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Previous: >>488110294

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
There's no way this thread will be as mentally ill as the last ones, right?
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let's go
Fofo downgrade.
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Fofo protects you from misinformation and schizophrenia
Is it worth to skip Fofo? Or Clara cone??
When's the soonest we can see the kits of Feixiao? Right after this patch drops no?
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>instantly botted
homocucks can't stop seething
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I don't care if some characters is badly written in the story, just put their sob story in the side quest.
I want some powerlevel from PRIME, THE POTENTIAL MAN.
8-32 hours
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Can't go wrong right?
Reminder, IPC would’ve start brutally exterminating inorganic lifeform had Screwllum not existed. He better be a 5* with this type of lore
how would huohuo react to getting raped?
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Sasuga /hsrg/.
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What did Jiaoqiu mean by this?
Your gf is more sane than most of the posters here
Lingsha already powercreeps that faggot
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It’s not that women don’t like cute girl characters. They just don’t like it when men get to enjoy cute girl characters.
>completely harmless poll
holy mental illness, go dilate desu
I like this shading style better, or maybe I accidentally disabled depth of field in HSR
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Went better than expected
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Lingsha? For KING
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Her soles look so soft and perfect for cumming on
all into the 4th stat (brick effect)
Pag pags gonna freak
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i don't like that faggot but i'm not mentally ill enough to constantly bring him up out of nowhere and claim that everything i dislike about the game is kakaurines fault
stop posting Reddit paragraph rants here
I don't hate sigga, I hate the fans. They screech whevener a male characters didn't have what they want.
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He won.
>posted 5 minutes ago
>40 votes
Come on, now.
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They’re different cause Corin would rape (You) while you would rape Fofo.
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Please, google subjectivity. Read the definition.it will save you.
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>People are trying to shill this character
Who is this for?
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I think Feixiao is cute....
[HSR 2.4] Rating Pistol

