button right there you cropped out of the pic.
Maybe, but then they would cost literally millions and no one is paying that.
That's my point? if 100% means completing everything and 50% its due to mindscape/engine then its clear that they do make a difference.
Sarah stills.
But she's a Broadway actress.
Jamieson Price
Liam O' Brien
Troy Baker
Vic Migngnaigogngnona
I picked Butler because VHK is my favorite faction.
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Just found out that if you pick up a fixed corruption for your 5th corruption then it'll block the usual max corruption from appearing.
So by taking this no healing corruption, it blocks Hay Fever from ever showing up in Withering Garden. Situational, but nice to know.
Dean Fagan
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What is Anby short for?
the 2nd disk has a huge amount of atttack hiding in its base stat
disk 4 has crit as a main stat which is important to dps
disk 5 has the element
disk 6 has attack % or energy regen (or impact)

i would level up the disks in that order if they have the right main stat (disk 3 always has the right main stat so look at the substats instead)
the dupes are literally called mindscapes in this game, retard.
I thought the cast of Fire Emblem Three Houses did a good job overall
she is m1 bait by design
Shark is GOAT for mono ice with Polar set. Butler is for galaxy brain anomaly disorder chads
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I'm asking seriously
the new police girl's engine on the limited engine banner
its a crit damage engine that comes with free 15% crit
From this game???????? You know, Mindscape Cinemas???
No, I can't, I have never watched english dubbed anime, by the time I got internet I went to JP right away.
everyone but my billy is undergeared and underleveled
alas the curse of timegates and poor decision making
Yuri lowenthal.
*i mean 2nd disk, not disk 3 in my last sentence my bad, disk 3 is the defense disk u can ignore leveling
god i just want a good anime urban fantasy game man
>English voice work only exists in Dubbed anime.
Jesus christ do you only watch anime?
Travis touchdown's VA, Magilou's VA, Nahida's VA, Dunban's VA in xenoblade and Furina's VA.
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i pick up media based on the staff
designers, directors, script writers and so on
this includes voice actors
i'm not narrow-minded, plenty of things i thought i would hate turned out to by my favs and the opposite happens too, what based on the description sounded like it was made just for me turned out to be dogshit
i'm always free to just drop it after one episode if i don't like it
tara strong, idina menzel, jorja cadence, brandon keener, troy baker, gary oldman, mark hamill
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I mean, the problem isn't that there are zero good English VAs, it's that the good English VAs are usually also actors or involved in projects that make way more money than companies are willing to pay for VA work.
Your spiderman gta game is coming.
Be patient.
you'll get gacha and you'll like it.
Don't get Bulterboo you'll be autistically saying 'Pancake!!' every time he does his attack it's infectious
I don't even mind EN voice acting, but it drives me fucking crazy when the character's have different quality audio recordings.
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Worth trying to upgrade for neko?
Adam howden
someone on the dev team listened to fromsoft faggot feedback and decided to dark soulsify the combat with you needing to pay by the tempo of random trashmobs that are by default ungroupable and highly resistant to stagger
nothing more fun than sitting around waiting for random weeb #356384577 do his anime sheath special move....
got instant negative feedback and got backpedaled because it was a fucking retarded change of direction a while fucking year into the game
dinner characters like Yanfei and Ningguang was fun as fuck to play there though because they punished the shit out of that cringe ass enemy design being unbothered by distance, having homing attacks, and shields in their kits

and before a fromsoft faggot comes here defending that shit, you fucks can't be fucking trusted. dark souls 2 is the creation of your retarded feedbacks of what makes a fromsoft game a fromsoft game and you cried like a bitch about how bad the game design is when you get what you asked for
dark souls 3 and elden ring were good because they learned to not listen to you shitters
I watch everything, but I always go for original language and subs if I need them, never dubbed, so yeah, never heard english dubbed stuff on my life.
My retarded ass kept clicking that hole punch circle thinking it was the info button.
The problem isn't with "English" VAs, the problem is with American VAs
>slot 1-3
>not double crit subs
>not at least 3 rolls into crit on top of that
David Lodge
Laura Bailey
Max Mittleman
Christina Vee
Wow that's alot more than just jap whore you listed there
its got like a 40% chance to level into def, so only if you have nothing better
at leats u cant brick on disk 2 since u get the base stat
but dark souls II is the best one
skull issue: the post
>worth trying to upgrade?
>for neko?
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Am I the only one that has no idea who any of those names are nor cares? As long as it sounds good it's fine.
