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Previous Thread: >>488220202

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Thank you for saving the general, Hina.
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Why didn't you simply start playing when the servers launched
I was playing azur lane at the time and they kept talking about how much of a flop it was in 2021 so I stayed away..
Spent one day rerolling for brown demon.
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Whose "they"?
i did. my login streak hasn't been broken yet.
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Because I was a prophet of Seia before I even started the game.
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got dhina in 60 pulls bwos while getting spooked 3 times

are the other girls any good?
I only really heard about Blue Archive when the global server launched.
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general can you stop making like 4 threads at a time god damn.
*Who is
Dislike of emulation and I'd sworn myself off gacha after almost getting MONKEY'd in GBF.
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Blame the retard who keeps trying to recycle.
i was still absorbed in another gacha although i was starting to get burnt out of that one and i literally only heard about blue archive a few days before it's release on global
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thank you for saving the game C&C
After 2 years of sparking banners and no spook I decided to finally pick the selection ticket and redeem Shiroko
Damn rapist wolf making me work for sex
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Goodbye fatso
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dumb doom need hope injection straight to her womb
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>I decided to finally pick the selection ticket and redeem Shiroko
Sensei what the fuck did you just say
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You saw nothing.
Yes, niche, niche
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> guy who was the writer for the BA anime was also one of the script writers for Zeta Gudnam and SDF Macross
At least Tomino didn't work on Blue Archive
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Looking at the Haruna (Track) kit I wonder why she never took off for reposition content like SRKR.
Or why tHaruna continues to not take off even after the striker buffer era ended the chokehold HimariAko had on the special slots
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You did what
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Fuck. Who do I spark now
Azur Lane players
Mika best yellow dps
Her heal is absolute shitass and lots of raids nerf healing to begin with so repo with shield is better.
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I'm not playing another 6 months without M*ka. Fuck this kusoge.
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> He didn't hoard before
Your fault.
I'd call you obscenely lucky if I hadn't watched a friend pull 5 off-banner sHoshino's last anni.
First two are the two most busted dpsers in the game and limited to anniversaries, so yeah - pretty good.
Last 2 have niche uses.
you can farm Shiroko though...
Posting Reijo every day until she gets added Day 78
DHina obviously, she's fucking broken.
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I'm at 130 pulls but I already managed to get all 5 fes girls plus a wakamo dupe along with himari and some other girls. Is it still worth going for double spark if I'm a newfag with 62k pyros left who wants to keep rolling all the limited girls? I'm probably going to finish this spark and then make a decision.
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Asking another time here
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i did the same thing for azusa with the first selector on global servers ᓀ‸ᓂ
from left to right
6 kids
24 kids
12 kids
0 kids
Couldn't trust John Nexon back then.
Should I get Hoshino or should I save for someone else? Already got Hina
Good job anon you get that wolfseggs
bricked ᓀ‸ᓂ
You know that alzheimer is hereditary right
>after 2 years
absolute retard
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Not if you got all the fes girls. Just finish the spark.
That's a very large bird
What server? Some people forget to update the clubs.
Finish the spark, get the D.Hina eleph, then stop.
Do you have NY.Fuuka or NY.Haruna yet?
how much investment does dHina need?
I didn't get any copies but I have 5k ligma so I should be good to bring her up to UE40 if necessary
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you have to impregnate all of C&C and that means you have to impregnate Nonomi too
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name your server, i know NA still has momoka's tail still recruiting relatively actively in threads
you might also want to check the clubs that say they're full in case the leader isn't good about updating status
otherwise be the change you want to see
As someone who didn't have Hoshino until now, get her if you can afford her.
She's more or less universally useful and having to borrow her was absolutely asinine. If you're new enough to be asking you're probably new enough that you'll need to borrow other things.
The secret agent of C&C (debunked)...
Hasumi's wings are magnificent
Yeah. What about it? Think you can stop me?
No the only limiteds I have are sMash/Azusa, NYMutsuki/Aru and Makoto/Dako. I still need nagisa too but I might even roll for off meta limiteds if I like the girls.
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You don't neglect your students, right?
But... But why?
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thanks bwos

also ended up having to spark shoshino while getting spooked by
>renge, aris, kasumi, b akane, and midori
are any of them good? pls and thanks bwos
I like to read and learn more about them.
Also, I am a recent player and this is my first blue fes. Should I spark even if I get the banner studens?
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my favourite schizo theory.... it has to be real....
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Atsuko is so lucky
Because why the fuck would you use her over SShizuko?
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>spark wakamo
>110 hoshino
>160 mika
>spark s.hanako
>spark dress hina
I hate fes banners. They are never kind to me.
Depends on your funds and rolling plans but I'd say stop if you've got them both unless you're really close to spark.
Yes you should spark if it's your first blue fes. Depending on what you got you should even double spark
I think Hina sucks, the prefect team sucks
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But I did, and it still wasn't enough.
Bitches love Phaistos
Your mom getting raped again?
my cock
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You only like her for her body
my dick, my dick
every night
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>380 Wakamo
>260 Hoshino
>skipped Mika
>20 Mika + 70 SHanako
>90 DHina
Skip a Bluefes. It improves your luck.
Where’s Neru and Akane
There aren't even any upcoming tornents that require double mika lmao. Maybe shirokuro but you can always just body throw p2
I hate gacha and still do.
It's just blue archive hits different for some reason.
And it helps that i can be done with dailies within 10 minutes or less.
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they only show up in 3's for some reason

