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Previous Thread: >>488357384

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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First for Ako sex
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a whole damn year we'll have to wait

stay strong gosling sensei's
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>open a link
>its zoophilia
hitler was right
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Oh yeah, I got four of them now.
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What happened in that previous thread should stay there
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Balls just tingled. Girl for this feel?
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I would've expected KUROko to be the one with the watermelon
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>their face when i show them my dick
speaking of cartoon characters and watermelons, i remember watching that tom and jerry negro episode on tv like 10 years ago uncensored in all its glory
The cats don't like me
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I love my cute little wife!
Kazusa forces me to show it to her
you don't even know her name
Back to work, Valk mob
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Fucking the prof for extra credits...
10 years ago, western society hadn't decided to make gender, sexuality and skin color worship their religion, so you could watch things like that
Of course I do. It's Professor Sex.
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fat bitch
>Can suddeny finish heiro INS
Huh. Weird.
Good work kokona and S.Nonomi.
I will roll D.Hina soon...
Speaking of work, I'm guessing your mom is working right now too?
Fuck imagine bouncing Hiyori's tits with your hand
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>boot up archive blue
>9 defenses
She only allows me to call her Master
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>6 hours of headpats an snuggling
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Kiss your students
On Normal/Sub? There's Maki but I think people actually want the fourth character to contribute some damage
On EX? There's sKanna in a few months but I don't think people will use her on this. I've been told people don't use cHare on Hiero because she just fucking dies so I would expect Kanna to die as well with the same defense.
Juri is one of the most powerful mystics but all it does is make food into monsters
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Hands on SexEd with the professor
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Will this Mari stop with her self harming tendencies
>hiroy's heavy fat milkers
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When it comes to rolling is it technically better to randomly do a few single rolls a day at different times and hope for a 3 star, or do 10 rolls and see?
technically it's better to give your students headpats before rolling
/bag/, which of the 3 rabbits do you like the most?
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I like both Hellsing TV anime and Ultimate, even if they're different and Incognito is kind of a shit villain.
she's way too sexy
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How is she so fat? She's fucking homeless
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her recipe item in hina's RPG states that the recipe she follows/made shows juri follows good cooks, her mystic just fucking overwrites reality and produces monsters out of the food
you don't even have to be playing the RPG, you should know this by now through her momotalks
tho that's too much to ask from /bag/
/bag/ doesn't read momotalks and keeps their students as "emergency stock" like the sovlless bastards you really are
shit, /bag/ can't read at all
I feed her every day
I don't know which one you are excluding from your question, but that's very rude.
There is no advantage to use single rolls in this game ever unless you have some sort of superstition attached to it.
On 10 rolls you get a guaranteed gold on the last pull, making it statistically better for Eligma while with single pulls you get nothing you lose, good day sir.
She ate all the steaks
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she ate all the steaks
What happens if you try to rape Izuna?
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Words words words
Shut the fuck up nerd
She ate from the garbage bin.
Have you seen how fat a racoon can be?
I love all of my students
mitcher isn't fat though
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i really like pandemonium mob
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Suzumi is wayyyy too underrated
private lesson when?
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>How is she so fat?
you can thank me, sensei, for that
absolutely no reason to reposition like that and start murdering Haruna, but she is built different I guess
Saori hitting every other shot after the immortality proc was heartbreaking
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If eleph drop chance doesn't fuck me over, I think I can stop farming around 2/3 of the way to UE40 and get UE50 on the rerun. My calculations didn't account for hoarding and cafe upgrades.
I got makoto in 10 pulls and d.hina in 20

Clearly makoto wants me more
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When you let her unleash her true inner succubus
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Fat fucking tail.
And ass.
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that's not how you cuddle the fluffy Professor

