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Previous: >>488124247

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
don't post firefly
if firefly is posted then it's spam
Total Firefly love
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Why is it the only person to use unique images for threads the Huohuo tranny?
Remember when people actually thought Sparkle wasn't just worse Bronya? Good times
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
QQ's pov
Never forget that HSR is a self-insertCHAD general.
>also adopted
This is getting retarded. Are the Landaus the only intact biological family?
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Yunli’s gift of odyssey is the most coomer thing this game has done, I hate gacha pandering to guys into feet. Also she’s, what, the equivalent of twelve?
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Feixiao would be hot, but my ex-roommate who picked the lock on the bathroom at 3:00AM while high on ecstasy and started kissing me and I couldn't fight back because her husband had previously threatened to kill me if I did was exactly this type of lady.
Caelus is so lucky...
Firefly love
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That 50% Superbreak sure is strong
I wish our homotroonies can just play Gayshit instead. Cai Haoyu literally went out of his way to pander on stinky women and gaylords like them
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Why do you hate her, /wuwa/?
Your sunday and robin?
Chinese media has a boatload of adopted families
because muh parallels probably
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I'm going to DU protocol 6
Wish me luck
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Has anyone tried nipple stimulation on themselves? Do they become more sensitive the more I play?
Of course I'm talking about in-game chars. Honkai Star Rail
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what the fuck are you doing?
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>Bricked already
Uh Firebros?
No… not the SPAM… I’m gonna lose my fucking mind nooooo
>makes three threads
sex isnt real in space retard
I'm convinced she's Redmans illegitimate child
>the internet is filled with porn
>socials are sluts showing you their cunt
>but no these particular pixels trigger me
you should uninstall star rail. better now than never
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why did you include hig?
Your Gopher Wood?
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noticed while I was scratching some cards that you seem to be hanging out in front of the smoke-shop so I brought you a pack~

Oh no, don't worry it's on the house~ and I know a place we can hang out without the po-po or your parents narc'ing on our vibe. C'mon, it'll be fun~ You can take turns~

It's not that there aren't siblings and families, it's that people who have children always die.
>No tail
>No boobs
Just throw her at the regular banner
I dont like firefly purely because i feel cheated that her kit ended up bring mainly about dual wielding swords when i wanted more kamen rider kicks and over the top fistfighting.
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>it's totally genuine and organic
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Why does Hoyo have to focus on feet so much with her? Even givinh her such weird art? I hate it, I hate it so much. I can see the focus in her animation to show her stance, but all of her promtional material have to have feet, and it squicks me and the leak art makes me so upset I want to uninstall the game just to never see it. I know I'm being overemotional, but I haven't been so excited for a character since DHIL and it just suck so much this is what she's associated with. I think I'll have avoid her demo and any promo for her from now on, but I will still have to look at that art for days...
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>cringe erp
What the fuck is "1 cost 0 cycle", what kind of schizo shit is this?
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This thread deserves you for making Firefly the fucking OP again, paglus hours
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>KAKA URINE talking for 5 hours about necking himself and le sad story is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but Luofu blows the shit out of Penisloppa.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
As long it keep making them a shit ton of money, never
feet can't be 'cute' you mentally ill shitposters
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This isn't anything new, she got mogged by Jade in MoC clear times
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is it ERP to imply that a character looks like a morally bankrupt oversexed Bingo-granny for laughs?
get fucked huohuocuck all three early threads was pagfly
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This is so good holy fuck
Gojo-kun made a bunch of threads to spite the spam complainer, then picked the most replied to thread to spam cuckporn to spite the fireflyfag
You cannot stop Gojo
Lingsher will unbrick
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Still waiting for those firefly feet pics
Can a kind anon please provide?
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So this is what /hsrg/ has been reduced to? Aventurine and Firefly discussions ad nauseum? Did Shaoji superbreak us?
That's because Blade is her biological father
Damn Sparkle got elationMOGGED
The whole china is gonna be like this because no one likes china characters
one limited 5* (or eidolon) or limited 5* cone = 1 cost
it's extremely hard for firebrick to 1 cost 0 cycle because of how turbocope she is without ruan mei
>Stelle is cringe and if you play her you are a tranny!!!!1!!11!

Ok explain this. Korean incel hates trannies and LGBTQ shit. They love real hot women.

Why was Stelle sold out but not paglus?
Cost is what people who actually care about "being good" use to measure the quality of a 0-cycle. Many characters can 0-cycle if they're propped up by supports, support eidolons, their own eidolons, cones, etc. Each of these has a cost.
1-cost means that there's only one 5* worth of cost int he team. Cost is a meme metric anyway because "0-cost" often allows for S5 gacha cones/E6 4*s which are harder to get than 5*s on average, unless you have an old account. But even then, there are people without S30 GNSW and not a single copy of D3.
>Is it erp if I include my own headcanon and smutpost in an extremely embarassing way?
Flying Comet would've won against Feixiao
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Jesus fucking christ lmao
Just like how men hate males in gacha, women have females in gacha. It's that simple.
Can we talk about another female character aside from Firefly? I propose we talk about Acheron instead
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>the quality of a 0-cycle
>two stelleposters having a melty at the same time
hsrg is heking back.
>sperging out
The precise opposite. Hare strategy is an assured loss.
>not hiding stubs
that's retarded, S5 gacha cone is like $50, I'd rather end myself than paypig like this
they like to use whataboutism on aventurine for some reason
it as the patch he released in, why wouldn't he have the most screentime?
Scroll up niggy
Now we also have Gojo shitting up whatever is being discussed
Were Stelle and Caelus on Herta's spaceship or did Kafka bring them with her?
Ask those antifireflyschizos. They would rather shittalk on Firefly than talking about their own waifus

