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Previous Thread: >>488373192

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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/bag/ - Blue Archive General #6003
Niyaniya is not your little sister. She's Hifumi's onee-chan.
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Cute boy
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she's actually my wife
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She can be all those things.
that looks uncomfortable, she should take it off
She's actually my onahole.
I need my partner
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>Hina is pure she is not a slu-ACK
Halo too small
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She's a big girl
I agree, and she should let me hold them for support.
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Good day /bag/.
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Do I need Nagisa to be UE40 so I can use her for torment?
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Yeah. Disgusting as fuck.
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Koyuki's dirty place
Puzzle enjoyers?
you don't even need her for torment at all if that matters
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Yes I know but you don't need to bully me
It's Maki's improved cute face. Compare her face to her original and it feels so different.
God, I wish Jazzjack made Chibi hentai.
being meguca is suffering...
Wait really? What's the specials for torment now?
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I want Hoshino to use her child panties to make me cum.
do we know her height yet? if she isnt hasumi tier it will be tragic
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it's quite flexible for a 1T
>the muscular girl only carries around 40kg firearm
>other girls carry around miniguns which weigh the same + they would have to carry around either a power generator or a battery pack for the motor
WHAT A SCAM she should be lugging around a towed cannon or something like that
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So... What happened to rabi anon? Did he die or left us for another game?
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When are they releasing the marriage and fatherhood event?
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Yes but what about weasels
Damn dHina really broke the priest.
Thanks anon
i killed him
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check classroom upper right trashbin 3 times
If you payed close attention to her face like she does, you'd see she wants to look either beautiful or cute. That's why she carries only a small cute gun compared to her height size to make her look more cuter/beautiful.
My ue50 Nagisa does no damage.
i think a woman who can easily handle artillery with her bare hands is the most feminine of them all
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Thanks bro
Wtf? Ibuki just came?
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Our sex symbol!
Tell me there's more to this. I need a source.
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coom in doom

