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Previous: >>488121403

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE [Embed] (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs [Embed] (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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NeuvGOD won. Mualanikeks on suicide watch
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sex with alhaitham
by me
I like to observe
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how will sleepy traveler faint in natlan?
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Make way for the true hero of Teyvat, Savior of all!
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We like to watch
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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There's nothing wrong with being a cuckold.
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They won :3
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>no good F2P weapon for Kinich
Why should I roll for him?
Is Lani still strong as Noov or did they nerf her?
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sex with Lumine
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What is wrong with this event? It's just completely separated made up location that we get dropped in after watching loading screen with paimon who suddenly is surprised paper origami talks like if that wasn't an event in Inazuma. The other members of the cast are also just hop in without them really understanding anything. The story is just one big stinking pile of exposition with nothing actually mattering. The music is plain. Most of the map is empty. And there is no KLEE! What happened? First GAA had connection to history of Mondstadt and Inazuma and it was actually interesting unearthing the fate of those people, the Robot samurai was so hyped. Puzzles were spanning entire island and it really was just held back by annyoing verticality. There were characters just following Klee and in ended with: "yeah, made this for you, pals, enjoy summer" And that was kino. Sequel was about selection of characters, their lives and it was really fascinating to learn so much about genshins i cared about, there were more fascinating puzzles and memorable designs. I am sad. The archon quest sucked. This did too. I am not hyped for Natlan, because there again will be no connection to anything, just one or two sentences of some anti-climax.
BTFO by Capitano in the most embarrassing loss yet
I impregnated Mualani.
Okay, who did this to her?
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What do women psychology experts think about Miss Chiori, founder and president of Chioriya Boutique?
Why Genshin players like being cucked so much?
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Genshin was built for ME, A CUUCCK!!
Stop posting Nahida
I’m sick of her
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I regret skipping chiori now that I know that she fucks churls
Shes on Yoimiya level now.
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Post underrated characters.
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We don't know yet, her multipliers were nerfed but she attacks more often now
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She's for churls
Xbalanque, the first Pyro Archon.
Waxaklahun Ubah Kan, the Sage of the Stolen Flame.
Xolotl, the Pyro Sovereign.
The Unfinished Reverie King, a half-dragon being.
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She likes having sex with other men and Hilichurls and makes (You) watch. This is perfectly fine and should be supported. You're not a toxic cis white male, right?
Nerfed to oblivion.
On a good day, she can barely get to Neuv's level in single target DPS, maybe - but Neuv completely overshadows her with his fuck huge AoE, ease of use, and self-healing.
Sumeru and Inazuma craftables exists.
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I'm a cuckold, but I never felt getting cucked in genshin, I have no idea where people are seeing this, but whatever they see is not even remotely enough to satisfy me
Everyone please post the best cucked images, I'm AetherGOD and I'd like to stroke
Pagga dabba doo let the summer commence
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natlan early access
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Nahida said she'd never read someone's mind without their permission.
outsiders from mondstadt, fontaine and snezhnaya
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imagine if Chiori was part of the event. imagine the DISGUSTED expression she would give if Wanderer tried to set you down on her lap
Loool the mentally ill sea monkey tried very hard to come up to a similar image and still failed
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Why does it always start during mornings in Muttland?
Cute and canon!
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>Women psych experts
is this the new meme?
Genshit is operating with the C team now who are made of up useless female diversity hires that don't give a shit. The other teams got moved to HSR and ZZZ
its just overblown shitposting over two characters exchanging words.
>Pagga dabba doo
why is he spamming this?
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>El Jobber Capitano
I bet she's lying, just like that whore Nilou.
Doesn’t she watch (You) as a hobby? That means she’s reading your mind constantly.
Your thoughts are literally hers to browse through.
That’s kind of fucked up
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Never forget.

Furina belongs to HIM.

Foclaors belongs to HIM.

