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Previous: >>488059338

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
>pag humor
Holy fuck based Lingsha pullers
Firefly love!
I mean, she's the best choice in both design and gameplay
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literally no different from indian comment spammers on twitter
Is every thread going to be like this
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Bronya FAT
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Uh oh Firefly causing another melty. How cute.
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is there controller support on iphone or ipad? or apple tv?
Can he show some respect for Yunli? Her trailer is starting soon.
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I'm going to pick welt bros. I dont have bronya but I dont care. I want somebody to use the Boundless Choreo S5 that I have.
>Himeko E2
>Bailu E0
>GepGOD E0
>Clara E1
The trailer is in 24 hrs bro
Post the one with huge ass firefly
Every thread is always like this and has been for ages.
I don’t think that’s tonight?
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Honkai for this feel?
WHAT. That dude lied to me yesterday. Fucking enigmata.
Is the Pepeshi the best captain?
It's tomorrow bwo
>Welt over GODpard
It's like you like being bricked!!
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That's just Fu Xuan
bronya e0 is a brick. you need her e1s1 to compete with e0 sparkle
good pick with welt. interrupting with his ult is fun
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Yunli is a shit teacher
Bwo it's so over for me. I even showered just now for this special occasion... You can't expect me to shower tomorrow too.
Hook sex
You have prefarmed for your canon wife, March 7th, right?
book smart vs street smart. King is definitely jobbing against the cat
Yunli trailer doko
Is there no story leak? I want to know if we're getting a sweet bonding time with March
My new wife is Firefly bro
damn she really is the unga bunga archetype
>24/7 shitposting and get nothing or paid for doing it
I'm genuinely worried about this guy's mental state
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Just finished the newest story quest and both events, right before the server reset. What 2.3 shitposting did I miss? Didn't visit /hsrg/ during that time.
>imagine ignoring the optional objective and missing out on this
Firefly = Onodera
March = Chitoge
Which character should I ERP with using a chat bot?
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We won. There is nothing more to say.
It's the other way around though.
you posted it
They have stopped putting in stories in betas since Shaoji got angry in the stream.
I ignored both Ack and Kafkek quests. They can both rot in hell
Might that be...
This is weak level shitposting. Learn from /gig/ if you really want to make the threads unusable
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What if I run sparkle and Bronya (S2) with March 7th? Instead of her master attacking to build stacks, she can attack to build stacks. Her master (Luocha) will build tons of stacks anyway himself with 160 speed. But is this better than sticking Yukong on the team instead?
fucking kek
this guy is going all in
What stream is this?
Shut the fuck up
gayshin threads are easy to cuckpost because their mc is practically a cuck
Where the FUCK is the 2.5 beta preload
Why don't they use shadow bans? Seems like the only way to control ban evasion.
>self insert schizo
>showing respect
You just know he’s going to spam caefly ops tomorrow too
My waifu doesn’t get any b*****d “art”
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Reclaim your doro, honkeks.
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I dont care. My teams can clear MoC on auto anyway so I dont care about efficiency. I'm going to get welt because I have his 2nd best LC.
Holy shit is the Mike on the back?
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Sorry my cute retard must have gotten loose.
I mean, if Bronya is of no use to you, then go for it.
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Started watching Fate Zero and a few episodes in there's literal child killing and MC NTRs his own wife.
Isn't this a bit too adult compared to HSR? Why are we collabing with them?
>Firefly E2S1 + RM
253% be 154 spd or 273% be 140 spd which one better?
We're collabing with FSN's UBW.

The former, 20% BE is fucking nothing when in battle you'd have something like 450-500% BE
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>My waifu doesn’t get any b*****d “art”
who's your wife bwo maybe i can help
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We love Firefly and Aventurine here
>We're collabing with FSN's UBW
What's the difference? Isn't it all the same series?
let me watch aventurine...
154 speed is literally only for zero cycle in memory of chaos, the entire rest of the game functions differently so I always just go with 140+RM and maxed break
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F/Z was written by the GOAT. The rest of the series is written by Nasu, the original creator.
FSN is a VN, FZ is a novel, both has anime.
