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Previous Thread: >>488265636

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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>can interact with the piano to play

reminder that ui is the same height as kuroko and that tertiaries classify her as a loli
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Karin hours?
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last image for chise
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Yuuka is overhated in /abg/
Hell yeah, I want more interactions like this for the next fest
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my wife saori
Post Kanna and say nice things about her
sex thread
Post full cafe, I want ideas
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Are any of them must have for comfy pve or can I just borrow them?
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She has a FAT ass
I will say bing instead.
Can someone tell me when JP had 100 free rolls this summer? It was for cops, right?
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
my dick is erect
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what follows now are banner after banner with me just biting my fist to redirect the pain of me not being able to pull. they'll all just spook me one day anyway ahahaha...
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Tried a monster today for the first time because of Hare
I'm not too sure I like it, but if Hare were to spit it into my mouth I bet it'd be the most delicious thing ever
the OP is very risky
You can just borrow
it's right now for saori and hiyori
it's the gehenna party layout that came with the update
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sex thread
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DAru gets used in Yellow raids as support but I don’t record the other two
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Man I can't wait to watch some Hiero clears with d(Ako+Hina)
Genuinely curious if in an optimal rotation you can squeeze 6 dHina EX in one dAko cast.
Do you mean recall?
I feel as if this wasn't for my Aryan eyes.
This is.
More like A Ho
>all students get nice 3D models reflecting their sprites
>but no more panties but bloomers and other censored designs choices
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>twin meido
>Double fes
Why did they have to release all these good banner back to back bro
I want to squish Yuuka's cheeks, tummy, thighs...
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these are all the ones i have so far
Striker Nagi-chan
momoi hours
I thought record could be used as a synonym to recall in that situation
I'm rolling dAru because her lobby is really nice and because I need some eleph to get dHina to UE50.
Realistically speaking, what are you missing out on by skipping Set character? What floor am I looking at being the wall?
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I'm going through Hiyori's momotalks right now. I know she and the rest of Squad have some of the direst living circumstances of any character we met so far. One of them is fucking suicidal even. But I can't help but think that Hiyori is pathetic, partly in an endearing way, and partly in a genuinely pitiful way. When I'm helping this girl, half of it will be for the satisfaction of helping a cute girl, and half of it would be to ease my guilt of living a normal life while this pathetic girl is living a pathetic life like that (even though I know the reason why she lives like this).
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Smell of seggs
That's Sakurako
Is it me or BA jp twitter forgot to post about it? Can't find the announcement anywhere on the page.
Bro, that's not...
That's a child.
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does Kokona work fine at UE30 even for Torment?
Trolled hard
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You can't get rewards until floor 25 or higher, if you borrow a dps and somehow have enough supports on your own you should be able to go to 49, maybe higher.
You would still max your wife, but it would be pretty slow.
Um, Anon...
So there's really no reason to roll for Set characters.
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400 pulls and no hina or hoshino
at least I got a lot of new 3 stars haha....
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Not sure if I should do another spark and try for Mika plus sHosh and dHina dupes
I have enough for all the banners I want to pull before the next fes on global even if I do another spark
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That's a big Tavor
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no she needs the extra evasion from UE40 to survive
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The Yume is dead?
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Set is a pain, set characters make it less of a pain.
I rolled dAKo and BKazusa, borrow bYosh and Sakurako, now I have Kuroko too.
I can do floor 74 every time. I could go higher if I felt like it, but I don't...
I don't really care about Hina, is this Dress Hina really strong? Because it looks like I'm going to be sparking and I've wanted Swimsuit Hoshino for a long time.
I couldn't find it originally either but they definitely made a post.
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I thought I’d get spooked by Sakurako
I didn’t
Actually most my pinks were dupes
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post new yuuka
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Suzumi alt when
if you go to 54 can't you max her in 2 months time?
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Based on PV5 we have 3-4 potential events remaining that were teased:
Trinity Carnival (might be two events)
Abydos + Mari idols (Valkyrie will probably be backup dancer NPCs since they already got their event)
Millennium pajama party

Assuming 4 new teased events, that's one more spot for a new event that's not listed anywhere here. That spot will likely be reserved for the yearly NY event in late December. So aside from the NY event and MAYBE one extra unteased event if Trinity Carnival is only one event (you can easily count ASS Band as the "first half"), what you see in PV5 is probably what you'll get for the rest of the year. Also Cyber New Year March might get a 2-week rerun if they run banners for both C.Maki and C.Chihiro in the rerun.
Mari spotted!
Hopefully never.
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any tips
kotama schlicks it to sensei's voice on a daily basis btw
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>I-I was just pretending to be stupid!
Sure, whatever bro.
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Just downloaded the game recently, which student should I invest in? I want to clear all the pve missions (both normal and hard) ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Bring a more focused CC than Kayoko and hit Rabu with that CC the moment her floor skull invocation shows on
I don't know
Holy what a nice r-
>shit cat
Dogshit roll.
>Noa ASMR has her help you with your work, cook for you, massage and ear clean you via lap pillow

