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Previous Thread: >>488209952

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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Eat shit recycled niggers.
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Based thread
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Better to do event, comms, or hard rn?
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Getting to hear her moans and screams again prevented this bluefes from being completely useless. We using this one?
6 months later and this still holds true
how will seiakeks ever recover?
Probably comms, unless you really want the Ibuki elephs
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Plana rolling animation when?
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Didn't know another thread was made.
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Rio status?
hmm nyo recycling
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Professor... I kneel...
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Please save this instead.
That guy's Izuna got rabies or something.
>Fags are actually recycling
I fucking hate newfaggots so much.
Why is there yogurt on her?
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she sat on a bench that had poured yogurt on it
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Seia banner next
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Gomen, Jobshino, but I must leave you for another woman.
The rabies make her do more damage.
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To be frank, the recycled thread has a less mean spirited OP picture.
Is NY Fuuker worth saving a spark for or do I keep holding on for Bluefes into Arius Summer?
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still makes me hard
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Why does she have have red pupils?
That Bluefes is like 6 months away.
If you don't pull Ny.Fuuka, you're bricked.
Fuuker is worth it
For Hyero I have DHina/ Hoshino/ SEX /Ako / Himari

Is this enough for plat?
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Of course I'd need to spark on a fes banner. Of course I would get spooked by Moe after getting Makoto.
Well... At least I'm still Miya*o free & got spooked by oShiggy which (coincidentally or not) is pretty much a repeat of the previous fes banner where I had to spark sHanako & got spooked by Kokona.
copying from the other bread as it appears to be dead
Based. Where's her ritualpost? It's fucking gold
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>BA is big enough to have 3 threads running simultaneously
They call that EOS
is ny fuuka just a better ui?
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>forgot Fest was today
>missed out on Makoto
Welp time to commit sudokiu
>Literally just another Seia meme
>mean spirited
where is your nyfuuka?
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I, JOBshino, PINKtard of Kivotos, humbly kneel to
Nonomi-dono, my best friend who tolerated all my schizo shit. I am sorry for ignoring your advice. You can employ me as a maid with no pay.
Ayane-SAMA, my El presidente, I should have given you the reins of leadership as soon as you enrolled in Abydos. I would humbly work as your secretary for the rest of my life.
Shiroko-cha-, no Shiroko-SAMA please forgive me for mocking your prowess in combat. Your potential is greater than mine. Please don't hurt me again I would gladly lick your wolf pussy so it will be ready for Sensei's cock...
Yume-dono, my idol, my bedrock and my deceased best friend. Please rest in peace I promise I would be your servant in the afterlife. Forgive me for staining your name and reputation
Kuroko-sama, the true Apex Predator of Abydos, my other queen, please forgive me for belittling you younger alternate version. I also thank you for cleaning my mess in the story. I would have also fucked up BlueFES if you didn't show up in the last minute to save it. I will happily serve as a training dummy for you or Shiroko and lick your wolfpussy as well...
Sensei, my one and true love and other master, please forgive me for disregarding your advice and ignoring your affections. You can manhandle me anytime you want, sex, blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, hairjobs, anal sex, cuckquean in 3 somes and ANYTHING I would do it Sensei...
And finally, Hina-SAMA, my master, please forgive me ever saying I was the strongest. Please forgive me for acting cheeky and smug. I can only win by cheating an asspull with the help of Clockman. I would gladly breastfeed your children with Sensei while you are busy getting fucked by Sensei COCK
>missed out on Makoto
nothing of value was lost
>miyako bullying is ok
>miyu seagull bullying is ok
>but seia voiceless bullying is where i draw the line
how new
6 months playing, bro. I wasn't even here when her banner came.
She was born that way.
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>got both fes units in 50 pulls
>didn’t get good spooks
>wanted more spooks
I’m pretty new so my roster is mid. Do I keep pulling?
An Ui with 2 cost Ex, can cycle quickly, and most importantly in the backline so she won't be fucked by the boss.
Not to mention the EX increase critical damage, so she works better with Mika than Ui.
Yes, finish the spark.
>30 accounts with 45 rolls each
>failed to get both rate up fes units
I curse your pulls
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Every fucking time
Prepare for gold unless you're in Asia.
holy fuck, how many months from now is her banner?
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Seia memes are very mean spirited.
Do you want dress Aru or Kayoko? Then no, keep your pyros.
what is sex with fuuka like?
>1T Torment
holy fuck
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Time to finally sit down and do my rolls, going to spark regardless, hope I can build up some ligma at least.
It's a bit weird innit?
Absolutely. Getting ligmas for either Hoshino or Hina is huge and you can get spooked by the other Fes characters.
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Arona Status? Did she treat you well?
Is dAru fine at 3 or is she one of those students that is only relevant at UE40? Depending on the answer I might roll her banner since I'm some 300 eleph short from getting my dHina to UE50.
How are you playing Torment now??
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>used spark on ny mutsuki because I saw ny kayoko wasn't limited
>get her on the first 10 roll today
Thanks nexon
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After the dress Aru + Kayoko event.
So about a month or so.
Should be fine at 3*, she's a buffer.
No I just want swimsuit Izuna and Miyako and as I understand they are far away
Ok guess I’ll go for more hina
I'm not, I'm just discovering JP clears just now
>Ako and Himari
>Mika dupe (useless because she's already maxed)
>need to spark hina
>no hosh
yeah no, arona a shit
pat the plapna
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Hina, that was a wonderful performance. Your practice paid off well. Thank you for this private encore.
Hina's final momotalk being virtually just her L2D is a bit weird, but to me it's like you're meant to listen to the end credits of the event after the L2D dialogue to hear her perform for (You). But considering she got a vocal performance as her own theme on top of being an anniversary student and being able to play as her in the event mini-game, having a short final momotalk is nothing.
Nice, guess I'll be metadickrolling then.
theres still time for me to save...
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Those are hearts.
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for the first two yeah i got d.hina, then arona proper fucked me for the next 18 pulls
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Are you ready for them /bag/?
>needed to double pity
you tell me
Newfag here. Should I finish the spark? I managed to get S Hoshino in the process as well.
She didn't but I'm used to it.
How do I get into cafe building? Seems annoying to get furniture?
no, save rolls
Honestly both Ayane and Serika won because they weren't involved in all this dunpster tier writing beyond a few scenes. Ayane won super hard
Craft or buy them from event shops.
I hate that I can't roll for all 4.
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I'm totally dry. Do I have enough time to get D.Aru and NY.Fuuka or I'll have to choose between my studentwife or metafagging
And then one day, for no reason at all, Makoto was voted into power
youre fucked
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When are we getting Riowank?
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I was trying to conserve Pyro but I got D.Hina and S.Hoshino on my 200th pull so I spent my spark upgrading D.Hina. I have 12k Pyro left. Would it be wise to spend it during the fest? I want D.Kayo, which goes live August 20th, that's my only concern. It feels like the increased chance to pull students is crazy high during the fest.