Jiaoqiu: 5
Yunli: 96

Yanqing has 99 as a reminder.
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It's over for Jiaoqiusisters
Fuck them. We don't even give a shit every time they shlick off to their "husbandos".
Fofo but cuter and funnier
ok thanks anon
but how should I do it? get a vpn, go ingame and buy? or should I buy on a website?
I love that retarded illiterate sword gorilla!!!!!
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Newfag here. I want to learn people's thoughts on Firefly. Do you love? Do you hate her? Why?
>96 spelled upwards is 69
they're not even hiding it anymore
Whats a rating pistol?
She slept with 96 other people? Jobking didn’t deserve this
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I hate women.
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Mr. Sparkle...
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You know it's very easy to tell cause of the time, right?
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I love Firefly. I hate that we didn't have more Firefly content.
Yanqing WON
>Corin would rape (You)
Explain! NOW!!!
Sparkle's just a bit pathetic.
Use the official top-up page at https://sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/hsr/index.html#/
This is why HSR/Genshin will never reach Kamige status, because they fucking cater to faggots and women.
ZZZ has Waterkuma who filters 99% of these freaks. I might just drop HSR to whale on that full time.
she's my wife, simple as
Who is even gonna use the new March 7th path?
Caelus got me pregnant, what should I do
I find it endearing how she clings to life despite having a death sentence. Jade gave her an option to LIVE be that wasn't a very good life to live. She'll keep searching for that ray of hope.
Npc sisters not like this....
What's especially funny about the Firefly shilling is that in spite of it all Kafka is still more or less the face of the game as far as the public is concerned. That is, Firefly may be more popular within the game itself but Kafka is recognizable by even those who don't play the game.
Meaningless artifact in HSS that basically just throws out random numbers depending on what character you have out at the time when you inspect it. They go from 0-100 most of the time but I'm pretty sure SW hacks it to go to 110 for herself.
People try to attach meaning to the numbers but there really is none.
thanks bro
>king himself scored 99
I don't get it
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Bet on super-fecundity and try for twins.
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I think you're missing the point
Only Genshin does that though? Women have daily meltdown with this game.
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Explain all the Fagventurinefags seething at Firefly all the time.
Always has been
Also these are the same people to cum over their husbandos in husbandomains, it's all incel energy and always has been
Explain, I don't know what that is
Could the rating pistol be about potential? Jobking and Yunli scored high because they’re still kids with limitless potential
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How does she do it? A padded push up bra? Mind Control? Oh right, it's mind control isn't it.
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>forced shilling vs natural popularity and being recognizable
I hate her because she ruined SAM and the SHs
I don't really hate her as character though
A curio on Herta's Space Station that mostly gives random numbers for each character but is thought to give a score of "undefined" to emanators.
Sounds like some esoteric shit people will convince themselves can tell them how to read their account seed
I fucking love SAMfly
"The heroine of Honkai Star Rail: Firefly"
>all of her good scenes were offscreen
What were they thinking?
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It's unfair bros... Sushang should be the super sword prodigy instead (with her retardedness intact)
I think it's quite telling of reddit/the normies if they think about sex and coom when looking at the picture of a clothed young lady in a non-sexual swimming pose
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Mama, where are you.
It's been a year.
I love her
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Are we canonically dumb?
Is the MC the Homer Simpson of Star Rail?
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I want a Sparkle bf...
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Read a few documents and you'll find out that the rating pistol actually assigned numbers to inanimate objects as well. So it's not even necessarily a product of the person's personality/soul/actions.
I think you mean based
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can you make a non-futa sparkle laughing at a tiny penis?
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We are on the verge of 2.4 and there are still people seething over firefly. Get the memo, you're a minority, she's trash, so is the rest of the game.
MHY wants her in the game as little as possible because they know how much harder she'd blow up if even the chance.
How do we send all the homos and women back to /gig/?
Firefly was the right step in the right direction, but we need more.
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>mom abandoned me both ingame and irl
You're just being disingenuous if you claim that hoyo's not pandering to feetfags with yunli lmao Just look at the focus every time she shows up.
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good morning /hsrg/
straight to the point, how many kekbait scenarios SLOPzhou CRINGEfou part2 has?
Well it's not truly "random", there's set numbers for everyone, there's just no rhyme or reason for it.
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>Hook: 6 points
Damn, that's sad... Destined to mine geomarrow in the underworld for her entire life...
>Sparkle but with Sushang's retarded face
what are you doing here
>Still crying because some people like to roll for dudes
Mental illness
(you) didn't need to talk to the imaginary birds or the other voices in your head, but you did.
Yes really. Now buy her merch
Bland waifubait character. That's fine in itself but they gave her an ungodly amount of shilling (only for her to flop kek) and that's what made me hate her. Plus her fans are retarded waifupags
No? Look at the Museum and Aurum Alley Event, TB is clearly a smart person
Ironically, go full snowbreak.
These dudes look like they were put together with spare parts
We need a cunny concoction arc in HSR
go clean your yeast sis, it's leaking out everywhere
Being a homosexual is a mental illness yeah
>Male MC is a chad, surrounded by beautiful women
>Female MC is a boyfriendless stinky femcel who gets mistaken for a dyke
What did Mihoyo mean by this?
>spitting in the face of all other waifufags is a step in the right direction
If anything Firefly is very woman-friendly, because she's one of the most safe horny and inoffensive characters in the game. It's a common thing some games do, to have the most safe girl as the main girl so they don't trigger women's insecurity.
>Sparkle but with Sushang's retarded face
/hsrg/ is healing going back to 4 hour threads :3
>Jiaoqiu doesn't even have daily messages
Boring with one of the worst fanbases I've seen for a gacha character.
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I agree.
too late faggot
Feet is not a fetish or a sexual one
You have to be a freak to get sexual arousal or feelings from it, since normal people don't
So if you react to it, positively or negatively, it's quite telling instantly
It's fine to have your fetish, but don't pretend the whole world has it because the echo chamber is loud
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If self-inserters runs this general, how comes they let Black Swan (one of the most for (You(r memories) characters) being used mostly for yurishipping with Raiden "Acheron" Mei?
She's the future Supreme Guardian of Belobog after the people learn about Cocolia and Bronya's crimes and demand her execution
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Not all characters get daily messages right away because they might have plot spoilers like Acheron and Aventurine
Femoids and fags are literally still seething about FF even in this very thread.
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Yanqingbros.. we are being cucked
Feet is one of the most common fetishes in the world.
it was revealed after they rolled so they had to reluctantly accept it lmao
Inshallah i hate women
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>Firefly seething hours
Why are you guys like this?
But Kafka got 90. Are you really suggesting that this adult woman somehow has almost as much potential and room for growth as two kids?
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Yeah yeah, laugh it up at dumb ol' Sushang, we'll see who's gonna win this tournament!
We tried to LARP as a receptionist in Penacony because we own 5% of it, gave everyone a day off, bought six bottles of soul glad, drank them all before a single client showed up, let everyone in, and then beat some pepeshi with two 6.8 feet dudes and a 3.8 feet girl
I want all the trannies and Twitter fembots to fuck off, of course its always them
Firefly love
Homosexuality is illegal in China and Chinese view women as sluts
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Because Firefly fuels the self-inserters agenda but only when it comes to Firefly
Okay now I know you're being retarded on purpose.
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Gets paired with MC thus the usual suspects rage, bitch and moan at her, and you can't even post her without them having a melty cause heaven forbid people post what they like, it has to be just to annoy them in particular
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>Play a game with male characters
>"WTF why do people play male characters?!"
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All me
I took over this general
Will Feixiao revive HSR?
I am straight thoughever, we just have good taste
See >>488124864
They are both for him
I hope the finals will be Sushang vs March. Just two retards clashing
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By self-inserting as Acheron, clearly.
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The 90 here refers to Kafka's wife potential.
the fuck do they put in Zhuming water
Pretty based ngl
We're reaching schizo kino levels thought impossible.
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She stutters in her text messages which means she does it on purpose.
She’s infatuated with (You) ever since you saved her.
She was prepared to pay for her movie rental with her body.
She has retard strength.
>S-sorry Master! B-but you said n-no.. and I-I just can’t accept that. P-please hold still so I don’t hurt you!
>If self-inserters runs this general
Self inserters are an extremely vocal minority, especially within this thread. Barely anyone gave a single shit about "for (you)" until the 2.0 Firefly shilling.
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Retarded bat
what does this mean for jiaoqiu?
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>2.5 - Feixiao & Lingsha + (Moze)
>2.6 (Last Version before moving planet) - ???
Between Tingyun, Sunday, and Aglea, who's going to be the unplayable one?
>wife potential.
>Jingliu: 0 points
But she says she would make a wonderful wife?
>our bat is a schizo too
Holy kek
Lol, im watching QQposters bottling this Live, fofo aomost won
>>2.6 (Last Version before moving planet) - ???
2.7 will happen because otherwise the anni would be during 3.0 which is not as profitable.
Nothing, he is just probably gonna talk about something that happens or is related to 2.5 story
>our bat is literally /hsrg/
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Fireflybros will band together and make project 2025 a reality. It's time to end women.
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QQ literally jumped from 0 to 20 in a second
She can talk with swords?
Oh no, TB's retardness infected our poor bat.
The moment her myriad trailer dropped, all the stinky fujos claimed them as a yuri ship. This happened with Firefly and Robin before mihomo tried to ship Firefly with TB
Hmm. Thinking about it now, the bat is a curio, right.
Lets gooooooooo, more of yomi-san penis. Please
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...we fucking turned one of Herta's beloved curios into a fucking zoomer
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V.I.P Guess
Imagine Sushang, someone who has trained with a sword since she was small day in day out to the point where now as an adult she's a dumbass with zero knowledge on matters outside of Combat abd a boarderline retard, loses to March, a retard who picked up two sword like a week before the tournament
I've been here since 1.0, self insert bullshit flooding the thread is definitely a recent occurrence. Even during Kafka's sidequest's release nobody talked about it this much, and that's easily the most "for (you)" the game got before 2.0.
nah we just have a LOT of chaotic energy, to mirror akivili's walking chaos days
she named her sword and talks to it as if it were a person
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Anon... I'm sorry to tell you this... That's a doctored image
Can sexfox save us from Firefly? If they don't go all in on her being for (You) then it's basically confirmed we'll get no more (You) waifus moving forward.
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It's called Chadschizofrenia.
Yes people did, the fuck are you saying? People went on and on about how she sent (you) a pic of her boobs back in her companion quest for example.
Of course not. Lorewise, The real Tingyun haven't even met TB yet
Nasty, rough and animalistic sex with Aventurine
Ironic post
that won't be until 3.0
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Oh, Huaiyan knows.
Damn, I wonder if he still has a soft spot for him even after all these years.
So is Yunli schizophrenic or what?
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Come back to bed, Susie. You have a long day of patrols tomorrow and Guinaifen can't sleep unless there's one of us on either side of her.
lol so the brownoid is now using booru Kafka pictures to seethe about firefly at least its a change from aventurine
>zero trailblazer CG pics
yep the chinks will kekpost tomorrow.
Tell em, sis
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Yet. One would assume she will when she reappears. Would be quite easy if (You) are the one to save her and she becomes infatuated with (You).
Hi retards
Which one of the upcoming chinks is the slimiest, most disgusting metafaggy powercreep?
I know for a fact not a single soul is excited for any of that garbage so I guarantee they'll be broken beyond belief (for 1 patch)
Bonus points if it's a sustainer
Best quest.
Kinda hilarious how that ship was quietly sacked
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>foot crept
>nail polish crept
Yunli OWNS this general now
F in acting, trying to rally Kafkabros to his cause
holy fucking kinoooooooooooo
4 tailed Ting will be a villain so she won't be playable yet
I'm downloading your game now!!!

