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Previous: >>488104217

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
>Furina is strong
Because she's Neuv's wife.
>Mualani is weak
Because she's Natlan's bicycle.
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I'm dropping the game if Xilonen gets nerfed. Fuck Kazuha. He's a 1.x character. He should not be the best support character until EoS
Trust the plan Mualanibros, she'll get her numbers back
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>50% of damage lost
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/gig/ told me femcel devs were FIRED
what happened?
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Kinich status?
You can thank Murricans and their boycott for this.
Now Hoyo hate any even slightly tanned characters.
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Nahida is really sexy.
>retards not realising this is a buff for Mualani since you can now do 3x nukes instead of 2 as previously for overall more damage.
Though this spreads out her damage so less frontloaded.
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>Sir, the second nerf just hit the shark girl.
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I repeat:
Enjoy your worm infested game but please keep it out of the other generals, nobody cares that your girl got nerfed and your worm infested faggots reign sovereign in your lgbtq+ targetted game
Get out of my hsr general.
Specially keep your worm-loving frog posters here.
He isn't, Furina is the best support character in the game by far.
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They won :3
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sex with alhaitham
Yes but that doesn't matter. You have to understand most people are retarded and don't understand basic math.
she was always able to land 3 hits
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>forward vape character is now worse for forward vape
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Mavuika's off-field pyro+ATK buff will make Ayato and Cheld the best Hydro characters in the game
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Mihoyo really can't help themselves can they?
This ugly whore made me drop the game
Hmmm, based.
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>1 million damage nerf
>its actually a buff... bros...
uh oh melty lmfao
Reminder that Mavuika will likely buff Kinich more than Mualani
Because he's an ATK scaler
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A million damage still sounds like a lot of damage honestly.
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CUTEfly... please.... grace your presence in this game....
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This also makes her way better in high number multi wave content

Mualani is better now
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years of
>roll for who you like
>game is easy so you don't need busted DPS to clear anything or even 36*
>muh soul
Yet every time a female DPS releases and doesn't break the game in two, people are having melties.
What changed?
She could always land 3, it's just that now she might fully stack that last one, or even get a 4th one. Not like it matters since she'd need 5 hits to match her dmg before the nerfs
any women would, you love men, like everyone still playing this game
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>since you can now do 3x nukes instead of 2
You can now 3 nu- firecrackers instead of 2 nukes.
I would rather say it like this.
>asking shitposters to not shitpost
V2 was an adjustement as well because you used to need to separate from the enemy after each stack
I don't think they hate her and want her dead, she's being made easier to play and her numbers are dropping to compensate
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they never showed you this much grace sis..
we all know it's one sex.
>mualani should not powercreep neuvillette because that wouldn’t make sense lorewise
yeah mihoyo definitely had that in mind when they made someone that has a god sealed within him and the previous 6th harbinger weaker than some random redhead dancer bimbo and a literal who bookworm in his mid 20s
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>Mualani is better now
>50% damage lost
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predict 5.0 sale
>now you can do 3 weak "nukes" instead of 2
>nerf male
>dirty fujos about to start WW3
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Alhaithamsisters, how do we cope with getting powercrept by Kinich....
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Fellowship of C6hiori bros, I bid you happy farewell until we meet again
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Is that kinich or shark girl?
What makes you think she'll be an ATT buffer?
Att buffing is worthless when there's already a shitload of artifact sets that buff it to oblivion, she'd better have good off field pyro app or she's DOA.
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Anon do you even calc?
Her 3 attacks will deal less damage overall than the 2 nukes.
HopeKEKS just keep LOSING
>>roll for who you like
>>game is easy so you don't need busted DPS to clear anything or even 36*
this was true 2 years ago but isn't now. abyss and IT powercreep are so bad, most characters can't clear at all
According to the following metrics
>Game-i.daa.jp revenue
>SensorTower revenue
>TikTok hours
>QQ music hours
>Greenspace revenue
>Bilibili views and engagements
>YouTube views and engagements
>Weibo trends
>Twitter trends
>Google trends
>Collab picks
>Lofter entries
>level of quality of the areas released
>flagship events length and quality
>OST quality
>Demo and teaser quality
>patch trailer quality
>Merchandise releases
>general powercreep vibe
>repetitiveness of character kits
>constellation-baiting approach
>player interest and willingness to play
>attitude of content creators towards the game
>fan artist count
>fan art count
>fan art quality
>sales-to-5* release ratio
>HoyoFair submissions count
>HoyoFair submissions quality
>HoyoFair views
>/gig/ thread quality
>/gig/ posts per minute
>r/Genshin_Impact engagements
>r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks engagements
>Leaker enthusiasm
>swiftness of hoyoverse to respond to issues (like IT and Neuv nerf)

DoomGODS have always been right.
>cheldposter choking on wormvillette's cock
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
I thought Early leaks suggests Pyro Archon is a Base Stat buffer across the board.
Stay out of this general, you insufferably mentally ill homosexual.
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Acheron was cool, though her model is ugly
This bitch is both ugly and annoying
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Calm y'all tits down.
There are loads of other characters that deserve buff or rework for the new region and mobs.
why are you spamming your own post?
nobody but you-like creatures talk like that
Just pray they don't "fix" them like they did Dehya's model.
I'm fine with it since I'd rather have a straight man like Kinich powercreep that faglord.
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how do I get fabrication coins?
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last time i checked, you are the ones coming to hsrg to talk about your girl getting nerfed while you keep coping with your worm infested game where only male characters are t0 on-field
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Best mini event is back.
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been begging for all the sweaty metafags to get their mitts off him for ages. finally securing him in a safe location where nobody else can touch him
wtf aether was dottore this whole time?
Farewell, and skip faithfully.
C6 Chiori surge incoming.
Natlan banner sales plummeting.
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My wife is top tier meta
T0 on cuteness tier list.
T-1 on breedability and fertility tier list.
>sexy, powerful female characters in the beta. nerfed, censored female characters in the release.
name a more iconic duo
Clear minigames, event quests etc.
You're a retard. She'll do both. look at Nahida and Furina. They buff and do off-field application and damage
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Everyone draws Clit Loli with a typical high xug leotard, but I dunno why.
Shes probably ly gon a have shorts underneath her skirt
You mean only Genshin
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I just ran the math
If you can do 3xE hits with 3 stacks compared to 1 hit with 0 and 2 with 3 like her V1, and with faster stack generation from her A1, this is a minor DPS buff but major gameplay and smoothness buff
Less clunky as well, better motion value, and much better for multiwave since you don't overkill as hard
I see what Mihoyo are trying to do, they want to unluck her gameplay by making it more active, they'll test these multipliers and may get adjusted up/down on the last update
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>All the same shitposted headcanon cuck pairs as /gig/tards love to spam
So it was fucking chinks who shitted all over the threads?
I do roll for every female though. I can complain about how the game keeps making female bricks and still roll for them anyway.
let the coping begin LMAO
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Why do they keep doing this
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Scara > your waifu
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>check leaks reddit
>one guy asks what the point of a hydro dps who deals 1/10th of wormvillette's damage is

