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Previous: >>488126395

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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>fixes your hag
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My heroes!
I can't wait for Qingyi's trust events with Zhu Yuan.
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Where's the general for the mihoyo animal crossing clone?
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How do we fix Rin's brother complex?
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Which agents canonically post the n-word in the Inter-Knot?
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I love him...
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Pride is so cool
How do I get an Ellen gf?
This grew up to become a fat assed glowie...
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>/zzz/ is overrun by furfags and lolifags
I just don't understand....how did the community become this
>it's another evil forced multiplayer event
this satanic shit needs to fucking STOP
Lock her inside her room, bar her windows and only send in Eous to deliver food. Cunning Hares are stationed outside everytime to stop her from breaching containment.
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My girlfriend has a personality eerily identical to Ellen
They also have the exact same height and birthdays in the same week
I just need to get her to cut her hair...
she's just a regular beat cop. Miyabi is the glowie
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But onii-chan really is the best. What is there to fix?
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The arcade PVP events are fun and I hope they will become a repeating thing like the fallgirls in Hi3.
>all events prize is done
Time to go back to COCA
Do Ellen kisses taste good?
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Reminder that it’s Nekomata’s birthday tomorrow! What gift did you get for her?
>rat slithers/skates when running
>Qingyi's dogshit daze application
good video all in all
>b-but no build
Lycaon with no build can stun that same enemy in 2 charged basic attacks
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All me
I kinda like em'. They do need to add better minigames though like that one game where you combine fruit and has to do it smart and not make the fruits stack too high.
a ticket to see her brother Silver in the Hollow.
it's a 1 way trip
I like how if you fail to steal from him, he notices what you're doing and just gives you his stuff anyway. What a bro.
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>cut her hair..
Diaperbros we need to up our game
What are the chances that Lycaon is neutered
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Seth needs to be put in diapers and unpottytrained immediately!
She sucks on lollipops 24/7 and sharks infinitely replace their teeth, so no need to wash
Her breath canonically stinks
you're right they even have vicious hell hounds this time
What the fuck… what happened to /zzz/ all of a sudden
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Not exactly an Ellen gf, but my ex is a cosplayer and holy fuck, never date a cosplayer anon trust me. She acts like what kids nowadays would call a "discord kitten". Never again.
Diggy Doggy 3 sucks ass though.
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american hours please understand
Looking forward to Lycaon getting powercreeped over and over again like the little faggotfurry that he is.
A trip to the vet to be euthanized
I'm guessing these are discless?
I feel like Jane isn't applying assault fast enough
Ben (he made a mistake with his huge paws while signing his post) Bigger
Like fish
That lycaon whalecuck is coping hard lol imagine falling for 1.0 fomo
Will they actually do the birthday art and shit like Genshin?
Like all cutesy and shit while talking to 1000 guys on discord who think they have a shot because of the way she acts?
Anon that image says Do Not Repost on it
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oh no, Jane is a brick! How am I gonna finish my Police team
>full 5* team
into the trash it goes
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My girlfriend cosplays only for shitty cons and anime meetups with <200 people we attend together and is too autistic to e-whore herself
No discs yeah
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>ANOTHER 200 polychrome event
Nice, 50 more events like this and I may try my luck at a 50/50!!
Looking forward to the 1.0 lolis getting powercrept by furry twinks
Catnip with cocaine.
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very kino mashup bwo
Yes no builds just leveled up
I want a JRPG with a time loop mechanic next time
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>dogshit daze application
is that not a level 70 thug?
When is this?
Is this your first mihoyo game? Cause Lycaon is inevitably done for as a standard character.
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>just roll for 2 characters releasing within 3 weeks of each other at month 2 of the game
>also travel back in time and get spooked by Rina
playing this event is making me worse at the single-player soul hounds
you're encouraged to play too suicidal in versus
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Who canonically has the worst smelling farts in the cast?
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But Lycaon is tied to Ice/Ellen teams. Qingyi can be swapped in everywhere including ice teams
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They are very sweet, like her favorite lollipops that week.
>Fry's 300th cup of coffee
Straight white males will see this and scream "kino"
Just like Mualani definitely powercreeping Neuvillette this time right?
Not Ben. His are pleasant.
lategame quest the prophecy. you can unlock it like at lvl 40 but have to talk to npcs that don't have marks on them. very highly recommend you do this quest but it takes about 2 hours
neither of those are standard characters
Wow you are coping hard furrybro
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And that is not limited to only discord, she also did that in real life, at cons and meetups. Also contemplates suicide whenever we argue.
That's way better anon. Who is she cosplaying as? When we were still together, my ex cosplayed Makima, that red girl from Xenoblade, and Asuka from Evangelion.
Devilboo should have been the s rank etherboo instead of resonaboo
>standard character.
did you make this? this is so kino
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Ellen, she eats Rina's cooking on the regular. I bet the sounds her stomach makes are insane.

>Trying to cuddle wise
>Eldritch horrorshow unfolding insider her (increasingly distressingly bloated) stomach keeps drowning out the dialogue
>Have to evacuate when she fumigates the place
I fucked Piper and got three STDs
There is a difference between
>limited characters will BE better than standards
>standard characters will be UNUSABLE because the limited replacements will be MANDATORY due to powercreep
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Rat looks good, like a Piper but with more options.
Loli seems strong but I'm not seeing any techs to how she plays, I might just stick with Anby as I didn't get Zhu Yuan.
I don't want the gimpsuit
Then why'd you Pipe her?
back to >>>/gig/ shitstain
Hmm so if I somehow get knotted + I got Anby/Koleda then Qingyi won’t be that needed right?
this one was a million times faster than snek
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get on my lvl
>ask Grace on a date
>she comes over, hands me some money, and leaves
uhhh, am I prostitute now?
black hole > ether beam
Only the dps really got powercrept in genshin outside of Kazuha power creeping his entire element until eos.
Rat seems like a mandatory roll if Piper is on the banner.
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Don't forget to feed your Ellen today sharkbwos.
No. But she looks fun as fuck to play so I will roll regardless

>t. got all stunners
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ellen bros, are we going to be back in meta after 1 full year?
Her banner is seth and corin.
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We shared a sweet broth ramen again today.
