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Previous: >>488082362

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Where's the kit
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Firefly love!
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Hotaru gaming
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Please, give me Yunli banner already..
only 2 days to go for the most kino march patch of the year
No wuwaniggers beyong this post.
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Lingsha phone
when did march get a wig
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
no snek
only bny
No gensharts beyong this post.
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>this is someone's son
He's a big guy.
Bottom is the master
I guess Firefly is riding her Armor.
holy cute
The lacking general
I don't usually have an issue with renders, but why are they so off from the final product?
John mihoyo, you have until 2.5 beta drops to give her a snek form model
cute bunny

cute boy
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>Sparkle alter
It's over
>bunny was the lamia all along
not like this
cloud flower bunny? is FEIXAO ship a cloud ship?
Firefly is riding Caelus. Literally part of this imagine "lore"
because there's no lighting so everything looks "flat"
How would you react if mihoyo shipteases Lingsha with Yanqing?
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It's really not looking good...
Because the game uses special shaders to give the "anime" vibe, said shaders are propietary to mihoyo + no lighting
Long rabbit is long
tits too small
Lingsha is from the Luofu retardgod
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Manifesting lamia lingsha )the bunny is her lunch)
That's a man.
Lingsha "dress" is retarded. No way chink is bad with dress design.
See "cheongsam".
It's so funny wuwa dead ass general and game has nothing going for them that they come here to shitpost (for free)
Snakebros.... not like this...
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I like Hanabi 2.0 better!
She chopped off her tits and her tail it's so sad.
Ok that's a skip. I guess I'll only roll for Sparkle and Lingsha in this patch
Indifference. He is the KING afterall.
>Yq hits on lingsha in earshot of yunli
>She throws her sword at him blasting him into the distance until he fades into the background with a *ping*
hag tao sexo
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>Feixiao doomposting already
Can't wait to see you retards cope hard in 2 months when she's a top meta unit and her design is universally loved
yeah, we're rolling for the bomba snek, not this unappealing girl
Bigger tits, taller, men(ahh who am I kidding it's YanKID) throwing themselves in front of her to protect her. Lingsha sure has it easy mode compared to Sparkle.
Tomboy hag seg
>Big arms
>Man jawline
Is Feixiao trans?
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i don't think it's in the preload
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S1 perfect timing or s5 multiplication on gallagher?
>first female foxian in over a year
>looks like a man
I don't feel so good...
Lots of homosexuality in this thread about anti-sweaty tomboys. Very concerning.
Are you not a moron?
You should sue Miss Sparkle!
I don't roll meta though, I roll with my dick. That's why I have Sparkle. That's why I have Jade. Stop chasing meta in a game with no pvp or endgame challenges
multiplication or qpq
>s5 multiplication
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He's baking another one of our wife, Topazbros...
I use perfect timing
Multiplication unless your Firefly is E1+.
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they're being so secretive about these kits
>people coping with "tomboy" already
Just because you could argue that the endgame is easy doesn't mean that there's no endgame, thoever.
Neither is in 2.4 as playable
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no way you haven't realized most anons are gay or transexual, are you a tourist or some shit?
it will come once the beta opens tomorrow.
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>jacket is removable
Learn your definitions. Topaz is an actual tomboy. Feixiao looks like a man in drag.
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>girl has the slightest bit of muscle
>"le heckin tran!"
Not a big fan of Lingsha. Her outfit is ugly and see is too similar to Sparkle. I don’t like the red in her hands and feet. The bunnies are cute but overall she is coming off extremely mid. Like Sparkle I needed E0S1 on her but is don’t get the same energy from Lingsha.
>most anons are gay or transexual
Only Stelletroon players
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>Reskinned Oti
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The models are taken from the 2.4 datamine, not the 2.5 beta. Why are you guys expecting kits already?
This is my wife retard
our HERO
Increasing the number of characters that use the model does make it more likely for them to be playable. They weren't going to make a special playable model just for Oti, but maybe they will now
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My girlfriend is so cute
what was the point of him being silhouetted before?
Wait for the Mod
why is he half black
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it seriously looks like a dude
Shading/texturing issue.
>He is rolling for NPC homo Feixiao while Jiaoqiu doesnt have a snake form
hahahahahahaha, call Lingsha whatever you want but my general will mog every single one of you
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armpits LOVE
You retards said this about acheron too but milkschizo is her only poster and she's worse than e0s0 boothill without e2s1.
T. Jiaoqui and Moze
nobody would roll for that shit lol
Wrio got his jacket to be removable I think it’s a new thing Mihoyo is doing for their characters
my nigga
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This post was AI generated
Armpits are known to be one of the most popular fetishes among homosexuals btw. Not a good look for Fei bros...
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>Thread speeds up
>Suddenly all these homos spreading homo opinions about Feixiao start appearing when you could not find them even a single second before
You're not very good at pretending you're not a shitposter are you?
Where's the feixiao version of this? I want to see her flat tailless ass.
> Ugly old man being playable.
Anon, common, it's Mihoyo.
He's a nigger with whiteface.
is Feixiao a Lady or Maid
This shit is definitely AI
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I use boothill.
Is the Penacony story any good?
Fridge body :/
>we finally get a full look at feixiaos model
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she better be good and/or fun to play.
I think she is cute
pags at it again
Then just use whatever you want I guess.

