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Previous Thread: >>488331954

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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have sex with your students
I like this OP
Perfect for 6000
where is ibuki crayon?
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Congratulations /bag/!!!!!!!!
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Good job, nice edit
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Thread #6000 GET
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Happy thread #6000
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Classroom trashcan.
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My precious desert rose. Happy 6000.

Classroom. Check the garbage 3 times.
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Rate my taste /bag/
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Newfriend update: last reroll was a double 3*. I assume it's worth the keep.
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Himari status: claimed (by me)
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Me when someone bullies Juri
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Here's to a thousand more.
Goodnight /bag/.
Fuuka version never
Quick, fill up the thread with soundposts
thanks but why is it so well hidden?
I think you like Hoshino
Might be wrong
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Here's for another 6000 threads.
Where will you be when /bag/ hit's the 12k mark?
/bag/ Status?
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Please give thanks to pic related for sponsoring Blue Archive
My imoutodaughterfoxwife in thread #6000!
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6000 years with /bag/ it's been so long...
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Devs thought it would be funny.
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Fuck you too.
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Need more FOTM
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6000 Bings
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Oh waiter, 6,000 more burgers please
Who is that fox at the top meant to be?
Good night sensei
You may not like it but Kiwiki won
I never noticed this but apparently you can select the 3 EX skills you start with? How did I not notice this being a thing before?
>no arona
Your thread is cringe. Know this as I go to sleep.
stop the count!!!!
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Nice translation globalkeks
Congratulations, /bag/. How many months do you think it'll take for us to reach thread #10000?
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PvP status?
I wouldn't even hatefuck Ako. Just saiyan.
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Wife in the OP
I was here!
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I love this face so much but what does it mean?
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Her new L2D is peak
The rest of the event was too easy so at least something had to be slightly elusive.
Zoomers these days wouldn't survive the age of point and click games.
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I will combine these images...
So that they don't go to waste...
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Where are my AI daughters?
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three more years!~
technically you were given a hint about it but it happened on a completely different day
Nice, didn't expect to get her on the first pull with my ticket.
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Hopefully gone. I have too many cool things I want to do in life to stay shackled to 4chan forever, especially now that I'm middle-aged and it doesn't feel like I have my whole life ahead of me any more.
cute, also there are some really sexy /bag/ sex symbols in there
So who's the new farfie?
Did you get either?
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happy 6000 /bag/
day 1000 soon also
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sorry ibuki, i'll have to leave you at 4*... i really need farm those activity reports...
Akagi from Azur Lane
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I just turned 30 and have been feeling the same way. I don't spend that much time here anymore, but I'd rather just flush it out of my system at some point.
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Remember your root
I got 800 logins today
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Iori bros...
Yeah, I noticed that. It was yesterday or the day before.
Based foreshadowing.
haha yeah... it's not like i've been here for 14 years.... haha
Mari spotted
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Posting the approximately 6000-year old fox in the thread #6000!
Why did they do this to her
there's another 3x commissions 2 weeks from now...
Kiwiki! He is super based! I hope he posts more funny pvp pics!
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See you fags for 1k more threads
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Thank you Chise
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>no bazoos thread
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My grandmawife
fuck off kill yourself eceleb wanker
Same thing happened with me
Dead probably.
That shit cost me an arm and a leg. How can I forget.
Wakamo spotted.
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>big Cherino on the left
Nice! Congrats /bag/!
I can't... I'm not at home right now
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I kinda like Iori.
yeah i am new
i have 0 pink reports, i really need a LOT
Don't forget you are always super special.
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>that tsurugi entrance
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I came to this site when Toradora started airing. Still waiting for a KugiRie student, hope she's one of the good ones and is preferably Takane.
i don't have the script for soundposts so all i see are mildly interesting webms
i was here, now i will go back to sleep
Still one of my favorites
When will Kiwiki post more funnies?
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I was going to complain because of no kayoko but then I found her.
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I spy a Fuuka face on the thread
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MakotoCHADs run this general
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Some boards are good
/fit/ for me into lifting, /biz/ got me into crypto which i made money from, /sp/ taught me shit to learn so I don't seem too wierd to colleagues(da big game), etc.
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Good morning /bag/ and Happy #6000!
Here's to #6000 more!
>Just slightly missed the Code Geass R2 era on /a/.
wtf bro you almost made it.
Kill yourself he's not funny
At least farfag was funny
How many pyros do you get if you use the card?
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/bag/ will be my last general
