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Previous Thread: >>488085768

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)
>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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Hina should transfer
Hina should transfer and then die
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my wife saori
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Which students deserve sex with Sensei?
Satsuki's fat tits on my face
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My cutest princess wife
It's real
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putting some hope in doom
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When's the global stream again?
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Chise.... the stream ended yesterday already...
Oh they’re also in the main game as well thought it was only Legenda.
I didn't get Makoto with the free pulls... and I only have enough for one pity...
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-22 hours
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So what's the current status of /bag/ and Blue Archive?
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her l2d is cheating
this shit's dumb
it should have been armored core
What's with the fat bitch and Hina slop threads?
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Why is Yangyang the icon of Wuthering Waves instead of the Rover?
Here's the current situation.
BA on the left.
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>17 hours 43 minutes more until global bluefes
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I see. What did I miss?
Someone already made Avant-Grande there
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
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going for a swim with the Professor
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Diluting my bloodline...
Just started over a week ago, pretty excited to roll.
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This is /bag/
cHare and Shuro had cute concept art
Kotama is also cute
desuwide was an inside job
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Kayoko more like Kayosexo
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We won.
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Gooners should die
That's Michiru dess
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Selling blue archive en account. Pm for price.
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look upon this seia and all your questions will be answered
I'm out of the loop, is Shiroko Terror rollable now?
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Why won't anyone collab with Shun instead?
>Abydos whores are about to get gang banged by sailors
Rio Archive
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Where's the Summer Arius with Abydos Battleship in the background art?
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what do you do in this situation?
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jerk your penis, sensei
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start crafting with the keystone shards I deliberately wanted to get
You roll up your sleeves and start crafting
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A few months back during the nexon restructuring, these names were reported as already moved to transitional roles:
>Previous Directors:
>Cha Min-seo
>Park Byung-rim
>Im Jong-gyu
>Yang Joo-young(isakusan)
>Kim In(Hwansang)
So we now know isakusan left. Hwansang still rumored, but confirmed no longer the main art director (9ml replaced him)
I'm not good with KR names, who are the other 3 names listed here? Anyone recall?
Chinese ship are made from tofu
Only female sailors.
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just vibing
Do people actually not spark to get crafting stone?
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I had bad luck and good luck today, on one hand I had to spark Ako and do a few extra pulls for Makoto but on the other hand I got Yukari and double Mine Mentioned, two girls I've really wanted for a long time. The only other girls that I'm missing and want a lot are Kaho, T.Haruna, and C.Hare, I'm very happy though and can't wait to read their Momos, I love it when Yukari says "I, Yukari!" every time she talks about herself. Here's hoping I get Hina as fast as possible tomorrow so I can save for D.Aru and D.Kayoko.
We need more l2d interactions like the Hiroy cheek pulling
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It seems that prostitution was the real plan all along.
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Why we never have a Dr.Doom Seia edit yet?
>1000 pulls
why would he even consider sparking? he probably not only got multiple copies of the students but enough eligma to max them regardless
I got Makoto from the free rolls is it worth sparking for Dress ako?
Whales do. They already have everyone they need
how many pyros do you have? how many pulls have you done this banner outside of free pulls?
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No if you don't want to clear Set
Post some hot Mutsuki art please
I just noticed Princess posting Reisaposter isn't around lately
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Gomen, Hina, but I must craft your tickets into gifts for my wife
Like what? Boob grope?
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To: SeiaYurizono@trinity.doom
Subject: BA account offer

Dear Mr. Seia and to whom it may consern,
I can give you 30 $ and a promise of 1 day of robot labour. I am being very generous with my offer and hope you can reply quickly. The $ will be in robux.

Your best friend,
Momoi Saiba
The stream
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i killed him
highly doubt they'll ever decide to go back and allow pinching in L2Ds before swimsuit cops, but god I wish they did
beatrice got him
Why is it always cheek? When will I be able to pull their tits?

Hey, Disney just announce robert downey jr to be returned as Dr Doom, someone should make an edit for Robert Downey Seia.
Get the feeling he's either busy or thought his larp wasn't being appreciated
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Which way, sensei?
dating at best
The akocord get to him, his fault for supporting Seia-Sechi alliance
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what Princess?
i jump over them and continue forward
I have about 48000 and have only used the 100 free rolls
I will riot if Serika's ship thing doesn't cost $1
I never played WOW so I do not know the terms
Eh? He was here earlier today
I'm actually kind of dreading it. Last time I had awful free rolls and didn't spend anything, so I was excited to get something.
This time I had decent free rolls and finished the spark, so I got my dopamine kick and now I can only worry about how badly this next 200 will go.
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Hina saved BA. Hoshino keeps trying to kill it.
if you don't have s.hoshino then do not pull any more and save that for when the bluefes banners drop
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>cant pull her top to the side and pinch her inverted nipples outward
It’s shit.
Ever since i saw the panty chart off model underwear bothers me
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>dr doom
>2 seia doujins get translated
>BA doom at all time high
is this a sign? Seia soon?
Atsuko is in the beach event, so... job well done?
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Saori sex
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I want an episode of Smiling Friends set in April 2020 and its just 10 minutes of them talking over Zoom trying to figure out how they can work remotely
I'll get there, nigger, just you wait
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Turn 360 degrees and go impregnate Neru