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The anons in this thread arent built for real tomboys if a bit of muscle is all it takes to scare them away.
Why is there a single seaNIGGER trying to false flag about Fei looking like a tranny? Don't you have anything better to do nigger? Kill yourself already faggot.
Is Lingsha the most boring uninspired design in the game?
No, I'm unironically glad we're going back to the xianzhao. Anything but more penacony.
>HSR already mindbroke gays like jayinsane5050 that he can't stock talking about it for months now
That's Moze.
average homotroons raid
if you're gay, yes
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Solve this and post your opinion on Feixiao
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Fuck off homo. Real tomboys actually have boobs and look feminine. Do not insult actual tomboys with your Flatxiao.
No, your favorite is
Did you want me to repeat every day how I think her model sucks? I compared her once to Makoto from Priconne, did I need to make that a ritual post? Would that make you satisfied? Also, I'm suspecting you're a tourist, since almost every time Feixiao gets posted, you have someone posting Xueyi and asking "where tail". So you're not very good at pretending you're not a shitposter are you?
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Acheron mentioned
Reminder that tomboys are for closet homosexuals. What a disaster of a design.
Kek, based HSR
9, she's ugly
go back
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It's over wholesome battle hungry tomboy bwos...I shan't be rollin.
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So is Qingyi a direct replacement of Amby?
pic unrel?
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1, she's mid but I need to see her animations and kit before I decide to skip
>womb tattoo
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>those shoulders
Those are way too broad for a female
No one cares about your Acheron you mentally ill freak
I can't believe I thought it couldn't get worse
Anyone who posts this equation just wants the bazinga of "left to right rule" when if anyone not trying to catch someone out for the smugness was to write it, they'd actually write the equation properly.
For now mihoyo keep him at being loser (literally weaker than one Fei finger). He'll be lucky if Yun will like him
Wow, it's actually /gig/ again. What a shock.
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I care
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I think she looks good enough.
Not my type but I don't hate it.
She definitely doesn't look like a male.
this girl looks more masculine that feixiao, bwo
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Xueyi is a direct replacement of QQ
Why are HSR threads so much worse than every other hoyo game? Is it because we have Honkai in the name?
>muh boogeyman
Feixiao looks like a man, I don't play genshit.
Samefaging because no one replied to xis bait
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Can /gig/gers just like...go back or something? Like you seethe and doompost genshin 24/7 there, leave us /hsrg/ and /zzz/ out of it.
I care about Acheron
where is white fox's tail
It's what, 1 am on burger land? Doesn't that nigger have anything better to do than call females trannies? Faggots are truly mindbroken by not having anything left after their beloved furry foxian slop got kneecapped to death like the faggot he is.
>Why are HSR threads so much worse than every other hoyo game?
Lmao you haven't been in other threads
No, it's because you are here. I'm very excited to see you parrot the exact same things for two more months, before they are replaced with slightly different things.
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Nobody cares about your Feixiao.
ziggers and giggers feeding on our rotten corpse...
You're fucking mental if you think we're worse than /gig/.
I think Feixiao is pretty
Who's this angry rat person?
yes, we should become /srg/. it would fix the general immediately.
I care about your Feixiao.
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>Sexo tatto
So that's why she needs more than one man to satisfy her lust
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Moze licks that
No one does, you're a nobody, kill yourself.
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If Firefly is HSR's main heroine, does that mean the girls after her have high chances of not being for (you)?
Sure, they may throw you one or two girls even now and then but they're not the main heroine.
No matter how much they try to shill these new girls as for (you), they'll never win the TB bowl and may even get shipped with other male after the race is over.
Firefly really killed HSR, didn't she.
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Every post containing "nobody cares about your [5 Star Character]" was typed by someone who cares.
Reminder that actual sexo characters like Acheron and Kafka were never shitposted.
What's that even? Borsin slave mark? Command spells?
Why are giggers so cancerous?
fucking ugly
accidentally pressed post
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Snektail bros... we lost...
Everyone does, you're somebody, live yourself
Bros, Lingsha is so fine. Am I going to have to e1s1 another Hu Tao?
nobody cares about your march.
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I care.
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I hope she makes a Xianzhou version of this
She's literally just Sushang and Sushang is the 2nd ugliest girl in HSR.
Jingliu is pretty good looking and fun
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>Literally Clara sidegrade
>For (Yanqing)
>Feixiao, better Gallagher (female) and Acheron banner next patch
She is gonna be a giga flooooooooooooop
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Uhh sir it's July...
Where is Feixiao's tail?!!!!!!
ETA on animation leaks??
'Feixiao's a man' posting is just the sequel of 'Acheron man chin' posting, destined to not be relevant.
>flopfly the reddit
Shit opinion, get your testosterone checked chudy.
what does hutranny have to do with lingsha
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lmao even
I took it
Now she has no choice but to come to me
They're just going to kill off firefly and make new for (you)s. Husbando rollers hate her.
>everyone I don't like is a /gig/ger
/hsrg/ will always be in /gig/'s shadow huh
i knew they wouldn't have the balls
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>actual sexo characters like Acheron
>third fastest general on /vg/
>not a single good post in the thread
Explain yourselves
Yunli and Sparkle are frens
Every year FGO always makes super for(you) pandering characters, most of them flop because they are less popular than the previous for(you) characters.
they even use the exact same lines lol
>homdgcat posted all the models except feixiaos
why are they holding her model...
A day. This is the preload for 2.4, you have to wait until 2.5 beta for animations
doomposting during the beta is a sign of a good character
>literally posted a Genshit character here
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You were warned about the future
This will be (you) again but with Yunli and the King
They still will make girl that admire you like Clara or RM. No more close "friend GF"
Yep, same faggot
You lost
Like Jiaoqiu? LMAO
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ziggers and giggers will spam and laugh at us when the monthly revenue comes out
Jade's slow ass banner and chinkslop killed the game
Because this is the preload for 2.4 build that is going live
The kits will come with the beta preload and opening in 20ish hours
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Stelle still can get her own shilled character
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we already had model leaks, bwo. were just waiting on the animations now
Who is the Nearl the Radiant Knight of this game?
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Jeanne Ruler command spells
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Shouldn't you be playing your cuck event gigger?
He was wrong about Acheron but I honestly think he might be right about Feixiao. She's flat, has very wide shoulders and her upper body looks like a rectangle.
Just do an experiment. Cover Feixiao's face and legs and put her in a dress shirt and see if you can tell if it's a female or not.
Sushang's and every Yaoqing residents fate is to be a Borisin's cocksleeve...
Must be a slave brand
this bitch started my back fetish
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robo jannu my beloved
has feixiao's full model been shown yet?
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they flopped even harder than us
I love Jannu so much bros
they are not here bwo, they have bigger problems in their general
>back fetish
Huh, that's a thing
Where are the fuarkin kits
how is she flat?
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I want to rape aventurine
Only if they're really, really dumb
Cause you can't sell firefly forever
>Why are HSR threads so much worse than every other hoyo game?
>people here in /hsrg/thinks she looks like a tranny
>go to arca.live where all the korean incels are and they hate LGBT and tranny shit
>they love it and think she looks hot
Why the difference?
Go back faggot
that's only JP, they are mogging us in China, and you should know that China revenue has a multiplier
hey it worked with genshin's raiden
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for example fu xuan's back is pure sexo
for the average hagtranny no cowtits = flat
Sea fags are notorious for loving trannies......what...?
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Nice history revisionism
They're laughing at you but you're right. /zzz/ is one of the most chill generals and /gig/ has been pretty comfy since Natlan reveal.
What are you even on about?
She isn't even a waifu character for (you) like Firefly is.
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Break your teeth and claws against Sushang's sword until they can't regrow you Borisin scum.
/Gig/ troons raid
Firefly is reddit.
>they are mogging us in China
Kek, CN is having a melty about the ntr event. This isnt 2021 anymore, genshin fell off
yeah but it's just about the only consistently successful banner in the game
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Oh yeah
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Fgo also literally makes (you) a cuck support/wingman for other ships so I don't know if that's a good standard for us.
No it's not
Thry like her because she's as flat as Korean women
Because Americans are obsessed with attributing anything they don't like to trannies
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even = roll for Yunli
odd = save and roll for Feixiao
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>>>>>>/gig/ has been pretty comfy since Natlan reveal
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WTF I love Reddit??
koreans are "seafags"?
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Lmao shutenkek
There are multiple girl for (you) and (you) become wingman for some other.
That's balance.
We also follow their route with March, Kafka and Firefly on the roster
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JQ About Sushang
Sorry but you're not a real woman if you're below D cup. I don't make the rules.
u-uncle jiaoqiu..
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>/gig/ has been pretty comfy since Natlan reveal.
Who are you trying to fool here?
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About Lingsha
Whenever I'm on the Zhuming and I have time, I go visit Lingsha and Ardens Regia. Then, when I'm tired of playing, I rest my head on her lap... Lingsha always has this sweet sweet aroma about her.
>Yunli: " Yanqing...calm your breath and let me hold your sword in my hand, soon it will all be over and you will be reborn as a true warrior"
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I've seen this type of speak before even on here, but, I was too afraid to ask until I saw it on reddit, what is this ahhh shit mean? Like is there a nuance I'm missing?
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I mean we are kinda losing, even if just by a few millions
This nigger uses the exact same lines since Seele release lmao.
>Sushang's mom mentioned by name
Sushang's playable mom when?
taiwanese, koreans, and asians are all the same. You unironically see tranny lovers the most from those countries.These are countries literally known for tranny sex tourism.
About Blade
You mean Yingxing? I've never met him in person, but Grandpa has mentioned him countless times. He's probably one of his most famous apprentices... I'd love to chat with that Shard Sword of his if I get the chance.