Here's my pulls:
>Kazusa x2
>Wakamo x3
>Shiroko (duplicate)
>NY.Kayoko (duplicate)
>Kikyou (duplicate)
>Iroha (duplicate)
>Hina (duplicate)
>Karin (duplicate) x2
>Hibiki (duplicate)
>Renge (duplicate)
>C.Kotori (duplicate)
>S.Hifumi (duplicate)
>Himari (duplicate)
>Iori (duplicate)
>The worse half of ps68
Yeah, i'm ready to skip.
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I know which I'd pick
Craft what though. Is it worth it to craft specific things?
Finish the spark for a chance to get the other BlueFest students.
I was plannig on rolling them during the rerun but Reijo and cMaki being absent in the reruns for their respective events has got me worried.
>I want D.Kayo
You already answered your question. Save
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Any guesses on how old she is / what year she's in?
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Sensei didn't roll Wakamo again...
but the steaks...
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I hope wakamo gets another rate up, I still don't have her....
sex age, sex year
>all those pulls in 200 rolls
ah, so you were the one who sucked away all my luck. I got less in 400 pulls than you did
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What's "Homu"? Is it like "I see..."?
>28 spooks in 200 pulls
fuck you
Read the newfag guide
>It feels like the increased chance to pull students is crazy high during the fest.
That's because it is, dummy. It's the reason why people save more for them.
But if you want Kayoko then don't spend anymore
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she is a hag
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>They weren't playing when her banner originally ran
All of PS68 is precious.
Uhhh when do I stop hording pyros
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homu balls
She's a Professor so same age as Sensei. Sex with a co-worker is legal!
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They're making a season 2.
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The thread is saved
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>Recycle fag had a melty in his abandoned thread
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My Wakawakas are both 50+ in bond. I just want to post Wakabweehs.
just be yourself
fatty spook
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When does the total assault shop reset?
hello /bag/, newfag here. why does BA get two active threads?
august 1st
fellow wakachad
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Who is winning
Wow, D.Hina absolutely melts Hiero
>14 3*s
>dress hina
>everything else was dupes, 3 of which dress hina
>one of the dupes was shosh, giving me the 30 elephs i was missing to UE50
Hina really loves me for some reason. Part of me wanted more spooks but this is great enough as is.
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Thinking about buying any new BA figures recently?
When does my life reset?
Finished Chapter 2
What was her fucking problem?
Litterally just bullying autistic kids.
it's a tie
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Are you ready to do Torment Hiero for plat?
thank you, chise
do C. Hare's and Himari's EX skills stack or no?
my first fest, didn't get Hanako
Should I continue or save for Fuuka?
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Maybe Kai isn't so bad...
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
They deserved it.
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both Waka figgies. Wish Izuna would get something official too.
> Make shit games
> Wasting budget
> Being a sperg.
Here's your problems.
You can't even guarantee SHanako so just save.
There's people who go 1000s of rolls and not get the other Bluefes.
*does extreme and settles for gold*
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Yuuka love
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for me, I was thinking about this one but idk, looks a little cheap. maybe if the price is right
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>Wakamo x3
She can't keep winning.

The increased rate during the fest is nice and in the long run it technically is better to spend it now but it's not worth giving up a student you want. You have exactly enough pyro to guarantee a spark for D.Kayo at the end of her banner. You will not be able to farm enough for D.Kayo if you spend any.
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I'm collecting all the bunny C&C. I'll also buy Hinata when she's up for pre-order
Engineers made a railgun for a battleship despite having no battleship
>18 spooks plus double pity
>400 rolls
can someone tell me what that percentage is at? because I have a feeling its far below 6% for me
realistically speaking, imagine your state treasurer going directly to a state funded organization that isnt doing what they were formed to do and saying theyll have their funds cut and disbanded if they dont shape up.
shes just doing her job
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I want to creampie niyaniya 20 times every day
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200 rolls again got me both, got clingy cat, Miyako spooked 3 times, overall pretty satisfied
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There's a reason I married Chihiro instead of yucka
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Good fes. 200 rolls, got 3 times my wife in her dress and sparked her, too.
pull for dress hina or swimsuit hoshino
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Any recommendations for Hieronymus team comp? I can either build out d Ako or s Hoshino, not enough resources to do both, I'm leaning towards d Ako, since s Hoshino is more likely to show up in borrows.
wow I got raped :/
Post more Waka?
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Get your PVP coins, /bag/!
>3000 times more sensitive
imagine her moans
Somehow, Miyako has not spooked me after all this time
Full source?
hina unless you really like hosh
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Only I deserve to impregnate Niyaniya
I will make identical children with her.
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get used to it, Sensei
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I'm going to wakasleep now.
niyaniya is such a stupid name
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Is Rumi good as cope coconuts if i don't have her, or is Koharu more useful anyway?
Can her EX even heal something twice in one rotation?
Check to see if there are any sHoshinos up right now for borrows.
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Stop being horny, we're still in class!
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>cMaki absent on her rerun

