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Previous: >>488206180

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

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Feixiao Full Animations via dim
Literal Walmart Acheron animations. Start animation and ending ones are really cool, but while floating she looks dumb as fucking shit.
I don’t want to go back to space china…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwY5gxcWuUM JP
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Firefly love!
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I surprisingly like her skill animations more than her ultimate.
Yunli is fat!
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feet right at the start
SNEKBROS WE FUCKING WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't like Wind
I don't like Hunt
I don't like Chinese Characters
I don't like Incomplete Foxians

Simple as
Where are her FUA?
We're all glad to be free of pagfly
>literal comedy relief character
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i like her smug look here
reminder that this is beta 1.0 animations.
Why are we so fast?
qrd on yunli? best supports to pair her with?
>ult is literally just acheron
She is cool though.
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Sushang is fucking dead
Yep that's an E2S1 for me
Yunli crushed Sushang's stomach. You better not pull for her.
Animation Leaks
Too much content
most characters dont get animation updates stop coping
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Bronya rabu!
Sushang is fucking DEAD
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damn she looks 10x better than sparkle
yunli won
yup, this shot is a keeper
>game died for this
i dont feel so good
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oh look another flavor of the month whore no one will care about
She's retarded bros
Does dickbreath post animations in succession or do we still gotta wait an hour or more for lingsha and moze?
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Manifesting lamia lingsha
She looks like she has downs here kek
unironically jerked it to this btw
I don't really like the attack part of the ultimate. Her skill looks sick and her animations and weapon look cool, and I love her removing her jacket during ult but the actual flailing on a single guy suspended in the air part is eh.
Getting slightly more polished is not uncommon
I like Yunli even less now that she killed Sushang.
Fireflybros... the luxurious animations...
>We want the Acheron audience
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>yunli the bocchi
Yeah, now she looks like Sushang
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yunli reminds me of moroha for some reason
dang they really need to work on the polish for feixaios animations, truly a v1 feel
Her ultimate between activation and her attacks gives me golden sonic vibes and not in the good way.
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Wear some shoes fatty
>yunli the 4chan
Acheron - Goku
Feixiao - Vegita
she fucking KILLED Sushang wtf
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Lingsha animations doko?
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I like her poses.
wait that hammer slab thing with sus and gui isn't just a meme?
>actual cat behavior
>massive dork
>kills Sushang
E6S5 for me
Yeah because she's not a midget
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Even the starting position looks like shit. She is supposed to be using a lance here but she looks like she is going to punch something?
>Fofo the reddit reference
The what??

kino animations from our new tailless fox girl
a fucking war axe a nice weapon btw.
Holy fuck she's doing the frieren face
Clara was already usable in all game modes, and Yunli is just better Clara. She really wants her LC though because she otherwise has no innate way to have aggro, which ties her to Lynx (which SUCKS). Best support is robin but she can use Sparkle and Tingyun well too, or any combination of 2 of those as a hyper carry, but robin + topaz or the new march 7th seems good for dual dps.
she's the maid model instead of a little goblin, she was always going to be better
RIP Sushangfags
She's fucking dead
she needs to loose some wait
>Topag but Chinese
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SnakeKEKs btfo'd
snaketards deserved it, they were retarded
What the fuck? She's bustier than Feixiao
she screams ''tomboi'' to me and I love it
Yeah, I agree. The part where she actually takes off the jacket is cool, but the rest of the ult needs work. Maybe it'd be better from a different angle idk.
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Nice game railkeks
4* animations kek.
S-she'll be a snake in her boss form in 2.6.
Trust the plan
Yunli is pretty soulful, I roll.
so many good reaction shots
Sparkle if she ate her veggies
It really annoys me how they didn't even try with her face, it's literally just Sushang's face.
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>she just floats
it's over snake bros
Why wasn't Yanqing featured in the trailer?
its ok shes still in beta the lamia transformation will be added later
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love the char design
hate the animations
how do i cope?
Topaz and Bunny
Now the entire Firefly team will have trash animations
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>no snek
Easy skip, thank you Dawei.
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No snek.
Only bun.
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She kinda looks like Yanqing's wife from Honkshart Impact 3
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kind of boring but atleast more interesting than ruan mei's animations
also no snake, as was sadly expected
>Lingsha is just flying Sparkle
Its so over
>actual cleavage
>exposed bellybutton
hoyoverse is healing
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>no snek
>less lewd than sparkle
>more boring animations than sparkle
Shan't be pulling.
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We won
isnt all the snake talk just because some retard leakers tought it was a snake? her design is liking rabbits and some asian healer bullshit
is this Sushang's twin sexier evil sister?
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you said yunli looked that though? now you are going to tell me any chinese character with black hair (very common color) will look like this? she doesn't even have black hair.
genshin level trailer
It's like a combination of ruan mei and firefly, but sluttier.
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Did they just recycle black swan and acheron animations lol
OYOHIM you messed up, I could've rolled for lingsha if she was a snekgirl, but now all she gets is a full patch of saving when I wait for punished tingyun.
>That burst
I don't care if she does negative damage. I want her.
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lol, this is who shipshits said yunli was?
sussy fucking DIED
is that a good thing
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HI3ers tricked people into thinking pic related was anything more than a footnote
Well that was bad, now what
anon this is a comedy game
She's so cute
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Jing Yuan being a cat owner and a troll.
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Will you still steal her skewers?
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This is your luxurious animation btw lol
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Bros how could Lil' Gui and Yunli do this?
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I fixed your image.
Acheron has the camera shift while Feixiao just attacks again and again with no change in angle so she kinda looks whatever compared to Acheron. Doesn’t help that their ult look way too similar
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>My only limited DPS are Boothill and Ratio
>but I really like Feixiao's design
I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna Huntmax
Moze edgekino?
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I can't believe Sushang is fucking dead
Sushang has extra cushioning on her chest, she'll be fine
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>"don't worry sis"
what did she mean by this
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Sushang... had a hard life...
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FUAbros, I don't know if I want Feixiao
Oh well she's cute I can cope with this
idk what to do gros.. i hope 3.0 sucks ass now i want both lingsha and feixiao i don't want to whale in 2.5 and 3.0..
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>space china was hastily made at the last minute
holy shit lmao
>My only limited DPS are Boothill and Ratio
How the fuck did you end up in this situation.
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are you stupid or something
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we all know Gui gave no fucks and brought that hammer down to complete her act!
Why is our animation department so fucking shit?
>that rim of the undersides of the red toenails
im so hard rn
you'll forgive yunli for killing sushang right? I mean, like what's sushang even good for, she can't even read.. haha..
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Bros... Lingsha animations are dogshit...
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The voicelines will save her
They're saving all the budget for Tingyun's alt. Trust the plan.
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>Feixiao bandwagoners piling in
yunli the rock
Feixiao and Lingsha's shit ass animations killed the game
Yunli's trailer is fun bros
>recycle black swan
holy shit I can't unsee now FUCK YOU TAILS
lol I'm I'm in the opposite situation I only have dps characters
Sporkle with boobs
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Stop making Yunli so likable I wanted to skip her so bad
damn prob the first xianzhou character that looks fun
susan broke 5 ribs, 2 punctured her lung
and you're laughing
I claimed her as my ratio replacement for months stfu
you faggots said she was gonna be break because you're all retarded
DBZ pose kek
>meme made to official content

