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Previous Thread: >>488255416

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Hina should transfer
is hinawank over yet? when can we get other student wank like wakamowank or something?
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6 months of Hoshinowank coming up.
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What is it with Korean and this kind of male design? I think I've seen this a million times already.
where is himari?
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sex with Saori
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stealing this seia from anon
>rich girl who spends her rich girl allowance on ugly hippo plushes bullied poor, malnourished orphans

Why do we like Hifumi again?
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Our sex symbol!
That sounds pretty based to me.
That's my little sister!
Translate it
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Why did she became so popular out of nowhere?
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You don't have a choice in the matter.
You WILL love Hifumi
-t Faust
Fucking ORV protag looking ass lmao
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To Millennium
a fine addition to the list of /bag/'s sex symbols. don't ask for an update, i just gave it at most two weeks ago
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____ ______ ____?
Please post lewd student pictures for me to fap to. I'll accept all students, even the bad ones. Also you can't blame me because you guys post them all the time and they make me hard. It's just the result of your actions.
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Still get raped by a bunch of little girls, btw. What a bitch!
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I believe in you /bag/. 必ずできるようになる
Hina marriage!
Neru is the coolest.
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Hina if she real
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Imagine the softness
3rd alts are now on the table with Shiroko's terror alt. Look forward to pajama Hina for next blufes
Asked in last thread, but that one died. Can anyone tell me the music that plays during on of the Curtain Call missions? It's the "meals at pandemonium society" mission when you're trying to capture the mini pan-pans
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Sex hair
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>anon's little sister
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Next bluefess belongs to Rio/Yuuka terror
didn't work, I fell in love with the terrorists instead
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A smell of coziness
Me with Yuuka.
Ako is canonically the lewdest student.
>2 Hoshinos
Nice roster Fighting gamebabs
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Coom in foom?
How many filters and layers of photoshop is this?
fluffy girls are the best. you cannot prove me wrong
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imagining it...
who's this new girl?
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BA players are starved for new characters and Nexon is playing us like a fiddle with all this teasing
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Same way they did
If Japanese want to be white, they can breed with me.
If it works for Nintendo, it will work for BA
that's a nice armpit
Fuuuuck yesss thank you anons
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What's her endgame?
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Chick is 2D only.
while ako is pretty big ny.kayoko is way sexier
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but i'm eating her pussy out instead?
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>learning impractical dying languages just to play cartoon video games and watch pornographic animations
Asians perceive themselves as being 8’ tall with a 4’5” wide chest
She's the main character
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When will this guy go back to his more effort drawing style?
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The Maestro of Sex!!
I want to press Niyaniya's little body into my bed.
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So after Commieket rerun, what event do you think we'll get next?
Hina is canonically Abydos now
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your tablet is pretty erotic
I think it's a mask.
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Where can I get Toki gf?
needed that dekirunon, It hasn't been going too well lately.
Anyone rolling for the PS68 escort alts?
Mmmfff fuck BA girls are so fucking good
I want to make another Toki with Rio.
Ok, if I'm not gonna take a responsibility, alimonies will be enough?
I'm rolling for Aru
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Anyone else rolling for Dress Kayoko and Aru?
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I love Dress Ako momotalk so much, she's always nagging like my real wife.
I have bad news for you
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Coming through
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Nice back Hina
Threw 2 sparks on FES so no. I honestly regret it
Amazing art. Neru and Arisu FTW.
Praise to the editor for having decent handwriting.
>little girl
simple as
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Yes. Adult pussy is important
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>This is gomen-ed Hina
No, pic related is how Hina looked like when she got Gomen-ed.
where are ibukis crayons? i even see the dialogue saying it was in a classroom, but i checked everywhere
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D.Aru and D.Kayoko are beautiful, but my sight is elsewhere.
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Watch THIS
arent we supposed to get those after reset?
Yep. Aru is my wife
I respect the effort writing text by hand to match the original
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Wakamo is the strongest Hyakkiyako? Can she beat Ayame?
Have you checked the trash on the classroom? I remember Hina only getting bad mood when checking it except on the final days where something is hidden there
oh ok. yeah idk
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my wife saori
Iori Isn't brown enough
Iori's abs against mine...
I thought this was still loading kek
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i'm having thoughts
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sorry wrong Image
Missing Kuroko there
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Good morning my Miggas! I hope you get spooked by Migga during BlueFES!
Not sexy enough
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I'm about to bust. Post Hina real quick. Just one more pic. Preferably her pantsu but I'll make do with anything else with her.
What are the odds
Fuck off farfag
Based Sumire enjoyer
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Good morning
I did but I already maxed her out...
MATSUOKA!!! never give up!
are you the portguese hinafag?
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can I skip sChise if I already have sWakamo?
The nip site says she's quite a step down from sChise espically for hovercraft
How come anon gets to announce his fapping but I can't?
>2 Hosh
>no Shiroko
shit fightan
Himari with dr Boskonovich moveset
Seia with Gon's moveset
nice metapost from a phone
kill yourself retard holy shit
I used to use my own handwriting for translated SFX but stopped because it was too samey and too distinctly "me" and looked nothing like the original so it's nice to see someone do it well. I need to get into calligraphy or something.
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Pretty cute
You forgot to censor the ugly on the right
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hre you go
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Three more 10 rolls got me sHoshino. Get fucked nerd.
Bump. Quickly bag..
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Good morning
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Don't tell me he's back already.
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And I am the thinker
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First 10 pull. QRD?
Finish your spark, you may as well
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You can use Kayoko, Fubuki, Hifumi, or Suzumi for hovercraft
Holy fuck, I'm retarded. I just realised I forgot to switch banners after I got D Hina, so no wonder I didn't get S Hoshino. Then again, I got Mika and Wakamo, and didn't get a D Hina dupe, so I guess it turned out okay.
oNodoka is the only interesting spook I got this blufes. Is she still relevant?
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God fuck yessss thank you. I'll use these.
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Canon Hinapan
But Noa isn't my little sister?
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He's using Iroha now
That game sucks.
My vampirewife...
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S.Chise is for comfy clear.
not really main team material but can be used for bodythrows
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Kisaki looks so cool. And also erotic.
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she is breaking my ribs???
Thanks/bag/. I needed that. I knew you would come around for me. Best general on /vg/.
Anon said this is for the mobile version of wow
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post source
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
AOE healing over time, stacks work with Serina Christmas. Viable as a Yellow Gregorius Torment healer option but quickly shifted out when the Iori team was created.
Hope you die of pancreatic cancer.
iroha hair
*pat pat pat pat*
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Quite right. She is wife
weird, what are we getting?
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>Have to spend over 500€ in new glasses
Never go blinds bros, it's not fucking worth it
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Now that the dust has settled, what do you think about Hina event translation?
she would have been more popular if they had shown her chibi like they did with the shupogakis.
that's the formula right there but they failed to capitalize, as always.
Is 3* being more powerful and who I should invest resources into true?
>Why world of warships?
>Why Abydos?
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They likely intend to release Highlander students soon to capitalize on Abydos story which won't happen anytime soon with Professor Niyaniya
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how, she's probably 100 pounds at best
yep... its instaroll for me. usually
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then I'll skip her then
just so happens I will have one GA ticket extra that I don't have any other banners to use on other than the permanent Hyakki summer banners
Guess I'll just rely on my clubmates for S. Izuna and Chise borrows
I don't care enough about Hina/the event to begin with
It's usually both. They've done a ton of AL collabs on both PC and mobile and I'm pretty sure all other collabs are on both too.
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oh no... he's discussing the phone game on a phone...
I'll just get all the freely available stuff then dip again. Fuck air spotting
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keeping Makoto's laugh was a surprise
Mizz Hina is terrible
couple of odd mistakes (horde, etc)

