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Previous: >>488136530

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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My girlfriend is so cute
>Moze is literally just Ratio v2
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>Banana amusement park
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Thank you Misha for the Firefly buff
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Lingsha is quite literally a Gallagher sidegrade unless you roll Eidolons.
This company is so fucking Jewish.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Where are her leaks? Isn't she coming out soon?? WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?
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Feixiao has 125 base speed + 5 speed from traces, 12 crit rate from traces + 15 if you use the light cone, and atk traces unlike how every other dps has useless hp or eff res traces. thats insane
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So like an acheron/argenti hybrid but for single target
Does this confirm that all emanators are gonna have unique ults that don't use energy?
>triple nerfed pink npc support for acheron
>busted fua dps larping as a healer for firefly
Why the blatant favoritism?? Better not roll for dps characters unless they are devpets
Yeah, that's Sparkle
>Deals Wind DMG equals to 2016% of Feixiao's ATK
Is that broken?
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Now i have to roll another chink
Acheron also has no wasted traces.
Firefly also doesn't really have wasted traces because she only scales off two things and the traces already give that lol
Bananas? Dr. Primitive?
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Black Swan bros don't look...
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>atk scaling healer

>SP negative
I have E2 Firefly so not a problem.

>FUA memes
Eh she'll help in FUA oriented MoCs I guess?

Overall not sold on her replacing my boy Gallagher yet. I might still roll though because I want a harem team and as cool as Gallagher is, he ain't no cute girl.
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>another fucking planar for topaz
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sparkle or robin for feixiao?
ehh, pass
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Bronya rabu!
Duran is better.
Topaz gets crit damage out the ass from literally everywhere.
Extremely with fua teams. There are going to be many attacks going out with her talent.
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>If there are no teammates active in battle on the field at the start of a turn, receive 1 point of Flying Aureus
Wow this is the most worthless passive ever conceived, good job
i await 2.6 leaks
>action advance on skill AND action advance on ult
and probably still gonna be worse than gallaGOD
>that ultimate
hooly she's broken
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The game is pretty much telling us to save for Tingyun instead.
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>he thought Gallagher would roll over that easily
Haven't seen anything referring to her as a snake, seems like she's just a 420 rabbit owner. I think I might just skip all of space china 2
she's too smug, along with the pink fox-rabit-thingy it brings to mind the character i hate the most from genshin
considering shes a gallagher sidegrade, its not looking like a roll
>sparkle gets 10 extra energy when using basic attack
Sounds as useless since you want to avoid both situations
So the new planar mentions summons, i assume this means things like jings zappy guy and topaz's trotter, right?
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>Be Stelle
>Get woken up by a fucking cancer in your chest
>This hot guy is about to give you CPR but some quirky chick interrupts him
>Nanook appears out of nowhere and rapes you.
>Have no where to go so you stay with those two and go on adventures
>Pussy stank so bad that no man wants you, not even the biggest manwhore that fucks everything with two legs
>Women assume you are a dyke and jokingly flirt with you a little before leaving and getting dicked down
>At night while everyone is busy making love you crawl into a smelly trashcan and finger yourself while trying to hold back tears
This character will suck unless you don't have Firefly at E1. I think she's intended to be paired with Feixiao >>488152369 due to her being meant to nuke with her ultimate
Conveniently hidden tail
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Aventurine/Topaz skippers on suicide watch
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>boothill powercrept in two patches
>E2: Ultimate charges twice as fast
And people thought Acheron was egregious E2 bait
i might actually take a break from the game
literally no characters to look foward to in months....
>FF's dedicated support punishes (You) for not pulling her E1
Bravo Hoyoverse.
s-she'l get husbandobait one day
Moze is budget Topaz so it's okay.
Acheron e2, can i use bronya over sparkle? I need to save for dot eidolans and cones.
Yunli seems really lackluster with all those new shiny broken kits...
The sisters are not gonna be happy about this...
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Yet another charge ult, huh.
Her dedicated support is HMC though. She is literally unusable without him.
follow up was a mistake
>AoE FuA's alongside her attacks
>AoE skill
>AoE ult that inflicts gives a BE buff to Firefly
>better healing and AoE cleanse
Yeah no she mogs Gallagher on all fronts
>125 base speed + 5
>action advance on skill
>ignores weakness type
>2016% attack scaling ult
>hsrg skipped robin
Bro, your SP economy?
Kinda expected it, he's a male
If you already have ff e2, she doesnt need any extra help to 0 cycle. Its a pointless upgrade unless you really need to whale
>relying on healer for dmg
not in SP ecconomy
one of his advantages allways was he shits out SP
Is Lingsha even better than Gallagher? If she's not SP positive like him Firefly can't be played well with her. Don't bring up eidolons.
Does Linsha advances herself after using ult?
that emergency turn mechanic made Gallagher so broken

T0 at release
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A fox without a tail is like an angel without wings.

Still fuckable but you can't help but feel you're missing out.
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>that ult
ice march and clara combined should charge her ult quite fast, no?
>can break regardless of weakness
is this going to be standard for emanators with stack charging ults?
>Aventurine/Topaz skippers on suicide watch
Why what happened?
>Dr Ratio replacement
Why the fuck are they making FUA stronger again?
ok this is cracked
the huntbrick meme is no more
i'll be surprised if it doesn't get nerfed
Play Outerplane.

This is giving me
>Luocha can be sub-DPS
>is this going to be standard for emanators with stack charging ults?
Time for a blud
She wants the premium fua team Robin/Aventurine/Topaz.
Gallagher gives the exact same debuff with a bit less number. Lingsha has more healing and "attacks".
She's unironically whalebait. Will mog Gallagher completely at E1 but E0 is just a waste of rolls.
Actually do you even have to use skill with Lingsha? What if you just do basic attack multiplication anyway? Wouldn't it be the same? Her skill is just there if you want extra damage
Any leaks on how much Lingsha's toughness reduction is on her skill and FUA?
Bro her damage will be garbage. Good if you wanna use her with jade for whatever reason I guess.
>just have E1 Firefly bro
dont seems like it
probably more reliale for survivbiltity, but whatever damage buff she brings is mitigated by needing to cast her skill in a team already starved for them
that game *really* doesnt look like my thing
Actual retards, you don't want Lingsha for damage you want her toughness reduction.
Oh, she'll get them but she'll lose them immediately. Mihoyo already pulled "Hey this male character is for (you)... JK he's for another woman" card so many times it's not even funny anymore.
I know your feel. Personally I'm still seething that /hsrg/ convinced me to pull SW. "Future proof" my ass.
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>Topaz NA
>Feixiao FuA
>Topaz NA
>Feixiao FuA
>Random Aventurine FuA in the middle
>Fuckton of ults from Feixiao

Imagine all of that boosted by e1s1 topaz and Robin... I think im sold on the chink general.
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Silver Wolf generates SP and debuffs for Acheron.
I see Silver Wolf's butt on screen, I am happy. I don't need her to do anything else.
Calm down. Just change "him" to "her" in your mind. You're used to it right? You're doing it everyday
E1 Firefly doesn't even use SP so between RM and HMC, Lingsha can be the SP user in that team.
[Battle Pass]

Feixiao: Fitness
Avatar reward obtained from unlocking Nameless Honor.
Fitness enthusiast Feixiao.

"A strong physique is the confidence to be invincible on the battlefield."


Moze: Fitness
Avatar reward obtained from unlocking Nameless Honor.
Fitness enthusiast Moze.

"Come, train."

[Not BP]

Yanqing: Dreamland
Yanqing, fast asleep.

"Canned fish... for you..."
lol I remember anons saying last year that she would be a future proof unit because of her weakness implant
Yeah I'm pulling Spurkle E2 and Spurkle v2 E1 and cone
Feixiao (Emanator) is a FUA character.
Animations doko?
>yet more yanqing wanking
Sorry Fofo, I might have to save for Feixiao...
>wanting to reduce the new shiny hypercarry to a Numby battery
Use her with Sparkle
>Moze won the Feixiaobowl
Also Yanqing gets another icon? I kneel
WHAT toughness reduction? The toughness reduction from her SLOW AS FUCK summon? Oh, you say we should be using her Skill every turn? GUESS I just gotta pull E1 Firefly!

