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Previous Thread: >>488102024

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)
>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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Shuro attack
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You want to have sex? With an 11 year old?
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Sex with Kanna
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Mika should die
i want hags
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Would Neru let me wear her jacket? How long?
Ears, wings, horns and tails.
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>Play game for 15 minutes
>Doompost for 4 hours on /bag/
I can not wait for hina (terror) and hina (serious) release after gehenna volume chapter 5 part 8 season 3
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it's not like there's much to do after spending the AP
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Do you think We'll see Shuro's concept design as another student in the future?
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We need a roguelike mode to play after we're done with dailies.
Azusa you look different
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hopefully we've all learned that we need to buy more pakejis
This is the third mutsuki thread I've had to bake, I thought /bag/ liked mustuki, where are the other bakers?
I like Himari. Like like Himari.
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Makoto is so fucking annoying in the shop. Glad I didn't waste pyros on her for gameplay.
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For me, it's still Kikyou
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C104 draws near, what are some of your most anticipated books?, for me it's this one
>4 hours
Those are rookie numbers
based. she's made for ryona
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She'd just get you one.
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well at least the new sensei pack is worth the cost
We still haven't gotten hoshino terror, hoshino (young) and hoshino blanco yet bro, you'll be waiting till 6th anni at minimum.
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Acting like a couple with Neru...
it's beyond me how someone doesn't like this cutie
Frankly I don't care about birthday OP's
Chinks get a Nanaca Crash minigame.
Her spin is so cute I actually want to take her furniture out so I can see it everyday.
Today's curtain call event only had two paper airplanes and some cats, right? No objects?
Did the chink community's view of BA improve after Yostar's apology?
haha yeah it's totally acting, the hand holding and kissing is just part of the act
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where is my 15 bouquet pakeji arona?
Buy crafting stone pakeji
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coom in doom
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already did
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Recolor Seiaru's ears to fit Aru's horns.
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is the next total assault boss hard? i wonder when i'll finally be able to clear my first insane
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Love Himari?
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sprite update when
It will be a joke with D.Hina.
birthday girl jiggie
she's that busted? more busted than mika?
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She's red Mika
Well DHina also has SHoshino to back her up and you know how busted SHoshino is.
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
The next boss is Hieronymus. Good news is that after getting D.Hina and S.Hoshino next banner it'll be extremely easy to clear insane. Bad news is that it's so easy everyone can clear it and it's much harder to get plat
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I love Stacy-ha!
not really, i dont have s.hoshino or mika
Hiero is still a bit hard even with dHina, you may have to restart a couple of times but it's a lot easier than with Aru.
Kaiten on the other hand becomes so easy it's a joke.
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Done with the event, didn't get 4* Boogi.
Saving AP for 3x.
SHoshino already powercrept the shit out of this raid, and now there is DHina too
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I have a few
lmao, i never cleared any insane, plat is far, far away from me
entrapment do not respond
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My precious desert rose.
My studentwife is getting nothing so uhh nothing I guess.
Goddamn how is she so fucking flat, also I'm surprised this is allowed on the play store
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>they only do Seia because they don't want to draw hands
i know who you are
Utaha is racist???
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I see buds, that's not flat.
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This one.
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do they rotate the boss from the raids? how they deal with the powercreep?
I mean it wasn't originally for global at least.
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No. A nine year old. Nine is prime.
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Oh we're in the same bracket? Stop attacking me, you know I retaliate.
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Did you get Ako and Makoto yet?
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> how do they deal with the powercreep?
They don't.
sure did. a shame i didn't got iroha
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I need to redo more than that, Aru's (and others that I did at the start are pretty bad).
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving blue archive.
Hina should transfer
why is neru covering herself? she's the cutest one in that pic
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Biggest thanks to Toki and Karin.
Modest thanks to Akane, Asuna and Neru
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>Positioning mutsuki's EX bomb to hit just as the next wave of mobs move ahead
>Read her momotalks, wants to correct her but she will probably enjoy it.
Those were the (early) days.
Where did all the time go?
What are some cancer defense PVP comps? I'm tired of constantly getting kicked out from my newfag mid-2k rank.
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Mama should marry me
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>saving blue archive.
Yes Eimi we know
Why does Toki have Energy drinks...?
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b-but nobody asked them for assistance, you can't just do that!
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I need them to save Blue Archive from itself again (again)
what's the appeal of anime?
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Marina, Big Shun, Iori, NY Haruna, Iroha and S Shiroko. You know who you are, go to hell.
Who is the hottest CC?
Who is the best wife material?
The most fun to hang around?
Neru is the cutest CC so there's no need to dicuss that
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Am I just bricked if I missed curtain call yesterday? I couldnt get some of the quests
Any recommendation using sumire against yuuka shun marina iori?
>You know who you are
A newfag that doesn't even have a third of those?
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No it isn't. 9 is divisible by 3
Am I just retarded or can I just simply not find these "100 free summons". I've been doing my dailies every day and get those 1 summon tickets but not 100.
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Anon, I didn't know the daily quests even existed until yesterday, you are doing fine.
Have you checked who's even pumping you off your usual position?
If it's just higher level players who woke up for fes then there's nothing you can do.
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I'll do them later
who is the biggest student? the absolute monster tit
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DHina has the potential to do much more damage than Mika can

However, she is fairly horribly inconsistent. People might tell you "no she's not!" She absolutely is.
Because Hina doesn't have guaranteed crits, you need her to crit as much as required for good damage. This can make her tremendously frustrating.