mihoyo definitely lurks here
2.7 will be a skip patch right bros? so will 2.8?
I like that she seems slutty, but I don't care for the bunny stuff. She and Feixiao are staying as maybe pulls for me until I have more information on what banners are after theirs.
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but enough about Firefly
Gui is gonna be canceled and banned for live stream snuff
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>Yunli the reddit
Easy skip
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weltchads rise up
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they can just make Bailu revive her in exchange of some fucking dumplings
Where is feixiao follow up? it wasn't in the animations posted here
rip snake girl
hope we get 2.6 leaks
Those eyes tell me that she DEFINITELY fucked half the Xianzhou, bare minimum.
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>Explicit bellybutton
Yep waifufags win as usual
I skipped Firefly for that barefoot food obsessed brat wielding a massive greatsword.
And I couldn't be happier.
>believing we will get .7 or .8 instead of just 3.0 after 2.6 like it was with 1.6 to 2.0
She is a Kick streamer so is fine
I like the animations and the rabbit fua is super cute, she remind me of the floating caracters that I liked in granblue like Song/Nio, I was not conviced before but now I'm rolling for her too.
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it's like this patch is just a housekeeping chore after the penacony passion project even for the devs. I expect space greece to be super amazing
guys the filler patch attrition is getting to me.
the game is boring
I can't believe Sushang is fucking dead
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Why would anyone want to play as a snake wtf
Don't care, still rolling Yunli (soul) and Lingsha (sex)
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I wanna roll for lingsha now, what exactly is she for? Is she a universal support/healer
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Now that the dust has settled we are all on the E0S1 Feixiao train right?
A handjob is a routine part of a health exam in space china
Yunli stole the show
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Feetbros keep winning, as usual
She is just Gallagher
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It's ok to like fat chicks! Enjoy it king
she's emanator tier
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what did he mean by this
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She look shit.
Lingsha also shit but atleast she is an upgrade for my wife
she's specifically for break teams, aka firefly
I got the free Ratio when I started in 2.1/BH in 2.2/RM in 2.3
>We still don't know if the 6 general are emanator or not

>feixiaofags are slandering lingsha because her animation is better
why feixiaosisters like this?
You know it. I was always going to pull her if she was FUA. Since she is I am pulling. The animations and her being good just make it better.
looks like entering TV mode in zzz
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shut the fuck up
She's Luochud 2 but uses a worse Lightning Lord instead of having his field, pretty much only for Firefly teams and a Gallagher sidegrade there
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Surely you didn't think you were based and brick your account by skipping?
She's Gallagher on steroids
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Sushang TANKED that by the way.