This is vast Yuuka NTR
>600 pulls and no Mika
Usually 49 if you've got a decent roster but anything higher usually requires a good set character or two. For example I was able to do lvl60 this rotation because I got kuroko where as I could only do like 40 something last time. I could probably go a little higher but set really isn't worth the effort. Lvl50 is the title cutoff so I think that's a perfect place to stop.
Agreed, nuts is better spook
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>Bring a more focused CC than Kayoko
Who else could be good? I dont have invested Suzumi.
> hit Rabu with that CC the moment her floor skull invocation shows on
yeah, im already doing that
Am I a basic bitch if I like Yuuka?
Consider swapping Kayoko for Suzumi, I found rotation to be much easier. Nagisa is really handy here if you have her, thanks to her debuff.
Took me a couple restarts for Hoshino to not die
For you
Mika should die
So fucking based
>DAko 3 stars
>OShigure 3 stars
>borrow Sakurako
I don't know if I should care about Set. If I decide I do, it's not like I'm going to clear high enough to max a student every month which is basically the only real milestone worth aiming for. If you start rolling for Set characters, how do you have pyros for anything else?
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Sakurako mentioned
For Suzumi you just need her EX to be at level 3 and that's enough
Hanako ggwp
Swimsuit Hanako, Akari, Aru, Tsubaki
For the backline, Serina (not the christmas version), and whatever.
I don't think you show the full roster yet, some 1* and 2* are very good for PVE, like Serina.
first gacha? don't try to pull when you can't pity her.
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seia wank status report week#43
2 new doujins it feels like christmas
No matter how many times /bag/ tries to warn against people doing multiple sparks, there are always idiots like this guy
What set character? Every character you need for a floor 97 clear outside of Sakurako is either meta or farmable.
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Shimiko bros...
You must love obscure unloved girls like Mai
You're talking about clears after Shiroko gacha
That's definitely not the case before.
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I see that pit, don't try to hide it
Yuukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ I want to share an indirect kiss with her...
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Doesn't she canonically think my penis is too small per that one doujin?
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Stupid idiots, do you think that just because I'm crippled, then you'll have the job cut out for you?

Not a damn chance; I'm stealing these funds from Seminar because I simply deserve them.
Two years I've worked for Veritas, and to hell with your excuses with "My new club isn't official to receive any funds!"

I remember the day when I got crippled like a Gehenna student remembers the multiplication table.


December 10th, 2 days after Momoi and Midori birthdays.
They are unrelated; it happened on my birthday, and my name is Himari.

Eimi tells me, "Himari common, one Frenzy MAX to celebrate the occasion."
To which I respond, "One Frenzy MAX is an opening to three; three is an opening to nine." At 7 PM, I pass out from a caffeine crash.

In the morning, Eimi was laughing like a maniac after shoving two shaken Frenzy MAX cans in my ass. From laughing too hard, she lost her footing and pulled the tab from both cans.
Cold Frenzy MAX made me instantly awake and made me lose feeling in my legs forever.
What happened afterwards, I can't remember...

And after all this, I only get $100 of monthly budget on my fucking club?!


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Or I guess the question is that do I need Mika for 2T Insane comps and event challenges if I also have Kazoos? Since I already have her on JP I can wait 6 more months for global.
>per that one doujin
anon that's not
that's not how it works
Anon, you need to get over your porn addiction, it's starting to warp your sense of reality.
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As others suggested, Hanako (Bottomless) has a really good cost-efficiency and her color typing (Sonic/Purple) means she will be pretty versatile outside Yellow stages.
As a newbie you won’t have resources to make most use of all those units yet. So investing in her first would be a good idea.
You can't post things like this...
Yes. If you aren't at least 18cm you can't even remotely satisfy kokona and she will sigh and disappointedly walk out on you.
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Oh no anonymous. You just posted a clear with a Set character.
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with those you have most of the stages covered.
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Suitsuki daisuki
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>Shimiko artist made Yuuka lewds
No insanes require 2 Mikas. Wakamo might be hard but you can probably get away with it as long as you have other good units for phase 2. Don't know about event challenges.
It's over. Who will have me now?
You should already have all of those students besides Sakurako if you care about raids at all.
>3 star DAko is enough
Phew, safe.
Ayamy is based
Maybe you should consider midgets to compensate for your lack in size.
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Not necessarily. One Mika is enough to make short work of any Insane yellow so you could use a maxed Kazoos otherwise. In fact, in a proper terrain with enough malding a Kazoos can outdamage Mika
You would need your own for Torment though if you ever plan on attempting and even then it would be in specific raids
You are definitely someone who said to people that they don't need to pull dress ako
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she doesn't discriminate
Use Suz-
>I dont have invested Suzumi.
Go into schale.gg and use the "Can CC" filter.
Don't try using Tsubaki, Hoshino or other tanks because the mechanics are that enemy mobs shoot your team mobs and if someone tries to soak all that damage she's gonna die in seconds.
Also use CC every 30 secs.
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tacticool hosh peroro core?
No, I specifically told people to pull for Ako over Makoto
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I really wish blue had cooler raid bosses than animatronic furries.
Which doujins are canon then?
oh. Don't have enough elephs for that. Guess Insane it is
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tfw 9cm
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I will pamper my Hiniature.
/bag/ only really said to skip dako if you're new otherwise it was pretty hammered in to get her if you care at all about set
AKA Set character
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I want to meme but it's really none of them. That's the whole point of doujins, they're fanmade content by design.
She's a hiero character.
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married life with Makoto
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>n-no Sensei isn’t a manwhore doing compensated dating
>her tits
>her ass

