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Previous: >>488111540

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
homos get the rope
we are all gay here we absolutely are
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subscribe for more waterkuma news
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The Hoshimi Family Crest is a demon of death.
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Go Vote!
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wish I had money to gacha
Loli cop or you're BRICKED.
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Shes so hot
I do want Caesar too though and I know this leak is bogus so I'm gonna have to get lucky
I hate this, I hate this fucking swap system so fucking bad, it's making high level content so much harder than it has to be

>UI isn't accurate to the actual directions shown (Ie the character on the left swaps with the right trigger, and the character on the right swaps with the left trigger)
>Even if you take this into account, the game arbitrarily decides sometimes to have the character you dont want flash in the bottom of the corner and even if they're on a certain side of the screen it'll reverse the buttons
>Constantly have to fight with the game to swap the character you want in

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tried my best to make this brick work, but Ellen and Zhu Yuan are just so much better. Rip resources
Why is Elden Ring such a good game and what can ZZZ learn from it?
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what the fuck is a 'heavy defensive' and 'chain defensive'?
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post wipeouts
They do physical damage, buds.
Anon you realize that's entirely becuase all the content in the game is based around shilling for Ellen and Zhu? The both of them get like 50% free damage for no reason in every shiyu stage on top of everything being weak to them.
Just wait for the rat and neko will pop off
>arbitrarily decides
Learn what your damn characters do
I missed the 50/50 on Zhu and I have 50 rolls left
Can I guarantee both the loli and the rat?
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You know whats even worse? The fucking camera locking on to another target when you're already focusing down on one. I fucking hate that a new enemy can spawn and my camera does a 180 and faces it while the robot I was fighting literally rapes me from behind.
question about HZ, is it even possible to reach Level 50? even with day one start? the Weekly XP cap seems extremely blocking
>robots resist fire
>like 60% of the game's content is vs robots
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not done yet but i'm sleepy
Guessing regular(yellow) vs heavy(red) boss attacks
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Invest horizontally don't brick your account
usually when you parry they're light parries
but some bosses have attacks where when you parry them your screen goes black and white for a second and you can't follow up with an attack which is what im guessing is heavy defensive
chain defensive is probably when bosses hit you multiple times in a row
invest horizontally past level 40 knot level
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Maybe the pink slut if she goes well with RAT
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>open door
>Wise get in the car! We're gonna go arrest Phaeton!!!
what do you do?
Yeah shit makes me not want to bother with SD, when you fail by like 15 seconds and realize you spent at least 20 fighting with the game itself and the controls, feels really shitty and unnecessary
Should I buy out the entire purple Z-merits shop? I got a ton of them
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>he invested in attACKers
>when analmolelyGODS deal 10x the damage with 0.25x the investment
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
>get lucky on the Qingyi 50/50
>get lucky on the Jane 50/50
>save until Caesar
my path forward is clear
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Hesitating between Qingyi or the rat. Reality is that Qingyi would be nice qol while the rat would most likely improve my brick. Ideally i would like both but i know my luck.
Then i only care about Burnice until the idols and maybe Trigger.
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What the fuck is a footslut?
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Any mihoyo veterans here? When should we expect dual banners?
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Look at all those flops, they really need to let Waterkuma design more
>when the quick assist swap is prioritized over perfect parrying
>when you're swapping too fast and apparently the last character you swapped didn't get off the field in time so you swapped over them

yeah feelsbad
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>Realize I'll just only bring two people
>game literally wont let me unselect someone from the team
cute, real cute, shit game
brehs I'm already kinda tired of all the mini trust events that pops up. You basically have to be a total simp for everyone to gain any trust. I tried to joke with someone and got decrease trust
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A character that is made with the sole intention of you jacking off to their sexy feet
sweaty brat
Genshin’s wasn’t until 2.3. HSR did it really early but I don’t think ZZZ is going to add characters as quickly, so probably some time after 2.0
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hrtg's next banner
unironically skill issue
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Looking forward to the Jane mods
just don’t stress about it
eventually you’ll have everyone at max trust and can do whatever (I already do)
Why is Lighter a 4-star though?
So like Grace? Or is it required to be barefooted?
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rolling with all i have through the current banner, qingyi and la rata, then saving for biker jalter
>some time after 2.0
Your exaggerating it should be around 1.4
i still have yet to see how disorder is THAT good apart from whale grace/rina/piper and grace/lucy/piper vids. so either im doing something wrong with my grace and piper or I just don't have rina and that's the issue. disorders for me are hitting for like 50kish at most
>Jane, Seth
>Need to see gameplay and synergy from the rest
Yanagi looks fine and I like Harumasa's weapons, but I'd need a really good excuse to get even more electric characters.
Depends on how often new S-ranks continue to come out.
Seele (the first limited 5*) took 6 months to rerun in HSR, and since HSR has somehow maintain a 2 new 5* per patch, that was it's first double banner.
If ZZZ can't keep up a similar pace, then it'll take a while as the first few reruns will have their own 1/2 of the patch.
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the game has actual lock on bro just use that and it won't switch
lmao no way
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FUCK the police
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Holy shit last HZ is intense man
>Using m*les
the filler m*le in each faction has to be A rank
Section 6 doesn’t count because he’s a Childe expy
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Don't mind if I do...
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What now?

Yes I already did all side quests in Hollow and in City
No I cannot play outpost missions because my characters sucks right now.
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You did get the triple gold poop today right...
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As long as they show their feet a lot, doesn't matter if its in socks or stockings or bare, it counts. Just out of shoes.
Grace is vexxing because she has tons of foot pandering in artworks and cutscenes, but in my eyes isn't actually a footslut because all her in-battle and in-game content is with shoes on at all times.
>Section 6 doesn’t count
It does count stop being autistic
I think you’re thinking of reruns. Genshin and HSR did their first reruns in 1.4, but Genshin didn’t do duel banners until 2.3. HSR releases way more characters than Genshin does and the rate of new characters will probably be closer to Genshin than HSR, so duel banners won’t be for a while.
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fuck off
Now do it at 11/11
Now begins the daily login. You can play other games now.
Thank you
She clears for me and I only have her weapon.
Ellen and Zhu Yuan get a 20% buff in shiyu which will go as soon as we reach 1.1 and they have real supports, she will be good if there isn't hard powercreep by the time they release an S-rank physical 1.3.
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uh oh lucklet alert
I refuse to believe those two bland fucks in 1.2 are going to be 5* characters. They look fucking awful.
Section 6 is unique in that it’s actually an entire filler faction, so the rules about filler units don’t apply to it
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But there’s no “other game” to play though..
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>talking to someone at midnight as part of a fetch quest
>your eyes feel droopy, you must rest
the absolute nigger wise nearly (or potentially did) fell asleep in the fucking street
Your superior and real games Elden Ring and RDR2?
Nah I don't think I'll do it even at 3/11 anytime soon...
This game has given me carpal tunnel unironically
Mole inspector here, there's no mole, fuck you shit art.
>rate of new characters will probably be closer to Genshin than HSR
I genuinely hope so. But HSR made them so much money with that release system I have no reason to believe they wont just do it again
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The cunning hares can clear everything currently, horizontal investment this early will brick you.
I'm into these games for one reason and one reason only: Tits and ass. So, take a wild guess.
Stop coping, just because you don't like them it doesn't make them filler
let me guess, Grace?
Did we travel back to five years ago or what
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Me and my maid wife after a long night of baby making sex
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I think I'm gonna call it for now. I got as far as I did with only one limited character so I'm happy. I'll see if I can full clear once Jane comes out and the Anomaly meta is fully set
>Cheld expy
I thought he was one for Schizomouche.
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I just won at soul hounds pvp by mashing like a maniac
I'm not a coomer, I use whatever looks cool and makes me stronger overall to tackle the endgame.
>he reposted
goodbye, bwo...
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So how many more rolls can daily pass GODS get between now and 1.1?
Everything up to 10/11 is completely doable
the last difficulty slider to make it 11/11 makes it insanely difficult
Are there really no Ether characters in the horizon other than Zhu?
I suppose the pink S7 whore could be Ether but she's NPC coded, and her model looks like ass.
>skipping SEX Goddess Yanagi for an ugly rat
ngmi /zzz/
nobody’s pulling for them and all their units look like NPCs
Section 6 IS a filler faction, sorry to break it to you Miyabibro
they still have to wait to do damage, the anomaly meta won't be disorder until we get fire/ether anomaly, causing jolt/assault/burn and then using a DPS who gets a buff from that state will be stronger.
I mean we're getting 2 new s-ranks per patch until 1.3. we will only really know how the frequency of new characters will be from 1.4 forward
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Post character types you would like to see in ZZZ
Unlike every real faction with a token filler unit, Section Six is a filler faction with a token real unit (Soukaku)
She's already confirmed to be a Electric Attacker.
Lore accurate to Billy
i hate doing agent stories
they're so fillered up it's making me insane
Can someone post the cyclops miyabi? thanks
It's mostly just one guy, I don't know why he's like this and neither does anyone else. he hasn't elaborated on his zoomer buzzword salad so it's to be expected that nobody takes him seriously.
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Sharkwife making breakfast in the morning
>3 Bangboo evetns in a row
do they want to kill the game or what?
I'll m6 yanagi so mihoyo will make more characters like them
>skipping ZZZ Kafka
I never saw the appeal in Megane. To me glasses are just ugly
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Is there any point or bonus in running two teams in HZ?
Farming Minmaxxing Disks
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>interested in getting Seth
>but don't want to waste coinflip guarantee on the stinky rat
>one guy
Far more people are rolling for Rat than the default NPC Yanagi.
Go back to last thread and its literally nothing but people calling her and Asaba boring shit designs.
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I'd only pull Jane Doe if I thought she'd support Caeser well.
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the “self-obsessed narcissist” is my favorite archetype and I hope we get one eventually
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So we don’t actually have one yet?
How do you think they will implement a feet girl?
So will there really be no ether characters to use with Nicole?
Why is she mad?
Didn't expect to see a real proper skill issue in the wild like this. Those are rare.
lol keep coping
It's 30 a month. it's always 30 a month. It's the same with all Mihoyo games, every single $5 monthly pass gives you a total of 30 pulls a month.