curse of Arona □□□□□□□□□■
only if you marry her and spoil her every day
Ew, tastes like Koharu's pussy
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You have the power to switch the bodies of two students. Which ones and why?
Makoto and Hina.
It'd be funny.
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Tsukuyo and Cherino
Sumire finally snapped...
Hasumi and Ako, since they hate each other so much it'd be funny
You really like hearing about how your mom sucks dick for a living huh?
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Now, 5 star all of them
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>loves to cook
>actually can follow and make recipes
>mystic turns all your food into abominations
she should transfer to shanhaijing and join saya
Posting Reijo every day until she gets added Day 79
What would sex with Eimi be like?
hiyori got me back into jerking it to jav looking for jav actresses with pretty/cute faces and nice tits and some chub
Cooking aside, is Juri wife material?
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My precious desert rose.
Yuuka and Niyanoya
So what's the deal with this?
Are there any more Goslingbait students?
>Juri porpusely fucks up the recipe
>it becomes 5 star gourmet meal
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she also got the first card opener against an Iori to delete her before she got to attack (since her EX has a faster startup time) but the rest of the match was pretty boring otherwise because Tsubaki

always good when this happens
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What's your first thought when you see this image?
Arisu and kei
I've stopped after getting her to 4stars. 3x comms way too tempting. I'll just feed you sweet eligmas, Ibuki
Sex behind the bookshelf.
With all clothes on.
Hina should transfer
The fact that I smelled it first before seeing it.
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She definitely is. She'll get her moment during the Trinity Masquerade though. Trust the Vigilante plan!
Hairy and stinky
Replace Momoi with Noa then it's canon
Niyaniya sitting on my face
Hifumi sitting on my dick
With their pantyhoses on
stinky sex
delicious pubes
Mari and Hanako so I can manipulate Mari into indulging in sin since she's already in a sinner's body
must molest
>Niyaniya sitting on my face
I'm listening...
>Hifumi sitting on my dick
Yes, go on?
>With their pantyhoses on
Fucking owch?
Coward. Stick it in like a real pyroxene paid manwhore.
Wanna rub my unwashsed dick on that
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>finish cafe pats and pvp compiling
>red dot on the mailbox
>3 new defenses
leave me alone
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>mogged by your AU self
terror is stored in the breasts
Why is she making that face? Or is that her default expression?
Students getting shuffled around by the vending machines always looks so goofy.
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Her fat gorilla nun gf
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hiyori hours?
yeah, the stage effects are always goofy. I remember the barriers exploding last season creating some dumb movements too.
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my wife saori
tsukuyo and cherino
cherino experiences being actually 5'10" while tsukuyo experiences not being 5'10"
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I don't really have anyone else to share my BA accomplishments with and it probably doesn't count because >dHina >Hiero, but I lost my torment virginity in mock just now and I'm super happy about it regardless
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your accomplishments matter
because you're not on Asia
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Congrats Sensei.
Some people here won't even bother with Torment despite DHina so you did good.
bored and desirous of human companionship. join for puzzle autism
>and it probably doesn't count because >dHina >Hiero
you could say that for every yellow raid after mika released, and you'll be saying that for every red raid after dhina
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cute hag
Enjoying hearing about how your mom bends over to take dick in every hole I see.
Or is that years of listening to her getting pounded against your wall that has conditioned you to be a cuck?
Would Wio be intewested in coming ower and watching a mobie? >.<
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i would dj her in bed
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This match was 100% calculated.
I want to lick Hiyori’s belly button
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A torment clear isn't even going to get you top 1000 for this raid, isn't it?
How did you know
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I did Torment for the last two raids so you're not allowed to bully me anymore.
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I'm surprised Mine can live through the full barrage. What rank was their Nagisa?

I was waiting for Iori to walk into the bombs and was disappointed
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The dress ako momotalks are making me an ako fan
i'm unironically gay for black suit
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I hate women, so Black Suit is based.
I did a Torment mock with Kokona/SHoshino/Dhina/Azusa + NYFuuka/Nagisa, probably fucked up the rotation and I have about 12 millions hp left
What team could I use to deal with the rest?
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I'm not even doing torment here so me bullying you like this is extra funny.

