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Previous: >>488161680

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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What's the target audience for this?
I'm surprised Feixiao actually has numerous team options unlike Firefly and Acheron.
How do they even handle the Ting dripfeed if she's not showing up in 2.4?
my dick
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Me (I like girls who can beat me up)
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Napkin math about Lingsha as a faux harmony for Firefly, this does NOT take into account Lingsha's own super break damage, this is purely how much a E2S1 Firefly + E1 Ruan Mei would benefit from Lingsha.

Assumptions: 500% Break Firefly, E1+ Firefly, E1 Ruan Mei, S1 Firefly, E6 Gallagher and E0/E1/E0S1/E1S1 Lingsha.

Damage is a singular instance of Firefly's enhanced skill (180 toughness)

>why eidolons
who's that in the background
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Say something nice about (ourgeneral)
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When will Pagturine shills understand that normal people won't roll for a faggot? We're all going to use Feixiao with Lingsha
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Firefly is a genetically engineered super soldier. Are you?
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Topazbros, I'm so happy she's back to appearing solo again.
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hmm bailu
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>Tim Cook is an RMfag
What the fuck? Also for context, he’s the CEO of Apple and apparently visited Shanghai Mihoyo recently and posted this after. Honestly probably also explains the stellefly ad in the App Store too kek
Who's Moze?
Please. Not in front of Firefly…
I’m not rolling for a 8% damage increase
I know it's hard to remember since she's been irrevelant since 2.X, but she is still a playable character.
I can't afford both of them and I didn't roll Aventurine cause he was a loser, what the fuck am I gonna do
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Topaz won so fucking hard.
She told us to play the long game.
I didn't listen...
I'll have to mozecope....
Even after seeing this alternative art, design is still not really working for me. It's like they tried to combine sexy and strong, but for me both aspects kinda work against each other.
guys who are into pegging
Im glad I didnt invest in follow up, the most coddled damage type in the game. Literally, "Dont make the follow-up babies angry".
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Bronya rabu!
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I no longer find Tingun attractive because of the "I just shit myself" anon
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I wanna see her do squats while lifting my cock and body up with her animal pussy.
Remember back in Year 1 when all those weenies who said FuA was a bricked path and playstyle?
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Anon that tweet, and likely every tweet on his entire account, was written, sent and engaged with by a team of social media engineers. He was not involved.
Eh 8% isn't that hot, but on the other hand I'm aware Lingsha's own super break damage will add way more team total damage in the end when comparing to gallagher
She seems to he a luxury, a very good luxury but still a luxury

I'm still rolling tho, she sex
I have sex with this everyday.
Predict Feixiao's best team.

>tingyuan 5* (harmony), sparkle, feixiao, fu xuan
Should I think for myself or let someone else do it for me
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You do you but you better hope that stupid rabbit gets its speed increased
So a 8% increase unless you roll the cone. And still a question if she can even outdamage Gallagher's super break damage, since he has some high toughness damage on his ult and enhanced basic. You really need to go all in with Firefly, RM and now Lingsha just to replace a 4*
I want Feixiao to rape me
some anon in another thread said dave chappelle played star rail and said jade was a bad bitch
is that true?
i need a screenshot
2 new FUA units?
Dr. Ratio status?! Is IPC3 dead?
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Cute, canon and fuaing
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I only rolled for two signature cones in my time playing this game.
One of them was Jingliu's on her rerun.
So what set will FeiXiao be using then?
feixiao's bf, supposedly a solid cope for her if you don't have the premium options
>t. Weenie who rolled for Jingpoo
Don't worry, there's the perfect place for you guys
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>was going to skip Feixiao
>have to roll for her if I want to unbrick my E0S0 Topaz
This game is so annoying...
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I'm attracted to Yunli
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Jiaoqui should've been a FUA healer so we could run a full Foxian team for Feixiao (Topaz is an honorary foxian)
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I spent like 5 years cleaning diarrhea off of the carpet for a sickly cat because he loved me and cuddled in my lap and nuzzle my face every day and would come running to see me wherever I went.

Love makes a lot of shit worth it. Sometimes literally.
i should've invested in victory and played the long game...
2.5 is BS and Ratio
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This is E6S1 Guinaifen all over again
Thats gallagher using lingsha's cone vs e0s0 lingsha
>he rolled jing yuan, robin, topaz, aventurine, and their cones/eidolons just to make it work
>mihoyo realizes that they are going to powercreep follow-up bricks hard so they give them a new relic to chew on
lingsha's being a break support will also have high toughness damage, and has a 3rd attack (the rabbit) that adds to that.

E1 on that spreadsheet isn't even taking into account the self 50% break effeciency she gets so it would be even higher once break damage gets accounted for.
I actually kinda like his kit, it's pretty unique and interesting. Which is probably best for a 4*, make them niche so they at least have some place to be used instead of just a worse 5*
remember we are still in space china
you were doing pretty good then went full retard in the worst possible way
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Your safe now sis, but Sugilite NTR is inevitable. Topaz will be buffing him while Aventurine watches
Same way they did Blunderer and Furina not being in the archon in Genshin, they'll fuck it up.
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How did you know?
I don't need this information Tingyun.
>Only 8% damage increase
>When one of her skills increases Break damage dealt by a much bigger amount
That's a feixiao team of someone high on crack
Please tell me there's a skip male banner between Yunli and Feixao. I never have time to save and i am getting out of money...
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Oh yeah you’re right, I forgot this was a thing. It was from their website iirc
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>nigger character
It's mihoyo, he will be a fucking brick lmao
Lingsha heals way better than Gallagher
The best type of pegging is slow and sensual, but with the implication that if you resist it will not be so gentle.
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Tomboy lovers
I checked her seiyuu
Not so fast! Remember Topaz’s words!
>Investing in victory means playing the long game!
Feixiao is coming out next patch. Next patch is soon, ergo, SHE IS THE SHORT GAME!! Save for the true long game, the other stone hearts and Screwllum.
she can 0-cycle without any sustain who the fuck cares lmao
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She's not for (Me)?
but if one has e4+ gally, is it worth the jade to get a sidegrade?
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My girlfriend is so cute
This general has rotted my brain, I read that as pagging at first.
>just an 8% increase
Defend this, Bricksha pullers.
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>Rapes trailblazer
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If you want to include SAM, Firefly is physically capable. But regardless of whether you do or not, she is not mentally capable. Ergo she cannot beat me up.
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12% Besotted lv12 vs 25% Befoged Lv10
Yeah the issue is that Healing is a non issue on Firefly teams, I'm assuming Lingsha will just have higher personal damage via Superbreak vs Gallagher.
Yeah p much
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>it's fucking real
>my wind lightning team (dot) started to lack recently
>get new wind lightning team (crit) with fei moze
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you already have firefly, don't be greedy
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Manifesting lamia lingsha and buffs
>Jingpoo weenie making shit up in his mind to try and distract others from the fact that she got completely powercrept by Acheron
Not falling for it.
Also, she'll never show up in a story again because she gave up and went to jail.
Yet another tailless Foxian...