She can kill some bosses in 3-5 shots with crits, and others she just won't crit so fuck you I guess. Fairly RNG heavy in my experience. Mika on the hand does have a few cases where RNG is at play due to stability stuff (Binah, Hod) but mostly she's very consistent.
Mutsuki is wearing her skirt backwards because those holes are meant for demon wings
And soon Hoshino (combat).
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Don't. Or give up on killing Iori. A1 Sumire should still be able to kill Shun though.
I don't use Sumire too much but killing Iori in D3/4 is very unreliable in my experience.
>wife material
Toki. She will literally do whatever you want.
Yes I'm being serious. Where is the item or quest or whatever the fuck.
i wish they gave ako a bound gear already. don't even increase crit damage, just chance for the sake of consistency
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>Who is the hottest CC?

>Who is the best wife material?

>The most fun to hang around?
The free rolls are just there, not a ticket or anything.
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You need a better bait, mate
It says "free summons" on the right. It's just there. There are no tickets
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What if I told you I started with this banner and haven't done the events at all because they're story and I'd rather read at my leisure
Shit's invisible, try rolling
Reminder that a casual explosion to them would be just some smoke and dirt on their faces, but you would die there
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>Am I just retarded
>"100 free summons"
check the gacha tab
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who is the comfiest student?
ur mom
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They should release a new girl that strips others of their clothes as an ability haha make it like a big nude bomb haha
You know you can always replay past event stories. Just skip and get the rewards at least.
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What's next for Kanna?
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my wife saori
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I can't really justify going into these when I have main story to read
i'll give you the first two but most fun? she's kinda rigid no nah
I'm all in for henrybird but Im not really into pregnancy at all, so hard pass this time
She's off the case
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Henry bird's
Paternity leave
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Finally, a worthy opponent.
Konoka is a rare treat
8 pages of Utaha is also going to be good I hope
I did this
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do i keep going for a spark?
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That's right
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Niyaniya is an ideal bodypillow!
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I'll get around to it...
That's saori.
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>trying to steal hiyori's schtick
Fuck off
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Maki's mom (my wife [We remarried])
uuuh maybe? You can reach the spark and still have enough left over for 3 morr
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You have 80k pyros you're a big enough boy to make your own decisions now.
star wars is so fucking gay lmao
Read these:
Volume 1 Chapter 1 - introduction of the prefect team
Hina's momotalks (you get her for free from the guide mission)
Gehenna summer event - Bottom right of the main lobby there's an event list button which shows all events which are permanently available for reading (aka those that happened more than 2 years ago). The Gehenna summer event is the 4th one, the one that gives free swimsuit Izumi.

With those done, you can understand the current event story just fine.
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Cute, canon and based
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idk 80 rolls feel like too much
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The comfiest reporting for duty
I would with that pyro count
Well it seems I was slightly dumb. Just rolled my free rolls. And didn't get Makoto......at least I have Ako and Iroha so I guess it ain't all bad.
worthless zoomgroid
Holy credit hoarder. You do you but I wouldn't recommend it.
what is going on
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no contest
the stole is 100% cozy
No unless you like the current pick up students
There's still the double blufes banner for global 3.5 so I'd be more conservative
ASS club or go-home club because they're lazy fucks
Have the day off
>80 momotalks
I know what I'm doing today
I saw episode 1 in theaters on release
Tell her something nice
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Damn ligmas too, 12k
That one in your pic is a granny tho
As a new (lvl37) player, what should i farm with 3x bonuses?
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you can still get everything except the credits for leveling piano to 20. just follow the guide, but you'll need to wait for curtain call 1 and 2 to come back in a few days. https://rentry.org/dhinawalkthrough
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market analyst here
sources are informing me that 3.5 banner is underperforming, barely beating the railgun banner
not a good look
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Do you go full spark regardless of the result on the upcoming dHina banner?
I wouldn't, even with those pyros
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no one is cozier than a granny, they know how to relax
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When people say daily quests what are they referring to exactly...? Just the little missions where you help people or did I fuck up somewhere?
just be yourself
I wouldn't, you can craft more gifts with that
Bwos, she's so cute.. Can i fix her?
Also is she good?
One day...
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seia analist here
I am overperforming on seia's tight little butt
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Say one good thing about her
Protip: You can't
Get jiggy
Good for my dick.
Never do more than one student per day.
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Thoughts on Deadnooodles's artwork being featured in an official BA collaboration?
She is good at tongue punching my fartbox
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Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex Sensei sex
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A very great secretary (and wife) to Hina
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why am I so gullible?
it's cute
His art is cute, good for him for getting to do something official.
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Tomboy gotta be Tsun
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I don't want to go to work today
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Good morning my Miggas!
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Just don't.
always happy to see nooodles p68
I have a link to a website you've never heard of that confirms that sales are down 80%
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What was that quest today where Hina sees footprints in her hallway, did she go full schizo there
Good morning
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Mutsuki's best artist.