I will stay around on other boards, but won't be joining any other general once blue archive dies in 10 years.
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Happy Thousandsary /bag/!
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I was here
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Motherfucker you could've at least put Sheepka in.
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Here's to more threads anons, happy 600th!
I'm still sorry I may have caused a certain gook site to lock their emotes behind a login but I'm glad gook ako and the folder has been more-or-less well liked
There are plenty of students missing, don't be such a pussy
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It doesn't even feel that long ago that /bag/ was at thread #5000.
Why does Kiwiki make people seethe so much?
What? How?
What's the other pink?
>Make sure to spend your coins and permits to buy whatever you want in Sora's shop! The shop will reset tomorrow.
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you fuckers lucky I'm sleepy right now, bitches
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> More collab
Mmmm nyo.
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The spoils of the first reroll attempt. Worth the keep?
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wtf did you even do?
miyu is so cute
i want to her
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because it was 3 months ago. At this pace we might have thread 8000 before 2025
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Why are you trying to force him to become an eceleb?
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For this historic thread number, post some of your favorite moments from the last 6000 threads.
Good night gook ako
where pyrox rewards for 6000 threads
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Happy 6000, retards.
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Serika-san is buying crypto again
not really
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Kiwiki beat me in pvp so I hate him
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>That one retard that didn't stack T2 and can't get permits atm
Couldn't be me
Which is also when 3x normal is on... God, I really fucking detest how they implement these 3x bonus events. Why in the ever loving fuck do they have to be run simultaneously with an event? Why can't they be separated? Why can't the bonus rates be held BEFORE blufes as a build-up towards the event? Insidious shits.
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It is done.
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Hey /bag/
If you have 4chanX installed press E
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For me it's when sexy students are posted (not momoi)
nom nom
>6k already
You guys are moving way too fast
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link to the original vid?
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I disabled my soundpost extension shortly after getting it and filtered "[sound=" due to so much shitty music.
Wakamo wouldn't say this to me...
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I don't know, I've been trying to dig for answers and sparsely ask around here and there but have gotten no answer as to why arca locked their emotes. But I think it was my doing with the folder and since there's some gook presence here on /bag/ they may have noticed
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This was the most anticipated banner for oldfags where we'd all finally blow our loads
My ivermectin came in the mail
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Happy 6,000 bag!
Hoping for a Pina alt in the future!
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just buy pakeji and pyro refresh sensei
how did you get worm'd
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>This thread
nice flashbang
This guy had to be done Saudi prince
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he's the og gookakoposter, he yoinked gook akos to /bag/.
good night buchou, i will go back to sleep to your tune
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still the best
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Why did you let ivermectin cum in your mail?
Anyone else excited for age of mythology retold?
Turn your brightness down
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in the minigame, who wrote the yellow paper airplane note?
The guy who makes the OPs hates Mika. Throws an absolute shit fit whenever she's in an OP
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Way to go, bros. let's go for 6000 more
What does it say?
Wakabros! We'll have a second alt by 10k for sure! And it WON'T be drawn by mx2j!
For all the V1C3 discussion I saw over the past few months, I've never actually heard any mention of how Yume died.
I skipped Zoos and got her at 190 on the Koharu banner.
ur a faget
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That's all? No free Kuroko?
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What now?
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The collage pic in the other thread has more students and more soul than this one. You lost.
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I don't care
I'll post sheepka here
t. sheepka poster
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She was simply retarded and went into the desert without her compass, got lost in a sandstorm, and died of dehydration.
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last sentence got cut off, it says
>That way, you can just focus on playing, Head Prefect!
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How did Kuroko mog Hoshino so hard?
I believe, Wakabro
Probably Makoto then
Fuck you Dante. Go eat a shit parfait.
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If you're rerolling you'd want at least one of the Fes characters, so dress Hina / Summer Hoshino / Wakamo / Mika / Swimsuit Hanako
Rerolling is boring though, if you use an emulator you can get 9 sessions going
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Never forget a real one
Yeah, probably. NAMYO hasn't been assassinated yet, has he?
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Obligatory C&Cposting on this /bag/ milestone
I put those hickeys on her neck
No one really likes Hoshino anymore after the V1C3 fiasco
what do you think ibuki's crayons taste like
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Scott's death and the threads which followed it were fucking hilarious in a morbid way.
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I spat my water out when I registered what I was looking at back then >>472686940
Drinking Peebuki's Ibupee
Gravity does not work like that with liquids. Otherwise, prime dog
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Note that the 3 star pool in the starter reroll is limited, the pulls on the actual fest banner are much more significant.

