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Previous Thread: >>488245607

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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>Takes a closer look
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I got her while pulling for D. Hina. What is she good at?
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You saving, fellow senseis?
>Newer players will never have Wakamo outside of a lucky spook

What did John Nexon meant by this?
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Will the crayons be in the game tomorrow or did I miss them?
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i dont even play the game anymore lol i just read story and momotalks
they gave me a free 10 pull so i used it
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I want to duet with Rio.
Isn't she getting a rerun?
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They will.
How do you organize your formation/presets? I set a tab for each type and considered something like
>clear-mix (e.g. red boss, blue clear)
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How to send a ticket
1. Go to the home screen and open the menu tab (the icon with 8 squares on top right)
2. Select Account
3. Select Customer Center
3.1 Copy the member code somewhere, you're asked for it in the ticket
4. Select Customer Center (the button)
5. Select Customer Center (the middle button)
6. Select Report an Issue
7. Select Game Play (it's spelled like that yes)
8. Fill out the details
9. Scroll down and attach screenshots
10. Press "OK"
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How do we kill the Solace menace?
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Sign Australian citizen documents for both her and yourself
Hey you! Sensei! Yeah you! Post THAT thing! You know the thing!
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The kiddie pool sucks. I only got attacked twice and they are from the same person trying to get rank 1.
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Wakamo won...
> PVP nemesis
Couldn't be me.
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I'm in
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>dHina (6x)
>Izuna (2x)
Got a shit ton of dHinas so I didn't even have to spend any Eligma on her. A lot better than half a year ago where I got only 3 3*'s in 200 rolls.
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dab on him irl
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We're gonna get Akira way before Seia.
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Nah. I'm just gonna go do my reps. It's over.
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>Getting both Mimoris in the same 10 roll

Unironically what are the fucking odds?
Thank you. But how does this benefit me?
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>that is his most wanted of everyone
Congrats. You actually beat Arona.
use someone other than Marina against him since you know he's using Haruna
>They will.
Alright, thank you.
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日本語の勉強をやりたいけど。 全然やる気はないので,本は読めない…
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Myself¿ But I'm already an Australian Citizen.
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After waking up and getting 10 dupes and only 3 new useless units I just went back to sleep. I've slept 14 hours today. I haven't felt this bad in a while
What will Shirokoteller tell me?
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I already have all the meta students, I'm on the hunt for SOVLful students like Mina, Kaho and (no longer after today) Kaede now.
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The kotfucker teacher…
gatto coded......
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That it's rape time?
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Why did I get spooked so much before dress Hina
Ok but what about Yuuka?
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my wife saori
I'd rather love hoshino
>why not both
Polygamy is unbased
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i have 2 sparks with me in this moment, i should get ny.fuuka then await for the next bluefs? i'll most likely havev 3 sparks by then
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400 rolls and 310 of them had no pinks. Just end the suffering
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>Started with Bunny Asuna, got his autism tick because she was the "spade" card in promos and started pushing her being "blacked" and still keeps it going on /v/ (Although this was actually a generic choice, since she and Neru were swapped between spade and diamond in their promos anyway)
>Had a big meltdown about Mika that started on Mon 11 July 2022 in a Mutsuki vs Mika argument (Constant mentions of Muttsucky/Mika torture porn/both of them and other students being "blacked")
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391449012/#391462267 (First "revenge" post followed by cropped porn)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391449012/#391463365 (First Mika torture porn link posted because cropped wasn't getting noticed)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391449012/#391468510 (First time Muttsucky mentioned)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391499039/#391503620 (First cuckholding Mika post)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391499039/#391504573 (Cropped porn starts showing up)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391499039/#391504686 (Starts Kayoko cuckholding spree)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391499039/#391538871 (Starts schizo rage posting here)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391544103/#391544552 (Attempts to drag Wakamo and other students into it)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391544103/#391553769 (Cropped pictures start here)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391544103/#391559203 (Final complete loss of composure at being ignored)
Question: what's the best pure Purple team (at least on the striker side) that you can make on Global?
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I didn’t know she could ᓀ‸ᓂ
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Ummm bros ?
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There's probably plenty other ways of saying it as well
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400 pulls
Got D.Hina in the first 10
and then in total I got:
3 Mika dupes, 3 S.Hanako dupes (she was UE50 already), 2 Wakamo dupes
Out of 25 purples, only 12 were new students.
I started during the first millenium track event, still missing Ako and Shun, it's so over... at least I got a cheap UE50 D.Hina
Sensei, why did you spray cat pheromones on yourself?
Use the planner in OP. If you want meta, get fuuka. Band alts are meta for red Set if you care about Set. sKanna will probably be a staple meta for binner and def reduction for a while.
That's a guy
i got her and s.hanako when i started playing earlier this year
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niyaniya (hanako)
You were in my bracket last season. I am upset that I cannot currently murder the shit out of you in pvp. Pray that you miss me next season, I do not forget a grudge.
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I'm new, how do I farm ibuki?
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>Major reason for spamming is because he thinks he's having "revenge" on the janitors for deleting his blacked pictures
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/400472037/ (Outed for using a furry proxy site, supposedly from a SEA IP)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/401859108/#401885048 (Self reports as being from Chicago)
>Uses a filename randomizer
>Moonlights as a Midori poster
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/filename/1621257319045/("little shit meme" started here https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/408270636/#408279496)
>Uses specific phrases like "dark sensei" or "tanned sensei" and "clubmates" as NTR devices
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/blmen/ (Funny how this is a holdover from "blasuna")
>Got pissed off from people posting about "Farfie" and decided to spam about it
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My precious desert rose.
Did they fix Ibuki's lines yet
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$20,000 yen cutie
sweep the missions on the event banner
waha wahh sensei isn't a male copepost number 2395838818
do you niggers ever get bored, kys sensei is a male. PR statements by some nigga who left the company doesn't mean shit.
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Feels good
>400 pulls
>Got D.Hina in the first 10
Why the fuck would you not stop at 10 you fucking idiot? This isn't the 1.5st anni anymore, your drop pool is significantly worse and it will continue to worsen with each successive bluefes.
Is she good?
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Come at me, nigger. I will impale your gaping asshole on shun's sniper rifle.
>Frequently uses shart/shit/mispells a student's name ("little shit memes" attached to a Mika pictures like https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/filename/1662350455824732/ or https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/filename/1644460533418/ and https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/image/_BzhebUkllKMcJap4n6F2Q/ to further start shit)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391412472/#391426991 (Using "shart" first appears in the 11th of July meltdown)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391910746/#391946248 (Mikashart again)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/415376229/#415387414 (Hinashart this time)
When called out usually falls back on the "meds" picture.
>Obsessively thinks about NTR/blacks
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/Racist%20janitor/ (Some of these are literally two black men blowing each other)
>Always complains about some student being "spammed"
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this artist already made 6 niyaniya comics
100% get nyFuuka, yeah. Maybe check out the band alts and get them if you feel like doing some higher Set floors or if you think they look cute. You're going to need a big pyro stash for next bluefest because of the potential double spark you need to do
Jesus Christ
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Who asked?
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I wonder if they'll block me if I send in a ticket every day about a new issue.
read https://rentry.org/fbz2tchu
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Do your worst.
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>first the xittercord pajeets
>now scatchizo's boyfriend posting his discography or some shit
i'll get meta until i can at least clear insane raids. being stuck on extreme sucks
also how good are d.aru and d.kayoko? kayoko does things to me don't know if i can resist
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Junko drops her food
I laugh
Simple as
Everything that isn't the head looks uncannily realistic. It looks like a real person with a kigurumi head on top
He lost
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Adding mihoyotroon from discord
>post trannylations as proof that his mihoyocuck 'female' fanfiction is valid, it's not
Bro your JFD shop
The best purple student, congrats.
Everyone talks about sparking NYFuuka but what about Nagisa? Why is nobody talking about her?
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Bought out. Thankfully new month soon.
Soulful Sensei
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Cheeky Arona.
Making me buy 'keij to max out dHina..
Correction shall be provided.
it looks to me that you just like girls
You monster
It looks to me like you just like chibis
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You have now realized that Ako is the Ibuki of the prefect team
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>post screenshot of luckshitting one of the best units in the game
>hurr durr is she gud
I hate this kind of flex
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I want to lick Iori's abs and have her press her abs against mine. Her chest would touch mine before our midriff met...
My dick was in my hand entire time i rolled 600 times.