Moze full anim + Feixiao FUA
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I can see it.
My firefly is E1 so basically won't ever see the basic attack animation. The skill talent and ultimate only. Its not huohuo bad. Ultimate is got, skill is decent, talent is topaz vibes.
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i want to shove my tongue deep in yanqing's anus
and i wont stop until he has a pissy orgasm
this looks like a POV of a CBT
Oh fuck, I don’t want firefly at all, will lingsha be useless for me?
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She's barely better than Gallagher and her animations are on par if not worse than his
I have her and I wish I could erase her from my account the useless bitch.
I don't think the baby inside her would though..
it's Firepags false flagging since both their animations are more "luxurious"
damn he's nice
I only have 50 rolls
should I roll for feet or save for 3.0? When is Feixiao coming?
Don't care about Lingsha
Okay, that slash into a slow walk into Feixiao is pretty fucking cool.
That ult animation looks so fucking stiff...
psh.... so weak...
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>tfw my main is a comic relief character
Holy fuck now that's bad
Lmao Moze looks like shit.
Your main is Sushang??
i forgot moze was a character
Jing Yuan's winning her love with food...
What do we do...
Feixiao jumpscare
Holy kino
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his fua is pretty cool
Ult is meh but I like his FUA matches Feixiao's.
>he randomly becomes invisible
Holy kek and kino
s-she's fast
Feixiao ruined my game
she might be okay for feixiao if you don't have sigga
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>Razor but crow
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"IPC could be here" he thought.
I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be IPC anywhere.
The cool wind felt good against his bare chest
"I HATE IPC" he thought
Sweet dreams are made of these reverberated his entire car,
Making it pulsate even as the $9 wine
Circulated through his powerful thick veins
And washed away
His (merited) fear of bankers after dark
There could be IPC anywhere
"I HATE IPC" he thought
"With a car, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself
out loud
one of the best FuA animations out there
I love it when space china doesn't take itself seriously, that's when it's good. Based Yunli saving this patch.
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Why does Master Jing Yuan want his student to marry some dog gremlin? Does he only care about power level?
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I want him I want him I want him
>gallagherkek coping already
She's also a sexual relief character!
The arms seem... weirdly stiff?
kinda shit except for his fua
>feixiao FUA doesnt even have audio yet
Wait, I'm confused.
ult feels unfinished but otherwise pretty cool.
On the bright side no one can say she’s bland
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Is Feixiao just chinese Acheron
I don’t want feixiao either…the only limited 5 star dps I will have is yunli, the rest of my dps are dr ratio and 4 stars
Is it ogre for me
ok ok, I will now throw 2 multi for Yunli
Did Blade just get edgecrept?
so who will be in 2.6?
sunday, tingyun, algaea
rappa, fugue, screwllum, ???
Cultivation maxxing.
Good genes makes it easier to ascend.
So this is feixiao's FUA, its not very good.
So E0S1 Yunli at bare minimum?
anon we dont even have voice audios hours before release
all these animations are mid as fuck compared to 2.0
Feixiao looks fantastic, they just need to put something "more" in her burst animations to atleast distance her from the Acheron copycat allegations
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>That FUA
Yeah, if they embrace the humor here and focus on the character interactions, 2.4 should be decent.
They need to avoid loredumping as much possible.
His FUA is cooler than his ult and Feixiao FUA
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Pretty meh aside for his FUA animation.
>teleports behind you
>crawls from the floor
Heh, nothin personnel
>expecting them to put effort into the filler patches
Shes just Wind Chinese Boothill.
What a soulful trailer. Also, I can't believe that Sushang is fuckin dead.
Seems like it, if you don't have her cone you're stuck using Lynx ontop of the damage loss.
>non energy reliant ult
>want debuff/attack spams
>similar ult animations
Feixiao is Acheron but Chinese
>Dragon girl
>Bunny rabbit attack shit
>No Snake
Easy skip, I have a higher chance at summoning on whatever the rerun banner is.
king yuan.. blade.. dan heng.. jingloo.. powercrept...
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Do I roll or do I skip
yeah bro, they will surely let the anniversary be in some dead patch
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I'm only rolling for Feixiao because she reminds me of Blaze from Arknights
it was funny i laughed at that one
we're gonna get dogshit sobstory more dumps about yunli's parents and jiaoqiu's past and chink wordslop, don't worry.
>Feixiao is Acheron but Chinese
So she won't be powercrept for a while?
Good enough reason to roll for me.
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Was this frame really necessary
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This is hag model btw!
> Topaz
> M7
> Moze
So Feixiao's BiS planar is going to be Izumo right
That's a lot cooler than I'd expect from a 4*... If he's on Feixiao's banner I'll pull for them and probably skip Lingsha unless Tingyun turns out to be further away.
Yes so I can pretend it's literally me
FUAchads status?
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stop it feixiao
Duran is way better
Are we back?
Feixiao's animations
Basic (doesn't matter she never uses it)
skill (very good)
ultimate (very good)
talent (meh)

lingsha's animations
basic(never using it e2 firefly)
skill (good)
ultimate (good)
fua (cute?)

moze basic (ok)
moze skill (ok)
moze fua (nice)
moze ultimate (too simple)
Acheron my beloved
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It's for their target audience, so yes.
>sexy but boring
>no yanqing spotted.
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>he's not running the Feixiao + Yunli + Ruan Mei + Robin team
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His fua is cool but it's still nothing compared to Blade's fua.
Hoyoverse is healing so yes.
Don't forget ult ignores type.
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Sushang and Gui are sisters?
Winning, as always
uhh Shipperschizobros, where's the Yanqing in Yunli's trailer? wtf is going on?
I'm gonna "build pity" on Feixiao's banner.
Does her ult count as a FUA?
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We call each other sis all the time and we are not sisters
Blaze sucks
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Theres no shot theyre gonna make yunli for the shipperkeks after footfag pandering to that extent, right? They were already losing their mind over a simple picture lol
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>hotheaded, food-obsessed tomboy
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Dubfags like me keep losing…
Acheron is so good they made a Hunt version of her
>make a cunny character that you want to rape correct
>they make her a feet focus character
isn't the entire point of feet to getting dommed and degraded? feels kinda contradictory
is it just me or are Lingsha and Moze ult animations dogshit ?
You didn''t get a memo? He's fucking Luka
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is sushang dead?
alright do i pull for fofo or lingsha? my only other limited sustain is fu xuan
do i just skip both of them and keep using gallagher?
>Feixaio ultimate (very good)
disagree, everything between the cloak toss and the final hit look REALLY bad. but other than that agree on list
yeah, it was the highlight of the video
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Yep I'm thinking Raiden won.
I like Moze's FUA ans idles but yeah, all three kind of suck overall
I pulled her on her first banner, but I only have her E0 no cone, and her teams have never felt as good as any of my other teams. Think she needs a lot more investment than I'm willing to give her.
Feixiao and Moze look a lot of fun together. We get the goofy IPC FUA team and the serious general Luofu team. Both are also super lore which is nice. FUA is the most sovl thing in the game.
Why the fuck was an anal toy featured in Yunli's trailer?
There's no way to guarantee Yunli, Feixiao, Lingsha, and Punished Tingyun at this rate.
It's all over for me.
We lost a good VA…
there goes my hero...
post Fei team
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I only are about Yunli
You misspelled Feixao.
FUA is the most forced shit in the game
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Literally cannot stop winning.
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>Moze is to females is what Xueyi is to the men
that makes so much sense when I put it that way
Love how edgy he is. Also Fox general has a FUA?
You must be 18 or older to post in this site
Is Firefly E2 + Linghsa just straight up unbeatable? E2 Firefly already without Lingsha auto 0 cycles every MOC and stomps every AS. Add Himeko with Lingsha and she should comfortably 40k every PF no?
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She's floating because they're placeholder until the snake lower body rig is finished
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She is a top tho.
I wish she came out when I was 14 desu would have ruined my life.
I feel like the animations this patch feel a lot more unfinished/unpolished than usual. Did they have to rush these out or something?
Look at Clara and all the feetposting she got. They're just doubling down on that already established side of the playerbase.
Susheng not dead, right?
but why tough?
>fexiao ult animation just acheron reskin
jesus christ
The space china currency was sharp enough to cut?
Can we get animation updates? So many old characters look like dogshit compared to these....Topaz is supposed to be premium....
They need to show Feixiao taking her stinky boots off
What? I don't see how they're similar at all.
Lingsha's alright, just not "woah cool".
I guess RM's ult remains undefeated.
>Mufasa made her bow to him with food
CopiumGOD, I kneel...
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any of these new characters good for my ff? (E2S1)
yeah its rough all around
>I don't want to have 1 year homo banner like genshin!!!!!