I've updated the seia script with a section for direct links to current guides (for now hina exploration and the current raid), I'm still figuring out the placement of the UI but it's there if you want to give it a try: https://rentry.org/dvdoom
They should release 3 banners per event yeah. If you want to roll on 1 or 2 of them, you now have the choice of who you want to roll for. You want all 3? Pay up, save up, or wait till next year. Isn't that what we're doing already? The difference would be that now Maki/Natsu/Misaki fan's don't have to wait a year and can instead choose who to skip.
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Why is this brat a higher qualifed teacher than us?
This is the same Kivotos that has an 11yro as an instructor.
Instructor for preschoolers.
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Can I hold hands with my Kokona now?
anon the vast majority of the girls carry only small arms, even the ones carrying MGs aren't carrying anything "too heavy". off the top of my head, the only ones carrying anything heavier than average (counting the gun only) would be RFs carrying big rifles (Mashiro, Hiyori, Karin), possibly Hibiki (i don't know how heavy a mortar is off the top of my head), Nonomi and Kotori with their miniguns, and Alice with her 100kg+ Railgun
>an actual kokonafan
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Not sure but at least I got these off him before he left us. Feels good man.
Can someone tell me where to find the red card item in Hina's collection event?
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That's slander; I don't fuck my students!
Are you?
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You degenerate
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Sorry to disappoint but she's not my #1 or anything. I just hit 30 and wanted to make that joke.
She's 30th overall.
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How long did the animation team spend tweaking Kasumi's and Reisa's furniture interactions so you can't get a panty shot?
It means it doesn't take much in terms of qualification to be an educator. Like Shun. In terms of Sensei(Guidance Councilor/Strategist type), you're still in a higher position than that brat after MIA GSC President gave ALL of the remaining power to The Only Human Man and Sensei of Schale in Kivotos.
>Alice with her 100kg+ Railgun
wasnt it 200kg?
Forgive me, my flesh is too strong.
that's more than expected we all know that nobody actually likes kokona and /bag/ only thinks she's good for sex
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0 hours.
You were just unlucky
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>Trying to see up your precious daughter's skirt
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You never had a choice.
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Didn't know she got an alt. Now I know who to save for.
Himari begging me to cum inside her
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You are correct.
You get fucked by students.
looks fine to me just maybe make it a little bit bigger?
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Sensei is not for lewd. He has rights you know?
I wish he made porn at all.
She lugs around a fucking M2, punches rockets towards your students, AND pushes aside a Tiger and flips a fucking Crusader in her battle intro. What other feat of strength do you want from her? Do you want her to shot put the fucking ark into space?
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Yes, he defect to other gacha thread. I sugget we send the asset to tie loose ends.
I do?
Have you considered rotating the furniture
Should I disregard 3x hard and farm the event to 4* Ibuki instead?
small girl + big weapon is best thoughbeit
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>3cm higher than UI
Just be yourself.
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Posting comfy respectful wife before we go to bed
so what good are t1 equipments besides the obvious? can they be dumped on something?
I just finished fapping and now I want to fap again bros. It's over.
I like Fluff
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Kirara cunnilingus
You can use them to level other equipment but the xp gain is minimal. So just avoid farming them heavily.
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>wake up
>see this
What to do?
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you know exactly what i want
Same bro. I was fapping to Niyaniya while screaming "GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT" in my head. It makes it very easy to climax with those 2 words.
hold her hands and stare straight into her soul in a show of dominance
Pretend to pass out, maybe she'll be concerned about my wellbeing and think I overworked and leave...
Proceed with Material Synthesis?
You have selected 1 sub-nodes.
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>with those 2 words
That's 4 words.
24 keystone autocrafting!
sHoshino please stop dying...
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my wife saori
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You've been raped by one Shiroko, yes.
But what about TWO Shirokos?
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Fry her.
It sounds like it's only just begun
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Do I get to say stop when it starts hurting?
Fake a heart attack to trigger her PTSD so I can get out of being raped.
Legs too short
That's not her hat.
You're right.
That's her foreskin.
Retard, what's stopping her from performing CPR using her pussy on your cock?
"He's still warm and breathing."
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where is her hat then
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>wake up
>see this
what do
On her head.
Hina should transfer
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Put it in the freezer.
Miyako really let herself go...
You fool, that'll just increase the odds so she can get your seed before you expire.
i don't want to cheat on my studentwife with her...
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Can I do torment with 3* sHoshino?
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Kanna, my beloved
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I Love this girl like you'd not believe
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Does anyone have those images of the Pandemonium girls as Arno Breker statues? I need them to cap out my Makoto folder.
there were other ones besides makoto?
1 team with 3*, no
2 team with 3*, probably yes but you need another tank
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from left to right
12 kids
24 kids
6 kids
0 kids
as many kids as possible until menopause
from left to right
24 kids
0 kids
6 kids
as many kids as possible until menopause
12 kids
I once remember seeing a Iroha version too.
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Nothing more cringe than someone who thinks he's funny so he repeats his post 200 times
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Good morning /bag/
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Rough sex with my wife...
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even this artist has been reposting her art like crazy
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imagine the smell
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Fluffy Professor!!
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The 1000 piece one looks really good.
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>got 780 in Asia after clearing Insane
how bad will it get tomorrow once everyone start doing Torment?
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Consider somebody who uses "cringe" as an adjective.
>thought the torment would be free
>3 hours later

well at least it's doable, I wonder if Koharu makes it comfier compared to Kokona but prolly won't be a 1T then
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I won.
Too bad it costs 3740 yen
1.25 selector lickets
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Am I gonna have to do Torment to keep my plat on NA? Generally there aren't that many torment clears but with dHina out I don't know.
The stench...of impeding doom...
Swimsuit Hoshino trash or gas?
Yeah but where's the proffessor cunnilingus
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What if Gehenna volume gets a new character as a protagonist instead of Hina?
I just want to stay in gold.
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The Gehenna Volume will feature Aru__ as the protagonist.
I'm fine with that. I'd take Aru over Haruna any day
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>Introduce new character as the focal point
>Hina still gets the spotlight, rest of the prefect team jobs as usual
>Appearance from the Gourmets for no particular reason
It will happen, I'm sure of it
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Her breasts grow exponentionally
She'll be as big as Hasumi while having the same height of 160cm
She'll be Kaede 2
It's so over
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My precious desert rose.
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>Aru wants to be a villain.
>Ends up being the hero.
love to see it
Hoshino would respect my rights
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Would you play a BA mod for minecraft?
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What category do you choose when sending a ticket to Nexon? Other? Suggestion?
What's the fastest way to level up?