The little missions yeah, you are fine.
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>President Hina
She has great taste
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Good morning, /bag/.
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Good morning
I kinda wanna get D.Ako but don't think I can risk it. Damn damn damn.
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I'm home from work.
how many pyros/do you have shosh?
A minor gripe I have with some fanart is that some things are too obviously stated or shown, like, yes the implication is understandable to everyone, there is no need to put that arrow there too accommodate the absolute retards who didn't get what she was hinting at. Still, it's a great pic.
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Suzumi alt when
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Is the anon who cleaned the Fubuki doujin for TLanon here?
Risk what? You should have been hoarding for her specifically since 6 month ago.
go back there
I already gave up on her.
32 more rolls after sparking Makoto and I got nothing.
I will get Hina dress and Swimsuit Hoshino instead, since i'm not getting another spark just for Ako.
I'll be back in like 5-10mins anons. You guys better have some list provoking images for me to come back to!
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Good morning, wakaBro.
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i wonder if that one chink that got mad at being called a chink is still around
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Sorry we didn't hear you.
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>Claim your reward Sensei
Oh that's good then, cheers. I was worried I missed something buried in a submenu somewhere.
damn, she's so leaky
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>list provoking images
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Holy shit 5th PV is out guiz!!
My little sister!
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>even Pangsen
the overlap is that big huh
im going to costco
you want anything bag
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here you go, a list provoking image
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Is this good enough?
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this one image
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i am listing
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Who is this aimed for?
That isn't a list you idiot
The big Hosh
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>Why does Toki have Energy drinks...?
Ask Ayane
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It's over.
The usual
Damn they're buying out BA artists
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there's poop growing inside your studentwife right now
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I have come
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>sechiako and potatoako all betray us
Only gookako is eternal
That's perfect thanks.
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I can't wait for Kirara, bros.
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I decided not to even though I don't have either Makoto or Iroha
faggots unironically
Our writer, our fan artists, soon we will have nothing left...
Thanks god its not pee
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bro, your peebuki?
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Next up is (You).
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literally the first one to betray us
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Please be louder
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All is in vain.
Banitas banitatum
Now you can feel what we felt when all AK artists jumped ship to BA.
Keep farming the Hina event.

Generally events>everything because you get access to much higher level stuff this way. You could also do some hard nodes I guess.

Don't ever bother with low level commissions.
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People always act like Trinity is the racist school while turning a blind eye to Gehenna racism
They have some similarities, and ZZZ is a new game, but most of the artists who drew art for that game have gone back to drawing BA stuff. BA's story and character interactions are so much better than the other game's.
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Hmm nyo
You need to go back
I jumped ship to BA too, it was sad still.
So borrowed units don't get the affection and alt bonus huh
This sounds like she's dissing Ibuki.
I can't read this
Chise can't even think of reaching your level
They do.
They get their own affection bonus, but not the alt affection bonus.
Yes they do? I always sort by attack because it matters a lot sometimes, especially on miga.
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>Ctrl + F doom last bread
>12 hit total

She won!
gookako emote is the most whore'd out one though
like, the gookako version is not even the original one
What would Neru do if she looked under my bed and saw used tissues?
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>BA copying Nikke

Gookako more like secondaryako
>but not the alt affection bonus
Really? I'd have to check next time an applicable student comes up but I swear it gives their alt bonus as well.
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I think I'm starting to dislike doomposts.
Bad bait.
Sniff them
why would you throw your tissues under the bed
Thankfully this is a joke post and nobody here is this catastrophically retarded.
Requesting LUST provoking images of student please
I heard sensei likes sniffing his students farts
What's the pun in -ive aLIVE! supposed to be, anyway? The only thing I can get from it is "I've arrived" which isn't really a pun. Or is it not a pun at all and they just had a weird non-pun English event name before the puns?
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Fubuki cunnilingus
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It's a fun and simple game unless you want to minmax in a gacha of all things, and a mihomo gacha at that
The initial launch content is cringesovl though the upcoming content suddenly has a nose dive in creativity, went from stupid looking characters to generic mihomo characters
It's like if BA completely lost Doremi,Mx2j and 9ml all in ONE GO then upcoming students all look like arknight characters
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bros... they ruined her...
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White Archive
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It's over...
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Working hardly?
More like hardly working haha
that's weakling talk anon, you should either ignore them or shitpost them
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How much ligma do I need to UE50 a student from nothing?
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Full pic
>It's like if BA completely lost Doremi,Mx2j and 9ml all in ONE GO then upcoming students all look like arknight characters
Retarded or giga whale?
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ngl I'm getting tired of 2D lewds, I'm switching to 3D from now on