About Argenti
Unlocked after completing the Trailblaze Continuance "#1"
After we got to know each other by sparring, I realized that he was indeed a kind gentleman, but it was a little hard to understand him... And his "sword" was hard to understand, too...

>argenti for some reason
>About Feixiao
General Feixiao is my benefactor and patient. A doctor's life belongs to his patient. I cannot leave this world before she's cured.

>About Moze
My duty is to heal the general, and Moze's duty is to suppress her eagerness. That's why I'm in charge of cooking and medicine, and Moze handles all the dirty work. You see, neither of us can slack off.

>About Jing Yuan
How much of that smile of his is genuine, how much of it is hiding something — Every time I see him, I can't help but wonder. Of course, this isn't his problem. It's mine.

>About Huaiyan
In the entire Alliance, Huaiyan is the most inscrutable of the generals. I've worked with him on more than a few occasions, but I can never seem to figure him out.

>About Sushang: >>488102760

>About Yanqing
I didn't expect to see someone his age still using a sword as a toy... From generation to generation, it seems some things never change.

>About Yunli
Miss Yunli may be the youngest member of the Flamewheel Octet, but she is no less a swordsmaster than the other seven. Some might suspect her of benefitting from her connection to Huaiyan, but she could not have endured such rigor and refinement if she were not a valuable talent in her own right.

>About Fu Xuan
Anyone who says the master diviner is eccentric should pay a visit to her home world, the Xianzhou Yuque. That's the heartland of the followers of the Wisdomwalker. I'm guessing every conversation on the Yuque is some permutation of "he knows that you know that I know that he knows..."

>About Yukong
Like Helm Master Yukong, after the war 30 years ago, I've grown weary of fighting.

>About Bailu
I hope that she actually enjoys the art of medicine, and that it's not just a responsibility imposed on her... But that seems to be a predicament most Vidyadhara have to grapple with.
>General Feixiao is my benefactor and patient. A doctor's life belongs to his patient. I cannot leave this world before she's cured.
Nice cuckshit, definitely not rolling
zoomer speak for the word ass
clueless ahhh post on god
>flat foxian
Fucking chinks
When it's used here it's a dogwhistle for pedos, when it's used on reddit, twitter, ect. It's onions wojak face.
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Nah, Korean men hate femboys and troons like Lyney
Doomposting of an obviously great FEMALE character you retard
Part 2 Jiaoqiu

>About Lingsha
Head of the Alchemy Commission is not a position that can be filled with just a handful of good medical skills — even with the right skills, filling the position and holding it are two entirely different matters.

>About Guinaifen
Guinaifen might not realize it, but by living her life like a roaring fire, she also illuminates the lives of others... like the little flame under a hot pot.

>About Xueyi and Hanya
Those two sisters epitomize the failures of the Xianzhou Alliance — no one can live well and no one can die well. If even death is a luxury, then what kind of monsters have we become?


>About Huaiyan
Grandpa always treats me like a child. But come to think of it, at his age, who isn't a child to him?

>About Jing Yuan
Every time I hear Grandpa and General Jing Yuan talking, I start to fall asleep. Why can't they speak to each other the same way they talk to me? I can never understand conversations between generals...

>About Yanqing
He has so many great swords that he never uses. Sometimes, I can hear those swords crying... Is this what people mean when they say "spoiled for choice?"

>About Feixiao
I prefer to make friends by sparring — after all, combat is more sincere than words. That carefree general of the Yaoqing is the same as me in that regard.

>About Moze
Ah yes, General Feixiao has a counselor by that name. I've heard that it's very, very difficult to see him, unless he reveals himself willingly. But usually he's nowhere in sight...

>About Jiaoqiu
He always asks me to go eat hot pot with him. I know it's delicious, but I just can't eat that hot and spicy stuff.

>About Lingsha
Whenever I'm on the Zhuming and I have time, I go visit Lingsha and Ardens Regia. Then, when I'm tired of playing, I rest my head on her lap... Lingsha always has this sweet sweet aroma about her.
>My duty is to heal the general, and Moze's duty is to suppress her eagerness. That's why I'm in charge of cooking and medicine, and Moze handles all the dirty work. You see, neither of us can slack off.
Moze take care of Fei when she's horny?
>My duty is to heal the general, and Moze's duty is to suppress her eagerness. That's why I'm in charge of cooking and medicine, and Moze handles all the dirty work. You see, neither of us can slack off.
>No fujobait lines, all about Feixiao
Moze x Jiao fujosisters.....
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Who do I get Huo Huo or Yunli?
>Moze's duty is to suppress her eagerness. That's why I'm in charge of cooking and medicine, and Moze handles all the dirty work
Holy fucking NTR
Fu Xuan lore.
>His scars are all from the wild sex
Moze is so lucky...
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Part 2 Yunli

>About Blade
You mean Yingxing? I've never met him in person, but Grandpa has mentioned him countless times. He's probably one of his most famous apprentices... I'd love to chat with that Shard Sword of his if I get the chance.

>About Bailu
The Luofu's high elder? I once got to share a table with her in Aurum Alley. We ate tons of scallion chicken and fried rice balls. We even exchanged numbers and agreed to come back to Aurum Alley for a big dinner sometime.

>About March 7th
March is my first apprentice. She's talented and willing to put in the work — I'm quite pleased with her. If I could just hear her say that my teaching is better than Yanqing's, I would be over the moon.

>About Huohuo
That Judge from the Ten-Lords Commission? She doesn't seem like a warrior, but that tail of hers has some fight in it.

>About Qingque
Qingque has the guts to grab March away right in front of me and go play Celestial Jade... but I can see she has experience. March might be able to learn a thing or two from her and apply it to her swordsmanship.

>About Argenti
After we got to know each other by sparring, I realized that he was indeed a kind gentleman, but it was a little hard to understand him... And his "sword" was hard to understand, too...

