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Previous: >>488189843

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Are you rolling? I have Robin and E1 Jade so I am pretty excited for her.
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Bronya rabu!
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Firefly is love
Firefly is my wife
In this pic you can see my wife and Firefly
Yeah, but I'm running her with Moze, March2, and Tingyun2
No, I have Firefly and Acheron so I have no reason to roll
>DU wants Physical who does Ultimate damage
I got Sushang and Luka lmao. who's better?
Nigga is fucking Pompom
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It's so close.
guys I am going to have so much jade after hard savefagging all of 2.4 and 2.5
these banners are easy skips
I am at ZERO pity, but I am on guarantee. Do I throw the twenty pulls I have in a sad attempt to get Jade before she goes away? Or just save up for the next unit I want (especially on a banner with better 4* units)? Thank you for the help.
Do you have Boothill? RM + Bronya is far better for him than HTB, he will often kill bosses just by breaking them and actually can't even activate super break most of the time. HTB is good if your Boothill is weaker or lacks his cone, but if he's fully built Bronya is far better. And obviously you wouldn't sub out RM unless you have no choice but to.
The sustain can be whoever, Huohuo is very popular for the energy, but he can use any of the sustains since none of them buff him except for Gallagher.
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Fu Xuan is still the best character in the game whose initials are FX.
>small tits
Jade is mediocre meta wise but roll her her if you like her
24 hours...
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Just wait until you have your Yunli.
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spry, not rolling for Jiao's AND Moze's cocksleeve
I pulled Jade just for Blade and the team is real fun even though it's not really better than what I used to run him with (Bronya + RM).
She's really stupid in PF and enables a lot more retard teams that can still 40k. I will E1 her on rerun.
Outside of that I can't really recommend her since she's pretty mid in MoC and AS.
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They won again
>22.9 Gb
How many hours worth of content is this?
Nah, not enough time to save after Yunli, so I will just go all in on SAM by rolling Lingsha.
I autoed the whole thing with kafka swan acheron fofo, didn't even read the bonuses
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Yes, we FARTing soon
Skipping Huohuo for E1 Lingsha is the play.

Iron Calvary: 25% DEF Ignore
E1 Firefly: 15% DEF Ignore
E1 Ruan Mei: 20% DEF Ignore
E1 Lingsha: 20% DEF Ignore
80% DEF Ignore
Yeah, I'm running her with March and probably Asta + Aventurine my beloved
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>They won
You don't know right? That aventurine doesn't fua all that often at all enough for it to matter for feixiao lmao. In fact at the rate things are, I wouldn't be surprised if Lingsha is a better FUA sustain for Feixiao lmao.
I'd have to see her animations to care. Not really interested at the moment even though I need a wind unit.
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>huohuo killed energy regen carries
>acheron killed all future debuff characters
>firefly killed all future super break characters
>feixiao killed all future fua characters
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>No Topaz
>No Robin
>Would steal Sigga from my Acheron
Im leaning towards no, but she is cool enough that I am still thinking about getting her.
>That aventurine doesn't fua all that often at all enough for it to matter
You dont have Avenurine
You never used Aventurine
Yeah, I was thinking about just waiting for her rerun so I can E1 her in one go. If I get her now, it'll just be E0 who I probably won't ever use.
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The perfect woman doesn't exi-
>Aventurine doesn't FUA often
>the rabbit that appears once in a blue moon does though
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you know, he sounds like markiplier here too
was he markiplier the whole time?
>Lingsha benching aven
Oh no no no no no
post her kit
You have to imagine aventurine here without Ratio and Feixiao instead here and compare it to Lingha with:

Also a damaging ultimate (110 cost that triggers an instant fua like aventurine does)
can cleanse
>aventurine without e1.
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Rate my pulling plans and tell me yours, rate each other's pulling plans.

Have E0, going for E2
Have E0S1, going for E2
>Black Swan
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Who do I roll for gros
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>pulling for Hunt trash
No thanks. I prefer not to waste my pulls.
Nta but Ratio being there doesnt matter, Aventurine's stacks for FUA are two per turn and Topaz supplies them
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Sex fox 2.0 will revive energy regen meta. TRUST THE PLAN!
I'm actually more interested in the reruns than the new characters.
>60% ally?->fua emergency heal
this is not even mentioning the countdown on AV on the rabbit.
>skill and basics both do damage.
S2 Sparkle for your Ack
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2.5 will be Feixiao + Ratio + JY and Lingsha + Black Swan + Seele
It's actually Sunday that will.
So Lingsha is basically a must for firefly, at least E1 firefly? Am I understanding their kit correctly?
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Is Sporkle worth getting? I only rim Acheron and Firefly teams but my Acheron is E0. For Harmony supports I really only have Ruan Mei and Tingyun. I don't have Bronya yet, but I'm about 50 pulls away from being able to get her.
> Moze Lightcone
Boothill Bros we are so back
Yes, at least e1 FF
>a must for firefly
Her kit right now doesnt look like a big upgrade from Gallagher at all, wait till beta to see if it's actually worthy.
Lingsha is Gallagher and Luocha put together. She's better in Gallagher in every way but SP consumption but an E1 Firefly never has SP issues.
I want to be Sparkle's friend.
At E0 she dosen't seem like that much of an upgrade from E6 gall damage wise. The team cleanse and more HP sound comfy though.
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cute fo.
She didn't kill anything she just can't reasonably be topped as a healer giving regen. If anything Harmony TB killed superbreak characters not Firefly
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Lingsha is better than Aventurine because she can actually do damage as a break unit. Aventurine needs Robin as a crutch to even hit 30k damage on his FuA lmao. Meanwhile E6 Gallagher is doing 300k per ult and 150k per enhanced auto which he gets every other turn.
No. You are pulling for a 5* healer in a team that really doesn't need one.
Might e0s0 if her animations are cool but she seems like a brick unless you invest way more than she's worth.
linghsa is just her best in slot, you can technically run luocha on a fua team too without aventurine and it litterally wouldn't matter. she is (best in slot) can you cope with something worse? sure
She seems to do what Gallagher does but buffing break at the same time.
Again, you dont have him. Feixiao will give him just as many charges as Ratio, if not more on average fights, and a LOT of enemies have blast attacks wich gives him even more charges. And to top it all off, he is more SP positive wich you absolutely want since Feixiao is SP negative and Robin is SP neutral most of the time. Lingsha is a good alternative but she is absolutely not better than him, his FuA is way too consistent while hers is slow
>So Lingsha is basically a must
No lol, you can clear anything with gallaghar
she is an upgrade to an already overkill team pulling her is pointless
4 hour more here. Singapork
she's okay, good teammate for ratio
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nothing will unbrick your blade so just roll who u like
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>not pulling for the Break Meta DPS
Imagine bricking your own account.

>but Boothill
She'll powercreep him.
she wouldn't give him as many, and besides like other guy said aventurine is caped on how many stacks he can get.
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Sparkle boosts hypercarry of which there are currently no top meta carries except Acheron. And Acheron needs E2 to run her.