We heard you! Starting from 2.0 we have sparkle, BS, Acheron, Robin, Firefly, and Jade. Oh, we will also rerun Jingliu, RM, Fu Xuan, and Huo Huo. In 2.4 once we return to the Xianzhou Yaoqing we will get Feixiao, Yunli, Lingsha, 5 star Ting

>NoooOOOOooo000oo!!!11!!!1! Stop being so greedy! We can't pull them all!!!!!!!

Why are you like this?
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Man I really wanted Yunli but their insistence on having to pull the weapon with the dps or else you're bricked + my shit luck means I won't have enough for Feixao and her cone (you just know they're making that one mandatory as well)... Greedy chinks
Look at Feixiao's ult animation. How do Firepags feel now that the myth that their wormslut is dev's love has been shattered?
>Implying that you can't force her down after she makes you cum from her feet.
Might as well transition to being faggot because holy fuck.
You fool, there's nothing better than being stepped on by a loli dom
skipping chink slop
saving for greek kino
>bunch of random words
>doesn't explain what happened
Who did he rape?
This your first beta or something? Hell, Jingliu skill/ult STILL look like shit
>Asked for cute barefoot girls every single survey starting from Genshin launch to Star Rail launch to now.
You're welcome.
Topaz shoots niggas with a gun thoever.
inb4 that one Robin webm
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>Yunli the bocchi the reddit
Only Lingsha
E2 minimum my man
I want to know more about Blade growing up anon. His grandpa is showing up and I wanna know.
fei xiao's cone is very good but you can just use cruising as cope on her like every other hunt character.
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Fuck I kind of want to roll now.
>Robin doesn't build any stacks
>Ruanmei only gives 1 stack per rotation
>Yunli maybe 2
How are you going to ult nigga
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Firefly rerun when?

Seriously, when?
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This is also the face I make when I see JingYuan on screen.
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stelle stop vagueposting your gf
i dreamt about sucking yunli's toes...
>shounenshit sequence
Lol.Moze is mad and ow the edge cause his crush is a dyke tomboy.
Never. You missed your chance. She will never love you now.
What's the difference in damage, you know?
Which banner is Moze gonna be on?
Firefly Ult and Enhanced Skill used to look like dogshit, now they just look mid/bad but they used to be way worse.
You get used to this, shit just gets polished down the line.
>had to spark on BD2
>had to spark Hina dress
Surely all my luck was channeled into Yunli's banner
i was wondering why they'd make some random bitch a weekly boss but i remembered they made a swarm bug recolor a weekly boss too. lazy niggers
they changed their company name again this year from Homoverse to Hoyoverse
I think everything looks kinda ass except for mozes follow up
>Feixiao has a sword, a gunblade and a bigger sword
What the fuck
Nope, she is replacing Ratio on my FUA team so its Topaz, Robin, Aventurine and her.
What is your other team?

Yunli/DoT/Most hypercarry teams prefer Fofo if they can manage the SP.
FUA/Acheron prefers aventurine.

Fofo would be replacing your Fuxuan over your Gallagher in superbreak.
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holy fuarking based
i'm now convinced
probably in 4 - 6 ish months? the usual time for 1st reruns
Swarm bug has a meteor nuke that style creeps every e*rudition character at least
her cone has >54% def shred which is absurd and I expect this to get nerfed. no one has done autism calcs yet but I would guesstimate 15-20% at least
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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Topaz, is in fact, Numby/Topaz, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Topaz and Numby. Topaz is not a playable character unto herself, but rather another supportive component of a fully functioning character made useful by the Numby follow up attacks, DOTs and damage comprising a competitive DPS as balanced by Mihoyo.

Many HSR players pulled for a modified version of the Numby trotter every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the owner and lover of Numby which is widely pulled for today is often called Topaz, and many of her fans are not aware that she's basically the Numby character, developed by the trotter breeding grounds.

There really is a Topaz, and these people did pull for her, but she is just a part of the character they use. Topaz is the waifu: the woman in the game that users allocate their semen resources to like the other waifus in their harem. The waifu is an essential part of a gacha character, but useless by herself; it can only function in the context of a complete playable character. Topaz is used in combination with Numby, the follow-up trotter.
>both 4 star dps
>releasing in the same bunch with other, more likeable 5 star characters
>only the ones that truly love the character will use them
>both are hot, cool and edgy
the ones that will like them will like them based on their appearance first, which is why women fawn over Moze just like how men waifufag Xueyi
That's an axe...
Now show her shitty "slashes" during her ult.
KING Yuan's ult mogs many of these.
Acheron is getting stylecrept...
you're getting kicked from the /hsrg/ guild if you skip this
Still doesn’t approach Bladekino but if he does FUA on someone else’s skill I might actually roll. It’s like the original FU shtick that never got off the ground.
>54% def shred
Wtf if that stays in that's not a 15% difference, that's like a 50% difference...
Slop for dbz favela monkeys.
Thats a lot text, I'm not reading it. I'm happy for your or sorry that happened
Jing Yuan still has one of the best in game. So no.
March status?
It's a beta — it's literally unfinished.
/g/, plz.
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Congrats or sorry that happened
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Sushang "Rise Penis" entered my account on July 12, 2024.

On Patch 2.5 she fucking died.

That’s the kind of death she would have preferred, full of passion for her friend Gui Gui. She’s done it better before but unfortunately some retard sword autist decided otherwise. Added one last performance to pull you in. The pulling in of you, was never aggressive, calculating or desperate. She didn’t have to raise her voice.

She was a true swordsman—and a blogger on the Luofo Paranormal Social Media. More than 150 precise, haunting entries about subjects like “The Immortal with the Hammer,” “Devil in Xianzhou,” “The Ice Maiden and the Genius Set,” “Syko Stellaron” and “The Dessert Vidyadhara Medic.” There were also thoughtful, provocative ruminations on abiding sword topics - “The Big Rise Called The Penis State,” “Crowdswording” and “I'm not gay (for Gui).”