Huohuo 2.0, a failure to her race.
stoneflops instantly got powercrept the moment the leak was mentioned that tingyuan will be a summon support. Arguably i assumed she would be harmony, if she's not harmony i would much different for me. But harmonys don't have ATKing ultimates so it made robin worse.
Do Firefly team even need a healer at this point where you can just demolish every content?
Either Lingsha provide team wide res or buffs, then is it not worth rolling for her if you already have Gall E6 desu.
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That's not hard. Non-scaling healer and all that. Mainly because raw healing numbers are rarely if ever the point. For as long as the game has been out people have focused on getting a sustain that heals almost as little as possible in order to technically keep the team alive while also providing a team buff to damage.

An E0 Natasha is a very strong healer statistically, Bailu even more so. Limited sustains have, universally, been trending towards doing the bare minimum while also being a dps. And Gallagher just shifted that process into 4 star sustain.
He WILL break the curse
>everyone was calling Feixiao a huntbrick
>the actual brick was Lingsha all along
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HuoHuo is going to flop a second time because of Lingsha
I sunk 296 rolls into E0 Jade…
>we've got to the point we're comparing healers based on their personal damage
>not even buffs or utility
where did it go so wrong
schizoGOD Feixiao doesn't have a summon, TIngyun would be completely wasted on her.
I don't like Firefly, when will Kafka be relevant again? I will take Blade doing stuff again as long as it's not related to Luofu.
What are you even saying? I have all the meta female damage dealers, because thats what I roll for. Im rolling the next hyper-carry while you sit around with your follow-up bricks.
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The game is very popular after all.
Why do people keep using this as a counterargument? In what scenario is an enemy even able to attack when they're constantly getting weakness broken, action slowed, and RM'd? Feels like massive cope.
It really depends on her toughness damage. Her skill is AoE, so probably will match Gallagher's ult. So it really depends on her rabbit. It's also AoE, so it could deal same toughness as her skill. So better in AoE, worse in single target than Gallagher's enhanced basic. Or it could deal less because of some summon penalty. E0 might be higher than Gallagher, but not by much. And while E1 will easily be better, it's kinda weird that you need to roll E1 on her just to beat a 4*. Also, RM is on the team so that 50% break efficiency is not 50% more super break damage. E1 has 100% break efficiency, compared to 70% that Gallagher E6 has. And since you need E1 Firefly for Lingsha to even work with her, you probably also have E6 Gallagher. So Lingsha is an upgrade, but like JQ just not very high pull value.
>Investing in victory means playing the long game!
Then you're better off saving for 3 years so you can E6S1 the entire best team of 5.X
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Dr. Reddit is official EoS
Where have i heard 8% before? Oh right is this the same guy that said sampo was only 8% worse than black swan?
>he thinks HSR will ever have a brown character again after they purposely sabotaged Arlan
You have nothing to worry about, anon.
That makes no sense, you'd only need 180 at worse
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>/hsrg/ pretending they hate sigga again
WTF I typed desu
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Can I get uhhh some DoT hags? Just one would satiate me for a while....
>needs E1S1 to not be a brick
Pay up gweilo
Firefly is like Kafka's daughter, don't be like that bro
between e0 jade, e6 herta, and whatever other junk you have, you should be able to full clear PF for eternity
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Well nyes, you need to save for Diamond
This reminds me of the steamdeck add that showed Raiden Bursting on the boss that's immune to lightning.
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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Oh shit, better healing. That must mean Bailu is the best sustain, since she heals the most. Especially in a super break team that constantly delays enemies by 70%+.
I lost two 50/50 and stuck at 62 rolls pity.
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newcutie.... lurk moar faggot
lurk moar
Topaz came out in 1.4
Feixiao is coming out 2.5.
That is the long game, sweetie.
Answer this riddle what’s yellow and red but blue all over? It flies and swims but has never touched sea or air. Post your favorite character also.
there is no such thing as a summon penalty. Break focus characters typically have might higher base toughness damage even if you exclude all break efficiency. Summon = FUA that is all it is. Look at Topaz summon it does the same toughness damage as ratio, 60 on his fuas
Moze isn't that bad, you'll lose like 1 stack at best
>DOT team
>FUA team
>Super Break Team
etc etc etc.

Fad team comes and go brah but you know DOT stay.
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Now that the dust has settled: Who you rollin
Tingyun is a rumor leak AND Felix doesn't a summon for this support rumor leak to buff
Sparkle and Fu Xuan have low attack frequency for Feixiao's stacks

That's a very shitty team for her, even with E2
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You can't lose 2 50/50 in a row, if you lost the second 50/50 that means you already have E0 Jade. At least try when you shitpost
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Firefly love!
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>Now now kids, stop fighting, kiss and make up. Silver, kiss your sister.
>On the mouth.
The leak has kinda turned me off Lingsha.
I meant I spent 296 rolls and all I got to show from it E0 Jade
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nyo, like why, it autocorrect or some shit. I typed in T B H not that
Feixiao seems like E2 bait.
boner no...
Retardbro, do your math and text interpretation reps...
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Rabuu rabuu
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they broke you
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Yeah bro,
>they're definitely making her scales an erogenous zone
>they're definitely updating the foot model
>they're definitely releasing non-censored females
>they're definitely not adding any more chinkships after this
>they're definitely gonna improve DU
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I hope they go on a mission together sometime soon
>Look at Topaz summon it does the same toughness damage as ratio
Huh you're right, it always felt like Topaz did less per hit but guess I was wrong. Then she might actually shit out toughness damage. If only she also ignored weakness
We can get Blade kino even on the Luofu as long as it's just him interacting with Bailu or Yunli/Huaiyan instead of any of the (other) cringe quintent members
>while you sit around with your follow-up bricks.
>when we're winning every patch and Jingpoo is both buried in lore and in meta
Keep saying it.
Skipping them all. May get Tingyun tho.
>we heard you like follow-ups and breaks o heres a character that does it all!
easiest skip of my hsr life
eta hours countdown for when there is new story to play? I want to play with hunt m7
Back in 1.5 I told people the game would mobe towards team damage rather than ST/hypercarry damage, since RM was making it obvious buffing a team of damage dealers is better than giga buffing a single retard
This is obvious progression since they're only so much you can do with healers in turn based and Fofo was already buffing by then
This is purely for the faux harmony increase on firefly damage, this doesnt take into account Lingsha's personal damage via super break, and this is impossible to rig because its literally just a multiplication for superbreak.