So you are investing into the future. Alternatively just wait for Robin re-run or Sunday
She will still have to deal with the fact that reactive sustain is riskier than preventive sustain. Love her kit but that's just the curse of Abundance as of now.
I'm pulling Lingsha because she's cute
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She is the hottest character in the game, but she is interchangeable with any dual nihility option for e0 acheron and worthless for firefly. I really like how I can slap any hypercarry with a shit build (no speed, no crit) and she makes them work but hypercarry is hypercrept for now.
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Firefly LOVE
Lingsha might actually be the first character who can use Gallagher's signature well, I don't think there's any other cone aside from her sig and maybe Perfect Timing that does much of anything for her.
who the fuck cares about 30% break, my firefly has almost 500% break
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Good night frens
I hope everyone keep having fun theory crafting
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>UID starts with 8
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Imagine how valuable a healer would be if they buffed energy regen and also trivialize multiple boss mechanics?
In a break team the whole team does damage you fucking newfag.
>but she is interchangeable with any dual nihility option for e0 acheron
Does she really make up for the 45% damage penalty for only using one other Nihility character?
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>just finished building my E2S1 Clara
>getting the urge to pull for Yunli because of pull withdraws
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Good thing Feixiao dosen't run Superbreak so lingsha is doing 0 damage and providing 0 buffs

Start playing month ago. Newfag here.
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animations doko
oh shit now my hmc will have 430% break instead of 400% account for a massive 0.3% damage increase!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's worth wasting rolls on a fucking chinkoid bitch
waiting for animations/personality and what's in 2.6 to decide
might have to skip if there is screwllum
>Incorrect. The rabbit has a speed of 80, and it advances when she uses her ult. This means that it will often afct out of sync with Lingsha and can expire before she gets 3 turns. Its action count is based on when IT acts, it has nothing to do with her turns.
>Technically, it is feasible to for her to act with basics enough to keep it up all the time, but it'll depend on what her speed is and how often you're ulting, which always reduces the count by 1.
It's impossible for rabbit to expire before Lingsha get 3 turns unless Lingsha gets CC'd super hard.
There's absolutely no reason to not make Lingsha as fast as possible for SP generation or even AoE damage since rabbit's action isn't tied to her turns.
3 turns is enough for 1 ult; 30 * 1.194 = 107.46 + 5 = 111.46
SBB means 0.33 SP per cycle, making her SP positive.

>There is one FF team and I can assure you I use it.
Then you'd know there's no way FF can break bosses with one or two attacks.
Not to mention even if Lingsha doesn't help breaking she will help killing enemies, especially in PF where Firefly can struggle against fodders.
>If you wnat to go ahead and pull a character for a DPS that can already 0-cycle, go ahead, but there's nothing particularly good about Lingsha right now outside of her being hot.
Ah yes, the thing so many people here said about new supports that ends up being really good.
>Acheron doesnt use energy
>Feixiao doesnt use energy
Top DPS won't ever use it lmao, keep getting cucked fofo
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I only care about Yunli
>hottest character in the game
she isn't Tingyun thoughever?
She is getting buffed during beta. She is underwhelming for being a 5*. Her competition is Gallagher and he generates much more SP than her while healing at the same time.

Lingsha is conditioned to her summon and she needs to use a skill to keep it on the field.
I only got her because I have Dan2 and she makes Dan2 really smooth to use. If any other super skill points heavy characters come out she will probably be very effective. I think shes worth it if you have extra pulls just because I doubt her kit will ever not be handy outside of releasing a direct upgrade to her.
But Yunli is Archeron tier and Fofo is her BIS?
Skipping Brickxiao for Tingyun promax. I have enough Hunt characters and my Ratio is at e1. Plus I'm not interested in her.
>>Feixiao doesnt use energy
how do u konw that link her kit
Lingsha doesn't buff your break effect by 30% dumbass
Beta server opens in 40 minutes
After that ~1hr until Dim gets access to beta server and records everything.
If both her and acheron are s1, generally yes (it should still be close somewhat with 4* cones though since she can work well with those).
>But Yunli is Archeron tier
Is Feixiao's LC good? I think I might have read it wrong but does it really give +50% Def Ignore? Sounds really strong but kinda boring and generic from the way they pump out all theae Def Reduction sources for awhile now ngl frfrfr ong
>Feixiao doesnt use energy
NTA but it's justified for Lingsha considering Break damage uses ATK for damage calculation.
technique puts it on the field for 2 actions, skill gives it 3 actions. and using basics give as much energy as using skill. she can be used sp positive.
>ATK scaling healer
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That's why endgame content has 2 sides.
If you have a crit based hypercarry she works.
odds eat beans
evens eat a cheese stick
0 play honkai star rail
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Nigga, where the fuck have you been.
She charges from attacks similiar to Robin, therefore from fua
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feet game!
>If both her and acheron are s1, generally yes
I have Acheron at S1, so even if I wanted Sparkle I'd also have to get her sig LC too. My best debuffer for Acheron is Guinafen at the moment and Sweating Pearls does not want to drop so I can give it to Pela.
>aventurine doesn't fua that often
Statement dreamt up by the utterly bricked aventurine skippers
Depending on the enemy, aventurine can literally spam fuas.
A teamwide attack is 5 stacks for aventurine, i.e against someone like argenti he just shits out fuas. A single argenti turn can give him 5*2 stacks

Farm jades for your favorites.
which break dps?
I am all in on FUA. I was also thinking of collecting all the generals so that helps. Plus she has an axe and I like that.
she puts break vulnerability on the enemy not a break buff smoothbrains.
No it doesn't
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Me too, I’ve skipped firefly and jade to ensure I can get her and her LC
jfc here

ATK (28%), CRIT Rate (11.9%), SPD (5)

Heavenpath: Receive 4 point(s) of Flying Aureus at the start of the battle. If there are no teammates active in battle on the field at the start of a turn, receive 1 point of Flying Aureus.

Formshift: When dealing DMG to enemy targets via launching this unit's Ultimate, it will be considered as launching a follow-up attack.

Boltcatch: Follow-up attack CRIT DMG increases by 60%.


[Basic ATK] Boltsunder

Deals Wind DMG equal to 50% (130%) of Feixiao's ATK to a single target enemy.

[Skill] Waraxe

Deals Wind DMG equal to 120% (300%) of Feixiao's ATK to a single target enemy, then Advances Forward Feixiao's next action by 5.0% (12.5%).

[Ultimate] Terrasplit

Cost: 6 Flying Aureus Points. (12 Max)

Deals Wind DMG equal to 504% (1008%) – 1008% (2016%) of Feixiao's ATK to a single enemy, reducing its Toughness regardless of Weakness Type. If the target is not Weakness Broken, Feixiao's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 100%. During the attack, Feixiao first launches Boltsunder Blitz or Waraxe Skyward multiple times, until Flying Aureus is depleted. After that, she launches the final hit: For every point of Flying Aureus consumed, deals Wind DMG equal to 6.0% (12.0%) of Feixiao's ATK to the target. If the target is Weakness Broken, the DMG multiplier increases by 9.0% (18.0%).

