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Previous: >>488189843

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer β€” "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv0CA4L-Jtg [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M6zQOnVB9I [Embed]
>Jade Trailer β€” "A Collection of Desires"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSjczeQfOZs [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvD_8cMelAw [Embed]
>Myriad Celestia Trailer β€” "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez87fOmla8g [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxp4Ugs-LKI [Embed]

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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My girlfriend is so cute
Why does Fei Xiao have 3* tier animations?
>characters are gonna be restricted to certain positions in the team in the future
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Post Yunli funds
man thats a trashy op if i ever saw one
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Retards like you should never bake
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So what's the current cope for the Topaz skippers?
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Is this cone literally any good on anyone. Wtf?
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More like Huohuo funds
chink march and moze
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My ex-wife!
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Its over
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I have 350 rolls saved up but I will only get E0S0.
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>even has an overkill protection
Horrid banner timings so I couldn't get the units she wants
Around 6k jades, 50 pity, 50/50. If I get it, nice. If I don't, then I save.
>confirmed that we'll be forced to put each party member in a certain position
it's joever...
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Still not rolling for FuAkeks
How much does Lingsha heal? Is it enough for non break teams? I want a brickbundance limited but I know break teams don't need that much healing so she might be scuffed for others.
Nanoha Mitsuki, Moze, Yunli. Topaz is dogshit anyway.
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who might these be?
>kill the totel
With who? Bailu, HMC or Ruan Mei? Firefly never gets to attack Argenti's totems before they shield him up. Acheron has no such issue.
FUA is terrible, worst playstyle ever, I haven't even built Herta/Himeko or Ratio and I still clear PF effortlessly.
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They were warned.
it's literally bad on everyone
I'm skipping
3.0 banners?
Maybe 3.0 will be the HP manipulation meta
Shit like this is why having Gallagher build is a good thing, you could open the 2nd phase with Gallagher ult -> EBA and then break argenti.
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Was that shitty trailer supposed to make me like Yunli when she assaulted when of the only space China characters I like? Fucking cunt needs to be put down like a dog.
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Remember when people were doomposting Acheron and Firefly?

cum in clara
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I haven't rolled for a single 5* male since the game came out.
Now that the dust has settled, Moze status?
Post frogs
Unironically unusable at E0 lol
I'm sorry I skipped you for Jingliu
I can't believe Sussy Shang is fucking dead
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Do you guys like really young girls?
>Yunli the Gaia
What new characters want Top Ass?
>Only replace Ratio
>no IPCkino
Yeah I'm gonna skip the hag
Dogshit already, will get further nerfs on beta v2. Stay tuned for the femcel melty on the leak subreddit.
All of them
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I also have 3k of the dupe currency
Feixiao feels like someones self insert OC
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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What is the appeal of feet?
>Want Lingsha because she and Firefly are sex.
>Want Feixiao because Topaz is super sex but is also a debt collector.
What to do...
I hope Sushang dying becomes a running joke
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Don't worry she gets revived
>femcel melty on the leak subreddit.
That place of all places becoming this game’s fujo/femcel haven is so bizarre.
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Getting her and her light cone, plus maybe fofo? It's going to be unrealistic but I'll try
Sex with this 142.2cm gambler! No protection, go big or go home!
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
>Constance in 3.0
That would kill me after rolling for Lingsha Feixiao and Ting
Sunk cost! my Jingliu is better anyway lol!
Get a real job, one that makes you at least 80k a year. If you're a third worlder and have skills, move to a better country. If you have no skills unironically end your pitiful existence
Feet are pretty intimate since you would rarely see them unless you're close to person or at a gas station at 2am but I digress
Little girl feet are even more intimate since you'll rarely see them as clean, youthful, and uncalloused unless you're VERY close or related to them
Tl;dr feet are hot
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I recorded an example clear in case any one of you wants to give me actual criticism on my builds and playstyle instead of just shitting on me kek
I actually improved my clear from 10 cycles to 9 cycles in this run, which is nice.
Pic related are my most important characters' builds.
Clear clip here: https://streamable.com/flv7sk
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>you would rarely see them
Just go to the beach?
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Nothing to look forward to...
Hotass will continue to be nerfed for having a penis
Might get a buff to that buffs feixiao more tho
God, I wish I had Acheron as my maid. She would constantly forget where to put things or where she left my stuff, and I'd need to step in and discipline this good for nothing maid (sexually).
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- HSR 2.4 Jade Count -
Tickets (20)
>Gift of Oddysey: 10
>Ember Shop: 10 (August & September)

Jade from non regular sources (3,745)
>Main Event: 1200
>Mini Event #1: 500
>Mini Event #2: 500
>Character Trial: 80 (Yunli, Huohuo, Jiaoqiu, Sparkle)
>New Map: 895 (Chests + Puzzles)
>Achievements: 230 (No gacha locked achievements)
>Trailblaze Continuance: 240
>Yunli Character Quest: 100

Jade from mailbox/web events (1,180)
>Maintenance: 300
>Bugfixes: 300
>Stream codes: 300
>Misc. Codes: 100
>Hoyolab: 80
>Web Event: 100

Jade from regular sources (3,810)
>Daily training, 41 days: 2,460
>Simulated Universe, 6 weeks: 1,350

Jade from endgame (2400)
>Each endgame reset is 800 Jade

Total Jade: 11,135
Total Tickets: 20
Total Pulls: 70 + 20 (90)
Total Pulls (Express Pass + BP): ~120
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Real girls become ugly after 17 so yes
>146 rolls now
>120 rolls in 2.4 (skip patch)
>Maybe 120 rolls in 2.5
Feixiao, Lingsha and their LCs won't escape me.
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What do other Acheron-frens think about Feixiao?
She looks like a core for Hunt just like Ack is a core for Nihility. Very fast and very big solo-target damage. Also a E2 bait and perhaps is optimal with triple Hunt team just like Acheron in triple Nihility, Harmonyless.
is this real? I thought we're only getting 90
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I don't really care since I'm skipping
>*Heavily* shipbait
She could play the game alone and id still skip
she'll be the premiere wind dps for a year or so
We ARE getting 90, the 120 is for people who pay express + bp
She lacks Acheron self DMG% up, she's kinda bad if you run three harmonies because the super high mods arent being roided by anything.
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But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do
Not really. Main active mod is a classical pro LGTV+ mentally ill advocate while also playing the victim on any changes to male characters. Frequently posts on the husbandos subreddit and is mod for a kpop rant subreddit. Christ.

There is also other mod that has pronouns on profile and literally posts to tranny subreddits.

What did you expect for that place to become?
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I have Jade already thanks
Do I really need 160spd on sparkle or I can just cope with 157
Shangshang ga shinda!
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they're gonna give us another for (you) girl in amphoreus and then make her fall in love with another male in the next patch
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>position on the team is now important