Camp Veritas doesn't run for another half a year in JP
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if i'm going to die, it'll be by cumming inside Niyaniya too much
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Do you need bKazusa for red set or is a maxed bYoshimi with other students good enough?
Looking to do at least Floor 49~57
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i would literally never
Insane? Is that your healer? Even with Hina (Dress), you still need to engage with the mechanic in Insane.
BYosh and DHina along with the usual students from Blue Set are the go-to team.
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Why didn't you tell me I was in the wrong thread?
bYosh should be good enough assuming you also have dHina
You have a stupid name.
Yea I got plenty of them and none d Akos (though people could've them built and not shared in my club at this point)
Extreme won't get you gold this time
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her name is Professor Sexo
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We did though?
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My darling little sister!
If you care about being optimal, you should technically save for NY.Fuuka instead of D.Kayo.
I got 2 fucking spooks in 200 rolls. I'm about to uninstall this fucking game.
You stink
I think these gooks want me to quit.
50 - Sakurako
70 - S.Shiroko, D.Hina (1), C.Rat
90 - Cherino
150 - Tsurugi
180 - Mashiro
200 - Shunny (new), Yuzu
Spark - D.Hina (2)
9/12 expected, all useless shit other than the one D. Hina.
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Hello I'm kinda new (about 2 months playing)
How many pulls do we get each month?
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You're useless sensei
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Yuuka evicting a single mother of 5 for being late on her rent!!!
Which difficulty?
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literally me except instead of 10 hours of her sucking my dick it'll be 10 hours of me tonguing her pussy
So 2 months to grantee a girl? Got it.
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I love my cute little wife!
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bros i dont feel too good...
it's probably a combination of humu and hou
mika my beloved
borrow sex
Worse than Koharu. Can be a cope option for Peroro or second team
What UE on hina for comfy 1t torment hiero
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just be yourself
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I lost…local whale-sama figured out my defense.
>D.Hina on 50th roll

Do i need to complete another 150 for a chance of Mika or spark sHoshino?
friendly reminder to check these sources often for updates, as they are very frequent
and more
I mean... I'm hardly surprised.
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Yuuka would never...
>2nd roll
>kazusa spook(new)
>3rd roll
>kikyou spook(new)
Where's Hina
yuuka is too busy masturbating with her vibrator
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Here're my rolls:
Guaranteed rrat ticket category C
sHoshino banner
>Rumi (dupe) x2
>Yukari (new)
>Aris can't crit (dupe)
>Iori (dupe)
>Tsurugi (dupe)
>Azusa (dupe)
>sHoshino (new)
dhina banner
>sHoshino (dupe)
>oNodoka (dupe)
>Shun (dupe)
>dHina (spark)
Mystic upgrades
>Ako -> 4*
>Meru -> 4*
>Iori -> UE40
>Yoshimi -> UE40
>Serika -> UE40
>Suzumi -> UE50
It's okay, I guess? Too bad Momiji didn't make it to 3*.
Mika will get a banner rerun during the 3.5 anniversary.
If you don't have them, then it's worth going for a full spark
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I am on duty round the clock, Sensei!
Give me your Shun dupe.
I got like 3 S.Shiroko...
I can't help but imagine her doing a over exaggerated walk with that cane
Not enough sex from Noa
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some guy who does 3d dance animations is doing one where she's dancing with her cane, so there's that
Total Niya Hate
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Peopke5 are still bumping the recycled thread
So I did 24 pulls on the hina banner and got 11 new characters lmao, got 2 copies of summer hoshino, wakamo, summer hanako, hina and then sparked another hina. I wish I got mika too but I really cannot complain
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>leaving me alone
That's not what friends do.
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Alice is my daughteru
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I enjoy gaming.
saves ur game
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Cute kid
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Dumb slut.
sexy momoi
Hoshino tummy
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Here's my Blufes rolls, /bag/. I'd say "tell me how I did," but I'd say it's pretty obvious.

Obviously this is a collage of the 3* gets from my 20 rolls. I had both banner units by roll 10. Not pictured is Hifumi, who is banished for "Ahaha"ing me yesterday as her Swimsuit alt and today as her regular self.
Why do people call swimsuit alts summer? Is it from some other gacha?
>1 in 3.9 trillion chance
You just wasted your luck for the rest of your life
>sauce it up
>it's uploaded by two different accounts on twitter
>also tagged as from two different artists on danbooru
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swimsuits are usually worn in the summer in normal parts of the world, aussiefag
Lots of new students but they're all useless besides dhina.
My child with a Japanese girl:
sexy momoi
What the fuck how'd you do a 14 roll
I will do insane for sure. That one is no brainer. But i dunno if torment is possible without Coconuts. Maybe i will try multiple teams.
Oh well. Koharu is heavily invested in anyway, so i guess there is no reason for more foxsex.
>cope peroro
I see now, you need lvl5 EX for her to have debuff cleanse. Peroro is next if i remember correctly, right? Was it GA or TA?
I know she's in the featured 3.5 banner but i'm aiming for kuroko and serious hosh

Funny thing is base Hoshino keeps avoiding me but sparking her summer alt no so bad after all
>press d hina ex
>top 100
what a joke
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is this real?
alt account dedicated to BA, maybe
none of those is ok, especially the first
You can just farm for base hoshino anyway
Alongside tacticool Hosh and Kuroko, there is more than one necessary spark there.

I always headpat Arona before rolling. Other than that, I honestly can't tell you. My fes rolling luck is godlike for some reason, even if it's usually pretty shit the rest of the time.
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Reported to John Nexon for cheating
Are tact hoshino and kuroko any good?
gg ez
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I was making a joke about you rolling 14 students in a single 10 roll...
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So I've been playing for a few months (lvl 77) and now have a fairly big roster after the recent banners, and obviously not enough resources to raise that many of them. Who should I focus on raising going forward?
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Thank you anon-kuns. I will save for D.Kayo.

I didn't realize just how lucky I was. I wish I could trade some of my duplicates to you guys.

