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Previous: >>488113202

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
A random surfer will powercreep your lizard man.
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Is it stupid to roll for Nilou in 2024 because dendro has the lowest ceiling in the game and isn't getting buffed by upcoming Archons?
Don't care, still skipping all genki girls.
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>finishes all your weeklies
See you at the next tournament.
she is getting buffed with lvl 100
No she won't
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Archiveschizo killed the 750schizo though. Where's the chart/tweet spam gone?
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Remember the time before Arledindu's release?
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They won :3
Pyro Sovereign name seems Xolotl

"Legend has it that our tribal warriors would carry a token that was split in two, and in the great volcano they would wash the name of their companion as remembered by the Fallen {RUBY#[D]Xolotl}Dragon."

source: Jelena, Miruko

Respectfully, PTL
Yes. Only roll her if you like her. Otherwise wait for Natlan powercreep
wanderer is so lucky....
Mualani bros, we won! Doomkeks are reduced to apes who can't read now.
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The Dark Knight
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>stronger than Neuvillette
>top tier in overworld exploration
Name ONE downside
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Furina is for GODvillette
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just roll C0
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sex with alhaitham
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>ZZZ dead within a month
Why do we never stop winning bros? Why will everything flop even after promising they will destroy us? And we're in the middle of a dead patch too.
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I'll roll for Nilou when they raise the level to 100 and give us a F2P HP sword. Fuck R1 baits
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Charlotte love
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Femcels are NOT happy about Mualani today.
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i just woke up, did the 5.0 characters got any meaningful changes this beta cycle? thread before had people saying mualani got buffed but what about kinich and kachina?
We are finally free of N*h*d*
This will be the thread
>celebrating doomposting and cuckposting
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The only downside is that my wife is target of shitposts by the usual suspects.
very small adjustments, virtually the same
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not while I am awake
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her new tit size
No because Nilou comps still have a high enough damage floor to easily 36* anything that isn't designed to counter her. Standard Hyperbloom/Burgeon comps have reached a point where they're feeling the pressure but Nilou's teams are still way above the line.
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But she deals even less damage now, why are all these homotroons mentally ill?
I want both mualani and kinich to be strong even though I'm not getting the latter
neuvpags want ONLY neuv to be strong, and they talk about wish fulfillment lmao
When do you sleep
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Literally unplayable. I still wonder why they're so sensitive even at the lowest level of fanservice.
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I for one miss the app ranking posts. They really tied the thread together.

Yes. It is incredibly stupid to roll for Nilou in 2024. A more powerful Dendro/Hydro character who creates Bountiful Cores will be actually better than her.
You'd be wasting your Primogems if you rolled for Nilou. Do not roll. Bountiful Cores won't be unique for Nilou. Trust me.
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Women hate (You) and don’t want you to have nice things in Genshin Impact.
She literally does more damage you fuckin ape.
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I just woke up
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Speaking of flat stats, I finished leveling up a random shitty set for my Diona for upcoming Imaginarium Theater, and check it out. Almost +150 in flat attack and +50 in flat defense. This will come in handy in that scenario of yours.
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of course mihomo nerfed the tits again.at least I can safely skip now
They’re actually there but they change their filesizes now
>Pyro Sovereign's name is Xolotl
And by the time you do sleep the “Nahida is really sexy” poster is going to be awake
Why do you do this to me
If she is really censored I won’t spend on her simple as
it’s the price you must pay for hips
I love the UI toggle. Anyway, this is Layla. Please say some nice to her.
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i see, thanks anon
Bait and Switch like always
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i wish claymore girls were real
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>loses 50% dmg from v0 -> v3
>breast size gets reduced
>b-but she does more d-damage!

holy cope
I'm white
>"stop gaslighting us you fucking waifufags"
>gaslights everyone for the sake of xer husbando
I don't know why I expected something more from a tranny
>/gig/gers don't have the energy to search for 5 seconds if it's a real tweet
why am I posting in a 70- average IQ general
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where are the kachina buffs
No, but still she's pretty limited to dendro and hydro.
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Elf village doko


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I am awake the same time he is too, in a few hours at 12ish he will show up, but there are many nahider posters so you will never be safe
The clunky fishslapper of Natlan...
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good morning layler
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i was already going to pull so im happy it might not be a brick this time
This is fake /gig/ don’t fall for it
the worst part is that i made that edit and posted it ONCE just to have a few laughs and cheap (You)s, and now shitposters have appropriated it and use it for doomposting
it has lost its humor
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remember the good old days
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from the words used, this freak totally posts here lmao
hi truthteller, seethe some more for me faggot
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we need to discuss sales I'm BEGGING YOU! Someone please save Genshin Impact.
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>have literally never gotten a weapon I want from banner, always lose
>set epitomized path to nilou's key
>0 (zero) xiphos
>wolf's gravestone at 70+ wishes
>check wish stats
>bottom 2% luck on weapon banner
>bottom 30% in everything else
...I think my Genshin ride might be over bros. Between the nerfs to characters i like and dogshit luck and everything else I can no longer justify spending money and time on a game that constantly shits on me. I'm just wasting time and money. Some people are just born unlucky.
looool these posts really are indistinguishable from our local anal wormer posts /gig/ really is a reddit/twitter colony huh
Which one would lime to date?
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Is she better or worse than before? Make up your minds already so I can pick a narrative to doompost
I believe everything I read
Why is she so popular
Isn't she better than Chiori already? kek
Also did they do anything to her model? Why does she look way better than usual buddypokes
>Buffed on v2
>Literal fake screenshot
How can you even live with yourself you dumb nigger.
>roll on the scam banner
>get scammed
come on anon, you're better than this
they lowered the stacking cooldown and increased the nightsoul points, not only she can full stack 3 bites(vs the 2 of v2) but now a 4th unstacked bite in on the table(that will be enhanced almost to full stacked level with C1)
in aoe she can get 5 full stacked attacks now
burst buffed got buffed

