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Previous Thread: >>488313627

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Is #6000 going to be a good thread?
Sex with Hina
0% chance
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My precious desert rose.
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That will never get fixed. They'd have to go through so much dialogue.
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Mika is incredible. She's not my personal favorite student but she's really special in the way she's written because she has the appeal of both a bishoujo game heroine and an otome game protagonist. It'd be cool to have more multi-faceted characters like her but with the main writer retiring I feel like we might have lost that opportunity. At the very least even if they don't have the same appeal as Mika I hope we can get more banger student designs from Yutokamizu, it's worrying that he's been strangely absent from the game in the past year.
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Right on time when i just finished cooking this
Hina with Sex
chibi gloved handjobs
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You know what, don't post anything
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>have to stay awake or miss the epic trips in the thread number
At least post fast.
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Which one? I have one too
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I'm gonna prepare an image for the next OP
As always, it should be an image with as many students as possible
#5000 was 4 months ago
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
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My honest reaction.
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cat bros...
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What image are we using for #6000?
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Yes, Hina and Kokona are core for the current Hiero raid.
Something with all of Arius, they deserve something.
>the stink corner
Thanks anon, it's great
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My Miggas I will be out to get some dinner now. Have a good evening /bag/!
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Does it have /bag/ #6000 somewhere? Cause mine does.
nyo they don't deserve that much
holy fucking newfag
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uzawa leisa lays claim to thread #6000
That's Noa not Mine
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6000 is going to be a shitshow isn't it? multiple threads because everyone wants their girl to be the OP
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That's why we usually use the big images with a lot of girls.
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>spoonfeed Junko
>she can't drop her food because you're doing it in her place
>you get to see her cute blushing face
>Junko gets to enjoy yummy food
Why aren't you doing this right now?
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Jumko is a bad girl
We were civil with #5000 which wasn't that long ago.
we will have three #6000 and two #60000. it will be fun.
It does
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I just want Mimori to be in the OP with all the other students
Thread #6000 probably already happened with all the number fuckups long ago
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Kuroko OP next
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Today is Maki birthday right?
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I want her to suffer.
Zungo........ Bad.
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I swear to fucking god you three better not do what I'm expecting to happen.
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What would be worth ticketing? I thought it'd be Iroha but people are saying Ako and Himari are better picks
It's possible, but since the schizo started fucking with the OP and the thread number ages back we have a bunch of autists policing the numbers.
if you don’t have either get himari
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I thought everyone did this.
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What do YOU expect to happen?
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If you don't want it to be a mess spend this thread picking out an image with every girl in it, and then make the thread yourself.
Use the start dash ticket first and see what you get
New Sensei here, any good resources on where and how to spend your Eligma?

Or is ''dump it on the broken FES students'' just too obvious an answer?
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I'll trust yours then. Pic related is what I was gonna use.
That's why we're preparing so there's no fuck ups.
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>Am I-
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What's so special about #6000? #6969 is better imo.
When will the selector come out? I am only missing Mine from that list.

She kept drinking my coffee at the cafe too
I have a picture with more girls ready, but no Kuroko
I could add her
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seven threads
four are #6000
two are #60000
one is #59990
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What about this as the OP?
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Am I uhhhh... Who am I again?
I think old women are very sexy.
Mika should die
>he didn’t get Hina and Hoshino in 50 rolls or less
LMAO, I even got hoshino off the hina banner before getting hina
thats the 2.5 selector
I already did, used both start dash and division ticket so this is the last guaranteed 3* I have
This is the current selector which expires at the end of august?
A million times
what level is extreme doable at? im at 75 and cannot do them still
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I'll make sure #6969 is a sex thread.
Screencap this so I don't forget.
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something like this
This is all girls of 2024 but it's missing nyaanyaa and akemi-chan
Where is it in the shop? Sorry for being dumb
I had to double spark kek
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dump it on broken dps FES units yes, and other highly valuable dps units first
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I'm a Kokonalet and have just been using Koharu for the last two years. Does she really only heal this little?
Don't apologize
Just do better
What did you get?
make aggie for #6000 thread quick
Don't use a ticket until you feel like you need it to clear insane
If you use it willy nilly you will get spooked by the girl you picked and waste 3k
Her name is cheesy
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she will spook you
For the lamp specifically? Yeah
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C&C thread at #6969 or you failed your promise
Koharu is AOE while Kokonuts is ST.
thanks cheringles, she really did
upgrade your student equipment to tier 6 at least, and borrow max d,hina.
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>sex thread
Are you forgetting someone?
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It will be more than just C&C.
holy shit it's reiser
It'll all be traced AI anyway
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your thought on this /bag/gots
This hiero? like 60
What the fuck is a cheringles
>A fucking shitcoin
>a fucking midori image
so i can draw snail sensei
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I’m guessing it’s cherino with the same moustache as the guy in the Pringles can
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Something like pic related or bust hahaha

Thanks will call your older sister
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yeeeeeeah, no. the vibe is completely lost here. its like sensei did not even sniff it but just actually was looking for a moth and hina got embarrassed for no reason. gonna send the ticket tomorrow.
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It's literally there?
I'd have to check, Division ticket gave me NY.Haruka
Yeah I was debating about that, but I'm probably going to save like fuck now until NY.Fuuka so I won't be rolling any more between then and now
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>gonna send the ticket tomorrow
You're going to send it today.
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I gotchu
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>bullying my daughter
im going to sleep, ill do it when i have energy to spare to fill out all the bs.
good night.
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I'm gonna dm hina dev right now, he's gonna freak
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Worse than people realize

Include all this stuff in the tickets
These things don’t taste as a good as when I was a child
I still remember the paprika flavor making my lips swell for some reason, but it doesn’t do that any more
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I'm going to (You) you in 6 hours (average /bag/got sleeping time).
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I'm making a collage anon.
>im going to sleep
Don't miss the next thread I'm making a very nice OP right now...
>so I won't be rolling any more between then and now
NYFuuka is in 5 weeks for you. No, you are not clearing insane in 5 weeks little bro.
I'm here to say in advance that the next OP image sucks because it doesn't have my studentwife in it
The tickets don't work if we don't have redditors also sperging out like with Kikyou
>A localizer was so offended that Hina loves sensei that they entirely removed the line
Never let yurifags translate
she needs to wear pink
How are you at 89 already
how do you know that
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>/bag/gots bake 14 #6000 threads
>/bag/ banished to trash
/bag/ EoS soon
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you don't?
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200 rolls
Kazusa x2
Kikyou x2
Stoat x1
Ny.Kayoko x1
O.stoat x1