FZ is a "prequel" to FSN.
The next character posted below.
Funny that he got pissed because people said he can't write a happy ending, so he write Rakuen Tsuihou.
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2.4 didn't even break a million views on Youtube, Bilibili, etc. Why are we going back to Xianzhou?
still retarded
I remember dropping Psycho Pass because it turned into complete misery porn
Only the first season was written by Urobuchi, the later seasons were written bu a literal who
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Are you hyped for 2.4 bros?
Will Micah become playable?
It was misery porn from the first episode
Watch at least the 1st season. It's like True Detective, the first season is pure kino, and everything afterwards is garbage. In case of PP, it's because they changed writers. Last thing Urobuchi really wrote iirc was the puppets show.
To compete with WuWa.
I might pick up sparkle for Daniel Hung other than that Im collecting Jade
They are too dumb to realized no one wanted to go back Xianzhou trash.
Excited for the patch desu
Star Rail GODS
We Won Again
gulp im entering the hollow zero 3500 abandoned skyscrapers for the first time wish me luck
hmm, now I'm confused. what about this build: 2800 atk, 249% be, and 142 spd?
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Why is Sparkle so obsessed about the Trailblazer?
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>are you excited about the most dead patch we've ever had
>no update
It's over
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Your 1.3?
who is raiden mei? what is the story of HI3?
When's the next hag?
Mary Sue is a term used to describe a fictional character, usually female, who is seen as too perfect and almost boring for lack of flaws, originally written as an idealized version of an author in fanfiction.
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>cute march
>cute feet
kino patch incoming
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Get as much break as you can, attack is secondary and speed past 140 is a meme if you have RM
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I wish Sparkle wasnt a brick
I wish Blade wasnt a brick
march a cute
1.3 have swarm disaster kino. This patch have nothing, even new characters are rehash old shit
140SPD(with RM)/150SPD(without) > BE > ATK
>Kiana expy
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Soon, dont you worry
Uh.. where's the preload?
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155 is better than 154spd, the problem is hmc also needs to be as fast or faster
but they just added Jade, the dedicated Blade-simp.
Wake me up when we reach the Jingliu/Luocha plotline
Either 1.1 or 1.2 is the deadest one.
Uh.. where's Feixiao's tail?
he said raiden mei not kiana kaslana.
Lingshabros? Will we pull her for Firefly?
Yunli Clara double footjob
What should I use the relic main stat selector on? SPD Boots or the SU sets?
>2650 atk and 294%
thanks bwo. I guess I'll go back to mine
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>1.3 is the third lowest viewed trailer
Why did Dan and Fu flop?
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Stop asking.
>starting the stupid bejeweled event now
can I finish in time bros?
>>do zoomers even know bejeweled? candy crush?
Works on my machine
if you have E1 firefly to save skill points and are willing to lab out ways to make rabbits not waste her double breaks, then yes.
If no to either, gallagher is probably still better.
What killed the Yunli hype?
When she first revealed and got her animations and beta leaks everyone was saying she was the next must-pull and clara was dead af. What changed did she get nerfed?
err ropes
When is the patch? I'm on maintenence mode I ZZZ so I should be able to play some HSR now
people realized you have very little control over when/who enemies attack
She still hits like a fucking truck with very f2p friendly teams.
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you DID use your Bronya today, right?
Shit takes less than 2 hours if you skip through everything
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My girlfriend is so cute
Yes, E0S1 minimum
I'm really excited to replace Galabrick
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>don't care about meta
>Clara is cuter and has a sexy dadbot
Simple as.
Nta, but I wasn't playing at the time and mihoyo did nonstop adds on youtube for dan flop and fu flop. The adds themselves were extremely grating and painted the game in an awful light. Despite liking fu in the story I'll never roll her cause those adds made me hate her.
she does not look like that
the quintetsloppa is maybe the darkest era of hsr.
in that patch trailblazer got erased from the story (similar with the kakaurine patch)
fu xuan bombed with fan artists btw
No one cares about a 12yo flattie. Also her being counterslop immediately means she will be low tier.
people with Clara but no cone might get Yunli's cone.