2700 Polychromes + 330 paid currency + doing your dailies for the 30 days of the pass always equals 30 rolls. It's the same in Genshin, it's the same in Star Rail.
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Have to skip Qingyi for Jane, but might do a 10 pull on her banner just to see. Seth might be on Jane's banner and if I don't luckshit Rina I'll use him with Grace.
Lighter might be cool if he's Fire Stunner, otherwise 1.2 is a skip.
If Burnice is A then I'll already have her in 1.3.
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I roll for every character, poorfags should sort it out between themselves
When you hit recruiting stations you can send agents away in exchange for certain common Resonia.
What's the appeal of the rat gremlina?
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I feel like Prydwen is trolling people
tell me one reason why Zhu Yuan/Nekomata/Nicole is worse than Anby in that team
stunners are a meme and Anby provides 0 team buffs
Neko can assault/disorder and even deal some damage when Zhuyuan's damage is down (if you don't have M1)
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this is wholesome
for example, if a unit is weak to fire, how much weaker is it really? would a lv 40 fire team be better against it that a lv 50 ice team for example?
Congrats bwo. I am still short by 37 seconds. It seems my zhu team is much slower than yours. Can you show me your Zhu team build?
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Red can mean many things:
-you're out of assist points
-attack type cannot be parried/dodged by an available assist (typically, ranged attacks can only be countered by dodge-style defensive assists)
- attack is unblockable
When you meet the chars you can just send em away and they leave you a bonus drop
>stunners are a meme
Severe cope right here, show us what characters you have unlocked
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we need edgekino
>stunners are a meme
Are you that guy with the 143 impact anby from before
you get buffs for every character you send away / don't take in. however you risk getting your fav characters late so you may be unable to S rank a stage until you have your team comp
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If a hundred people rolled for Zhu Yuan, how many of them would lose the 50:50 and also hit double pity?
Nope. If you wanna keep using Nicole until 2.0 you gotta roll asscop
You're gonna need both anyway.
>k-k-keep coping!!
xhe thinks I'm mad about free skip patches...
Nobody cares about your random compulsions and outbursts regarding el rato, zoomie
zhu yuan NEEDS a stunner
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>tell me one reason why Zhu Yuan/Nekomata/Nicole is worse than Anby in that team
Always put in Anton cause his send away thing is OP
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More robot cuties like this or Dia from World Floppers.
>Nicole at M5
if I get spooked by Zhu I can’t guarantee the lolicop but I want that M6 trait so bad
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these two are cute together. beetroot risked his life for her, even dying if you don't do the secret ending. now getting another nice dialogue with them in the overworld is really cool
Calm down retard I'm just saying its not "one guy" you dont have to feel bad that no one likes Yanagi even if you do. You shouldnt be affected by that unless you have severe mental retardation
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Standard builds. My Nicole are just running sets and only their main discs are leveled (Energy and Impact) but My Zhu is full built and M1'd
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tacticool girls and what >>488129432 said
Who gives a shit, these games are always so easy that the only reason to look at "meta" is to clear the game faster, only people who care about tier lists are autists and insexure faggots who feel the need to justify their waifu in a game where the only multiplayer is playing Snake.
Okay so the trick to nineveh is take the enmity buff and aim for shield boons. 6/11 is still pretty easy, I wonder how much the final intensity actually buffs everyone.
could you please post your discs? thanks anon
A character with a devil trigger mechanic.
I had the same concerns but risked it and got her thankfully without M1
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KINOfly KINOshine
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we need a cute girl (male)
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>Hollow Investigative Unit?!
>Master Proxy, do you read me?!
>Commencing Operation Cheese Eater
ZZZ is perfect for him!
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Do we know when Securityboo releases?
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She smells like fish
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Cute wagies
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Holy shit. Okay i can see why you're able to clear it almost 45 seconds faster than me. With M1 and like 65% more CDMG its no wonder your doing that good. I thought maybe I'll be able to make it an S but I dont think it'll happen.
They already said they're changing how the swap system works cause they realize how flawed it is, you lost this argument before even entering it
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Why is /zzz/ suddenly full of robosexuals?
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It is wrong to fap just to kill some time and relieve some stress? Genuinely asking since some people will just make fun of me
big if true
Golden Bangboo?!
You mean disks missions at the Outpost?

It needs energy so probably not right now rip.
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Rats are literally level 2 trash mob NPCs.
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based roboGOD
hoping we get more than just the idol soon
Will I regret rolling C0Rstarlight Zhu?
this is a robot but why does my brain think it's feminine
>kill some time

>posting and asking others
Put RAITA in my game NOW
big chest, narrow waist, big hips
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I got pretty lucky
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Aside from the prophecy, bangboo limbo and bangboo fight club what other hidden quests are their?
I'm IK 45.
I mean the game literally not allowing you to swap to who you want is a pretty big issue
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Mecha musume girls. They’re pretty close with Lycaon’s legs and Neko’s boots.
she's a good DPS, hold attack to start shotgunning bosses. She's quite literally an ASS-ASS-in
And Hitler said he'd create new living space for the aryans, everyone can make big announcements and then shit themselves
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thank you for taking the time to screenshot them anon! you got these by rolling at the music store, or did you farm them somewhere?
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Are there any agents who would actually use this thing well? Or is this the designated w-engine chip fodder?
Mix of both
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will ZZZ be the first to include an actual cool edge lord with badass menacing design or will they be consumed by beautiful men standard woman forced into gacha companies
>Got Nekomata C1R1
>Was sad because she's regarded as a brick
>Reach LVL45 and unlock the Nineveh Missions
>Hear people are struggling with it
>My Nekomata easily solos her even at lvl 11 with little effort