The reaction to her passing, the people who are shocked at her senseless absence, is a testament to how she steered her life with joyous, wicked curiosity. Immortals and mortals call—speechless or sending curt regards. Her family is devastated but can’t help remember all of the times she made them laugh or comforted them, and they smile and laugh themselves. She hasn’t left a void. She’s left a blast damage.
Fuck me all hope is lost. Why the fuck is she even floating? Feel like skipping now
they still look like dogshit though. the animations didn't change. they just added a background and that wacky ass face hud
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I bet Trailblazer won't ever meet Feixiao like he didn't meet Jingliu.

We will be playing as Dan or Yanqing while TB is on a pretend date with March or something.
Gui represents everything wrong with e-celebs
She has 2 gunswords and an axe.
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>People here thinking it was a slave mark
>Its actually Lan's seal of approval
She is so cool
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Too many girlbosses coming up
Oh what does wormslut have again? Are you afraid to be reminded of the pagpag you eat? Recycled Jingliu and Yanqing movesets = dev love. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
He's okay. Blade has a fucking powerpoint. Jingliu ult is literally just half the animation from her trailer. And her skill looks like ass with no impact whatsoever
def shred doesn't scale like that, and you have to factor the boosts s5 cruising gives you vs that. 40-50% would be the diff between no cone at all and s1
Any particular reason Yunli has a voice line about Argenti????
My nigga is mister world wide what the hell
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'people' who don't like dbz are soulless kikes btw.
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Any kind anons that that can give me some help? I forgot how to play and have no idea what's meta these days. All the 5* have their signature cones with "decent" relics. What are some good teams out of this and who should I build that's not built? And a final question, what type of character should I save and get next? I've only been logging in doing dailies and logging out for pretty much the entire year
So what's Feixiao's best team?
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Bro thinks he's Goku, lmao
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Isn't Lingsha an Erudition character that can heal?
>Skill is AOE
>Ultimate is AOE
>Follow-up attack is AOE

He is gonna be in the tournament along with Svarog, Boothill, Luka, etc
>lan slave
Dong Hung also floats kinda. Wuxia tropes, I guess?
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you lost, paggie. there's no need to cope
Replaces Ratio in IPC FUA team
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let's forget that part
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*march gives feixiao a boba*
*knocks you up the air with axe*
*heh, nothing personnel*
*slashes you with gunblades*
*teleports behind you*
*makes you smell incense*
*slashes you with gunblades*
*heh, nothing personnel*
*remembers your training*
*strikes a pose*
*slashes you with gunblades*
*goes ultra instinct*
*does Acheron’s ult*
*attacks you with a giant merlin*
holy cope
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>Like Topaz
>All animations are Numby
>Like Sparkle
>All animations are random floating shit and fish
>Like Lingsha
>All animations are bnuys

Why does this keep happening to me?
space china is meh for me
I'm not rolling for any of these characters
Not an autismfag but I'm guessing Topaz/Robin/Aventurine as expected.
something I just noticed in the trailer, susan is OK
bailu revived her with her passive
rip in piece
F my nigga Sushang
none really knows yet. But robin is likely to be included or some form of bronya hypercarry team.
i just slot in fu xuan with trend on acheron/fua and cope because
>muh free 10% cr
i also like the hebe model
These are big tails.
I hope Jing Yuan gets to meet Boothill since be wanted to be a galaxy ranger growing up.
Grow up lmao.
He appreciates beauty
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Tch, that fucking shit brat... but what else could one expect from a parentless schizo who hears voices from non cursed swords "talking" to her?
She's for PF
This is supposed to look stronger than JY's megazord
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Robin if you have E2 so you only need March 7th and Aventurine/Lingsha.
>DBZniggas ITT
So another irrelevant character.
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If Firefly was stripped of everything besides her brain and spine, would you still love her? Be honest
In that case, if you care about meta/power then you should skip both and roll for aventurine rerun. Especially if your gallagher is E6 already.
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Jingliu / Pela / Bronya / Fofo is probably the best team you can make
Ratio / SW / Sparkle / Luocha as your second team.
You've missed some big meta characters - but going for Feixiao is probably not a bad move - as you will be getting M8th and Moze who synergize well with her, even if they may not be the best options.
Will Aventurine's shield rate actually keep up with her tho.
LOLOLOL I'm enjoying the show alright Watching firepags got rekt by the devs is so fucking entertaining.
Damage bonuses and/or high ratios are a big part of any damage dealer's kit.
For example, Jade gets 120% CD and 25% atk for free.
>Black Swan ult but with wings instead of hands
That kinda makes sense but it makes me wonder if those others will have voice lines with other characters too
Or have their voice lines updated? Is that something hoyo even does for hsr characters?
It'll might be fun to see Boothill be a chinaboo
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>yunli in JP trailer pants
>yunli in EN trailer doesn't pants
I usually play things in EN but damn... The va didn't even put the effort.
louchud could never
Get HH since you love Hebes.
I was looking for background FuQuing cameo and I am dissapoint
>sushang died of a heart attack in ghost event
>sushang murdered in broad daylight by yunli
how many time are they gonna kill my girl
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My only criticism to Feixao's ult is that it would've been cooler if each hit was a different weapon, even if they were all just recolours of NPC weapons, just to hit hoe that she is a weapon's master. Still a really cool ult though
Holy sovl...
It keeps up with my Topaz. Just put him in the middle and have other FUA units and it will be fine like always.
I can't fuck and impregnate a brain or spine
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Would be 10/10 with a tail
Doesn’t this look similar to boss Sam animations?
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>I can't fuck and impregnate a brain or spine
How would Feixiao interact with Subscribe for More? Does she get the extra dmg permanently? Does she never get it? Does she only get it when she has 12 stacks?
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My aven keeps up with my 166 speed sparkle with 0 FuAs on the team so I think she can do it as well.
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there are people itt that will pull yunli just because they're into this..
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>Literally KILLS Sushang
Dead character dead game, not rolling.
Yunli's toes in my mouth
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I can still fuck and impregnate her in the Dreamscape
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mmm.... nyo.
>Watching firepags got rekt
sis, your english...
Unironically better than what we got
I miss playing this game
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They are both big punches towards the ground I guess.