3767.5533 * (90/10) * (1+5) * 1.6 * 0.6849 * 1.25 * (1 + 0.44 + 0.12) <- Gallagher: 434745

3767.5533 * (90/10) * (1+5) * 1.6 * 0.6849 * 1.25 * (1 + 0.44 + 0.25) <- Lingsha: 470974

500% break, 44% vuln from firefly ult + s1, 25% res pen from rm and 60% def ignore

470974/434745 = 1.083
Oyakodon and shimaidon kino....
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Same thing applies to multiplayer games. Offensive capability starts mattering once dying is no longer a concern.
Oh, guess I lack media literacy
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it's amazing how a single bad member can ruin an entire faction in my eyes
That fag aventurine was one thing, but a fucking baby with a pacifier? fuck the IPC, I'll maybe pull for Obsidian, but that's it
I do NOT regret rolling Topass E0S1.
I feel like I feel like that 2.4 is going to last a long time it seems like that everyone wants 2.5 already and 2.4 is a is a skip patch unfortunately outside March there isn’t much going on I don’t know what I’ll do for 40 days
like 30 hours
>he rolled topaz e1s1, jing yuan s1e1, robin e1, aventurine e1s1 just to compete with acheron e0s1
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Yunli E0S1
Maybe Lingsha E0S0 gotta see the bunny animations.
Lurk more before posting you retard
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Did they win? Can they work together?
Will probably roll because I'm investing in FUA
Skip, Gallagher will do
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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>The moogle in the white mage quest chain said that this Padjali was openly looking for a husband but could never find a man willing to put up with her
>She's probably been looking for decades to centuries at this point
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Mon amour Luciole...
>sinking that many rolls and you don't even guarantee what you want
Based gambling addicted retard. Hoyo loves people like you.
>he rolled e2s1 acheron + e0s1 foxhomo to compete with e0 feixiao
Yes. Moze is Topaz for poorfags. Very cute and canon
maintenance begins thar0hyis time
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s1 yunli
Skipping everyone except Feixiao and Tingyun
Feixiao and maybe Lingsha if TIng isn't in 2.6
How is that a gambling they saved 300 rolls for e1 jade which is extremely reasonable
>He rolled Jingpoo just to not use her ever again because she sucks and will never be relevant
Keep saying it
Even Imagine Dragon aged better than she did.
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This little nigga broke you
Wake me up when the animations leak broe
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Her game.
Her general.
Her meta.
Her (You).
Her DU.
Her 5* abundance brick.
I’m fuapilled
NOT ROLLING for your ugly boy fox no matter how BROKEN or META s(he) might be
>bp together
Jiaoqiu bros.......
none for now
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I'm thinking yunli (coping with sparkle since I skipped robin) and huohuo (I only have fu xuan for limited healer and she seems more general than lingsha and I already have e6 galagher for e0 firefly).
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>he rolled for static character and jpg
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>stoneflop anon buckbroke IPCkeks again
sex with this plump chibi cat
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Boxes don't roll, they slide.
Skip, I have Clara and don't want to bench her.
E0S1 because I autistically collect Nihility characters, even bricks.
Feixiaobros how are we feeling???
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He OWNS you schizo
Starting today things must change.
Tonight is the night
Only for real people
No wishy washy attitudes
Exclusive for the greatest
For limited time
Like a bet on the red horse
Only one can win
Partake in this journey
Will do a pity and see where fate takes me.
No Acheron, so easy skip.
If I fail the pity on Yunli, then E2S1 Feixiao, else skip
Easy skip. I have E2S1 Firefly but even then she seems like a complete brick unless they buff her in the beta.
its pointless, a break team does not fall under hypercarry. Ultimate immediately makes the rabbit attack and ultimate itself is a damaging move. Here are a couple differences.

Gallagher basics get 33% less energy than lingsha's. His doesn't do any damage.

Lingsha will ult more than gallagher as a result.

Ultimate costs are the same. And including the damage you will never see the same 8% guessed by calcniggers.
I have 1100 jades can I get e0s1 feixiao
>replying to the shipfag
Your favorite character is next
Boss Stone so cool...
You only need 2, two tickets.
Because he didn't get E1 Jade in the end, as he didn't have enough.
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Like a million bucks
Shiprager.....they broke you
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>Not enjoying the pure absurdity of HSR having their own version of Boss Baby.
I unironically fucking love dumb shit exactly like this. You need some insane out of the box wild card pick in gacha before it get too stale. Imagine if Firefly was just a cute girl without the whole SAM Mecha suit, that would suck. I'm glad that HSR is constantly throwing wild shit out there one in a while.
his skill doesn't do any damage*
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Holy fuarking ZASED
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Ready for gunblade kino
All me
>Gallagher basics get 33% less energy than lingsha's
he also does a fuck ton more
Nah, her premium team stacks her fast, but E2 she goes insano style because she's now stacking 2x faster
all me
ipckeks lost their mind because they know its true.
>topazskipper meltdown
Get fucked lmao
I really don't understand his meltdown
based stoneflop anon.
I feel like every shill dps is e2 bait now even Ellen Joe and Zhu Yuan are C2 bait
>they thinks she won't be HEAVILY nerfed in the next 6 weeks
oh no no no no...
How is this schizo that powerful?
Who and who?
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Stonerager continues to lose
stonehearts living rent free. not our fault you skipped topaz. should have played the long game
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Unimportant Poal Saars
Please redeem all that apply

it's ok he has ult damage bonus, just make him really fast
StoneGODS own this general thougheverbeit
Based stoneflop anon putting them in their place
One word
Unlimited power
sorry you have to hear an opinion you don't like sis
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>I can fix him!
"Him" in question
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>he thinks that'll stop me from rolling
based on what? lets say you spam skill on lingsha because you have the SP economy for it, lingsha gets way more energy and she's dealing way more super break damage during this and her rabbit is getting pushed everytime for more damage.

If you use skill once every 3 turns on lingsha. basic basic, skill. she doesn't lose any energy from doing this.

multiplication? are you under the guise that only he can use it?
His ultimate 100%? Linghsa has the rabbit that doesn't spend her turn.

