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Previous: >>488082282

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Zhu Yuan wonned
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Lycaon husband
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This game makes me way too horny.
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11/11 is too fucking hard bros...
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For me, it's Anby!
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incest game
Don't lose your way
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standing bj in the back alley
Before you critique the ZZZ/call it good or bad, it is required that you MUST’VE played the following games/franchises

>Mortal Kombat
>Street Fighter
>Nier Automata
>Genshin Impact
>Ghost of Tsushima
>Elden Ring
>Red Dead Redemption 2
for you, its mental illness.
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pspspsps come here Lycaon~
just have perfect RNG and pick the best resonia lol
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post your shiyu I need to see how I compare to you anons
When will zzz get silver haired beauty?
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WTF he's dodge-countering the SPINS
same as me bro
if I was actually good at the game I might get 1 more S
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We already have 2
We already have a russian faction and we didn't get one, there's no hope bro.
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Directly powercreeped in 1.1? How about directly powercreeped in 1.0
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bwo your teaser trailer?
hey its the incest girl of hsr
Only limited things I have are Ellen M0 and her weapon. Whales should have all S ranks by now.
Billy would be really broken if his stats weren't so shit. Basically gets infinite dodges
I love zzz
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I don't want to open the game so take this
>Devil May Cry 3
>Yakuza 0
>Persona 4
>Akiba Strip
people argued that she was better than jing yuan for months
All those games have nothing in common with zzz
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>Alya bro
I see you're a man of culture as well
That reminds me I never finished akibastrip
Funny enough the sister was the hottest girl in that one too, so incest wins again
Yes i realize I'm essentially arguing against gachas in general. I'm just making it explicit. Paying $50 to make yourself a dailies slave for life for (probably) 1 character you want is pretty cucked feeling. Luckily the game is fun still so it's not cucked feeling playing daily, but future design decisions could easily disrupt that because gacha's need to powercreep, making it likely they ruin A ranks' ability to play at some point.
He already is.
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I've been trapped. Send help...
Can be fixed with a good W-engine.
what the fuck did i just watch
You're not just arguing against gacha. You're arguing against skinnerbox games in general. Most notably MMOs, but a lot of games are like this.
>use fire
>has fire hairpin
>fire sticker on her
>white hair
what the fuck
Name a more iconic duo than japanese media and incest.
who is this semen demon
I've played both lists. I need to go outside.
>Ruin a ranks
They can just make more a ranks. Why are you pretending this hasn't been going on in games for 40+ years?
truly the incest game of all time
Japan and lolis
Why are they advertising a hack-n-slash game as a fighter game at evo? Are they retarded?
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>every second game is slop
I see what got did there
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>see wo**ed
>my mind instantly read wormed
Other game general has done irreparable damage to my psyche.
Anon. If you don't care about logging in once per day to have your account generally grow, you don't care about a few extra pulls either. What's in for you? You don't give a single shit about your account. If you want to see character stories, youtube is your friend.

The 5 bucks pass is if you wanna support the game and/or you are active anyways. I've bought 30 day pass' in games that I quit 3 days after. I only spend for things I experienced (past) and not what I get later.

I don't really get how people can even consider 5 bucks CHAINING you to a fucking game. Like what the flying fuck. Did you not have enough fun yet to spend 5 damn bucks? If so, just don't. And if you did, even if you end up missing a few days, does it really matter? Even if you drop the game tomorrow, does it really matter?
The whole game is balanced around the three initial units is how it should be if God was good.
schizos won again
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*enters the thread*
Modern MMOs are just 3D gachas lol i seeing touch those just as much

I don't play gachaslop in general so that's not my context nigger.
just wait for her to be announced as a physical element like the recent hsr character
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I swear this is not a humble brag but is there some kind of increased rate up for bangboos as opposed to standard or event banner? Can anyone confirm?
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Autism 11
My point is more that even if they presented all the choices through the combat mode, it would still be a bad roguelike. Pressing the combat mode buttons and seeing the combat mode graphics to break a box to pick one of three resonia doesn't address the shallow strategic layer of the roguelike.

Is everything before the IK45 hollow a tutorial? Because I haven't done that one yet.

In all the ones before then, I've been using rerolls to pick off-element resonia to grind the achievements. Despite carrying a bag of brick resonia, there's still enough resonia that I'm forced to make good picks. Every final boss feels like a roguelike highroll.
There is.
Bangboo rate is 1% instead of .6% for standard and limited banners
bangboo rates are better yeah
you're still lucky, but yeah getting lucky on bangboos is more common
Incest is wrong
Is Withering gardens 1/11 possible without whaling? I have ellen/lycaon/soukaku and can do 10/11 but the 11/11 breaks me.
Yeah i kinda said that in my first post
>he STILL can't S Rank solo-Billy sd7
that's the best part
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in 2040 we will get to have sex with Quingyi for real
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2.4 waiting room
Is that a remix of Sword of Corruption? https://youtube.com/watch?v=5lGH0VzLMF0
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Sorry what did you say again?
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>Piper but with just enough subtle detail so you can tell she's a hag
You didn't even finish leveling and already whining. Chill the fuck out and enjoy the game
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can anybody explain who this (pic) character is and why its always appear in some gamer moment situations
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>luck into both limited DPS and the wolf while only buying the BP + monthly
>no idea how to optimally play Zhu Yuan
>barely pass Shiyu 14 just now with 5 seconds left
Bros, I am so bad at this game
calm down, just a question
The puffy nipples shark...
The big butt cop...
The chainsaw loli rapebait...
The uppity and slutty rebellious white girl...
The burger autism thong wearing drill sargeant...
The incestuous relationship with my sister.............
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Is it true that construction workers in asia have matching company uniforms?
Pewdiepie saying nigger
You mean 2.5 waiting room
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What's the appeal of Ellen Joe?
She's ugly with those shark teeth and tons of piercings.
And her lazy and haughty personalities make it worse.
>Doesn't think Anby or Soldier 11 are autistic balls of pure sex
Bwo your Billy, the Starlight Knight?
I beat it with C2R1 Ellen, C1 Lycaon and C6 Soukaku idk if you count that as whaling.
Ive seen anons here beat it with some schizo billy/ben/anton team
How dumb is it for me to roll event banner, hoping I lose 50/50 and getting grace?
>and tons of piercings
She has... earrings
yes but why he is replaced by that pink girl, I saw her in similar context edits a lot
to answer your "question" an anon beat W11 with fucking BEN carry yesterday. So yes, it's possible already
Extremely dumb with a very low success chance
Don't fucking tell me to calm down.
The game just came out and you faggots are trying to ruin it by rushing content.
God you are all insufferable.
>hurr I got ellen I got ellen why cant I clear content NOW NOW NOW
Just shut the fuck up.
>she's [Only Good Things]
Anton is STRONG jesus.
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Do dupes past c6 get recycled into residual or do they just sit in your inventory permanently like a cuck bell?
They look cute/cool rather than a beauty.
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wakarase maid ellen-chan...
anton is sitting on top of Koleda
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1 dupe = 1 roll
I mean theres no timer so technically you can beat it with anything
just depends on your amount patience (and autism)
doing it now is akin to if not harder than SL1 souls challenges
Oh she's just also a raging gamer cute cunny that people love any excuse and opportunity to edit in
Thanks, you could have just answered without being obnoxious about it in the first place but you do you.

