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Previous: >>488139509

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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I want to taste my sweets addicted girlfriends mouth so bad.
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The wait for ice skating queen is too long
The 4 bangboo of light when.
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Listening to post hardcore with my emo shark girlfriend.
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zhu is the tallest woman in the game, even taller than rina!
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how do I kill things faster because this isn't good enough apparently
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Give me an incest scenario for Belle X Wise, I want to contribute to the het fics in A03.
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I'm gonna save ZZZ
Hot summer night and sweaty Belle climbs into her onii-chans bed because she "can't sleep".
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Zhu Yuan...
While you were out having premarital handholding, I studied the blade...
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>"lost" my 50/50 to Grace
>now my Grace sig isn't a dead weight
Holy shit, it all lines up. Can I build Rat/Grace team? Who's the third? Shield cop that buffs anomaly?
we cant compete with foot loli
are you trying you kill this thing in a minute forty
honest opinion:
if they dont deal with the hollow zero problem FAST, people, including me, will quit soon due to burnout.
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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I studied fish biology
>Sup Zhu, was looking at some old photos and just wanted to tell you how fat and fucking juicy your melons are. Okay bye
what on earth did she mean by this?
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Her banner will decide if hrt flopped or not
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your furry?
you trippin
I forget how to cross post, hopefully that worked
honkai expies...
Is Billy worth investing?
>everyone like Ellen Joe
>no one remembers Rina
Rina bros.
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Should I get Zhu if I want QingYi?
Belle consciousness is stuck inside the bangboo
Wise has to fuck the bangboo to bring her back
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Tsmt remove the weekly cap or at least double it I'm already half done, and create NG+ for the combat config and give me a 10 standard rolls for completing it read g time (no limit)
under the desk bj from belle while wise suggests a video tape to a customer at the front desk. Bonus points if its another playable character
You don't need to put the name of the board if you link to the same board
Eous goes play with his friends and Wise and Belle have upstairs all for themselves.
just quote the post bwo
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>They were real people
>We were practically neck and neck
>Guy ahead of me was just a smidge faster at clicking J than I was
>I actually enjoyed the race
I don't even like this minigame, what the hell.
>the hollow zero problem
THE problem? What is it? My only real issue is that I can't grind the shit out of it, I am already done after two runs.
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>Miyabi is obsessed with her fat melons
>i'm obsessed with her fat melons
Miyabi is LITERALLY me
Rina or Seth yeah
I think some people may try Piper too
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I won all mine except one
>can clear out the store
>have 10 points for the last intermediate shock chip, but it costs 20
>would have to do another round to get it
sorry Dawei, I'm actually employed. I will not.
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Yep, he's in her banner as well.
Rinas is just a worse Nicole tbqh
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I've been at this shit for like 2 hours now, am I ready yet
I haven't used the +50% atk gun and hp % gun yet
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What's worth buying here?
Are they ever going to add real lolis agents to the game? Or do we just have to cope with womanlets
ask not what is worth buying,
but what, is buying even for
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Very good. Do we have any info about Jane's sig? Yes, I will roll for it.
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My ps5 shows 77 hours played on ZZZ… damn
>Are they ever going to add real lolis agents to the game?
No, only shotas like Billy
When do I start farming relics?
lvl 45 or 50?
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trust the waterkuma
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yea ill enjoy her kill screens
i think im gonna start modding cause grace has a retarded jacket over her butt
it's pretty clear to me that Anby wants to rub her feet on Wise's dick and face
Only if you want Zhu.
You can just run Qingyi as a general stunner because she still gets the Core Skill buff as long as you run an Attacker
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Every time I see this I keep thinking the bangboo on the middle one's lap is her pregnant belly
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Why does Howl give Lycaon and my Wise this look when ever we pass him?
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if they started with WOMEN like grace/nicole/zhu and downgrade to literal potatoes like these characters, it's over for our game.
Aren't they like 17-18? They're older than ellen
shouldn't Zhu be paired with an Ether Stunner? (non existent).
he knows
god damn anon yeah... honestly you did overfarm by a looooot
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Wait, the names of disc sets are actual factual music genre names? What the fuck is a polar metal?
Is it even worth going for the pomegranates in soul hounds multiplayer? It's so much busywork when you can just take a death and be back at full air.
Russian despair metal
Lewd dog. Can't imagine what he would do with Ben...
chinese hip hop is so sovlful...
This quest had writing and a proper hero's journey that made the last 300 hours of Genshin's "plot" look like a joke.
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A bit sloppy on my end, but two quick dash attacks and EX special is what I found works best. You'd want to kill the entire group in one shot if you can.
Polar metal is a real thing, but its not a music genre (unless there is somehow some obscure genre I never heard of).
the last two sets of hollow zero secret items are still unavailable right?
Why can she float?
Why don't more characters float?
>Sensor tower pvp in 2 days
I'm scared guys..
Tell Anby that I- I mean, Wise is ready at any time.
If there was an Ether Stunner that shredded RES then absolutely. But running Qingyi is fine because she activates the Core Passive
>When another character in your squad is a Support character or shares the same Faction, Zhu Yuan's CRIT Rate is increased 30% for 10s after using an EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate.
Not necessarily. What she wants is an ON FIELD stunner, who functions as a sub-dps as well.
Unlike Ellen or even more so Neko, asscop doesn't want to stay on the field outside of her bursts.
>they don’t have electromagnetism
To answer your question, you need better discs. Good stats are very important for Shiyu and discs is how you get them, but I don't recommend farming for them until you're at least IK45. If you've already got good discs, then it's literally just a skill issue.
the auto lockon in this game is ass
Who's the most kino bangboo and why is it Bagboo?
I don't get what's happening on picrel. Does Rina somehow fuses two fingers she suckling upon with her tongue or what? What am I supposed to see?
Why does she float?
Spooky ghost themed
How can she float lorewise?
She's an electrical agent
Static electricity
what stats does DPS Soukaku want? still go full Attack to max out the buff or do the regular DPS Crit focus?
Why does he wear the bag?
If you read their descriptions, W-Engines can apparently do some crazy shit.
And people talk about Zhu Yuan's ass lol
So Pubsec won't know he's behind the recent murders.
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Ratbros, please answer.
Crit, eledmg% and pen, since she has her native ATK buff anyway.
Squirt squad (Ellen) or cream team (Zhu)?
Ratfags really are the most obnoxious group
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God imagine how much bigger it could get with the right nutritional diet
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>C20 Nico
>still C5 Benis
Jane W-Engine
Rarity: S
Type: Anomaly
Base ATK: 714
Anomaly Proficiency: 90.00

When unleashing [Dash Attack], gain a stack of [Hunting Intent], every [Hunting Intent] stack increases the wearer’s Physical DMG by 15%/18.8%/22.5%/26.2%/30%, stacking up to 3 times, lasting 8s, this effect can only be triggered once every 0.5s. The duration of this effect is reset when triggered again at maximum stacks. Upon entering combat or performing [Perfect Dodge], immediately gain 3 stacks of [Hunting Intent]; When [Hunting Intent] has reached maximum stacks, the wearer’s Anomaly Mastery by 30/37/45/52/60 All-Type Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 50%/62%/75%/87%/100%.
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how important is levels for characters and who should i lvl up
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Is she the Kafka of zzz?
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This general is owned by many growing factions!