Bladie... :(
>He always asks me to go eat hot pot with him
>Those two sisters epitomize the failures of the Xianzhou Alliance
HanXue bros not like this...
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Feixiao's harems is real
>Yunli fought Argenti
I wonder if Argenti just randomly shows up at the wardance
>About Arthur Pendragon
>So that is Excalibur, it really is the ultimate holy sword, not to mention, the current holder is the APEX of all swordsmen
Expectedly, some Luofu characters got new lines for Yunli and Jiaoqiu.
>About Yunli
>I heard that Miss Yunli was a great swordmaster, so I thought she'd be a good sparring partner, but... she's always eyeing my sword, so I better be careful.
>About Jiaoqiu
>I always take Doctor Jiaoqiu's sensational stories with a grain of salt... Some people like to call him a weirdo, but the truth is he's experienced a lot of things that I couldn't even imagine...

>About Yunli
>I recall that she is the adopted granddaughter of General Huaiyan. She has excellent swordsmanship and is about the same age as Yanqing — it would be ideal if the two could get along well and learn from each other.
>About Jiaoqiu
>The way I see it, he was always a healer. It's just that ordinary healers focus on one patient at a time, while he wanted to cure the ailments of all the people on the Xianzhou.

>About Jiaoqiu
>There are so many mysteries surrounding Dr. Jiaoqiu... How does he manage to eat so much spicy food without even breaking a sweat? Hey, maybe that's why he's always squinting his eyes — he eats too much spicy food!

>About Jiaoqiu
>Uncle J... Oh, it's like this — I didn't like sword fighting class when I was a kid, so I would sneak away and visit him. He taught me how to read and how to write his name, but his name was too hard for me, so he just let me call him Uncle J... Eventually he stopped teaching me how to write and just made me all kinds of delicious food, until my mother dragged me by the ear back to sword lessons.
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>Jiaoqiu for Feixao
>Yunli for Yanqing
Yep we are not getting to top 5 next month
>I realized that he was indeed a kind gentleman, but it was a little hard to understand him... And his "sword" was hard to understand, too...
Yunli is a whore
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Cute nephew Yunli
>I recall that she is the adopted granddaughter of General Huaiyan. She has excellent swordsmanship and is about the same age as Yanqing — it would be ideal if the two could get along well and learn from each other.

>About Jiaoqiu
>Uncle J... Oh, it's like this — I didn't like sword fighting class when I was a kid, so I would sneak away and visit him. He taught me how to read and how to write his name, but his name was too hard for me, so he just let me call him Uncle J... Eventually he stopped teaching me how to write and just made me all kinds of delicious food, until my mother dragged me by the ear back to sword lessons.
Is blade gosling core?
Why the fuck is Argenti here
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Feixiao reminds me of lightning.
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hmm, so that explains why argenti was replaced in eng. they actually intended to reprise him again this planet.
>Sushang would be fully illiterate without Uncle Jiaoqiu teaching her
T-thanks Uncle J, at least you tried...
>>About Jiaoqiu
>He always asks me to go eat hot pot with him.
>JQ is the real NTRnigga
He's the groomer all along, not KING Yuan . . .
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Because he's fucking funny
>Back to space China
>Story becomes shit again
>leaks drop
>it turns out all the girls and guys get shipped with each other
>but... she's always eyeing my sword
Wtf yunli
Argenti is eternal and will always be "here"
this dude just appears randomly everywhere
>She has excellent swordsmanship and is about the same age as Yanqing — it would be ideal if the two could get along well and learn from each other.
King Juan the ShipGOD
No matter how much effort they put in the Xianzhou. They can never top Sunday wishing for everyday to be Sunday. It was the peak of all anime for me and I've watched every every anime in existence, even the homemade ones.
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FemYuan needs to be rape corrected
Is this why they gave us Firefly? To prepare us for the cuckery that is to come?
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He won
Hurry up and leak the story dialogue. I just want to know if any Yanqing x Yunli happens. That’s literally all I care about (unironically).
>no more fujo or /u/pandering
I'm happy.... teehee
I'm unironically more excited for Xianzhou then any Penacony stuff post 2.0.
It doesn't happen.
The Shard Sword is also named Blade, sweaty. And it just screams profanities 25/7
2.4 looks boring
2.5 leaks tomorrow
we better get 2.6 leaks soon
Cute Unli
Why would it happen, retard. And she's not for (You) so who even cares?
>I didn't expect to see someone his age still using a sword as a toy
Kek hope the entire patch is just shitting on Yanqing
>I just want to know if any Yanqing x Yunli happens
it's already happened though?
or are you expecting them to fuck while march watches or something?
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the fact that hoyo didn't even bother to make a new china ship but we're going back to fucking luofu means they don't give a shit about this arc either.
>Yunli is nonstop shipped with Yanqing
Its over..
Yunli and Yanqing Yumes won... I can't believe both are actually for (you)
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With these team lines, it feels like Jiaoqiu is just the designated babysitter.
from the thumbnail I always think it's Ronald McDonald
Yanqing is for KING Yuan.
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He is Redman Core
>Please stop jobbing Yanqing
just shipbait as usual
There's a dumb pun in CN.
Sushang calls him uncle wood (木叔叔) and the jiao (椒) part of Jiaoqiu's name (椒丘) consist of the character for wood (木) and uncle (叔).
Get fucked pedofujo
"I should try it then. But know that I did not come for that. Do you still remember the girl you saved?"
"Feixiao, that's her name. The girl that followed the former general everywhere. She has since assumed the role of General of the Yaoqing and now requires a healer by her side. There's no one more suitable for that position than you."
He smiled wryly, for some reason recalling the sharp pain he felt on his tongue that fateful day. "Those I saved only ended up as another dead soul when they dived head-in back into the battlefield. I prefer to no longer engage in such futile efforts."
The elder placed his chopsticks down and shook his head.
"You misunderstand me. This time, I'm not here to persuade you to heal the masses in this world. I'm here because I want this general ... to heal your despondent heart."