Most of the 3 stars on the beginner banner are farmable too, so you are generally pulling for a comfy start and some good to have units.

Pic related has someones Tier list on how desirable a character is to get from the beginner 10x/exchange reroll.
I hope somebody made a screencap of /bag/'s reaction.
Now that /bag/ has reached this milestone, it's important to ask this question:

Which student is /bag/'s queen?
I sparked her, then got Alice on my first roll after the spark. Used to spam the screenshot often during year 1. Good times.
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since we're on the hiero raid right now...
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Didn't he get sniped by another game? I can't remember which on though
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I do not hate Mika. Who do you think I am?
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>dHina's lasers also count as a use of her EX for Ui
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Get in, /bag/.
Okay, we're fucked. MX2J Wakamo incoming.
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This meme didn't take off but it will forever be a certified bag moment.

One of those things that will always mystify newfags that go "the fuck is an hs ns?" or "what is the deal with Hifumiposters and sucking cock?
Hina should transfer
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I'm gonna get inside of Hina.
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you should try getting two from shun/iori/aru
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water janny saved my LIFE
I don't think you hate her
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Wanna see some gore, /bag/?
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That thread got me a two week vacation
The Alice in just 1 roll screenshot? I remember seeing that one a lot.
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professor niyaniya

whom of the two has the fluffier hair?
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Does Pajeet shit stirrer doxxing himself in /akg/ count?
Gookako getting bullied by Seia anon with his AI music was amazing.
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A retard that can't recognize a shitposter falseflagger trying to stir shit up
Me on the left
If it's not you, then it's some other guy that makes OPs during Euro hours. He was so booty blasted about a Mika thread the other day that he made a super early thread and refused to cross link to the previous thread. Not the first time it's happened either.
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Happy #6000 /bag/gots.
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still 'ave a giggle now and then
me aiming my gun
i'm assuming that guy has a relationship 100 student
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>No Migga
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I'm glad threads die fast enough that zoos posting isn't a thing anymore.
>my studentwife isnt in this image
It's over.
Do the higher bounties drop the lower rarity stuff at a higher rate? Ex. If i run overpass H will I get golds at a higher rate
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bostan my wife Iroha in an epic bread
Was the thread where a Mikafag owns scatmonkey within the last 6000 threads?
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We zoospost earlier thenᓀ‸ᓂ
That's the one, the phone I took the screenshot on died unfortunately.
I love you, /bag/. Except that one guy. Here's hoping for 6k more threads.
>take shoots for first time
>feel nothing
I'm just gonna go play some BA until it hits now
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cheers for the sex thousand
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Thanks for the tips, anons. This is my first pull on the second attempt, so hoping swimsuit Hoshino comes home.
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This would hurt me on a physical level... except people that pull that much are always ultrawhales looking for attention on social media, especially when they are in the tryhard asian servers, KR or JP.

Doubt this image is yours. Is it?
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Are you sure you're not feeling anything?
schale.gg apparently says no, bounty H is around 31% for gold drops whereas bounty F is around 45%
but you'll want purple drops anyway, bounty H gives those, bounty F does not
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Posting Fuuka for Fuukanon in thread #6000
Do you have any big tits girls or is this game for pedos only
Shrooms my bad
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This game is for racists
Please slow down.
Please savor the moment that is our 6000th /bag/ thread.
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Everyone in this game is a high schooler you sick fuck. Fuck off before I notify the nearest glowie.
I'm gonna be honest, /bag/ is actually one of the best generals on /vg/ (or maybe the BA fanbase in general is one of the best among all gacha fanbases and maybe that's the reason why /bag/ is the way it is). I only come here now after 10 years on this site.
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before it kicks in make sure you have lots of water near you.
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I'm hungry.
He's still waiting for the result...
Was the nicest. This place has been a dumpster fire for about a year now.
Hi hungry
Because the azur lane general is ruined by frogposters and the other games dont stand a chance, its just that the competition is underleveled
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We're full now fuck off.
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>Makoto sent Iroha to rape you.
And there are people who still say Makoto is not a genius.
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this game is for men that want, nothing else matters
You'll hate this game, go play something else.
I want to see more silly Miyu pictures
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I miss late 2022/early 2023 /bag/.
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I woke up at 3 AM so as to not miss the 6000th thread. Turned out I had plenty of headroom.
I mean seduce you.
How can you even jokingly say that you want kids to rape others or you do them, you guys are mentally deranged, does FBI know of this place?
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Nah, I saw it on X, formerly twitter.
Cute, just don't let Nonomi and Yume see this
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Show me your moves, /bag/
Hmm I'm thinking eggs
>2014 newfag
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Man I was here when /vg/ was created. I've probably seen post 4.