I would pay money if the L2Ds would let me remove the socks from certain students
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there is no blue festival
blue festival is cancelled for 6 months
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Stinky terror
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Seia for the idol event, trust
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Where did it all go wrong?
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Your birth.
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It's time
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ill be paying close attention to you now month after month nerufag, do not disappoint me or neru
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Is encore really up to par with the currently released limited 5 star DPS characters?
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Once again showing this gamw is made for Ipadchads.
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staying with my wife until EOS
>tablet better than phone?!
Uhh durr???
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Kikyou sex
you will get lucky on fes banner
Now that I got my dAko/Makoto rolls out of the way, I'm currently pondering if I should even bother double sparking
I wonder how does the game look on the funny folding phones
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My wife Yuuka has been by my side since day 1.
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Wouldn’t be happening if they just released Seia already
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Ever since this mf think the sea was not good enough for him
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what's tomorrow's GA?
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What's the deal with the offtopic posts?
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/wuwa/ here, our schizo trying to stir shit up between for (You) gacha general, please ignore him
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who the fuck gave Makoto my number???
I look like this
>Arona is an appleslut
I'm black, do I still have a chance with my students?
>not using an ipad
> Remove the socks.
But that's dirty.
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twitter screenshots, salesposting and now offtopic shit
post proof, and your student
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My ancestors.
That's not a licensed fig
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Kikyou is MY gosling student bar none
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Release Kisaki already cowards
America. Fix your god damn toilet stalls, I shouldn't be able to lock eyes with a guy through the door gap. Absolutely demented.
He's worse than hitler...
there are no niggers in kivotos
I would rather buy a tesla than appleshit
What happened there? Also sorry.
Actually annoys me a lot when it comes to the Android tablet space
Why the fuck does no manufacturer want to make a decent spec'd 4:3/3:2 tablet that matches iPads?
It's all 16:9 ~ 16:10, or if they are 4:3/3:2 they're specifically built as e-readers with $50 Amazon Fire Tablet tier hardware
> Black
We have students who are fat fucks.
Post muscle.
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unironically too sexy the seia figures didn't even last an hour
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you did, you're a 24/7 easy-access piece of meat
only with mika
>The great Makoto herself messages you to let you know that the free rolls are going to expire soon
>People will still ask if they carry over to Hina

Sensei... is more retarded than Makoto?
it's TA Hiero
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Exactly why I am removing them
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Momoi's shoes make a squeaky noise when she walks
People really sit down and said
>Yeah, let's make a raccoon girl
Used a ticket which got me Iroha.
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
No Rio
No Reijo
No Seia
No Key
No Kisaki
No Akira
No Niyaniya
Total Blue Archive EoS
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Sheenshee donyoo~
What about the other 2 sluts , did zexy Seia outsold them
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My favorite is Noa.
Did Nexon hire nooodles yet?
I got nothing from the free rolls...
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My bad.
>Following: 1303
That's pretty weird.
Now fess' up, Sensei, Who're you following?
cut your nails anon, youre embarrassing me
Because Apple have copyrights with those resolutions.
imagine hearing this at night
Ok only if you also agree to also accept Yuuka as your 2nd wife, otherwise Noa would get lonely.
that's it. I'm changing my emulator aspect ratio
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come closer
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Does anybody else use a tablet for playing gacha games?

I've debated getting one, but a lot of them seem to be sort of expensive, mainly ipads. Are iPads somehow better at running games vs. one plus or Samsung tablets? Some of the iPads out there just seem like they're total overkill. I can't imagine it would take much to run a gacha game at 60 fps.
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I am Aryan, do I have a chance with Iori?
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*Nips your NEET librarian gf*
>10x the number of current students
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It's the mobs, especially the Valkyrie ones
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I actually don't believe in evolution.
Mika should die
I returned my iPad Mini 6 for a Galaxy Tab S9 and I don't regret it even if I lose (negligible) loading performance in BA
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He's probably following official clubs, the GSC, food stands, anime and garage kit makers. You know, normal official stuff.

and then a whole bunch of porn accounts. He's buying thin books he's definitely following them.
>Posts cat evolving into gun
>Doesn't believe in evolution
Ichika often brings friends. A LOT of friends.
he said nothing about the other two being sold out
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1303 accounts dedicated to Rin
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Ibuki is the most powerful student in Gehenna, the student council adores her, even the president bends to her will
Nooodles did official BA promotional art for merch. KR / global stream showed it off yesterday. So nexon hired for that at least
Just tell her you can get her a green card or equivalent in your country
Not to shill apple, but any of the iPads with the M series CPUs are pretty damn powerful. I've been using an iPad Pro with an M1 for years, and I've yet to find anything I can't run with every graphic option turned on @ 60fps.
Imagine getting Momotalks form 20872 students
I NEED updates on the state of BA. There's too much smoke for there to be no fire.
can you pinch saori's cheeks this is important
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Indians are not aryan
When is c104?
I can't wait for all the new doujins we gonna get!
>unironic tablet/phone discussion
just emulate retards. you guys dont only play gachashit right? blue archive is the sole exception, right?
Its okay, don't worry so much. Everything will be fire
If you are considered middle class in your country, just go to Thailand. You'll be able to find a wife who can cook and wants kids all in the span of a week.
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1% would be 200 momos a day
No wonder sensei is so busy
kill yourself
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Not that antiquated definition, please.
I already have 2 other gacha installed. And the last "real vidya" I played was dark souls 3 back in 2017 or so. It's too late for me...
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Sensei loves his job.
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No thanks i want my wife with proper female part and doesn't sound like a fart-powered trumpet
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Look at her enjoying life for once
i just got my first drawing tablet, who do i doodle
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hug and make love with my adorable wife
> 200 ejaculations a day
What a stud! He deserves the rapes.
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I already got pretty lucky on my free rolls so I'm expecting to get nothing new but the rate-up with the actual Bluefes now.
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>Have to travel from Red Winter all the way to Abydos in a single day
BA crashes after every other level if I emulate, and when I'm just grinding my dailies there's no reason to not use my phone.
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Horikoshi-sensei just flatlined toxic shippers with today's chapter.

