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Previous: >>488099543

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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My girlfriend is so cute
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>he thinks the gacha game will never release another (You)bait again because of Firefly
Will I miss out on anything by taking a break during the next space china arc?
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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>2.4 is the feet patch
>2.5 is the pit and tummy patch
Maybe china isn't that bad....
"Come over here and ride me senseless" look in his eyes
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Transxiao flopped
save us.. hertagod...
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>Baiheng had a love triangle around herself on the Luofu
>Feixiao has a love triangle on the Yaoqing
What's so attractive about Foxians/Borisins?
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So true Xister
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That's just his magic semen demon gypsy Ena eyes.
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Soon we get better robot.
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>2.4 is the shiptranny patch
>2.5 is the shiptranny patch
Maybe china is that bad....
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I bothered to play through the patch's story
It was offensively shit
The Sparkle fumos made me want to uninstall, nice fucking payoff retard nigger writers
hey shartkeks, heard you bent the knee to the homo agenda that removes all sexuality from women. glad to have you onboard.
All me btw
Why's the police so ass
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Feixiao looks like a fucking man LMAO! Imagine rolling for this shit

Ugly ass design
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Pearl looks better than this.
where are her boobs?
Firefly ruined HSR
I feel nothing about this game anymore
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>No Tail
>confirmed shipshit with Jiaoqiu and Moze
>borisin slave
I don't think I'll be rolling for Feixiao.
looks more like an npc than jq kek
What am I supposed to do with this exciting information.
zoophile zone zero does not have a single good design kek
They assume the company won't want to make money because of respect to the characters
When Tingyun drip leaks anyway she'll be completely overshadowed
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So do we get March 8th now or what?

Yunli has it all though.
I literally warned you guys. Obsessive levels of (you) pandering kills games. You're supposed to "tease" instead of pandering kinda like how ZZZ does it.
HSR basically killed the game for anyone that isn't into Firefly. I like Acheron, Kafka and Jade and hoyo basically shit on me for it.
She does look like a man though albeit.
Borisin needed foxian sex slaves cause female borisin were exclusively attracted to human men
Hell, that's how foxians probably happened
What's up with the new Tingyun, anyways?
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>HSR will never be as based as ZZZ
That 12 age rating really did hurt this game...
read it
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Anything on Lingsha?
>HSR only fags think this is bad design
Chinkslop has brain rotted your heads
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Fuck the police
just (you) pander every character
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HSR could never.
No, Foxians and Borisins were normal humans on their own planet that worshipped a fox and a wolf deity respectively (they were 2 different people groups on the same planet, basically). Their planet was covered in ice similar to Jarilo-VI, and they ran out of food. So their people begged for help from Yaoshi, who gave them "water" which turned them into Foxians and Borisins. But Borisins were much much stronger than Foxians and enslaved them. Borisins also did some genetic tinkery on Foxians and in general, which gave birth to people like Feixiao (who is a mix of Borisin + Foxian)
cute couple!
I can't blame those who won't to fuck him, but I also can't forgive those that hurt him.
im playing insaniquarium
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You are no fun
Go back
pedoGOD, please stay and make this general better.
we peaked with penacony it's so fucking over, i'm finna play ba instead.
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>stacked in the official art
>chestlet character model
Something funny is going on here. I can't think of another character who looked as inconsistent between the art and the model.
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>he plays a chinese game and complains about pedoslop
what the fuck were they thinking when they made this??
its over for ba too they are replacing it with ba 2
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FireTRAD... Not like this...
>try to play the final TB mission
>they are literally stopping every other minute to have 15 minute diatribes about the meaning of the universe and fiction and interconnecting destinies and worlds inside worlds and our stories and meaning of Trailblaze and...
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>people try to blame firefly when the fault lies entirely with how bad xianzhou are as a faction
I genuinely cannot begin to care about the immortal Mary sues and their issues
If you want me to care about chink slop make another faction that is less self fellating
You're just schizophrenic, this "tease" argument you're using is just retarded since if you're making shit up in your mind you can make it in any situation anyway
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Look at this dude
Literally me
Ah, so that's why they made oti
Self fellation is state mandated, it'll happen on every chink (space)ship. As long as they keep delivering sexo designs I will roll though.
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>Mualani got nerfed AGAIN
BA bro...
You act like Elio isn't the worst thing in HSR.
The guy is just a cheatcode for incompetent writers and every SH member has no credibility because of that.
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She uses the Maiden model like Jingliu, retards. Why aren't you doing this the same for Lingsha.
Reminder to shit on Jiaoqiu, Moze and any other homo that gets shipbaited with a female character. Mihoyo needs to realize that we don't want that shit.
who is he shipped with?
What the fuck is with that mannish ass face
Easy skip
Yunli Clara double footjob
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>make sci-fi setting
>muh ancient chinese mysticism!
>everyone, probably even chinks, thinks it's slop
Like bruh, you can still make it futuristic and sci-fi and shit while cramming it full of chink slop.
They didn't NEED to make it Cargo Crate Simulator into other boring shit.
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Lingsha unironically has bigger tits which is a bit of a shame since I wanted a snek loli ideally
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Holy cute and canon
She's so fucking hot bros