I'll get four or five to show up at once eventually
All usable but not meta. Two of them are purple dps and their biggest problem is sHanako (another anni unit) is absolutely bonkers and outclasses them.
If you don't have sHanako then they might have some use.
I have a maxed out Kasumi that I still use just because I like her, she'd see more use if sHanako wasn't stealing her job.
Is T9 / Mission 25 releasing next week with 3x normals?
Then reserve at least one spark for NY.Fuuka, that's like a month away.
It's gonna be another month till Nagisa, so you can save up for more.
But NY.Fuuka is simply too important to skip
Check the JP banner list for a reference, global will follow it to a T: https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Banner_List
You only like her for her body
I tried to join this one but it had 30 already
Probably some flux of new players
Like the other anon said do not skip nyfuuka
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Hold the fug on, I can finally get Miga? I got early dHina and didn't know if I wanted to very likely spark for Ojisan, but if there is a chance I can get Miga or Wakamo then I might actually do it.
Kasumi is a def down support, not a dps
Should be
Very good luck, you have best dps units for two colors. bAsuna is meh as a unit, if you are not a newcutie you probably have better blue AOE units. SEX as a studentwife though.
chUtaha should be okay for Set i think.
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the absolute state of shiroko's public perception
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Yep, every previous fest character can be pulled
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It's 0.225% and you can't spark Mika/Wakawaka so it's all down to your luck.
from left to right
as many kids as possible until menopause
6 kids
24 kids
Nigger no.
Just no.
Yes you can pull for Mika but good fucking luck, you can waste 600 rolls and not get her. Finish your S.Hoshino spark first.
Mika will be available for sparking in 6 months.
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I like her because she looks like me but female.
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Every fes unit can spook you on a fes banner.
I started playing around a year ago, and i have all anni students simply because everyone spooked me on sHanako banner.
Just be a luckchad bro.
She is probably the one who's most liked by her personality
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ShiroKuro has this. Goz has this too, but also shielded units take half damage from his attacks.
This is the first fes I've rolled for and I managed to get all 5 at 130 rolls and I got a dupe D.Hina on her banner at 200 which gives 100 eleph instead of the usual 30
Should I still use my recruitment points on D.Hina if I got a dupe on her banner which gave me an extra 100 eleph? I assume it's best to pick her over hoshino because she's a dps.
most people only like her for her meme face
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I did.
If you lack SHoshino then go for it
6% rate up you might get something good out of it
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I'm a simple man. I see Reijo, I cum.
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Sometimes I question why my favorite type of characters are the blue haired ones.
Yeah that's pretty surprising, I think they were only at 16/30 earlier this month
Well good luck I guess, realistically you can probably join a random club if needed for a couple weeks and swoop in for a spot when tourists leave, assuming you're still playing by then yourself
Close enough
Will have to settle with plapping you instead
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yep i am thinking sex
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Rio momo...
Yes, S.Hoshino can be tanky enough just from her passive alone.
4* or UE30 S.Hoshino is good enough, no need to waste more eligma.
Hina and Makoto... friends
Not important
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Why is /bag/ like this?
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I collect their pyro and listen to their struggles. Even offer my mere sensei adult body if they so desire. No it is not prostitution. It is my job as an adult. Taking responsibility that is
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Wrong one fucking hell
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dont have her but got the purple kot
so ill just save my resources to use on the banner girls for now
thanks again bwos
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How big is too big?
200 rolls
10 3*s

I'd be upset that I was a little under the expected number but both Mika and D. Hina showed up, even if I had to spark S. Hoshino. Other spooks were O. Nodoka and Tsukuyo, and everything else was dupes.

Weirdly both Mika and D. Hina showed up on a roll where the envelope was showing blue, but became purple afterwards so I think Arona was just being a little brat, but between this and my rolls on the Makoto banner, she's earned her headpats for the next 6 months. And maybe some pakeji will be in order.
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Haruka loves her for who she is
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She's kind of unbelievable honestly
Her love is too strong
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No. I'm too busy having sex with Yuuka.
Looking at the anime's BD serial code rewards. I'm actually surprised they didn't include shit like selector tickets to force more sales.
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Because she is only a slightly better Fuuka.
And also
>fedora KOT
Shiggy diggy sensei.
> No creampie
This is why you only get blue.
>dappa flappa
chipi chapa
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>Rio momo...
Rio has no momos, because she has not been released yet.
I have no doubts.
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With Ibuki.
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Isrkai Event where you go to the Civil War America and the students are all generals from that era.

Main factions are Millenium(Union) and Geneeha(Confederacy)

>Rio would be Abe
>Koyuki would be Johnson
>Sensei would be Grant

>Makoto would be Davis
>Hima would be Lee
>Ako would be Jackson
>Aru would be John Wilkes Booth
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Arona is the best!
I love BA girls, each and every one of them.
Are there supposed to be higher rates on this?
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Then release her.
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coom in doom
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my report (1 spark):
dHina x2 + spark
tHaruna (NEW)
Mina (NEW)
sHanako x2 (was already ue50...)
overall went well. but man.. most of the dupes I've got were farmable and I already raised them to ue50.. happy about Mina though and with tHaruna I have all Gehenna students again until ps68 event
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It's her own fault. She could've had that if she'd given me D. Ako or Makoto.
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My options for the select ticket were pretty barren and this brought my Shiroko to instant UE50 hope that helps
I had to spark twice on the railgun banners.
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400 damage report, my roster is much bigger now.

New 3*:
swimsuit Hanako
christmas Serina
hot spring Chinatsu
cheer Utaha

1 Eimi
1 Midori
1 Cherino
2 sHanako
1 hs Chinatsu
1 RATEUP sHoshino

Honestly tempted to drop another 200 since i didnt get any Wakamos, dHare, swimsuit bunnies and 6% seems pretty good.
Also who is getting 2 sparks?
>Hina & Makoto are secretly friends and they know that if even one of them stepped down from their roles/positions Gehenna would immediately turn to shit.
I want to believe.
no, they're just lying about that to trick morons into rolling
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Good because I've only had two 3* on 150 so far.
>300 rolls
>6 three star students
>1 rat and one dupe dHina
Arona I fucking despise you. I barely have characters to begin with.
just be yourself
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My throbbing cock inside professor niyaniya
Kind of but not really. Dunno what you were doing for two years you could have simply farmed her.
She has how many? Two nodes?
Rape him come on. Do it nobody will know. Rape the man. He's weak. Respect? Why would should I respect a meatrod?
Never in a million years
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i was, day 1 in both JP and global in fact. Though I stopped maintaining Jp once Global launched and I missed days and months of Global because existing is hard sometimes.
How should I reorganize my red formation for events?
>Haruka UE2
>Hina UE1
These are the new units I've got from the event
I did farm her, hence why she went straight to UE50
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save the stones for crafting like a normal person
Lol, pure cancer
seems you skipped the event story
You could have just redeemed her with your elephs and then farmed her some more.
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I got dHina, sHoshino and a daughteru with 50 pulls, I have enough to spark for nyFuuka next month and some change, I'm really tired of borrowing Miga but I don't know if I can be a luckchad.
To each their own sensei, as long as you are happy.
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>two years
>when I could redeem shiroko after playing for less than 6 months
good bait
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I deserve Nyanya
2x hina, duh
You want her maxed so you can push it to the limit with 2 teams - 1 your dps, 1 borrowed dps
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The exp issue is worse than I thought it'd be. All my new students are lvl 1 and only my pvp team is max lvl'd right now. How the fuck am I supposed to live like this?
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I swore off gacha after fgo but one day I saw Momoi memes and then I started playing for this gamer.
Now I spend money to fund her continued existence because I love her.
replace haruka with shoshino. do whatever you want for the rest.
3x comms are now
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explain why
Small and blonde, huh...
That's your type, huh...
Hina should transfer
Do not believe Arona's lies, save up and you can spark her in 6 months.
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welcome to the real world
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After 200:
D.Hina x3 + spark (new)
S.Hifumi x2 (new)
Reisa x3
Ui x2 (new)
C.Kotori (new)
NY.Haruka (new)
B.Akane (new)