Spark=D.Hina x1
Piece of
It's obviously too late for an actual aggie right now but if someone with higher autism levels than me wanted to go through the last few aggies and pick a different student from each one and make it into a collage that would be cool
extreme is simply a matter of borrowing d hina and buffing her once and making sure your team survives i’m pretty sure
I was going to jerk off but I started reading Rimukuro’s Iroha and Hina «doujinshi» and now I’ve lost all desire to. Is this the power of comfy fluff?
pvp ap refresh every day got you to 89 yesterday
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not him but why aren't you
just send 20 tickets to make up for numbers
Congrats on the double stoatsex
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>check our bracket
>Solace is rank 1 again
Get him. Now.
Amplify the reddit thread then
Make it go viral
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There should be 2 at best including the one already shown. if it doesn't have /bag/ #6000 on it, it's the wrong thread.
post defense
Check again
bro your double XP last friday?
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>do Kasumi momo
>lobby on the first one
>it's a footfag lobby
What a whore
themed pulls
Yukari from Start Dash
Her availability isn't tied to insane though is she, are you talking about clearing insane to get pyrox? Because that's where the power of money comes in
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>6 hours
lol lmao. Try inIto (you) me in exactly 9 hours and 52 minutes. I will highly likely be here by then.
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PVPfags are either unhinged or chill
There are no normal PVPfags
it's him
ryan sensei
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Good job. Continue to kick his teeth in whenever you get the chance.
there was a double exp event?
Is stoat goslingcore?
are you heavily medicated?
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This mari in my bracket changes their defense a lot
Sometimes as I hit them
So I find them really fun to fight
But they donated 3 hits to me, it means I should no longer hit them
Now Im stuck at rank 7 because I can't hit anyone
not at all, but i do love sleeping
I'm saying that you should save the ticket for when you actually need it to clear insane. It takes at the very least level 70 to do the easiest insane raid.
Who the hell sleeps for 10 hours
When are getting purple content? I didn’t pull Kikyou in my first week of playing this game to have her sit in the bench playing backup for blue stuff
yes retard
Who's this solace guy
Asuna and Karin are so cute and sexy
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Thread #6000 will be me
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>offline 34 days
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I have bad news for #6000 thread
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>he isn't 89

Stop making me look like a slacker.
Hina should transfer
Ah right okay
Guess I'll pray one of those supports spooks me then, although I also don't want to have to whale a spark a second time when NYFuuka comes around
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>9 hours and 52 minutes
I wish I could sleep this much
She's mistresscore which is close enough
Shut the fuck up Sensei
what, that's barely anything, i know from experience i wont even wake up feeling refreshed. either way, im out seeya
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>pvp refreshed every day
>still 88
The fuck did I do
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Saw that the localizers changed dialogue lines for Dress Hina & Makoto. Where can I go to bitch at them so it can be reverted like with Kikyou? I'm sick of this shit.
Now try non deleted
I slept that much when my sleep apnea was untreated
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Game-saving girls right there
Plenty of duplicate threads and double threads that never actually got deleted and just fell off the board naturally
Hand over those pyros chud
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Was always more of a titfag, but I've been getting really hooked on Hoshino lately. What does this mean for me?
sex in 8
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not enough
is this the masturbation counter
You're intentionally looking away from Nonomi for some reason.
Mika, D.Hina and S.Hanako are obvious,
but is Wakamo really worth getting to Unique equipment over Iroha?
Miyako status?
Go to main menu, write down your UID.
Go in game, cog at the top right -> Account -> Customer Center (copy down the code it gives you) -> Customer Center -> Customer Center -> Report an Issue.
bananitas bananitatum
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You are a normalfag that thinks popular==good
What kind of gay ass theme is that?
No, Wakeks will tell you she's good but she's powercrept by Malice and bHoshino. Also single target sucks until later. Just ignore her.
Hoshino has tits, they're just smaller. Maybe you like all kinds of tits.
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Did /bag/ divegrass EoS or do we have a new manager?
yep, the one where if it reaches 100, she becomes a succubus
Wakamo is the best single target blue dps.
ain't holding that bag
>my son still has no alt in 2024
>neither does my super star
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Heading over to wherever you are at the moment
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Its over
I love you /bag/
Thanks, were any other lines changed this update besides Hina and Makoto?
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How does she do it?
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the dev talk in the recent global stream all but confirmed son alt during the rerun
she's on her way, she just took a wrong turn
Ibuki is meant to use her name instead of "I/me" in her dialogue but they butchered everything there.
Lots of people have sent in reports for that one but it wouldn't hurt to send in another.
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Oh right pyro refreshes oops. Skimped out because Makoto and dAko made me spark and not having a spark ready for NYAkari would make me sad.
Thankfully I'm at the ass end of 88 anyway.
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I remember posting in #4000 like it was just yesterday...
Post their/your defense I want to see if it's easy
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She is GFCore. But she hasn't caused a mass Gosling replies event, she isn't goslingcore. But who knows, maybe a good ASMR can turn this around.
[chair clattering]
>It's Joever

Do we hand Kivotos Halo Festival now to the Koreans?
>Reisa's artist is kokosando
M-maybe you should hope she doesn't get one too soon...
Post your highest bond student
Post our old #X000 image
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Every student is goslingcore because they aren't real.
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I forgot what I was going to post
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I sense a threatening aura from her and need to look away.
I dunno, my favorite has always been Moe and it feels like she's still not that popular outside of the swimsuit buff.
This is technically true. Size paired with design is the most important thing.
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I can't imagine one level making all the difference for TMT Hiero, assuming that's why you asked to begin with.
We keep changing it up because we're still going back and forth
He's using bakane as the TYuuka tank comp counter, and I'm using tsubaki to flinch his ass.
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That is a deep navel....
Cheers, I'll write down all three in my ticket.
Peanut brain logic.
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Sounds fun, gl anon
hiyori belly
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Sensei is gay for not taking that...
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You forgot Miyu again...
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Can we include her in the next 6000 thread?
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I was just confused by people already being halfway through 89, that's all. I believe in my students.
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It's Maki, don't worry about it
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Alright thanks for the advice,
I can't believe how fast those Eligma evaporated.
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>4 wins with this team
Looks like it's working
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>FOTM 6000
Nah. I'd still let her rape though.
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Shut the FUCK up
Does he change his attack teams at least
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Your princess isn't real either
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But that is exactly why they are good?
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Tons, dozens, they localizers were probably angry we fixed kikyos so they really went out of their way this time out of spite