36 3* pretty good
Unfortunately apparently not very good. JP anons said dAru has some uses in some raids for buffing but she's not used much. No idea if kayoko used at all. Thank Mika.
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And that's good.
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Disregard Set, acquire ASS club because cute.
I'm in a similar boat to you. I can probably just borrow a DHina anyway as I meet all the other requirements, I was too stingy to take mine to UE50 but I'm getting her built regardless.
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If you ever feel bad about your life just remember that there are baggots that have convinced themselves that Ako is a good student.
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slow down
It's so over for him.
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Is dhina banner really a blue fes? I had better luck in previous blue fes.
Does the Mizz Hina Guide Event not give Hina elephs? I swear it didn't give me anything...
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Thanks for the dosh, sucker!
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Based and same.
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We are allowed to be fast during anniversaries, streams and story updates.
>4chan.org/bans his ass is gonna get banned 50 times 20 minutes from now on
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Because I was still missing 50% of non-limited students and I still got a lot of useful ones out of bluefes, just not the two I really wanted.
seeing that scatfag have a seizure over being ignored is never not funny
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Ako is a good student for my dick.
Only airi applies and shes free
thieving cat! she stole my virginity!
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Please remember to thoroughly sex your sex for Hiero.
Why are you, a grown ass man, picking fights with children in their pools like that?
>I will never have Atsuko (I had to skip her recent banner for Mutsuki)

How do I cope /bag/? No her swimsuit alt isn't the same
>Account level 75
>have to push the level 64 students to 70 first
Please...Give me more Activity Reports...
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がんばれよ. As part of casual practice, I find it a decently enjotable exercise to try and read the little bits of dialogue that pop up in the artworks on twitter. You can you it as an wonky measuring stick for progress on reading basic sentences
Whip out your card
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I had a way better haul on JP with the same amount of pulls
Do your comms.
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Ibuki is for sale
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Kek. Do they ever acknowledge the Kuroku fan nickname in-game even in passing?
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3x commissions are on RIGHT NOW, you dingus.
Fuck you Chise
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how important is buying the gifts in the event store? i'm really needing more activity reports, i want to spend AP on commission....
Mika should die
tanga ibuki
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buy gifts or you hate your wife
i hate that yukishiro guy's typesetting and esl-ness. good thing the good tlers usually also do this artist's work and aren't scared off cause the bad one was first.
In pain
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Someone save this man from John Nexon
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I will never get the "read VN if you want to learn japanese" fags
90% of VN text are useless fillers that have zero real world usage
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ikaw tanga
of wait does she really say the n stuff?
I though it was fancanon shit
Nope. It's been rendered purely a fan thing unfortunately
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None of that matters anymore.
Now to wait for the invitations.
>heart pupil
now we're talking
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Understood. I will fuck Sensei.
>It's over
How is it over? If you've been doing event missions you have all your event points to spend on those still.
Gehenna event? More like Hina event.
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but it keeps you engage with the content
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Choose your Fighter!
>fubuki anon got dementia
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Rev up that adult card & get yourself a selector ticket.
Gift is end game stuff, just ignore them really
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how come midori spooked my 4 times this bluefes? i didn't even had her unlocked until now...
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I didn't get Dress Ako, but I got Dress Hina on the first roll. I also managed to save up 34k pyros by doing what everyone recommended.
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>real world usage
You're telling me all my time spent collecting netslang isn't gonna help me become the Japanese prime minister?
And that's a good thing, here's why
I hit random and cope when I lose saying "I-I didn't get my main"
320 sparks damage report
Memedash ticket
Division Ticket
-NY.Haruka (dupe)
-Rumi (dupe
New students
-D. Hina 1st spark.
-S.Hoshino last pull.
-Rumi -Mina -Kaede -Tsurugi -Sumire -Wappi (2x)-Koharu -S.Nonomi -Maki (2x) -Wakamo -Hanako -Hiyori (2x) -Hinata FOUR fucking dupes after two dupes rolling for d.ako/makoto