I agree
People literally said the same about Acheron
I love this little fuck
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all those chinks look the same
Is lingsha ok as a 5* sustain, if i dont have firefly ?
>Firefly gets shilled to high heaven
>every female after is oddly sabotaged
Gee what a weird coincidence that waifus went to shit after Firefly
>Lingsha unironically has bigger tits
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Yanqing's humiliation ritual continues.
we need hard numbers but she's probably the best universal sustain. think luocha with more buffs and personal damage
Stfu pagfly simp
Her ultimate will be her taking Jiaoqiu's medicine which turns her feral and enhances her breasts to an H cup
Source: I'm Jiaoqiu
She does though. Feixiao was clearly some sort of rush job because her model doesn't match her art at all.
Yeah, Firefly killed the game. It's all her fault. Just look at how everyone was focusing on Firefly pre-2.0 in the white night trailer, how Firefly revived the art scene, how she beat almost every character in art, how there were constant memes about her after every patch. That is all clear proof that lots of people hated Firefly and have left the game because of her And ignore the fact that the Penacony story is done, that 2.3 was just a short epilogue, that there is no new lore to discuss, that we're going back to the Luofu, and that Jade is one of the worst selling banners. All those aren't related at all to why we are so dead at all.
>Hugging and Kissing Aventurine until his depression goes away!
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they're not inverted.....
Lucky Yanqing, I want to get humiliated by Yunli and Feixiao...
>average 30 year old man
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Flat/Loli Lamias just look like worms though... Lamias really need breasts to give them some actual womanly charm.
Guess it was about time we got another boy in shorts huh?
No, he is not
He's a background plot device, chink issues make me roll my eyes whenever they cry about their immortality while simultaneously treating anyone not immortal as patronizing and condescending as possible at best
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Lightning lord bros....we have competition now
Women were complaining about no meta male
They finally got one
Yunli somehow makes Yanqing look mature instead, she is more of retard than him
>MHY focuses every bit of effort into shilling Firefly
>actively sabotage other females to make Firefly more popular
Problem is that now this game is ONLY for people who waifu Firefly, because anyone who waifus someone else is getting shit on. Just wait till Kafka comes back for no reason but to tell you that she hopes you and Firefly get together before she dies.
That's a man
Yeah bro that's definitely what HSR needed, even MORE firefly shilling for a few more banners
The fuck is wrong with you lot
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Which HSR males want to fuck Stelle?
this is badass
Hopefully it howls
>sabotaged = she interacted with a male character
Now that we have a cute and canon polyship (Jiaoqiu x Feixiao x Moze), which other ship do you want to see made canon?
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Yanqing would be popular if he was a girl.
Everyone loves retarded jobber girls just fine.
Sword girls only come in 2 flavors, profoundly retarded or cold and stoic, anything else is an exception
What's the original?
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it is fine for girls to be retarded
What about march content?
Anything good?
>he doesn't know
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>how Firefly revived the art scene
You absolute fucking retard, Sparkle and Acheron already did it before her.
>Inb4 b-but Firefly has more art!
me x kafka
>Jade dead on arrival
>Yunli being shipped with King
>Feixiao having a boob nerf
Funny how we didn't have issues like this so much prior. Hell one could argue they tried it with Acheron by having her comment on you and Firefly being a couple while getting shipped with Black Swan.
Bronya x fat Silvermane guard
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Boobsbros, has anyone tried to build Hanya?
With March8th being a speedster fua I kinda want to try out topaz+march8th+hanya for zoom zoom funnies. Is hanya at least decent or is she a turbobrick?
it's really annoying how resources-intensive hsr is. Lots of characters I want to try out but building even one is weeks of farming...
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This is true. Muh script is just deus ex machina to make characters appear and disappear when nessesary.
She got shown the same time as those tho
>typical flopfly delusion
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Yunli is a genius of gut feeling, just because someone thinks differently doesn't mean they're stupid. In fact if she's a better fighter it means she's smarter despite what you may believe. Reason tends to be too slow and inaccurate compared to intuition
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Will we ever get a trap built for the male gaze like this?
like an actual
>draw female, call her male
not the fujobait ones
Neither of the girls were shipped with you before Firefly either except Kafka, not of them being for you is not sabotage just the normal lmao fucking retards
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How dead is this ship?
She's less bad than people here make her out to be, but she doesn't compare to a 5 star Harmony
I use her in my Acheron team and she works fine
Dan being a hikki who does nothing is too real for the virgin playerbase like myself, all shipping with him just makes it feel extremely goofy because of it so it's dying out
Both had more but Firefly's gigashilling for three months straight let her get more than the two at the end of it.
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Retter der HSR...
Stop talking to a bot
Daniel is literally from a species that can't have sex
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imagine the smell
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Would Hanya actually even work with M7? M7's pretty so positive so not sure if having extra sp would be useful unless Feixiao gets extra turns from her ass or something.
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I still want to believe that my Feixiao wife won’t cheat on me with NPCs like JQ or Moze. It’s just shitposters trying to doompost
>neatly folded clothes
missing naked dogeza march
People will bitch nonstop but roll for her regardless. Goku remains number one.
Aventurine, he literally raped me.
Sunday, I want Sunday to mindbreak me.
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She didn't even appear in 2.2
>Daniel is literally from a species that can't have sex
I haven't gotten to that part, can you elaborate?
March and Natasha had some pretty good (You) shipping. One could make an argument for Serval too. Bronya also got a very slight bit but it was just a small event thing. But even then all that does is make it sound like Firefly is the only (You) waifu in the game and that others can't even be appealing on a basic level anymore without being sabotaged in some way. If the devs are smart they'll make Tingyun for (You) when they bring her back but if they don't then we know fore sure it's intentional.
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Don't worry, she is not cheating on You with NPCs.
They are playable after all
fuck you
>no one rolled Jade and thats somehow Firefly's fault
>Yunli being shipped with King
It's just shipbait and we've had them before Firefly even existed
>Feixiao having a boob nerf
She's always had the same boobs
Spess dragons like Dan, bailu and lingsha do not reproduce, they respawn on death
>She's always had the same boobs
Is that right? >>488111603
She technically did throughout it because it was literally impossible to dodge beta clips of her and SAM being together which added only more fuel since she's basically two characters in one.
>but she doesn't compare to a 5 star Harmony
Yeah that's a given but once you've cleared moc with your hagdot premium team and your RRAT you can go for some funny shit
>Would Hanya actually even work with M7? M7's pretty so positive so not sure if having extra sp would be useful
Yeah you'd probably be swimming in SP with that team unless your hyperspeed carry is running laps around everyone
None of them. She has 0 (You)bait
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You WILL joim her harem
Nta but that's her splash art and different angle.
They can't nerf a thing you actually never saw in game
Who even uses SP in that team? March only basics, Topaz kinda can skill but not like it differs a lot with just basics. If you want to use Hanya, try to use some SP heavy team.
>building even one is weeks of farming
Only if you include relics. 4* especially can be done in a few days. And then just grab random pieces or relics from your other characters
Leak status?
>huge boobs in art
>chestlet in-game
When has a character ever looked this inconsistent between their art and their model?
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For me it's Chispas (Uniforme Escolar)
Why are you trying to stirr up shit in a place where nobody pooped?
>she's probably the best universal sustain
Brickbundances can't be the best sustain by default because you'll get fucked by one shots.
You a hoyo employee? Fuck off shill
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Woah, who's this cutie. She looks like she will respect me and my rights
Oh I'm sorry, was I not supposed to point that out? I guess we should just pretend that we don't have eyes because it's 2024 right?
>My waifu talks with another male aiiieeeee
>they waifu a character they have never meet yet
You deserved this
why does a doll needs underwear
Answer my question you dumb mouthbreather.
Show me a side by side comparison or shut the fuck up.
>No halo
this has to be some angle fuckery, they look weird on her model
sexier than normal sparkle
nothing oneshots outside of simuslop (in which case it's a blessing/curio issue anyway)
Fuck i thought she was a hebe
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can you get your dirty shit eating fly parasite out of my general? normally i'd avoid coming here but your firefly poster is, ironically, being a pest
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Did this just to spite you, faggot
that's Venti ur playign the wrong game
To protect themselves from predators like me.
Nah, keep him
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kek where are u from it might be sparkleposter falseflagging.
Hmm nyo it can stay in your worm infested shithole, do us a favor and keep it there.
like I said not the fujobait ones.
venti is clearly male coded
image of your medicine or didn't happen
>trying to shift blame to firefly because none of the upcoming characters generate any amount of hype
Well, what did you expect, only lingsha is somewhat interesting and even that is in question, if shes not a significant improvement over Gallagher I'll likely skip
Firefly has nothing to do with it, upcoming characters just suck, blame the writers
>If you want to use Hanya, try to use some SP heavy team.
maybe a kafka ultrazoomzoom hypercarry could work instead
>Top side view vs front
Anon...do you know how depth perception works?
dunno, sounds based to me
haha... I mean he got me like twice where I started to feel things before I realized...
Is Jiaoqiu unironically the Dehya of Star Rail?
>front vs side view
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So I can sniff them
Firefly killer...
Any moment...
I love flatties, will roll if she's flat
No Dehya is pretty.
No, because Dehya is fappable. Jiaoqiu is not fappable unless you have brain damage.
Do you not know how volume works? Front view doesn't make boobs shrink 3 sizes. If they were the same volume then the width of her chest would cover her ribs which they don't on the model.
There probably won't be as much of a meltdown over him.
Could maybe work. Hypercarry Kafka is probably worse than just standard dot, but at least the team makes conceptual sense
JQ is good though. Not good enough of an upgrade to Pela, but good.
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>retards still for the optical illusion like Topaz's allegedly "small" ass
Is this another Topaz ass was nerfed situation?
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I miss her bros...
Stop talking about Topaz's ass. Just thinking about it makes me horny
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>Your Acheron?
>Your firefly?
I only roll on hebe banners. Getting all of Yunli's dupes tomorrow
Anyone with eyes can see that her boobs were nerfed on the model compared to the art. She was probably supposed to have a mommy model but got nerfed to maid, tho even as a maid she's not the biggest.
>complaining about tit size when she's already a guaranteed skip because of 2x shipshit
It's like being served shit and instead complaining about said shit being overcooked
anons forget she is also a titty monster
Just blew a fat one on Runa Mei
Topaz is not big
RETARD, look at her face, she uses the hag model
all ZZZ lolis are top tier, they should stick to that and drop the furshit
>banner sold better than Firefly
I feel like she's in danger if she ever shows up again...
Who are they trying to appeal to? Yuriniggers will skip, straight males will skip, and females might as well not exist
>Designed by waterkuma
I'll pass because of the implications
Boychest on the left
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what the fuck is this?
do they hate money?
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>ZZZ gets hot lolis
>Meanwhile we're stuck with Chinaslop for at least the next two patches
It's over...
HSR lost
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And yet she's smaller than several maids like Ruan Mei, Topaz and Jingliu.
is her ass hard or soft?
ZZZ is stuck with shitty patches until at least 1.3 too. Hoyo is just pure garbage really, penacony was a fluke
Good evening SEAbwo
we don't even know if those semen demons will ever be playable...
Until we see her tits from the side this is pure schizo bable
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Fofo LOVE!
i'm polish
Xiiter shippers, I guess
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There are none upcoming
That's the problem here
Get glasses if you can't tell Feixiao's tits are fucking tiny you coping retards.
The current banner is a chinese woman though, and she is by far the hottest in the game
Even yurifags alone are a bigger audience than that
Turn the 2 males into fujobait while they're at it and they'd rake in money
I missed you so much Hertaschizo…
simply being chinese isn't enough to make it chinaslop
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Sex with Ruan Mei
It's Miyabischizo now
March is for _________
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people like this...thing?
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Weird how if I turn BS like this her boobs are still very clearly still large. In fact there's never been a question of if a girl with big tits still looks big from the front.
I heard hoyo fired him because xitter trannies threw a fit after learning that he draws loli porn
Is the rrat real?
I like Miyabi and will be rolling for her but I really wish she had a tail.
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no lol
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Jackie Chan hong kong police and twintail hair buns kung fu lolis with sexy legs and ass are the good chink shit stuff. We have absolutely 0 of that, not even the qipaos are good.
so they fired their only selling point? it's over for zzz and it didn't even begin
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Dan is for Caelus.
Out(you)'d by Firefly
Dan is dickless
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Sparkle is a mildly pathetic friendless clingy loser
faceless shota
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>Topaz is shipshit
>Yunli is shipshit
>Feixiao is shipshit
I don't like where this is going...
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>barely the same size while being on her back
Yep nerfed
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Sparkle is a horny little girl
BS is bigger than Feixiao, she is probably the biggest in the game
boy on left and right
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Don't care still rolling
Which patch is the Yukong x Tingyun part?
I think there are bigger
She just has a very thin waist
>shipshit with a literally who of all things
Himeko and Natasha are the biggest in the game
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MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are friends
Dan is literally for Stelle. He's a first person who give her a phone number
Cute hag
Maybe I'm bein a bit heckin sexist and misogyny coded but I like her less with smaller tits.
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Rewatch this for the upcoming Chinakino
>Lingsha is the only upcoming character that's NOT shipshit
I don't feel so good
Did Stelle fuck this?!
>Not shipshit
That you know of
Ok but someone like Tingyun also appears bigger. You can tell by how her boobs cover her ribs unlike Feixiao, even though Feixiao's torso isn't much bigger. Honestly the best case is that the one posted here for Feixiao is still an unfinished.
It's hard for me to place but Lingsha is extremely sexy she makes my dick move 100% of the time
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Hopefully she spooks me and bring Moze with her.
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Why are you retards like this?
not shipshit YET
>Fireflycore characters are all for (You)
What did they mean by this?
YanKING saved her so she owes him SEX
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Well thankfully she's the sexiest and also has a sniff fetish, just please for the love of god have a snek model
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Invite Firefly!
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Why is Ruan Mei so beautiful?
why shouldn't people talk about the way the characters are portrayed?
For Debuffers I have Pela, SW and Welt. If I need to play Acheron and Ratio together who do I use with whom for debuff application? I also have an unbuilt Guinaifein. Acheron usually uses SW and Pela whereas Ratio just gets SW if I play with him but incase I ever need to use both I'm kinda lost. Advice pls.
No but I did
WTF is qos?
Quality of sand
Came out before Firefly so she wasn't nerfed in some way.
Quality of Service
Snakes have an extremely potent sense of smell. Trust the plan.
god i want to eat her cunt so bad bros
they look like humans, i don't see why they wouldn't be able to fuck even if they can't reproduce
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I hate sand
quality of sex
How can you be a Sigga and not enjoy sand?
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>beautiful even with the chinkdress debuff
hsr's tits always look small from the front to me
still waiting for them to release an actual titty monster that looks big from the front
i love sand
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[2.4] Line count