I still want Boss SAM animations for playable FF....
That's just one part of the equation for me
She looks cool so I roll.
I rolled Firebrick without Ruan Mei I'll roll for Feixiao without her toys.
>He's nooticing
>Kaka urine
No thanks, I'll stick to 0 cycle sustainless teams
you are unironically retarded there are now 2 sustains that fua lingsha and aventurine.
Tingyun 2.0 will tailcreep all of space china
Save now
The finishing attack in her ult is kind of like a wind version of boss SAM's supernova overload if you think about it.
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>I can still fuck and impregnate her in the Dreamscape
The only two characters she needs is Topaz and Numby.
You mean like this https://youtu.be/G76wKiacLFE?si=QRd_8QHkJhLbA7cz
>The Ultimate can be activated when Flying Aureus reaches 6 points, up to 12 points. Feixiao gains 1 point of Flying Aureus for every 2 attacks used by allies. Attacks from Feixiao's Ultimate are not counted.
>would've been cooler if each hit was a different weapon
It technically does. I think she slashes with the sword if mob is not broken and uses the axe if they are. They both do about the same amount of damage, weakness broken mobs just take increased final damage.
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At this rate of powercreep E0S0 Marshal Hua will shit all over E2S1 Firefly...
>People are wasting their pulls instead of saving to E6S1 Rin or Archer.
umm please delet sirs
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>SEAtard keeps exposing himself
Philipinos should go back to their designated shithole.
lol unless you're 0 cycle autist she'll clear in time just fine with moze+march
that shit is a year+ from now
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>saving for collabslop
Says you these patches make it easier to save.
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very happy with the JP casting
Why is it always the self hating ESL pags that like to spam the word so much?
Fellow Stonefloppers, seeing Feixiao and Moze's animations are making it really hard to save up for Aventurine's E1 and S1/Jade's E1. Please give me copium to stay steadfast in my loyalty to the Amber Lord.
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No lancer so I won't pull
a-at least yunli has unique animation right? They didn't reskin her from another character's animation r-right?
I.. I skipped Adventurine
>Sparkle BUT chink
Could cut diamonds with that chin
I also love giant swords desu
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I sincerely hope you Firepags also have Ruan Gay, cause this is just embarrassing at this point.
Why are you typing like that
This game will EoS before we get there.
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sundaysisters won
Fucking hell, how do they keep getting away with NPC banners
Robin doesn't attack and give you stacks her for ultimate sadly.
She needs to be played with fast people in general to take maximum advantage. Esp if you E2 her
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I'm not sure I like the four-tailed thing to be desu with you. I would rather Feixiao to have a big fluffy white tail with a cloth band to keep it tidy.
The collab characters are not going to be given for free.
I need to show Dawei that I want COATS but why don’t I find this fox attractive at all? She’s a little too butch.
They are trying hard to sell Yunli but it's hard for me to care because she's confirmed as Yanqing's onahole.
Now you can clear PF even better with Firefly
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are you deaf?
she pants constantly during this part where she's running across the roofs
I have Robin.
I have no Topaz but Chinknarch is good enough.
I don't give a shit about Aven, I have Fu Xuan.
I won't roll Feixiao anyway
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Is ugly and annoying. There's only one heroine worth rolling for when the collab drops.
stacks isn't everything if you include one or more attacker you need buffs or you end up like archeron with dots (shit damage ultimates)
When will they release another SP drainer like QQ so I can say my E2 Sparkle isn't a waste
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Be honest. Even if you don't like him or think he was useless to Penacony, Boothill had some of if not the best animations in HSR
Unlike Acheron, I think Feixiao's ult would look better in 2x speed desu. 1x speed in Star Rail is 0.5x in reality.
>Paid Ilya + Berserker skin for Clara
>Paid Rin skin for Topaz
>Welfare 4* archer or lancer
Why the fuck would anyone need to save?
Topaz robin lingsha?
Aventurine is nice and all but he is slow as fuck. Feixiao wants speedy unit or speedy fua so lingsha is a better sustain pick even if she mainly buffs break dmg. Aventurine doesn't really provide a lot of buffs anywyay
>Summons Buffer