Honestly could've gone worse. Still deliberating whether to finish the 2nd spark. I have enough to pull for NY.Fuuka and still have enough to 3 spark next bluefes since I still lack Mika, still not sure about it though. I need advice.

Seriously though why six Hinatas within 2 banners in a row, what did Nexon mean by this...
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Even most other EOPs aren't this oblivious
I made a billion other brainfarts on that post and THAT'S the one you Midori me for?
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This is my first gacha since quitting fgo 3 years ago. Is it normal to get purples on every other 10 roll? It took me 14 ten rolls to get dhina. 11 of those had multiple purples.
Koyuki status?
Kanna when he finally gets around to her
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6% rateup, dummy.
No, explode
Yes for bluefes
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sure but if i ignore will i have enough event points to ibuki? this is very important
Shit, I thought doing the event points would be more beneficial.
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dealt with
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>as an wonky
She's there though.
Why can't you see her?
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VNs are fiction/entertainment, and learning Japanese from VNs will help you understand other games and mediums of entertainment. It helps if you actually like the heroines or stories of VNs as well, so if VNs really don't stick for you you can always go for manga instead which has near limitless variety you can pick from for immersive learning.
iroha and ibuki can stay in schale
they will leave pregnant
You need to read something to properly learn. VNs were useful because you could hook the text for easy vocab. It also gave you a sense of achievement from getting through something.

Mining words from other media is now easier than it used to be though, so VNs are less of a use when you can do manga.
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You have the lucky buff of being a newbie it doesn't count
Purples are actually John Nexon's way of knowing if you've hacked the game. Say goodbye to your account in two working days.
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>rolling because "6%"
you got lucky but it's not that uncommon. there's always people like that every blufes
I hate nexon more than seaschizo, what did Natsu and Misaki did to gooks so that they're getting saved for a solo rerun 1 damn year later?
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guess im not the audience
I find myself bored to tears reading through all the non-dialogue exposition texts
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My twin!
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I guess Miyu doesn't want to be noticed by me
Why her tits so big?
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he needs to draw more
my dick demands more
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The haul was good today anons:
>Shigure (hotspring) for sex L2D
>Hina (dress) for wife
>Haruka (new year) for headpats
>Wakamo for her smile
>Hoshino (Swimsuit) for Meta
>Aris for daughteru
>Sena for Canadian healthcare
>Wakamo again because she doesn't want to leave me alone now

Arona, I kneel...
I wanted to correct you today, but turns out you were my ally all along.
You mean like 5-star her? Probably not. But then again you already have Ibuki for free. She's not on the "prioritize to raise" list.
You can mine with manga now?
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Just be patient, bro.
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>90% of VN text are useless fillers
That's exactly why it's useful though, especially SoL/Moege. It's everyday language ad infinitum, not just the brash unrealistic shounen action language you'd see in most popular anime.

You only have anime to blame for the common misconception of how 君 and あなた are actually used. They aren't actually analagous to how "you" is used
you can only acquire gifts by either crafting, buying them from event stages, or as rewards or freebies. same with furniture.
you can get event points from literally any stage in the event, you can get both
sauce me up nigga google and saucenao gave me nothing
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Good morning /bag/
so far ive gotten 4 dupes and im at 140 points…