Around 2 hours 20 minutes in
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She's meta but she's right before Feixiao who is Acheron 2.0 so people rather E2S1 her rather than pull for Yunli.

There's also Firefly enjoyers who are waiting for Gallagher powercreep - Lingsha who runs in the same patch as Feixiao.
>Acheron powercreep
doesn't even deserve a proper (You)
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>fu xuan bombed with fan artists btw
Literally the only reason anyone even pulled her was because of meta. Fu Xuan is ugly.
Z3 does the short woman archetype way better.
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that looks terrible
>another dominant month ahead
>lesser mihoyo-keks coping and seething already
many such cases
Fu xuan looks way to fucking Chinese for my tastes
she's also too fucking pink
Flopli won't even beat flopfly
>she's also too fucking pink
you are colorblind
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Hmm, nyo
FuXuan may be ugly but her animations are god tier and sold me on the character. Can't say the same about Chinky from zzz
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Holy shit. An hour of Yapventurine schizoing out. I wasn't there when this was live but was this really necessary?
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no, only yumes and fujos liked that, the rest of hsrg agrees it took way to much time
No, it's funnily enough completely irrelevant to the Penacony story. It's like a companion quest was stuffed into the main story.
>short woman
Is this the new pedo cope?
And right after that it's Yapcheron. That part of the story sucked ass
>who is Acheron 2.0
Kino event?

if you are only at this point you are not going to make it to the point where you get the free 4* selector
The supreme guardian has really let herself go...
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We got the Main character Charisma, so naturally everyone want to be our friend
Getting both her and Feixiao. Getting ger ig seems like a waste though sice "What is real" is so good
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It was necessary because it's the only good part of Penacony
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Powerful aura
she's gonna be the first s1 character i get
I want to throat fuck her. can her mood be changed to wanting that?
You have to be a Yunlifag to pull her and they're under attack from the shipbait. Also people who already have Clara don't see much of a point in pulling another counter unit, hence why you'd need to be a Yunlifag. Probably a good choice for new players though since she has damage and sustain. People saying she won't be "meta" are delusional and she seems strong in every game mode. The argument that counter is le bad doesn't make sense when Clara has managed to be relevant for so long.
I need Sunday to fuck me every day. Every day Sunday. An endless procession of Sundays.
Sparkle is... kinda alright I guess? The blacked spam schizo is making her seem like a reasonable individual in comparison.
>Main character Charisma
MCs are not supposed to be retarded trash diggers. You are a clown in the story. Whenever something important happens, you will pov switch and have the actual characters take care of it.
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Skibidi Sunday procession
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Any snek leaks?
Question. Can I do the weeklies now even though the battle pass has already ended? Will those weeklies that I finished today go to the new BP?
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You weren't supposed to point that out
March Bosenmori 7th
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Your Cocolia fight?
Your Sunday fight?
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Nah, TB gets away with their autistic shit because they maxed out CHA and are canonically attractive
She is. Firefly paid her to rizz up (fr fr no cap ong) the Trailblazer aboard the Radiant Feldspar.
I thought they added Finality's Vision to this event?
She won't be meta because acheron clears one half and firefly clears the other in every game mode until eos
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sooooo, leaks tomorrow?
Jade came out. People saw a real full woman and Yunli no longer appealed to them.
This patch will be the moment of truth on if HSR can survive current gacha landscape.
We have 2.4 preload in ~2 hours and 2.5 beta v1 preload should happen around that time as well.
Preload = Kit info
only the DU and the apocalypse mode
I'll stay awake then
Prefarmed and excited to pull for Yunli
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Madame Buronya Bosenmori Rand
Meta is a stupid term to use in the first place if everyone can clear content comfortably. You have to be the metafaggiest metafag to care about how good your 0 cycle clear is.
>2.4 preload
aieeeeeee I have to stay out of here for an entire day
>We have 2.4 preload in ~2 hours
you better not be lying
yunli sales worse than jade
A whore in every universe, that’s who
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I hope we get to catch up with these two goofballs when we go back to space china
It took too long but it was still better then every single Firefly scene. Firefly has no good scenes and the blandest fight in the game on top of that.