>whale clear
fuck off to hrtg
yea, you didn't get baited by weapons like we told you right?
Rat seems like a mandatory roll.
you can bench Anby for Qingyi
yeah I just finished the prophecy and made it immediately on paint. Might try again and see if I can give the sword before I fight.
We aren't a number crunching autobattler game like hrtrail, every character is viable with enough investment, now fuck off and go back tronie
The meme deer show is fucking boring.
Whoa Zhu is a tall woman huh
Shark Belle? Also, cute!
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For me, it's Anby!
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>Grace's CBT model was uploaded
>Now have Belle, Nicole, Grace, S11, Anby, and Nekomata's uncensored models
PCbros, we won...
Isn't Belle an adult? Does this make Ellen one of those high school degens who date older people?
Is anyone missing? Did Soukaku always have spats?
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She's the only stunner I have :(
That's mostly because they refused to release better supports than B X X. And it's not really a good thing to have a roster of dogshit characters weaker than 1.0 4*
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>got hit with s11's weapon at 79
wish it was koleda but at least its a good weapon

>Eats a burger in its entirety
Literally perfect.
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>Quests gated by time of day
>You can only rest once per day
>Only advances time by 1 stage
Nice game, Zenkeks
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Anby's rate upped on her banner along with billyGAWD, it's the only actual brick banner if you don't pull
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It's been 4 weeks. How come we don't have a friendlist yet?
Is it worth rolling for rat if I don't have grace and only rina?
It tried too hard to be funny. I think absurdist comedy only works if there's still some reality to it.
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>don't want to bench Anby for the superior model
do you still use a Nokia?
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I definitely won't be benching her, especially when she's paired with Qingyi's banner. Electro girls keep winning.
>Does this make Ellen one of those high school degens who date older people?
I dunno about degens. Crushing on someone slightly older, because they seem to have their shit together and so much "independence" is pretty normal for a girl Ellen's age.
>She doesn't eat a Big Mac by eating the top half first, fry break and finish the lower mac last
Kind of a mid-waifu...
>Quests gated by how long you can fast click for
>No time mechanic kino
>Back to luofu until 3.0
Nice auto battler honkeks
I think so, I've never seen evidence of it being otherwise like all these other cases
weird question to ask when snake is one of our minigames
I know nothing from it other than the op and this video I found funny
assault dps is a joke without good disorder character
t. piper main without grace and s11
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>Bangboo Limbo
>02/03 observation data
I don't get it
>when she's paired with Qingyi's banner
Do we know the A ranks on 1.1 banners already?
Yeah. The Meme songs are better than the show sadly.
You need to do it at least two times.
Its impossible to save both in your first go without guides anyway.
if you do that and feel like it can you also make another of these cool edits with the whole power of friendship fight?
looks like a raid, the results weren't anything like this 2 hours ago
WTF Corin wouldn't do such a thing!
Him and Gouba are holding pyro reactions and attack scalers back
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I can't go any further, it's too hard
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>Do we know the A ranks on 1.1 banners already?
rate ups got leaked up to 1.3
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Unzipped Grace is better than CBT Grace IMO, while still feeling fully canon.
What exactly is Yanagi's class and element?
You'll say this, go away for a day and farm more discs, recycle them and roll them in bardice then come back and get the next one.
>on a shitty poll on a shitty poll site without vpn protection
Damn thats nice. I always preferred the 'potential' of that zipper over the original design.
>He hasn't seen what happens when her screws come loose
Electro anomaly
If I'm knot 46 right now can I do my weekly bosses or will we hit 50 before it resets?
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I like how everyone can just chill at the military outpost.
>roll for Piper/Seth
>roll for Lucy/Lighter
>roll for Piper/Burnice
I definitely want Caesar but I wonder what S rank character I should burn my pity on
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Why won't the game let me have dates and improve my Trust with my sister Belle?
Is modding safe? I keep hearing about some HSR ban wave in the past so I'm too scared to try it honestly
>he can't clear with Koleda or Neko
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>bench anby
>nicole doesn't get her faction bonus passive anymore
brickybrick brick
This game's a lot more fanservicey than I was expecting.
shes already max infinity trust bro
>Anby isn't good enough I need to bench her for the S rank stunner
>whoops Nicole isn't good now I better pull the S rank Ether support
and that's how they get you
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Damn fuck Mihomo, really thought they could piggyback homos off the blonde cunnies, not even gonna touch those 2 banners, 1.2 will get only 2 for Corin, not risking shitty meganeshit
retardbro she still gets her bonus because of being the same element as Zhu
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Its max by default. You have implied date movie nights every week with your sibling.
It'd be cute if they let you spend time with onii-chan though.
>Haramusa and Yanagi same element.
Ain't no way
it's retarded but it's totally something gachawar autists would do
don't see how else the somewhat normal poll results turned into this so quickly
My only standard is m1 rina I'm playing piper with corin
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anby if she was epic
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>Miyabi = Sou/Anby
I'm wasting everything here, and (YOU) should too.
literally impossible without two runs, there is secret area for rewards which basically ruins your true ending run
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what did you expect?
Should I even bother building Anby since shes just going to be replaced by Qingyi next patch? I need a stunner for my zhu yuan team though
Hmm okay. I wasn't really that interested in her design and I already have Grace so she looks like a skip unless the Grace powercreep is severe. 1.3 looks like a banger so better to skip I think
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old married couples don't go on dates anymore. It's a given assumption that they love each other and know everything about each other
>second team is Piper
>don't have Grace, S11, Koleda OR Neko
My brick power is stronger than you could ever imagine
3DMigoto is client-side and undetectable because it gives instruct to your GPU to render a model a certain way, there was never any proof that the HSR bans were modding related, unless they altered game files
>press to play
>loading shit
>loading done
>press to play
Who the fuck thought this was okay
Don't put ZZMI or your mods in the Zenless game directory. Don't post mod pictures or stuff in any way that is associated with your uid.
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>caesar piper burnice
what happens with new A ranks will they still be only on the limited banner or do they come to standard after it?
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you could cope with Ben as he applies a good amount of fire
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Disks having types and slots is shit, if you roll a really good disk from the farming map you might have to shift everything else around
Genshin and HSR
Billybros... is our boy alright..?