Someone didn't get Ellen?
She's a gamer character, so it's a meme for her to say gamer words
recycled, 20 for A and 100 for S
you have failed to demonstrate that its shallow though,bad corruption management will genuinely fuck you over in the later stages.
even beating the 45 one for the first time is still a tutorial before that everything feels like a high roll because the enemies arent really scaled to deal with your characters with a bunch of resonia
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Impregnating Soukaku!
>What's the appeal of shark girl/alt girl/JK/sleepy girl/maid with perky tits and pantyhose
Gee man, I can't possibly imagine. Don't you have another general to shit up hutroon? Post pictures of your tranny there.
I can feed myself for a month with those 5 bucks I'm not giving them to some greedy chink.
Only dodge is the killer here if you can dodge nothing else matters really, outside of time gated statcheck fomoslop
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Momoi is portayed as very exuberant, not exactly smart, and a hardcore gamer in her own game. So naturally she got memed into raycis cod kid.
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If not sexy, why erotic?
Is Zhu yuan the 2B of Zenless Zone Zero?
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>Sees this
Now what?
Very epic thanks. Trying to c6 ben and nicole and both hit c5 but held off from rolling since they can easily enough come later (already got spooked early so 50/50 was wasted lol)
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>I can feed myself for a month with those 5 bucks
holy thirdworldino
More people should have this kind of discrimination. Do not carelessly let attention vampires into your home.

But even hostile attention vampires can be negotiated with, just like every other hostile thing that wants a slice of your time and money. Set limits to how much you give away and stick to them.
This post just made me realize something that ZZZ desperately needs.

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Incest is good but the siblings are bad!
They double team and molest all the agents! Even cops!
No one can handle being double teamed by a loving brother and sister!
This is wrong!
They need to be stopped before they target children!
I see thanks, I thought it was some VTuber who got little too based during the stream
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Will this scumbag be a boss fight?
Midyuan will be forgotten in a week lil bro
Nagato from azur lane?I wish there's a specific tag for this silhouette sex
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rate my account
Nigga it's not real, just look away from the screen
gato is the strongest
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I would never shill some grifting ewhore for free
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but we do
we just climb them in TV mode
how come every time i kill something the attack animation has to end first even if they already hit 0 hp 1 or 2 seconds ago unlike in this video where the wipeout happens right away?
Not unless they give him a whole villain arc or becoming the very thing you sworn to fight against.
i love space china
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I go by lil bwo* thank you very much
fucked up
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Zhu Yuan will be forced to kill him after we find out he was the one who leaked the Intel, and then he'll mutate and have to be mercy killed
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If you're short on dennies it's your own fault, you're missing out on free hundreds of thousands of them.
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>perfect ATK sub-stat rolls on a fucking HP% disk
>gets beaten by an ATK% disk with literal HP and DEF rolls
gambling is silly
15 is much easier.
literally just a luckier version of my account
i got two graces and neko's w-engine on standard, but at higher pities
nah, he'll be a minor story villain like Perlman at worst but honestly he'll probably be redeemed/join forces with us to fight the real big bad pulling the strings in TOPS
nobody cares f2poornigger
Does he know?
absolutely annoys the shit out of me when you daze an enemy it the targetting locks onto the other enemies. SHIT GAME
He doesn't have a 3d model so not unless he's in a giant robot or something
the combat is so addicting when it's actually hard. why did these retards make the story missions so easy?
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is it me or does mihoyo cant give two shits about ROTK ?
not that I dont mind a chink game avoiding it...
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Momoi is my wife and would be very good at ZZZ I'll have you know
Billy wouldn't have trouble with this
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>Find a spazzy and fast boss with a million attack combos and dodgeable attacks.
>on-field Neko.
Yep, it's gaming time!
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He'll redeem himself and after we win together and he reconcile with Zhu, Sarah is going to shoot and kill him
people on laggy low end phones need to be able to clear content, sadly
This I think, a minor villain getting played by actual villains for single arc, then he will get redemption arc or maybe redemption death
soldier 11 and anby are clones... but of who?
>very good at anything when she canonically jobs in every single video game
I got m1 zhu yuan
Is the support BP ball worth claiming or should I claim anomaly ball despite it not having grace?
pogchamp my doggie grats frfr no cap
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Soldier 1, duh.
Can I use Piper or Lucy with Nicole and Zhu
Wait, so Nicole's only purpose is to come out, shoot an ether bubble and then fuck off? But I put a lot of resources in her.....
>1st acc skipspammed to ik45
>dailies and weeklies on farm
>chilling on 2nd account to actually enjoy the story while chuckling every time I pussy brickomata on 4chins
Real gamer moment feel ngltbqhfkalnbtw (my 2nd acc got brick btw)
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Because bwo right now the average zzz player thinks Zhu is too hard to play.
You don't understand how retarded the average person is in gaming especially mobile gaming.
You can only sometimes catch glimpses of it here but still.
She's gotten away with the dennies AGAIN
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>is an alpha girlboss Stacy
>more attractive
>is in her prime
>more meta
>no Lycaon nor Koleda
>Only Standard S Rank is the damn kot
>Lvl 40/50s are Anby, Nicole, SKK, Ellen and the cop

Who else should I use to build Daze in my second team?
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Such is the life of supports. As a Rinabro, I know your pain
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>Zhu is too hard to play.
confusing clunkiness with complexity, probably on purpose.
you are a nigger.
I dont like using stunners
I just use my dps
what game to play that has sexo designs like zzz and fun combat like zzz but without the gacha time gating and pulling for characters? i’ve lost every single 50/50 so far and i barely get to play due to stamina gating. this is my first gacha and i only have it a try because of the good looking in game models
Zhu is the only Ether DPS for the next year you must roll her
just don't use a stunner with Ellen idort
>got triple Rina
>only need c1 for general support and c6 is for shock
>no other S agents
Kinda mad tqbh
>Lost every 50-50
How much did you spend...
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Ellen is literally perfect. She wonnered
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I love him...
Can you solo Intensity 11 Withering Garden Solo with Zhu Yuan?
A roll with the standard banner, yes?
What w engine for rina if I dont have her sig? I also have the BP engine unclaimed.
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how much crit for Zhu without her sig
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I'll roll but not because of meta or teambuilding
or limited
you get 20 currency to exchange for 1 roll
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Closest I can think of is Granblue Relink
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How do I go back in time and convince my mom to give me a little sister
no? you can play her more on field too. i generally like using her auto attach chain and switching out on the last hit to help her generate more energy. then when she has a bar i usually like to hold her special and let it charge a bit and then rotate the joystick while still holding to get 2 charge worth of ether build up from one ex bar. she usually probs corruption easily by herself and then gives the quick assist option to your dps or disorder partner.
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So I got these two gay bois before hitting pity on the bangboo gacha, but my luck is so far not great on the actual character gachas. What does this mean?
Lucky for you Mihomo shat out another femtwink MC built to take knots
>free sex
>3000yen for 1 hour
is it free or not? which is it
nice list for a /v/ approved 3x3 but i think zzz borrows the most from bayonetta
I guess that's cool, but what are the odds to have a C6 agent in the first place?
like 80$ i got kat at 50 50 and then rina at 50 50
Whats the best w engine for Anby? The fossil?
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Send feedback more a bara MC next time.
Buy 3000 yen worth of detergents and get 1h free sex
nothing because bangboo gacha has higher rates
Same got Plug and Butler with like 50 rolls left still, didn't even look into meta S Bangboos, I just wanted to max Avocaboo because I love Hollow Zero
this game was good but isn’t it over and no more support?
Fat gay anthro nerd Howl to give belly rubs to while watching old scifi 80's and 90's movies before having sloppy make out kisses.
Koleda's, Steam, or her own sig. Just depends on what you want her to do.
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>no wolf thiren husband to knot me every night
Reality is such a fucking disappointment
They can't let go of the delusion of chink fujo pussy money too much, it'll always be a twink sry
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Assuming you're using Starlight it's 70%. 55% if you have C6 Nicole.
high-ish for A ranks
you'll have more eventually
your husky bwo?
This is how Hoyo gets you, my friend. They draw you in with high quality designs and interesting gameplay and then lock you into the treadmill designed to entice you to open your wallet. All gachas are like this at their core, they are gambling simulators built to make you spend money.
Yeah not a gacha and only 1 title update which was a homo so I didn't pick it back up lol
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What actually happens when the HZ season resets?
youll have C6 of most if not all of the launch A ranks eventually
"Easy" when they're rated up like Nicole and Ben right now. Got 4 dupes each in 80ish rolls
Tuning Calibrator in the Hollow Zero shop is a trap btw