You? You will never be HIM.
krillin-posting from /dbs/
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F2Pbros are looking good!
Who raiding us now
traveler - camera
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Now that Nilou officially cucked us
Which girl is up next? Place your bets!
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Women psych experts agree that Kokomi is the cutest.
In other news, Wuwa has been doing better than expected. Ranked 3rd in global revenue last month.
>Is Lani still strong as Noov
Never was
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they dont even exchange words however, its based on toys and nilou flower dress loking similar to wanderer signature weapon, pure mental illness
There are two boys here...
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
Getting raped by Nahida...
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I like the Simulanka.
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I too liked when he accurately described Arlecchino's quest
From what I've seen, Mua seems to be on par with Neu. In fact, with the new adjustments, she seems to have gotten better too, as her rotations were improved. Meanwhile, Kinich is worse in AoE than Alh. A character nearing 2 years old.
Unfair ngl. HoYoverse's wish fulfillment is so blatant.
I know her gameplay doesn't have any room for error, so in the hands of the casual player she will be considerably worse than Neuv, who is very forgiving. If you play her perfectly, her best team will probably yield bigger numbers, but so does Arle's team. So no, not a direct powercreep, but she's very much on par with the best DPS which is ridiculous for some rando girl in a bikini.
I like the term witness more thank you very much
She’s Hawaiian though
Is new catalyst better than donut for Kokoki?
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The OG cuck event.
by me
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And are those games actually good? Like... Amber exploration, Beidou counter, Sucrose succ, good with maybe not perfect writing but solid foundation that keep the story going. Large maps?
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what is it called when you get off to someone you love being intimate with someone else? they hurt me so much and i feel i deserve the pain for being a shit person. what is this amazing feel? PLEASE GIVE ME MORE!!
You swapped place with her so your mind and hers are always connected. It's not even a contest how intimate they both got. I don't think any girl can top that
That was obviously before the rewrites!
This honestly would have been better than the dogshit we actually got which was pointless since they told the story through an animation anyways.
>couldn't beat Siggy
That's nothing to brag about anon
How does it get more embarrassing than piss running down his legs fighting Arrlechino? Will Capitano give him a wedgie and make him cry 'uncle' or something?
She’s “better” than Neuv the same way Arecchino already is, so no.
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I love jinhsi
>navia dodged all cuckpsoting
>still hits like a truck
>will get buffed when new geo support releases
Navia cant stop winning
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they are just friends retardo
You aren’t Aether, you didn’t get cucked, take your meds self insert Schizo-kun
why are you downplaying furina
I liked the forest part with the paper animals I hated the toy people
I'm literally Aether, I got cucked and I enjoyed it.
She's a nympho who likes to dominate men into having sex with her.
How do you make Kachina do decent damage as a sub DPS?
Like 15-20k per E hit?
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i'm lumine i got cucked
Women Psychology Experts have confirmed that they are just friends.
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It seems gooks really like wuwa
the damage from that Faruzan bitch is quite great to Genshin in KR market
Because Furina was dragged down by Siggy, put Clorimde or even Emilie on that banner and they do better. No one wanted to pull on that weapon banner either
Maybe if Wuwa gets its shit together then we can get some decent waifus back unless they double down on the fujo and yaoi pandering
You're mentally ill
He won't even be trying, casually swatting Traveler away like a fly.
They realize they cannot beat him, and kneel.
which discord woke up
She's THE for (You) girl of Fontaine. Of course there's no one cuckposting her.
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>cuckposting starts at the same time as wuwa shilling
jesus christ
said the cuck apologist
Ask again when she will be out.
Isn’t Siggy’s bow stupidly overpowered for Yelan if you have a healer and Arle on your team?
All the Neuvilette crying is so fucking cringe, he’s just a dps, as you say it doesn’t compare to all the shit furina can do. Same with haitham - name a reason to get him instead of nahida when she fits every dendro team and does like 5 things without relying on anyone. And to top it off, for all the bitching they do against male dps - they have gotten at least 3 female dps this year one of which is very much meta. So their entire complaint is just - oh the waifus don’t dominate the meta in every way, there is still a place a male char is good oh no. Not even opposite sexism when we all know who the female chars are generally targeted to and who throws a fit when they need a male in their team
fuck off shounenfag
>unless they double down on the fujo and yaoi pandering
unlikely since they managed to capture the gook audience >>488136658 and that would be extremely stupid to piss them off
According to Woman Psychology Experts cuckoldry is perfectly normal, meds.
My Mafioso wife will never betray me unlike that whore Nahida.
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I am getting filtered
WuWa is popular in Korea. Its pretty self explanatory
Navia is lucky that Clorinde and Wrio are fucking, and Neuv took Furina, which removed her 3 avenues for being shipped off.
nah, its a new filter to add
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Have the traveler finally wake the fuck up after being a weak bitch for the entiretly of Fontaine ? Of course not this is the fat fuck writing we are talking about.
>Tabibito gets the Gnosis
MC doesn't job anymore and the only masculine Fatui Harbinger jobs besides Pierro instead?
Err thanks fujodevs I guess?
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dyumb dyanch
Finish the world quest with the lighthouse and then talk to the NPC above where the flower is
As a woman psychology expert, I can confirm that Aether likes to watch.
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kinda funny how the thread magically got into total shit out of nowhere
Imagine having two regions dedicated to waifus and having your pick of the litter of meta DPS AAAANNNDDD supports and malding uncontrollably because husbando players get one good/meta character (Neuvillette) to hold them over until MAYBE Snezhnaya.
The only reason we'll get the gnosis is so that the Fatui steal it from us the instant we walk into Schnezniah
>Capitano is Marvuika body double this entire time
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Talk to the guy on the island again
I witnessed Nilou sucking Traveler's dick
It was amazing
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that 2nd SQ really saved yoi
Did you forget that Wrio LITERALLY took her for a ride (of sex) and gave her "two large cups of tea" (two loads of semen).
If anything it shows how little anyone cares of Navia
name one thing wrong with cuckolding
I always knew this guy was a fraud
He’s getting by on reputation, drip and aura alone, but when it comes down to it even Cheld could probably take him in a fight.
If you're running a healer with Arle then you may as well run her with Furina instead
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genshin not having any is sad
t. cuckold
How do we know we swapped back anyways?
is it possible that we’ve been playing as Nahida the whole time since the Sumeru SQ ended?
Women Psychology Experts say there is nothing wrong with your wife having had sex with 100+ men before settling with you and she needs to have her cooch stretched regularly by dicks that are heftier and girthier than yours.
We know sea monkey
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cope and seethe, homocucks
LOL wasnt there a One Punch Man character with that exact gimmick?
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Is it true, that Fat Xiao self-inserts as Wanderer and ships Neuv and Furina? This is insane level of shitting in our meal. Do I really really have to drop this game?
And then you woke up
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>There's no pyro archon
>Natlan's story was praised internally
AIEEEE Genshin is saved
>Nahida and Furina both escape Yuri pandering
Alright the next one is a hag, I know it coming.
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Nahida is really sad about the state of affairs.
according to various leakers, not really. Fat Xiao treats Wanderer as his child to be more correctly
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I really, REALLY like little girls
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FRAUDpitano the jobber...
They also praised Sumeru's story and Fontaine's story internally.
And what abour Furina and Shitvillette?
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>Nahida will always be the newest released Archon
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Have faith hopeCHADS
genshin will RISE again
we will WIN
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Lectoure did this!!!
>the pyro dragon name is Xolotl. Via Jelena
>one letter off from Axolotl
>Clit's design is based on the axolotl
>citlali is cryo
>captain uses ice queen
citlali is sovereign confirmed
she's the one who started cuckposting with wanderer fuck off paghida
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let it all out of your system
>GOATHIMtano will be playable after abyss element is introduced
we've known mualani is a hag for weeks... bro are you okay?
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Gold gods it’s finally time.
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I don't want Nahida to see my lewd dreams...
zhongli's burst
klee dropping bomblets on fatui skirmishers
>same leaker that “leaked” that Arlecchino will die
Imagine believing this
She'll be disappointing and turned into the latest dindu.
On the flipside she'll probably help with that foreshadowed plan to address reincarnating Dragonspine Durin
Maybe help Albedo and Mini Durin take care of things as Teyvat prepares for total war.
hey kurumi
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This if Fat Xiao during his speech at some CN uni about the story of Genshin and its characters
>4.2 is their proudest work while they consider Eula's SQ to be one of the worst ones
>they were especially proud of the Focalors dance scene and showed pics
>When writing Neuvillette's story they often had to visualize his reactions to various things in their minds
>"How would he react to this?"
>"What kind of mindset will he have when going against Focalors?"
>No Honkai writers are involved in Genshin's writing
>3.0-3.2 was also written by Xiao and his lackeys
>He said his favorite ship is syaoran x sakura and people who watched it can tell that Scarahida is heavily inspired by it kek
>He also said that his favorite character models are manlets and lolis, with Scaramouche being one of his absolute favorite characters
>Also talked a bit about Scaramouche's writing, how he's sad that not more people like him and that Neuvilette and Furina are a thing
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Remember when /gig/ was good?
who triggered the fucking /pol/ gorespammer now
hey koult
>JOBPITANO will be a t1 dps after abyss element is introduced
>new hydro dps girl got gutted on beta so Neuv won't be powercrept
>Mauvika at this point is confirmed to not be Archon or she will just kill-herself to revive male Pyro Archon and then male Pyro Sovereign pops out of nowhere since it's name got leaked

holy fuck please release Azur Promilia so I can ditch this dickfiesta game
if you're gonna post war webms and get banned anyway, there are so many better ones, this one sucks
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Can't wait for Traveler to cuck me again with Mualani
>story spoiler
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This shitter is literally killing the game. I thought it was not so bad.
No, the main thing I remember from year 1 was Hu Tao v Keqing shitposting, and that was honestly worse than what we have now
fuck off shounenfag
But you ARE the Traveler, anon
>Genshim's head writer is a Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles slurper, a CLAMPFAG
Everything is fucking clear now...
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wuwabros the thread is so shit we went unnoticed
fuck no hu tao vs keqing shitposting was not worse than the threads today
sex with boys
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hu tao won btw
sex with this creature
nta but yes it was, the keqingschizo singlehandedly sent /gig/ on its current course
>get banned
there's no blood/guts so I won't get banned
You would think out of everyone she would be the most desperate to find a "partner" before we arrive. I guess it is because the traveler is a jobless hobo with no other responsibility .
why are we celebrating there being no pyro archon again?
Did he lived?
>citlali is sovereign confirmed
it's the purple girl? Wasn't there early Natlan story leak from like year ago than Electro Sovereign is a girl and she ran away from Inazuma to Natlan to avoid getting killed by Electro Archon?