(It's over)
>Male MC is a chad, surrounded by beautiful women
>Female MC is a boyfriendless stinky femcel who gets mistaken for a dyke
What did Mihoyo mean by this?
>Inb4 she's as sp black hole as FoFo the green goblin
In that case she's garbage and worse than Gallagher for break team.
TalkOptionsCHADS won...
That's a lot of lines for a filler patch wtf
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>Abundance in space china evil
>Lingsha is abundance
>Lingsha is space china
Lingha evil
We already knew Yanqing was co-teaching March, retard.
>>Lingsha is abundance
She's of the same race as Dan
My nigga Skott slowly getting promoted to MC status
Stelle is for me.
>Tail 65
>Huohuo 43
You can listen while Moze and Jiaoqiu get their pelvises ground to dust when she's in moon rage.
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Are you faggots retarded? Of course they look small, you're looking at them from THE FUCKING FRONT. We have loads of in game screenshots that show her from other angles, and guess what, she's got the exact same size as every other maid model!
>inb4 man shoulders hurr durr
Tail should've been a solo unit.
Sex with Sigga
my nigga argenti is everywhere kek
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>Silver Wolf
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Luciérnaga amor
skott god ww@
No other Vidyadhara has scales, it's just the elf ears.
Something is definitely suspicious about Lingsha
Yunli's bra
she's not a tranny
God, I miss Penacony already.
Woof woof woof
>NTR content in Genshit
>NTR content in HSR
>all ZZZ lolis are blacked/boared
god I'm such a happy fucking cuck
kafkabros... acheronbros... fireflybros...
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>another 6 hour 4 niggas in a circle yap fest
I'm tired boss...
I forgot that new leaks also bring back the schizos that left
Oh my fucking god dude
March being that High is Bad news lmao, whats the point? Shes easily the second most boring member of the Astral Express
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Thank god she looks like a man
Now I can go all in into this chinese imperial concubine
It's me, I am Pepeshi Tourist 48
For me it's March 7th's Good-for-Nothing Stomach
>Why does the Propagation fanatic looks like someone you want to propagate with
it is a mystery
Trailblazer lines: I love being a cameraman
>generic luofudress
Her patch
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Who's Skott
>boobs disappear when the jacket comes off
Cute Sparkle again