bro, her teeth
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Alright /bag/ how important is Sakuwappi for Set and how much investment do I gotta give her
nta my guy, I was just saying that from everything I've seen on /bag/ the only time I've seen people say they could skip dako is if someone's new or out of pyros,
Petting Chise is perfectly normal compensation
Hina is shit
She's optional for hiero and didn't get any use in GA hiero I wouldn't call her a hiero character.
I already tried a bunch of stuff, but the mini-gun mob always revives faster than ideal and shreds me. I think ill just give up. But thanks for trying to help.
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>3x comms+hards during a farming event
You're at least buying the entire shop, aren't you?
Why is she cumming while running towards me
>it's only tuesday
>already want to die
i need my students to give me strength to make it through this terrible week....
blue archive
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Reminder for global babies: You must prepare yourself to 1T torment or you WILL be GOLD.
That's right. You won't get PLAT unless you suffer through torment.
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Will you buy Kokona's figure when it releases next month /bag/? It's only $140 unpainted
It's UE50 or nothing.
JFC all the way up until pity getting nonstop spooks. This gacha is fucking garbage.
Her teeth are the best part
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She won, bros.

I'm uncircumcised and have good girth. I can still pleasure my students!
need this with kaede https://files.catbox.moe/yscydq.png
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Got it. I'll max out S. Hanako first before focusing on the other students. I should have enough Eligma to rank her up a few times. I should farm for skill items, though. Much appreciated.
What do her panties look like?
I miss the Makoto kicks puppies ako post
Students want circumcised senseis
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Ninja club needs one additional member for balance.
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She has some nice chompers.
hina to meet you
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HOLY SHIT. I GOT A REAL MOMOTALK FROM HINA. oh and makoto too i guess,
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Eating out Hinatures!
There's no way 1t torment will be required to plat in EU. It's way less competitive than JP. For example there were only 392 torment wakamo clears compared to 6754 on JP. Extrapolating from the 31k torment hiero clears on JP that gives an estimated 1800 torment clears.
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Yeah, but torment is free this time.
I hate that feeling when I luckshit a banner and it just makes me wish I rolled on a previous banner
Post rape dance
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anyone got the webm of Kuroko hanging and smiling during team formation creator
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When we will able to roll for Niya?
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my wife Mika
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VERY SOON SUZUMIBRO! Suzumi was spotted live on stream and even got her own official merch! Hold on a little longer while the Vigilante plan revs into high gear!
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nom nom
Why are they separate entities? Explain this shit.
Is there a way to get specific gifts besides choice boxes?
I used my choices to get the gift Bunny Asuna wants (she spooked me today) because I heard she wants her item.
Then after I got her to 20 I saw I need that same gift to upgrade the item but I don't have any left.
Am I bricked?
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kisses on the cheek
kisses on the jawline
kisses on the neck
kisses on the lips
kisses with a little bit of tongue
kisses with a LOT of tongue

I want student kisses
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This is actually pretty neat.
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I'm at 200 and still nothing
I think I will spark both of them at this point, I've never been lucky with these things
I only hope I'll have enough to spark Mika next year, then I'm good
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where can I get these, they are not on amiami or the usual stores where I buy
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New player here. Is there any place I can practice using new students without spending any resources? I just discovered the Mock Battles in raids are totally free and I can even try busted students from other players, but I wanna know if I'm missing something else.

Also, does Yuuka get +500 defense if she gets to 15 affection? I have to upgrade her 1 star to unlock her affection level for that, I think.
Should I farm her when I have nothing better to spend AP on? I'm already using Tsubaki with a T4 bag but I don't have a second tank built.
There's no else I can really farm in Hard Mode yet, I'm up to 4 could probably clear 5.
Wakamo HATE when?
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Plan your pyros, /bag/.
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Ibuki is Gehenna cute Idol
Chise is Hyakkiako cute idol
Alice seems to have become Millenium cute idol

what about the other schools?
>THIS is the man asking to have his rights respected
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Do you mean Set specific characters or just characters good for him? Because realistically you're going to be using the same basic supports you always use along with some other characters that aren't rare at all; sShiroko, NYKayoko, sIzuna, sHoshino, Kotama, Kokona, etc. In reality the student most people want to invest in for Set is Hanako which you can get for free, and Atsuko if you didn't get dAko (who can be used at 3* if you did get her). I've done floor 97 of all the Sets since he came out by borrowing a max DPS from my friends list (Wappi and bYoshimi) because I had most of the other students leveled already. All I had to do was level Hanako and dAko. Now with Kuroko blue Set is a joke so don't even worry about it.