I fucking hate this game so much
Kinich is for Ajaw thoughever
wanderer gets to see this everyday......
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sorry sis hes already locked up in my basement
The roll for who you like mantra died the second MHY added a game mode that specifically requires you to play characters other than the ones you like
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Obviously they'll censor it but the Natlan trailer shows it so of course that's how people will draw it.
Not really
We literally go onto NGA and tieba to look at chinks getting uppity because of muh cuckoldry, and bring back everything.
Even this place isn't original with shitposting outside of coining the term worms for our males
Kill yourself firecuck
more like some retard from here trawls through chink boards for their shitpost content and then spreads it here because he's too lazy to even make his own shitposts.
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>wormvillettepags don't realize she will still be stronger than him
>they desperately spam my otherwise forgotten shitposts
>when live hits every single time someone posts mualani's better damage they'll be reminded of my posts
you literally mentally cucked yourselves... add this one too to add to the inevitable mindbreak lmao
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Thank the Lord I never doomposted any character.
Feels good to be guilt free.
He's so lucky to have such a loyal wife...
thanks for keeping the game alive
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>Way less clunky
>Way more fun
>better against wave content
>3 big hits instead of 2 bigger hits and a fart
I see this as an absolute win
don't you think it's a little bit ironic that you posted this image like 10 times more than the mualanifag claimed that she was better than neuv
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does he get sun burns on his cock
> So it was fucking chinks who shitted all over the threads?
Yeah, we have an actual tieba chink here.
He's probably from Canada or other first world country, though.
I see this as an absolute [cope]
>Hoyo shill on 4chan every hour of the day
how many variations of this fucking image do I have to filter
It is actually remarkable how thoroughly this bland bitch killed her own game
It should be a case study
I was going to pull for her regardless because SEXO but as far as I am concerned this seems like a direct increase to how her gameplay feels
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they cannot nerf sportbike
>already stomp abyss and IT with ease
>Natlan designs suck
>the ones that don't get nerfed into oblivion
I don't need to roll anymore, and this is certainly not enticing me to do so.
I'll just save up and roll on some rerun banner or something, I don't need to pay for any of this shit.
Hey.... genkeks, look Im over here~!
Look at me~!
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he doesn't powercreep him where it really matters sis...
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But I was right and Clorinde is T0C0 and also most fun character in the game so far

Delete this
Why the fuck is dendro the "Tech" element? I'm pretty sure at this point more units have the whole hologram light gimick going for them than the whole "I make plants" gimick.
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only character i ever doomposted was baizhu and i still ended up winning by switching my narrative for "he's too basic to be a 5*" which most anons agree with
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Can we just skip to the "roll who you like" phase?
This is just sad now
>most fun
>more dull mashy slop
>Clorinde is T0C0
>does fucking peanut damage
>>already stomp abyss and IT with ease
that means you're a whale so why would you need to save
Did they buff kachina at all?
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i think they're both pretty cute but I can't give a final verdict on kinich until we know more about his personality.
though it's pretty clear to me his design will never outsex alhaitham's.
I don't need to roll either and I'm gonna meme and dump all my gems into Chiori when she comes back.
It's still absolutely disgusting how they treat certain characters while others (males that are the writer's pets) get everything handed to them.
>sexy, powerful female characters
You type like a woman.
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can someone share what do tiebacels think about current nerf?
Isn’t it funny that Neuvjeets whole identity is being meta?
Natlan is the save region, all the characters are bricks or ugly.
sumeru is the sci-fi nation, so dendro is the tech element
it's an upgrade over all the generic plant magic bullshit every other game does
Ok paypiggy,
Can someone post how many damage other dps characters do in comparison?
Simple, Natlan is not worth my money so I'll save instead.
NeuvGODS, please have mercy...
I'm a metafag and even I didn't roll baizhu
>all the characters are bricks or ugly
also true for fontaine
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>science element
>why is it not scientific
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isn't it funny how the whole identity of all female releases is being off field or t1 at best?
>personal attack instead of addressing the statement
scrote shit
because teyvat is a simulation. the "life" of the world is built on technology.
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I have Alhaitham but I don't use him on abyss
I did use him on the previous IT tho
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Sumeru character themes are split between the "technological" that use hard light projections and animations (Alhaitham, Sethos, Faruzan, Kaveh etc.) and the "naturalistic" that use beastlike attacks and nature themed animations (Tighnari, Collei, Cyno, Dehya etc.)
Nahida is a mix of both, using technological animations like a keypad and camera, along with natural themes like a shrine, flowers and a swing
he's cute but he's still a silly looking scrawny manlet
Dendro was unironically rewritten. The dendro ascension gem used to have a completely different description that mentioned nature until they changed it into being the weird techshit element.
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asians dont care about buff men.
>is meta
>is story relevant
>is the most powerful being in fontaine, surpassing archons
>is causing you to seethe right now
neuvwormers….. i bend the knee
and we don't care what the chink sisters like
>scrawny manlet
ok tranny
replying to yourself calling yourself a woman is pitiful tranny
It's pretty indistinguishable to generic hardlight projections or other tech stuff in scifi shit, especially when most of the dendro enemies do it more interestingly (apep's tapeworm having plant balls and DNA beams).
I'm surprised that there isn't a dendro who has a mushroom or rot theme, considering withering zones and Sumeru mobs
Nah, they look good outside Chasca and the maleflops.
I repeat: you type like a woman. That wasn't a personal attack, it was an observation. A personal attack would be accusing you of being a manipulative homosexual fundamentally failing to understand what men find attractive about females.
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Reddit is coping that it's buff actually
queen of /gig/...
wow really triggered the manlets with this one
xe also flopped despite being the most shilled character mihoyo has ever made
people laughing at you losers isn't seething
I'm more or less in the same boat. I think some combos of IT might give me trouble, I'm not really sure, But honestly the amount of units that really make me want to pull is super low. Shit I came out of Sumeru with a massive war chest of primo since I really didn't feel like rolling for much, (C2 Nahida, Nilou, C1 Cyno (Which I regret because of how he plays despite looking cool) That let me get everyone I wanted from fontain AND c6 Arle and her sig. At this point the only thing I think I'm going to roll for in Nat is the archon since I've made it a goal to get them all.
that's irrelevant. genshin makes/designs characters based around what chinese people want. you thinking he is a 'silly scrawny manlet' doesn't matter.
I BROKE you!
So are waifutroons on here
dendro is the closest element to irminsul which is teyvat’s equivalent of a supercomputer why are you surprised dendro characters have tech-like animations
isn't tighnari kinda shroom themed? he has the spore bomb
chinks like drag queens femboys and faggots?
s-sorry your liege, i will no longer express my personal opinions in this franconian friendship bracelet forum!! all hail chinkpinions
nobody on reddit cares about her, it's anal worm central. they're just happy that she got nerfed.
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I will enjoy him in peace
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Teeny weenie manlet peenies are in a constant state of seething anyway.
It's the same DPS, just more spread out and more fun to play as
It depends entirely on what direction they move her multipliers on the last beta
>70+% ownage rate
Are you okay /gig/
Are you okay /gig/
Piss off back t.o reddit, ameritrash. You're not fucking welcome here.
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Our errand boy is sure useful. Care to find a name for the baby?
they do them sis. I dumped Albedo for Alhaitham because Alhaitham is hotter. simple as
This is the last place with good observational skills with shit like 750 posting and calling every image a tranny
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>lgbtq targetted game
but thats your game bwo
>2 million is the same as 1 million!
anal wormer moment
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haha look guys the leakers forgot to mention kachina's buffs that would make her t0c0...
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The strongest
We hate women here
how much is the CPC paying you for this fellating
with these stats she is pretty much guaranteed that she will go to standard banner after 5.0
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Mualanibros... Don't look at this...
>paired with Hu Tao and Kazuha
>still broken 0 records
>Raiden still has a higher ownership rate despite being a game where most oldfags quit
go to hsrg, see how many male pictures are posted
come back here and apologize for your retardation
Yeah, that's fair. I was also hoping with stuff similar to Dendro traveller's burst construct and stuff.
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>/gig/ coping that it's a nerf to jerk off neuvillette even though it's a net positive buff and also makes her smoother to play
Dendro is the closest element to Irminsul, which is literally the server that runs Teyvat.
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Post cheldfly to ward of firefly fags
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The greatest.
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Today i will remind them.
Hey anons I need Yanfei C4 and Chevy, when do they rerun?
Just leave to /gig/ retards slurping chink cock that somehow losing 50% damage is a buff actually
Holy shit do you retards even read the shit you write here defending this game?
>source: my ass
I swear this place is a fucking mental asylum
They're discussing how she got buffed and is smoother to play you fucking retarf
she's a 4* geo buffer. really not worth mentioning. the only thing in her entire kit that matters is that she gives +20% DEF to another character.
i’m just gonna wait for jstern calcs
jstern's verdict?
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Not anytime soon I'm afraid.
Next banners will have nothing to do with overload so I doubt Chevy shows up.
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i guess emilie could count? her kit is more towards the traditional plant side, even if her turret is just a bottle/incense burner
>900 million dollars is bad
>Additionally, Mualani's Nightsoul point or Phlogiston consumption while moving on water during Nightsoul's Blessing is decreased by 25% --> 75% while in Natlan, and by 65% --> 35% when doing the same outside Natlan.
Please roll for exploration characters
Troonvillette flopped?
We didn't need a reminder kekmao
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I love doing this Ley Line since it drops like 30 handguards.
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let's use this as another teaching moment of how paimon.moe rolls continue to be uploaded after the banner has ended. it's now over double what's showing in your image.
Kinich is Navia tier?
Is that good or bad
That’s Yen you retard pajeet SEAshitskin
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Here, I fixed your meme image.
Kachina didn’t get buffed?
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>He expected a random surfer to powercreep an ascended Sovereign
>he doesn't know
this but you remove sig and it keeps at 100%
So, what are the next echoes we will get from IT?
Also, if it resets this week, that means we can try out Emilie before her banner is even up lmao.
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Please, stop with this censor bullshit!
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So, how hyped are you for Natlan right now?
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Is there a better Dendro than Dendro traveller outside of Nahida?
but it's fine when a random hairdresser powercreeps a 500yo homunculus
I was at 0 hype before and I'm still at 0 hype.
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Not at all since it's just going to be another homoshit shillfest at the expense of every female character.
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nice img i'm stealing that
Lemao, they didn't even spare her titties
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That’s the total money they’ve earnt overtime, fucking retard.
JPY pedo melty.
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>they are ignoring the first hit bonus and burst buff
tell that to your bored shitposters shitting up the place
he lost
she's already stronger and more buffs coming next week
2024... I am... Forgotten...
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mathGOD here
The new changes are ~5% damage buff per rotation assuming you can vape all 3 (4, every other rotation) hits, which depends on what Mavuika can bring to the table
It's an even bigger DPS increase on multwave content since you won't be overkilling as hard and can save your nightsoul stacks for the next wave
Should also be much smoother to play
LMAO based femceldevs took it out on her
it's all yours my wuwafren
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Even less than I already was, possibly in the negative.
What do you think "total" means there, imbecile?
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you do realize that canonically neuv wouldn't laugh at the misery of others right
he'd fight off hoyo and help mualani get the buffs she deserves, just like he fought mihoyo to give everyone a free 10 pull in the name of justice
I dropped the game after the first nerf leak
this game is over
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crunk no understand
big number better than small number
BAD unit
bam bam BAM
Is Emilie in the room with us right now?
this is so weird considering they kept lyney VERY strong despite his questionable gameplay
>character easily 36*s Abyss
>character gets nerfed
>character still easily 36*s Abyss
w-woah... what a loss...
Kek, since Neuvjeets are retarded brown shitskins they can’t even read and comprehend basic English
>mualani gets buffed
>neuvtroons fail to spin the narrative
>they cope with the fake post again
oh know know know
thank you dehyachad
give it up lyneytroon, he's shit
So currently
V3 Mualani - T0
V3 Kinich - T2