only giga-retards think she got nerfed, her beta feels like alhaitham's
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story spoilers but i can't put a spoiler tag, please tell me how to create spoiler.
the pyro dragon name is Xolotl. Via Jelena
In Aztec mythology he was the god of fire and lightning. Also god of twins (Maya hero twins theory copium moment), death, misfortune, sickness and deformities. He was associated with heavenly fire
never roll weapon banner unless you can commit to 210 rolls bro. think of it like this - the "actual" cost of the weapon is 210 rolls. each pity on the way is a "chance at a discount". so if you don't have 210 fates, don't roll. simple as.
pedogods win as usual
>Albedo staring at Sige
He just can't help himself...
Why are you just straight up lying?
people told you bro, never roll weapon banner unless you have 200 rolls
They sure are doing a great job in getting people to skip these characters
Why are you so keen on destroying every single female character? Why does the top meta have to be 100% male? Is it because you're too addicted to dick?
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Who must be nerfed?
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Wait for the jstern meme sheet
Didn't her HP scaling get cut down by a lot? So she still got nerfed on the whole
Here's your Ayaka, bro. Take good care of her.
Why would the pyro sovereign be presented on a mural when the sovereigns got BTFO long before there were any humans.
Is this another rewrite? Can we go ONE region without Fat Xiao changing his mind?
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next one will be 3
She’s crazier than the most schizo /gig/ waifufags. men are still the strongest supports to this day besides Furina/Nahida. You literally brick 90% of the cast by not having Kazuha
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I'm going to roll for this baby incubator even if I don't use her on the abyss a single time, I already have enough strong units
>we will now cast Dr Coom
>it's the iron man guy lol fuck you
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se sei terrone meritato
i wonder if he was one of the original ones or someone who was reborn
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as sad as it is, that floor is still higher than all of the competition
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gm brosisters
Just wait another 5 to 6 hours bro. What's the problem?
Play ZZZ bro.
They're infinitely more generous than Gayshit.
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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Good morning
Another beautiful day to love Furina
mine is still at 70 because the flowers are annoying as fuck to find
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I feel you, pastabro. It always happens when it's 16 or 17 before. Why they haven't implemented a way to destroy unnecessary boss mats?
slighty worse now, since the decreaed CD means that she's even more dependant on xiangling
better in the future when they'll release a good off field pyro applier than doesn't need 300% ER to function
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the real xolotl
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Made for Fontaine women
She does less damage per attack but gets an extra attack per rotation now. Downside is that she wants Xiangling more than others like Xinyan/Thoma and energy is gonna fucking suck to manage on the team.
I don’t think she’s as strong as she was in V1 but she’s not worth doomposting now.
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Indescribably based.
sovereigns can be reborn stupid lorelet
some of them didn’t even die like apep
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>merely pretending
What did you expect?
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>citlali is based on an axolotl
>citlali is the new sovereign
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that's how you get nasty warts
è tempo di farmare
Roll her, don't listen to these retards. Nilou & Dendro is the goat and will be for a long time

Thoughts on the Natlan soundtrack?

Is it better than YPC slop?
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You are tasked with saving Genshin Impact, how will you save it and turn Natlan around
Because she is very cute and funny
this poster is correct
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madame ping will be cryo according to an uncle
insane aura on this picture
The axolotl (/ˈæksəlɒtəl/; from Classical Nahuatl: āxōlōtl [aːˈʃoːloːtɬ]) (Ambystoma mexicanum)[3] is a paedomorphic salamander closely related to the tiger salamander.[3][4][5] It is unusual among amphibians in that it reaches adulthood without undergoing metamorphosis. Instead of taking to the land, adults remain aquatic and gilled. The species was originally found in several lakes underlying what is now Mexico City, such as Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco.[1] These lakes were drained by Spanish settlers after the conquest of the Aztec Empire, leading to the destruction of much of the axolotl's natural habitat.
You're assuming they're actually stupid and not just being purposefully deceptive.
the napkin math surrounding Mualani currently reminds me of when Neuvillette was in the beta and people were claiming he could do 5 CAs per rotation
just wait for release like a normal person
Making every character a tall male. Each one more broken than the last.
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Sorry it was me earlier, another Nahida poster no this one
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Furina's thighs are my demise
She's cryo bro
>wake up
>login to exactly 120 resin
that's the good stuff.
never rolled kaz and never felt worse off for it
sex update
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Basically this. She deals more damage while being more forgiving, having better AoE since she doesn't get penalized as hard if she wastes one bite AND making her feel better to play. On top of that they buffed her ult numbers.
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>get new character
>get her weapon
>different ascension books
>exact same days avaiable
thanks dawei
>he still logs in twice per day
someone post that cosplay of neuv and fontaine chars re-enacting donald trump + secret service
You're supposed to mark them on the map
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>wake up
>resin cap
i don't even care anymore
Kinich is very bad isn't he?
For me it's Kurumi x Aveline
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I did that
that’s my cum
>claiming he could do 5 CAs per rotation
it was the opposite, people thought he could do only 3 CAs, then at release they found out he could absorb the balls instantly and save enough time to do 4 CAs
I've done the collect 168 game too many times, the game should just let me buy them at a certain point
>Alhaitham but clunky and requires pyro
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He powercreeps T0 Alhaitham
what is the most damage a Nilou bloom can do? you get 400% bonus from Nilou the hydro who procs it can have 1600 em so it's another 700% and it can crit with c2 Nahida and dendro res shread a single bloom can be 70k
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Like this
at c0 it's around 100k bloom crits with a top 1% build
c2 should be around 130k
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Best I got
it was both, there were literally people claiming he could outdamage c6 Yelan without constellations and there were also people doomposting him
goes here>>488122437
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kinich vs alhaitham is basically yoimiya vs hu tao
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Here you go
Stop falseflagging sis
Alhaitham isn't a ST character
thanks. kinda cool how this must have come together spontanaeously. cosplayers are easy going folk
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gm bros
who won
who lost?
did surfer girl get buffed or nerfed in the end?
Is this good or bad
Also what's the team?
How? That doesn't sound like a proper comparison...
c0 Nilou with Key and c2 Nahida?
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just two more weeks
Sorry won't pull
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they need to avoid easy doomposting
>never have patches that have >70 rolls
>give 10 limited wishes as a log in event per patch
>hire a lore squizo that can fix dialogue that can be interpreted rewritten
>hire an ntrsquizo that can fix dialogue that can be interpreted as cucked
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Isn't this Navia tier or nah
Have a random meteor hit Natlan and skip straight to Snezh.
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I don't pull for cows
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I need ALL the Furinas
We're all rolling for Emilie instead of the safehorny hydro
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I spent ~150 rolls I had in my Natlan fund because my /gig/ friends told me Nilou is still a must have character...
Nothing, we are cucks and we exist to fund hsr, zzz, and whatever other new Mihomoslop game they'll throw out
See >>488123358
Holy shit he's literally dendro navia
Kill Paimon.
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another day without a hu tao gf...
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naruhodo thanks
based hagfucker
Nilou bloom is Kokomi's best team in 2024
She's obnoxious af, I'm playing mute with her
bro Hu Tao came out like 3 years ago if you haven’t been playing with your gf everyday in Genshin idk what to tell you
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>citlali is based on an axolotl
>citlali is the new sovereign
>first dual element character
>gets a tan when swapping from cryo to pyro
no1 is rolling these
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I finally got chenyu vale done bros. Now just have bottleland 2 left and I'll be all caught up (100%) for natlan
You got her weapon right?
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stop with the ittoslop
stay strong bro
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that is my fav Furina gif
thanks man. almost got tricked by niloucucks
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Add Ass-
Thank you for Cum-
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...I'm sorry. I don't remember any of it.
For you, the day Fat Xiao wrote your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was lunch break.
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More Kuki is always appreciated
Djokovic's wife plays Genshin?
Can anyone explain why Liyue and Inazuma's birth rates are declining while Sumeru and Natlan's birthrates are sky rocketing?
Why do people keep saying she's Nuev tier? Nothing of what was shown in gameplay looked anywhere close to as useful as Nuev.
Kuki I don't care that your breath smells like garbage, I need to see your face.
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Nahida's best doll after Hat guy
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Katherine is a real OG
why did they make Nilou's sword so much stronger than everything else?
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they've always been high
too many men are being turned into incels by anime and porn
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So Neuvtroons lost? Hehe
Poor and lazy people don't have anything better to do.
Oh, she's one of those posters.
Men turn to those things because of feminism making women not worth pursuing. Removing those things won't solve the issue, they'll just find another outlet like fishing or something.
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mualani does almost 2x the damage even with the doomposters shit calculations, i though this was a homo game
neuvtroons LOST
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They should solve this like Fontaine by importing Natlan immigrants
I gave her Toukabou Shigure because I can't afford to level up an Iron Sting at this moment, too busy spending resin on other stuff.
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Sorry bwo, it's the Land fo Justice after all.
Honestly I was really surprised by her performance although she really wants all the HP she can get. If you can get the Dock hands assistant or her limited weapon, she'll blow shit up. The only problem is she needs someone to heal the team or I think kaveh doesn't take damage from bloom (idk I don't care for kaveh to remember his kit to every detail)
Her teams preform best in group scenarios and okay in single target scenarios.
He's better than Alhaitham but only with Emilie. He's a brick without her from what I've seen
so she can be paired with CHAD GUY after mc swap
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Advanced civilizations develop the appropriate birth control methods to relieve their ardor using methods such as condoms, pills, diaphragms and bussy.
Heelp... I already stop playing genshin but with how hoyo doing things recently, I don't trust them with Neuvi. I don't want hoyo to do him dirty, the concern of him being powercrept still hasn't let go.