>Makoto's "I'll make you mine" line got changed to "one day you'll serve under me"
>Hinachi(cute nickname) got changed to Mizz.Hina for some reason
>Ibuki 's entire style of talking got changed, which people have already brought up that the envelope you collect after the event, no one can tell who they're from because Global translation removed each characters unique speech style and unique laughs. In original text the envelope that Ibuki sends is obvious because she speqks in the third person, global changed it so now each envelope "could be written by anyone"
>Hina's lines for toned down, the text on her gun saying she loves sensei for removed
>Makoto's gun name was flat out mistranslated. Originally it was "I alone am honored", localizers changed it to "solitude edge"
>Basically leaving out most of Kirara personaliry

There's so many I can't even remember them all
Check the raw text this time around you'll find a lot
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Sir, we're going to have to see evidence. You can't just say that.
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I'm still 88 too, we've got this. I've refused to hand over pyros to refresh for a long, long time now.
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Cute child.
He won...
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Fuck >>488336984 . Fuck this fucking cunt. Fuck you. Fuck you fuckface fuck.
>Kirara no longer goes fr fr no cap
are there any good motocross videogames, /bag/?
you guys can just play the jp version and none of this issue would arise
Did you feel better?
Got it
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There are no REAL makifans on /bag/
Look at the list
You're capping
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>Check PVP ranks since I'm in the same bracket as these fags
>My clubmate is sitting at #2
You go dawg. At least I'm in top 10.
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Come to Millennium ruins and say that to our face.
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Mika love
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fake until proven otherwise
Awww man, I enjoyed the event but sucks there’s so many translation errors, I’ll reread the momos if/when they get fixed
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My nigger
>out there across the endless worlds there is a student in kivotos that wishes (you) were real
Are you a Makifag or is she the highest for no reason?
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Speaking of the dev stream, anyone has a qrd? I saw some proto Renge artwork on twitter but i didn't save it which i regret it now
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But will he strike back...we shall wait and see.
>actual son + daughter sensei
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When everyone is pinned, no one is pinned
>Was worried I wasn't going to be able to UE40 Ibuki before the event
>Turns out I won't be able to even UE30
Damn this grind is brutal. Considering Iroha does most of the work I wasn't expecting her to be a sAyane/Cheerbiki out of nowhere.
None of it is a mistake
The only recourse is keep calling it out and making it such an issue they're forced to fix it, but never think for an instant that any of it is by accident.
Fuck this retarded site
Time to hang the noose, tranny.
we should have made an special aggie for our 6000 thread...
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Any datamined students still not added?
>been playing extremely casually for about a year now with some breaks
>level 77
>never thought much about investment in characters other than the ones I like
>still have generally dogshit game knowledge
What's the best route for me to take at this stage? Is it too late for the newfag guide?
I don't know why Kokosando was willing to draw Kanna's alt but not Kaede's. Maybe Kaede got abandoned...
it's okay if you're just pairing her with Iroha she doesn't really need the UE that much
No, go read the guide.
>No azoos
>No kaede
>no ninja fox
This dadsensei is playing favorites
He didn't draw Nuts either.
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>-300 pyros
The power of pvp autismo...
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you have a week left ue30 is possible
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Reminds me of how I've been just logging in and grabbing the login daily and quitting out every day in Gakumas for 2 months straight now because I'm too lazy to read.
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You're a newfag until you hit level cap and max exp at the very least.
>But level cap just raised and none of us are 90 yet
Did I stutter?
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>Gourmets let out before the Hot Springkeks
Do you agree with this /bag/?
it's a short segment just go watch it
a lot of the value in it is the beta artwork anyways which can't exactly be conveyed here without significant effort i'm not willing to expend
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>the text on her gun saying she loves sensei for removed
What the fuck
You like granpas.
never too late
do your fucking dailies, spend all your ap every single day, takes like 4 minutes at absolute most, it is 100% crucial you do this otherwise youll never get anywhere
you will learn very quickly about your strengths and weaknesses, ask the thread if youre still unsure
Yeah I know :( just annoys me so much, anyone got the ticket template? I’m gonna send a ticket
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Why does this 11 year old act like she's 7?
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Our bracket is cursed with some real stinkers. I still can't get over the Hinafag that went to war with me for several hours chasing me up the bracket.
Posted earlier in the thread, right side of this image >>488334867
Thanks for testing
I'm, too sexy for
My shirt, too sexy for milan
New York and Japan
It seems like they have this soft rule that any time Mx2J draws one part of an event group all the other artists just throw up their hands and let him handle the rest of group as well because he's just that motivated to work hard. Though they actually practiced some restraint with Arius Summer and only had him draw two of them, but maybe that's because he didn't design the outfits this time, he just drew some of them.
That's it, I'm learning Korean
EN is done for
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My son is growing right in front of my eyes.
I agree with the goal of the Hot Springs group more than the Gourmet group, but the Gourmet group generally causes less damage overall.
You can do it anon-nim!
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I think I'll wait until someone else hits 4-6 because I can't hit them myself (friends)
7 is a bad spot to be stuck on
Said no one ever. Learn JP, dumbass.
reddit is more up to your speed
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is a 2 lvl difference and bringing astuko instead of d.ako for survivability really enough to bring my damage down to 75% of people running the same composition of d.hina/kokona/s.hoshino/nagisa/ako for torment hiero? kind of bullshit
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Nice, I want to raise more daughters myself but I'm hyper focused on my #1 currently
You could literally just jail Haruna and the other Gourmets would never bother you again
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On it now.
95% of the time I've been playing, I've been doing all my dailies and just cycle bounty every month or so. I should get better about buying AP refreshes, but I remember seeing that it's best to only use those during certain events? Can't really remember, but I try to buy them when I remember. Proper team building is probably my biggest struggle since I just do okay on tactical assaults and main map pushing, but it'll probably just be a matter of reading up.
Now if only I knew where to start
But I like my foresight
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Have you tried... just falling down a couple of ranks for the day. And taking it back on the next day. Instead of wasting hundreds of pyros.
I remain #1
Solace gave up
Is it weedy? He attacks me every day but I win most of my defenses on him, and we all shuffle around in ranks 5-30 daily anyway.
I don't want to start a jp account or start over learning Japanese again but localizer meddling disgusts me to my core and makes me regret supporting these faggots
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developmental issues from not having a father figure. she'll turn out fine now that you're here
Speaking of farming, how is the sAtsuko farm?
Considering how she seems to be pretty decent on her niche I am expecting that grind to be completely miserable.
Kazusabros, your response?
With their equivalent of alphabets of course. Worry about what comes after when you're done with those, seeing how most people give up on Japanese right at the beginning with Kanas.
if you're being honest about playing for a year 95% of the time you wouldve reached max lvl a while ago, make sure youre not letting your cafe fill up, is it fully upgraded? if it isn't, do it now.
Reisist general
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>Meanwhile I'm just gatekeeping people in rank 100
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Someone hit, I can now hit them and get into the small opening that is rank 3 since 1 and 2 are friends
Better spot to camp than 7
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stop thinking with your dick
After Reisa hits 50, I'm raising Cheringles next
We all have our own ways, it is what it is
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Is there a chance that I don't need to do torment for NA?
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Sometimes I do that and even set a weird looking team so I get even more attacks.
Are we in the same bracket, I see a bond 20 title Mimori sitting in that ara. I checked right now he's not there, but I see him hover 65-100+ often
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I'm a loser Iboogie, please don't look up to me
>Shun, Marina, tsubaki, iori, shiroko, minori
This team works pretty well on defense.
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Max upgraded for the stage I'm at, I think there's another upgrade I can get from the main maps, but I haven't gotten around to pushing past stage 16 yet (going to try doing that now). 95% of the time is pretty inaccurate looking back on it, considering I took a few breaks that were around a month or so long. I only really started to take the game more seriously in the past couple weeks, so there's a lot of areas of knowledge that have been neglected over all that time.
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We warned you bro. We told you English translations always come with a slew of problems and JP is almost always better.
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Raise Aris
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I ain’t quitting global but I do wanna learn nip, just gotta justify it more, reading tomatos blog about mother 3 and localization in general made me interested
How cancerous
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I'm a Noafag actually. I always try to get 100 if possible
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My JP alt hit level 88 just before anniversary and I made it on Makoto's banner there. I don't pyro refresh either.
Good dog, Chise
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based Cherino fatherer
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More students should be dogfuckers.
Get into VNs.
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Fuck that, I ain't no pussy. He wanted a war and he got it.