Retard. I never want to hear anyone complain about IPC team being "expensive" ever again if people like this are going to just argue "bro just pull E1 FF to make Lingsha work."
Sex. I hate how everyone in this fucking community is a metacuck and that the game encourages it.
that is assuming you have e1 FF
most dont, especially if they had to nab RM in her banner
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>team 1
Topaz, Aventurine, Dr Ratio, Robin
>team 2
Feixiao, Moze, Lingsha, Jiaoqiu
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Yeah. I'm thinking we won, fireflybros
The servers are only gonna open late tonight
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I'll wait and see how much difference is there between a Hypercarry vs FuA comp
I'm never pulling for that fag Aventurine
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>he doesn't have E2 Firefly

I don't care about her damage, it's AoE toughness reduction. She mogs Gallagher hard in that front.

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more cuteqing kino
Tingyun grew on me a lot to the point I'm now down bad for her. It has nothing to do with her charming personality, her lovely toes, and that HUGE FLUFFY TAIL I WANT TO DIVE MY FACE IN or anything. Ahem.
I'm glad she's alive, though I'm concerned with that they will do with her true self.
>AoE FuA's alongside her attacks
it's a fucking 80 spd summon
imagine lightning lard but one that doesn't actually get faster lmao
>AoE skill
yeah that's good
>AoE ult that inflicts gives a BE buff to Firefly
gallagher does the exact same thing
>better healing
no one fucking cares about healing on the brick team
>and AoE cleanse

btw you forgot to mention
>needs sp to function instead of generating a ton of them
Why does Yunli only get one but the faggot npc fox gets four...
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It's really weird how much shilling Yanqing gets compared to how strong he is in the game. By far the worst standard
It's a hunt cone retard
Corpos vs chinks
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I apologize for shitposting about her boobs and calling her flat.
That kit is fucking SEX and will slot perfectly into my Stonehearts team.
replacing ratio on fua.
is it worth getting robin for feixiao if i loat her 50/50 and got ruan mei instead?
long live FAT team!
What does FUA mean?
All new 5* get four so they are somewhere else.
She's a premium support for sure but seems really useful if you got at least E1 Firefly
>Stonefloppers having a melty over Lingsha somehow
He is jobber femboy. You sell him on that
Fucking ur ass
I'm willing to bet most Firefly users do have her E1 actually.
>has no rebuttal
Concession accepted. Here's your (You).
Does Jiaoqiu' ult buff count towards Feixiao's ult?
How hard will they nerf Feixiao? Or is being single-target already a nerf bad enough?
fucking useless american
Stoneflop experiment failed, should just let Oswaldo slaughter them and forget they existed
Facist Unite America.
Only for 0 cycle autists. Its clear whale bait. At that point just slot on robin or sparkle instead
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>E1 Jade with Feixiao
I will make this meme reality
>2000% scaling ult
suddenly everyone will roll for feixiao
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You mean FART team huehue
Rappa doko....
after dan completely fumbled, they probably want to push him as the game designated chinese protagonist
problem is, xianzhou suck from the ground up
sounds fun
Its always them
Firefly love!
Silver Wolf is /ourgirl/ and we'll always love her
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thoughts on Jade?
the fuaflops fear the breakgods
>Stone chads living rentfree in anons heads
Stonehearts broke you
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All of this happened
Topaz is better than Brickle for FUA
you mean bronya or himeko
The games meta is now just fua + break.
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Sparkle is glued to my QQ and i refuse to remo her from that team.
>Numby battery
Thats the whole point of FuA teams no?
Lingsha LC?
>Literally no FUA support for Feixiao
G-guess I'll cope with Ration haha...
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Lingsha cone
Would feixiao work well with hunt march or is that pure cope
That too. If you are going for a 0 cycle, skip sustain.
Feixiao benefits from using ult on weakness broken enemies so RM is the second best harmony for her.
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Retards, Lingsha can just do basic attacks like Gallagher and have the same energy as him, she's not SP negative, she just has her skill as an option if you have SP to spare. She's still not that big of an upgrade overall for FF teams, but I can see her being a very good and comfy boost for RM + Robin dps meme comps like Hook
We fucking told you bro, investing in victory means playing the long game
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>imaginary? Ratio
>wind? Feixiao
>lighting? Moze
Yeah, it's all coming together
Well thats all whale(dolphin) talk yeah, but at least E0 fly + E0 ruan can 1cycle moc. How much eidolons does FUA team need for that? Hard mode: FUA shilling MoCs dont count
Impossible mode: posting youtubers with SSS+ relics is forbidden
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Luv' her
I don't have a single FUA attack character built and yet I still rolled for Robin. This is on you.
Firefly you ignorant slut.
Stelle is wearing protection.
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>he didn't roll Robin
i dont
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>everyone talking about leaks
>muh stoneflops out of nowhere
Literally RENT FREE
I'll just use Lingsha instead of Aventurine, suck my cock homo rollers lol
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newfag here
I have E0S0 firefly. Do I need to roll for Lingsha?
bro feixiao is so strong that you won't use the other two lmao
I'll cope with alternatives. I'll make Basic attack Bronya work with her.
>40% push on BA
follow up attack
I can't take it anymore why does every character have FuA, I don't have Topaz or Aventurine for fucks sake
If you build Fast March (160 speed) I can see it work out nicely but you would need a good harmony in that team like Robin, RM, or even Sparkle
I should’ve rolled for Topaz and her blonde dildo…
Feixiao will rerun after 7 banners.
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>I skipped Robin
How do I recover from this catastrophic bricking of my account?
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Mmm nyes I'm gonna roll E1 Lingsha for my E2 Firefly
they're desperate for a new boogeyman
Gallagher is more than enough as her sustain. And it seems that Lingsha is skill point slurper so E0 Firefly will not work well with her.
Nope you need E1 FF if you want to use Lingsha
You forgot Clara and Yunli for physical
No, Gallagher is better due to SP. Only if you have e1 FF should you start to consider.
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Why do eons use they/them pronouns?
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Post Sheepfly.
SP negative. She will have better synergy with Gallagher
Lingsha seems like she'l be better with Feixiao
>pretending kakaurine and topaz are crucial with the new chinasloppa charas
>is only robin
IPCfags melty
feixiaobros, lets learn from firebros and doompost fox mother so they buff her
Based and sovlful Emily
>Feixiao doesn't benefit from Fofo
Yep, easiest skip of my life. Don't work with the best healer in the game by far? Literal trash character, not interested.
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made for motherhood correction
Moze is 4* Topaz
>Oathkeeper: When this character deals DMG with his Ultimate, it is considered as having launched a follow-up attack. Increases follow-up attack DMG taken by the enemy marked as Prey by 25%
bros I have no fua characters, how fucked am I
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I'm rolling Lingsha ASAP
she needs to skill to summon her shitty ass pet
We fucking told you we were getting more fua shilling a long time ago. Should have listened bro.
Don’t listen to hsrg. Wait till the gameplay videos come out and make a decision from there
Same, trying to cope with clara and ratio, but it's not working.
She's pointless considering she's releasing in the same patch as the next powercreep Emanator.
Lingsha basically the same as Fofo, unnecessary but makes your team a bit comfier. I don't think anyone except diehard Firefly simps or people who somehow don't have E6 Gallagher by now.
>Lingsha will replace Gallagher in E0 Firefly teams
I told you that it won't happen and that she would be generic break support instead. Gallagher just fits too well with Firefly, making a 5* replacement would be too crazy. But then I got replies that she easily could generate the same amount of SP. Well, guess I was right. Yes I wanted to gloat a bit. Even though we all were speculating, I'm happy that I was right
i wont touch FuA out of principle
Enjoy your turtle-like rabbits and zero protection, I guess.
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>he rolled banjoslave instead of E1
Y'know what? You get what you deserve
>Fofo is about to have the lowest selling banner in HSR history
Oh I am laughing
Every thing I've seen of Yunli has made me less interested. She essentially does nothing outside of her ult so you need to have a team like Fofo+Tingyun+Sparkle where literally everyone else's job is desperately trying to charge her up, whereas you can pretty much put Clara anywhere and she will work
Her basic attack doesn't matter to me since I have E2 Firefly. I just want to know how much toughness reduction she has on her skill. I hope it's the same as Galla EBA
They will continue to do gimmicky ults with charges and exotic costs to dunk on Huo2 and Ting, you know.
Why this general hype up Gallagher so much? Nigga has no healing and is only good when he has ult up ie. like once per fight.
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Imagine having skipped Topaz and Aventurine, actually bricked
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Because they aren't human
They have are on a higher plane than reproducing monkeys
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I have e1s1 robin so I'm fine with that. As of now I can make a team with feixiao/robin/march/fuxuan, I'll probably pick up aventurine on a rerun
>Feixiao leaks
Reminder that Topaz is the Ruan Mei of FUA.
You didn't skip right?
>you MUST roll for these flops if you want to use the new broken emanator bro!!!!!!
Lol no Robin is more than enough
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I love Stelle's gf March and Stelle's bf Dan Heng
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Avenpaz bros, feelings?
Are you trying to say that Lingsha is stronger upgrade for FF than Ruan Mei?
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They can't possibly be releasing another teammate for Topaz already, I just pulled Jade.
Firefly is only good because of Banjo. Firefly is only "okay" without banjo. Know your place, firebug.
>another person who doesnt know how to build him
I have Robin at least but no topaz my Feixao won't be that good
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I rolled e2 FF and e1 ruan mei
I'm drooling rn
seems kinda shit
She gets one stack per 2 ally attacks, how are the units that synergise with each other to drastically speed up each other's attacks not crucial
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>For months, /hsrg/ decried Stonehearts as being "too expensive" a team.
>Lingsha is revealed to literally require E1 FF to make her work, and there are people actually defending this instead of rightfully calling it "too expensive" (like they do with Stonehearts).
>One (1) post in the entire thread points this out this hypocrisy.
>That one (1) post results in scores of people throwing melties and claiming it's actually the "Stoneflops" who're "crying."
lol. lmao even. I once read a post here a while ago saying all the Stoneheart haters are just people who skipped Topaz for Jingliu and are now regretting it, but rather than admit their mistake, they just pretend to hate on FUA. Every day I come to believe this is truer and truer.
I feel sad for Ratio but it was about time.
>needing more healing than Gallagher provides in a RM break team
Nigga, the enemies don't even move and Firefly heals herself.
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4* Hunt
Stats HP: 846 ATK: 476 DEF: 396
Materials: Credit (x308000), Artifex's Module (x15), Meteoric Bullet (x3), Destined Expiration (x9), Artifex's Cogwheel (x15), Countertemporal Shot (X12), Artifex's Gyreheart (x12)
Concealment: Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 28% (56%). Upon entering battle or dealing
Break DMG, increases SPD by 8% (12%), lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.
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huohuo unleashed
I've only got Ratio and Aventurine and I'm still rolling. More FuA characters will keep being made.
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I need two Robins
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Prefarm stuff
Looks like we got a new weekly boss in 2.5?
got both e2s1 ff and e1 banjomei thoughveit
Will they sperg out like twitter troons if I use "incorrect" pronouns?
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>Feixiao is another unit that is dead without the perfect circle of Topaz/Robin/Aventurine
>Lingsha is literally a Gallager sidegrade
its all so tiresome
fucking rerun aventurine instead of the worthless green rat or the friendless loser
It's the usual m*le shilling bro first hoyo general?
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I have both though.
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Banjomori is a bigger improvement than Lingsha tho
have topaz and aven as my fua core. wondering if i should roll robin but i have ptad for 84 pity yanKING in her banner, and ruan mei looks like a better sidegrade than usual for feixiao
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Let me hear your copium on how Topaz isn't her BiS teammate (again)
arent they still too expensive tho?
Have you ever even tried using him in break teams?
Wait does this mean the FUA/ULT Relic is for Feixiao? I have so many good ones...
Just use the new M7 or any other fua sub dps you have. Even a fast Jade will work well for her. Having Robin is already really good since Feixiao will be giving her a ton of energy based on how many fuas there will be.
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You're having a melty over one word from a vietnamese website
I dont get it either. That team doesnt need to heal becausr it clears fast. Gallagher has more use as a break effect sub dps at e6 on that team
>E2 Feixiao and E4 Lingsha
Moze sales his body for chink money
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So glad that we got another broody and mysterious tall male with a dark past.
>see the word stoneflop
>write a paragraph of pure seethe
holy kek! bless that anon that came up with that term i wish i had that kind of power
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I have E1 firefly and basically nothing else on my account beside E4ish Galla and RM
should I roll for this? I feel like I always have SP to burn since RM/FF/Gal don't need it and HMC SP does no damage
idk i pulled for her sexy ass
Does anyone know what banner Moze is on?
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Who raped Stelle?
Ahhh march is so cute. Fuck these new bitches, march will carry my bricked account.
heres my copium for you
im skipping like i skipped topaz and aventurine
Feixiao | March 8th | Moze | sustain