And I know some ppl said hoyo want to save Boothill story for later but... But... I distrust hoyo so much that I believe hoyo will only make him only a small part of the overarching story about IPC. Like he's just there as another supporting cast who happens to have a massive grudge toward Oswaldo and a lot of his story and contribution will be off-screened and explain through exposition heavy dialogue. I'm afraid hoyo will just brush off his tragic lore, and won't even bother to make a heartfelt, even more tragic, meaningful main story development for him and his character.
You're f2p? Understandable. I saved a lot to buy her og weapon
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mualani status?
When people say "x is Neuv tier" they refer to their favorite theory crafters showing her DPS being similar to Neuv.
Not considering his unmatched AoE, auto-healing, ease of use and energy generation.
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I guess we win again doom lords
I heard Alhaitham is still better even if with Emilie what's the truth
Why would you ever roll on the weapon banner?
Why do women type like this? Are they retarded?
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FOTM hebeslop forgotten beyond belief
It is totally justified that Neuvillette is weaker than Mualani.

Neuvillette gave up the Hydro Gnosis to the Harbingers.

Neuvillette doesn't have Focalors' blessing anymore.
wait for calcs. she got a gameplay buff at least
Where else would the female audience run to? Thats the question. Hoyo treats its male characters like shit but i feel it’s still the mainstream single player rpg with the best male selection.

Theres love and deepspace and other otome games but sometimes we want to play something other than romance
>Kinich+Emilie is stronger than Alhaitham+Nahida
Why is a literal who Fontaine perfumer a better sub-DPS than the Dendro Archon?
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Got her weapon at 65 rolls, I never thought I was lucky before reading your feedbacks bros.
the hydro gnosis is not the source of his power
he doesn't need the blessing of someone with stolen authority
unironically wuwa, im a yume chat and they all play wuwa and hate genshin
Why are you spamming comments from a femoid sub reddit
not currently but I think he will once mavuika releases. to me, he feels like if alhaitham released in 3.0
Even if Mualani outdamages him she can’t spin to win with perfect AoE or self-heal. He will be the comfort pick.
It would be dumb if Mualani couldn’t out damage him because otherwise what’s the point. (From a pure metafag balance perspective, I know people roll their favorites anyways).
What about when you add Mavuika to Kinich's team and Furina to Alhaitham's?
I just rolled 60 on the weapon banner and since I got the Key I rolled for Nilou after that you always need to roll for the weapon before the character
no one cares about paghida except hat guy so good riddance
Well they should work hard to prevent wuwa from flopping
a 4.8 + 5.0 character should be way stronger than 2 3.X characters
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lol the whole 1.1 patch has been waifu pandering, they must be seething
How should I feel about this bitch mogging my wife?
itto is going to love natlan's music scene. can't wait
go back to /hsrg/
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I hate Inazuma.
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>hate the game that has more males and modestly dressed women
>play the game with huge bouncing tits and blatant (You) pandering, and few dudes.
pls explain sister I just don’t understand women
Is it the more buff designs?
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a burger i fixed had some pink in the middle and now im afraid im going to feel sick soon.
>Cut her hair
>Attach the dead hair to a ring
Wtf is that retarded design
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nobody thinks emilie + kimchi is better than the 3.x dendro duo except this place
Whos your wife
more like those guys are too lazy to become worth having in anyone's life.
who is mostly likely to play Minecraft with you?
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Iansan will be Alhaitham's dedicated spread buffer. Trust the plan.
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Why is Paimon so racist?
My boogieman will never be real.
It’s beautiful and she has bigger bobs than any girl in Genshin now please try WuWa saar
archive schizo....
>mualani was buf-
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Iansan will be my dedicated wife..so cute
>*kisses cheek*
The only males I roll for are either Archons or Harbingers.
No, I didn't roll for Wanderer or Neuvillette.
I'm not going to besmirch her
idgi, all the wuwa guys look ugly to me. which ones are they going crazy for?>>488125730
just stop while you're ahead before you become the next "KING DESHRET HITS LIKE A WET NOODLE"
>dead hair
bwo, fake hair extensions?
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Goodbye retards
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The joy of being a HMY paypig
>Why is a single target manlet stronger than an AoE team?
That's the thing, they aren't.
Of course retard will fall for it nigger
stay with us
holy based
Wtf I love Paimon now. You know this shit isn't getting in the en dub tho.
they love changli
>>play the game with huge bouncing tits and blatant (You) pandering, and few dudes.
i dont think this matters, if theres pretty dudes they will play
>Is it the more buff designs?
yes, they look like ikemen
Thanks for your donation bro! See you next week
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Bye friend.
Hope Wuwa treats you better than Genshin did.
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no not really please help her she has no idea what she's doing
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you may uninstall but /gig/ will forever live rent free in your head
this has been done over and over and also with hrt diluc's profile
yet people still keep doing it and falling for it
another day, another humiliation
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Shark girl isn't going to win lol
she already had small breasts because hebe
literally who cares.
Our SEAmonkeys can barely pass the captcha bro...
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Invest in HydroCOIN!
No as in even with money and success there's no benefit to pursuing modern women. They just aren't attractive or willing to be feminine which is their choice, they made it. But it also means no one will want them. There's a weird narcissism where many feel like they are goddesses even when they're a 2/10 landwhale who's $50k in debt.
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this, I love hebes
I know this is probably bait but I think I probably will drop Genshin once WuWa gets it's PS5 port.
you know if you are fabricating hrt_diluc’s tweets at least make several spelling mistakes because that chink cannot write for shit
give me a Kokomi rerun than
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hebes are the best
Technically at C0R1 they are because Emilie's weapon is especially crazy.
and at C2R1 for both, the gap is very big.
but yeah.
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Enough is enough
You're assuming actual retards don't browse these god forsaken threads.
When can we expect Chiori to rerun?
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I LOVE hebes
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It would ruin her underboobs, thank god its fake
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I'm leaving too, feminists killed this game
post something cute
One more nerf to Mualani