Or husbandos, but only if you're yume and not fujoid or faggotron
Holy shit so it's the most irrelevant measure ever and just some self imposes challenge?
Why did I even care...
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Based thanks
I love Firefly
>So this is what /hsrg/ has been reduced to?
This is what happens when nearly eveyr story event turns out to be literally nothing.
The stellaron was on the spaceship, Kafka brought the bodies
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I think it's just asia in general. Now Japan has the whole new-type thing going on where a whole generation of unwanted children were sired by occupying american military personnel, but it was the persona series that made me realize just how ingrained family issues were in their culture.
Same person
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This bitch has been seething about Firefly since day 1 lmao, i really have to wonder how Firefly mindbroke these people so much.
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She's cute
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>Whole 3 patch is gonna full with Firefly post
Holy shit I'm in Heaven
Jesus christ
Thank you for saving hsrg Firefly 2kdm28
>Bring both bodies with you
>Have to drag one all the way back
What was dumka thinking?
You almost had a point but then you thought Luofu was good so now your opinion is worth as much as dog feces
based and femcelpilled
>All 3 hoyo games at the top
If it wasn't for xivg you would thing this is a hoyo general
Holy fucking kek
Why are women like this?
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We run this general
>an actual femcel
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My girlfriend is so cute
Bosenmori won
Nah blade was a childless weaponsmith.
Because women are more emotionally-driven than men.
And the internet is a perfect breeding ground for emotionally-driven content.
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I can see
I genuinely thought femcels mindbroken by firefly was just a meme here, what mental illness causes this obsession...?
its LITERALLY ZERO difference from the average /hsrg/poster
wait a second....
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I hate that there's no competition for Acheron's unsurpassable Power.
She's like Yuhawak without Ichigo
or Sasuke without Naruto
or Shadow without Sonic
or Sukuna without Gojo
or Sigismund without Kharn
or Karsus without his retardation
or Radahn without Malenia
or Musashi without Sasaki
or Kevin without Elysia.
>literally just copying the Ochaco one
blackedkeks, you can do better
>shitpost about 1 female being better than firefly
>anons become obsessed with her fueling their obsession with femcels
why are you all so predictable?
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>buckbroke femcels in your path
And she's kekbait.
I just can't bring myself to ship Kafka with TB, she feels like their mom.
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Silverfag here who left those generals a months ago, can we be friendly with fireflybros?
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She looks like she's preparing to be spitroasted on a sex swing.
>couldn't have something good without it being monkey pawed
Just give me 3.0 already
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I have no idea what this means and I don't want to
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Silverbro is our imouto-alliance.
If Mihoyo never changed the 2.3 break relic set to exclude Boothill and didn't make the planar set only usable for FF, along with shilling the shit out of FF Superbreak with Divergent Universe (which is a level of shilling that even surpass what Acheron got) we literally wouldn't have antifireflyposters. You cannot refute it
Is HSR healing?
How many hours until animations drop?
The threads have been bland and borig for a while now.
Why can't we all be friends like before?
>Man is a terminally obsessed schizo
"This guy is a schizo"
>Woman is a terminally obsessed schizo
"Women are inherently emotionally-driven schizos"
like 12
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That just makes it better
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Of course
this but unironically
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no fucking shot, I was just yolo rolling no 50/50, cause I'm not particularly interested in the china chars
remember lads always roll never question
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Sex with mom
>sex swing
like a normal swing but you have to be harnessed in
one in both ends
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SW and Firefly are family and TB's gaming buddies in canon
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>what mental illness causes this obsession...?
Literally just being a woman
>inb4 some troon goes muh incel
Women are evolutionarily wired to compete with other women, the same as men. They unironically see Firefly as a threat because she's shilled as a for (You) waifu. Women don't want to SEE for (You) characters, and most of these women also HATE men, so it's a double whammy of seethe and cope. Yes women are actually this terrible.
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We need more hag feet appreciation
the Sakura Matou of Honkai Shart Rail....
Chinks have a one child policy so they can only adopt
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No, I feel the same as you. I like Kafka a lot but I also can't really see her in a ship sense with TB too and enjoy that more maternal dynamic instead. Especially with this patch kind of solidifying how motherly she is to the the SH girls as well. I'm probably in the minority though.
>Thread is so terrible that you can post (blacked) porn without consequence

What caused the downfall of this general?
most based youtuber
It's kinda funny and sad at the same time when FireflyMains is the only hsr related subreddit where you can have a civil discourse about FF without being brigaded by seething trannies and femcels
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We laughed at picrel
hotsexwithjingyuan being mindbroken by firefly
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About that...
>posts in a thread of a game he doesn't play because he's an attention whore
not even getting paid for it lmao
>"Time for a bug!"
Firefly always regretted asking what that meant... at least AT FIRST...
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Thanks. I'm actually excited for all three of them.
Janny Trannies refusing to do their work.
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Thats the best part
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Oh nice. Finally.
I don't like blacked because it doesn't make sense. Meanwhile swarm does
They are open to making Huaiyan playable and playable characters cannot be confirmed to have had sex
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The boundless despair knowing that we're back in space china for a long time just so hoyo can prop up ZZZ and genshart's new upcoming region
Actual gameplay discussion about Firefly always went well here though?
So this thread is primarily a women's space?
>This mindbroken over one character
What, because she's straight? Is this just a really bitter dyke?
Is this real?
hoyo likes to watch...
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>fireflyfags are unironic redditors
fucking kek
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FUCKING WHY? The mini game was pretty fun
We fireflyfrens welcome you, braza
Keep in mind, I never said men AREN'T emotinally driven. I simply said women are MORE emotionally driven.
Just look at the way a man writes smut compared to the way woman write smut.
bosenmori is a virgin
I think we should open our borders for refugees from /gig/
egg website
>stelle pic in the corner
Don't tell me you bricked your game
why did fofo banner flopped 1 year ago?
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Are they really just gonna leave the icon for the multiplayer mode there forever so that latefags know what they missed?
Will 5-star Tingyun be evil? I keep seeing posts about that.
This feels like that meme
>a keep a picture of my nemesis with me all the time to remind me of my vengeance
The fact that femcels even exist is proof how badly atomized modern society is now.
Male losers and rejects I understand but females generally are supported and protected by the society they live in, in the rare instances they aren’t they end up as prostitutes. Now we have actual mindbroken femcels that have nothing better to do than seethe online.
Feet general
Armpit general
Sex general
4chan as a whole is just another reddit
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>FireflyMains is the only hsr related subreddit where you can have a civil discourse about FF
That's the board in general, for some reason the discord threadshitters chose the general with like 11 posters in it when there isn't an active update (which is most of the time)
The best part? She rolled for her anyway kek
oh god is that actually AI generated? They have the fucking model!