Any other baggot experienced the absolute shitshow that was the JRPG general that existed about a decade ago?
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>specifically sent the sexiest student in Kivotos to seduce you
Makoto-sama... you always were my greatest ally...
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I gotchu
Go back to sleep.
Kek, someone still have my edit. I don't even have it anymore.
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>no Yuuka
Garbage OP.
It's still pretty chaotic but compared to most generals here, it's better. So much for the "BA fanbase is the worst" meme that gets spouted on normalfag sites a lot.
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Any day soon
Yeah, the shining golden signs
Let your inner spark ignite
Find your treasure, glowing bright
Reaching for it, and taking flight

Lucky or not, at least you tried
Chin up; in yourself, confide
No doubt fate's on your side
You're chosen, so enjoy the ride

There are things you can't control
Fortune's fickle, that's this world
Embrace the result, stop keeping score
That's the essence, life's true goal

Not just trials, and battles tough
Go taking joy in simple stuff
Even when it's getting rough
Take it easy, having fun is just enough
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Say it.
if you can't find her then you don't love her sorry buddy
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>take shoots for first time
>feel nothing
Aim better next time.
hoyoshit is still shit
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Its the little things that are the most ero
A woman simply getting naked or sucking dick isn't true ero.

Its the difference between lewdness and whoreishness, lewdness is a work of art, whorishness is just animal behavior, it has no value outside of porn. Well done lewdness is the type of thing all ecchi manga strives for, but very few can pull it off right. It titillates the mind far more than porn if done right, you see proper lewdness it'll instantly catch your mind and get you revved up thinking on a higher level
I can't believe they didnt use a unique splash screen for ASSBand.
It actually got my hopes up for a moment too.
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Mine tits on my dick
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Anon, it's me.
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You guys are my friends and I love every one of you.
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It really is a dogshit op, but it was the fastest sadly.
I've heard of it but never went. The big cancer I remember at the time was /gsg/.
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Brother, the FBI is this place.
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How can you not feel anything, they're clearly better.
This except hinafags
KEK, that's even better.
you too...
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why are you guys replying to tourists
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what doth kurae mean?
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I love Blue Archive.
That is all
Blue Archive
>please post some funny shit so I can repost it later on twatter
Ironic posting this with Kirara considering her L2D.
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happy 6000th, /bag/.
Why do you think FBI like observing people like that? They are recruiting more members that way.
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Kasumi tailingus
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Running my way through /bag/ thread #6000
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I remember seeing a picture of Miyu and swimsuit Nonomi. Does anybody have it?
why am i not kissing Kasumi on the mouth right now?
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Happy 6.000, /bag/. I got a confession to make: I’m glad to be here for tbe 6.000, and I think you people are what makes Blue Archive so enjoyable with all your dicking around. I happily remember discussions like the one that led to this >>488350487. It’s like /bag/ is a mini Kivotos.
You're not my friend and nobody here is but I hope you find a real friend who can truly be your buddy because you deserve it
You're supposed to use Hare image bro
That's still lewd
I'll tell you when you it becomes whoreish
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Love you too bro! I mean that's kinda gay bro.
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sexy momoi 6000
Oh no
People are posting my cringe edits
Classic, I still see it get brought up sometimes.
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/bag/ - Blue Archive General #5672
Alright anon, when did you join /bag/? I think I'm here since #1500~
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How many thousands of threads will pass before she comes home? Seia, I'm waiting for you...
Haha look at this homo.
Me too bro
Kill yourself
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Even a visual novel industry veteran kneels to BA
the second coming will very soon come to us
posting big bird for big 6k bread
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Whatever thread this image came from.
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no u~
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Newfriend won on the second try!
Fuck off we're full
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Speaking of, isn't your shift almost over? I'll take over the cunnyposting from here, agent.
What a wonderful sight.
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Posting Fuuka in thread 6000!
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I'm on overtime.
grats, now get your dress hina
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For the anons who have been here since the first /bag/ threads, what made you stick with this game and keep posting in this general?
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what happened between these
She learned how to close the other eye
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Here's to 6000 more
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I remember this image being thrown around alot.
my sexy wife Haruna for the 6000
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Working on it! Emulator reset, so I'm going to start progressing once I link my account.
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She won.
She fucking won
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I don't spend every day here though, I just come here whenever I want to talk about something or am bored.
Thread can be pretty fun sometimes and absolute dogshit at others so best to just take long breaks.
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I miss Farfie
The girls.
Specifically Hina, but overall the girls. As for posting in this general, this is the only place I visit to talk about BA.
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Can't come soon enough