Correct? We won waifubros
Yes, genshin always changes up the camera angles in unvoiced cutsc-ACK
I don't like that they made her a hag in a hebe body
meh. i don't have any character i'm particularly drawn to yet. i need to experience the characters beyond surface-level looks.
>disgusting faggot in women's clothing isn't nerfed into oblivion
Not really. That's standard Genshin balancing.
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Retards, these graphs are made up numbers, that's why you don't see them posted anymore.
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Very. Can't wait to be able to roll for him and ajaw
Yep skip button my beloved...
i got more repetition from 3y of dailies than the entirety of hsr content and don't even get me started with the hours of unvoiced slop in genshin during sumeru
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genuine question, has the genshin team really been taken over by fat ugly feminists or is MiHoyo doing this because of the CCP? I dont understand why they do this to genshin. The other two games while having said changes too still have way hotter and more revealing females than genshin.
And that's a good thing.
Trans women can get triggered when video game characters outline the difference between natural effortless femininity and what they can realistically achieve through surgery and medication, leading to depression and suicide. Pretty women in media is literal genocide, they should be made as androgynous as possible to save lives, it is the morally correct position.
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forgot pic
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youre a racist if you skip mualani
So was Emilie the only female character that /gig/ didn't doompost?
they are sabotaging genshin on purpose to try to get people to play zzz
they did the same to hsr
>Xiangling is now her only enabler

So her burst buff is also nice
Are you comparing her V1 damage? She was literally doing like 40% more damage than the next best team. That was unprecedented retarded powercreep. She NEEDED to be nerfed to where she is now and she's still one of the best dps in the game
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You have a lot of experience with that
genuine question, do you guys ever get tired of your persecution complex
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I'm disappointed in the Natlan designs.
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Why people always say, number go down, it is good"? no comprendo, For me, when something is less, it is worse, ¿entiendes? Like when I have menos dinero, I cannot buy cosas I need. How can less be better? Es muy confuso for me.
Nope, Genshin just sucks. Stop blaming their shortcomings on other games. Next you’re going to tell me everything post 4.2 was sabotaged for HSR
>Lore is only relevant to kit power when it fits my narative
Explain how Dehya, one of the strongest humans in sumeru has one of the worst kits in the game?
Explain how a literal hobo is stronger than venti?
Explain how random 1.0 teenagers are still the best characters in the game?
>only t0 males please
>hmm yes mihomo and tiffany cum on my face
I'm racist but I'm still not skipping her because she's hot
>homo lover still defending billion dollar company
Ah yes but nerfing the dragon faggot you bugs screech
they dont fit into Teyvat, thats my gripe.
Dont care about the niggers
or the sexappeal
they just dont look like they belong in genshin