>Yuri Lowenthal
>Liam O'Brien
>Cristina Vee
The question didn't ask about Dubbed anime voice actors. Just voice actors.
That's what I'm getting at my guy.
Anyone else picking up Sword of Convallaria to skip the year long content drought?
literally any of the VA's that Supergiant use
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I need an area with a similar aura
release date?
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This is why I hate gearing in mihoyo games.
>oh you want the set effects but just got a potentially good piece for set A in a slot currently occupied by set B?
>now you gotta go and try to find a piece for set B that beats one of your set A slots so you can keep the set bonuses.
Then for who?
I play in a language I can understand
simple as
I should mention none of them are in HSR or ZZZ, and instead they opt for fucking vtumours to voice major characters :)))
>wise is bad with girls
shouldn't wise be able to understand them a little? he has his sister
doesn't /bag/ absolutely dominate /vg/ whenever a big event is happening?
try saying that in a DS or ER general
they'll have a meltdown
Johnny yong bosch
they used like 2 for the longest time
but they are pretty damn good yeah, transistor is peak
dark soul 2 is shit because was made by a newbie team, did bloodborne made by team main team with Miyazaki end up like ds2? no
Belle is a very strange girl.
Just out of curiosity since it's kind of related, do guys consider Ghibli movie EN dubs good or bad?
That's what I meant though, all movies, musicals, documentaries and stuff like that on their original language.
usually this gets programmed in by the sister that you are bad with girls, sometimes on purpose
His sister is no regular girl tho
>wise is bad with girls
it's just incels and trannies projecting
Are either Zhu Yuan's cinemas or engine worth it?
i need a belle gf

july 30ish I'm hearing.
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Nah, it applies to Leaves, Aussies, Kiwis and Bongs too
The west doesn't have a proper voice acting profession. At all. It used to with plenty of good stuff pre-2013-ish, but then there was some weird crash and studios started to hire literal whos to cut costs from all over the world, mostly remote, not even funding them a studio session (and they really aren't expensive).
Anime/jRPGs VAs and the generally dogshit performances is what happens when neither you nor them nor even the publisher treat the task seriously.
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When isn't he?
What do her fingers smell like?
But elden ring is anime combo the turn based game.
Strange that you said dubbing then.
Never even watched an animated batman film?
wait for summer to end so the kids will be back in school and have to go to sleep in time
traffic plummets
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EN voice sucks not solely because of the talent pool but because audio "directors" in this industry sucks ass. They're mostly old guards, in unions, are never hired by merit, they don't care about doing good work, they don't care, period. Which is why you have volume issues, quality issues, acting direction issues, character misinterpretations, and so on. Time will heal as they gtfo, hopefully.
>>not at least 3 rolls into crit on top of that
the thing you need to ask yourself, are you more concerned about having fully well developed teams with every member of the team without spending money?
if you do want the members then rolling on engines is difficult because they literally take up to a 180 roll consumer.
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I like Diona in EN.
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Fuck this boss, it takes so much goddamn work to get them together.
I tried watching Kamikakushi in JP and switched so fast I ended up watching Spirited Away. Child VA was a mistake.
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When it comes to really good VA's people have their favorites.
I used to think the same way when it came to Jap VA's, but learning who Tsuda Kenji, Miyuki Swashiro, and a few others were made me happy to hear them in certain games and voice certain characters.
Oh yeah, I watched one or two when I was a kid dubbed on my native language, I grew up of DC and Marvel stuff pretty fast so I have never seen and on that time not many people had internet.
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>find game extremely fun
>fucking hate the gacha with a passion
This is the weirdest feeling ever. The gameplay, story, and art direction are all great, but holy fucking shit the entire gacha concept and how it's applied to the game is horrendous.
JP voice is the creator’s vision, retard. It’s a fucking anime game.
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don't worry, i can give you a full list of seiyuus that i want to hear in zzz too
my country will 99% never publish neither a gacha nor a jrpg, but if they ever will, i'm dropping my entire paycheck if they hire good voice actors
they'd have to hurry though, the good ones are getting old
cassandra lee morris
shame she doesn't ever show up in my gacha
They've got a bunch in Hades and used even more in Pyre, a game which only I played. You're right though, Darren Korb and Logan Cunningham carried the studio for a while there.

Steam says 3 days. so 31st.