my opinion remained pretty neutral about it but I also didn't care that much when it was on jp so idk
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> permanent Hyakki summer banners
The what now? S.Chise and S.Izuna are still limited.
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Every Mika post makes scatmonkey lose money, because VPNs aren't free.
Meanwhile it takes 0.5 seconds to post one Mika lmao.
I'm seriously thinking of picking up this game. Is Kanna out on global yet? Something about her just drives me crazy she is just PURE sex but also wife material
weeb shit and wow go hand in hand for some reason
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My precious desert rose.
Double blowjob.
Solid actually
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Why do they that weird eyebag makeup? that is what ruins the majority of these asian cosplays
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She's been out for years, she has webs in her womb
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Good morning anon
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just pay someone to laser your eyes lol

JP had their banners when the Hyakki event became permanent
if you start now youll be poised to get Kanna sexsuit when she releases
BA if it were soulless chink slop
She base version is out in global, but her swimsuit version won't be out for 5 months.
What is Arona's sexiest image on the internet?
they fucked up the cheese joke, ibuki's childish third person pronoun, gyaru-go, and i'm sure anons have pointed out some other big issues

*plap plap plap plap*
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Uh oh you lost another VPN!
Better buy more lmao
nice man feet
slut gaki Mutsuki
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I've seen quite a few Kikyou cosplays turn out quite well specifically because they don't cake themselves up, thanks to her simplistic design/looks. Cosplayers should shoot for that more often
>R*ddit spacing
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okay manwhore
How does that collab work for world of warship? do we get ship versions of the girls or something?
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Those few hours without him were pretty alright.
>I'm not selling anything?
>Mizz Hina
>Solitude's Edge
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VPN is a monthly fee retard, it costs him the same to make 1 or 100 posts.
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Maybe sensei shouldn't forgive potato saori
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I do this for free.
You lose something with every post lmao.
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I'm at the mercy of dekinai-chan. It's over for the translation. I don't care about it anymore
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I thought VPN is banned here
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I want to have sex with you Seia
As a newcutie, I think I've only gotten make-up girls as my 3*
I literally only pulled to get my daughter Reisa.