Particle gen

5 -> 4.5
Everyone already did by getting C1R1 Neuvillette.
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Cute and canon!
the smaller the breast the more erotic they are
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No don't go! we completely nerfed dailies! We will have more pandering in Natlan please!
furina should've been in this summer event. it wouldve been a nice farewell present
Second half.
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State of GEOcoin?
>he could outdamage c6 Yelan
C6R1 Yelan in a non whale environment?
Actually, he can. Contrary to popular belief his constellations do very little to increase his peaks C0R1 DPS.
Most if it is in the supports.
Does the bweh guy hate Genshin now or something?
"cursed" is not an accurate translation
More like "bewitched", and it has a neutral instance, it doesn't necessarily mean something negative
The Mualani nerfs are too much, why does this game have to always go out of their way to make everything less fun?
furina x wanderer???
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hkvh big loveee
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Navia hits like a golf cart driven by a drunk hobo.
Zhongli shield is still god-mode.
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hkvh but with anal worms falling from kaveh's asshole :3
NTA. There are women out there who aren’t like that but if you’ve been steeped in anime/vidya and Internet culture you are deeply unlikely to meet them since they’re outside, at church, doing the normalfag shit that (You) don’t do.
the geo buddypoke...
Based I want see Furina cuck me with Wanderer
she's more fun to play now, wait for calcs
7 of my 10 non-standard 5* are hydros soo...
Xilonen will bring GEO to the moon. She's Geo Kazuha and Geo Furina combined, apparently.
who doesn’t
idk, I just do the shitpostan
bro your garlic consumption
Does that R1 also magically fix their single target restriction?
Well she's in 5.0 to send you off along with Navia, Clorinde, and Charlotte so it's better than nothing.
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sex with hebes
hu tao is so sexy
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>More fun to play now
And how do you even know that?
I'm aware there are good women out there but it's just not worth the risks with all the other social baggage and corrupt systems that can allow a nasty and deceptive one to ruin your life instantly just because she feels like it. Not to mention how competitive it is.

It's OK, women are strong and independent they can take care of themselves.
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This is consensual btw
>consuming and disseminating story leaks
fuck you retard
He jumps between games but he just recently made some Furina ones
She's better than c0 Chiori for characters like Navia and Noelle who can't create a construct. c1 Chiori is better. She does about half of Albedo's damage but contributes a 40% damage buff to what will be the entire team for most comps. At c6 with good stats she becomes about on-par with c1 Chiori with similar artifact investment.

Feels about where a 4* character should be. She's flexible and is worth a team slot in many comps but not oppressively valuable to the point that you're begging for a power creep character to come along so you can finally use someone else like we've seen with >b >xq >xl
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yan butt
she can get more attacks in per rotation that's always more fun
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>wake up
>Mualani has been nerfed again
wtf is going on with these devs
Lumine sex
Amber sex
Barbara sex
Noelle sex
Fischl sex
Sucrose sex
Mona sex
Xiangling sex
Keqing sex
Xinyan sex
Ganyu sex
Hu Tao sex
Yanfei sex
Yun Jin sex
Ayaka sex
Yoimiya sex
Kokomi sex
Shinobu sex
Kirara sex
Chiori sex
Collei sex
Nilou sex
Layla sex
Faruzan sex
Lynette sex
Charlotte sex
Furina sex
Chevreuse sex
Emilie sex
Mualani sex
Citlali sex
Skirk sex
why is that finger so long
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>mualani threatens homos and femcels again
>cuckposting begins
he has a +3 on normals and his C2 is huge. what are you smoking
Mualanis just cant stop losing...
Because her adjustments have been made specifically to address similar issues people have with other characters.
What does she do as a subDPS for Navia?
Tiffany is out for blood kokosis.
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>he unironically thought /gig/ had any semblance of decency and self-control left
Anon, I...
not a nerf, v0 had 2 million damage, v1 had 1.4mil or something, and then they calculated v2 damage based on v1 -30% due to the damage nerfs. But v0 to v1 had a 50% nerf because she went from doing 3 bites to 2, and now she is gonna do between 3 to 4 bites, she is back at v0 levels while being less clunky
we need archiveschizo to kill the cuckspammers
Holy fuck, just like chiori... oh im stroking it alright..
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>Americans woke up
camera watch
are there churls in natlan?
>uninstall the game
>loom and aether get raped by hilichurls endlessly until you reinstall
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Please, stop...
Mitachurls are so fucking lucky
>free 42 crit damage
>does little to increase peak DPS