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man I love neko
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Good taste!
its 'reddit: the anime' of course its shit
If youre going to roll for Qingyi until you get atleast one copy then yeah dont bother. You can level up a disc set and probably just put Anby's disc (or steam oven) straight onto Chingpee when she releases
>CCs are leaving ZZZ
>most players are going back to HSR
how do we save ZZZ bros...
Nice made up leaks you got there
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fuuuuck nicole is never coming back
There's no way all of these one off tv event maps are thoroughly bug tested.
>undesirables are going back to their containment chambers
ZZZ is already saved.
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>most players are going back to HSR
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bro i just started this video right when you posted that
You just posted the very thing saving it
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Defend this shit.
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>4 great banners back to back
>2 patches of fucking nothing but mihomo-slop
I fucking hate Dawei
>Jane's, Harumasa and Caesar are must haves.
I'm ok with this.
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Thank fucking god this garbage slop took less than 15 mins to clear entirely
From a purely reasoned and logical standpoint, who's the bigger rapebait?
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I blame summoner's war/epic seven, fuck those guys.
New A ranks are available from standard banner afterwards.
Going back to space China? No thanks
literally just hold right and mash jump, how can you be this shit at games
oh then I should save up my standard tapes more I guess...
>dodge caps at 60
makes sense you would end up with the true end being impossible if you could infinitely dodge the true final boss
Nekomata, she's black and blacks have been slaves for most of history
I'm guessing 3DMigoto and ZZMI are softwares that enable mods? I might get brave enough to try it out eventually but yeah after putting some money into my account I'm a bit more adverse lol
1v1 me in snake duel you faggot.
>Worst part of the playerbase leaves
It's my favorite map because retards get filtered here
Sounds great. What's the catch?
wut, jane is a skip, defense furfag isa brick
Eh the pool is extremely diluted so I don't think it's worth hoarding
Definitely Nekomata. She's to bratty and cocky.
What happens when I already C6ed Soukaku, and I got her a million times again on Miyabi's banner?
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>want to play ZZZ but ACU is down and it's too fucking hot to be launching games on my PC if I don't want it to melt
ZZZigger for this feel?
so i have amillion and resonaboo. what other bangboo should i get so i dont brick my account?
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I'm already burnt out from doing Hollow Zero and Notorious Hunt, fucking hell that shit is no fun at all
>not even boopons this time just IK20 chips for Ellen and Jew
They're not even hiding their jewery with this one
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It is technically an "underwear" fetish but your ass is cooked anon. You definitely have the diaperfag bug. It literally starts there, but you being into it at all when she's wearing a used diaper means you're going to be falling down the deep slope
>no disc exp
Theres litearally nothing to do past ik45 what do you expect?
Yes. ZZMI is a version of 3dMigoto set up specifically for ZZZ.
that part's intentional, the game even warns you about it
I'm more concerned about my chain rate going down
dexfagging was a mistake
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>Going back to HSR
You see, this is how I know this isn't true.
They won't permanently ban you, but it's understandable
Oh okay I get it now. I had no clue what to do, thank god for the guide. Is this going to be the standard shit they do for the TV missions going forward?
Any S rank boo that synergises with your team properly, with priority on the anomaly build up boos.
Avoid Butlerboo at all costs. Hes the only S rank brickboo
your convenience store??
the week only just started anon did you consider pacing yourself
Any elemental boo you need
Spreadsheet connoisseurs recommend our game because they're autist who love difficult calcs instead of solved games like HSR
>Is this going to be the standard shit they do for the TV missions going forward?
I hope so. All of the hidden TV missions are so much better than any of the regular ones.
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reminder that GODkaku has over 1000% scaling on her normal attacks
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Reminder that all "leaks" beyond 1.1 are complete fanfiction and likely even pushed out by Mihoyo themselves to bait naive retards into pulling early because "lmao there's two skip banners coming up!".

Everything in the story points to 1.2 being Sons of Caledon. Lighter being on the Section 7 and Miyabi on the Caledon banner makes ZERO sense. Do not fall for it.
That's a good thing

Well I feel better if it's not permanent. Thanks
It doesn't matter if it's now or Friday, I hate that boring ass slop
Piperbros I didn't know you were eating THIS good
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Oh, I didn't realize it was used visually. although the appeal of the tummy poking out like that is the idea that she's holding it in and it's all churning around in there so I may in fact be cooked
>Fagumasa in the LIGHTER banner
>please play our autobattler

No, I’d rather go back to Genshin because at least there’s gameplay there
Cute hagchild (barren womb)
>he thinks there will be a major story update before 1.3
Anon, I....
not!Childe will be the A rank on Miyabi’s banner
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If this is a hag then I LOVE hag what the fuck???
I wish, those mentally ill freaks need to leave this thread. Just look what they did the last thread
man if this is true, feelsgood; I won't be pulling for a while and can stockpile.
pointless. you can still get any a rank in the scheduled banners. i never buy standard rolls. use the currency you get from the limited banners on the standard rolls in the shop every month and roll whenever you have 10. thats what i do
Notorious Hunt is fine cause it's like 2 minutes a run. But doing Hollow Zero five times as very fucking annoying. At least they're addressing it (eventually)
Is this pr0n? I'm at work
Depressive faggot if you dont like the game then quit playing it unironically.
If you burn yourself out you're just going to stop anyway
>3 cop banners, 3 weeb banners, 3 calydon..
maybe you're the retard?
Caeser should be interesting as we'll finally find out what shielders are actually supposed to be doing
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Post the real one
There is a boopoon ticket retard
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Is this good for lvl 9 outpost? I need more dmg to ethereal on first part.
You literally made this shit up nigger.
>Reminder that all "leaks" beyond 1.1 are complete fanfiction
>Everything in the story points to [shit that was in the leaks]
i was actually going to get the butlerboo next because i already had the elementals for my s ranks and it seemed good when i used it during the story. its not?
I still can't believe Ceasar could be the only S rank from SoC. She's also the one i would roll for the least on design alone.
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My wife is not slop you tasteless faggot
You get a pull refunded to you in that pity currency you spend in the shop.