from JQ Stories
> Jiaoqiu is that loving grandma that turns everyone into a fatass
Me with my nephews and nieces
Transxiao is so brave and stunning
>Actual pedo
Feixiao lost, he's clearly not into hags
Yanqing lost to this....
>they're not saving for top tier greek amphoreus waifus
Yume lost
>said in the same thread where people are openly lusting for Yunli
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> I'm here because I want this general ... to heal your despondent heart."
Yup, they're going full straightkino after the disaster that was Homocolony
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someone from genshin team might write the chinkslop story so the honkai team can focus on the new planet story.
Is this true or are you jebaiting me
Nah I LOVE Yunli
They have literally revealed nothing
I'm gonna cum all over Yunli's feet and Yanqing is not gonna stop me
the only thing in Geek is homos
Sorry bro but Luofu had way more SOVL than any of Yapacony.
get fucked yumekek, enjoy being pegged by firefly 24/7
I'm for Stelle anytime bb what's up??
No one asked for this creatively bankrupt setting
>space china is full of ntr and cuck stuff
Yeah i'm going back to genshin
God I love that one animation of Sophitia being raped by a minotaur. If only we could see Lingsha in the same situation with the Borisin.
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>Who won?
Sushang, Argenti MY FUARKING HERO
>Who lost?
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Swordkino >>> Yappingcony
>Dragon Lady, here's some candy for you. Keep it safe, and keep it secret-
Moshi moshi, Police? I need to report a pedophile.
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Trailblazer can't connect with people, it's why there's no dating mechanic, the only ones who truly protect and guide (you) are the SH. (you)'ll be hailed as the biggest VIP and star in the universe at the end of their journey, but (you)'ll never truly connect with anyone and will forever be out of reach
i did
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Why doesn't Stelle ever get any (you) pandering? Literally the only male that ever flirts with you is sigga and he's basically a manwhore.
Bwos I can't get excited about these leaks as much as I want to. Chinkslop is killing the game.
Wow it's like the majority of the playerbase is male.
We are only allowed USED GOODS or nothing in this shitty game. I've accepted it. I'm quitting. There was no reason to give Feixiao TWO COCKS.
>majority of the playerbase is male
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I would rather have a male firefly than shipbait tbqhwy
Then why even include the option to play as Stelle?
I want to have sex with a Stelleyume bros...

I don't want either

Because there's still female players and there are trannies who want to play as Stelle
Post the stelle yumes
I'm sorry sis, but I can't stop laughing when you said that twice lmao
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All things considered she is often paired with Agenti in official art and trailers. He is mentioned in this patch so keep faith sis
But why include an option for female players if the game is never going to pander to them?
Can you not?
Every characters in this game either for (You)(Trailblazer(both Caelus and Stelle) or they don't.
Yes I want a male for (You) too just like Firefly.
Females should go play love and deepspace. This game is for straight males.
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same, shippers are generally the worst part of every community
Female players got rollable male characters though
>they're not (You) enough!
Take it or leave it, plenty of people are satisfied with it
Oh also plenty of female are fujos, so
Why are people bullying? She cute.
self-inserters are just as bad
Give me one reason why Jiaoqiu or Moze couldn't have been for Stelle?
Not really
it's the usual tournament arc that gets hijacked by a threat to humanity and everyone needs to stop fighting to focus on it, the same exact plot you've heard a hundred times
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That one schizo was right
No more for (You) pandering, only ship shit remains.
>the failures of the Xianzhou Alliance — no one can live well and no one can die well. If even death is a luxury, then what kind of monsters have we become?
At least someone said it
Self-inserting and shipping are basically the same thing
>t. SEApaglus self-inserter
Because they're clearly Feixiao's retainers. They're also like 10x older than Stelle.
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Because TB's (meaning both Caelus and Stelle's) canon gf is Firefly. Don't like? Too bad lmaooooooo
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I blame FGO for all this cuckshit
I more meant dialogue leaks for the story quests.
They're the same thing but with the added step of pretending they are one of the characters they're shipping
Hoyo would need to write seperate scenes/dialogues for Caelus and Stelle and they are too lazy for that. They literally only did it twice. At the start of the game with March and Dan waking you up and Acheron goodbye but only a little
I saw that we had a resource download
what is meta?
what am I rolling for tomorrow?
I just finished his story, this dude probably hates the xianzhou as a whole too, he survived for years at the frontlines and saw everyone he cured just set off to die or come back barely alive, and in the end lan just shot one of his arrows and killed everyone, dude is broken.
lol I love how he keeps popping up in the most unexpected places out of nowhere
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WDYM? Stelle has her bf Dan Heng and her gf March
Male Stelle players will have a melty if we start getting homos slobbering all over her cunt.
Lingshma balls lmao
Yeah I want to impregnate Yunli.
Because Caelus would have to inherit those lines as well and it would be faggy and turn off the majority of the playerbase
I gues /they/ are here judging by the replies
>Paglus pickers
>majority of the playerbase
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Self inserters are mostly just annoying or retarded at worst. Shippers are always starting drama and attacking other players, each other included, for the stupidest shit. It's no surprise that the twitter community is mostly shippers. Worst of all, they don't even pay lol
All male players wouldn't like it regardless of MC choice.
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>KAKA URINE talking for 5 hours about necking himself and le sad story is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but Luofu blows the shit out of Penisloppa.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
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They deserve it for being trannies
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I want to fuck Yunli so bad. It's even hotter from the fact that she's like 12 years old.
wtf why she looking at those
>Hate Self insert
>Hate ship couple
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Here's the difference between shippers and yumes in gachage
One is cuckshit
The other is not
This doesn't apply to fictional work like harry potter or something where you can feasibly project onto different characters other than the MC
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>Sword this, sword that, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords
what is wrong with her
That's not even true on /vg/ which is the only place that matters as far as I'm concerned but self inserters chimp out a ton on other sites as well.
I don't care if Aventurine is used goods, I love him and I can fic him.
She's female Shirou
>Events during Luofu
>Aetherium War (fight as the enemy)
>A Foxian Tale of the Haunted (huohuo kino)
>Aurum Alley's Hustle and Bustle (revitalize an entire area)
>Critter Pick (cute cats!)

>Events in Penis Sloppa
>Serve drinks from a tranny ran bar
>Point and click omega boring slop

Yeah sorry but Luofu blows the shit out of Penisloppa.

I cannot wait to go back to Luofu in 2.4 but contrarian 4chan will probably start to dogpile on me that shit event = le good!!!
she's based
You know nothing about Shirou
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Based. Only faggots disliked Luofu
>he is unironically saying he pretends to be ron or some shit in harry potter
least mentally ill selfinsertpag
the only thing her nutrients go to are her muscles and her boobs.
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It's this type of mentality that prevents yumes from getting anything

Settling for dusty musty fujobait scrap men like Siggaurine is disgusting
So after this space china storyline ends up after next patch will they start another one in space china. or can we have something somewhere else?
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>Pick a female character
>"WTF why are males flirting with me"
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Truth nuke.
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>fox without tail
God I wish that was my cock
If self inserters sperged out the same way shippers do, theyd get crucified. These mfs will doxx each other for shipping characters that go against their own ship or harass random artists for drawing straight art of characters they headcanon as lesbian/gay/whatever
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He like swords