I've played BA on and off for a bit but leveling feels really, really slow, and your students locked to your level feels bad when it means you miss out on higher level content, I'm only level 56 right now.
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>Gourmets will kidnap Fuuka for the Billionth time.
Can't fucking wait.
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I always just choose 'Other'.
Save up stamina the day before double xp weekend starts
Refresh pvp shop for stamina
Buy stamina with gems
I go with Game Play
good lord...
hmm hiyori's navel does look a bit weird
Use PvP coins to buy stamina drinks.
Spend as much Ap as you can during 2x EXP.
DO NOT refresh using gems.

It takes 6 months on average to Max out.
Hiyori PV ad.
>6 months


Anyway thanks anons, didn't know about the double xp weekends.
Good morning
If she wanted to she could have done it in the train. She has no lewd intentions to sensei at all.
Mika should die
Everyone already saw the ad while watching blue archive radio
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>Gourmets kidnap Ibuki
>They want to recruit her due to her innovative recipes (Gummy bear onigiri, chocolate pudding with skittles on top)
>The entire chapter shows Pandemonium society coordinating with the prefect team
>Makoto is actually so upset at the Gourmets she behaves normally towards Hina
>Hina is actually terrified of Makoto over how cold and calculating she is throughout the entirety of the chapter.
Would this be a good idea or not really?
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rare pure maiden thread
0/10 no steaks
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Kasumi cunnilingus
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>final confrontation against the big bad
>Aru is fighting her instinct to just bolt it
>Sensei has a one on one talk with her
>"The story already has a villain. What it needs is a hero."
>Aru delivers the most cheesy line possible about her being able to solve that problem.
>Aru puts on her glasses
When will we get a gosling get ye gone
I didn't get rabbits but I sure ass shit got bombarded gosling shit
No doubt in my mind that Makoto is dangerous, but she can only do so much with 90 IQ and 160 Wisdom.
sounds good to me
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Homu Homu
no more fluff please
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I'm a homusexual
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Now that the bluuefes is here, when are you going to admit that you love Arona?
Something is happening in 54 minutes
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I have to spark 2 times TWO FUCKING TIMES
>No one use S.Saori for Peroro.
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>"The story already has a villain. What it needs is a hero."