Hagbwos (I feel bad calling Rina and Grace hags though)
General Maidbwos
Boobwos (always be a good parent to your bangboo!)
Anbybwos (She'll always be your first stunner! Don't forget about her even when you get S rank ones!)
And many more bwos waiting to be discovered!

Be nice to all of them! We all get along! Even if mean stuff is said sometimes!
On field with Ellen and only parry with Koleda. Only on field Koleda if you have EX special.
imagine slapping corin then she snaps and rapes you
Thanks, bros.
in 5 lvls I will get a free platinum trophy just by logging into the game on PS lol
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nah she doesn't have the same mommy appeal, she's just hot and possibly evil
>There's a dark past hidden under that bag...
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ratGODS are the big CHEESE around these parts
>5 seconds of dead air with koleda to get her EX
>then staying on koleda for another 9 seconds after using EX without having a second ready
stop sitting on your stunners. if you check skill numbers you can see that stunner parries have a solid daze multiplier, which you can't take advantage of if your stunner is already on the field
this is even worse for you if you have energy recharge or hellfire gears on your koleda, because shes losing all the passive energy she'd normally get while shes off-field
>how important is levels for characters
Very, it lets you increase the level of your skills and some of them ramp up hard with levels.
Prioritize your attackers first when it comes to everything (Levels, Skills, Discs, W-engines) because they'll be doing the legwork.
Do you like Ben's signature drive or the BP one better? Bonus daze on the sig is nice, but I'm wondering how impactful the energy regen buff on the BP drive is.

Building Lucy/Piper/Ben as my poverty 2nd Shiyu team.
Is he related to Oliver?
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I look forward to all the new bwos that will join us!
How much is does it cost to hit breakpoints C2, C4 or C6?
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Perhaps in the sense that she seems to be the closest to a femme fatale we've gotten so far. That said, Physical Anomaly specifically isn't actually about DOTs, although Anomaly as a whole is.
RatLORDS really are the most innocuous group
No one cared who it was before it put on the bag.
Use his sig, the only BP engine worth a shit is the LIPS and maybe the six shooter.
I see her more as a crafty/cunning woman than Kafka desu
>getting close to S pull in stable channel (10ish)
>pull shitty S WEngine
Spull counter starts over
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I will be very sad if RRat signature w engine isn't a wheel of cheese
I have 4 Anby weapons, who wants them?
It's hard to say because it's pretty luck-based you could buy 70 rolls but only need like 40 to get C4
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>No hollowbros
Is this official?
Lemme guess, steel cushion?
Imagine how much worse I'm gonna be once she actually releases
Rina's probably my most used character honestly.
Thats her actual agent story tape, yes.
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Don't know about you, but I got a sig for S11, who is my second DPS, and I am quite satisfied. Sparkling fire also looks nice.
This game is getting really boring with Ellen. I lost my 50/50 to Rina.

I think Zhu's gameplay could give me enough variation to keep going. Playing Ellen all the time is starting to feel like a real slog.
Yea she's just not a mommy like Kafka but she's got the same seductive appeal as her desu.
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Sex with Corin without protection and with no intention to take responsibility
I knew it! I fucking knew i will get BEARED instead of getting Nicoles. I fucking knew it in this fucking homoyo game!
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As far as I know, yes.
Does her sig give any visual cues on when to press her attack? Cause my rhythm really sucks and whiff more than half her flame attacks.

What sparkling fire?
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I feel like you're losing out on soulfullness if you don't use them together, but you don't have to, unless you lack other Attacker to use Qingyi with.
See >>488161903 probably
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True Housekeeping connoisseurs enjoy both
How am I supposed to get more rolls? Am I missing something here? I feel like I was drowning in rolls when I started Genshin and HSR.
It may be my shizo acting up, but W Engines remind me of some toy, but I can't recall which one exactly.
Nigcole C6 is absolutely based. Long and significant crit buff free of charge
If I pull that off, will he die?
What upgrades at ik 45 aside from disks? Should I hit 45 before doing my notorious hunts?
My sympathies bro, that's exactly what happened to me except I got two less Nicole dupes
Weeping Cradle, and i don't have Alex
I got 6 Nicoles and 2 bears just get lucky bro
Could anyone please post the picture showing all possible rolls for drive disks and also how many resources are needed per character for 50-60 please!
When you rev up her charged skill her fire gives off sparkles and shit. Also, no, it does not help with the rhythm.
That's exactly what I was thinking of when I saw W-engines lmao
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never listened to much of emarosa but this sounds good
Probably Bakugan
He's a small guy...
It would be very painful.
Holy shit, that's it.
now post the uncensored version
It's a straight upgrade for Nicole over her bis too, one of the best ones to pull
It's insanely greedy. But it's making a lot less money than genshit and shart rail so maybe they'll start being nicer so the game doesn't die in two years
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I love me flat and short ZZZ girls
should i level up supports to 50
Pride the bagboo
Nope because of the substat Pen Ratio which is almost useless for Nicole unlike Rina who can share 30% of her Pen Ratio with her team.

Energy Regen substat is way better for Nicole, her sig is still the best, the best.
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>30 pulls
>46 needed until hard pity
>monthly pass
will I be able to guarantee the rrat before she leaves
i am sad
Smelling sweaty buttcop ass
You'd need to get dupes for it though compared to a fully maxed Vault. Well, if you don't have one I guess it's fine.
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Why is Elfy so fucking horny in her messages.
Also thank god for the needle store.
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I love Corin so much
If you're short on mats you can temporarily stop supports on 45. You need that for the Core Skill upgrade. You're eventually want to keep upgrading them though.
If you have the spare resources to do so, but it's definitely low on the priority list
is your next pity a 50/50 or a guarantee?
Only after you've leveled your attackers/stunners if you still need that extra push
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Thoughts on Yanagi?
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I've seen some guides recommending a Anomoly mastery% 6 slot for nicole if you have her signature.
I guess you get it for faster corruption procs to help Zhu yuan's dmg output with her 4 set ether?
Is there an extra check in on the mihoyo/hoyolab website unrelated to the zenless zone zero? I heard about someone doing that the other day. Im new to mihoyo games so I have no idea what all this social media hoyolab stuff is about

Lke what are they talking about in this article >https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31435844
I wanna take part and try and get some Polychromes but have no idea what they mean by
>Discuss anything Zhu Yuan-related under the #ZhuYuan topic
Discuss it where?
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Anby is also pretty cute
She can yanagi my benis if you know what i mean
anby from lvl40 to lvl50 gets nothing btw
It has a higher damage taken debuff unless your vault is 3+, the second part of Nicole's sig has horrible uptime so barely matters, the 50% ER is matched by the default off field regen on weeping cradle
You end up with pretty much the same stats except you get pen% (that scales both damage and anomaly) for free
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my NPC shitposting karen elf wife can't be this cute
Isn't Rina kinda shit? Her buff up time is barely enough for your damage dealer desu...
Im not sure if something like it has came out already but im curious what ZZZ’s version of a Patch preview stream looks like. I really like star rail’s having Owlbert staring as the host.
Whales really are retarded
Pretty much. Its nice with other characters too though, since she doesn't really have energy problems and the corruption is nice bonus damage either way.
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>there are people clearing sd17 with optimal C6 corin teams
>stuck with C0 and no lycaon or rina, not even Piper
I am struggling to cope, Corinbros…
Wise is a lucky bastard
Eous will be the host. He'll only talk in bangboo language.
I would cum just from sniffing it for a minute
50/50 lol
Also, looking back at my previous post I should clarify that I meant the banner is at 46 pulls until hard pity, not that I have 30 pulls and need another 46 until pity. Might've worded that poorly.
you can clear anything with good disks
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It lets her level her core passive which helps her stun faster but I admit it's not a great boost
Beat your Corin up for being so worthless, it helps me cope
C1 Rina extends her buff by 6 seconds. But yes, she feels kinda meh as support.