Sneakers, rubber soles and tennis caps? Jeans??? Leather bodysuit???
They've been doing this for ages though, before Fontaine even.
>>Xiangling is now her only enabler
just use Dehya and Emilie
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>wake up
>see the Mualani V3 changes
My NEUVILLETTE---DEHYA (C and C btw) Burning-Vaporize team is not threatened by Mualani.
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no hype, filler region with ugly designs
I hope capitano gets some cool screentime at the very least
Just roll Emilie if you want T0 female
>She was literally doing like 40% more damage than the next best team
No she wasn't retard, she was barely better than Neuvillette, despite being strictly single target.
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>they are sabotaging genshin on purpose to try to get people to play zzz
I'm half convinced Natlan looks the way it does to acclimatize us to the ZZZ aesthetic, and not because of some urban stylistic decision.
it is true tho
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>Explain how random 1.0 teenagers are still the best characters in the game?
Shonen game
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GODvillette WARPED you.
How do you look at
and say they're bad?
nothing changed, 0 hype
natlan AQ will decide if i quit or not
>natlan will end the femcel pandering
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What did xhe mean by this?
Hoyo is over 50% female now. Mostly through aggressively sexist hiring/firing in the past few years. That should tell you all you need to know about the mindset, priorities and politics of the management structure.
Nta but how good is she right now? T0?
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>A veritable feast of hypersexed hags
T0 by waifukek standards meaning T6 in reality
>an vape all 3
would need to have bennet to give some energy to XL, otherwise vapes will be inconsistent
t1 like all female dps
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get some taste hagbro
Out of these only Citlali looks good and she'll either be a 4* or nerfed into oblivion like Mualani.
Natlan is fucking garbage.
not rolling for that fujohomoworm Emilie
>algaythem gets nerfed to shit
>banshee screeching
>muttlani gets nerfed to shit
>schizophrenic persecution complex
i love consistency
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bwos my Ganyu somehow cleared the abyss maybe she is not that hopeless
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You now remember Rational
I am tired of being persecuted, yes.
None of this would be even happening if y'all niggas hadn't doomposted prematurely btw.
Yet husbando lovers get treated like shit in HSR.
If Kaveh had huge tits I would fuck him those are the rules.
I'm so tiered of this shit
Arlecchino is T0.
algaythen is t0 tho
Nta but only Mualani and Citlali look good.
>everyone is the same person
Neuv was retardedly strong and with very little limitations as an HP scaler since launch and should have never released in that state
And the turn speed bug should have been fixed, it's an exploit that cheapens the game, and the chinks that screeched are schizo bugs with tiny cocks
See, you're allowed to not be hypocritical
we only need a top surgery kavehxisters...
xe’s gonna say arle is a tranny don’t even bother
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mihoyo saw how successful grubble is and decided to steal their strat
Emilie is so forgetable that even /gig/ forgot to doompost her.
Bad, Kaveh in drag
Dehya but uggo
Potato but good
Potato but bad
>lying on the internet
pagden has 75%
kazuha has 91%
poo tao is only 45%
supports/subdps typically have higher ownage rates, and raiden is a subdps. Neuv has the highest ownage rate out of all the main dps.
It's pretty obvious that Genshin's team has been completely taken over since none of their other games have this issue.
Genshin is finished
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>air surf gameplay looks less fun than a Tony Hawk Game
Why can't Mualani hang 10 or do cool tricks as attacks?
Why doesnt doing a sharp turn let her splash a hydro wave on enemies?
Why add mark/tag gimmicks to her?
>No she wasn't
She was rocking 100k-120k DPS teams while Neuvillette is at 78k DPS

Shut up, retard.

She's currently +82k DPS.
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Riddle me this /gig/: Why would you roll for clunky weaker character with restrictions when literally better version of it that does everything better and in AoE?
when do we get some actually sexy designs like this
I'm a good little slurper
It's so funny how they have to be the ones editing him in because no one but the chinkcucks themselves even though of this
no way thats c0r0 teams
sure she is
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Why was Fontaine so isolated compared to the other regions?
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Which of these Natlan characters will manage to outperform their (rerun) partners during their debut banner?
The moment they make HaiKaveh canon.
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I'm not, nor will I ever roll for the overly shilled tranny wyrm.
Xiangling as vape support is pure cope, it's only viable for a single hydro application from burst ie. Childe
Wait for Mavuika and hope it's a Nilou-before-Nahida situation
Why do I need to do rotations with a surfer girl?
Gacha combat always adds a cool gimmick but I end up feeling like I'm doing MMO slop hotbars in practice
As a chud, do we actually want female characters to be good or not? I thought we hated the stronk womyn that dont need no man trope?
its either that or they took all the rejected ZZZ designs and implemented them into genshin because "we already did them"
Emilie is actually good so there was nothing to doompost about anyway.
As you say, nobody cares which is okay.
But she's a very good pick up and isn't Nahida reliant too
>only popular with poor seapags
that's a worthless statistic lmeow
>field time increase and attack cd reduction
isn't this actually a buff? I think you can fit one extra full stacked bite now
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>air surf gameplay looks less fun than a Tony Hawk Game
Yeah no shit retard? Game that is solely focusing on skating gameplay feels better to skate than game where it's just a visual gimmick of one of the characters
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I only play Abyss for the Primogems.
The way I teambuild for Abyss is that I keep using the same teams until they stop working.
I've been using Rational since Raiden's release.
That depends on who they're paired with.
Waifu will always beat worm.
>/gig/ is still trying to say that having a 120% hp scaling hydro atom bomb at c0 isnt the most broken bullshit in the game
raiden yelan and kazuha are the only characters that managed to outsell their first banners
well they're 2 years overdue...
>muh HSR is the reason Genshin sucks now!
>muh ZZZ is the reason Genshin sucks now!
>muh Astaweave Haven is the reason Genshin sucks now!
>muh Honkai MMO is the reason Genshin sucks now!

No, the Genshin devs are the reason Genshin sucks now. Stop looking for excuses.
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Bless me gig
>Kinich is at 66k DPS
>Mualani at 83k

So where's the "male bias" again
Nahida is c2 Ganyu c1 r1 that's it
ER 4th
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>a 50% loss in damage is a buff.
When it comes to gacha games, the opinions are reverse. ""Incels"" take the feminist position by wanting cute girls to be strong and to have story relevance while woke faggots and women only want their ideal boyfriend male characters to exist.
judging by the comments from youtube, Capitano seems to be the most hyped one
Toilet flopped, get over this
Does she also have absurd aoe, self healing, solo viability, infinite application and is braindead easy to use?
No? Interesting.
Genshin is way better now though
She's extremely sexy. But it's still disappointing what Mihoyo is doing
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Good luck anon!
still clunkier than neuvs bullshit
neuv was a mistake
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>Why would you roll for anyone?
Why would you play this game?
Why would you play anything?
Why get out of bed every morning?
idk, because you feel like it
I was holding back from saying that Jak 2 looked better
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Nerf or no nerf, I think Mualani is built for white Fontainian cocks desu.
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I don't think showing that a wig and make-up turns a male design into a female design is the slam dunk you guys think it is.

It's like, you're trying to say the female designs are manly but really you're just showing that you'd fuck a dude in a wig.
>couldn't find the source
Fake and gay.
Anytime now...
I can feel it...
You don't get it, it should stay at 50k DPS vs 120k DPS like it used to be in v0
im tired of pretending mualani looks good
Waifutroons are mentally ill and whine and bitch about everything. Mualani does 1 million damage rather than 2 million? IT'S OVER
NTRlan will flop
>Pagden Pagun the highest selling solo banner
lmao this is so dishonest
Cyno outsold her by FAR
What element will he even be? Isn't he going to be something along the lines of the "No nonsense only pure power." guy?
>d-doesn't count
heh, neuv is popular everywhere, you are just mindbroken
didnt ask cum2play
Do not use the name of the CYN in vain.
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Please don't fuck my dad...
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It's true, I read it in the Steambird
railkeks are laughing at us again... I'm tired of being laughed at bros...
her design is a fucking mess, and reminds me of vtuber cancer
what the fuck even is this hair
>only in JP

Pagden outsold everyone worldwide because that was Genshin at it’s peak during the covid times dumbass retard
>he thinks its implying they would fuck that
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Some things never change, that is one of them
Her body's already flowing with Primordial semen to thanks to Neuvillette...
Now that shark girl is DOA can I roll for Nilou?
That is the average GI design since Fontaine
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>they have to edit the face of wanderer over aether and cope with AI slop due to how imaginary the nilou x wanderer ship is
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>neuv is popular everywhere
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You know it's coming.
that's not going to change anything about the designs retardsis
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You guys care about character strength?
How long have you been playing?
I got 36 stars back in 2020 and I literally haven't broken my streak of 36 stars since.
The only people that should care about the strength of new limited characters are literal newbies.