Being optimal matters a bit to me, but I love Kayoko and think she's pretty. How good is NY.Fuuka compared to D.Kayo? Is it possible for me to get both? I'm completely F2P.
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>double Miyako
Holy brickgod.
>two miyacos
I'm so sorry
Next rate up in another half a year? Was really depending on spooks to plug the gaps in my roster and it failed to deliver.
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I'm out of Phaistos Disc.
18 I would guess, along the same park as the Prisoners
What's better for level 50 newfag to do next? I got both d.Hina and s.Hoshino in 80 rolls along with bunch of other 3 stars and I have around 40k left. Do I keep going till spark for increased drop rate or stop there and save for future characters?
You also still missed the Rat hiding in the corner, but it's fair enough.
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*790 Pyros left
Zamn bros I kind of want to swallow a round from a Luger now
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Never ever bet on spooks in this game
Bluefes is a great opportunity to roll to spark. Especially for a newbie like you, the high rate of 3* gets can help you fill out your team in a way that rolling other banners is much less likely to.

If you're not going to roll though, it's okay to save, especially if you have upcoming banners with characters you really want.
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2ch antis are laughing at us again...
There's no way you are top 100 without doing tryhard shit like using Shun/SShiroko
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To be completely fair, i think i only saw Kuroko get some usage and people were happy with her.
But was there a bluefes unit that was ever not busted? Everything but Wakamo is still not powercrept and heavily used everywhere.
Hell, even Wakamo is because people hate critmalding with mAlice.
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seia thread
Whoever you need for the current raid
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HAHA, a WHOLE spark and only 1 new unit, and it was NY Serika.
stop posting sample images sensei
Yeah but how many unowned students do you have?
>Farmed aether essence all week
>oShig spooked me & ate them all
Yeah I’m just trying do decide if I should just save literally everything between now and then cause I really want Mika too
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Would you?
There's not really an option is there, unless I were to roll on non-limited banners.
don't tell me what to do
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Speaking of Kuroko, Nexon for some reason didn't do the "spoiler warning" thing as she can be obtained for newfags that rolls her banner.

Her momos isn't story locked either
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I'm only UE30'ing my DHina because I'm on the Asia server.
Buy pakeji
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Raise your favorites
shirasu azusa
>fucking genshit in the last image
nope, not using scripts made by chinks
What a bitch
Only Momoi.
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Does anyone have that picture of Arona findom? Because I want to spend $$ on this game to get d.Hina but I can only spend money if I'm really horny. Help a fellow /bag/got out please.