The resources and Dennies have way more value right now as you build your account
Are you saying you wouldn't prefer an anthro Howl?
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any dps can solo it because stunners sucks against final boss and lack of support doesn't matter much when you have 40+ resoniums
if i ever have the resources to build dps nicole (which is never) i'd try soloing garden 11 with her
Umm your Z-Merit?
I bought BP so I've no need for either one tbqh, though I'm still not sure exactly what the calibrator does exactly l0l
Bummer, I wish you luck on future pulls. To answer your question, no there are no other games with gameplay like this. Time gating and 50-50 losses are just part of the deal.
It has more value than Boopons or the unlimited dennies. Everyone can clear out the mats.
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You don't know? That's when the HZ season resets.
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Ok cool just let me know where I can farm calibrators and then I'll just do that instead.
Mainly a stunner. I have steam on Koleda on my team 2. Is her sig better than fossil for pure stunbot?
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>in the middle of my burst window
>feels good, blood pumping
>this fucker zooms out of nowhere and steals kill
Please help.
wanted to make a "this isn't my sword" joke involving qingyi's death and realized how hard the storytelling is gimped by the fact that hoyo will never kill a playable character
you will want as many calibrators as you can get
they let you set specific mainstats for your discs in the music shop
this is so evil… no other gacha really ever caught my eye because they were auto battlers or you pay outrageous prices for a png. but with these newer gachas with full models and sexo designs… i fear for my wallet..
Accounts with Brickomata get deleted but you can NG+ on the same email and play MC as Inky or Chalky
I wish I could trade my M3 Piper and M3 Lucy for an M6 Anby. I don't think I'll ever build these two...
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Slowly and surely, all these girls will be padded
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Anton's Harem
I don't have Rina so I can't help you with that, anon.
>I'm still not sure exactly what the calibrator does exactly l0l
Lets you choose the mainstat outright when generating one disc.
Uhhh the camera one??? It has pen ratio. That's what I use. Though maybe with disks you don't need it on the engine to hit whatever the cap on net core passive
I want Anton to choke me
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Relink could've been more successful if it was a live service. Not that it already is - but they kinda just treat it as a one and done fanservice game.
What's your long term bangboo strategy?
I think for me it's
>Get all S rank elemental boos
>Focus on dupes for them
I feel like faction Bangboos are not as valuable at least for now, but also I'm not sure how much increase the cons grant to bangboos.
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No way that wasn't intentional
They are sex why wouldn't you, and your Lucy is a good support I wish I had her to enable Ben for giga attack buffed crits while boar bros are shooting a hailstorm of pellets like little ninja henchmen
>What's your long term bangboo strategy?
Just getting a max limit break of the one S-Rank bangboo I already have and not caring about the autism
anton is way too mentally ill to even consider having a relationship
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Nice Anton you got there, would be a shame if...
If maxed A rank, ignore its S rank version. Only faction Bangboo I pulled was Amilion because it can compensate for the lack of damage in Cunning Hare team.
new chibikino.... https://x.com/dorkdragoon/status/1817817882551873625
Reminder that rolling for gacha characters is just a coping mechanism for people who can't get gud enough at dodging to solo with GODlly
Wtf this game is gay
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>realizes that piper potato and anby djeet mod can be a thing
>shit time to reinsta-
>there is nothing to do anymore ingame after zero dies
meanwhile versus keeps getting updates i fucking wish arcsys manages relink too
I've only got two for the actual teams I'm using right now(fire and ice) and still have over 90 boopons that I'm saving for when some bangboo powercreep occurs. I kind of want resonaboo though even though I'm skipping Zhu Yuan. He's probably the only one that makes a noticeable difference right now.
Longterm? Max avocaboo for HZ, while pulling for whatever your 2 teams could use for damage in combat commissions. After that it's whatever Banboos are kinda whatever except that one that can replace Nicole as the dedicated grouping onahole
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Anby is so cute
At least it's real gay instead of fujo gay, so femoids are gatekept. At least until they release Harumasa.
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Any anbyGODS here
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Jailtime. Minimum of 6 years, no parole.
SEA hrs sure are something else
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But nothing fucking tops Corin. God I want to take care of her forever.
Man all the years and hype from teasers just to get ignored like a side bitch...
>cute anime girl game, i'll give a try
>play far enough to unlock the shop
>pay 1 dollar for welcome pack
>realize i have no idea what i bought and there are 20 different currencies
>did 3 signal searches and have no idea what the fuck i got

why did they make this part of the game so user unfriendly?
we get you want our money, dont make it such a fucking confusing nightmare. prob wont play again desu
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Why are supports always OP? (based on rating)
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>you have to first click on the disks or w-engine to see the level
Which RETARD designed this??????
They expect you to have played their previous games, HSR, Genshin, and HI3
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Amount to most of the decibels for the team, along with energy and quick assists. All which contribute to their combat rating.
I got two s ranks and now im saving to b5 a future boo, probably the sons of calydon one
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I did
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can you like, idk, stop mogging every girl you meet on the street?
go find a bf or something
its not bait, its a true story.
im a 33 year old dude who should have booted up dark souls 3 but my weiner told me to play the cute anime girl game
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This took me quite a bit of time to accomplish, and unfortunately I spent money to unlock the BP but I finally got past this part of SD
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>probably the sons of calydon one
bro your
there are some truly astonishing UI designs in this game.