Lucy has the best support buff uptime followed by soukaku who feels terrible to play
>trusting Mihoyo to ever not be as anti consumer as humanly possible
You'd think after Genshin and HSR you'd finally get that Mihoyo literally only care about fucking it's playerbase over.
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It'll all come together in time, Corinbro. Don't despair.
You can already keep optimising with disks, we still have some level to get.
You will get all the pieces over time and your Corin will shine brightly.
>future team is gonna be Rat, Cat and Brat
Fucking physical event mats when
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Robots need love too. Though really I thinks it's just playfully messing around with the idea of a normal store that is a front for illegal "intimate services" since we're using her "private personal services" of weapons grade W-Engine tuning. Basically "Elfy, arms dealer/high class escort."
What is the point of this little shit? I've tried her with S11 since she's the only S i've pulled so far and besides the little gobs who stay on the field, i don't really see anything substential with DMG and anything else
She just needs more investment than other supports because she needs to actually have pen% to share it and her base buff isn't that high
Except in shock teams where extending the duration of shock alone is super value
Is street superstar actually good on anyone right now? Currently my only attacker w-engine is the single Starlight Engine I've got. But since my failed coinflip for Zhu it seems like I'll be using S11 and Corin for the foreseeable future, so I'm going to have to level a second engine. Do I level a street superstar, get a second starlight engine from the gadget store, or do I get the paid one from the bp? I'm not sure if the bp one is worth the money, the crit% mainstat seems nice, but I'm not sure the ability is any good.
She's a buffer who stacks attack. She puts her buff on her skill. Use her skill, trigger a quick assist, and then forget her.
Jesus mihomo is evil, checked the other standard 5* and same with Rina almost all of them needs the m1
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read her skill, she gives your other characters an ATK buff
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how much S bangboos matter? i run M3 Penguinboo and M3 Devilboo should i roll for sharkboo or vortex one
Whats the rat status? Are they losing?
>only darkie in the roster is a backstabbing cat
>also an ex-gang member
Should really try this at 11. Nyah~
tfw got the worst one (grace m1)
They're generally just better. So Sharkboo is just a plain upgrade over Penguinboo. The Ether ones are a bit of an exception though, because M5 Devilboo does more ST damage than the Resonaboo, which has nice CC instead.
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also no
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post rolls for KingYu
"Cheer on" is her core skill. She's also on of the characters that becomes substantially better at C2.
how the fuck you get 2k attack on sokaku
the bp crit is nice, but the ability is pretty bad. I would probably just use the street superstar as it isnt that much different i think, starlight engine gets good only when you W5 it so maybe focus on that first maybe. I always hate building the same weapon twice.
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>C2 Grace/C5 Anton, no Rina
>Ellen/C5 Soukaku, no Lycaon
>Soldier 11/Piper, no Lucy or Koleda (no I'm not using Ben, no matter how many times you hit me with dupes Da Wei)
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Grace's early mindscapes are all kinda bad
I dunno if that's a good thing or not
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please calm down sir, she's just a rat
prefarming for qingyi my beloved...
Ben is based, you're a fag for being willing to use bdsmfurfag and not Ben
so whats the point of defence characters like ben?
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We N E E D a sweaty tomboy agent
Giant rats don't exist, Jane Doe isn't real
Soukaku is the Chie of ZZZ
Good thing Jane Doe is a cat
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>he is STILL wasting stamina on attACKer discs for that 0.000001% crit roll
>when he could be prefarming for rrat discs (only mainstat matters)
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Rodents of Unusual Size? I can't believe they exist.
I prefer blue eyes and silver haired beauties thou.
He's a chill guy, but I can't deal with that movespeed. In my experience positioning is way too important when dealing with multiple enemies, and switching just to get them lined up right ruins my rotation pretty often.
He can kinda fill in any of the other roles
If you still have the $1 w-engine pack in store still, then buying that will probably be the best bet for Corin. Else the BP w-engine is a nice stat-stick that isn't reliant on conditions like having to quick-assist in.
>if they dont day it
Pajeet slop card
Thank you diaperbwo
Does she even care about crit if she's a stunner
ya even the c2 seems mid idk what they were thinking
This isn't genshin where EM is the only thing that scales reactions, the god roll anomaly disc has AP atk% pen and flat atk
>bikers work in the scorching heat of the outer ring
>still no tanline biker agent
Someone get Waterkuma on the phone so I can fire him again.
She's an on field dps stunner. Has Impact -> ATK conversion.
As far as I can tell they seem to be generalists who can fill in for several different roles and have extra sustain in exchange for not specializing in anything. Also if they're anything like Ben who have offensive abilities scale with defensive ones, they might also be good places to drop HP or DEF disks that would otherwise be totally useless on the rest of the cast
You still speak in riddles.
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I can't do it.
It's Stable Node 9 too...
So more impact = more atk right?
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>only mainstat matters
>he is unaware of the anomaly proficiency substat req
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Stunner's tend to contribute a bit of damage since your on-fielding them most of the time, it's just that they are lower on priority this early on compared to DPS disks/skill levels.
well if we do some math:
with the monthly pass + dailies you get roughly 160 pulls per day, and there are around 56~ days until the end of Jane’s banner. so assuming you hit hard pity, you have 40 pulls into Jane’s banner off of those alone.
then there’s the 5 monthly residual signal pulls (so 10 pulls there), the 10 pull event coming in 1.1 (so 10 more), and then however many chromes you’ll get from the 1.1 story and events. plus any additional pulls you get from the Jane pulls themselves. so you’ll most likely be able to hit soft pity at the very minimum assuming you hit hard pity this next time.
Qingyi Mindscapes are cracked!
>short hair
>skirt + tights
this is literally just anby you fucking retard
bwo your billy?
Yeah, though it's capped at 600 bonus atk. (not like it's easy to get past that anyways). Every point impact above 120 adds 6 atk.
Bro... your dodge...
Thanks Hoyo employee....
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Unfortunately Qingyi got nerfed and her weapon buffed because they want us to pull for both. I hope I have enough for her and the rat or I'll have to use THAT.
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A smug rat that needs correction by impregnation.
Why can't Chie and Naoto have collab in any gacha whatsoever. I would play it just for them...
>with the monthly pass + dailies you get roughly 160 pulls per day
Holy shit buying right meow
Which would be better if my only S-Rank is Lycaon: Ass cop or rat?
Anon think about it she wants you to impregnate her because you'll have to pay child support for 20+ kids...
Her W-Engine is a trap though. Go all out on dupes.
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just hit them harder
I assume s-tier tank will have abilities to make blocking relevant.
Ben is a budget fire stunner.
Next survey suggestion noted.
Thanks for the detailed breakdown bro. This is my first hoyo game that I've played for more than a week so I'm not really familiar with the average pull income per patch, so your help is appreciated.
thoughts on anby w-engine
Rat won't use a stunner.
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Neither just roll Ellen bwo
pull with your dick, meta wise ass cop wants a stunner while rat doesnt care. rat probably wants grace more.
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>no Ellen
bigly not good
I can't do enough damage even if I could dodge. I only have one Starlight Engine by the way.
blue oni
>Roll Grace on beginner banner
>Standard banner rolls have been two 5* w-engines for neko and lycaon
>Dont have either of them
cant tell if this is bricked or not i just want new units
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I've only done 1 survey so far, where are you guys seeing more?
>listening to this while my country is sparking into revolution
>captcha: NA2HN (KILL EM)
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Neither bwo, THIS is your only option
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Be nice to your Corin, she deserves it
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What else do I snag with on this page before reset, the master copies?
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It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Not possible. This is Corruption Resistance Tactical Gear.
not him but I'm literally going to c6 miyabi and she will be my only option as foretold.
and then we're gonna get married and have mixed race babies.
I got a second one after finishing the 36 story quest
If you skipped Ellen you'll be forced into an arranged marriage with Miyabi.
it's better to not clear it bwo.. so you still have some content left to look forward to
>and then we're gonna get married and have mixed race babies.
>anon is getting KEMONO'd
With the power of friendship, together you can overcome anything!
To be fair, that's not a particularly high bar.
Master copies for sure
Then probably disk xp but I'd imagine all the rest is tuned to be similar in stamina value so just whatever you need most
>The C2 3rd attack into EXS2
Okay that's kind of sick. I might have to pull for Ellen dupes whenever she comes back around.
Okay I understand I need to increase my damage but how strong should my skills be for the stable nodes? I'm not going to clear it with 11/11/11/11/11 skills and think it's okay. How leveled should my disks be?
I HATE doing the same hollow zero runs several times in a row...
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>one of these is a 5* design
why do they want you to do so many every week...
and they even force you to do the 3 floor ones
>but how strong should my skills be for the stable nodes?
I mean, you can clear them with level 40's, so whatever the skill levelcap for that was (6?) is fine.
>How leveled should my disks be?
Its fine if you have the right main stats, if you struggle upgrade your crit% disk the other right side disks.
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Which agents would serve tzeentch?
>Unfortunately Qingyi got nerfed and her weapon buffed because they want us to pull for both.
Did she get nerfed a lot? I've got enough funds for Qingyi herself, but since I've lost my last coinflip and had to go to 80 rolls each time, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get her wengine. Is she borked without it now?
I'm glad my nigga harumasa is an S rank so I can skip his ass and save, starting with 3 must pull femalen banners in a row was brutal
bwo theres nothing left in the game to do if you don't wanna do it..
Victoria Housekeeping unless they serve Slaanesh instead.
Grace definitely.
Okay but if I still can't do it after this then I'm killing myself.
>c6 hoyoslop design
Just go back to genshin or honk you tranny
No one SoulHounds.
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uhhh copbros?? why arent we #1?
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>Playing the dog game
>Everyone wiggling back and forth at the start
I still have story content left
They just nerfed her stun multiplier from an absurd 80% to a slightly less absurd 60%, she's still really good
I thought it was apparent that we can't compete with bagGODS with our genshin 1.2 designs
>wuwa nowhere to be seen
Trust the process
Shes been out for days now retard
Don't take it too hard, 9 and 10 are definitely where you are starting to learn some stupid gimmicks about the bosses. Like 10s robot wanting you to target his legs.
>zzz Scaramouche
Yeah i'm pulling him
They're going to reduce the weekly requirement at least but it'll probably be 3 runs. I could tolerate doing 1 run at any difficulty per week, anything else is just extremely boring
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rent free
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bwo that's old as shit
zzz dropped bigly already
Chie is fine but I'd rather a detective tomboy instead.
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saar do not redeem the chart saar continue buying changli pullswe need to win in sensortower pvp
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>rent free
>you prove him completely right by revealing yourself as a wuwajeet
top kek
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>Anton was part of a metal band
>he already had the obssession with the drill before he even started working with construction
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Which one did you do?
we're dead everyones going back to star railer
Post kit changes.
Isn't that saying that Turkey and the Philippines are also Wuwa countries though?
>Sales chart has BA and monster strike
>Everyone suddenly starts seething about wuwa
very organic posts her
even his tulpa told him it was time to get a real job
Truth, lies always get discovered eventually
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>tell her the truth
>she grows stronger from it
>see her in 6th street after that mission is over
>I have to tell her the truth again
Bravo Mihoyo, AMAZING
Can you double-dip in ZZZ on rewards, like in genshit? These expert challenges are VERY grindy
everything in this fucking game is grindy
I actually think that comparing the W-Engines at level 50-60 and one star Demara Battery is okay simply because of the Impact mainstat and the fact that Anby's Daze is fairly energy gated. However, at low level, or as soon as any of the other stun options start getting stars Battery falls way behind because so much of its power budget/scaling is tied into the electrical damage and doesn't scale stun any better than before.
>EN Lucy is HuoHuo
For my Russian ear she sound like Fischl VA.
>huge events in /bag/ and /hsrg/
>Their threads are now fast as fuck
>We slow down
Half of this thread are HSRkeks and baggots
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ill pull her and come back bro im not slogging through spacechina again
Are those really better alternatives?
Truth, of course.
Master copies and then whatever you need. Boopons are lowest priority IMO.
i thought she was furina, she sounds so similar
they are. brownniggers and sandniggers love openworld slop
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Hoyoshills hate WuWa. They don’t hate blue archive.
Shrimple as.
>not only jeets but also roaches and pagpags
Wow must actually be a real piece of shit game, at least it works to contain came
I don't know how likely it is for Furina EN VA to voice someone, considering she is the voice director for EN ZZZ
I feel forced to roll for Chingpi because I got spooked by two copies of Koleda's engine. Lycaon currently has one and it feels like a waste not to be using the other one (and throwing it into the other copy seems even more wasteful)
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Why are zookeks so defensive when it comes to Wuwa? Any inferiority complex you wanna share?
I also find it funny how the only deflect used is always the forced Saar shit, that has nothing to do with how good both games are. I guess even you ppl know which game is better.
You must be 18 years or older to use this website. Come back in 3 years retard, lol
C & B Yes
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lucy love!
same shit in HSR
bring up literally any gacha and everyone starts seething about genshin