I will kill ZZZ
60 bigger cocks in dawei
Thats more than enough, thats enough for SD10-12 easily, if you kept up on your DPS' skills.
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she's gayified mihomo redesign slop and her wheel-shield is fucking dumb and you're dumb too
>i never buy standard rolls
I was talking about the tapes you get from leveling and events and stuff. buying standard pulls except the 5 discounted per month is stupid
>only pick up the game for Miyabi and Anby
>Miyabi is like 4 months away and Anby is shit
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I'm surprised I actually managed to S rank Stable SD 10 with literally only 4 maxed 5* disk's. Yes I know I'm running the most metafag comps as possible, but then again only ass cop and Ellen are lthe only lvl 50 and everyone else isn't ascended at 40/40 and only 6 5* disks between both parties with absolutely shit ass talent levels.
I believe you just get more residual signal than you would on a non-maxed character.
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she is censored slop
burnice mogs her too
She's also defense class, I don't feel good about my SoC stocks
chinese femcel...
nah put you see armpits I guess, so maybe your boss doesn't appreciate it anyway
Retarded turdworld seanigger lmao kys
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just did hollow zero core for the first time.
i'm sad that 90% of the combat in the game is boring slop when they clearly can make fun encounters.
all story bosses should be around this difficulty
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Yeah I'll be seeing you around enjoy getting acquainted with your new fetish
she attacks incredibly slowly so it's balanced
>lvl 9 outpost?
what? You mean regular stable Shiyu? I don't think you even need discs for regular Shiyu
Only one pull??
>those bangoos with those characters
I thought hollow zero is fun. Only shit level is the credit card one because the buff sucks
We’re all playing Elden Ring, aren’t we fellas?
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you rike?
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whjat am i in4 bwos?
can i get 7x srank in shiyu with this newfound power? my dps is billy
No im playing minecraft (modded)
A million soukaku dupes means a million pulls!
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For what purpose does a police android such as Qingyi have so much ass?
farm disks and hope to be a luckGOD
Go fight 11/11 nineveh now
If you already have the bangboos you need then stop rolling until you have a fresh team to level or you want to change up your roster. They'll be adding new bangboos to the pool too.
Butlerboo in practice is 10 energy every 24 seconds with a 5 seconds animation. Effectively meaning you get 20 energy every minute for the character you happen to be on.
The Butlerboo effect is so utterly meaningless in comparison to the damage and anomaly build up of other bangboos.
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>over 75+ hours on ZZZ
>only played the DLC up until the dancing lion
I'm afraid it's over, Dawei pysop worked for me.
Is Soldier 11 any good for Shiyu? No dupes no sig.
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Your thoughts on the idols?
To entrap me and milk me of my "genetic evidence" when I keep cumming inside of her.
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The previous design looked stupid, if you think otherwise you're stupid too
Its feels bad to have your A-rank eaten, but in a sense it's "free" progress towards S-Rank pity since one roll turns into two.
not the guy you responded too, but should one solely focus on discs for the DPS?
I want to squeeze a peace officer's fat robot ass
Hagslop safeloli unironically for females
Too tall
I will now whale for M6W5
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is there a way to see time played on PC?
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I run soldier 11 with piper for discords, what is a good disc set if I can't use fanged metal?
Why is it so much harder to force myself to play real games? Every other RPG I touch just feels weirdly sloppy. But I even have trouble picking up good games, it sucks.
Where are they?, feels like gaybanana only has shitty ones
ellen's slow-ass rerun...
DPS focus first, then supports if they provide attack buffs. Make sure assist skills are being upgraded too for your team.
In general you'll cut down so much time with better disc sets.
Her older design looked was ugly and she mogs Burnice btw
Yes that
Bro my luck with bangboos is kind of shitty rn so I have no choice

Honestly I feels like the dmg is not enough desu I cannot pass the first round within 5 minutes yet.
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they add to take the additional battery storage from the breasts to the ass for the sake of balance during high-speed sprint pursuits to guarantee maximum autonomy and optimal unit agility
Yes if you have Lucy or Koleda.
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i have to do 0/11 for the first run....
They sound adorable, I can't wait for them. I'll get them all with weapon, even if I have to swipe.
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Nooooo I do not want to roll the rat but I NEED c6 Corin.
There are no lolis, only hebes in this game
Cuck material the moment mihomo add an A agent as their manager
wtf they look 14
I am getting cucked on my S11/Koleda/Lucy team for not having Lucy M2. the rotations are goddamn awkward. but yea, I am leveling the support stuff for bigger buffs
You have a severe brainrot
They're just games, I don't see anything different
yeah it's not permanent, just 10 years or so
Corinbro... its so over.. I'm gonna build a half pity at best for Corin, already got Rina spooked getting close to pity trying to C6 Ben and Nicole...
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>they add
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dont care still rolling all sons of calydon
We need a hot goth girl with long hair and baggy eyes
No, Corin does not count, Ellen also does not count
Nah, i actually dropped the game. ZZZ is more fun to play, the combat feels more complex and more involved despise the simplistic kits. Also less fighting with the camera despise the terrible lock system.
I'm probably done with Fromslop games unless they release Sekiro 2.
I'm now playing Kunitsu-gami as my main game instead, a bit too easy but it feels pretty refreshing.
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no im playing pso
Should I just give up on getting the correct mainstats for 4,5, and 6 and just level what I have to 15 so I can do shiyu? Or is waiting better?
the gamebanana ones labeled as CBT are the actual models bro
Kys loser with you normalfag baitslop
Vidya nowadays feels so soulless to me idk. I stopped buying AAA games unless I really like the series or the devs. Only games I play now are weird indie titles and deck building games.
I wa shoping you'd like rat. Sorry to hear that Corinbro. Hope you don't get spooked early.
I’d be fine with a standard banner spook since I only have Koleda but with my luck I will “win” the coinflip on Jane while going for Corin.