Nah. Its that Hinafag at rank 50. I thought he fucked off but no, he just changed his name a little.
i literally learned by starting with anime OP/ED karaoke subs when i was 11, then into reading eroge with a dictionary at 14, then listening to seiyuu radio at 16 and onwards. was learning while practicing as i was translating old eroge like sengoku rance and alchemy meister
Gook doesn't have kanji autism and hangul is fairly practical to use so anon should be fine.
ai can't replace the trannylators any faster!
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I thought today is 1/8.
Can time just move faster already, I want my Kirara.
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Fair enough, I don't see any Noafags in this bracket
50 title on S Miyako at 97, 20 mari (regular) on 99
20 shiroko and koharu on 93/94, but no noa
I plap this daily
NA is not JP or KR, or EU with it's 2k cutoff but it is what comes next after those, and dHina is a fucking Fest character.
I would bet on no, and even if it doesn't end up being a TOR required raid the INS runs that make it will probably be the maldiest runs possible.
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I love Hian bros even with the toned down stuff she's so sweet
I only started in late February, I initially tried to learn jp for vtuber and gave up because it's a much bigger hurdle to follow casual conversational jp. So yeah might start again, text is much easier. Still won't fix being invested in global acct though unfortunately
Seconding the VN recommendation. Use Textractor to hook VN text and JL for a floating dictionary. Works with most PC VNs. Ask if you want VN recs.
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>pvp spreadsheet
I though you fucks were joking about pvp autism.
what kind of autism is this
Fucked up part is BA still is the best game on the market in terms of listening to the audience, because they at least still fix things if people bitch at them

FGO once rewrote a 99% of a characters lines, gave her an entirely different personality, basically made her a huge OC, and when fans bitched about it the devs coped saying "Actually everyone likes this, they like it better than the original", when people kept complaining the devs seethed so much they went to conventions hosting power point slides about how "Translations don't have to be correct, we can do it how we want, don't bother us"

BA in comparison is fairly reasonable, they'll fix things if people bitch enough. Literally no other game on the market gives half a shit if the translation is correct, while BA can at least be bullied into correcting things.
Explain solace to me
Can't you 1T it with a borrowed maxed Hina?
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You are never going to be their father(blood related)
Stop being stupid
Raise your own actual daughter
Go marry a student and fuck her
The only thing you need to know is whose nyHaruna goes first.
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NTA but me too
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I already dropped from 300 to 800 and it's only been 5 hours
No lol
Who was it they changed?
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It was an autistic fling I wont forget.
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It's a very crazy story even now

They literally had power point slides showing "yes we always could have translated it correctly, but that would be boring, we would rather spice it up instead, fuck you"
I produced Reisa via mitosis which is why she is so autistic and retarded
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Must be nice being able to look up any word by knowing just the alphabets...
help I can't stop cumming to niyaniya
that explains it, really just read the guide, finish all of normal missions which should be easily done at your lvl
read the banner guide, helps on not wasting sparks on things you wont need at all
buy the monthly/half monthly if you're into that, theyre very nice for building a stash of pyroxenes and resources due to the extras it comes with
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stage 12 20 ap at max 110% bonus yield 68 tokens

need 400 tokens for 1 atsuko shard. small chance to get 2

so you need around 120 ap per shard (5.88 => ~6 runs)

not sure if stage 8 or stage 4 is better for farming tokens
>For Indoors 2
come on now it's always gonna be a coinflip
PVP fags are born abnormal. There's no such thing as a good pvp game.
That's professor smug to you
>120 ap per shard
Yeesh, why can't welfares just be cheap to farm for a change.
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>Hey this character that talks normal in JP
>It would be super funny if we turned all her dialogue into weird japenglish right?
>Haha yeah
what possesses people to be like this
Some Kaedefag bullies me in pvp, I literally never attack him on the 3 alts I have in his bracket but he's always going after me. I am taking 3 spots in top 10 though.
Pretty sure AL got rid of all of the most blatant rewriting for its new content and it also has a hardline rule of keeping Unicorn's "Big Brother" in the translation at all times, though it has its own problem of not going back to fix most of the old mistakes so you're left with a TL that's good here and bad there and there's no consistency.
Normal sex
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It's so fucking over torment bros...
Those are some shit teams, I wish I had a bracket full of retards like you
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I know but I still wish they’d actually stop trying to remove some of the romantic implications, cuz god knows I don’t have the time or money to learn nip unless someone magically drops a text book for me
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My one adjustment to my attack/defense this whole season has been adding Atsuko since I got her as a spook recently. Comfy top 30 is fine with me.
All localizers are failed writers with massive ego issues
They think it's their job to "fix" the content of the story, add tons of memes and jokes, rewrite parts they don't like, remove implications that gross them out. They're wannabe writers leeching on other people's stories
average pvpfag
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What if I make a /bag/ PvP spreadsheet
>>488339793 using this as a base
And you can add on to it via google forms or some shit- just like the friend code database?