Mr. Nexon please…. least give me d.hina dupes…
To mindrape feminist korea cult spammer, the bikinischizo
Just play dating sims
that's the only genre I play
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But you have enough Pyros for your canon wife Fuuka (New Year) right?
>Scratches and some damage to show they are still struggling financially
>Still try to enjoy the festival
>For a CG most sensei only see once
zoomer bro...
Good morning
If BA is a VN how would you rate it?
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/bag/ open up
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>Atsuko’s momos are just her being fascinated by normal-people things
Cute sheltered princess
Blue striker with single target attack, gacha
Blue special with damage resist debuff, gacha
Purple special with cover, welfare
You can OCR it pretty easily these days. Way simpler than when you had to mess around with kanjitomo to get anything.
ím 100% sure that iroha book is fake and there's actually a phone hidden inside of it. there's no way she spends so much time actually reading.. in fact she only pretends to read to slack, people don't approach her and to look busy
Like what? I dint think they exist
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Good morning
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>successfully got Ibuki to UE30
I'm free.
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I hate VNs as a medium so 0/10.
Anywhere from 7/10 aggregating out all the volumes
Is there a guide somewhere
Is oShigure 3 star better than Hanako UE50 for Set?
nyo, i only have instant ramen here
How do I farm Ibuki?
Do I have to do Field Exploration?
Okay zoomer. Some of us have enough attention span to read though.
I already got her on JP
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My dumbass used up all my buffet and movie tickets for selectors because I didnt know dHina would like them
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I found Alice!
And she isn't my wife
Or even a canon
Probably a 6/10. It's fun but nothing super special aside from the abundance of CGs in Vol F. Some people say you play BA for the story but it's really a holistic experience and the events, side stories, momotalks, and even some parts of the gameplay and the fandom contribute to my enjoyment of it.
No score until I can get an ending for a specific student
No, but also yes. It balances out at some point by giving you 10 blue envelopes in a row like it did to me. Fuck jewrona.
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>get koyuki
>volume at 100
>touch her
why is she so loud
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>there are /bag/gots who haven't read a single book in the last decade
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wdym like 80% of VNs are dating sims
Start with yuzusoft I guess or azarashisoft
Use Mokuro and AnkiConnect in my humble opinion.
the ppoin is that iroha isn't that much of a reader in the first place, she just pretends to
also i'm a LN/VNslop enjoyer, i'm pretty sure i read more than most people in this thread
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Waka... in shambles...
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It was in the wiki, dumbanon
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Unironically you should read more.
She's outing your favourite doujin tags for the whole of Kivotos to hear
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>get Koyuki
>she violates my rights and privacy
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Why did you impregnate small Shiroko instead of Kuroko?
How long till ny banner
3 tanks that aren't red armour, Shun and then Iroha and sShiroko and you've got like a 80% chance of beating that team. Only way you can really lose if you get unlucky and your Iroha EX lines up with their Marina EX so she pushes your tanks back towards Iroha which always puts Iroha in range of Nagisa killing her tank on repeat infinitely.
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Her prince will help her get used to the real world
Yuzuge aren't dating sims, you're using the word wrong. Datings sims are like Love Plus and Tokimeki Memorial. Those are pretty good for learning JP too, you just have to engage with gameplay more.
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it's sad
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The only media I consume nowadays are tiktok, instagram reels, facebook videos, youtube shorts and snapchat stories
To be fair, the children are bulletproof.
You would go to jail selling this anywhere else than jap...
fgo left you scarred huh?
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Somebody save him...
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>Utaha Doujin
Now that's a rarity
Do light novels count?
Man they are terrible. I feel bad for anyone who actually pays for english translated ones.
Thinking about picking Atsuko from selector because she is the only missing student I really want. Is 3* enough for Set or further investments are required?
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That's okay anon. In my eyes your basically the same as the people who only consume VNs.
Yeah I read.
Read the button that says skip as I push it
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how much your avarage /bag/got reads?
to this day i must have read about 500 manga,40 LN and can't recall the amount of books. surely less than 50
But VNs are based?
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Who is him?
what is she trying to do
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Agreed. She's already taken
>Get the rateup right before pity hit
>No more pity for you
I'd quit too
fat pussy
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It's funny
If I had to say, probably sex.
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Read a real book.
>save him
>no more sex art
yeah reading. nowadyas the sole shouen i read is ragna crimson. it's beyond me how people actually read shit like MHA or boruto
>No Ohr and Sohr
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>Her first momo is already full of HEART OF THE CARDS
They chose the best decuh.
Book..? Alice!
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Post 3, modern book only
does reading leisa's diary count?
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Bros?!? Serika defected!!
The world truly is in a backwards state.
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Very cute
>koyuki asmr
uhh sensei? are you illiterate?
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>Save 200 rolls for Hina
>Get her in 50

Do I burn the rest during this rate up and try for Kokona or save them for Kayoko's upcoming L2d.
Damage report: one spark on dHina, got her on draw 190, sparked hosh.
When I saw a purple envelope on the last draw, I hoped I will have a repeat of the Himari situation, where I also got her at 190 and pulled s.Eimi on the last draw. Alas, this time it was Wakamo.
New students: Marina, Kanna,Wakamo,sHanako
I have enough pyros for another spark, but I think i'd rather start saving for tactial hosh+kuroko+Mika in 6 months.
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Best full Purple team I can make? I know Kikyou and Hanako are a shoo-in but who should be the other twos?
Don't put spaces when writing Japanese. That's weird and tricks you to using a western accent.
My wife never appears in any of these good anthologies
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How do you impregnate a Tablet?
Also shame that the Shigure only has 2pages and Konoka has 4
This week's BA radio show
do you have s.hoshino? what about ny.fuuka?
if yes for both just be yourself and do whatever
>no children
how does aris get pregnant?
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No i won't.

I know that the narrative demands that i do but i still won't.