KINO. I would kneel so hard if John Nexon did this.
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Jungle fever
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Always have
Can't wait for the next fotm npc
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>Aru shows up
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>voicing the momos
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Fuck I can't watch that
This but unironically
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Got dhina in one tennner, she's good this time.
my understanding of verbal jp is barebones but I prefer it to trying to manage runes.
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Is she the best fotm this year?
I mean I can't watch that before I have her. That's cheating.
Why is she so cool
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Not by a long shot
Kisaki was 1.5 years ago
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oh, fair enough
save the video and watch it after you get her I guess
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>slow thread during bluefes
>not even a single newcutie asking dumb shit
what happened?
>pick a blue student
>they don't even archive
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what no seia release does to a general
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So they fucked up hinas momos also?
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Its not even the weekend and were already dead
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She killed billions...
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What the fuck is her problem?
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This cheeky brat is making my blood boil
She gave me(in order):
>D Ako
>S Wakamo
>D Hina
All on the hour before D Hina released and after D Hina released.
All my raging blood went to my dick and fucked Arona romantically that day.
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No that goes to the choochoos hikari and nozomi
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>slow thread during bluefes
we already blew our load with pic rel
>not even a single newcutie asking dumb shit
they still happen during NA hours its just that us EU chads read the rentry
imagine if people read the rentry
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post artist
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Uh oh
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So it begins...
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Ok but which one? Hikari or Nozomi?
They are a package deal.
New sechikino
Homufags getting uppity
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That's cheating, disqualified!
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I like hikari better but I think nozomi got a tiny bit more art than hikari.
I hope Homu is Hifumi's sister, solely for the shimaidon doujin potential
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>D.Hina fully upgraded to UE50
>Start getting a lot of friend requests all of a sudden
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Is sMiyako good for you?
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sechi is alright but bigbellybear makes CINEMA
she made my penis sore
Good if you like being milked dry
Nozomi gets more solo art.
>Even Gematria doesn't respects my rights
I don't feel safe anymore in Kivotos.
>download 4 images of Hina making out with me (Sensei)
>Change the file name extension to .png from a shitty one like .jpeg
>File is corrupted or not supported and I can't post them here
>the author of senko-san made an xitter alt for the first time just to post lewds of professer
>after going professional even
>and acts suprised people know
how is she so irrisitable to people?
this shit is like the reiteration of kisaki business
How does Nexon keep doing it?
>Kirino bullied
>Miyu bullied
Not a good video.
retard sensei...
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What does the 1T Torment team look like? Azusa/D. Hina/Kokona/S. Hoshino Ako/Himari?
there are a lot of options
Dont forget affection check tomorrow
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>Protector Schwarzenegger Sensei
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Good morning, /bag/.
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Good morning waka
need her butt on my face and feet on my dick
then swap to her feet on my face and her butt on my dick
If you're trying to repopulate an island, sure
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he's even replying on other NSFW posts
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1 Niya is enough
Fugg the bunn
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I was upset I got such a lame looking student but upon a closer look she's actually fairly pretty. She also seems pretty cool personality wise
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what did he do
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do not
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I miss the time when Kaya was the FOTM...
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Good afternoon fellow Mika enjoyers. I'm kinda sad #6000 thread didn't include Mika
Good morning
What fluff does to a man
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Vulnerable Sensei spotted.
>now professor
why do i keep liking never evers
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does anyone have a UE50 Kokona that I could borrow on NA? normally I just accept anyone from /bag/ but i'd like to score chase this raid
wtf I like Moe now?
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>I want to play a game, Sensei~
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>The best time to start was yesterday,
wtf I literally just heard someone mentioning the game was giving out 100 free rolls but it's ended already?
Good morning
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She'll be back one day
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>acts suprised people know
His professor-lust made him a bit dumb
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>no shupos, shuro or decas
It ended on Monday, but you can still reroll for the busted anniversary characters, which is honestly better
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You missed out everything. Congrats! You played yourself!
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does this sound professional enough?
im etl, so feel free to mention any mistakes
gonna send it soon
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You're gonna get raped
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chinatsuGOD WW@???
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sup anon
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Send it anyway.
fish is such a stupid name
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/bag/, i'm very new and came to this game to roll these character.
When are their banners so i could save accordingly?
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New video from my nigga bigbellybear https://youtu.be/bYASqgI9akM
You just missed them.
>japs are using renge in pvp
Is she pvpcore?
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1st one was a week ago, the middle one was on Monday & the right one was yesterday for approximately 20 seconds. Better luck next time.
how many /bag/gots would sniff the chair after kisaki walks away?
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Sorry Bwo, they were super limiteds, they are gone forever.
I'm too strong to get raped by girls
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>get both wakamos in rolls
>go to kivodle and guess wakamo as a joke
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Accept my request you retard
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Fuck off, we're full.
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Planetarium-chan will bless me with purples
I'm still not level 89... My entry won't be marked as outstanding...
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>how many /bag/gots would sniff the chair after kisaki walks away?
This isn't AGDQ.
Just my luck..
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The pain. It still hurts.
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2 days until weekend
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I love this guy
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Go back to discord
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Are any of the tickets worth it or should I just buy gems outright?
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>Rank 252
>Rank 377
>Rank 12
>>>New Sensei
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Elf sex
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my game kept getting load errors and I had to reinstall last week, I guess that removes your title for some reason
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Anyone want?
bro... her bare crotch is resting on the chair
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You are WEAK sensei.
they're available right now on JP
I need Kasumi to sit on my face
I don't really get the point of the red lamp on Hiero. When do I want to kill it? What does it do?
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bait used to be believable
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Good morning my Miggas!
it interrupts hiero attack when you heal it. good for his insta kill attack interruption
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The only student that gets me gosling is Kikyou
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Hina should cut her hair
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I don't have enough ligma to UE50 d.Hina, if I can't 1T what would be the best second team?
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I have a ue50 affection 49 kokona but i don't even have her up for borrow. steaks are too high for this raid. need less competition.
>migaspam in 3.2.1...
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Post your disasters to help me cope /bag/
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Did you get lost on your way to a Mihomo general?
I should slice your throat open.
This was me for Dako and Makoto
Feel my pain bitch
Can someone please give me a sexo lust provoking image of a student that I should set as my phone wallpaper?
her anus?
No, he spams at night
The other mikaspammer will start a little earlier
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is torment doable with UE30 Kokona?
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Good evening, mates.
Finally it's the end of Wednesday.
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Would you buy Plana doujin?
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File deleted.
remember when anime openings used to go above and beyond ? good times
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This is mine
borrow her I guess
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Why would you want that, Sensei?
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how degenerate is the sex?
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She's made to get rimming
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Backs turn me on
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sexy uz...
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Take out the trash, Hina!
There is no sensei that can resist student GFE
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Shut up retard you have shit taste
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Did you know that schizo only complains about mikaposts and metaposts about Mika when schizo is awake?
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That's not Mine, that's Iroha.
The sky blue archive
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Same author as this one so you might get feel more than sex
I think you have good taste gook ako
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To taste and smell
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>tsurugly thread
Which of the 3 division banners is worth it?
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>watch torment video
>think yeah I could probably do that
When did I become so unmotivated
i love small flat girls so much
I thought this was a photo from Ukraine from the thumbnail
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A Koharu team can do that?
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>still an Coconutslet
>still an Arulet
And no, i will only redeem Aru if i will be able to bring her straight to UE50.
>plana in niyaniya's clothes
the ultimate sex symbol
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Haruna feeding me a fuck ton of pineapples before sucking me dry.
Ive fapped to Mine twice today
What did I mean by this?
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It has lap pillow
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>saori's furniture plays her chara song
that's really neat
fapped to your what?
some funny ideas here
I hate the pineapple meme because you gotta do it for a day or two or it just tastes fucking awful.
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Image source?
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Would you?
If you just fapped, it is normal not to have motivation
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Can we not?
That's why I always ignore those posts, imagine complaining about people posting their wife and then make schizo theories about them
Thank you for the suggestions anons. Hmm..
Looks good. Yeah it's tough deciding.
Half anniversary selector and MAYBE the start dash ticket if it mostly has students you want.
how's the new sechi video guys
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I hope it's gonna be Erika or whoever else that is new.
Or Iori, give Iori some plot relevance where she is not jobbing.
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> Tits
> Ass
> Feet
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i bet plana smells amazing
>try to send a ticket
>click send
>"invalid request"
>reload the page and try again
>"invalid request"
i forgot an initial
shut up bitch, i'm dropping a banger
lol no
f2p have no rights, spend more
Plana smells like strawberry milk.
It's time
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Akemi would protect me from all the rapists
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I dont have a choice
Sounds weird, never had that issue myself. Maybe try reloading the game entirely?
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Mika love
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I wonder if UE40 works
Iori will be interesting given how degenerate sensei is going to be araund her
obviously because I've eaten my own cum before retard. don't act like you've never tried, or at the very least thought about it.
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>I picked this dress
>complains about it
>wears it for me anyway
How consistently horny is this cow
>nanosuit Sensei
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> Conversation about cum
> Cumversation
Oh boy here we go again.
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>>"The story already has a villain. What it needs is a hero."
I don't think we could ever comprehend such amount of KINO.
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does pineapple really make it taste good?
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Why is she looking at me like that...?
pineapple itself tastes bad so i dont believe it
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The image that broke /bag/
>ass visible
Okay, this is DEFINITELY a whore outfit.
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because you are a pervert
No, faggot. Fuck off.
I would argue that it tastes better than un-pinappled cum though.
the purple relic (that you kill) permanently gives you more damage, lowers hiero's defense, and makes your students (but not the green relic) receive less healing
the red relic (that you heal in phase 2) interrupts hiero's current action, and you're meant to use it against his team wipe that he uses when his atg is full
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I still like green train gremlins more. But niyaniya has that cute floof that makes her a very close behind.
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The image that broke /bag/
Rio bros how we holding
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It could have been someone else's cum.
And I have thought about it, in disgust.
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Me, tasting Hina's tongue
>It could have been someone else's cum.
I'm not gay though.
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Pineapple on pizza is actually good
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noone actually likes ako
stop pretending to like her
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>ako is U30 so can't run koharu team
>no kokona
>oShiggy is 4*
Goddamnt, I dont want to U50 hina, that's 900 fucking ligma. Otherwise torment is impossible.
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> Joking
Damn nigger you're gonna play with a girl's heart like that? No wonder you got raped.
Why did Sensei teach his own daughter to insult the entirety of Italy?
Gold looks better anyway. You don't have to force yourself
There are more Ako fans than Miyako fans
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And who picked it out for her on their date I wonder...
which students do you think would not rape sensei
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italians deserve it
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pineapple has top tier taste the fuck you mean
Italians should be less precious about their food and let people enjoy it how they enjoy it.