so bizarre
it's not unheard of for someone to do both on the same project
Why is /wuwa/ so dead? Nothing to discuss?
Why are you posting here then nigger. EOS for you soon
They help you cheese Hollow Zero since the Defense resonances are busted
Stupid reason to be honest, but hey Qingyi isn't gonna brick your account so whatever.
>wuwajeet posts his retarded game in the thread for 3 weeks straight
>wuwajeets still infesting the general (because their game is dead)
>The only global fans of Wuwa are provably browns and dark browns
>"omg why dont you like wuwa posters"
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so true saar how many attacks did you parry today with The Dragon of Huonglong Jiyan again saar
I think being a wuwa shill is comical at this point, you can’t beat Genshin at dead patche, your thread is dead, an Indian ai song made you btfo from gig, you constantly try to come to hoyo threads to shill your dead game
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>underage Lucy
>granny Piper
don't care until snek
How do you shoot lazers on this arcade game?
This game's equivalent of condensed resin is the card stacking thing you do in VR. Doesn't work for expert bosses though (but it didn't for Genshin bosses either).
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Doing One-man show in at Intensity 11 as Neko is the best kind of fun.
>having fun playing ZZZ
>posting in the ZZZ general
>someone who doesn’t play ZZZ comes in shilling another game
>tell them to fuck off
>”bro why so defensive lol”
Lucy is kind of stacked for her height
>hoyo makes a real non-gacha 4niar rpg with little bangboos
desu that's not a bad idea for a doujin game but idk how strict hoyo is at copyright enforcement for that sort of thing
I got the big tiddy mechanic looking girl form the standard banner. Is she any good?
>Piper calls her youngster
>Bartender then mentions she drinks expensive stuff
Schrodingers age strikes again
VPN bros ITT, how do you avoid foreign transaction fees when topping up?
>game full of inspired characters, waits and pulls the most bland hoyoslop design weebwank character