Not great not terrible
I thought it was a pedo game and wasn't interested
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Did (you) give up on farming Boogi's ligmas? I was going to stop at ue30, but I underestimated the shitty currency and I only started to pyro refresh 4 days ago, so I can only reach 4* right now.
Stop farming ibuki. It takes around 1000 ap of 3x comms to level a student to 85
How do you stop small blond girls from stealing your sensei?
Asking for a friend
Seia is a big girl
post hina cunny plz, im going to bed and need material
Nyanya business
I'm still farming.
Into my family register!
I would prefer Nyanya to be 170cm+
I need a rigorous proof of how Niyaniya's cunny is the tightest in all of Kivotos
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It's so fucking over.
This is THE WORST fes to date for me.
600 pulls gone just because arona decided to be a complete bitch. This is the first time in 2 years I went to absolute 0 pyro. I also got 100 pulls of blue envelopes on hina banner. Amazing.
I have to save 3 sparks for kuroko now. 6 months of rolling nothing.
I'm still gonna farm even when t9 triple drop comes out. T9 equips barely even matter anyway, the stat boosts are tiny this time around
Does it take a while for them to add limited girls to the expert permit shop? I need 20 for UE 30 D.Hina but she doesn't seem to be in the shop
When do you think they'll add Rio and D.Saori?
Remember luckchads. Don't be like this sensei.
I did 3x comms today just so I'd have enough to raise DHina but I'll be back to boogie tomorrow.
Hoping to get UE40 but it doesn't look like I will at this rate.
600? Wtf did you spend the points after 400 on?
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>3x sHoshino
>2x Wakamo
>2x sHanako
Sparking dHina!
>goes around the city every day to teach different subjects to kids
Is Sensei one of the more higher INT characters in BA?
Did you at least get any good off-banner students on the way to 600?
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>600 pulls
>on a two character banner you've already had bad luck with
but why
I didn't. They canonically have no traces of secret friendship whatsoever and the latter only applies when Hina steps down.
but it won't be smalldom anymore
> Teaching sex
Nah I'm still gonna farm, but the rates are kinda shit so I don't think I'll be able to take her very far unless the event throws 100 elephs at me at the end.
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>being so mad you didnt get the rateup you go all the way to 600
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good morining /bag/gots i woke up earlier just to pull today
toot me bros!
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Rng drops + low point income fucking sucks
Shit's out of my hands, ill just ue30 after event with what i have
>400 pulls
I'm not doing them anymore. I'm crying on Plana's chest for the rest of the day.
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This happened
The best I got was meru for fucking wakamo. And tHaruna I guess to get more repositions.
kek retard
Why would you ever go beyond double spark?
Good morning
Ichika would never take advantage of me.
where did the 100 pulls I saved for hina go??
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Believe in the me that believes in you
Into the shadow realm my man.
Arona's stomach
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do you really need proof?
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I ate it nigga.
Stop pretending to be retarded please.
>that 1 quest where hina is haunted by invisible footsteps