Instead, I got shun, sShiroko and Marina. At least my pvp will be less shitty now...
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Mikafag's been broken lately
You have to find the VPNs that aren't
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Can you guys stop being attracted to little girls?
No seriously how? I think I am addicted and need help…
What the fuck is this curtain call bullshit.
lolibitch muchuki
thats very, very unfortunate except for koharu
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No 3DPD comes close to 2D normalfag
Azoos love
Is there any easy way to get her regular version? Her swimsuit version is pure sex but her police uniform is really good too
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Find the other kind of girls to be attracted to.
And also you're a fag, fr fr.
it was always within you, you just never realized it before. how would you go back?
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Is he really a manwhore when he's the victim
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You're not very subtle scatmonkey. Why'd you change the md5?
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what is Sensei doing to the fluffy
No, she hasn't had a rerun since her banner in early 2023. You'd have to reroll until you get her.
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Sorry, can't
>phonefposter getting uppity
lmao, newfag
Making that face makes me even harder. I like knowing you don't like it.
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Lately I’ve been thinking and wondering: with Isakusan leaving could it be that was the reason characters of deep plot relevance like Seia and Rio weren’t implemented?
He was a in a high position that likely consumed a lot of time. In addition to 1.3, he’d also have to write the corresponding characters’ Momo Talks and since Arius units are tied to Volume 3 (another one he was the main writer), even if the Summer units had a different writer as is common for alts, he’d still have to oversee and give input or adjustments.
That wouldn’t leave room for much else.
I dont want to go to prison again
Just reroll till you get her. Reroll is quick without having to use a salted email, and bluefes means the rate is much higher anyway.
You're pathetic, remember to kill yourself, fag.
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you'll never go back
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Trying too hard bwo
Replace Sensei with Hoshino then it's accurate
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just say no, males can't be raped
why are you so angry at them
I came back when I saw Kuroko's backless L2D. I wanted to fondle those tits from behind so fucking much
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I'm not even seeing your replies btw.
Haven't seen one in months.
What do you even think you're accomplishing?
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I prefer images like this >>488269343 than those >>488269327
Am I weird?
1 GA ticket and a dream
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He lost, again.
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I never understood why some gacha especially Chinese ones are so anti-reroll. You have successful gacha that are easy to reroll like BA and some like Gakumas that literally have a 1-minute reroll built in, and those make tons of money so it's proven that you don't need to restrict rerolling to make a profit, so why do they keep doing it? Are they insecure or something?
im not trying at all
you are normal, besides being a /bag/got, because first has sexual maturity traits and the other doesn't
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>corrupted artist
gaki manko is too damn powerful
kek, brat'd
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You owe us a story.
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I see, thanks bros. I guess I'll just enter the reroll mines for her
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Is this the Senko artist or someone else?
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Short haircut surprisingly fits for her, but makes her ~10 years older
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who cares, if you find it sexy then so be it
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Why seek help for something that isn't a problem? If you're addicted to masturbating that's another issue
The hippo isn't ugly.
The only good thing short is your body without your head.
Please post your lewdest Rios.
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what do you think
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>there are baggots itt who went to prison before
Own up, who served time?
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2:0, he still needs to get stronger before he can win
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Can you fucking stop? Go back to xitter, you fucking tourists.
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Wait, you're the actual anon that bellyblasted? You're already back on the streets? Pretty based.
I've never played this game but don't listen to the other anons. Post that chick with the black hair that looks horny all the time. I don't remember her name tho.
pristine and clean
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I still haven't started the Hina quest, am I fucked?
I have at least been behind a police car
Isn’t this the samefag that does the sameshit in other generals?
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My body without head still more useful, that your's without dick
I'm only rolling for Aru because she is pure, Kayoko is a whore
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Luv saggers
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Wow nice.
>am I fucked?
You'll miss a bunch of rewards
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>phoneposters posting without any shame
>xitter links without any shame
>girls for this feel?? *off topic shit* without any shame
fucking despicable
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new low /bag/
that lil girl pussy grip too powerful mane
retarded moralfaggotry itt is as dumb as preaching in a porn thread
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Why do Nexon hate Global players so much, bros?
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I like her glow
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Is that the raspberry anon?
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Nothing wrong with that, if you are attracted to them because they are cute more power to ya
Now if you are attracted to them because they represent actual little girls, that would be a problem
Just keep it to fiction
Twitter links default to the x domain now. I'm just sharing art and providing the source for people who want to download the original filename or find more stuff from the same artist.
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Give her to me. You don't deserve her.
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Where Ogogee banner
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Good evening fellow Mika enjoyers
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More like new heights. Dude got street cred, +respect
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I literally stopped rolling this fes after only getting one Hina just to have a pity ready for these dorks.
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Good luck. Volume 4 and F will make you love her.
There isn’t much gameplay value in the normal version because while she does enable damage, the Special slot has to compete with buffers which are better for raids. But the swimsuit version to be released in Global is great for Raids, quickly becoming meta for Binah.
Back to your containment gachaslop
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Hasumi and starvation
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Multitude of reasons, but some of them can be boiled down to:
- The Chinese wants to control the game times of students, thus some game will require a real ID to play. Wasting times to reroll = wasting time studying.
The reasoning is stupid, but it is what it is.
- Harder / wasting more times to reroll = forcing people to commit to an account, cause some rewards or benefits within the game take times to redeem, reroll too many times means losing that rewards / benefits. After all the best times to reroll are usually during an anticipated events.
- Some companies are just REALLY weird about it, like the Mihomo games. There's no reason to not allowing the player to skip the intro, and it's not like the technology is not there. They really want to force the player to """immerse""" through their in-game stories.
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I've been to multiple for work.
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When will these threads be comfy again?
Bro we literally just got 1.2k pyros... do you want an entire free spark or what?
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coom in doom
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You are: https://rentry.org/dhinawalkthrough#curtain-call-day-1-event-day-5-10-july-26th-july-31st-1900-utc
Lost Items vary dau by day but cycle over the duration of the event. You are so late that some of them are perma-lost.
not wrong
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Your student
Your crime
There's some lost items (that give a tiny amount of pyros each) that are only available in some days. If you do it daily starting Thursday you won't miss out on any of those. The only thing you've missed out already are some of Hina's levels in the piano, but I think the last rewards are only yellow reports, so you're not THAT bricked.
When kayocute guy is back.
They got one ten roll for getting first place...again
Mika should die
You literally serve no purpose in society, you can't even contribute to the thread.
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Slowly and in pain
Just filter it, along with all the BA news and fanarts that we shamelessly repost from there.
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Mika love
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It was belly buster, actually.