Next week is the last chapter of My Hero Academia. Its been a decade long journey and its finally coming to an end.
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august 11-12
I am pretty sure that even an M1 iPad can run any game so far in the market.
But yes it is expensive, and you can't actually do much other than games, youtube, and the occasional reading. I tried drawing on an iPad but eventually went back to PC.
Ask yourself, do you really need a dedicated tablet just for entertainment?
>Look forward to more characters and story of Volume 5
Sounds like we'll be heading back there now that Volume 1 Chapter 3 is over. Maybe in-between the events coming up for Trinity's School Festival.
Have you tried other emulators?
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Opinion disregarded.
Has it been confirmed yet which school professor niyaniya belongs to?
Which emulator did you use
Good lord her voice is deep.
sKoharu goes cat-eyed following the cursor in her l2d
the school of sex
Macs don't have many emulators.
I stopped using Bluestacks because something went totally wrong, and Nox seems to get mixed reviews between being good and being complete spyware, so I don't know what else to try other than LDPlayer that I use (which also crashes on other games I try it for, but not quite as often as BA)

Handholding interaction.
Make it happen John Nexon
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But that's all schools.
I mainly want to know for folder sorting purposes
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Cute finger
It's gotta be trinity, right?
The most reliable one versus the one that needs to rely on others the most. Why not both?
I think it would be really cool if Saori became a pro DJ. Yeah we said she might make a good teacher, but I think very little would make me happier for her than having her discover a passion like DJing and pursuing it because she enjoyed it.
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Nah fuck off going joker mode
Are you using win11 ? I have the same problem but managed to fix it by turn off Hyper V
There's only one other option I know of other than WSA, that being MuMu. WSA is discontinued but you can find old builds apparently, not that I use it since BS works perfectly well for me, as did MuMu.
sensei fucks kayoko on a daily basis btw.
Calm down fish
It called rape sensei, you got raped
She certainly looks like a Trinity student, but I wouldn't mind a Valkyrie student-turned-delinquent background to explain how she knows all the best ways to get up to no good
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JK Archive
For mac users, MumuPlayer Pro is an excellent android emulator for M series macs. However, the only downside is after your free trial is up, it's 10 USD a month to use.
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215 is one of (if not) my favourite recent tracks so she's hitting extra hard

john nexon how dare you do everything I wanted for her alt
sounds like the classic mac experience
paying for software that's for free on other platforms
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Hmmm I think I will use my 100 free rolls on Saori.
Her regular voice is not that deep. She does it for the character.
ive aLIVE
sheside outside
>paying to use an emulator
I can't even laugh at this.
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here's some extra convincing
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>this is canon now
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Hina (improved)
always has been
>android emulators
I remember one had a crypto miner, the other had chink spyware, and the other had just regular spyware.
Tablets are also useful for other things, like a powerful, portable emulation station or to simply take notes with a bluetooth keyboard.
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drawing with a tablet is so different compared to paper, help me
Android tablets are a mixed bag. And even the handful of good ones still are not as good as ipads.

Apple dominates the tablet industry for a reason.
You'll get used to it. Just keep practicing and experiment with different settings
Ibuki made a FUCKING MESS
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after some fucking around I've decided 16:10 is the best compromise in terms of cutting some of the width for showing more feet/thighs/halos/crotches/ass
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To be honest it's mainly the L2D which sold me on it, everything else is just a bonus at that point, I'm a sucker for comfy L2D and I'm not really a fan of L2Ds like SHiyori's.
My rolling plans for the next 6 months are Umika and Kuroko basically.
I like it. Post moar.
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I hope Azusa has a reunion with them someday
Hina will clean it, as usual.
I would only recommend apple if you absolutely need their exclusive software and apps for college or work. For everything else android works just fine. Samsung Dex is a massive upgrade for android tablets, but even something like a Xiaomi Pad can do.
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It's the best compromise for gameplay also
i only leave home to get food or work, i dont need to game on the go or have time to. my phone does more than a good enough job of letting me log in to do BA shit if necessary on the go
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cozy night L2Ds are actually the best, yeah. Good theme helps lots. I'm just a sucker for casual outfits and the Arius FAMILY angle

why did they have to make her chibi so bouncy though, Saori... your bra...
Why did they give S.Saori a tank top and tank top cleavage on the chibi?
This is more erotic than a bikini.
>open Shitna's Adventures in Gehennigerialand
>chase the blue laser
>"Better find Fucko"
>chase the blue laser
>"a flyer, huh..."
>find Fucko
>"HIN-" skip
>go to the classroom
>talk to nigger succ
>"HIN-" skip
>start cleaning the classroom like a good janny
>"phew, that was a good cleaning session-" skip
>go to the infirmary
>talk to some retarded fucks, chase some blue lasers, skip, skip, skip
>start a "combat" section, fire Shitna's EX on cd
>(look, shitna stronk, she defeated nigger succ and one gorillion mobs all by herself!!! pls clap)
>start another "combat" section
>it's exactly the same, except this time you shoot shitna as nigger succ
>except you deal no damage because shitna stronk and cool and stronk, pls clap
>collect your tho- skip, skip, skip
>leave your room in pajamas
>(pajama hina! look, so cute, so overworked, so le tired! clap, motherfucker!)
This event fucking sucks.
The problem with Android tablets is if it doesn't have a snapdragon, they don't run well. Mediatek chips are still years behind Qualcomm. Which severely limits what brands of Android tablets you can buy. Samsung usually being the best for android.
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There are cheap screen filters for the tablet that emulate the sensation of drawing on paper

It's good because they slowly get chipped away from use and without realizing you have gotten accustomed to the feeling of drawing in glass of the tablet
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JK's are dangerous creatures
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because John Nexon used mind control waves to figure out what outfits I like best
>all this Apple hate
Y tho?