the real leader of the ipc
space kot
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The upcoming china story should have taken place on the Yaoqing.
It still being on the Luofu basically confirms there'll be more than just 6 more china arcs.
Its all Lingsha fags redirecting their disappointment over the "snake" body just being the back of her dress.
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March... Plase at least make the patch funny...
>a good bro of Skott's
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Does Genshin take place in Honkai universe?
Bro your aurum alley story?
IPC wagie who wanted to make Sushang bark like a dog in Aurum Alley event
Our guy, tried to make Sushang bark like a dog.
That's just a domain expansion, you can get one of those at the corner shop.
>Firefly has zero lines
Thank fucking god.
Our guy
This is nasuverse
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You're getting sued
Venti expy? Feixao's third husband
>any waifu that provides gameplay advantages for Firefly will be (You)sexual
Firefly is really the saviour of HSR
>domain expansion
I'm sorry bro, but we love Fate here. Please use the correct term and call it a reality marble
Ηοw many hours until yunli bros?
Why does SW follow us everywhere we go? And where’s Kafka?
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why is skott back...
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>Huohuo: not listed
There must be a mistake.
persecution syndrome
It's like they want it to flop
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Hey still better than....this
Then I save for Tingyun 2.0
It's a good plan
I know i am in the minority here but i am glad we get a small chested tomboyish hag its
Bonus points if she is self concious about her bust size
Non-chink waifus… lost…
she has 43 retardbwo
don't project your loser mc to chadblazer, pagther
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The next chinkslop arc is filled with shipshit because the chinawriters favor Stelle over Caelus
The mistake is your eyes blindbro.
Do people really think this generic bug chink is beautiful?
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>Three abundance blessings
>physical damage curio

This week we shill... Natasha? Or is this the time for Argenti?
People also believe that you will never be a woman
I love to watch!
Her and Tail have a combined 109 lines
yunli retardbro
Sir, this is hsr not gi
Bro, let it go...
She's not a snek...
Yunli, her skill procs dewdrop
I just ignored it and reforged it into the fire curio. Just another week of brute forcing DU with Firefly
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We know
>Silver Wolf
>no firefly to ward off majority of trannies and gaylords in this general
grim fucking patch
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People shitting on Penacony will eat their words once we are back in space china
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Literally didn't know Yunli was physical. Thought she was fire.
>no firefly to keep pags and brownoids in this general
blessed fuarking patch
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cimmon mistake
>curio makes physical ultimate heal entire party
>dewdrop equations
>Firefly still living rent free in this general's head
It probably does, there was that web event that mentioned that there was a dead planet called Tavyet.
>China patch
>Somehow still seething over FF
>instead it's filled with shipping twitter tourists
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Homos be malding
The head? My roster.
When will Jingliu finally become relevant?
It's supposed to be her time now....
The good parts of star rail are always when the MC isn't talking or involved, just like genshin. You're not any better. MC's rebuttle to Sunday's question after you beat his ass was retarded and instantly killed the high of that fight
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>xianzhou SHIPS
>filled with shipping
shiptrannies are permanently living in her shadow
she's a constant reminder to these cucks that mihoyo has never been their stout ally in their pathetic war against self inserters
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HSS and Luofu are 100000 times more yappy and techno jargon than anything in PenaKINO. People just don't remember how bad it really was, the 2.3 TB schizo and chat messages are going to be the last good interactions we're going to get until at least 3.0
next region. the firefly of that region is ice and is paired with remembrance mc, so prepare for another half a year of ice shilling
Its the factually correct answer retard, you sleep to rest for the trials of tommorow
I will skip chinkslop story, train March with my dick, grab free jades and roll for Lingsha. That's it
pagturine is a garbage character, xister
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woahhh....big numbers......
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Shitposters are so mad they couldn't cuckpost her, they're going overdrive with the new characters and blaming Firefly for being too for (You) now lol
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>Read his story
Broken combat medic kino
The dan china segments are easily the worst this game has ever been and everyone agrees on that
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>Ceres is the weekly boss again
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The big bad Borisin in the 2.4 trailer was BTFO'd by Jingliu and was thrown into prison because of her, maybe she'll be a bit relevant next patch
She has a faster average clear time than Firefly in the current MOC
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Not a lot to look forward to
I'd build march but she's a huntbrick and I have no team for her
I already have sparkle and don't even use her
Can't believe I'm actually tempted to roll fofo with how shit all upcoming is
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where is my wife?
Isnt she in the prison we are going to go soon?
Literally who?
I missed you, Hertaschizo
Luocha and JL were transferred to another ship after the quintet quest
My memory of Space China is a little fuzzy but I thought her and Luocha were taken off to a different ship for essentially a court hearing
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>Silver wolf 89
That high?
What the hell is she doing in xianzhou in the first place?
making TB is not cheating on firefly
Worst part of penacony was aventurine sobstory
Luofu focused on Dan and it was hot garbage
She is involved with march training. Why? Who knows
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>Known Masked Fool Sparkle was found trapped inside a claw machine arcade cabinet today.
>The cabinet was dedicated to "Furmo Pop!" plushies of the 17 year old, who had allegedly spent over 200 Aideen Tokens, which she claims "is way past hard pity". After which she utilized her diminutive physique to attempt to climb up the prize chute, only for the door to close behind her.
>Upon being informed of the incident, management advised emergency crews to "continuing playing until the machine gave her to them" and that "our machines don't do hard pity"
Taking a chance at the racoon while firefly isn't looking
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>Zenless launched
>Natlan releasing
We're going to be stuck in boring ass filler arc Space China for months, bros...
Aventurine's sob story was on par of laofuslop
i always wonder why is there a lot of fanarts of hsr characters in a bunny outfit?
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Oh yeah, I forgot.
Well, there is still hope to see them in the future i guess
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I could take a break from the clusterfuck of juicy units that was Penacony desu.
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is serval a slut?
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>March will talk to us 607 times
>Mogged by genshin's new designs
>Mogged by Zzz's thick asses and fun gameplay
It's not fair...
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Cause it's hot
I don't want to play Genshin though, that game sucks ass
>sorry trailblazer
>the bwonderful tourist is in another cast-... ship
>why did the chicken cross the road
>to get to the other side!
amazing deduction sherlock, no one could have figured that out
>Mogged by genshin's new designs
Lmao no, Natlan characters (besides the archon and Capitano) all look like complete trash
but anon your community is the one who hates bunnies y'know
they were just in gig
>Is the 40 year old rock star bachelorette a slut
Is water wet?
They all look better than the upcoming chinkshit we're getting. Cope harder
Sunday sure didn't
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only homos don't like bunny suit
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Maybe next planet Sparkle won't sperg out and try to send bomb dolls instead of just accepting lmao
What if the chicken was ready to end it all, huh? Is there no deeper meaning to it making it to the other side? Bitch.
No they dont, even Jiaoqiu with his npc jacket looks better
Don't show this to hi3trannies...
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Undeniably soulfull.
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Does raising the threshold protocol for the weekly bonus give more drops at all or anything?
>Even this gay faggot that looks like an NPC is better
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>Why did the chicken cross the road?
>I think... it's because it's afraid of what's behind it but still pushes forward anyways.
can't wait till we travel to amphorus and eat delicious souvlaki with malakas
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I love bunny girls!
No but if it happens to have good curios it can be an easy way to unlock difficulties since it removes a lot of the RNG
My FUARKING heroïne....
So that's where the damn thing is.
umm shouldnt her chest be wider considering her tits on the drip?
Ohhh i didnt even realize it gives different curious interesting.....
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Why don't you people get excited for more March content?
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>You decline the offer
Does anyone have a good comp for this week's DU? I have Luka and Clara, no other physical dps.
I wanted to eat agleias ass but, hey, you do you
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Would you guys play a 18+ rated mihoyo game?
Of course you will have to fake your age to actually play it but no one checks for age on the internet, you will be fine. i agree with this guy >>488111162
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firefly wouldn't allow this to happen
I only like pure women, and March 7th is a used slut with a pussy as loose as a tire
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The charmony dove...
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>Let's cross the road... Together.
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>Confirmed to be the president of the Itty bitty titty committee