I'm british, and you don't see me complaining anytime someone puts any kind of spice or seasoning into their cooking.
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/bag/ - pineapple general
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>gay hours
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I'm taking away your steaks
need sauce for this sexy seia
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No student has the self control needed to not rape Sensei. Even the most well mannered pure students salivate at the thought of an unprotected vulnerable Sensei
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____ ______ ____?
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Erika for the dead weeks, please Nexon.
is this the Korean voice?
pp grabber
do not open
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Why are all the sexiest students unplayable?
Hifumi daikirai...
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seia can't speak korean
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You now owe Ako sex
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Seminar love
Aru would never rape you
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Which one would you like better? The teasing / edging or the ejaculation?
At least Iroha is partially playable with Ibuki as a unit.
Is it possible to change your email for this game? The one that I used back when I registered an account is no longer usable.
Kill nigger kill?
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Stop liking evil(dork) girls.
Chise would accidentally rape you
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It's over...
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Owari da sensei. When you forget your password all your students will graduate.
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I grab the proff
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be quiet slovenian hiory
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now I gotta watch the whole thing again
I like midori now
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Post Kaya 3
Nonomi, Makoto and Hoshino
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Me at work
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>all this malding about who gets cursed and crits
Miyu is for
Do not post ako 3. Or any other ako for that matter.
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you can't unketchup them
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But I can make them welldone.
Checkmate beefthiest.
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I will post Ako 3, the most heartless of my Akos in my folder.
Sorry for being sexy seia
fat nun
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Blue Archive could become more successful by releasing an arcade game with a physical card system like Dragon Ball Heroes, but /bag/'s not ready for that kind of conversation just yet.
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Anon, the arcade scene is basically dead or barely alive now, even in Japan.
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fatter nun
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Uhm... Nexon-san wtf?
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i can't believe niya's dead...
Do I spend my ap on getting points on the event or should I use mission x2?