I literally just roll for whoever I want and either my artifacts or my previous characters are enough to secure a full clear in Abyss.
I don't roll for 5 star weapons or constellations either since... why would I do that when I don't need more damage?
I haven't missed a single character I wanted for any reason since 3.0 because of this.
nothing much going on, seems they just intend for him to be mid
The first girl to meet all the sailors...
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Same energy
feministards want women > men. men want both to strive. hell not only men, all functioning human want that
Acheron also outsold everyone.
It's just the Raiden diff.
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Okay retard.
yeah she is very fun with Kirara
nice cope text bro
Acheron outsold nobody
even Aventurine sold more
Jing outsold everyone
everywhere where all your money is spent to buy rotten meat
paying customers scoffed at flopvillette
coping this hard already?
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i will never forgive kok poster
>nigger using a fucking mono hydro on a character designed around vape
kill yourself you disingenuous retard
so if I get it right Mualani is T0 but on par with other T0 DPS but since she doesn't literally break the game anymore she's shit
>equating men with functioning humans
The breeder of Mavuika...
it means it’s not happening
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>even Aventurine sold more
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Strong is beautiful, didn't you know?
Just post your Chronicle bwo before someone questions you.
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i rolled for fucking sigewinne
do you really think a damage nerf is going to stop me? shark pussy is mine
Mualani will restore 22->35 Nightsoul points when she picks up a Floater she has created.
Sharky's Bite CD 2.0s -> 1.6s
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>where's the male bias
right here
Bait used to be believable.
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When the belly button is popped out like this, it's pregnancy.

When it's not popped, it is either cumflation, tummy stuffing or in the worst case, same-size vore. Don't understand vore as a fetish, I wish we could shoot all the people who have it so it doesn't keep overlapping with tummy stuffing and cumflation.
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>Will show up for like one scene at the end of 5.0's AQ
>Most of 5.1's AQ will be a training arc
>He's the weekly boss from the 5.2 AQ
>Doesn't die (obviously) but never shows up again anyway
Enjoy the 20 million HP Abyss by 5.4.
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And I rolled for Klee.
And Albedo.
And Yoimiya.
These people don't know what soul is.
wtf. Did that ALL go into flat HP? That's impressive.
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He has bred thousands of Natlan hags over the past couple centuries
>d-doesn't count #2
keep coping bwo
Go for yelan
My condolences
Ok and? I rolled for Yoi and Albedo too and still bench her for T0 DPS and supports
If people here were more humble, then none of this would have happened.
In the end, Neuvillette humbled everyone.
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>Using V2 when we were talking about V1
>Using mono hydro Mualani
Neuvfags not beating thhe retard allegations
The only thing he humbled is Genshin’s revenue
>top 10 is 7 guys and 3 women with 1 being a potatoe
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sorry..i'm the retardsis.
neuv is the 8th most liked male in /gig/
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Ok here, your vape bro.
With one little thing here, Nevuilette does this all damage in AoE size of whole abyss arena, while Floplani does it in single target.
>she picks up a Floater
she picks up shit?
Don't need it.
I would've felt worse if I rolled some meta shit that I didn't give the square root of jack shit about.
>even when designs are less censored cuck, a wandering tribal warrior slave is still more hot than most of Natlan's reveals so far
I hate urban tribal slop! I hate urban tribal slop!
Oh don't worry, I am. I have some reserved for her already.
>Mualani powercreeps Neuvillette
>Kinich is Cyno tier
>Kachina is an artifact holder
Gotta love slurpers trying hard to defend the Genshin devs. That cock must taste really good
I expected nothing and I have even less hype after seeing initial batch of characters. At least Mavuika is hot.
mualani is on par with neuv
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Screencapping this.
You dont need to hide it bro...
same scandalous thighs
313% HP per E - 100%
248.8% HP per E - 79.4%
234.3% HP per E - 74.8%
>-50% damage
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I only care about the open world and quests, so I'm pretty excited since there'll be more content.
It's only a buff, like 5% or something, when you manage to fully stack all 3 bites, which will never happen because she falls off her surfboard the second someone sneezes at her. Add to that the constant possibility of enemies just dashing the fuck away.
This is a gargantuan nerf.
I’m guessing outside of Mauvika and Capitano, everyone will flop in Natlan, correct?
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I was only hyped for Kachina in the first place.
Kinich too a little, his gameplay seems unique.
real theorycrafters are saying she didn’t get nerfed because her nightsoul gimmick got buffed
>shit designs
>ugly region
>nation of the elemment with the most boring characters
I hope they get it over with fast and go back to Mondstadt halfway or something.
>the chinks would rather roll Citlali than Mavuika
She'll be the first Archon to flop.
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You don't get it.
She's better now because she deals less damage.
Better for Neuvilettefags that is.
Oh yeah? Name the 'homunculus' created by 'Jacob.'
I'm playing my Playstation.
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>He's the weekly boss from the 5.2 AQ
Now that I think about it the Whale broke the track record of a region's first weekly boss being a Harbinger. If Arlecchino and the whale somehow had swapped places (probably wouldn't make much sense to have the whale appear that late into the region though) the streak would've remained unbroken