Like checking bangboo abilities in select requires you to click them one-by-one
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She already has me...
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Rina, Grace, and Zhu Yuan are a danger to the female population
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I mean... that's how one and done premium games are. It's not a live service. And they never meant it to be one. It's meant to just release and sit there.
I just find it kind of a shame that, well, it's not a live service. But maybe that's a good thing since I was able to buy Tweyen for just $5 instead of grinding for her.
Sandy boy is priced $5 as well. I'm surprised they're making the grind skipping cost so cheap.
it's intentionally a bit obtuse to prevent kids from accidentally spending $10000 of their parents money buying rolls or something stupid like that
surely you are smarter than a child, aren't you anon?
>He's not saving Bangboo rolls to max out Sunbringer's personal Bangboo
Already have him
>I feel like faction Bangboos are not as valuable
They are definitely not as valuable as elemental 'boos, and it's not exactly their fault, regardless of their skills.
Faction teams feel like a strange kind of cope compared to elemental teams, because activated core buffs are mainly elemental buffs.
Well, it's not stopping me from playing Rina, but she feels very gimped outside of electric team.
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Intern devs moment, which basically is the zzz dev team I guess
I want to be Sunbringer's personal husband
ZY will get an NTR doujin with him
Ellen Hoe owes me sex.
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Buy. No excuses.
well that's him
that's the son of calydon bangboo
ive got like 45 saved up but im wishing theres a cheese one for rrat
I just hope we'll get some actually SYNERGIZING Hare's at some point. The other factions are much better off. (Ellen, Wolf, Belobog with the two fire chars, or Anton with Grace)
>game company designs gambling cash shop for coomers
>"its designed to be confusing, they dont want too much money"

are you fucking retarded
She's gonna end up dead with her consciousness transferred into a Sunbangboo.
Should I craft a 2nd starlight engine for Zhu Yuan or put the Nekomata wengine on Ellen and give Zhu the starlight engine?
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>filtered by a chapter 2 combat commission
This game is shit.
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This game has nothing in common with modern persona games outside of the fact that you walk through nice urban environments for a second. Doesn't have the same style or music or anything else. The average weeb really needs to consume more media so they can have more comparisons point than 3.
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>bangboo gacha has higher rates
Shut the fuck up.
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reminder that tier lists are in fact propaganda ment to push new characters. It doesn't mean it isn't viable for them to clear all existing content, just that they want to have internet traffic come see the latest new toy on display and it wouldn't sit right if your shiny new toys are not in the "S" tier or a starter free character is not "c" tier. It's just how they get those clicks and revenue.
Billy and Anby certainly can do all the content in S tier given enough upgrades and skill. Possible? Certainly.
Do they want to tell you this?
haha no.
This is how the entire industry works and generates clickbait.
That shiny new character can clear 9 seconds faster?
MY GOD...punch that tier list a new hole in the S tier list and move everyone down!
Now post the rest
What's so difficult about that one?
The Interknot Membership thing is the best bang for buck item on the shop, right? New Eridu Fund seems kinda dogshit for 4 times the price.
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I will buy by selling my body to them for lewd sex.
That's why only 4 is mentioned (and that's a good thing the rest are weebslop for weebcels that probably also like slop like dangansloppa)
I WILL rape Lucy
Are you? An adult is smart enough to read what the fucking packages say and understand what they are purchasing before they do so, a child is too retarded to give a fuck. If you're too braindead to even do something as simple as that you should go back to getting shit on by gank squads instead.
They need to make faction team buffs seperate over element team buffs.
Probably some faggot type of enemy that changes resistances through the battle.
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>Zeta Lucy
it hurts bros
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>loses 50/50 to Koleda
>had to go close to hard pity for guaranteed Zhu Yuan after 160 pulls
oh I will, I have the bp, you think I won't? you- you...
Nothing the bosses are just too tanky do in time without the arbitrary element I guess.
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I’ve decided. I need to get Grace pregnant.
My condolences...
Yea fuck that mission, its overtuned and I've barely passed it under 2.5 mins
damn unlucky buy a rabbits foot or something
>Max avocaboo for HZ

Redpill me on avocaboo for HZ
I don't even think it's confusing. If you struggle with the shop, you are honestly better off not interacting with it.

It's very simple, every month they bait you to interact with the shop for free pulls. The starting page of the shop is always a cheap offer (i.e. the 30 day pass), so you get advertised to get this. Don't worry, this being a monthly thing and essentially a monthly pass is JUST a coincidence.

What IS confusing is shit like flash sales in other games. Oh you reached player rank 5? Here, for 2 hours only you can buy this for X money that does something you may or may not know, with +500% value!!!! Here's no rush. You play and can figure out what is what with your own pace. Nothing runs away in a few hours.
Well I hope you're a robot with a sperm-dispensing dildo, then
In all honesty there's not much different in gameplay between this an CC2's Nurutu games at the day. Not that there's anything wrong with that. People comparing this to any devil may cry game or even something like original god of war are out of their minds
just use Nicole with energy regen bwo...
Should I roll for Zhu Yuan? Haven't been able to play this week, I don't know how meta she is. I played her trial and her gameplay feels kind of disappointing.
This one was actually hard to finish in 2:30, not only there was a fuck ton of enemies but also they were pretty tanky, I've S-ranked it only after getting Zhu last week
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Membership is purely for more rolls
New Eridu fund is for in-game resources (exp chips, money etc...) and a bonus w-engine of your choice
That's the only mission that is genuinely requiring you to actually play, and consider food buffs. Yes, it's tight. No, it's not impossible. If you can't do it now, come back later.

Note that actually good play can cut a lot of time in this game. DPS optimization is a pretty big thing.
she's good and will be the only ether attacker for a long while
but if you dont actually want her, dont roll just for meta. that's lame
It's the only source of in combat persistant healing so far. But you can just get it from a Bangboo tile anyway and you have 5 rerolls to guarantee it so I don't see the point in building it.
I want all S-ranks first before getting dupes bro
It's actually a requirement in a lot of countries, otherwise your game is deemed illegal and you can't distribute it
>read 1.1 leaks
So auto battle is about to commence? I hope they add those for material grinding.

So far the easiest Hoyo game to grind materials in is HSR simply because of auto battle
thats a brick move bwo
How far will zzz go with the urban apocalyptic theme of their game?
>weakling proxy
>raping anyone
lol, the only thing you'll be doing is raising your hips
Starts off with max 10 shots of avocado goop for 10% hp each PER COMBAT TILE INSTANCE, each copy and rank up gives an extra shot I believe and 0.5% hp, mine is at like 17 shots with 15% each. When I picked the 1% hp events in HZ I just dodged 1 trash mob to get my guys back to like 50% each. But yeah even a raw lv1 is pretty useful still, but he's A rank so I got like 2 copies easy enough
how do i filter the diaperfag
You can burn 300 energy in 3 fights unless you're Disk Farming. I don't think they're adding auto battle or sweep.
the sad thing is new eridu fund is the second best deal after 5$ monthly, those first time purchase bonus deals still loses to BP in money:gems ratio
Why doesn't she wear socks?
You dont. You'll suffer like /xivg/, /dng/, /wfg/, /gig/ and /hard/
I hope we get another big mclargehuge agent, hopefully a human.
Dammit, that would be nice to add Sweep, thats the one where you can skip stages if you have enough Energy?

I mean if you can get an S rank on that battle once you should be able to skip the battle for most materials, how it works with the adjustable enemy deck I nave no clue
Speaking of which, those storm games really couldn't catch up huh. The latest one looked more like a mobage than ZZZ is, to think it was once peak anime fanservice game.
it takes like two minute max to spend 200 stamina and they made daily takes like 20 seconds for a reason
All the stunners want 4 piece impact disk and 2 piece energy regen right? And they probably all want energy regen on [6] since the bonus from Impact% is small?
Small problem. You will be disc farming. And because that's in 60s, you will not be able to do any 100s on the same day and be able to spend 300 stamina.