I took the nyanpill, you're all liars
not an argument
We need to have a serious discussion regarding the gameplay loop of this game
bangboo golden town
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robots with FAT TITS
Quick assist being locked to the slot left of the support is pretty retarded, yeah.
Everything else they mentioned were unironic skill issues à la "why no swap if character is still on field???"
Wacky woohoo pizza hobo.
>Everything else they mentioned were unironic skill issues à la "why no swap if character is still on field???"
Not what they said, seems you have a reading skill issue.
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Professor and Joyous fit the type already
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>I play game
>Game is fun
>I play more
First mihomo game? You will be able to clear any relevant content using literal bricks equipped with leftovers from last night's meal as gear...
>thinking lore NPC will be playable
also joyous is literally a pretty twink kill yourself
There's also the giant robot dude.
I forgot what the weekly content is supposed to be, is it just Hollow Zero?
Where are the fire and physical weak characters? This game is so unfair
UltBot Billy or UltBot Corin with Puffer Electro

will be valuable once we have a decibel battery character
>200% crit damage
Homelander expy
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Need a waifu that unwillingly transforms into a monster during gameplay.
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amby blabst!!
I want him to be deranged like bondrewd, I know it won't happen though
>he didn't roll for just ONE 1.0 DPS
>he rolled for TWO
oh no no no
>Swap system is so shit you are literally better off just not bringing a full team
really makes you think
I forgot to do my hollow zero runs on sunday... am i bricked?
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So I am weird?!
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Joyous looks like an eboy though
Chubby women
Black/brown people
Bird people
Lizard people
More robots that look like robots and not just the android crap.
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Where did that guy's head go?
holy cope, retardbro...
lumberjack of justice
to be a bangboo master
4 hidden quests you unlock by collecting the lost items from hollow zero
Aren't edgelords e boys in denials?
You forgot sex with kids and notkids
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Should be a barefoot female fighter that punches and kicks hollows to death
la creatura…
okay anon what's your issue?
The invulnerability phase is bullshit because you can't lock into the vines.
Not to mention the game keeps moving the camera towards the bugs while you're trying to attack and dodge the touhou bullshit at the same time. It's so fucking bad. Mobile control was a mistake.
why is that even an issue? Just put your unit that needs quick assist after your support. If neither need it then it doesn't matter.
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Why is no one here talking about how Wise and Belle are /tv/ incarnate? Are they obsessed with cunny like your average /tv/fag?
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my only issue is that you shouldn't get the same random trust events back to back or on rotation, there are a ton I have never seen for Ben and Corin because I always get the same two.
we NEED monster girls
>regular anime dude
>twink e-boy
the world is doomed
You're posting in a cesspool for a shitty chinese gacha. Yes, you're weird and most likely mentally ill.
Anons got filtered because they didn't have those(also didn't have good crit discs at the time). I'm just taking a guess here but she's a dodge counter focused character, she's probably convenient for a boss fight where you do a lot of dodging.
he's literally Kakashi
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say hi to my wife
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so uhhhhh you should give me pulls (for free)
thank youu
next you will say Wise is a buff man
Do watermelons float? I've never thrown a watermelon into the water before
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Rat for the premiun anomaly hag team.
Maybe Miyabi for ice coverage and because she is my wife's friend
that was our road map/travail trailer we just have to wait five years
BELLE SEEEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Makotobros, she's so fucking back.
no, but i will say you're a retard
>go on dates with adults
>hold hands with adults
>screw eachother (adults)
No sir I don't really think wise and belle are freaks
hello can you shut up
It's not an issue for now, but it's an unnecessary restriction that may limit future team building.
You can swap to your left and right slot whenever you want, except during Quick Assist? Makes no sense for it *not* to work normally there too.
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>Force myself to open HSR again
>Begin mashing what is now the attack key to try and talk to people/interact with shit
I have no idea why they changed it from Genshart/HSR to be like this.
odds of going to soft pity is like 70% so I guess 0.7*0.5*0.7 so 1/4ish
Huh, it's so easy to catch up here compared to hsr. I don't think I ever managed to beat every SU difficulty in 1.0.
We need a octopus therian. Not a human boy or girl with tentacle or whatever, but a true damn anthro octopus.
Play da game.
the swap system is fine howthougheverbeit?
Harumasa has the same VA as Scaramouche, what do you think will be the fate of zzz after her releases?
Hear me out... Female grappler! Chain-attack and ult is picking up opponents and flying into the air and power bombing them into the ground!
Both of them would fuck/scissor Ellen baka desu desu
Google says yes. I assumed it was because seawater is denser than fresh water but apparently they'll float in fresh water too.
it's not random you're supposed to go
>support / dps / stun
so it will always switch to the stun on parry
Robots When?
>play ZZZ on controller
>Genshin on mouse and keyboard
>HSR on mobile
Each game has an optimal scheme
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Show me a real furbitch hoyo and my life is yours
No it's arbitrarily restrictive, which is why I couldn't S rank this SD with a full team yet did it with two characters no problem because I wasn't constantly forced to swap to a character I didnt want
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25% to brick my account...
Combining these two ideas, I had the thought that a pizza delivery guy/girl wouldn't be that out of character for the game.
>Be teenager, tiny girl, drive scooter
>Deliver pizzas after school for extra dennies
>Have to go thru hollows in order to make your 30 minute guarantee
>physical striker, use the scooter as a weapon for her ult
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Be sure to do your 33 Hollow Zeroimulated Universe runs today. Don't forget!
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>/zzz/ attempted to gaslight me that zhu was a brick
>she's actually fun
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We NEED a footslut
>didn't bother doing the seven HZ runs last week including Notorious Hunts
>didn't bother with texting Zhu
>ZZZ Welkin is almost up
>not at all frustrated with the lack of stamina because I'm spending them to not cap them
It's over for me, bros. ZZZ is a nice game but just not for me.
I would have gone with a skateboard, but yeah that kind of thing would be really fun. We already got that logistics company that delivery into/through Hollows in the game.
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I managed to full clear, spent most of my batteries farming discs at 45 and I got pretty lucky so my substats are decent on a lot of them. Didn't get a single disc 2 Chaotic piece though so there's still some easy room for improvement funnily enough. Didn't think I'd be able to S everything at first but then I kept seeing room for improvement and with enough disc levels it was possible.
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vampire girl
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Stop calling it that.
fun =/= good
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Zhu Yuan slowass banner killed the game
>Trust event involves her getting a prank order from I.C. Wiener
Would whale.
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How do you get (you)s and what can they be used for?
Zhu Yuan's FAT ASS banner
We already have a vampire boy coming. Blood manipulation is gay
Good job bro, nicely done.
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Someone that is just fueled by pure unadulterated anger during combat, but outside of combat is chill
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This. If Brickomata and Billy are anything to go by, fun is actually inversely proportional to goodness.
>How do you get (you)s
Act like a retard
>what can they be used for
4channel profile customization
was good while it lasted bro, see you on NTE
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I went scooter cause of the comedy of the tiny girl lifting an object heavier than she is, thinking of old-school gas powered scooters, not so much the new electric ones we have now, but you could use any form of transportation really.
isn't ben kinda like this?
>koleda instead of furry