Blue Archive
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Would buy
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doomposts are only bad if there isn't a seia attached to it.
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Assuming nothing means 3*, 2400.
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>, CHAT??????
you might want to kill yourself
bumping Chise's VAGINA with my PENIS
i usually don't care about age up or age down art but this actually makes me slightly mad
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I really love children, thank you. Before /bag/ I was never into cunny but this place changed me as a man.
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licky licky licky
I did this
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You can't say that
Really? isn't one of the upcoming characters that robot lolibaba with the bubble butt everyone is talking about?
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I fail to see the problem
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Wow that's less than I thought
I can max out D.Hina and D.ako
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Yeah, if you don't have all 3 Hinas you're unironically bricked.
you do NOT have 28 Shun's
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White Archive your students, Sensei
Trying out all my new girls so I can hear their voice lines and see the EX animations. Don't forget about your new girls, even if you don't plan on actively using them.
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Why does it always feel like they're shrinking their breasts? They do it subtly so you don't notice, but I notice.
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L2d on the first momo?! I expected better from Makoto...
That's Hiyori's thing...
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>The initial launch content is cringesovl though the upcoming content suddenly has a nose dive in creativity, went from stupid looking characters to generic mihomo characters
yeah I feel that but then I there's this one here which may or may not have being discarded that I'm still looking forward to besides the chink loli cop but that's about it
Could be a reference to I've sound.
For the record dAko is fine at 3*
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She may be a doomer but she is our doomer
Thank you both.
Sex with children. My cum in children's cunny.
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She's based.
Inside Gehenna's vault?
The thunder emperor just chilling
Oh sweet! a well drawn Noa doujin!
>Nursing handjob
>Prostate massaging
What a fucking waste
are the other 27 also AI?
Improvement, honestly
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Lolibaba is sex but you should the further content, fucking grim
Buru akaibu
When's our own lolibaba anyway?
DAko is fine at 3* like the other guy said, 4* for security at best.
If you wanna just uncap her affection I guess you could take her to 5* but no actual content seems to require it.
>crying faggot man
why are makototards like this?
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I did this
Grug hate AI
will you clean her?
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>POV: Noafags when there's no Yuuka NTR
That's a mikafag, he even posted his mika in the last affection poll
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Chat, is this real?
holy esl
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>What a fucking waste
Yeah, it would've been perfect if she'd pegged me too.
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Early on I saved Shun and Shunny separately, so technically I have 30
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What's a clean?
No, really, what would she do?
I'm tired and take them out in the morning.
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But I mostly get off on 3p doujins?
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/bag/ doesn't know how to drive manual
Kuzunoha maybe? but you're right, we are missing that archetype
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mx2j hands got hurt drawing those huge breasts and it was never the same

Please give thanks to mxwj for his sacrifice
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Kokona looks better as a child
Should I roll for Saori or Hiyori?
>/bag/ doesn't know how to drive
could've stopped there
I wish he sacrificed his hands permanently this time
Sry, i'll call Yuuka right away for you
You look at Akane there and tell me that makes sense
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____ ______ ____?
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Saori is the SOVLful option, Hiroy is the FOTM coombait option
Who's this thunder emperor i've seen people here talk about? What did i miss?
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all of us can drive emanuel, gringo
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what do u want on the grill?
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i'm european tho
Previous Gehenna leader
His Toki one was pretty decent.
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I don't have my license.
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who else is itching to spark?
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>seia doujin when?
you already got two yesterday seia calm down
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its me
im stopping at first dhina. spooks a not real
is this safe?
i want to cuck wakamo and see her fall into despair
I wonder what the next prisoner will be like
I hate sparking
Hoshinosenseis, Hinasenseis. Please explain why I should roll for your specific girl.
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Marrying Professor and raising Plana and Arona together
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Steaks seasoned with garlic and rosemary
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I was until today, now I'm scared my luck won't treat me right.
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Busty kokona is inevitable
She's only 11 years old and she already has wide hips
She will grow into Shun Blanco unless you feed her antigrowth hormone
that's why arona also don't like you
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so greedy...
Kill yourself singatroon
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not to spark, but i am itching to roll
If you don't know already, then you don't deserve them
I have made a grave error...
Midori quieres unas Chimichangas
Koharu.... lost....
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Friendly reminder that Chise is a giant piece of shit.
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Me when the dopamine hits
but rolling without sparking always ends up in pain
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Ohhh Haruna dangle makes her ride her sniper rifle like a broom. A true witch of Gehenna.
Need a succubus/demon.
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Koharu nooooooo
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I fapped to enough vtubers to know this one is trash
i do have a 1.5 spark but to say
>im itching to spark
implies that you will be FORCED to spark and that you are looking forward to that
I AM itching to roll, not to spark
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>Busty kokona is inevitable
It's too late
She's already a B cup
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Hiyori. The best nip could say about Saori is "may be she will be useful in the future."
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>he actually fell for it
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>Saori is the SOVLful option
>Hiroy is the FOTM coombait option