I have an enlarged cranium and think harder than normal people
probably for EU
this made me wonder, do the girls buy the same shampoo and body soap as sensei so they can smell like him?
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>What rank was their Nagisa?
UE40 surprisingly, had to go check just now. My Mine is UE40.
BAkane's landmine has a really small trigger radius unfortunately.
Stop posting Hiyori or I WILL masturbate.
Why is miyu a ghost rare?
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An unlikely collab, but would've been extremely based if it happened.
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I would have let Shiggy have her wine bath
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looked up this guy's art on danbooru since i found it nice, he seems to be a gbf fan which makes sense and definitely influenced his art, shame he nuked his pixiv though since fuck twitter for requiring accounts to browse nsfw
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Millennium mains WW@
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that was kinda amusing to watch
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coom in doom
good morning /bag/
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I guess just the lack of crits did it. It's really surprising though. I'll have to try her some more, usually she's just melted by Nagisa/Minori when I try her out.
No because I specifically go to a perfumer to get a very special blend that I totally came up with and call savage door
so does S.Hiyori see any use or does she get mogged by every other yellow unit?i want to dickroll in the future but if she sees no use then i cant see her chibi and that's sad
Kayoko! How well does she do? I've always wanted to play with her but always chickened out.
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Normally Mine just gets absolutely shredded so I wouldn't recommend it. She can't really do funny dunks like she could last season either, and next season is Shun territory so... yeah.
Bag buff when John Nexon.
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>Have to wait a whole fucking year
>All because of Nexon's greed

They really could've made Misaki and Hiroy permanents last week and moved Mika to this week, but instead we're living in this dumpsterfire timeline..
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Himari Archive.
I bet my left nut she's core for Geburah when it gets released. She's easily A+ anyways.
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>next season is Shun territory
that's every season though...
Am I bad at this game? I'm having trouble clearing the extreme level of the raid. I'm only level 67 and it suggests level 70, but I didn't think it would matter.
I don't think people know yet until there's an active outdoor yellow raid to see numbers on paper be put into real world use vs. Mika
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Post your TMT reference clears
she's decent i guess? this is the 2nd time i'm testing her out since tsubaki's taunt irritates me so
urban A mood + pistol user, she can take a few hits
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I told Chihiro to pick out my shampoo and bodysoap so we would smell the same before and after camping sex
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I got you bro.
i cant clear extreme without borrows
The jumps in raid difficulty increase at later levels. Try borrowing a maxed DPS.
Definitely only EU and perhaps KR are where 1T torment is mandatory
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Those are some very beautiful breasticles
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That's neat, I like seeing weird picks. I'll keep her in mind for next season.
The issue is my units all die before I can even heal up the lantern even once.
Have you tried reading the gimmicks of the raid, Sensei.
Who is the most cringe student?
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Kei, my love
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>half assed INS clear
>rank 97
Ah yeah, the time for needing Torment to get plat on NA is finally here.
Seia is a walking sperm bank
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Holy fuckin god, wasted two hours trying hiero torment mock battle. I made it, but I don't think I don't want to do that again...
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My daughter. I raised her to be maximum overcringe
Yeah, this one seems simple. Heal the green lantern to give him a damage taken debuff, heal the red lantern to interrupt his big skill when you're in the second phase. But my units all die before I can even heal the green lantern the first time.
she's so fucking fat holy shit
>be achuko
>get absolutely mogged by saori in the princess shtick
>summer comes
>time to shine
>get mogged by fatty
The Trinity Trio...
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>extreme is easy
>insane impossible due to lack of investment
>won't get zoos until after this raid
it's over
>sensei raised his own daughter to be free
You're a good dad.
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Please my niggah /bag/gots, which second team would you use if you failed to 1T Torment Hiero?
Assuming that I have all the characters (I don't) of course.
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literal baby making factory built just for me
is she autistic?
I know, it’s great
Nagisa and Kokona make it easier.
the worst thing about sHanako existing is I probably can't do the revival tour of Shun removal
That makes sensei...April?
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Cow meant to be bred repeatedly.
I went from that exact team to sHoshino / dHina / dAko / Kokona + Himari / Nagisa instead. Worked out. It's I think Team 1 in the mspaint raid rentry
Are your Koharu's skills maxed?
Adult pussy on my dick.
sex sex sex sex sex sex
I don't have Koharu.
>nonomi is the only cow tits who has a swimsuit L2D that doesn't feature her whole curvy body
Sensei is actually shredder
The hymen shredder
Students for this feel?
Alright. Post your team
nonomi respects me and automatically wins.
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bag i must admit ever since they released shiyori my mind has been filled with nothing but carnal desires to impregnant her
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She's free bro
I kinda see it
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What hurts me the most is seeing Hime all alone in my cafe...
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That could work
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We know, that's the point of the alt, to lure you into impregnate a girl.
Same shit with Band Airi.
Name more likable student
You just simply can't
Stray dog here, which student is for me?
>the revival tour of Shun removal
This came into my feed the other day, Izumi in Urban3 as a Shun remover. Solotank in A4, Nonomi as well to influence things I assume.
You can pull Shun out of position to remove her but it won't be as clean as in Urban2 I guess.
Probably won't work for you as solo Sumire as your tank sounds a bit...
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Mika could be Zhang Fei but the others don't really fit
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Is this curvy enough for you?
I did it using this team
But, to be honest, I don't really know what went wrong. I destroyed the chairs, but sometimes Hina wouldn't crit, or maybe I did something wrong. In the video at the 2:00 mark, when Hiero's HP went from 22 million to 18 million, I can't always replicate it.
sucking on hiyori's inverted nipples so hard they become uninverted
Your mom is working right now
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Another gacha EoSes
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You're suppose to adore her eyes
nta but oh wow, i didn't know Izumi is SS urban. she packs a punch
a shame MG users can't take advantage of cover
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It should have been me..
It's not fair!
How do nipples even become inverted
Are inverted nipples real
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Atsuko is the princess and Saori's her prince
> Another idol gacha
Time to make ways for even more idol gacha.
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I'm wondering if going Yuuka+Sumire on the left would still cause the same reaction. It might still work out.