Endgame farm is likely looking like this at least 50% of the time:
1 "up" enemy, 2 disc exp enemies -> 4 disc runs.
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I'm not bricked or something if I don't do all 4 missions for just one week, right...
Filter the image hashes and hope they don't change them?
I'm also grinding my Proxy level, I assume you unlock all the Music store features at 45 right?

Can't wait for more events if only because they start handing out mats
impact % on 6 will be big when leveled no? starts at 5 but gets as high as 20%?
All the free wengs seem a bit dogshit desu
I dont really see any of these replacing any of the Box Galaxy A-ranks
BP is $10 not $20, that's the gold one that has no real game value, I still bought it since it's basically a founders pack with corresponding avatars that might be limited for just $10. Though they should've let the engine you picked start with 1 star to give it actual value while still being the "premium" version
yeah you're bricked but who cares its just a game
giga bricked
but energy regen% is like twice as much
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nyoo please... i just want to play other games...
It'll be a Ben skeleton inched up and changed into a Lion
It's not about the percentage, it's about getting as much Impact as you can so you can stun faster. Energy regen just charges your ability which is good but not the primary way most stunners build the meter.
you aren't doing the weekly 15 runs anyway, you were already bricked so it doesn't matter
I honestly have zero idea what you people are going on about. I'm level 28 working on finishing chapter 2's after story.
Is there a soft cap on levelling skills like hsr's 5/8/8/8?
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tiger or polar bear like the ads
Do Z-Merits reset in the monthly? Theres no indication they do and ive been down to just the bangboo exp (useless) and the unlimited dennies for a while
Yeah it's 6/9/4/2/0
>"I am not a loser!"
Lucy is a loser
NTA but can you explain what that means for a casual player? and what >>488103065 means for HSR?
the shop resets monthly
z-merits reset weekly
it takes a cage at like 13-14 or something
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>koleda is literally just asuka
She's prime 'domination loss' character
I wish you a painful death
5/8/8/8 was just early game cope. Every single offensive skill has to be 10 by now.

Going from 10 to 12 is about 10% more damage. Not relevant until you have good discs, but eventually you'll need that. 8 to 10 is btw similar (11% more damage)
Tits too big.
after awhile you'll need a rare, usually timegated resource to level up skills further
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Because I specifically told her not to.
The guy you're replying to is being facetious
What >>488103065 means is how much you can level up a skill with "normal" farmable resources before you have to use those special resources that can only be bought or acquired through events (think Genshin's crowns or HSR's globes of destiny, I forgot the name) to keep upgrading them
I hope you've been collecting those Hamster Cages, you're going to need them.
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This is good enough for now right? I don't have Lycaon for my Ellen team or Rina for my Grace/Piper disorder team. I was barely able to do enough damage to finish 16 already so I think 17 is going to be straight up impossible for me.
That's a weekly bro....
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I'm not even a footfag but this picture is doing things to me
I think I get it now
you and i are in the same exact boat. if i had like one minute extra id be able to do that stage with the same characters you're running.
It feels to me like Koleda does the vast majority of her stun through her ex special, in comparison the rest of her kit is pitiful and it's really important against shiyu bosses so you can rotate back in after a stun and not have to waste time building meter.
I am a footfag and, honestly, that's not even a good feet pic. For some reason her toes on the right foot are widest in the middle instead of on the top. Looks very weird to me.
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lets keep breaking those poor streamers
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Slowly growing burger girl...
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>and consider food buffs
Actually forgot those exist, good shout. Now I can get it if I play a perfect game but fuck it I'll just wait until I get more power.
Hoshimi Bosenmori Miyabi
Hot girls made them uncomfortable?
>Ecucks BTFO
>Username hidden so the bitch gets no view
As based as it should be
They dont take your Z merits away from you weekly do they? Ive never noticed that if they have been doing
Im specifically talking about holding the resource, not the missions
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Reminds me of that meme webm of the zoomer streamer physically recoiling and hiding his eyes with his arms the moment a hot girl with cleavage appeared on screen
Maybe if you have the Knot, but for both Anby and Koleda the EX skill feels like mayority of the daze buildup. Then again my Koleda uses that Hot Pot W engine so I'd still consider Impact over ER for her
>no pickelhaube
they don't remove shit from your inventory, no
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I'm almost in the same position but I'm like 10-20 seconds off from beating SD16
I'll probably have to level up a few shitty disks with good main stats to actually manage to do it.
I am really tempted to spend money to acquire the latest virtual character released by this game.
>get s on first 10 pull
>get rina instead of zhu m2
Fellas give it to me straight. Would it be possible to scrounge up enough pulls to hit pity again without using "that"? I'm currently knot 33
Good, I just thought they might when the monthly resets for some reason.
Zhu M2 isnt a crazy upgrade, you're better off just holding on to your 50/50 guarantee for Qingyi or Rat now.
If there's a few events this month then alongside HZ primer rewards and missions you'll probably scrounge enough for near pity
I just finished the train bombing mission thing and I want to know does the story get more interesting?
I like boobs and I really like jiggly boobs, but the characters so far don't seem too interesting and the story seems really bland so far.
I don't have the time required to invest regularly in multiple gachas. I'm already playing Nikke and I want to decide between committing to this one, or Wuthering Waves.
What a coincidence, I too am weighing for the happiness to financial loss ratio on this latest virtual character released by this video game.
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Ellen doesn't need Lycaon. Your 2nd team is worse than mine though so you might not be able to get A but I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get a B on 7. Are you IK 45 yet or close to it? If so you should use up all your batteries to get better disks.
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Pretty excited for her animations
I'm expecting some big overheads and sick whips
Anyone have this webm? Damn that shit was fucking hilarious as hell.
I wanna see
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Seconding, total normal nigger destruction
Chapter 3 is 9/11...
If I'm redoing a rally commission to get a missed cargo crate do I need to actually complete it or can I jus grab it and leave?
None, that's why we're all still here instead of playing the game you're looking for. Life is suffering.
You can just grab it
Here anon https://youtu.be/B1N_41xVruE, glad to help you out
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>Blocks your path
what do you do?
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Time to start saving if her gameplay style is anything like Ricotta in Ys VIII
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>swap to soukaku
Call for back up
Ntab does doing the clean ups also give ik exp?
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>Sneak attack? Not cool, bro!
Pay 99% of my 10 gear coins
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Wise, NO! at least ask Belle if she wants to join in...
Police officers cannot condone adultery...
Yes, like everything else that uses stamina. If you're not level 45 yet you shouldn't do it though. You'd be better off farming the disk exp for a bit until you get 45, assuming your characters are already maxed out. Also the weeklies are reset so you can do HZ and notorious hunt for some free exp.
what killed the thread
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This is the worst corruption in the game by far. Nothing comes close to how bad this fucking thing feels to play with.
I really like persona, will i like ZZZ?
kek, brown people are so funny
Wow. Another 1.25 pulls arcade event (I haven't checked the rewards yet).
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How good is Koleda's engine if I don't have her?
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fresh webm i made
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It's Patrick Klepek playing Yakuza 0 but I can't find the webm
When does the gameplay get better?
definitely feels like something that should be a purple corruption
but i like it since it's the only thing making me pay attention to pressure
>not the old CBT Belle with her lacey shorts
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No content... game isn't attracting normalfags with streamers... EoS by the end of the year...
it's pretty good on any impact
It doesn't, quit now.
Got my ZY/Nicole/Anby team.