It's not like Samsung or Google or any better.
This I agree with. Regrettably it's snapdragon or nothing for android.
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No bra's gonna successfully contain these beautiful hobo saggers
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A shitty game
Walled garden. And, yes, Samsung and Google are garbage but they're still better than Applel.
They're too busy being child soldiers, no time to learn how to wear a bra.
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>Double spark dopamine rush tomorrow

I better prepare some tissues already
If you skip any dialogue you're a bad sensei
I've been thinking about Noa a lot
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so this is what the cane was for
why is Arius getting so little artwork
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Am I retarded if I start smiling like a retard every time I hear Ibuki in the shop screen
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Would Toki be happy with a computer, some chips, and a cute Sensei to see to her needs?
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I curse you into getting the 2 units you want in the first 10 rolls
Wtf /bag/holders in /gbfg/ told me my game was dying but so is their game according to this general?

What da heck? Are chinkges really the future? Is genshit the only live game???
Because none of them are that interesting outside of Saori.
Utaha needs another alt.
See above for secondary artist bait. Not even Kuroko or Hoshino are getting all that much
evil Aru...
If I get Makoto in the shop I back out and try again just so I can get Ibuki
I buy items one at a time also just to listen to her react to me buying things
So now that Serika has an alt this year, I guess it's expected that we will have idol Ayane + flex idol alt.
Idol Serika is overkill.
Or maybe we will get idol Nonomi.
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Why is Mari like this???
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>actually remembered to start my affection chart project
I'll have to wait until the 30th to hit 89 so I can finish it though, I slacked on refreshes so I'm 2k xp short right now.
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Sounds good
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I literally did that just now.
You think Hina only wears one pair of underwear?
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We are indeed spiraling towards our inevitable demise. It was already over before it even began.
EOS soon.
I'm guessing we'll get Idol Ayane and Sakurako in the first run, no clue if we'll get more banners or if the event will be be released in parts
God I hope so.
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Can't contain the succubus indefinitely
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yes all factual, every game is dying
>Are chinkges really the future?
no, they have no seia so they're all automatically shit
every gacha game is on a steep decline. i demand you all to invest in moege.
Or literally just put paper on the tablet if you a screenless one
I hope Sakurako is our next stance change character after T.Hoshino.
> Stance 1: Idol outfit
> Stance 2: St Justina outfit
Just imagine. The St. Justina outfit is just too good to be left in the dust.
>no ass no breasts
I touched Hiyori by accident and she screamed at me...
Is BA really dying?
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>The St. Justina outfit is just too good to be left in the dust.
it's literally just a latex bodysuit
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yeah its gonna take some time to get used to
Shut up Fukkaposter, or I'm gonna put you in the latex suit.
>The reason Sakurako's idol outfit hasn't been shown is because its literally the St Justina outfit but with some added frills
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just reached bond 72 for my studentwife and i already feel the struggle.
i heard that bond 80+ is way more harsh
she shot me...
and so did the pink haired bitch...
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those people are lying, it actually gets easier after you hit 80
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Good night.
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sorry anon, hopefully you get some serious replies to your concernposts and unironic doomposts soon and not just anons shitposting on them
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/bag/ EoS soon
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At least once you hit 80 you know you're past the halfway mark and the journey doesn't seem too bad.
Late eighties and into the nineties that feeling of accomplishment runs out and you start to realize just how brutal every new level is.
>luckshitted Makoto, Iroha and Ako (Dress) in 80 pulls total
holy moly
I guess I finally stockpiled some good luck after going all the way to 200 recruitment points on the last three banner I pulled
Post /bag/poster redflags:
>He spends more time in /bag/ than playing the game
>He his BA images organized in folders for each school/club/student
>Knows the individual name and can differentiate between the two train lolis
this is a long ass gif. when does it end?
This is every /bag/poster.
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going left doesn't get me shot
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Idol abydos next. Trust the plan.
Change point 2 to
>Has a BA images folder
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I know we all like the meme and shitpost, but we need to start taking this seriously. This game is supposed to release during the time where we have the least amount of content. We have an almost 6 month drought coming up for Global and this game is going to take players from us. Players that might not come back.

For a lot of us, girls frontline was the first gacha game we played. And nostalgia is one hell of a drug.
I mean the train lolis are distinct enough, so it's not that hard to tell them apart.
If you can't tell Hikari from Nozomi, you have a problem.
Well I got everyone on my 200th roll. Who is best amongst Makoto/Iroha/dAko to put to 4 star immediately?
I fantasize myself with Hikari but not Nozomi. Why is that?
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I don't really know what she'd get assuming MX would even be interested in giving her a second alt. Even with her redesign via her cheer captain alt and all the screentime she gets alongside her club she's still a niche character (I can't really name anyone that has the same 'prince'-like archetype Utaha slots into). Hell, she was even left out when Hibiki and Kotori got their cheer alt figures which is just more salt in the wound.
I can't wait for Shiroko's 4th alt.
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Sorry, the plan is Millennium next so I can suffer for having to spark sKanna and cHosh and Kuroko and sSaori back to back to back
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Hopefully Raymond will shoo them right back.
We should just only do Abydos alts from now on. Who cares about the other students
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another artist lost...
how is this girl driving artists insane?
>only 98k pyros left