This will be the new meta.
I guarantee you some enemies will exclusively target certain positions too.
Some of the actual spergs here can barely go to the grocery store twice a month and you expect them to go to a public beach
Cameramen hands typed this
If you're a poorfag, do not comment or discuss Lingsha.
Your plebeain takes are annoying to read.
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Not as kissable as Acheron but I will be rolling.
That's gonna be annoying since I position around cleave.
It's rare but still it punishes a good habit.
>op for ants
Just when I thought Firefly spammers couldn’t be more retarded
>JQ Needs E2S1 to be good outside acheron
"bad unit, unusable at e0s0"
>Lingsha needs E1S1 to be even remotely good in Firefly team
"yes master hoyo, i will give you my wallet"
Beaches are cringe. Too many shirtless homos walking around.
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It's already a thing anyways.
I don't think that kit is surviving the beta
At E2S1 she gets an ult every 6 ally attacks with 1180% ATK scaling and 54% DEF ignore
Trying to shill a character be excluding people is a really odd strategy
Fireflyslurpers are fucking retarded
Don't expect much, she's atk scaling but if you build atk (or in her case BE%) you'll probably have to sacrifice SPD and/or Multiplication
She needs 250% BE to get max ATK/OGH conversion, and with 2500 atk and 20% OGH her skill should be healing for something around 800 HP and 600 HP on FUA
The cone is 100% being nerfed, everything else eh, at e2 you already destroy everything with the other premium dps, i'd rather have them balance e0 so it doesnt feel like shit to play or is permalocked to Topaz.
Needs way too much investment for me to care
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>Sees a bare chested man
>Immediately has gay thoughts
I'm skipping for the sneak. I need her for my wife
I will always remember Acheron
I rolled both E0S0 day 1 and I got way more mileage out my Jingliu
Topaggy comes out once in a blue moon to cheese the FUA MoCs
>Lingpaz and Bunny
>suddenly brings up an unrelated homo
Go back gigger
It’s the Cartman β€œyou can’t come” method
Can someone translate it?
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Use Clara, Topaz and Robin on second side, got 2 cycles faster with that than with Acheron. The dot nigger sucks, but Topaz can kill that. And Clara counters Argenti, since he has so many AoEs. Especially relevant since your Acheron team kinda sucks against him. DoTeron is kinda a meme since it has massive SP issues, especially when you also have FX taking SP. Pela+SW would be better, since it can also implant lightning weakness. But you lack SW. I feel like taking 4 cycles with that Firefly is a bit too much, you could probably do it in 2 with E6 HTB and Gallagher. At least your FX has trend, that is good. For builds, Welt cone feels wrong on Kafka, but don't know when GNSW is actually better. Real strange thing is that your Kafka is fast and BS is slow, normally is the other way around. Also think your Firefly could improved, especially your head slot. Hands could also be better, since both have guaranteed mainstats they should be upgradable. Rope only has correct main stat, but getting atk% substat is more difficult than improving head and hand.
> instead of just shitting on me kek
Happy now?
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It's not that much though. For the full power you need 12 stacks. I'm not exactly sure how this really calculates, but unless the enemy is broken (it won't be) each stack only seems to deal 85% dmg?
Her kit and even ult animations look way too similar to Acheron’s so I’m not really impressed. I also don’t like FuA so meh
Kek. Instead of E-rank luck, she has E-rank intelligence.
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The Yunli trailer features the "Subscribe for More!" lightcone, with Yunli breaking the stone slab on top of Sus that Gui was supposed to break with that hammer, for her YouTube videos.
This proves that lightcones can showcase future events. So my theory is that we're going to see the events of the "Return to Darkness" lightcone happen during 2.4 when Xueyi "dies" to the escaping borisin. Can't wait to see schizo mode Hanya!
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You pick between 2 attack during ult, you can switch from one to the other.
Ideally you always land the "Unbroken" / "Broken" bonus dmg which makes the nuke do 840% – 1680 of her ATK (6/12)
I think the point is that Lingsha needs E1S1 to be good outside of FF teams, because on FF team the only thing she needs to be better than Gallagher is E1 FF
How many hours until i can pull for yunli in America server?
>you've been looking this way the whole time...what is it?
>heheheh...it's nothing
If Redman/shirou becomes playable his ult would be like that too
Is Lingsha good for Firefly or can I skip her? I really dont want to roll for more then E0 since FF and RM have taken everything I had
>Can't wait to see schizo mode Hanya!
I love how omnius her vocie gets when shes mumbling in her idle and in that lightcone
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>be a borisin leader
>commit 10 (TEN) "Unpardonable Sins"TM
What the fuck did they do? What counts as "unpardonable"?
Ok? That's a janky requirement to play around but it's whatever I guess
Is feixiao broken beyond belief for at least two patches? I want to start during her banner
As a damage amp at E0 vs E6 Gallagher she's just 8% better, and thats not even mentioning that she slurps SP so E0 Firefly is out of the rule, and her toughness nuke capabilities are worse too, you can save gallagher ult for wave 2 -> ult -> eba and do a shitton of toughness damage, Lingsha doesn't even get to do that.
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I've been using this team in DU and it's pretty fun
It's E2, you're already paying premium to make the game easier to who cares
They might nerf her S1, but like the other anon said I'd prefer them balance her around not feeling clunky/awful to play at E0 if you don't have Topaz+Lingsha to max feed her stacks
Surely auto will handle this one.... right?

Anyways, her e0 really feels like a wind Ratio, but unlike Ratio who needs e4 to become OP with 2 turn ults, she "only" needs e2. Plus she doesn't care about debuff amounts.
Our time has come Bladebros, they'll release a support for us this time
Hi camera guy
God that sounds very bad. I get why they call them brickbundance.
Caliburn NP release
Nine Lives Blade Works

On another note, once they come around Yunli will be sword autism creeped by them
I'm serious...
Only if you have FF at E1 cause she's an SP hog
And even then, since she scales with attack unlike Gallagher that scales with break, her damage is probably nothing special in super break
Overall, "better" but nothing special
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Camera patch...camera event
She's custom made for Firefly, don't think she's gonna be that good in other teams.
>Pela+SW would be better, since it can also implant lightning weakness. But you lack SW.
I do have SW and Pela, they're just lvl 70. I used that team last MoC to clear Argenti in 3 cycles, but that took probably 20+ restarts and DoTcheron is way more consistent without needing restarts.
>you could probably do it in 2 with E6 HTB and Gallagher.
I'm strugglign to keep up with the story and events by doing them on the last weekend before the patch, so I doubt I'll ever get E6 HTB. E4 might be possible? Too much exploration. I still haven't even remotely full cleared the first 3 planets, and still have tons of sidequests remaining even in Herta's Space Station. I could build Gallagher if I ever figured out where his boss materials are lmao clicking on the map to locate them shows me a map I've never been to and without any unlocked teleport markers...
> Welt cone feels wrong on Kafka, but don't know when GNSW is actually better. Real strange thing is that your Kafka is fast and BS is slow, normally is the other way around.
It is what it is, regarding the speeds. That's just what their builds turned out after months of farming that cavern. My GNSW is S2 or so.
>Also think your Firefly could improved
Oh yeah definitely. She's way too slow and has way too few usable substats. I've been having 0 luck farming her cavern, but I'll be stuck there for a few more months thanks to Yunli and Feixiao, so I might get something better eventually.
>Why does life slumber?
>Because someday... We will wake from our Dream!
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No matter where I go, I just can't get away from this cunt.
Alright then, I like her design so If I also like her personality and story I will roll for her otherwise I'll keep saving. Thank you
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Its camera time!!!
1. Tax evasion.
It means get outta bed sleepy bones, we got a universe to trailblaze!
>Sword autism
>Food autism
Shes Redman's illegitimate daughter
Isn't that already a thing?
I usually put DPS slot 1, buffer/debuffer slot 2 and 3 or 4, sustainer always slot 4 if shielder slot 3 for AoE attack.
I think that her arms are too thin. For a fucking general she needs to put on some meat.
Luofu goddamn flopped
Yes? You proved my point exactly? She's marginally better, but better there in her best team, so outside of it she's not even worth consideration if you're not going for the def ignore and bonus damage+vuln from E1S1
She also brings more total super break damage that wasn't considered for the 8%
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>Feixiao's ult does a whole bunch of generic slashes and finishes it with a rasengan
Is this what peak is supposed to be?
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And that's a GOOD thing. Every character that can crit in any kind of way will meet my Sparkle at some point. And they will like it.
Still looks better than Firefly lol
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Have sushang and march interacted? They sound like they'd be instant besties
YanKING can teach Yunli about swordsmanship
Meanwhile I teach her about how to be sexually active
Surprisingly, raping Foxians is not one of them.
She scales with Break too dumbass
In fact, you want 250% BE on Lingsha which feels bad because f2p will need Gallagher LC on her for that meaning you'll lose Multiplication
In the ghost event
where is my promised kafka skin?
>Is feixiao broken beyond belief for at least two patches?
In MoC/AS/PF? Should be.
>I want to start during her banner
Why? Are you going to reroll?
If you're not just start now, get a starter account and be set for life.
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Bros I'm finally going to have my first limited wind dps in 6 weeks! I'm so fucking excited bros!
>E6 S5
how many times did you refresh mines for that chest piece
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>I used that team last MoC to clear Argenti in 3 cycles, but that took probably 20+ restarts and DoTcheron is way more consistent without needing restarts.
Okay, didn't really test Dotcheron against him. Only really use that in PF, prefer Pela+SW for MoC.
>I still haven't even remotely full cleared the first 3 planets, and still have tons of sidequests remaining even in Herta's Space Station.
Would prioritize Penacony then, if you have limited time. Also, chests and birds give a lot, and with a map probably have a low time investment. I was able to max the statue with most 2.1 content and the 2.2 main quest, so now with 2.3 it should be even easier. Also, E2 TB includes the free one you get, so wtf you literally don't have any from the statue.
>his boss materials
Literally the same as Acheron and you have her maxed. Or are you talking about his trace drops? Then do the ghosthunter event, it should unlock early on in that quest.
>That's just what their builds turned out after months of farming that cavern.
Didn't you post your builds before? I vaguely remembering having this conversation before. But yeah, it sucks. But would still try at some point to improve BS speed.
Also, use Clara. I was really amazed at how well she did, since it's Yunli shilling buff and Clara works the same.
That's without Outgoing Healing chest, but using that will probably make her quite fragile, it's obvious higher with outgoing healing chest
March and Moze > Topag anyways for Feixiao teams.
But firefly already has gallagher who is custom built for her?
it's "peak" you wouldn't get it
You dream to set goals and to rest, but it's not real. So you wake up to make your dreams a reality.
Sparkle is a bit of a pathetic loser. I wonder if she'll piss off more people on the Luofu.
>She's custom made for Firefly
For E1 Firefly maybe, but E0 can't even use her because of SP issues.
Bros how long until 2.5 patch? I NEED Feixiao ASAP.
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>Yunli the reddit
>running along side Fofo the reddit
>first half is literally a reddit banner
>2nd half is banner featuring a male brick for ACK teams
>We all get March 8th anyways from playing the event
Why did they make the next patch so easy to skip? What was the plan here?
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Sex with Firefly and then sex with Silver Wolf
That's just calling for Lingchud getting 1 shot webms like with Luocha
40 days
>because f2p will need Gallagher LC on her
No you don't.
Trace + 2pc BE relic + Watchmaker ult (HTB) + RM Passive + HTB E4 + HTB ult + Forge
37.3 + 16 + 30 + 20 + 50 + 30 + 40 = 223
You only need 27% from Substats
>year 2 of HSR
>my slot 3 dps is better than your slot 3 dps
I ideologically refuse to roll for IPC jews, no kaka and no pigfucker
Fatxiao/Moze/Chink March/who here?
Also is Lingsha and Fatxiao the only mandatory must pull powercreep chinks?
42 days, you know you can just google it right? "How many days until september 10"
You spend 5 hours talking about dream escapism with Sunday and Robin and somehow still don't get it? Do you need another bird story?
I mean the ascension materials. If they're the same as Firefly, then I got Firefly's from early access and never found the map?
I'll keep the rest of the things in mind, and yeah apparently we did have the conversation before. I remember an anon telling me some weeks ago that my Kafka and Swan should swap speeds.
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>42 days
It's over...
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Yunli & Jiaoqiu & March china 4 star
Feixiao & Lingsha & Moze 4 star
New SU expansion
Screwllum & Stephen lloyd trust the plan
I dont get it, why are they starting at her?
She can't even powercreep a 4 star
Firefly's EN VA really cannot pull off yelling the Sam lines in battle, she sounds like she's going to cry
Where's your Robin?
Sustain is whoever if not Aven.
>Also is Lingsha and Fatxiao the only mandatory must pull powercreep chinks?
Only the latter at the moment, Lingsha is only a bit better than Gallagher.
Wait for further changes in beta to see if Lingsha is worth rolling or not.
Gallagher for E0 FF, Lingsha for E1 Firefly. Soon she'll get a custom build support for her E2.
>refuse to pull IPC
>going to pull Feixiao btw
>If they're the same as Firefly
Yeah they are the same, but it should just be in an 2.1 area. The mini city from Aventurine pov. Just track it and you should easily find it.
>I remember an anon telling me some weeks ago that my Kafka and Swan should swap speeds.
Kek while nice to see you again. Will keep suggestion you swap them then until you actually do it.
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Bit unrelated but HSR + ZZZ is truly the perfect gacha game combo
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>some anon says he' never rolling for chinkshit
>pulled Fu Xuan and HuoHuo
>Where's your Robin?
I do have Robin but I thought Feixiao's FUA is slow as shit so Robin isn't usable without Aventurine/Topaz
Who do you kick out for Robin, March or the assassin dude
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>Rolling for Ratio cone paid off
ZZZ is fucking dogshit.
Hopefully no Screwllum in 2.6. Im gonna empty my stash on Feixiao banner, hopefully Screwllum will be delayed a little bit more. Duck boy can be 4 idc.
I saved this
Rent free
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imagine the smell...
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Feixiao is going to hit even harder than Acheron
Either way is fine but I think March is better, not to mention guaranteed E6.
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Are footbros really exited for Yunli?
>Topazcone can stack
Wait for real?
WuWa is better
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I'm waaatching
why are we not traveling to zhuming?? why is everything taking place in luofo still??
>Acheron so good they finally made Acheron 2.0 in a better path.
Lmaoing at the E2 rollers now KEK
Can I prefarm M8?
>in a better path.
>fucking 60
>not 600
>not 160
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I do NOT regret rolling Ratio's cone
HSR+AzurProm+NTE you mean
The actual reason? Devtime may only be alloted for new planets so the bulk of the hsr dev team is working on 3.0
The in-game reason? The wardance is being held in the xianzhou as an excuse to visit Hoolay and a political talk of JY/Feixiao/Huaiyan, the entire wardance is just a smokescreen.
I forgot. Generally speaking, do we like or hate the Luofu now?
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That's less than half a pull
Absolutely. She's going to be a must roll for AS