From hit no. 6 onward, if the target's HP is 0, reserves the remaining Flying Aureus and launches the final hit immediately.

[Talent] Thunderhunt

The Ultimate can be activated when Flying Aureus reaches 6 points, up to 12 points. Feixiao gains 1 point of Flying Aureus
>Break damage uses ATK for damage calculation
it doesn't
That literally happens every patch. Every character in the game will get powercrept since this is a 4 nigga in a row autobattler.
My C6R5 Birdwife
Fuck I forgot only Firefly got BE from ATK
>depending on the enemy
stopped reading there. Let me guess its the 4 shogun blast gunners wave that are you are stuck at right? actual brainrot.
waiting on animations and how she ends up after all the balance patches. Needs to be strictly better than my Dr Ratio.
I think she is comparable with pela + silver wolf at s1, so she might be better than pela + gui even s0 (but not enough to be worth rolling in this case, especially since you can get the fox for that purpose).
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Is a Yunli + Clara team really anti-synergistic? Yunli has her taunt, and if Clara's ult is active it won't matter if Yunli is the one getting hit.
does lingsha have mitigation? because gallagher at least has atk down
Nope, its the 4 fish wave that attack your whole team every turn that is a very challenging wave for hunt bricks that have to kill them 1 at a time.
i look like this and say this
not beating the metafag allegations
Only if you e2 ack
Retard, there are enemies where he fuas a lot, and some where he fuas a fucking lot
Jewhoyo had to design the puppet trio specifically to nerf him cuz every other boss he trivialized since his fua refreshes his shield
Yes, she is SP positive. But not as much as Gallagher, that's the issue. With Gallagher you can get 2 SP in a single turn when ult is available.
When is the patch?
Should i pull for Lingsha for my E2 FF? My Gallagher is E0.
I forgot to mention that I also run GODpard with Trend to get more stacks on Acheron. Silver Wolf and the Fox are still worth rolling more?
too bad his ult as to be charged at 24 sp per turn so you can basically use it one time per battle lmao.
lynx is her bis not huo, huo is locked to DoT until EoS
I was saving for Sparkle but do I have to get the gunblade fox lady now? Tell me what to do.
I don't trust beta kits and she's months away so her stuff could get changed. Metafags said the same thing about the pinkfox fag being a "must roll" now he's just Gui but expensive.
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Check the archives, I've been posting about Fei's tits since her drip
>not even e2 Gallagher
how the FUCK, and I thought I got unlucky only getting e3 while getting like 18 Mishas.
Absolutely. E0 Gallagher is kinda dogshit.
If Clara doesn't get hit she doesn't get energy, and you have to remove tingyun so even less energy for both (only huohuo providing, with robin as buffer).
This is me except I've had a boner for her since she was announced. Pretty Tomboy Hags have always been a staple in my coombrain palate.
Clara's ult only has two charges and an uncomfortably high energy cost. Without E1 she also needs to be constantly hit by enemies in order to mark enemies for additional damage. I've only ever used her at E1 so I'm not super clear on the intricacies of this mechanic but it would definitely lower her damage in a team where she's not taking the brunt of attacks.

Ult uptime is difficult for Clara to maintain without a Battery or getting hit a dozen times per turn cycle, if she's not the main tank she's going to have difficulty charging her meter.
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>self sustaining FuA unit with taunt and large amount of attacks/FuAs if played well
Isn't Yunli pretty decent for a Feixiao team? Just throw in Robin/Ruan Mei for the dual dps buffs, then Hunt March if sustainless or Aventurine if not sustainless.
I just realized Feixiao's ult multiplier is 1000/2000% is because it assumes you spend all 12 stacks.
lynx is not yunli's bis lol, what the fuck
I rolled a lot for Ruan Mei and while I did get her, I got zero Gallaghers and all Mishas and Xueyis...
Yes. But you are running dual DPSs so there are compromises on the potential damage of individual units. However it might work since Yunli is SP positive.
You are basically talking about for E0 firefly's i know. People with S1 RM LC don't even need that E1 firefly to have enough SP economy.
Lynx is worse than like every 5* sustain for her besides gepard.
Less, thats lvl 15
But that's a completely different story. For E1 Firefly and above it's not even a discussion if Lingsha is better.
this is what people have been saying all of last threads and why frogs were saying e2s1 or brick. that isn't even taking into account that those are lv15 skill numbers not lv10.
how did you not get 30 gallagher dupes in the time it took you to pull 3 fireflys, wtf?
Just have your HTB do 3 basic attacks or use skill once per 3 turns.

Hell yeah, E0 Gallagher can't even cleanse.
Shit, he doesn't even get increased Res or starting energy.

Twice actually.
I've been on /zzz/ and playing other games.
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lurk more before you embarrass yourself any further
>new character is 1% better than old characters
>new character is 1% better than old characters
>new character is 1% better than old characters
>suddenly new character is 2000% better than old characters
why do they do this
>s5 aeon
fox guy > silver wolf > sparkle for e0 acheron regardless

Sparkle has the advantage if you're aiming for an eventual e2 acheron, and she is generally the best of the 3 as a generalist (even other teams that want silver wolf will generally want sparkle as well as a vital part of the monoquantum core, but sparkle still works for every hypercarry except being a sidegrade for blade and jingliu, and the fox guy works somewhat in dot I think but not like RM or Robin).
>s5 aeon
Oh, I didn't realize we were talking about the tier 3 brick Yunli.
She's literally boothill but worse
Obligatory money maker character
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Alright anons. Give me your energy.
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Hakushin data up.
Feixiao Ult at lv10 talent:

Deals Wind DMG equal to 840% – 1680% of Feixiao's ATK to a single enemy, reducing its Toughness regardless of Weakness Type. If the target is not Weakness Broken, Feixiao's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 100%.
During the attack, Feixiao first launches Boltsunder Blitz or Waraxe Skyward multiple times, until Flying Aureus is depleted.
After that, she launches the final hit: For every point of Flying Aureus consumed, deals Wind DMG equal to 10% of Feixiao's ATK to the target. If the target is Weakness Broken, the DMG multiplier increases by 15%.
From hit no. 6 onward, if the target's HP is 0, reserves the remaining Flying Aureus and launches the final hit immediately.

Boltsunder Blitz
Deals Wind DMG equal to 75% of Feixiao's ATK to a single enemy. If the target enemy is Weakness Broken, the DMG multiplier increases by 40%.