I imagine Nonomi+Izumi being there is what's causing the weird shift, since they're both 750 range. So obviously it's time for Midori+Koyuki
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Hifumi had to defend a town against 150000 kurogame gang members with just 100 peroros.
My healer options are Ayane, Chinatsu, Fuuka, Hanae, Hanako and Serina. I was trying Serina, Hanae and Hanako.
For tank I was just going with S.Hoshino because I figured her damage up would be the best. I have Yuuka and Tsubaki but I haven't tried them.
For damage I was trying Hina, D.Hina, Mutsuki, Serika and Shiroko. I have just got Hibiki and Minori so I could try them if I invest some.
For support I was trying C.Hare and Himari. I also have D.Ako and Kotama which seemed like they could be okay.

I used D.Hina, Mutsuki, C.Hare, S.Hoshino, Serina and Hanae for my hard core clear.
Always feel a bit sad when I see these, even if I never played the game. I started with the original Love Live! rhythm game and the parent company absolutely shit all over that franchise over the past few years.
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Hina: Lu Bu
Ako: Chen Gong
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Why the FUCK does D. Hina's live 2D not have the vocal version of her song? They had ONE fucking job and they messed it up big time.
That comic of Mika laughing at zhuge liang (?) was very cute
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Probably Rio with her infinite AMASS bots
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Anything for my precious gremlin
took me 4 resets of ending up at ~22mil after her EX hits to actually end up at ~18mil at 2:00 like that video and I changed nothing about the rotation each time I think. Played at 1x the entire time too to make sure the timings were on point.
I think it's just crit malding at this point
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Oh really? How do I get her?
But who is the DUMBEST student?
>went to twitter checking jp ba tweets
>full of bots replies
>blocked like 100 of em
>another 500 pops out
the fuck yee long ma doing?
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It's pretty unfortunate in some cases yeah but not taking cover is likely what causes Shun to move up like that, Shun's AI is a bit fucky and if you find a way to manipulate it you can do some funny shit. I used to pull her out of cover way back in Urban1.
Hard to say but I imagine A1/2 not taking cover is probably playing the biggest role on it. Probably a good thing to keep in mind for when Urban rolls around in 4 or so months?
So that means you're building Koyuki, right?
I love my calculator wife
I need to step up my crafting game but I'm too new to be made out of mats
imagine coercing and blackmailing hiroy into sex
What happened?
oh yeah it was lu bu
suck and fuck
And your mom is my whore
She does ass to mouth for an extra 50 cents
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His company is full of jeets, that's why.
>3-star dupes only give 30 eleph
What a load of bull
No wonder people say to save them until you get spooked
Unironically ur+waifu
She'll do it for free you fucking retard
S. Hoshino is only really good for raids if you raise her star level
She's too squishy otherwise
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>All pajeetbots
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Don't stress too much about crafting as a newfag, just make sure you do the two dailies to stockpile keystones!
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I haven't kept up on it in a bit since I gave up on it a while ago, but they fumbled the franchise when it was at its peak by adding too many new idol groups to maximize profits. The new groups had less SOVL each time and they started shutting down the old gachas that people had spent years playing to try and shill a new one that was basically just a clone of Bandori since it was more popular at the time. That game eventually got a global release which had its EoS date in the same announcement as its release date. Numerous other issues with the franchise now, but those were the worst aspects of it. Shame because it was extremely influential while it was at the top.
nom nom
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it might be time
I'm never getting enough repaired crystal Haniwas to max out sIzuna or her though
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Professor Love!
Wakamo wakamo wakamo wakamow wakmwaomawmoawmoawkkmoawm
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just came to hiyori. wanted everyone to know
>hoshino accidentally walking into a yume-look-a-like getting railed by Sensei
Don't remind me man. Aqours saved me in my worst time and they got fucking shafted so hard by Jewshiroad. At least their music will forever live on..CYaRon Love!
I hate horned bitches.
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Students for THIS feel?
there's nobody but me here
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I love horny bitches