Do you still like her bros?
Memokeepers are all whores
Self-inserters are mentally ill, holy shit. Go play snowbreak if you want to marry a fucking game model
March is my besto friendo
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>Why did the chicken cross the road?
>Because it's not ready to stop.
>is your liking of a character dependant on titty size?
No. She's still hotter than 80% of the cast by virtue of being a fox alone.
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Seethe more cuck
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This unironically looks censored. Shan't be rolling if they gave her a boychest.
>average clear time
lol. e0 jade also had a better average moc clear time than acheron, yet if you said e0 jade was godly in moc you would be nothing more than a retarded shitposter. which is exactly what anyone who takes thise stats seriously is
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Yes but it needs to have a 50 hour VN route with Firefly, of course with tons of interactions and banter from other characters like SW, sparkle, robin and Yomi. And Belobog needs to have a 90 hour hidden Clara route post epilogue that delves deeper into her, Svarog's and Belobog's background, coupled with an extremely sweet lovey dovey H-scene at the end. I only really care about that, make Luofu the Yume Dan route for all I care
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Me too
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Any Feixiaobros left?
Im only pulling if she works with March 8th
I mean it gives you a weighted curio and set of equations at the start which are designed to work together. Normally you get random weighted curios after beating each boss and they will often just be useless, and on difficulty 5-6 you absolutely need a cohesive build
Nope. Flat foxian is a dogshit design. She'll only get sales if she's incredibly meta.
The thing is not even a self insert issue, Laofu as a whole is a hype killer.
No sorry, the last one just transitioned
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never left
If she looks like this in-game and not like >>488110531
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>Of course you will have to fake your age to actually play it
A bold assumption on your part.
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>Sex with Clara = creep
>Sex with Yunli = based
Enough time has passed. What's the /hsrg/ consensus on Divergent Universe?
Do we have any art of the girls with the Mega Milk shirt?
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>is your liking of a character dependant on titty size?
is this a trick question?
It's awful. I hear Simulated Universe is much better, you should go try that instead.
Svarog bias.
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More like Flatxiao lmao
Herta? Forgotten.

Oh Herta....
shut up Herta
NO one asked about your shit opinion furfag
>t herta
The flatest thing on feixiao will be her sales line
Fucking finally. Now all the readables will be complete.
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Right here, these retards that dont know how perspective works wont affect my pull
Clara calls you onii-san
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>got E1 Bronya from permanent banner despite getting a 5* just 10 rolls ago on it

Does her E1 do much for her? Improved skill point economy does sound nice for her, but I have Sparkle so I feel like if I was that hungry for "Bronya with less skill point cost" I'd just use Sparkle?
Clara is weak coded
Yunli is dom coded
Although yes, you have a point, it's a very different vibe to try and fuck an underage girl who probably couldn't lift a 5lb dumbbell and trying to fuck an underage girl who rip you to pieces with her bare fucking hands.

As they say, sex is about power.
He's cute, but I don't have the pulls for Feixiao
I love it. It's faster than SU, you're not bound by the path you choose at first, and you can try characters you haven't fully built yet.
Must be her slave brand
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Is Jade any good? I find her really hot but I don't know if I should roll for her or not.
die schizo
It does nothing for you unless you're already using Bronya for Jingliu/Boothill.
Are the 2.5 chara's kits available yet
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Sorry that the threads have been so slow, /hsrg/...
I've been waiting for Thursday, August 1st to shitpost.
I'll be doing this simultaneously on /hsrg/, /gig/, /zzz/, and /wuwa/.
All of those posts will be me.
Something's fucky about this week's cyclical final boss.
As a jade owner, very underwhelming, only really useful in Pure Fiction.

She's hot though, so if that's your priority, as she is for me, then go off, king.
No one cares about your faggot ass and I will be getting TWO fox girls this time, so do us all a favor and kill yourself.
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This feels like a camera patch
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Is Robin for (You)? Discuss
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Do not tell this dude I use Acheron with S1 GNSW
He'll laugh at me...
If you have blade she is bad-
If you dont have blade she is actually bad---
She killed the game with her slow ass banner
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Even the Archive Schizo is in /hsrg/ >>488120406
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>[Furfag Schizobabble rant]
Stay mad furfag
Don't care furry, die.
I rolled for her for horny and I have no regrets, but I'm not a hardcore player. She ended up being very fun for me though, but admittedly that may because I don't otherwise have many Limited FUA 5*s.