She is going to ultimate more than him no matter what.
What is the point of botting a poll like this
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mhy is EVIL!!!!!!!11111111
Holy mental illness
I’m going to roll every stoneheart and use them happily until eos and there is nothing you can say or do to stop me
Louchad's cone is better. Simple
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I dunno, they added a user answer and then instantly unleashed 58 votes from a botnet on it. Been happening all today.
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I support poal botting anon because I don't like them.
To add onto this. Better hope nobody ever getts ccd on gallagher's team. Sam isn't exactly CC immune unless you E4 Firefly. and rm can miss her buff refresh if shes ccd.
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Everyone is still excited to roll Yunli, right?
my reading comprehension is failing on ambiguous wording: Woefree applies to wearer or enemies hit by Ult?
You only need 320
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>women complain about not enough female representation
>now they complain about too much female representation
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idc that I have e0 firefly. lingsnek will be my hottest brick
I thought this is a pedo general?
Why do the Stonehearts trigger schizos more than other groups? Personally the Quintets are much worse (and bricked)
Nyo I was planning on getting her cone for Clara but now I realize 2.4 is a skip patch
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of course!
>190 rolls
>+120 in 2.4
>going for E0S1 Feixiao and E0S0 Lingsha
Should be easy right?
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Women do be like that
Why not the ass
they have genshin for that but those femcels still think genshin is female central.
I wish Senti Yunli was real
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Looking like Feixiao since I have Topaz, Robin, Adventurine, and even E1 Jade. I also skipped Firefly and Acheron so Feixiao looking pretty nice.
>yuri incest
fuck that's hot
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Who is the Euler Lawrence of this game, now that Topaz will be T0 in 6 weeks?
You HMC better have RM S1.
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This is insane
I'm not black
>expecting a free character to be meta forever
these people legitimately have peas for brains
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>Synergizes with the IPC(fits the canon)
>Synergizes with her retainers(fits the canon)
FuA continues to be THE lore accurate team
Weird. With that same argument, you'd say male characters are male representation, yet everyone in these threads treat them as female pandering instead.
It's just one dude, probably doesn't pay his taxes
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Post yfw you didn't roll for Aventurine.
hsr is a hag game
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the cone make BE go up
when ult hits enemies it debuffs them to take more damage
if you have 150+ BE it debuffs more
its like Luocha's eidolon where its a super easy debuff to constantly keep on the enemy to count as one
This is a hebeGOD game. Hagpedos are delusional
Need to see Feixiao animations to choose between s1 Yunli and her
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If character has twintail I roll. Too bad about my e1s1 clara though, I liked her.
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HanXue love!
rolling E0S1, E1 or even E2 on the rerun depending on how my funds are looking
Because I knew Feixiao will have her own BiS healer
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this is like a medal of honor, but I can't accept this, this is labor of all the anons that joined under one banner, one of truth and facts, I offer this to you, my brethren
Bullshit. You all skipped Jade.
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What her best F2P cone option?
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Why do they keep buffing this nigga?
So lingsha with E0 firefly's best LC is multiplication?
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Hi my name is Sally. I'm a former top tier that works on mechanics that are no longer viable due to a fundamental change in combat mechanics and steadily increasing damage scaling.
rm doesn't care about being cc'd in a superbreak team, in fact it's better if she's permanently cc'd so her buff and ult never ticks down
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Lingsha seems good but Aventurine is still better for her
So this is the new-new set to farm for Jing Yuan?
jade, seele, jing yuan
Because he's still dogshit
The shipfags love posting about her so I'm sure they will
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Cute! Also, I don't know why they cut this part off the phone call event for the JP and EN versions, but SW pretty much does tell TB a similar thing to that in the comic. She's a good sister.

If you are sexually active post your thoughts on Feixiao
But I even rolled for her twice?
Topaz havers keep fucking winning
no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cow girl, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind boggling, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell dissolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tangos, he could put a nuclear bomb inside me and I'd still ride.
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Seele might have fallen off in usage but she's nowhere near as useless as Euler.
Firefly is a pump and dump, get over it Silver Brick
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Fofoposter was right.
>no representation for 0
She'll hack TB's steam account if TB break her heart
getting frozen, mind controlled etc doesn't prevent her buffs from counting down. You can lose your 50 BE from that.
waiting patiently for another FUA healer (not Aventurine) to come out and give her something else to work with, cause my sustain options for her are looking pretty terrible
we don't have a eula in this game.
stop forcing this meme.
we dont want one
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What did they mean by this?
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Man look at that gunblade. It looks so sick.
fast Gallagher will be better anyway
Bro your Jing Yuan?
E0S1 for sure, then depending on how it goes Feixiao and Lingsha or only Lingsha.
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Madam Jade... please have mercy upon Aventurine.
Yes nigga the npc fox is between them
Anyone else massively regret investing in Brickfly after seeing how insane FUA is getting?
Squall I'm dying....
will this be enough? Gallagher does a lot of hits in general thanks to his speed, but I'm actually unconvinced between Topaz and Hunt March, they both seem really good
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Never forget
Yes the fox homo
it's jiaoqiu but he is before
She'll probably play some social game like second life
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Imagine being surprised that a female chinese general is meta defining
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I regret rolling for sparkle lawrence. Hypercarry is the physical of this game.
I thought Feixiao was supposed to have a summon? Or is it only visual on the ult?
What's the official line from the Topaz skippers' party?

It's so fucking over bros...
Who asked?
FUA needs more sustain than Firefly so in certain content you might die with him but otherwise sure
slept too. the only positive debuff is imprisoned.
Mid Yuan hence his name is Mid
Thank god, i am saved. I will get both Yunli and Feixao. And then the former snake. I never lose the pity.
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I now want to read the rap sheet on Firefly's Gamertag like Legion's.
>STILL no dialogue leaks for the story quest/event
I JUST want to know if there's any Yanqing x Yunli. That's ALL I ask for.
I want to use this with like firefly divebombing like 10 enemies

[Technique] Stormborn
After using the Technique, this character enters the Onrush state, lasting for 20 seconds. While in the Onrush state, this character pulls in enemies within a certain range, increases SPD by 35%, and receives 1 points) of Flying Aureus after entering battle.
Active attacks in the Onrush state will strike all pulled enemies and enter combat. After entering battle, deal Wind DMG equal to 200% of Feixiao's ATK to all enemies at the start of each wave. This DMG is guaranteed to CRIT. When more than 1 enemy is pulled in, increase the multiplier of this DMG by 100% for each additional enemy pulled in, up to an increase of 1000%.
>new relic set is yet another buff for Jing Yuan
just buff him directly you cowards instead of wasting relic sets
E0(hertacope) FF, E6(Ruan Mei S1) HMC, E0 RM, E0 Lingsha w/ multiplication

is the team, RM S1 is kinda needed on HMC to give skillpoints everytime you ult.
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Subtle nod to let us know they are A-OK with people lewding her.
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Jing Yuan is literally Eula even mechanically