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not yet
love her frown
Why? Just go to sleep. You can check the leaks when you wake up
Same, my relics for her are still pretty bad though
I am coming out as meta to my parents wish me luck
Yeah I'm not gonna rush it, I'll just take my time.

As an aside, Aventurine is harder than I thought, I'm using the firefly meme team and having 2 units who can barely do AoE damage makes it seem impossible
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>doomsday kek
>sun-pls fuck my sister-day

CHADlatic CHADballer
It's like Sasuke v Naruto explanations
use the forced auto mode consumable for 40% extra damage and no downside in bosses
They should have just made a 6 min animated trailer about his backstory like they did with Firefly instead of just sitting it out in exposition. It's really not all that relevant and that screen time could've been used for something better like a SAM and Acheron fight scene
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Preloads always happen midnight~1am on the Monday before the update.
Picrel is me dming a friend how the new launcher is fucking souless but it happened at around 1am which is 2 hours from now.
Yanqing is a weak ass jobber so clearly his advice is worse.
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When was this?
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>be me
>get into star rail
>have fun on first 2 worlds
>3rd and 4th are just yap fests with barely any gameplay in between
>penacony especially if a complete writers jerking himself off fest, trying to be deep, except its just pointless garbage to pad out story/extend play time

is hoyo ruining their game on purpose? are they unironically retarded? why would you put this garbage into the game? not even chinese playerbase likes this shit. they did the exact same shit across 3 games.
just got gally
that origami birb event went fast. I guess Ill farm the verses mode jade too
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She's clearly the strongest
They stuffed a whole companion quest in that yapathon holy shit they could've halved the time with him and developed Penacony's history more but they instead forced a companion quest on the main one
>penacony especially if a complete writers jerking himself off fest, trying to be deep, except its just pointless garbage to pad out story/extend play time
finally someone said it
it was a pointless yapfest and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't
shaoji unironically thinks he's a good writer
The best term is options creep, which is usually what people mean when they say powercreep too. If you have acheron and firefly there's no reason to use anything else, they're simply your best option for all content.
I'm not sure if that works in the story fight
I'm gonna Preload and Leak all over your tongue when I see you
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Don’t use such strong words. It'll only make you look weak.
>homdgcat is updating
>he fell for the "penacony is actually kino" meme
i skipped all of it except for the firefly/sparkle/bosenmori parts
how does someone not skip acheron yap sections?
>kekbait (when you have firefly, sparkle, silverwolf, acheron and robin pandering)
>you need robin (hsrg skipped her)
>you need huohuo (hsrg will skip her again) or e6 lynx (a brick for hsrg) or kakaurine (those players use the ipc team)
>metafags already have acheron and firefly
I can continue, but anons will think Im a doomkek.
this except skipping the Firefly and Acheron parts too
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Penacony had too much unnecessary character exposition sections.
I almost skipped Acheron's, I was falling asleep.
I'm not normal today
I hate summer so much. It’s 75 degrees inside my house 95 outside. I had ants come in last night for some reason in my cats food bowl and had to go to the store and buy spray for outside the house. Give me fall and winter already I hate summer so much.
>Sparkle, SW, Acheron, Robin pandering
literally no character is "pandering" compared to Firefly without pure headcanon to carry it
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I like Penacony's dialogue and story but it's really the planet that would've benefitted the most with strong memorable set pieces. Like why is there no real big amusement park date like a gold saucer type deal? Or why don't we see SAM and Acheron duke it out? Why do we never get to see an amazing live performance from Robin with a catchy song and FMV? Except for the climax, all of it just feels too dry and flat in its delivery and it becomes unexciting after a while.
her name is raiden b mei
I REALLY want to e1 my jade but am extremely worried I still won’t get to use her enough but there’s always plenty of quantum weak enemies and a use for speed and trash clearing. Someone please give me a good reason to save my jades.
Does anyone even remember when was the last time Blade was a trial character in one of these combat events?
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i'm not your mom
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He doesnt need to because everyone has their own Blade!
Read Robin's voice line about TB mr. Seething transcel.