Can you pinch Saori's cheeks? I don't think so
Kokona will not grow anymore, to her dismay
why would you need a car when kivotos is a walkable city?
Why nonomi look so dumb?
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You could start sneaking the antigrowth hormones into her food, she would never notice
You look dumb.
Always roll for TITTIES
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I want to believe
The measurements were already done. She's an A-cup, she's just short so she looks bigger.
Baggots who unironically play and enjoy chinkshit like arkshit and mihomoslop must be seaniggers
Don't cater to metafags
Men that cannot think with their dick are useless
The waifufag chooses based on his dick and is happy, the metafag needs someone to tell him which girl is meta, and he dumps her in six weeks when she's no longer meta anymore. A man who based his choose on meta will always be betrayed when new meta comes out, but the man who based his judgement on sex is never betrayed
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Which BA girls wouldn't care that I don't have my license?
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>denying kokona from her dreams
What's wrong with you?
Eh, there was one drill where you needed to inflict debuffs and chill is a debuff
She's perfect, shut up
Most powercrept students?
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Say that to her face
I can hear better but i can't go to the bathroom the same as before
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from left to right
24 kids
0 kids
6 kids
as many kids as possible until menopause
12 kids
That was my first thought as well.
>i can't go to the bathroom the same as before
He was so scared of Nonomi that he pissed and shit himself and now he's incontinent, please understand.
let's just say she played with his penis
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Kokona is perfect already
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>stunting a student's growth for your own selfish desires by feeding them hormones
Not a real Sensei. No different than the parents trannifying their children with hormone treatments, really
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how does that stop him from going to the bathroom?
She had me doing backflips on it
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cute boy in an apron
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i want pontas
top left : 0 kids
bottom left : as many kids as possible until menopause
middle : 6 kids
top right : 12 kids
bottom right : 24 kids
Your tranny buddies are waiting for you to join them in hell. Kill yourself today to see them quickly
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She used it too much.
Are you dense?
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I kneel
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>Plana, capture that Professor
do people fap only in the bathroom?
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Roll for whoever your dick twitches to you faggots, we don't have any contents difficult enough to justify metafagging outside of bluefes.
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I need to remember this post when Natsu's banner comes up in 3 months
sniffing and fondling this boy's ass
What does Saori even do?
I played the event and she was pretty trash tier, her aoe looked impressive but only seems to damage her marked target while tickling the others, what's the point of an aoe if that's the case? does she have some other mechanic?
Except that Nuts is meta
I've played this for about two weeks now, the models and the animations are nice enough and have a lot of passion put into them, but I couldn't help notice the content is repetitive as fuck. How do you all live with yourselves knowing you could be playing real games instead?
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I need to remember this post when Koyuki's banner comes up in 3 months
Only reason blue archive did so well last year cause they released the anticipated students like Mika and Toki.
This year was a fucking mess, especially with more alts. 3rd anni would've been saved it they released Rio, and 3.5 had Tea party swimsuits.
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>and 3.5 had Tea party swimsuits.
you need to release seia first...
It takes like 5 minutes a day to sweep and pat your students in this game
>he thinks rio would bring in money
She works really well against Perorodzilla
Oh no
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I play real games as well, this is a side game as most anon. You login, sweep daily, maybe read momo and pat your students.
Yeah I really don't get why we Blue Archive players keep playing this repetitive game
We should all start playing a real mobile game! I've been worried about the state of the game for a while now, and I think this is as good as a spot to quit the game as any
Seia zoom in.gif
I love my wife Hasumi and my tard wife Makoto
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Odd I go for another 200
Even skip Makoto
0 skip both
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How does Nonomi smell?
I'm not sparking at 180 rolls because I got both limiteds even though I don't have iroha. I need to save for all the limiteds I'm missing because im a newfag
You're retarded. Iroha is one of the sexiest girls in the whole game.
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Impregnating chibi gif Seia and taking responsibility.
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you can't do that anon you need to post the seia image too!
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she has that girl that likes you smell
stop licking
I want to put an arrow pointing the artists twitter handle and label it "retard"
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Unless you are new, you find yourself playing BA like 20 minutes a day max. A bit more if there is an ongoing event or assault.
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Is Koharu still fine for Hiero, or is it something with Kokona like cost reduction or armor that makes her strictly better?
where nudes?
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>you could be playing real games instead
Like what? I'm clearing my backlog of trashy h-games and deciding which game to clear next.
Rio bros, is it time?
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please stop releasing alts. except the ones i want.
blue archive is way better than other games in that aspect because you can just sweep an entire days ap away in a few seconds. takes longer than that to even boot up the game. a lot of other games demand you watch the stage auto play every time. the convenience and accessibility of sweep in ba has actually made me drop other gacha games because I realized they simply don't respect my time.
Which student has the sexiest voice and why is it Wakamo
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Remember /bag/gots, if you forgot to use the free rolls then complain tomorrow, we will call you a retarded faggot.