Got every 4 star as well as Nekomata, Soldier 11, Rina and Lycaon.

No Ellen.

Am I bricked on a second team? Really wanna use Lycaon (whose engine I have) and Rina but unsure which Bangboo to go for or who should be their attacking unit.

....man I hate sounding like a retard with this stuff. Brain not wired for it.
No content
Yea honestly it really feels shit, I think it's because timed dodges are one of the few things you have agency over in the combat.
They have almost nothing in common with each other except for the urban setting/vibe.
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Never mind
Is it really? I mean the train chapter is a really tense, high stakes mission on paper, but it still felt like a saturday morning cartoon playing it. I'd prefer it to be more "anime".
Sex with u18 teens
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Beta test design Grace is finally out
Since our game has robots too, are we going to get the option to brainwash them into marrying is like in GFL2?
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>This is Belle's special solo concert for Wise
I was misled then, thanks.
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zy0x did it better btw
you can build a semi-fire team.. s11/piper/lucy
you can also use a rina/lycaon/corin victoria team I suppose. Just make sure to only use corin after the mob is stunned
If I can't get rid of it before fighting the Ballet Twins I just insta-restart. It's so cancer on that fight especially when my agents are still at lvl 40. I've won exactly one time with it and that was with really good resoniums(gigastacked shields and onslaughts).
>sexually ambiguous zoomoid
kek I like the one where the guy starts licking shenhe
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This one's more fun than the snake event.
I still have no clue what this webm is even about despite seeing it a few times. Was he sperging out about the camera shot on her boobs?
really? no reaction at all about her DEAD coworker that's the reason her friend go to the hollow in the first place?
Average Genshin/HSR player
Personafags will call anything Persona because their brains are rotted more than anyone else's
>dead coworker
Not canon. You need to reach the true ending
Bro I'm not even trying I'm holding down and A while watching anime or YouTube on my other monitor
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I think he's trolling
He saw people getting mad at Shenhe being too sexy so he acted like he was offended at Shenhe being too sexy
reminds me of one of my friends
we were watching TGA together last year and when Rina showed up in the ZZZ trailer he barked out "look at those fucking tits" with clear resentment and disgust in his voice
i don't even think he's gay so that was just fucking weird
why are some people like this?
Damn the difficulty of the defense shit sure ramped up with the first multi team stage. From easy S to not even A.
this pig, refrigerator raider, doesn't deserve to be this cool
he was sperging out about genshin characters being too sexualized
reminder that these are designs that are monitored by the CCP, one of the most aggressive morality governments in the world
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>he didn't save the guy
>he didn't save the bangboo
smhtbqhwy fampai
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>come back hours later to a post unironically defending dumbass normalfags

Wow, imagine defending normalfags for any reason ever but still using 4chan.
im sorry about your developmental disorder/neurological disorder that prevents you from holding left or right after every other attack volley
What disks you putting her on anon?
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I don't get the point of that game in multiplayer mode. In single player you're supposed to go as far as possible. In multi however you just spam dig as fast as possible and the game somehow ends in 30 seconds
Define normal.
>reddit spaces
>calls other normalfags
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The first casualty
the average player would never make it to the end if it had limited lives like the single player mode
>tfw I'm LITERALLY doing the quest right now and just let the guy die
aw hell nah I'm resetting
maybe your friend is just a flatchest lolichad :)
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She's using a 4pc Shock Disco and 2pc Thunder Metal. Impact for 6th slot, Elec damage for 5th and Atk on 4th slot.
I pulled Grace and Rina, lmao

Is Anton or Piper better for those 2?
You really want to increase agent levels/skills on higher levels of Shiyu if you're not a mechanical god or a whale. Maximize your DPS agent and increase Assist/EX Skills on the stunner because the enemy defense multiplier has a level coefficient and their Daze bars get really fat.
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What's an elite battle? Is it just the battles at the end of each floor?
Tell me before I brick myself by not refreshing this.
It's just a race. Also some stages prevent you from just going down by putting unbreakable skull blocks so you sometimes have to climb too.
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what did they mean by this
Nicole has a more lewd body but belle has those provocative butt fangs
grace is better for the grace/lucy/piper disorder comp
rina is better for the rina/anton/anby monoshock comp
>day 1
>still like 20 rolls from my first pity on Zhu banner
Fuck you Hoyo, I'm not paying.
>19 days ago
Isn't that like a week after the game released? Did he lose the 50/50 on Ellen and quit?
I'm the highest bidder
i'm the highest bidder
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Here's your (You), you contrarians who will defend even those that hate you just to be contrarians.
I'm gonna sleep now so that's the last one you're getting from me so enjoy it.
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>Virgin with a body like this
The highest selling slave in all of New Eridu
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I got ZY but I only got C3 Nicole
Fuck this shitty FAGOT GAYME
if you were day 1 f2p you already have enough for a failed 50/50.
Grace/Piper/Rina is the go-to disorder team
Elites have the tiny hp bar attached to them. Bosses have a ho bar on ur screen
Trash (below elites)die when u breathe on them
I'm knot level 36, is this when I should start grinding discs?
Daze barely upgrades on skill levels though. Going from 8 to 10 is about 6.8% daze increase, but ~11% damage. (Anby's ex as an example, but this is the case for everything as far as I know)
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Calm down, you'll get more if you continue to use poly's she'll be around for 15 more days.
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damn my atk is shit
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share us your ben's cinema status, just curious
Literally how shes an A rank even on rate up I got her to C5 at 80 pulls
You could have been doing it at 35 but yeah.
They'll sell off Grace if Belobog ever goes bankrupt.
Just roll more you'll be building up pity (and get Brickomata spooked at 80 before C6 still anyways ;))
Did it start?
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>Genius scientist
>Would only be purchased for her sweet sweet body and nothing else
I love my cool blue wife, bros
lolifags that hate on sexy bodies are genetic dead ends that need to be curb stomped. your loli will age and develop into a women. lolifags will just pump and dump their “waifu” for the next flatchested slut. i prefer sexy women but watercoomers lolis do it for me.
Fuck you I got M6 Nicole but I lost my 5050
I didn't grind disks until 45, at that point I got fine with like 2 10 pulls on oxo, energy, and some pen
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I stole them.
will this be an alt-heavy game like pgr?
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>fully upgraded nicole's def shred is 40%
how is she a fucking A rank. What's an S rank debuffer going to be, def shred at 80%?? Might as well remove enemy def entirely.
>tfw love hags and lolis and everything in between
What does the N stand for?
>autistic tech geek with an erotic body
this bitch was getting fucked bareback by koledas dad. there is zero chance she is a virigin
Remember building pity is completely normal behavior
I only got to M1 because ZY showed up within 20 rolls.
Zhu is very clunky and feels awful to play. People still chalk this up to her being "complex" but really it's about a complex as trying to drink a bowl of soup with a fork. Simply tedious
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IK45 £15