What I'm more interested in is whether global will start out with the nerfed version where all the floors below 74 are weaker. Probably, and if that's the case almost anyone can beat up to 49 with pretty much any team as long as they're max level.
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Blue Archive loli's are so erotic. I'm losing my mind.
bounty or scrimmage if you have the monthlies
that's around 200 torments short of torment to plat so it's still possible
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my wives look beautiful there
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the KINO runs in the BLOOD
The absolute LUDO is SOUL-DEEP
It's as much of a burden as it is a blessing
It was the free 10-roll from the event
as a newfag that's trapped in whaling for a spark, which ticket is better between division A/B/C?
Am I going to have to throw eligma at NYKayko and Kokona? Both of mine are 3 stars.
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he's been gone for almost a year now....
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Which BA girl tastes the best?
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Two Shanhaijing idols (sex).
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>ctrl + F Suzumi
>7 (now 9) results

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You can craft choice boxes. It costs 2 other gifts for one box, and you need the orange keystones you get from the JFD shop to do it.
my wives look beautiful in yours because they're actually all there
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! ! ! !
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d.aru, maybe ny.akari, then save till bluefes
Quiet, Ako
I need to impregnate a girl right now.
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Please accept this as my apology.
Cute! I'm waiting on mine to be shipped soon too
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Does /bag/ have the cajones to court Kaho nee-chan
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I regret not getting weed Hare
My Kokona is UE30 and she works fine, but I don't know about lower than that because I never tried it. NYKayoko works at 3* but it's really tough to keep her alive and easy to fuck up the healing and have her die, so I would invest in her if you can but it's not strictly necessary.
>boy body
>boy hair
>her voice is shit (I've heard her VA only in KLK and Dog Days and she was annoying in both)
Neru has no appeal
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From last night.
I'll probably cave on Band ASS or Say Bing but I have to remain hopeful that I'll be able to persevere.
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>amiami still hasn't sent a payment request
motherfuckers. i need my kazoos right now.
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>filthy lolicon FOTMkek changes his wife every 3 months
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She appeals to me.
All the kemonomimi girls taste like wet, sweaty fur regardless of where you lick them.
They are my onaholes not my wives
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[ . . . ]
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NY Fuuka
Nagi if I have enough for a spark
based soulchad
us luckGODS?... we are eating WELL, as ALWAYS....
wouldn't it be kind of dickish to drag some innocent BA fanartists into the crossfire of the AI discourse by branding them as "anti-japan woke luddite"?
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Why yes i am Hinsaexual, how did you know?
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azusa is kinda cute
big tasty natsu log
Hey lads, how are the gacha rates for this game?
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It's extremely infuriating how sometimes the east just refuses to take my fucking money
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This is my harem
Can Himari still feel...y'know...?
D. Aru
Kirara if those 2 don't go horribly
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Gonna need something better than that
cheringles spotted
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Yes, she can feel my tongue on her toes
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say bing for Kanna

my plan is so easy. Saving books for Kanna and cosmetics for Saori might be hard depending on my crafting luck.
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shit taste nigger
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>No Hina
3% for SSR (0.7% rate up)
200 pulls for a spark
you get 100 pulls a month
80% of all units are permanent
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Her legs?
No, I don't think she can.
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Top right dumbako
The overall rates for the highest rarity students are 3%, so pretty decent. The rate for the pick-up students is fucking shit though, only .7%. You have over a 1/4 chance of NOT getting the pick-up even when you roll a 3*. But the gem income is good so if you roll always with a spark in your pocket the gacha is pretty good in this game. You also don't need to roll dupes to max a student which is nice.
There's an updated version
Yosh (adult)
Next to muchuki
nice things about her
mock battles with borrows is pretty much it, there's no real sandbox/practice/training mode to mess around with
and yes, at affection level 15 you can equip her bond item, which at level 1 (default) gives +500 def, and you do need to upgrade her rarity to go above affection level 10, and then to 5 stars if you want affection level 20+
Yes absolutely, you should've been farming her in the first place. Yuuka is very versatile, Tsubaki's not far behind but you should've gone for Yuuka first as she has 3 eleph farming stages (hard ch 1, 4 and 12, while tsubaki is at 15 and 23), there's really no one else worth farming eleph for until hard ch 13+ where you get mutsuki, iori, tsubaki, neru, aru, etc

It's okay its not that big of a deal, hope you at least got the two limited units and some good units as spook
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Is this supposed to be White Archive? Ruined by Akira...
We love Ako here
seia (dog)...
Amisuke gets pigeonholed into hot-blooded tomboy girls a lot but she has a really soothing girly voice when she's given the chance to use it:
Yukino > Miyako
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She's just pretending. How can someone fall so easily to a classic blunder?
why does her face remind me of marco rossi
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>Maid Gamers
>Summer Valk
All I want so far.
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two Noa's?
Ayame > Everyone
perfect for facesitting
Yes but enough about cock size
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(Ain't nothin' but Cath Palug's Party)