Just a collective list of defenses and look them up through a search function- which isn't hard and something my sheet has too
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All you PVPtards are using your wife in PVP right?
Because normal PVPfags don't talk about PVP since the mode is shit. They just skip 5 fights a day and be done with it.
i will lie
I don't give a shit. I reign SUPREME.
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>It's actually power point slides
Holy shit.
I mean it IS funny if misplaced
from left to right
12 kids
24 kids
0 kids
6 kids
as many kids as possible until menopause
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>on the 3 alts I have in his bracket
any tips for hiero?
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post your raid ranks
I want this Akane BAD
Ibuki is so sweet, I want an episode where Hina gets to hang out with her all day and spoil her.
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My wife is shun, so by extension YES
>so you need around 120 ap per shard
You don't, because the chance is not small. You need 98 AP/per
>not sure if stage 8 or stage 4 is better for farming tokens
It's not. One look will tell you.
Stage 12 = 3.4 per AP
Stage 8 = 3 per AP
Stage 4 = 2.6 per AP
aru ga aru
They want to be writers
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Post Shun bond
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Its easily the funniest thing they've ever done
They put on a literal powerpoint show about how much fans keep making them seethe, and then spend an hour trying to explain how localization is far better than the original product, but all they ended up showing was they're seething and spiteful over being called out.

Also they took a character who isn't black, but his skin is fully burnt, they went "This seems a little racist", and entirely recolored his skin to be Mexican instead, entirely missing the point of his design.
I am impregnating each of them multiple times except Asuna
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Kill him before he kills you.
>trying to install the game on an emulator
>it crashes every time the 7GB download starts
Is it over for me?
I'm too sleepy
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Everyone loves Ebook
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Extreme is enough for plat right?
Sorry but Ibuki is Makoto's daughter, not Hina's.
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>zero KOKONAS for borrow
>six hoshinos
It's 34
Does investing eligma into PvP or PvE students give better returns?
Millennium will fall.
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>It's 34
Never forget
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not quite...
i prefer not to count the bonus shards in the computation because my luck is abysmal
i think i only got 2 or 3 bonuses out of 50 runs
20% rate my ass
oh that's good to hear
>stage bonuses
Bruh everyone just got d hina
aru ga iru
Kinda pointless imo, given that there is really only one defense team that is viable
I fuckin love toki and akane but good it’s insane how underrated Akane is
No lol
Mine runs on my Raspberry Pi. You have a literal skill issue.

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Alright, back at it.
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I blame her glasses
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I have ue50 Koharu if you want.
Could 2025 be the year of Kirino?
What server?
hey too sleepy
I'm anon
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Also lmao this made me look at the bonus % for arius swimsuits and they actually didn't give them increased bonus for their own event.
why do you want to post niggers
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messed up on emulator settings somewhere
I have a ue40 Kokona up on NA.
How do the majority of FGO fans stand this????
If BA tried this people would NONSTOP complain to them every day, every hour, every minute
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Actually they're increased from 0 to 15%
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I think
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Don't forget to pat your students before thread #6000, bag
That's not a friend code, anon...
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That's not true, it's just those fucks tend to get the last word in when there are multiple translators working on a project. I can't even write nice-sounding English because I never tried professional creative writing to fail in the first place, I'm just a weeb who likes otaku media and ends up translating it in awkward ways, I care about localizing when I can but not at the cost of accuracy.
My UE50 Kokona is up for borrow and no one wants her...
yeah it kinda pissed me off, i thought this was their event lmao
they made it so you could get max bonuses day 1
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nom nom
oh my bad I kinda dont have friends i didnt know how it worked
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I think I can finally do insane..
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In order to hire a genuinely good localizer, you need someone who are both proficient in reading Japanese and writing prose fiction in English. The first is rare and the second is even rarer, especially for the salary that your average company is willing to shell out. You will almost always get fucking normalfag social media addicts who wrote some My Little Pony fanfiction back in the day and think themselves an author. Truly disgraceful, and it doesn't matter how hard they cock it up as long as paypigs are still buying pyros. The fans have no direct line to the developers due to typical Asian corpo culture and language barriers. So even if someone does find obvious rewrites or mistakes then the only way to MAYBE get it fixed is to stir up a shit storm on social media.
>I kinda dont have friends
Everyone add this anon
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picrel but change #4000 to #6000
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>I kinda dont have friends
Her base version makes her seem fat for me
I took a nap, so no headpats for another hour and a half.
FGO players repeatedly buy and refund paid currency
She's fluffy
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don't tell me what to do
FGO NA has a strategy of putting their heads under the sand and waiting until all complaints are gone, even if they have to wait six or seven years, they never address the fans ever, they never answer questions, they put their heads further into the sand and refuse to ever address shit hoping it'll eventually go away.
FGO reddit is a total hugbox, they will forgive all localization, they will say all localization is better, all the FGO NA devs are literal redditors and say they only listen to the reddit because the reddit tells them what they want to hear.