>drop ult
>build stacks
>build stacks
>build stacks
>whoops time's up better luck next time
Is the new FUA squad, Robin, Topaz, Aventurine and Feixao?
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>E0 FF
>with Lingsha the SP guzzler
Bro, your SP economy?
Yep it's the BRAAAAAAAAAAP team
what the actual fuck are the spanish memes
SP is not real, what are you talking about.
Lingsha will replace Aventurine for the Feixiao variant of the FuA team
>unironically no point in getting yunli without the LC because she's another ack where her cone is necessary
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You woulnd't get them
nop. just get both? I have the full dot, topaz/robin, and e2s1 ff
nta, she can be as sp positive as rm.
People are going to doom post for the entirety of next month but when feixiao comes out 90% of the thread will be rolling for her just like firefly
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I know it might be hard for you to understand but there are people who don't speak English or Japanese who enjoy things and have fun with them.
By the time the rabbit attacks the battle will be over.
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kek. Is that rm supposed to broly or gohan?
bro just wait another day and half for the release
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They're going to release a support who can action advance your team's summons and when they do, you'll all rue the day you made fun of Jing Yuan. And that support will be Opal.
This is a meme chimera. It is beyond your comprehension.
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Lishsha is fake snek
I saved Honkai: Star Rail
cute voice
let's say they do, can he even charge 2 LLs in a cycle?
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*and swords
thank you Acheron
>Not using her Skill every turn and instead waiting for her slow ass summon to act on its own
At that point, why not just use Gallagher? Literally ruining Lingsha's potential by doing that.
improves Acheron but barely so skip
FUA so skip
Useless so skip
We'll see when the animations leak
we know, fate collab.
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my cope FUA team:
i will make up for Topaz/Aventurine by rolling E2S1 Feixiao instead
We know, Herta Erudition Emanator (real Herta)
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Saludos a los curis de parte de un luciérnagaposter
he's probably right? aben shields probably time out with feixao like with ff. unless you have e1 aven.
it's basically 18% vuln
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are you braindead? Her ultimate gives the summon 100% action forward as well she's getting in more attacks than gallagher either way that can't ultimate often.
I don’t speak Spanish so don’t post Spanish memes. I only speak English and I’m N3 Japanese.
I just wanna know what the fuck planet this is supposed to be on?? I doubt it's Penacony?
In a Feixiao team with more FUAs he can refresh his shields way more often than with Firefly.
Why did Part 2 flop?
we know, constance
Are you Spanish (Latin American) or Spanish (Euro)?
no shotas
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evens post firefly NTR here every day for the next year
odds never post firefly NTR again
I legitimately can't tell if I hate most of genshin characters because they deserve it or because /gig/ made me hate them, how can a kiddy game like that convey such profound and unbearable negative feelings?
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How about waiting for the showcase before saying who does and doesn't work with who... hmm?
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Aventurine is always autorefreshing his shields, Feixiao would have to lap him 3+ times in a row to run out and even then a random trigger inbetween would refresh it again
>luofu dress infects part 2
>Literally only an 8% improvement over Gallagher, but let's play her even MORE suboptimally.
No, I think you're the one who's braindead. The way you're suggesting would make that 8% even fucking lower.
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hearing your sword talking to you is not a good sign, especially when no one else can hear it.

Maybe Schizophrenia
Maybe cursed sword that kills you after you feed it too much blood
Definitely worried for Yunli.
I'm italian
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funny you ignored the part where it says its ignoring the characters own superbreak. hang yourself homo.
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Herta's like always, duh, unless, like always again, you have S5 swordplay and god rolled gear
now you gotta uphold your end of the bargain
you dont hate the game or characters, you hate the fanbase.
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She won.
Why can't you be like the stoneflop schizo and win?
No take backsies
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It's time to delete the folder and move on
why are you talking about yourself in the third person?
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Justice prevails
braindead morons, he just found another way to get attention and its working
Hmm, who'll deal more superbreak DMG: FUA DMG (something that has always had low toughness reduction) or Gallagher's fuck huge toughness reduction from his EBA?
not me
I have better things to roll for
How do I fix that? Reddit, Twitter, 4chan, Discord, it doesn't matter, there's festering cancer anywhere I look.
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only visual probably (we don't know yet), her kit doesn't have summons
>I was just pretending to be retarded
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>Wins again
how does she do it?
By not being a sperg
Why are you guys wasting your rolls on these brick FUA characters when they will be powercreeped by Sunday and 5* Tingyun summons meta one patch later?

Are you stupid?
>FUA has low toughness damage
>Topaz deals 60 with her fua
>Ratio deals 60 with his fua
Unironically kill yourself smooth brain. You are digging your own grave.
Topaz, i regret rolling for her
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summons are literally fua albeity
god I fucking love incest hermanos
If you don't roll anything you can't get powercreeped
>EBA only every 4 turns
don't you mean his regular basics that he will do most of the time only?
I don't like neither Tingyun or Sunday
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>Has to make stuff up just to support his argument.
Concession accepted.
just ignore them or take every comment as a shitpost.
this work for me even with dogshit fandoms like hi3, priconne or grub
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I can still 3 star MoC with Clara and a new and improved Clara is coming out tomorrow.
>atk scaling
>brick effect
>heals on summon fua that is slower than LL
>sp heavy
holy brick, worse than Luochud
But are those extra attacks without de advance from skill relevant?
We know LL since 1.0, and 80 SPD summon is slow as balls
Sure in three cycle she might get like, 3 bunny hop attacks maybe 4 and they are aoe so I'll give you that, but is it relevant enough, worthy of like 20k+ jades?
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Here is your Summon FUA sissy.
>Acheron seemed to be the most gigachad DPS ever at the time of her release
>powercrept by Firefly two patches later
>Feixiao seems to be the most gigachad DPS ever
you have a point
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She is so cool, Moze owes her sex
You don't, the western Hoyo fanbase is unironically awful especially Genshin's. I don't know why such a comfy game attracted so much mental illness but it is what it is.
Is the banner up yet? Holy hell.
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Ratio does 30+30 back to back
trotter does 60
yeah bro
we are all rolling except you
30 hours or so
is gbfg == pcrg in how much the general is taken over by clan/guild shit?
>try to unlock nihility 1 in swarm
>it says to unlock nihility in 1st wingflap
>do just that
>even go as far as pick it again in 2nd and 3rd
>doesn't do shit, still stuck at 5 nihility out 6
This game sucks.
The fucking dog keeps jumping on the bed and she gets all happy and cuddles with him and then she looks back to me and smirks and tells me to nut on her back and what the fuck do you even do with that.
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but summons are FUA though?????????
I don't even remember a summon that isn't FUA
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The end of an era...
All my doors are closed but I hear people in my house the doors are opening and closing this is the second time today I thought it was the shed but it’s closed the front door is locked but I keep hearing it in the only person in my house there is someone in my house I sense it
>Gonna pretend he didn't just pull the Ratio stat out his ass.
That alone disqualifies your argument. But just for you, I'll explain that Numby deals multiple hits of FUA, which is why it's higher than a regular single hit of FUA (like Ratio's). Now, where in Lingsha's kit does it say her summon does multiple hits of FUA like Numby does?