>not getting both

>+ ZZZ
Not a day furryturd skip come in unrelated generals to cope with their life choices.
Imagine what is going to happen when Acheron forma de la DestrucciΓ³n releases.
We hate
>muh immortality is bad
>Feixiao Robin Marzo Gallagher
>deport Lingsha to my Firefly team
Good or not?
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Artist note say that despite complaining she was pretty exited to come to the beach. Basically they are grinning at her being tsundere
What Firefly needs more than anything are teammates that helps her break faster and right now Lingsha E1 breaks slower than E6 Gallagher. Her toughness bar damage at E1 is barely ahead of E0 Gallagher. They seriously need to adjust her toughness bar damage because the current values are ass.
Lingsha is better with Feixiao
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You mean HSR and FGO
Acheron powercrept after 2 patch..
>better path
Reminder Acheron was originally Hunt before she was changed to Nihility
>They need to make one of the strongest teams in the game more overpowered
No, it's fine if limited units are simply on par with existing ones and you can build teams by pulling who you like, actually
…and since Luofu contains all of that, we don’t like it, r-right?
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How would you build your wife, Marchbros? Crit or BE?
I play all three hoyogames dessu
If it sucks next update we say it always sucked and comfy ghost hunter fun was a fluke and we'll never see it again.
If it's good we say some schizo theory about how the quintet writer permanently got the boot and it's recovered and become kino.
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BASED and truthpilled. Fuck Genshin btw.
but I liked the side events like aurum alley and ghosthunting squad
She's going to warm my bench
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How do we save Abundance?
Is March 8 going to be a good support for Feixiao?
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>my topaz is only E0S0
I should have rolled more...I should have stopped listening to kafkapags and now I'm stuck with an E1S1 Kafka instead of Topaz. AH THEY REALLY GOT ME WITH THE "KAFKA WILL BE FUTUREPROOF" BUT IT'S ACTUALLY TOPAZ DAMNIT!!
She's shit for Firefly and doesn't do much unless you get her eidolons. The most important thing for FF is to break the enemy faster because you're dealing 0 damage to unbroken enemies and Lingsha is much worse than Gallagher at this. Her kit is very underwhelming, I don't know what they were thinking. Hopefully they buff her.
>believing baseless rumors
auto heal on hit with fat buffs
E1 5* breaks slower than E6 4*
>This is fine!
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Would you help this nerd from being a third wheel?
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Why is 2.5 fillerslop?
No she wasn't lol she's been a nihility character ever since the devkit dropped
I just want to start during a meta character banner so I don't have to slog through normal content with standard shit
If it's between Yunli and Feixiao the latter seems like safer bet right? (unless she gets nerfed heavily)
>Lingsha is much worse than Gallagher at this.
They literally mentioned it in the anni stream retardbro
Damage and farming wise I know it's not very optimal but the 25% action advance on the Eagle set sounds actually pretty good for Feixiao
waifus are sexx but the game is boring af
>meta character banner
The only meta character is Ruan Mei. Anything else is just flavor of the month slop to be replaced in 2 patches lmao
Feixiao is 100% the meta pick. Yunli is a counter character which is a very niche playstyle.
Because they need to give Natlan the spotlight. Mihoyo never let their games clash with each other
March 8 is core on all teams bro
Feixiao needs other limited characters, she is meta for spenders/longtime players, not nufags.
>I just want to start during a meta character banner so I don't have to slog through normal content with standard shit
You're still going to slog through normal content regardless of who you have though.
Starter account exist if you want to use non-standard characters anyway.
>If it's between Yunli and Feixiao the latter seems like safer bet right? (unless she gets nerfed heavily)
>farmed all of this
>Now skipping yunli for feixiao
Let them overheal people up to 150% of their original HP, with the excess HP bleeding off over time on their turns
>Isn't this basically a shield though
Yes, and that's hoyo's fault, you can't balance both at the same time so they need to just make healing work like shields
Kafka is still pretty good though, and if any DOT gets released again she’ll be needed.
It sounds fun at least.
Feixiao works pretty well with Moze, March 8th and whichever sustain.
I am skipping Yunli because Feixiao has bigger numbers...
Probably full crit
I’ve been insanely busy this week and haven’t been keeping up but, Yunli shows her feet, right?
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Shaoji is a master storyteller, teasing 2.2 all the way from 2.0....
Kafka still have use in Dot buff stage. Now imagine if someone fall for Silver wolf is future proof meme lmao
>The only meta character is Ruan Mei. Anything else is just flavor of the month slop to be replaced in 2 patches lmao
You're not even right.
Acheron, DHIL, FUA teams doesn't use her.
Only DOT and Firefly use her, and DOT will replace her in a heartbeat once they get a proper DOT support Harmony.
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>duke is fine too
Man I'm so happy I farmed that dungeon for 2 months
>still have use in Dot buff stage.
And when was the last one?
RetardGOD, fully deserved
Yes. A lot.
>no Robin or at least Sparkle
If works pretty well means cope with, then yes.
>60 toughness BA+ult+EBA combo
>x1.2 at E6, x1.7 with Banjo for the total of 102
>complete debuff immunity