It's ZZZ right?
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we will never recover from this
Kek the poor schizo can only make shit up from back then hoping no one will call him out
Yeah but March got mysterious MC powers, effort can't beat that
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I regret picking Stelle. I thought this would be like Genshin were ather is a cuck manlet and loom is to be bred, so I auto picked the girl.
my nigga was about to bitchslap feixiao for talking shit about blade
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Yunli will NEVER drip
>But its ok when women and girls have to do it
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If you can't tell the difference between people getting excited over a single image with some lines in a sidequest and whatever the fuck has been going on with the threads since 2.0 I don't know what to tell you.
Yunli talk rather fondly or at least not bad of Blade so grandpa probably told her good things
she's schizo-core
I wonder how our Lance and Har act. Are they retarded too?
Not him but that was not even close to the level of Firefly spam we get now. It's almost like she drew in a certain audience along with paid shills, as we know MHY invested a lot of money into shilling her.
Speaking of which, any word on theories for what's up with that?
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Yes. And you get her for free.
In normal circumstances, I'd say Yunli is ultra schizophrenic, but in this case I think our bat (that we stole from Herta) being as retard as we are is the unquestionable truth
I would sex this sword master in 10 years
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Stelle is to be bred though.

She's the sire, but she's still very much all about breeding.
Quantum destruction
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I don't care about any schizophrenic meltdown, i come here, post firefly, then dip.
Firefly unironically killed the game, they shilled her so fucking much I cannot imagine shelving her for new bait
ALTHOUGH I will laugh my ass off if she actually ges shelved from the story and Mihomo casually cooks up a new lowest common denominator (You)bait pandering whore, and all the firefags immediately forget drop her for the new hotness
Just switched my Boothill Cavalry relics to Eagle Set and I fucking regret it. I can't go back to Cavalry now but my Eagle pieces are mid af and make my BE suffer. Action Advance is so good bros does anyone still want the Ice Set from the Eagle domain??
bwos.. what do we have going for us
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Tell me /hsrg/ why "the flying comet"?
>ruan mei is also part of the chinasloppa arc
Blade was described as an arrogant upstart when he was young, he had one quote in that JL quest about how he would prove to the long life species his superiority as an expert blacksmith despite being a short life one. Basically calling them lazy hacks spoiled by longevity, he sounded cool
What will HSR do when the new open world Honkai Final Fantasy inspired MMORPG releases?
Shitsha looks so fucking bland, can't believe she's a 5-star.
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>people already forgot that there was a self-insertchad (tb x kafka) vs cuckschizo (blade x kafka) war all the way back in 1.0 to 1.3
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Who knows
hopefully, maybe i won't be called a homo/femcel anymore for not liking that bitch
You saw her before picking though. You knew she wasn't as breedable as Lumine. You could have made the right choice then and there.
>Stelle is to be bred though.
But no male in game wants her. She is so stinky and ugly that not even the male species, famous for fucking everything will look twice at her.
i don't like this webm
Based, see you soon bro
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I need Sunday to punish me bad.
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote and their opinions are worthless. So are they after a certain age, which is by the way, as nature intended it.
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It's one retard
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is it really that good? do you get 1 more turn after your ultimate?
Ah yes I remember when some were spamming "Kafka canon love!" on random generals about different games, replied to themselves 20 times per thread and seethed about men and "homos"
Wait that never happened
...out of 10!
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Then what does that make Sparkle, who's able to repel Stelle with her close proximity?
not going back to warcraft and star wars again retard
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the only 1.0-1.3 schizos i remember are OG Hertaschizo and Destructionschizo
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I remember the arguments and it wasn't even close to what's happening with Firefly.
Self inserters are objectively a vocal minority. Get over it.
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Susie, look up the definition of the word "sire"
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You get called a homo/femcel for preferring any waifu to Firefly. That's their cope that not everyone's favorite girl is Firefly. Sad thing is they have MHY's blessing.
2.4 and 1.1 hsr and zzz are going to be so dead
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He couldn't even fly
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>Is Ruan Mei evil?!
>Is Jade evil?
Yes. All women are evil.
You guys will just seethe about the next female character like the husbandomains
This anon is correct >>488125731 we solve this by sending women and homos back to genshin
A fight that yancuck lost
Blade in the middle of this image is making me laugh way more than it should.
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Would you prefer Moze?
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>Feixiao story and banner
>This general and Reddit will be discussing Firefly instead of the new story
>People will keep seething at the sigga as well
How did Shaoji do it?
Do you honestly believe the Firefly shitposters on other generals are being genuine or even play HSR at all? Much less the same ones who post her here? Really that's just the byproduct of HSR having gotten more popular because of her, if Kafka was released during a height of popularity and in a new planet, she would've gotten the same schizos
dawei is doing those on purpose for natlan unfortunately
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Funny how nature intended m*les to die earlier
No one seethed about Kafka when her quest came out.
It just one nigger with a VPN.
TheKafblade poster fled after a month and is still seething about it on /gig/.
Whenever you bring you Kafka there he starts seething again.
we're at least 2
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>Topaz is shipshit
>Yunli is shipshit
>Feixiao is shipshit
owari da...
nah, I call you a homo because all you do every day is shit on females. you are totally cool with sucking cock, but females? not your cup of tea, so they should be deleted from the girl.