Picture perfect, I paint a perfect picture
Bombin' Sensei with precision, my intention's to get richer
With the N-A-to the-TSU-ggie, my fuckin' homie
You's a cold-ass migga on them mobs

Yuh, Sho 'nuff, I keep my hand on my gun
'Cause they got me on the run
Now I'm back in the sweets room, waitin' on Yosh's outcome
"Free Airi" is all that's on a migga's mind
But at the same time, it seems they tryin' to take Mine (mentioned!)
So I'ma get smart and get defensive and shit
And put together an Afterschool Band for some gangsta shit
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What is this male looking student that keeps appearing in the mini game?
is kanna good or is she a dickroll student?
>Nodoka and Neru same VA
mind blown
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Looking forward to Midomo 2: electric Desuno
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yukari owes me sex
Ah nice, I started last week and was wondering if I was too much of a luckshitter for this roll. Got another triple 3* on the next roll and Hina cutie two rolls later
Pretty nice, I'm not used to gacha games not being complete jews with their rates
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Only BYosh. I kinda wanted to roll for DAru and NYAkari, but I'm not convinced.
Does anyone know if I should have them, or can I just borrow them?
I think the decision was easy to cope without but best at what she does
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Very suspicious character
Small Miyako inside
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Tomboy voice is too good.
I want to fuck little boys and Neru is the closest we have to one in this game that's not an NPC.
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time to UE40 her
Well? Why isn't anyone telling me to explode? I thrive on your suffering, bros.
sidenote the current banner is a fest banner so the SSR rate is 6% (base SSR rates are doubles during bluefest banners)
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She's a big gril
What is Akira doing there???
noo...my wappi roll was stolen. 2 sparks was not enough.
Only NYFuuka and Nagisa so far. The good thing is don't need to save for them, so if I fancy any girl I can roll without problems.
NPC, I don't remember her from anywhere else
She sneaked in and stole a spot
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No shirt at all
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There's still 3 left in the general poll anon don't lose hope
it's over.. I run out of gifts...
She stole Suzumi's spot
damn dHina EX just pop niggas up LMAO
you did good, nykayoko's the best blue buffer, you can buy maki's elephs from the total assault shop (buy them TODAY because the shop is refreshed in the next reset after today's) and shun is good too for pvp
I need sex with Ako
I'm gonna show these white women how to REALLY have passionate loving baby-making sex with a dog!
https://x.com/hitotoserinR18/status/1723084669363912886 FOX owes me sex
i guess she can be used on binah? which red raid has a big defence?
How are we supposed to kill someone that doesn't exist
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>There's some characters in the artfigt this year with the Blue Archive tag

She's a Hot Spring Department Mob, like the green and helmet one.
Every six months there's a bluefest, which is double rates. It's basically a holiday, everyone here saves up their gems for bluefest to roll during double rates. The chance of you getting spooks is much higher than normal. You notice everyone else in the thread is rolling big time since yesterday, this is the time.
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nigger who cares
Post THAT student
the fuck is this artfight people bring up sometimes?
stay there
She and others appear in Megu's EX
What's wrong with Ako?
post the mob one.
Looks too male
Best: White Archive
Runner-up: Red Archive
Worst: Pink Archive
Overrated: Black Archive
Underrated: Purple Archive
Who?: Green Archive
Blue Archive: Blue Archive
Aren't people kinda sleeping on sKanna? I don't think you'll ever be able to plat Binah again without her. At least not comfy plats when that is the most uncomfy TOR.
I just think some other people have been hyped more while delivering less.
DAru sees some use in raids like Perorozilla where the field helps Iroha and yellow raids but you can just borrow
despite being only 15% of the reset posters akofags make up for 87% of the fails
That's nice, too bad I don't have much currency to roll with and I'm not willing to whale so early on

Thanks I'm gonna check that
I always got gold before S.Kanna came out so I don't give a shit. Clearing the raid is more important to me.
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Imagine drawing perfection, and then you decide to draw a turd with a mustache.
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Post sexy fox
Amau Ako is the titular Blue Archive
That's a cat
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More SOUL than our Aggie.
I would fuck Cherinobyl
You first
and you a fag
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i love loli anal
Want to pull Toki even though she's useless
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>scatnigger stopped showing up on 4chan.bans
>deleting his own stuff so the jannies dont get him
Baiting Mika niggers are about as pathetic mind you but it's still funny.
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Don't forget what Hina did
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That's a dog
yea nah mate
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There were no plat insanes last binah. And you can just borrow her for torment.
>/bag/ discovers what a tsundere is in 2024