copium FuA lets go
Lingsha seems way more for FuA than break honestly. Sustain for sigga skippers
Feixiao, definitely. I mean she is in his art.
Let's look at the cost.
>Ratio = 0 since everyone owns him.
>Topaz = 1.
>Robin = 1.
>Aventurine = 1.
>Either Topaz or Aventurine's LC = 1.
That's a total cost of 4. Now let's look at what Lingsha needs to make her usable:
>FF E1 = 2.
>RM = 1.
>HMC = 0.
>Lingsha = 1.
That's a total cost of 4... which is the same as Stonehearts. So either you stick to Gallagher or admit Lingsha is an expensive unit.
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She just keeps winning
Do we know Moze's kit yet?
topaz doesn't need eidolons or cone at all with feixiao, that's only a ratio thing
This is probably what I'm going with
That doesn’t mean anything because they could be Jewish and split the banner to make people roll on both
Linghsa is a premium support, FF can still clear perfectly fine with Gallagher
do i need robin for FAT team if i have ruan mei?
Lingsha is not actually an upgrade over high-eidolon Gallagher unless you get her E1 so if you want the premium version of that team it costs more
you assume i will roll lingsha or that i have FF e2 or cone
gallagher will do
>ignoring all the buffs she gives to fua teams
ruan mei 2.0 incoming
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GODDAMMIT I skipped Robin. It might actually be fucking over
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>Honkai: Powercreep Rail
Topaz isn't even used in some FUA teams anymore. Robin is more useful for FUA I'd say whereas Topaz is better against fire weak content.
Hunt was never a meme outside 4* and YanKING.
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>FAT team
What are the other options? Clara, Ratio, Herta, any of those 3 would work? Or I just put a Bronya in there and make her a hypercarry
nice gallagher cone lol
it's a v0 kit, they'll change this shit a couple times
Depends if you want to make your FF even stronger or you'd rather get a new character
The rabbit is slow as fuck and she's sp negative. FUA actually requires sustain to function unlike Firefly so it's gonna be copium.
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Why are people freaking out about Robin all of a sudden?
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Your Topaz E1?
lol why are stonefloppers so insecure?
I haven't visited this general for a week. What is this cost autism lmao?
The 2.5 meta team, Feixiao Aventurine Robin Topaz
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[Basic ATK] Hurlthorn Deals Lightning DMG equal to 50% (130%) of Moze's ATK to a single enemy.
[Skill] Fleetwinged Raid Marks a designated single enemy target as the Prey and deals Lightning DMG equal to 75% (187%) of Moze's ATK to it.
When there are no other characters on the field that are capable of combat, Moze cannot use his Skill and dispels the enemy's Prey state.
[Ultimate] Dash In, Gash Out
Cost: 110 energy.
Increases the DMG dealt by this character by 30.0% (60.0%), lasting for 2 turn(s), and deals Lightning DMG equal to 210% (420%) of Moze's ATK to a single target enemy.
[Talent] Cascading Featherblade
Moze will enter the Departed state while a Prey exists on the field.
After allies attack the Prey, Moze will additionally deal 1 instance of Additional Lightning DMG equal to 15% (37%) of his ATK and gains 1 Charge. When Moze's Charge reaches 7 points, consume all Charges to launch 1 follow-up attack to the Prey, dealing Lightning DMG equal to 100% (250%) of Moze's ATK and dispel the target's Prey state.