But they are.
Ok OG Loc
pretty sure thosr games do it for engagement metrics and all that. Same reason why they dont add skip button, thry make it so it takes longer to progress through the game
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Good evening
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I still haven't played the minigame, is it over for me?
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>game crashed during the ue30 Weapon pick up equipment screen
How the fuck can I see it again?
There seems to be no option to review it.
>there are senseis that call their students as "whores"
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How much pyros can I hoard until next fest?
I have rolled 20 times and have gotten ONE new student, the rest are dupes. Am I cursed? There are many 3* I don't have yet.
they are if you ignore spammer
2 natsus dupes , 2 hinas , wakamo dupe , wakamo dupe midori dupe , 1 shosh , swakamo , chihiro , kotama camp , kasumi ,shun haruna track, shun , and ostoatsex

rate my spark bag
Raping Arona's tight wet smooth cunt as punishment for giving me shitty rolls this year
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Kinda >>488270639 but >>488270679
4chan is perfect if you just ignore every poster you don't like.
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so they actually did time for that. huh
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Kayoko does dress like a cheap whore, same for Mutsuki, you can see her nipples if you look close enough to her dress
I am missing four things. Do they come later (meal ticket is the 4th). Also can I only level up piano once per day?
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>he's never been to prison
Imagine living such a dull life.
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While we're on the topic, anyone know a good script to download twitter images at original quality/size and filename?
The old script stopped working and I haven't found a suitable alternative
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I peed in the basin
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Evening anon
>I am missing four things
Oh no..
>meal ticket is the 4th
Who's telling him? I can't bring myself to it...
6 months, 10k > 12k on average per month, assuming you aren't lazy as shit.
Saori is so lucky
you can replay her voice in the voice thingie in her student profile but you can't see it again. You're lovebricked now, missing out on an unique, important moment, her love gauge will be forever stuck at 99%.
close to maxing her!
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>he's not an upstanding citizen
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is it ok to leave ibuki at 4*? i really need to farm more activity report.....
I think wows has commanders that voice generic stuff when equipped to the ships or something, maybe like that.
Guys, I have a question. Let's say I went to Kivotos, and of course I only want to have sex with certain girls. But the problem would be, that the other girls would be very angry/jealous about it. Do you think offering them to watch me fuck the girls I like would make them feel better? They would be allowed to masturbate.
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Didn't buy a bus ticket and got caught by control.
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Adult... brats??
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Plana would never, but Arona is gatekeeping
Is CUtaha still used in Set or did Kuroko completely replace her? Can she be a replacement for no Sakurako?
I swear I just blew the bgigest load to Niyaniya ever. Look in my hand and it's covered from the bottom of my palm to the top of my ring finger. Symbolic, really.
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Did you get Hina, /bag/?
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I did my time and I want out
The three on your screenshot will unlock in four hours.
The meal ticket was from yesterday. Sorry, you're bricked. No joke.
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I did this.
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No, fuck them all, coward.
Yes, you really don't wanna use her without Iroha anyway. 3x commissions is more valuable.

Yes, we know, Shinji, now stop bragging about it.
yt-dlp doesn't work?
>hidden niggerporn
I got arrested for jaywalking
Crap by chilean discord trannies has the same ugly taste as doctored AI slop.