>suddenly remember the old threadly maki post that plays free bird
For the JP minigame:
Do event characters give bonus drops? Or are the rewards I get from the normal stages the best I'll get?
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This man is suffering from foxoplasmosis and must be put down
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But she's weevil.
Unironically same. u's and Aqours along with the game and their respective anime were really important to me for years. It's still hard for me to return to the franchise for nostalgia all these years later, but it takes me back every time I do. I just wish I could somehow get back the original SIF game and play it like the old days, it really was my comfort game for years.
Akira would never
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Sex with wolfs
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next jiggie for lonely weirdos
I would've ordered an archer at least to shoot the retard in the face
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Gacha games vanish,
Blue Archive's end will come too,
Enjoy moments now.
dumb is fine
horny is fine
but dumb and horny is a recipe for disaster
she wants me to say goodbye to exodia?
Nexon will announce a free 10-pull ticket for reaching 6000 /bag/ threads later today
Nice, 2 Yu-Gi-Oh references in one thread
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I've got a massive stockpile of the di- haniwas because they're NYJunko's primary material.
I'm worried they'll let us Limit Break even farther one day and I don't want to be caught with my pants down...
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John Archive here. As a reward for 6000 /bag/ threads, we will be deleting the game next maintenance.
Brooklyn rage!
I spent so much time trying to figure out a Koharu clear. I should have just use ligma to upgrade my Kokona to 4*.
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You can replace your Mutsuki there with Tsubaki so sHoshino doesn't take the full brunt of hiero.
Also, if your dHina isn't maxed, time will be a real problem so it would be better to borrow a maxed dHina if that's the case.
Your specials are fine as is. Serina Hanae are good enough for EX. Anything else would be an equipment issue.
Does this count as a yugioh reference?
I"ve still got all my Aqours merch ready for the chance to display it. Seeing these corporate suits snuff the potential out of the franchise really hurts, but I still have hope. I'll visit Uchiura someday and make memories of my own for sure. /llsifg/ was my home till 2018 or so. Great memories, but the general is absolutely unusable now with all the infighting and falseflagging. I miss Aqours s1 shitposting..
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yoku dekimashita
Yume has a massive ahoge though
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Old woman
Koyuki needs 86 and sIzuna needs 85 and I still eventually want to max bNeru (who needs some as well) so I'm just not going to have any for the foreseeable future

I'm at least going to try and get her geared up before T9 arrives and I have to start farming for the current team though
Just put an ice cream cone on top of Hiroy's head.
No one will notice.
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I have arrived!
gn bag
I'll eat my dessert later
Magireco is also eos today.
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We /neglect/maxx here anon. Not like I will read their angry messages on how im ghosting them.
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Mashiro was right about gehennoids.
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Into the sensory deprivation cell with you next to Koyuki's cell.
No contact with Sensei, Ever.
Your pale penis, sir
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Her seething is endearing
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Hina smells great
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>can't 1t insane
No, i won't invest in dhina.
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I can finally masturbate...
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>No, i won't invest in dhina.
borrow one then
Build BNeru first and take her to UE50, trust me.
Good thing I've got excess PVP coins for T9 farming. I actually ran out of T3 watches somehow and couldn't upgrade a few students and I have no permits left
If 3x Normals ran during this event I would've been so mad.
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Kokona, Zoos, Saori, sHosh clears it, I used Nagisa+Himari for my specials but I think there's a fair amount of wiggle room there

not going to be plat at all but a clear is a clear
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This term sounds wrong.
I'm gonna do my insane run now, unga bunga style
>27,6m is not even top 1000 in EU
It's not looking good EUbros...
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Racist cunt
>Build BNeru first and take her to UE50, trust me.
I don't want to toss 70 T1 gears into her just yet, I need to make sure I'm safe first.