[Technique] Bated Wings
After using his Technique, Moze gains Stealth for 20 second(s). While Stealth is active, Moze cannot be detected by enemies. Action Advances by 50% and increases the DMG Moze deals by 30% when he enters combat by attacking enemies while in Stealth mode, lasting for 1 turn(s).
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bless your soul for recognizing my craft, now, go forth and spread my word... MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD

It used to be RAT. Ratio is being replaced by Feixiao in the premium RAT team (Will be FAT when feixiao is out).
You're completely wrong btw.
Robin has no debuffs so FUA team needed E1S1 Topaz to properly enable Ratio.
Thankfully, FUA is cheaper now since Feixiao doesn't need debuffs.
You forgot Ratio needs his LC or else he has like 0.6x Seele damage output even in a FUA team lol
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>he skipped Robin
My post was more about Lingsha than FF. I'm mainly talking about how people here are defending Lingsha's "expensiveness," but don't provide the same level of flexibility for Stonehearts.

That's alright. In that case, yes, RRAT are more expensive.
OK... Literally no one is forcing you
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NYOOO I already decided to make Jade my only FUA(Stoneheart) dps it's the only reason why I got her E1
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>just bought some jades with a vpn
now I will not stop thinking about the possibility of getting banned...
Ruan mei is fine but Robin is just a straight upgrade over her in FUA teams
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well, consider me demoralized
wake me up when 3.0 rolls out
does feixiao use the hag model?
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If you're a metafag or even just somewhat of a metafag, rolling another abundance, ever, is just an ultrabrick. Don't say I didn't warn you. I still regret rolling for that useless cunt fofo and that was at a point that I only had 1 sustain.
this but unironically
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I rolled for Topaz and Aventurine, and will be rolling for Yunli and her cone tomorrow! However, I will never roll for Robin, because she is ugly and Harmony is cringe.
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holy seethola
stoneflop anon WON.
tits too small
The beta will start at the same time 2.4 drops later right?
No you're the retard. You need to skill for her bunny to appear. It literally says so in her talent, plus that it disappears when it runs out of charges. If you just basic, then you just have a shitty healer that heals a little bit on ult. And even if this somehow is enough, you're still missing the 100% action advance that Gallagher has to print even more SP. Finally, just using fucking basics deals shit toughness damage, so she will also lose to Gallagher in the damage aspect. Using upward of 180 pulls for a shittier Gallagher is not worth it. Only E1 Firefly teams and other break teams are able to use her, but E0 Firefly is stuck with Gallagher
>topASS upcoming best team's initials are FART
Oathkeeper: When this character deals DMG with his Ultimate, it is considered as having launched a follow-up attack. Increases follow-up attack DMG taken by the enemy marked as Prey by 25%.
Wrathbearer: After entering battle, Moze regenerates 20 points) of Energy. For every time the Additional DMG from his Talent is triggered, Moze regenerates 3 points) of Energy.
Heathprowler: The CRIT DMG boost effect of the Vengewise additionally increases by 20%.
Faithbinder: After using the Ultimate to attack an enemy target, Moze immediately launches the follow-up attack from Talent against this target. If the target is defeated before this follow-up attack is used, then activate the follow-up attack against a random single enemy.
Feixiao with Ratio cone? Y/n?
march's 7th is unironically probably better as sustain here lol
Very solid. Budget Topass basically. And he will have cooler animations
Only Blade really fits this though. Dan kinda.
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Can I use Ratio's cone on Feixiao? Might be able to save quite a lot of rolls.
How is your hatblazer doing no damage? He dishes out like 100k on superbreaks for me.
Ideally you would want someone that just basic attacks like M8 because of SP management. I would wait to see what Moze does, but M8 is literally a free unit so start building her. You could also use a 161 spd Pela with wind set.
chink batman
This is not cope enough
YanKING has a FUA
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>"Stars echo!"
>Full team moved up to 0 action order
>DPS starting unleashing all of their strongest attacks in a row
>"-UP IN TO MY-"
Sushang cone
>Bro, just never Skill with her and instead wait for her Summon which has a slow SPD and is pretty much only ever going to trigger once every combat.
>hybrid break dps
>2k multiplier + ignore weakness
>weakness efficiency 100%
feel bad for boothill
Where's playable Phantylia
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>robin this
>robin that
Have you already forgotten about the premier FuA support?
I've played since launch and haven't rolled a single limited sustain. I clear every MoC. Gaypard and Nat>Lynx>Gallagher served me well
Who the fuck uses Sushang
She's a flop tho
>Intimidation: Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 15% (25%). When any single ally uses an attack, the wearer gains 1 stack of Luminflux to a max of 6 stack(s). Each stack of Luminflux enables the Ultimate DMG deal by the wearer to ignore 9% (13%) of the target's DEF. This effect will be dispelled after the wearer uses their Ultimate.
So she gets 54% def ignore with her cone?
Isn't that broken?
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Who has the best feet?
That is the most disgusting goosebumps arm I've ever seen in my entire life, what the fuck is that shit.
Even her best teams use Robin
has to be feixiao, he's literally a feixiao support
>Lingsha is literally a Gallager sidegrade
You mean downgrade. You need E1 Firefly for Lingsha to be even usable. But the funny thing is, if you pulled for E1 Firefly you probably also have E6 Gallagher. So she might not even be that big of an upgrade in that team
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>he skipped Topaz
So this is the next character that they will be pushing heavily since she's an Emanator right? Why does it seem like the 2.X patch has a lot of "must-have" units.
>there are people that skipped aventurine
>there are people that skipped robin
>there are people that still don't have topaz
holy fucking brick
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When is Robin rerun?
I need to unbrick my account...
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I would've liked to have her but after doing my rolls they didn't give her to me despite how unpopular she is.
She's gonna be a really rare unit, probably the Jinglu of 2.0?
Just started playing this game
Who do I pull?
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Frankly one is too many
She's a sub-DPS not a support
If you got her E1 she can probably replace Topaz in a Feixiao team against enemies like Argenti
Yeah Ratios cone is very strong and since her ult is considered fua it makes it even better
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>got talked into skipping Topaz AGAIN by /hsrg/
how evil would it be if they reran robin with feixiao
>really rare unit
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You niggers aren't gonna like this, but literally every character has the same fucking feet. There's no difference in the foot model of characters, barring size. There isn't a fucking foot faggot dev making sure every character has unique fucking feet. Just coom to fanart and pretend like a normal person and shut the fuck up about which character has the best feet, you fucking retards.
Maid model
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No one commented yet that Feixiao can probably run Seele's cone with how her kit works. You don't get the def% ignore but you will get everything else including the ult dmg

Finally it has use on someone else
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It feels good to be on the shilled side for once
Feixiao rerun w/ Aventurine
Lingsha rerun w/ Robin

trust the plan
Firefly heals herself
The rest of her team doesn't need ATK scaling so they can be built fully defensive
Gallagher basically is the perfect teammate for them
i'm not rolling for space china characters
I love Tingyun's toes, I NEED to suck on them then kiss and lick the rest of her feet
But Yunli and Clara have bare feet and it's very hard to beat that
Ratio's cone is also very good on her
It's way too early to rerun her. Not that it would necessarily stop them...
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I have E2S1 Firefly, E1S1 RM, E6S0 HMC, and E6S5 Gallagher. Is E0S0 Lingsha an upgrade over Gallagher for me? I don't want to spend too many rolls on her because I want either Ting or Feixaio.
Yeah, kit sounded really familiar. Kinda disappointed that she got replaced with a male, means we won't see her for a while. Gives us enough time to get a Teriteri
>have no FUA outside of clara/ratio
>still rolled for robin because I want to throat fuck her
It's that simple, and I still won't roll for the IPC.
>You don't get the def% ignore but
There is no but here. Def% ignore is too good.
As mentioned a few patches ago, 2.5 has a "Sparring tournament" .