>zoomer kaisen
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>kekbait (when you have firefly, sparkle, silverwolf, acheron and robin pandering)
>you need robin (hsrg skipped her)
yep, skipped
>you need huohuo (hsrg will skip her again) or e6 lynx (a brick for hsrg) or kakaurine (those players use the ipc team)
yep, skipped all of them
>metafags already have acheron and firefly
I do have them both
this anon is completely correct
Not sure if people know but hyperspeed Welt + Jade is absolutely monstrous
i don't because I'm a newfag and I wouldn't roll for a male anyway
>jujutsu reddit
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You can't fool me
No but mommy jade is and I don’t trust my mom which is why I’m asking for help. Now give me good advice or I’ll spit on your wife’s feet.
>a single voiceline that you can spin is highly suggestive is in any way comparable to everything they've done with FF since 2.0
the pagpag must have gotten to you brain
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They are not. Sit down.
We did see sam and acheron duke it out, they talked about their feelings because firefly's whole character is pitybait for le epic three deaths.
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Acheron literally proposed to me though?
>elemental weaknesses
magic = GAY. I only use physical.
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Leaks are IN!
Why is thread so slow?
Isn't patch tomorrow?
>using the fgo (you) pandering tier logic
another shitposting masterclass by /alter/ and /fgog/, they single handedly ruined (you) pandering to other gachas, there's a reason ba and his ""headcanon"" (you) pandering conquered comiket and mogged azur lane and nikke, gachas with canon sex and marriage system.
>Isn't dead patch tomorrow?
it do be like dat
ask your dick
you have the e0
if she ages well you get the rerun
you can mess around with the cheese curio to test her e1
Nobody gives a fuck about Yunli or Chink 7th
I don't speak /fgog/ can you translate this into /hsrg/ or at least /alter/?
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why would Hoyo care about any of that shit when all those games make a fraction of what this one does?
I'm a girl you sick fuck
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Will you be building her?
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I will level my hunt March.
I will love the filler arcs.
I will love the democratic people's alliance of the xianzhou.
I will love the swordwank.
I will lick the feet.
I will roll the tail-lets.
and I will be happy and thank Mihoyo for the opportunity.
Hmm myaybe
Depends on how much Yanqing makes me seethe in the patch
>esl transcel having a melty again
uh oh better start spamming gore and blacked shit again, quick!
Only if I win coinflip on Feixiao
Only if she'll be relevant in pure fiction or apocalyptic shadow which I doubt
I will do the same except I will also farm a set for M7
She's staying Pres/Ice for SU cheese
Based and Chinapilled
9 more weeks...
My dick always makes bad decisions, I don’t trust him.
I mean that’s a fair point but I want to use her for more than just pf memes in the mean time anyways. I really want to see how she pairs with the new march first since they look like they work great for a meme team but it will be too late by then.
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She's next now that Yunyun is done.
based chinkGOD
dawei cared enough to suck nasu's cock and put fate in this gacha with a collab.
consider your next 50/50 won gweilo
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install the private server and test whatever you want
Isn't Gay Sex very physical?
yunli a cute
So do we get March's Eidolons from exploration like Harmony MC?
Yunli and Yanqing suck March's futa cock? I didn't see that twist coming
All of /vg/ is dead right now
Smothering Yunli's soles with semen
Fu Xuan's shipping with JY and then later QQ was just too strong.
There's also the natural sustain debuff too.
>Bot ban wave
Thank god
i-i-i-is that a --- vagina?!?!
>Casually gets 50% Crit Rate and 100% Crit DMG from 100% Break Effect
Brickhill bwooos....
it's fucking over for snek enjoyers...
snek enjoyers rejoice.
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Why are fireflyfags like this?
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Fuck you they're both extremely hot. Fu's exposed back, white pantyhose and overall pink black and white color scheme and actually having a unique dress make her the best designed and most erotic space chink by far. Definitely top 5 in the game next to SW, Clara, Hanabi and Firefly (Jepella outfit)
Chinese media deemed "cultural exports" like gacha that make over 100M outside china are required to include at least 20 hours or so of unskipabble chinawank slop every 12 months to keep their publishing license, I'm not making this up, look it up.