Any time a game introduces a rich woman that gets off on ruining peoples lives, I roll for her.
seriously, what the fuck
Funny how perspective never made anyone question Kafka or Acheron.
>sees a normal woman with ears+tail
>immediately thinks of furfaggotry
anon you are a massive faggot and a closet furry, hang yourself and explode, don't care in which order
clara is older tho
lold at cirrus
Yeah, she's great. Her gameplay is fun, she deals a lot of damage on many targets, and is very SP positive. If the fight drags on a bit she deals more damage than most characters. My Jade has a followup attack that deals about 60% of Acheron's ult when fully stacked.
At E0 she will make PF more brainless than usual and that's about it. At E1 she enables some really funny meme teams (her + Hunt March can 0-cycle MOC) but that's a fairly big investment after a long string of more overpowered banners so nobody really has time for that
I could see her being another Topaz where 6 months from now there will be much more reason to have her on a rerun
This IS camera patch
I will pull if the last post wasn’t a shitpost and a nothing burger
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Even Cirrus is confused.
At least March gets a cute outfit
Wow, that was a lot of cope to tell me how much of a not furry faggot you are. You obsess over furry characteristics of a character, you are a furry.
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I haven't looked at her kit so I don't even know what she does. Is she good with anyone of my characters?
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>Don't worry, I'll always be with you
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lol this general is still alive...
damn, I'm considering E1 since it unlocks her for all content. I just need to win this 50/50 that's about to come...
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Looney toon moment
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do NOT post doros!
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lol your general is still alive...
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Preparing for Black Swan, which cone + head piece is better?
Threads got dumber I guess
Ok but what will happen to Fireflybros when Mihoyo inevitably drop another hyper for (You) wife (since FF was a smash hit)?
Kiss Belle
Who do you think has the more ravaged holes between her and Aventurine?
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Cope faggot your chink is generic.
Himeko mogs her.
how is this possible? zzz was THE genshin killer. they game came out like 3 weeks ago
Kafka's boobs got actually nerfed during her beta.
But hey being a tourist is totally ok!
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You want to pair her with Herta or Himeko so yeah
She took knots
prydwen stats don’t lie, you can’t argue with FACTS and LOGIC, clearly jade is the next busted dps clearing FIREFRAUD and ACKERON in moc

if you use these stats for anything other than shitposting, you deserved to be laughed at and ignored
Firefly gets shipbaited with Robin to make space for the new waifu
hot af
All Hoyo games take place in the same multiverse HI3 goes into this pretty deep.
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Jades kit is that she is a dedicated sub-dps that wants to ̶s̶i̶g̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶m̶a̶r̶r̶i̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶r̶a̶c̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ give a buff to another character that can hit many enemies frequently.

Every enemy hit by the buffed teammate by any means generates one stack out of 9. When 9 stacks are accumulated, Jade unleashes a FUA to the full field. Jade also generates stacks with her own attacks and her basic attack hits three enemies when her buff is active. She can also buff herself to generate double stacks but this forgoes a speed buff so it's suboptimal. Her Ult and basic attack generate stacks but her fua doesn't for obvious reasons.

Her best teammates are people like Herta, Himeko and Argenti as well as high-speed characters that FUA frequently. She'll be sitting pretty right next to that Himeko you have, although the team will rely on regular quantum or fire breaks.
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Is there anybody here without mental illness?
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Whenever she attack a target she gains a stack (AOE counts each individual enemy seperately). When she gains 8 stacks, she uses a follow up attack where she whips the enemy. She can contract one ally, the contracted ally will then give her stacks under the same rules.

You want people who can attack often so follow up attackers work best with her. Unfortunately the only one you have there is Himeko. Or wait, Yanqing does them too? but no idea how his work. I've tried to run her with Sparkle/Bronya to just give her and her contractor as many turns as possible a few times but it doesn't feel great.

So you don't really have who she works best with, no.
Mobius expy fucking when dawei, my life will be yours if you put this bitch in star rail
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Two wives
Jesus Christ. I didn't expect Feixiao to be THAT ugly in game.
prydwen is shill. they will say yunli is t0, jiaoqiu is t0, feixiao is t0. everything will be t0 on release because they are paid to shill the new shiny character
QQxisters... we're back!
Two wives
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zzz isnt fun i think im going to uninstall
I doubt they will make a waifu more boring than Firefly so probably won't happen, especially given how hard they are sabotaging waifus now.
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Harem is always the way. My relationship to them is purely fictional so I can just headcanon that they are fine with being part of a polycule with me as the bull.
any waifufags don't mind having another for (You) wife tho.
Then chadlus will have another wife

What? You really think all space civilizations prohibit polygamy?
Wtf are you on about? The Trailblazer being a lunatic from Firefly's POV was amazing and confirmed that those unhinged dialogue options are the canon ones
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I am unironically confused about this ship. The only thing they have in common (apart from the obvious) is that they both got penetrated by Gallagher's dog
>herta is better than acheron at moc
Once we get our room on the Astral express we'll collect for(you) characters like Pokemon
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Welcome back sis
>... Eh?
You dont like the mindless tv sections?
uninstalled last week, I'd rather slit my own throat than play that shitty TV minigame ever again in my life
I just woke up. Did Yunlibros win?
What you just said makes no sense, ESLbro.
That won't happen lol, self insertpags will have to make do with blandfly until EOS.
People's issue with FF to begin with is that it goes against harem, in that they are gonna force you with her and her alone, so you can't have any other waifus.
shouldnt sushang be good since her ult does damage?
I don't know, but Flatxiaofags LOST
Literally nobody give a shit about Natasha despite being among the first for (You) characters in the game
It'll just be a harem. Surely not all the planets in the universe are monogamist cucks.
Literally not a waifu if you have more than one you stupid zoomer.
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Those people have an opinion that doesn't matter.
Thanks for answering my dumb questions. I am a bit clueless on the current meta because I haven't played since 1.3. But you have convinced me to roll for her
I like the story, world and characters but holy fuck is gameplay shit and daily manual grinding makes me remember Genshin shitfest.
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I was trying to do the final floors of the abyss, and its just like 7 minutes of spamming dodge against enemies with ridiculously high HP pools. I can't see myself wanting to this again ever.
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Horny birb is for (you)
>woman with tail
neck yourself, furtranny
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Firefly said shes robin's fan, also irl robin fans wanting her to have more content besides sunday
You don't collect bugs from trees so clearly the grind got improved.
And Fireflyfag opinions don't matter to me because they are the most basic of men. I can't imagine having top tier waifus like Kafka, Topaz and Acheron and going for the more average-looking milquetoast girl.
the dailies are fast
the weeklies are garbage though
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Good morning bwos
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More memes like this
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Any woman in this game is for (me). Any male in this game is my bro. Simple as. I love my wives, and I respect my bros.
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>most basic of men
>I can't imagine having top tier waifus like Kafka, Topaz and Acheron and going for the more average-looking milquetoast girl
Depends on the weeklies, taking two pictures of cats per week is kino.
>Any woman in this game is for (me)