The Luminary Wardance Ceremony opens with great fanfare on the Luofu's Skysplitter, and martial elites from across the cosmos gather to try their mettle against one another.

The participants of the match will need to display their martial prowess to the utmost capacity and earn the support of the audience!
The two sides will individually earn Vibes based on how much the audience supports either side.

We will be going up against Topaz, Boothill, Argenti, SAM, Svarog, Yanqing and Sushang.
if the chink march lightcone is free, is another robin buff.
you dont need robin
Sunday is literally the next patch and hes the most broken harmony character in the game
You will unironically need Lingsha to be E1 for her to be upgrade for Gallagher. Otherwise she's just a sidegrade (maybe a little better).
You're going to trigger the ipc schizo
>he's replying to himself now
She looks great but I didn't invest in FUA... it's over...
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After the 2023 summer of "roll for all the meta males" it felt nice to roll with my dick and actually get good results for once.

Black Swan and Kafka, Acheron, Firefly. Shame about Jade though.
>E2 Firefly
Lingsha is a upgrade then, i guess, but just barely
Bros what characters will I need to make a proper Feixiao team? Please tell me she doesn't need Aventurine...
If your Topaz "acquired date" is after today, your Topaz is not SOVL btw
Damn, Sunday might be the one male I ever roll for
Now their kits out, can any metaGODs spoonfeed me what sets and stats Feixiao and Lingsha want?
Nah, FUA actually needs sustain, you need the sigga. Lingsha is for Firefly/Boothill
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And I thought Raidenpags were sunk cost losers
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Did you miss that she is meta in AP?
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Will we finally see Numby forma de Topacio desatado?
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What teams does Lingsha work in?
0 cyclers don't use sustains bro
You mean Monday.
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So Feixiao or whatever is 2.5, Punished Tingyun is 2.6, correct?
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>SAM and Svarog
Clara and Firefly content?
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Ok, I won't tell you
if Feixiao's multipliers makes it to live does she even need Topaz?
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She can probably use lingsha to the same effect for sustain
for 2nd dps she wants topaz, moze or march 7th
for harmony she wants robin, ruan mei or (dont try this unless you do superspeed m7) asta
Fireflop is a fraudulent dps
>Not a single counterargument.
Thank you for the free concessions.
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Doing 10 pulls on Aventurine's banner just for fun continues to be the best decision I've ever made in this game kinda makes me want to get his cone when he reruns
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For me it's Kafka
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Sparkle is enough if you're using Ratio and Fatty together. Keep AVing Ratio until you use Fat's ult.
Moze with Aventurine Fatty and Bronya/Sparkle are also enough.

You don't need Topaz and Robin.
Valor set with Duran or Salsotto
the usual crit build
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2.6 is the SU patch so Tinyun (Phantylia) is likely just an NPC.
I guess you could use Lingsha instead of Aven for sustain, but the other options aren't that good.
Your preservation march 7th?
Firefly except you need Firefly to be E1 and also need Lingsha to be E1 because fuck you, pay up
Can we get some DoT shilling please.....I'm starving....
Does he need eidolons or light cone?
She wants FuA supports, but if you're a topazlet, Moze (or new M7) should be decent cope replacements
Aventurine is less important by comparison
From what I can tell Feixiao is a typical crit dps but she deals additional damage against weakness broken enemies. Best set looks like valorous and duran. Lingsha can just use whatever Gallagher does, spd and break effect
>SAM and Svarog
Am I finally getting my wish for them to interact and nerd out over mechs/robots!?
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Embarrassing desu
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>Ultimate deals 2000% of Attack
Isn't it kinda obvious? Attack, crit rate and crit damage
Same here, I have her at E2. Let's just hope Lingsha has 60-90 toughness reduction on her skill, just like Galla EBA.
Himeko, RM, Robin and her seems fucking bonkers honestly, specially because Lingsha FuAs and Himeko keep giving Robin energy
>Ratio and Fatty together.
Why the fuck would I do that
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Every single patch reminds you how stupid it is to skip Aventurine. Literally more vital than the brickshit fu xuan that people keep shilling
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>Crit based
>Charges ult with number of attacks
>launches FuA once per turn with no conditions and her ult also counts as FuA
>Fast as fuck with her self advance if you soam skill
FUA BROS, WE FUCKING WON, SHE IS OUR OWN ACHERON. She will be so fucking broken with Topaz-Robin-Aventurine and can even use Ratio's cone so we can go for E1 instead for the extra target shit
I think that she may be too fast to be used with a shielder desu.
I meant non-firefly teams. She can't just be a Firefly slave, right?
So I guess fat man NTRfags won after all? Unless she really doesn't care about Yanqing but the potential is there.
Mar 7, Lingsha, Robin, and Feixaio will work.
Not until 3.1.
Damn Lingsha looks so bad for Firefly teams. I hope they buff her in the beta because she seems only usable on Feixiao's team. I have E2S1 Firefly and I wouldn't even roll for her if she was released in this state.
Not in the FUA team. E1 makes him comfier outside of that but at that point just pull Fu Xuan or whoever and use them instead
No. It's good for Ratio but he is old news now
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You can’t escape the KING

In every China patch he will appear
Please don't mention that, Aventurine stocks will plummet.
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Day 1 Topaz here.

I fucking hate Relics. She warms the bench real good with that fat ass of hers.
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His eidolons and cone are both great but absolutely not necessary
since she cares about attacks, just run high speed gallagher instead of kakaurine
then just add march and robin
I honestly don't know. I suspected she would be for Feixiao, but she probably doesn't care about super break. So Lingsha's break damage buff doesn't do a lot. Maybe generic non-Firefly super break teams?
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I have Topaz and Robin. I can use Fu Xuan for the sustain until Lingsha comes out, right? +12% crit rate and +10% crit damage!
What do I play if I want waifushit, this or WuWa
probably wants to be used with huuohuo
Topaz is her best teammate since she can build Feixiao's charges the fastest
What does her sig do anyway? Ratio cone is so broken I wonder how they even powercrept it.
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I'm 100% straight but Ruan Mei tempts me...
>Robin has no debuffs so FUA team needed E1S1 Topaz to properly enable Ratio.
No it doesn't retard. Ratio has a debuff himself, Topaz has 2, that's the 3 you need.
good yanqing is kino
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My lust for Clara cannot be sated
wuwa is literally tailor made for waifupags so go play that
Fu Xuan is never a bad idea as long as your team does enough damage before you die
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Nyot really. E1 is good for emergency shields but you shouldn't need it unless you're a retard. E2 is BiS sustain for Acheron but optimally you wanna play him with FUA friends.
I have his cone and it makes him do some more damage and an extra debuff for Ratio.
Wuwa, since it heavily panders to (You).
Ratio is free and shits out actions. Aventurine ult debuff and trends applies enough debuffs. There are already enemies with wind and imaginary weakness. You can also use march instead.
And job like a cuck he is
54% def ignore on ult.
yeah that sounds good, really just having a sustain that basic attacks often is good
YanKING still gets Jingliu, Sushang, Lingsha, Guinaifen, Bailu and March, Yunli isn’t a big loss
>doesn't use energy
>wants huohuo
no she's bait for lingsha because lingsha isn't worth rolling for firefly teams
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Jingliubros.../ourgirl/ is no longer the best Xianzhou character....
I hate how all the nu-DPS have weird energy requirements so Huohuo is getting powercrept why their design and not because she is bad
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getting fat with yunli
>Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 15% (25%). When any single ally uses an attack, the wearer gains 1 stack of Luminflux to a max of 6 stack(s). Each stack of Luminflux enables the Ultimate DMG deal by the wearer to ignore 9% (13%) of the target's DEF. This effect will be dispelled after the wearer uses their Ultimate.
Its really good but Ratio's is probably a very close second anyway
>girl is nice to you
Her ult is not energy based.
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bwo are you dumb? Even if you don't use her skill every turn she will still do more toughness damage than Gallagher. Her summon will already trigger by itself at the start of the fight when Firefly uses her skill. It will trigger itself everytime she ultimates and will also trigger by itself again when her talent is ready again. Hell it will trigger by itself by being there. Inb4 "Firefly doesn't need help breaking" shut up she does.
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Topaz skippers roped
is the attack buff and healing not good enough?
I did not roll for Robin. How fucked am I? Can I cope with my wife Sparkle?
So after carefully analyzing the kits based off version 0. Feixiao is an easy skip for me. Lingsha to E1S1.
No one rolled or cares for fofo
of course not
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Why do chinese twitter niggas love blacked so much kek
No, it's unironically garbage. Calling fofo in any way a buffer is laughable.
based brickGOD
>1 stack per ally attack, up to 6
>Ult requires 12 ally attacks to charge
>But at E2 it only requires 6
they really designed her sig assuming you had E2
>he rolled Sparkle and skipped Robin