I'll also accept sensual, lust-provoking images of d.Hina too (preferably with pantsu). Please anons, I'm begging here. (Didn't realize there was 2 threads going on, so I'll repost here, sorry)
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I am UE50 my dHina and i will still attain gold because chink EU.
>green unsexy momoi
Torment hiero will guarantee plat. EU is the babby mode server compared to JP
sexy midori
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>actually got spooked by CKotori
>only faced 2 NYHarunas today
>she didnt even get to use her EX in the second match
Well there's always tomorrow...
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this but pubes
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Really? That's pretty weird, I would've thought they'd at least put the usual popup warning. Then again it's a similar case for students like Mika and the Arius bunch whose momotalks seem to occur after Vol. 3.
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Yes but what about weasels
>choose D.Hina banner
>get 3 S.Hoshino in a row
Uhh, how does that even work?
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I stan gookako
Relatively newfag here, are there any units between now and next fes that are absolute must pulls?
The outside cat I've pet for the last few days hasnt come around yet
It's blue archivover
NY Fuuka in a month
ponta hours
What's the appeal of Makoto?
She just seems like inferior Aru
Cute pink midori
New Year Fuuka and Ako are the only "skip and you are bricked" but there are lots of good reruns.
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Do you need to bind your account to be able to whale or swipe? Was getting the 'check correct country' thing
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I said this.
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Cute and canon
what are they doing?
Dance Dance Revolution
that's a man baby
I love goofy nonhuman students
Chibi, sheep, animal-like, cat-like, orbs
All cute
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Are you strictly f2p?
If you really really want Mika, waiting for her banner is the only safe bet.
But from my experiences, which obviously are not really a good ground to base anything on, since everyone's luck is different. I get a lot of fes units spooks on those banners.
I would totally roll to 200 on dHina banner. And then do 400 rolls for the next bluefes. I think it is unlikely that neither Kuroko nor tacticool Hoshino wouldn't spook you in those 400 rolls, so you get two sure spark anyway, getting anything.
And if you are a luckgod, you get Mika today.
That being said, i am willing to buy packeji, and obviously enough. It is all luck in the end. If you end up being a lucklet, it is literally ogre.
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>140 pulls
I already got 2 do I keep going and spark? (I already have the other student)
stop posting this
just b urself
Hina should transfer
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>ticket gives dupe Christmas Hanae
>two more dupes during the Fes
Well, I guess I have to build her for Set now.
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cause nothing in there spoils the story
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well, that was weird
NTA but NY.Fuuka is one of the best units in the game. She's like Ako, Himari and Ui put together but not as potent as each of them at the thing they do. She's just really efficient. D.Kayo isn't particularly good, she's boss damage but isn't quite as good as the usual suspects for yellow boss damage. Maki, Iori, Hasumi and Neru are all farmable and do her job better. D.Kayo is definitely prettier than NY.Fuuka though, so you're right to prioritize her.
Sensei, let's go together somewhere gehennoid-free?
Give me your Yukari
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I am bawling my eyes out, bros...
Built for BAC
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I was swimming in Wakas last fes when rolling for sHanako, it just works, sensei.
Getting live reference
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Don't forget that Total Assault is open. Go fight Hiero.
Do animaloid students have 4 ears
Will we even get Ako again when we had that surprise banner like two or three months ago?
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But she's one of only two new students. Don't take her away from me...
Coming back to the game after 2 year hiatus. What banner do I pull on or save for?
Yeah I’d like to stay free if I can and I just pulled on the hina banner and got absurdly lucky lol got every limited except for Mika so that’s why I’m thinking I should just save
They gotta sell assband somehow so yes.
I can't fight him, I have zero good red dealers that are developed, done 60 rolls, got cHanae, last 10 roll got fucking 9 blue 1 yellow, fuck this gook kusoge
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Professor love
Just borrow a dhina and stomp him
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I will trade you my brand new MAlice for her.
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>ryona already
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Then yeah, if you want to stay f2p and definitely have Mika. Just save your packejis for next bluefes.
Nobody wants an useless roomba.
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not if I have my say on this
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why is she pink?
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I want maids to look after me.
Might as well not roll for anything and just borrow each time to get gold again
I want comfy clears, not malding
definitely a dude
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Love Professor!
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inb4 they have surprise Himari rerun there.
Borrowing someone has nothing to do with malding
But our Himari rerun was more recently than our Ako rerun...
I need to smell Wakamo's musky fox pussy...
I hate the saiba twins
>himari rerun
Just fucking roll her on the bluefes. Don't be a lucklet sensei lmao
You can see maid Alice's panties via her furniture interaction. I just thought that was interesting to point out
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Thank you for the trade.
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Do I keep rolling because its bluefes or do I just stop now lol
sensei fucks aru, hina, and hare on a daily basis btw
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Is it really better to bring Nagisa over Himari to Hiero?
keep rolling
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What would nagisas favorite sexual position be?
I got two Himari dupes this bluefes. Kind of stings considering I very recently took her to UE40...
I mean do you need ligams?
Students you want to get sp00ked by?
If yes roll, if not just save.
It's the first day of the raid. This is the easiest part. Just get in there and play around with it.
what's wrong with her? sensei went out of his way to get her a chair
so kyute...
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Nagisa is always paired with Himari though
Are you ready to get your Torment virginity broken /bag/?
>Is it possible for me to get both?
If you have 12k right now, you can get 24k in time for D.Kayo, but you'll only have two weeks before NY.Fuuka is over and you can only get 6k more pyro in that time. You would need to get extremely lucky or spend money to get them both. NY.Fuuka is limited, you can get spooked by D.Kayo at any point.
It's already broken
No, I cleared Chesed
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Wakamo took my Torment virginity already...
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Which BA girl loves blondes?
Pic very related
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I would do anything for my face to become the seat of her chair.
Is she? I saw her paired with with nyFuuka since Ui EX is wasted on dHina triple shot, since it discounts zero to zero.
you have tons of options this raid
nice boobies ma'am
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Can I get tons of options for my primary DPS too?
S.Hanako good? Got her just now and she's the first purple damage type character I have.
what is NY.Fuuka good for?
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I give up, you can't sneak these fucking gold bard out without the cockblock field activating
seek help anon
It just needs to have Hifumi's scent in it
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>myuzu hit once in five tickets
I'm going back to Nagisa
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>Kuroko's 15s invulnerability is tied to her sub skill, meaning she doesn't suffer from the action delays and the effect instantly pops off
they should have implemented the same with Janny and Jumby
>gaming "chair"
I'd rather sit on the floor
Renge sidegrade
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I want Rio to treat me like Toki!
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That's more than 0 times so you should keep using her.
the best character in the game
>super janny
hmm nyo
>600 rolls
>only 2 D.Hina
>got 5 S.Hoshino
>got 4 Wakamo
>got 2 S.Hanako
>got 2 Mika
interesting rates indeed...
Gomen Hiero, Cheesed took my first time...
I'm new. How do I find out who my BA waifu is? There are so many fucking characters.
she's blue fes for a reason bro
Yeah, you can use dHina, d.Hina, Dress Hina and Hina (Dress). Maybe even ヒナ (ドレス)
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No way in hell. Marina getting her immortality off guaranteed would be absolute cancer in PVP.
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I wonder how this works, considering the images aren't saved locally.
I suggest browsing through doujins.
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>Both targets secure.
Is 2.4k pyros worth 100 elephs? I feel like I'm going to need every pyro I can get for the next six months.
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You don't find her, she finds you.
It'll come to you.
It's fate.
3 sparks, yeah.
Funnily enough, got D.Hina on my first 10 roll...
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I rolled Dhina the previous pull, arona cockblocking me from pulling more wtf
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you're lucky I didn't save the clips where junko got obliterated because having two 5-costs on your team makes everything slow and bad
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I think I might have found her. Its this bitch saying A Special Dish over and over during my battles. Taking more of my attention than Dress Hina. Shes pretty cute.
After a comfy and rewarding night of rolling, now it is time to catch up on Momos, before you get new Momos from your latest gets.
What is even the point of sonic damage?
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super junny...
ive got 8k pyros rn, checked with the pyro planner and ill have just enough to spark for T.shiroko, Hero Hosh, and S.Saori, ill think about S.hiroy but ill have to see momos first
You become a manwhore just like the rest of us
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Going fast.
it's normal for Junko to eat yogurt so this one won't get deleted
I like finding a waifu and sticking with her. Sensei is loyal.
Be different, struggle and use sNonomi and Azusa.
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No... why didn't you use Shun?
I got spooked by CKotori by the way.
Purple tells other colors to fuck off via its armor. It's also still really good for blue and red content, since those colors don't resist it.
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Uh so this was my first roll. What do I do now, do I still spark? I have about 20k pyros + 2 10x tickets. I could save for NY Fuuka and guarantee her but then I'd need to upgrade Hina on Eligma alone.
No, Iori is built for my GGC (Giant Ginger Cock)
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coom in doom
good morning /bag/
Firstly you fucking explode, secondly you do another 10 roll to see if you're still lucky or you exhausted it all.
I'd just save for NYFuuka myself but you can probably do a couple more 10 rolls if you want.
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What did you do this time Sensei?
Read the story. Read the momotalks. Interact with the characters.
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I'm not using onetank in this environment and I'm not investing in Shun
I got one minroll and that's it
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Honestly in your position I think I'd just call it there since nyFuuka is pretty good to have
Though I agree with the other guy, see if your luck has dried up with one more tenner
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Hello to the 60+ people on the skill level guide lol
I've been a sensei for almost a year and never fapped to a character or looked at a doujin, but ever since I got Iroha the other day I've been feeling tempted
Do I keep rolling? I have all the other bluefes students and 34k pyroxene left.
are we getting another hundred free rolls
That would make them permanent PVP units regardless the mood stage on top of the Yukka and Shun problem.
The Bricc one? kek fuck you for calling me out
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Who's next?
Do you have nyfuuka?
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My condolences.
Majority of my matches are solotank, it's the most fun way to go about this season.
I posted a CKotori webm earlier but I didn't really get any interesting matches with her today, not enough NYHarunas.
Build Shun.
The best purple, blue, red, and yellow aoe unit in the game
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mating press
Did another and got Hot Springs Nodoka (new). Think I'll do some 2 more to see if I can get Hina elephs . I was also hoping to get Mika, Wakamo or S. Hanako but I know Mika will be sparkable next Fes.
Momoi using pink rotor...
In six months.
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I am not rolling for DHina because I have very little pyros and am saving them all for DAru and if I'm lucky DKayoko
feels good to be a dickroller, got Makoto in 2 tries with the free pulls
Cya then
how are S.hiyoris and S.saoris momos like?
also fuck Rio/Kei soon with that gdd mini game relased recently
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sex with Plana
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My wife came to me in my 2nd and 40th ten pulls.
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no but I will have enough to roll for her even if I keep rolling
but it will probably not let me roll for dAru/dKayoko which I wanted to dickroll for(unless I clear out like half of my remaining momotalks)
don't dox me
I'd stop if I were you. Fest is good, but you only have 1 spark for NYFuuka.
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I told you, my clips were cherrypicked.
What happens to a student after they graduate?
Is 3* dhina any useful? I don't want to upgrade her.
I had to give one roll just in case, but I'm fine with skipping. I've had to spark every fes unit at this point and what's happening in 6 months is more important than Gehenna stuff to me. The 150 on Makoto for zilch is what hurts though..
cKotori is in a weird spot since she's only really good against Haruna. Time to climb and find them