SOUL. Well done anon
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Gremlin fatass cutie.
how do you generally play the ellen team? perfect assist into koleda while just on-fielding with ellen?
Zhu showed me her butthole
along those lines I’d like a whole courier service faction (maybe Pegasos Logistics or a competitor)
Please no, I'm already in denial of being a borderline furry.
I don't want to accept the harsh reality.
Is this the first /zzz/ full clear?
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Is there a way to reset a team for a SD?
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This could've been Soukaku if they were epic and not stuck in the cringe mid-2000s "eat a lot but never show it" genki girl shit...
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Don't let Zhu Yuan's fat ass distract you from the fact that ZZZ wants to associate itself with games like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Tekken
>choose the slightly sarcastic or mean option, just a little ribbing between good bros
>C1R1 nekoshit
Lol, my condolences.
Instead of 3 good S agents you got one mediocre now.
Keep up the good cope.
There was a M2W1 whale with full clear like 3 days ago but instead of whaling for dupes this clear whaled for refreshes
We had others before, but I don't remember if any showed they're not whales.
>The final boss in HZ is just a floating damage sponge
What a fucking disappointment. It also seems to have a mandatory final phase mechanic. My ult did no damage when its HP was at 10% or something, after I should have killed it in one stun duration.
Then it started summoning tentacles to waste more of your time.
There's still a chance for red oni to be a chubster.
It's nice to see Koleda being used in the hardest content. Do you onfield her at all or just quickswap parries/ EX?
If anything, a street fighter collab would be fucking sweet. Tekken would be mid, Mortal Kombat? not so much.
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>Playing P4 with autist friend
>He's constantly picking obviously wrong options
>Same shit happens in ZZZ to him
Man, social link systems truly are the autism test.
post zhu build mine is taking 3.5 minutes for her side
its not friendship its all brown nosing
im not even gonna befriend nicole fucking cunt
I think you're doing something very wrong when you play anby or something bro
it’s definitely not mandatory, my Zhu’s ult was buffed out the ass and I one-shot it from about 50% health
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Red Oni
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my fellow nyamericans! meow is the time for action! mew eridu is under attack by the meowoke left!
It's funny watching autists be unintentionally mean thinking they're just joking around
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Been here a while. The fuck it's not completing?
Yeah, stay on Ellen for the most part and then parry with Koleda into skill > swap during animation
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My president
>told soldier 11 her name was weird too
>trust increase
my only experience with this system so far
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bite down to go next stage, sir.
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Is Lighter the first /zzz/core character that represents anons here?
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Hollow Zero needs a cute girl to shill it too
shit like this is so ugly and cringe
sleepy Joe Ellen and her radical Victoria Housekeeping allies are allowing millions of ethereals to pour across our Hollow Zero border
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The competition is fierce
why the hell would genshin be better on keyboard and mouse
Is there a level calculator for this game? I'm level 46 right now, will I hit level 50 in time for my weekly hunts or should I just do them now?
i see... ive been holding back on building koleda cause i figured id just replace her with qingyi when she's out but good to know.
it got oneshot by my Ellen's ULT so I literally skipped the entire rest of the fight
it was funny as fuck after struggling through that fight once with Zhu Yuan and Anby earlier
people who say "you don't need stun even for hypercarry" clearly don't have Lycaon
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It will take years for you to hit level 50 brother
I didn't even attack the vines. I just spammed swap and dodge like in this video to dodge all bullets and then rushed the boss when I could damage him again
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Power Rangers
bro you break that level
Your RAY?
Have you TRIED it on a controller? It's fucking atrocious, the layout is awful, the weird shortcuts and shit are even more bizarre and retarded than ZZZ's for menuing.
>finally get the 600M without dying achievement
>6x lives at once
This is basically get to 1200M without dying isn't it?
did the abyss reset? I still havent been able to clear floor 8 of stable but I only just hit furryknot 40
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Kind of but not really, he actually holds back on the anger part most of the time so he only really goes angry mode during Hollow Zero
I want someone that during combat doesn't even properly speak just primal screams of rage kinda of like berserk guts really that is why I used that image
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Proxy. I shit myself during the mission. Too many burgers. Requesting backup and a new pair of spats.
W-Why did this hit me on a personal level...
resets at end of the month
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suffering magical girl has an existential conversation with her inner Kamen Rider, then transforms into a Gundam to beat up the Eva unit
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We need a Zhongli expy, Childe expy, Albedo expy, Alhaitham expy, Ayato expy, Baizhu expy, Bennett expy, Chongyun expy, Cyno expy, Diluc expy, Freminet expy, Ga-ming expy, Gorou expy, Itto expy, Kaeya expy, Kaveh expy, Kazuha expy, Lyney expy, Mika expy, Neuvillette expy, Razor expy, Sethos expy, Heizou expy, Thoma expy, Tighnari expy, Venti expy, Scara expy, Wriothesley expy, Xiao expy, Xingqiu expy and Aether expy.
All of them.
ty bro
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I expied ur mum
Soukaku is an oni so she should be 8ft tall and ripped instead
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I got the discs I want but I have zero (0) (nada) disc exp for them.

Is it a brick to farm for the disc exp mats?
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we have Frieren at home
shoulda farmed the exp mats before 45 bwo....
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i need.. more powarrr
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>need to do challenge missions because I'm out of Dennies
When are the idols coming out?
I'm going to build a wall and make Nineveh pay for it
Something that looks like this.
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>Barely any dennies
>Barely any exp mats
>Barely any skill mats
IK50 is gonna hit my account like a truck. Should I stop farming/levelling my discs and start prefarming or just stick with it until all 6 characters have good +15 discs
>Hard mode story missions don't give knot exp
fuck this gay earth...
why did she do the cute face for no reason
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Or this. Billy fills it in part, but I just really want cool scizor-shaped angular robots.
Because Mohoyo knows you're a simp and that it's easy to hit you in the wallet by implementing shit like this.
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I am too poor to roll for Zhu
So please toot for my standard A rank and hope it's Lucy
I want someone with Bayonetta's aesthetic or playstyle.
>win 7 times
>event over
Even faster than the snake event...
because she's being like a cat there, same with the Frieren shot it's referencing
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We NEED a Pepe agent.
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I need more ANOMALY.
I'm not voting for a Thiren!
Show me her birth certificate!!!
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>Is cute once (twice with the totally blank expression tumble slide)
>Spends the rest of the story spouting Xianzhou/Liyue-tier chinaslop poetry and generally being insufferable
It's not FUCKING fair... I want to like her SO BAD... they can't just tease us like this...
being drip fed single standard rolls is aids, getting effectively nothing for 90% of your pulls is insane.
literally how
I'd like to see a red oni, just not one that looks like a nigger like the one you posted.
After playing asscop for a while.. yeah, she brings fun. It's like running up to someone's ass, and shotgunning the sucker.

Now she royally sucks when you need aoe, and two elites are a pain as always. ( though I feel like only Neko likes that because her dodge counter is so broken)
But man it's satisfying to just BLAST a boss away after the stun. Especially if you have the ult ready.
Bwo...at least you have pity for Qingyi right? Or Jane right?

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I need to swap the fourth disc for a crit damage one since I'm almost overcapping on crit rate with Nicole + Passive but I haven't dropped a good one yet
good luck bwo
>draw unique oni with cute eyes
>replace them with the retarded MHA eyes and give her MHA retard sized hands
fucking ruined.
how will you shoot and have a dedicated punch and kick button?
>Need AoE
Bro, Nicole?
lolibabas may just not be for you
>got her va for another autistic white haired girl with comically large borgers
>slapped her meme face on someone else
Weren't chinks supposed to be good at ripping off things?
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All of my stuff has proficiency on it, two of them have +2, one has +3. Except that shitty disc 6 has nothing on it but I can't get another anomaly mastery disc
Someone like HIM.
The November 2023 one just ruined the design
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>Make a group of characters specialized in dealing a lot of damage to one guy
>Make none of the content have just one guy
How do they keep making this mistake? It's been 4 years since Genshin and they keep doing it, there's a whole class of them in HSR and they're all bricks unless they're effectively AOE with their attack frequency.
Whoa Miyabi's face really is fucked up. This is legit one of the worst faces I've seen in a MiHoYo game hands down, it makes Diluc's weird face look good. This broad has future down's syndrome
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explain to me this jew shit, how can they be this fucking stingy?
Sleepy Joe Ellen dropped out of the race. Who will take her place?
god damn... just get lucky
Boothill is good. Nicole is a great grouper at M4
Yanagi and Lighter
Burnice and Ceasar

Skilling Miyabi and Bowkun
uncaffeinated and severely sleep deprived thought:
>they should add a lolibaba to Belobog so we could call her a lolibabushka
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I can do close to one pity on coinflip right now but I don't know what for
Qingyi is useless since I don't have a second DPS, not even Neko or S11
Jane is useless since I don't have Grace, and I guess I'm doubling down on Piper now that I got her C2
I'm too hesitant to go all in on Zhu...
yeah the latest one was awful
Nov 22 is peak. Feb 23 is starting to lose its way but overall still great. Sep 23 is such an unbelievable downgrade.
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Please understand. The one energy refresh a day makes up for all the ridiculous steps backwards in this game's energy economy. Please refresh with polychrome if you have trouble, gweilo.
Literally koleda, retard
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So what's Qingyi's gimmick that makes her play differently to Anby?
Males need to be shit like this or Billy. Maybe add 1 shota.
cackling koleda
chinks are just free to make good references because retarded monopoly supporting copyright laws don't apply to them
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skill issue