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There's an excessive lack of Alice posted in this thread.
Replace 6000 for 6001 and use it for the next OP since a lot people liked it more than this OP.
I love my students
I leave the threads for long periods however
BA is good for making inane chaotic plots and weaving satisfying stories within them, for that I find it nice to read in-between more serious VNs and games that deal with heavier and more complex themes.
yeah that's nice
what's this from
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Like, a week after the global is released.
threesome with izuna and tsukuyo while michiru films + masturbates
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joggling for hian
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>is almost 6 foot tall
>at 15
that means she can grow even more, perfect
I picked up /bag/ because of drawing and it's pretty fun. Thanks bros, maybe I'll draw something good one day.
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6.000 pink supremacy
/bag/ should make a fangame
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my wife and the grind
i like the gameplay, the story and the chibis well enough to stay
tis alright. i get to fuck around and post porn from time to time
overall none of these activities consume too much of my time and i could do other things on the side. i like doing mundane things
/bag/ can't joggle
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post your axolotl
Hoshino's heaven #2
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I still think about the Mika reveal threads and laugh
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I love Hian
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Luv me ninjas.
The girls, the story, comfy gameplay.
Almost no NTR/multiple male shit in fan art is cool and the fact that the community also gatekeeps it helps but it's mainly the game that keeps me going.
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Miyako Status?
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Good night, /bag/.
Well Iori is still very relevant, that's how strong she is. But yeah he was totally off about Mika.
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eating well
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Good night
tbf the very concept of the game, that being students4u, gatekeeps the majority of people, and thats a good thing
> /bag/ at thread #6000
> Jurifag still doesn't exist
> Tomoefag still doesn't exist
The more things changed, the more things stay the same.
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for me, it's the first ever /bag/ aggie
The game is pretty lightweight and doesn't take much of my time. If it was a massive slog I wouldn't have stuck here this long.
I'm still posting in /bag/ because although it can get pretty bad it's still fun for the most part.
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I dunno, is it out yet?
Why am I cursed with shit rolls, holy shit fuck this game
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I've been here since BAsuna, and it was the last day of her banner...I remember clearly because she kept spooking me even though I wasn't even rolling on her banner.
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I’m actually a Day 1 player but life was busy and I was just logging in, reading something, progressing at a snail’s pace. Curious about the lore and what these girls were but not exactly latched to them.
Then these silly girls legit robbed a goddamn bank. A full heist cutting the electricity and all.
That was crazily insane and my interest skyrocketed.
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This one?
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Alice love!
~trinity summer on global
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You now remember rrat poster "died" before #6000
og aggieanon left because of the schizo, he then came back when the schizo was yurposting and left again before he went back to scat
That's the one, thank you. I love funny looking Miyu's.
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Lovely girl.
Unbelievably sovl
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I came for the Junko, I quit because they censored Alice, I returned after the ratings bump and uncensor, and I decided to stay for good after witnessing the expired water enhancer incident in real time. This general truly has some fantastic highs that never fail to eclipse its lows. Also my students are cute. Cute!
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I don't think anyone understands how bad a Gehenna volume would be.
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Good night wakabro
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There's a follow up
but I see your ritualposts every day
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i don't have the image that shows the massive amount of replies when this kino dropped
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Which student do you think will break free of the NPC jail before /bag/ reaches its thread #7000?
After PV4 dropped when my saviorfag senses went into overdrive.
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I'm gonna celebrate by fucking Yuzu
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All it has to do is revolve around the Going Home Club and it's already a 10/10
Forgot to >>488348580
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A bit after the second rerun of swimsuit Hina, I had no fucking idea of what I was doing
>the thread where the guy killed himself on stream
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I don't think anyone understands how sexy Professor Niyaniya could be.
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What IS going on? I don't get it.
Not Seia.
Not Rio.
It's gonna be Highlander, baybeh.
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That had nothing to do with /bag/. you're thinking of a different general.
Thanks for unlocking the memory.
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This was pretty funny
I've been here since the beginning (of Global). First gacha and probably the last. I stuck around because the scenario is very similar to eroge of old.
I don't really come to the threads very often though, maybe once or twice a week. It's bad for mental health to have your ass parked in a general for days on end.
I like Hoshino but I'm not any of the hoshi ritualposters
excuse me good sir but kirara and erika are in a club now
I thought the og anon was the hinajanny
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Suzumi alt when
Happy 6000 threads, /bag/
Back when artniggers joined bag. I hate AI and art niggers so much.
Isn't that GFL?
KirinoGOD how do I use her to counter Shun/Yuuka/Marina/NY!Haruna + Shiroko/Nagisa/Minori
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Around #340
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Luckily I remember some of what I wrote in my first post so I could find it in the archives. Thread #777. >>384390307