>The old script stopped working and I haven't found a suitable alternative
Replacing all instances of twitter to x in the script makes it work again iirc.
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Got into one of those fancy trains that travel across the country quickly by accident, successfully avoided getting caught as I didn't pay for a ticket
I'd rape her for just sitting back and watching Arona do that
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Kaho never fails in making me want to jack off.
how many hundred of activity report should i farm?
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how can you even call it "rape" if all students want Sensei's cock?
I did this
>says this while telling sensei he can fuck the 9 yo brat
>upstanding citizen, in kivotos out of all places
that place is a shithole, good thing it has a lot of guns
I played the event this whole time but where do you even farm ibuki...?
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Are AP drinks useful? Should I buy them?
It's not worth rolling just for bluefes 6% odds right? I only got Saki...
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Well first of all, it would just be too much sex for me, so I can't in the first place. So of course I'm going to pick and choose. There must be some viable alternative.
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Holy shit is this you?
Yes you sillyman.
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I got pulled over for a tail light once, haven't been the same since.
I dunno, I just want to download twitter images from my browser

oh wow, now that you mention it, I think it was around the time of forced redirects to the x domain that the script broke... i never htought to change it
well shit I removed the script in search of another, mind linking/binning the script to me?
You really think the former scenario director/advisor to the current one was writing momos? That's grunt work.
It absolutely is
I got half of the roster I was missing
9 is only halfway the legal age, so almost fine tho.
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BA x Rance
What are they good for? Should I stockpile them or
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One girl a day and then some mob reverse gangbangs
Is Mika really that stacked?
I used to sneak into the mall after hours and skate in a spot with no cameras until they put cameras there and then we always got kicked out.
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YOU look like a cheap whore
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yeah other than the ID issue the biggest incentive for them to limit rerolls is probably that the number doesn't look as well if their active user number is a lot lower than the total account number. Also buying starter accounts is a big business in Chinkland. So they probably wanted to avoid potential issues from that.
combat section in the Hinarpg
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I worked in a detention ward as part of my practices.
She has some rack as seen in her swimsuit sprite but not that big as the last panel, closer to the top right panel
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If I was isekai'd to Kivotos, I would be beaming ear-to-ear everyday. I'd love nothing more in the world than to be surrounded by beautiful women.
Anything goes in your universe so do as you like
oh my god
i haven't done them a single time yet
i just assumed that was for replaying the combat sections......
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Kayoko... beloved...
Who? She looks very cute a fuckable.
It's back
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>haven't been the same since
this, I dont know about Kayoko but Mutsuki acts just like your average instagram/tiktok slut
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I'm a good role model for my students
>also /bag/
I'm a convicted felon
ADULT PUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What the heck? No one told me Hifumi was this lewd!
Please tell me S.Eimi is good for something besides sex and insult Himari
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My image didn't upload...
Are there any solid ST purple students? I know a bunch of AoEs but I can't think of a single ST.
Kayoko should let me fuck her adult anus
Missing Ako cheer on top left and sensei on top right
Just write a fanfic already, your harem fantasies are wasted on this general.
uuuh she has cute pengies
don't worry, you just sweep them with all the event points you have stashed, you didn't lose anything.
clear all of them for the extra ibuki shards / pyros from the hardest ones
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AMD my name is Eikichi Onizuka.
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Arona was good to me this bluefes. I think I'll mating press her as a reward
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Tax Evasion
correct, we felonmaxxing the youth here, GTA style, kivotos is just Los Santos without ebonics
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he cute
maid momoi
She's always been like that but only when around Azoos
So is the 9k avg. pyros per month for F2P players still an accurate estimation?
Arona cunnilingus
Oh I know. I'm really just teasing /bag/. Wanted to see what they would say or come up with. The truth is that 95% of /bag/gers would go in thinking they're gonna do this and that, but what ends up happening over time would simply be a reflection of the man that's within anyone. Kinda like Tyson's "everyone thinks they know what they would do in a fight, until they get punched in the face."
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I have autism, what are the unspoken rules of /bag/?
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Just like Sensei that was arrested and thrown in the same cell as the Gourmets.
Sensei got arrested in-game for being with the Gourmets before
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It's 12k
It always was 12k
I would go in wanting to hang out with one student in specific, then end up in an orgy with the entirety of Kivotos most likely. I am said to be quite attractive after all.
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>save up to to almost 5 sparks
>even skipped kikyou
>rolled dako and makoto for free
>rolled dhina in 20, already got shosh
And here I was looking forward to rolling on 6% rates. I'm literally suffering from success.
Kinda tempted to do a single spark since double rate only happens so often.
Although I worry I wouldn't have enough for kayoko, aru, fuuka, haruna and wappi.
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I mean, it'd be impossible to fuck all of them unless you have dojin superdick powers. You'd have to ask those mulsim guys with 20+ wives, how they do it
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one case of DUI that got plea bargained down to a Wet Reckless way back when I was in college
We know
How am I supposed to tell you the unspoken rules?
Your post must have a Blue Archive image if you are speaking of unrelated things to Blue Archive.
I will not have sexual thoughts about my precious students
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Why was that baggot in prison? How long was he there?
Arona is all I want in life
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I'm on the list of registered sex offenders
About 3 sparks if you don't want anyone else.
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pat your saoris
That but big Arona
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I want Rio to baby me, to mother me.
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Draft evasion
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I will now have wholesome sexual thoughts about my student.
Look at how cute she is.
We know Momoi.
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rape is NOT a joke
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>there is a baggot currently in prison
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I honestly want to hang out with Kirara. She seems like she would be a lot of fun even doing the most mundane activity.
are the 100 pulls from annis included in those 12k calcs? because they can't be used to spark other chars...
Ogogee can't be your student
Which girls would be detained for the brutal violent rape of Sensei? I'm talking the type that leaves Sensei bruised and bloodied
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Hiyori Status?
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Organized crime
Mass property destruction
Assault and battery
Haruka a year from now no matter how niche or shit she may be. Maybe Mutsuki too
>12k pyros per month
Uh, how? Assuming no story to read and no backup Momos, and also assuming you're not top 100 in pvp, where the fuck do 12k pyros come from? I know TA and GA give pyros and tickets, and that events also give pyros, and there's also the login, daily and weekly rewards, but I must be missing something because that does not add up to 12k.
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it is for Sensei
Nah, stole it from someone on xitter
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Impregnated (by me)
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could be worse, there's some disgusting people in other generals
>the pinch ended up being on her face and not on her belly
A bit disappointed. But it's still a great l2d so I'll forgive.