BA has one of the only reddits you can find where they aren't a complete hugbox for the localizers. You'll still find retards there who say all localization is good, but its still not a complete hugbox.
Does wet stoat also work?
My SAchuko is at 3* and 44/100
Nyo I don't think I will spend 5600 stamina during triple normals and commissions to upgrade her.
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>Went to check
>Has 9 friends
Okay I'm adding
Eversoul has BA beat in that regard
Hell no.
What happens when we hit #6000?
wouldn't they just ban you
Thanks I already hacked into your account just kidding you need to share more than that for that to happen
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>tfw first ever insane clear
>just brute force it with Hina
Or what?
that's most insane clears since mika anyway
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>first insane
Is this general filled with retards
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How long does it take to raise a student to 50/100 without whaling? I really love this punished wolf
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>I kinda dont have friends
Not on my watch. Sent!
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>want to be a writer
>the western comic scene is dead
>game studios don't want some nobody's quippy garbage, the industry is over-saturated with writers like you
>naturally you can't make it as an author either
>or even as a journalist, fuck, that's a low bar
>even your magnum opus, your fanfiction on ao3, gets subpar numbers compared to shit gradeschoolers put up
>fuck it, I have to get my writing out there somehow, what's a job with ridiculously low standards that vaguely pertains to my interests
>ah... localisation!
>hmm, I don't like this weebshit, i don't respect the author or the customers, and my friends would scorn me for putting this kind of thing out there
>fortunately I'm a... uhm, "literary" editor! I can just "fix" this with my own prose and witty sense of humour!
>haha, i'm such a genius, I can put my own writing out into the world while erasing any and all problematic content!
>ooh, now that i mention it, there's so many little things i can nitpick and replace with my own work, how addictive!
And then you get poorly written fanfiction that nobody likes, including the mythical audience of weeaboos that supposedly hate asian culture and pandering content in their anime loli collectors.
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I don't think Insane is good enough to plat
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does bina count...
Apparently not
Kneel to the professor
2 ~ 3 months
1.5 ~ 2 years
You can clear Torment in mock right /bag/?
gold looks better
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we get like another round of triples in 2 weeks, but to each his own i guess
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if your favorite student isn't here then they aren't important
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Was it rape?
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No wonder I was going insane about this feeling of deja vu when listening to the Good morning audios in twitter, they reuse them after a while.
She's important to me.
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>Dev pets
Literally whores.
or I'll post chise
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Foolishness, Sensei...
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Befriend me /bag/. I have 5 random friends. No, I'm not competitive in raids, but I'm a bonafide pvpGOD.
>inb4 raid bitching
Don't care, bitch. :)
That’s so fuckin shitty, man im glad BA is decent at best but still has major mistakes almost every update, only localization I will every say is great/perfect is mother 3s fan translation cuz those niggas cared immensely
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>Everyone lends their Mika or DHina
I refuse to do that shit
Good enough?
Tomorrow's me can do it.
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This is very funny
Don't do it
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Translators are different from localizers, translators are respected, localizers aren't.
This is one of the big things that causes controversy whenever this comes up, because some people still have an idealized version of what localization means, thinking it means "ah this joke doesn't translate so I shall change it" when in reality localization is "it would be a lot funnier if I added a Rick and Morty joke to this line instead" or "Americans wouldn't understand this weeb shit, so I'm changing this rice ball to a jelly donut" or "This character has some dumbshit speech style so I'm removing it, oh that was actually super important to the characters entire character arc? I don't care"

A translator translates text, they understand its not their job to create content even if they don't agree with the content of the story, their job is purely to convey it as best they can, a localizer changes or creates content, once they alter the content of the story they're no longer a translator, they're a localizer. Even if its as simple as adding a meme on a whim, that's when you start to become a localizer.
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So uh, how do I become proficient in writing prose fiction? Because I'm jelly of people with that role and I want all of the years I spent casually reading and translating Japanese to feel worth it.
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>learning boss mechanics
>leaning strats
>crit malding
>micro managing resources
>all for 1.5 extra rolls a month
>in a VN
Gold looks better
But I like Chise...
mass suicide event at millennium
The Gym and Park challenge battles in the event seem impossible for me.

In the case of the Gym I never manage to get the healing thing fully healed, stunning the enemy does delay their grenade throw but not enough, and I can't kill the minions fast enough.

The Park challenge battle ... I am healing them and using Mika + Azusa and d hina to wtfpwn the enemies along with aoe healing the bystanders, and the chase literally just ends for no apparent reason.
there's another 3x comms in 2 weeks during dead "dead week"
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Good morning, sir?
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Himari can't be raped (fact).
Any other blatant mistranslations i should include in my report? i'm writing a whole novel for these fuckers, i don't know if they'll read it but i'm displaying examples and telling them exactly why its complete fucking dogshit localization that assassinates characters
maybe it's a newfag
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I climbed back into the top 10 and got one successful attack on him just for you.
Fan translators are held up as genuinely caring and being treated as generally correct in their ways, no one has issues with fan translators. Anyone that translates out of love typically tries to get as much correct as possible, while official translators don't tend to give a shit in the long run.
Its only official localizers that are hated. The fan translator will only get things wrong on accident typically, the official translator is encouraged to change text for no reason.
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Server Australia
Friend code URARETAR
I need D.Hina, help me please
Hifumi is my daughter though
to be fair, she spouts some memes and net-talk in JP too, just not EVERY LINE.
And furigana never translates well.

And the worst part is it's what everyone bitches about instead of actual bad translations like Hogen and most of the Heian crew.
>Server Australia
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I will never have a goldkek in my friendlist
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someone didn't experience peak rub a dub dub fansub years
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I have faith he will come back...
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>Gold raid
>pvp fag
>small shun fag
Die, adult Shun is the best
> Miyucko
Kick him out.
who is this cum drum
hmmmm nyo
post all your plat friends
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Localization does have its use cases, like when the character speaks in an accent or uses grammar puns that are literally impossible to translate otherwise, etc. The problem, as usual, are the people doing it. The localizers themselves hate Japanese media and a lot of their culture, and so they try and remove or change it out of pure malice. Nowadays "localization" doesn't mean changing a kanji reading pun into some English joke or something, it means changing the brown character to speak hoodrat nigger-talk, making a normal dude speak like some gen alpha kid in Twitch chat, removing (((problematic))) gender speech patterns, the list goes on. Because of that, when people hear "localization", they understandably don't think of the former, their minds go the latter because it's much more common nowadays. In the end it's all about companies constantly hiring loud-and-proud freaks who refuse to do their jobs properly.
This is the main reason I've refused to ever work in a group for over a decade, despite how much it would reduce my work load.
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>needs tacticool gear to become "strongest"
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Nah that's not the same thing, otaku speak isn't the same thing as weeb dialogue with japenglish. I know about her Japanese dialogue, if a basic bitch on reddit can translate it correctly without changing the core personality, then an official translator should be able to do it, but they aren't. A fan translator can translate her lines properly, an official translator meanwhile turns her into an entirely different character. In JP she's a character who speaks fairly formally like a princess while only occasionally letting an otaku reference slip, she keeps it hidden mostly, while in NA she's "OMG GOMENASORRY, GOSSAIMASU MASTER-SAMA, I AM SIMPLE WEEB NIHONGO" from the very first line, its not the same character at all, no matter how people try to break down that "well its similar" it really isn't, its the exact opposite. She goes from closet otaku to the worst sort of annoying weeb.
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Hoshino is the hero so she is fated to defeat the Demon god (Aris)
How else are you going to know she stopped holding back?
Well the good ones are held up, Gintama fansubs are still some of the best.
Is this our Farfie replacement?
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Clownpiece, a 2hu
Blue Archive
No. Fuck off.
gg subs says hello
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insufferable fag
Is Niggerman Sovl?
Wow, I have literally negative interest in ever getting Kaya or the FOX squad, it's impressive how they managed to make characters I hope never to get.
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Already told you how to deal against his d3 shun d4 haruna a few days ago. Don't tell me you still have problem dealing with that shit defense team.
Oh btw, I have that guy in my friend list since a few months ago, I think he's a baggot, otherwise I don't know how the fuck he got my friend code.
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Don't get mad at me, get mad at the guy dropping his name all over the general.
Pretty sure that entire clique are now in localisation jobs
>burger hours
what did you expect?
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i will localize plana to plapna
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The amount of Minori's I've seen since the bluefes banner went up has been a serious detriment to my mental health.
He countered with bunny akane after like 10 successful defense wins. It didn't work anymore.
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Cold hard truth is that people don't borrow supports. They borrow DPS. The have their own supports.