skill issue, all Nekomata need is C1, R0 weapon, to attack from behind and Piper triggering assault. She is best DPS ingame.
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Bro your
Infinite combo that is not interrupted.
>So what's Qingyi's gimmick
Anby needs to complete her NA combo to do meaningful stun while Qingchong doesn't
Her combo is also extendable infinitely and wants to hog field time
That's it
AoE and better damage boost for teamates when stunning
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>Turned her from badass to red Koleda
What the fuck happened?
>the one character I still need
fuck you bwo
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My Piper would have more if I swapped her to the kissy engine, she'd be at 396. My account is just Anomaly seeded.
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>60 zmerits=15000x15=225000
275700 this is the amount of dennies you get for slaving. Do not brick!
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Why didn't she wear her tactical diaper?
>wants to hog field time
DROPPED! I want to pew pew with my dps!
Man how tf should I pair Grace with if my Anby went to Zhu Yuan's team
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Something's not right here...
>(Ie the character on the left swaps with the right trigger, and the character on the right swaps with the left trigger)
You can rebind this even on a controller, retard.
she's not a granny, weeblet. learn your terms
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but Zhu Yuan is best anomaly unit ingame
That's funny, you have a chance to get worse rewards at IK50 than IK40. You sure this isn't edited?
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so do you keep Koleda on field all the time or just pull or out when her ex is ready

seem like she hoards all that daze dmg within a single ex
Crooked Nekomata and her carrot server
Who the fuck do you have for S-ranks...
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Why is does her diaper have an electrical hazard symbol on it? Does she have turbocharged farts?
>they give you potentially less
chat is this real
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>design between November and February looks great
>the September 2023 version looks like absolute GARBAGE
Artists like this guy and Nomura are living proof that no matter how good you are at something, sometimes you need someone to tell you when it's time to fucking stop. It's insane just how horrendous, lifeless and generic the final design looks, compared to the sheer badassery that oozed from all the previous iterations (especially the November one).
All currently available Stunner only should enter the field for Parry and EX and then be switched out.
Ellen, Lycaon, Rina
Rina without Grace is so useless...
>calls a 20 something years old a baba
I knew there is an illiteracy issue, but how is this so bad?
Bless, I can save up to 1.3 after getting rat
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You're just cheating i have same stats but on 4pc metal theres no way i can get 2:20 there's limits to skill issues
you parry using her
then unload the ex
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Bikers look good but I'm going to play hundreds of hours with Piper and Lucy at that point.
its not fucking fair... do you also have rina?
you're missing out on 8 rolls per month if you're not maxxing SD. thats 1 pity a every 10 months
This is crinkle country. T*ilet users keep moving.
>wants to hog field time
Picked up, the more I stare at a little girl the better.
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It's technically "better", like how losing the 1 star material at 40 for one or two extra tier 2 materials is "better". The 1 chip you get compensates for the two blues lost and adds one blue, technically, but it's still scummy as fuck to remove the blues. They're really pushing the stinginess as far as it'll go.
Don't tell me the king is A rank
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she makes money but she spends it just as fast, that day she had a lot of money
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So my Piper is now complete, right?
Reading the other dupes it's just minor energy refund and slightly extending her spin, the meaningful buffs are on C1/C2
It's what gives her the +4 on her 5 mindscape. When she's not wearing it she's a worse fighter
Nyo. First limited S defender.
It just looks like he lost all confidence in having a unique design. That stupid smug face with generic eyes that looks ripped from any shitty anime is so baffling as a design choice. Instantly all the character from the previous rendition is just gone and replaced with dogshit.
Go outside.
>stunner wants to hog field time
What I'm hearing is that she has dogshit daze application so she needs a lot of time onfield to stun. Why would any sane person roll for this over Lycaon who can stun in ONE (1) charged basic?
Where did that Bernie screenshot come from?
First and only S rank defender.
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Yep, my 3 S ranks are Nekomata, Grace, and Rina. I haven't rolled on limited banner yet, saving for the rat. I have no idea how I'm supposed to be building Rina though. Am I supposed to be going for the flat PEN? Does it even transfer over like the % does?
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I'm more excited for Jane then I am for Qingyi
Who are the 1.3 ones?
Miyabi is S rank, and so is Caesar, who is the one in the middle?
Is she A rank?
How powerful is M2 "In Suppressive Mode, Zhu Yuan’s Anti-Interrupt level is increased"?
Can M2 Zhu blast uninterrupted?
The purple is really rare, but it being worth 3 blues (plus dennies) makes the bottom more like 4-5 blues on bottom. Id only pick bottom still solely because it saves dennies otherwise i wouldn't know which to pick
Does it ever occur to Nicole that young kids see her like this?
when you get super aggressive enemies in shiyu and hollow zero she wants to dodge and counter attack attack as her daze multiplier are higher and it's faster than the parry unless you can reliably dp assist
i have no idea but fuck you for living MY fantasy... god help me if i don't get rina on my next 50/50 loss im going to hoyoverse HQ and strangling the closest employee
Yeah it's Burnice she's part of the sons of calydon
>Think this kinda looks cute with her belly poking out above it like that
Oh, nonono, bros... this can't be happening... please tell me it's just because I like bloomers...
that would be the case if the pinks were 1-2, your screenshot says it's 1-1. Their best cases would be
>IK40: 1 pink, 4 blue
>IK50: 1 pink, 2 blue
and it's likelier than you think. The guarantee doesn't make up for it at all.
>Why would any sane person roll for this over Lycaon who can stun in ONE (1) charged basic?
only way to guarantee lycaon is the standard banner 300 pulls, most people playing day 1 have maybe 152 around that number pulls on the standard banner unless they whale.
Standard banner shares pulls with s rank engines. there's a good chance your only stunner in anby for a long time.
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Plapping Plapkaku
Nikke/wuwafag here, I played this game at launch, wanted the pink haired girl. But the girl on the icon anby is already paired with a male robot. so i uninstalled. I watched a few zzz dates video as it was suggested by youtube and Now i want to give it a try.

I don't want to play a shipbait game like hsr with a homo in the main trio, I left genshin after nahida and yoimiya shit and vowed to not play any mihomo game.. I realized that ZZZ is a cunny game, can i expect some (you) pandering or will this game be another honkai/genshin ? I don't wanna waste months of time and money only to get disgusting shipbaits added later.
Can't confirm since I don't have it, but so far that effect where it appears elsewhere means you're basically immune to knockback from all attacks that don't cause blowback and a switch out prompt.
He did it. I feel like a loser in comparison.
you WILL buy the BP for mats and you WILL rike it
this is better than the snake event because every match lasts under a minute
mihoyo should make more events like this that basically just deposit polychromes into your account, I think that's a good idea
Good luck, buddy, I'm rooting for you!
I accidentally let my resin overcap for three weeks
They are co-workers anon, the pink haired girl is their boss
just don't play the game
Of course not, she is a girlfailure.
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Why'd they take away the black sclera
That's the best part about the design
Imagine ellen or koleda without their sharp teeth
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Every agent is a worse fighter when they aren't padded up.

What style of diaper does Soulkaku have?
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Fuck off we're full.
Rina/Grace/Piper is dogshit, don't bother. after you do your big 200k disorder you're a sitting duck for 2 minutes trying to get enough energy to do it again.
>t. plays it
This game isn't for schizos
you are unironically extremely mentally ill and should return to your games
there is no shipping so far, Billy is in love with an idol Nicole is just his boss
if you're paranoid about getting cucked though just stay away from mihoyo games
All characters in this game are for (You)
Do not listen to shipniggers and yuritroons headcanons
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Hello bros I just dropped HSR cause I just kinda lost interest in it and was thinking of picking this game up but have a few questions
Is this game mroe f2p friendly than HSR or Genhsin is? Specifically as a collectionfag who prefers to won more characters
Does this game have more (you) bait stuff with characters or is it full of shipping bait with all the other characters
Is the end game easy? I would prefer it be more like Genshin than HSR cause I like taking it easy and using characters I like over metafagging.
Who's the Gojo of ZZZ?
I forgot to attach the pixiv filename
don't play this game mihoyo cant be trusted
I didn't really see that need in Shiyu, but in HZ the dual bosses I find myself sticking to my stunner for a bit longer to hit both of them. Thats a fair point.
>level 60 DPS with E core passive and level 10-12 skills
You really should not care anon.
Yes she's a non-brick now
Even better if you have Fusion Compiler
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I want to be a little boy and get my first hard on from the neighbourhood slut
my grace and piper are already built. my fate has been sealed. unless you want me to play fucking corrin piper or some shit cause i have nothing else. ellen and grace is all i have to work with...
holy fucking pen ratio do you have her signature ball? also how do you have 3 S ranks the game doesn't give enough standard pulls for that. Did you luckshit one of them?
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That's not my screenshot, but i see what you mean. I guess by "technically", I moreso mean "enough for the average person to not realize they're being swindled". We'd have to have the actual odds of the drop rate at 40 to see if it's really worth it statistically or not, but it's still scummy as fuck either way.