Hina is shit as a character because the entirety of Gehenna exists just to make her look good.
The story was complete dogshit but at least the ending would've been magnitudes better if Hina actually goofed up the piano. And i say this not because i want her to fail, but i want to see how she would take it and learn from it.
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Ladies, i think your a little off the mark here timing wise
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Why not both?
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pfft watch this!
Momiji and Kasumi
Shosh and the usual Ako/Himari
Sensei is so lucky...
Thats not Ohr
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Stop posting Myako
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Why is Japanese like this
USB - unending semen breeding
Unironically Mika
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今のバッグはいいねえ.漢字じを早く覚えれるだろう. その調子行こう
does that sound about right?
I got Hina in 40 rolls.
I have an invested s.Hosh.
Guess I get to do some dick rolling this year.
You're right, its Ein.
post that mika in all holes pic
Hina should transfer
Kasumi, and the last spot is for whatever you need at the moment, like Atsuko for cat raid for example. I'd advise taking Renge with you because her EX looks really cool, but that's a personal opinion.
i would be funnier if makoto defected to trinity
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I got 10 in 400 fuck you
They are the panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division)
Living or dead, always ahead, fed by your dread
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i'll lick plana's pussy so much i'll be able to differentiate the wires and soldering on the motherboard of the shittim chest with my tongue
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I was a whale. They added Shirou (Muramasa). I quit. I refused to be cucked officially in-game.
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There is no sound attached to this post...
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Whats the best non-h BA doujin to read
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I hate blue plana
Eh, it happened.
But some fags did had to spark on every banner, so it's just a gacha thing, don't get too cocky, Arona will make you sell your cocks for pyrox.
Filtering all japanese posts from now on. I can't risk reading JSL posts and picking up bad habits, sorry lads.
i want to slip my nose into the gap and sniff the panties
>not UE40
You don't love her.
that hoshino one is H but is do damn cute and wholesome that i consider it non-H
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Question: is sShiroko available on selector at JP now?
Japanese is a dying language just like your birth rate
I check a couple days before and yes
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
Now I want to see a ministory where Makoto does an undercover operation and pretends to be a Trinity student complete with a uniform and a new sprite, and of course runs into Mika who gets suspicious of her.
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Is Arisu aware of how erotic she can be sometimes?
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The Japs write even worse on futaba. You gotta avoid the whole Japanese internet if you want to avoid bad habits.
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Is it actual cucking? I don't play other gachas
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Do not lewd her.
>t. yuropoor frog getting bred out by african blacks
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How would you avoid getting raped if you were in this situation?
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need more danidani doujins
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Proud of (some of) you /bag/。がんばれよ. Make sure you don't grind till burnout. Taking a break isn't a sin, even if it's for months at a time.
Brazilians x Japanese is the only way to save the anime race
The only way to avoid rape here is to consent. Sex is happening either way.
proofs of no doubts?
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Didn't she already get two?
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just Midori them? correcting mistakes is good practice
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Suddenly, Sensei.
it's more fun if they fight back
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Idk, but this sca-ji guy looks like some vn big shot and he thinks it's pretty good
I need love and affection, and I need it now.
Bad grammar mistakes and misspellings that natives make are in a different ballpark from those that second language users make. Just compare native English mistakes to ESL sentences.
I am reminded of him every time Sumire shoves her gun in the tank's viewport and oneshots it.
this. i want to be corrected (grammatically) so that i learn
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The current population is unsustainable anyway.
The only reason declining birthrate is propagated as bad is because of ponzi economic policies.
Let the world burn
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more is better
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coom in doom
What happened?
i would nut inside the punish her
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He'll release a new doujinshi in the upcoming comiket.
it's FAG
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I'm on year 7 of my break.
You're right. I meant more just how much netslang is used in general. Misspelling is just more netslang 99% of the time.
Anyone from camp hare and older
I will spread my superior korean seeds in the nippon pussy and make superior hapas to repopulate animeland
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i have a hard time reading books lately, i think phones and vidya have destroyed my attention span
Into the trash it goes.
>The entirety of Gehenna exists just to make her look good.
this is why Gehenna will never get an actual chapter despite having one of the biggest playable characters
>noticed that a bunch of baggots seem to be rolling miyako today
>start my spark for dHina and this happens
What the fuck is going on
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Take Hoshino and use her as bait
hiroy sex for sale
price: one steak
Try audiobooks! I've listened to four books in a row.
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Best kot? For me it's kazoos
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Suzumi alt when
Congrats on getting CUtaha!
Does Wakamo stink?
Great! Do you remember anything from them now?
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/bag/ should I throw a 3rd spark? I barely got a 2 digit number of pinks the past 400 rolls.....
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is it ok if i only 4* ibuki? i really need more activity report...
Desire sensor, that's what.
Into my mouth it goes.
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>alp kazusa
wtf, alp doujins when
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Read books on your phone. Download Moon reader and get some ebooks you want from libgen. You can read in 5 minute spurts, it doesn't really matter. If you actually want to read it doesn't matter how little or how much you do it.
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>"hey /bag/ I just got fucked in the ass twice should I go back for round 3?"
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for me its podcasts
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holy thighs
>Hina is shit as a character because the entirety of Gehenna exists just to make her look good.
this would only be correct if every single gehenna club that existed in gehenna was constantly revolving around around her, which is not the case.
you are just mindbroken
you rolls are currently cursed, don't keep slamming your head on the wall. take it like a champ and try again next bluefes
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For me, it is Serika
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In the Fate universe all of the main girls and the side girls LOVE Shirou. He is the literal harem protagonist. They still recognize him as a summoned servant even though you are the MC.
is this safe
12 years unwashed
I wish my studentwife got doujins
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Congrats on getting your canon wife
And most 60% of them were dupes... What did I do to deserve this
I don't think he's done a full doujin for anything outside of Love Live and originals for years.
I wish my studentwife got fans
But aren't you a fan?
I recognized you, are you that Kamafag
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Okay, so I got that demented Tea Party bitch after getting my Dress Hina, but I had to pull on Hoshino's banner because I am scoping out on Ichika instead. How about it? Here's my Hina rolls.
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Accept your helplessness. It would become consent then.
Is Asuza trash or gas? Pulled her last night
Bluefes spooks are a meme. Never ever rely on them. And if you've tried to before, don't do it again. If you can save gems save them, it's always nice to have extra gems for dickrolls and waifu rolls, to give yourself more room for choice in future banners.
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Why would you want people drooling over your wife? She is yours isn't she?
Kys unironically
>demented tea party bitch
She free
he did fate doujins in the past
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>i would nut inside the punisher
Base Azusa is an old character now, however her def down is still useful for raids, and her single target damage is still every high.
Not as busted as D.Hina, obviously.
She is pretty good as a support because of her defense down.
Also, lose the zoomer lingo. This is a boomer general
She's decent, used to be a top tier red DPS but got heavily powercreeped over the years. She's still good for killing normal stage bosses for beginners and she can be used as a defense debuffer in Hieronymus.
But how is she your wife if you're not her fan?
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Some images of chinks enjoying the current collab in CN.
thanks, i'll try. But don't your eyes get tired when reading on a phone for so long?
i have an ebook too but that's not very practical to carry around
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>demented Tea Party
Hey, don't talk shit about Koharu's gf
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Ayame wouldn't have minrolled...
like 5 years ago
i'm her husband not her fan
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I keep reading dhina as dick hina
At lvl 35 though making my way through stage 6 missions?
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Good morning, /bag/.
Fubuki Status?