mYuzu went next and failed to kill the Yuuka or the Iori in cover
She becomes my wife
they die
just be yourself
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When do we get t9 gear? Isn't that the whole point of triple drop?
/bag/ anon
should i U30 both dhina and sHoshino 1st
should i U40 sHoshino but dHina still 4*
Rio for 4th anni.
Sigh I just want to fuck students
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Already feeling remorse for doing two sparks. I only did it for ligma but I only got 6 new students and Hina once.
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sexy seia
Chat is this real
Then perhaps you would enlighten me as to which girl is for MBC (Monstrous Blonde Cock)?
new player here, do I want to get dupes of the characters?
I was shleeping sorry. She has an incredibly strong autoattack, you can prio kill mobs with annoying abilities, killing the last mob in a wave can kill several more off-screen mobs, and most importantly, she will destroy any boss, no matter the color (she hates all colored)
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Decided to go to 100, I'll get enough to spark Fuuka by then and hopefully also enough to dickroll on D. Aru. My luck did dry up after the 60th roll I think but considering how generous Arona was to me I am not mad at all.
>lose to kid
why are (you) so weak?
Should be next week
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I see. I have D.Ako and Himari. No regular Ako or Ui. I also have C.Hare and S.Hoshino for their buffs. Do you think I'm okay to skip NY.Fuuka? I'm still new, but it feels like every student is mandatory but I can never get enough pyro for all of them. Here's the students I want from the upcoming banners:
>Aug 20
>Sep 03
>Sep 17
>Nov 12
>Dec 03
>Jan 07
>Jan 19
Shiroko Terror
>Jan 26
S.Saori, S.Hiyori
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Did you know 90% of gamblers quit just before they hit big?
bwos can you tell me one thing, one thing only?
who was the very first sonic damage student?
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don't worry about it
why do they keep forcing me to cum inside??
not ueing shoshino is boderline retarded don't listen to this moron
Why don't my students respect my rights?
You can shut your bitch ass up now, Arona.
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I used all my ligma on Yuuka
4 torments cleared and shoshino is still at 4*
m...momizi? I think?
I'm basing that answer off the fact that they felt the need to put out a 2* student just because it was a new damage type. and it was the first 2* we had in years
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I think I will unlock all Hoshino's UE because I like her.
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gamer butt
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You wouldn't hurt your students
I assume this is OK result.
i dont even use eligma shop...
i got UE30 sHosh and 4* dHina from 200 pull...
my spark is still there, that way i asked this >>488230548 question
sHanako came well before Momiji you dummy
Himari would like to have a word with you
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sexy momoi
this event made me a Hina fag but im only gonna pump up Dress Hina, cancel me all you want, its just an opnion
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Hopefully in 6 months luck is actually on your side, I would say good luck but that doesn't seem to be helping so maybe I'm just cursed or something.
>Junko and Sumire tearing apart their entire team
There's something extra satisfying about seeing Sumire actually bust a tank because her damage is actually absurd. Her accuracy isn't even that much worse than Junko but it feels like a pretty rare occurrence. Feels nice to slap an Iroha down when it just spawned too.
You did win the match, right?
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I hope ue40 DHina is enough because I only got 1 dupe, and it was a spark.
>18 3*
>DHina in 40
>Toki, Miyu, Kotori and Saori from other new characters
>double Hina dupe at 190
Could only be better if I would got Atsuko, but still godlike pulls. I love Arona!
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So do I use all my mats and resources to max out D. Hina? I can bring her ex to lvl 5 but it will eat up all my Gehenna purple BDs and my yellow egg stones.
I'm going to print this out and put it on the wall by my bench press
Seia should stop licking.
hit her then snuggle after
why is 4chan full of castrated prudes and normies nowadays? it's fucking reddit outside of /bag/
>not going to have enough to spark NYFuuka or Nagisa
well, at least I got Hina in a dress...
just be yourself
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What happens to a woman if she doesn't nag you for five seconds?
how do you know what reddit is like?
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>RW comiket event came right after sHanako
in my defense I was on holiday during that time so I wasn't paying much attention to the schedule.
Then pick Hina.
thank you
it's full of teenagers that are more microplastics than they are humans
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hey you cant share that
I got Hina in 40 and put in 60 more rolls but my luck was fucking abysmal, just one more new student.
I'm stopping here.
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If Trinity is England, would they get angry about losing football games?
2016 tourists and religious larping.
(you) always tell me how it's like
>He's bricking his account with either devpet
new Ui alt when?
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yeah it just took a little bit longer since the squad had to do it themselves. 8 defenses I hate it here