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What song is she playing /gig/
Nobody on that list is remotely attractive except for Fischl
Literally no fun allowed
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hey wait a minute
She provides a 40% damage buff because of the Natlan artifact set. Since Navia does not create constructs the only way Chiori is going to be better is if you have her at c1 or higher.
uh oh melty
>making eye contact with her while she got churl'd
holy fuck
Imagine kissing Yanfei's antlers then licking her scales
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Uh oh femcel porn melty
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this anon gets it, it's so fucking hot
someone, what time zone is this? is it russians again?
no, europeans
could be polish
its Europe, i know, shocking
No, central europe
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>Players are mad about neuviletter changes?
>Quick! Nerf Mualani!
>Players are mad about there being not enough black people in natlan?
>Quick! Nerf Mualani!
>Dawei hit his toe on the doorframe?
>Quick! Nerf Mualani!
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We hate women here
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you weren’t supposed to tell anyone anon! I’m never giving you an anal creampie again
Why do you assume women dislike (You)pandering? Love and Deepspace is an otome game where every single man is for your female self-insert character and the devs outright told fujoshits to fuck off and that the game is not for them and all the men are straight and want to fuck the female MC only. And this is a game that is so wildly successful it often reaches Mihoyo level sales. Meanwhile fujos can only exist as parasites on omnipandering games, they can't even support a single game on their own. Just because fujos and other shiptroons are loud on social media doesn't mean they represent the female gacha playerbase any more than yuritroons represent male gacha playerbase.
I don't think it's girls that are making and consuming churl porn, incel.
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70% of his content is genshin related
I think it is.
Women love bestiality porn though?
This is ai
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The game is piss easy. Pull only the units you like.
Metafags are mentally ill.
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Sorry /gig/ers but cuckposters are solely for me to cum into.
Is it true that Mualani is back to V0 level again?