Kinda weird to drop such a gimmick when we only have 3 summoners (Topaz, Jing Yuan and Lingsha) and one of them is a Healer
Robin does give stacks inadvertently through teamwide AA
>Feixiao Moze M7 Robin
I don’t plan to pull IPCfags untill EOS
We need 1.5x speed
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No Okita, no rolling
simple ass
Yeah, Medea
>Love reptile/dragon girls and hime cuts and brown hair
>Can't roll Lingsha because lack of swishy tail will just make me sad every time I play her.
because FOMO and they're never getting a re-run
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Not really. I was more ready than anyone for a gunslinger but they're 4* tier
What is with all of these women going schizo mode for their ultimates and stuff?
Is Hoyo trying to tell us about women or something?
Sundaysisters say RM isn't good anymore.
its so over for me
Robin is there to provide buffs for everyone's damage. She will get plenty of stacks with just two other fua characters, but you will still want the buffs.
Yep, that would've been cooler, but the big wolf punch is also up there so I cant complain
>Feixiao and Lingsha animations
>some anon still seething non stop at Firefly
Holy rent free
i don't care about kits, just show us who is in 2.6
You still need a Harmony as a buffer, and Robin is the best one for FUA.
>Sunday powercrepts his own sister
Grim and evil
Bro, compare to the JP dub. You almot can't even hear it in EN.
that won't give stacks.
>not saving for imaginary erudition Girugamesh
Why did Feixiao do a rasengan on her ult? What the fuck?
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idgaf about the fate collab unless they have that one barefoot girl desu
Better than wormslut for sure, but firepags won't admit it.
If they put Moze on Lingshas banner I’ll personally mail asbestus to Dawei
We don't do that here, I'm sorry you play a game where re-using playable character animations is common enough you have to worry about it. Our worry here is only about whether the animation is boring or not.
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Yeah, not that one.
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Feixiao BiS support will be released in 2.7 (please clap and swipe)
Holy fuck I can finally save
Bros....Feixiao's basic is cooler than her skill....what the fuck
I can hear it just fine, even if the volume isn't an exact decibel match
>Robin action advances the whole team
>For that cycle you get 2x the amount of stacks
Yes it does. Like how Sparkle is E2 Acheron's best stack generator
>pag humor
Highly doubt there's going to be a banner. There's no way they're going to postpone story for an entire month for a noncanon collab.
"leak"trannies don't know. they're just speculating on soshulmedia to farm clout.
Maybe silverbrick wouldn't be such a waste if they gave her a gun.
this or sandals at the very leasr, I don't spend jades otherwise
What a missed opportunity, I know it was mostly a meme due to her being an expy but space china is really low effort, she doesn't even walk to add insult to injury. If her story performance is shit I'm not rolling
Shut the fuck up Takeuchi
Go back making more Artoria for FGO
you mean the action forward? that she does like once per battle? i though you meant the chip damage.
Why do birds fly?
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The last time I ever felt this way was to Shanoa from Order of Ecclesia but now it seems that Feixiao has revived my primal lust to cum on some smooth soft tattooed back of a warrior chick
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Topaz is getting replaced by Caelorum Venti in Feixiao's team btw. Just a heads up.
>origami multiplayer closed
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Feixiao best FuA support is E4 Bronya.
I think this as well because dual gunblades >>>> a fucking axe
Dex characters should not be holding axes
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But what if...
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Depends on where you live you might consider trash humor.
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That's gonna be pretty strong, but I'm not interested enough to invest that many rolls for it.
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Please forget about the new leaks and come to my SU
Absolutely based. Vampire planet when?
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>He doesn't know
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>Rin and Ilya
Yes, and it's easy to do since the MHY just invited Nasu and co. to their HQ.
Plenty of people here keep saying potential collab with Fate when it happened.
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How exactly is Stelle supposed to compete?
Only counts if he predicted it before the interview with Nasu.
I kinda want to get it but also want Feixiao who also wants her cone...
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Does that mean ZZZ is getting a SF collab? That's fucking disgusting.
I dont like Sunday but main Jing Yuan. This is awful news for me.
Yunli is for Caelus
How am I supposed to self insert as someone so cool?
your SU has been powercrept by DU madam
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By doing 60%+ of the damage in a superbreak team
That actually depends.
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M8 and Moze will do the trick.
Chun-li is basically right at home with the pubsec there
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>We are almost 3/4 into 2024
>he's STILL rolling for huntbricks
When will (you) retards learn? Seele had already fallen off the face of belobog and the only retards still talking about her are the annoyingly loud copers and no one gives a literal shit about Boothill.
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>ZZZ is getting a SF collab
That's kino
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>main Jing Yuan
Thank you. I've actually just been playing Seele, Fu, Silver and Sparkle since it's so easy. But I like Huohuo and I hear Ruan Mei is really good so I want to use both
I'll come back this week, Herta, I'm done with DUmb and yours is faster.
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Why has there been so much powercreep recently?
Because like a firefly to a flame, one day we will wake up from our dreams.
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>Literally Renzokuken
>just want to know about my girl tingyun
Tummy made for cumming on
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If UBW doesn't have Cu or Gil then I'm skipping.
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>Using the tranny EN dub
You get what you fucking deserve.
Oh, I misread. It's only Lingsha's break efficiency, not the team's. That would've been kind of nuts. Still good, but not that big a deal.
He is my most used character. What of it?
Yunli wants houhou or lynx, Lingsha gives her nothing besides healing and cleansing
Same case for Ratio, she has no debuffs at all
Still will probably provide good healing and the best cleansing still, just not the optimal pick
I certainly am enjoying her vibe.
They wouldn't have announced it a year in advance if it was not going to be a big collab like hi3 x eva
Every previous huntbrick was humbled for this very moment: The moment a real Hunt unit released.
Don't care, your tranny robot dies in 2.4 metagoblin
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I'm rolling Fei for the same reason I did for Xueyi. Because she's cool.
So is the model for Fei a hag or a maid?
I clear all content with my Seele team and Ratio+Topaz team
The en va got what they deserved financially too. Seethe.
Hag (forma de serval)
The Acheron of FUA should've been a Stoneheart.
A birb has no business looking so smug
Stelle is the lowest tier female in the cast despite being the MC. She can't even compete with fucking Asta.
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Huntgawds won...
>Same case for Ratio, she has no debuffs at all
Her ult inflict debuff, but it's only 2 turns.
I am getting mixed messages here
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Just going to pretend her FUA is this.
After 2.0 the don't even try anymore
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Stelle unironically can't. Feixiao is too much of a gigaSTACY
She's cool so I roll.
Based and SOVL
hag (forma de Jingliu)
Stonehearts are fake emanators, unlike Xianzhou generals, and it's too early for Diamond to appear.
>Himeko instead of Firefly
You give the biggest femcel aura in the universe.
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Fucking hell bros... I don't think I can skip her after this trailer.... But I probably won't be able to afford her LC.... When did the pistol wielding Sexfox release? I really liked her design too and would hate to miss out on her

Why did you roll for Silver Brick 3 times?
JL uses the maid model
>yumes continue to get nothing and Stelle continues to get mogged by every female in the game
OK I fucking kneel. That ultimate is amazing. I imagine if you mash through the attacks it'll look even better like Acheron.
Where is her FUA animation though? Why do leakers always fucking forget to show full kit?
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>Hoyo will never make another character as good as Boothill ever again
Does Honk Rail even have a futur