Watching her father refine swords in the workshop would always stimulate her hunger — more so than usual — probably because of the intense heat emitted by the furnace. As a result, she typically disappears within a few hours, sneaking off to the market to fill her belly, apparently so that she would be in a better frame of mind to observe and learn from her father.
>Aetherium War
That's a belobog
Based. The Xianzhou Alliance is the passion project
>Settling for dusty musty fujobait scrap men like Siggaurine is disgusting
WTF, I didn't know that sprinkle sprinkle lady posted here!
Wrong, it's fucking Jiaoqiu always canonically inviting her to hotpot, dude's trying to fatten her up hard.
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I can't self insert into anyone in Harry potter but I can buy into people relating more to ron than Harry at least, but I chose that example in particular because it's a pretty ship focused series that everyone knows about and the MC teeters on the edge of a generic self-insert and their own character with their own life experience, desires and motivations
Yunli want to melt them down, completely different to Shirou.
He's closer to Yanqing if anything.
And that's just this part of the personality.
Aetherium Wars was Belobog
The other Xianzhou event was Tales of the Fantastic which was just them testing out ideas for what would eventually become Pure Fiction
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penacony killed this game. it's true
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Are you back for real?
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Based swordfag
This very general has a self insert pagpag who regularly posts selfies of trannies in an attempt to belittle his shipper opponents.
I've always self-inserted in Draco desu
Nah they will only stay here for the first few days of the patch
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Pagturine and Pagfly. Everyone else in Penacony were cool
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>yunli, sparkle AND sparkle 2
i have 12 pulls what the fuck do i do
Saber being jealous Shirou emulates Archer more in his swordstyle than herself in UBW was one of the cutest and most effective form of character interaction and foreshadowing in the VN
AventuGOD and FireGOD saved the game.
I'm sorry but if you're self inserting as someone with their own name, personality and story then you're just mentally ill and probably hate yourself.
Yeah 2.4 is a skip patch after seeing the 2.5 characters
>saying this when her mains sub is the only sub that isn't filled with firefly hate
Sunday is the only character worth looking forward to.
not my fucking problem. should've saved if you really wanted them
That's just the gojocuck. I don't even need to mention all the shipperpaggies that start cuckposting the moment they see someone talking about a character
Husbandoing Aventurine is like getting in the bed with STDS
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Sundey was a schizo AND a retard
Fuck mihoyo fot not catering to my soer of half self-insert gender and perferences
do yumes hate ship couples? like when their husbandos get paired with female cast?
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*rapes you*
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I'm pulling for Yunli E0S1, Huohuo E0S0, Feixiao E0S1, Lingsha E0S0 and Tingyun E0S1 and there's nothing you can do to stop me
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>yunli is shipshit
>jiaoqiu is shipshit
>feixiao is shipshit
He's clean because he's lucky
yes but also very kino
>it doesn't happen
>ok it happens but it doesn't matter
Why did I even bother trying to communicate with someone whose brain damaged enough to pretend to be an anime character.
2 out of those 4 events are from belobog and herta's station sister
Mostly, no
So she removes her jacket during her ult perhaps?
Acheron really changed the game.
No shit, retard. Why would they like their men with another woman?
Her dad forged a cursed sword which ended in tragedy.
Smells like certain other general in here.
Well in the case of Harry specifically he also happens to be wish fulfillment and audience surrogate for exposition since he's completely clueless. He also doesn't have any particularly strong personality traits or quirks compared to most of the cast, so I can't blame there being at least a little bit of self-inserting going on with young kids when they read it, specially when the novels are all in his perspective so you end up adapting similar headspaces retroactively
>She removes her jacket during her ult
Pure Shounenkino
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reddit hates the new yunli 10 pull art lol
As I started just a couple of weeks ago, is there any way for me to get the 4* LCs they released in previous events? Some of them are apparently pretty good like the tutorial one
most females playing hoyoshit aren't yumes though.
Retard people read HP and fantasize about living in hogwarts themselves, not literally fucking skinwalking harry.
>Aetherium War

Snorefu's main story was so incredibly dogshit that they knew they had to make at least semi-decent events so it wouldn't instantly EoS the game...
Yes, just like waifufags/self-inserter.
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We are so back
no and that's why I'm never going to roll for Silver Wolf
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>anyone who disagrees with me is a self inserter
Shipperpags are so disingenuous. You limit the discussion to /vg/ because you know how cancerous shippers are on every other platform, yet even here, they're equally as annoying as self inserters
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Just learn to self insert as anyone fucking your favorite character
>Stelle is cringe and if you play her you are a tranny!!!!1!!11!

Ok explain this. Korean incel hates trannies and LGBTQ shit. They love real hot women.

Why was Stelle sold out but not paglus?
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why is this tranny falseflagging?
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Sparkle can rape all she wants, she'll never escape the maze she sees in her dreams.
Said the moron moving goalposts.
I accept your concession
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>2.4 is all shipshit
They must be doing this shit on purpose to shill Natlan, no way they actually think this is a good idea
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>after spending on the top-up reset
>after grinding their hallways
>after watching the cutscenes
>after rolling for KAKA URINE
>the hsrCHUD wakes up to discover nothing has changed
>regret sinks in
>sunk cost floods his brain
>defense mechanisms work overtime
>it's not enough
>he tries to jump
>but the game won't let him
When will self insertpags understand they are just a subset of shippers
Some of them prefer to self-insert into the characters they ship, like the female artist who always draws Neuvi raping Furina, she once cosplayed as Furina
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>nyooo you can't show her feet she is underage who let mihoyo cook sob emoji (insert buzzwords here)
he's referring to >>488103146
can guess that there's a melty about le sexualization or whatever
Cool art sis. Do you have a source?
You know how trannies constantly try to push the narrative that 70% of youth are lgbt or some shit and therefore they're totally normal and not freaks? It's the same as paglustroons calling everyone trannies in an attempt to pretend everyone is like them.
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I was going through leaks and just saw pic related so Sunday will join the AE? if that's the case I wonder which patch? Maybe 2.6
fuck reddit lol
w-why is her mouth open like that
Who is this guy?
Kind of a weird pose but I guess they had to showcase her feet somehow
Licking and kissing and sniffing and sucking Yunli's bare feet for a free ten-pull...
nah, they are close tho
she saw my sword
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>when she sees my BWC
reminder that if you skip this you're literally homosexual
Argenti is the straight's man male character
holy fuck, my fucking dick
There will be no more (you)pandering post Firefly
Why to eat Berrypheasant skewers of course!
>will join the AE
pretty sure this is a schizo theory based on a shitty drawing
would be cool if it happened though
Shirou at his best makes his swords explode
Remember, if reddit hates it, ESPECIALLY the leaker tranny subreddit, then it's good.
Does anyone complaining about it realise how weird they sound when they see a completely normal non-sexual image of a childlike character and immediately complain that they are too sexy
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I want to fuck this 12 year old.
holy sex
There's no way this is real. Sunday doesn't seem like he'd want to follow the path of the Trailblaze.
>more foot pandering
Man they're going all out with Yunli. I wish this gay faggot pg12 company would throw tits and ass chads a bone
I'm imagining
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last time we saw him he didn't seem like he wanted to follow any path, or live for that matter
for him to become playable, he'll obviously get some development
You're very weak minded
>Literally set up to feed her your tickets
I'm not a feetfag so I don't care about her feet, but that's a weird pose.
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genshinbros don't look....
that's a 120 year old child
Do we have lingsha mats yet? Are they the same as Gallagher's?
Shes shipshit, and no amount of shilling on your part will make me want her
imagine wanting immersion breaking collabs
we'll know for sure in 1-3 days bro
It's the opposite, a weak mind defaults to pretending to be a character like a child does, whereas a mature mind enjoys a story as it's intended to. Or are you telling me Harry is JK Rowling's self insert and so the correct way to enjoy HP is to self insert?
Is fofo reruning next?
>feeling threatened by fucking jobKING
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I love leak season.
I'm actually pissed Jiaoqiu is so blatantly shipshit I could destroy this gen
Quit my mapping to see whats up with leaks
>tits too small
>looks like a boy/man
>it ain't a tomboy
Guess I'll go back to PoE and ignore this place a while longer.
literally everyone knows Ginny is Rowling's self-insert though
No, you cannot self insert as someone else cause your brain lacks some of the most basic forms of empathy, thus, you're limited
All you're doing is coping that the grapes must be sour cause you can't have any, so you try to shame it
>pile of excremenet
>in 2024
Play love and deepspace. Your kind do not belong in a straight man's game.
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>making the foot fetish loli character shipbait
do they really not understand their audience this much or is it on purpose? the shipper crowd hates coomer/fetishbait characters and the self inserters who would pull hate shipping
Yes. I wish HSR had more yumes than fujos. It would be a much healthier fanbase.
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This image is a lie
If Sigga had been even as much as for (you) as Childe was, let alone Scar -this game would've been saved.
inb4 >EN
Huohuo and Argenti have new EN VAs, you can hear the new voices here
>a fucking side character
So the correct way to enjoy HP is to self insert as Ginny and pretend 99% of the story doesn't exist? You're simply retarded and brown.