SnekGODS won!!!
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the best source
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I always believed
Who do I believe?
Lingsha leak when?
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Can I get a true?
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How many more hours until the update bwos?
ena could save /hsrg/
I knew skipping Bootpag for Firefly was the right choice. Now I can run brick effect teams with no homos.
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> Healing and Def Shred
> Massive Breaks
> Enables semi Crits on Break teams
Snek Bros WON
> The most SP Hungry sustain
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HSR's EN voice agency discovered that Argenti's VA was grooming minors just like Tighnari's. But they decided to keep it quiet to avoid adding yet another controversy to the growing pile.

You folks heard it hear first.
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2 more weeks bwo
She has by far one of the best chinkslop designs because she avoided the shitty dress, I hate the fags here
But then /hsrg/ woke up from the dream.
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>They turned their Izumo and Duran break ropes into 3 lost gold fragments so now that have to farm up Crit DMG Wind-Soaring with 70% Break Effect subs and pair her up with March 8th.
Hoard gods rule this thread.
just roll for E1 FF goy
Absolutely. She is going to SP positive as well, they learned from Huohuo.
Are these ‘sneks’ in the room with us right now?
>SP hungry
>he didn't get E1+ Firewife
Your E1 FF? Your RM sig?
I am extremely well written, but was put in the worst written plot on this game
>pair her up with March 8th.
i think im trickng my self tinto liking feixiao because shes a tomboy and thats hot or mabye i drank too much idk goxes are sex i sexualize about foxes gn hsrg
Dan Shubros...
Is she the gallagher replacement for firefly teams?
I hope you have at least e1s1 or else she's worse than march...
I've never played Hi3 so I can only assume Luochud because I can imagine he has the better story out of all chinkslop by virtue of, not being chinkslop.
The amount of misinformation ITT is unreal
She's the Firefly + Gallagher sidegrade in Firefly teams
My wife, Firefly stuck in the middle of Penacringe yapfest
Aventurine would never do this, considering he himself was a victim of sex trafficking.
*vores youre waifu*
Fuck off redditor
>or else she's worse than march...
You undervalue her vulnerability increase+personal dmg, but yeah I do have her E0S1 and will get E1 on rerun
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It's nothing personal bruv.
Anything is better than Penacony
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Feixiao screams grandma to me
I can't see her as a "tomboy" or anything, she looks more she fought versus tazzyronth and is still around to train the youngsters.
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This is correct, Dan Shu is the answer
such as?
I know what you're trying to say tranny but pagturine story is just a collection of generic pitybait tropes from a fantasy shoujo male lead
objectively wrong
I want to fuck Clara 3D real
help which one of these is worth picking the most
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The one with best girl on it
>most SP Hungry
>tfw E1 Firefly
Only lucklets or the poors suffer.
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Shh it's okay Bailu, the Quintetslop can't reach you anymore, we got that nasty lady Jingliu off the ship and Blade is just a joke now and JingYuan just DOZES. Now it's just a matter of getting Bailu away from the oppressive Alchemy commission who've restricted her for political reasons.
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This is correct, Arlan is the answer
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>Both her JP and EN VAs also voiced tomboyish girls
>"I can't see her as a "tomboy""
Ya know what, the hunt cone with hanya on it has a unique effect for dispel on a hunt character
harmony cone? okay I guess
I'll be your reddit boogeyman oooooooo you're scared of me oooo
QQ > Tingyun >>>>> literally everything else they are worse then 4* cones
>just a single argument makes this homo melty
holy fucking kek
The amount of misinformation in this post is unreal
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Unironically Bailu.
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It's definitely the hair
White hair on a loli or young adult like Jingliu looks cool

White hair on someone who's past "young" pushes them past adult and straight into grandma who still has some fight left in her
Who's the biggest edgelord in this game?
and so tonight shall start the dead moment between two patches
Moze and Acheron
don't think anyone in Honkai Star Rail knows edging
>sexy loli succubus images
>dude spamming random porn and shock images
damn its like im really in /bag/
>young adult like Jingliu
>young adult
>top 5
More like bottom 5. Yunli and Clara are much cuter than FX.