Some helpful anons helping my newfag ass on which hard mode to farm. If any of you still here then I wish you all the best on your future pulls.
Started playing on global launch but /bag/ around January 2022. I was still a GFLfag at the time and couldn't juggle 2 games and 2 generals at the same time.
now there can be STAKES for new girls that I know nothing about
For whatever reason, somebody posted it in here before it happened and several people watched it go down.
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Hey, happy #6000
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I got you.
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i don't get it. saki seems happy
miyu seems happy
there's literally nothing wrong going on in this scenario
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Kek I totally forgot.
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+1 Yoshimilkers
Zero contribution
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Damn I haven't seen this image for a long time...
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I'm going to receive a thighjob from Kayoko right now.
this >>488354009
that's the one
fucking based
>it's been one and a half years since this kino dropped
feels so long...
>Blue Archive General #5672
top kek
ah shit, here we go again.
Time for tHoshino to shine in the only raid she'll be core in.
Kinda sad, honestly.
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TOR clear! I'm glad level 90 isn't necessary. Guess all that talk was just for speedrunning autism.
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Whys there so many cats in gehenna
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P-please use the images wisely...
>1 chise
>1 kayoko
>4 fucking Akaris
>4 Suzumis
i don't get it
what level kokona is needed for Insane?
Back when the threads were still good.
read her normal skill, it's not that complicated
>3000 yen to see monthly cunny
she definitely know what she's doing.
cats belong in hell
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Remember to thank Hiroy for saving Summer
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You are lucky I can't post the splurt on Sora's face anymore
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What's the /bag/ consensus on the Ninjutsu Research Club? Favorite member of that club?
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I started using 4chan for BA so 2 years ago...
According to the catalog and the hash of the first image I saved from this general, it's #2410
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How the fuck did nobody post this yet?
So Arona where's our free 1200 pyros for reaching the #6000 milestone
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Tsukuyo because I like tall girls
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has 2 of the best girls in the game
that's a small image
Its the one club with no bad members
All of them good
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They are fun
I guess Izuna narrowly wins as my overall favorite but I want to fuck Tsukuyo more
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Hiroy is FAT
I don't think that's a good enough censor...
Wait, meant for >>488348580
you weren't there newfag
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>So Arona where's our free 1200 pyros for reaching the #6000 milestone
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Where's the sound
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I wish Mitcher and Tsukuyo had alts and not Hoshitno.
>Favorite member
It's hard to come to grips with but that's just the reality of gacha. It's all a cycle of peaks and valleys, and it's extremely rare for a gacha to continue to do well past its 3rd year.
What would making out with Kayoko be like?
>that song
S2 any moment now
i was here even before the great shunny maintenance in jp, so i guess around... less than 100? what the fuck?
i made this image btw
reminder tsukuyo "raped" you that one time, and thats a good thing
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Yeah, that too.
File deleted.
Rent free
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Tsukuyo deserves sex more
Izuna deserves to serve you 24/7
Mitcheru deserves to become a viral Kivotostube streamer, and then self destructs after making it big because the fame is too much for her