It's the opposite, you're incapable of empathizing with characters unless you literally pretend you're a person in the story and those people are speaking to you directly. A literal autist.
Who the fuck reads a book in a bathtub?
>xer thinks rowling doesn't self insert
look at this zoomer
All me btw
I'm having fun and have content to do with a build I haven't played in a while.
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imagine getting distracted by some lust inducing 12-year-old with her exposed feet not covered in cum and not saving for Huxian...
Damn why does she hate trannies so much then when she's actually a troon wrote a novel series about her male self insert? Dumb pag.
Retard they are shipping Feixiao with him
HSR doesn't want the yume audience at all. Fuck Hoyo, I can't even believe even /gig/ beats us in males for (You)
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Frankly, Cheld wasn't really that much for (you) until Fontaine
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To make the femcels and gays in husbandomains seethe more so we can laugh at them even more
they're also releasing a male foxian npc lookalike support for sexy hag teams so no one wants him
almost makes me think it's intentional sabotage lmao
huh? why'd they get replaced?
oh no now I'm hard
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/gig/ and /zzz/ are slow so you just know that the usual hoyoschizos are just doing their thing.
I personally think she looks good and if she really removes her jacket during combat then I'm happy becuase I like pits
Original VA had scheduling issues, he has two kids and got sick, he just didnt have the time to record lines so the studio just recasted Tail + Argenti.
>Húxiān (胡仙; 狐仙 "Fox Immortal"), also called Húshén (胡神; 狐神 "Fox God") or Húwáng (胡王; 狐王 "Fox Ruler") is a deity in Chinese religion
Imagine if 5* Tingyun is actually called Huxian wtf
His teapot and voicelines and even his sibling told Traveler that he really liked them. It just got more obvious overtime that Traveler is his best friend and his family ships them
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it's just ur usual character shitflinging, /hsrg/ also said that Acheron looked like a man during her beta
Putting yourself in someone's shoes is basic empathy
I can easily self insert as a named character, and one with defined character
I just have to empathize with it enough
No one has any interest in doing it with anyone but the protagonist tho, like what you guy like to waffle on as "just self insert as someone else hurr furr" when you try to get someone like me to enjoy shipshit
I don't necessarily demand everything cater to me before you start, yunli and feixiao being ship bait doesn't make me upset since I was never sold them, but you cannot expect me to like them
And if me skipping what I don't like upsets you, that's on you
they both have 4 tails too
feixiao model doko??
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God I hope so...
I run out of copium...
trust the plan bwo
Based and canon
>we have to roll for girls who show no interest in (you) and get paired off with men in marketing because.... because we just have to OK?
idk why I was expecting a nirvana cover edit
If she would've transformed in combat we would have had a model by now.
She will save the chinaslop expansion
>almost makes me think it's intentional sabotage
it might be. theyre trying to bring people back go genshin for natlan
>the shipper crowd hates coomer/fetishbait characters
Only west Xtroons hate it, Because
Male gaze = Bad
You're like those poor mutt children brought up on common core. Normal people process empathy instantaneously without thought. You're some kind of mentally challenged brown who needs to manually self insert to be able to empathize with characters.

It's like if you see a character being sad you have to ask yourself "hmm why are they sad, well if I pretend I was them...ah yes I see now, if it happened to me it would be sad", whereas non-autists simply instantly feel sad without needing to jump through the hoops of self inserting.
if you truly were a man as you claim to be you wouldn't be scared of some healthy competition and you'd look forward to NTRing your rivals
That or be ruined forever
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Don't forget about Miss Sparkle...
westrannies hate straight people of any kind, so they want to eradicate every straight couple in the universe
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because 4chan is contrarian and he's gaslighting. Penacony is widely loved by everyone that isn't in this shit hole of a general. I would even say most of this general likes penacony as well except for the 3 belobog retards and 1 deluded chinkslop slurper.
That doesn't work in a scripted game where what you can do is fully controlled/limited by the same people who put in that shipbait in the first place.
>more chinkslop here
>more chinkslop in ZZZ
In the end, genshit won
Women dont mind affectionate women. Men think its gay to be close to Another dude
Theyd have to do what Wuwa did and go through the effort of making différent cutsenes/ending slides for Stelle and Caelus
Wait for Space-Rome anon.
I'm kind of interested in all of the new luofu star railers but I have been suffering from 2 new 5* per patch fatigue for the past 6 months. Ain't no way am I leveling up and gearing this many units.
>people not recognizing the smug stelle spammer
How fucking new are you retards?
Is she actually 12 or is that shitposting
Yeah they won the cuck competition
Nevermind that they make TB a voyeuristic shipfag at times like with Bronya/Seele
Did you watch the livestream? She talks and acts like a 5 year old.
this game made me a pedo
>>more chinkslop in ZZZ
Was there another leak?
You really are blind and retarded aren't ya?
I can empathize with characters without self inserting just fine you troglodyte, else I wouldn't even be able to enjoy any sort of story
This is why I call you limited, you cannot conceive I can do both, because you're raised in a culture of self loathing that anything that approaches yourself to the story fills you with revulsion because you despise yourself
I don't self insert because I hate myself you dumbass
It's the opposite
I self insert cause it makes me feel closer to the story and characters
And before you spew more retarded garbage like "you think you're an anime character hurr", no you lobotomite, I can tell the difference between me and the character and still be immersed, it's called suspension of disbelief
Funny how people spend all day debating over who gets to suck his cock
Hoyo created this problem for themselves, after a long series of extremely strong units that they shilled like crazy it is practically impossible to get anyone excited about Clara 2 or Acheron Ult Battery Man
Welcome aboard.
true, but retards will come out and say they do this on purpose because people can't spend on every banner. which is retarded, if you give incentive, people will spend on every banner, by letting anyone stash their primos, you just miss out on profit and interest in your game dies out
check their profiles
only gays and women hate it
Not anymore sis, you live in a time machine? He’s only weaponized by cuckposters like gojoschizo now. Grim
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We love hags here
Hunt chink #1719 will totally save huntbricks just believe
Jade could have singlehandedly saved every hunt unit in the game but they gated her doing that behind her E1
I mean only trannies buying toys so I don't know how that supposed to help your case
Retard you're literally arguing in favor of self inserting as Ron or Harry in HP in order to be able to enjoy the story at its utmost. That sure sounds like you're an autist who can't (fully) enjoy something unless you pretend you're literally a character inside the story itself.