Throw this onto the pile of COLD HARD EVIDENCE that Fontaine was rewritten by a new team who had no respect for established patterns
the burst got a buff but I don't think it makes u
>she falls off her surfboard the second someone sneezes at her
she isn't wanderer, she has xq's burst level dmg interruption during e
His name's Jakob, retard.
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every time
Not only them, same here.
Pyto archon is easily the ugliest design of the nation so far, and most of the designs are ugly as fuck to begin with.
they've been doing that every zone for a while, usually only 2 OP units and the rest is mid
>inazuma: raiden + kazu
>sumeru: nahida + alhabibi
>fontaine: furina + neuv
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>another useless camera
I wouldn't call her ugly.
More like, unimpressive.
>Pyto archon is easily the ugliest design of the nation
Christ try harder
I purposefully called him 'Jacob' so you can't look it up. So what is the answer, my dear World Quest enjoyer?
She has IR
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Even Nilou is better in single target than Mualani now...
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Perfect for another photo of my wife and her boyfriend.
>wake up and check /gig/ hoping for news of reasonable re-buff at last minute or comfortable middle ground adjustment
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
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>still using V2
>using irrelevant Spin2win
>ignoring Mualani's AoE capabilities
why do they give us all these fucking cameras? there's another one coming in 5.0
Honestly Natlan looks ugly and doesn’t fit my expectations at all. Where are the cool tribal designs. Wtf is this urban minecraftslop. Why do they look like rejected ZZZ concept arts that they threw away for Genshin to use. Where are the cool Jaguar warriors?
Has Inazuma been completely powercrept?
>c1 r1 and Furina
So she is pretty hopeless then at C0R0
God, I love to watch...
she has one of the best interruption resistances in the game you retarded moron
Women shitting up the thread like usual.
Is Mualani better than Yoimiya?
Why is Ayaka so bad bros? Cryo is so fucked.
She literally got buffed
A minor damage buff, but her gameplay got unclunked massively
Adventurine BROKE you
Because you are the cameraman, shut up and do your job
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As retarded as rolling for Hu Tao after Arlecchino's release
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He didn't make a homunculus.
Homunculus implies human, from the latin root "homo".
Much like you.
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>track record of a region's first weekly boss being a Harbinger
That already was inconsistent the moment Mond is taken into consideration.
How tasty is Dawei's cock slurper-kun? Oh wait, you're doing it for free KEKYPOW
yeah she is probably just a cope eq bot for freeze at c0 r0
Jade broke Aventurine mind, body, and soul.
Some legends say you can swap your head with that camera...
Can someone explain how you’re supposed to use Kachina?
>she's unclunked bro, the damager nerf is justified, trust me bro
only retards think she is less clunky now
losing one unstacked attack before was a slighy damage loss and 2 full stacked attacks were consistent
now you need 3 full stacked attacks to match the previous damage, if you fail to full stack the 3rd one your damage crumbles
0.4seconds make all the difference! Frfr!
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gotta be the worst character pool on a survey ever
1.0 Mond was the prologue, when we come back to it it'll follow the same pattern.
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Holy shit you fucking gotem lmao
Still gets me 36*
mualani is too erotic to be strong
The answer was Narzissenkreuz, the name of the World Questline itself. You're a fake World Quest enjoyer. So cringe. So pathetic. LIAR.
>completely ignores the point about enemies dashing away
Least obvious neuvtard gaslighting ever. Weird how Neuvilette doesn't have that problem since he can just redirect his water jet, huh? Funny how you didn't mention that.
Shes an off field sub dps that can generate one use shields through crystallize
Press skill and swap out
it's crazy how Yoimiya and Navia have pretty much the same happy-go-lucky personality but nobody cares nor remembers Yoimiya. Why is that?
Seek professional help
You'd probably get more abyss/backstory lore in an interlude if anything
And if Fontaine already made the change by having another monster in, then whose to say that Natlan isn't fighting another beast behind the conflict and Capitano doesn't do anything
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What kind of mental illness is this?
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Sometimes I run into fanarts from before Fontaine released and I shake my head in shame over what we could have gotten. Mesugaki schizo Furina... world forget me...
I dont care about either.
Navia was the worst part of the AQ and event.
>gets proven wrong
>doubles down on retardation
Go ahead. Give some examples of enemies which would screw her over so we can discuss how little it matters.
July 17 might as well be the Apocalypse for Mualanikeks.
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Man Ayato's in such a weird spot. His support ability is ALMOST good enough to consider running in some teams, and his damage is ALMOST good enough to compete. He feels like a unit with a more stat points but he just spread them out into everything equally so he's good at nothing.
That shit looks so cringe.
I'm almost happy that we got pity bait blustering retard instead of lol le wacky girl
recency bias
They made her so boring, I bet Fat Xiao is malding that both his magnum OPS Neuvillette and Furina flopped so bad at their respective reruns
The kind of mental illness that makes you want to waste your time in https://arch.b4k.co/vg/ and check peoples' post logs.
Yoimiya BROKE you.
Angry you're being exposed?
Wdym? Natlan boats reached Fontaine long ago
Navia is fun to play, had a much stronger presence in her region and her part of the story felt like it actually mattered.

Yoimiya is yet another on-field Pyro DPS with poor uptime, she felt completely irrelevant to the Inazuma story and her mandatory quest felt forced and only contributed to what many were saying about the bad pacing of the Inazuma arc.
We're wasting time here, checking an image in 5 seconds isn't a net loss.
The only thing she broke is Cheld's chastity.
I massively prefer Punished Furina than the headcanons
Muh haughty bratty hebe did nothing to me
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>neuvilet stans still making their character is getting replaced
Navia actually has a good design, actual lore to her, and a more likable personality unlike slopmiya
I think I’ll wait to see what the pyro archon does first and roll on mualanis rerun. I really don’t feel like building xiangling.
He's more useful to me than Childe
I look like this and say this
Archiveschizo has to be the most mentally ill NEET here
>spends all day on the thread
>memorizes every filename posted
>memorizes every phrase typed
>makes sure to screenshot them all to compile for their list
>most gig posters come here to shit and dip after getting their (you)s
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They never learn
Neuv is the strongest forever
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You're mentally ill.
It's clear that they are just friends.
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>finally get alhaitham
>get 2 others I couldn't give less of a shit about
worth it
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I think you guys should stop asking for luck from here lmao
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>Navia actually has a good design
>actual lore to her
>most gig posters come here to shit and dip after getting their (you)s
That's never the case.
Friends under the sheets maybe.
how long did it take you sis?
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Reminder that 5.4 will be the revival of Burning and Geo.
Anemo character that massively boosts Pyro Swirls and procs on reaction.
Geo character that massively boosts Pyro Crystallize and procs on reaction.
I like Childe's passive +1 to NA attack when I want to be really lazy with Neuv. I was thinking of using him on my Arle team, but I think candace performs better in that niche, and I ain't missing a chance to run Candace.
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All Yoimiya has is muh hanabi, she's completely one dimensional.
Navia has a whole other dimension to her. She likes macarons, but she's also a mafia leader.
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Soon enough Neuvillette will be replaced by the true alpha male
Neuvillette BENT you
Which Genshin should have their throat slit on screen?
Clitali will save cryo
about 10-15 tries
I saw all of fontaine's 5*s, hu tao, zhongli, ayato, ayaka, jean, dehya, and mona
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Why can't Genshin men serve like this?
Zamn, a 2D bitch
I have literally never seen a good Pagthesley post
I just used Kaveh's comment section to praise alhaitham
The archiveschizo definitely is a bit weird, I mean they even remember random obscure posters like wtf? Who cares that much about gig

how i was rerolling for like an hour and got the same 10 shitters
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Kokomi but she can heal.
Well, what is a cameraman without spares
Ayato has one thing going for him in that his chop chop chop gameplay is actually fun in a retarded sort of way.
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Sand will save this game
Natlan will save Hehya
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Well fuck me, I guess my survey was seeded against him for some reason
>I mean they even remember random obscure posters like wtf? Who cares that much about gig
Everyone suddenly remembers when they nostalgiafag over this place
>remember when this general was good?
Some guys bring up real old hat people
it's over for this homo game, non ironically
If kazuha was a cute girl you wouldn't be saying this
You know looking up an image on the archive is 2 clicks, right?
It's a one second task
I'm so sorry that people can look up that you've been spamming the same shitpost hundreds of times for months
KEK, I bet they have gigabytes worth of files compiled on every gig thread celebrity
Would have been a good story to start without any memory and lead by our sister until we discover that she was doing shady things behind our backs so we can ally against her.
Yeah sorry but the beta testing adjustments will make sure that GODzuma remains relevant.
I'd argue he's a good unit for new accounts since he fills so many rolls as a burst damage, main damage, off field application, and buffer, even if he's not great at them.