Don't worry about being cursed my luck is just bad. Saori spark... Kanna spark... Mina spark.. I expect to repeat this when Bing arrives. If I'm even a little lucky with tHosh and Kuroko and only need one spark there I'll be happy.
>when you make her take a shower
Election year
Why would they care about the Super Bowl?
trinity reigns supreme!
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Hey night shift, is it still ok to ue40 Nagisa?
22 hours since the wows collab was officially announced.
Not a word from the blue archive side
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>penis kissing
I would cum instantly
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i facking hate this game....
You're a night shift.
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Love me Hina
Love me Hoshino
Love me students, simple as
I feel sick. Waited half a year for worse than normal rates.
quickshot sensei...
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Ue50 or bust.
Had to spark Hina... got a ton of pink dupes + Saori, HS Shigure, B Toki, CS Kotori, Yukari.
shes rated 10 in all red raids and core in this season and next season. one of the best characters in the game UE her
Is Wakamo good?
Ain't no way you use her somewhere else than hiero and red greg
Best Mystic ST DPS in the game for a reason. Aged very well.
As a lover? In bed? Wrecking blues?
Ummm bro?
Well I'm fucking spent, half my eligmas gone to max out d. Hina but she's super cute so I do not regret it. What about s. Hoshino, is she good at 3*?
Kaiten as cope bToki to break shields.
Her basic skill has the firepower of a EX skill
For 0 cost
I did it!
I finally raped sensei!
Check the news!
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She's my wife. It's consensual.
I fucking hate the internet now, we need to go back. It was so much better when only nerds used it.
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reread through all mutsuki's momos for her birthday. good stuff
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Is hoshino trans?
It does less than Aru's basic
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cathoLARPing is "in" with the contrarians
Not anymore she is with Tactshino and Kuroko. She's shit, foxfags.
Do not spend your ligma until you know you need it. I've been getting along fine with 3* SHoshino.
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Can I get a QRD on this "professor"?
Who is she?
How did she convince the senko artist to draw lewds?
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I started watching the anime and it is actually... not that bad? but /bag/ told me it is shit
>Do you think I'm okay to skip NY.Fuuka?
Yeah, you've got some decent buff supports already.
>It feels like every student is mandatory
When you're new, every student looks really good, but these past two months have been absurdly stacked. S.Hoshino, D.Hina, Iroha, Makoto, D.Ako, NY.Mutsuki, NY.Kayoko, C.Hare are all extremely good units. This was actually a really good time to start playing even if it feels bad because you can't get all the students you like.
>I can never get enough pyro for all of them.
That's intentional to try to get you to spend money. You need to prioritize things and accept you can't have everyone. I usually do it this way: Waifu > Limited Meta > Limited > Meta > Others
>Here's the students I want from upcoming banners
Of the ones you listed, only T.Shiroko, S.Saori and S.Hiyori are limited and they aren't until January and the last two don't end until February. If you're at 12k Pyro now, you can get 62k pyro on the way there plus 100 free rolls during the S.Saori and S.Hiyori banner(12k pyro), totaling 74k pyro and the 12k in free pulls. A spark is 24k. Meaning you can guarantee three characters from banners in that time. If you're following my priority system, you could spend on D,Kayoko for waifu or NY.Fuuka for meta, and then save for January and hope for spooks. of the students you missed.
Ako's dream team
Why you got miyako there?
Yes, please marry her
she's literally one of the first few characters you see when you start the game
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Video version incoming?
Wakamo has like 30% more attack
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>15 submissions
>3 (You)s
It's okayish, but sensei is such a massive downgrade to the game outside of one ep.
why is hina there?
Private lesson tonight (sex)
I needed a tank and I didnt have the reports to level Mine

Also because shes sexy
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For just a few hundred yen, you too can save Yume-senpai from her fate.
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>Mine shares all her gifts with Mika
>wavecat is not one of her favorite gifts
I am so sorry Mine. But you are only getting headpats.
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I was going to ue40 since release honestly, but I didn't because "what if I roll a dupe on bluefest?"....aaand I just saw that you can't get her on bluefest....
Licking iori's feet?
>Believing anything said on the internet, 4chan nonetheless
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Sounds like it's time to derank...
Hopefully when those banners come around the game doesn't make you spark, I don't like it when I'm forced to spark even once so you're probably actively dying inside.
Also, guess who keeps showing up in my rolls?
Your what?
>variation locked behind fanbox
Fuck you too artists. Make pornography for free for me OR ELSE
I love shigure, ui, and shigure ui
>no welcome to kivotos prologue ep
>no iconic music textures
Besides that it was pretty decent as far as gacha anime goes
side wife:
I only reply to posts with images of my wife
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Ako is the Cheney to Hina's George Bush
Does anyone have any pictures of blue archive girls smoking weed
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it had unwelcome school, thats all I could ask for
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i wanna roll for fes but i can't cause i gotta save for ny fuuka but i also want dress aru... my luck sucks
Pull out the adult card.
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>but /bag/ told me it is shit
The nips themselves thought it was trash outside of a few key moments, it wasn't just /bag/.
Does anyone have any pictures of blue archive girls robbing banks
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>Got DHina in 20 rolls
Do I keep going? I have 24k pyros remaining
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3 Dev onaholes.... nice!
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it's time to build her for pvp, the signs are all there