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It’s all spurned ex-Genshin lovers. They all loved the game dearly once and they feel immense heartache because the game didn’t become what they wanted it to be. It fuels endless seething like a bitchy ex-girlfriend.
For some reason there’s less seething about Genshin here in /zzz/. I expected it to be similar.
They're minimal, so I don't.
I just use jp vpn and use the official topup site bro
She basically makes electric teams viable and she's an anomaly enabler (She triggers Shock so fast and so efficiently, you can pair her with other elemental agents so you can proc two anomalies at the same time to trigger "Disorder")
So yeah, shes good
Rich parents.
fucking mihoyim
the grinding is outrageous
whats going on over at star rail? i quit playing that powercreep ass game
Go for rrat and use them together
Nice. I probably would have dropped the game if I got the fucking furry so this is a nice outcome.
You don't, the game just randomly chooses it as a stage hazard sometimes
Ressources to Level shit up >>>> 1 Atk Piece with Random Stat (All goes into DEF)
I am talking more about how she drinks, I don't think a bar has expensive juice or milk
Nobody has ever taken your side when you spew buzzword salad, no matter how many weeks you spent trying. And they never will. Maybe suicide would be better for you lmao
>is continuing to post wuwa in the not wuwa general
getting desperate are we?
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Oh don’t worry I’ll shill you a REAL open world game called: Grand Theft Auto VI (Six)
>getting this assblasted defending soulless hoyoslop designs
>Nice. I probably would have dropped the game if I got the fucking furry
Which one?
The catgirl is a brick and not very good
But the Ice wolf butler is actually amazing.
>I would have dropped the game if I got one of the best characters
What arcade games should they add so I can laugh at how bad /zzz/ is
In Russian localization it's barista, not bartender.
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What are your hopes for the upcoming Shiyu? It feels like its probably too soon to change the element shilling since we are still 3 weeks away from Qingyi.
Do you think they'll change Shiyu to a bi-weekly format now that people from launch have a chance to grind out some progression?
Street Fighter
Binding of Isaac
That depends on your credit/debit card. The savings should make up for it though
Boo kart
Crazy Taxi
Ms. Pac-Man
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vampire survivors
>that schizophrenic retard who has a meltdown any time anyone mentions section 6
Now this general is finally getting good.
ms pacman
Rythym game. If they add a rip off of muse dash but with ZZZ themes that would be awesome
Pac-Man and BomberMan
Kino. So many IT lessons lost to it
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>off-topic game-shilling post deleted
holy fuck jannies do exist
/gig/ could never
That is because there is no expensive beer in vodkaland
The wolf. I'm not a metafag so I could give less of a shit about how good he is. If he spooked me for my first S character I'd drop it.
>we want the genslop and honknigger audience

Pick one
Why don’t they even bother with gig…
something like the origami bird arcade from HSR, no fucking idea what to call it
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other than the ones on OP is there any place I can find some nice stickers?
pure sex and I'm incredibly bricked up
lmao, the shiyu in 2 days is just a reset with no changes, it will change lineup and elements after 1.1
>I'm not a metafag
This makes the whaleoid rerollard have an aneurysm (and that's a good thing)
Space Invaders
>reset with no changes
Come on atleast change up the enemy set ups.
2d fighting game
Whole quote is about expensive coffee.
street fighter
getting 30,000,000 points in snake duel is already impossible, they can't add anything harder.
Sorry anon but that's how it works in genshin and hsr
thanks for the sex, homie
I want a schizo who melts down at every mention of obol squad since he doesn't like 11's outfit.
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those faggots invade every day indeed
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F-Zero AX will be in alongside the Switch version, trust the plan
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The promise of Trigger is too enticing. In fact every character S11 mentions randomly in her events sounds kino.
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The wolf enables Corin (the sexycutest character in the game) so rolling him would be a massive W.
the soul hounds 100m invincible dive cheevo is already harder than that
why is there bird poop on her face...
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I feel like I’m doing something wrong with Corin. I have a Lycaon/Soukaku/Corin team but Corin barely tickles enemies now.
Bros, I think I'm getting better at hearing accents. Is it just me, or do the Chinese girls have Chinese accents when speaking Japanese?
What I mean is, they sound similar to Ch'en from Arknights, but I'm not sure if Ch'en has an accent, it's just that they kinda sound like her.
Bro please stop posting this sloppa...
Why Soukaku?
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Someone here told me you can ex-special after Anby 3rd basic attack and chain lightning to it. I tested it, they lied.
we're actually getting a rhythm event in 1.1, please look forward to the filtering
she gives a big buff, synergizes with Lycaon, and I’m not sure who else I’d use
>we're actually getting a rhythm event
You're messing something up dumb nigger
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>2 weeks until i can roll again
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is qingy supposed to be a better anby?
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retardbro... im in both threads too
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Idk I cope with Koleda and Ben cause my account is bricked and I can’t even clear regular non-rotating SD yet.
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more like months
You absolutely can.
It's not... though Genshin 9+10 only changes once per year. All the stuff you play in SR is different. Can't say what's in the fights you skip.
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>we want the honkai and genshin audience