Actually bricked lmao. Do you have Topaz at least?
Since it's a dual DPS comp (again) you can just use Ruan Mei
huohuo is locked to DoT until EoS.
>Bwo just use up your guarantee and 80 pulls for a character that breaks 10% faster than the alternative
>ATK scaling healer
She works in a FF team because enemies barely attack but otherwise she's gonna be a Luochud meme all over again. She does have AoE cleanse tho.
Huh, I'm not a mathfag but I wonder how much better that even is. I feel like Eidolons are way more worth if you already have Ratio's cone.
Stelle should be a bit taller
Triple banners when? I wouldn't mind rolling for stoneflops but I don't have 3 years to wait for their individual reruns.
Ideally it'd be Feixiao, M7, Topaz with Feixio being the buff target for m7. Moze will probably be on her banner so you can use him for her.
i got kinged at 84 on robin and missed her, but got ruan mei as a new player. will robin be mad at me if i try going for her again when she reruns?
a side effect of playing games without a strong male MC to monopolize the female cast
God, she is SEX
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A cuck like you wouldn't understand and that's the point.
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I'm feeling really good right now
>March is free FuA support
>Moze is 4* FuA support
>Ratio is free
You'll be fine. Pull for Feixiao.
Same. Black Swan should have come back next patch
Can I power through this game with 4 stars?
>dogshit fuaflops thinks anyone cares about their rainbow stoneflop teams everyone skiped
lol lmao even, if anyone wants stoneflops as support, that is an instant flop banner. kakaurine fag
Moze needs his E6 btw it gives him a follow up attack on his ult
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Would E0S0 Feixiao unbrick my E0S0 Topaz?
You can ult with 6 stacks
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I was so afraid that Feixiao would be another RM slave because of her rumored BE mechanic, but nope, Robin is way better for her thanks to the actual advance and how broken Feixao's ult is. WE BE BALLIN
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Kinda interesting. You want to mark an enemy and then basic. Other allies attack the enemy and get a crit damage bonus. Then Moze gets 7 charges, he deals a fua and then refunds the SP plus gets an action advance to mark again. And with E1 his ult also gives SP, so fully SP-positive. Mostly for FUA teams, probably Feixiao. For a 4*, pretty good design
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Oh no
Through the story probably
she doesn't seem much better than e6 gallagher, shame
and obvious e2 bait

how did they fuck up so badly
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You're NOT playing Ratio with Feixiao
Watch these speed rolls
>Chinkslop is all FUA too now.
I'm gonna be honest fellow Stonefloppers: I don't like it. Would've preferred if IPC was the only FUA faction. I also would've preferred if Feixiao's Ultimate charge mechanic was for Diamond instead.
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wuwa. all the girls worship the mc since he's the chosen one.
Yes, and she gains 1 stack for every 2 times allies attack, meaning her signature caps out halfway to getting her ult at E0
>Let's make up an arbitrary number pulled from your ass to doompost.
You mean story mode? Yes absolutely, easily even.
What is your pathetic excuse for skipping this sexmonster?
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>double effect
I'm sorry little one...
Wait with Feixiao's FuA in her talent won't that mean she's the character who makes Numby act as fast as possible?
>pulling for old busted wage slave reruns
No thanks lmao
You're correct, she's Firefly E1+ team whalebait. I have E6 Gallagher so I'm kind of on the fence as to whether I want to roll. I have E2S2 Firefly so it'd be an upgrade but I don't know if the marginal upgrade is worth the jades
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Gentle and loving sex with Sigga. Lot's of cuddling afterwards.
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Lingsha seems kinda mid but ok.
brick effect teams
can be used as cope in RRAT if you don't have aventurine for some reason, since having some FUAs is better than no FUAs but fofo is probably better to battery robin
saving for the greek woman
>E2 bait
??? it's just 40% break effect, her E1 is the actually good one
I don't want to replace my e1s1 huohuo or e1s1 run mei just yet
and I doubt future DoT supports are much better than them anyway, just look at lingsha vs gallagher, they're basically the same character
If your post is actually genuine and not a shitpost, Diamond is not releasing until 5 fucking years at least.
I remember when people said Jingliu was too OP
Then they said DHIL was too OP
Then Acheron was too OP
Then Firefly was too OP
Now Feixiao is too OP
FUA chance is calculated when his skill starts. Also nigga you gonna build EHR on your ratio??
Ratio is now SOVL
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>he rolled for a space jew
Niggas say shit like this but then claim that two characters that talked once are a canon ship
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Diamond will be THE broken DEF scaler Quake DPS that needs 3 preservations to work.
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>E0S0 Topaz?
Anyone tired of pretending that Topaz needs more than E0S0. If you're a poorfag why are you crying about not having cons of cones?
This is a whale game or autistically plan your account game. You pull for limiteds, their eidolons, their LC's and perfect teams for them or you will never go end game.
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Give it to me straight bros... Am I going to make it?
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GallaGODs we sticking with kalpagni or farming the new set? hmc can't drop kalpagni and RM can't drop vonwacq
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Based BreakGOD
With e2s1 firefly you should have no issue clearing content, you're better off rolling units for your other teams that need the upgrade
Yes. No other fua dps comes close to her right now.
There is enough follow up characters now you can make two hunt follow up teams
why stop at e1 when e2 is right there
and permanent 40% isn't bad at all, it might get buffed to something else or whatever
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yes, she just needs her pig's actions
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>Feixiao is going to be the first 5 star hunt I pull for since Seele back in 1.0
She will be able to spam her ult so her sig is better, but Ratio's is great too
Ratio's ult aside, yes. The new FuA meta is FART
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Omg why is she so cool?!??
are the leaks about the wind hunt to wind abundance transformation unit true?
>it might get buffed to something else or whatever
based still believing that buffs will come.
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Who will he job to this patch?
Yes, ignore the shitposters. 5 stars are for convenience, not mandatory.
She should have the same amount of hits-per-turn as March.
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>no Topaz
>no Nguyen Banjomori Mei
>no Robin
>no Kaka Urine
grother dearest... it's Feixiao + ChinkyMarch + Asta + Fu Xuan for you...
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No, seriously, what game do I play?
>got E0 Topaz on first banner
>got S1 on her second
Man, I'm feeling really fucking GOOD right now
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Remember when people called HSR generous for giving away this brick?
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>Ratio Robin Aventurine Topaz
>Feixiao March 7th Moze Ruan Mei
Umm based
Just use Kalpagni, this is a set for DOT supports
Will Feixiao work with Fu? Lingsha goes on my Boothill team
do i move topaz to speed boots once i replace ruan mei with robin? rerun in 2.5
If you want waifushit - WuWa
If you want non-MC ships and /u/ - HSR
Neither Fufu or RM wjere designed for DoT though. And RM is really contested
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I’ve used him every MoC since I got him
you get to lightcones in 10 less soft pity than characters and have a 75/25 to get what you want.
it usually costs less jade to get a sig cone than an eidolon so you need to consider that when choosing between the two if the cone seems slightly weaker but costs less jade
>E0 S1 Lingsha is a 7% ~ 16% team dpt increase over E6 gallagher
I can already see it. And then after her v3 nerfs, less than 10% increase. Bait character, bait banner
Sorry but any character that needs Kakaurine as a sustain is doomed to flop.
he's not a brick at E1S1 just like the rest of (((them)))
>position-based buffs
On no
This is how it starts
NEW poll now that we know their kits:
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>no Ruan Mei
>no Robin
>no Aventurine
>no Topaz