small steps bag small steps...
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easily the most satisfying ex in the game since you actually press the trigger for each shot
delete this
anon? we love neru since 2020
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holy fucking /co/blr
there's nothing tsundere about that image
I'm touch starved...I need a BA girl...
I'm very proud of getting paid for dating students so I could afford my wife (D.Hina)
where's the dere?
go rent a whore
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that's racist
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And debase myself? I have my pride.
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ako is dere for my dick
lol, a japanese BA """artist""" got caught tracing from AI slop
remember when i said about some anti-AI japanese """artist""" who got caught doing the same thing?
Why are the faces always like this? It wouldn't even be that bad without the fucking buck toothed nigger nose retard face
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Pink is the color of sex
No you don't, stop lying
*slides you 20 pyros*
where are the new ako arts
Yes, I do. Maybe a BA whore. Do they have any of those?
I like her but in /bag/ pink is the color of schizophrenia
Why is A*o like this?
>watching in real time as the senko-san artist continues making niyaniya porn and being unable to stop being a coomer
this is my fault somehow
Don't care
the fuck is this tumblrina's perception on yellow monkey?
Hoshino is pedobait. Just a reminder.
Consider me baited.
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Great isn't it?
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I will save her!
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Stupidly sexy old man
I'm glad I finally got her swimsuit
he has a fanza and an r18 account
She's an old man
She's a semi retired cop who's already phoning in her job, with her hot headed rookie partner
I considered sparking twice this Bluefes, but looking at this chart I don't really know if it's a good idea, even with 90K+ pyros left. I need dAru, NYFuuka and a few weeks later Nagisa which could potentially destroy most of my stash.
hoyo artists would never
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what if seia is actually mute and can only communicate by telepathy
*gets gonorrhea, HPV, and hepatitis B*
Nothing personnel, sensei
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Eww, good thing I don't like that "mommy" body type so I got to avoid them.
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A plenty of these. Mostly in Japan and Korea.
i hate you fucks why are you getting so many collabs and having fun
stop having fun
I'm gonna say it. I don't like alts. I don't like alts and we should be getting new characters. I don't like alts in the fact that you can put two of the same character in one party.
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>Blue Archive
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Good luck getting Dal to be your girlfriend
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I didn't think it would happen but after doing dress ako's momotalks I think I would love to be around a girl with a personality like that...
Considering her thigh scars I don't think that's a good idea anyways.
New Years resolutionists who started drawing; are you still drawing? How is your progress?
Didn't ask but same.
What if you weren't such a story skipping tourist
>secondary bunnies
not BA
fatass dog
>I don't like alts in the fact that you can put two of the same character in one party.
I can't. There's a button to disable it in the menu and I clicked it.
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Imagine that
They are only on the front so you can just bang her in positions where you can't see them.
Mari spotted and she's NOT envious of Hinata's breasts
It's not mainly an aesthetic problem though, more of a red flag... but if we're talking pump and dump then yeah sure.
i thought /bag/ like menhara
Sex with Sex
It was a few months before New Years but yes.
I am still shit.
Nah fuck off, Neru is not a tsundere, she is a small gremlin full of anger but she is more straight forward with her emotions than Asuna
I haven't been here for too long, what are the odds that Ui will get another rerun in a few weeks? I don't have her or NYFuuka and have enough pulls for NYFuuka and another 70 or so to spare but idk if I should throw them at the fes banner or try to get Ui later
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>Still no Sacchan or Hiroy
>Misaki nowhere in sight
>Hime is in my cafe all alone
I don't like bellies stuffed with ramen
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I don't speak to girls...or anyone really. Just /bag/
I thought /bag/ was above three dimensional pig disgusting.
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how many /bag/gots would fuck her
I don't like 3dpd
Try playing the game instead of just looking at art pictures. She gets extremely embarassed which leads to anger outburst. That's called modern tsundere.
I have some bad news anon: there are some girls on /bag/. Probably just as ugly as us but they exist.
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Here's a tip:
Get one of the two before you complete the spark and then finish the spark to get the other
don't forget to avoid the annoying "SJW-like" anti-AI artist stoo
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kokona looks extra sexy here
I like Haruka but that's about it.
That explains why some posts are very unfunny
good afternoon ma'am
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Don't be silly. This is a game for us guys. We're all white and handsome here, right?
fuck you i'm not a girl just unfunny
Yeah in 2D, just like anything else it's shit when in 3D women
I try avoiding following artists who retweet anything AI related be it pro or against. I've enough pajeets shilling it around these parts.
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>i thought /bag/ like men
cool twitter screencap the post
just kidding
it sucks balls
hang yourself
/bag/ likes mommy gfs I can tell
That's my little sister...
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How's dKayoko's gameplay like
Kys pedo
i love loli anal
Spook fucking when???
little girls...
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>tracing slop NTR garbage
I've gotten five 3stars in a row, none of them Hina. It just wasn't meant to be.
>here's your menhera, bro
A real philosopher over here
Bro, your light?
Thinking about what
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Only feminine cocks for me
You're in the wrong thread motherfucker
wrong general hoyocuck
How close to spark?
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I do!
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Nice professor Niyakadashi
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Looks like I lost.
at least redeem Sena, the ligmas are worth more than her elephs. Arguably Izuna and Shiroko too since they're farmable.
I'm white on the inside
t. Argentinian
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>Feminine cocks
No thanks, I prefer big manly cocks.
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It has never been more over than this.
never side yourself with pro-AI pajeet techbros or anti-AI SJW luddites
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>plague of white guilt
lol, lmao
/bag/ likes small, blonde girls with long hair...
How do you even get caught tracing from AI without bragging to everyone that you're doing it lmao
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I stole your allergy donor, sorry
good observers
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>anti-AI SJW luddites
I mean I support their cause, I just don't want to feel on the edge the entire time.
>small [...] girls with long hair
Love them
by having a brain. this is why people who say artist would be out of a job are retarded
Tracing AI art... on the aggie
Would your parents accept your student wife if she were real?
christian image
So like when I saved the aggie from the Wakamo tracer by noticing that he didn't do any sketches beforehand and how his style changed between the five different images on the canvas?
Why did my dick twitch and my mouth flood with saliva?
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reminds me of pic related
I only have 100 point. It's over
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Gonna do this in the future now but not say when to keep schizos on edge.
i love loli anal
>he doesn't know
Wtf is Mari?
Should I spark again? I have these pyroand 20 single draw
Any other important units besides NY.fuuka is going to be released in the near future?
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My wife
it's okay to hate AI slop
it's just that i don't like the radical "SJW" types of anti-AI fags
It's already been dealt with.
A cute cat.
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it really is that simple
I fucking HATE loli anal STOP posting loli anal
I fucking hate it here fuck you guys why are you posting loli anal you know I hate that shit you know it makes me upset do NOT post loli anal
The same as Wakamo
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useless furballs
>the Wakamo tracer
Started during the free rolls. Care to explain?
Hare camp is good?
come on now, iroha is WAY fluffier than hina
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coom in doom
I'm that lemon btw
Students with this aesthetic?
Rio cuddling me to sleep...
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an artist who participated on /bag/'s aggie draw got caught tracing from AI slop
bros was it SHs niyaniya?
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surely he only traced the body? no way he actually traced the face and god forbids, the hands
>he's replying to himself again
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Nah man.
wtf QRD???
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yes ako, please sit on my lap for a bit. you work so hard
literally Neru & Toki
DAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS convinced me to drop like 1300 eligma to get her to UE50... that's her exclusive weapon at LV50 right?
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Damn cats
Hahahah, no fucking way. Is there a screen capture or anything of the thread where he got caught? Sounds hilarious.
Oh my stars, can I get an in-depth explanation of the current faux pas being discussed in this thread?
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I love my sleepy wife and our sleepy daughter
Man wtf 150 rolls in and all I got were 3 shitty dupes.
is this yuri?
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He blatantly traced all five images. I left the chat open and he was bragging about "everything just clicking" lol
>giving a serious reply to schizo rambling
not really, she still has her gun
those cats are male
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Who is the artist who first did the flickering halo during sex thing because I fucking love them