>dented nekobricker
discs need to have 2 lines of crit AND 3+ rolls into crit on top of that or it's dogshit
lycaonlet issue
lolibaba robocop is gonna be high priority for you
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He's on banner next
Source: Trust me bro
Unknown corruption complex is worse
>all other characters
>their dates are mostly comedic with a few cute things happening
>take corin out, to the river
>she gets super sentimental and the for (You) vibes are pushed 200%
what is this special treatment
I don't like any english VAs when it comes to lolis.
>the story
based and same
>another member of the "wish mihoyo would make a real game" club
welcome, sir.
>Pyre, a game which only I played
Speak for yourself bro
Is ZZZ gonna add new cities like how they add new regions in Genshin?
OG Ghibli is always good enough for me to never consider switching. Not even just to try it.
Reading subs is not an issue for me either because I've been watching foreign movies since I was 5. It really helped me learn to read.
Yeah, I'm saving for her, didn't roll on any of the limited banners yet.
Canon wife. Wanting to try her homemade food is a pretty common trope for lovers in anime.
No, this is all the content we are going to get.
We didn't get any new region/city since CBT.
Post-apocalyptic urban anime sci-fantasy is instantly better than generic anime fantasyshit gacha game #527,026,873
I really wish we could switch characters so wise can date girls and belle can date guys but there's probably some story reason why only one sibling can control the robot full time
New neighborhoods most probably.
literally everyone does this, and I refuse to believe they don't.
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No it's that when you play as Belle they specifically have NPC Wise say he's bad with girls so Belle players don't worry about him being stolen away.
Only Player Wise "can" cheat on NPC Belle.
NPC Wise is hopelessly groomed.
This game gets a huge plus for NOT having the bland "you're the savior" or isekai crap 99% of these games have. You're just a random dork who's teaming up with a bunch of other random dorks to do some illegal work.
Lycaon absolutely crushes this boss, I didn't realize how easy I had it until I tried them with my alt team.
Does destroying a leveled disk refund the materials?
emotionally unstable and clingy
one step away from dicing up your sister and holding you in the basement all for herself
try to escape and she'll smash your legs
>teleports behind you
Yeah, I too miss the early 00s.
Belle fucking WON.
most urban fantasy nowadays are inspired by korean webtoons and solo leveling
It's no masterpiece (yet), but it's still very fun and enjoyable.
New eridu is litterally the last city on earth.
We might get an out post in the outer rim but entirely different areas is unlikely
Unironically yes
I'm perfectly fine with adding new streets/quarters/suburbs/whatfuckingever instead of massive new cities. I like coherence.
Pretty good. Jiji's VA from Kiki's was grating. Shoichi's VA from Heron feels weird. Can't think of anything else to complain about.
EN ZZZ has three voice directors and they're all VAs who previously worked on hoyo games (Furina in Genshin, Qingque and Seele in HSR)
Put it in the survey bro.
There's no reason Belle can't just be the one who goes to Lycaon dates in my game and Wise to Zhu dates. Eous control doesnt matter they're both Partheon.
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similar energy
Same here, that's one of the reasons why I play BA, I hate the current wave of stuff inspired by stuff that was inspired by ZnT and DQ.
judging by the industry standards? definitely not great, but it's at the very least above average.
it doesn't need to be massive and convoluted to be decent.
it looks like just another pixel gacha
the temptation to spend is usually pretty high on those.
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Similarly NPC Belle is a terrifyingly jealous brocon so Wise players can also rest assured their imouto won't look at anyone else
We are the saviors. Agents would be lost without us.
Narou was a mistake
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Those fingers, my mouth.
Outer rim and other parts of the city for sure
Maybe even interiors like buildings. They got working elevators so it could work.
>that drip between her legs
Holy fuck I’m hard
when you picked belle, wise says he cant handle controlling Eous for too long like belle during the mandatory switch
i like princess mononoke in english
I honestly can't decide if I like or hate Ashitaka's EN voice. Comes off really flat sometimes, but somehow makes it sound fine?
This except Wise has to go on every date with Lycaon and Ben
ZnT was also a mistake if you ask me, and then I will go back to Love Hina and also call it a mistake.
>First Stable channel S is a fucking W-Engine
Oware da...
the story hasn't even really started yet, it's mostly just setup right now. I think the writing itself is pretty amusing, I like talking to random NPCs, but the translations inside hollows get really fucky.
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I don't disagree the director for ZZZ is a great VA who does good voicework herself
if its brimstone, you are welcome to explode
One of the additions to the game they mentioned having planned is being able to run around the overworked areas as other characters. You'll probably be locked to Wise/Belle for Voiced talk scenes but overworld events you can be Ben and give all your agents fat bear cock
I'm saying that doesn't matter.