Kokona has better armor + cost reduction. Koharu will die faster.
I agree but the only limiteds I have are sMash, sAzusa, NY.Mutsuki/Aru plus dako and makoto. I'm doing 400 rolls for bluefes and then I need to keep saving for all the limiteds coming up. I'll probably spook her.
>Miyako ASMR
She's perfect.
I unironically wish there was a way to infinitely grind stuff in this game. Be it reports, affection, or ligma. I want to use my infinite NEET time to catch up to oldfags. As it stands, there's an infinite chasm between someone who's been playing for a year and 3 years.
Inb4 ibuki
Would Rio like Titanfall?
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as it should be?
It's called money.
frogs go mlem mlem
snakes go pbthphtph
thanks for comign folks
I said I'm a NEET.
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Armored Core is better fit
Aru. Her lobby "いらっしゃい" makes my dick twitch every time
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What the other person said, but also Koharu is still fine.
See https://youtu.be/ztVVt6m3OiY?si=Kuo77nUbLAfa1NiW
I've been playing for six months and reached max level and have about a dozen max level students

You catch up in this game, or just takes time
Take advantage of double and triple account exp time
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>I, Sensei, would never allow evil forces to take root in Kivotos!
>I-Is that an evil little girl? I'm COOOOMING I'm gonna COOOOOOM I NEED HER TO STEP ON MY DICK AND SIT ON MY FACE *fapfapfapfapfapfap*

Why are (You) like this?
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sexy sexual sex with yuuka
We love whites.
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Anyone hearing this in the Hina song? Guess it uses similar key or something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTMHUnoIY10
Both are fine but Kokona can full heal the beacon with 1 ex. But yeah, it's also her cheaper skill cost and cost reduction proc.
Go play those infinite dungeon slop in the play store
Not it shouldn't be. If I can spend 4 hours to get 1 purple report the game should let me do this. Just a few minutes ago, I thought my girls gained the battle xp from fighting Set (floor 1). That's 2xp per girl with 9 carry slots available. 14xp per minute. I WOULD DO THIS. LET ME.
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Can actually be infinitely grinded for money.
>already have notArmored Core in the form of Geburah
Now all I need are a bunch of jet planes and my man's romance is fulfilled.
Just be disabled for free government money.
get a job and buy pakeji
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Erotic Mitcher of course
No, you really don't catch up. After 8 months I've cleared all insanes except for Gregorius. I don't see myself clearing all the torments in the next year.
What would Alice say if I asked her who should I marry?
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if evil, why cute?
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My cum will fix her and make her good, its a method that works on all evil little girls
Does it matter anyhow if you use dAko or Azoos since they're both there just for the DEF down and you won't be using their skills?
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Kaho ticks so many of my boxes its unreal. AND she's offering herself up? Can't ask for much more
Yuuka is soft
Prolly something cringe
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>jokingly said we should date to a friend
>They said yes and kiss me in the cheek
I have no idea what to do now
Buruaka btw
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>BA is easy to sweep and do dailies
>BA respects your time
>Arona understands Sensei needs a job to whale for pakeji
>Arona markets Costco hotdogs so we spend money on pakeji over food

It all makes sense now
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>inviting more chink bots running stuff 24/7 when you can just limit it and force people to buy energy pakeji if theyre that desperate
hm nyo, sounds like a terrible decision all around
I don't mind soft, but I would prefer a tight tummy, if not abs.
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Congrats. Now make her cosplay with you at a con for a date trip
why happy?
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Very small Hina
My little sister!~
Michiru is a slut. SLUT!
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Smug Professor!
So halos make students take almost no physical damage, that would mean their bodies are very hard. I think fucking a student's bulletproof pussy wouldn't be very enjoyable.
Explode. I am a jealous being and won't tolerate anyone professing their luck.
Is this cropped porn?
Based. I rolled for both and will be UE50ing both however. Saori is my wife but I love all arius squad members, simple as.
Shiggy, no contest
Because cute is literally justice
Feel like that's a sign she's been into you for some time.
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die normalfags die!
happy day
What happens if she calls you Sensei-chama?
https://x.com/kimo_ota_ku_kun/status/1817920607704801604 thoughts?
I have no advice because I can't even imagine a woman touching me without getting paid
You got a problem with that, punk?
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She pretty much counts as an adult. I'm going to get the marriage forms and engagement ring stat
hold her hand
alway rember
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Congrats but you're no longer allowed to post here.
Another slap
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big sex
for the Nagisa Himari team I'm pretty sure you're supposed to use dAko's EX
But if you're using NYFuuka I think Azusa is better yeah

The clear at 7 is a bit different because you have dAko walk up to the front, which makes tMari walk to the cover that's nearest to the lantern instead (and I think Azusa can't do that)
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your posting rights were the only ones you had
and now theyre gone
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Can't escape adult pussy
NOT sex
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Goodnight /bag/, good luck on your Bluefes rolls tomorrow!
I literally spent all my pyros yesterday, Christ
Your friend is a he, isn't he
I just know it
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You just kicked yourself out of /bag/
Good job
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I need to feel this..
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That's a small adult pussy
Thanks for the reply retard.
Oldfags sitting on tens of thousands of coins effectively having limitless number of BDs and notes, ready to max out anything that comes out.
Meanwhile it takes 26 (TWENTY SIX) months of clearing insane just to max the three girls whose elephs are sold for purple coins, because nexon decided to actually lower the drop amount at one point.
All I want is to use time and effort to be able to get even one step closer. The gap is not closing with time, it's getting even bigger.
now how about the most ear-bleeding voice
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If you get lucky to get dHina before your spark or if you put 2 sparks in you can get both dHina and sHoshino which will invalidate red difficulty. Except Greg cause fuck Greg.
I'll just have to skip this bluefes I guess, or plough through the remainder of the story so I can get at least ONE roll
I heard the dates with the division ticket is fucked and I wait with getting during dHina's banner, is that true?
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don't you dare lay a hand on her fake sensei
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Allow me to make it worse
Max stability is WAY better than max crits.
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I curse you with long lasting happiness
You WILL experience this, WITH the fox ears too
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I'm back to show these white women how to REALLY fuck a dog!
why are none of them likable?
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Blue Archive
nigga gay lmao
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Nah. Cat.
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Oh come on summer is hot but not THAT hot.
Taking it off would make it even hotter.
What song is she listening to?
You mean to tell me a hag fried this rice?
woah woah hold on a sec... yoshimi looks like THIS??
On paper. In practice it's annoying.