it would explain why she has some powers to see future/predict it since she is Sovereign
>4.2 is their proudest work
>3.0-3.2 was also written by Xiao and his lackeys
that explains why they're so fucking bad
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This thread is ASS.
Venti CBT1 comments on the Electro Archon
>Wait... I sense... is it... Baal? Oh no. No no no! We need to get out of here! There's nothing scarier than Baal when she's angry!
Venti CBT1 comments on the Dendro Archon
>I can't say I'm a fan of their philosophically prescribed systemic lifestyle, especially the part about 'no alcohol'. Although, I suppose the God of Wisdom has her unique... wisdom.
Venti CBT1 comments on the Hydro Archon
>Court of Fontaine? The wine over there is a bit different. I'm most partial to their [??] sapphire wine. But that winery, ugh... What are your plans for the next two days? I wanna avoid [???] (Focalors?), so it might be a good time to sneak off somewhere.
Venti CBT1 comments on the Pyro Archon
>That brawler... I can't believe she transferred all her power to you! Whoawhoawhoa, YOU need to protect ME!
Venti CBT1 comments on the Cryo Archon
>Though she may be the way she is now, she was once the warmest of us... ah! You did it! You blew away the ice and snow! You've exceeded every poem I've ever written and wrote a story even I never dared to imagine! Barnabas has an eye for people, heheh... Let's have a big feast tonight to celebrate! Let's bring her along too, 'cuz I want something cold to drink.

no archon is better than a femail being replaced by a mail
will the def sword be good for Albedo?
It was, there were many threads where it was made impossible to discuss anything else because of it and it wasn't even funny at all.
Can anyone tell me their lore?
I hope he got booed and had tomatoes thrown at him, of which he probably ate a few on his way out.
Sorry but Genshin is a game for cuckGODs
Don't like it? Fuck off or stop bitching
Yeah seems made up
The Toillette is guilty
He wasn't around during Arlecchino's death era.
He leaked 4.8 event, Emile's desing and had early Natlan leaks that aren't de/confirmed yet.
Why do wuwa characters have brain wave tattoos on their chests
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her passive's surfing time (on water) and her C1 surfing time weren't nerfed, it was just a change to the wording
Wise fucks THAT??
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just a run of the mill shitposter who made some high-effort wojak memes like this one
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My aether is safe in dainsleif hands
It's a tacet mark, every resonator has one. Basically the equivalent of a vision. It's just that they're coincidentally put in places to be sexually attractive.
The only thing this proves is that Fontaine got rewritten to not have a winery
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>shitty edit
>erased the stomach tattoo
>Mondstadt related content will be made available
Varka bros.................
>Someone is getting resurrected
>No Pyro archon
Doubt it or maybe the traveler will become the complete pyro archon.
>mavuika kills capitano
I am glad the cuckposting will end soon
>Varka will be some Melodias looking manlet
3-4.X quests are mogging everything from 1-2.X, though
Only 2.X era events and world quests were good.
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For me, Its Fischl!
LMAO what a hack, acting like his obese ass wasn't carried by the rest of the Hoyo crew.
Ashikai, Aster, Wei and all the other lorefucks glaze THIS toad?
>surely all those leaks about Hydro Archon giving her powers away and by this killing herself to revive Hydro Dragon are fake
>surely Furina is legit Archon and she just pretends to be stupid
>leakers are trolling us, those are fake leaks
>few Fontaine MSQ patches later

don't fucking pretend that all this shit regarding Natlan is fake. It will happen and you will get more important male shilled characters
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More Mualani buffs incoming bros
>I wanna avoid Focalors
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>Raiden was the last actual non jobber archon
>Still the most successful character in the game just by virtue of being an actual powerful archon that's also a sexy female and doesn't need shitty handholding
>Every single """""archon""""" since her has been a worthless damsel in distress or/and not even an archon at all
So funny how much Raiden mindbroke the femcels at Mihoyo, to the point they are still seething and dilating to this day and rewriting the whole plot just to cope with her existence.
LMAO, I hope he at least stuck around when Dendro fixed Keka
wojak comics, constant spamming, discord screenshot falseflags
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>Truth bomb
Yelan is cheaper than your C6 Xingqiu
>Ashikai, Aster, Wei and all the other lorefucks glaze THIS toad?
They never really consider the fact that Author like shill a specific character.
s-surely not
Jokes aside I've just sort of accepted that we probably won't get anything but the lanklet tall male type so I don't really care all that much about whether or not he looks like a muscular warrior. If capitano isn't playable either that probably just opens up the opportunity for them to give him some unique model until they eventually figure out it's time to release him
What's kinich's birthday again?
>they think it will be Mauvika that beats Capitano and not some revived male Archon
Yae sideboob vs Charolette sideboob
who wins?
kachina is april 22nd
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>wake up
>see this

What do?
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with benefits
You mean nerfs. These things rarely switch directions
>looks as if she keeps breathing for a while
bro, at least use enough explosives to actually kill him
someone wake up the spreadsheet faggot
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oh you dont rike 2 archons or archons stepping down gweilo? Well this time there's ZERO archons. Pretty good, gweilo?
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>Double Mondstadt Expansion in 5.4 and 5.6
>Venti's second quest with weekly boss
One can dream
>jobbed to rifthounds
>needed her hand held by the Traveler and Miko in her story quests
>needed to be saved by the Traveler in her second SQ
You can't even shitpost right.
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>Mauvika ride the male archon and ran over Capitano.
Yae because she has bigger tits. Charolette fanart doesn't count
>still up
What are our Jeannies doing again?
I miss Raiden so much
no one cares about your yae orbiter, raidentoron
tell her to wear a bra and shave her pubes, nobody wants to see that.
why not just make the pyro archon a male instead of doing this 4D chess 3 archon 2 archon no archon bullshit?
fuck off shounenfag
Will Genshin ever get a character that will make femcels seethe as much as Firefly did?
>needed to be saved by the Traveler in her second SQ
Inazuma even did the camera thing correctly.
Pyro Tabibito is real...
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This is what White said 6+ months ago
When did feminism became acceptable in this general? Keep seething, women will always be irrelevant
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oh my what a beautiful maiden
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sex with amy
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I was just asking for more Monstadt expansions the other day after finding out about stuff like Otherworldly Tales and White Iron Greatsword being random drops exclusively from Monstadt chests. Plus, y'know, the german/swiss alps aesthetic is fresh.