I guess it makes sense... Kirara's Phantom in Boots artwork has similar issues.
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Death to/gig/ger
ZZZ is okay as long they bring lust provoking image
Wouldn't be surprised. turn-based RPGs tend to be a genre women gravitate more toward these days.
Why does Firefly: female protagonist of Honkai Star Rail™, make femcels seethe so much?
He's her grandfather, sex is still on the table. Unless he also adopted her adoptive parents
Sure, atleast then we will have more variety of schizos
What is wrong tho?
Acheron > Firefly at every Eidolon and F2P weapons

Acheron is stronger metawise and lorewise
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Please tell me there’s an image of firefly and silverwolf both teasing you with their feet or footjob, heck I would settled for even shitty 3D models
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>flopfly killed the game
>jade is t3 unit
>feixiao has zero tits
Honkai Star Rail?
More like Honkai Blunder Fail
Not even you believe that
No she's not
Very Rarely see them shilling their game or shitposting here or on gig they are alright
It's bad yeah. I see no way out of total civilization collapse at this point. I give it another 20 years and then everything and everyone is fucked. At least we'll get to the climax of HSR.
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She's so cute bwos
Guys do.you think the stellaron hunters might get new forms? The old ones are already behind the meta, especially blade and SW, gotta keep em relevant
Dude that's the little finger bent towards the palm. You've never seen a hand?
You get an F- for trying
E0 Firefly mogs the shit out of E0 Acheron
I will be a dad soon!
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I don’t know but I’d kill for their jepella suits to become skins
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>Fofo banner
>People talk about Yunli
It's fofover
nta but Firefly unironically lost to Jade E0S0 under that system so I can see Acheron mogging her
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Hah hah, you're so weird anon. I don't get why you want to keep sniffing my armpits whenever I'm done training.
Yo, check it out, it's that Jing Yuan dork. Wanna bet who can hit him with a rock first?
how come we didn't get a full turn around with her yet?
kill yourself, weird ass erp faggot
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Its kind of funny how the womens outfits for jepella are way more "elaborate" than bladie's which is just using a plain suit lmao
old and busted
>Firefly, look, look
>... came!
Can anyone translate the ... parts? I can't read kanji so good
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>Be Stelle
>Get woken up by a fucking cancer in your chest
>This hot guy is about to give you CPR but some quirky chick interrupts him
>Have no where to go so you stay with those two and go on adventures
>Pussy stank so bad that no man wants you, not even the biggest manwhore that fucks everything with two legs
>Women assume you are a dyke and jokingly flirt with you a little before leaving and getting dicked down
>At night while everyone is busy making love you crawl into a smelly trashcan and finger yourself while trying to hold back tears
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>Huaiyan playable
not with that in-game model
An adult male typed this btw
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blade is getting a new form in the next patch bro
>the only place where you can "Talk" about a terrible character is where all the people obssessed with said terrible character congregate.
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Can we hug for a while but keep our clothes on this time?

No?... okay...
You guys won't believe this, but the best dps is Seele
Check average cycles ;)
they put more effort into the female designs
when they do it for males, they get reported to the ccp
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i have a boner!!
>normal people when they see yunli
>cool, she likes swords, she's barefoot but who cares
>fujos when they see yunli
>stop objectifying women you evil males, how about you all shoot yourselves so the earth is rid of every toxic male?
Why is she so flat? Doesn't even look like the art. Are japs the only based people left on this planet?
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>Firefly: female protagonist of Honkai Star Rail™
仙舟= Xianzhou
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So /hsrg/ included?
Blade looks like Hanya's paintbrush
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>wide man shaped shoulders
>masculine facial features
>flat chest
Hmm yes, that's a man
>hsrg has blacked firefly arts
>gbfg has blacked kafka arts
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I wonder...
You mean in the chart where Acheron is even lower?
>seele fastest
>jade, the worst path for moc, clears faster than ratio, jingliu or acheron
these charts are so fake lmao, do people believe these things are not made up?
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feetsex general
Thank you bro.
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She's the heroine of Honkai Star Rail.
i don't know who is this.
I don't read Chinese, what does it say?
Should I try to get jade to fill out my quantum team?
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he can open his eyes
It's japanese, and it literally says: the heroine of Star Rail: Firefly.
then why do they schlick themselves over males and yurishits just fine without any schizoposting?
"The heroine of Houkai Star Rail: Firefly"
I hnestly have no clue wtf is going on in gfbg anymore.
Is this the one who posted here claiming she beat the world record or something, and then some anon pointed out that she copied everything from Bilibili?
Cheating on Clara's feet with Yunli's feet!
Blade (Past Re-awakened) with white hair, imaginary type
more like "a heroine of star rail"
Pretty sure a large chunk of the videos there were made in private server cause they can't afford the rolls and relics used otherwise. Even has a video full of E6 characters just to say Firefly sucks in AS.
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Jade would only be advantageous when buffing Qingque, as QQ can hit multiple enemies and Jade literally cannot be anything but SP positive.

As a sub-dps to other quantum dps like Seele and Xueyi performance will be sub-par due to insufficient stack generation.
What? Literally no, you larping fag.
You can tell he's Wuxia martial artsGOD who never lost a duel(except to Feixiao). Is he really gonna be playable?
This model is too SOVL for honkai chink rail
I liked more when we were dead
>could have gotten a cool playable old man
>when with the meme dwarf old man instead
lesser users , less chances they're retards

They're not made up, the other pools are just being muddled by the fact they're being used more so there's more samples to poison the pool