straight males don't seethe this hard on females, we do have favourites but we don't promote your shitty propaganda
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If Lingsha's boobs are bigger than Feixiao's I will mald.
Women flirt with Stelle to tease her about how she looks like a dyke but then go fuck males.
Cumming in a few seconds while fucking Sparkle!
Men are stronger than women.
That's a bold assumption to make and a disingenuous one at that. But it's ironic because as mentioned earlier Kafka is still more recognizable than Firefly.
How to improve Jingliu DMG? + What's the optimal team? Have E0S1 and pretty much all the characters
>everyone that dislikes shitfly is a gayhomofujowoman anal worms [buzzword]
We're over this, your shilled cancer waifu has no substance other than marketing
Based desu
they are
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Not immediately but you mostly get an extra turn right before the enemy recovers their toughness to full again which honestly seems to be worth alot more for Boothill's damage than a bit more BE. Though I will keep testing the Advance for now and see if it's worth the fuels to farm a whole new set for.
damage control, this new patch is kekshit, chinks will have a melty again tomorrow
space china is a kekold region
what propaganda lmao
you're high bro
What art is this retard talking about?
Your Natlan? Are you saying you don't understand the company's schedule, or are you that braindead?
Good. It's a retarded ship anyway, Blade probably can't even get a boner.
It seems my post made this woman angry
>Kafka is shipshit
OHnonononon...!!! Bladefags... not like this!?
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For those who have it, how much of an improvement is Firecone? Worth going for a copy on her rerun?
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Who's getting the best head?
yeah it doesn't sound bad, especially in AS
>Meltdown over firefly
>0 IPC posts
Blade is for Bailu
>cute biological girl exists
>boo stupid incels rope tonight!
>some dude exists
>he's so cute I'd marry him!
I'm nooticin
open up star rail on your personal computer
the art you see on the launcher is the one they're talking about
Firefaggots have the largest persecution complex I've ever seen
They have all of mihoyo shilling their shitfu with unprecedented amounts of advertising, campaigns, writing the story around her, having every character praise her, and setting her up as the ultimate winner
Yet somehow they think they're a plucky infantry company of the last "straight men" resisting against a horde of homos and femcels lmao
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No you aren't
People like me post Acheron and hags all the time and I was never called such
If anything I was shat on by yurifags way more
I’m not going to take a bath today and instead stay in bed all day
Where are these people coming from.
homotrannies like the ipc because there's a homo and yuripander, so you won't see any seething about the ipc ever
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IPCfag here, what do you want me to post
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It's always r/HonkaiHusbandos
cute whale
They're the definition of insecure. Firefly got basically everything and they still want more, they still want everyone to suck her off as if she's curing cancer instead of dying from it in 5 years.
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Space China
dude you seriously need to touch grass
reddit and discord raid, they alwaysvcome here during leaks stream and patch days.
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IPC goon #14254 here.
I rolled for FIrefly btw
Its always the ipcniggers falseflaging
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Is Kafka still for (me)?
Honestly, what is this pose even?
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Reminder that Stelle was simping for Argenti hard yet he still picked plant pot over her
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Ironic posts
>he doesn't know about stoneflop schizo
Firefly haters are more obnoxious than Firefly lovers
>last 5 threads are filled with anti-firefly seething
>stupid firefaggots, why do you think people give a damn about your failed wife?
Just woke up, did YanKING finally won?
What is she doing
Lingsha is part of Fireflys team so she'll be certified for you like Firefly and the rapist Ruan Mei.
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You are talking to it, bro
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Based, everyone loves Hotaru
march hate and 2.4 line count

600+ fucking lines for march, hope someone makes a mod that delete all her voice files so I can play the story in peace
In what sense?
for me, is the stonebombs because all their banners bombed.
we've always been there, people talked about firefly shilling so it devolved naturally into this
Yes, all SH are
All of them
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There was so much Sam/Firefly art and stuff like your webm that all came out before Firefly was officially confirmed as being Sam.

I know the leaks are always trustworthy for stuff like this, but they aren't official. It's weird to have a really high quality piece of art that is technically based off of quasi-legally distributed information that is not confirmed.
Any last words, Stellaron Hunter??
I am....the Flying Comet...
*Slashes ACKeron in half
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Lol, he jobbed to one finger
we love march here troony
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Why do you need TB to get harem, when they have the best waifu Firefly? We won already. Are you just going to toss her (the canon gf) aside like old broken toy and go for the next bitch?
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Sex with Bladie
>Call out people
>meltdown stops
>IPC posts
I run this general from the shadows
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He's winning as we speak
I want more.
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2 actually
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>March has 600 lines
Holy fucking YAP
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It's literally her event, what do you want her to do? Stay mute while you do everything for her?
True, Gallagher is for (you) so his replacement has no excuse
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I actually kinda agree with the redditor now, this pose is so fucking weird.
She needs a good fucking dicking.
they just wanted to show her feet
My nigga Skott!!???
I didn't even spend a single roll on her and was never going to
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>Firefaggots have the largest persecution complex I've ever seen
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>uhhh, let's explore the area up ahead later...
Mystery nigga
Sparkle you don't know shit about alchemy stop cosplaying...
She mogs 44 so fucking hard its not funny...
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>last 200 threads are filled with Firefly spam
>people complain
>instantly get drowned in shitposting
And this is why she killed the game
Why pull for future characters when they'll be shafted in the story to shill Firefly?
The dynamic between TB and Kafka is gone, soon it'll be revealed your secret destiny together was her setting you up with Firefly lmfao
Hmm, he improved from the last time we saw him. Maybe in patch 9.0 you will need to use one hand to beat him
She probably just has a lot of branching dialogue, remember Firefly "300 lines" that don't actually exist because she just had thrice as much the dialogue reactivity?
Based Skott dabbing all over Dog Shang.
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Mr Tail has lines but no Huohuo?
>talks about something else
>discussion shifts
woah, how does he do it?
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The whole point of for (you) characters is to appeal to everyone, SAMwife was a step in the right direction, now give me a cute dragon for (you) to go on festival dates with
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All of you have finished your Hunt March prefarming, right?
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she's flying
and she's about to swallow all your tickets
No one likes your shitty fox
are you blind
bros, I'm playing this patch on mute. I can't handle even one of march's lines with that screeching voice, if I listen to 600 of them I'll probably lose my mind
Yanqing truly is the most gifted swordsman!
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Wouldn't it be a shame if Skott was found on the xianzhou luofu with all his bones broken by a giant chicken of mysterious origin slamming him into the pavement...
>somehow Silver Wolf returned
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true, but I don't think you know anyone with a good dick
Whenever one of these chick say "unlike you incels, we are completely sane" I always think of this picture, utterly deranged.
I think so
I farmed Doombeast materials for her
Please be a snek, I offer all my prayers and one of my kidneys
bailu date next update don't worry
Stoneflops lmao
>>>>>>>>no fu xuan
Why is every QQ post talking about penises?
this doggy sure barks weird
>cool character
>proceed to sleep
>absorb all Loufo foods
>eat all your tickets
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Stonesessed and stonelly ill
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It would be such a shame if Susie destroyed my pelvis with her massive cock
How long until patch?
>Get a mandated gf
>jobs to every character released from now on