You are skipping them right bwos
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I returned from my 2 year TW hiatus (i always play those games on a marathon for around 10 campaigns until I get sick of the same-y gameplay and pause them for a while then come back), or if a cool new game drops like rome 1 remaster
Not having someone enable her passive is pretty rough, i realize how ideal it was for me to get Rina (and not gay furknot bdsm)
>got both ellen and zhu
>full f2p
>neither was even the guaranteed S tier thing, just random-ass rolls
what the fuck bros
I've always been the unluckiest motherfucker alive, what is this
Yeah she is a nice support for Lycaon, not so much for Corin. But if you pass on the ATK buff from her, Corin should still do decent damage in the stun phase. Outside of that you don't bring her out anyway, right?
Soul Hounds fucking sucks
If the visual upgrade they alluded to in their xitter post is around them, then maybe I will pull on some of them depending on their upgrades.
If not, then hell no. Too much enticing stuff in the latter half of 1.3 and Qingyi and Rat will be guzzling all my pulls until 1.2
I'll only pull them if they upgrade their models. I don't care if they're meta or the strongest
Wrong Obol is SVOL, keep coping that you’re pulling the ugliest limited in the game Miyabinigger.
If 1.4 doesn't have anything great, I'm getting Miyabi.
singleplayer soul hounds is actually kinda fun
the multiplayer version is garbage though and i can't fathom how we could get this after the snek kino
>Tried to expand my team composition options
>Level up Billy because I needed more phys to work with Corrin
>Get Piper a session later.
I might have fucked up.
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>>we want the honkai and genshin audience
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Try it out in the training room.
I just hope I get the wolf or rina at some point off of a banner instead of waiting a fucking year to get 300 pulls on standard
I'm skipping all non-waterkuma coded characters
if you get lucky the match will end in 40 seconds its fine
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>S6iggers calling people schizos because their faction design is the ugliest in the game
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You have to press and hold the attack button basically the exact moment she lands from the flip
>rolls for Ellen. super early!
>gets Lycaon from standard. best team in the game achieved. I won.
>rolls for sig. EZ win!
>rolls banner for Soukaku, gets Rina
>rolls Zhu Yuan. early
>rolls weapon. early, wins 75/25 again
>tries to save for Qingyi
>gives in the temptation and splurges for extra Nicoles and surely I'll get another standard like S11 my beloved
>C1 Zhu
>looks at polys, none left
>Qingyi funds lost
i got too lucky and fucked around until i found out
i think the only polys left unclaimed are in the arcade, the new event and whatever higher IK levels give
literally 0/180 towards guaranteed Qingyi
how grim is it bros? can I at least get one 90 before Qingyi's banner ends like around 4th of September I think?
>posts nipwank characters
surely you meant to post an image of qingyi
Have we ever actually got a definition of what a Thiren is? I see people say that they're specifically animal people, but there are characters like Soukaku and General Chop, who are based on demons. There are also tons of characters that just have pointed ears. Would they all just be considered Thirens?
Anby let's me sniff her thongs
S6 is not really ugly, just boring.
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Seth and Soukaku belong in diapers and need to be unpottytrained immediately!
I don't know what that means because I don't play those garbage games. I'm pulling for Miyabi because I'm a katanafag.
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how do I shave off 30 whole seconds
How long are these 2 events that are ending in 6 days?
Seems like Thirens are just all the mutated humans. Covering everything from the kemonomimi like Miyabi, over "oni" like Soukaku to full on animal people like Ben.
isnt ben just a fucking bear? not a thiren at all?
You already did Ellen
But please rerun sooner I want to get your W-engine and more dupes
Thirens supposedly existed before the Hollow incident though, according to some dialogue in one of Ben's trust events
getting office lady and Vergil
the faggot can fuck himself even if he's Kazuha level broken
Having redone it a couple of times I've realised that the dog seems to break based on landing defensive assists so instead of doing dodge counters it's optimal to just cycle between Koleda and Ellen until you break the dog. I had previously been doing it with Zhu who does a slowmo instead of a defensive assist and it is noticably slower to break the dog on that team unless you use a (completely ungeared) Nicole to defensive assist instead of evasive assist
Rolling for all of them
The watch your step event is kinda short, you can clear all of the stages is like a day or two if you devote the time to it.
Youll want to play billyGAWD eventually anyways you're fine
No, Ben and the others are bear thiren. Just like Lycaon is a wolf thiren.
Well, niggas? I swear, Zhu Yuan sounds similar to Ch'en somehow, maybe it's in my head, or maybe it really is a chinese accent
It's complicated. One of Ben's hangout stories seems to imply bears just kinda walked out of the forest one day and said "we want to be people too" but everyone still calls them bear Thirens so maybe Thirens are just uplifted animals and the more human-looking ones are crossbreeds?
>not even at pity for ass cop
>do a perm 10 roll
>get grace before pity
After losing out on my limited s-rank, now what should I do since I went from only having Lycaon to now having Koleda and Grace?
Having tried this, it's quicker to kill them entirely with Ellen like this but that specific open is a pure coinflip because the mob on the right can decide to instantly do a laser beam which gives it hyperarmour then you can't push it. Gacha game