I've lost tickets critfishing with DHina so I honestly don't want to hear it
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That's a WOLF you worthless FAGGOT!
>not aggressively likable
No u
Congrats, you're not only not allowed to post anymore, but are also a huge fag.
How many days till C104 stuff becomes available in digital stores?
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I'm blue
That sounds more like a skill issue than dHina's fault. Her basic crit rate is high enough to not need to mald that much. Stability is way more annoying with shit like groggy malding in Binah.
gay statement.
>game full of girls
>fags play this game
why how what?
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Girls are cute but cock is superior to pussy.
Nevermind, a thousand days of cock cage for you
Believe what you want to believe. I'd rather explain facts than sell lies. Also unlike with DHina, you better NEED the absolute best odds with Mika to plat something. Meanwhile you'll need great or perfect odds for DHina depending on the raid and if you're a luck is skill memer, fine, but it's an invalid angle and doesn't change that fishing with Hina is not consistent
I mean literally not consistent, because she literally doesn't have guaranteed crits. Not as bad as MAris, but not good
Mika has accuracy issues as well
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I'm cumming
but you're not allowed to use Sshiroko outsite pvp!
>unlike with DHina, you better NEED
You do not need
Not "better" need
I started this game less than 2 weeks ago
I don't like anyone yet or have a waifu, so I can just roll meta without feeling bad

Maybe except Hibiki but because she is really cute and has carried me through every yellow and red mission
Newcutie here. I started this banner and have a free 10 pull ticket. Is that for this banner only or is that from just starting?
does she know i can see her underwear outline?
Do the needful saar
>However, she is fairly horribly inconsistent. People might tell you "no she's not!" She absolutely is.
Very strongly disagree, my experience with her has been very consistent. Since she hits a lot of times per shot it always evens out
It hardly ever comes up. It's very rare that she'll miss at a crucial time
N-no...I already did the 100 free rolls (I got nothing), I have nothing left except for a free 10 pull
If it's an actual ticket you can keep it. The free 100 recruitments that are shown on Ako's banner are only for now though.
Then it's not free, it's a ticket you can keep, use it on the Bluefes banner instead (It's tomorrow).
Then I just hope you stay lucky?
I've got the best DHina in my circle so I'm not talking out of my ass
better luck next time cutie
I should spam my 10k pyros on the bluefes right?
>using dAko
>"I never miss!"
>her target dies
>blows her load straight into a corpse
Love to see it
Yes. Do you have any story stages left? Do them and get pyrox for this banner.
Read all the unread momos + side stories as well.
W-what the hell!!! You can't jus-
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youre welcome my nigger
i dont get the seethe, im a newfag myself (last anni) and yet am able to clear anything but insane in complete comfort
the game rewarding early adoption as opposed to mindless time investment is not nearly as bad as you make it sound as the "meta breaking" students are always seemingly spread so far apart you can farm most things for them before they come out
unless you are a complete fucking autist attempting to get rank 1 in everything you can almost always guarantee yourself the same rewards as those oldfags with just a few months investment to just logging in
i dont get it do you have aids and need everything served NOW because youll be dead of ass cancer in a few months?
God I love ryona so much
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It really isn't, sorry about your childhood
So will dhina have a rerun?
should i invest in mine stonks?
dHina's banner isn't dropping on reset is it?
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She has a lovely L2D
>N-no...I already did the 100 free rolls (I got nothing)
Then reroll your account. No I am not joking or fucking around, reroll your account and keep doing it until you get at LEAST 3 or 4 3* students and I mean good ones. Ideally you want to reroll until you get Himari and Ako (regular), but even just one of them with other good 3*s would be excellent.
You only have a couple of hours to do it until reset, so get to it, you WILL be thankful down the line. Also only roll the free 100, everything else you save for Dress Hina and S. Hoshino.
I can confirm a pull is shit if Pina is there
It's at usual banner change time
It's actually 7 hours after reset
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They put me in the kiddie pool.
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D.Hina is part of the BlueFes so she will always be in the draw pool every 6 months. Sparkable or not is a different story.
This bluefes will have D.Hina + S.Hoshino as sparkable, the next blue fes will have Shiroko Terror + Tactical hoshino + Mika as sparkable. D.Hina can spook you here but don't count on it.
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>the eye bar censors
These stoats are not leaving my room unfertilized
nta but do i roll for dhina or shoshino if i can only spark one?
t…thats my bracket though…?
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Can't risk people knowing my favorite student.
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Which way, Sensei?
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Why not?
I'd honestly say sHoshino is better. You can always borrow dHina when you need her whereas sHoshino is used more than any striker in the game.
Meta breaking students need meta breaking supports but that's besides the point. I said I cleared all insanes already. I just want to feel a small sense of progression. Torment requires so much and you get so little. Being forever behind is a bad gameplay feeling.
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It's weird when I made my first account I got up all the way to rank 600 as like a level 20 but now I'm 60 and can't make it out of the 1000s
Did you come back to the game recently?
360 degrees walk away
Hard to say cause they are both godlike for red raids. Try rolling tomorrow first to check your luck.
You can always borrow either of them during raids.
If I absolutely have to choose, then S.Hoshino.
Start small and grow your assets overtime
Makes the momotalks more memorable. It also makes sense that you fap to a girl after reading her momotalks.
Hoshino is sexier and more useful
its okay, theres new batches of required students and new raids, eventually theyll add new colors and units to trump old ones
Iori's dusk skin on my pale body...
She can do more damage than Mika and has access to sHoshino but honestly I'd still say Mika is the more busted unit on the whole since Mika isn't just DPS, but a dodge tank on top of that. Mika's just one of those units that is good at everything.
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I have a feeling we are going to get more Hoshino in the future fest banner