Did you get sHoshino?
So you're just her husband in name only and you're not a fan of her?
isn't it night time in aussieland
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The general idea of the story and characters. Could never tell you word for word, never could in general, that's not me.
Miyako pussyき
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ほかに言い方は??? ない!!!
but it's almost 11pm over there wakamoposter.
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Yes she's still good, especially when you need to kill the boss fast.
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Bussin bet
okay he did a short nikke doujin after looking on panda
Seia is merely mute compared to the cake-crazy Nagisa and the force-fed Mika. Here, this is proof that I got her when I am scoping out on Ichika in Swimsuit Hoshino's banner.
And while I'm at it, which is a good idea to pull on first, an event banner after you have gotten who you want, or the Start Dash banner?
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Good for them.
Holy hips those are wide
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I'm glad my wife and her gang had no involvement in it and didn't become yet another hinawank tool
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A hug, a hug, a hug.
As long as you adjust the brightness and use a dark color scheme that doesn't hurt your eyes, you can read for hours on your phone no problem. Just don't read on a bumpy car or train ride. Make the text size bigger than you would think too. I think by default that particular app has a warning to rest your eyes every hour.
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Good morning
Aight cool, because the kaitenniggers are beginning to give me trouble.
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you people should read a little bit of punisher 2099, it's peak
how expensive are pantyhose? my students have been complaining about me tearing them up recently
Good morning
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I miss the wave of short hair Rio art
Me getting my Mika in >>488260772 came from Hoshino's banner. Again, I'm a speedrunning noob who would dive into story the next day before overloading my own phone.
A rough plapping
Which BA girl would massage my back and shoulders after a hard day's work?
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pls respond
definitely not Toki she hates wagecucks who do manual labor
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who's the best raif dps for every color
can guacamole even be considered a main dps?
Arona of course
No, UE50 Hanako is better, especially after getting that bond gear. So either invest more into O.Shigure or just use Hanako.
If you are a primarybro you get the right to selfinsert as Shirou
Yes amd fuck off to your dead general
Oh...surely you jest...?
it's still guacamole, also sHanako may be busted enough even for single target purple stuff
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how do i get more??
A massage from Noa...
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>missing wolfseggs steel to max her
I might end up UE40ings her just from sweeping the 10th event stage
I'm missing 10 and refuse to buy the artifact pakeji, hopefully it won't fuck me for Hiero...
Shouldn't SHanako be on banner instead of SHoshino, as she's newer? I'm still seething about not getting her when I could've sparked.
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It's gonna be a good "read".
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Student that would whiteknight for Sensei ?
It's Wakamo for blue. She fills her own EX sticker these days.
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already looks safe to me
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I won. See ya later, losers.
Is this real /bag/?
Huh. I had no idea dHina could play her song from the event, on the piano.
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How much Eligma do I need to max out Michiru from her 1 star form when she's added to event recollection? I'm saving up but I only have 958 right now.
Kanna actually has a badass design now that I look at her.
NERU SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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of course

maid gamer might be a contender for purple but I think it's still hanako
who's guacamolo
Who are those cuties in the back
OCs sadly
Give me brown dog
Spam that crafting bro
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You got Ka*usa. That's the opposite of winning.
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You'll be in good hands.
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I also got a few copies, is she meta anywhere?
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We should have a daily Japanese practice a couple designated hours a day during Aussie mornings and evenings. I can't imagine Americans being particularly enthused about participating after all. I wouldn't be surprised if whatever actual semi-Nip capable people in here were all Australians
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>not getting her when I could've sparked

she'll have banner rerun in 1y 6 months
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>mfw John Nexon keeps whispering in my ear to drop the 30$
Nyo...I've given you enough.
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She also would blackknight sensei, because of rape.
Link please
The banners for the next year are looking pretty grim...
...but I'm Australian and don't even know a single Japanese letter...
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We have at least one anon living in japan so maybe we can do it at a time when he's awake.
Yeah, concerning even.
>hopefully it won't fuck me for Hiero...
Enjoy your Silver bwo
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You should consider buying her from mastery cert store though, you get 30 frags/month there, which is quite a lot
what is that shadow
Hound Squad!
You will get Gold on the next Perorodzilla Indoors and you will be happy.
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cop sex
Is this real?
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How do I spam this shit...
This is real in Blue Archive, trust me, I checked
Please tell me you didn't opt for French or Korean in highschool
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Cat sex
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Ive read the pastebin but as a new/bag/ i cant figure out what to farm and what to buy from the ongoing event