it's a stupid term but it is a real one. I'm not sure if that word in particular is used by asian countries though
>Glamping - Glamorous camping

I guess?
Are there any students that can only be obtained via eleph from some shop?
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we both know it's going to be torment to plat and even if that wasn't the case there would be like 100 insane slots we would have to fight for
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>That game eventually got a global release which had its EoS date in the same announcement as its release date.
what? how is this even good for a business?
Imagine her making this face as you cum inside.
They all die without second healer...
Nonomi can only be obtained from the starting missions, but she's the only one I think
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why would you get anything less than 27.7? just borrow a dhina.
what does it mean when there's a golden outline on someone's students
do girls not like being complimented about their smell?
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that was my team though? I think I had to use Kokona's heal on zoos once, but other than that it was a straight shot.
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how many ligma's you got right now? just asking, i've been hoarding about 8k right now, idk why i'm even hoarding tbqh
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More like undress Hina
Their skill was selected for the starting hand
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Ah so this event is why everyone talks about Hinawank.
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really? Only her and no one else? I always have a hard time deciding how to spend the assault coins, joint coins etc etc
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Was she vaxxed?
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Yeah... It's just harsher now that we have to face this reality head on.
She's UE50 MMMM already, I just copied the top team and didn't bother minmaxing because I've resigned myself to the TMT mines.
seia, we were supposed to be EoS'd, why havent you become playable???????
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trinity fest for sure
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thats what i was thinking, thanks
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I don't trust people who have more than 600 ligma in their stash.
I used this run as reference. There's a lot of little tricks with the optimal timings of EXs that make it way easier and allowed me to 1 team it.
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Why can't you be as autistic as japs?
Koharu and Azusa from the Total Assault shop first, then the rest on notes and BDs. Other characters are easy to pull so only exchange when you have excess coins.
For Grand Assault just do whatever, none of the characters are good. Maybe Yuzu if you want to critmalding, or Mimori for reposition during SRKR Torment.
Everyone else can be obtained from rolls/spooks, except ofcourse for freebie students. There's probably some advice in the OP on who to focus, but you'll have them all maxed out eventually if you play for long enough
What's the verdict on mall ninja ojisan?
Does Ibuki need to be UE30 or something? Because I just got her to 4* and if she doesn't need UE30 I want to already go do x3 Comms and x3 Hard mode if possible.
It is. It camping except you pay a company for all of the stuff like campfire, lights, water, tent etc.
It is camping on easy mode.
Your canonical wife
thats not tsukuyo
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>I just copied the top team and didn't bother minmaxing because I've resigned myself to the TMT mines.
I did this and still got 27.7, didnt think much of it.
I just hope it wont end up being 1T to plat (it will)
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BURUU AAK-- *accidentally taps on the hina discord invite popup* *closes it* --AIBU
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Incredibly based
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dies from asphyxiation
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I got 8k too but it's more because I don't use them on limiteds and will just very slowly buy limited elephs from the ticket shop.
what, why?
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That's not Serika
that's not aru
I love my tall (god willing she will go over 6 foot when older) ninja wife
I'm not Airi
Right lol, both of them have been coming up a lot in talks because of hieronymus right now so I was thinking about getting them
Are they useful anywhere else?
>if you play for long enough
well that’s a given, but being able to do harder difficulties drastically speeds up progress so I’d like to at least be able to get silver and maybe extreme in the near future
That's not Hare
She raped me
That's not Kazusa
Would she be willing to share with the real Yume?
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Koharu is a striker healer, and her type is useful everywhere. The only one better than her is Kokona, which is gacha only.
Azusa may have fallen off as the prime raid dps, but her def down is still useful as a support.
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Alt release soon, trust the plan.
Koharu sees a lot of use, from normal missions to JFD/challenges. Azusa sees somewhat less use, but can still be slotted in a lot of content as a red filler.
This thread needs a hero!
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Now THAT'S what a hobo should have
>have s24 ultra
>start up BA
>takes 10 seconds to log in to game