I think letting them watch and fap would actually be the best bet. Even in an orgy, some girls are going to leave that feeling like they got less time than the others. At least when it's one at a time, a dominant girl is established, and since girls are prone to accepting authority as it is, they would be able to mostly deal with it.
You could show them to me
She's cute.
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Unless they get Reijo'd and Takane'd.
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her tits: saggy
her tummy: chubby
my dick: erect
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I accidentally shoplifted once when I bought a large baking sheet in the grocery store and didn't notice until I got home that it was actually two separate baking sheets stacked on top of each other, each of them a separate product. I figured going back, returning it and telling them the truth would be more trouble than it's worth.
wasnt there that one picture of SEAmonkey who managed to get into prison with a cellphone and played some gacha in his cell?
I guess thats close enough
Kazusa, she's literally a furry
>one of the sidequests just randomly reveals that the prefect team's headquarters is haunted by a ghost
for what purpose
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It was Miyu.
Don't they ban you from accessing social media for like 10+ years after you get out of jail due to parole rules and shit? Sounds like hell.
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Which BA girl is best for lap pillows?
I have a massive need to cuddle her tightly so I could feel her soft chubby belly on my abs while I pound her pussy
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How would you reply if Yuuka sent you this on Momotalk?
Ibuki if succubus theory is true
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It's okay, my dear anon Sensei.

My time has come, and even though you couldn't have the great Makoto in your student roster, even though I couldn't show you the prowess of the Pandemonium society, I'm happy you're more sad for me being gone than if you felt joy for Hina banner.

Send a photo of my dick, probably. I've never done that before.
>hello noa
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I finally caught her, what should I do?
nta but that sounds like some "only in the US/Australia" thing
Maybe Akari if you put ketchup on Sensei
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It's impossible to not have sexual thoughts about Gehenners.
Wrong send, it was for Noa. Tell her to get it together next time
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Why are you wasting your money on pakeji?
Shouldn't you be saving up for a house?
>mamon troppo...
*blows the fucking universe*
You mean you hadn't done the rolls, right? You didn't do all 200 rolls and then for some insane reason not claim your spark, right?
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So now that Vol 1 is over, we'll get Highlander banners soon, right? Right?
I am, I'm F2P but I'm investing everything I have into you, my love!
Ask her to stop before my studentwife sees.
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Miga shiip
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Eh the store likely didn't even notice it. Errors in counting/stocking products happen all the time and if the item isn't something expensive then it wouldn't even affect the store's finances in the slightest due to how cheap they get to buy stuff.
In fact if you worked at a store that lacked proper security cameras and supervision you could likely get away with pocketing all sorts of shit for years with nobody noticing.
A house can burn down. Pakeji is forever.
You wouldn't fuck a chibi
Please talk to cat...
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Do we know who Akusi is? This even mentioned her twice and she was in Gehenna Summer among the online messages
not taking a mortgage, schlomo
It makes no financial sense to save for a house in this economy. You aren't going to make it, so you should use the money for other things.
I actually think I want to, but my ideas are always all over the place, and I don't make an effort to remember or write things down. Writing just isn't for me...
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>buying a house
>in this economy
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160 rolls were already done but I went to sleep and got ready for work
Meant for
Just like Kronos banners with Shinon and Mai
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>dress ako
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And Nyanko too for the matter
Of course, just like how Vol 3 ended and we got Seia banner.
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I've finally done it /bag/. I've resolved myself to stop saving art. This shit was taking too much time every day. My autism compelling me to always having to find the original artist didn't help. I realized that I never actually even went back to look at anything I saved anyway. From now on, it'll only be gifs, webms, and react images from here.
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I'm not gay. I will fuck a chibi.
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Chiaki, Kirara and Erika are instant dick rolls whenever they decide to come out. Gehenna is truly the best school.
Well at least you have 4800 pyros still. Hold onto them until next year, she'll come back for you.