Can you help me pls?
Thanks bro. I'll save all my expert permit currency too.
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This is why I play this game
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i don't get it
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Okay, now that Fest is over..
Post the units your account is officially seeded to force spark on their banners.
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Just auto craft...
That is someone's son
a fighter plane
im not buying a gold account to see this image
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season 2 never...
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I wish both /djt/s weren't such God forsaken places
just read the LN bro
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I, JOBshino, PINKtard of Kivotos, humbly kneel to
Nonomi-dono, my best friend who tolerated all my schizo shit. I am sorry for ignoring your advice. You can employ me as a maid with no pay.
Ayane-SAMA, my El presidente, I should have given you the reins of leadership as soon as you enrolled in Abydos. I would humbly work as your secretary for the rest of my life.
Shiroko-cha-, no Shiroko-SAMA please forgive me for mocking your prowess in combat. Your potential is greater than mine. Please don't hurt me again I would gladly lick your wolf pussy so it will be ready for Sensei's cock...
Yume-dono, my idol, my bedrock and my deceased best friend. Please rest in peace I promise I would be your servant in the afterlife. Forgive me for staining your name and reputation
Kuroko-sama, the true Apex Predator of Abydos, my other queen, please forgive me for belittling you younger alternate version. I also thank you for cleaning my mess in the story. I would have also fucked up BlueFES if you didn't show up in the last minute to save it. I will happily serve as a training dummy for you or Shiroko and lick your wolfpussy as well...
Sensei, my one and true love and other master, please forgive me for disregarding your advice and ignoring your affections. You can manhandle me anytime you want, sex, blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, hairjobs, anal sex, cuckquean in 3 somes and ANYTHING I would do it Sensei...
And finally, Hina-SAMA, my master, please forgive me ever saying I was the strongest. Please forgive me for acting cheeky and smug. I can only win by cheating an asspull with the help of Clockman. I would gladly breastfeed your children with Sensei while you are busy getting fucked by Sensei COCK
>Had to spark dHina
Truly the worst girl
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I actually had Japanese in primary school, but my attendance was abysmal and I was half-assed at everything (still am). In high school, the same story but Indonesian.
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I never asked for this STOP
She loves adults like you the most.
looks like a ryona artist
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cafe sex reminder
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>No Miyako
Thank God
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>blue eyes
That's not my little sister.
Still no cleanser for Pero besides Rumi(???) but other than that bing chilling
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>forced to spark for D.Hina and went down to 19k funny rolling gems
The worst shit about it
>kousagi fuckers ruined my Makoto free rolls by getting a fresh Miyu and Summer Saki and forced a spark with the last 20
>my first 100 rolls had saki normal and summer spook me along with Miyu dupe,
>Yuzu dupe (Maxed)
>Haruna dupe (maxed)
>Ojisan appears twice when I don't care for the UE boost
The only good thing about this is that I can redeem my Hibiki elephs and I have O.Nodoka for my insane/torment run.
And I guess, Camp Hare (new).
Bluefes only feels good when it's your first one and you don't have too many students
Should I whale and try to get SHanako or accept my fate
karma for shittalking her for the past week, bitch
You'd have to pay me to go back there. As far as I can remember, they are only talking about IQ and some losers e-celebs connected with the japanese somehow.
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Just borrow her.
Saliva string with Rio...
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Based artist
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can someone translate these for me? I sincerely don't understand those 2 words.
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wtf happened to the image quality?
What if she's actually an adult and is the first adult human character to appear on-screen in the game?
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is hime hiero core or not because she's special
How do I farm Ibuki's eleph?
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>sat for too long shtpposting
>stretch myself
>nasty cramp on my ass
it hurts
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Just clean the shop however you want, there's a planner if you really need one
Priority is in the guide as well, but from the top of my head it's artifacts > bds/technotes > whatever else > furniture
If you care about furniture buy it whenever
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thats what you get for being a filthy non-ba image poster
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Next bluefes will be better. I'll get a mountain of spooks...y-you'll see...
she is serina but purple and with an atk speed buff
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_ ____ ________ __ ____ ___
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Honestly, I don't remember assking
I mean she's better than Serina as long as she is invested but that's 3rd/4th team territory when Hiero is already easy enough
skill priority for dhina?
i dont have enough to level 10 all 3 skills
>no tsukuyo and hifumi not redeemed
How was the gold you got for Hoverboat?
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I've seen the IQ discussions too, but that seemed to be more in the name of shitposting. The eceleb and namefag discussions really make it feel like a D*scord circlejerk. I'll admit they have been helpful a couple times though with Anki and all.
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keep your secrets then
Reading DJT is like walking into a kitchen where two chefs in training are arguing endlessly about how to cut a cabbage. They are both showing off cabbage cutting manuals and boasting of or insulting various cabbage cutting Youtubers, but neither are actually cutting the cabbage and the cabbage is starting to rot while they keep arguing.
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It shines beautifully during sunsets.
I really don't like the nagisa teeth images please don't post them anymore
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Basic > Sub > Enhanced
am I supposed to just dump AP on commissions? My level's too low to go through the missions...
There are only 2 special slots and considering torment is a 1T she has to compete with NYFuuka sShiroko Nagisa Ako and Himari, with sShizuko a tier below
If oShiggy and Serina can't compete how can sAtsuko
Just be yourself!
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You assked for it. You will become the dictator’s seat for this.
tags - shorts, panty_peek
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/bag/, you got D. Hina, right?
just got her and s.hoshino yesterday
Me on the right
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I finally got her I'm so happy /bag/
I assume 99% of players did.
I did, more than I'd like to be honest.
I missed out on some possible spooks by getting dupes of her.
>managed to clear mock hardcore with 10 seconds left and 2 teams
I genuinely don’t have enough students for a 3rd team so I REALLY cannot afford fuckups
I splurged on all the gehennoids that came my way last week and now I can’t even bring Hina’s EX to lvl 2
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punishing this rat for showing up in bluefes rolls
I'm not maxing enhanced skill since basic and sub synergize with each other. Idk if that's the way to go though.
Eimi is enough (at least for insane)
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>iori actually survived nyharuna out of cover
I thought that was a death sentence since she died all the other times i run blind into a nyharuna.
Your borrow? Raise your healers and solo EX with a UE50 MMMM Hina
Raid shop should reset soon.
Sorisori :D
Is there not a D. Hina in your club you can borrow?
So the only banners worth rolling for (dickrolling aside) until 3.5 Bluefest are NYFuuka rerun, Nagisa rerun and arguably SShiroko rerun? Did I get that right?
I got the casual rat as a spook, she seems good for buffing
They can always introduce more content where single target healing is important.
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how could you I wanted to use that image in this thread and now you've taken it from me
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Yeah. Wish I got more new units though.
You can check in schale.gg bro
I'd say the extra crit dmg sub is p good, but oShigure can't heal the lantern it's worthless
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nyes, 20 ligma for UE50
the fuck is a spook
yeah it's pretty cute but it's certainly missing at least 1 panel with Makotochildren running around in the background
>Mika didn't want to spook me