>I self insert cause it makes me feel closer to the story and characters
And you even go on to admit your smooth brain autism right here. It's not enough for you to read the descriptions of the halls of hogwarts and follow Harry's journey and thoughts/feelings throughout the series to be able to understand what the setting, story and characters are like, you need to come up with some delusions of *being* Harry so that you start giving a shit, because apparently it's harder for you to care about something unless you pretend to have a personal investment in it. It's genuinely autistic behavior.
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I still post him and think he deserves to be a bicicle.
Can we stop talking about Harry Potter? Nobody gives a fuck.
>ESPECIALLY the leaker tranny subreddit,
it's crazy how the trannies and faggots successfully gate kept the straights out of the hoyo leak subreddits
Honkai Star Rail Penacony Arc
I asked and I care
It's proof it's all women itt
But Shirou love interests are, girl his age, girl year younger and a hag in 16 yo body.
straight chads want to experience the story firsthand themselves while those people are brainrotted and dont appreciate the journey only the result
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>just got done building gargamel
>lingsha powercreeps him
Are you sure? The only things we're getting as mainly assets from what can be found in 2.4
Let us cope
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He also has Illya which is his 18yo older sister who is physically 8
I'm calling it, Lingsha won't powercreep him in Firefly teams because he's already perfect for them and people will call her a brick because of it
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Also weird how Feixiao has big boobs in the artwork but small boobs in-game now. Weird inconsistency we haven't really seen up till now. Given how Jade was treated it's more likely they are being sabotaged because of Firefly.
>/zzz/ is one of the most chill generals
That IS is going to be WAS in due time. I saw it happen with /gig/ before I left; I see it right now, but to a lesser extent in /hsrg/.
>Let us cope
Sure I will give you a few more hours to cope, I think the beta starts in 18 hours?
Prepare your heart.
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Until the last minute arrives I will never give up
they're not releasing a character that's worse than the unit they're supposed to replace
What causes the decline of our generals, I wonder
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hmmm i kinda want the new fox but i don't want to replace my perfect dothags team...
They killed Joaquin so Acheron wouldn't become too broken. So yes they are lol We're talking about Brickbundance here.
did she get breast reduction?
am i retarded or were they way bigger in the artwork?
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Yeah they look smaller ingame
there are unironically schizos who intentionally spend their time shitting up hoyo threads for whatever grudge reason against hoyo, whether it be players of rival gachas that got btfo by hoyo games or that anti yuri schizo who hates hoyo for being yurifags
They look even smaller than this on the character model way up above wtf?
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we lost..................
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tenjou tenge, yuiga dokuson
>Limited sustain
>Abundance even
>Directly competes with one of the best 4*s in the game
>Coming after a series of banners that are all but guaranteed to flop
They will make her monstrously overpowered to juice their numbers
The sword? All me.
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Anti-self-inserttrannies have to be one of the most mentally ill group of "people" on this entire goddamn board. This has is entirely built around self-inserting and has been advertised as "(YOU)R STORY" since the beginning.
But I bet those trannies aren't even playing the game and just come here to shitpost and cuckpost whenever a new character is revealed/leaked.
>didn't even start the origami event before it ended
it's remarkable how little I care about this game anymore, I didn't even notice
>still no kit datamines
>still no animations
It's over...
Feixiao looks like a fucking man, lmao. Imagine rolling for this shit!
Sure, sure. Just like they made Huohuo broken to stop 1.5 from flopping terribly.
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Yunlibros how we feeling?
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she's making a good point, /hsrg/bros...
stop posting off model artwork
Sparkle is a brick only viable with bricks (E2 ACK, Dickless Dragoon and QQ)
Yeah Shiki would make more sense. He's a true hag lover
Seele literally had the fastest average clear in the latest MOC
At E6, retard
doesn't make her any good for the average shitter
Mate, they are trannies. You need to be mentally ill to become a tranny in the first place. There are no intelligent trannies in the world.

Why do you guys expect something more from people who hate themselves, hate everyone else, then chop themselves to get attention? Seriously.
Impressive, very nice.
Let's see Seele's usage rate.
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The dumbass chinkshit writers just don't get that people WANT TB (the fucking MC of this game and (you)) to be the focus of the story huh? They learned nothing from the first chinkslop arc and instead try to push their shipshit. Inb4 we'll get another one of those moments were you control a character and have the option to interact with TB, just for "..." to come out of our mouth.
I'm still mad about Jinglius story quest.
I'll never forgive Nasu for not making Illya route.
Those charts are restricted to E0
I'd feel her feet with my cock
Funny how that poster talks about hsr in gig and zzz but never here
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Lol no. Who the fuck uses Venti these days, most shit doesn't even get vacuum'd.
chink shit (yshelper) is not restricting anything
I mean, if we consider sunk cost and investment (including eidolons) and gallagher being this good for the team, you're correct, but it's not like they can't make a powercreep for him, especially for people with e1 firefly which gives room to breathe if the character is some sp slurper
We need to have a serious discussion about the future of HSR.
God, it's like trying to describe color to a blind man
First off, heaven forbid you feel personally invested in a story, what is wrong with that? Is your brain rotted by irony?
Second, all you're saying is that I shouldn't self insert because it's, what, autistic?
According to who or what, and better yet, why should I care?
You want to know what is truly autistic? Spergging out cause you cannot conceive people enjoying things in a way you don't approve of
If you can enjoy something in a way you like, in a way that hurts no one, why not do it?
Open your mind dipshit, I never said my way is the only way, that was allways just you
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The chink one isn't restricted to anything. The prydwen one is however
Fuck off John Oyohim.
>Still 3* clears
>Also Jingliu is faster than Firefly
Yeah this still isn't really making the case that power creep exists
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I'm more of Imoutofag.
Honkai Star Rail.
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Why can't Genshin men serve like this?
Which side to use my Seele?
erm bros??? I thought jade was a brick?
which is funny because trannies already self-insert irl as the other sex
Second side.
Argenti jobs against here
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Ok, he's more fuck everything type of guy
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Feeling great now that the patch after her is confirmed fullskip.

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