This game isn't supposed to be scary wtf
Why did you roll for Makoto lmao
I'm farming aethers and gears, I haven't been refreshing outside of double xp but I should get her to 4* tomorrow. I might get her to UE30 at the end of the event? but it's not really my priority, I just need aethers and gears. And wolfseggs too but I don't think I have the AP or luck for it.
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>Not rolling for the Great Makoto
Does anyone else enjoy muting the BGM and playing really black rap music over the game or is it just me? I also like letting the ex skill cutscenes play out every time when I have rap on
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>This is the first time in 2 years I went to absolute 0 pyro
Thats not true, you still have 6 pyro
How would she react to sex
Have they buffed comm yet? Seems like I get more purple reports than usual
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I wish she would take me...
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Listen here you little shit
Holy chromatic aberration
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How important is Ibuki?
Got her to 3 stars and, i could get her to by the end, but i'm out of reports and the 3x comis are really tempting
Not important at all
Ako please
Its really cute when she rides iroha's tank so she's very very important
Yes, drop rates went up like 4x
Very important for my dick.
I think I got overall more useful ones in the Makoto/Ako banners but I got 4 DHina dupes so it's not so bad
She's not useful at all, people only farm her for daughtercore.
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How do I get my (You) rate up in /bag/? every sensei ignores me
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im cooked....
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I hope it is just you.
Should I throw all of my single recruitment tickets at this event? I really want Wakamo. I'm only missing her
She's important to me.
100 pulls in and i got 3 dupes, s.hishino and yukari. not bad so far, toot me again
Go kiss your precious students good night /bag/!
Post real lewds
Christ no. Wait until she's sparkable.
If you have not spent money on Pakegis, theres 3 small packs of 500 pyros each for 1 buck each, 3 bucks for 1500 pyros
you do it by posting something other than AIslop
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Post child pussy, anons will react with Koharu pics. Always worked for me.
Well, there are literally no spooks that I want, so I guess I'll just leave it there. Wakamo will have to wait another six months.
Haven't pulled yet. Is this now the time where it's 6% for 3*?
I still don't know in which stage I should spend my points. According to the planner I'm good on everything for current and future students.
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Ayame would've gotten (You)'s...
I could never be like her...
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Good for peroro, but you can probably just make do with Hinata if you go as far as insane anyway.
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they didn't give a shit about sales given that the global BD was not even available outside of the US
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Remember, when the going gets tough, you have a credit card for a reason.
Your waifu wouldn't like a cheapo.
Her star level doesn't matter for peroro
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I'm putting 999 AP on hard nodes and whatever I have left on Ibuki (full PVP refreshing + 3x pyro refresh) since I want to get her to UE30 at least. Currently 4* at the moment.
I'm skipping 3x comms this week because apparently I somehow ended up having enough XP to level every student I can use for the next 3 months of raid content to 90
I'm a bit of a newfag so I've just been focusing Gehenna because of all the new good students from there.
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No, I've no clue what you're on about.
Going camping in a haunted forest with /bag/!
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Bros, I want a Wakamo, am I supposed to go balls deep into Hina's banner for a chance to get her?
but then hes gonna be out of credits, and thats simply worse.
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>Your waifu wouldn't like a cheapo.
>delaying EoS
lmao even
It gives small buff to Iroha's tank since her stats her higher with each UE.
190 pulls on dHina banner, got cHare, sMiyako, cheerUtaha, a Saki dupe, and two sHoshino (already maxed). Wtf bros I just want my dHina without having to spark
OC art
I'm noticing I'm spending the most of my gachas on BA strangely enough despite it having the best currency income out of all of them.
At least do all of them once, they drop some pyro and an extra eleph on the first clear.
I can only get D.Hina to rank 37
Anyone have any pictures of miyu being raped by a giant black cock?
If it's me, I'd rather wait than leaving my fate to that shittim gremlin who hogs my hard earned pyrox.
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>Your wife wouldn't like
Could've stopped there.
I'm sad to tell you you missed her rerun, and JP shows no signs of rerunning her banner anytime soon, if you want Wakamo that badly and don't mind throwing a spark or have other units you're lacking, then go for it
Better start spamming commissions then.
Unless you also want a Hina your odds are shit, you'd be better off waiting and hoping.
Good for Peroro and sees some use with Goz. Though her stars aren't that important
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Wait is it ai? I just clicked a random hina in my hina folder.
How do you check these things?
*bond rank
Sorry for not clarifying
Don't get greedy daughterfucker
Worth going for dupes for DHina? Got her in a 10 roll and don't know what to do now.
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Help, my luck isn't supposed to be this good.
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hehe hiroy belly
>3rd blue fes I had to spark
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i got about 8 dupes, spring chinatsu, c.kotama, miyako, s.hishino,yukari, midori, s.hifumi and .t.haruna
how good was this spark?
Fucking look at the damn pic anon, the lines aren't even straight behind her. Look at her hand, those fingers are webbed.
Yeah like a 2% difference
Wait wtf I thought Mika was limited
You too?
Congrats to a fellow newly-minted Mika bro.
Now save for Nagisa.
Anon open your eyes
Just keep ONE spark for NY.Fuuka, then whatever, go test your luck then.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

Yes she is limited.
Limited for Bluefes only, that's it.
This is just one of many things that make it glaringly obvious. Please use your eyes...
Why is there maintenance?
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She is, but she's also bluefes student so there's a chance to get her in bluefes like this one.
>if you want Wakamo that badly and don't mind throwing a spark or have other units you're lacking
How does sparking work? I have enough I guess but will the game let me choose which 3 star I want or will it only be a choice between Hina or Hoshino?
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She is, but she and other anniversary students are placed in the pool for Blufes.
Does wakamo show up in the story besides the prologue? I can’t remember ever seeing her
i asked for a refund
You can get her on Fest banners, along with any other Fest characters
Rollback incoming
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vanilla sex
Rate your BluFest roll
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More free shit
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Ask questions
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Happy Hina wife
Happy life
for this image specifically
>eyes are fucked
>weird ass shadow below her head
>lines on the ground
>her hand lmao
>large bubble tier sweat drop on her thigh
>simple media search returns nothing
>actually putting effort into searching for the soirce returns AIbooru (no idea this even existed)
Between Hina and Hoshino
Just saying, Wakamo's banner already reran 6 months ago so your chances for a new rerun are pretty slim
when is the hot period
she appears in a couple of events, being a main focus in one of them, prominent in the other
not that
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Please be nice to Hinafags. Macrocephaly can cause the optic nerves to atrophy.
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Arius is the strongest, of course they hit #1.
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>global data patch out of nowhere
Volume F while defending DU disctrict.
If you can post your sexiest Hifumi I'll post my cock
Fat Migu is that popular?
Only images by Miyako's huge white cock
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Don't fuck your students when they're on their periods
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Damn I got tricked staring only at hina boobs and just quickly saving.
Anyone got a hina boob image to replace it?
Sorry senseis
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>fes only
MMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNRRRRGGGHHHHHHHH I want a Mika but I really shouldn't spend my pitiful gems I like I really really really shouldn't
Ahh that makes sense I’ve only been around for the last since like april
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great to hear, it really was just a nightmare.
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Adult things with adults
Like doing tax returns
>Spent the last few days posting about wanting to spark Wakamo
>Not a single person ever called me a retard
>Have to find out from a random newcutie getting informed
Wow alright
is there any website to show your spark? typing it is too wordy, i'd rather a pic
Can someone post the hina event guide again please
Wait six months, Mika gets a proper banner along with Shiroko-Terror and Hoshino-Wick.
I was going to do the same thing, but after DHina I only need mats for DAru and NYAkari, which I have more than enough.
I already did it since day 1, even field 3 because I thought it would reset every day kek.
Mika WILL be available to spark on the next Bluefes, just have some patience and save up.
Oh no I accidently tripped and put some of these into Ako's drink!!!
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she's a spark/banner option for the next fes in 5-6 months. Saving isn't a bad idea.
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don't remind me...
Do it. My rolls were godawful.
You REALLY shouldn't anon, but you will have to save up a lot, Mika's banner reruns alongside Kuroko and Tactics Hoshino, you have guarantees of sparking her there. Do not tempt lady luck she will rape you.
people have been waiting for arius summer since last year after all
What if they don’t even have periods
I've got the entire Arius squad minus atsuko during this last event. What a bummer
Nooooòoooo, my 10 rolll dhinner..
Why would you do this to yourself sensei? Why don't you redeem and stop at 200 to spark your student? You got almost 4000 ligma, you could have just use that instead if your pyrox
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Finally, was wondering what was taking them so long.
Poor singatroon has to samefag without posting images
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Ichika's pubes
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>feeding her
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Sure buddy.
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i want to lick plana pussy
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>Hiniggers are slop enjoyers who can't differentiate AI and authentic drawing
Public use dev onahole really does attract the lowest of the low.
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Very well, I'll wait
Sex with tard.
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When's the maintenance?
Does dress Hina wear pantyhose or stockings with garterbelt? It's very important for me.
Haha just like my global account
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can't wait to roll again in 6 months (not arius lmao)
I should've clarified better I meant ako/makoto banner fucked me. I really was expecting bag to not think someone would be retarded to not spark hina in 600 rolls.
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arona cunny
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>getting Kuroko without her buddy
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>Arisu dupe
>Hina at 130
>Sparked for sHoshino
My pulls could've been way worse but I was really hoping I'd get Mika so I wouldn't have to keep borrowing her. Still have 22k pyros but I should probably save for NY Fuuka. Want gamer maids, sSerika, sKanna, and Kuroko, too.
Next week
this looks like marriage to me
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I don't subscribe to your fanfic
Im in the same boat. Im at 310 pulls and Im seriously debating going for the 2nd spark hoping to get her.
>AI le bad!
Hello zoomer!
I feel you anon, the same happened to me and I don't if I'll have enough time to save for the next fest.
Pull your adult card, it's the only way
84 rolls in