If we look at the current fest banners:
1-Wakamo 1.5-Hoshino Swimsuit
2-Mika 2.5-Hanako
3-Dress Hina 3.5-Hoshino (Battle) + Shiroko (Terror)
We get Hoshino in 1.5 fest and 3.5 fest, if we follow this pattern then, 5.5-Hoshino 7.5-Hoshino 9.5-Hoshino Eventually we will be having a full team of Hoshino
I usually do 3 a day but I'll try it. The only thing is that every time I do momos, I just keep fucking getting more of them.
thanks bwos. i hope i luckshit them both.
Guh... phew
>tfw no azoos posting
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You get a smooch.
You're in the big boys pool now.
Yes, stopped around February because IRL shit.
this is a reddit post
When you first make your account you get put in a kiddie bracket full of shitters (and according to posters here, bots as well) so it's easy to climb until almost the top depending on what you have.
After it resets it's pure lick whether you end up with tryhards or casuals.
Sure, they added purple raids. Guess what, I can't afford to roll M.Momoi and raise her to UE50 because I'm missing 6 vital permanent supports who don't want to appear.
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I bet she puts alcohol in her butthole
There are no more reliable patterns, bro. They broke the years long tradition of a swimsuit Bluefes just to throw Hoshitno in our face
It's because they generate brackets at the start of the season, but once those are full they have to generate new ones. So you get these brackets with literally only new players.
That'll do it. I imagine most brackets got filled up already and you got slapped into a newer one.
I ended up in the bracket where people at my level have meta units like Iroha and S. Shiroko and everyone else is 10 levels above me with anni units.
For Mutsuki's birthday I came to her taking a shit
Fuck off buddy i'm spending the day with her right now
I don't believe in newbie brackets. When I started I couldn't break into the top 1k because it was all max level players.
If there's a space in a normal bracket you go in there instead.
Let me guess, a whore who cares about pronounces or an actual guy, either way, out of here normalfag.
im really trying to see where youre coming from but im failing
this is not real life where you can use some technique to get ahead
in a stale enviroment experience trumps technique so unless what the other anon said with the new colors happens youll always be behind in some way or another but youll still end up getting the same rewards as the people that are ahead of you so what gives
all thats left is number envy
This is your reminder that Hoshino has so little sex appeal that Sensei felt nothing lewd sleeping beside her.
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I somehow got put into a bracket with mostly max level peeps when I started my global account
At least I got in at the tail end of that season
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That's what I thought too.
And why aren't people wasting the image slots now!? This place changed!
You're spending the day with the Mutsuki from your reality. I'm spending the one with mine.
Hmm, why
>but youll still end up getting the same rewards as the people that are ahead of you
Clearing torment is the reward.
Just use your credit card
>not max images
its over...
I said I want to grind. I want to grind xp and ligma for 12 hours a day.
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Too much yapping
Fair enough
I need more yuuka yapping
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I'm here to brag.
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wake up, we're at page 6
It's finally time for EOS?
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uhhh bro?
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I'm not making you more threads I already gave you 3 today.
No u.
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Smothered by retarded wife
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Hi Mika
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but I just woke up
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>No one wants to make Mutsuki breads
Will you do it for a Scooby snack?
Guys, so we get another free 20 pulls after day reset? (5 hours) I'm 20 away from sparking and I don't wanna waste my pyrox if we get more pulls
39k and 2 10-tickets
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leisa the sus
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not again
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my wife Mika
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How could this happen...
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truly a tragedy
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i know what youve done, doom
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I-I just got here
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F in the chat for Fatsu...
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Convince me (You)r student is cute

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