I'm sorry little one...........
Bwo your Preservation March?
Topaz should be on speed boots anyway
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Do you NEED other FuA units for Feixiao? Couldn't you run her like a hypercarry?
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>Locked behind FUA shit
Another skip I guess...
asta might be better than rm just to get more actions
Feixiao (not guaranteed though so if I lose, I lose)
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>one more day until i can e1s1 fofo
Hunt March is just better with Feixiao
There are definitely some endgame configurations that you will struggle with or find impossible with only 4*s, but you can beat the story with only 4*s. It helps that the MC enables a retard-proof team in the game and you don't need any 5*s for that team although they help.
2.6 leaks give them
Her ult charges based on your team attacks so yes. She needs FUAs.
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If you roll to pity twice for a character you simped for them
If you roll to pity once for a character to rolled for them
If you got a character in under 60 pulls you happened to acquire them
If you got a character in less than 40 rolls that character rolled for you.
If you got a character in less than 20 rolls, that character has an unhealthy obsessive love for you and is currently stalking you
You want a character that attacks frequently so Aventurine will be her best. Perhaps Lingsha too but seems more cope.
My heart wants to argue but my brain knows you're right, I'm much better off pulling Black Swan eidolons DESU
Is Huo Huo worth it?
>"after carefully analyzing"
>proceeds to regurgitate nonsensical bias
Kek, break c*ck
is 3 dps really better than using a dual dps with a harmony unit
all of her damage comes from her ult, with the rest from her FuA
FuAs charge her ult faster

it would be like playing acheron with 0 nihility
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>tfw day 1 E1S1 Topaz, but skipped Gipsy, Robin and Jade.
Haha, also will skip Feixiao. She kinda boring, can't put my finger on it.
>Femcels are NOT happy about the waifus being powerful in HSR
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Robin skipped me and i want feixiao, will she be mad at me if i try going for her again?
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Enough with the shitposts. I'm asking seriously.
asta and hanya are good sine they can attack spam and buff speed
when will the 2.5 animations get dropped?
No, they're making sure to make her energy recharge useless with every new (good) DPS
>self-censoring on 4chan
Of course the stoneflopers are discord trannies
>Yunli is skippable
>Lingsha is skippable
Looks like I'll just roll for Feixiao and Punished Tingyun.
>Imaginary vs Wind
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my lowest pity limited is 25 for Jingliu
good riddance lmao
You can cope with hyperspeed Lingsha tho?
He's very good if you're using him with FUA team, I've used him in nearly every MoC

I'm gonna get him some eidolons when he reruns

You really want Aventurine for her, Lingsha is going to benefit Boothill way more
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>Exact same amount of votes for the top option as soon as the poll started as the QQ poll earlier today
Get a less transparent botnet.
lingsha is not even that great for firefly. seems like a complete fucking brick
They’re angry over Mualani, angry over FeiXiao, what Mihomo game will not make them angry? They should either spend more or go play Theaters of Themis
imagine the melty when they finally powercreep kakaurine.
>everyone is discussing the leaks
>anon inmediately go to the femcels Reddit

Bro, what's your problem
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I've figured it out. If I get Jiaoqiu then I can use him with my DOT team and Ruan Mei can be used with Feixiao/Moze. Looks like I have to get Jiaoqiu after all
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Why does this thing have they/them pronouns?
Seems pretty shit, yeah. Her summon being tied to skill use kills her. Maybe they will change it so her ult also grants charges, but her kit now only works with E1 Firefly
You want characters that can attack a lot to build her ult, unironically her best team for 0-cycling might just be Ratio + Wind SW since Ratio attacks twice on each of his turns so he always gives her 1 stack, then you have his ult + extra FUAs to give her even more.
>>488159543 (me)
Also is getting ruan mei a brick if my other team is acheron, so when i get robin she'll be benched?
feixiao ignores weakness type bro
>Skipping all of Space China suddenly got like +60 votes in the span of 10 seconds
OK, as the maker of this poll, I'll admit this feels like fucking botting. Who bots an anonymous poll on /hsrg/?
>Make feixiao want
This is worse than preleak kit. Now even Yunli looks better lmao.
Fofo's energy regen isn't even that good and it takes forever to charge her ult unless you spam her skill every turn.
Her main draw is her cleanse.
Characters I got in less than 20 pulls: Luocha, Aventurine, Welt twice
you're retarded if you think ratio can compete with that thing even on imaginary weak
Ignoring Weakness Type does not give you 20% RES Pen.
It's like Acheron, you can drop Moze for Robin if you have her or Sparkle if you go into dolphin eidolons. I just mentioned a team you can get in Feixiaos patch.
If Feixiao animations are good this is the first ACTUAL must roll since Acheron
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>Stoneflop spam
>/gig/ is dead at the moment
>Who bots an anonymous poll on /hsrg/?
You would be surprised
>You can select more than one answer
Well that is a lie
based. same
What’s FeiXiao’s gimmick, single target follow up?
...if you hate yourself
Tingyun because she definitely makes sure they look as nice and smooth as possible, with pedicured nails
why do anons keep posting their reddit posts larping as angry femcels?
Feixiao is my mom btw
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I won
I botted it because you said
>(You can select more than one answer)
but you can't, stupid nigger.
Oops. I forgot to make it multiple choice. Lol, sorry.
If you replace Ratio with Feixiao that team will basically work, just replace RM with Robin when you get her
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That's Pom Pom. Conductor of the Astral Express which is the train that the characters ride on the eponymous Honkai Star Rail.

The Astral Express is basically like if Jesus went on a world tour and did it all on the same hippie bus, and that hippie bus was found and fixed up by a college graduate girl with huge tits 20,000 years later.