Time and again I'll get more borrows on a substandard DPS than in a maxed support. This becomes even more obvious in content like drills, where people would still go for DPS instead of things that make more sense, like a second Serina for the healing drill or a second Mine for the escort drill.
The 2010s ironiweeb boom has been disastrous for the otaku and weeaboo races.
>he didn't get Minori spook
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Vacation is over
Thank you mods for giving me time to reflect on my actions lol
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>Text fixed
>Makoto's L2D view angle so slanted it's almost horizontal
This is getting out of hand.

Minori is strong!
That's what you get for posting anal mari
I still haven't used it...
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Oh no
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Had an incestuous dream
If you got all the items first time around can you just do piano practice last few days for credits or do you have to redo the fetch quest shit?
Huh, I got her too...
This but without Hina
I'll get mad at you for dropping his name yourself
Don't be like that one retard that let it expire
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had a marvelous dream.
Kiwiki is based
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Newfriend here. What are my chances of getting one of the banner characters when I made my account today? Also who would be the best one to go for on a fresh account in the long run?
Same, I was going to get Mine, but she spooked me, and now I have no idea on who to get
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Welcome back sister, I want to confess, I bought 2 hentai games yesterday.
Well judging by the name I'd expect hamburgers. But there are none
I kind of want to get it even though there's only 2 non dupes on it (neither good)
No one use the hag on my bracket so I don't know if she can kill yuuka, otherwise try tsurugi atsuko sumire yuuka with serina and nagisa or poozu, but since you have minori that would be a better option
>he bought
Yeah it kills tyuuka. I'll try that team.
>banner characters
you're most likely gonna have to reroll
decent chance if you know how to do rerolling with multiple emulator instances. painful otherwise
You can always reroll
Never thought I'd see anybody play BA on a RPi. What model do you have, and how does it run?
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ibuki sex
Does anyone know if the choice ticket gives 30 or 100 elephs for students you already have?
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That other guy doesn't post anymore? Good, there's only space for one Hoshino lover around these parts.
Wish I had that problem, instead there are 3 students I really want and none of them have spooked me yet. You could always just get a dupe for elephs.
Yeah. Him >>488332158
Do some stages + read the side stories + story is enough for a spark. Rates are double so just reroll till you get it.
> Fresh account.
Any of the bluefes character.
Just get D.Hina and Summer Hoshino, maybe try your luck and get Summer Hanako out of it. Don't bother trying to get Mika, she will have a rerun 6 months from now.
Don't molest Ibuki.
Kiwiki isn't anywhere as annoying as him. At least he doesn't avatarfag and talk in an easily identifiable manner.
Molest Ibuki.
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Ok but seriously why does Hina have tissues on her desk, does she actually masturbate a lot when she's free I don't think she watches movies on her laptop
There is no reason for it but Wakamo
gimme a halo so I can actually fight off small children and not have to worry about phosphorous grenades and gunfire
I could probably manage multi-instance rerolling to get the ball rolling. I forgot that rerolling is easier in this game compared to others. Would you recommend dress Hina or swimsuit Hoshino for the initial pulls? This is under my assumption that it's only likely that I'd get one of the two in the process.
Don't Ibuki
I've recently even come across random translators on X writing paragraphs about how they tried to translate the joke as much as they could without losing the essential meaning on a Hoshino comic where Sensei was chasing her with her dick out, it really did sound like the guy cared about what he was doing and did not want the translation to lose the original meaning, i wonder why they don't just pick up guys like that instead of whoever the fuck is the moron that greenlit Hare being a weed smoker
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i finally did it
She faps while sniffing sensei's clothes
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Does farming bounty mats really suck hard? Is there any pakeji I can but just to get them outright?
She downloaded an AI chatbot of Sensei
The first ten-roll you do is rigged with a smaller pool of 3*s (you're guaranteed at least one of them). Of those, Aru and Iori are usually recommended, but both are farmable in the long run.
I'm not sure how many rolls a new account gets currently so I can't say what the odds are.
If you want to keep the re-rolling to a minimum, I'd advise Summer Hoshino over Dress Hina.
If you grind for a bit, a new account should be able to get to 200 rolls before the current banners end, so you'd be able to pick at least one without rerolling.
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They are. Geofront, gg, commie, and Carpe Fulgur are all running loose in mainstream localisation now. The biggest faggots to ever post on this site are now spitefully releasing worse localisations than Working Designs ever did. In fact in CF's case not only did they tank their own business over localisation faggotry, and then nearly tanked several large localisation projects by producing no work for their at the time employer, but they also got hired by fucking NISA to work on the very same series that they nearly killed under the people who used to localise it. And this was after creating another localisation scandal a little over a year ago by fucking with SRW30's localisation, which was a big deal for the series and the first official western release! Oh, and remember Scott's girlfriend that was gleefully hopping on his friend's cock a month after his death and publicly gloating about her 'polyamory' in the middle of "mourning" him? She worked on that fucking trails game too!!!
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Now go to 100
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Update: this was the first pull I did on the free 10 pull.
You really want someone to post that JOBshino pasta don't you?
Well too bad, I don't have it
>constantly stressed out
>looking for some kind of joy in her life
>clearly pining for affection from (You)
6 times a day, minimum.
>he did ibuki
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I haven't plapped in so long.... am I gay?
Good student but not a good roll since she's free for everyone
That's regular Hina.
Normally, wouldn't be terrible but they recently made her free to get so a lot less valuable now.
S.Hoshino cause people will put their maxed DPS up during raids anyway.
And D.Hina is not really that good during stages.
And like I said before if you manage to get S.Hanako she will blaze through the early and mid stages.