Rate my luck /bag/
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Do I make a team of all reds for red content
What if its split between red and yellow do I half and half
Do I pick my favourites or bench those who have low dmg
If you don't roll ANYTHING till next fest it should be enough according to excel planner.
do your comms
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCKING HELL!! I waited too long and missed Ako and the others! That's the last time I wait for free pulls before dumping my pyros!!
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Thx fren
Please don't use me to insult all hinafans
I am my own special kind of stupid and my highest bond level girl and therefore wife is momoi at 28 I've only been playing since Christmas and I fail to do multiple headpats daily
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>230 for one D.Hina
>need to save for upcoming dickrolls
>spark and ligma to UE50
Well that puts a dent in my plans. I have 1680 ligs left after that and a few focuses. Would like to hear your thoughts on who should I spend them on?
>745 to UE50 Hinata
Just something I've been wanting to do for a long time, but obviously low priority.
>555 UE40 S.Hinata
Does she have a use for Greg (or anywhere), yet? This can be put on hold if not.
>455 UE40 Nagisa
How big is the difference for Hiero+PVP?
>605 UE50 S.Hanako
Still wouldn't be able to torment Kurokage.
>575 UE50 S.Hoshino
More tankiness.
>635 UE50 NY.Mutsuki
>365 UE50 Cherino
>765 UE50 Iroha
Just for Peroro, would need to build Ibuki too.
>420 5* S.Shiroko
Just to look more intimidating in PVP.
>300 each to 5* D.Ako, Ibuki and C.Hare
>300 to 5* Makoto
I can do 2T torment Chesed without her, so this is just to make my life easier and to justify having her.
This was me last year with Mika's banner. My sympathies. You'll be able to recover eventually. Don't let it keep you down too much. Hope you got plenty of spooks to make up for it.
red + yellow is purple
>Do I make a team of all reds for red content
Usually yeah.
>What if its split between red and yellow do I half and half
Is this missions? Make an all-red team and an all yellow team.
>Do I pick my favourites or bench those who have low dmg
Are you more than 30 levels below the reccomended? No? Pick your favorites.
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it's on by default and you didn't /unsubscribe
I suggest you do the technotes, you need shit tons of them
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You have to get married before sex, it's the law in Gehenna.
if it's red and yellow then you use your red team
red does neutral damage to yellow but yellow does reduced damage to red
and if you're talking about missions, those don't mix colors. each fight within the map has one color in it so you just bring two teams. technically the hard stage bosses are the wrong color but they die no matter what you bring so it doesn't matter
How many blue tickets does it take to 5* S.Atsuko? Currently 21k.
Ako at 10 (dupe)
Shunny+Miko Serika at 20 (dupes)
Xmas Serina+Wakamo at 30 (dupes)
Iroha+Bunny Asuna+Mika at 40 (all dupes)
Mika (dupe) + Misaki (new) at 70
Ako at 80 (dupe)
Xmas Serina at 90 (dupe)
Tsukuyo (new) + Xmas Hanae (dupe) at 100
Hina (normal version, dupe) at 110
Reisa + Summer Hanako at 140 (dupes)
Kokona at 150 (dupe)
Kanna at 190 (dupe)
Mika at 200 (dupe)

Jesus Christ what a disgrace, I got FUCKED
A lot of Mika, but my Mika is already maxed, and I can't believe my only spooks were Tsukuyo and Misaki when I'm still missing 24 students.
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Where's Seia's wings?
>there wERE dailies from combat stages
Is using the high-tier equipment tickets from the event to max Tsubaki's HP a good idea if you're a newfag or I will totally regret this later?
On the bird, obviously.
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I just wasted 150 pulls because I forgot I already had S Hoshino.
>30 rolls for Hina
Cool, guess I'm done already
What the FUCK is this shit? Am I already bricked?
Wut? No you retard you only have dailies for the roaming mini game. You can only get pyrox from the combat stages once.
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obviously in her FAT TITS
You think so? Almost 100k within 6 months...
Seia bored blowjob
What equipment tickets? The random blueprints from the combat stages?
Depends on your exact situation of course but for the regular missions Tsubaki is just Good(tm) and you will need multiple tanks for those anyway (for the multi-team stuff later)
Only comes out when Mika fucks her
>i forgot that i have one of the most useful and most used units in the game /bag/bros!
Sure thing buddy.
But what if you didn't? What if you bought pakeji and just kept rolling until she showed up?
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You guys are using more than 1 roll for Hina? She doesn't love you.
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Kanna still refuses to spook me. Killing myself ASAP.
pantyshots through shorts are an underappreciated form of art
lost items no you have one more chance to get all of them
piano levels probably? I have no idea where the cutoff is for not being able to reach level 15 (max is 20 but you stop getting pyros after 15) but I'd assume it's close
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are her panties black?
>makoto tenner
>iroha tenner
>hina tenner
>ako 30
>hoshino 40
I should've rolled for the bunnies. I got scared after having to do ~170 for Himari
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I need visual evidence.
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Ahahaha! Just like a real Hinafag!
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Why do you need 100k?
Free them.
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Same but Achuko, Kokonuts, Mine and Izuna.
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never trust spooks
spooks aren't real

