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Previous Thread: >>488387981

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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my wife saori
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I just ate 5 pickles and 3 sandwiches.
Life is good.
>akira op
a surprise, but a welcome one
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Hatesex is the best kind of sex.
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my wife Mika
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I'm the best poster in this general
Can someone post the global calendar? Are we getting more 3x comms or is that just this week?
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>Hiroy went from having to eat spoiled food to avoid starvation to looking like THIS
Y'know what? Good for her.
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Prove it
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looking forward to the son threads
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professor's cute feet
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That looks pretty nice
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I would make Ako love every second of it, and then get her a zinger burger.
I was hungry, and the bread slices were very small.
I fucking love ako
Baby making chamber is online
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>All striker units are UE40
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no, i'm the best poster, not that anon.
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I just attempted it with UE40 Koharu and i couldn't heal 2nd lantern to full with just subskill and EX like in video.
The thing is, bringing Koharu to UE 50 would make her better in the field terrain. And i doubt that extra...what? 100 or 200 healing from leveling up the weapon to lvl50 would be that impactful.
Thing is i don't have every special student on max lvl. But then again, would that make the difference?
I seriously have no idea how is that dude healing that lantern in just one ex and one subskill.
I thought Ako's subskill is maybe triggering at the same time. But i don't think it is, i only see Koharu throwing in her subskill healing.
I will attempt it again and see whether i am maybe healing the lantern when it still has that recovery debuff.
>open pic
>it's not the bralesss/pantyless edit
>it's not the pregnancy edit
Vanitas vanitatum...
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Excuse me sensei, can you spare an artifact chart?
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Bro no! You need two of those for the selector ticket!
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are you seriously filtering azus and peak sex
is koharu or kokona better for hiero?
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I'm going to throw you into a river you dead end of genetic evolution.
He's blurring everything since there's no way to target the schizo. I'm making an md5 list with mika pictures.
Tits this big should be outlawed.
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GO /bag/ GO
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it's probably the filter that slowly unblurs
It's a filter that slowly disappears overtime
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Okay, that actually was the case, my first heal comes out half a second maybe a second late than in the video. So i had to postpone my 2nd heal a bit as well.
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Do you love foxes?
Healing stat inheritance from specials is a thing, might be the difference.
I love boxes
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why wouldn't I
There is though, hitting [-] is easier than filtering cute pictures just because muh schizo
>that hip to waist ratio
Fuck this I'm 2T-ing this raid.
The timing with Koharu is tight as shit.
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Mika isn't cute thoughever.
Filtering takes less time than hiding desu
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No, i actually was healing too early, i was too focused on video timing, despite not doing it as carefully and accurately as in the video.
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Now that's gay
>my lazy 1t with a ue30 nonmaxed hina is already in the 6ks
I'm doing torment but man this raid is a joke.
if i want a comfy ins clear should i use dako or use another character?
>back to a single multi now
Menhera is a shit stereotype.
Koharu's soft pussy
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It's that easy
Just be yourself
Anything can be comfy
Some people like 3dpd
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As if the trannylators weren't bad enough with this event, I've discovered that they're even more incompetent with some of the airplanes' text. Namely blue, black and navy blue.

Blue is Haruna's, however you wouldn't immediately get that even with the "feast for the senses", because in JP (and very likely in KR), she says "gourmet experience" instead.
Black is Kirara's, and the trannylators are especially incompetent with this one, they can't even stick with their already terrible mistranslation by including "Mizz Hina", as she calls Hina "Hinacchi" in both JP and KR.
Navy Blue is Ibuki's, and like every other Ibuki mistranslation, they removed her referring to herself as "Ibuki" instead of "I", and made this airplane almost impossible to identify.
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Absolute cinema
I kneel, Professor
It's an easy mistake to make. Copying timings exactly from a video is difficult with debuffs like this. Not sure if you get it, but I always end up with more debuffs than I can see on the lantern so I have to wait for them to cycle to be sure I can heal it again.
I didn't try but she probably dies less easily than Azusa
FOX squad when
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>0.3s to [-] vs spending shitton of hours tracing every le md5
Just keep it to yourself then
Volume 4 ch 3
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Would Izuna be fine with me petting her tails and ears?