Honestly, he'd make a really good five star to give out for free to new players because of that.
It's too late to do anything.
The guy who tried to tag the rdr2 guy to the usual phone posters botched up hard enough for shitposters to deflect any pattern recognition, lmeow
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Why did they have to make her so hot and plump and fertile? I'm gonna have to roll for this brick against my better judgment
>Some guys bring up real old hat people
Cuvie my love...
I'm beyond help
Archiveschizo should make a tier list of their favorite /gig/ posters no matter how minor they were
Gorou KNOTTED you.
Wait people actually give a shit about this place? I just post my Neuvlaugh.jpeg and leave after 10 mins
Archiveschizo is very serious about /gig/
Yes it triggers the archiver schizo. It's kinda funny.
Mavuika will make Ayato T0
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Is there a single recognisable/gig/ poster that isn't violently mentally ill?
God I wish
Why are chinkcels like this?
Iansan will make my dick hard
/dbs/ and its consequences have been disastrous for this whole site.
>people dont like threads going to shit when they want to discuss
Imagine giving a shit about gig post 2021. Couldn’t be me.
No, or else they wouldn't be here
8.2s field time, 8.4s to full stack 3 hits in ST (meaning that you could full stack only two and could potentially lose the 3rd unstacked one)
9.5s field time, 8.4s to full stack 3 hits in ST, you have a cumulative margin of error lower than 1s to full stack all hits, if you fuck up you lose A LOT of damage.
Looking only at the multipliers, it's minor damage nerf, a theoretical buff against multi-waves(but you will almost 100% fuck up the stacking)

If I were tasked to fix her, I would reduce the points consumptions during movement and make the attacks consume points to compensate, but they would probably need to change her cons for this.
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Not rolling for shark brick
Rolling (for now) for Xilonen until beta needs
Rolling for archon
Rolling for Capitano
Probably skipping rest as well
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Today will be a good day.
Fans love Tiffany as evident by how they went up in arms at Neuvillette being nerfed.
Reddit exists for that and Discord too plus they don’t even have cooldowns. If you want to discuss any game on /vg/, that’s your loss lol, especially a gacha game. 4chan itself has been on a decline.
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>>488119352 (Me)
Hello gorgeous hehehehehe
Navia is shilled more often, but she's pretty forgettable too.
I recently saw she had more lines than Furina during the AQ and I barely even remember her doing anything except almost dieing.
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What are Mualani's best f2p cope weapons?
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Citlali sex
beta nerfs*
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>the game calls Albedo crazy because he taught Klee to turn lizards into explosives
I wonder if he'd get along with Dottore.
Natlan craftable
widsith, reset if you get the attack buff
>Reddit exists for that
No it doesn't. It fucking sucks for that.
>Discord too plus they
Why do I have to fuck off to a discord when those raid this place on a Mongolian basket weaving board about video games.
I dont get the point of accepting that a thread has to be shit when that only adds to the deterioration
and when yae’s nerf got reverted? tiffany’s fans as well?
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thats just false.
host club pretty boy hair. Grounded in reality.
Ignoring the cat ears, just a ponytail with bangs
Normal hair with emo-style
Long hair thats wave-y
normal mid-size cut hair
Normal styled hair. Obviously a tiny bit anime but not out of the realm of "thats weird..."
considering she is a melusine, its weird that her hair is just a normal low-hanging twin-tail- The swirl of her forehead is out of the ordinary, but considering she is a Melusine and thus a non-human, that gives her a pass
just a ponytail
also just a more extravagant looking ponytail
short wavy bob with extensions
ignoring the whiskers, just long hair with a hint of anime-airness to it.
that hairstyle is actually not that uncommon in asia.
>Cloud retainer
long hair with an air of anime-airness

I can forgive a hint of anime in the hair, but Mulani's hair is excessively anime. Its a curved long bob on the front, then you have a braided low hanging bun which splits into braided twin tails
this is too much
chinks didn't care but japs threathened to sue
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Is this thing on? Mic check, one-two one-two
she did a whole lot of crying bitching crying crying again made some tears flow out of her eyes and then started bawling
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How was this calculated? She gets double the energy and hits faster too
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Why is lewd art not allowed when the ads are onlyfans girls showing their bare tits?
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yae trended in china when they charged how her targeting works
>How was this calculated?
By updating the damage values and not taking anything else into account
but unironically
Gnome genshin when?
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Theres ads?
Pay Hiro and you too can have Sigewinne's bare cunny on the banner ads
anything that changes mualani's clunky gameplay is a win imo
>Long hair thats wave-y
Her hair is coiled into 4 drills like your typical ojou girl
lyney and its not even close
Yes tranddit actually is the best place to discuss games and discord has their servers. You probably don’t want to go there because you want to keep your anonymity like a pussy. 4chan is literally Tranddit v2 anyways especially after 2013 when it caught the attention of a lot of normies.
My Raiden gave her butter today as well
They paid for the ad space. Now buy a 4chan pass goyim
4chan has to be one the worst sites in ratio of user's that use ad block. It's always been an amusing concept to me.
It wasn't, it's a doomshitter shitpost
The latest change is a damage buff in actual calcs
>WandererXNahida gets beautiful hand-drawn art
>Aether cuck shit gets ai slop and badly done 3d slop
You can tell which one is the ship the fans care about and which one is done by the desperation of ntr-fags. Why are ntr-fags so insecure?
Albedo is smart enough to realize that Alice is constantly watching Klee and won't allow her to do anything to kill herself.
you mean normalfags, fucking retard. you tourists need to leave this place already
Wind, blow me
Other than Xiangling is there even any other Pyro that can keep up with Mualani?
And how are you going to use Xiangling without Bennett batterying her?
>Other than Xiangling is there even any other Pyro that can keep up with Mualani?
mualani only vapes every 2 seconds
I don't know about the energy, if she gets enough to burst every rotation it's a complessive buff I guess

I think she has potential to be good if they fix her clunkess a bit more in V4, if they nerf her damage further she will be mid, in her current state she is Lyney-tier(maybe a bit easier to play): very high damage ceiling, mid floor
Surely the pyro nation will finally give us an actual off-field pyro dps. It has been 4 years.
Probably Mavuika.
lotharingian sekrit club forum shibboleths are gayer than anal sex between men
>Other than Xiangling is there even any other Pyro that can keep up with Mualani?
Like Nilou she'll be incomplete until the archon releases
Lyney, Kazukek, Troonderer.