The free pull banner has a fixed number of characters, just pull for whatever you like then proceed with the reroll.
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Heh, cute.
Unfortunately she's actually free now so this is not a good roll.
I've been playing for 2 and a half years and she never spooked me.
Speaking of translations, is "old man" really the best way to translate Hoshino's "おじさん"? I feel like it never gets the kind of tone right since it carries a special kind of lackadaisical and slightly perverted meaning that "old man" in English doesn't have.
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Suzumi alt when
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That's what I figured since I saw she was free during this event. This was my second attempt.
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Stopped updating this since I have everyone's defense on my pvpcum.xml but yeah I took that one gook youtuber's google sheets and updated it in English.
this pvp season is gay as shit btw
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That's a lot of panties...
Old man, uncle, etc

Its meant to be an older man, like a retired cop. She speaks like an old man, she acts like an old man.
That's better. Definitely a great use character, tho she's been completely powercrept she and Hina will make red content really easy for you.
you mean the artifacts to lvl up the skills?
Hoshino literally jobs to everyone in her chapter, the ba equivalent of vegeta. Except atleast vegeta can say he's second strongest in his series, tsurugi, mika and hina are above hosh.
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R8 my tastes
She fucks old men too (me)
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Don't give in. She deserves it. Commission campaigns will return. The Ibuki farm won't (after rerun).
Not bad, not bad
I really don't think that people will think Hoshino is a pervert; people get the joke more than localizers tend to realize. When its a cute girl calling herself an old man, people get the joke. They don't take it that seriously.
I hate that you just can't win more than 40% without S.Shiroko.
ok but what about the sixth hina its level 78 whats even the point?
why is she peeing herself
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She's a loli. Loli and piss have an unbreakable bond.
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Oh yeah, that's the stuff
I don't think so, you can always craft selectors tho
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Hina and Arona made me paypig :(
It's one of the better picks with how often she uses it. On a case by case basis different words would work better, obviously, but as far as flexibility and consistency goes something plain and to the point like that works best.
Professor urethral sounding
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I need that sauce ASAP
Thank you for your sacrifice.
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>check friends list to see how many people removed me
>Junkofag is still there
I fucking kneel.
I'm unironically baking too with a pic I made for the next OP
Are you ready for thread #6000?
Not if I bake first
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Definitely good info to know. I did another retry and got Hoshino. I like all the girls so far designwise.
i'm not baking
holy shit. wonder how long that took him
Every poster in this thread should make the new BA thread.
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I've been listening to this for over an hour
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I'm baking something in Ibuki's oven
It'll be done in 9 months
I'm ready for +4 threads and falseflags OPs
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bake this, bake that, how about you bake yourself some food and eat?
The thread with the most girls wins
Shit, nigger I didn't notice we are near 6000 already.

All the girls from the tutorial rolls are farmable except for Shun.
Post your #6000 face
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Get a load of this Gaylord tehee~
She won't survive childbirth
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She called to me and I had to answer with my wallet
Most of the romantic implications with students are in voice-only lines, particularly the affection up ones. So you'll have to wait for the voice subtitle update to hit before you send tickets for that.
>kirino swimsuit STILL wasn't enough to make her popular
Why don't people like her?
Thread 6000 should belong to Kirino because its thanks to her we are allowed to be in relationships with our students
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I did earlier, I wish Fuuka would cook for me.
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Miyako is shit otherwise it's fine.
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Thanks for the requests!
Im in the oven
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Don't fuck it up.
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Summer boobs
And Kuroko
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Fuck it up
I don't have an oven. I did make some pancake for breakfast though.
I will only go to the thread with my waifu (Aru) in the OP.
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Meta for passionate sweaty dogsex.
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>voice subtitle update
Will we actually get that?
Time to start farming
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She now has more constant art-flow than before, if that's not a total victory for Nexon I don't know what is.
Leave it for someone like Juri instead.
No I don't give a shit about Tomoe or Shimiko.
>On a case by case basis different words would work better, obviously, but as far as flexibility and consistency goes something plain and to the point like that works best.
I think something with translation and case by case actions like that, translators often fuck up by translating something different ways each time. So when the line that gets repeated throughout the story suddenly becomes important later on, or it suddenly comes around to be kino, you ruined it by translating it a thousand different ways, so it had no meme value, it had no staying value, because you effectively created a dozen different lines

There's an argument to be made for how you NEED to translate it the same way each time and stay consistent, so when it eventually comes back around it'll actually have impact, it'll have meaning.
I see translators change how a line is translated several times in the same chapter, so when it suddenly becomes super important, no one that read the english translation even gets it was meant to be important because the fact that it was a call-back is lost on the audience. You need it to be the same each time for the callback to really work a lot of times.

Is that necessarily the case this time, I can't say, but it might be. She started calling herself that because Yume said she looked like a funny old man trying to fix machines in the school but instead just making a mess of herself, like a clumsy old man.. Old woman definitely doesn't work, it kills the meaning of the line, Old timer just barely works, but old man is obviously the most correct, and in the korean text its obviously old man.
You got all of the other JP QoL updates, I don't see why you won't get that.
Dunno, I just returned like two days ago.
Yeah we really need bans for this mode.
Sorry, no Arona, not a real /bag/ thread.
None of this is the previous image...?
>3 (three) new threads
this is rookie number pump it up
you all fucked it up
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Which one?
Another obvious case I can mention; In Akira's event they translated sensei's line two different times, which wouldn't be important except for the fact the second time was meant to be a direct recording of the first time. So a case by case basis didn't work for translating it that way.
what should i bake
Sorry anons
Were you the Reisafag?
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Ignore my post in the new thread.
I'm staying here
No, I want to update.
lol, you filthy whore
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No, I'm giving it a (You) in 1 hour.
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Welcome back!
I didn't want to remove you because we were PVP buddies briefly.
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It's good to be back.
I got placed in a kiddie pool and only got attacked twice after I took #1 spot. I can't enjoy PvP autism like this!
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If you want the autism you're going to have to create it now.
Set some really dumb looking defense team that'll bait everyone into attacking you.
Didn't think of that. I just attacked Number 2, 3, and 4 with dumb meme teams with my unused tickets.
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I don't bother moving to new threads anymore until hours later because none of you can decide which is the real one and it's not worth me posting in a dead thread.
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skill issue
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just follow your heart
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gn dead/bag/
Happy 6000th.
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Happy 6000th cumming in Alice
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This is 5999 you retards
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