I prefer not to pre-stack Soukaku here because if you do the full buff early on trash you won't have the energy for it on the first dog stun where it falls off
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There's only one way to get 180 rolls in 5 weeks or less
that's the plan
>spending money is the alternative to learning how to group
This is such a no taste stereotypes.
seth needs one after the gaping hole ben nigger left in him
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>guns and heavy artillery exist in this world
>uses a bow and arrow
Is he stupid?
No idea what you mean, Ch'en doesn't have an accent in japanese. She just talks formal and so does Zhu Yuan, but its been too long for me to remember if they have similar ticks.
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the second spawn after the first stun is so bullshit
sometimes they spawn 3 together, other times theres only 2 and the other one spawns on the other side of the map
fuck shiyu
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Remember to save for robotcunny
Genshin's 11-12 only changes when a new patch comes out, otherwise when it used to reset twice a month nothing would be different
those armpits belong to the Hive Lord that Sunbringer killed
>other versions
what the fuck
trips of truth
hopefully damage taken based rewards in shiyu soon
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hmm yes yes very interesting artist
He should get along great with the fucks who run a VHS store in a world with internet and sentient AI
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>Wasted my polychromes on a whim
Oh well, shit happens.
can someone catbox it because elon is a fat lipped nigger
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you really dont want to see it
I'm addicted to Ellen
>posting this right after i got her
fuck you man
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what did the game mean by this
do I burn batteries at level 42? I have like 30 of them
burn batteries if you think itll get you more shiyu rewards
they arent good for much else
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Guh... phew.
Corin is all taken care of.
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wait you can't change team position inside hollow zero?
Why do supports always quick assist into Lycaon if he's in party? This isn't the case for Anby/Koleda and the quick assist goes into your dps.
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10 year old pussy or 9 year old pussy?
I second that. You don't want to see it.
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well, he did ask for it
>burn batteries if you think itll get you more shiyu rewards
I'm stuck on shiyu 2...
Only when you first pick up an agent
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on one hand releasing the pigman(orc) would be unfathomably based
on the other hand it's 100% they'll make him another softboy like the other furries
Why is she so unpopular?
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your team order bwo
they always quick assist into the character on their right
support quick assist to the one after them
if the support is 1, itll assist to 2
2 to 3
3 to 1
Lets try to find the most stupid anon in this general.
I seriously demanded more ways to farm polychromes in the survey.
i feel kind of bad for you so i'll explain.
when your 1st agent is on the field and you can quick assist (got hit hard or you're a support that landed a chain/ex), it's always the 2nd agent. this pattern continues.
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faction themes
Double digits is too old, the answer is obvious
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fuck off
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Would be funnier the other way around, but still pretty good. Sibling group sex pics are great.
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>hating on weeb operatorcore faction
the interocular distance aside, it is too early to tell if s6 is a flop
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extremely rare with no story presence yet
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I used polychromes on standard banner
I read her cinema before ever meeting her and it was just
>is a disciplined fighter x6
I instantly knew it was over before it even began. she's plain, surely nobody hates her, but there's not much to like either.
seems to be bugged
i've had that happen too with lycaon but not all of the time
Thanks bwos turns out the story trial fucked up party order and it goes lycaon - rina - corin
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Me bringing coffee to my sister after banging her all night.
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give me back my luck. I've rarely lost coinflips in genshin and hsr, even getting some 5* pretty early occasionally. But it seems I'm gonna have exactly 0 of that luck in zzz
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She is my favorite...
No idea bwo we're all playing with EN voices
I dunno, but I really want her.
Wait until the Anby/Soldier 11 OBOL chapter releases. The keywords "Flame" and "Thunder" were foreshadowing, we're in for cloneKINO.
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Zogbot the character
Nekomata owes me S-ranks.
is there a version without shitcat
I thought the gameplay while using her in the story was kinda cool. Don't know if I would be happy if she showed up if I lost the 5050 though
is belle doing some reverse sideways version of the amazon press or is this futa trash? this is important
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Peak ZZZ.
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you will retract those words this instant
A thousand nigger dicks for the dev that put shitty goons that waste your time by spacing around the map in critical Shiyu
>Neko hater too retarded to crop image
checks out
is there a version with only best cat
how do i use rina with grace
t. just got her
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>Green and Orange
>Lightning and Flames
>Uppercut vs Sweep
>Headphones vs Goggles
>Legs vs Boobs
The clash of the century.
Occasionally switch to Rina for an attack/ex skill. That's it really
hey bros this game decided to give me m5 billy and no piper does anyone know any good teamcomps for him for shiyu or do i really need piper
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This is what $300 can get you, it can even be done F2P if you won your coinflips I lost them.
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ellen joe is heterosexual
That’s a girl (tomboy)
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Does Ellen want Crit rate or Crit damage as the primary stat on her fourth disk?
Ellen is gay byw or something
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Crit rate, unless you have her weapon and M1 and enough substats.
What IK level?
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>badass entrance
>badass presentation
>Intruders, you have 5 seconds to explain yourselves before I kill you
>Corin fumbles and ruins the intrigue and professional presentation
why is she in Victoria again?
do you wait for 10x master tapes before pulling or just do singles? I think I can't wait another month to roll 10x
because weirdly enough she is the most talented maid
>Gorrillabot just hopping all over the place while it's cohort shoots missiles at me
Hit 46 like 2 days ago (never poly refreshed and still have some batteries left).
Teams are full Ice and Asscop + Nicole
How long until I can do my dailies? This "intro" is taking ages. I can't even spend my resin yet.
When Corin's mother abandoned her she gave her to the orphanage and requested that the Victorian maids took her in when she came of age.
to fumble the professional presentation that would've gotten us killed and act as a segue for us to team up with victoria housekeeping
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She’s the best maid of the bunch actually
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She is actually really good at being a maid.
How long is it going to take to hit IK 50 if you aren't poly refreshing? I'm at 47 now.
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it's called good and interesting writing. it would have been boring without corin fumbling the intro.
14 year old cunny is prime
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Do you think Ellen grew up on club penguin
Normally I wait for 10 because single pulls are boring but my account is so shit anything I’m throwing singles at it as fast as possible in hopes of getting anything useful
14 is divisible by 2 and 7 dipshit
2-3 weeks most likely
unless NEPS decides to nuke us with 10 more batteries again
She has retard strength
How do I cope with no Lycaon
shut up bitch ill forced merge you with a pile of shit
no shes a zoomer
Every group needs THAT guy
>cringe entrance
>think they are stronger than me, amateur mistake
>alright in 5 seconds I will take your head
>suddenly a cute voice shrieks out
>corin makes her appearance
I guess I can spare you, just today. You can thank your employee for that.
feeling the same bro, even a nekomata would save my account at this point
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>>488176140 (me)
while on this, why the hell does Belle&Wise tell everyone they're Phaeton. Shouldn't that be a well kept secret? Telling people you're a Proxy is one thing, telling them you're the legendary proxy with a bounty is asking for someone to turn you in....
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Has he seen her naked?
KEK that took me a while anon
>you can date every playable character
>they get really intimate with you
>they are in your room when watching videos together
>implied fucking on the couch
>male, female, interspecies, and mechanical lifeform options
>optional player character gender
is this.... the fabled.... "equity" of legend!?
no wonder this game is the troon killer. the thing they actually hate the most is actual equity and bi/pansexuals
when do we get to clank clank clank the bratty AI though? she yearns for correction
Math isnt real but cunny is, checkmate
She's cute.
>Ellen is 17
>club penguin shut down 7 years ago
If she's 17 she grew up on TikTok.
Yea but I played Club Penguin and I think I am a Zoomer?
>t. Born in 2000
this was pure kino
>hit 45
>disk farm
>get 2 s disks
you guys lied to me
>what the world is like with Billy vision
You're lucky, I've got 5 Bens and zero (0) Nicoles
When controlled by Wise, yes.
you are guaranteed 2 now before it was one and you needed rng to get a second S
It's best to enjoy the process of reaching prime.
That's why I farmed at 35
Imagine the horror of being a Bangoo and watching incestuous sex everyday
I don't have a BiS w-engine for Ellen, Lucy or Piper, no one else needs their weapon.
What BP weapon do I get?
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I got 3 bens before this banner already
I was on the fence about zhu but I refuse to get MORE bens
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>spend $300 to get a whole 10 pulls
big winner here, careful dont spend it all at once anon~
to be fair the chance before 45 was pretty high
I was getting 2 s ranks most of my runs, probably with a 70% or a bit higher than that
I have some good pieces now, just need to improve some here and there and then it'll be min-maxing stats yippeeee