Waraxe Skyward
Deals Wind DMG equal to 75% of Feixiao's ATK to a single enemy. If the target enemy is not Weakness Broken, the DMG multiplier increases by 40%.
>S5 aeon
Now do the same for S1
name a single character that fits the 2000% category
Who, Feixiao? She isn't even a break DPS
How long does it take to finish HSR story? I just arrived at Xianzhou Loufo.
Who are you talking about? You're not talking about the huntbrick are you?
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>ask for
Males for (You)
Males for Feixiao

FUCK Hetero Star Rail
acheron and firefly
That's how they rope metafags to roll for new units despite "old" units still being pretty much good and do the same shit. This game is piss easy so they have to get people to roll somehow.
I am Feixiao
I simply won't roll for them.
why are people still posting this meme? you don't have to build a fucking glass canon just because the scaling is atk
Just self insert as her. She's ugly enough to fit the bill.
no, we are in the 1% stage still. expect a 2000% character soon after
is her skill so dogshit that you dont even post its lv10 damage
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New MoC

Apply Feigned Toughness after the enemy target's Weakness is Broken and delay its action by 30% (This effect cannot be triggered repeatedly). At the same time, add 2 hits to Memory Turbulence's Hits Per Action. If the target is an Elite enemy or higher, then additionally add 2 hits.
At the start of every Cycle, every hit by the Memory Turbulence causes 1 instance of DMG, dealing a set amount of DMG to random enemy targets.
When enemy targets recover from the Weakness Broken state, remove the Feigned Toughness.
hmmmmm nyes neyes neyus aklirhteklfghileh tkeep in MIND META
it means it meands
they need BUFFS from the moc
to win
all chjaracets are

It's just debuffers who are guaranteed to be shit with how they treated Jiaoqiu
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I started during FF and it took me about 2 weeks of playing several hours a day. You still have a ways to go.
straight male here
she looks like shit
>in HSR
HSR devs didn't even make Argenti whose the classice shoujo type knight for (you). That's how you know it's over.
gepard is not going to like side 1 archeron sisters...
Waraxe Skill
Deals Wind DMG equal to 240% of Feixiao's ATK to a single target enemy, then Advances Forward Feixiao's next action by 10%.

Thunderhunt Talent
The Ultimate can be activated when Flying Aureus reaches 6 points, up to 12 points. Feixiao gains 1 point of Flying Aureus for every 2 attacks used by allies. Attacks from Feixiao's Ultimate are not counted.
After other teammates use an attack, Feixiao launches follow-up attacks against the primary target, deals Wind DMG equal to 200% of Feixiao's ATK. If no primary targets are available to attack, Feixiao attacks a single random enemy instead. This effect can only trigger 1 time per turn and the trigger count is reset at the start of Feixiao's turn.
Is Feixiao only for fua teams?
leaks in how many mins?
Does Yunli not use Topaz, Robin, etc. like Clara does?
yeah she needs fuas to get her ult like archeron needing debuffs
She is literally me
Hsr actually has less (you) pandering than even Genshin.
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Never ask a man his salary
a woman her age
and a Feixiao fan what they thought about her before July 29, 2024
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Star rail character for this feel?
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Because she always wins
I don't have Topaz, Aventurine, nor Robin, should I skip Feixiao then?
You can. Energy recharging characters honestly aren't really THAT necessary for her since she gets 35 energy every time she is hit and counters.
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do i get e6 yunli or e6 feixiao
this is important
yunli and clara both like robin.
That is her BIS team according to calcs but hypercarry isn't that much worse.
I feel that Lv 15 skill values should be put to use to buff old characters
because you dont spend money in gachas.
She uses the same supports, in basically the same order:
S tier: robin, tingyun
A tier: sparkle, topaz

But any combination should work more or less the same.
>mfw Soulgad is made from bug cum
Who is they? That doesn't happen in this game.
yunli because she's a million times cuter
>Feet vs no fluffy tail
What do you think anon
the beta should start in either 13 minutes, or in 2 hours (depending on what US time means)
>If the target enemy is Weakness Broken, the DMG multiplier increases by 40%.

>If the target is not Weakness Broken, Feixiao's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 100%.
During the attack, Feixiao first launches Boltsunder Blitz or Waraxe Skyward multiple times, until Flying Aureus is depleted.
After that, she launches the final hit: For every point of Flying Aureus consumed, deals Wind DMG equal to 10% of Feixiao's ATK to the target. If the target is Weakness Broken, the DMG multiplier increases by 15%.

I wonder why.
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yunli has better e6
I know. I've heard from Genshitters that even they have at least 2 guys that are (you)bait. That's already more then the entirety of HSR.
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Tournament next patch will be kino
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>E0 Yunli + S5 Aeon
Getting E0S1 Yunli and E1S1 Lingsha. I don't give a shit about the homo fox and the FUA huntbrick with 2000% ult damage.
For reruns, I'm already have E0S1 of Sparkle and Fofo so I'm skipping them. I'll probably aim for E2 Acheron on her rerun since I also have E0S1.
Why would you buff old characters? People have already spent their money on them
Yume spend money on gacha they just don't spend money on males in Star Rail.
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Yunlibros I can't keep edging when is she coming out I'm getting blue balls here
>in a sword tournament
it got giganerfed bwo
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All this time I actually thought her E1 was the useless def shred and not the extra damage so I might go for E1S1. Unfortunately I don't see a reason to go higher.
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I posted in another thread but asking again: who should I be rolling for on the upcoming banner(s)?
Ok but what's the format? Single elim? Double? Swiss pools? Is there an amateur bracket?
Get your shit together dawei
Even E6 Yunli requires manual play
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>He is back
>everyone and their mother can now deplete toughness regardless of the weakness type
What's the point of rolling for "normal" dps like Yunli when Acheron, Firefly, Boothill and Feixiao exist
Lingsha scaled boob job SEX
i mean the art. either of them at e6 is breaking the game
more tracks of destiny uses -> BP purchases
Even their last summer event was a (you) pandering event despite appearances, everyone cares more about the canera (you) and the baby dragon than they did about each other.
Sparkle and Feixiao
just b urself
unless yourself is telling you to get the fox man, don't do that.
Yunli doesn't want to deplete weakness bro
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this is the updated one bwo...
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Aventurine would've been a better character if he really was like Childe and for (You). Facts.
Snekbros...are we still huffing copium?
True. Star rail males aren't for (you) so yumes will rarely ever open their wallets for this game.
3 of them are break gimmick dps, and 2 of them are emanators.
Please don't post nudes of my wife bro.
Are you a foot chad or futaGOD?
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>acheron killed all future debuff characters
NotHing PeRsoNnel
Just skimmed through Lingsha kit, the summon just a bonus. If you like more damage for Firefly, roll Lingsha and her LC, or just roll her LC and put it on Gall.
i would get... feixiao and cope with moze and the free march 7 that apparently works with her
Nope. Skip this as, worst boss in the entire game
i rolled for e0s1 aventurine you can now proceed to give me 15 yous and seethe
God, I really fucking hope we get the Stoneheart teaser outfits as skins. Hat and all included this time
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When's Robin's rerun?
Lingsha and that's it. You would get more mileage from rolling in the reruns than in any of the new characters.
Feixiao is still locked to ST retard. Her skill, basic and ultimate are all ST. Acheron is still better by a significant margin.
>Yunli is just a Clara sidegra-ACK
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Firefly love!
Sister, you had been whining for months
Get over it
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They are pretty great
Wait you can now kill the dice? They're just regular adds?
I wouldn't spend money on him either way.
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uh what?
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Are there any zero day mods for Yunli navel uncensoring and/or skirt shortening?
Gn bwo
Where were the chinese players? They should've rioted over this.
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There's nothing GODpard can't handle!
Feixiao apparently she can cope well with march 8th and moze then a limited sustain so lingsha or fofo the 4chan or well if you're homosexual aventurine might get a rerun
>firefly shill boss
>break shilling despite Feixiao being a FuA focused character that just happens to have some bonuses for break
>everything is weak to fire btw
it will be hilarious when they decide to shill something else and Firefly falls off like Jingliu did when they stopped putting the swarm everywhere
I rolled an E1S1 Aventurine and I don't particularly care about him. I also have an E0S0 Topaz and I likely will never use her.
Bladebros... we're back
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Hats clique!
Is Hunt saved?
You don't actually think moze or jiaoqiu are tops do you?
>Make the sexiest girl ever
>forget to add a tail
you started the game in the worst time, maybe sparkle and save until anons hype the next meta character.
"-207466863": "星际和平公司通缉的重犯、冷酷无情的战争机器、恶名远扬的星河猎手。对手们一听到他的名字就火速弃赛连夜跑路——输赢事小,活着事大。", "-1773550804": "这个名字拗口的男人,或许没有钢铁般的意志,但有一块钢铁做成的盾牌