Tsukuyo has a natural lewdness where she accidentally rapes you in her momo's
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Holy fuck is this artist going to finally redeem himself and give me some happy Misaki holy shit
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please give thanks to pic related for allowing us to reach 6000 threads
Granted, but you must prove you're a /bag/ resident. How would you do it?
If it makes you feel better to think that, then sure.
Akari used to be the top red AoE for non-Aru havers. Suzumi having that many also helped me after she gained her bond.
The lack of Chise was fucked though. Back in the first couple of years the concept of a "blue drought" was very real. People using their Ioris on blue content because there were so few options.
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Who is the brattiest student and who is the most polite?
was looking for that image when I posted >>488354790, good shit.
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Does your paint.exe not have an erase tool
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Happy 6000
Where the fuck is the canon interaciton in-game
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I don't want to be a DHinalet!
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I was here when /bag/ first discovered Abydos was referring to the Egyptian city and not the one in Turkey.
>Tsukuyo has a natural lewdness where she accidentally rapes you in her momo's
Why do I get to suffer for the "accidents" of students?
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It was deserved. I forgive her.
>duplicate file
Wait wha-
Its not rape, sensei approved it
Bet, they will do it for 6000th Reddit thread or something.
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The VA panel pizza was my favorite from that event.
Shoo fagfie.
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>not just letting students live in your head but schizos as well
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Ah yes, another fine day of going to sleep without any students raping m-ACK!
I'm glad the guy bleeding out of his ass got it fixed and didn't shit himself to death.
Very erotic
Not erotic
>baggot went to the event
>dude stuck out like a sore thumb because the only gaijin
>camera man filmed him
>he was clearly not happy
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the idea was it was shunny explaining and scribbling things for you with a green crayon
Hoshino is a pariah student now, it's time to come to terms with that.
Tsukuyo is entirely innocent, which is why its forgivable. Sensei will always forgive if its an accident.
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Thanks Akane and the rest of C&C
One day anon
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That's for the shitty version with the wrong pupils
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Any videos for this comp?
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You know what to do then.
Could you fucking not?
Marina...I tend to avoid, but on attack I bring Mashiro who is able to kill her.
My attack formation is usually
SHanako/Kirino/Shun/Yuuka + SShiroko/Mashiri
Sometimes I change the order a little bit like Tuyka/Kirino/Shun/SHanako if I see a D1 SHanako
Note that this is urban jp, new season
But anyway it's not perfect but works often enough
Nagisa is trouble. I tend to skip attacking teams with her on defense. Minori for similar reasons. Their huge range is horrible to deal with
SShiroko...is simply not a problem. Sure she can one shot Kirino boy it's quite rare that she does
In the train, I can't figure out defense, but this works often for attack;
>if Shun in D1
BNeru/Kirino/Haruka/Iori + Mashiro/SShiroko
>if Yuuka in D1
Swap out BNeru with Yuuka. Swap Yuuka and Iori's position
>if Iori in D1 AND they're NOT using Nagisa
Her greater strength is surviving as a pseudo tank while your heavy dps take care of the rest. Her sniping isn't reliable, but is funny when it kills.
Almost always works
Thank you Neru
Thank you Karin
... thank you akane
Thank you Asuna
Thank you Toki
your fault
The Trinity OVA literally got cancelled because of this...
Today, I lost to professor...
ever heard of glowies consuming their own forbidden stash? I think there's far more truth to it than mere rumors
We did it bag
We sparked for the 5th time
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Damn kots
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Buraka will never peak again.
i love this soundpost the most
Why is Kazoos like this?
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The world is not prepared for sexmageddon
It shall forever be locked away
considering the anime, thats probably for the better
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Big lazy orgy energy.
Reminds me of the old Takemura Sesshu im@s doujins.
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>You know what to do then.
¿Bailar Macarena?
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Honestly crazy both how apparently Korean feminists control all media in Korea, and are a legit cult, not a joke cult at all. And they LEGIT do apparently sneak that thing into all animation and mobage, and then brag about it. Which leads to otaku threatening to burn down companies. Like they've admitted they sneak stuff like that in to laugh at pathetic otaku, and how much they hate them.

But also that Korean men are incredibly sensitive to finding it every time, like they can smell it no matter how small it is. They can always find it.
And that's fine, there are students still out there who loves her (like Nonomi)
>search md5 in the archive
>I made this nearly 2 years ago now
>it's been posted 128 times
Hot damn.
That's my nigga Zunbo

Heyyyy someone saved my scuffed screencap!
would /bag/ fuck her?
I love my precious students /bag/!
3 children
Now that we have no images...
>favorite retard club
>favorite ASS
>favorite C&C
>favorite gamer
>favorite gourmet
>favorite prefect
Ah yes, the good idolmaster doujins. Couldn't get through the NTR, rape or "idols sleeping with multiple men/dirty executives" ones.
Fucked typo. Tyuka > Yuuka