Bros.... I'm not gonna make it....
Sauce Professor
>(I can't really name anyone that has the same 'prince'-like archetype Utaha slots into)
Maybe Ichika? The cultural festival does have her in a groom outfit so maybe the devs see her that way.
As for what she'd get? A swimsuit alt seems to be the most guaranteed way to boost someones popularity so hope for that I guess.
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>but we need to start taking this seriously.
we need a maid Iori alt
I'm not playing a game sponsored by the anti-Christ
>censored garbage with other males
this does not compete with BA whatsoever
it's not as shit as something like WuWa but still
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>13K left and a dream

Yeah I'm getting both
We just don't know.
I guess the number of blonde anime loli is low this year, so demands are rising.
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Need Iori smock alt
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bing bong ping pong go back to greater hong kong general
>ctrl+f "mari"
>1 result
dogshit thread
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No, it's time for more Gehenna.
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has seia
>not BA
does not have seia

the choice is simple
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lol SEAnigger cuck
>responding to cuckshit bait
sensei is a strong man
i would have blown in mere seconds
the real test is
>playable Key
BA is saved
>no playable Key
BA is doomed
simple as
If we're actually getting Halloween this year, then make her Dr. Frankenstein and have her build a big robot-butler monstrosity that horribly malfunctions by being perfectly normal and forgetting to spook you, so it adds a dry 'Boo' after every sentence.
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you're giving me time to save?
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What about
>Dead key
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>BA is doomed
sorry key but it must be done...
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Dead (You)
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They will be meta and you will be forced to roll.
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Are they still pretending the game was never about hot android girls, that shipshit is completely fine and acceptable and that the story is a 100% serious political thriller with tons of super interesting male characters to cheer for? Lmao.
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Eat your vegetables.
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My precious desert rose.
then I'm buying a plane ticket to Korea and a knife
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We really need flags on /vg/ so I can just block all SEA subhumans
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here you go reisa
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how does she know i like little girls
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I'm skipping nyFuuka again you have no power over me
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> Unironic Key Studio fags, in my general
she is a professor
Wasn't aware the French were investing in chinese game developers.
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Calm down Kei, you'll get your turn
but anon how will i be able to see your posts
When does bunny toki come out again?
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>/bag/ is going to roll for this in a few months + 6 months
>driving artists insane
Still not like shupos, she has the same pacing as Konoka.
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I always roll for my wife.
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erotic natsu
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>Delusional keyfags itt
The entire fanbase likes to pretend its all about feels and serious warfare. But it's just hot t-dolls and Helena.
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Ironically, right?
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Cha MinSeo now is the main director for Nexon Games upcoming game: Project RX (previously reported as project RXTF). Kim YongHa also helping as another director in that project. He is already left long ago though, almost a year before restructuring, and his confirmation as the main director for Project RX only known recently from YongHa in this interview: https://thisisgame.com/webzine/nboard/5/?n=191078.
Park ByungLim, old crew from YongHa previous game, Curare, left to become independent and found Dynamis One. (https://m.gamevu.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=33120)
Nothing much known from Lim JongGyu. He doesn't share his internet profile.
They all left at different times. For now, Park ByungLim is the only one confirmed in Dynamis One.
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>skipping this
How could you?
I really hate the theme they used for her L2D...
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@Schale news
Senseis, please welcome Our New Moderators!

We are excited to introduce our new moderators who will be joining our team to help ensure our community remains a positive and engaging place for everyone.

Please join us in welcoming @몰?루, @Kototi | Aru’s Husband (131/200), @Dr. Paradox | #Aronavirus, @Kyatoru, and @MonkeyMoo! Their dedication and enthusiasm for our community are truly inspiring, and we look forward to the great contributions they will make.

Welcome aboard
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Look, just don't give me anymore Gehenner and I will roll for anything.
I stocked up over 200 purple, and 400 gold Gehenna notes + BDs, and I feel fucking anxious as shit right now. D.Hina + Kirara will drain everything from me, assuming I don't pull the dress alts.
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Is it over for blue archive, or do we have a chance to avoid EoS?
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>Gookfags itt
>Limited Treezuna and Treesukuyo
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>or do we have a chance to avoid EoS?
only the secret seia banner can save the game now
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>How could you?
railgun spark
bunny spark
camping spark
upcoming Kanna, Saori, and doublefes

I have to save, desperately. I know my luck. I might even skip the maid banner depending on what my resources look like at that point even though I really want both of them.
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Why is she so fucking curvy in her chibi form?
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>how do we fix /bag/?
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The tutorial duo going to schale to eat your fridge
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Rimming my ass violently is not the answer, Hime.
I don't want that one give me Suzumi instead
Every chibi is a fat-assed gremlin.
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I don't think I've ever had to spark two banners in a row...
You'll have GA tickets which you can't save so throw one at her at least.
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I love Makoto
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Ichika did come to mind for characters similar to her, but in her case she has more attention since she has enough self-consciousness for the 'cuteness' appeal, Utaha doesn't have that - she's both a gigastacy and super autistic, there is barely a shred of bashfulness in her.
I'd rather the writers hold off on giving characters alts on a whim unless they had a strong idea to back it up. I don't really like the thought of a student getting an alt just to try appealing to a broader audience - increasing her bust and softening up her face in her cheer alt didn't make her suddenly relevant, and I doubt a swimsuit alt would either.
I do like her, but ultimately the things that I like about her are sort of what make her niche to begin with. Maybe something that plays to her strong points like a butler would be neat
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This is not Hiyori (cowtits)
Only Hasumi is allowed to raid my fridge
Yuuka should lose some weight instead
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I did this
Gehenners at Tea Party
I think fat men are very attractive and wish more men were fat with a big belly
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/bag/ - Beautiful Atsuko General #5982
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Yes I will, handsome girls are sexy.
Forgot your hifoom avatarfagging gayfaggot
But i want to impregnate Nagisa!
>offtopic spam
>trooncord spam
SEAmonkey hours seems to be always infested with subhumans from Twitter and Discord. And the scatfag is about to start spamming his shit in a hour...
Guess I'll leave now and come back later in 7 hours when the chimps go to sleep
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it's still not my worst luck in this game
200 rolls on Mika, 270 rolls on Kanna/Megu, zero 3*s

if the GA lines up I'll toss a ticket her way, I forget if it'll happen during PS68's event or the rerun
It's over actually.