once we hit level 50 things should be easier with the new level caps and shit though
Corin is extremely anxious with self esteem issues but she's actually a golden child of fortune
>gets lost in the dead end hollow and runs into Nekomata and Phaeton
>later dissolves the hostile confrontation between Lycaon and the Cunning Hares by interrupting with her weapon falling apart, then recognizing Nekomata
she is talented in her skillset and whenever she fails, she fails into an absolute success
she does have that Aventurine level of One Piece backstory though...
its 720 polys total
aka 4.5 pulls
its even less since f2p can easily clear the first 3, more if they got a bit lucky
That boo is personally charged with scrutinizing Belle's bowel movements
you want hiv just head to your nearest furry convention
It wasn't the reason I spent that money though, I just wanted the characters on day 1 and got pretty unlucky.
Some actual whales can't even S-rank them all...
there's a line she tells you to touch her circuit board
very lewd
because people in these circles are not rats, since their entire business depends on it
Phaeton's friendship and help is EXTREMELY valuable
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Genuinely fucking hate fighting these machine bosses so fucking much, dude.
i keep thinking its a huge diaper....
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Are Boopons from this shop even worth it?
2000 for 5 and you only get 1k per month
Where's Zhu Yuan's agent story?
With VH it makes sense, because they're valuable business contacts they want to maintain and deepen. And they can trust in their discretion. It really only didn't make sense with Soldier 11.
>Underage with that bust
I don't believe it.
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bwos... I got an even better billy disc than I had before....
You clearly dont get just 1000 a month
im gonna be real disappointed if the robot girl is turned into a smoothskin
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>This new VR system is insane, making me totally lose track of time. Good thing the club has overnight rooms. I'll crash here tonight.
>Hopefully, we won't be woken up by the people downstairs still immersed in playing VR.
>The club's service is awesome. They even server breakfast!
i hear the music
>flat ATK roll
back to the mines
>Try the whathever towers with Billy
>Up his crit
>111! 112! 116!
Holy fuck, can I recycle him?
for me it's the chainsaw one
actually fucked hitboxes and timings
thumper one is easy and the rock throwing nigger is just annoying
I don't know how many you get per season or whatever so I only picked the tuner and disk rolls, esp since not hurting for any bonpus right now, though I did get them with the blue merits since i had much more of those
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I didn't say perfect bwo.... but it is better than his last piece
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Is it because of prywden that /zzz/ overrates her?
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VHK would unironically be boring as fuck without a character like Corin.
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>he fell for it
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la ataka plana...
Trigger immersive mode you doofus
My bad you get 2620 assuming full clear of shiyu but still that's pretty much all you can buy from there
guaranteed mainstat disk for filling out teams > s disk mats > disk exp mats > limited dennies > char exp > weapon ex > boopons
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She knows too much
why the fuck does this pass time but exploring hollow zero doesn't
Thankfully all that stuff won't matter after this patch as you can pass time more then once in 1.1
Man Asha is so hot, why is she not playable
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her pen buff is overrated since you can get flat pen on substats and pen% on mainstat already, but she is definitely not the worst standard (we all know who the worst one is)
>Got memed into leveling up Billy
>Lost my polychromes on the standard banner.
>Didn't even get who I wanted
Its so Joever.
piper gives me a pen buff
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So with 93 exclusive channel and 100 stable channel pulls, this is all I have. Should I bother trying later if this is all I have while I finish up Chapter 2's epilogue?
Oh, really? I must have missed that in all the other qol stuff.
Man, that time system sure had to be scaled back a lot, these niggas really thought they were making persona
Terrible first impression by threatening to kill me and my clients. Any time Victoria Housekeeping needs proxy services I'm going to lead them into every trap and hit full corruption.
The guy shilling billy has him at M5. Those types usually do. Ignore them.
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>fuzzy tails
Just because /zzz/bros force the Billy comp by giving him cracked discs and max him out to 50 doesnt mean he's good anon...
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Alright I'm convinced to not buy the rolls since I already have 2 meta bangboos I'll be stuck with for a while and 94 rolls leftover
So, I hit IK 45 and done every single sidequest other then mewmew and the challenge mode.

What now?
Actually speaking of Corin and the help, we don’t know what they were actually up to on the very same day when we were in the middle of uncovering Vision’s schemes.

Unless the game is purposefully being misleading and it’s all an elaborate set up, it’s just doesn’t seem likely that VH have anything to do with the Vision demolition plan and yet it’s hard to dismiss them being in that hollow just a random job.

The only thing I can guess is perhaps they were searching for the “Sacrifice” since both locations were what was being targeted by Vision and more importantly the secret benefactors behind Perlman but didn’t have an exactly location pinned down or could get to the monument plaza in time before (we) got there
Jesus Christ, Corrin is so cute! The picnic date was so beautiful. Quickly, which team she need?
I am such a tool. This is what jobbing to Balteus does to your brain.
Did you get anything from your 1 (one) event boopon?
What do you mean with "try later"? Its a solid line-up, you probably just want a limited attacker I guess?
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you should've known better than to trust 4channel.org bwo....
Time to farm discs and skill levels and scrape along shiyu as far as possible before it resets.
I've said it multiple times mine is at M0.
Why does she have those weird cyborg tails up her butt? Why did she install them? I need lore.
Any team with another physical and/or Maid house faction I guess
We don't even use that domain anymore lol
Just about anybody really.
A handful of anons used her with Anby and Rina starting out.
Yes I finally got my third (3rd) S rank drop 180 rolls in.
My Bangboo luck is fucking abysmal. I got a maxed out Penguin despite having Shark, then realised looking at the modifiers that a penguin STILL does less damage with his normal attacks due to its cooldown, and his chain attack is 2 seconds long so im not using that despite the 1700% modifier
>and yet it’s hard to dismiss them being in that hollow just a random job
IIRC didn't Corin claim to have only been trying to get through that Hollow on her way 'to' a job? The resolution of that plot was afterall that the Hollow covers a shortcut between two sections of the city, so its not 'entirely' implausible. It didn't really feel likely that Lycaon was just pretending to not recognise Nekomata and co.
I know but the redirect works
>lost property from a line of the government's most advanced super soldiers
>legendary outlaw from the outer ring, the ruthless red rider with 101 names
>level 1 thug
The worst part? I became a lolicon because of Lucy.
Month, perhaps years for me to recover from that fumble.
I don't have any other maid. Can piper works?
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Yeah, Koleda was spooked me when I only needed 17 more rolls for the 50/50 guaranteed s-rank. So I was pissed that it was a spook and was so close to the s-rank pull with out actually being it. I'm just pissed off I guess to get spooked is all.
>he got bamboozled by kazakh sock knitting forum members
ask for character recycling on the next survey bro
Anything with a Stunner, since she wants to be doing burst during Stun. She's also a decent Anomaly applier for Piperlets in a Nekomata team.
Not really but Corin is so bad and the game is so new it doesn't matter anyway.
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imagine trapping kot in a cage and throwing it into a river
Thats fair. But at least Koleda is a great partner for Zhu when you do get her, if you didn't plan to get her partner anyway.
Its because of monday. Monday is evil.
That's being implemented in 1.2 they said.
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Are you a russian women perhaps?
Puffy... I need to pipe Piper real bad
Speg Spinner
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We (4channel) love kot here
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Rina is a good hag because she gives you a buff to the loli penetration stat.
Fucking Bigger
Maxed out penguin does less than shark? I saw someone here say the opposite. So fucking confused.
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Actually do you guys think Corin/Koleda/Billy would be better than Corin/Koleda/Ben? Even if Billy does nothing but attack and bait counters enabling corin’s passive might be better than having Ben.
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kys nigger
If you're using her with Koleda then Lucy would be the best third by far
Booba - pull
Flat and male - skip

Easy as that.
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>No one answered my question about the battle pass weapons
Is it all just bots replying to themselves here

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