Does that mean she's the strongest character now
what if i don’t like anyone
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All of you are retarded. It's unreal. Almost funny.
It's women who spam cucked shit in these threads though.
I'm the only good poster over here.
>implying women does not love bestiality
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I don’t assume women dislike (You) pandering period, I just figured they dislike (You) pandering that is obviously tailored towards men with the male gaze etc.
I will say this is based mostly on the recent complaints about Firefly and Nilou stuff (You) pandering but I post on 4chan and am an autistic neet so please understand.
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I'm pretty sure it's just shitposters because faggots like (you) always get triggered by it
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hebe love
So women, yeah. Only happens in the hoyo generals.
Yeah it's russian ugly femcel who got kicked out from their russian /gig/
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furina love
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I need Sushang to drink my cum
>proving me right
If you weren't so autistic then people wouldn't post shit to trigger you retarf
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>Women love beastiality
Pls respond
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no, it's a v2 sidegrade but with better gameplay feel and better multi-wave
I heard that C2 was greatly enhanced though and it's 20% better than what it was at v1, so with that she is probably the strongest
>he hasn't seen the 5.0 Abyss lineup with 5 million HP bosses
meant for>>488127894 and>>488128017
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Redvillette bros? WON
Xbalanque sissies? LOST
Everyone got kicked out from the Russian /gig/, janny had a melty.
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Everyone with a pure soul loves Furina
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>Your yogurt is yummy at all...
>Guinaifen does this for a living? And she likes it?
Reddit is actively happy that Mualani keeps getting nerfed. You faggots are also seemingly happy about it. Therefore you scroungy little fucking worms are also reddit.
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It would happen anywhere where cuck porn gets spammed, it doesn't happen everywhere though.
It's piss easy with limited cons and sigs. C0R0 characters needed the full 3 minutes to clear the current 12-1
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probably has something to do with penis in hole causing more damage than hole in penis
>Lumine sex
>Amber sex
>Barbara sex
>Noelle sex
>Fischl sex
>Sucrose sex
>Mona sex
>Xiangling sex
>Keqing sex
>Xinyan sex
>Ganyu sex
>Hu Tao sex
>Yanfei sex
>Yun Jin sex
>Ayaka sex
>Yoimiya sex
>Kokomi sex
>Shinobu sex
>Kirara sex
>Chiori sex
>Collei sex
>Nilou sex
>Layla sex
>Faruzan sex
>Lynette sex
>Charlotte sex
>Furina sex
>Chevreuse sex
>Emilie sex
>Mualani sex
>Citlali sex
>Skirk sex
the enemy gains hp with hydro aura and loses hp with pyro aura, as long as you use the right teams it will feel like a normal 2 millions hp boss
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>Everyone got kicked out from the Russian /gig/, janny had a melty
Huh? QRD?
>C2 is huge
Lmao, C0R1 Neuv has 300CD + 80% Hydro dmg already. 48% more CD doesn't mean shit, especially with Furina buffing him for 140% more Hydro dmg with her C3.
C3 Neuv sounds great on paper until you realize it's barely a 10% dmg in reality.
C6 is the only meaningful constellation dmg wise but it's mainly for sustaining purposes (15s CA instead of 9s for 9 orbs). However, all those C6 Neuv vs C6 Yelan vids were all about killing the boss within the first 4s of the DPS window so you can't even see the real value of Neuv's C6 there (i.e. the gap is much bigger in reality).
Chinks made an account between Neuv's and Arle's banners and 36* abyss in 3 days
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What do you define as cuck porn, a male being in the same frame as a female?
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Ok but that wasn't during the current abyss
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Who won? Who lost?
you are not clearing c0r0 without Neuv and Arle
lol femcel gets mad and defensive when called out as usual
Kachina won
Yunjin won
I did it with yaka
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>can't answer a simple question
>assumes I'm a woman
Lol u mad. Imagine being so fucking pathetic you imagine yourself being chucked by a 2d male lmfao
Women consume more bestiality porn THOUGHEVER
the extended mualani field time and the extended uptime on the sword effect makes me think that they are buffing the duration of xilonen buffs in deep testing
So? It doesn't matter if you're not mentally retarded you can clear abyss easily with anything
I did last cycle with melt ganyu and ayaka on the other side
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We just can't stop winning
just remember to never stop attacking femcels, homos and their characters
any post against straight men and waifus is 100% done by them
>google the name
>muslim SEApag
The bestiality porn they consume is way different than that AI slop thougheverbeit
>With anything
Show me your dps Amber clear then.
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>I did last cycle with melt ganyu and ayaka on the other side
C0R0? Sure sure yeah i totally believe you anon
Why is there a need for black bars censoring a boy?
Because faggots like you can't stop fantasizing about naked men when they see a naked women
Harp and anemona
Both c0
It's a heavily skewed statistic because a vast majority of males who engage do so in very unsafe environments like farms. Women just get fucked by dogs in the privacy of their own homes.
It's not on nhentai yet isn't it
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an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
I see thanks
>/gig/ says there are no real females in /gig/
>/gig/ says it's all the work of femcels
Which is it
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Thank you mihoyo now i will be able to clear it with my 20k dps mualani!!
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Anon I fear you might lust for young little boys.
>no playable capitano in 5.x
oh no no no
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how for (you) is Furina?
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Females arent real
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Femcels are not counted as real females
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>their physiques are virtually identical
>only one is required to be censored
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At least I have something in common with Mihoyo then...
C0 to C3 is almost 50% increase in his CA. That is huge. Retard. Also Furina is wasted on Neuv. He simply DOES NOT NEED HER. Put her in a team with shitters that need propping up, that's what she's best at.
wormed homo fujo femcel game
anal worms monkeypox hiv
i’m the most popular genshin impact character
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>virtually identical
Femcels still have vaginas
NTR game
You are getting cucked right NOW
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She's for dragon cock, whiteboi.
The game is balanced around c0r0 unironically.
I started playing in 4.2 and have been clearing with 36* for last 4 abysses with relative ease with half build characters.
I have only one c1 characters (furina on the last banner). No neuvilette, no arleccino.
The base units that everyone gets are very powerful and have a lot of utility already. Pulling almost any of the 5stars is enough to clear even if you inflate current abyss HP pool.
Envision an alternative reality where Mihoyo is a Japanese company instead of a Chinese one held back by the CCP censorship laws (and community)
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>as bad as MHY is, Cygames is worse with the unbalanced omnipandering into EoS with grubble than we are in GI
The grass is always greener
>Draw a boy, call it a girl
I'm gay and i play Genshin Impact
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>If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
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*è ora brutto esl con google traducazzo
Having a penis and no functioning eggs is a pretty big difference.
Who tf is xbarrack then
no thabnks we would just get gbf 2.0
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For me, it's draw a girl and call it a boy
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Who? Oh wait, I know!
>i.e. the gap is much bigger in reality
What reality? If you've got c6 Neuv or Furina you're going to be killing shit within seconds anyway.
They may not use it but having a vagina makes them real females
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Y'all need meds.
You keep bashing the nerfs but deep down you know you will only use her with Bennet and XQ.
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>no totalitarian govenment breathing down their necks so they can go all out with fags and dykes
thanks but no thanks
That's the sound of internet women
hai studiato all'ITIS e si vede bwo
when was the last time charlotte got a rerun
>Yun Jin
Yeah this is probably her BiS purely because there are no good ER polearms. Using this new weapon and swapping out her def% sands for an ER% sands is going to be a pretty big gain in terms of overall stat value.
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This is your POV /gig/. You deserve a loving partner to be happy with.
But not Cheldfag, he likes Cheld too much. Sorry Cheldbro
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based or cringe?
We haven't had actual leaks that were accurate since the start of Fontaine. Any info we get comes directly from betas of upcoming versions.
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>one letter off from Axolotl
>Clit's design is based on the axolotl
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Will Xilonen make my Kazuhaless Ayaka viable for the Abyss?
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Sorry but I like girls
>sees a hot woman in natlan
>immediately thinks of hilichurls
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>Its the femcels who obsess over churls
Celestia kino?
Kazuhaless Ayaka is already viable for abyss though
The woman I liked from dance lessons is moving to the other side of the country before I could make a move on her. At this rate I won't be able to find my Nilou before I become a wizard...
Guess it's back to watching from afar for me
So his wife left him because he's secretly gay?
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Finally, I can die happy...
thank you
Tectone likes to watch...
My C0R0 Ayaka is so weak...
>going to end up skipping every 5.x character for capitano
It's over..
>goes missing after fighting the pyro archon
t-t-the strongest.......
Thanks but I have standards. I get it you like her but stop trying to force her like an annoying insecure cuck
Tectone probably self inserts as hilichurls desu
>There is only one girl...
Come on bro, it's like you're trying to pull a 5* with one roll
>an actual def sword outside of cinnabar
What's the catch
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>5.2 Archon Quest: Traveler gets The Gnosis
Venti CBT1 line bros... we won.
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bros i miss SOVLzuma so much...
Not surprised
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The girl I like has a boyfriend and I see them every day at work
it sucks but we have to keep on keeping on
do it for (Her)
>Capitano's power is related to the Abyss Order
That implies that that old theory about him being the Bloodstained Knight might be on to something, right?
>sign up for dance lessons to meet women
>meet one
>dont hit on her
I dont think you thought your plan out very well
Just go visit? It hasn’t gone anywhere
didn't this very same clown leak traveler = camera before
>no new character
what is the point
It's actually a very fun way to do some exercise, I don't regret it at all.
Just wish I was more sociable
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>goes missing
It's over
and was that wrong you retard
I believe this leak.
There was a leak super early in Fontaine that accurately predicted everything too
I used C0R0 too bro and with only 180 CV artifacts
Shhhhhhh my narrative
I think that's what hes alluding to, smartass
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Perfect bodytype
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Please roll for Albedo and Chiori when their rerun banners up.
that's the point, why trust this idiot then. two weeks from now he could go oooops I actually meant [different fanfiction] and you'll still post him here
Old leak said that Traveler defeated Capitano using the dragon authority
This one says Capitano goes "missing" after fighting the pyro archon, and that Traveler merely gets the gnosis instead.
Which is better?
Wait, White leaked like 6 months ago that "Kiana" will be in Natlan
And also wrote like a month ago that the first weekly boss is "Celestia's messenger" and that Xbalanque will fight it when Traveller will be a cameraman.
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The lighting in ffxiv will never not be funny.
literally how
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holy based, too bad she is still black
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>Who's stronger SHE or you?
>Well if Mavuika regained all of her authority she might cause me a little trouble...
>But would you lose?
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can’t wait until brapitano fans get humbled like signorafags
Delicious feet
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Finally Celestia involved.
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>Cutscene fight is Capitano getting absolutely bodied by Mavuika before Skirk bails his ass out by chucking him through a portal like Cheld
Tsaritsa bros these goons are embarrassing us…..
This dumb bitch killed herself for nothing since Celestia was sleeping anyways and wouldn't have known what fuckery was going down in Shitstaine.
A-a-at least he's still going to be playable! Eventually...
when will we get a flat hag?
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She would be perfect as a medium height female
Capitano WARPED you
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>T-this is bad!! Xbalanque-chan I need you!!
Just use hyperbloom on the other side
Holy shit, Official CN genshin creator shills are now bringing female psychology expert to defend nilou's behavior lmao.