Also next time don't hold off, if you want to spark, you have to just do it.
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Miyu clears all
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What do I do here?
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Third mention
Good going, anon. I can't do that as easily because I'm learning how to draw and there are a ton of artists I want to copy the style of and learn from so most of their art is a valuable resource to me.
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I would
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>got dhina early
>still wanna spark
>4 other units I wanna roll for soon
>then nothing for months
is 6% worth it for the spooks?
nothing wrong with loli. don't let Twitter troons tell you otherwise. if that tastes crosses the 3D boundary then you may be fucked and need help
Lmao that fucking challenge made me audibly say "what the fuck" when I first saw it.
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Goddammit. Fuck the police.
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Keep rolling for more DHina spooks so that you save up on ligma to upgrade her.
You will get everything you skipped by then besides limited girls
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For me its Nissin tom yum seafood flavor
How early did you get DHina? Do you need SHoshino?

If sparking here is going to jeopardise your future plans, don't do it, spooks aren't real

If it isn't then you may as well finish it because you have more chance of spooks here than anywhere else.
Nonomi of course
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Guy in reddit used to track the amount of pyros we got each month
You can check the math out yourself
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No. Never rely on spooks, even for bluefes. It's more likely that you'll get screwed over with dupes or a bad 3* drop rate than get the units you want. You want to save gems for future banners, the more gems the more room you'll have to roll for the students you want. Trust me, you'll be glad you saved those gems instead of pissing them away on shitty spooks.
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Which group looks better in the Mom's Touch outfit: Arius or PS68?
I wouldn't, I'm not attracted to chibis

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Seeing this actually warms my heart, though I'm not sure I want to hear what Shiroko has to say to me, she probably won't say anything at all and ju
Kayokoposting or Professorposting?
Actually it's more like 3,695 since I just sparked d.Hina
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Ye I would
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But is there a way for it to come back somehow? Why would they brick senseis like this?
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Happy birthday anon
choose someone else
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Did anon just get smooched or wolfraped?
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Anime sensei is banned here
did I just see a fucking candlejack meme in 202
can someone give me Niko fennec pic
how come arius squad got matching uniforms but ps68 not
>SHoshino is DHina buff slave
The prophecy...
Speaking of that I'll go ahead and post the JP monthly gems that I've been recording myself. As always grand assault tickets and free rolls like the Makoto ones do not count.

June 14505
May 13835
April 18020
March 11470
February 16755
January 15850

December 10275
November 13305
October 15085
September 11895
August 13163
July 21638
June 24192
May 11124
April 20376

Haven't calculated July 2024 since I haven't finished the event yet but it should be around 15000.
Got dhina in 20
Have ~110k pyrox, no tickets and 173 momotalks
Want to roll for Sakurako, dAru, dKayoko, NYfuuka and NYharuna, so only one of these is even spookable now.
Would be nice to get spooked by some other students too, but the chances are slim.
Looking at the schedule I guess it's probably safer for me to just roll on their banners.
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NewCuties, did you get Wakamo in your pulls?
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Ako looking good here
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Suzumi alt when
>dHina refuses to fire without Sensei's command
Know the hierarchy.
what happened in april?
72.K pyros down 4 tickets down, 3 sparks worth and no Mika. Do I keep scrounging for pyros or cut my losses?
Gehennoids need to hang from trees.
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I wish dress hina would auto shoot I dont want to play the game
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>Professor would command Sensei
That's why she's the best!
This but only Hina
Anon you stupid fuck, Mika has a sparkable banner in 6 months... Cut your losses
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I only have naked Niko pics.
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Naked Hina
gehenne na vrbe
okay Mika
What if they got both? Deadly combination, just missing a sprinkle of Hina comfort afterwards.
ASS band stream with plenty of giveaways. Multiple maintenances to prepare for the big update that included the band event. Main story update and a guide mission with a 10-roll ticket.
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>spooked by sWakamo
>sigh of relief when she shows up for real
she came home in a single spark, I'm happy
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Is Niya2 ryona-approved like Shuro?
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What if we all pitched in and bought a house together and lived with each other
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I fucking love this pic
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Smooth moves.
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Inquisitor achuko
You know what else happened in March?
The anime.
Quick dip into EOS
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Did you miss Kazusa yet?
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The jumbo curse...
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I hate myself
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Got d.hina in 50, should I finish the spark or keep my pyro for ny.fuuka? I also really want dress ps68 but mutsuki isn't there so my dick isn't fully convinced.
I have 28k pyro and 9 single tickets right now.
is hina over yet
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No. Dumb bitch.
C'mon anon, show us those pyros
Problem Solver 69. Literally. 69ing with Koharu.
Did you count the sources where the pyros came from? Like the reddit guy did? Or is it just an overall number?
>get dhina in 10
>gotta save for next target now
on one hand I'm extremely happy about my luck on the other hand I WANNA FUCK ROLL
someone post THAT comic
I want Kazumi but I've gotten nothing but one dress hina and only dupes after 30 rolls now.
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Whip out those pyros Anon.
Show them to us, I bet they are average size compared to everyone else.
Can you not post gosling.webm
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complete the spark
do it
you know you want to
Iori bros...
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that's my Koharu
Is NY Fuuka still meta? Should I save for the band event? I can already scuff my way through Insane raids without her.
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My head hurts
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More hands to digging into the trash!
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gomen iori
Karin is just not sexy
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She's good with dHina since Ui's EX only works once with her.
Band girls are good for Set.
ASS alts are unironically ass
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>hands to digging into
I am blonde, pale skinned and green eyed...I shouldn't...where is my little sister cake?
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When can I replace Arona with Plana?
>to digging
depends whether you have ui or/and want to keep your ui alive all the time
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Small update, this July will actually be closer to 16200 gems since I forgot to include the recent 10-roll for topping the sales ranking on Google Play.