Even Herta?
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>Why did the chicken cross the road?
>Because it's not ready for the final crossing.
Now that Genshin won while we're stuck in the chinkslop ship again, what games are we playing until 3.0?
Numby makes a better waifu than Topaz does
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God I fucking hate Topaz
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We go mushoku tensei route
two wives = happy family
Anon, your bro(Yanking) is fucking your wife(Yunli), do you respect that?
The ship itself just was born out of spite because Caefly/Steltaru was everywhere and the way Firefly was written meant you couldn't ship it with anyone besides the Trailblazer.
Firefly mentions that she likes Robin music and that she wants to buy her promotional lipstick and that's it, that's all the connection there is, some like it genuinely and some just like it to spite Trailblazer fans which is just sad because their ship dynamic is none because Firefly was written in a very specific way lol, ive actually read Robinfly fics and they're all very generic or extremely OC.
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All of them are my wives
Honkai: Star Rail, of course. What did it win btw, yet another Mualani nerf? Lmao.
Depends of how much I like that other for (You) character but I will never abandon my Hotaruwife

Firefly will most likely get a lot of fanart where she gets cucked or goes yandere though
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>have 10s like this in the game
>Pagfly's can't comprehend why someone would want that over their 7 waifu
Paul... Such a great man
>another Mualani nerf?
she got slightly buffed in fact
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We all love miss Sparkle here
Holy cope lmao
>we go mushoku tensei route
We know you're a pedophile, anon. No need to announce it.
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How many wives is too many? Surely after a certain number you are unable to form a (non-sexual) connection with them right?
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>Why did the chicken cross the road?
>Because... it'll make it to the other side!
I liked the story but the daily grind is wearing me out ngl
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Different wives for different parts of your day.
Firefly is for cuddling and talking about nerd shit with Silver wolf
Kafka is for raw sex in public spaces and movie night
Yukong is for repeated creampies and classy restaurants
Himeko is for coffee, paizuri and breast feeding
Topaz is for scheduled multi-hour sex sessions and going to the zoo
Black Swan is for wet-dreams
Jade is for domming and bondage (financial)
Robin is for when you really need everyone in the neighborhood to know when you're having sex.
Silver wolf is for anal and talking about nerd shit with Firefly.
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Even without competition we get arts like this
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Genshin is completely wormed at this point, no woman is allowed to be remotely good.
no because I find games-as-a-service awful for adult games (f95 patreon scams)
Mihoyo abandoned star rail to shill ZZZ

Now ZZZ flopped and now they're back to shilling Genshin

HSR left rotten and forgotten until Fatecuck collap.

They even used HSR to shill Olympics and it turned out to be the worst decision ever made.

I like reddit spacing btw
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I believe in monogamy.
Not possible. He's wearing a cuck cage.
Natlan>>>>>>Luofo 2.0
you need to multiply the third value by 1.5 because she can fit an extra attack in her rotation
double retard
We'd have to wait and see if the 'archon' or the catmommy are good first, but Genshin has been biased towards husbandos for years now. I never forgave them for Dehya.
HSR. I dropped Genshin after the new Liyue expansion because I was too board and I have no interest in catching up.

I will probably come back for Columbina if they don't ruin her
Holy shit lmao. This is baaaad.
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Unironically Kino
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Did the Kafka skin leak?
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Rules are meant to be broken
Columbina is either cryo or anemo so she's doomed to be dogshit no matter what
Yeah definitely but with competitions it's going to be in a whole different level

I bet the domestic violence memes will explode too
HSR of course. I'm not going back after 3.2 story.
Both Nahida and Furina are busted. Why are we assuming the Pyro Archon is going to be bad?
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which one is better, the BP pass or one of these?
You dont belong here, march-anon. You sre too blessed for this cursed general
Kafka and Acheron are great too yeah but too haggy for me, I have nothing against people who like them more though.
I want archive schizo to move to this general. It will be funny.
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What violence?
I'd quite literally never like to see Firefly again because of the way her mere existence has managed to wreck my optimism in this game. I can trace the moment almost everything going downhill from the moment she showed up on the screen because after that's the catering entire end game modes to her, the relics, the PR while the male characters get scraps of the effort hoyo has put into Firefly.

The way she has been handled has pretty much dissolved my trust in both the writing and how characters will be made in the future because I can assume that they'll be catering to the waifu collectors a lot more openly than they already were.
Hag, pyro and she may not even be the archon.
use a vpn nigga
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Depends on what you want. You don't buy the BP for the rolls.
don't worry bros, Wormitano will do twice the dps of Neuv with zero setup and his banner will save Genshit forever
Based MarchGOD