And that’s after I’ve used my pulls to get Qingyi. FUCK my account
i'm playing PoE
>the combat feels more complex and more involved despise the simplistic kits
I don't know about more complex but it's certainly more fun in my opinion
Only I am allowed to roll for Caesar, none of you deserve her
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>we need a hot goth girl
>no, this hot goth girl doesn't count
>neither does this hot goth girl
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I dunno, the characters in JRPGs just seem really generic to me. I'd like less xenoblade/final fantasy type generic party members and more charming, varied casts of characters. I guess probably like a gacha, but without the slop. I'd kill for something with more modern characters.
perfect, guess i'll start when 1.1 drops in case mods get fucked up with the update
It might be better to just farm a little bit more for your desired mainstats right now, and skip rolling for a perfect substats
>American western desert
You can always feed them to better discs in the future. Don't stress about Shiyu, I've already given up.
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We need a cannibal/serial killer faction in this game!
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We won
Mihoyovets, are mods really safe? I don't want to ruin this account, I got everything I wanted right now
the outer ring bro, its implied to be some kind of wasteland outside new eridu, im curious about how we will reach it
Thats the Outer Ring. There is a lot of deserted land outside the city, between the Hollows.
Shipper trannies have finally been defeated....
genshin did it right
you have 5 slots, so you can run one great piece from an otherwise not great set and still get max set bonuses
when the fuck do they release and which are 4* or all 5*?
Mihoyo doesn't have the balls. It'll instead be a robo faction that eats Bangboo.
Thanks anon. It’s not that I dislike Jane Doe but I don’t like her enough to get her early game when I haven’t had a chance to save for a while
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I hope it is
Western setting is pure shitty american slop that literally NO ONE likes except americlappers
But you cant "play" a chat room
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>I'd like less xenoblade/final fantasy type generic party members and more charming, varied casts of characters
Play real final fantasy games
The Outer Ring, the area outside of the city edge, I presume. I want to believe there's a ring-road or outer loop which circles the city that the sons of calydon just run havoc on which is why theyre all motorheads
The gatekeeping was successful??
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yes, ive been modding genshit for years
I love Neko but Corin is better on that team
You're probably getting there too late at this point.
I'd really only recommend babs who are just getting to IK45 bother with last minute attempts at building better sets to drag out as many rewards as possible since thats when you can make significant progress in just a couple disc upgrades.
So, Billy is the one that will connect us to the eventual Calydons storyline? What about the idols then?
What kind of garbage education do current age zoomers have that makes them mentally ill shipniggers?
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>skill issues
Those guys make nothing in the first place.
>otaku gacha filter shiprodents
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>16 / 158
>17 / 164
>17 / 160
extremely lame. should be
>7 / 160
>10 / 149
>13 / 150
Take a shower
The real question is why are we hiring high school idols/vtubers to go into dangerous hollows and fight for us?
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>hourly [hoyo character]
>talking about hoyo game
How did zzz do it
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>see THAT Zhu Yuan random trust event (not pic related)
Let's hope the yuri schizo never sees it... It's literally all the fuel xhe needs.
bombarded with globohomo and got the wrong idea from playing matchmaker in persona and fire emblem
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>urbanite third worlders terrified of untouched nature
a tale as old as time
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Content doko?
Wtf Loom looks cute
They are probably on the verge of their idol bussiness collapsing and are looking for things to film in the hollow, that's why we will be helping them
Retard, people have been posting it for days.
Sparkle is our first honkai expy releasing soon to join the cannibal faction with Ashley Graves
I do daily, I also touched grass every single day last week and every day so far this week. Can you say the same stinky?
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>current age zoomers
zoomers are in their mid-twenties now
the teenagers shipping anime characters on xitter are the next generation of mental illnesses
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he're the stats that exclude dupes for 5*
Does Lucy want 4pc swing jazz or 4pc inferno metal as a support? Does she have to trigger the chain attack for swing jazz to be good or can any squad member initiate it?
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Its like CP2077. Huge, built up metropolis in the heart of the city and immediate vicinity. Then deserted tech wasteland as soon as you reach the outskirts.
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I’m gonna be honest bros, multiplayer Soul Hounds where people are actually trying is really fun…
Their chapter will be about us being the manager of their group and raising them to stardom
we are already hiring ellen and corin who are underage but seem fuckhuge stronk, most likely the robot loli is a piece of military hardware that ensures the others are safe or something
Is there actually anything outside the city? There has to be a place where they grow food and shit, right?
Don't diss the ALPHAS!
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>W - ”hourly” or “daily” twitter account
>O - simps for generic upcoming male
>M - shipping
>A - #boycotthoyoverse
>N - complaining about lolis
Five in a row! I got bingo!
Ive not seen THAT person witness it though, which is what I was worried about, not the event itself being known.
Which stun w-engine should be crafted for Koleda? I had bad luck and only got Ben's Engine and Starlight Engine over and over again
(You) are the manager/producer for these idol girls, will it be kino?
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>yeah bro
>look at that rock
>oh and that cactus
>hey another rock
>omg what a based cactus
Anon, the whining shitposter doesn't read our threads. Don't give it You's
>most zoomers can legally post on this site now
take me back
Mihoyo is covering their asses
Probably something like "We need a exciting theme/backdrop for our events!".
We got a bunch of commissions that lead us to accompanying people into Hollows or making video footage in the hollows.
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steam oven
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Honeymoon phase is over but I'm still having fun. I don't want to pay mihoyo again but the monthly pass is tempting.
This is a good thing as it allows more wild faction themes.
top 2 dps are
>given for free
>1.0 4* that was called low tier at the start of the game
Other than her sig, Steam Oven is okay
Yes and instead of calling belle/wise proxy they will call them manager
>idols hear Billy call us “Manager”
>latch onto us as their new group manager
>all their commissions are us shooting them music videos in the Hollows
unbridled kino
the auto targeting in this game is bad. I hate the twins for thing reason.
stop playing stop pretending to have fun
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i don't like to be that person but there's something weird about that spine to the point it's not even sexy anymore just uncanny
The real answer is unrestricted access to Twitter.
So... atlus games?
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I wanna see Ellen in more alt outfits she might wear outside work and school.
>I just love the hustle and bustle of the city!!
>steps on human feces
>steps on a pile of used syringes
>gets stabbed by a homeless nigger
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>jirai kei Ellen
Ive completely exhausted all the content in this game so I have stopped. I cant wait until theres more content or when shiyu resets
Ellen dressed like a prostitute...