Nah, most of development crew before release is still working, and importantly, the God himself, Kim YongHa, is still determined to work on Blue Archive. YongHa is the one that NAT Games (now Nexon Games) and Nexon Korea CEO approach by themself, and also the one that approach other weebs to work with him. I mean, this guy give lecture about moe in 2014 in front of normie.
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fat men are not attractive
t. fat man
I pray to John Nexon himself that we won't have to collab with Haruhi.
Please I don't want another Endless Eight.
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The happy end...
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fuck you Endless Eight was kino in the most literal sense of the world
I watched it weekly as it was happening and it was glorious
if we got Yuki in BA I'd go bankrupt buying pakeji
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headpat them
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Turns a princess into your pet is way hotter.
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Get your own leash.
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i didnt realise there were daily battles to do in the event after you finish the story!!!!!!!!!
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I will jerk off to my studentwife for her birthday (I do it every day already)
Pretty sure you only need to complete them once per day to sweep them. I had the same issue but then sweeped the stage with like 10k points. Definitely worth getting the first time bonus for the pyros tho.
>I'd rather the writers hold off on giving characters alts on a whim unless they had a strong idea to back it up
I feel like almost all the alts in the game at least had a solid foundation behind them. I mean the fact that Shun is still the only student with a (Small) alt shows that despite the popularity of Shunny they have no intention of just churning out alts like that because that alt actually fit Shun and would just feel like bait on most other students.
>increasing her bust and softening up her face in her cheer alt
Blame Paruru.
I like Utaha's cheer alt, I can clearly see what they were going for and it worked with Utaha, although I'm not really a supermassive fan of Utaha myself I can at least tell they put some thought into what to do with her instead of just slapping her into a cheerleader outfit like the other two in her club. Yes I know oendan is technically a cheerleader you know what I mean.
I could see a butler alt working, there's a few students that can pull off that kind of look (we've already got Haruka wearing a suit for example).
I feel like whatever alt they decide to give Utaha in the future, which might not be for awhile... I'm sure it'll be something that fits her.
you should jerk off others too
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More Kikyou book
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oooh i see so i havent actually missed out on anything then, thats good. thanks.
Honestly I'm more CONCERNED about Yostar meddling than literally anything going on on the Nexon side.
Bro these are so good
That's a brat.
GA tickets last for a month anyway so I'm sure it'll line up in some fashion.
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I don't think I've seen anyone post the headpat animation yet. It's a good one.

Yostar meddling = We get good JP translations. They won the localization war back in March.
It's retarded sloppa and you only liked it because you're old and shitposted in threads when it aired.
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I genuinely can't bring myself to finish the event story. Fuck this exploration minigame thing. I hope they never do it ever again. At least not like this
Utaha (Real) is gonna sell gangbusters, especially when they reveal during release that it's Utaha (Seen Some Real Shit) alt.
I'm talking about other meddling like the anime and collabs.
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Yostar Pics might suck donkeyballs, but Yostar itself plays a considerable role in the success of a lot of non-JP gachas in JP land
For those of you on JP is it possible to 1t torment greg with a 3* SMiyako instead of Reisa? All the clears I see on YT have UE40 SMiyako.
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If I can only gain 1 piano level a day how am I meant to get Lv20 Piano for the task?
Did I fuck up somewhere?
>getting filtered this hard
You either talk to people with yellow lines coming out of their face or interact with glowing blue points on the floor. It's not hard. Maybe it's too close to real game which is why you're confused kek
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I genuinely bring myself to finish the event story.
Love this exploration minigame thing. I hope they will do it again. Especially like this.
It being hard isn't the problem. It's the simple fact that it's boring and a FORCED part of story progression
if you're not lv. 10 by now you already messed up somewhere
just be happy that it's probably not too late to get to lv. 15 at least so you don't miss out on pyros
after 15 it's just credits I think
Wish I had this recorded. Shiroko killed 3 members of the enemy team all after proccing her immortality.
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another based ako post
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I like seeing the school in 3D and being able to talk to some characters.
Did you find the secret Piano under the Banquet Hall? You can jump from the balcony there
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I believe in sag archive supremacy
motorboat students
Why are zoomies like this?
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It may not look like it, but Hasumi wins this competition.
literally the opposite, it's the closest a weekly anime has ever come to being art
Not him but I wish I was talking as Sensei and not Hina. I hope next time they do this they find a way to make it be Sensei instead.
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Mutsuki took my 20 bond virginity
That anime travesty indeed raise some concern regarding Yostar. I think you can safely ignore them at least in-game side. They don't own the IP and Nexon only let them choose VA. They have zero input development. Their handling of mistranslating a whole event also raise some concern from JP players, at least from the one who made this: https://wikiwiki.jp/bludictinary/%E3%80%8C%E3%81%AB%E3%81%8E%E3%81%AB%E3%81%8E%E3%81%A8%20%E3%82%86%E3%81%8D%E3%82%86%E3%81%8D%E3%81%A6%E3%80%8D%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%83%86%E3%82%AD%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E5%93%81%E8%B3%AA%E5%95%8F%E9%A1%8C
if they did that sensei would have to wear a full body costume, so you'd walk around talking to people as a giant peroro or something
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Actually fuck fan made art, live2d is enough proof.
I ain't clicking that shit nigga.
I like it. It reminds me of megaman battle network.
a 1T? no, the raid does stupid damage. I've done it with UE30 and that was cutting it really close
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>nigger lashes out as he is forced to read 3 sentences
That'd be fucking funny, fund it.
To be honest even if it was just the Hina model but we're accompanying Hina the whole time I would have preferred it like that.
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Posting Rio every day until she gets added Day 191
the hippo? at least make it an avant garde suit or something...
I'm not worried about the game's immediate future but I'm upset by Isakusan leaving and Hwansang most likely doing the same. How dare they leave when they wrote and designed my studentwife.
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>every day
>>>>every day
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>Their handling of mistranslating a whole event
Except this was the event that they "mistranslated" on purpose to prove a point to Nexon homebase. The fact that they put out a whole entire fixed script within a day or two of the "apology" is about as blatant as it can get.
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same feeling here
you wrote her could have at least waited until she was released
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For me it's when 2 students that don't have anything to do with each other gets to interact together in an event
fellow sensei. if i start now and save can i get both terror unit when 3.5 hits?
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>at least waited until she was released
maybe he knew something you didn't
Name 11 times this happened
Yes it was malicious compliance basically. Translating it badly enough that they wouldn't be asked to stick to the original script anymore.
how many cats are there to pet, I need reports
There is one ya dingus but yes you can get both Hosh wick and Kuroko
> Both
Wut. There's only Terror Shiroko, tactical Hoshino is NOT a terror alt.
And that's like 6 months away, just save up your stash.
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it's ok anon, you can tell she's hiding her tummy
>Wakamo gets to interact with the Abydos crew
>They got the wrong impression of her being a schizo trigger happy criminal