Basically the entire thing just says, jade users are smarter than ratio, JL and Acheron users in general and the only remaining users of Seele are turbo autists who have her turbo maxxed and know her every quirk
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If shoulders are wider than hips, it's a man
does /hsrg/ like to watch
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I fixed Feixiao
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where tail?
Yes, this game is for NTR gods.
Stop being a furry for one second
Isn't that false advertising? Imagine seeing that add, going "Huh, that girl is cute maybe I'll play HSR" Then downloading the game only to realize that she's nowhere to be found and no only is she not the FEMC but she won't show up for hours of content and if you want her you gotta wait months for her rerun.
No tail, no boobs
yeah, I'd like to watch you getting skewered by a tribe of cannibals
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The borisins that used to own her cut it off, it got in the way of anal rape
Hu Tao has the most
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White Night is 6 months old
You are 6 months older
You can add 6 months of shitposting in this general to your internet career
He's right tho. SMT V mogs HSR in gameplay.
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I can't believe oyakodon MINDBROKE /vg/...
you know you're gonna get banned now, right?
when does the beta start?
/gbfg/fags are the mcwar fags btw
the whole "firefly is the female protagonist of star rail" made stellefags (djeetafags) seethe btw.
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>big tits on splash art
>flat as fuck on 3d model
It's Topaz all over again
You know that he's been ban evading like 20 times in the past 2 hours?
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Yes it does. The possessive word is Star Rail, "heroine" is describing something within Star Rail (Star Rail(s) heroine). It isn't emphasizing that it's one heroine, but that it's a heroine in Star Rail.
11~12 hours from now give or take, animations leaks drop alongside character trailers.
Holy ESL moment
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Topaz does remain the bustiest maid model to date thougheverbeit
He cute
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>have to deal with both sides of the firefly retardation until the end of time
blade forma de mara-struck
devil trigger kafka
no idea for sw, what kind of upgrade would she get?
You know that a lot of characters have smaller boobs than what's shown in their splash art right?
since it includes whaleshit it has nothing to do with the players being smarter or not
putting jade on your team is more of an indicator that you're a paypig who will just get carried by a stack of dupes+jaypegs
that said jade's st weakness is nicely covered by robin and the fights feature plenty of enemies (puppet trio is, well, a trio, and argenti has a shitton of summons) so she's not as bad as people claim her to be
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Why are firefly fags like this
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>waifu is too irrelevant to have any race baiting cuck porn
>>have to deal
Take meds
I accept your concession
If Fei Xiao animations suck then I'm uninstalling.
That model is fucking awful. I don't understand why they're still using copy pasted bodies when ZZZ has a unique model for every character.
>14 GB patch
I always dread when the time comes
Hey, at least it'll change everytime she appears in the story. It'll be overall the same, but in slightly different flavors.
I don't even like Firefly but whoever is spamming blacked porn of her is seriously mentally ill and needs to touch grass.
She's still bigger in the Trend LC thougheverbeitly
I know but Topaz (and now Feixiao) are the most noticeable to me
Apparently Feixiao model is Stelle's model which is why it looks so weird, they tried giving it tits and it just looks awful
Who even draws this?
Does Yunli not want to use Clara's current FUA teammates?
Ruan Mei is bigger than Topaz
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Are your supports popular, /hsrg/?
It is not fake but it is misinterpreted. To begin with the average cycles is taken from a combination of both sides. Lets just say for example player A 0 cycles puppets with Firefly and then proceeds to 4 cycle Argenti with Seele this gives Firefly and Seele a 4 cycle clear. Now player B 1 cycles puppets and tgen proceeds to 7 cycle Argenti with Clara this gives both Firefly and Clara an 8 cycle clear. Average from these 2 samples? 6 cycles for FF, 4 cycles for Seele, and 8 cycles for Clara. Now imagine when 70% of 15k samples used Firefly while not even 5% of 15k used Seele.
heroine in japanese specifically refers to the main female love interest, dumbass
anyone have the prefarm mats guide for march 7th?
Is Loom equivalent of Stelle or Firefly?
>Had to start deleting games again to make space for it
I mean redownloading all of them takes less than an hour but I'm still not happy about it.
they're edits and AI generated
>Apparently Feixiao model is Stelle's model
If that's true then I guess that explains why she looks terrible. They really need to fix the model. She looks nothing like her splash.
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>Welt gets a new line
>it's this
They are edits, nobody draws Firefly porn that isnt Caelus/Stelle so this guy has to just edit original art or use AI.
People sometimes use my supports. No idea why, I have not updated my friend list in like... I don't even know, so most of them are either in the endgame or dropped the game.
Loom actually has boyfriends/yume pandering so she can’t be stelle and she has too many to be firefly. She’s more like gudako i guess
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It's probably an edit
Some cucks hate a character so much they commission that sort of thing for real money
Ironically, that is the most cucked thing one could ever do, but irony is lost on them
The female protagonist in a novel, story, or play, or in an actual incident.
No one, it's edited by the guy you're replying to
so morbidly obese people are all women?
Seems appropriate.
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fucking retard
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That Jiaoqiu's line
Might as well be
>tfw immune to the blacked edits since im not white
i guess being brown has some silver lining since whenever i see blacked memery its just regular sex with a palette swapped dick
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Caelus' bat....
Hertaschizo was right
Firefly killed hsr
nobody cares, fuck off subhuman
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At the moment, by warp tracker statistics, Jade's banner is the second worst performing debut banner and is also outperformed by all save two re-run banners. Those being Argenti rerun and Jing Yuan rerun.

Dr. Ratio is of course the exception to every rule, and in a sane world he would have been added to the standard 5 star roster by now much like Dehya was in Genshin.

On can expect the numbers on Jade's banner to creep up over time after her banner ends but even a 40% increase would not change her ranking.
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Stop spreading misinformation
I stopped getting supports months ago. Feels bad but i cant compete with e6 whales so it was always a done deal.
How old is Jaoqiu?
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All browns and blacks should unironically be genocided. Honkai Star Rail.
Black looks better imo. Color contrast is hot.
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Make me
based clara dropping the trvth nvkes
>caring this much about how it's translated in JP when you don't even use it
He's young, but he's just jaded/tired from the war 30 years ago, he's akin to like a 40yo veteran with ptsd who got drafted to viet at 19
Is that Iris?
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whoops, didn't mean to reply, although jade is one of my supports so it does technically answer your question in a backwards way.

I get maybe one usage a week but it doesn't tell me if it's my firefly jade or Ruan Mei
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She broke millions
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Pretty sure that's Josie.
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Just got done building Herta

Thoughts? I use her with RM so she should have enough SPD from LC and RM and she also gets 15% crit rate from E2
Fuckers fuck off of gbfg
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Why does Yunli’s blade look like Blade?
I NEED Clara's feet in my mouth
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a bit too late for that since you retards let the long nose subvert everything for the past 2000 years
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brace for impact
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She loves her uncle
Illegitimate child
Trained under the same master
>Topaz does remain the bustiest maid model to date thougheverbeit
>webm shows that she's smaller than RM
i dont really feel any emotions from this image desu
That's not even realistic. Literally no girl would ever have such garish tattoos.
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>Pulled for Blade
>Put him as my profile pic in hopes of baiting fujos into e-Sex
>He got immediately powercrept
>Still no e-Sex
i'm going to break
Floppaz is smaller than Ruan Mei
Me and my Sigga canonically getting our groove on
>Blade voiced by Shinichiro Miki
>who voiced Shishou in reincarnated as a sword
>Yunli's sword looks like Blade
I'm starting to notice something...
hope you rolled for jade bladeanon
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That's all you've got?
holy fucking BASED claraGOD....
>hoping for sex in a gacha
Are you people even real? Why can't you just be normal.
I'm thinking based
yunli is a walking bleach reference.
destruction trailblazer bankai when?
Jade makes blade pretty fun, being able to trigger your fua pretty much every other round is cool stuff
Not bad, weakest piece is the sphere
Yoooooo bleachgawd have mercy
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It's still so e shitty degradation fetish so I hate it anyway
cotton is not edible you fukken retardo
>polfags replying to their own off-topic shit
xitter-adjacent posts will never be on topic
the raceplay shit makes it extra cringe
>pulled for Blade because he was cool
>he sucks and does no damage
>Not pulling for Jade because i'm never rolling for a Space jew + their synergy is a même
>Never use him again
Its over
I dunno dude looks pretty edible to me.
how do you call these hours?
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I want to make her happy
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Stelle can't be a femcel, she canonically got raped by this thing:
>rolling for aesthetics
>get mad when theyre not good as well
>refuse to get teammates that would make your cool character good
sounds to me like you dont actually care if they look cool, metasheep.
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She gives Ackfags a bad name.
huh? their synergy is amazing, he gets more turns and fuas, builds more stacks for her, she gives him stacks
tourist npc hours
OH, is Blade actually her uncle?
Wishing that it's all some samefag doesn't make it true, troonfaggotxis. Most people think this btw.
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If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles
A hundred miles, a hundred miles
A hundred miles, a hundred miles
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two, Lord, I'm three, Lord, I'm four
Lord, I'm five hundred miles from my home
Five hundred miles, five hundred miles
Five hundred miles, five hundred miles
Lord, I'm five hundred miles from my home