>play on friends ipad air
>start up BA
>sweeping comms within 10 seconds

Man this is bullshit.
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Kayoko if she real
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Nonomi likes it rough
Whitebros won bigly!!!!!!!
Damn. Would sniff 10/10
Mika should die
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The name's Sensei, and I'm the local impreg-agent.
Your mom gargles strangers cum every night for a living though
>implying you get a choice with the girl that lugs around a minigun
don't forget to get Maki coins
she's an important support piece in a lot of raids because of her normal skill
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exynos lol
oh this one is alright, tits too small
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So now they got us laced,
Two multi-millionaire Vigilantes catchin' cases,
Helmets, get ready for the throw down, the shit's about to go down
Me and Natsuggie about to clown
I'm losin' my religion, I'm vicious on these Gehenna pigeons,
You might be deep in this cake, but you got the tea missin'
Miggas be actin' like they savage, they out to get the riches
I've got nothin' but love for my miggas livin' lavish

Yuh, I've got a pit named Umika, she Albinerino
I've got a house out in the hills, right next to Red Winter
And I think I've got Haruna's Beamer
But my dream is to own a cafeteria,
Like Cherino my negro, and do it all legal
And get scooped up by Akari in the scooter
It feels good to you, Junko-bubba
You see, this is for the G's and the keys for newyorkFuuka

Now, follow as we ride!
newyorkFuuka the rest, two of the best from the Gourmet Side!
And I can make you famous
Nagi's been tryin' for years, so how can she blame us?
I've got no fear of a felony
I never stop bailin' these Afterschool' G's
If you got it, better flaunt it
Another warrant
2 of Kivotoz Most Wanted
Nonomi likes *the pretense of having it rough
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Don't forget to spend your Permits/JFD coins before monthly reset!
Total nigger death
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Then just impregnate before getting back to work? Simple as
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Even her?
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>getting them to run out of jfd coins before the shop resets so they can't buy the yellow keystones
I see your game
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I (me) (俺) did this
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>forced to wear glasses because i became legally blind and actually can't see shit without them
Students wouldn't recognize me after I put the glasses on
Shit genetic bros.....
Girls shouldn't be fat. Fat on a girl is disgusting. Fat girls are disgusting. There, I just said out loud what all of you were thinking but too afraid to say. You can thank me later.
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My wife can't be this hot
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Patiently waiting
Patiently winning
Seia striking(striker) soon!
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That's not what I meant...
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>Nakahara Mai voices Hiyori
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I have a choice with Hoshino around
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no, I have a bbw fetish
Momoiposters have shit taste
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My guess is they had already finished the preparations and translations for the release when they got the notice that it would be axed. Only logical reason it actually went live is so they could just milk the diehard fans for what money they could before EoS. This is the post, which is fucking hilarious to read in retrospect. https://x.com/lovelive_SIF_GL/status/1750407445552480274?lang=en
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>wear glasses
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indeed she does
That's it. I need to cum to Hiyori.
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it's over
By sheer coincidence she was the first I decided to spend coins on on a whim last month so I’ll be able to exchange her right away later today when the shop resets
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Suzumi alt when
congrats! what are you gonna name the baby?
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Cow tits are fucking disgusting. Supple chests with perky nubs are the best.
I need Eimi and Yume tits.
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VERY SOON SUZUMIBRO! Suzumi was spotted on stream and she even got her own official merch! Hold on a little longer while the Vigilante plan revs into high gear!
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Imagine the delectable scent
Look up NPPS4, you can host your own private llsif server to play it again.