>He doesn't have E2S1 FF, E1S1 RM
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Canon btw.
I look like this
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>Who's the biggest edgelord in this game?
There's that one guy who literally calls himself Blade.
All the vagueposting leaks are fake right? One more hour?
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the clam before the stork...
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Correct. At least one more hour left.
Someone post the leaks. Gonna drop this game until Greece if Feixiao sucks.
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The guy who's name is blade.
Maybe, I do have that Yancuck signature weapon, though its on Sushang for now, who is my only leveled hunt character.
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Jingliu and Acheron are also edgy sword autists, but fail to reach (my) heights
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Hey buddy, you just blow in from Stupid Town?
>31 gbs to unzip
thank goodness
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Ibuki is HSRcore
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Stop using Sigga for evil
i fixed her
Hagiest of hags, the fact that she was already an adult when JY was a kid, and he is stated to be older than most genrals iirc
>Stop using Sigga for evil
Genuinely what does this mean?
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Uhhhhhh, bro...
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Showing Herta my big diamond!
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cute grandma
post yours
idk bro jingliu's white hair and empty eyes makes her look insane or crazy

Feixiao's white hair and overall adult looks makes her look like she has grandkids
I'm at work. Stop posting porn retards.
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hold the unbalanced fuck up
so you're telling me her mark allows all allies to have omnibreak damage on the marked enemy? and basically have a massive fua nuke that spreads a portion of that break damage to nearby enemies?!?! we just got thru penacony powercreep this is absurd
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Who's in your opinion the best written character in the game?
damn no one is excited for the preload
pls make kids with stelle <3
Go Blade gooo
I'll level her but she's getting rainbow relics
He clearly exudes a dislike for the IPC's lacking morals in their practices and operations.
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does predownload mean animations thats all i care about
Sigga knows how to please a woman?
Does she have a purpose if I already have topaz?
>my e2s1 firefly smiles
firefly lovers won.
I can see why Blade wants to die.
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Newfriend here. Clara has been carrying me but I am obviously rolling for Yunli + LC for me second team. My Clara team is her with Tinyung, Lynx and Pela, but I am getting Sparkle in her rerun. Is a Yunli with March hunt, sparkle and gallagher/whoever a good cope option?
she's cuter than topaz for starters
That would be actually disappointing. But not super surprising given the track record of VAs lately
what's exactly stopping me from using Topaz's cone on March?
the only thing new in there is story leaks. we got the animation leaks from the beta.
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Manifesting lamia lingsha
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i think the predownload is bugged i had to restart it like 3 times saying my disc drive is full when its not
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Ignore the cone I was using my aeon on Clara for moc
I'd go for Fofo and then Robin on her rerun
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Space china is a snoozefest anyway so I'll stay even after 2.4 preload goes up.
it can work but you are ending up with 2 physical element team with similar playstyle. You will most likely face trouble going through endgame content. If you're just pulling for who you love, good for you.
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Stop trying to make Lamia Lingsha happen. It's not going to happen.
so, no animation leaks today?
Sorry friend, I am getting Sparkle, rolling with dick>rolling for meta. I know her top team is fofo and robin but I am never rolling for the bird because I don't like her, hence the initial question.
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He has female clients too so..
its all mine?
sorry, but it's going to happen. If you look closely at her leg and hand, you'll see she has snake skin(?), similar to Nuwa's.
Has he gotten anyone pregnant?
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if that really was the case there's literally no way they wouldn't have capitalized on it to market her
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No one cares about snakeslop. Brickbundance will never be popular.
RAITA is a miracle of humanity
You jinxed it
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what do I do with standard banner warps after I get my 300 selector? Ive just been letting them pile up
crit rolls coming your way at fast velocity
Stop straightwashing Aventurine fucking straggots
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Feixiao NPC poster
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you roll them whenever. you still have the 90 rolls for 5 star thing. it's just random now
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He pays for the abortions atleast
preload datamining
nyo...she's a maid...
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Tits too small
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Sexy fox
>Killing Avgin babies
The victim perpetuating the cycle of abuse I see...

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