Getting discs from +6 purples to +12 gold got me from mostly B clears to mostly S clears. I think if you go up to +15 discs with good stats you should be able to C0R0 the whole thing before IK50
No money
they can just shift the durability sources away from def to HP to offset this if it actually becomes a balance problem
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what exactly is clunky about her?
Ummm bwi you should be atleast B ranking every mission and S ranking the first half now. Discs are 90% of the fight
Easy, have a 40% defense shred not tied to a dumb bubble and more long lasting
I'm at 73 pulls and she's at c4 so is ben.
idk if I'm gonna make it, I still have 33 to hard pity and I hardly have any sources of polychrome left
based enjoyer bwo
>central character to the plot
Of course she's busted. Probably will get an S-rank variant.
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>"Zhu is very clunky and feels awful to play"
>stun enemy
>use EX
>hold M1
>this is clunky for the average gachatard
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>Guard boars lift her up.
I envy the teamwork of Lucy and her minions.
def shred isn't too rare in this game since you can get it on discs as both main and sub stat
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Holy, that gyat is a literal weapon
Shut up doronigger
Has any hoyo game ever released a character variant?
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close to yours
this is probably where I stop, the rest are a minute off minimum
>She's really easy really really easy for real I am not struggling I can do it
>I just don't want to because it's CLUNKY OK?
based omnipervert
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who let zizek write NPC dialogue
>knows nothing about LOVE
Yeah but she got her body trained for bareback toe curling sex. autistic girls like grace work differently than regular girls and become nymphos after they experience bodily pleasure.
They are literally thiren citizens.
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Not wrong, but if I didn't have M1 in the same 10er as her anyways, it'd probably feel like shit. You run out of bullets so fast. With M1, chain + ex I still run out of bullets before the enemy recovers from stun and am a sitting duck. (and that's 12 bullets)

So without that you probably have to onfield a lot more, which means your stuns are gonna need longer, which in turn means your burst is less often.
NTA but I think she felt kind of clunky too, her abilities move her around set distances during combos and lock her in position when firing and the way she stops and starts moving just feels stiff.
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>During the old civilization, there were Bear Thiren cosmonauts.
Someone's a Nihei fan at Mihoyo, it seems...
If a game gave you everything immediately you would play it for a week and then get bored and move on
The slow drip of content and the community collectively working on the same stuff together and being pulled back into the game repeatedly by new releases giving them a topic of conversation is the point
i’ll never understand the niggers complaining about zhu. give me your account id do anything to replace this dogshit grace. she is so fucking boring i hate playing her
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I just realized that pretty much every single of my characters but my main DPS uses the Swing set in one form or another
My main supports both use 4p, my stunners and anomalies all use the 2p effect
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>soukaku will eat the entire new eridu costco
>but she's still flat and smol
where the fuck did it all go..
Does Genshin really have over 30 HOURS of OST now?
Will ZZZ end up with that much? Hoyo must employ half the composers and orchestras in chyna.
You're not supposed to use Grace as a main on-fielder, she's a sub-DPS / shockbot for anomaly teams
Which do you level first after dps? Your stun or your support
i don’t need everything immediately.. even something to do while waiting for daily resets would be nice. but the rougelike mode is pretty shitty and the rewards are dogshit for how long they can take. and just running through them skipping the majority of encounters is so fucking lame.
I've been shitposting about this but yes, there are obviously parts of her kit which have a lot of friction to them and require effort to optimise. She does not do exactly what you want her to do automatically. This is a good thing because it's friction which you can overcome with effort and that gives you something to work on and a feeling of progression in your own gameplay.

The end result of trying to make a character "smooth" "frictionless" "less clunky" is Neuvilette, the most boring gameplay imaginable.
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really i find that she only feels a bit janky in the presence of multiple enemies that are spread out.
most if not all of her "clunkiness" with being moved in and out of range is totally cured once you know when to do the side-dash attacks during her attack chains. maybe not really with her basic attack chain vs non-stunned enemies, but you generally shouldn't be doing that anyway.
you can dodge/swap/parry all the same during her firing animations so i don't see why her sit down and shoot animations feel any stiffer than any other attack animation in the game that has a longer than average animation.
Support so your DPS gets more ATK buff.
My other 2 dps.
fuck the soul hounds event
fuck this evil trash, it's only redeeming quality is that it can be completely AFK unlike the snake duel cancer
I won't touch the controller at all and will still get the rewards, enjoy doing the event for me
I refuse to participate in the inherently evil and abhorrent practice of PvP, you psychopath scum won't get any reaction from me to fuel your sick urges
fuck multiplayer as a concept
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Honkai Impact 3rd's releases were, for most of its lifetime, the main 5-6 girls just getting a metric ton of new variants in accordance to their story progression/evolution, or events.
Star Rail got a 5-star Dan Heng.
Only Genshin has stayed away from alternate forms, for now.
hello anti-multiplayer schizo from /gig/ how are you doing
Oni horns need a lot of calories to grow...
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Thanks, future mother-in-law
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>tfw I play Grace as main DPS dancing around my enemies
she was my only s rank.. i used grace as my dps with anby and nicole. i didn’t mind since the plan was to replace grace with ZY i saved around 120 pulls and lost my 50/50 to rina.. im still 40 pulls away from zh with zero hope and dwindling will.. i did level up rina and piper and im using rina grave piper on a team and its decent
I did the snake event with a macro that spammed WASD constantly
i simply cannot wait to see what kind of autism incarnate ice queen miyabi will be during her trust events.
it's possible they don't lay on the romantic undertones with her, but they've been pretty consistent with it for the limited characters so far...
>lucy laughs if you dodge a bunch in a row
wtf does every character say something?
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attack attack attack special attack special is so fucking boring. i HATE graces gameplay. she is pure sexo tho. wish she kept the panties..
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I cleared it thanks to remove 7 random resonia and obtain 11 resonia of same type node. Managed to obtain 11 crit resonia from it. If still feel hard and took ages to kill even with those resonias
I have 14 Soukakus
ellen says yaru jan and gets me rock hard
Every character has lines if you stay in long enough. I was hearing a ton of Ellen lines while fighting nineveh 11/11 because it was just more efficient to keep dodging and attacking with her
>When there's food included
yes. in fact, every character has a few voicelines for successful consecutive dodges in a row. off the top of my head anby will say "lookin' good" as one of hers.
god I hope I'm alive for that, I'd hate to die without experiencing robocunny
Sex with __________
>content creator discovers that defensive assist and heavy defensive assist are different things
They literally have seperate entries on the skill damage screen do people not read?
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Ben Bigger
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Corin and Lycaon in a threesome with me
Which wengine to get from the battlepass? I'm thinking six shooter for koleda
>playing chapter 3
>get an Ellen wipeout
>the front of her dress is lifted high for a full panty shot
I regret not rolling for Ellen Lawrence
I'm glad the bombergirl mesugaki chibi artstyle got picked up and lives on
it's actually a leotard so it's fine
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>i saved around 120 pulls and lost my 50/50 to rina
They're probably not what you wanted, but do not diss them entirely, Rina works great with Grace, you've got a solid basis for an electric team when they release S-rank Anton
I know it's basically cope, but it's still good cope, you could have gotten El Gato or something completely unrelated to what you already have
And you still have 2 weeks to get ZY, godspeed anon
Why does Rina do a little bow when I try to use her skill after a dodge parry
I need, no, I require Ellington Jonathan to step on my balls
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Your sibling!
idk about the time machine part but you can just plap your own little sister into her, then go back into the future and enjoy your daughtersister
What is PEN
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>flesh fang
Short for penis.
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I hate these bait videos when niggers don't include cinemas in the title
Total kiketuber death
idc what it is, frontal panty shots are the best
50 cr / 170 cdmg before weapon/skill buffs enough for Zhu?
normal enemies: 1
elites: 2
bosses: 3
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is it really?
I never thought about it, but its 2 consenting adults so why
Way too much
Is it legal to fuck the police?
I don't fully get it either, think it's generally dependent on if the boss is blue or red carded. Only other modifier i think is certain HZ cards
20-30 since you still have nicole m6 and 30 from your passive
Notorious Enemies have 3
Finally unlocked the custom option at the HIA. Any suggestions as to what one should ideally have in the set?
Sword of Convallaria or HSR? i need a game to play after i finish my zzz dailies
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wh..why?? should replace my CR disk 4 with cdmg main one instead?
Nice nice, but why does the same enemy sometimes count as a boss and sometimes as an elite with no indication of it
There's nothing illegal about romance between two consenting adults.
use whichever pieces give you most useful substats
that is all
>why is mihoyo retarded sometimes?
we have been asking this question for years without answer
Those who made SoC drop their games so fast till EoS after a year or two
statstick with literally no effect. 5/10
anby's true signature weapon. no other stunner uses it particularly well (especially lycaon) and it's generally outclassed by the fossil except against bosses. 7/10
it just works. pretty much the starlight engine but for anomaly units in terms of effectiveness to not being a 5* ratio. 9/10
theoretically a good wengine... but...
only nicole really can use it currently. this means you will have to swap this thing on and off depending on if your fights are weak to ether or not, because otherwise this becomes the worst support wengine in the game instead of one of the best. in the future it will be good once more energy regen reliant supports come out in the future of different elements. 5/10
impossible to gauge how useful this is due to def kits not being well defined yet. even then, it's a really weak effect. 1/10
>with no indication
If you see a giant health bar on the top right when attacking an enemy, it's now a boss.
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>should I give the unit that gives herself 30% free crate a cdmg disc???
obviously, you absolute neanderthal
Aside for her EX and basics, should I level anything else for Anby?
Oh! Thats someone's son you're talking about
I would bet good money that you are massively suboptimal due to not having enough ATK
Zhu gets more than enough crit, she needs attack stats
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I don't think zhu is fun to play at all, i feel like i have to roll qingyi just so i can no have to play her at all outside of stun windows.
Yeah, mine. Unfortnitely, he inherited his mother's iq...
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wow 30 whole percent, that's practically 100!
What does EoS mean? End of service? Sorry zzz is my first gacha. So HSR sounds like the move? are the characters in HSR like zzz a full model or is it like older gachas where it's just a png and autobattling?
You want to level everything on stunners eventually, if a stun expires and you don't have ex special available the best thing to do is keep your DPS on field and then defensive assist to them for example. And as they're on field you'll be dodging against attacks that can't be assisted against. And against bosses you'll have to chain (least important).
defensive assists and dodge counters
cheers anon!
>that's practically 100!
It is, quite literally, a third of the way there already.
Are you actually retarded?
Is this your first videogame?
Have you yet to develop object permanence?
Goo goo ga ga, bitch?
You should probably use Attack in slot4 if you have enough CR
Fuck you I got that stupid gay furry dog instead.
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Back to the disc mines then bros, thanks for the advice ig
wow, a third of the way there?
that's practically all the way there!