>SAM is back
didnt take long
does do them metafags fourget jingliu already havent seen her much lately i rememeber everyone has it
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I'm just stating facts. Maybe they will be salvage him in his later appearances. They they dropped Childe's fujoshit early on and left all of them dry for years. Hoping this is the case for Aventurine.
Acheron is worse then Firefly though
Firefly adds her own weakness, and Jingliu seemed so powerful because most enemies were weak to ice.
Do you even read her kit? She deal MOAR DAMAGE to WEAKNESS BROKEN enemy.
>Unironically uses auto for content
First digit is the region you play at
>generic anime character just like every HSR design
>woooooow this charcter is SO cool/hot/sexy
based incoherent ESL poster
Hunt has BEEN saved, FUA is already a top team for everything except PF and Seele is one of the best aged DPS
Who is Sparkle even for?
Like I said, get over it lol
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Who is the Hoshimi Bosenmori Miyabi of this game?
welcome back antshizo.
Stop being a fucking degenerate furry for a second, the fox ears are more than enough you fucking sicko
Dan and QQ
>FUA is already a top team for everything except PF
Bwo your jade?
>Firefly shilling on BOTH sides
If it weren't for the FSN collab I'd have happily dropped this game, it's clear I'm not the target audience for this game. The target audience in this case not being a fireflyfag of course.
At their rate, they likely won't, hell I wouldn't be surprised if we never see him again
Worst boss is Firefly boss for how boring and forgetable it is.
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Not until Hoyo pays what they owe. Either give me a male as cute as Sigga for (You) or backtrack on him. I don't care which path they go on.
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You DID roll for Jade right?
>reddit humor
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>bringing a pig to a swordfight
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Lingma balls
idk how it works actually. genshin has like 0 sexy characters but I would fuck every girl in hsr that isnt a creepy hag
She's Danhil personal slave, that it.
When do birds fly?
firefly same blandness
She should do that to my balls I think
a whole +90% on top of a 1680% ult, incredible
destruction trailblazer.
>jingliu still above dot hags
>jingliu still on par with dickless dan despite him getting his dedicated support
She'll come back like the stoneflops did with her dedicated support just you wait
Not that anon but what's it to you?
>we never see him again
Even the most random ass character keep coming back
Jing Yuan and characters with summons.
No. Shan't roll for IPCscum.
im a scaly, not a furry. totally different thing.
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Old man unclean penis
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Seele clears the quantum side easily
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This is so low quality it's funny
I still don't get what her team is supposed to be. Hyperspeed topaz and ruan mei? I guess March will work with her and keep buffing her cdmg through the roof but I don't think she wants robin at all since she doesn't attack
I skipped Fireslop
Of course!
Nothing, I'm just tired of the yume crying and seething. It's kinda pathetic.
Nta but i rolled e1 sam and only got 2 gallaghers, and the event put me at e2
>they never make the Sigga for you
>he and half the stone hearts end up dying off screen and TB doesn't give a shit.
>is never mentioned again
1680% is against a weakness broken enemy with 12 stacks.
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[HSR] 2.4 Memory of Chaos changed to Kafka + Aventurine
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my balls...
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What skill/ult would the a dedicated Jingliu support need
ok, I don't want to roll for her anymore...
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Why does Moze look like he's jacking off to Lan
Once again Argenti clears both sides easily
lingsha is an oily femcel NEET drug addict, not a snek, you fucking idiots, i spread that rumor on purpose for fun, to bully your peebrains. shes obviously a smoking dragon archetype. the enigmata won.
My Boothill is going to eat side 2 alive. That is good to know.
Yeah important characters and npc that TB actually has some form of relationship with. That isn't the case with the Sigga.
Animations dokko
>yunli shilling
they know no one is pulling because she's kekbait, owari da....
why do people still push this meme? sparkle is more of a FUA slave than anything
danhil solves his own skillpoint issues
This is stupid but why is it funny. It's not supposed to be funny.
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FSN isn't even good you dumb tastelet.
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Just pair her with fast support or sup dps. Her talent say "1 stack for 2 allies attack" so just go fast or use FuA units.
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Where are the Gameplay leaks?
these elements. are so ass... i will brute force kakaurine side with firefly.
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yea, i'm thinking she's back
And it's not annoying when shippers spam the thread?
>xhe says posting a worse VN
Yeah, we have such a big relationship with Luka and he is coming back next patch just so I can see him
Thank god I have Boothill and RM now. Clearing last time with E0S0 Jingliu and no RM was not something I ever wish to repeat.
That's feixiao giving him head
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Finally, time to unbench my dead hag Jingpoo.
daily reminder that if I don't get Yunli with my measly 40 wishes I'll quit and uninstall this shit game forever. don't try your luck, dawei you piece of shit, give me my barefoot flat chested hebe and nobody gets hurt
Luka only showed up to be introduced to us and even then we unironically do have more of relationship with Luka than we do with Aventurine.
her canon breasts and outfit are just obscene
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This is so bland I almost believed it
I want to build a team around the Sparkle I never really use, should I pull either Yunli, Feixiao or keep saving?
That fire fuck on the second half must have 40 fire resistance right? lel. i think firefly can manage.
>didn't pull Boothill to make side 2 ez
>Ruan Mei is not that good anymore
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If she can't do better with the current overtuned harmony cast that covers basically every gameplay type she won't get any better (and if they add a 100% turn advance character that is better than bronya in everything, just powercreeping sparkle in the process, it will just buff acheron more).
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das crazy
The blatant powercreep in this game is insane now they don't even make new characters just take an existing one and give it better numbers.
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So how do she get aurorus stack again? from skill?
All I see is from trace where she get 4 immediately.
Physical units are so ass
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Sex. Sex with my cool foxwife.
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>Doesn't work with MEI
>Will not work with Feixiao either
Fofo flopped.
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Manifesting lamia lingsha
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Firefly + JL/Yunli
Every two attacks from your team, she gets a stack. It includes her too.
Teammate attacks
Fair enough
feixiao skill and her fua (once per turn) give half a stack.