Source of pic: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/118798467
There's no way someone's this bad at samefagging right? It's got to be trolling.
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I think Saki should treat me more harshly
I got Shun,Ako and Himari. What do I use my selector on now?
Prove it wasn't traced. I'll wait. It's apparent to everyone with eyes how fraudulent those images are. Most damning of all:
>never drew again
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ding dong
This event just made me more confused about Juri's mishandling of cooking and spawning monsters out of nowhere
Is she just accidentally using volcano water or is it just her.. magic hands?
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how are you sure? i could isue that image to shipost in the future, but if they're actually male it'll be a hard pass for me
>my 80 free summons just went poof
Thanks, gaem.
You should not.
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Who's there?
That's not how burden of proof works
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Real men clear INS without Gehenniggers
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Which one is the superior L2D?
>never drew again
Oof, that's pretty bad.
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It's her mystic power like Asuna is super lucky and Miyu is a ghost.
Shuro has to schizo whisper and manipulate 10s of people to summon a monster. Juri just has to make breakfast
He's replying to himself
At that many pyros? I wouldn't. Except if you are super new.
You do know there's two characters in the next FES right? You'll need 48k for that.
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when should i spark besides ny.fuuka? if i don't spend in anything by the next blufes i'll have almost 4 sparks
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Real men clear INS without Trininniggers
The one without the gross mollusk in it
I'm pretty sure tracing and AI allegations are mostly bullshit. I remember the guy accusing everything of being AI put out some image with red and green triangles "showing it was all AI" which was bullshit, his image claimed even badly drawn Seia images were AI. Pretty sure someone wanted to poison the well for aggies so everyone calls shit fake and gay now.
So you shitpost an amateur artist out of the aggie. Great.
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putting my ding dong in this ding dong
BA should live
>oh no I'm at 47.5k and next blufes is double... better start saving
do f2p savekeks really???
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>>never drew again
One of tolkien's books was his last and then he never wrote again
because he fucking DIED
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bing bong
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Do we have a Thread #6000 pic yet?
>smelly hobo is somehow bigger than glutton that lives to eat
i want to live in wakamos dirty clothes basket
No, I did continue drawing except it wasn't Wakamo so he never noticed lmao
ASSalts and don't forget the double bluefest
The red/green image was a shitpost, but it made me look more closely at the aggie. The Wakamo sketches were definitely AI assisted at least.
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the black pattern one is female and the brown pattern one is male
I love how this shithole is barely above even the lowest manner of petty twitter dramawhores that do the same thing to artists all the time, actually mindbroken by AI.
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Real men clear INS without Milenniggers
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I personally like to think that it's her sweat that accidentally drips onto the food which turns them into abominations.
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This is Mari
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Why does sFooms momos end so abruptly? You would think there would be another one after sensei and foom fall unconscious from the Popsicles
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>Real life tag:moral_degeneration
Fucking lmao.
he did porn before senko
from the in game student list i'm missing 48 students. should i roll or hoard?
How do i luckshit Mika or Noa?
I keep getting Wakamo
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Hare is adorable
>Most damning of all:
>never drew again
Anon, do you even know who drew those?
Thumbelina was RAPED by a mole. In case you don't remember.
Bro... where's your sHoshino.....?
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nigga it's one guy using it as a shitpost, not even the retards on /bag/ think the drawings in the aggie are traced from AI
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La gata...
Was trying for hina last night but whatever
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I feel like Iroha summer is going to be too dangerous so they would probably give her a pajama or something cutesy.
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If it's a shitpost, why were there no further traced Wakamos in the aggie after calling it out?
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Imagine rubbing sunscreen onto Iroha's back...
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Damn nigga this again?
obvious samefagger is obvious