it's not fair...
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Sounds like a 9000 IQ necessary evil play to me.
>wrong impression
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this game is very generous with new people

with reading the story alone you'll have for both of them
Wow, Nagisa needs to lay off the cake
My timezone > yours
Considering we get the """"""canon original script""""""", I say good on them for making the effort to retain their superior fanfic, despite the slight dick move.
happy birthday mutsuki
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Why can't we just get the JP script?
>"lol you want a script translated from KR to JP to E-"
Himari Archive!
Its kind of her own fault. She should've calmed down instead of acting like a possessive crazy bitch.
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no, she doesn't
still don't know why Shiroko and her wanted to beat each other so badly
They know their stuff anon, like it's yostar who told the dev to show PV4 on 2nd anniv stream as a surprise despite the dev already finished the PV4 for quite some time.
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It was Scott's idea of integrity and his last gift to us :^)
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While browsing Mutsuki doujinshi I saw a real nice one, and it was made by a guy who's never made a doujin before. Starting BA for Mutsuki. Now that could be you (if you were japanese)
Shiroko literally shot first

Isn't Wakamo supposed to be a big deal? Should've shrugged it off and tried to talk it out. But nooo MUH DARLING
Mine and Wakamo will remain the best interaction.
Looks cute. Got a panda link?
Another mistranslation (probably)

Wiki's translation (from Japanese)
> Let's become 'it' and find the hiding students!
>Hide and seek, I remember playing that when I was young. Of course, when I became 'it,' I found everyone too quickly, and it caused some trouble...
>acting like a possessive crazy bitch.
No other student is in ANY position to use this as an accusation. Doubly so in Shiroko's case.
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that's all, it's just a small strip
Would you want more cheerleader alts?
KR canon and original pls understand
It's the same dude who then went on to make the legendary JTF mob-chan doujin
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ibuki bros?
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>from Japanese
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>(from Japanese)
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Actually acts too childish. Would not sex. Give me Kokona
Die gooks
This entire event has a bunch of rushed shitty translations I swear I'm not even surprised anymore
Way more sentences I'm running into that make no sense grammatically than I'm used to from Nexon
Does anyone know the name of the song that plays in most of the areas of the event (the exploration, not the stages)?
>from software
Shits translated from gook. If you want to send in complaints you gotta play by their shitty rules unfortunately.
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cHanae would be very cute but I think I'd rather them explore new ideas for alts.
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it has been a while since /bag/ has been this comfy
>black on white
lolifags still can't make their minds choosing if they want to be dominated by her or see her BWEEEE
i'll expose you
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coom in doom
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Doomsday is near
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My little sister!
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What kind of girl wears orange pattern panties?
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I choose both
the yuzu
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Look at those FAT folds hot damn
Huh, the more you know I guess
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Saggers will always reign supreme
It's weird, this event and its related content have been particularly bad. Ibuki's momotalk has her referring to herself as Iroha.
imagine the bacterial growth...
Theme 186 and 201.
Mob wants love
I don't want to go to work today bros.
Only Hina banner has the 6%?
s.hoshino too
201 was the one. Thanks!
So what would happen if I don't use the recruitment points? Will it carry over?
her maid cardboard box is for yuzu fruit too as a reference to the orange cardboard box in metal gear
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>Except this was the event that they "mistranslated" on purpose to prove a point to Nexon homebase. The fact that they put out a whole entire fixed script within a day or two of the "apology" is about as blatant as it can get.
I don't get it. Did they intentionally make a poor translation because John Nexon asked Joe Yostar to make their translations more accurate?
why are they keep trying to slander hina? first with the coffee maker and now this
no they just get converted to crafting fragments like normal
Yes, it will
Because the points came from free pulls, only half of it carry over. The other half will be converted to crafting stones.
this is great
Don't lie to newcuties on muchuki's birthday
>3 hours thread
>still not over

what the fuck? Ever since I began playing this game we only had 2 hours threads
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>Let me prove a point to my employer that I'm shitty at my only job