>skill+ult+fua: 45 toughness
>x1.5 with Banjo for the total of 67.5
>get stunned
>Now imagine if someone fall for Silver wolf is future proof
Haha.. yea
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you could level up your misha bro?
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Unrelated, but I saw someone on previous threads asking where they could get THAT series of Japanese novels and since they didn't seem to be aware you need to buy them I'll drop the avenpaz one here
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What set does she want? At least 250 BE I know but what else? Stack attack?
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>skipped every single sustainer, coping with Gepard and Gallagher still
>"surely one of the chinks will be broken beyond belief, it's chinkland, they'll be meta breaking"
>Lingsha is shit
Both March and Lynx who are f2p, work much better with Yunli, all you need is a Tingyun and you are good.
Yeah I'm thinking Feixiao won BIGLY
why would you need more than e0s0
feixiao just want the vuln and the stacks
Yeah, the trailer especially had a lot of shots of her feet.
We literally told you abundance is all bricks. It's why preservation is much harder to come by.
does Feixiao basically just replace Ratio in a Topaz team? I’m sick of using him so if she does I’ll pull.
Who gives a shit about maxing a healing passive in a break team.
Is Blades signature LC any good as a cope option on Yunli?
Yes. >>488249247
I'm rolling fofo
Yes she straight up power creeps him.
>>60 toughness BA+ult+EBA combo
ST beside ult.
>>x1.2 at E6, x1.7 with Banjo for the total of 102
Most people don't have him at E6.
>>complete debuff immunity
Stop lying, you still need to give him some ER.
>someone gets stunned
>forced to use skill and stops generating SP and contributing on breaking/damage

>>skill+ult+fua: 45 toughness
All AoE.
>>get stunned
Good thing the rabbit has cleanse.
If you get stunned with a fucking break team that means skill issue.
lingsha has a similar opener since ff triggers the fua from the passive
Hell yeah she does
Bro, you just had Fu rerun recently and FoFo is next.
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Bringing sexy back
She is better than both of those
She's literally useless outside of break teams.

That Topaz damage is freaking sad.
>everyone already talking shit about Lingsha
Firefly was pretty recent too, stop embarrassing yourselves any further.
Can someone explain Feixiao's kit and which supports she wants? I'm retarded.
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>Look at the new leaked animations
>Space Nuwa doesn't turn into a snek
It's really over...
The entire dream twist was not only foreshadowed by Misha, but also because there was a bird in the hotel lobby. It disappears when you finish 2.2
>saving for abundancebrick
bro, it's the worst path for a reason. literally offers nothing apart from worse clear times
Does it account for the damage increase she provides for others? Seems really low.
Basic skill deals damage and advances foward Feixiao action by a bit.

Ult works like Acheron, you need 6 points to trigger and you can have up to 12 points, you start the battle with 5 (4+1) points, you gain a point per 2 ally attacks, if there are NO teammates she'll receive 1 point each time she takes turn.
Upon casting the ult each attack will consume 1 point, you can select between two attacks, one will deal more damage to broken enemies whilst the other will deal more damage to unbroken enemies.
When all Points are consumed Feixiao does a final attack that deals more damage if the enemy is broken.
All attacks during the ult ignore weakness type and consume the enemy toughness, additionally WBE is increased by 100% if the enemy is unbroken.
If the enemy HP reaches 0 and you've spent more than 6 points Feixiao will keep the surplus points and will launch the final attack.
All damage during this state is considered FUA.

Each time an ally attacks Feixiao will launch a FUA to the same target, this refreshes each time Feixiao takes turn.

Sustain: Gallagher, Lingsha or Aventurine
SubDPS: Moze, Martch 7th [Hunt] or Topaz
Harmony: Bronya, Sparkle or Robin
Feixiao: Feixiao
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I'm not rolling for Lingsha because she isn't a snek.
Simple as.
shes basically topaz+acheron
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In awe
You want fast attacking supports like Topaz/Moze/March to charge up her fua and passive which in turn lets you do shitload of damage with your ult.
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She has no energy. She gets ult charge for every 2 attacks teammates perform (1 for 1 at E2). She does FUA when a teammate attacks, once per one of her turns. So just pair her with fast teammates that attack often ie. FUA users like Topaz, E1 Jade etc. So also has highest speed in the game by a large margin and action forward on skill so she goes faaast.
You can also use her in FuA teams, and outside of these teams she is still better than those 2 when it comes to sustaining
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i'll never understand why they give anything less than 160, also if you win your account is king seeded
I would let her join
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>2.4 and 2.5 are full of snoozefest chinkslop
It's over for star rail, isn't it?
What killed it, I wonder?
FUA teams won't survive with her meager healing.
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>there was a bird in the hotel lobby. It disappears when you finish 2.2
So with current kit is Feixiao on par with Acheron?
Fuck no
She's an enabler, half of feixchingchong's damage is actually from topaz
Consider that in a MOC setting(most popular setting to begin with) that the opener only happens on wave 1 and having that frontloaded toughness damage in wave 1 doesn't really matter in the end. What matters is wave 2 where that no longer occurs. On Wave 2 you often need to ult immediately so Gallagher can take out a huge chunk of toughness before FF's first turn. In this scenario ult+EBA = 50 without efficiency boosting buffs. Lingsha's own version of this would be ult+FUA = 35 without efficiency boosting buffs.

Not hard to see that E1 Lingsha is behind E6 Gallagher. E1 Lingsha is barely ahead of E0 Gallagher. E0 Lingsha is just simply worse at this point.
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>What killed it, I wonder?
I got Jade Also Harmonous Choir Is bullshit. I managed to beat It by using Bailu for healing to resist damage, McH, Asta and Serval. I had to ignore the Choir and getting shields from boss

I really Hope there are no more insane bosses like him.
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>ST beside ult.
The most important thing is breaking a big boss before he starts doing his cancerous shit or protects his toughness like Yanqing.
>Most people don't have him at E6.
Not an argument. If you rolled for FF you should have him at E6. He was also in several selectors.
>Stop lying, you still need to give him some ER.
How's that a requirement? He literally gets 78% effect res for free.
>forced to use skill and stops generating SP and contributing on breaking/damage
Good thing you need FF E1 for Lingsha anyway so SP is not an issue and using skill generates more energy which is also good for breaking.
>All AoE.
See the first point. Breaking shitter mobs doesn't matter, big boss is the one who's important.
>Good thing the rabbit has cleanse.
80 speed.

Does she? Gallagher can ult on his first turn if you use skill or have Banjocone. Lingsha has to wait for her second turn to get enough energy.
Not that anon but the devs little said it in the anniversary stream.
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should've just joined in. Firefly won't oppose to any 3some stuff only if it's with SW
>I really Hope there are no more insane bosses like him.
So you’d rather the game be brain dead easy? What’s the point of even playing if it ends up like that?
Feixiao/March/Robin/Lingsha sounds like a stupidly overpowered comp
Snek bros....
I just saw the leaks....
But damn the fox hag is cool... I wonder if I should pull her or not
>if there are NO teammates she'll receive 1 point each time she takes turn
this must be a mistranslation. I assume she gains 1 charge every time it's her turn.
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Is Linghsa better for FuA over aventurine in any scenario?
>Feixiao Moze M8 Lingsha

This will be the meta team for the next ~6 months, you rike?
do you have topaz and kekurine?
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>I'm not asking you to roll Lingsha
>I order you to
Just get both like me I need to win 1 50/50 for that though

No, it's correct.
It's just a failsafe in case you run her alone or everyone else in the team dies, it barely matters.
Topaz would be the meta pick though.
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>months of chinkslop
For the last time, Sunday, no one cares about your dead bird.
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This whole no snake body thing really shows some of you are delusional
>Muh shadow
What a joke.
Depends how fast her rabbit is. But she's for sure BiS for break focused FuA like Feixiao and Mose.
The rabbits are slow as fuck and if you wanna AA them Lingsha becomes SP negative. Maybe in a CC heavy fight, but even then you can try luckshitting with Aventurine's Eff res
I need mommy so no
Is it true that abundance is a brick? I was about to roll for Huohuo...
E6 moze > topag
I only have sigga.
I have 11K gems and I'm 50 into pity, I need Lingsha for my Firefly so I won't skip her but if I lose the 50/50 I won't have enough to get the fox.
When is Kafka rerun?
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Kinda demoralized
Nothing to look forward to in months
>The most important thing is breaking a big boss before he starts doing his cancerous shit or protects his toughness like Yanqing.
Firefly can do it herself.
>Not an argument. If you rolled for FF you should have him at E6.
Mine is E1 and I only got 2 of him, it's absolutely a legit argument.
>He was also in several selectors.
Not worth taking before HTB was playable.
>How's that a requirement? He literally gets 78% effect res for free.
Yes and where are you going to get 22% from? Your ass?
>Good thing you need FF E1 for Lingsha anyway so SP is not an issue and using skill generates more energy which is also good for breaking.
Not even related, you don't need E1 FF for Gallagher, which is the main reason why people say Gallagher is better.
>See the first point. Breaking shitter mobs doesn't matter, big boss is the one who's important.
It matters in PF, Gallagher is trash there, Lingsha isn't.
>80 speed.
20% and 100% AA, and again, skill issue if you get CC'd with a Break team.