Not a shirt on my back, not a penny to my name
Lord, I can't go a-home this a-way
This a-way, this a-way, this a-way, this a-way
Lord, I can't go a-home this a-way

If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles
hp support in 3.0 trust the plan
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>love mommy jade
>also love black swan
>want to blow my last few tickets on jade but know it's her or swan
being a hagfag is pain in this game
She also gives humans a bad rep.
That's why aliens won't visit us.
It’s American hours right now
Not a Hertaschizo but I think SU is WAY better than DU. DU have too much Firefly shilling which throw off most comp. Also, a lot of stuff happen all at once and you have little control on what you get. Sure, getting 50 blessings is good but at least 1/3 of those aren’t needed for your team.
Genshin is a known grooming ground, just set your profile picture to Loom and have a girly name and you will get spammed with world invite requests. I had to turn that shit off because ELSs would join my game 24/7 trying to talk to me.
Why do you want to fuck fujos? Yumes are way better
It would be less embarrassing if it was one samefag and not some discord faggots
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Your true wife is coming home next week
I feel like Ackfags are among the worst groups though, same with Firefags, same with Urinefags
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I should go buy some more cotton swabs later
You can go back to doing SU anytime and spend 15 minutes going through it all unless you have Acheron. I'd rather just click every minute to get my planars thank you very much.
Why do women hate other women so much?
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>tfw rolled Jade
Hopefully she is the last IPCringe I ever gonna roll. Fuck this gay faction.
alright which character fan group is not the worst
>Cletus thinks everyone is as inbred as he is
remember when silverwolf posters were the ""worst"" posters? good times.
Incapable of forming friendships the same way men do
Annihilation gang
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Good times
>popular characters get bigger groups ergo mental illness
You don't say
keep seething SH
make sure you roll for your boy in shorts elio
Based snekGOD
They feel threatened because for whatever reason, they compare themselves to pixels. So if I draw a slim woman and post it online, some fatty will think it's not fair that my drawing is slim while she's a landwhale, because in her rotten brain, that's the reason she can't get laid. Not her personality, no way men are appaled by her toxicity.
Ratio is too meta for standard but they should have done it because he's useless anyway. His eidolons are mega fucked, especially his E6.
Nobody is gonna pull for this dude ever, and Feixiao's probably gonna powercreep him and steal his team anyway.
They don't
It's pretty obvious m8
Yeah DU fucking sucks, most people would agree with you. Too bad MHY is a megacorp at this point and there's 0 chance they'll make it better. They're at the point where they're just adding features but not improving on them.
>He rolled for stoneflops
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Firefly love!
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Upon this hour I shall deliver the reminder
Boss Stone OWNS YOU
>They feel threatened because for whatever reason, they compare themselves to pixels.
so /hsrg/?
Ackfags are just esports autists and those are the worst types of people. I'm willing to bet at least half of them are former Jingloo fags too.
>newish, look up Blade's kit
>only builds fua from taking hits or hurting himself
>would be pretty good if he also got it from healing as well
it's a shame that the idea of tuning passes are so foreign to gachas. 5 stars especially should have occasional updates to deal with powercreep, imagine spending real money just to get outpaced a few months later and never adjusted.
Xolze only pulls hags so she's probably a femcel turbodyke or a troon
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And their cones*
Half of this is made up shit what makes no sense.
I'm extremely well written, everyone loves me, I have no glaring flaws and my backstory is terribly tragic
what has been pulled form the resource download?
>indise me
We kneel, ARLAN GOD
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>feixiao still doesn't have a model sheet
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isn't it funny that people here confirm they're tourists by forgetting how these generals were not long ago?
>currently firefly shill vs anti-shill all day long
>before it was acheron shill vs anti-shill
>before it was black swan shill vs anti-shill
>before it was jingliu shill vs anti-shill
>before it was kafka shill vs anti-shill
>before it was silver wolf shill vs anti-shill
>before it was seele shill vs anti-shill
in general, homofujotroons will always seethe at fans of females, this cycle will never break because the mentally ill prefer to seethe rather than talk about the things they like
who cares
shes not going to be meta and we already know yunli isnt
What are the chances they nerfed her tits on the model and thats why the shoulders look off
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At least that Anon that post about Acheron' milk jugglers is fine
>Barely known kit
>Also barely known model
What are they hiding?
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Hsrg and those husbando subreddits are different sides of the same fucking coin, the only thing that changes between their arguments is the gender of the character
Xueyi bwo...
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Sorry for replying to an old post but wtf no there aren't. I wish there were more shota Aventurine fics
Are they hiding something?
How the fuck is this >>488139978 flat? Did porn rot your brain?
Guys, halp
I have Robin and Fu Xuan. My only healer is Natasha.
I really want Sparkle and Huohuo. Sparkle more.
BUT I also want Yunli. No guesses as to why (but I don't have a main dps, besides Qingque).
Roll advice? I'm at 45 pity with 30 pulls in the tank on a flip.
She transforms into a wolf mid combat which turns her into DPS Abundance path
How is the leaker a third worlder? I can understand someone from china leaking these, but what a brownoid?
This is the third girl Caelus got pregnant this month…
Yunli absolutely needs her signature light cone to function properly so she’s out of the picture for you automatically
if my memory dont fail me, dimbreath is from argentina.
/HSRG/ is a melting pot where you can express any opinions
Subreddits are echochambers
how the fuck is Arlan's backstory tragic
She's so smug
tfw no Phos
rape lil sigga
>shes not going to be meta
He doesnt know...
That angle accentuates boobs so that even B cups look big. See >>488140351 for a frontal view.
She is flat.
Just get Yunli, you probably want a DPS, she is very good with Robin and Lynx is on her banner (Lynx is also free) so you can probably get a few Lynx dupes along the way.
Get rid of that hag Natasha, she's useless for everything but sex.
Cant believe the most aesthetically interesting one, agate, is said to be dead already. Im tired of generic anime designs man.
I don't and nor do you
>transformation during combat
God I hope they are finally doing this.
So many characters would be so much better with a cool transformation.
Dumb enough that Firefly has zero animations for that.
Dumb fucking lazy company
he was a nigger
Is Lynx required if I get Yunli's cone?
We know, Peppy
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Is Feixaio for me? I'm looking for another unit to roll after Yunli got paired with YanKING.
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Ting2 is also Agate, trust the plan (and schizo theories).
All for the Amber Lord.
Yunli does fucking nothing outside of her ult, so you really really want her signature and Fofo + Tingyun on her team
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>gives you the shittiest kit imaginable
Thanks asshole. I think I'm going to go stop a demolition just to spite you.
What triggered the gigger this time?