Ive been farming the even with 100% bonus but someway still not finished, Im still half way
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You're not sorry
You forgot to overclock your Wappi
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Sexiest Red Winter
>nobody replied back to me
>sechi fubuki got two replies
and you fuckers told me sechi sold out ..
Ako makes me ridiculously erect it's not even funny anymore
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you rike?
It would remain niche you autismos maximus, leave whatever bubble you're in and you'll see how no one plays with cards

Gimme 3rd person waifu shooter with ex abilities yoshistar
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Good morning, /bag/
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you're right, it really is heartless
just be yourself
I woke up at 3 PM today
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>sexy preggo seia?
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Nobody remembers Kuroko anymore after Niyaniya got introduced
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I’m starting to question the professor’s IQ
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Good morning
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Toki (pantyhose)
at least his image isn't haloless
It's up to you, really. I'd say continue farming the event until you've hit the 15k mark since the rewards are better. You can always farm hard stages any time, albeit at a slower pace.
Post more dog ako and i'll give (You) my (You)'s, (You)'s slut
cute underwear
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I'm tired of this meme of students being stronger than sensei. Thats completely false.
All students have bulletproof skin, but as far as physical strengh goes, most of the student are the average human of their size and weight.

Most estudents are weaker than sensei. Some of them cant even lift a table.
Not everyone is an stamina machine like Shiroko or a Gorilla like mika or have regenerative factor like Tsurugi.
Most of them are just regular bulletproof teenager girls that wouldn't be able to pin down sensei
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I remember
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God I wish that was me
You too bros
hey /wowg/ are you guys excited for the new expansion? im not
What sensei video is she referring to?
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>but as far as physical strengh goes, most of the student are the average human of their size and weight.
are you telling me this is normal strenght?

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