>Lingsha has to wait for her second turn to get enough energy.
FF using skill to charge energy will trigger Lingsha's FUA immediately.
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I don't get why Yunli is barefeet at Luofu of all places. What if one of the foxians just decided to give into their primal instincts and take a shit on the floor like the dog n*ggas that they are? Not so funny being shoeless huh Yunlikeks.
Biggest waste of jades you can commit
>powercrept by Firefly
>powercrept by a chink bootleg
Acheron status?
yes abundance units have the personality of a brick.
>homotranny better than girl
this is not gayshin, xis
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Moze also instantly loses his gimmick if there are no other allies in the team.
My schizo theory is that they are planning to add characters that doesn't want a full team, or actively takes themselves out of combat. Funnily enough, we do actually have a super early barebones datamine of such a character that kills themselves to heal others.
who knows
that's why I need the most I can
>Depends how fast her rabbit is
80 speed
literally worse than lightning lard
What about your birthday bro?
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>all the kino animation budget was spent on the tranny
nyooo my lingsha animations....boring
>Feixiao: Feixiao
What if I don't have Feixiao, is there a replacement I can use for that slot?
worse than Gepard yikes
Past it
Yes, correct, there's no more animation budget for Lingsha, she'll glide along the ground in a T pose for every skill basic and ult.
Agreed, I wish she had a snek transformation...
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So, since I have nothing else to farm atm should I get to farming relic sets for Feixiao? Which ones does she want? Valourous + Duran or Salsotto?
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Your honest thoughts and feelings? Would it be worth to sactifice 5% crit rate and 7% atk for 20% crit damage?
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she is coming back. Stronger. And with more tails.
That's a feixiao team bro
If you're asking for FUA core
It's always going to be Topaz+Robin+Aventurine and then the main damage driver is Ratio, March 7th, Feixiao or Yunli.
The boss is cool because you get free sustain if you can manage to break him. I find that kinda interesting, not just standard outheal his damage but alternative ways to mitigate.
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>Yes and where are you going to get 22% from? Your ass?
not that fag but come the fuck on, it's 6-7 subs
that is the healer from Aetherium wars kit
Moze or March 8th can serve as budget Topaz for Feixiao and Aventurine is her best sustain.
Some anon posted some >calcs here >>488249247
Girly girls garbage is the most boring shit ever.
>Stinky Hobo girls
>Monster girls with animal features including Insect girls and Lamias and even Ork girls
>Literally R63 gender bended versions of male characters
>Girls that miss a fucking limb
All better than overused never-pooping Moe-Idol SHIT.
Thatd be funny
Healers without buffs are a huge brick yes. Huohuo is an amazing sustain because of her energy regen and 40% ATK for her entire team.
bro your tingyun+sunday?
link fexiao cone
I mean sure Firefly definitely wants to do the breaking herself but she needs help in removing large chunks of toughness bar from bosses first and Lingsha is worse at this. She simply does less toughness damage with the current numbers. Like I don't know about you man... the numbers are there in plain sight. I want her to be good cause I also want to roll her but her current numbers is just ain't it. She badly needs efficiency in her base kit and have her toughness damage numbers adjusted so she's not worse than Gallagher.
I have no faith in the writers of chinkslop, they hate the main character
What's up with Tingyun coming back, anyways? Is it going to be Phantylia possessing her corpse like some kind of meat puppet or something?
I wasn't even that invested in her being a snek, but I'm still disappointed. Especially since they have her flying, could easily have just replaced her legs with snek tail
Sex with March!!!
[HSR - 2.5 BETA] I Venture Forth to Hunt (5*, The Hunt)

HP: 952
ATK: 635
DEF: 463

Materials: Credit (x385000), Artifex's Module (x20), Meteoric Bullet (x4), Destined Expiration (x12), Artifex's Cogwheel (x20), Countertemporal Shot (x15), Artifex's Gyreheart (x14)

Intimidation: Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 15% (25%). When any single ally uses an attack, the wearer gains 1 stack of Luminflux to a max of 6 stack(s). Each stack of Luminflux enables the Ultimate DMG deal by the wearer to ignore 9% (13%) of the target's DEF. This effect will be dispelled after the wearer uses their Ultimate.
thanks bro, im blind
The reason for her return is going to be a complete asspull, isn’t it?
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>Firefly can do it herself.
She can't unless you want to spend all her turbo mode breaking the bar while dealing 0 damage and maybe only get 1 actual attack in.
>Mine is E1 and I only got 2 of him, it's absolutely a legit argument.
>Not worth taking before HTB was playable.
Skill issue.
>Yes and where are you going to get 22% from? Your ass?
Nigger 22% effect res is nothing special, do you not have any character with keel or something?
>Not even related, you don't need E1 FF for Gallagher, which is the main reason why people say Gallagher is better.
The point is comparing them at equal conditions.
>It matters in PF, Gallagher is trash there, Lingsha isn't.
FF is kinda meh there too unless you have E2 to be honest but I'll give you that, any aoe is good for PF but that's small comfort.
>20% and 100% AA
You need to use skill or ult for that and you can't do that if you get stunned and will have to wait for your 80 speed cleanse.
>FF using skill to charge energy will trigger Lingsha's FUA immediately.
It doesn't say that her FUA generates energy.
holy fucking shit what a cone. Do I just get 2x and put one on March and the other on Foxgirl?
>That's a feixiao team bro
Yeah I know, just making a joke because that post listed that slot. Thought it was obvious. But still, thanks for the genuine response
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2 from FF's banner, 1 from selector, 1 from Acheron's.

>it's 6-7 subs
Hahaha I only got one.
Might be more that they are planning a mode where you have only one char, or one char at the start.

ZZZ also starts its "SU" with only one char.
It's gonna get nerfed bro. This is still v1 beta.
>she'll glide along the ground in a T pose for every skill basic and ult.
That is so stupid that I would actually roll for that.
Fuck yes
Do we know if Feixiao will need any new ascenion/trace mats or can I just farm now?
she's a fox hag no nerfs only buff
It's useless unless you deal your damage via ultimate damage. And.. guess what? No other hunt does that. And while it looks like a lot at first, it really isn't compared to what other cones do. Reminder it ONLY affects your ult. NOTHING else. The rest ONLY has the crit-rate.

Remember Ratio cone:
>Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 20%. For every debuff on the enemy target, the wearer's CRIT DMG dealt against this target additionally increases by 8%, stacking up to 3 times. When using Ultimate to attack the enemy target, the wearer receives the Disputation effect, which increases DMG dealt by 36% and enables their follow-up attacks to ignore 24% of the target's DEF. This effect lasts for 2 turns.