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The feetpandering in Mihoyo has gone off the charts lately with star rail's Yunli and Sparkle, even HI3 latest character goes barefoot
natlan is looking like shit already lol
you retards can't defend this now
she got the bimbo heels lol
Dipshit she couldnt do anything without neuv getting his powes back
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>Stand proud Capitano, you're strong.
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ZZZ too. Grace doesn't actually have her feet out in game, she just has random cutscenes where she's shoeless.
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Tsaritsa: "What is GOATHIMTANO to all of you?"

Pierro: "If I am Her Majesty's right-hand man, then he certainly is her left-hand man, which is befitting of his title as..."

Il Dottore: "He understandably disagree with my modus operandi. I try my best not to negatively stimulate his sense of justice. The risk of fighting him is proven to be unfavorable, for he is..."

Columbina: "He has a pure heart. Oh, and he's also..."

Arlecchino: "A mysterious man. But one thing is clear, he is no doubt..."

Pulcinella: "The honorable defender of this nation. Our people can certainly sleep well at night under the protection of..."

Scaramouche: "He's annoyingly popular. Can't they see the latent danger brought about by..."

Sandrone: "... He's..."

La Signora: "His honor doesn't allow him to accept my methods, yet he's never shown aggression toward me. I used to know some people like that. Unfortunately, the tide of darkness had devoured them all. But he's still here, he truly is..."

Pantalone: "An efficient operator. Maintaining the army takes a large amount of resource. That's why I much appreciate it when he takes on personal mission alone. He has never failed, a proof of being..."

Tartaglia: "My goal. One day, I'll prove my worth against him, and rightfully claim his seat as..."

Everyone: "...The strongest."
Best way to describe the leaker "White" is

A broken clock is right twice a day
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and thats a good thing!!
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The current abyss is the hardest one we got up to now, but Nilou still clears it easily. Same for Navia, btw.
I'm sorry, say that again?
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post something angry
Yeah, thats how women act when flustered around someone they like, the issue is that they hired women to make a (you) pandering scene that will be interpreted by autistic men. They fucked up
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>seething a year later
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Il Capitano
The Captain

The First Of The Eleven Fatui Harbingers
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>female psychology expert
There's a certain CC I used to like but I find annoying now that recently won't shut the fuck up about how Crapitano is gonna be the coolest and will body everyone so watching him job in game would be pretty cathartic.
Uhhh can you give a tl;dr for us non-chinese folks?
which genshin’s cock would you slurp
does lvl70 characters deal less damage to things like pyro shields?
Lmao chinks are so autistics they need literal psychology lessons to understand female behavior
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she can be your debil or your angle
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>-50% damage
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>chinkoid posts his cuck fetish shit again
Go back
My goat really is better than fraudjo
None, I genuinely find none of Genshin's males attractive because Dawei is too much of a pussy to put in an actual trap or a veiny bara.
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Should hire one to explain why this fucking douchebag cunt is so popular and shilled in every single fucking event like he's the fucking hero of the universe.
As far as I know level doesn't matter against shields. What really matters are the gauge units.
I still dont get the uproar
Wanderer placed your head onto Nilous lap
Nilou obviously was flustered over that intimate moment

Somehow this means wanderer is cucking you. I dont understand the insecurity of SEAs
fuck off shounenfag
How are they going to justify making the battle strongest harbinger playable? Doesn't that just make the rest of the harbinger cast a bunch of weaker jobbers?
wait so are chinks seriously seething about this for real i thought it was just like 5 spergs reposting their posts here on /gig/
they forgot that everyone is written by fat xiao
tldr they need a male psychology expert
Don't forget Nilou's bare feet outfit
only time I've ever topped up in genshin
>5 spergs reposting their posts here on /gig/
This but its like one retard shitting up whole thread.
Nilou c0?
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>Nilou so disgusted by you being placed in her lap that she asks her boyfriend Wanderer why he couldn't put you elsewhere

>"You see achkshually its because she totally likes you!"


>-50% damage
>...and here's why that's a good thing!
Guys I can't do it, I can't be as optimistic as you all, I won't be rolling the brick of Natlan
>watching someone enjoying his cuck fetish
How far can we go with this cameraman thing?
and there it is
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New info
hehe my filter caught it
I'm such a happy little cameraman
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Sleep tight my beloved
White said that he an alien a month ago
nilou is just a whore
Say what you want but the other options in Genshin fucking suck, every male is the same
>haha, i'm humble
>haha, i'm positive every time
and before someone goes about the females being the same, i completely agree, Genshin just doesn't have that many unconvential characters, they will always try to fit a mold
>burgers woke up
>thread instantly turned for the worse
Every single time.
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>Nilou is revolted by you being placed in her lap

keep believing women's lies lmao
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Fat Xiao loves his Anemo boys
We knew that Fat Xiao was the popedev when that interview came out and he said Fontaine Act 3 was his magnum opus and he liked little boys.
Who tf is Wendy?
>CN cries about nilou telling hat guy to put the traveller on the grass
>Multiple Mihoyo content creators make video about this to damage control.
>top comments talk about wanderer shipping traveller and nilou together
>few of them talk about nilou position making her itchy, just as she says in the dialogue
But these doesn't stop the drama. Wuwafags and Snowbreakfags make video about this and mock the genshin fans. call the traveler turtle(cuck) and useless

More like 5k spergs, but yes, they are indeed VERY autistic
>I dont understand the insecurity of SEAs
Its not insecurity, its autism
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>nahida: we really want to fuck me, don't you?
No one likes Wanderer here, yet people love trying to annoy others using him more than they dislike him.
It's the same with Mika
Damn the psychologists have some serious work to do with these proud cucks
>Wuwafags and Snowbreakfags make video about this and mock the genshin fans. call the traveler turtle(cuck) and useless
>Even in China other fanbases tell us NICE GAME GENKEKS
dunno man, they seem incredibly insecure. not the first time they saw cuckshit in something which just wasnt.
Dont let me remind you of the Childe and Yoimiya debacle. They always do this.