What is their fucking thought process?
Also, is the translation done by Koreans who speak English, or Americans who speak Korean?
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but that's exactly what she would want us to do
All recruitment points get turned into keystone fragments.
10 fragments = 1 keystone
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How would you feel about the devs pulling a reverse Shunny and turning a loli into a hag with big hefty saggers?
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I don't want a repeat of Shunny where the alternate age form absolutely mogs the base in fanart.
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we're momentarily back to comfy threads
do not worry however the threads will speed up and will return to their shit quality in a few hours
Which one is lying?
after hanging out in a general that has week long threads going to bag feels like boarding a rocket, i cant keep up
These hours are usually the slower/comfier hours, but since Global and JP are both having their Bluefes we're in the spotlight so shit has sped up considerably.
what if I told you the thread quality was shit right this very moment?
how far does that dick go inside of her
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teen lolis are already past their growth spurt and won't get any bigger
then I would simply rephrase
>will return to their shit quality
>will return to their ultra shit quality
Saori's DJ furniture feels so sad
Nobody in the cafe is dancing
It's like watching a hype man fail to hype the crowd up
I'd prefer it.
Hag pretending to be a loli is not sexy.
Loli being turned into a hag and not being aware of her new erotic body would be.
Imagine Ibuki trying to climb you like she climbed Makoto only now it's big meaty thighs on your shoulders and saggy milkers resting on the top of your head.
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Ako is the prettiest student
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My precious princesses
Ako is the student
To hard to implement, pls understand.
EOP-kun... Hiyori literally did this in the current event.
Ako is the student
Ako is
a shit
It would be based but I doubt it'd be as big of a hit as shunny, so it probably won't happen
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Good morning /bag/
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don't worry, we're getting ibuki(thunder emperor) soon
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A ko
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Professor Niyaniya is such an erotic name
Ako is a-ok
Actually now that I think about hag turned into a loli can be hot if she doesn't act retarded like Shun.
Like imagine Hanako turning into a loli but still being an exhibitionist and teasing sensei. I'd be down for that.
Mostly I reconsidered because I remembered Asatte no Houkou, really good older anime that had this premise and the hag that turned into a loli was pure sex in loli form.
Someone explain this meme to me, why do people associate atsuko with rimming when hasumi is the one who gets all the pics like that?
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They should add random mobs that have a chance to appear in your cafe sometimes.
Give them headpat animations too.
Make them react to students on furniture.
Hire me Nexon!
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Sex fox
14 hours 45 minutes until Ako dupes
Why is Ako such a controversial student to talk about on /bag/
dAko is the better choice, right?
yeah but Hiyori is just stupid, not literally mentally a child, so it's not the same
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I've finally hit the big leagues getting all the 2 star (except momiji) and 1 star banner students to UE50
>Like imagine Hanako turning into a loli but still being an exhibitionist and teasing sensei.
Ruined. Someone like Asuna would fit better I feel
Hello students
is there going to be literally no explanation for the footprints outside of hina's office?
It's because of that one doujin where Saori pinned sensei down while Atsuko went to town on his asshole.
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A part of me would permanently die if that ever happened to me.
Asuna being turned into a child would just be a normal child. There'd be no gap.
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>Did they intentionally make a poor translation because John Nexon asked Joe Yostar to make their translations more accurate?
At the end of the day, there's no hard confirmation for obvious reasons. But it seems like the most likely explanation, especially since it's an isolated incident
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>open cafe
>game comes to a halt trying to process all the mobs
Pick Makoto
Ako doesnt have a cool hat, think about that
Makoto is simply the superior option and a real Man's choice.
Vote Makoto.
need to milk ako like a cow
No it wouldn't. You'd forget about it the moment you head back to playing fornite and raking in thousands.
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I'm secretly working with Samsung to sell new phones that can handle mob cafes.
Ako has inverted nipples
localisers playing writer basically
they wanted to proof to nexon that's it's their "flavourful" localisations and not the orignal kr script is the reason why jp is successful
That's hebe hagificaiton.
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What does she have planned, /bag/
I thought it was the opposite. With the amount of people thinking that Yuuka should be the only wife or that you take both Yuuka and Noa, there are only a few people who would only take Noa as their wife and just her. That would probably make Noa sad.
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JP fanfic > KR original

Sorry Scotty
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I don't play fortnite...?
I guess my question is really, how bricked will I be if I don’t pick dAko?
That's my daughter...
better start lubing that butthole
happy birthday
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My Gehenna wives.
You just don't play favorite, you will either fuck all the students (including their alts) or you will fuck none of them.
depends on how new are you or how much you care about set
DAko is meta in an upcoming gamemode which already has pretty strict requirements to clear the higher floors.
Makoto is used in a raid that has 50 other options and a Grand Raid.
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As long as they look good and don't come across as just a weirdly proportioned version
God, I want to breed Aru.
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>For a lot of us, girls frontline was the first gacha game we played.

You fucking pussy zoomer nigga, only real ones will remember the original first wave of gachas in the early 2010s
well both base ako and aru(dress) fill a similar niche so you wouldn't be as bricked as most people make it out to be
Dako is a very meta character tho
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