As their manager we will sponsor them using random play as well and imagine having an idol management event during their debut patch
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Pretty much. But I'm out of those.
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>section 6 is all japanese themed
well i still hope we get an all-ninja faction
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just pulled my fifth Weeping Gemini
is this shit good on anyone?
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I want to see Ellen in a PUBSEX uniform
would be funny if xhe was preemptively rangebanned
>just maxed billy's friendship
he's just dan heng isnt he
>not lolis
>most are taller than Anby
Koleda remains the hottest girl in the game
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She's just shy with her crush right now, but once she gets some confidence Proxy will find out thats a predator...
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Holy fuck, never utter those two's names in the same sentence again. Billy is so much fucking cooler than dung heng.
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woah there ellen lay off the fucking candy or you'll go from shark to whale
Very possible since I don't think they'll suddenly stop making japan & china characters. Devs love street fighter who has some ninjas so It's bound to happen.
>Random Play is their sponsor
>they use the Random Play roof for concerts
>we get a weekly idol performance on Sixth Street a la Splatoon
so much potential
Stop comparing ZZZ characters to hrtroons
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hmm, nyo.
I NEDD a big titty pon as hell kunoichi.
Random Play doesnt have a roof that could fit more than 2 people and theres a live concert area literally a 30 second walk from us
PSO titbeasts
Those leaked heights seem fucked up, they're short as fuck in that promo art with all of them standing around the desk
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>lost the booty cop to Rina
Gonna need some team ideas... so far looking at an electric for my 2nd team.
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So how far are you into Shiyu?
Other mats worth it for blue merits? I have almost 2k ans already bought tape/jewpon. Greens seem pretty limited so holding on after having bought the 2 disk options out
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Miyabi SAVE
>16 years old (Fake ID)
>17 years old (Fake ID)
>17 years old (Fake ID)
Same as you, bwo. I decided I'm just gonna wait for the Billy rate up that's coming next patch and he will be my second DPS.
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So what is Ellen's secret nickname?
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Will there be any characters with wings? I want to see winged weirdos please
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I hope we get a mafia themed faction
Lol, Corin, Koleda, and Neko are shorter than them
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Joe Mama
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>Should I even bother building Anby
You don't need to do much to 'build' a throwaway stun character, just upgrade an Impact disc which you'll put on Qingyi anyway

Now that I have Zhu at equivalent investment and am comfortable with her I really think she outperforms Ellen, all my Zhu times look better than my Ellen times now, it just takes more finesse(resets) to use her
>goth is a rapper who stands on the roof
>blonde plays an instrument somewhere
>robot projects her hologram into the sky for the actual “performance”
Random Play rules, 404 Live can fuck itself
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>when looking for a place to quickly rest her first thought is your house
I am going to marry this woman
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You got Anby Anton????
My engine choices for Grace are Weeping Gemini and Rainforest Gourmet
Am I correct in assuming Weeping Gemini is the better choice in the end? In the end the loss of Anomaly Proficiency vs Rainforest is made up in battle + the attack%, right?
actually, it's not
so.... when are we getting new content?
sleepy joe
probably hugo vlad's faction if he ever becomes playable
antagonistic factions looking for help from the same proxy would be interesting
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I heard its more like 2 weeks but I've never been banned so I wouldn't know.
Rainforest is better, you have less sources for Anomaly Prof. buffs than for ATK% buffs in the game.
This game is dogshit. None of these discs give me correct mainstats, I don't even pay attention to the substats. It was the same with the echos from wuthering waves. Dogshit rolls. made me quit.
in 2 weeks or so
until then enjoy your arcade and bangboo events
what happened with the hoyo boycott? was twitter buckbroken?
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I just refreshed my monthly pass sisters...
Losing my 50/50 to a W-Engine finally snapped me out of the honeymoon phase, I realized this game is fundamentally boring and empty and it's just going to be the same old arcade trash events + hollow zero weekly shit grind going forward.
What's the point of spending hundreds of dollars on characters when the end game content like hollow zero are completely trash and devoid of any soul? What's the point of grinding everyday emptying energy just to level your characters and to do what? Play that stupid arcade shit they keep trying to shove to our faces?
The game is not gonna get any better, the pulls aren't gonna get any better, I'll keep getting cucked by 50/50 bullshits, I'll keep getting cucked by W-Engines. Hollow Zhits aren't gonna get better, Arcade shits aren't gonna go away. Glad I have post homo clarity to call it quits now instead of becoming a sunkcuck in the future. Hope you guys that are enjoying the game get good pulls, bye bros.
Why wouldn't her first thought be at her moms place?
I just do one run ONE DAY and the another one ANOTHER DAY
Yeah I do, check pic
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We need a pig character for us Americans
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Bye bye
1.1 on the 14th until then go do other stuff
>he didn't go to 180
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you’ll be back for rato sexo
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Reminder, Keep pulling for Zhu!
should i run anton/grace with that anton exploit or piper/grace
I'm not getting monthly pass, but I'm warmly waiting for BP to reset so I can buy a second BP
>What's the point of spending hundreds of dollars on characters
Name a single gacha where the expenditure of any money at all is somehow justified by the content you silly twit.
Me but with losing my first character banner 50/50
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The serious answer is that she explicitly was just in the vicinity and it was the most convenient.
The real answer is because she wanted to smell my pillows.
Thank you for contributing to keeping zzz alive gweilo
That's why I'm only aiming for A ranks, you're basically not guaranteed ever which character you want outside the 300 hard pity on standards
What other games do you play if I may ask?
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Good bye
Rina, Anby, Anton can work although you'll probably need to be using Anton more often so it's a lot better if he has his signature and some energy regen or you learn his drill only attack pattern at C1.
I lost :(
I now remember Ippo... He ran out of oxygen.
they collectively killed xhemxelves when I posted my bank account records of me buying the 100$ topup 48 times, no need to thank me
do you get anything from getting them now instead of when it expires
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I want this game to stay in the bubble of new eridu or at least whatever country they're on. I don't want to fight moon beasts in space, I don't want to be some other country's hero, I want to be a manager of video store with my sister and occasionally help in aiding hollow related problems. I don't want this game to jump the shark.