>Argenti and Boot
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I was bored
Will Feixiao be the first T0 hunt character?
>Where is her FUA animation though?
It's on Moze's showcase
I do like her and her animations but I already have a well built Clara so I can't really justify rolling her sadly
I also don't have Robin
Bo*thill was zero cycling without a light cone no?
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>Moze's FuA
Why can't Caelus look that cool...
I wish Boothill went with us at the end of the Peniscorny like he did in the fake ending. Swan is the only one that's tagging along now.
Oh yeah I skimmed over that because it's just break stuff but still a debuff
I love Romance manga/novel desu
poorfag here, I have e0 robin and none of the IPC FUA, should i pull for yunli or feixiao?
just beat my dick raw to yunli feet
Looks like I'll be coping with Feixiao Huntmarch Robin Lingsha I guess. Could be worse when it comes to cope teams I suppose.
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what the fuck, I thought you all rolled
Don't listen to anyone that tells you maid. It's very easy to tell. Maid models are more "bouncy" whereas Hag models appear to "glide" in overworld animations. You can just compare Lingsha's jog to Feixiao's and see that they're different.
F, teach the angels how to play hooky
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>SEXxiao stole the "luxurious animations" Midfly was supposed to get
Biggest stacies in the game:
Who else?
Clara is dogshit after they introduced enemies they don't trigger her FuA. Current PF should be amazing for her but instead we get the cancer bugs that don't attack, the violin niggers that only put DoTs and the suicide Xianzhou niggers that only deal damage once killed.
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Just wait for Nihility TB, we are going to get some edgykino animations
Read Otoyomegatari
Seele was T0 when the game was reelased.
It's Yunli/Jiaoqiu/Feixiao/Lingsha so yeeeeeah. I'm in the same boat, no way I'm skipping Yunli, but her cone is not happening.
>isn't the entire point of feet to getting dommed and degraded?
No, it just they go hand in hand often due to the nature of feet
I don't think firefly is a stacy. At least not her demeanour outside of SAM.
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Based make them seethe
Thanks anon. I have a moral obligation to roll hags.
NTA but if I can still clear everything with my Clara faster than my Firefly even with all of that, then I think I'll be fine until EoS
She has a bf though
obsidian is a gigastacy
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uhh what happened to your robin??
>literally copypasted Acheron animations
Shut up IPC scum
So Lingsha is our first FUA healer right? I got a crazy idea here.

This is luocha's LC
Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. After the wearer uses an attack, for each different enemy target the wearer hits, regenerates 3 Energy. Each attack can regenerate Energy up to 3 time(s) this way. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies gain 12 SPD for 1 turn.

If there are 3 targets would Linghsa's ult generate 9+9+5 energy? so about 24 energy with ER rope? and for the following 2 skills 60 energy and if there are 3 targets present for those give her enough energy to get ultimate back up every 2 turns?
I'm skipping yunli
I'm skipping yunli
I'm skipping yunli
I'm skipping yunli
I'm skipping yunli
I'm skipping yunli
you didn't really skip Robin did you?
Being a "Stacy" implies she has multiple guys chasing her. Firefly is only for (you).
I think the problem is that they made her enhanced skill functionally her ultimate, it's something you spam constantly. so instead of being something super flashy and ultimate feeling. you end up with a super premium looking skill that takes a bit too long.
It's inspired by Squall's Lionheart, RETARD. Acheron's is different.
we'll have to see how feixiao works with chinamarch and moze, yunli should be fine with just robin and tingyun
>Doesn’t summon Septimus
>Doesn’t summon Ena
Every day I get less enthused
Firefly isn't a stacy. Who the fuck would think she is a stacy?
Don't forget the explosion at the end is copypasted from boss Sam
Yeah, I know, those were made to shill Yunli and cuck Clara so people would roll
I know full well that Yunli is just better but I can't justify rolling a character for the same element and a really similar playstyle because I'd rather get more variety for fun
Poor Sparkle the pathetic loser, left out of Feixiao's best team...
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I regret wasting so much jades on this brick
>premium looking skill
I'm not really planning on pulling Lingsha and neither do I have Luocha's LC. But if there's one thing I've learned, if you notice any OP combinations before a character's kit is close to finalization, you shut the fuck up. Sometimes they patch it but sometimes they don't noooootice it and release a cheesable character.
Damn, his FUA into Feixiao FUA looks so fucking smooth together.
Topaz, Feixiao and Guinaifen
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if you want to have more energy to spam shit just use post op lmao
>lil Gui has millions of space chinks simping for her on her youtube channel
Correct. She's an actual Stacy unlike Firefly.
the Trends interaction went in just fine, didn't it.
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NTA but I think she'd be a pretty popular normalfag girl in highschool, she's into pretty stereotypical girly fashion stuff so she'd definitely have an easy time making friends her own gender at least. Plus she's really hot and kind and likes super sentai so she'd have boys crushing on her
That isn't what a Stacy is either. Firefly does not embody Stacy energy. Stacy is a mindset, energy, and attitude Firefly's wallpaper like personality does not have.
>super premium looking skill
Her enhanced skill looks like shit it's barely animated at all
Her kit is kinda ass though.
>needs to be the fastest to reset her follow up
>requires 2 attack from teammates to collect a stack, so no one has time to buff her
Sure, Jiaoqueer could work as a debuffer, but we all know he can never compare to any harmony buffer.
>needs to be the fastest to reset her follow up
She has 125 base speed + 5 from traces. If she's not your fastest, you should uninstall.
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I would replace Dan with Boot without a thought.
Bananas how the crew treated Swan like a leper when she stowed away in the MOC mirror though, as if they owed her nothing for saving everyone’s lives over and over in the dream.
Your made up version of Firefly still isn't a Stacy. She is the blandest girl in he game and thus can never be a Stacy. Her being able to turn into a robot does not give her a personality and her shit wings and ugly swords ruin any cool factor she might have gained. Firefly is at best a slightly popular one of the loser girls. Kafka is the Stacy of the SH if I was forced to pick one.
But you actually can't.
>needs to be the fastest to reset her follow up
She is naturally super fast and has action advance with her skill
>requires 2 attack from teammates to collect a stack
Hardly a problem in FuA teams
are we really gonna get starburst stream??? Really??? Its literally 16 hits if you count the dual blade strike as 2.
How do you get 9 twice?
She’s doing the “You are courting death” meme
ultimate is an attack that pushes up the rabbit. and talent (rabbit) is a separate attack.
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What's deal with all the comments I see on Feixiao's Video of her being better than Firefly?
[HSR 2.5v1] Character Banner Names

This could change in later versions, like in 2.4
Feixiao: Stormrider's Bolt
Lingsha: Let Scent Sink In
Does the rabbit give her energy though?
I don't have JY or Topaz.
HomDGCat doesn't list energy gen of the FUA in the site.
no talent give energy unless it kills stuff, but the lc should not care if it gives energy or not. its just counting if you attack an enemy and how many.
We will have to wait for someone to test it then.
the ultimate looks goofy

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