How do I cope /bag/? I'm going to be stuck with I*ri for the foreseeable future at this rate...
No clubs
And I meant dHina, not the regular
you wait 6 months
yeah but the prompt was 'Is sAtsuko Hiero core'
I imagine we'll have a few JFDs where she'll shine, but we don't really have a big healing check boss besides Hieronymus
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her momos are good, I use her l2d in my rotation
>Started during S.Hoshino and lucked out on getting her very early
>Had to Spark Mika when she came out
>had to Spark S.Hanako when she came out
yet another bluefest unit i have to spark, the only fest unit that spooked me twice was Wakamo, I might consider even UE40 her later for being a good girl.

Damage report
>Kazusa dupe at 10
>got Cherino at 30
>Rad RRat dupe at 40
>B.Akane dupe at 70
>Small Shun dupe at 90
>get nothing in over 100 pulls
>Wakamo dupe at 190
>Got Kikyou at 200
my Bluefest was okaish but the 100 pulls of nothing soured my experience of it, plus i had to Spark D.Hina as my usual experience with bluefest.
I really hope i get much luckier during 3.5th.
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>the fuck is a spook
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Bronze looks better
Add friends from here. Post your friend code and mention your server.
>EX is "deal damage in a line"
>normal is "bop 1 girl"
>the fuck is a spook
off-banner character that you haven't recruited before
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has she released yet?
Might be a crit thing, or an investment thing, or even a "getting hit by splash" thing. Haruna's damage is all over the place, I've had her knock out my Saori once or twice before and I don't really know how it happened.
it's cause you're shit
I spent 2 hours skipping the story and doing momos to get more rolls
But yeah, I got my wife
My wife is an elf and she is very pretty even if she is strict sometmies.
never ever
Use Koharu's L2D to bait her
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Didn't know she streams BA as well. PS68's manga artist.
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And I'll take it in the next bread as well.
so true yurixis
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Fuck you. Your Marina will fail her next sShiroko check.
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Did you like Erika and Kirara's debut? Even though sensei already knows both of them
her name isn't Seia though
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>giving arius gifts
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Pooopoo monkey!
I am owed sex by students.
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VIP access only.
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I can't stop picking my nose, /bag/
fuck you I’ll get silver at least
Buying VIP access to Arona's cunt with my cock!
Some of these are missable?
ask your students to do it for you
i will lick
Morality is a spook
For me, it's touching my dick.
>take D.Hina to PvP
>skill doesn't work
W-whatever. I didn't care anyway haha...
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She's a nice wife Prez, please be nice to her
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y-you wouldn't
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>sSaori already UE50 and 45 bond
we love Saori
Normally just assume crits but a lot of the time where my students survive it's because they didn't get hit by a splash.
But it already had a S2, when they are against the rail weapon wasn't it.
Or was it all part of the same season.
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I love my son
Yes, it was nice, but it was lame how they randomly released Kirara on an event that she doesn't even appear
is it okay that she shot me?
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Groping Maki's buns.
I want to hug and cuddle and kiss and lick and sniff Neru
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she sounds 40
I am forgiving
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wait, when do we get t9 items?
No. First anniversary character I'm missing out on... though I've got a lot of missions and momotalks I've neglected so now I'm going through all those in hopes I can build a spark
Out of 10
Can anyone tell me the music that plays during on of the Curtain Call missions? It's the "before someone sees" mission when you're trying to capture the mini pan-pans
> Only 4k pyrox left
Wow, she's literally me.
I want to post something but have to wait for new thread so it doesnt get lost. Lame.
kek, ok.
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Yes, you! My cutesie wootsie Neruweru!~~
any EU bwos with UE40+ nyFuuka? :3
Next week with 3x normals
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She did it for her princess, please forgive
She fucking DJ'd for him
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her chibi is ridiculously bouncy too, just look up some of the animations
more likely than not
Wait sorry it's not that mission it's the Meals at Pandemonium Society one.
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>3 dress Hina (2 dupes)
>2 summer Hanako dupes
>1 Wakamo dupe
>1 Bunny Toki dupe
>1 Maki dupe
>1 Izumi dupe
I hate bluefes. It's always like this
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Wouldn't miss her for nothing in this world.
>two ibukis
>get the rateup student 3 times
>get dupes for two strong students as well
Commit die
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my wife Mika
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Who could have done this...
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