Lorewise there's no hard-stop limiting one sibling from texting agents.
your sibling will turn evil trust me
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we're gonna make it bro
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Selfinsertstacies won
Same but for GFL instead of BA. Absolutely refreshing to have a weird sci-fi / political thriller instead of the usual fantasy overload, even if the story gets a bit messy.
>Outer Rim
>Other sectors inside the city
>Underground city
>Old Eridu
This is my take.
I could see that. Plenty of stores in Lumina Square with very well made fronts and NPCs but no real use. Sixth Street also has a rock(?) dance club thing near the entrance to the subway I'm very interested in visiting.
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Ben is monogamous unless corrupted by the proxy siblings and their incestuous harem they're making and then he can be convinced to be part of their kinky 3p stuff
You get the exp back, but only like 80% of it.
old guards would be fine if they were good. but they ask for too much money so Mihoyo and pretty much everyone in the industry hires literal whos and/or newbies because their monetary standards are significantly lower.
When was the last time a theatre actor got a major voice acting role in an animated movie/series/game?
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idk, I did try to build her with grace anby nicole team. her very short def down feels like she isn't that good compared to atk buff from soukaku.
How do I defeat you, mole inspector?
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I got 3 in a row. Lucky cause I also have Grace M1.
You will probably just turn into wise/belle once you talk to litterally anyone like genshin or hsr
kek this image goes hard
Gillian Anderson wolf god does things to me, man.
That's better than 0%, I don't need to worry about finding the absolute BiS disk before upgrading, I can just cope.
>use the same 5 agents until EoS
Don’t forget to not roll bangboos and max your energy refreshes every day to farm discs. If you’re not IK50 by now you fucked up.
you just know who are the lycaonlets when they talk about how "you don't need a stunner even for hypercarry" and how it's fine to rely on parry daze
having Ellen + Lycaon AKA having the actually good team really gives you the perspective of where is the game headed and the sheer cope when we get genuinely Qingyi and Lycaon checked by Shiyu of the skippers will be Ruan Mei level
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This is hoyo's first foray into real (You) pandering yea
Though I'd argue Belle and Wise are their own people with their personalities a bit too much for it be complete self insert stuff.

They're both complete dorks and I love them.
Do it
>implying I didn't just self insert into rex from xb2
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>got 2 w-engines
>both attack ones
>will literally never use them because I roll for sig weapons for my main dps
I don't think anyone who actually plays the game can pretend like this game is shipping/yuri friendly. Everyone is explicitly interested in you. Even if you pick Belle your brother and every other male in the game will try to fuck you.
You dont play Anomaly bro
This doesn't make any sense because yurifags would just pick a female protagonist and then any (You) pandering by female characters would still be yuri
The only ones it's upsetting are straight yumes who picked the female MC and only want the men to hit on them, but that also goes both ways because in this game Wise goes on dates with Lycaon and Ben
he's just a dense anime protag
he's an absolute chick magnet
NPC Belle seems to wanna fuck the bratty AI though
My only problem with the writing so far is how it lacks originality. Pretty sure Koleda's story with her father was just straight out ripped from FFVII with Red XIII and his father.
The polys...all gone in the wrong banner...
It's true, Ben is married to a lady bear Thiren that we don't get to see. They met at a noodle shop
I will get deceived by her
I will fall in love with her
I will have sex with her
She will break my heart
She will have a soft spot for me and toy with me for the rest of our lives
She will ruin my expectations for future women
We will enjoy the sexual tension from our fling and have multiple ones throughout our lives
We will have a globe spanning attraction where we encounter each other in unexpected places but work together to overcome our obstacles
We will be able to look into each other's eyes and know exactly what the other person wants to do
and her Furina role's story quest got absolutely butchered by the Genshin EN director so she knows what NOT to do from experience
her work as director is genuinely astonishing in ZZZ
>Ben is in a relationship
This would kill the furbros so hard
Based. You understand the appeal of this character perfectly
just remember that DoT in HSR too worked until it suddenly didn't, and likewise Firefly Superbreak's days are numbered
you are at the developer's mercy, you are not smarter, you are not the bird eye view
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Please clap I finally escaped the Friday mines.
For you cop fuckers: https://files.catbox.moe/xtjuui.png
my cop wife would never. she is a cinnamon roll with a fat juicy ass that needs to smother my cock.
>said ape shit is something like throwing a soda can in the wrong trash bin

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