mikozin sensei...
> Izuna
Just farm her node?
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sxe bros...
The choice tickets you get from daily mission in the event.
I mainly want to actually start getting PVP coin income. Everything is used on daily 90 stamina drinks and I get nothing left afterward.
I have 70 children to feed
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I got ojisan on my 200th pull and sparked Hina.
These are the rest I picked up on the way.
How did I do?
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>13k in the bank
>I should be safe even if I have to spark sKanna and Kuroko and tHosh and sSaori
I figured I'd be good but it's nice to see the confirmation.
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>they didn't roll kanna the first time
The future of blue archive is just saving between bluefes...
I will NOT redeem.
I'll wait for her to come home willingly.
> S.Hanako
> NY.Kayoko
Good enough.
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Goddamn. Why does my main account never experience something like this...
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is arona that hungry? weren't my pyroxenes enough???
Just like in my Arknights going from one limited busted unit to another while rolling nothing inbetween...
You did very well.
Go ahead. You can easily get more next week anyways.
Stabilization? I just pulled they better not try anything funny
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Sar... Just redeem, sar... Your daughter is lonely and starving... And you are a shit sensei...
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Konoka would do this
sensei fucks hare on a daily basis btw
>sensei got locked in the fox piss chamber again
I only got 30 shoshino elephs from a spook in dhina banner - shouldn't I be getting 100 since she's on rate up?
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I spent weeks proselytizing against double sparking then I double sparked myself because my first spark was total shit.
I am a fucking clown. Someone post that clown gook Ako so I can save it and forever remember my shame when I see it.
Now just hold onto it until the end of the week
You had to pull on the shoshino banner for the 100 if she spooks you.
>min roll
>min roll
>min roll
>min roll
>min roll
>min roll
>useless nigger rabbit
>min roll
>min roll
>min roll
>min roll
>min roll
Imagine the smell
Good job newcutie.
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Got u senpai
>Not going for third spark
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I want to lick hare's kidney stones...
when can i play the game
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JP single-handedly keeping us from EoS. If Seia really wanted the game to EoS, what she should do is become playable and have an exclusively smoker hag english voice across all clients
god i would fondle seia and her fat tits
ah I see thanks, thought I got scammed
I wan to lick hare's back knees
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>spark meta unit
>feel empty and dead
>spark cute girl you wanted who is useless mechanically
>heart is full
learn from this
I will deepthroat Seia until she inhales cum instead of air.
why havent we EoS'd yet, Seia? we've been dooming about it for 2 years straight yet nothing has happened
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Nonomi's eyes unironically filtered me
Also didn't see any character designs I liked when JP first launched so I skipped it
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I wasn't expecting much from this fes banner after sHanako double spark gave me fucking 6 SSR but arona managed to disappoint me once again by giving my 10 blue envelopes in a row.
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fuck you
why is Yukari so wide lmao she isn't that wide in her sprite
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>doomposters talk about how EoS is inevitable
>EoS isn't actually even on the table
>they also secretly don't want EoS
the poster mirrors the student, it's canon after all
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You cant be smug without being wide
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Not even Seia wants to get English dubbed
The chibi maker actually made her wide on purpose.
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>Get 17 purples out of 200 rolls
>most of them are dupes
>only 4 new students spook me
>one them is the fucking rat

Why is this yukari file size is twice as big as that yukari?
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I'm sorry but just look at the sprite art of the launch roster students and Nonomi
Game just gave the impression of another dime-a-dozen gacha
>no halo
They ded Jim.
Iori is too sexy to have a furniture interaction.
Just stare at her lifeless body in the Hina minigame is enough to drive everybody wild.
when is maint
probably not a good idea to roll for the next 22 minutes
>I will deepthroat Seia
Need more porn with Hina pubes.
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I want Seia to EoS my caulk
Fix the rates pls John Nexon
Compensation doko?
have you ever seen horse with wings?
>got above average results
>got FOUR spooks instead of one or none
>still complains
This is why Arona curse us with blues and golds.
Seia will be the only student speaking straight up English and will actually be voiced by mx2j.
>get dHina
>only enough gifts for affection 30
I failed you...
I just rolled and got D.Hina (one copy away from UE50)
>got everything
>no pyros left
>Remember that I need NYFuuka since I started as a newkek in November and I really want NYHaruna too because she's Haruna and I want to feed her my semen
Can I even get enough pyros for one?
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Just 3 Hinas i assume?
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Hifumi Daisuki
Just woke up, heard the game EOSed and there have been like 4 concurrent threads? What is happening /bag/
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Why wouldn't you want a nice 100k safety net?

Also post your adjusted pull plans /bag/.
Hifumi pomfing on top of my face
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wait... can women get kidney stones?
i thought it was a guy only thing
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Why the fuck are some of you guys doing 600 pulls???
Sure, I don't think you need to ultramax SHosh for her to be effective. Unless I miss something.
>252 unread messages
I will get to them eventually, I promise!
Guys, i solved alt archive: If only one of the alts/original is good, you have to have the rest for the bond bonuses, regardless how shit she is (see sHina)
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Why would it be a guy only thing? Women have kidneys too.
Women don't have kidneys
Do you think only men have kidneys?
I think women got kidneys too
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yep, men can get yeast infections too

no one is left out!
Why would the kidneys work differently?
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Maybe because it's their first blufes and the next 6 months are kinda dead without much to pull for?
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What's it like to skip all the banners between blufes? That would bother me so much. Especially when it comes to farming the events and their respective welfare units.
Kidney stones are causes by a shit diet, anybody can get it.