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>That angle accentuates the boobs,
Just like the one in the splash art
>Look at it from the front instead
Why the fuck would you judge tit size by the front? Do you know what depth is?
Leakers said she would be as shilled as Acheron a while ago
That would’ve been sick
only fujotroons post this image
Wow, cute Sushang
No, Huohuo is better if you have Yunli's cone. But if your only other sustain is Fu, it's still better to use Lynx with Yunli and save Fu for your other team.
The camera is not working anymore
Sovless faction
How do we save the stoneflops?
only a fujotroon would say this
Feixiao is rapemeat for Big Wolf Cock
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Any weeklies I should save until new patch?
I mean FF kinda does for her green mode, don't expect something that takes longer than that for Feixiao
Do we have a Lingsha kit?
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>this is flat according to /hsrg/
Release 10 obsidians
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>posts this after spending the last hour spamming cuck porn edited by ximself
You ok?
>Casually stopped a 1000 pounds sword with one hand
I doubt Acheron could do this
her bangs makes it look like she has a uni-brow
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Flat or not she looks like a man
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Leave aventurine out of your schizo pics please
One more day until Yunli feet.
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Femcels and incels are two side of the same coin, why are all you bitches so annoying?
That's a man
Feixiao is not flat at all but i was expecting her to be almost natasha tier desu
>luckshit a phys dmg orb (9%) with CR (6.5%)
>upgrade, nothing goes into CR
So this is the fabled pag humor…
lumine looks like a fat mexican
i would roll for the old man
>Femcels and incels are two side of the same coin
The ‘coin’ are gigger since theyll larp as either for (you) and rage bait
one is mad at women not wanting to fuck them
one is mad at men not wanting to fuck them
He's literally me
You literally can't talk about the stonehearts without being attached to a schizo, i hate it here
Kinda funny how little hype I have for 2.4 that I only now realized that this week is patch week. Looking forward more to see if the snek actually is a snake
Cute bangs
God no
Any kit leaks?
Nobody in the upcoming patch cycle is for (You)
surprisingly a fitting theme for blade
Wait 10 hours for the beta to come out
Go back to your safe space stonefloper
no idea
leakers seem to be slacking off this time around
>one is mad at men not wanting to fuck them
Being a woman mean you can fuck any man. Even the largest of land whales have their feeders who’ll pay to watch them eat. Femcels are people who genuinely hate men because they think men aren’t ‘doing enough’
Incel was run into the ground so now both words only mean "angry person I disagree with." They do this with every word, you'd almost think it's a reverse psyop.
Anyone else like girls who can beat them up?
holy seethe
Only Lingsha is for (you), but as a whore
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*raises paw*
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>most of her lines are with yanqing while he protects her
they unironically can't fathom the fact that men don't want to fuck them
since they think a man will fuck anything
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dunno what you're talking about, bwos. I just got back from a shower. anyway thanks for the (you)'s
toes of truth
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>stereotypical incel job: programmer
>stereotypical femcel job: artist
one pays a lot more than the other
have you ever pulled on a character just for collection purposes?
I kinda want to pull fofo just because she's adorable, and I'm a whale so the rolls arent the problem. It's just that I also want to get Yunli, Sparkle, Feixiao, Black Swan and Lingsha. I also have Bronya on my backlog.
With all these characters even if I BP + Max refresh I dont think I'd have the stamina for it.
I dont even need a sustain since I have Fu and the Sigga.
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SW is still meta I don't know why you idiots keep saying she's bad when she's never been bad.
By the way, Acheron's best team post-Fox will be SW/JQ, not JQ/Pela.
The only SH that fell off is Blade.
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cuuuute and canon
need argenti for the cheevo but I'm not willing to spend more than 30 rolls to get him
trick question, both are unemployed so both earn 0
I really didn't understand her boobs but after running milker_analyzer in my brain I can say that:
>That one screenshot with her T-posing has her boob physics disabled
>She's actually tallest Hag in the game
>Her body is very ripped so it appears that they're rather small in comparison to her chestframe.
Are Aventurine femanons ITT cute?
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Kafka bros, because all we can do is huddle together and hope that mom comes back from the store
I don't care if Yunli acts nice towards Yanqing in the story. She'll still be my favorite.
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someone leak something
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Just finished maxing out my Ruan Mei's traces. She better not get powercrept anytime soon because this was grueling...
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Boyfriend when?
stephen lloyd
trust the plan
I'm so sorry....
>entire break team at the top
Break shilling was a mistake
My penis is leaking
sunday will powecreep her
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Small firefly tidbit from the 2.4 text map since SW has some lines this patch
yumes are a minority, female players tend to be shipfags, they seethe because they dont understand why male players prefer pixels over 3dpd
She's futureproof, one of the Queens of /hsrg/ alongside Acheron and Firefly.
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Nihility class for TB in 3.0
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We will be going on romantic dates with Sunday when he joins the AE.
get that shit checked sis
She was powercrept by Robin but luckily for you she was then immediately un-powercrept by the break shilling meta where she is mandatory
She doesn't seem that tall
My aunt says I'm cute...
She's also not a hag
Imagine Stelle dominating (you).
She the type of her that would put (you) in headlocks and sleeps together with you and you're always her little spoon, even if you're taller than her.
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What a dork
thank fuck it's not a robin song, would have been depressing
Never. You are Nanook's onahole. No other male wants to touch your stinky ass.
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>My gf is autistic
Yknow is kinda weird that they use sam and he/him even now, the trailblazer already knows who firefly is, whats the point?
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>madrileño ITT
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Yunli footjob
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What sort of mental illness is this
for the totally necessary reveal that totally wasn't a waste of time
Probably just habit to protect Firefly’s real identity in case people eavesdrop
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I have nothing to roll on until Sexfox2, bros...
Huh? What does capital of Spain have to do with anything?
16 hours
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>August 1st
Great. Just in time after I clear 100% of 2.4
>Firefly’s real identity
a literal who out of 1000s of fireflies
Why does the number keep going up
All lolis should be blacked.
I don't know if I can cear the story in one day....
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can't fool a genius
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>All those people shitting on Xolze despite literally only coming up with facts and runs while they do nothing at all
Imagine being BTFO by a schizo woman.
She's based and this board is unsalvageable.
Based loom chad
Tingyun toes in my mouth