But since I was asking for it, I get the feeling that this post is bulle fruit.
Why couldnt you have picked xxxHolic instead of lame Tsubasa as your fav you living wastebasket?
jstern wake the fuck up you nyagger
>he RAN from a ugleh jap using WEAK sword techniques
Dawei quota and they are trying to shirk around it
Why do Raidentroons love revising history?
Surely it isn't possible to make pyro traveler as pathetic looking as hydro right? Like just the element itself, fire, can't be reduced to less than a piss stream.
remember the rule of genshin leaks: anything that sounds good is fake while anything that sounds bad is legit
>is a complete turbo virgin
>dresses like a complete turbo slut
What did she mean by this??
>why not just make the pyro archon a male
The Pyro Archon was already mentioned to be female back in that Travail PV.
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the only good thing is that she will return in MSQ after the hinted War and the fact that Inazuma is isolated/far away from mainland so if rest of Teywat goes to shit then some important fight/last man standing scenario will happen there
but seeing what the fuck writers are doing with female character they will probably kill her during that part of story and make Wanderer as new Electro Archon
There was some leak about a new more muscular male model for Genshin some time ago but knowing this company, I won't get my hopes up.
right now as we speak the gameplay department is brainstorming a way to make pyro traveller a total jobber. They have until 5.2 after all
She wants male attention but no man will ever approach her because she's a cop.
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>/gig/ likes to watch
where is the one about female Electro Sovereign?
Skill: Shoots a little stream of kindling embers
Burst: Generic fireball
>bigger tits
automatic loss
I am curious to see if the shitty writing for females will keep going into Natlan
>fontaine about to end
>hydro traveler STILL doesn't have a page on kuhchingmains
Lmao, is this the worst character of all time?
How can you fuck up the HYDRO element, the most op element in the game
as a virgin she can't comprehend how lewd she looks, she thinks her dress is for convenience
Open your mouth whore
I always knew I was an Archon
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Hope you choke on your next pork bun
Would Genshin actually be saved if Fat Xiao died?
Venti sex
Fat Xiao BROKE you.
unless they changed AGAIN their team then they will make every female character as garbage. The team that took over after Inazuma is known for hating female character in important lore spots like archons/gods, gov figurines, etc. so that's why we got shitty baby dendro dragon that had to be saved, girlfailure pseudo Archon and real Archon killing herself for MALE and now we get another female character that will either kill herself to revive OG male archon or some other shit
For how much this quest is jerked off by Raidentroons, they sure love memoryholing this specific part of it.
It's not like the writing in their other games is great either
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Where are those who remember...
be female archon
resurrect as a male
easy, hire me mihoyo
Checks out with Xiao's preference for twinks and young girls.
Im all for the humbling kf Coofpityno as it means the last hope for the western fandom will be assblasted.
not after last week's nerfs, even excluding all the other things that make him busted like his self-sustain and aoe
with today's changes, her overall damage got buffed over a longer rotation which means she needs supports with longer uptime
oh and they nerfed her energy regen because fuck you
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Oops, I posted the wrong image
Still better than NTR slop and killing waifus to promote worms.
feel bad because I cheated on my gf while drunk
>shitty baby dendro dragon that had to be saved
Apep needed to be saved? That's news to me.
You clearly don't play the game, retard. Go shit up some other general instead of being some cringe male feminist with your conspiracy theories.
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You still rolling for Mualani despite the recent nerf?
>Roll for Mualani because coom and I am a man of my principles
>Roll for Mavuika because archon level kit
>Maybe roll for Madam Ping if she's cool
>Don't roll for any new chars in 5.X, stick to reruns for characters I care about instead
Seems good enough for me t bh, gives me plenty of time to save up
>shitty baby dendro dragon that had to be saved
>Raidentroon proving even more that xhe doesn't play the game
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My headcanon is that a part of her is still in you, so it serves as an anchor, and a part of (You) is still in her so the connection can go two-way.
I see tummy, cute, and toes
I roll
>I better hide or I'm FINISHED