Too bad she can't complete with Firefly in terms of for (You) pandering and is a 4 star otherwise she'd be unstoppable
don't you get banned for that?
how does it work?
>check genshin
>melty again
>devs nerfed a female twice
>male nerf rollback
I'm just glad we're not filled with homos yet. I guess I can keep playing until the same thing happens here.
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Not reading all that, but here's a cute Firefly.
They aren't catering to non-Firefly waifu collectors either the fuck you on about?
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I'm gonna take a nap.
I don't think it unlocks difficulties. First week I did threshold 1 on the cyclical, but don't remember being able to start threshold 2 on the normal one.
BP for XP/trace mats
Top ups for straight up jades
Because mihomo has been afraid of power creeping Bennett and XL since literally 1.0
I'd be happy if pyro archon was even just a sidegrade to one of the two...
I'm talking about her character, lore and role in the story, I don't really care about meta.
>waifu collectors
Blandfly is *the* waifu. They're not getting anything after this either.
Nahida and Furina are great supports, Raiden is still a high tier dps and functions as a good burst bot, and Zhongli is probably the best shielder in the game even after all these years. The only reason Venti isn't considered as good is because Kazuha is the only real powercreep Genshin ever got.
The pyro archon WILL be good.
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Just wait bro.
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Well, we are playing a cute anime girls game after all, they know their niche
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Funny you think I can't like both
nta, I like Kafka and Acheron, but I don't like Jingloo and Topaz. I guess everyone has their own tastes
Clearly it wasn't enough if it didn't make homos drop the game, hopefully she shows up again soon.
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yay I got her
You're wasting your time, HSR is not a romance game, FF was designed for that, and as bad it is, you only find the rest of the girls attractive and alluring.
stage of grief: acceptance
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This one
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Kneel before the Heroine of Star Rail.
Congrats bwo
>80 rolls
congrats on your brick, I guess
What’s your gender identity
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I only want her to show up with other SH. Her personality is too bland to actually give a single shit about on her own, but she can be fun acting as a straight (wo)man with how weird all the other SH can get.
>wasting 12800 jades on this gigabrick
Lmao retarded faggot
>Waifu collector
>Half of the girls are dykes
>The other half dont care about TB
Better for farming, but shit normally. I don't mind changing my team, but everything feels weak compared to super break. And too many layers of RNG that you lack control over. First you get an equation, but then have to activate it by getting the right blessings. Once missed just one blessing to activate an equation. Had 1k+ fragments, but after spending them all still missed that blessing. That just feels shit. There are some good improvements in design and ui, but the rng aspect makes it unfun. Maybe could be fixed if they allowed you to select preferred path and banned path every time you hit a boss. So you could at least have some control over the RNG, but not at the start of the run
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>Sigga 2.1 sad back story
>Firefly show up because she's relevant to the Penacony story
I picked Stelle
>Kazuha is the only real powercreep Genshin ever got.
Pff right, let's just ignore like half of Fontaine and adjacent.
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it's all worth it for the tits.
ty ty
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>Firefly complain
>look inside
>muh male character representation
Every time
Aventurine's story was simply more interesting than Firefly's.
And I didn't even like it that much.
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Why do you care so much about his jades? Are they your jades? You keep projecting every time somebody rolls for anything
Once March becomes Elysia she will definitely become the new most popular character
>muh waifu collectors
This is a game for straight males.
We have niggers crying about 2.1 everyday so that's not crickets
I don't care about Aventurine, but everything important that Firefly did was off screen. You could rewrite it all to Argenti and the plot wouldn't change.
Why are you lying on the internet?
I didn't like either but aventurine's was way worse
Kinda cute desu.
None of the upcoming character leaks that I saw looked particularly interesting to me and I still have 150 tickets left anyways.
I wish you transgots would all fuck off one day. Nobody likes you here, yet you keep posting your narrative. Anyone with some dignity would get the hint and go somewhere else, but not you, you're too mentally ill to get it.
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I had a nightmare they they released a new girl that is exactly my type but that's after TB marrying Firefly in the story so she's in canonically love with another male, not TB.
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>Jiao literally gave up on trying to teach Sushang literacy
yeah, but i mean the SU stuff
SU without auto is just garbage, especially when you start
There isn't a single character in the game that does exactly what an old character did but better like with Kazuha and Venti. They both fill the same niche, but one is more optimal in every single situation, the only people using Venti are people who like him more.
mikafly my beloved
No it fucking wasn't, it was pure filler.
I liked his better too. Her being a clone soldier that slept for a bazillion years means that the only interesting part of her story comes after she joins the SH.
>googled it
Every time.
I kinda feel bad about this retard for how dumb she is and the way her mother treaded her when she was a child

She isn't even some "genius" overpowered sword autist dispite all that time and effort
Sigga story could've been a side quest like Argenti.
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holy bricked
I just realized
>Firefly=Sylphie but tits
>SW=Roxy but a loser
>Kafka=Eris but smart
>muh filler
Nothing firefly did onscreen amounted to anything relevant either.
After six weeks ruminating on the events of this patch, the bad taste still hasnt been washed from my mouth completely, though I dont think it ever will. For me, 2.3 stands as the lowest point in HSR's history. Our cute little Disney moment with the fireworks and the forced gravitas wasnt just cringe and lame from a "WHEN WILL YOU EVER STOP SHOVING THIS DULL WAIFU DOWN MY THROAT!!" standpoint, but also from a writing standpoint. It turns out that scene and everything to do with Firefly's deaths was completely pointless and a waste of time that was quickly forgotten after it happened, with the game likely falling back on Penacony's "its all just a dream anyway nothing here matters" excuse. Meaning it literally was all just fan service, and nothing more. I'm sure her simps appreciated all the bright colors and the manufactured moments with MC/FF, but I personally dont appreciated having keys condescendingly jangled in front my face from a game I used to expect good writing from. Despite lasting about 5 minutes (a very long and very painful 5 minutes), this one scene has tainted Penacony irrevocably for me, and set a really foreboding precedent for the storytelling going forward.
>Uncle J! My mom sends her regards!
>Kills him Game of Thrones style
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>Muh little dove
>Muh aventurine
>Muh offscreenfly
Do you niggers realize that is not a "characters" fault? But hoyo as writers that suck? You should be used to it, this games is full with shit writing.
She's so retarded...
Yeah, I'm pulling
She beat up Yanqing, that has to count for something
No it wasn't
>we go from Firefly seething to Aventurine seething again
Can you fags get more original, seeth about other characters already
I'm erect
The best part about Firefly’s story is her trailer confirming that Pelafly and Hagfly exist.
Mihoyo better make them playable
The interaction with Boothill is way more interesting compared to two hours straight of Avenyapping
t.closet furry
I'm taking it slow and just completed the story, but could the lack of damage be caused by a level difference? Recently found out that your damage gets massively worse if you're even 5 levels below the enemy.
I can see the others but Kafka and Eris are fucking opposites
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mucho basado
Huohuo is ugly
Like Ruan Mei?
>Sigga's story is fairly boring and adds nothing to the plot but fleshes out his character decently
>Firefly's story is very boring, adds nothing to the plot, and doesn't even flesh out her character
This I will agree with though.
bake XUEYI bread
When? I don't remember

Also why does this retards keep jobbing? Has he even won a single fight so far?
BP is the same $/Jade as top-up with bonus with the addition of a bunch of mats
Truth nuke in all honestly.
Give me a pic of her
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New thread
why are trannies silent when females get nerfed, but seethe when males get nerfed? why the double standards?
Ghost Hunting event, he got possessed by a Heliobus
yeah they should add more firefly content to the game
I only hate Firefly
I love this dumbass
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Firefly super broke you
Can we have a proper thread?
by vpn'ing to another country and paying in its currency you can get significant discounts on topups, and no you don't get banned for it.
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Not touching that, bake the xueyi thread
Aventurine's boring ass patch could have been used for Firefly's backstory instead
It was kinda a reach because the other two fit, but Kafka does use a sword and has big tits. Plus she is probably as wild in bed as Eris
Let jannies work. They deleted the threads yesterday.
which country is recommended? japan?
Keep seething bros, I'm sure that will make Firefly less popular
too late bwo, maybe next time
Nice one homo
I guess you could argue that Chiori is a straight upgrade over Albedo in every aspect.
But both of them are shit and you only use them if you like them already, so not much of a difference.
Flip the characters and you're acting the exact same
heh it doesn't hurt to try
Was it a 1v1? Was he weakend somehow?
>he got possessed by a Heliobus
Kek this guy just can't stop jobbing. I wonder who he'll be treaded in this upcoming patch
Please google subjectivity
What's with the masks?
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>other characters
>he's a question and a scene relevant to that question
>here's a question for your canon wife but first watch this 2 minutes montage of you and Firefly on a date uwu.
Japan is a good choice right now because of the weak yen, yes
I honestly can't remember that much
But since he's the jobking i'll just assume it was a fair 1v1
There's no real bricks (except not getting every sustain to E1S1)

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