You definitely can't use Mavuika either. She's not a playable character and only to be killed by Capitano for shock value.
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As chalk pursues Gold, Albedo will one day follow in the footsteps of his own master
>Will create an artificial body for real Durin
>Will eventually go insane
>Will be the cause of some large scale disaster
gig is actually tourist-core though
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Where are those we share the memory?
>Yes tranddit actually is the best place to discuss games
Everything over the years has shown me that it isn't.
If there's no difference with this site as of now, then why tell me to fuck off there
every 1.6 now
Every 1.6 now.
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tourist zoomerGODS are the only ones that actually care and discuss Genshin here
oldtroons spam shitposts, doomposts and NTR bait
how's thoma's pyro app again?
Because doomposters and shitposters get downvoted so you can’t see it, which is exactly what gig wants
>capitano this
>capitano that
>when the next harbinger fight is guaranteed to be columbina because of the fatui logo
Fucking lorelets I swear
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meant for >>488120230
Our reddit screencap posters show otherwise with the former
>after shitstaine
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Sorry that the threads have been so slow, /gig/...
I've been waiting for Thursday, August 1st to shitpost.
I'll be doing this simultaneously on /gig/, /hsrg/, /zzz/, and /wuwa/.
All of those posts will be me.
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>doing weekly bosses in co-op, as usual
>fighting Apep as Arlecchino
>we run in
>she's sitting there in the middle
>I run towards her and press E
>ability goes on cooldown but she doesn't get the debuff because she only gets active a few seconds into the fight
>I sit there pathetically doing 3k white hits for thirty seconds waiting for E to get back off cooldown since Q isn't charged up either
this is the THIRD week in a row I've done this
The nu-Yuanshen writing team isn't aware of what the OG team left behind. You WILL enjoy their vandalising and defilement of the game's story
kwab, I bet they all laughed at you
Yeah bro they will break it this time for sure after keeping it consistent 4 times lol
once every 1 second
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Trust. Pyro Archon will provide all the Pyro for the entire team.
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Farming this domain since release and I've only been able to make two full sets with somewhat decent substats. Over 40 crit circlets leveled to +20 and zero of them have reached 3+ upgrades into desirable stats. I can't even get good flowers/feathers. This system is so fucking shit and the substat selection coming with Natlan isn't going to do anything to help because base artifacts are not a problem. Upgrading is the problem.
Pretty bad. He is good pyro applier for Burning and Burgeon, but not a solo melt/vape sustainer.
i mean his q applies pyro once every second
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>patternfag calling people lorelets
Sometimes gig is good
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LMAO even the kids at hoyolab know what's up.
It's ok.
I still love you Ganyubwo.
Best town bicycle?
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she is gonna be cloride-tier and thats good, neuvillete can stay the top dps if that means stopping the powercreep
You don't even care or follow the lore, you just want to shitpost things you never read
Pyro Sovereign name seems Xolotl

"Legend has it that our tribal warriors would carry a token that was split in two, and in the great volcano they would wash the name of their companion as remembered by the Fallen {RUBY#[D]Xolotl}Dragon."

source: Jelena, Miruko

Respectfully, PTL
that domain is just rigged you don't get fucked like that in other domains
fuck off shounenfag
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same. Got amazing MH artifacts but GT hated me. Hope the GT strongbox will be kinder to me
Wait, in CN they decreased the stacking time in ST too, 0.8s -> 0.7s
2.1s to full-stack instead of 2.8, so the margin of error to full stack 3 hits is 3s, you can fit a 4th unstacked hit with good gameplay, I guess it's actually a overrall buff
So they’re an NPC like Apep?
It's simply about some characters getting way too many things in their kit for no reason while others are limited just because. Devs clearly plays favorism or simply go with random shit without much reasoning. Perma 36* abyss since 1.1. with characters I like, but it feels bad that my favorite character is from 1.0 and not that many options can compete by enjoyment level with it. Meanwhile a lot of characters I don't like keeps getting fun shit, you can call it agenda or something. Still, since Inazuma there was only one character I was truly excited for and half of exciment comes from c6, so clearly devs doing something wrong.
Nilou no contest
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because the way the hair clumps togather, yes it looks liks 4 drills. But its not like that hairstyle doesnt exist irl.
>omg not the same
drill hair is just wavy hair. Obviously doesnt look 1:1 like the anime drill hair, but thats because anime drill hair isnt bound to the laws of nature. If Navia was a person, pic related would be her style, except maybe more flourish.
Why is Chasca so fucking ugly?
>Trolls still think she got nerfed
Lmao. Proving once again you faggots don't play the game.
>a bit damage buff
>less clunky
>better in most cancerous content aka wave content
Mualani bros we won
______ flopped
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>MH in strongbox early
Oh my Sovereign
reminder that the Cuvie discord maintains the achievementgods list. Its why that tranny is always at the top nowadays.
One day they'll release a character that scales off hybrid flats and gig will cry about all the godly pieces they scrapped.
wanderer is so lucky......
Fontaine's bike?
who do I need for Mualani team?
it's a good buff but keep complaining anyway, maybe they'll buff her more in V4
The calcs apparently say that Mualani overall has a higher team DPS and is more reliable. Basically would you rather have unreliable and clunky 100k vapes that miss or guaranteed 70k vapes
You must pull Emilie in 8 days or your account is bricked.
Post AQ Furina
Mona (claims to only sleep with men for money but does anal for free)
Xinyan (desperate for gigs)
Yoimiya (everyone knows; the elderly thinks she's some kind of youkai)
Nilou (clapping game enthusiast)
Charlotte (will do anything for a scoop)
>or guaranteed 70k vapes
She's worse than Hu Tao?
It's because new set powercreeps it
They are being compassionate towards neuvkeks
You forgot better AoE. Since now Mualani can switch targets and not waste a nuke on low HP enemies.
Damn right, that's why I run my DPS at 100% crit rate without caring about the overall crit value and ratio.
That's nowhere similar to her style.
The thing is that her form of ringlets is easily done in real life but that's not wavy
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No, because she’ll never run out of stamina/infusion
The only way anyone will ever cry about scrapped artifacts is if they one day buff flat stats and they apply it retroactively. The big problem with substats is that there are far too many which have basically zero value. If flat stats were 2-3x higher or at least applied to base stats they'd be kind of okay instead of the absolute trash they currently are.
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I'll be using that set on Neuvillette with the Pyro Archon
They didn't nerf her and buffed the feel and multi-wave.
The genshin team is out of its mind. V2 already competed with some C6s at C1R1
LOL not anymore.

so true xister, she needs more nerfs
I dont get the rage
>Wanderer places YOUR head onto the lap of Nilou
>Wanderer only simps a bit for Durin because "oh... you are left alone aswell......"
>meanwhile (You)r head was on Nilous's legs and Kirara pounced you. The Wanderer did fuck all to either of them.
why the cuckposting. If anything he is your wingman
This but unironically
Shhh, let people keep complaining about her damage so she gets an extra scaling on V4.
>making shit up
what's the point, no one will believe you with a claim that unlikely
kek, how about a complete kit at C0?
Furina is only good at propping up shitters though. Eula, Noelle, Navia, Chiori, Diluc plunge. Kazuha is who you bring in for real damage (i.e. amplifying reactions).
Cyno does not have 1200% ATK nukes
Do you think it's reasonable for a C1R1 character to outdps C6R1 Arlecchino, released just a couple of patches ago?
>If anything he is your wingman
So that was his way of making amends? Fine, he is redeemed now.
She has a complete kit at C0 retard
Yes, no one cares about arletroon and if you fell for the pyro dps #38 meme right before the pyro nation that's on you
these aren't hopechads, these are copekeks.......
You retards always keep forgetting that even if he did that, Nilou still outright said she’d prefer it if you were on the grass.
for thios event alone, not saying he is a good character or absolved of sin.
Genshin events just ignore personality sadly.
it's reasonable that you post proof of this because it sounds schizophrenic
You can't
Read it again
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every con adds more stuff which means c0 is incomplete
she's timegated by 1.6s between her normals retardbro. that's even worse than hutao's infusion timegating. just roll arle or neuv instead at this point.
She was saying it because she is a super shy girl, did you faggot even play her character quest? Her being shy, yet a super skilled dancer is her character. And a lap pillow is something for lovers, which she instinctively knew hence the protest. But the fact she didnt moved you away is a sign that she secretly liked the contact.

Im not even a fucking Nilou fag and I thought the (You) pandering was a bit much
Me but viceversa. But in a good way, because I too appreciate both Alhaitham and Kaveh through each other.
it doesn't
it hits once per second but he has normal icd

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