Not TYuuka
Also want to note her abilities to reduce healing received and reducing accuracy
She's basically a little nuisance who is also capable of taking out red armored enemies and, a bit more rarely, yellow armored ones and she has only a few consistent anti-Kirino measures. One of those is almost SHanako but surprisingly enough she can't always destroy Kirino instantly
Her hardest counter is Iori who is rare in the urban season and fairly easy to deal with in the train
Good night, /bag/. This was a good 6.000.
32, 4.5
Womanlets are hot
sauce pls

Is this gonna come out on C104?
>missed my chance to soundpost
2 zungers
I've no idea, it was around the time before the Ako rerun
quality complainers are tourists
you have to be an extreme case of gay if you wouldn't like to legally own at least half the cast on this game
( ᓀ‸ᓂ )
( ᓀ ‸ ᓂ )
(ᓀ‸ᓂ ᓀ‸ᓂ)
Do not ᓀ‸ᓂ
$500 penalty
7 inches
only bazoos can save this thread
the real savior of bag #6000... bazoos...
Remember to use this OP next
> Barely 2 hours /bag/ anniversary thread
You fucking fucks, slow down, savor the moment.
High yield savings accounts
Hina, let me rub your chest for the 6000th time
(> ‿ )> |° °|
yes, she is hot but ibuki is hotter
can mutsuki even take 7 inches?
ᓀ‸ᓂ zoos pride worldwide ᓀ‸ᓂ
The sooner this thread ends, the sooner we get to 7000
>Favorite fox
>Favorite cat
let me try
( ᓀ‸ᓂ )
( ᑭ ‸ ᓂ )
(ᓀ‸ᑲ ᑯ‸ᓂ)
sensei this hurts help
Blue Archive is at its best when the villains are evil adults. Students can never actually be evil or else it misses the point of the game, students are just misunderstood, but sensei can save them. But adults can actually be evil, which helps the theme that sensei is the only good adult.

evil adult behind it all
evil adult behind it all
>volume 1(again)
Evil adult behind it all

That's the value gematia brings to the story.
They're allowed to actually be evil since they're adults.
This is literally fanfic. None of the students have romantic feelings for you. Take a shower.
5 kilometers
Thank you girls for saving Blue Archive
Nothing a little bit of elbow grease could fix
Can you really call clockman an adult tho? He's a manchild.
They all have romantic feelings for (You), in the player's head. Everything else is fair game when it comes to the original narrative
Just like /bag/
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7 Muchukis
No it didn't. That was a Yostar production and they said they canned it because of general quality and production issues
Pretty sure it predated the Korean small dick schizoposting also
adults bad
childs good
So am I but I'm definitely a legal adult
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See you later in #7000
should have bought sunglasses or something like that
Adults are le bad, but sensei is le good?
fuccckk bros i fucking love underage girls
It was a 2 hours thread at most, lmao it was fast.
i have an adult card and am therefore an adult
only /bag/ f2poors are manchildren
ᓄˇᓇ tasukete
Hiyori is for ___
Hmm nyo
Rubbing her belly.
rape mutsuki
what the fuck does HS NS mean?
And a ching chong wing wong to you too
ᓀ‸ᓂ_-ll there you go
4 children minimum
nice shot
Cumming inside the anon below me
I think 6000 is a good number to end on.
No more threads.
(งᓀ‸ᓂ)つつつつつつ (◠ن◠)
I'm fucking melting
ᓀ ‸ ᓂ
>hundreds of posts later
hoshino (not shrimp)
what zoos doesnt know is that the touch of a young girl makes sensei stronger
Hey fucking melting
I'm anon
When the zoos changes course
When the zoos align
I will reach out to zoos and leave this all behind
Some things never change
/bag/ is full of retarded shitty assholes
Go back.
back to fagdit with you
whats the matter champ
>terror alt from the final volume
Hopefully you guys are just hoshino haters and not actual shiroko fans because this is really embarassing
they like students as much as we do
I wouldn't say full of but there are certainly a few insufferable fags with huge chips on their shoulders.
Happy 6000th thead, bag, here's to more memes and student sex.

No wonder Fuuka comes shortly after. Sounds obvious, but they really planned this one.
Love you too
#6000 checked off
Until next time ᓀ‸ᓂ
There's gonna be another #6000?
#6000 moe
Happy #6000 /bag/.
Choosday was already over for me, and I did this week's here >>488220981
Happy belated Choosday anon.

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