Any ally attack gives .5 a stack.
She gets 1 stack for every 2 attacks your team makes
E2 makes gives you a stack for every single attack btw
>quantum side
Luka's 20 minute quest got me more attached to him than 5 hours of Sigga crying
Me on the right.
Your yunli?
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the Yaoqing's communal wife*
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Yunli is clearly the meta unit for these next 2 patches. She's the only one that actually fills a unique niche.
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Your QQ?
>nothing to pull for in 2.4 other than Yunli's LC for clara mains
Yes, you haven't see the gameplay leak?
>Feixiao-sama! G-guh! *splurts*
I'm already tired of patch 2.4
when is 2.5?
mihoyim is going to have to do some sweet player retention gifts when they see how low spending is on the next two patches
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you must be the only idiot left that believes this. actually, are you the schizo that started all this up?
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just use Aventurine like a proper man
To the E0 Jade users: how is she when using Aventurine as her contractee? Your answer will determine whether I pull.
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im pullin
Wow he is just like me
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Which fraud DPS will be exposed in this MOC?
Being unique is not a strength
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>barefoot Clara
>unique niche
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you get a chinese dragon instead, and due to mandatory CCP laws you will call it a loong
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Blade will truly fall off in this moc
Yunli can't do anything that acheron/firefly can't brute force
Which relic set for Yunli? What's her team look like? Yunli+TY+M8+fofo?
why they stop adding enemies with a lightning weakness?
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>Luka's 20 minute quest got me more attached to him than 5 hours of Sigga crying
that nigger kept crying like a fag, while my man lost his arm torn off by monsters and just came back stronger and kinder
A real man
>Lingsha's rabbit does 45 weakness break per attack
Yeah, at E1 Firefly, she's outright better than Gallagher, if you're wiling to spend the jades.
Yes haven't you seen the leaks?
robin yunli clara lynx
The smear makes it look like she a finger in her nose stretching out her nostril...
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Dunno I use her with Bladie
swap out m8 for robin and you have her best team. best relic is the one in the same place as iron cavalry
She can be above tier 2 in PF without needing e2s1 like those two.
>you will call it a loong
Isn't Long dead or something?
That's certainly a thing to consider.
that literally depends on the enemy you are fighting for how many follow up attacks he does
Valorous - Duran
Fofo+Yunli+Sparkle+Robin for MoC, you can switch Sparkle out for Clara in PF
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Valor + Duran
Yunli + Robin + HH + Sparkle
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Jadebros, is her skill worth to level to 10?
Long is just the chinese word for dragon
Liar, there's no way her rabbit deals more break than Galla EBA
>No snek parts shown on eidolons
>No snek references on her kit
Bro it's actually unironically over just let it go
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Yunli sisters? Our banner is a must skip now?
What the fuck happened?
Luka is unironically more attractive than Aventurine too.
lingsha does 30 toughness dmg on her skill gallagher does 90 with his ult, how likely is it that she gets buffed?
its over for you pack it up
It's just huntbricks coping.
seems backloaded and like she will need 160 spd to get ultis off a lot
First side RRAT, Blade team

second side Clara, Yunli or Jingpoo.
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[HSR 2.5v1] Apocalyptic Shadow
shes a brick though? how many eidolons
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Hag lovers took over.
Does she not have a summon that does toughness damage?
It sure isn't if you're not an IPC FUAkek making you invest into huntbricks. Nothing can make me roll the pigfucker who I already skipped twice.
Gallagher's EBA does 90.
She steamrolls him for breaking.
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gallaghers does 90 toughness, single target, but will only use it 1-2 times a fight.
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Nobody wants a fucking snake. You're a weirdo. Monster characters are wildly unpopular among the playerbase compared to humanoids. You can easily read data about this published by other game developers. You just spam that you want Lingsha to be a snake just to be obnoxious. I'm glad MHY doesn't listen to any of you tards feedbacks. You would unironically make the game unbelievably shitty just to pander to 4 creeps.
I'm excited for this one. Cocolia's 2x ULT per turn was BS but cleared it anyway. I want more stuff like that, borderline impossible.
why does hsrg hate the ipc so much
So whats the true f2p team looking like for FeiXiao, assuming no stealing from Firefly team.
Firefly wouldn't say this
>doesn't attack
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We don't
a few way too vocal faggots do though
read: FAGGOT
Sigga yumes, we will team up. In 2.5, they will make Topaz for (You) so Sigga will follow in 3.0+
how many minutes till yunli
M7, Moze, sustain.
I don't hate the IPC, I just find their fans obnxious.
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>Feixiao is acheron
>Except she needs more to build her stacks
>When E0S0 acheron is a PITA to build stacks for
>And already does ST damage but in AOE
I don't get it.
it does 45 which is half of gallagher's enhanced attack
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M8 and Moze
March 7th Hunt
Aventurine or Gallagher
Rare based firefly post
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Denial :>>488213484
Anger: >>488213509
Bargaining: >>488213591
Depression: >>488213906
Acceptance: >>488214157
She'll be one of the worst selling female banners, up there with flopflop and Jade, which could all be avoided were she just a snake.
It's literally one schizo obsessed with hating them, rest doesnt care
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its aoe so it at most i'd expect is 45.
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I'll cope until my last breath
Multiply it by 3.
Otherwise the rabbit does 15, half of Gallagher's.
March 8th is objectively better for her.
Lingsha bros we're building her as a dps right?
Yume here I think it's more likely that they'll just step over the Sigga and Topaz and ignore than in future patches since we don't have a reason to care about them in story. They'll be replaced by other IPC characters who actually built a relationship with AE crew.
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Stop looking at me like that Firefly..
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is the trailer of March's sword teacher releasing today?
>wind weak side
he will be fine
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Is this... common sense? In my thread? No...
ACKeron is too broken so it is normal they will try to limit fatxiao a bit more.
you are using a different standard. that 30 on that site equals 90 on the other guy is saying
I don't care about spess jews plus why does it matter if people don't like them? Every faction can be disliked by anyone.
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This guy kills blade teams.
Source: I played beta
What a generic bitch. And people think she’ll be a snake?
buying a ticket to china in this moment, bro
she will never be sparkle
>what's in 2.6
we better be getting some 2.6 leaks soon
This just seems like the patch-ly kafka + black swan fodder
yunli is a cute hamster
It's simple, really. In games like this, the antagonist is supposed to be hated and since the IPC is often written as an antagonist, that means you're supposed to hate the IPC.
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>Jingliu gonna 7T carry me to full stars for 3 MOCs in a row
Granny still got it!
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Sparkle wishes she could touch your nuts like this
Her scaling is weird, break and attack don't go together super well without firefly passive
Yunli Clara double footjob
Just few stoneflop schizo. They kept whining about Topaz ever since 1.4.
>ATK/BE scale healer
Post THAT webm
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I haven't complained or said anything one way or another about Lingsha, but I wouldn't mind a snake lady.
They will make her HP/DEF scaling in the next update.
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which shart rail would you shart on?
Feixiao is a borisin?
stoneflop anon did nothing wrong, stonebombers are antagonists, you were supossed to hate them.
I will accept the loss if we get Obsidian, Pearl and Sugilite for (You)
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>Firepag has a shit taste
Imagine my shock
That would make her worse, the attack scaling is not the issue
this makes me sad. youd really think blade would be so good. his relic set is amazing
newbro you should get the Tingyun from the monthly shop before she leaves. If you end up rolling for Yunli, she's a good teammate for her.
Need this but she's standing in front of an aisle full of condoms
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for me its
How good is her if I don't have a Robin?
time for a buzz... and a number 9 large
too tall
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Her break reduction on her skill/FUA still isn't out yet, right
Dawei please... the animations...
>That would make her worse
>the attack scaling is not the issue
So what is the issue beside SP gen?
Why does Yunli wear a crown
Is there a sustain for firefly coming?
I'm using Luocha, he works, sort of
>my Gallagher is e0
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They are, the values in picrel are true vales, in-game they'll show up as 10 and 20.
The rabbit fua does 45 (15 in-game)
Footjob Queen
Bwos please, I just want a yes or no answer.
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>pagfly picture
>trying to shit on the snake waifu
of course you fags are still desperate for relevance after her banner ended
All the Stonehearts are my friends, my heroes, and they love and respect me. Jade, Aventurine and Topaz would all be down for 4P and Opal is next
It's out in HomDGCat
Skill is 10/30
FUA is 15/45
Ult is 20/60
Why is /hsrg/ so alive? What went wrong?
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>complain when game is dead
>complain when game is alive
Ur mom
zzz flopped
Feixiao biggest advantage is that her teammate can deal decent damage unlike Ack who has to solo carry.
Based on her kiss blowing in her splash art and this image, I'm getting the feeling she's going to have a personality that demands I pull for her. Kind of bummed because I wanted to save, but ah well.
Part of her appeal is that she does a lot of damage for a sustain. The issue is that break effect and attack don't work well together unless you have a firefly passive because break doesn't scale off of attack. As it stands right now it seems like you'd want a break set for her and an attack set for her for when you run her in break teams vs fua teams.
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>are my friends
>would all be down for 4P
toughness damage numbers are out on lingsha.