OK, then you're just pivoting back to the Ultimate argument again. Which is another concession.
Its me, I'm in your walls
yes but with grub the fighting game and the gacha are like oil and water.
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>30 hours or so
What the shit? Just pull the switch or something, this isn't a bloody console launch.
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goodnight bros i LOVE xueyi!
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There is a ghost in the house
Source: my ass
Is this true?
based based based
>multiple hits
what the fuck are you talking about? it is counted as one hit you braindead smoothbrain.
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Marchsisters, how are feeling about Feixiao?
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So is there an actual explanation why Argenti’s VA is suddenly being replaced? It just seems really random and sudden. Don’t think it has to do with the VA strike thing either

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so what the fuck is the point of sparkle if you don’t have E2 Acheron?
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My fuarking hero
I don't know who the guy in the middle but regardless, Chield is better than Sigga
>no fujoshit
>no shipshit
>no fujoshit
>no shipshit
Who's the middle man?
he asked for better work conditions and sneehoyo said "nyes"
ratio skill only deals 60+30 toughness damage. ratio has the highest fua rate of the fuas so its gets slightly lowered. topaz is more like lingsha a summon with a set speed idiot. You posted a fake crap that is outright wrong saying ratio only does 10.
Childe is hot and Aventurine is gay, so no.
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I pulled all those characters because I like them.
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>Feixiao was supposed to have a summon
She does, its probably how she does FuAs
>Aventurine is gay
Source? Your fujo delusions don't count.
You saying "lol" doesn't make it any less true sis.... Childe is what Aventurine SHOULD'VE been. A antagonist turned for (you)
Hanunue Monkey Ball minigame incoming!
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When will Firefly have her big NTR moment?
Source: Having eyes
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Who's winning the Feixiao bowl, Moze or Jaio?
It's a lot faster to apply 3 debuffs than perform 12 (twelve) attacks
Any future carry that uses multiple SP like Qingque and Dan Heng, future actually good quantum quarries that replace Seele on monoquantum, sexo etc.
my cocksleeve
the confusion might be caused by the fact that hoyo implemented toughness reduction values in game and they are scaled 1/3rd of the values people were conventionally using. so that "10" toughness reduction represents the same value
Tartali being so popular is literally the reason why genshin devs added a fujo quota every region you retarded fuck.
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the childhood friend (Moze) never wins
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Luke from Tears of Themis, another Mihoyo game
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Remind me again

Why did we get two(2) damaged oriented 4-star Preservation LCs instead of something more useful
>Dan Heng
>being so popular
And nonexistent in the actual game for the past 3 years? Almost like it was headcanon?
Also the fact that you know the fucking ship name LMAO
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What did he get this time? I love updating my JY.
>Aventurine is gay because... he just is OK!!!
I accept your concession.
People are arguing over topaz and moze but there is no rule you can’t run them both
10% better than E6 dan heng

Needs a premium support

Just pull for Firefly/Acheron/Neuvillette
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OK, so you admit to not knowing the game's mechanics. I think this argument is over.

>Has to use Skill.
OK, but the OP is arguing that Lingsha doesn't need to use Skill at all. You're very clearly not following this whole conversation.
For the future Quake damage unit.
Sigga cope cone.
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More characters with their feet showing
>I'm blind
How are you posting on 4chan?
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Aventurine is majestic
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Just roll E2 ACK brosis
seele's skill deals damage multiple times so it deals 60
silverwold's skill deals damage one time so it deals 60

your logic is very consistent idiot.
I've rolled E2S1 Sporkle and have nothing to run her with
Does hunt March have any future as a break hybrid carry like Xueyi?
He called Sunday handsome which is gay (I am ignoring that he was brownnosing and the fact that he called a woman beautiful too btw)
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Stand proud, Acheron
You are strong
She's support that can output damage herself so she'll be more relevant than her.
just ignore the fandom bro, talk about the game with your friends, or any small group, big groups are gonna get tainted sooner or later
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Leaks doko?
Yunli is the cutest, hottest, strongest, and funnest character
>Feixao wants aventurine
Well I don't have him so Lingsha it is.
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Where is this shot from? Seems so familiar.
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Feels good to be an original run Topaz soul puller.
Being a hoyo fan is tough... Find friends like you... Or grow a pair...
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Your Fei- oh wait
I think I love Yunli bros...
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How come the chinks aren't mad about the Yanking and Yunli ship?
she doesn't have to use skill except when her rabbit will expire if she doesn't. Technique gives her rabbit immediately so she doesn't even have to skill on the first 2 turns.
Someday Welt will be redeemed and find a place in a team like Himeko, Gepard and Bronya did
nta but except for "bounce" type skills, I don't think attacks native multihits count for the final toughness damage, it's always the same
kafka's skill deals like two or three hits, but it's always the same toughness damage
not really, she gains 4 stacks from trace and 1 more with technique so any basic into Feixiao FuA and her ult is up
Give it a week or so.
yanqing is too pathetic to feel threatened by
Chinks don't get mad at ships in general, they get mad when (You)baited characters are suddenly shipped.
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Me too bad she’s a hunt brick and I’m a meta slave
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I haven't logged into ZZZ in 6 months. Hope it was worth flopping HSR, Dawei
I can't come to feet if a don't see her dick
I regret not investing in the long game...
they are busy with genshin, hsr already reached #100 without the shipbait patch.
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Stellesisters, it should have been us...
What’s her best team?
She gets a free use of rabbit immediately since firefly drops her HP below 60% when she uses skill. You really can't think can you lol.
Add a leaker's name next time.
I regret dropping the game during release only because I couldn't pull her originally. My account is bricked with the 2.2 date forever now
She only needs 6 to ult, the stacking that goes up to 12
no thoughts, just feet
>they don't care about yunli
>they'll never be a couple
>it's not a bait and switch situation at all, yunli was never for (You)
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>FuA like Yunli
>Uses the same relics as Yunli
>Actually works on auto
I'm sorry Yunlibros, it was fun while it lasted
why are you archiveschizoing my posts wtf????
But she doesn't have a dick...
he's the star of his own wuxia martial arts drama no?
>Fuaggots are rolling for shipshit
the new planar set gives him a lot of free cr dmg
so if you have a 99% cr rate build you can swap to these relics
literally me…
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You aren't fooling anyone fake Yunlibro
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it's nice that even when making a broken character for Hunt they still make her somewhat complicated to filter retards
How come nobody pointed this out?
A reminder to have enough rolls after Feixiao for the new Summon dps meta with Tingyun Alter instead of investing in copypasted brick effect characters.
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IPC are the pinnacle of shipshit, we welcome Feixiao
Xianzhou is gonna kill the game again, isn't it?
It's doesn't look like it's a summon mechanically though, which locks her out of summon buffs like the new summon planar set.
You're already dead
Moze is literally me so I won
When using Basic ATK, additionally regenerates 10 Energy.
When using Basic ATK, additionally regenerates 10 Energy.
Duran is better in the FART team
Nyooooooooooooo without you our general will die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I self-insert as Feixiao so I've won
its a completely useless trace on sparkle. its good if on lingsha if you have e0 firefly.
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Name a good chinese region in gacha games
Keep saying it
I have an over 100% cr build with Sparkle on my JY. This is good news. Though Salsotto giving skill bonus damage was always nice too and kinda sad to give up.
The chasm
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just shutup and enjoy the feet
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I can't. You won
LB 3
>space china
>stoneflop adjacent
holy fuck why are they so desperate to kill this game??????????
don't worry I didn't skip you, I did skip Aventurine though and boy am I paying for it now
What 4pc set will lingsha use? Iron cavalry or 2pc speed 2pc/break/healing
Rank the arcs:
Herta Space Station
Belobog Pokemon
Luofu Ghostbusters
HSS bugs and cakes
Luofu tournament (your prediction)
No idea why anyone skipped her. The basic rule of thumb should always be pull every single limited harmony. Those get priority over everyone.
Pei City
Will Yunli's banner kill the game?
I concede. I just looked up Himeko’s talent and despite it doing multiple hits, it only deals 30 toughness reduction, which proves my argument wrong. I kneel. I am still of the opinion that not using Lingsha’s skill is suboptimal.
Firefly already killed it
The game is already dead. Yunli will piss on its grave.
But Sparkle sucks now though
lostbelt 3
>skipped Ack
>skipped Sig
>skipped bird
>skipped pig
And I still clear all the content la
Can I use Iron Cavalry on Lingsha? I still have a very good set from all the farm for FF.
space china, the land of the kekolds.
say goodbye to the fan artists btw
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The pink npc will be the one to kill it but its okay because lingsha will revive it
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Basil... I miss you...
Why did you leave me again...
I can't cope with you gone...
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They said they both met each other before Penacony. They probably knew each other before IX invaded Yomi's planet.
Tiffany got shuffled here after her escapades in Fontaine
she’ll move to the ZZZ team after the end of this luofu arc
Luofu 2: Ghostbusters
Belobog 2: Pokemon
HSS 2: Autism
Luofu 3
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I would buy him so that I could free him
I would sex him just once though, it'd be shame not to, after all.
Is the guy or girl coming first in 2.4?
they said good
Sells well.
>Stephen Lloyd
Sells OK.
Sells super well.
Penis Cunny good