It's usually what the kemono girls are autistic about.
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What was the point of the translation survey when stuff like this still happens?
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>0.3s to [-]
Yeah per image
And when they have their melty hat's at least 30 in a single thread
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Soon TM.
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The cutest.
>posting wife = le melty
>ignoring schizo 3 years of melty
kek >>488398441
I don't think you are the one who is having melty because you keep making same seething posts in every burger hours threads
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This shit has to be out of malice by this point. It’s a miracle Kikyou got saved when the translator is so deadset in ruining the game out of a personal agenda
I NEED sloppy Neru blowjobs
I think Mika's halo should be snapped in half for what she did to Nagisa.
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>posting wife = le melty
Totally what is happening.
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I agree with your criticisms and will submit a ticket if you or someone else writes it out for me
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This picture is so goddamn blessed.
hosh's stats are a bit bonkers even if there's basically no niche for them in the game yet
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Imagine the smell
Are you telling me that Mika hasn't seen me naked?
0 pyrox
I wanted to roll more since i miss a lot of students but after seeing the 5th Wakamo i'm starting to think this shit is rigged
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dHina is complicated to make work on PVP, but possible if you really want to use her. Keep in mind that you need the other students to have very low cost, even a total of 5 (2+3) didn't work for me, I still have to figure it out.
Picrel was the best result I got.
I'm currently top 13 in case anyone wonders.
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My precious desert rose.
While I agree not keeping Ibuki's 3rd person speech is bs and these fuckers should be fired, I did recognize her paper plane due to her laugh at the end.
Don't ever forget
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She just loves her darling so much.
I could also find a Hinapost saying they hated other students in the archive and they were falseflagging with other students.
In conclusion? it means nothing and you are unironically retarded. But it's not a surprise coming from a schizo like you
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Well if you subtract the fes characters the rate for permanents isn't that much better than a normal banner
A lot of mikaposts (not scat) were deleted that thread, he was unironically spamming her
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Yuuka, we need to talk. There is an increasing amount of reports about your students' behaviour. Momoi was running around shouting NIGGER, repeatedly. Karin is very angry. But that's not all of it. Can you understand it creates a tension with Gehenna, as Iori is also not happy at all. If you let your racist slackers act like this, it might cause a war. Ako and Makoto both are highly unstable and already lashed out over lesser issues.
Also, have I to remind you that Haine and Sumomo are GSC members as well? The issue might be acknowledged as lack of respect towards SCHALE itself. We are inclusive and diverse organization and won't tolerate any kind of intolerance. If you fail to take any measures, Aoi will cut ALL your financing and we will command Valkyrie police to deal with GDC once and for all.
You position as Rio's successor now is in question. Go and obliterate these wretched racist gamer vagabonds before they ruin Millenium.
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Keep spamming the thread with your retarded posts, I'm sure someone will believe you this time. Don't forget the samefagging to make it like others are agreeing with you
They all use heeheehee
I did try using D. Ako in extreme and she consistently begins the fight by standing closer to the boss than the fucking front unit and either has to be repositioned or gets clapped in seconds. Maybe another fromt unit would take her spot in another config but I could not make her get out of that fucking spot
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>sensei says no
>rin shuts up
>yuuka shuts up
>racism is restored
>iori and karin takes their frustration out on sensei to spend more time with him
Just as planned.
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Man Torment truly is RNG hell, Azoo dies too fast here.
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It doesn't matter what you say or believe anon. Anyone who looks at the way mika is spammed at certain times can tell why they do it, the fact that they admit it sometimes only makes it easier.
I want to slap Niyaniya's ass
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seia wife
happy life
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Please do not reply to his posts with Himari pics. I don't want that motherfucker to start falseflagging with my favorite student.
Nyo I think I will keep using Shiroko. Immortality is so juicy.
Please stop. Sensei has rights here in this general.
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Depends on if the footages really made it out to the public. There were supposed witnesses and the rumors reached Hyakkiyako and Highlander, but by 1.3 they were still rumors and in the end of Vol F, Kronos was desperate for answers about your nudity. More than the salvation of the world.