I definitely agree that it doesn't make up for it at all. Just like the coffee doesn't make up for the scarcity of dennies + 60 fucking energy per cleanup with the same gold disc odds as HSR/Genshin's 40 stamina gold disc odds. There's a lot of really shitty half-measures in place to make people think things aren't worse than they are.
if f2p friendly mean you can clear contents with shitass units then yes, if it means more rolls then no

everyone is for (you) because you yourself date them
>the girl on the icon anby is already paired with a male robot.
they're just friends.
>I don't want to play a shipbait game like hsr with a homo in the main trio
The main trio of HSR is gay?
>left genshin after nahida and yoimiya shit
Who are they?
This game is not for the mentally unwell like you. If you considered Anby and Billy "shipped" a lot of other things inevitably will set you off.
Seek medication instead.
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This post gave me Type 2 diabetes.
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top kek
kill yourself, no one wants you here.
Gearing up characters seem to be easier over here. No skill tree and upgrade mats are super streamlined.
Damn that sounds really good.
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I didn't expect this many replies but yeah his designs seem to get worse and worse over time
>Is this game mroe f2p friendly than HSR or Genhsin is?
So far the signs say no
>Specifically as a collectionfag who prefers to won more characters
Haha, I see why you quit HSR, that game rapes passfags and character collectors
So far we don't know that, it depends on if they will implement HSR's zero rerun save banners ever fuckery, or if they give us breathing room like Genshin
Powercreep isn't bad (yet)
>Does this game have more (you) bait stuff with characters or is it full of shipping bait with all the other characters
Neither, none of the second at least, there are some hangouts with characters that are a bit more (You)baitish but nothing special
No firefags here
>Is the end game easy?
So far, no, you're not expected to clear yet
Story missions are painfully easy though
Did I miss the shark maid?
Koleda and Anby are so good against dual bosses I base my hollow zero runs around them as not having a stunner by the time your reach one always walls me
the same as hsr

>you bait
not really unless you use the hangout feature, the youbait is optional

>is end game easy
not yet but im sure with fully leveled gear it will be, not many can hit level 60 yet its still early
Is it true that this game is filled with cuckery? I'm a straightCHAD who only plays straight games such as NIKKE, wuwa, and Snowbreak. I avoid Mihoyo like the plague after being cucked in Genshin Impact.
No, it's not F2P friendly. Worse than a HSR and Genshit.
Hey bros I just dropped Nikke is this game F2P friendly?
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yesterday I pulled bikini monster tits anis and immediately uninstalled nikke
feels good being a gachaGOD
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If we don't defeat Jane by dangling a piece of cheese to bait her into a series of increasingly comically elaborate traps, I'm charging back all my swipes.
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Of course it occurs to her. She fucks shotas.
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by a whole week
you can roll for buttcop though
? How is it less f2p than genshin? It's genshin gacha plus the improvements from HSR
Hey bros just sold my children on the libyan sex slave market for gacha pulls which gacha should I spend it on
I don't think it will be more F2P friendly than HSR in the long run. Weapons are extremly powerful and dupes get baited very hard.
You have trust events and some of them are somewhat suggestive of interest in (You) but it depends on hard you can headcanon this sort of stuff.
Its harder than HSR or Genshin FOR NOW.
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You did
The buyer? Me
>falseflagging as /nikg/gers
must be a slow day at /gig/ huh?
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Seth needs to be put in diapers and unpottytrained immediately!
BA alts before they're gone
What's the minimum phone that I can get that will play this game so I can log in and do dailies and stuff? My current old phone is dying and I don't know anything about mobile gaming or mobile specs. I usually just buy some cheap chinese shit each time since I barely use it.
The buyer? Me
Her passive literally says "PEN Ratio" so it's probably using exactly what is listed there in the stats screen. So my guess is no. You could test to see if the flat pen is changing your "PEN Ratio" stat though. Obviously %PEN is your priority, but after that I'd probably looks for Anomaly Mastery and Anomaly.Proficiency as those will probably be the most applicable damage stats for her. But it isn't super important.
I hope someone in a german uniform becomes playable, especially if its a cute girl. plus points if she's full robotic
I only got Anby sofar, but yeah she's amazing for those. Especially with Ellen, to make them sit the fuck down.
But it could have been me anon. I know how these games work after genshin and star rail and I still ended up behind the pack severely.
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If we dont beat Jane by removing her brain and putting her in an eternal cybernetic prison I sha'nt be spending on her banner
The last thing we need are mentally ill niggers that think a man talking to a woman means you're getting cucked and obnoxious yuritrannies. Don't give them an inch.
Plus a series of worsenings in the value of stamina/availability of resources to make up for it by pressuring people to refresh with chrome. Plus the "have [fotm] element or DIE" nature of the rotating content from star rail.
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this one, we need more funds for female furries
Unfortunate that you aren't able to get more characters but I did struggle more with HSR as a massive late starter so I wanted to roll on a bunch of reruns too. Shark maid is the only one I want that is gone so should be fine. I'll try it out and see if it meshes with me(issue with HSR as well was kinda how boring it is to be honest). Thanks anons.
Lucy ish
>the same as hsr
Incorrect, HSR's launch gave away way more pulls, and considering 1.1 estimates the pull economy is closer to launch Genshin than HSR
If they do 2 new S ranks every single patch like HSR we're fucked
>It's genshin gacha plus the improvements from HSR
It is better than launch Genshin and the standard picker is nice, but aside from making weapon bait better (who rolls for that?) it's a step backwards from HSR
I pray that's a sign they'll slow down the powercreep and character release schedule since they don't NEED this game to print money, but I don't trust jewhoyo
I'm a player who plays good games (played GOTY tier games which are critically acclaimed such as Elden Ring, RDR2, Witcher 3, etc etc). Is ZZZ for me? I don't want to waste time on mediocre games but the characters interest me.
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I hope we never get our own Ayaka/Firefly. Always turns into a shitshow.
It'll always be harder than genshin unless they put Zhongli in here
I cropped it myself, so I guess you'll have either trust me or see it for yourself once you're IK lvl 50 but I'm almost sure they're going to change it, it's ridiculous
Just buy any chinese flagship phone. This game is made for chinese, so chinese phones should be able to run then.
you should play real games like snake
>Nazi fembot
I wouldn't hold my breath.
You could have done exactly what he did by spending your polychromes on constant refreshes to hit IK50 asap then level your dudes to 60, then use those refreshes on skill levelling, and disc sets.
There was nothing stopping you from doing any of that.
Hell, he actually had supreme overkill. Ive seen level 50 DPS with no mindscapes clear shiyu 17 with an S rank time just by having absolutely cracked disc sets.
It's literally free, nigger. Try it out if you like the characters, drop it if there is anything you don't like. Ez.
You silly billy anon, it's just a reskin over the same game. Oh yeah, sure. JRPG vs. 3D combat game, so the engines are different, but otherwise everything else is the same

All the chinks will do is rebalance it so it "feels" different, but it's the same game, the same grind, the same scarcity of resources, the same bitching about limited stamina systems like Genshin Resin, the same God-tier artifacts that all roll into flat def, etc. The only real difference is between JRPGshit for Star Rail, we get Urbanshit for ZZZ instead.
newfriend to hoyo here, could I get a rundown?
Why are there so many gig niggers trying to bait?
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>Double the character release rate
>Without the increase in pulls from honkshart
>PLUS making stamina worse in a lot of ways
I really fucking hope this game flops. Just enough to get them to roll back some of the bad moves.
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>thread is still fast
you can slow down now you are playing an official flop game
No. Leave.
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I'm at guaranteed S Rank 4 now, the last 3 has been Nekomata 3 in a row, why is she doing this?
You have less characters to gear up here and there's no weekly schedule for mats
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>saves 80 rolls for zhu yuan banner
>proceed to lose the 50/50
>its joever
>get pic related instead
please at least tell me that she's pretty good when paired with lycaon and corin...
kot seeded
Obol Squad will deliver with LoliAnby. Just believe!
it costs way more to refresh to IK50 than you'd get from S ranking SD
>community is unanimously skipping 1.2
we’ll scare the devs and get a bunch of free pulls around 1.3
You get more stamina retardbro....the rest is also headcanon. You retards memed the same shit about HSR and it's still way easier to build characters.