Luofusloppa bad
No she doesn't.
people only started liking lungmen after how catastrophically bad the following arc was
when the story was actually in lungmen barely anyone liked it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Summon dps meta
Seems like a fun character but I'm waiting for the story update to see more of her
No interest. Skip
I love FUA so I'll try
Never interested. Skip.
Dunno why people here insist that Lingsha is SP negative. She summons the bunny when she ults anyway AND it auto heals you. You just need to give her your Gallagher relics and she will do the same shit but better(for the most part, he might be better against bosses because of his enhanced basic)
>every single limited harmony.
Nah, no reason to pull for Sparkle unless you main DIL, QQ or JY
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I wish I had boothill though
using basics is optimal without e1 FF and still better than any gallagher team options. E1 changes that obviously but that is not the topic.
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Who the fuck should I be rolling for?
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If you manage to run out of SP on sparkle it's not bad to not mess up the permanent 3 turn ult. She could have something better, but it's not entirely useless.
Yunli cone and miss sprinkle
Topaz? Me
Feixiao? Me
Stelle? Not me
>Clara 1.1
>npc fox
>Gallagher 1.1
skippity skip
Snakes and foxes.
it's actually true. you skipped or didn't pay attention at that particular part of the story.
oh no doubt it is sub optimal
with e0 ff cope, you have to basic, so you get small gains from the bnuy and she's barely better than gallagher, 80 spd summons are slow as balls
but if you have e1 ff and can spam her skill, she's massive for the team
At least E1
Sex with every hsr female
Words cant describe how happy I am that Feixiao wants Robin instead of RM. Now I can go for Robin's E1S1 without fear of being bricked
Anon, you're embarrassing yourself...
No you fucking imbecile. Acheron even explicitly states that she's not the same person.
Screwllum and Sunday when?
Clara works fine with feixiao. plus you definitely want a limited sustain, so snake too.
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Nobody, I'm bricked
I am LITERALLY Feixiao with TWO husbands. A house husband and a assassin husband. HOLY FUCK
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yea, im not interested in shipperpag bait. nice design, but probably a skip if thats what theyre going for
>your Gallagher relics and she will do the same shit but better(for the most part, he might be better against bosses because of his enhanced basic)
because you have to spend jades for that small gain, don't forget most people have e2+ and a lot have e6 gallagher
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Nobody cares about who you're skipping, this isn't hoyolab
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You’re skipping everyone until me, right bros?
You're not Feixiao Stelle, go back to sleep.
Is the best Acheron E2 team just Acheron/Sparkle/Pela/Sustain
The only Harmony I rolled is Ruan Mei, and I'm not rolling for an inferior copy like Robin. Holding my rolls until they come out with a Harmony character I actually like.
Sparkle and Feixiao
limited sustains are a bait
Welt...my FUARKING hero
Only gay manlets doesn’t like Feixiao
Holy fucking retard, you gave me a good laugh
I'll make it clear
>rolling for males
do fgocucks really?
based sovlful banjoGOD
His kit hinges on his backhauled FUA. you should boost that fua damage as much as possible
he won't be better, auto heal triggers a rabbit FUA that also does toughness damage.
Who's having a melty?
>2 good unit but they slip FUA mechanic on them
what a waste, i kinda wish feixiao can be boothil sidegrade.
>a whole ass year
I won't start saving now, no.
I've been trying to force a welt sustain break team, but It's not going well
>afraid of males
baby doll…
>”I am SOVLFUL and only roll for characters I like. I’m not a metaslave.”
OK, who do you like then?
>”Firefly, Acheron, Ruan Mei, and soon to include Feixiao.”
Will roll for Yunli but if I lose the 50/50 I'll save the pity for Feixiao.
Topaz, Blade, Yunli
Do we even need more break DPS? Boothill and Firefly already feel like the peak of what they can do both on the perfect elements with weakness implant.
Based and same.
>OK, who do you like then?
Kafka and Acheron
I don't like Lingsha or Feixiao, saving for Romans
have you looked at her multipliers?
I roll who I like and I like power so I roll for meta.
Simple as.
the easiest way to recognize a metakek is simple:
>Xe rolled jingliu
aka the only character trailblazer never met.
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Fujosisters... this region is not looking good for us
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She gets 1 stack for every 2 attacks. If you want a max charged ult that's 24 (twenty-four) attacks.
You know what's funny? In 2 years that team will be powercrept by a stronger team. So they're not wrong, you are wrong.
the question is if she is the powercrept abundance nigga that will replace out e0 huohuo and e0 adventure and e0 luocha
she is not at all worth e6 gally
you mean the lv15 multipliers and the fact that her skill does 0 damage? shes archeron but fua and single target.
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Moze is so lucky...
i dont remember posting this
Is Feixiao worth rolling for if I already have FF? Feels like a bit of a waste
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Straight sisters keep winning
Jiaoqiu over Pela but yes
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>/hsrg/ is going to roll for some slut who gets spitroasted on the reg
I really think that will be worth it because of her FuA will be triggered every time FF uses her skill before ulting,
Yeah but his Enhanced skill does a LOT of toughness break, I doubt the bunny does that much since its AoE
Idk why there is discourse in this thread you can literally run
Team 1
Topaz dr ratio aventurine robin
Team 2
March 7th moze feixiao lingsha
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Ruan Mei isn’t even meta, she just has good synergy with Firefly, who is actually soulless and meta. RM is sovl.
I don't have topass...
>97% ownership rate
Yeah, right lmao
Drained every night
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Least delusional bug mid owner
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wtf bros
as a poorfag i'm looking forward to my feixiao hunt 7 moze team
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Good morning Fireflybros
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>E2 Feixiao gets a stack every attack
this seems a bit excessive
>Jiaoqiu's voiceline about Moze is just about how they take care of Feixiao
No. You only need 1 team for end game content. investing in more is a waste of resources
i rolled her on the rerun and because of blade
as this anon said, and the fact she has acheron meme ult, ill take wait and see first.
Talk about blatant lol.
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gm to you
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Day 1 banjomori pullers have the most sovl in the general Tbh
I don't have Topaz, dr ratio (timed out the mail), Aventurine and Robin...
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Greetings bwo
can't believe the IPC did this.
If you skip Yunli you're a fag
You don't get it, sis....uhhhh they are like her gay das!!!
you can't know how much it does, she's the first ever break character. the only other being firefly and boothill. firefly has higher than normal base toughness damage on her blast skill even if you excude her efficiency buff. and boothill has insane levels of efficiency. You can't say, yup shes doing the same as herta is since both aoe.