you'll understand how to build characters eventually, dont worry
It's the 9th game of the series still being built on the same bones of that first game.
It's fucked that it's still kind of the height of weird licensed anime games because all people want is to see the things from the material, have it look on model and play ok. We're forever trapped in the anime game arena fighter realm because of this
Anon is a bit of a retard about it, but with peckers 8% and Nicoles M6 you are already sitting in a comfortable range due to Zhu Yuan's base crit, so using critdmg is more effective. Assuming you have mastered your rotation (and have M6 Nicole).
Honestly surprising there hasn't been an even semi-successful Musou-type gacha
Atk% is basically just as good as crit on zhu yuan, but most of you retards aren't ready for that one
It's within the range where you should just use whichever piece has the most other crit/atk or some other combination of useful substats
I am aware, but the anon I'm talking to wasn't talking about atk% now, was he? Are you as illiterate as he is?
Not if you use Saarlight engine though
It's +45% with M6 Nicole, that means you're actually overcapping at 100% CR once you have 55% base
Obviously it's not a bad thing to have 90% crit rate in combat, but this isn't Genshin so there are other stats which can actually compete with crit because ATK does something in ZZZ
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he's obviously using sig tho based off those crit stats I think
this miku police is going to be playable right?
how the fuck am I supposed to clear red shiyu? im at 2nd level and I get stat checked
can you do math?
then you can see he clearly ISNT overcapping?
Zhu is really fun to use if you hit her dodge rolls. The entire schtick of her dash attacks kinda fall flat when you can't use it on a specific enemy, at that point you just click dodge really. If they made it so that she can cancel from any part of the basic string she'd be actually fun and not clunky
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Nice Soukaku piece
If you could do maths you would realise that a stat doesn't have to literally be capped out to be suboptimal next to other options
You should be trying to hit 100CR on Zhu, right
Ntab what's the qrd on stat weight? Is there an actual known damage formula to know how exactly the math works out? Usually attack in general is poop because it's part of some formula with defense subtracting or dividing so you never get the full value meanwhile crit doesn't typically get that but then you don't know where the crit dmg variable is actually applied in the entire formula. I assume pen% is turns mob def into a fraction but are there other coefficients????
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Wish i could get pieces like this...
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>no dennies from pvp event
This is so cruel holy shit
Why are there stupid ficking dennylets always crying??? I'm sitting on line 4mil still with 4 50s all things leveled decently???
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did you buy the BP?
They bought stuff from the merchants guild
>leveled decently???
Post your shiyu progress hermano
nta but those scammer bangboos and their shop cost me like 500k before I realized how expensive it was
Whoa thank you anon this is exactly to my liking
they fell for the konbini scam
>units finally built and ready for Shiyu Defense
>don't wanna play it because I don't want to be faced with the reality that it's mostly skill issue on my part (and phone limitations) that bar me from getting to Shiyu17
What do I do bros? I feel like I'll hurt myself if all that effort didn't translate to a full S rank clear.
i have dennies but no disk upgrade shit...
my guys are sitting at lvl 9 disks damnit.
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Left should be better, right?
I'll give the better disc to Ellen
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I think im done
no ellen, zhu m1
grace, piper, nekomata
what boss material does Jane use
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I want the Cunnycop and Rat both

Fucking Hoyoshit putting them after another when I want nothing from 1.2 and 1.3
ellen doesn't need atk cause soukaku lmoa. right is better for her.
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Qingyi's hold basic string is so fucking meaty bros I can't wait.
bubble butt
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Shark bros... How is your Ellen training going?
Left if you're M2+, right if you're not.
It's sad that trading cop for Neko takes way more time even though ether resistance is a thing.

My Neko doesn't exactly have a lot of investment (and cope ball), but man, she really needs better team-mates. Someone causing assaults, and someone providing longer term buffs. (the two bikers would be ideal, but both are m0 and I'm out of resources)

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