20-44% crit damage, 36% dmg and 24% def ignore. This is what it's actually fighting.
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To be fair, foxians have a healing factor
A broken neck is very survivable to them
Seele.. forgotten
>poorfag still whining about Lingsha
SEA hours. E1 BTFO Gallagher completely.
Didn’t she get disintegrated too? Her body disappeared after the snap at least.
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Hello /hsrg/
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>Yunli's english VA
Wait a minute it's...
the cone is useless on march since all her damage comes from her eba
I love how stupidly broken Ratio cone is, that shit is disgusting if you also run SW for even more Def down stacking.
it won't get nerfed, shit is already a sidegrade to ratiocone
actually it might get changed because of pela lmao, devteam fears her
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I cant get a single decent lantern set to drop for gallagher to switch to but I feel more comfy using his signature LC since it always full-heals him off his own basic attacks and lets him do juicy 100k+ attacks with his basic/enhanced vs weakness broken enemies after HMCs ult
>She can't unless you want to spend all her turbo mode breaking the bar while dealing 0 damage and maybe only get 1 actual attack in.
She can though, Lingsha is just slightly behind Gallagher for Weakness break damage.
>Skill issue.
I accept your concession.
>Nigger 22% effect res is nothing special, do you not have any character with keel or something?
>in Break team
>The point is comparing them at equal conditions.
At equal conditions (E1+ FF) then Lingsha is outright better, this isn't even an argument.
>You need to use skill or ult for that and you can't do that if you get stunned and will have to wait for your 80 speed cleanse.
Again, skill issue, and the same thing can be said to Gallagher when other characters gets CC'd.
>It doesn't say that her FUA generates energy.
No one said anything about energy, her FUA deals weakness break damage which ends up with 60 toughness combo like Gallagher if you really want to open with that.
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If someone was stupid enough to waste rolls on Ratio cone then sure.
Feixaio's is still best for her though.
>Your honest thoughts and feelings?
Yunli too cute. Love her feet, her being so pudgy, and her big sword. Want to feed and pet her like a stray cat until she sits on my lap. Would not sacrifice for crit damage, she gets 100% for free during ult so you want to crit. Also supports like Sparkle and Robin add crit damage. And isn't dmg% orb better or am I missing something from her kit?
>E1 BTFOs a 4 star character
Um yeah, I fucking hope it does lmao That's 360 rolls
It's actually so scummy of Mihoyo to give everyone a free E0S0 Ratio and then lock half his kit behind E1S1
> And isn't dmg% orb better
It probably is, but I don't have one.
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Hello fellow xianzhou people
Ratio cone is like a 1% difference compared to her signature btw according to early calcs so anyone that has it can skip her cone pretty easily and just go straight for E2.
ok but any direct nerf would make it actively worse than bathtub.png so it's not happening
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You've rolled for her haven't you, /hsrg/?
Only reasonable thing I can see is if she got corrupted into the legion. Then she has value and you wouldn't sacrifice her to plant the Stellaron. But knowing mihoyo, they won't commit to making her evil
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would Firefly like to be spit on by (me)?
the opposite. The possessed Tingyun is the 4*. Tingyung (True) is who we will meet. We never met the real Tingyun
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Me on her back
>Rolled for S1 because E0 was free
>Paid off in the long run
Topaz should hire me desu
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Seele is like 80% skill damage...
>locked behind 3 debuffs

This kills the ratiocone
i like how people laugh at huohuo for being a 10% boost on her bis teams over cope options while lingsha is even worse at e0 and people STILL defend this garbage
>wanting to use a homo cone
No thank you
You literally run her in the exact same teams as Ratio
she's not the one then
nah ratio provides 1 debuff while every other hunt does not
Topaz and Aventurine easily provide that.
>scummy of Mihoyo
Yeah. They aren’t bothering to hide this anymore
>Jade is E1 bait
>Yunli is S1 bait
>Lingsha made in such a way to make you feel bad about not pulling E1 Firefly
They’ll keep pushing this further until there’s some push back.
Topaz E0S1 is 2 debuffs already, if you run Gallagher or Aventurine you're getting the 3rd debuff.
Consider that topaz is her bis enabler and it all makes sense.
>using naked man cone for hot girl

Do /hsrg/ anons really?
>She can though, Lingsha is just slightly behind Gallagher for Weakness break damage.
>she's only slightly being for the only thing that matters
>in Break team
That was obviously just an example for how easy it is to get 20 res.
>At equal conditions (E1+ FF) then Lingsha is outright better, this isn't even an argument.
Equal condition is E1 FF since Lingha is not even usable without it and Gallagher can skill freely with it. Obviously if you roll Lingsha eids she might be better, which is what I originally said but that's not the point.
>same thing can be said to Gallagher when other characters gets CC'd
It can't because he's way faster.
>No one said anything about energy, her FUA deals weakness break damage which ends up with 60 toughness combo like Gallagher if you really want to open with that.
You need to use ult to get those 60 and you don't have ult at least until your second turn, meanwhile Firefly is wasting her turns on unbroken enemies.
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I'm glad I never rolled the gay ass naked ratshow cone just because ratshow was free. Now I can just roll for Feixiao's .png and not COPE like whatever these Ratiocuck cone rollers are doing right now LMAO
She already has two orbiters so, what difference does it make

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>I'm getting cucked by a png cone!
This cannot be real LMAO
based and same
why would people willingly roll that cone
It's just brickbundance copers. They've chosen to be fans of the worst path in the game and they have it bad.
Agree. Smelling major cope in this thread
And I dropped Ratio because E0S0 Topaz and Aventurine don't have enough debuffs for him. Too expensive just to make him and only him work. I don't want same shit for Feixiao.
i'm not into cuckold
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>anon is homosexual
Happy for you, make sure to tell your family and friends and not just online people.
Abundance path in superbreak has different values than any other teams. Galla can deal tons of damage from his ultimate/EBA.
Nice. I was curious on how good it would be.
Thank fuck I rolled E1S1 Topass.
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Bro, you are threatened by a LC, you have more immediate issues than cuckoldry.
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>Yunli crushing Sushang in the trailer
Sushang will remember this. Bitch.
not falling for that
don't worry, they'll start shitting on her after the cope runs out (couple months after the banner)
initially waifufags default to defending every female, especially if the female in question is directly competing with a male for a slot in a team
homofags default to the opposite btw which is pretty amusing - they shit on the characters despite them being good upgrades (while endlessly seething about female counterparts)
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Am I the only one here who will go for Fofo instead of Yunli?
It’s one of those fetishes where I just don’t understand the appeal whatsoever.
If you’re the one doing the cucking then it makes sense, but the other way around it’s just …sad.
Your pic looks more like grown up Silver Wolf than Bronya Rand
>she's cheating on me with that lightcone
Brownoids are crazy. It's almost impressive how schizo you guys are.
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hope this team stays relevant in PF, jade made it so easy even tho my relics suck
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>there's a clear designated meta character in 2.5 and that's Feixiao
Yeah I think I'm rolling
I still don't have a limited sustain so yeah I'll be rolling for her
>he's coping this hard to run a faggot's cone instead of just admitting her own is BiS
Post leak animation please.
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>diferent attack for broken enemies or not
Feixiao is going to be a nightmare on AUTO
Is Feixiao a cuck? Is inter-harem relationships considered NTR?
auto should pick the correct one
That feels like one of the things auto can easily account for.
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Waifufags already gave up on her anon, believe me, cones are the least of it
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>he's coping this hard because he rolled for a faggot's cone and now he can't afford her BiS .png
I was gonna pull for it anyway. Ratio rerun when?
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I'm never rolling for a space jew
I will continue to never roll for a space jew until the day i die
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Wait, what do you mean Lingsha is a brick? She seems crazy strong.
>ATK-scaling healer
>skill is AoE that also heals
>free heals and cleanses that aren't depended on the unit and happen automatically
>debuff that increases BE
Is the math shit or something?
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>Moze is shipbait with Feixiao
>Moze is literally Me
Yup, I won
What else? I skipped her bricked ass twice and will do so until EOS. Clara/Yunli and Himeko/Herta are enough for my FUA needs.
Should I roll for Dr Ratio cone or is he brick on rerun?
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>ATK-scaling healer
I'm getting deja vu...
SP slurper on a team that already struggles with it
>Luocha but slightly better
Oh if only I had THAT .gif on me right now
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I was so happy to luck-roll it yday, literally just mindless putting rolls into the banner w no expectations, in both segments
argenti was already using my last good erudition cone, would have to use some blue trash otherwise
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Sushang already warned you the lady general of the Yaoqing was the real deal unlike that fraud DOZING Yuan ages ago when he came out, why on earth would you have rolled Ratio's cone when you should've set aside enough jade for her cone?
>>ATK-scaling healer
Alexa, play Luochud.webm
I hope this is normal speed, right?
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Firefly already rapes everything on auto anyway. I really don't see any point in upgrading besides getting more waifu on the team.
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>ATK-scaling healer
This is not a positive.
>ATK-scaling healer
I'm looking forward to it.
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I want my MC to be the only male in the team so I'm gonna roll for her.
>ATK-scaling healer
i'm not reading any further retard
this is a fucking major downside of the character, her damage will ALWAYS be fucking trash while stacking atk will make her paper
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Fofo is for (You)
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Her animations look better than Firefly's
>besides getting more waifu on the team.
Is there any other reason nessesary?
most of those are irrelevant unless it’s pure fiction. in moc and as, gallagher’s job is just to shred a bar on demand so firefly can start doing damage, and e0 lingsha with her ult and fua does less toughness damage than his ult and eba