dude he is samefagging again
Very nice
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Feel free to find his "work" in later aggies
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Do you have the Miku one or the Noa one?
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it might still be my favourite EX animation. She's quite cool despite being a dummy.
Your post is AI assisted
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>scat stops
>muh wakamo ai aggie!! begins
>can't even stop himself from the usual "Ahaha oh wow can I get a quick rundown??" samefag
How hard is global to seethe when they learn this raid is going to be torment to plat? None have even come close other than one time field Binah ran since Mika released right?
What's the appeal of Niyaniya?
A picture with many students like always
cherino would be cute if she removed the stupid moustache
The first time I saw it was in matanoki's Iroha doujin around September 2022 or so, but I don't doubt there were earlier examples.
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Found a nip who thought the same as me so I am sticking with my headcanon that they are sisters. Professor Niyaniya's real name is AjitaNI YAnako by the way.
XD ~~~!
Post that Iroha feet pic please, I always forget to save it
Cherino will never be cute
floof pheromones
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Why is she so erotic?
Where is the proof of tracing
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Oops, I accidentally inside the professor...
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Show me your tags /bag/
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Kek. It's so obvious. Always with the "QRD???"
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posting koyuki to celebrate my good rolls
Wakamo sucks.
how does a block yuuka looks like?
me off yeah
why does nobody ever want a slow rundown
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This one?
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Petite girls with pantyhose is the only thing that keeps me alive.
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But I did draw in the next aggie after that
It was Kaede's birthday though so I drew her
Though you seem to think all the Wakamos in that aggie were by the same guy but they weren't, in fact I drew two things in that very aggie and you only accused the Wakamo of being traced
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This is my princesswife
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I screencapped my own post so I wouldn't have to type it again whenever this topic comes up.
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Share cool new songs you've discovered.
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She is The Maestro of Sex! I kneel...
>momo starts with it being my fault

My dick is already hard, Ako.
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No, one that looks like this
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Don't forget to do your daily event run, because I almost did.
Really? I don't remember that at all, just that she was going to be forced to marry him. But I was sure she ran away.
Need Kisaki ass
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She's got a really cute cafe interaction
why is niyaniya so fucking hot
or is it just my porn destroyed brain on fotm studentsex
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hey kid you wanna do some taxes
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I'm also gonna post Iroha
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uoohhh corr-
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That's the one, thanks
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Iroha seems like she would smell really feminine.
>long hair
>great fashion
her skirt is not that short
Bed breaking, baby making sex with Wakamo
i know who you are
As someone who hasn't been having libido practically for months before her: she is an ideal woman
Cute /bag/ interactions.
This would be on our momotalk if we were a student.
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>those legs
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she does
I'm her husband
Those knees are broken
Iroha does not wear panties
wow... if you like this, youll love literally any girl ever
Why does /bag/ have shit taste in music?
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what is you favorite thing about niyaniya?
for me it's her hair. fluffy hair is always sex
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I can't help it
She looks like could pass for being my twin sister.
I don't though.
i like it fuck you
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Never reply to me again with your trash moinigger
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post yours niggie
her unrevealing and fashionable outfit is very erotic
but I also love her hair
It's better when 2d girls do it
I think nyAkari was used in Set at the start? But i dunno what happened later on.
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that would be highly unfortunate. all of that flavor must be gathered somewhere
It's hot when Ako does it
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N-no you dont
This is just a remix with gook doodles. Am I missing something?
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Love sheep
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Fuck off boomboom. Anyone who posts momoi has shit taste.
>want to start BA
>Looking at CN the banners for the next 6 months are shit
It's too late to start BA in 2024
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no, this is also the best time to start on global
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yes, dont bother to start on global
stay, refined momoiposter
Why? The only girls who seem worth rolling for are Toki and Arisu
Hina and Hoshino are 6 months away
Hina and Hoshino are the current banner
B yosh, S kanna, S saori.

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