Yunli toes in my mouth

Clara toes in my mouth

Stelle toes in my mouth

March toes in my mouth

Sparkle toes in my mouth
ok xolze, ywnbaw btw and everyone knows your VO is AI generated
NTA but the point is that Hotaru wishes to live a normal life after all is said and done, so she uses the SAM alias as a space criminal because of the bounty, at least that's what made most sense to me, it's still fucking weird
Who cares, the bounty is on SAM and that’s who everyone knows is part of SH. It makes sense that they wouldn’t want people to know there was an “extra member” named Firefly the entire time. Helps take heat off Firefly herself and be more free
I can't believe there are people who actually need to either pause the screen and draw lines or straight up mod lines into this to solve this kindergarten grade puzzle...
except the girls
work smarter not harder
I did that for every new trailblazer mission and I doubt the laofu stuff will be nearly as long as something like the 2.2 story
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>Penacony literally changed Hotaru' life
Lets gooooo unforgettable memoriesbros
>SoulGlad billboard
Which song is that?
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Eat now
Not Xolze and surely didn't shill a unit that got MOGGED by Jade in MoC lmao.
S tier Vs Tier 3 btw.
All of you pagflys are genuinely retarded with your brick.
All I taste are peaches...
But your cock literally looks like turd? Isn't that punishment enough?
God fucking damn it I remember it.
fake brown
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>Both Meis are great cooks
Fuck off
By that logic, Acheron is even worse since she's lower than both Jade and Firefly
Acheron performs better on the Firefly shill boss than Firefly herself, the fuck are you on about? And that was with her technique BUGGED btw.
>Just finished the penacony story
Did they really need to keep going over that bird stuff all the time?
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Chinese writing.
that's a soccer team what are you talking about
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The next thread will be better, no melties, no ragers, only anticipation towards 2.4
don't post firefly next thread
So then the chart that puts Jade above Firefly and Acheron doesn't count because Firefly is above Acheron there?
Penacony turned her into a hopeCHAD. Comparing that to how she was during the Jepella rebellion is like night and day, so yes pretty unforgettable gains if you ask me
There's nothing to do except post Yunli
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I just fucking can't...
no one cares about sam that much
Dialog count looks really high so I'm unsure about the length of 2.4 story.
Post Acheron's lowest cost clear of MoC12 right now.
What do expansions even do?
Believe if or not, robin STILL goes on about the fuckin bird in her messages
1 cost
I'm sorry /hsrg/ I didn't mean to kill you.
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I can't believe every DPS is worse than Jade and Ratio bros wtf...
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1 cost
I have never hit 16 in DU a single time, there's just not enough floors.
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What’s the point of filling gachas up with shipshit? Is there like some big audience for this?
It's probably like that because of the event, since this one will be more like aeterium wars and the ghost hunting event
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Yunli is Redman's illegitimate daughter
>check last thread
>only 3 images posted of the new character's models
Linghsa looks cute but I wish there were more angles. Feixiao looks horrible, it's like they made her model shit on purpose
It's like the resonance you get on SU for having 3 blessings of your chosen path
I like how it triggers retards like you
Just get the Rupert curio bro!
Literally every single run on YouTube is Rupert cheese.
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not really
they talk very loud tho
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Do you need to select something for these or does it automatically register if you get all 16 blessings?
She has the same tard look as sushang
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they're quite a bit more powerful than that in fact
Literally made by the anti firefly schizo xerself
Pandering to women.
it's a hard pill to swallow, but shipping keeps your fandom alive for years
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unlock on the tree but besides that nothing
Acheron is simply the best...I kneel...
Eh, this is weak considering you'd need to pick pretty much all Abundance blessings, many of which are bricks. 150% damage is something you can get with like 2-4 blessings from other paths.
I know they're way stronger but the basic idea is the same
>E1 Bronya
>1 cost
well OK
>It's probably like that because of the event
Based if true. I hope it will be as fun as them. I always liked those yakza minigames.
Zoomers have no idea how much shipping kept Supernatural alive.
>E1 Bronya
No, it's terrible for gacha because nobody wants to autistically horde tickets for someone else's onahole
they're only bad if you're running a shielder
Retards that is the 1 in 1 cost.
How fucking dumb can you be?
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If it were up to me everything would have a cost especially fucking 4* with high Eidolons.
However the E1 Bronya is 0 cost here simply because you get 1 copy from beginner and 1 copy at 300.
It is retarded but the whole score system is retarded, blame China for being drooling retards.
>E1 bronya
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Free ads. Mihoyo are masters of free-labor. They can throw a couple IPhones at the crowd filled with cattle and thousands of children will Repost it all around the world in pathetic hope that they will be the ones who win the give-away.
Normies are just that. They never shut-up about anything in order to get attention of any sort or be "slightly better" than the average peer but they can't just go whale. Some used to call it: "Mainstream".
Isnt acheron the 1 in 1 cost? Why would a standard e1 even count as a 1 cost?
I don't know I don't follow these schizo clears, I thought Acheron was the 1
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>another arbitrary scoring system so retards can act uppity
This is just tik tok hours all over again.
>this drives femcels utterly insane
it's out
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Most people like romance stories where shipping is involved. Guys that want (you) pandering will always be a minority.
Feixiao dethroned her as the ugliest Star Rail for me, I will now impregnate this hag
So now that we finished penacony we can expect events on the same level of aeterium wars and the ghost one right those were fun
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Lingsha kit by Dim
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Cost is autistic because of all the things the autists allow exceptions for (Gacha cones, 4* eidolons, standard characters) but it's still a better metric for real dick-slinging than allowing for completely unfiltered speedruns.
Most characters can 0-cycle MoC with just RM and one other harmony, even Arlan, so there's really no value in 0-cycling unrestricted and that's all metaniggers care about.
As for me I just run RRAT on auto for MoC.
i self insert in those stories tho
2.4 won’t save this general.
>Contentment: Increases wearer's Break Effect by 60% (100%). After wearer attacks an enemy with an Ultimate, causes them to enter the Woefree state for 2 turn(s). During the Woefree state, increases DMG dealt to enemy targets by 10% (18%) and if the wearer's current Break Effect is greater or equal to 150%, additionally increases DMG received effect by 8% (16%).
chink sparkle is pretty hot
when hi3 confirmed canon shipping was the day hi3 went to the toilet.
you already know that, hi3 was yuricoomer waifufag and self insert gacha (omnipandering) until yurishippers murdered hi3 without mercy
this cost shit is retarded when this retard has 3 wind sets on everyone except Acheron and all of them have 160 - 170 speed. imagine min-maxxing this much
I just want so say that my E6S1 Firefly is better than my nonexistent Acheron
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Yes China is arbitrary and a lot of people have been complaining about their retarded score system for a while already.
Unless your character was LITERALLY given for FREE, it's a cost. You use wishes? That's a cost.
And all the Troonjef77 copers, buying from store IS a cost because you need to fucking pull to get the currency for them.
I blame China, plain and simple.
Did her scales go that high up on her thigh or am I just coping extremely hard?
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>Ember's Echo: When any ally takes DMG or consumes HP, if their current HP percentage is less than or equal to 60%, Fuyuan will immediately trigger the follow-up attack from the Talent. This attack will not consume Fuyuan's action. This effect can be triggered again after 2 turn(s).