Put me in the fucking screencap, jesus fucking christ Aru poster.
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Anon, kidneys aren't located in the dick or balls.
i want eos inside seia
I save up until the fes banners, dump everything then repeat.
How much can I get with out it?
Exactly because that's where the pee is stored
Junko doesn't know that and wouldn't say this.
>write wide on all my envelopes
>Yukari still doesn't appear

I know it's my own fault for not pulling on her banner, but I'm still sad! I was a fool back then 2 months ago.
>WoMeN hAvE kIdNeYs
But they don't have stones, the thought wasn't that unreasonable
>200 rolls on dHina's banner
>sHoshino on the first 10
>sHoshino again at 150
>regular Hina at some point
>sparked dHina
I also got picrel, which of these are worth investing in?
What's with the single pulls on dAru and ASSband?
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The newfag guide has a section about buying pakeji. There's a list there.
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ok now wtf do I do? I was left with 23760 pyros after this, didn't expect to be "done" so early
rolling on fes seems very good but I don't know if there are any upcoming banners with very important characters worth sparking
I've never seen a single woman complain about kidney stones
cUtaha can be useful for Set as a second dps
cKotama has occasional use in stuff that needs CC

Kasumi is sexy but I don't think her debuff is relevant yet because sHanako is so stupidly good.
48k kuroko, hoshino
48k summer limiteds
No, I won't count the free rolls
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Your childhood friend
is there a maintenance coming up?
We should go do urbex with all of us in /bag/.
What do the golden pins do?
Pulling on this game is stressing and frustrating.
I rather not be pulling than pulling.
Too much salt + not enough water, especially in warm area is the main reason
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NYFuuka and NYHaruna.
That's it really.
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Me and my wife
Raise Kasumi's Bond level because she's very cute.
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>Come here Sensei
Be grateful, don't get memed by spooktards.
Unless you don't have anything you want to spark in the next 5 months or something, in that case go for it.
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just use the pyro calculator
what, for the rest of the year?
I'm clearly already there you idiot
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My 600 pulls pickups.
Any notable units outside limiteds(i assume each limited is good)?
Ny.Fuuka in a month
You should meet my little sister who gets wasted 24h a day
All other girls simply lack the appeal that Ako has
NY Fuuka, Nagisa, ASS and then nothing until fes
Damn, now this is a grift. Just set up your own free one.
Well, one day you would have to put some money if you want it all
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Thanks anons. Looks like I'm levelling them all
They pin
What's up with the current JP banners? 100 free pulls comes AFTER the bluefes?
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The princess is here to defeat the enemy!
but is she good for Purple GA ShiroKuro?
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Announcing Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program

Dear Proxy, Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program will begin on August 3, 19:30 (UTC+8).
Follow the Livestream Channels:
Twitch: twitch.tv/zenlesszonezero
YouTube: youtube.com/@ZZZ_Official

This Special Program will be broadcast on the official livestream channels. The devs of Zenless Zone Zero and our special host will share what's new in Version 1.1 with everyone. During the livestream, there will be a redemption code to claim and also a lucky draw for a few lucky Proxies to win mysterious prizes, so don't miss out~
See you Saturday!

After the Version 1.1 Special Program, Zenless Zone Zero will be opening the Creator Beta Server. Proxies can learn more about the new version via news from the creators~
Yes, they swapped the order. I choose to believe it's because so many people lost their 100 free rolls because they thought they could carry them over.
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honestly this was a pretty whatever rolldown, but I got a lot of ligma so I'll take it
it's called zzz because that's the sound i make when i fall asleep playing it
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Another testest masterpiece.
I kneel. Wish this dude released BA stuff more frequently but I also have no idea how long it takes to do top tier sprite art animations these days.
I was going to pull both maids but the double fes has kind of ruined my plans.
There are also normal Ako and Nagisa in 2-3 months but yes
The next BlueFes is 6 months away.
I dunno just check the banner schedule, there are some good banner to pull in:
- Nagisa
- The band alts (limited, good for Set only)
- S.Izuna + S.Chise (rerun)
- S.Kanna will replace Akane on Binah

It is what it is. Got S. Saki too so can't complain too much.
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wrong image
I think I thought wimyn don't have kidneys.
What rock have you been living under to not hear about her? She's broken. Considered equal to Ako when rerolling and for good reason.
Good damage, but I assume you're new, so you won't be minmaxing hard enough that she's better than dHina for quite a while.
You'll want Striker healers eventually and she's good.
Similar situation to sNonomi, except her competition is Mika.
Massive AoE and buffs cost recovery.
Good damage. Repositioning herself makes her very good for coping against Shirokuro and she's not a bad pick in other ST Blue content.
>going through momotalks and unlocking L2D for pyros
>damn Mine's cute
>damn Nodoka's cute
>damn Chise's cute
>damn Koharu's cute
conclusion students cute
They really should let us craft purple gift selectors
Your what?
Are Kazuza band and Shimiko band worth it?
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Himari, Cherino, Minori are good gatcha only ones
Izuna, Koharu are good farmables, but having them early is good
You also got all fes units, and that paired with himari, and upcoming nyFukka means you are pretty much set for meta too.
Fuck you.
My wife Nonomi and our child Niyaniya
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Great, just like the previous shanako banner...
Does anyone know when Kuroko's banner reaches global?
That's the Kanna image you chose bro?
The format has literally always been to have the free pulls after the Fes.
The only exception was the sHanako FES.
>not hairy
No dogsex today
I did but early BA sucked so much ass that I dropped it
Wait there’s a tower defense mode?
I'm calling the cops.
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they should, it wouldnt be worth doing even if they did but it would be funny seeing people doing it anyway
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kid knees?
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Momo好友Momotalk 白虎公園 白虎公园 所確幸 笛卡尔 Free SRT 伊凡•庫帕拉事件 Ivan Kupala Coups 白虎公園大屠殺 The White Tiger Park Massacre 四連休鬥爭 Four-Day Workweek Campaign D.U.白鳥區修復政策 D.U. Shiratori Ward Restoration Project 人權 Sensei's Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom セックス Sensex 七之古則 The Seven Koans 色彩 Chroma Color 奧利斯分校 Arius Satellite School 蓋瑪特里亞 數秘術 数秘会 Gematria 黑服 Black Suit 無名祭司 Nameless Preists 十字神名 Decagrammaton 阿拜多斯沙漠封閉地區 25-9 學生會之谷 Student Council's Valley 綠洲站 Oasis Station 恐怖 Terror 崇高 Sublime 民主 言論 思想 反切裡諾 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 夏莱地下室 S.C.H.A.L.E's basement 什亭之匣
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>Shimiko band
That's not a thing.
Yoshimi band is very important for Red Set. Kazusa band is also designed for Red Set, but last I heard, she's less necessary.
How do you farm Ibuki????
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I love my cops
JP event minigame
Sometimes they put in funny minigame in events. That tower defense mode and Hina's roaming mode are the example.
Kokona will have the biggest boobs in the game
Normals can just all be trivialized with Utaha.
3.5 Anniversary yes
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They arrived
Looking at the planner, I'll have to buy two 6600 pakeji by fes, assuming my luck is an absolute bust every time. Not as bad as I feared.