Was it really worth it for KING
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Will we need to be caught up on the main story to get the free march? I only just now beat aventurine so I’m guessing I’m only half way through the words words.
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why are we winning
Least disingenuous post ITT
You only need to beat Xianzhou story to participate in the new event, penacony isn't relevant or needed.
Makes sense.
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fofo carry
>see fofo in title
>+1 post
Discord raid.
The Flying Comet wouldn't job to Feixiao
Just saying
Why would discord raid something so insignificant like a 4chan general?
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That's just stating the obvious
>implying Blade has ever won something
He's just a jobber like Yanqing and Xueyi
Is people posting her spam?
Kneel to the stars of /hsrg/
Well if no one wants Stelle then I'll take her
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why is the loli pregananant
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2 more weeks sis
a month ago /zzz/ exposed a reddit mod
literally WHO asked for a Yanqing focused patch????????????????
Anon there are organized discord servers that raid /v/ 24/7 and also anti gacha servers that do the same in /vg/
Feetchads: Clara's bare feet or Yunli's bare feet
All these seethe is just to cover how much of a shitshow feixiao is gonna be as a character
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At least three patches per expansion of any Hoyo game must be focused on chinese cultural values.
Or someone from the thread messaged the reddit mod to troll them so they deleted their shit
more likely than the ZZZ reddit mods browsing the oghuz turkic saddlemaking furum
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Jing Liu defeated Blade with rather ease.
Do you guys think She's stronger than a general?
I made her pregante
Really hope March carries this story. The 304 yanqing lines is concerning.
even without updates we are winning
Okay great, all I need to hear. Now I wonder if new march will instantly power creep jade or if she will work well with her
Until they are replaced by the new hype characters of 3.0, like it always is with these games
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ZZZ that dead already, huh?
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She jobbed to Sleepy Juan so no
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zzz is just a hsrg colony
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>depends on what
On how many episodes she has to charge up
my wife chinkloo
Fuck, I completely forgot about that
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Just realised that I spent 2 hours doing nothing, not even launch HSR or watch a video, I just scroll and read all posts on /hsrg/.
Honkai: Star Rail
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Define spam then, cause that's all I see
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And it will be another IPC character
*/gig/-/bag/ colony
The firefly shitters don't count, they spam everywhere
>Dan Heng
He did it, he got off the train!!
I might roll for that chink space general and break my no chink rules... racism bros, help
Nah zzz is at a the same speed it was for the entirety of last week
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Oh cutie, you have chronic depression and autism and no one informed you of your obvious symptoms.

First time?
first time?
Explain how the frequency and amount of Firefly posts isn't spam.
I flopped...
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Can't wait to hear her yaps on my ears.
I flopped
All things are cyclical anon
I for one, hope agleia make people seethe as much as firefly
>She's stronger than a general?
Fraudyuan?? LOL
Real question is: How big is the gap between her and Acheron because, unless Feixiao will pull out "Strongest Arbiter of China", JingLiu will remain Number 2 up until Nihility Arc or even longer.
It's always fucking support sets, man...
anon... >>488130563
Can she satisfy TB Stellaron powered cock alone though? Chadwick said TB surging vitality is inexhaustible and constantly overflowing. He needs a harem sex or he will explode one day
>EHR not SPD
not that bad with the sigga on the team
her head looks as empty as sushang
Who is /ourgirl/? Qingque? Huohuo? Stelle? Silver Wolf?
>t. every character I dislike
i guess ratio being completely naked in a tub in his trailer doesnt count right?
Shes popular you dingleberry
Popular characters get more art and thus more posts
If people are just posting about a character and don't prevent you from posting yourself, then what's the issue
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Cute dork.
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it's ok she was a slave, she basically lost her nationality
>stoneflop schizo meltdown again
It's over for this thread. Just hope 2.5 leak coming out soon
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uhhhhhh hi :]
My friend, are you aware you are the one having a meltdown here?
Evolve into Elysia already you little shit!!!!
I cummed slopped and pissed.
I have way more love than a single woman can contain. I am overflowing with love and want to shower all shapes and sizes of cuties with love. I fucking LOVE WOMEN.
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go forth, spread my word to the world, my brethren... May Chaos take the world
Agleia kinda ugly tho
Just pretend the Yaoqing is not chinese but american/chink because it's a major IPCpartner
It's okay Firefly, the devs will shill you again soon
Nobody else gets the same extent of posts that Firefly gets. Every single thread for the past 5 or so months has had a solid fourth of the images taken up entirely by her, if not more. Do you see this happening with Kafka? Do you see this happening with Acheron? Do you see this happening with Trailblazer in general? It's spam.
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Both moze and gay fox are hardcore for feixiao
Both at once
Yumes get nothing
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What he >>488130924 said
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A tiny girl super broke you...
Jing Yuan one shotted her so no
Reinforcing my point, thank you.
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You are sitting quietly in the living room waiting TV with your favorite railer, she's just scrolling through her phone as usual and then you realize her hands are down her pants/skirt and she is lazily masturbating while breathily whispering your name.