This means Mavuika won
C0 only now
Only at rerun like I originally planned. Everything from now until November (including top up reset) is for Murata. I will make an exception for exactly one Xilonen if she turns out to be Kazuha powercreep. Other than that Xilonen weapon, Chasca & Mualani c0 r1 etc will need to wait for a rerun.
This outfit is the lewdest thing in genshin wtf were they thinking
A strong NO. Never roll for any new dps which is weaker than Neuv.
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the birthday messages are the means by which all is revealed
they alone determine who is for (You), who belongs to someone else, who used to be for (You) but has moved on, and who is just trying to string (You) along
Yes Apep did need to be saved from forbidden knowledge and that anal worm, retardbro. Maybe you should take your own advice and play the game.
im not rolling anyone in natlan i have zero interest after the nerfs and how much hoyoverse hates the female cast of the game so im just going to save the few hundred i spend a month on this game since none of these characters appeal to me so i'll just save for shnez
>You still rolling for Mualani
>recent nerf
Her bis team will probably be all new characters but I’ll get her anyway because her exploration is more valuable at this point in the game for me.
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mona sex
just for her hips, thighs and pudgy belly
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Do you get up to see Cloud Retainer very often?
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i'd have rolled if her gameplay wasn't the worst thing i've ever seen
I got run over by a motorcycle....I jobbed horribly
Pagga dabba doo!
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It originates from the manga so it predates the game's release by two years
>wtf were they thinking
Lewd things
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What about the most recent one?
The most overrated head writer in the Chinese- nay Global gaming industry...
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At least you lived.
Yeah, his name is King.
>but tl;dr her damage on chomp is down by about 30% from v2, you'll be able to get 2 chomps a lot more reliably and SOMETIMES a third chomp but it should still pretty much always be at least a 20% damage down from v2, which was already ~15% down from v1
but tl;dr her damage on chomp is down by about 30% from v2, you'll be able to get 2 chomps a lot more reliably and SOMETIMES a third chomp but it should still pretty much always be at least a 20% damage down from v2, which was already ~15% down from v1
>but tl;dr her damage on chomp is down by about 30% from v2, you'll be able to get 2 chomps a lot more reliably and SOMETIMES a third chomp but it should still pretty much always be at least a 20% damage down from v2, which was already ~15% down from v1
ask her why did she get boob job
source? i made it up
literally zajef
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...love Kazuha. I'm sorry Aether...
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clearly on the "stringing you along" group...
I wish the manga writers just did the whole game.
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its so lonely at the top
You guys do know that pags don't care about Ei anymore, right? They gave up even further when she's the only archon that doesn't talk to the Traveler in 4.x.
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Mondstadt SAVED Natlan
>has never been at the top since Furina debuted
Literally a gay retard
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Licking Sigewinne's feet is the cure to any disease
That brat found another sugar daddy to pay her rent... She better apologize profoundly in her 2024 letter or I will have to talk Goth into kicking her out...
It wasn't his "leak"
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I unironically thought you were talking about Nahida because I know some anons made a big fuss about her being saved. Also I've never heard anyone call Apep a "shitty baby Dendro dragon".
Even so, Apep definitely had a way better imposing presence than Neuv ever could hope to have. If anything, she'll be a hag.
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am i the only genshin player who doesn't play the game because of a relationship desire? i genuinely like the game
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I'm purely speculating here but seen as the production quality for the Genshin manga is the same as HI3s manga, i'm gonna guess it was the Honkai team that did it
Aether never liked that bitch lol. Don't put your dick in crazy
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>take a good picture cameraman!
i like raidem/ei with kazuha
now you need 6.3s to stack up 3 hits and the field time is extended to 9.5s, you need a 3s+ long fuck up to no get a third bite
whoever wrote this is retarded
Enjoy becoming paralyzed from Rat Lungworm
That's a girl, you cannot convince me otherwise.
Despite what /gig/ want you to think you are in the majority
meant for>>488141669
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Like every non-schizo anon
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Navia loves (You) and would never kek you...
Well at least this shameless display helped some countries.
t. french
Too bad all of her content is Yuri with Clorinde
Paimon really did say that btw. She is a RACIST and COLORIST, like Hanabi, the Sparkle.
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>They won :3
sure looks like it lmao
Too bad all of her content is Hetero with Wrio
What shitty saas are you using instead of C.ai?
Tanline girl looks cute so I'm thinking about coming back to Genshin for her
Can I get enough jades to E6 her if I stopped playing around 3.5?
a normal reaction for anyone who's not mentally ill
imagine looking at this >>488135304 and thinking "yep, perfectly normal"
You should've cropped out the PC revenue not included part
Fuck off back to your shithole
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lets be thankful that genshin will never become like this
>His passion for knowledge (technology) hindered the screenwriters' "free creation", which was specifically manifested in not allowing Nilu to dance. He wanted to use technology to create a false god, not the true God that the screenwriters believed in. In the end, Azar was exiled to Daocheng Forest, which corresponded to Cai Haoyu being excluded by internal strife and leaving miHoYo.
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Genxisters... our game is being banned.
To play devil's advocate, that doesn't matter for his point.
The 'woman' of Macron is a transexual, that's why we got this shit
Definitely not. If you don't have anything saved and you're on a 50/50 you'd be lucky to get C0.
Oh no they only made 20 million bucks
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>this was cai's final legacy
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Never say never. After Genshin EoS I'm never playing a game with male characters again. BA was right, Azur Lane was right, KanColle was right, Valkyrie Crusade was right.
stop posting retarded schizo theories
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So now that Mualani has been Hilichurld, who is next on the chopping block?
Why would the PC graph look different
The femorrhoids and homos in charge of Genshin would make the game like that if they could get away with it.
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you called?
It's probably a good thing I don't care about international sports anymore...
>Oh no they only made 20 million bucks
Only cucks would settle for making $20m when they could have made $60m
What's wrong with the first and last one?
>lost 60% of the revenue
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He's good at blending in
A xurl you meant
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do we have a genshin version of this
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salesposting is so much weaker now without 750schizo...
1st one is giga fujobait with pseudo incest that gets shilled extremely hard.
fuck off shounenfag
Why are you under the impressions sales are tanking for PC?
3 days
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The only real answer here. Even worse, Tabibito could be even more stupid to give it away without a fight.
Ohhnononon they are unaware.
Hoyo dosnt write strong protags this for sure is something allong the lines of Capitano winning the gnosis the just giving it to us to deliver to Tsartista as he fucks off to fight the abyss or whatever
There is no way you only get 150 or so pulls from around 10 patches of content
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Not reading all your shit, still cute Nahida
Catching Nahida's perfect feet with my mouth and sucking on her toes
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How many times do I need to say it?
>Pyro Traveller isn't available in 5.0 in order to lock it behind the archon quest
>Traveller unlocks pyro powers in an epic cutscene after a hard won victory against a mighty foe
>Gameplay department makes Pyro Traveller garbage anyway
Uh what does that say about Furina then?
its gonna be
>fatui good
>copy of moth fags from honkai impact
>we give them the gnosis
>oh no the world is fucked how could we see it coming.jpg
based op. the only thing better than a brown hebe is a PREGNANT brown hebe
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how is she so perfect?
what if pyro tabibito is xiangling 2.0 and mavuika is bennett 2.0???
The Azhdaha MORAX!! anon has abandoned/gig/...
eww, why would you want to taste wanderer cum?
>Traveller unlocks pyro powers in an epic cutscene after a hard won victory against a mighty foe
KEKYPOW Mavuika will give the gnosis to you after defeating JOBpitano while you watch from the sidelines
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dont think so
I'll take anything that makes Traveller not feel like a three star character t b h
How could they even make him not useless when he's on the Xiang/Bennett element?
who is the bejita of genshin and why
fuck off shounenfag
You mean Xiangling 0.5 and Bennett 1.1 with how they balance things
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Fontainesisters, is our region going to get deleted....
>Can I get enough jades to E6 her if I stopped playing around 3.5?
lmao even
>capitano wont have a banner in 5.x
>capitano disappears from the story
>girl gets nerfed 3 times
so natlan is DOA
wanst he on /wuwa/ lmfao
just like the eula co op guy
our good posters are going away
this pic is so funny i wanna redraw it with a genshin character but i don’t know who
They tried to make it be scara but they failed.
I would too, look at the current state of this general
cuckshit cuckpact cucks gonna cuck to the bitter end
good riddance
>morax spam
>good poster
kys azhdaha poster
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Nice fantasy, it's time to wake up though. You can still choose the baby's name.
I'm gonna make a Childe version
Raiden to sum up her fags here
I have never filtered so many md5s like I did on the past week.
bruh he’s here >>488143436
This guy said Arle was going to die so im going to assume hes full of shit
If its true Lmao. Only cool male in the game jobs
man what happened to abyss? I was gone for 2 years and now I cant even clear floor 12 anymore. I used to be able to get at least 33-36 stars consistently
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>nooo muh revenue
>Bros bros the revenue of the game is decreasing nooooo
Maybe they will now actually try fixing the game instead of what retarded shit they're doing. See they already started doing way more QoL shit.
They just need to fire fat xiao and hire actual decent writer.
i can work with that give me a few minutes
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Furina is feminine, Venti's the one that blends in.
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>Maybe they will now actually try fixing the game
Surely you expected it to get harder after 2 years
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>Furina is feminine
It can go 2 ways, they can either learn or double down. Considering what they did to Mualani, it's very likely they're going with the latter.
It didn't get much harder, you just suck
We don't really have a rival anti-hero style character. It's like Cheld basically but we never fight him again after the first time.
Powercreep and neuvilette happened
They already make more money than they need. Their TRVE goal is to drive players over to their other games
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The orange bars are the only thing you'd get now from the previous versions but there is a free 10 pull currently.
She eats cakes and cries she's very girly unlike a lot of the girl bosses in the game who work 3 jobs
fucking BASED
meant for>>488144185
meant for>>488144216
I don't really see her having any traits that are masculine. What makes you think she isn't feminine?
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I'm such a happy cuck!
Gokubro btw
>She eats cakes and cries
But I do that too...
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Furina is feminine for Neuvillette.
idk what any of those words mean but I didn't make it, it's just a shitpost someone made around the time of earlier 4.x leaks
Only pedophiles feel cucked from Nahida
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Fat Xiao did NOT say that.
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y'all never met a woman irl how the fuck do y'all know about feminine quality
you are trans for nobody, because neither women nor men want you
>kokotroon talking about feminine
she's like, the whitest woman to ever live...
and nilou has the same body type...
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could you stop being so schizoid for one thread? please?
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Camerapag melty
I met you're mom and gave her the bond burger last night
Are you afraid?
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Would you eat this candy?
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>game asks you to use a face button and the right stick at the same time
My dad would ignore me if I did manly things and beat me with a lead pipe if I did 'feminine' things, if I ate cake, lead pipe, if I cried about it, lead pipe.
meant for>>488145138
Everyone has a melty, but why not a gassy or a boily
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This abyss is 2nd hardest and 12-1 has 8 waves of enemies (technically 7, but lectors come in 2 phases).