So in all likelihood only the people that were on the ship (which could include the Gourmets) and Chinatsu who bathed with you, saw you naked. Oh, and possibly Nodoka too since Miyu could see you clearly when she looked at the falling star, so Nodoka likely would have used her portable telescope at that time.
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No, she's a cuck
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its pretty much what the other anon said
which student did i just quote
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I got spooked by this seductive fox, is she any good?
>55m damage total
that's not even a high floor
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I just checked and no they do not. The only other one that even has a laugh uses "hahaha". If you mean the whole unique laugh thing, then yes I know about that and yes I also disagree with them changing it, but for the paper planes Ibuki's is the only one that uses heeheehee, which is distinctly Ibuki's laugh.
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so it just has to cycle through and the cost generation/her own cooldown is the usual hangup, I guess that makes sense. It's not like Hanako where the shots just hold until you use them, there is the time limit on the skill.

I wonder if nyFuuka would help make it more consistent, but she's probably less good of an idea than just going with Serina
Hina should transfer
>Chinatsu who bathed with you, saw you naked
How did the devs let this momo fall through? We don't even climb in the futon with stout
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Why did Kasumi write a note to Hina?
How come sometimes I see people using Nagisa EX on the cover around the lantern?
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>just believe my schizophrenia ok, don't question it
This nigga unironically spends 16h monitoring /bag/ while developing schizophrenia
what a loser
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Elfdev > Stoatdev
Probably to break it so students don't take cover there and maintain a consistent position behind the tank.
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>haha I'm not going to bite the bait cause I can tell what you're doing
>*bites the bait anyway*
Because middle loves to go hide there and then proceed to die
Sir, that's a getter robo
GOSICK and Toradora forever sealed my taste in women
Basically, after she uses her EX the next 2 students on rotation have to use her EX for her to get a turn again. Sometimes she will shoot once, twice or even 3 times, sometimes she wont.
If all other students have 3 or higher cost she will never shoot.
I don't know about nyFuuka.
Good fucking taste I miss victorique
It gives higher crit chance if you hit the cover
I'm not joking.
Reminder Sensei saw the RABBITS get undressed and get into the steel drum baths, and then sat there watching them bathe for a good while. In a public park.
having tried Himari on PVP nyFuuka is going to be absolute RNG hell
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This >>488405682
Make sure to report the trannylators acting up again directly to John Nexon under either Game Play or Others:
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goo monin
rack up crits for kokona's normal skill
It counts as crits for Kokona's skills.
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Dog sex
from all the gacha generals I frequent /bag/ is the most delicate snowflake about translation stuff I've ever seen
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>not going for maximum lazy
Nah I'd rather use a filter
go back then
We have standards.
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>dHina on PVP
Why not just keep using nyHaruna?
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Why is the morning gooey? What did you do?
Not settling for mediocre is a good thing
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>I simply don't understand why /bag/ doesn't like to consume shit, every other general gladly feasts on it.
damn sorry I guess
I just wanna bring my wife everywhere. I was using sHina before but wanted to try her out.
Before watching that video I was convinced she simply didn't use her EX at all after activation.
I do recall people trying to make dhina work in pvp with some atrocious cycle comps, did anyone ever get that to be halfway decent?
/bag/ is a /vn/ colony after all
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JP and KR players keep winning
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Goo morning
How is this supposed to be kasumi even? does she use flowery language?
Unironically what Fubuki would do.
Take a little bit of extra effort first so you can be lazy later.
Fuck off were full, go home to whatever shithole you frequent
That's because the guy is so obsessed with the idea that translators only objective is to rewrite as much text as they can to spite the players that even perfectly fine translations get spammed as gross crimes against the language sometimes.

I send tickets for some of the things that get pointed out but most of them are just non-issues.
That's because you are newfag, complaints about translation in gacha were more common, FGO, AL, etc. were full of it
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Because blue archive is pretty much a visual novel. Every VNfag hates translators with passion.
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go the fuck back where you came from and continue eating the slop like the nigger faggot that you are!
we have standards here
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Yeah but we didn't get naked in front of them.