>Hilarious to read in retrospect

It was fucking hilarious to read when it happened too, it was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever seen.
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Don't mind me
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My wife is so beautiful!
i want to blow my load multiple times inside her
>not rapist
What happened?
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kot marriage?
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What is she thinking?
Gonna look into that tomorrow, thanks for the tip! I'll admit it wasn't as funny in the moment since I was already fed up with the company at that point, but I could at least appreciate the absurdity of the post itself. I'd hate to be the intern that had to post that slop.
I don't know why but this reminds me of that one comic where some Mexican dude transforms into a diaper when he looks at a full moon.
I actually like KR dub
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Does anyone else think it's unfair that Shunny is so sexy? Not only does she get to have massive milky tits in her adult form, but she somehow gets to be even sexier and more erotic than her sister in her young form. Truly a devilish temptress.
your wife is my onahole
Mitchell model...
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So what the fuck with that quest in the hallway
>Light keep flashing
>More footprint appear
>They later gone in a flash and mob appear again
>American school
>Chinese school
>German school
>British school
Kivitos school based off India when?
That's a boy
Kiwiki is so lucky...
Michiru can't have a model because her grandma VA can't move like Mitcher
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Imagine the smell....
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We just don't know
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We might be in trouble, guys. We're about to enter a 6 month drought, and sensei's are going to try GF2. Some may never come back. /wuwa/ and /nikg/ have shown a lot of interest in GF2. And most of us also plays those games.
Your mom didn't have a choice
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Hello, this is dog
Didn’t they just have a collab with the UN
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One year
A lot of traumatic experiences
Wagie life
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>most of us also plays
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Beware of dog
I hate that I know what this is.
I failed to see how that's a problem
I got yellow fever bad dude. I think her VA is attractive.
How retarded is it that I know what you're talking about?
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>Wuwa will kill Ba
>ZZZ will kill Ba
>GFL2 will kill Ba

Any day now.
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BA will kill BA
oh hey theres a hentai with a similar premise as that image featuring a 10 foot tall dog girl
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I don't care. Where's azur promilia?
What the fuck zoos, I'm on your side
I'm not playing UN funded shit, fuck off.
The funnier part was that they were still advertising all their pakeji. I can't believe anyone playing global bought them for 3 months of gameplay.
Also just to note, I haven't tried that server myself but I've seen people saying it works. You might have to deal with discord to get troubleshooting though.
It already kill Global BA (lol).
> Big Asses will kill Blue Archive
Oh god yes.
>barely manage to scrape by 200 rolls for dress hina
>still need to roll S. Kanna, Shiroko Terror, Hoshino Schizo and S. Hiyori
Bros...I'm feeling weak...how do I even get 96k pyros by the time they're arrive for secondaries??
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What is her surname?
Nice now spark her again for dupes
Just think of it as free ligma.
Or a free S Hoshino if you don't have her yet.
>Bros...I'm feeling weak...how do I even get 96k pyros by the time they're arrive for secondaries??
the card... the card...
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>Even Ako come to laugh at him
At least you can have some free ligma
This pvp season is cancer
When's the next one?
>converting a spark to ligma when you already have the student
Your keystones?
Don't you want to make gifts for your wife?
That's like 6 months away, just skip everything till then.
And use YOUR card.
the chomoran one?
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>he thinks the next one will be better
3.5 months ish
That's what you get for rolling Hina
Next season is Shun's terrain
Next one is even worse
Better than nothing, my last 60 rolls to 200 were all basic shit
I hate Arona so fucking much
What's the meta look like?
the next season is bad you don't want it
>mother walks in on you jerking off to BA girls
Wat do?
lmao even
Obviously, one of the 7 school mysteries.
One of them is the noise of female choking that can be heard in the teachers' office at night. It's actually Iori giving me daily blowjob.
Well basically it's the exact same but replace Iori with SHanako
femdom and unaware stuff to the max
ye thats the one, his tamest work by far. please ignore the angel.
Please wait patiently for Hyakkiyako's Occult Club (not to be confused with Himari's Club) to investigate this strange phenomenon in an upcoming event.
Nakadashi. Perfection. Something like that.
How many students does this apply to now?
>there are retards who haven't found all their hina gifts
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WE are in trouble, guys
US Sensei's (Sensei's is the plural of Sensei) are looking at a 10 year drought of no content and no Seia
I think this time it's over for US blue archive players for real (fr) this time.
let me just shill the 50th chinksoft game you don't give a shit about that will for sure be the killer of Blue Archive this time, that appeals to 0 aspects of BA besides being a slot machine.

WE (this refers to us Blue Archive General users, commonly reffered to as /bag/gots) lost.
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koyukianon is dead
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>It's sunny today
Blame Ako for not doing what the Pandemonium society asked her to.

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