Basic: 30 single target
Skill: 30 all enemies
Talent: 45 all enemies
ultimate: 60 all enemies

Without RM Break efficiency or E1 Lingsha BE. With both double the numbers.
Alternatively none of them have any kind of interaction with you and end up like Duke Inferno's kids.
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w-what's his gimmick? bwo?
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I want to play Feixiao but I hate fagventurine to a schizophrenic degree
>attack it once to dispel the effect
Really not seeing the threat here
Lingsha? Have you been living under a rock?
So just play her with Luocha/Gallagher on multiplication
I won't shed any tears for them when they die.
>Inflict debuff on your allies
>To dispel it you have to attack the enemy
>If you don't dispel it he'll stun allies who still have the debuff on his next action
Its an anti Bronya/Sparkle
All blade teams use sparkle/bronya, you're burning away his wheelchair just so they dont get stunned.
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What makes Tingyun good for Yunli but not Clara?
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>kills Blade
Implying this isn't a good thing
Also your lingsha????
play her with lingsha/gallagher
wtf I hate the Stonehearts now
Can't you just run HH?
So does Yunli actually like Jobking?
>rolling for hunt shit
Huohuo kinda sucks for Bladie but yeah thats an option
Sparkle got kicked out for Jade and Bronya using basic exactly once isn't all that much of a loss in a battle, is either the debuff or the stun dispellable? If yes it's a complete joke
he actually hates him
the thread is moving so fast nobody will see i shit my pants
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Like an annoying little brother.
Ask again like in a day.
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She really his long and thick sword
I saw you shit your pants.
No one likes jews
She got some BE conversion to ATK and Healing% that only benefit her healing. The damage come from her Ultimate. Also why FuA lol
Romantically? Lol no
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New phone wallpaper
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>Blandflyposter is an anti-monstergirl fag
All arenas in this game are wide flat areas, there's literally no reason we can't have cool combat models.
they are boring as fuck
Maybe its not an issue then. Her bunny is a fua.
Probably fucked him to get his sword off guard
Ma Boi Luka.
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god I wish that was me
Thanks bwos
>using Lingsha's Skill increases Fuyuan's action count by 3
So to trigger her FUA, you just need to use her skill to accumulate Fuyuan's count or what? Sorry, I'm so dumb.
i like topaz but hate trannyturine
Why is LuGOD with that loser?
I'm not using a wallpaper with a jobbing faggot on it.
>salty yumes were fellating Luka for being for you two minutes ago
>now he is cheating with YanKING
>in space, you roll anything
Ummm YunQi shippersisters?????
She's getting cucked by Luka of all people????????????????
If she looks really cool or has a personality that makes me horny, then maybe, but I'm thinking Lingsha's going to make me hornier, and there's also 5* Tingyun coming, and some blonde holy looking lady I'm interested to learn more about. It's not a case of me not wanting her so much as a case of other characters overshadowing her for me.
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New C&C
Luka is fucking Yanqing's bussy
but luka is also a jobber
Fuyuan is a summon FUA with its own SPD (80).
Using skill summons Fuyuan.
Fuyuan can act only 3 times.
Using skill while it's already out increases the number it can act by 3.
Stelleyumes, Topaz STACY is stealing another one from us....
E2S1 Acheron bwos I don't feel so good...
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uhhh where beta vids?
Powercreep doesn't exist!
>See Arlan
>See Firefly
Her bunny act fast when she use her skill, no idea about FuA team tho.
>two fight autistic at a tournament.
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[HSR 2.5] Divergent Universe new "Adventure" domain type.
But I wanted Sigga’s bull to be Sugilite :(
Based, I actually love Hanuslop
>more hanuslop
Lingsha ults every 3 turns with ER rope and does not need to get hit.
>hate Robin's singing
>hate Numby animations
>hate Aventurine
This is why I refuse to invest in FuA
MY FUARKING HERO...... and the jobber king is there too I guess.
Fuck whoever thought this is good idea.
Damn, why so rude to Luka
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New ocurrence, is this IPC kino? Amber and Agate?
I got tired of this with the underground one
No beta, it's EoS time after the next patch.
>a lot of damage
It's just Gallagher level but AoE because of bunny.
She still won't do THAT much damage.
I'd rather have them make her FUA and ult ignore type so she can be a generic Break support and doesn't have to depend on FF's tech and skill to deal weakness break.
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I want cute interactions with the trailblazer and Yanqing
When is the chronicle banner?
and will pity carry over
They really are desperate to make Topaz stick but unironically screw her over the harder they try.
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Anything to lower the chance of getting the fucking laser one, I'll take it
fuck, you actually need skill to play this minigame.
How's s5 post op looking?
Also is that mostly skills or basics?
I can already tell this is cancer
I can see her bra
New stonehearts ship just dropped
>got to max level in DU
>no cutscene or text

So that was it?
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so is this one of them hallmark christmas story where the rich lady from the city (topaz) comes to the rural area and meet a hot young male that teaches her the true meaning of love?
Someone post that walking up to herta webm. I want to go back to Herta after all.
Of course you can, she shows it on purpose
Best sets for Lingsha?
Fuck adventure domains, the rewards aren't worth dealing with this
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12 minutes
>Lingsha Speed = 98
Damn, why did they make her as slow as Gallagher...
No I'll take the laser one since I know how to cheese it.
Not even close, all those christmas guys in the movies are rich as fuck. Luka is a hobo.
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until what nigga
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luka holding hands with his new GF
Luka is unironically a better man than Kakaurine who’d cheat on my queen. If I must get cucked, let it be him
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What a tease.
>those wounds
Did he job to Yanqing.
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Diamond: "What is Sapphire to all of you?"