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Iori is not a nigger though.
jesus christ they change from Hinachi or something to Mizz Hina

you are making it seem like the characters mid sentence started going on a rant ntr
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To make you believe that they care so you can actually give a proper response to the rest of the survey.
Post my little sister.
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Gonna pay her back for fondling my ass!
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>see a retarded/bait post
>think to myself yep thats going to get like 10 replies instantly
i am the only smart poster here
Except they don't even do that consistently in the little lore snippets that should help you identify who they are.
yeah, I know it'd be random malding to get her on a useful target

desu I find the best pvp teans are ones that do everything they can to be as consistent as possible so it's definitely not worth it outside of being a curiosity
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> Cuckshit outta nowhere
The cykeks are on full force today, eh?
That's not Kasumi's, it's Haruna's. Kasumi's is green.
Threesome with Yuuka and Noa
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>see a post
>think to myself yep i am going to masturbate today
i am the elephant in the room
That's fine, localizers aren't people.
Same. One of the few I can safely say absolutely nails it from start to finish. Might rewatch soon.
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another one with dress hina momos
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God forbid people have standards
This applies to 3/4 of the image posts here.
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lmao who cares about lore it literally doesnt mean anything
We've never recovered from the wappi incident
There is no cucking in cygames except that weird yuri relationship in gbf
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>see a post
>keep filtering new pics
>some anons who save images will also get different hash images so you double the work
>more schizophrenia posts about le evading filter
sounds like too much work for me. I also don't need to [-] if janny is fast enough
it's baii
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Is it pyon or bam?
I admit the mizz-hina and censoring when students are thirsting for sensei is really gay but I am really tired of all the localization arguments
trannylators need to get fired already holy shit these subhuman fucking niggers are doing this on purpose even against hina
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Delicious Hina
What the fuck are you even trying to say here? I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or disagreeing. The guy who posts 90% of the translation errors sincerely believes that the translators only goal is to rewrite as much of the story as possible. According to him, even a slight change in wording or sentence structure isn't a translation choice, it's the translators actively testing the waters to see how much they can get away with before people complain. He's actually unhinged and his only saving grace is that he does point out legimate errors along with everything else.
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>see my post
>think to myself yep thats my post
i am the only poster here
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I was under the impression green was Megu's because I can't see Kasumi writing one of these that isn't stained with tears.
I made this post
I also think that you should kill yourself, preferably two times just like all trannyslator
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It's Bun Bun.
What are you looking forward to?
No you didn't, that was my post.
Why is she using a tablet at the pool? Is she stupid?
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>___ ____ ____
>_____ __ ______ ____ __ _____
_____ ____ _______
Ok this momo was really hot. Ako clearly can't be hatesexed anymore. There is way too much love here. Also what did she mean by the clerk being right? Couldn't really find meaning in that unless translation fucked.
Apparentely the l2d is the last momo but it feels unfinished
Globohomo translators have an agenda, everyone knows it
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Making bat soup with Hina's wings
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>I post Ako
>other people post Ako
>believe there are multiple akofans
>this anon reveals every single poster in this thread is him
>the number of Akofans becomes 0
what the FUCK
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>faggot defending trannylators bastardizing even korean script
oh yeah, don't think we're not on to you and your discord you cocksucking faggot
can't ban us here like you and your little nigger discord group of mods about sending these up to nexon
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Why does she make that face?
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how is an elephant posting on 4chan
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Please gib my wife something good.
Did gamer maids cats end up actually being good, I can't decide looking to future banners what to save for.
Guys only want one thing and it's fucking beautiful
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momoi has rapid fire racism which is actually quite decent
midori got cucked as always wish i was joking
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The Saya doujinshi that will never be uploaded or translated.
I need a side-by-side comparison with screenshots from JP and KR if I'm going to send in a report
She's horny all the time.
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have a midori for your spelling error and a momoi because you're a nigger
I'd sex this rrat
you should read
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This, imagine wasting hours doing same thing only for them to be useless
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elephants now have a sophisticated toot-to-text recognition system
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Have you been to prison before?
On the topic of these notes. Does anyone have which note is from which person? I'm a bit of a tard and I'm not sure who is who.