Its peak insecurity.
I think they fucked up with the dialogue, she says hat guy why don't you put him on the ground/grass. Sure she says its ichy but the way she says makes it like she doesn't want it and hates it
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Fat Xiao literally self inserts as Wanderer because of CCS. He's stated that he shipped Sakura and the Chinese boy when he watched it. There's some scenes in the Sumeru story that are frame for frame ripping off the CCS anime scenes. Nahida = Sakura Wanderer = Chinese boy
He also said he ships Neuvilette and Furina.
>Nilou still clears it easily
With R1 btw
>Kachina’s best weapon got buffed to have better uptime
Okay now is it possible for her to do okay damage
This is too much mentally ill for a white man to understand.
Its like 4chan shitposting but they aren't anonymous and 100% serious.
the absolute state of fat xiao
they fucked for 27h after that
Where is that scene?
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We're still friends, right?
Are we the cucked game irl too?
>Fat Xiao literally self inserts as Wanderer
Would it be out of this realm to say that Xiao is his self insert?
Xiao does get lots of new artifact sets and supports
Why is her devil form soft and flat while her angel form is ripped with muscletone?
>game for children
>all about going on fun and cute adventures
>but you obsess over cuckolding
This is an advanced form of cute aggression, lashing out and seeing hostility because you are bewildered over something being fun or cute.
I find it funny that it united both of these fanbases. Seeing rover and adjuvant together laughing at the genshin fans is a bit funny dou
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I also watched CCS and it just made me attracted to little girls...
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>The least mentally ill cuck on /gig/
The funny thing is that every cuckshit you see here is only posted by one schizo lol
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hu knows
3.7 with beasts was worse, but aside from that yes.
Venti or Wendy from Honkai.
you have to finish the 'an odd textual mystery' quest and go to sumeru
lmfao wish i had editing skills to put pagther on the cucked dude with nilou x scara kissing on his phone screen.
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>but you obsess over cuckolding
Chinese incels are not "us". No one would post anything about ntr if our tieba schizo didn't bring their cringe totally not shipping ai slops from his shithole.
>tfw genshin fan wuwa fan snowbreak fan ccs enjoyer wanderer main aether picker
Nobody likes nilou
>Wise gets to fuck a hag, trio of maids, a cat girl and two lolis
>Aether gets the cameraman treatment and when he meets his sister it’s immediately mind wiped ingame
This injustice can’t continue…
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/gig/ loves to watch!

Women Psychology Experts have told us this is fine!
aetherbros I'm so tired
Hello, I'm nobody.
>Wise gets to fuck a hag, trio of maids, a cat girl and two lolis
NTA, but is the (You) pandering in ZZZ that good?
Wanderer does
Is this real ? I though zzz had its fair share of cuckposting. Every mihoyo game pulls you with waifus pandering and then baits you with cuckshit and shipshit
There are not enough women in SEAland no wonder they go apeshit at the first ambiguous female behavior.
Women Psychology Expert here,
nilou is a whore and fucks with wanderer
>Triple hydro
That's cope as fuck.
I do just fine with just EM xq and face tanking the Pyro losers with Baizhu/Alhaitham.
>He's stated that he shipped Sakura and the Chinese boy when he watched it.
she is literally the main character and he is her primary love interest
this is like saying you ship sailor moon with tuxedo mask
like no shit
I like her feet
It has a dating system so it's the best that Mihoyo can offer. Maybe they're going the BA route with the protag + Agents relationship but in the end it's a Mihoyo game so don't expect too much (you) pandering
There's not really any shipshit whatsoever in the game. The most believable thing is that you're fucking your own sister so that tells you everything.
Why is traveler so useless? He jobs every time...
He's CANONICALLY a watcher (witness) of Teyvat and a recorder.
Alice said so, Zhongli said so. Nahida said so.
It's his fate. We can only hope he decides to rebel and join his sister. Or something.
Y'all need Jesus
wow exactly like genshin
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According to Women Psychology Experts this is fine and not at all cuckoldry!
Jesus also liked to watch.
Based Jesus.
wow the cuckfag woke up and is spamming the same images with the same texts as always
he is HIM
>Shipped Sakura and Chinese boy
Did you watch CCS? That's literally the canon pairing.
The cuckspammers are back, time to leave this general
I could use Baizhu, but that would be gay.
>Wise gets to fuck a hag, trio of maids, a cat girl and two lolis
All that and you don't mention his sister in the mix?
I was wrong about more Mualani nerfs. I'm sorry. But I am happy for you Mualani bros
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Kind of, but it's too early to tell.
Women Psychology Experts told me your girl can fuck 10 guys+ but it doesn't matter if the one she trully loves is you
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>Man I love to witness!
All women are evil
why are all the toys men?
I will now install zzz
I sure do wish we had jannies that could help combat a single cuckpost spammer firing off post cooldown unfunny cuck memes siphoned off of Chinese schizos.
Women Psychology Experts are my FUARKING HEROS!!!!
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I still don't know what's going on
>fake world made by old hag past her prime
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Women Psychology Experts have told me that your wife having a boyfriend that fucks her hard every day is completely normal and not at all a bad thing!

I, as a modern feminist male and Genshin Impact Witness, approve!
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My cute autistic wife
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Nahida didn't even greet us or ask us how our journey was or that we met our sibling.
She went straight to WORMERER and asked him how HE was. She wanted to know what WORMERER was doing. She CLEARLY wants to suck his big puppet cock.

she doesnt care about us anymore
women psychology expert here
if she's happy she wants your cock
if she's angry she wants your cock
if she's sad she wants your cock
Women psych experts need to understand these players are the same people who ignored any hint in high school made by the girl at their lunch table, and wonders the whole time after why nobody likes them.
If its not made blatant with no room for alternate interpretation, then Traveler is being cucked. Its how their minds work.
Why are we such good watchmen though?
women are not real
Only if you're the one who managed to make her have those mood swings.
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Why would you settle for the Witness when you could have the true Hero of Teyvat, Savior of all Seven Nations?
I like to watch
>they even allow us to watch
zhu yuan is jean but good
Lots of violent things happen to these toys, violence is only OK and funny when it happens to men.
My mom is a woman
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She can just read your mind to figure that out.
Has to ask Wanderer directly because his mind is a jerk.
Yeah it's not like she sent a birthday mail telling us that she'll come in our dreams to hold hands with us lol. Just breathe faggot, next time you'll be on the news because you killed your crush as she was saying hello to the neighbors. You're all mentally ill SEAmonkeys it's not even funny
He's just aware enough to not allow her to pry into his thoughts. Probably always super conscious of what he's thinking when she's around.
>Nilou obviously was flustered over that intimate moment
Then why that bitch embraced the MC at the first scene?
When there is nobody, she tried to get your favor, but when there are more people, she kick you as fast as possible.
There, that is the basic female psychology, shills and white knights don't need to say more

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