Opal: "If I am your right-hand man, then he certainly is your left-hand man, which is befitting of his title as..."

Jade: "He understandably disagree with my modus operandi. I try my best not to negatively stimulate his sense of justice. The risk of fighting him is proven to be unfavorable, for he is..."

Topaz: "He has a pure heart. Oh, and he's also..."

Amber: "A mysterious man. But one thing is clear, he is no doubt..."

Sugilite: "He's annoyingly popular. Can't they see the latent danger brought about by..."

Agate: "... He's..."

Aventurine: "His honor doesn't allow him to accept my methods, yet he's never shown aggression toward me. I used to know some people like that. Unfortunately, the tide of darkness had devoured them all. But he's still here, he truly is..."

Pearl: "An efficient operator. Managing and mantaining Pier Point takes a large amount of resource. That's why I much appreciate it when he takes on personal mission alone. He has never failed, a proof of being..."

Obsidian: "My goal. One day, I'll prove my worth against him, and rightfully claim his seat as..."

Everyone: "...The strongest."
So what does Lingsha even offer to FF teams outside of wanting more cute girls on the screen? In the context of burst windows there's no shot she can do Gallagher's instant E into Ult into EBA which with FF's technique instantly breaks the first wave of a floor.
If theres nothing to talk about people naturally drift to other stuff, dumbo. Some threads are always active because they have cults/schizos. Be glad we dont.
My Gallagher is 160spd. You can do it too.
The tournament has Svarog, probably beat his ass again
>the Aventurine contrarianism is so strong now people are asking for being cucked
Aventurine really mindbroke this place
Forgot I still haven't finished that minigame
Yangquing is totally going to get a buff, right?
No, he had raw wild sex with Topaz
Skills and basics give her the same amount of energy because of her trace that gives her 10 energy on basic
S5 Post-op is still short of a 2 turn ult by around 20 energy so it's not worth it, the healing bonus on ult is also whatever
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>Being useful to anyone
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My gf said I can roll Feixiao as long I can secure E2S1 Lingsha

via dim

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Until Asta births my children
Okay, feixiao animation IS shounen as fuck.
Why she gets naked?
acheron 2
Could you use post up in place of an er rope so you could run a break rope instead though?
>but chink
She better be meta because this is just a rip off
Acheron 2.0
>all that shit just to hit one enemy
walmart acheron
>MOGS firefly
holy shit
woops have to skip Yunli now
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is this a dragon or a wolf.
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this part looks really goofy
literally a DBZ powerup pose and aura
kinda meh desu
skills and basics both give the same energy so it doesn't matter what you use.
5+30+30+30 is 95 then an addition .1944 gives you about 18 energy. 113/110.

Post op S5 won't make a big enough difference to cut it down to 2 turns. At 2 turns you'll have 88/110. Even if you have a 2pc planar that gives ER like vonwaq it won't be enough. (about 4 energy more) 92/110. If you get hit once (10) and have a new wave with S1 Ruan Mei LC(10) it would be enough to give you an ult in 2 turns.

That is adding some conditions however.
>2000 dmg
Acheron without the kino.
more like LIVE AND LEARN pose
>that fist closeup
March status?
Why does she stand like Captain Marvel
Made-in-China Acheron. Heh, get it?
Reminds me of Shirou
>Lingsha's S1 gives out 20% def reduction to broken enemies
>Lingsha's E2 give 40% Break to all allies on ULT
>copy pasted Acheron ult
Lmao billion dollar company.
It reminds me too much of Ack, 6/10
Yes, if you have it S5 it's exactly enough to get a 3 turn ult without the rope
There's just no beating the nihility background.
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ShonenGODS won
Shonen GODS won tonight
maybe with new relics in 2.5?
his fixed rates for fua attacks hold him back
Where's Lingsha?!
>Hunt so it's single target
What a waste
why does feixiao not have a tail?
That's just Omnislash/Renzokuken.
is she really riding the spear the whole time?
It would have been cool if it wasn't so blatantly pasted from ACK's ult desu. Are all emanators going to be like this?
She is half fox half wolf
>single target
I ate it
>no camera shift on each hit
worse than acheron
literal garbage
Fireflybros, you don't need to falseflag acktroons this hard, you did roll e2s1 right?
Real question. Where the fuck did our soul go
Why did they make weakness as a concept if every dps from now on is going to ignore it?
wolves have tails anon
I thin it's supposed to be a fox.
Rape victim child. Half Borisin and Half Foxian
Wish you can spam the hits faster
>brownoid still mindbroken
wew lad
For BE Rope?
I wonder if Multiplication is better.

Isn't S3 enough?
S3 is 12% ERR, rope is 1.194.
feixiao doesn't make my dick hard like acheron
Dude, it looks just like hers. What do you want me to say?
Holy rent free
>break specialists
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>literally Acheron 2.0 down to the animations
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its over kakavashabros..
Yup, still rollin for Yunli

via Dim
Feels like they are hit just phoning it in.
So if Feixiao just Acheron but Chinese?
it's a beta retard
12% is 1.12
Yunli's ult is so much cooler desu
Hows the luochud LC for Lingsha? can she cut down her ultimate to once every 2 turns?
Fine, I'm rolling.
it needs to linger on the shot with the wings more desu
I'm a newfag and I just want Kafka more so I won't roll
Animations looks nothing like Acheron's, the only similarity is having a special background while doing separate hits
I'm only speaking the truth anon.
>Yunli trailer about to drop
>still spamming his wife
Jesus have some decency
Does this mean you can pick targets like Acheron?
Ah, I see. I think I get it now. skill only refreshes her Bunny hits and to make all the Bunny acts faster, you use her skill (20%) or ultimate (100%). Since her ultimate only costs 110, it might be possible to spam it with any ERR LC or Shared Feeling(?) LC
>It's not the same if you remove the things that make it look the same
Oh fuck you're right lmao
That damned smile...
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I like her confidence. Maybe I'll pull after all.
You can do it in 3 turns with ERR Rope, or with S5 Post OP.
Did you just copypasta their models into Paint
That pose and smile with the axe sold me.

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