I mention the sources though I don't include the reason for 10-roll ticket giveaways. The PVP and total assault gems are 100% based on my own experience though, I always get gold in TA so it's listed as 1000 gems.
I don't know where the TL'd version is, so have fun clicking the bubbles
I want to beat up Chiaki
nom nom
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Thank you. It's not a total loss since In my last couple pulls, I scored Mine who I intended to pull next week anyhow. I made out like a bandit

D!Hina x2
Kikyou x2
NY! Kayoko x2
Some chinese brownhaired chef fox girl
Saori (dupe)
Yuzu x2
Hot Springs Cherino
S!Hoshino x3
Summer Saki
Hot springs Weasel girl
******BUNNY TOKI*********
Haruna dupe
******MAID ALICE*********
Sumire dupe
Dog Ninja chick who masquerade as a tree
Summer Miyako
Mouse chick
Bunny Akane
Weasel girl original alt from the Red Winter

620 recruitment and I spent 2 sparks on Hoshino and Hina dupes. I got pretty much all the girls that I've wanted to pull individually over the banners coming up on top of getting bunch of tanks to flesh out my barracks so I have no problem waiting for Mika now.

> pic sorta not really related
Who was in Paris?
Holy fuck I need this but her pussy is soaking wet. I mean drenched.
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be urself
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Any actual meta units between this and the next fes? Already have NYFuuka and currently eyeing Nagisa and Kokona
Is it worth building towards Fury of Set clears? I've been constantly plat on raids and I dunno if there's an equivalent
I'd probably save if I were you
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This is mine
I've gotten wakamo SIX times this Fes and I am fucking tired of it.
Nevermind I found it
that's very nice I've been missing these since the reddit guy stopped doing the monthly pyros
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Cath Palug a SHIT
80% of characters released between 3 and 3.5 were designed for some flavor of Set. Decide if you care.
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I'd be down, but cunny and small-titted hebe lovers only.
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What do I use energy on? I just started and I have so much of it and it keeps giving me more, I already did all the hard sweeps I could
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It was worth it..
The /bag/ mansion...I would live with the Yuuka enjoyers.
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So Mika is sparkable in 6 months, but what about S. Hanako and Wakamo? They're the last 2 meta (not counting recent releases in JP) I don't have besides Mika.
What Hoshinowank? Hina fucking BODIED JOBshino in her own story hahahahahah!!! Abydos? More like AbyKEK. Nothing will ever top Hinawank. You will use the dev onahole and you will like it.
Does anyone have that one pic that listed all the upcoming banners for the next 6 months?
Can someone post the rabbit shower chibi?
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>that wing flap
I want Hina wife so damn much guys.
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>he would willingly live in the a house with a hifumiposter
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You save AP till the weekend when we get 2x exp and you'll be able to massively boost your level.
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She gets more use in JP raids than Ui did but you can make do with Ui if you have her instead.
Just try to progress the story as far as you can. Also, go do the event missions for a free Ibuki.
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I am too territorial and super strict with rules for that
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Got my wife with just 2 10x tickets. Now time to get bankrupt for the old man...
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1 new student, 24 to go
this bluefes fucking sucks
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i would live with baggots as long as everyone's an ako fan
Endure, anon. It'll be worth it.
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definitely skip ps68 until next year for mutsuki, and probably wait for ny.fuuka unless you really need fes dupes
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Following the release sequence, S.Hanako should be sparkable in 1 year in Global.
Unfortunately Wakamo already had her rerun once so a future rerun is uncharted territory.
Do as much of the event as you can
The event missions a actually quite easy and high levels have the same efficiency as the lower level ones
And yeah try to save as much AP in your mail as possible and spend it during the weekends
Wakamo smells awful.
God damn 620 pulls? How many pyrox left??
which pink haired student will be the next fest?
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I would unironically thoroughly inspect every baggot in the house. I'm sure you all taste slightly different.
Smell good...
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Does it happen every weekend? I started on thursday but after that I got a cdn error for a few days and couldn't play
Last one I could do was 3-5. I'm stuck on 3-1 hard and 3-A right now. I'll go check the event
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I had 4 tickets to burn and started with 70.3K afterwards. I should be good to go when Mika returns and can comfortably save for Rio, no?
As long as you aren't brown or yellow I'm down.
I can' t fucking take it anymore. Ineed a Yuka gf. I need a YUUKA wife. I NEED IT I NEED IT I NEEDI T
>buchou arrived in 70th roll
hell yeah
Otogi 4th anni for sure
Dinner with Juri!
You will eat and you will love it.
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Lucked out after Hina dodged me for 200 points, do I have enough time to save for the next unique banner?
check the official xeeter or the in game notice board for future double events schedules
is this a new jp npc?
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So do I
Post your student roster, there might be someone who can carry you.

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