>ATK scalings healer
I can already smell the webms
Someone explain to me why the same people who call Stoneflops "expensive" are currently now defending FF's reliance on RM.
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No one is gonna take your game seriously if the story is haremslop, people should be happy enough that there are characters like Firefly to be for you.
>ATK scaling healer
>wants to spam skill
Uh oh
Not real fua. F.
>Lingsha is a brick unless you have firefly
WHAT THE FUCK??????????
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Gallagher noooooooooooooo
>FUA on all enemies
FF only needs RM
the other members of her team are gallagher(4*) and HMC(free)
stoneflops are FuA who need a lot of premiums to be viable like topaz, aventurine, robin and such
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>scales with ATK
>Wants to spam skill otherwise why run her over Gallagher?
It's over lmao. SP negative healer.
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>FuA break summon with Cleanse, AA on ult
This shit is fucking broken, she's retarded strong with RM and Robin, with Both any DPS is fine now, hookgods can 0 cycle
>ATK scaling healer
>SP slurper
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why the actual fuck are abundance characters doing damage now? I hate mihoyo and their shameless power creep bullshit.
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damn bros I'm sure glad I rolled E1 Firefly lmaooooooooooooooooo
Luocha also did good dmg before though
>atk scaling healer
Guess I really am bringing Gallagher into 3.0+.
Why is she hanging out with Yae
gallagher....keeps the throne.....
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E0 FF havers are in for a world of hurt once they pull Lingsha and realize how bricked they are just because they didn't pull an extra eidolon.
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I HATE feet I HATE feet I HATE feet I HATE that I'm sexually attracted to feet I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT why can't I just be normal....
>Concealment: Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 28% (56%). Upon entering battle or dealing Break DMG, increases SPD by 8% (12%), lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.
Boothill cope cone
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Holy shit what the fuck, this character is gonna put Firefly on a tier of her own
>her E2 is just giving 40% BE to the whole team
Pedophiles won....
I assumed this was some mentally ill shizo but xer also has a video where xer calls Aventurine bad
I assumed it was a misandrist but one of xer's videos is shilling Dan Heng
What the fuck is this woman supposed to be? The rare metafag woman?
Holy kek what is this 4* kit looking ass
My boy gallagher stays
Yummy Silver Wolf feet
>insta bronseele seething reply
like clockwork, still waiting the day yurishippers spend, at least, in the monthly card to save hi3 part 2
Please don't use memes or reaction images I've created for anti-Firefly posts. I like Firefly and am pro-Firefly. I don't condone the usage of my images for any form of Firefly detraction.

Thank you.
Why the FUCK is she so dependant on Firefly? Who asked for this?
He is literally me
Isn't that also good on Breakshang and March?
GallagherGODS won...
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They finally give us a Boothill 4* cone but I don't plan on rolling anyone on that patch so I'll hate to roll the cone banner just for this
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They did my boy dirty. The only cool male in the game. It's truly over.
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Broken as all fuck, if you have E1 Firefly that is kek
You keep your fandom alive through two ways :
>shonenspic powerscaling
Gacha games generally don't have the second one [only FGO kinda does with Gilgamesh proclaiming himself 'the strongest', but then immediately jobbing], so the first one is most frequently used
>emergency heal once every 2 turn
God I forgot how bad brickbundance units were.
where feixiao
40% brick effect is literally nothing
firebrick doesn't need more damage per screenshot, she needs more actions (or a support that does toughness damage, which basically reduces the amount of actions ff needs to take to kill)
And she doesn't even provide any kind of mitigation. Her kit is a joke without Firefly.
explain BA
and nikke
and Azur lane
guys. Feixiao has 125 base speed.
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>Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 15% (25%). When any single ally uses an attack, the wearer gains 1 stack of Luminflux to a max of 6 stack(s). Each stack of Luminflux enables the Ultimate DMG deal by the wearer to ignore 9% (13%) of the target's DEF. This effect will be dispelled after the wearer uses their Ultimate.
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Firefly planar at the bottom btw, slap that shit on Gallagher/Lingsha
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Isn't Lingsha just Sparkle 2.0?
Bake a Lingsha thread
Better roll E1 Hotaru on her rerun bros
ship the girls with each other or ship the self insert mc with them
shota admiral based
There is something extremely bizarre about them nerfing foxboy into the dirt because he would have made Acheron too good only to turn around and do this
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>literally who snake woman will be mandatory for Firefly
Well this sucks
they can't decide on their boob size
that's racist as fuck WTF????????????
it doesnt fall under shipping if its with MC
keep in mind this is regardless of what type of MC it is
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Summoner DPS soon
does it stack tho
>Release Jiaoqiu, a dedicated support for literally the top DPS in the game.
Surprise, surprise, his kit is shit because why the fuck does an already strong unit need a support?
>Release Lingsha, a dedicated support for literally the (other) top DPS in the game.
Surprise, surprise, her kit is shit because why the fuck does an already strong unit need a support? I'll never understand Hoyoverse's decision to do this not once, but twice. (You) can't even argue these units will sell a lot because "they're attached to popular characters," otherwise you're fucking deluding yourself if you genuinely believe Jiaoqiu and a brickbundance would sell well.
top set work on Topaz??
New thread
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Robin won the Feixiao team slot.
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>ATK scaling healer
>Skill negative on a team that's got a serious SP problem to begin with
Nah i'm thinking Gallagher won
Is that ANOTHER Topaz planar or does numby not count as summon?
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>FX is either a crit hypercarry or a FuA
well, that does it, i dont like her as a character AND shes not relevant to my teams
thats a skip
I was wondering the same thing.
40%be when she gets a bit less than 300%be in her top team for just existing is literally nothing. Actual trap for retards with money.
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Thats what I meant by bruh, it's so much worse than her E1 kek
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Is this the same artist? Name?
Does this count jings lightning lord or is this just faggot drip marketing for a future summoner
>Increases break efficiency by 100%
>12% more break effect
hmmm nyo
literally a dedicated e1+ firefly sustain. that's pretty much the point.
yeah though, idk I feel like by the time you're this invested in your firefly you could just be running bronya and no sustain for better results.
your e1 bro....
also the fact that her follow-up attack risks ruining double break setups isn't great in either situation
naaaah not happening

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