It's perfectly fine to struggle with it, I worked hard to get 36 this time.
>not remapping the skill button to the right shoulder
kokomi has a COCK???
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Imagine not even playing the game, but spending your whole day spamming your headcanon cuckposts for (you)s in the thread?
meant for > schizo my beloved
>be me
>put off IT until the last minute
>think I'm fucked fir hard mode since I don't bother leveling up half of my characters
>turns out I just needed to ascend 2 characters from 60 to 70
IT isn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be, the worst thing about it is that they force you to run 4 man teams
I literally did that. that is the attack button which is X
Shut up Gorou's onahole
>don't let them see the sadness
trans girls peaked here
NTA but her tribe has african names and her favorite dish is african, so everyone is essentially a mix of indigenous and black. That's also probably why Olorun looks pale.
>Gorou's onahole
That's Kirara bwo.
I wonder if those lines about Durin at the end of the event will amount to anything.
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Quality of the threads is too shit for me to ritualpost often. Give me normal shitposting conditions without cuckshit, pags, neuvilette schizoing and other newer mental ilnesses and maybe you'll deserve me posting again. KEK
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Even the mobile touch control is better
>sees hetero ship
I literally did that. this is with the attack button which is X
third person games control like ass with kb+m
and pedos ship wriolette yet the community says nothing about that ship
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Cute & canon
Gorou is Yae's onahole that she lets Itto use
meant for>>488145448
probably meant for >>488145540
meant for>>488145418
meant for>>488145418
>Bros!!! Capitano is KIA after the traveler gets the Pyro sovereign's power up and defeats his 60 years old ass!!
>Bros!! Capitano is MIA after fighting the pyro Archon thay doesn't even exist according to the leakers!! Btw he has the cryo Archon's powers for some reason and somehow thought this would be a good match against a pyro opponent!! And then Mavuika somehow gives us the pyro gnosis even though we didn't ask nor deserve it because we didn't do shit!!!
>Bros!!! Capitano just tripped on Paimon and died!!! Thus Paimon won the Tournament!!!
Yeah, sure. Just like how Neuv kills Arle at the end of her Character Quest amirite?
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rude, I'll have you know I've had a mom, a sister, and plenty of female friends who thought or pretended I was gay because they would rather die than touch my dick with a 10 foot pole...
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Yae is Ayato's (consensual) onahole
is this AI?
wrio and neuv are adult-coded
what are you on about? all third person games are infinitely better on controller.
Look at the hands
Nahida acts more like an adult than most of the so called adults.
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Emiliebros are we flopping?
How likely is it that Murata was just another name for Xbalanque and she was actually male this entire time
she's minor coded
Wrio is younger than sigewinne and neuv considers sigewinne his daughter, until I see people complain about that ship they have no argument against chinks
whose bright idea was it to release a new character 3 weeks before a new region?
Never had an issue with this, then I remember I've been playing Soulsborne games for over a decade. Reason why I also mapped the dodge button to Circle instead of R1.
Just git gud.
>slow turning
>can't aim for shit
>can't adjust angles will fighting because your thumbs are stuck on the action buttons
Nah. it's really obvious when controllerfags playing a third person game and it's horrible to look at.
Why did you mention your mom and sister when talking about girls touching your pp
You know what's funny? Yaeyato is called pedophilia because Yae knew Ayato as a minor, when the same could be said for Wrio/Neuvillette. It's only an issue when it's straight.
my child btw
Yes, but don't worry.
Every character from now on is going to flop.
These are buzzwords that immediately tell me I'm talking to a woman who can be safely ignored.
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already forgotten
>Yaeyato is called pedophilia because Yae knew Ayato as a minor
The same applies to Eimiko since Ei knew Miko as a child, making Ei a pedophile.
I see people calling neuv furina a pedo ship
unlikely because they call her the lady of fire
people need to accept shit got rewritten, natlan certainly wasn't this ZZZ-lite region at the start
she'll get her turn
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That is NOT true, I posted about her today
Is Zhongli x Ei a pedo ship?
Godhimtano status?
That's because it is.
Furina is physically 14 years old.
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>ei is mentally a child
Another day of the game getting absolutely review bombed into the ground on Bilibili and absolutely zero response from Hoyo. Guess they really are just gonna play dead until 5.0 by which point the game will be lucky to have 4/10 rating at the rate it's going