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Why is Zhu so tasty for the lolibot? Is it all the donuts she feeds her?
god I love her little cape so much bros
>Anton at C0
I am so fucking bricked its over lmaooooooo
>I don't want to fight moon beasts in space
you don't have to worry about that's happening 10 years from now we'll be dead by then
Zhu C1 worth or save for new stun?
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So let’s see
>Gentle House: Americans (New Yorkers with some hints of hispanic)
>Belobog: russians
>cops: Chinese
>Section 6: Japanese
>housekeeping: British
>bikers: American (Midwest)
>Military: American (Virginia)
Bet you that if the Chefs faction is actually real, they’ll be French.
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Even the most cost effective method of the monthly thing still amounts to paying $50 for one extra 50/50 lol, the next leaked banners better be good or I'm probably dropping after QingLi at this rate of nonhype
why would you ever have more then 3 characters in a hollow?
Boos are the greatest part of ZZZ and I've yet to see a single person saying they don't like em
Go for C2. You can't be knocked out of blasting and more damage.
I'm BEGGING you to click this link
mf just realized hes playing a gacha game
>I don't want to be some other country's hero,
There are no other countries, they're all dead and gone besides maybe some wild holdouts somewhere. I wouldn't worry about that.
>I don't want this game to jump the shark.
Stakes and enemies will definitely ramp up, but Mihoyo doesn't even like the MC being important in the games where they actually 'can' fight and do things. I have no worry that this will somehow change for the siblings. I'm actually more worried about them being written out of the story with PoV chapters.
after the frenchie olympics disaster, wokesisters lost the argument.
zenless zone zero.
l4d,drg,darktide,remnant, mostly coop games
The 300 mono
Should I put an Energy regen% or Impact % on Anby with her sig? I've been playing her so far with a cope 4* ER disk and I feel like she's so reliant on actually stringing her basic 3 into EX to completion that I feel that uptime on her EX is more important then her EX but I maybe wrong.

Fighting on the moon sounds fun though. Exploring the outer ring and what possible locales they might have sounds fun.
C6 or you might as well not play the game
>only leaked chef runs a chinese hot pot restaurant
meh it's alright
I think someone said you can unlock that characters element resonium for free that way
some effortposter should bomb the event in minecraft already
>Should I put an Energy regen% or Impact % on Anby with her sig?
It's dumb that it takes more time to open and log in the game than to finish the dailies
Can you lose the 50/50 on the limited character banner to a w-engine?
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ok, I did
now what
thankfully not
Guys the honeymoon phase is over. Time to come back to the real passion project, Genshin Impact.
impact slot 6 disk
energy regen w-engine

if you use steam oven then you get both energy regen and impact % on the same wengine
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Make sure to invest horizontally this time to not brick
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Piper doing the katana sheath thing with her axe.
I already spend every last fraction of currency up to the last minute on Ellen, sorry. Next game maybe.
You're reaching a bit desu.
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Not as much as youre mom reached for my dick lmao fag
>Losing my 50/50 to a W-Engine
You're full of shit. Limited banners do not include S-Rank W-Engines. At best you're just talking about standard banner pity and exaggerating for effect.
So what happens when you clear all the little challenges and minigames for polychrome? Are we just forced to start paying or do they restart every year or somethin?
my dick rises at the thought of nicole's titty mole
I will never horizontally invest, there are just not enough characters that I like in any of these games. I'll put 200+ rolls into my favorites every time.
>story about Grace and Koleda infiltrating a school
>Their models don't change clothes
I get why they didn't, for budget reasons, but muh immersion....
is this a game where I have to reroll my account 500 times in order to get the optimal starting characters?
you do your dailies like a good little gweilo until the next event/story update
to kick them from the party
>brick your resources
>4 year Hoyoslave veteran
Unironically this
mental illness
>Vertically rush to 50
>vertically boost two DPS to 60
>all content becomes an absolute joke and allows me to farm more shit than you ever could
I’d rather meet a man in the woods.
I’d rather meet a bear in the city.
Simple as.
You get polychrome from dailies (60-120 per day depending on news stand luck), Shiryu Defense, Hollow Zero updates, and events. If it's like the other hoyo games (it is).
>posting xitter screenshots
sounds like the real mental illness desu
Heh, true. Still, stop reaching.
You can't boost to 60 retardbro
I NEED a cute and youthful foxgirl in this ge.
Miyabi does not count.
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no everyones viable but youll probably want to grind fast to see if you can get lucy dupes and buy one in the shop before the month ends
zzz is a game for straightGODS
Like in any game you don't "have" to reroll but you're looking at up to a 150 pull discount if you do and roll a limited in your first 10
Yes, twitterscreencap posting is mental illness.Seek help.
>To kick them from the party
The resonium you get for dismissing a character is a better gain than the generic "heal %10/ gain gear coins/ reduce pressure" reward you get for a blank support tile
>Gain Lucy
>Go to stats menu
>Pop a boner from the animation
>Strike zone!
>Nothin' to it
>Please love me
Damn nigga I was just trying to do a chain attack why is this bitch Corin trying to groom me?
the rat is the glowie
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oh hey Zhu Yuan, whoops my cock slipped out haha
>cops: Chinese
Not really only zhu and Qingyi are chinese
Why would you be a lolicon for being attracted to a legal adult? What a weird thing to say.
put Fairy into a sexy android body so she can finally clank clank clank the bratty AI
I mean... Lucy do be havin' some thighs...
Lucy isn’t a loli just short stack
welcome to the club
>Comes back as the grizzled former leader of the Sons of Calydon coming back after leaving the gang in Caesar’s hands.
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Since when did moles become "hot"?
I remember when weebs were puking at any anime girl with moles because it meant they were either evil, a prostitute, or a hag, sometimes all three at the same time
But now people see a mole and are all going SEXOOOOOOOO
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>got too good at soul hounds
>finish too fast and most people get incomplete
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Ok but hear me out;
>New endgame event drops
>(You) have proved yourself by raping Hollow Zero and Shiyu Defense
>Someone took notice
>Moon base requests your help
>Turns out Void Hunters are purging the massive Hollow on the moon and need your expertise
>Eous is strapped to a rocket and sent to the Moon
>You can play as Void Hunters for the event's durations
>Also doubles as gauging player interest in Void Hunters as playable units
I find it unlikely that they'll ever be playable though.