How do you react? Do you just leave her be?
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I like all feet but if I had to choose it'd be Yunli's bare feet
>Nobody else gets the same extent of posts that Firefly gets.
Anon discovers that more people like firefly that the rest of characters
nta but your next cope reply will be "I accept your consession"
Damn did you know Firefly has more art than most characters too? I can't believe artists are spamming her like that...
They revealed in the Penacony art book that they specifically made it seem as if she smiled when she got taken out by LL. So they want to keep the possibility that she held herself back when under Mara so she could be stopped by Jing Yuan. They are probably never going to confirm or deny who of the two is stronger
She wants to be straight but nobody lets her >>488128597
You're not helping... you're just coping. Is racism over?
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>posted twice on the entire thread
Anyway, let this shithole get overtaken by fateniggers and firefly spammers, it is deserved
If there's 50 threads about a random shitcoin with 1m marketcap and 1k holders on /biz/ it's obviously spam because there's no way such a small token would have that many people posting about it
If there's 50 threads about Bitcoin on /biz/, it isn't spam because Bitcoin is the most popular crypto
Now, given that Firefly is by far the most popular waifu in this general, I would expect there to be many Firefly posts
I love women. I hate men. My favourite character is Himeko.
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Shes very, very popular
It's not a conspiracy, it's just how it is
Helps that there's no new character that has generated anything close to interest, what else is coming up
None are particularly interesting
New patch preload datamines plus waiting room for 2.5 datamines
Tell her she's distracting me from watching tv and ask her to go in another room
Lost to JY, and he should be weaker than Feixiao
That's assuming every post is a different individual, which is a retarded assumption to make.
Are the artists constantly reposting images in here, flooding the thread with her? Irrelevant.
>no Blade
Damn, I wanted him to meet Yunli and Huaiyan
So is Sus based on Estelle from Trails?
Cause that series was the last time I saw a girl this dumb, plus same hair style and color.
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They're sharing my cum btw
VERY grim. They just got a new character. I guess ZZZ'rs are just bootlickers that got bored of the new trend and came back to hsrg
Do her right there and then without asking
Huaiyan talks about him at least
And I will roll for them too, and I will keep laughing at losers that mald at them, just like now
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Silver sex
You can just play both, stamina limits how much you can play one of the two games anyway.
It's spam regardless, 50 threads is an excessive amount of threads about any one thing.
>Shes very, very popular
This is not popularity, this is spam. I'm not even denying that she IS popular, I'm saying that people are constantly reposting her and filling threads with images of her. These threads are spammed with her. Nobody else gets this treatment, nor have they ever gotten this treatment.
Why would Robin kiss someone right after she gave me a blowjob?
Spamming is against the rules.
If I, a short lived species, impregnated a long-lived species such a QQ, would our children live long or not?
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It's popularity and you're just coping
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I am the lord, of those thou art flopped, and one day we shall return together to our home, bathing in rays of flops.
zzz is just trash gameplay, the game could have been better, maybe they rushed it for some reason, maybe some idiot in the dev team thought people would spend for it and it would become the new genshin.
Mods and jannies barely enforce the rules as is.
If it is, then how come this situation has never happened with any other character in the game?
reddit mod behavior
They would be long-lived, part of the reason the Xianzhou people aren't allowed to travel freely is that they don't want their immortal babies to spread
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When SAM is in Complete Combustion with a Break Effect that is equal to or greater than 200%/360%, attacking a Weakness-Broken enemy target will convert the Toughness Reduction of this attack into 1 instance of 35%/50% Super Break DMG.
hmm...a bit too paggy for me
Boothilll...Aventurine...Argenti...Blade...Ratio...Daniel...Luocha...Jing Yuan...
Favorite star rail
Favorite zzz
Favorite bangboo
Favorite genshin
Favorite color
Favorite food
Favorite animal
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Stop offending my Wife!
My heroine
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I can almost see her pantsu
SIlver Wolf
>transil woke up
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I think you don't know what "spamming" is.
Blue, no YELLOOOOO000000oooooooo....
why do you care THAT much though? I don't like firefly and would prefer to see spam for sparkle and clara, sure, but I don't make these screeching essays, I just let them post what they like.

why do you have to be a literal snowflake?
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Never played jenshin
Shrimp Curry
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Favorite credit card numbers
Favorite full name
Favorite address
Weight of last defacation
Anal circumference
Deepest fear
Most socially unacceptable fetish
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>Nobody else gets the same extent of posts that Firefly gets
Be the change you want to see, instead of whining.
You don't need multiple posts to have a meltdown
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Be straight with me anons, who is the actual footslut of this game?
blackedschizo is the surveytroon?
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I think you're the one who doesn't if you're pretending it isn't spam.
>why do you care THAT much though?
It's obnoxious as fuck and I'm sick of seeing it clog up the thread for months.
It's like 3 sentences at most.
>dude just spam back
>>transil woke up
Oh I don't know, the one character that actually shows their feet in their animations?
>survey post
>immediately followed by blacked post
I'm noticing again.
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Then be outclassed, outmaneuvered, outmatched FOREVER.
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An anon did a cum tribute to hanabi's feet before she was even out
HE is back
Anything but green since it's the worst color to ever work with both digital and traditional
Tonkatsu ramen
Im noticing that he appeared after the meltdown stopped.
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Anon you can't just make shit up just because you feel like it
If the thread isn't getting derailed with off-topic and making it literally unusable, if no one is breaking any rules, then nothing wrong is bring done. This is a free forum and people are allowed to post what they like of they're not off-topic or breaking any rules. The cuckshit spam gets deleted, do you want to know why?
>Weight of last defacation
I need to get a weight scale sensitive enough to actually let me measure this.
>54 gram shit today boys, feeling fresh
Tinky Winky
Taco Bell
Tapu Lele
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Posting what you like is not spam fag
Sharing a image you like is one of the functions of a image board
A lot of images I post are from less popular artists you'd never see otherwise
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I want to fap to sushang but she has no porn
the mind is the greatest theater. If that don't work, write smut until you get a boner.
How are the fireflyposters so strong?
pick up a pencil and be the change you want to see
If anything you posting things like this is more of a spam than anything else we had ITT, since it's kind of a meta discussion rather than a videogame discussion
Uh oh, Gojoshizo melty
>my nigga Argenti got recast

1-9 take a nap
0 suffer
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Where are the v2.5 leaks? I need to see Lingsha's kit
Having a meltdown is off topic
miss sparkle's tiny cock....
Is there gonna be a new echo of war with the new patch, or I can go ahead and do my 3/3 run?
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It's funny because the only "spam" I saw of Firefly recently that isn't obviously from anons just posting a character they like are the same image caefly threads and cuckposter, both of which are definitely botted without any shadow of a doubt
>the femcels are NOT happy about Yunli that they want to cry
Never give them an inch.
yup. another good thread
In like 12 hours
>Anon you can't just make shit up just because you feel like it
How am I "making shit up"? Look at the threads, you'll see how often she's posted. It's obvious as fuck.
>Posting what you like is not spam fag
And this clearly isn't just that. Do you really consider a significant portion of the thread being filled with Firefly alone "posting what they like" and not "deliberately spamming"?
>If anything you posting things like this is more of a spam than anything else we had ITT
>since it's kind of a meta discussion rather than a videogame discussion
Spam doesn't intrinsically mean "off topic".
Based Gojo-kun coming in right on time to teach us what "spamming" is.
I kinda feel bad for him after finding out what he looks like.
Hoyo is going overboard with the Yunli feet stuff, they do remember she's supposed to be 12 right? Seems like they are begging for her to be fetishized.

there is a very large overlap between the ppl that unironically like feet and ppl that enjoy... "younger women" amongst weebs.