Genshin pushes fomo abyss too
Use Lycan and the blue oni for pedokeks.
isnt she good in general? i enjoy using her with ZY/Anby.
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It's 2 S-rank characters a patch, right...? Same as HSR. And HSR didn't have weekly schedules for mats, either.
Imagine not replying "KOT GET YE GONE" when you had the chance. You've bricked your account and it's all your fault. Enjoy your kot.
Giga (You) pandering and threads are permanently ruined by Firefly waifufaggots and anti-Firefly schizos
I found building characters way easier in Genshin than in HSR due to how many characters you need to build.
Pretty good with Anby and Corin, don't know about le wolfman.
I've never played Mr. Driller, is it as shit as Soul Hounds is?
>full maid squad
>1sup 1stun 1atk
Yes nigger????
She is yeah.
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the optimal team is miyabi, soldier, billy, and lycaon.
I will not elaborate.
I don't have her signature ball, she's using that camera one that you can craft since it also has PEN on it. 2 piece of the set that has PEN, and then a PEN disc 5.
>how do you have 3 S ranks
I got an early Nekomata on standard, I'm at 160 standard rolls
nope, great with Grace and Piper, but otherwise just a worse Nicole. Lycaon and Corin would rather have Soukaku.
Thank you i will trust your word, all i have to do is not pay, still wasting my time on this is a big thing. i still don't trust mihoyo.
Newgen mihoyo cucks. only mentally ill cucks pay for the 2d waifus that are paired with other men.
thank you for clarification. Also homo in a sense that the pink haired girl and the other guy in the trio will get shipped as MC's gender can be chosen. so i stayed away from hsr.
>It'll always be harder than genshin unless they put Zhongli in here
Honestly I don't agree, the dodge window is fucking massive in ZZZ (aside from the spinning fancers or the big mech hitboxes that linger for 15 seconds) so defensive characters are irrelevant, Zhong is always a DPS loss and a crutch
It would be harder if parry/dodge windows were tighter
the difference between an s rank dps and a rank dps is so big. not even funny.
Is this a beastiality thing?
She's good but it doesn't matter. Reroll or get BRICKED.
Miyabi is our Ayaka but Ayaka doesn't have cuckposters
No one with even a modicum of self respect uses Zhongli in Genshin though, no point in even bringing him up
definitely not Lycaon
deals ludicrous daze while having zero moments out vulnerability between charged attacks cancelable by a dodge counter and EX specials making completely impervious to damage
Koleda and Anby are cope, Lycaon is the standard for that a good stunner is considering Qingyi is Lycaon but a bit better at everything
only if you consider sex with nekomata to be
Look at the current /hsrg/ thread at what this sort of character does. She's the girl in the OP image.
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You get effectively the SAME stamina (as genshin) in a 24 hour period if you only use natural stamina + coffee. With each battery used, the value drops drastically at 60 stamina per cleanup. How is it headcanon? It's objectively worse about shit. They peeled out the artifact EXP from farming artifacts and put it in its own separate grind that also costs stamina, they made dennies way more scarce and added more skills you have to level up, so on and so forth. Your stamina takes you way less far in this game.
Man, Piper is the only A agent that I don't have yet.
Why's there no coin in arcade event? All these skill ups but no denny to actually do them.
holy fuck this is what happens when a Muslim gets access to the Internet
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I just woke up in a fucking steamy mood ye, cause I live in a shithole!! New Eridu is a fucking shithole!!
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I find it funny that the best A-rank "DPS" is apparently Soukaku. Why even make Attacker A-ranks?
meme way to say cat
>Ayaka doesn't have cuckposters
Because the mentally ill cuckspammers that shitpost on /gig/ 24/7 with janny protection weren't there during Ayaka's release
If she released today you'd get spam about how she's DPed by Thoma and the clan's dogs while Aether watches
me on the left
Ellen made my dick smell like fish
they really tried and got btfo rightfully
>It's 2 S-rank characters a patch, right...?
We don't know that yet. genshin only slowed down after 1.4 so we have to wait at least until then to see what they'll do here, also since each character has a unique model I'd say it's more probable it will be like genshin
fuck no I already dive too deep into this account
Nicole is for Lycaon only. Fuck off with your creepy self shipping.
>Ayaka doesn't have cuckposters
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Is Nekomata Dub like Scottish or something?
Fuck off with your creepy non self shipping
If A ranks are strong enough to bypass the time limit, there won't be any reason to roll. Also they won't let xq and xl be a thing again, ever.
wise/nicole/anby threesome.

wise focuses entirely on anby and nicole is on the verge of tears.
We don't need these threads to be another cuckposting general, please contain that in gig or hsrg
>It's 2 S-rank characters a patch, right...?
They straight up don't give enough free pulls to justify this, it's going to be terrible if they do
We have to wait until 1.4 to be sure
someone made a fake leak about her being thoma's fiance pre-release and some believed it, I shit thee not
I wonder what Caesar's schtick will be, defense units in this game are inherently flawed since theres no need for healing at this point (not that any do that anyway) and you cant make them do anything else without making them perform what another role does (if they do damage why aren't they attack, same for inflicting daze or buffing)
>ether bangboo active skill
>Nicole sphere
>corruption effect
I cannot see shit
why would someone build this
is the kot good
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>Pink hair is le Elysia!!!!!
>Yellow and Blue eyes is my Kinanners!!!!
>le blue hair is le raiden meiiiiiii!!!!!
Can autistice higgers fuck off? Is nicole Elysia because she has pink hair? The horn girl look like a /akg/ character. And blue hair = mei? wtf?
You just know. Nicole loves the knot
literally a brick, idk why anons are telling you she's good when her support prowess are non-existent
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I guess we'll just have to see. I'm praying for the flop and subsequent doling out of all the "improvements" they've been holding onto in case of emergency.
I can smell the samefagging shipshitter, so bros, is this game worse than honkai ?

I though this game only has a single male SSR and tons of cunny ? Why are these people here, it didnt filter these retards
well yeah it's one guy from /gig/ trying to start shit here
>res pen and shock buff
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hmm nyo
Raiden, Yae and even Yoimiya suffer from it but Thoma is way to chill for cuck posters.
I know you love the knot and are projecting
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What's up with all these tourists off their meds today? Fuck off.
Seth’s whole thing is giving a shield that boosts Anomaly Proficiency, they’re probably just gonna be “slightly worse attacker/support that gives a shield”
Anton is better than both S11 and Neko.
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>You get effectively the SAME stamina (as genshin) in a 24 hour period if you only use natural stamina + coffee.
You get 200 resin per 24 hours. ZZZ gives 300 per 24 hours.