Saya's Sayas...
Why are Momoi posters like this
Chise... You're supposed to spoiler that image for it to work...
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Looks pretty good for commissions/JFDs but maybe not as much for raids. The problem is with Kuroko and Hosh for bluefest, that only leaves one free spark and I dunno if I want dKayoko, bYosh, or gamer cats the most.
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>what did momoi say
>fuck niggers
>i see no problem, i also want to fuck niggers
how does he do it
>Hahaha look at Ui such a silly character thinking all those conspiracies
Has Nexon ever answered the translation issues in any capacity? Have they ever fired or swapped a translator due to an error?
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Yukari and Churro sex.
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Will BHoshino make torment peroro a 1t?
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coom in doom
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They are incompetent.
she can be used for shirokuro with oChinatsu
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More cute Mika doujins as always.
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just noticed i made a mistake, pls feel free to mention any others
Fat rat tats...
which ones will vomit
Sakurako has never seen a penis in her entire life, stop this
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Suzumi alt when
M-Master Shiba?!
>any gourmet
d.Hina is dogshit in pvp, it won't let me use her ability so she just stands there waiting for orders
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In the end, my mock requires 3 teams cause I'm a shitter.
Do you think that's enough for a guaranteed plat?
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i mean theyre all kinda there power wise but id argue momoi has more gimmicky usage compared to the rest
just go with the tried and tested dickroll anon
it never fails
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>hey sensei, can you come alone in the middle of the night to the church?
>oh the reason? haha.. dw about it
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Red - Ako
Orange - Prefect Mobs
Yellow - Iori
Green - Megu
Blue - Haruna
Navy Blue - Ibuki
Purple - Sena
White - Fuuka
Black - Kirara
Pink - Chinatsu
Sounds like an automated response, meaning there wpuld only be some tangible effect if you got a decent number of players to flood them with complaints, including official channels and social media, and demanding change under threat of boycotting global servers.
The only issue is this might backfire in 2 ways: 1 is they might decide it's too much trouble and just shut it all down leaving only Asian servers, and second would be then taking action and swapping out the team for an even more incompetent one.
Canon. She only plays music for you, and no one else. If you're not there presently in Auto, she won't perform.
Yeah Junko would just fumble and miss her mouth
They've changed things in the past when enough people kicked up a fuss about it. /bag/ alone isn't enough to do this though.
There is approximately 0 chance that you will ever learn about any changes in who they pay to do translation though.
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>I kept winning nonstop PVP for two days straight while attacking with few defense losses
>I tell /bag/ that Kuroko is godly for PVP
>login today
>got thrown down all the way to the 90s
>struggle to get up
>bunch of Kurokos all over the place
Thanks a lot, you fucking snitches!
Am I understanding this wrong?
But it seems like every DHina shot hits Hiero....twice? thrice?
How big is Heiro again? How many hitboxes?
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Wapurako-chan is so autistic that she did this on accident
>finds secret to obtain fortune
>shares it with everyone instead of staying quiet
You had it coming bro
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here you go
I've seen a few clips/clears of Maid Momoi and I'll be honest I'm really not impressed
Maid Midori even less so

When people use sNonomi, Wakamo, or Izuna it's like: BOOM. Damage. When people use Momoi it's like: splurt.
Kind of like Pina or Akari honestly, like it's solid damage but it's not impressive
I need bury to my face in that ass.
I dont know, and I don't know
I'm still new, trying to make her crit with Ako but it doesnt seem very consistent
Izumi would probably bite your dick off
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Are you okay anon
>I could also find a Hinapost saying they hated other students in the archive and they were falseflagging with other students.
Wow you didn't have to actually falseflag
why does every other student get mogged by Hina's momos
it's not fair bros
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> Accident
Sure, mate. She got that ass by accident too.
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I lost
I filtered that one guy's student wife
sister… please do something else!!!
7 procs of damage, with 3rd shot doing 13
Look at schale.gg
Someone have the chart for hiero, I gave up and only did extreme yesterday, but I really should have everything to do insane.