At least from what noticed. Hoyo knows what theyre doing.
Why does cute bare girl feet make femcels seethe
No new echo of war, you're free to do them today
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This gif means a lot to me
Why are my gameplay questions never replied to?
Please… I just want the dialogue for the event/missions, so I can finally know if there’s Yanqing x Yunli shipbait or not. I don’t consider them being on the same screen together “shipbait,” I mean I want to know if there’s dialogue like Yanqing stuttering about Yunli or Yunli blushing and being awkward around Yanqing.
Wasnt aventurines backstory literally beeing a slave giving fuel to lots of shota fanfics on archive?
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omai wa mo shinderou
and then you edit in an ear splitting screech
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>shitposter gave up and went back to spamming the same pics
lol lmao
Homos really are mentally ill
Because I don't know anything about the game, I just like watching ryona pics of Fofo
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Same reason a cute Firefly makes them seethe.
Because asking a question in this general is pointless outside of dead hours.
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It is cause people genuinely like firefly, she has a fuckload of new art being made, thus people post it
How self centered you gotta be that just because someone posts a character you don't like is spam?
I post images of all characters I like but since newer ones tend to be firefly cause nips and chinks love her, I post her a lot
It is more important to answer to trannies having melties
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You forgot the lust provoking image
Hsrg unironicaly is just shitposting central nowadays, if you want to have any actual discussion about the game you should come here after the first few days of a new patch
How do we make Yunli less misogynistic and degrading?
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>get one of your discord friends to pretend to be mad at firefly spam so you can act like you're a sane poster
>get another to be the gojo cuck poster
the sheer desperation for firefly relevance after her banner ended truly is amazing
>Favorite star rail
>Favorite zzz
I haven't played that
>Favorite bangboo
>Favorite genshin
Hu Tao
>Favorite color
Blue I guess
>Favorite food
Thus might sound rather basic but I love pizza so much you might think I am a Turtle
>Favorite animal
I like Owls
No, but you keeping up with it is.
>a significant portion
A significant portion of what? You previously said it's about a quarter, so what the fuck are you "missing" or "losing"? Did you want to use those 50 images for yourself? Threads barely last two hours, what kind of plot point are you losing because 50ish (your words) images that are not spam exist in that same thread?
>Lingsha is nowhere near as cute as she looks in her splash art
>Fei Xiao's skills are some furry shit
SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP!!!! What the fuck are we expecting in 2.6?
remove more of her clothes
idk i might have missed them
Give her a cock and balls
When I reply giving someone actual gameplay info, and they don't reply with a thank you or a follow up question, I just assume they didn't read me helping them and it greatly discourages me from posting future help.
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>It is cause people genuinely like firefly,
Then why hasn't this happened with anyone else? I've asked this MULTIPLE times and I have yet to get an answer.
>A significant portion of what?
The thread? The images in the thread? Pay attention.
lol, how did /trash/ lingo make it to reddit?
everytime i think i'm ugly there is someone worse
maybe i was too harsh on myself
>I love pizza so much you might think I am a Turtle
I like you anon
Gooning is now general gen-z/alpha lingo
WE did, sister
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>Reddit rage baiting posting
How can a girl mindbreak an individual that hard. How does she do it?
Extremely funny
step outside of 4chan unc....
Hope those people really leave
>people here in /hsrg/thinks she looks like a tranny
>go to arca.live where all the korean incels are and they hate LGBT and tranny shit
>they love it and think she looks hot
Why the difference?
Kek Firefly really mind broke this faggot
>he replied to himself, because he got no (you)s
Screwllum and Aglaea
Me on the left
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Because she's breakout hit, cause they didn't do something like her before
You could say firefly was a prototype to see if waifufags bought, ence why she was so by the numbers
It was a success
Not rocket science
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so gatekeep these people harder, got it
Those were shitposters retard
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Okay but why did you post Lucy?
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Yunli & Jiaoqiu & March china 4 star
Feixiao & Lingsha & Moze 4 star
New SU expansion
Screwllum & Stephen lloyd trust the plan
Make her a lesbian
>ugh i genuinely feel terrible now
kek this is so funny
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>en argenti and tail voice changed
moving to jp. death to america. i'll turn on en every once in a while for miss sperkle
We LOVE reddit here. If you don't like it, it means you hate laughing at retards.
I created life inside Ruan Mei
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>"waaaah! firefly fans are always spamming by posting about their favorite character(?)"
>firefly seethers shit up the thread 100 times worse every single day
Why are pagcels like this?
the reason why /zzz are free from fujofags. can't wait to see their reaction to the Idol faction
Wtf I'm you?
Read the rest of the post, dumbo
>New SU expansion
>Screwllum & Stephen lloyd trust the plan
xhe doesn't know...
>Lucy without mole
you think you can escape the mole inspector you stupid shit? FUCK YOU.
the most ironic post here
>free from fujofags
>replaced by furniggers
nta but let's not pretend both sides aren't equal in making the thread worse
Black Swan has to be faster than Kafka right?
why are feminazis so autistic?
threadshitters aren't human
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god every time I see Pela I just want to cum all over her glasses. I'm glad she's a strong character
they said 2.7 in the same post where she was leaked
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Notice how the Firefly meltdown stopped the moment blackedposting started
Artist: Should the art focus on the feet or chest.