Exp/money is always tight in fucking 1.0. So far NOTHING in this game is as gay as elemental gems and genshin boss mats.
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From my point of view the self-inserters are evil!
her best use is as a lucy+piper accessory, which is a role served better by grace and S11
so no, but you can cope if she's all you have
shields dont even give poise in this game right?
Retard is trying to start shit here after being told to fuck off
>Lycaon and Nicole
Come the fuck on. He didn't even bother reading threads before trying to falseflag.
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Jesus christ it's literally all they can talk about, there's even blacked edits being spammed. What the fuck happened, it wasn't THIS bad when I was browsing before ZZZ came out
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Come back to /gig/ and finish Nilou's event
anyone have a picture or graph on how many materials are needed to level a character from 50 to 60? thanks
i pronounce qingyi as kinky

post-45 disc ricefields are fine, but literally no dennys/exp mats makes me not want to pull for more units
I will save ZZZ.
No. If you get Kot you bricked your account.
'Minimum" specs are listed as a Snapdragon 855. But recommended minimums are Snapdragon 888 and 8GB of RAM. I have a Pixel 7 Pro and it's shitty Tensor G2 is basically equivalent to the recommended minimum and I wouldn't suggest going lower than an 888 as a result. It runs at 30 fps-ish well enough to play, but it's not exactly smooth. That said I think 8GB is probably mandatory as people with less than that seem to be the ones that run into the most problems. You should be about to get an 888+8GB or better phone pretty cheap these days.
I don't see why people are so hard on defence units, they're clearly just going to be stunners that work by countering. Ben is actually pretty good and arguably better than Anby, his multipliers are nuts.
>Ether % damage bonus
>he doesn't know
these cuckposters are mentally ill and I'm glad zzz doesn't have ammo for these retards (yet). Hope it gatekeeps them to hsrg and gig
DEF is such a cursed stat in Hoyo games and almost nobody is safe.
>200 resin / 40 per run = 5 runs
>240+60 energy / 60 per run = 5 runs
>both take 24 hours to fully refill
Literal idiot sees a larger number and thinks he's getting more stamina, unbelievable.
>What the fuck happened
Firefly/Caelusfags drove out all the sane people, so now they're stuck with the other schizos. Tale as old as time.
no he isn't I have him at C4 M2 and struggled with him until I gave up, Neko and S11 give better returns on lower investment and less support
Shut the fuck up. It's not like I have a choice you fucking faggot retard.
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I love him...
Same. The default camera angle is a bit too low for my liking. That combined with all the ether effects and the shitty auto targeting can make visibility pretty shit when I play Zhu.
Billy forma de Starlight Knight....
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guys, the kot is growing on me a lot...
>elemental gems and boss mats
Yeah, I prefer slower but guaranteed progression than what genshin did. Although it does get better after a while.
Fuck, how did I tolerate 1.0 genshin back then, it was so bad.
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w-what don’t I know?
LMFAOOOO, enjoy your bricked relic, retard
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Schizokun... I...
That's good for you, however I'm normal so that won't happen to me
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What should you use instead?
I normally don't like catgirls but goddamn the nyagger is sexo
Shipniggers aren't sane or people.
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>two flat stats
Bro... bro...
>stelletroon blaming caelus posters again
go back.
I often get hit by a mob inside the black hole because I cant see shit and they surprsingly dont always get staggered from that + zhu's shots
>HSR has a Spring anni
>ZZZ has a Summer anni
>GI has an Autumn anni
So the next game they make will release in Winter?
no using kot instead of cat has nothing to do with ZZZ specifically
I don't know... Please tell me...
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And artifacts cost 50% more for the same drop rates. So 300 stamina goes as far as 200 resin. So you get the same amount of effective stamina with ONLY natural regen + coffee, yes. That's what I've been saying.

They're still gypping us on refreshes and batteries. And the coffee costs 2500 dennies a day, so it's not exactly free. That shit adds up, especially in a game where dennies are so tight.
Huh? No lmao, resin capped at 200 but that's not how much you regenerate everyday
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agreed, I think catgirls are kinda boring
but she's pretty cute and has grown on me. Her joining the cunning hares at the end of chapter 1 helps a lot too, very cute
i just started playing so i dont have lucy or piper yet, only the 3 freebies, bear guy and drill guy
>suddenly about Stelle
>is kot a bestiality theme
No, we love russian memes here
we aren't called zzziggers for nothing
yeah have fun using anton that needs at least m1 to abuse the unintended mechanic of infinite energy. oh yeah you also need grace for both of them to even be worth using lmao. rina is a brick 5* if she is your first 5*
The extra 20 energy cost gives exp mats equivalent to a 20 energy run you absolute retard.

Completely ignoring the boss mat cost of genshin too.
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>Qingyi looks fun
Nyoo I want to save don't make me roll for her
That's a (You) problem
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why is everyone so mean to her
>>community is unanimously skipping
Speak for yourself fag.
The thread started so good with the two surveyposts bros...Genuinely what the fuck happened? I mean it's obviously a raid but what set them off?
I'm aiming for the rrat but I'm scared her demo will make me falter.
Why would Firefly and Caelus drive people away? Aren't they just shipping their character?
Save for what?
She's a walking clichee, as a ex-criminal catgirl that lived on the streets. But she makes it charming. I'm glad she was my first S-Rank.
Anon, its literally every day around the same time. Nothing sets them off, they just have nothing else in their life.
>rolling for scara expy or the npc
Cant be calling anyone else a fag, buddy
>Genuinely what the fuck happened?
/hsrg/ migrants
she's bully-bait
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Normal person (for this website) left /hsrg/ to play ZZZ so the only people left in /hsrg/ are the schizos
Rat and caesar
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absolute cinema
Gonna be honest, I hate that spastic flailing
When will Wise get their pagga dabba doo moment?
I got her weapon. right before I got her so for me she's been good. People say she's carried by Piper but she has the same condition as Anton instead of relying on a stunner she relies on an anomaly as her burst on those teams does high damage.
I just realized this game doesn't have nier automata's disappearing weapon
It's the posters who seethe about Firefly and Caelus posters that actually drove people away. The person you're replying to being one such individual. They always try to deflect like they aren't the problem and people simply just posting a character they like somehow are.
/hrtg/ raid happens everyday around this time, next thread will be about yurishittery and MCwars
well that's cause we don't walk around in the overworld with a weapon
Isn't she supposed to be a stunner?
What is this long combo for?
AstaweaveGODS our game’s only a few months away
The shipping wasn't the problem, the obsession with imaginary boogeyman that must absolutely hate it that they needed to rant about in every.single.thread was. No one else ever spend this much time giving a thread live updates to what people with 2 likes on twitter are thinking as these retards and when you told them to knock it off you got more melties about "shippers and stelletroons".
Every single post they made revolved entirely around the hypothetical people they imagined it pissing off instead of anything they actually enjoyed.
For stunning.
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You know what else also gave good amounts of artifact exp that they took away? The extra blue/purple artifacts per run. Those fuckers give nothing now. There is no gain on that front, and if there is some marginal exp increase, it's 100% not worth a full 20 stamina. Stop trying to bootlick their shitty anti-player decisions.
>tiny meter in top left screen you need to track
Nah this looks super unfun.
you see the stun gauge going up, don't you?
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She's pure bully material
Poor Navia is catching strays and Kirara is the only good thing about it.
I blame the Americans for this shit
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Please take your hsrg autism out of this general, nobody here cares about your schizos
But Lycaon stuns in two CAs and a few EXes
What's the point of a long combo if she's supposed to stun and fuck off for the DPS to work?
Taking THAT long to sun is just terrible unless she does high damage too
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>Firefly/Caelusfags drove out all the sane people
And who are those sane people if i may ask?
This. They wouldn't have needed to add the disc exp farming stage if the disc exp we got was enough like it (usually) is in the other games.
/zzz/ users of course!
She does more damage and gives a higher stunned damage boost than Lycaon.
So she’s on the field more but your DPS will do more damage during the stun.
atk% is better than element% in Zzz
I really hope they change the UI. It's retarded to have the characters gauges be so tucked away in a corner

Characters in the beta server are equipment-less. You'll understand the difference between a standard character a limited soon enough furryGOD
But you can dismantle them to roll for a specific slot 10 times, with 3 guaranteed gold.
>he got the bad end
I sure hope you did it again for the true ending
People who post about things they enjoy, instead of all the things they hate or they imagine other people hating.
Combat atk% is, which this isn't.
People who post about things they enjoy, instead of all the things they hate or they imagine other people hating.
Such as? Name a few groups.
No, it's already been spreadsheeted. Element% is a bait stat.
she looks overpowered and brain empty coded
>literally list of playable characters
It's a waste of time engaging with retards like (You) so whatever.
so I can play her as a DPS obviously even if its not metafagging or optimal
Oh really? So who's spreadsheeting it? Cause I got a double crit atk main piece slot 5 chaotic metal disc stashed away.
I even got him a decent disc set and optimal bangboo and he can barely perform his role as a burst DPS, even if there is something wrong with my build the other two just do so much more.
every girl is our Ayaka and Firefly dumbass
the "my ship is canon and you are a homophobe if you say otherwise" retarded gayshippers are the ones having meltdowns over it because they get unbelievably triggered by the idea of bi and pan sexuals. probably because their gay shipping is just an outlet for hating men to begin with
in ZZZ you date every girl and fuck them on the couch so it hard filtered them on IK30

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