Pom-pom just kinda appears on the express and physically cannot leave it's confines. They cook and clean but mainly just have daily panic attacks so that you can get a pitiful amount of credits for a daily mission.
>I've gotten Bailu in less than 20 twice and less than 40 once
My cute dragon wife
Because they have no gender. Pom-Pom is probably not even a real living being but rather the spirit of the Express.
trannylators, why else?
She won
stoneflops kill another character
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>ever rolling for Aventurine
I'll run Feixiao without a sustain for maximum attacks. Kakavasha can suck my nuts.
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>KAKA URINE talking for 5 hours about necking himself and le sad story is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but Luofu blows the shit out of Penisloppa.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
AoE 1000% follow up and allowing March to shit out 500k nukes more often.
uh bro your Lingsha?
>animation leaks in about 9 hours
We are so back
>If you roll to pity once for a character to rolled for them
because pompom is an "it", a cute little animal mascot thing
FIXED POLL (this time you actually can vote for multiple answers):
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Called it
>Feixiao - Topaz - Robin - Aventurine
uhhhhh where is the space for March 8th??
Now that I actually have a reason to use her, what set should I give to March 8th?
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Truth. Pagturine and Pagfly killed Penacony. The other Penacony characters were cool though
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>Feixaio does no damage unless she ults
>Misses crit and does 0 damage
Stelle's husbandobait in Rome will be the strongest, trust the plan
>can't afford a vacuum
AEbros, why are we so POOR?
>lingsha cone is shit
I will just roll E1 for the 20% def shred and save everything to E6 Firefly on her rerun. All other chinks are easy skip.
As a day 1 gepard haver I couldn't not get Aventurine. Shields are such a quality of life stuff in SU it's unbelievable.
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You cut Aventurine because he's a faggot homoflop brick
at least wait for the animations
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Honkai for this feel?
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>Himeko fixed up the Astral Express, which had been missing since the last voyage of Akivili
>Pom-pom is tied to the express
>Legwork and the other trailblazers had taken the express to Penacony one standard human lifetime earlier

Wait what.
>that ghost tail flick at the end
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holy shit her ult looks fucking amazing with those guns and the HUGE poleaxe
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I see people are seething over his superiority again.
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>random Aventurine seething out of nowhere
We are so back
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honestly doesn't sound that dumb if you kill fast
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Holy shit this is a bigger flop then the Stonehearts
Anyone saying Lingsha is just a E6 Gallagher sidegrade are fucking doomposters again.

Holy shit you guys really suck at this. Every unit you guys fucking doomposted turned out to be utterly broken.
March powercreeps Topaz. She shits out 400-500k attacks.
You got the timeline wrong, Legwork and co. happened like 1800 years ago lol
And it fell into disrepair shortly after that, and then it stayed on a planet for 1000+ years until Himeko fixed it.
So, who's the second best sustain for Feixiao after Kakaurine? I do have Topaz and Robin.
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>newish fag
>was planning on vertically investing in Acheron teams and get Jiaoqiu
>Fatxiao is Ratio on steroids and I have her 3 best teammates and FuA is easily the most fun team in the game
>Feixiao also doesn't need E1s or S1s unlike shit ratio
I regret pulling for raiden bosenmori mei
when will the fua shilling stop
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>March 8th
It's go time
Don't think about it too hard. Writers have no concept of time, like how Pela was in a band at a military academy when she was an infant, or before she was even born, according to Lynx's quest
Wow, that sounds very familiar!
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I always listen to the whole thing when I get roll'd. It's fucking BUMPIN
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should i be worried for my life, anons?
Lingsha is shit. Will be rolling Feixiao. Miss me with that sidegrade Brickbundance shit.
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Kneel to the Gypsy King baby
Bug hands typed this
>pulled Jingliu as a newish fag
I'm so sorry
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My favorite part
March 7th might unironically be good if you survive to the end. Then Lingsha I guess because although slow her rabbit does a FUA.
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We all SKIP FUA shit here.
It's true. Gallagher still does more single target break damage. Lingsha only good if you go for e1.
why march?
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I kneel
Bolsonaro Mei...
Tomboys are so fucking hot
Wait, how would Robin's ult work with Feixiao? Would it be like a guaranteed stack since it's two hits. Sounds broken than usual FuA garbage.
This is honkers
white hair = meta
Acheron, firefly and now fatxiao
Ratio…. Replaced….
>Can finally roll for Sigga and Topig now that Gaycio is booted out for a woman
Beautiful day!
I wish we got Baiheng instead.
Wow that sounds familiar!
She is good but she's just a healer, so he has low value outside of break teams but high value within them.
She's not as generally useful as Huohuo or even Luochud, but you don't need Luochud's SP generation hardly ever anymore so you can just use her in place of him in 99% of teams where he's still being used (Blade).
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...by March 7th (Imaginary Hunt)!
she's seriously fucking ugly desu
>all top DPS are females
As it should be m*les not welcome here
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i don't fucking get it.
Does Feixiao powercreep Acheron?
additional damage doesn't count as attack irc, it would be broken otherwise
>Feixiao also doesn't need E1s or S1s unlike shit ratio
lol lmao even
Feixiaoward I Kneel
The Pela shit is a fuck up but this makes sense, Legwork&co happened like a thousand years ago. You only find Legwork's body because it's inside the dream.
wth, snek grrls lightcone is best in slot for luocha
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I require samples. A statistically significant amount of samples.
>boothill can one shot anything
hunt brick skip skip skip
>feixiao can one shot anything
holy metagods i kneel sex with tomboy foxes
Armpit I Sniff
>Feixiao launches a FuA against the primary target
Won't that mean she would attack what ever Numby is attacking or am I retarded?
Is Robin even good with Feixiao? She won't generate any stacks for her from what I can tell.
I get the feeling Tingyun (forma de Lord Ravager) will be the new FUA support for Feixiao.
boothill or maybe ratio?
It's time to let go anon
Is Feixiao good without the IPC? Because I don't have any of them
boothill needs to ult before he starts doing damage, feixiao's ult IS the damage
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NTA but I have 9 hours left to cope and I'm fucking using them
>Needs Break
>Doesn't really care
She attacks frequently and I want to use her on a team. Giving additional speed and damage to a Hunt unit also can't hurt.
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2.5 weekly boss
she can one shot twice in a row since she can't overkill unlike brickhill and raiden brickenmori mei
you can cope with chink 7th and moze
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>has to roll for kakaurine for his dps
You can use Moze as a poor man's Topaz and any other sustain. Then slot March 8th in there and it'll probably work.
We tried to warn you she was a whale trap

It's not that she's bad, it's that if you already have E6 Gallagher there's really no reason to roll for her, the amount of jades you lay out won't be worth the upgrade you get from having her
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Her tits are massive lol
Budget comp is probably M7 + Moze. Unless they're retarded, if you roll her banner then you get Moze
>FF E1, RM as my only limiteds
>Gallagher is E1 (game graciously gave me xueyi e6 instead)
Do I roll for Feixiao and/or Lingsha
Please enlighten me
If Tingyun is destruction she will 100% creep Feixiao thoughbeit
Tail left Fofo?
Nobody fucking cares
I just used him this MoC
Robin sends her damage through the roof and Feixiao helps her energy problems. Ting actually does nothing for her since her ult isn't energy based.
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You see Chinaslop is better when they're wearing hotpants.
>Is Feixiao good without the IPC?
Most likely no.
you need more characters in general, get whoever
feixiao will probably be the new strongest dps when she's out
inb4 huntbrick
She's my favourite unit desu. I use her whenever I can.
Am I wrong?
HOLY fucking KINOOOO. I wasn't planning to roll, but now have to
She'll still be pretty solid without them. IPC just push her into absolutely busted tier.
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hmmmm, what does she mean by this then
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I'm keeping Ratio because he's soulful
the issue with fuashitters like brickpaz or march is that they do literally negative damage when not carried by r*bin
Everyone still alive from that time has their body passed away and they are only alive in the dream. Fucking Sunday even gives you the amber era when the prison rebellion happened, didn't you pay attention in his dungeon?
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You know
it depends. If you only have ff as your main dps, then go for feixiao. If not, go for lingsha
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what do we call this
Holy fucking SEXO
i would roll archeron that will rerun in 2.5. Feixiao is a hunt and you will be forced to run that specific team of ipckeks.
>Topaz reappearing without the hag or Sigga to make her look useless/feed into shipshit
Miss Lingsha...
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It means you better put the phone down and get back in bed before she decides to break your legs again.
Clara met you for a date and liked what she saw enough to move into your garage without your consent

And Welt is worried about how long you've been spending with Acheron
Bro sigga is still on vacation and you can't tel whether she's come to the luofu on her own or not... Don't celebrate yet.
wait what? you need homos for feixiao best team?

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