Hoyo: yes
And somehow /zzz/ is the most chill hoyo general when compared to here and /gig/
doesn't she actually have a damage reaction that is "not my glasses!" or am I thinking of sucrose
so tungyun sunday and aglaea are all in 2.6?
there also rappa fugue and screwlum
>this is you on /trash/
>one side just posts the character they like, the other side spams absolute dogshit out of spite
not equal in the slightest
Want me to post something from r/GirlGamers instead?
although he has poor taste, he's doing the job in our stead
no need to double down
I feel so bad her sob story was so good, but I'm so jaded that started making jokes about "giving her a new family with my dick"
We don't know retard
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Clara was the first barefooted girl, no actual feet pandering, in universe her fans sell feet merch of her
Silver Wolf while not showing even a hint of feet has been adopted by the fanbase as the most popular footgirl
Sparkle has feet tease here and there, second most popular among feet artist
And the new girl who shows feet even on her ultimate
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She really likes his sword if you know what I mean
just go to twitter, tranny
Why does that matter? Are you one of those retarded shippers?
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>death doesn't exist in dreamscape so KAKA URINE wanted Acheron to kill him in order to "prove it"

Why couldn't he just jump off a building or neck himself?

The game wouldn't let him?
I was trying to be nice to Fireflybros but since you want to be like that I will say it: Firefly singlehandedly made these threads 10x worse, the other side only exists because of how obnoxious her posters have been since 2.0
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I noticed the English language makes everything sound like cuckery
Notice how the firefly posting stopped when it happened
very curious
yunli rant
just wtf…. I feel sick… I saw people making fun of the login art so I tried to look for it but saw her burst animation instead and how it spends like 2 seconds on her feet. that was already enough to make me want to rant because I genuinely find her adorable when I watched her in the livestream but why do they need to shove their coomerbait into our faces. and then i actually got linked to the login art and I’m just straight up disgusted. like I actually want to cry almost. it’s so frustrating because yunli is young, that pose is ridiculous and there is just something so misogynistic about it. like are the men ever going to be put into ridiculous hentai-adjacent poses like that? no, they’re not, because people would make fun of it, be homophobic, say shit like it’s emasculating and degrading. but it’s ok when women and girls have to do it. I hate this so much…
i blame fofo
So true xis, I'd rather see black men cocks than cute girls being posted
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skipsister... he did, it's the first thing he and Ratio talk about, the entire prove death doesn't exist thing was because of Robin supposedly dying for real
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I finally went to see this subreddit after the spamming and there's like 100 members there, why are you fags so obesseed
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There's like 4k firefly art on the boorus. The NTR/black porn of her is dozens at absolute best. He's definitely mindbroken.
This thread is just embarrassing.
I still prefer them over gaylords and trannies like you
>STILL not used to the Stelle shitpost
Come on now.
looks like you can't read
I love firefly
>Yunli making femcels having full melty

Yeah sorry but Yunli blows the shit out of JobbingQing

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
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Is there any point at increasing treshhold protocol in cyclical? Do you get more rewards? (assuming you've already cleared it once)
Jesus Koreans are obsessed with blacked shit
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I'm not gonna make it bros I need the kits now
Yeah he should make new ones with AI at least, he doesn't seem that dedicated
No there is no benefit to it.
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fap yourself to sleep
I'm not gonna blame firefly posters for her obnoxious haters, thats stupid. Same for the sigga posters. Those 2 characters have a strange ability to make the most annoying retards seethe like no other
No. Think of it as the same shit with GnG and Swarm, if you're done then you don't need to touch it again.
Forgive me If I have it wrong
But arent those two meant for each other lorewise?
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>walk in
>be a tremendous homosexual
>execute a 10 layered keikaku
>destroy the most precious thing you own
>have a mental breakdown
>die (intentionally)
>achieve absolutely fucking nothing that wouldn't have happened anyways
>someone else comes in and gets a deal in 5 minutes by just actually talking to the person in charge of the planet's economics.
>Make a bet that you'll kill yourself if you get demoted.
>Trial deciding if you get fired for your incompetence is decided by a margin of one vote.
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Challenge+ a bit more points.
At first clear you get some jades and some other mats
You don't get more rewards. It's just for fun and tryharding outside of clearing the 1 time missions.
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>whining about people whining about people whining about people whining about pe
I don't talk to shipfags
because is fun seeing the femcels seethe as much as the incels here do despite the femcels attempts at "superiority"
our sigga always wins baybeeeeee
Pretty sure our threads move fast, we don't even hit the image cap 90% of the time
Even ITT with people posting images to spite you, and people posting cuckshit to spite them, we're above 700 posts already and still not capped
Yeah, everything is cucking to those persons though.
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I finally got the photos' message from firefly. I'm blessed.
What is the image cap of vg nowadays, 300?
what happens if you hit the cap before 700 posts? never seen that happen, are you blocked from posting more images or something?
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I’m not talking about ships, just actual lore in the game. I thought she was especially meant to be his sparing partner
I could care less about ships especially to the biggest wimp in the game
they need a new boogeyman to obsess over
>People seething at firefly
>Newfags on 4chan
yes, happens pretty often in /bag/
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350 irc
When will anti-self-inserttrannies fuck off?
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Her game.
Her general.
Her meta.
Her DU.
wait until you realize that /hsrg/ is like three people
>they are mentally ill
>it's fine
>we're mentally ill
>I forbid you reeeeeeeeeee
You just can’t post images anymore yeah
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Yeah, it's shipshit, but not cuckshit
Some tards cannot tell the difference tho
And skipping someone over it is valid too
When pags learn their place
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I can't bake Fofo bread but hopefully someone will in my stead
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Hey boys, I noticed while I was scratching some cards that you seem to be hanging out in front of the smoke-shop so I brought you a pack~

Oh no, don't worry it's on the house~ and I know a place we can hang out without the po-po or your parents narc'ing on our vibe. C'mon, it'll be fun~ You can take turns~
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Our heroine
>their place
You mean HSR? Since this game was built with self-inserting in mind and has always been advertised with it
All women must be meant for me therefore them having relationships with someone else is cuckoldry by default
why do you trannies think pags persecute you?

I didnt even know 4chin had an image cap. I've never seen any thread reach it
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Post her feet
I don't care if they are mentally ill because I don't go see them unless they are forcing them on me like right now.
350 has been the cap for some years now, and yes, when it caps you cannot post any images anymore until it uncaps (meaning you can delete old posts that you made with images to free a slot and post a new image)
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>3 firefly threads
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These are the same people who post tweets that have only 5 likes. They are literal schizos who purposely seek it content that upsets them just to fuel their schizophrenic delusions.
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>all firefly threads
>it's not spam or a discord group though, it's totally genuine and organic
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Hoyo creates the most inoffensive looking female ever. Homo/fujo status = mind broken

Ominipandering was a mistake. Do you think the chinsect bugmen will ever realize that?
I don't have a single limited sustain unit

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