Also you mean his enhanced basic that takes for fucking ever to get back again since skill is very much holds him back when you are forced to cleanse?
you act like 2k+ at lvl 15 isn't going to be 1500+ at lvl 10
her skill and Fua are 10% higher and lower than Seele's skill respectively
next you will cope with her ult's stacks as if those were hard to get
Retard, unlike Acheron she isn't even held back by bare minimum supports.
then skip
no one rolled robin but she's meta
When's the patch? Today or tomorrow?
The threads moving so fast nobody will see that I peed my pants
Lot of arguments going on in this thread… can’t we all just hold hands and be friends?
Robin is even more soulless than Ruan Mei since the only people who rolled for her are IPCfags that don’t even like her
there are no women here
>roll this, skip that
Why don't you own every characters losers? Why are you even still playing this game? I can't believe I have to share my space with fucking poorfags
Kill footdev. Behead footdev. Curbstomp footdev
tomorrow. we have another day of jade argenti.
then its 3 weeks of Clara-Svarog and a limited sustain
What happened?
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She was my first pull.I had 0 knowledge about the game or meta at that time. I just thought she's cute
Bro, have you tried checking your house Carbon Monoxide levels? You might just be hallucinating.
Based. Robinkeks can’t relate. They don’t even know who Sunday is because they’re all soulless metafags with a dogshit waifu
nice try dawei, nasu won btw.
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Robin (and her loyal posters) nodiff this general
We began to self insert as Feixiao instead
But the 2.5 beta is today? I mean in like 3 hours or so?
I can’t self insert into Feixiao for the Moze ship. She’s nothing like me. I’m much more like Topaz.
I refuse to be friends with retards
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>Yumes won!!
>Fujos won!!
>Shippers won!!
what the he;; is this level of misinformation? just answer me this one question
is Feixiao cuckbait? or can I safely roll for her
Feixiao is confirmed as being a shoujo protagonist with a bunch of boytoys as love interests
>all those early rolls
wtf is this account seed
>worth it because of her FuA will be triggered every time FF uses her skill before ulting,
Honestly I see this FUA being used by allies (RM and HMC) getting hit more than FF's self damage
It'll be good for the opening though, to help FF break elites and bosses with big toughness bars
>FF tech
>lingsha basic
>into FF skill
>fuyuan FUA
>right into FF ult
>FF enhanced skill
That could be a lot of extra toughness damage with barely any lingsha input, since for early breaks gallagher would probably need to skill and/or RM's LC on HMC
But I'm already literally Topaz.
you mean the number at 12 stacks LMAO and at lv15.
Have fun never ulting.
Topaz has a better bf
not falling for that
yep thats a skip, grats to yume sis doe
Is Feixiao powercreep Firefly?
I don’t lingsha’s design and will continue coping with Gallagher, luocha, or aventurine. Feixiao looks like Acheron 2 but with a design I hate less. Though idk how well ratio/aven/feixiao/moze would work, no debuffers for ratio
But Anon, I want them for ME. Not for another character.
come back in a few weeks for the beta nerfs or buffs
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Nigga, you are supposed to replace Ratio, not Topaz/Robin
She's not (You) though
>he actually fell for it
lmao, go count the number of attacks FuA teams do and then try to say that again
>they don't self insert as Feixiao
she's LITERALLY me
She is literally Acheron 1.5
so far no but females always get buffs during beta so just wait
Pretty sure her own attacks+FuA also count so its still better than Ratio relying on regular energy, plus her FuA is way consistent
AoE cant be as strong as ST for balance anon
>firefly has higher than normal base toughness damage
On the main target

I'm not debating that dhe is better than Gallagher, I'm saying that in these very specific scenarios he MIGHT be better wgen it comes to dmg
she's going to be the very first character that BE focus that has aoe. Both those examples have higher than their peers toughness damage, i'm not saying she will instantly break their entire bars but she will have a good toughness damage to everything better than a herta would.

Fire implant tech (aoe)
lingsha tech (free rabbit)
on firefly's first turn (skill) drops ff hp to 60
instant rabbit fua
(hasn't even used lingsha ultimate that will pop another rabbit fua)
I just demoted e1s1 bronya for e6 ting yun with brony cone.
How did drill hair fall off so hard
I am of course changing to the new set anon. Just stating the skill boost from Salsotto was nice. New set, of it isn't fucked with is clearly better.

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