is his vision a penis
when do you need to use both in soulsborne?
>slow turning
>can't aim for shit
who aims in genshit lmao
>can't adjust angles will fighting because your thumbs are stuck on the action buttons
you can adjust quickly between attacks without losing anything, it's merely a skill thing
and you dont need to be adjusting the camera all the time anyway
>Nah. it's really obvious when controllerfags playing a third person game and it's horrible to look at.
this is only an issue with first person games
I'll say the opposite for people playing third person games with kb+m. it always looks clunky as fuck.
It’s the same retards that complain tall male x lumine ship is pedoshit because she looks like a teen despite being literally older than all the tall males combined
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Natlan was rewritten and the writing team will rub this fact in your face by saying Iansan is 'one of the few' who still dresses like and adheres to the antiquated ways of old
Gotta first wait to see how badly they nerf her / make her start off as a useless 4*
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Slow turning is only a thing for Aim mode which isn't an issue if you position right.
>Can't aim
Skill isue.
>can't adjust angles while fighting because your thumbs are stuck on the action buttons
Spoken like a casual who never touched any Fromsoft game. Even bigger skill issue.
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Kek, now I want an Aether version
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they just going to raise her rarity to *5 after seeing how popular she is
furina is 500 and is at least older than the race neuv considers his daughters, so why can I go to a mainstream vid with 100,000+ views and wriolette with no complaints?
chinkoids are top 5 in iq globally and know body types play big factors in what is acceptable even when the story depicts otherwise
Man, I can't wait to hear the Natlan theme performed by orchestra during the stream
This has never happened
>Arle bench
>Clorinde bench
What a waste of primo. Only Furina and Navia are the only good pulls from floptaine.
Xbalanque is androgynous
The only time aiming is ever annoying on controller is with those stupid balloon commissions. Otherwise, it just feels better than kbm.
Cheldsis is going to seethe
This might blow your mind but pretty much every single piece of media has been rewritten somehow during it's making
>all the perfomer will be white people
>twitter will seething more and genshin will be trending for entire weeks again with boycott hashtag
i cant wait bro
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Having small breasts does not mean she is 14...
Arle mogs Neuv at c0r0. Sounds like skill issue
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if bible can get rewritten several times why genshin cant ?
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>neuvillette OUT OF NOWHERE
>hurrr she's actually 500
She stopped aging at 14 and is back to being 14 post-archon quest.
NTA but i own both, C0R0 Neuv and C0R1 Arle and I find much more success with Neuvillette
most based post ITT
>defending fat xiao
slurp slurp
plenty of characters are better than C0 Neuv when you play with a full team
/gig/ wouldnt know what a woman was if if fucked them in the ass
Arle is insane, not sure what you mean. And while Clorinde is fun enough for me to not consider her a waste of primos, yeah she feels kinda shitty in the harder content.
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Neuvillette MINDBROKE you.
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Its interesting how they've barely gone after the game at all on China IOS. Game still sitting comfortably at 4.3 there. Maybe Bilibili just has piss poor anti-bot and review bombing architecture and/or Tieba/NGA fuckers are hyper focusing on Bilibili.
I did abyss with arle and redid it with yoimiya and some how yoi cleared faster. Same team Similar attack / ratio. Arle is the biggest brick in the game
probably meant for>>488147313
maybe meant for>>488147381
Neuvillette WARPED and SHATTERED your little brain
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what the fuck did genshit do this time to piss off China?
Where the fuck does it say she stopped aging at 14?
>Raiden C3R1 MOGS neuvillette btw
>cant give argument
> proceed to slrup slurp
>and absolutely zero response from Hoyo
because mihoyo hates genshin.
Raiden MINDBROKE you.
all straight men are playing Star Rail and ZZZ
>when do you need to use both in soulsborne?
The dodge/run button is usually on circle so you hold circle with your index and hold both sticks with your thumbs while running around.
In combat, you usually just tap R3 to lock on an opponent, but when you fight grups of enemies, Dragons, or giants the aforementionned method has to be used in actual combat for spacing and better visibility during movement.
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This but Navia bench too
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Had Wanderer in a storyline again. Any time he's appeared since 3.3 incels on Tieba and NGA have gone absolutely berserk and review bombed the game.
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They play Snobble.
Nilou raped me without consent at the start of the quest
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Just putting some new info side by side with this text leak from like 10 months ago. It got some things right:
>Capitano/the Fatui seem to have dealings with the Natlan tribe residing near a volcano (Ororon's tribe?)
>said tribe is the one tied to ressurection and transcendental powers "from outside this world"
That's absolutely untrue lmao. The lower the investment the better Neuv is compared to her.
good to know I wasnt just losing my mind. Thanks anon. I was expecting the game to get hard for sure but this really is a tough one lol
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there are just no good on field dps characters that are worth rolling for
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>check patch notes
>mualani nerfed again
>and absolutely zero response from Hoyo
Because they know that those are bots
Sis, your GODvillette?
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>>Raiden was the last actual non jobber archon
>>Still the most successful character in the game just by virtue of being an actual powerful archon that's also a sexy female and doesn't need shitty handholding
>>Every single """""archon""""" since her has been a worthless damsel in distress or/and not even an archon at all
>So funny how much Raiden mindbroke the femcels at Mihoyo, to the point they are still seething and dilating to this day and rewriting the whole plot just to cope with her existence.

Thank you, anon LMFAO
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Neuvbro TCs are saying it was overall a buff....
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reminder that xianyun c1 is the best unit in the game by far
if you explore without her, you are doing it wrong
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Post his Abyss ownership. Most people have his c1 or r1 or both. He's bigger c1r1 b8 than Tao and Yelan
>50% damage lost is a buff
why are they still coping?
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i don't roll for men
Where's the art?
>Event asks for a ankhe users
>The only fontaine units I have is Lynette as Chiori and Arlecchino aren't from fontaine
Yeah this is a skip event
I don't need to speedrun the game tranny
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> the damage from that Faruzan bitch is quite great to Genshin in KR market

What happened? Did her KR VA use the little dick hand gesture?
I think they're baiting
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mine is only C0 and I love her
Raiden RATTLED your mind.
meant for>>488148405
waifutroons are in a constant state of cope
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just use any hydro bro, you dont need to do everything to get the primo
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>Entire event shilling him and his retarded ideals of "Taking the money of a tournament i won fair and square is bad"
>Shows up in Alhaitham's story quest at the end of it
>Shows up in Cyno's Second Story Quest and plays a pivotal role in it
>Now shows up at the end of a Event Storyline that he had absolutely nothing to do with
What fucking retard thought making the end of the event's questline should have Kaveh, the least interesting and easily by far the most hated male character in the game, as the main character of it?
Is it because he's broke and unemployed? Even Faruzan is more interesting then this subhuman, effeminate insult to the entire male gender, why is he shilled so much?
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>neuvillette hasn't gotten one
sumeru was god tier so I'm hopeful
Hydro traveller works
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>gets buffed every update while mualani gets nerfed every update
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>sumeru was god tier
got what
I don’t get it what’s the problem >>488148549
Holy fucking shit, I'm dying. My sides literally hurt.
God bless you anon, best OC in /gig/'s history since the original Diluc_gaming posting.
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Not by me.
Kaveh is some fujodevs baby.
He WILL be spoiled.
Please understand.
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cry about it.
>posts shitkomi a.k.a. one of the major reasons why inazuma's aq was shit
Sumeru's AQ went from great to absolute dogshit in a span of 15 minutes
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meant for>>488148849
>>488148840 >>488148917
probably talking about these
then make one?
all thanks to scara
Serious talk
If these units are so bad, why not just go for C2R1/C3R1 Raiden instead?
>why is a faggot who only exists to be a faggot shilled so much in the game that tailors all its content towards the tastes of femcels and gay men
it certainly is a mystery
nah it's good all the way through
Who cares about this irrelevant faggot
You should be complaining about Wanderer who’s literally stealing plotlines from better characters
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Mualani? Why yes, she can join my team.
JESUS CHRIST cant stop winning
because fontaine units already powercreeped her. raiden's only good for looking down the front of her kimono
Raiden is badder.
she works perfectly fine at c0 dragons bane
remember fagveh now has more lines than any sumeru character excluding tighnari nahida and cyno
>no encounter points so I must do commissions today
Wanderer is objectively Genshin's best written character
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>she doesn't need to powercreep
>she doesn't need to be meta
>she doesn't need to be fun
>she doesn't need to be versatile
>she doesn't need to be relevant
>she doesn't need to have good writing
once again you losers are eating up the low value slop like the desperate pigs you are
Oh no she’s been crept by 1, maybe 2 DPS
Homos WON. Capitano will break this game's feeble concept of "balance".
Forgot to mention I'm trans, don't know if it matters.
i dont understand
which country is doing this? china?
They claim you get an extra hit in now so this is a buff and she is easier to "play"