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Nice fandom zzzkeks
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we like those now, see Sarah
we like those now, see Ellen, Corin, and Rina
we like those now, see Grace, Rina, and Zhu Yuan
The math checks out, moles are sex symbols.
Which of the three research resonium makes for the easiest Withering Garden run?
My wife on the left
>You can't boost to 60
>hes unaware
IK50 lets you level agents to 60
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Moles on gacha characters are pretty much just used to draw your eyes to specific features of the character. For Nicole it’s her massive tits, for Lucy it’s to show just how short her shorts are draw your eyes to her crotch.
>Belle/Wise is both first and second place
I'm thinking incest won BIGLY
They just saw a kid throw a can on the ground.
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>roll scratcher
>see 3 literal piles of shit
>starts shining and does a popout animation
>60 polychromes
>Since when did moles become "hot"?
Cindy Crawford
Corruption one since you can remove any unwanted corruptions between floors and realistically never should have to deal with the purple corruption which is usually a run ender
The first one because it gives you the corruption gates that remove one for free in the rest areas
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Anon new eridu is the last city in the world
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Lucy also has a hidden mole under her belt
nobody cares about the groin hunters lmao
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lolita is a body type and general aesthetic
lolita complex(lolicon) is the sexual attraction to it
it doesn't specify age. you are lolicon even when the loli is an actual hag
do keep in mind that the Asians are capable of differentiating fiction from reality and understand that it's just a fucking cartoon, so "muh minors" is completely redundant over there
thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
Ao3 is 99% female authors. Of course they love the onii-chan boywife. Very based line-up, except for the baffling Nicole/Belle and lack of Bellen.
Pressure makes it easy to avoid Hay Fever and remove dodge cooldown at pressure gates
Health lets you revive squad members at health gates and catalyzes to a shielding resonium
Money is fucking shit
>modded her pickelhaube out
Wish granted but they are all full on furries and the vorefags will spawn from the darkness and never leave
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This lends credence to the “Lucy was censored” theory.
Uhhh bro dont look at C6 Lucy's mindscape screen...
>tfw almost a month in and still didnt get golden poopd
moles are gross
Mole missing.
>will spawn
We are already here
Dig the ground and the floor shakes!
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reminder that nicole's mole is actually massive and hack fanartists keep drawing it as a tiny black dot
today's the day to clear out the z-merit shop anon, it's the last HZ reset of the month
>sees his sons playing bottom to a sadistic lolidom ojou-sama cosplaying as a biker but enjoying the hell out of it
i don't know if i should be disappointed or impressed
I want to but there were several youtube comments on their video splurging out how one of them was Kiana and the pinkette was Elysia. And that's when I realised that honkai niggers really are the worst. So I must hate those characters.
I have +200 PULLS in this game and nothing to pull on
Explain this, ziggers
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that’s skin cancer
There are no real lolis in this game except the kid NPCs everyone else is just short
She's not even stacked, she's just a small woman. Literally illegal in Australia btw
Wait, how do you know?
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corin's erotic knocked knees
Nekomata is loli?
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JK shark GF
I've done every run with the HP one, including my 11/11 clear, since I don't find corruption management that difficult, especially when you are done with the bangboo side shop and can just get rid of 90 corruption at every rest stop.
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Okay but what's actually worth it you ficking nigger
So what do you guys do to short women over there? Do you just kill them?
Hollow zero has a shop?
Ellen is the only character who actually has an alternate outfit (school uniform)
I hope they add it as a costume desu
Yes, in Australia when a woman comes of age she is measured. All women below 150cm with a bust below a C cup are executed on the spot.
in the prophency has anyone tried to get dodge rate to 100% (is it even possible?) and collect all friends and kill the 7 mil boss solo still? I feel like trying it out but don't want to waste 3 hours when it doesn't even work in the end
yes, it's totally unmarked but you have to talk to the npc guy just standing outside the tent in scott point
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Best Engine for Rina? I haven't claimed BP engine yet if that's any good
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why would they do that
Its unmarked but you get a fucking tutorial quest which forces you to talk to him
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forgot pic
They'll prob mark it next version or something
If you don't have her signature, then reverb mk 2 is unironically her best, very low investment as well because B rank engine
They should really let you exchange tickets on the arcade event for some negligible amount of denny
Give us some reason to participate in the event after playing the 5 games we need to get all the rewards.
damn isnt this 40 at W1
it gets outclassed by rainforest in every way unfortunately
Which agents are likely to be for (you)?
...touch my tail...?
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it's pretty clear to me that Anby wants to rub her feet on Wise's dick and face
I should note that if you aren't running an anomaly team with Rina, then use Reverb Mk 3
Will use that then thanks. Also any idea what's the best BP engine to claim? Heard people saying the anomaly one but I don't have grace
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Does anyone have kit of the 1.1 Bangboo?
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>do Zhu Yuan trust event
>refuses to take a break and must be forced and supervised to ensure she's taking a break
>watch Zhu Yuan lore video
>she immediately ditches work at closing to be with her parents
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you know the way, white man
Rainforest is 40% attack and 75 proficiency, weeping is 25% attack and 184 proficiency, it probably depends on your disc substats
>Security Bangboo
>100% crit damage against black ethereal
The writing teams definitely aren't on speaking terms sometimes.
Anton, Anby, Rina is an anomaly team right? Planning to roll qingyi soon to replace anby.
*powers up*
Should I destroy Corinposters?
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Oh, You reminded me:
In English, she apparently whispers "Nom Nom Shark", when I was checking an EN dub of the scene. You can hear if you up your volume.
I play in JP, but the voice line just trails off and she doesn't actually say it. Sad. Just checked to be sure.
Maybe it's there in CN, but I don't speak ching chong.
No because you really can't proc Disorder with them being all electric. At best you have a setup for Anton to do okay damage while enemies are shocked, assuming you have him built up.
>hes counting weeping at max stacks
anomalies snapshot so at best your getting this to match rainforest baseline on your third anomaly proc
this doesnt even consider the fact that it turns back to dogshit if you stun the enemy

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