I don't mind it so much, but if I was playing JP I probably would have quit because foresight is the only way I get the units I really, really want
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The OP is amazing.
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Where Ogogee banner
Also Black Suit conversation, but yea. What could have been if we got game sensei for entire series...
That would be Terror Sensei's spawn condition.
> I cannot form my own opinion
And it's still shit anyway.
Any of these off rates I got any good?
If you could railed in the ass by one students giant futa cock which one would you pick?
Yeah spark her for her elphs, you might get good spooks along the way
I am going to rape Rio
She's a neet and should be physically weak
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Alright, thanks. I'll keep her at 3* for now and will slowly work on her equipment and skills then.
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I'm pretty religious(Baptist) and I still partake in wacking it.
I just do nice things for people and try to go to Church every once in a while
Yeah I'd rape all three of them top
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sex with seia
quick! i need the best formations for total assault, grand assault, and joint firing drill!
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I brought D. Hina in pvp as a test since she has boosted indoors mood, and the bot can't even use her EX properly. So if it's her turn to EX, her EX gets activated, but it doesn't get shot. So she just sits still doing nothing for 15 seconds. She managed to autoattack a Mika to death though which is nice.
>Terror Sensei
That's me!
Amazing for everything ever released - Wakamo, S.Hanako
Good for some stuff - Reisa
PvP meme - Marina
The rest are cope picks.
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That's why it's cathoLARPing, none of those retards are actually religious or do things beyond shitpost about dogshit online.
Wakamo and sHanako are carries, Marina is pvp meta, Reisa is good for yellow peroro I think.
Thanks for your help anon-kun. I'm definitely rolling for D.Kayoko and if I get her early then I might roll for NY.Fuuka as well.
S hanako is really that good?
Does anyone have any pictures of blue archive girls
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She's so good she's been consistently used for blue content even with just 150% damage buff
Wish i could wake up to this
we've known about that for a while...I think the way the game calculates her reduced EX cost on the shots themselves is to blame (so it still thinks her EX is 6-cost, despite being at 0)
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She will stay unraised until I can UE30 her without spending ligma.
I'd be paranoid of getting blindsided by a banner I wanted on JP and would never go under 2 sparks. I can roll like a retard as much as I want here...
Nothing I particularly want that badly for the next 6 months though so I guess I'm just gonna be stacking shiny rocks.
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disgusting 3d whore trying to dress up my wife
get the fuck out of here
she just needs much much larger tits and her body would be perfect
So good she gets used on Chesed
On a yellow raid
Indoors too her worst mood
I had no idea glad I got her then
310 pulls. Had to spark hina and hosh showed up on the last pull. I have enough for NY.Fuuka and still have enough for a triple spark next bluefes...if I buy a single big pakeji. I was planning to grab nagisa if I got lucky and got both hosh and d.hina within 200 but luck fucked me over and I wont be able to roll for her at all. I was wondering if I should just save for next blufes or finish the 2nd spark.
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this is my urinal
Yeah. Fuck you by the way.
t. almost 1 year without her
Basically all the anni limited students are broken
It's probably moreso that the game uses up an EX and moves on to the next, even if it can still use that EX. The auto still doesn't take into account EX skills like D. Hina's and S. Hanako's that you can use successively. This isn't even a worthwhile complaint anyways, although S. Hanako does see some use in PVP.
What a woman.
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Reminder that reisafags love scat
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What does God say about lolis and temptresses
Don't think so. Other threads are OK, we just have more interesting characters to talk
fucking fatass that is actually gross
You’ll get her bro I believe
>This isn't even a worthwhile complaint anyways
A student not being able to use her EX in pvp or any lazy auto clears is not a worthwhile complaint. That is cuck behavior alright
Why do I have violent urges every time I see her face?
S. Hoshino is meta
Or you think everyone using ako likes her?
Yeah I'll get her alright. In 6 fucking months when she's sparkable. Meanwhile I'll have to fight her every single day
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yeah it's going to be a dry wait. Skipping the dress 68's sucks but that's just life. A nice surprise when they eventually spook me, I guess.

that's true, I just mean in the scenario where it cycles around to her EX again before the cooldown ends. I think she still doesn't use her EX, but it's been 6 months since JP had this problem so I've forgotten.
That bitch is overstatted for how low her EX cost is. It also can be used 3 times in a row, so you can blast it with Himari and Ako buffs applied without any fuckery with EX cycling.
Because you're a fag
You're welcome anon. Kayo is one of my favorites as well, so I'm always happy to help out my fellow appreciator. I should also mention, that 62k pyro is assuming you do every possible daily and are maximizing your raids, which you might not know how to do or be able to do. However, you're a new player and you probably still have the standard missions and hard missions to complete, which give a few thousand pyro. You might be able to get slightly more or less than what I said. Don't feel bad if you miss out on NY.Fuuka, she's technically replaceable by the other buffers.
They are my sexpets
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Did no one raise any complaints on the JP side? If there's a patch later on then I won't send in a ticket but otherwise I'll bother to do a recording. But I'll also have to make a comparison with S. Hanako's EX.
Does anyone have any pictures of ui from blue archive smoking weed
>just be yourself
I think it got mentioned a little bit? but it's pvp so no one cares that much. I don't believe it's been fixed over there.
> Recycle
Kill yourself faggot.
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Dress PS68 looks pretty nice but they're not must rolls for me, Mutsuki is my favorite one of the group and well... no Mutsuki. So I guess I'll just hope for spooks as well.
I wanted Kayoko because suppressed guns are cool and her animations are extra cool.

worst case I'll get her when I have to spark dSaori
New thread with correct number
Recycling is good for the environment
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There's no spots in the op clubs
Are you guys planning in to creating a new one(s)?
I would say
>believing in spooks
But considering my spook luck I'd be lying to myself.
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What region?

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