she’s a sidegrade at best at e0 to a fucking 4 star
I'm playing DU :D
They look better than everyone else currently in the game.
This needs a (you) edit
Of course. She's an Emanator unlike that fraud Midfly.
Nyooo, you have to share your girlfriend with Gallagher otherwise you’re a disgusting incel
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Firefly and Jade killed the game with their slow ass banners
>atk scaling healer male: BAD
>atk scaling healer female: GOOD
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>ATK-scaling healer
Generals are not Emanators
LMFAO she's the actual general unlike Fraudyawn the jobber who's hard-carried by Lightning lord thoughout all of his fights.
This combo looks so fucking kino
Who is the most for (you) female/male character?
Who is the least for (you) female/male character?
She's ATK-scaling? I thought she was BE?
i don’t even know if lingsha is better than gallagher for pure fiction with e2 firefly since he can use qpq for 1 turn firefly ults while she can’t. and you probably want to run sustainless with himeko anyway
I knoq, I'm just pointing it out before someone greentexts me
Gallagher is a meme dog (also dead).
kafka or firefly
jingliu, she doesn't even acknowledge you
Watch these speed rolls
Which HSR would be into pee play?
Alright, I won't roll
atk scaling but she has a trace that converts some be to atk and outgoing healing
Jingliu (currently)
I meant outside of break teams but you are correct
HSR girls don't pee, I accidently left one idling for almost the whole day and she didn't pee at all!
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Quantum Scampo who's tied to Sparkle as a cruel joke I believe in you
just her cone but yes
Cope gweilo. Xianzhou is loved by Lan and every single General is HIS Emanator.
post gallaghers
I'm watching
Why is she even atk scaling healer? Does she actually do relevant damage which scales off her atk stat? Because otherwise it's fucking retarded Luochud shit again where they simply decided to make sustain with paper thin survivability for no reason.
unironically its probably one of the few good F2P cones for boothill since most of them suck
Quantum is the no boys allowed element anon
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Good morning frens
i woke up to FF breadcrumbs message on 2.5, today is going to be a good day
Too early, the new Scampo will be during the crisis he's trying to intervene with on Belobog, not a random greek planet.
>on a char needing to use the skill almost every second turn
My god...
break and atk
but here's the thing - you should ignore this shit and just stack spd while treating be/atk as just a bonus. similar to how it works with gallagher
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Scales with ACK
What element is Moze? I wonder if it's even worth using him if you already have Topass.
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Alexander the great 5* img
and Julius Caesar 5* qua
>I wonder if it's even worth using him if you already have Topass.
It isn’t unless you want to use her on the other side.
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Fofo LOVE?
She's only good if her banner runs before Feixiao, making it easier to save up more pulls
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>When other allies attack, gain an ultimate charge
Newcuties beware her team wants to be 160 SPD on everyone. It's no longer a luxury stat it's a requirement. Enjoy!
Whenever I DOOM post, I speak the truth. We need to GET OUT of space China. This is a PROBLEM!
Surely they mean Aglaea.
Imagine seeing an add of HSR, advertising Firefly as the games heroine. So you download it, expecting to play as her; only to be stuck with a stinky femcel Stelle.
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Still better than my Kafka piece....
I'm gonna build max speed on my E4 Bronya and have her do nothing but basic attack
Predict how gigabuffed Lingsha will get in the future betas just so people would stop using Gallagher and pull for her.
I think both Topaz and Aventurine can still be slow. Most of their attacks are FUA which are mostly triggered not on their turns.
File deleted.
mine is pretty shit
March can easily reach that
I dunno but it gets the people going
Yunli? Stomp on this man with your feet. I'll offer one BerryPheasant skewer.
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still pulling for Lingsha to replace him tho
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Just get 161 SPD on everyone like (you)'re supposed to. It's not that hard.
>leakers say feixiao is like an otome protagonist
>Fofo the reddit
Fuck you, fofo is /our/ girl
You probably want speed boots on Aventurine at least so she doesn't outspeed his shields.
Does anyone have the Blade image with credit card?
>need phy dps
>eventually will get clara so getting yunli feels kinda pointless
I just want an original phy multi-target dps
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my favorite Bladie webm
You still want Topaz to be fast, she's the most consistent one advancing Numby on that team
You want Aventurine to be fast if possible because if the rest of the team is absurdly fast the shields will run out
That's just FUA shilling, you don't need that high speed.
Nta but I have the same stats as him and I've been farming since her release. No refreshes
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Her E1 should be basekit.
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Lingsha looks fuckable and as a limited sustain that is female and breaks the 4 foot tall mark I think I'm rolling.

What do we know about her kit, QRD?
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>duke is not bad
>salsotto is not bad
good, I can just give feixiao my himeko's set.
Stelle… lost…
>Moze follows up on Feixiao's attack and disappears out of the way for her lunge
Actually cinematic
Thanks bros
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Too late, already saved the UID.
This one is weird. I know there's a version of this with him LAUGHING??
just craft some speed boots bro, you're missing on 9 free speed
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LuciΓ©rnaga friend here with a broken AC, I'm not going make it... go on without me... I hope my GlΓΌhwΓΌrmchen friends are safe... enjoy the update for me...
I could really use a monthly pass right now. How about topping me up on codashop or something bwo?
where are the animations?
>just craft some speed boots bro
I used all my resin (only had like 3) to get some speed boots for Firefly and they were all shit...
nyooooo... I'm just a poor as fuck NEET, don't hack me...
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Yunli was willing to eat that kabob after it had been in a robot dogs mouth for like five minutes and had literally hit the ground.

But she's immortal so I guess sanitary concerns are a non-issue.
Don't worry Space Greece will end in 3.2 and Belobog interlude will happen in 3.3.
Is anyone surprised lmao
She's abundance, and as such a brick.

Speaking of bricks, people haven't talked enough about how the new hunt girl has NO survival whatsoever. Low base HP and Def, high speed so buffs run out faster (or you are smart and give her atk boots, as her ult is mostly charged by allies, but don't tell others). Guess Fu has to help this weak and sqishy fox with her FAT STACK of... HP.
just search them on youtube
setting the seas ablaze
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can a homie get some toots please
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A la playa ya
it's gonna be depressing to see Yunli flop after all that shilling, we may not see another proper cunny for like a year or so
>max temp 34C
Just go to a cafe amigo
>everything in spain closes for afternoon siesta
Holy shit, stay hydrated, bro.
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That's rough bwo, here's raining but yesterday we had 38Β°
Some "straight" anons here really rolled that.. imagine
Is remembrance TB for real
They're not gonna skip on the problematic paths by dressing another, right?
Like BS being "nihility"
>proper cunny
Yunli is too tall
>high speed so buffs run out faster
irrelevant since her buffer is r*bin anyway
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first rule of crafting: always expect shit substats, so don't try more than once
you can also try crafting without resin just don't go too deep
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Alright, hebecunny. Happy?
May you hit Crit like burgers like to shoot children. Amen.
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Did Jing Yuan program Diting to lead Yunli on a merry chase into the catacombs or whatever in order to trick her into destroying the big enemy whatever the fucks.

Seems weird that you could just walk around in the Xianzhou and run into a boss monster.
Can anyone tell me why people ship Drratio and sigga together?
Moze mogs Paglus hard it's not even funny
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>nyooooo... I'm just a poor as fuck NEET, don't hack me...
I won't. I will just stalk you, constantly checking your profile for who you rolled on, how well built they are and how fast you clear endgame. And then when you forgot all about posting your UID, I'm going to send you a friend request at 2 AM
Are you really begging for a pass for someone else? That is kinda new
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because they're pretty gay in the main story
Yunli is a GIGAflop. If her name changed to something like Cumli or non Chinese, she wouldn’t have flopped
Someone is gonna run this shit on their fox wife, imagine hahahaha
>35 C
That's been high average for this entire month here bwo, you will make it.
Your fan?
35 C is bad, but pretty survivable. Just turn on a fan with a damp towel in front of it and put your feet in a ice bath. Unless you live in an old building that is designed to trap heat so it hits 40 C inside, then the fan does absolutely nothing
The same reason twittards think Robin is a lesbian, Ratio being from the IPC, Seele being a lesbian, etc.
>I used all my resin (only had like 3) to get some speed boots for Firefly and they were all shit...
so where the fuck are these "shit" boots then?
why are you not using them instead of a fucking purple shoe?
minmaxing spd boot substats on firebrick is the last thing you should be doing btw
Nice March 7th cone
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nobody has ever cared this much for me...
please be gentle, anon
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Wait what the fuck I don't remember putting a def chest on him
Dr. ratio vored Aventurine in Penacony 2.1
Is this any good or the LC equivalent of the KING?
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They're friends and Ratio helped Aventurine during a difficult moment in his life
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She won.
I thought that relic set wasn't for gallagher?
that's why I'm not using it on him
stfu feixiao you bitch ugly hag
your cold steel boytoy will never be able to graze caelus in the slightest
a trip to Flop Island!
...the hag with the flattest chest competition
half of the passive is kinda dead
most optimized chars are capping cr or are close to it
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Firefly flopped
I will not roll for feixiao bro
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this can't be happening
Linghser Lawrence and Kamisato Firefly are frens though...
hahahahah lul
It kinda breaks my heart how Aventurine is basically a chained slave to the IPC who lost the dear things in life he had to the same company that owns him yet if you ever mention him to the western player base all they can think about is faggots and homosexuals.
put an ice pack on your femoral artery, how no other seaniggers i know do this is kind of astounding.
Holy mother of melty
Paglus looks retarded compared to Moze
Chinese Sparkle... Calm down...
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Stoneflops flopped
Holy brickGOD
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>Lingsha summons bnuuy
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He literally chose his new master and he's happy with them sis.
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yunli and lingsha awaken my breeding instincts harder than any character since sparkle
Sounds like a reduced character
Enjoy your FatXiao
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I'm actually EU so I can't even befriend you. Also, your Ruan Mei and Firefly really want some more break effect.
You're a hebepedo.
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I'm a firefag and even I am considering rolling for Feixiao after seeing her ult animation
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I'm sure everyone would prefer being trapped in a palace over being trapped in a dungeon, but that doesn't change the fact that you are trapped.
It be like that, I’ve had it happen multiple times.
nigga what? 2pc thief and 2pc iron cavalry is literally the same thing
and sets on supports are gigabait anyway, for the most part they just need speed to function properly, everything else is secondary
I literally didn't even roll for him you rat. I don't roll for males. I'm just stating how mentally sick are his fans. Just like Deku from MHA.
are you me
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Moze is Caelus if Caelus was introvert and listening to linking park
That’s just what shipfaggotry does
>Can't even replacing a 4 star
>Her sig lc also probably gonna worse than a 3 star lc