It's massive cope if i ever seen.
Are you gay?
i don't like neuv enough to draw him
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what happened to rolling for who you like?
Raiden, Childe and Kokomi are better.
All these buffs and he's still thoroughly mediocre and with janky gameplay too.
i did
How is it cope? Explain without memes or buzz words
Anon, just because his consts and weapons are good it means he's shit without them. It just means they're incredibly high value despite him already being fucking mamazing at C0R0.
And for the record Arle's cons and weapons are an even bigger upgrade to her direct DPS than Neuv's. All of them except maybe their respective C6.
>job to Nahida
>almost jobs to himself until he asspulls a anemo vision
>job to Kaveh in a competition
>'Seventh strongest Harbinger' is more relevant then 'literally who broke architect'
>impressively, has less recorded voice lines then Kaveh
Wanderer isn't even close to how obnoxious this subhuman faggot is
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I did roll for ayato....
The power ranking around Wanderer is 100% more obnoxious than a domesticated faggot
No thanks to Irmunsul

>Nahida's memories get replaced
>no need for character development
The AQ ruined her story which is partially why both of her SQ's were garbage
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>Iansan is the least liked Natlan character in every region
Not like this man...
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no way this nigga a 5*
brown + buddypoke is a death sentence
I couldn't help but notice you didn't post the Abyss usage rate. Afraid it would ruin your narrative?
he is a 4*
I love the >Inazuma was good revisionism going on
The Tenth Fatui Harbinger...........
Clitlali will save cryo
it's not about speedrunning
it's about climbing in the game feeling like shit
and it being a lot of fun using xianyun's triple jump
Tall males have been 5 stars 75% of the time
that's almost an oxymoron. Even if that were true, playing Mihomo will turn you into one eventually.
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>raiden get insult
>neuv posting out of nowhere
Natlan has to be the ugliest region yet, both the characters and the actual region landscape
As much of a meme as C6 is and for good reason
I’d literally advocate for C6R1 Sigewinne before C3R1 Raiden with the massive MASSIVE caveat of “why the fuck are you C6ing a 5* if they aren’t your favorite there are so many better ways to spend primogems fuck”
C6R1 Sigewinne burst outdamages C3R1 Raiden burst.
I’m not even defending Siggy because she needs C1 to not be a brick and C2 to be actually good but Raiden is such a joke these days
So Scara was the seventh strongest harbinger before he had a vision right? He's certainly still far stronger than traveler. If the two ever fought Traveler would be beaten into the dirt.
She'll be a Superconduct support since Mika is shit even at c6
>"First sage of Buer!!"
>...Actually not anymore since she basically became Rukhadevata who had sages before.
>"Why don't you name him?"
>...Actually, she's just gonna nickname him "Hat Guy" anyway and that's how everyone, their mothers, you and their dragons will refer to him by.
Yeah, the traveler? A witness.
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>Superconduct support
EulaLORDS, assemble.
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EulaCOPERS, hang yourselves.
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>finally mondstadt content
So what I'm getting is that I shouldn't roll at all during Natlan? Got it.
More like I can't because I'm range banned from posting pictures even if I wanted to. Just post them yourself if you want to make a point.
i ran some calculations on mualani's v3 changes and have come to the conclusion that she owes me sex
Some more lore based on new stuff we got from textmap , materials and such.

1.Legend has it that the ancient serpent king who ruled Xochicanatlan once built a flying treasure ship.

In that treasure ship, there was a secret treasure that could completely drive the abyss out of the world.

Such legends have become the comfort that people rely on to survive in this desperate era, and it has also attracted countless adventurers to embark on a long journey to save the world.

Xochicanatlan is implied to be based on the lore Dragon Shadow City from CBT map.

3. • Tyrant from Unfinished Reverie is a seelie that got swallowed by a dragon, saved by Xbalanque, became half Dragon half Seelie.

• Red eyed boy is Xbalanque's vessel.

• Tyrant was trying to follow Xbalanque and messed up.

• Xbalanque cannot be revived for some reason. The process is banned.

• Xbalanque was the only archon until a bit before Cataclysm.

4. ```Because it knows that the enemy in the shadows is not far away. They are still hiding in the deepest part of the night domain, waiting to launch the final general attack.

Because it knows that the gods in the sky and the kings of the dragons are not enough to rely on, and all knowledge and power must be gathered before that day comes.```

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

One last thing : > The Flamelord's Blessing... There are some who believe it is a kind of atavism, because everyone has always been convinced that this power must be drawn from a deeper, ancestral source.

Flamelord is Xolotl = Pyro Sovereign. Once he lost Xbalanque became the Pyro Archon.
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Who are you talking about? I only roll supports at this point.
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humiliation ritual
fuck xboxlive
I am well written and loved
We really do need ones for Neuv and Aether.
that hasn't changed since V0
fuck off
The final nail in the coffin for Raidenfags.
They will NEVER recover from this. And I WILL post this every time a Raidefag get uppity.
meant for>>488150418
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>• Xbalanque was the only archon until a bit before Cataclysm.
So much for Murata, Lady of Fire.
Rewrite schizos, our time is nigh.
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>Xbalanque was the only archon until a bit before Cataclysm.
this makes no sense what
No, GODvillette does not deserve to slandered like that.
That cuck Aether definitely does though.
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seething pag
>we get a Superconduct support
>It benefits Physical Clorinde more

Eulabro...time to accept that no one can save her
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im actually happy that I've managed to actually successfully use my noelle in abyss 12
(i still need go redo last chamber, i didnt have energy)
furinagods, it is true that she makes noelle hit like a truck, i kneel.
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>jobs to kaveh
No he literally beat kaveh up, he is equal to cyno according to Cutscene
we know scaramouche
I assume the only pyro archon, but who kept ressurecting in new vessels, is what they mean
>believing leaker
you guys now remember when leaker said fontaine about class war between rich and poor in the archon quest, and furina skill is gravity
>Red eyed boy is Xbalanque's vessel.
manlet bros getting crumbs
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The only thing that can fix Eula is an electro superconduct support.
>the fake Ororon leak.....
Iansan will save her
Is this what they call safe horny?
That was the original plot but it was rewritten
no it's not horny
even then what the fuck happened to the lady of fire and vanessa since shes still mentioned in mondstadt and as one of the 4 winds
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Alhaitham’s bride is beautiful
Yes she's safe horny
And Sandrone is in Fontaine
get her c1 next time, it's worth it
unless kinich obsoletes her, but I doubt it
eula is so fucking lucky
We know, Nahida.
Actual recycle
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i can see bits of class divide stuff leftover in fontaine to be fair
>that whole sewer society under fontaine
>that place that got flooded with primordial water
>in contrast to the luxurious restaurants and the whole "lets make a spectacle out of people's court cases"
they probably didn't want to go forward with it but i can see the class divide at least
Mihoyo love their characters passing out
>Jean in her quest
>Amber in the comic
>Yoimiya in several doujins and supposedly knocks herself out falling in her sleep often...explains why she's retarded
>Collei in the comic
>Dunyarzad in the Archon Quest
>AE+Bronya in Belobog due to Sampo
>Gepard I think did too when Serval faced him as well as Dunn
>TB+FF in Pinecone due to Worst Masked Fool
>The entirety of the Scooby-Doo event focuses on this
>Gwen faints according to her profile story because she was told her dad died
>Asta due to Duke Inferno
>Belle(no one picked Wise) due to Fairy
>Countless NPCs and enemies in all Hoyogames

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