I really shouldn't roll for Kirara, but Jesus Christ, her characterization in the current event is making me want to put a ring on it.
Between this and Swimsuit Saori you’d think they were trying to get the Arknights audience.
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Knee grow.
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>ONLY 17 pink envelope
>ONLY 11 pink envelope
Here I am only got 7 pink envelope
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I'm Australian with friends in America. I couldn't join their club because the game region-locked me into playing the flips and indogs and I'd rather not play than play on the SEAmonkey server. Then the anime started and I bought a US starter account.
>didn't even know I got kikyou and kazusa from sparking d.hina
Fucking whores
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Beware of dog
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Say Gurney 10 times.
Mika should die
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>US starter account
I'm calling Nexon
i started playing a few weeks ago and wtf? there is 2 momoi? momoi and green momoi? is this another skin like bunny alts?
>got hina off a first 10 roll, from the ticket handed out from the event
all to keikaku
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Good luck, I'm behind seven proxies
I thought there was a patch?
Nonomi, crush his skull
My device is locked to Japan, but qooapp lets me play on Global NA. Why did you never look into vpns or third party app sites?
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big juice go
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Animation in general takes a fuck ton of time with pixel art only taking slightly less.
Aussie brain pls understand
New thread?
I hate humble braggers so much it's unreal.
If the amount of purples you got is in the double digits you need to shut the fuck up post haste.
Because the shills had ONE job which was tell me the game isn't chinese and they failed to do so.
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6% rate is a LIE
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I'm still an Uilet, my account will be forever bricked.
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i got dhina in 30 rolls and i dont know if i should keep going or not.
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soulful spooks
So can we set the intro screen or what?
I thought this game was going to fail and Uma Musume would end up being the popular game, then the bunnies came
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I was playing Genshin
We are at 690 dumb fuck
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My country got banned and I didn't know how to fake IP back then
>Why did you never look into vpns or third party app sites?
I was just that mad about Nexon telling me to play with the southeast asians. At the time I was working with filipinos and they were the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet, the whole thing made me very racist and being told to play BA with them bothered me too much
>The only exception was the sHanako FES
We had 2 in a row after. It's weird to swap it for 2 and then go back.
Do you have mika/wakamo?
This game have a solid cast of chars Ngnl
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>3 Kayokos
>got two Ui dupes in my pulls
I'll trade you for one Minori
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Thank you Arona for saving me 14,440 pyros and the bonus fat cheerleader.
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I got spooked by Ui and Cherino very recently but I'll remain bricked because I'm skipping dHina
Sorry, I typed that in a retarded way. I meant we had 2 in a row where the fes was after the free rolls.
i have both, i just dont have s.shiroko and i dont see that happening
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Can 3* dhina 1t insane hiero?
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Crikey! Didgeridoo bogan smoko centrelink billabong prawns on the barbie thongs. Straight Nackered. Mate mate mate.
Too busy with FGO and KC
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I have this furniture but momoi never play in it
Just save for her rerun then. It's really difficult to get spooked by a specific 3 star
I did my best
This game was a dumpster fire on launch. Literal, unironic disaster.
I have nothing but respect for day one JP players that carried this game through the better part of year 1, but said people probably hang on /vmg/ instead of here
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fair dinkum cunt *cracks open another Foster's*
I agree.
you can find out tomorrow bro
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Go back and lick some vegemite please, your kind doesn't belong here.
Intense hate sex. Impregnate. Pregnant sex.
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>400 rolls
>3 new students
I hate Arona I hate Arona I hate Arona I hate Arona I hate Arona I hate Arona I hate Arona
I got SShiroko in Ako's banner last week and again in Hina's banner today, if you want her enough she'll come. Keep rolling.
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I can't remember if you need both twins present or not.
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You can 1T torment with UE40, and now we have a level increase. You should easily be able to 1T INS with a base 3*, and it's already possible doing an Azusa or Saori-centric run.
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marmite kangaroo didgeridoo caribou jigaboo Australians aren't real
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I must fuck all my students
>watching scary YT videos before I go to bed
Goodnight guys!
Ako is not sexy at all
you need both for it to play
it's like the neru/alice arcade machine
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make sure to pat your Arona and Plana for good luck
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Explain /bag/ then.
Great protagonist enjoyer
I got 4 in 200
Then make a thread exclusively for Globaltards you stupid nigger.
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Are there any major differences between Insane and Torment like SRKR? I think I will try to mock Torment tomorrow.
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Do I keep rolling or do I save 180 rolls?
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There you go.
At least the gookako Aussie poster is not awake yet
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You guys need a really good high score on INS for plat on NA. A lot of people are going to be doing Torment. dHina makes Hiero Torment a joke.
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Who’s between Saori and Hiyori?
What are good units for commissions? The ones with little robots. I get overwhelmed at 09
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I'm a fan of doing this with every BA girl. Especially Rio.
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Good luck, you will most likely get raped.
Nonomi, Momoi, Marina, Iori
You can check what comps other people used to clear it.
aru accidentally blows sensei on a daily basis btw.
Makoto is the queen there now.
AOE yellow like Momoi, Nonomi, Iori. S.Hanako is good too. You may also need a tank and a healer for sustain
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should i spark again ? i already got s.hoshino and d.hina
i have 2 sparks sitting with me
iori/momoi/midori (to buff momoi)/tsubaki

serina to pull tsubaki in front, himari on momoi, momoi on bots, iori to finish black ones, repeat
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>Sensei slipping his finger into the glove
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they're all paid actors (and british)

Kirara, maybe? The swimsuit makes me want to say the other one is Tsurugi but I know it's not her. Kanna in the background probably.
>40k pyro
>BKazusa is must pull so as well I can grab Yoshimi
>then all in for Hosh and Kuroko
Should be safe, right?
Very good.
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just be yourself
Not bad
Go away, M4
Depends if you want DKayoko
>also in the remaining 80 rolls I managed to get a dumb nekomata, a tori and an even ditzier ditz
>also extra copies of wakamo, sumire and swimmer hifumi
pretty decent for going full retard and not even having a full spark worth of rolls after having to go the full mile for dako.
still need to do a bunch of shit I've been putting off for gems though. probably have another 20ish rolls worth from momotalk still and a ton of "do X in Y turns" bullshit cheevos.
I want to bury my face in her fluffy hair
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>they didn't wear lucky items before rolling

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