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No you arent
I'm thinking hard who could use this but nothing comes to mind. Wind dmg + def + ehr is such a brick combination.
I know but I just can't get good relics for the life of me...
last week I used everything to farm planars for Firefly and I didn't get a single fucking atk% one...
>Feixiao's basic attack is sick as fuck
>She'll never use it
any kafka skin leaks?
Well yeah. He's already used to it though so it's okay.
faggots are chained slaves if you think about it
If I had a drink I'd have spit it
>linking park
Kek. That the chink version?
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>CHADku out of nowhere
rent free
Is Lingsha our first 3* hero?
ok, I'll change his relics then
thanks anon
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I wonder how much of /hsrg/ skipped Firefly for the future characters. Am I the only one?
Is firefly honkai version of Ayaka?
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can Fatxiao use the Herta cone? That 16% (32%) Cr + dmg% on kill sounds decent enough
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I wonder if she's taller than Silver Wolf and Sparkle.
Also if Clara is human, she's gonna be fuckin STACKED when she grows up.
Feixiao + Moze team looks fun & kino as hell. How to make it even better using the remaining party slots?
Firefly is firefly
Read again what I said retard. I said that Deku suffers a similar fate to Aventurine. They are fine characters on their own but their fan base are a bunch of unhinged terrorists with fag tendencies.
Are we gonna get a kino cinematic for 3.X like White Night?
They're pretty clearly shipbait in the Penacony story.
I mean objectively they're probably just friends/catty acquaintances but on a meta level I 100% think they were meant to be shipped.

Stuff like Robin or Jing Yuan being gay are total headcanon though.
I skipped her for yunli and sparkle rerun
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>gay shipping makes you a terrorist
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Imagine being the unlucky woman who'll birth Sigga's Avgin mutts
yeah, a bunch of half naked men having an orgy/dance in a hot spring
Nah, hsr is old news to Mihomo now
You're just exaggerating
Why do you think they are shipbait? How would you portray close friends together then? Hoyoverse literally can't win if they take what some degenerated fag thinks at heart when writing characters.
This game really is gonna be trash until next year huh
I liked sam but I never liked firefly so it was a skip
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>be me
>enjoy Persona 5
>like Akechi because he's like Light Yagami and both are similar to me when it comes to condescending intellect and two-faced toxicity behind a pleasant facade
>see Akechi fans
I really hate that shit. Characters you might like on their own merits, then the only thing you deal with 99% of the time are insufferable faggots going on about what huge flaming gay fags they are.
Poor Alhaitham too.
Literally me
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Can we stop glazing for a minute?
Rate the patch story quest?
WTF???? Someone actually bought me a pass???
Sustainless Feixiao Moze Robin Topaz sounds pretty fun as long as you don't die.
Now it’s time for a chargeback
I fucking wish. MHA fans are notorious for being one of the biggest cancers on earth. A simple Google search should be pretty telling.
add r*bin
all fuaslop always goes back to r*bin
for sustain kakaurine/lingsha/gallagher (or just b urself lol)
If you want some genuine advice, looking at your characters it might be better to temporary pause Firefly farming and gear up others. Despite everything, she is your best geared one. RM, HTB and Gallagher would be more easy to improve. Farming Watchmaker set would give 4p to HTB and 2p for Gallagher and RM. And just craft a BE Talia rope for HTB and random craft to gamble on getting hp% or def% orb, fleet does almost nothing. And please get Aeon to S5, Herta is giving it away for almost free. I will be checking your progress, so you better improve
sorry, the blood of my cow ancestors within me forces me to graze for at least 6 hours per day
Is playable Sunday his edgy/emo transformation?
Yeah they need to nerf the game in order for them to make Zoo more appealing for the players.
Replace Moze with Yunli and not dying becomes easier.
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robin doesn't deserve that 100% team advance
sparkle should have it
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Anytime two characters have meaningful interactions with one another they're gonna be shipped. It's just the way things are. I went and checked how many doujins they have together on tora and as I expected it's pretty high lol
I mean they aren't really depicted as close friends in the story. This isn't a Frodo and Sam situation.
They're allies of convenience that constantly trade playful jabs between each other that could easily be read as flirting by fujos.
And the fact that they ultimately do respect and like each other despite constantly hating on each other publically is like tsundere 101.

Again, realistically there's probably nothing romantic there whatsoever but I don't think it's a coincidence that it could be read like that.
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brb i'm gonna glaze inside sparkle (forma hertadoll)
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>cool animations
>dual gunblades
Yup, I'm rolling.
>And please get Aeon to S5
but how? I already bought the one on the herta store and I don't know if that store ever refreshes
How does it feel to have your F2P status forcefully taken from you?
Don't sweat it guys, I'm going to save the game in 3.X
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Yeah why not? Only Swordplay S5 seems worth mentioning as a cope cone other than HErtacone
I think Feixiao animations are lame, Moze has the best animations of the new characters but I'm skipping all of them. I can't believe china won't have a single character worth rolling AGAIN
i mean that's the best f2poor hunt cone but all f2poor hunt cones are absolute dogshit compared to sigs (unlike destruction and erudition)
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>new wave of sparkle shitposting with sparkle 2.0
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Rasenganbros WON.
Which banner is Moze going to be on?
bad day to be a brickhill roller...
I really hope you're a newcutie, because older people should know this. But buy the Superimposer item, it functions as extra copies for the Herta cones. So buy 4 to get Aeon to S5, and don't accidentally buy the standard pass. And go read the new player guide in the resource linked in the op, it was made a few patches ago and might contain useful information for you
I don't get plot in this fucking game
First we do a coup and hide dictators crime
Then we stop a civil war because people wanting to live forever bad???
I still didn't beat Penacony but there's some literal guy working for IPC but those are apparently also slavers and dictators
At this point I'm starting to think Nanook guys have the right idea
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it's not known. and won't be until the stream (mats suggest 2nd side lmao but they might change them at any moment)
It's not just in the game. Outside the game you also have Ratio introducing Aventurine in Keeping up with Starrail and accidentally admitting he respects him, and in all those IPC social media posts he keeps liking all of Aventurine's posts and replying. They're friends but Ratio is autistic and doesn't show it very well.
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yeah, I'm pretty new
I made my account when the game came out, cleared the prologue and stopped because of lazyness
started playing again like a week before Firefly came out
thanks for helping me anon!
It's like episodic Star Trek
You literally described two good friends together. Topaz has basically very similar interactions with Aventurine, and so does Black Swan. Like fuck, did we already completely forget that it was Black Swan who teamed with Aventurine at the very start? Even BS line about Aventurine is "Gratify his whims".

But of course, you'll never see anything about them being a couple.
I never watched star trek but did they always support the evil faction / it was morally gray
Man that was a big break. But welcome back. And np, always happy to help a newcutie. And explains why your builds are like that. Hope you at least got some useful tips to improve
People ship Topaz and Aventutine together pretty regularly. Black Swan just had less interactions with him in general and they were all early in the story so they've been forgotten a bit.
I think I might skip Lingsha bros
My e2s1 ff does well enough
Well then what would you do?Oh right you skipped
not even barefoot, literal garbage.

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