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It's LITERALLY not her fault that she developed a dumptruck booty
Based. Mika is the worst girl and Scatboss is our bro for saving us from her
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It'd be nice if we could use Japanese language on Global. I started playing on Global before I had any ability to read Japanese. Now I feel like I'm too deep into Global to switch.
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nobody's going to boycott anything
>leaving only asian servers
would never happen but it would be funny if they shut down every server west of china I'm on the easymodo Asia server
I was filtering Mika posts before the scat started
I have 3 attempts for Total Assault, I can borrow 1 student for each right?
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> The cake was just an accident, bro.
Suuuuuuure she did.
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But you were the one who falseflag?
So true.
Momoi does insane damage, but it's over a duration. It's like how Utaha does a lot of damage but you wouldn't know it unless you looked at the damage chart.
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By accident.
There are students who have seem my penis and those who havent. The latter are cucks
>Suddenly nun sex
Witch one?
Yuuka and Rio.
just watch this bro
this is only with ASPD buff from sEimi
watch that dakka
Tsurugi is mentally stable though, she's just shy.
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Time to farm shit for the next 6 months till the anniversary drops.
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Cute Mika
Hi i see a janny has taken a action here recently.
Can you do your job and delete this?
This porn has been sitting up for an entire hour.
Sensei, if you say it like that, those who haven't are going to try and see it for themselves like Niya. And there are girls like the Sukeban girls who won't let you say no if you get caught alone again.
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fuuka and juri get promoted, but just as >>488410546 mentioned, junko would miss or spit it by accident
hmmm the autism IS true. i'll move her over to biter, but she'd probably a quick learner, cause of her sinful body
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I'm a wapper, not gonna lie nor try to deny it
>wakamo replaced in yet another raid
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Nun sex doesn't include putting my dick in the vagina, so it's fine.
Wait, is this actually going to be sold at C104? Because it's in Chinese
If it's at C104 and has a Japanese version, I'll ask someone I know to buy it and scan it and I'll translate it with maximum priority
t. TLanon (I'm incredibly horny for rrat girls)
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>what a pathetic adult you are~
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I prayed for this and it happened
kys and stay in your containment thread faggot
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shouldve been ichika
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Very true!
>he got Mika
I'm so sorry. I would delete my account if that happened to me.
that porn looks based so there's no issue
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>2 Mikas
>2 sHoshino
Nice luck
Do your job.
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Look at those cute birb.
Give me a Mika bro
Guys is there a rate up for asuna bunny in the near future
I got into ba due to that doujin and bought the selector a while ago

Is she usable? I really want her and want to play her
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>Hina halo
All of them
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/bag/, would you consider buying this figure?
as a noob player with 32k pyros left after 200 rolling the fes banners and getting dhina and hoshino and using spark on dhina do i keep going because of the rate up in SSR? the only other banners in the future i see could be good is new year fuuka, or am i blind and should be saving for something else?
I saw it was releasing that weekend and just assumed. Chinese and Jap look the same to me.
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yeah no, it's a different chinese event this aug10
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Christ no, save up for NY.Fuuka.
And maybe Nagisa.
Ako actually shows that much ass?
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Eimi meta!
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ako HATE
She'll become buyable with GA coins in a few months
it's rratover
but i already have enough to spark ny fuuka?
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fuck wrong one this one should be the last one. any other complaints?
>literally everyone is UE50
holy whale
>I recognized the slilloute students by their halos
Am i getting too much into this?
do you have mika?
Good battle music, but I prefer her event's theme
but im an akofan and im not you
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Kot sex
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How do Mikafags cope? Knowing that they will always be ostracized by the community? Knowing that at every moment they post, someone will be disgusted by the presence? No one ever draws her on the Aggie, she never shows up on tier lists nor affection charts, has never been rated highly in the official Blue Archive Discord polls. Literally no one likes her and she will never have any significant content in the game ever again, the only reason she's even mildly tolerated is because she's a meta unit. Literally completely absent from the thread's culture.
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>missed 1 day
Bros is it ove for me?
Fuck outta here.
I want a good Saya doujin so bad you have actually no idea. She's a solid 4th on my list of students I lust over.
Yes, so if you pull for Ny.Fuuka, the next target that you can pull is Nagisa.
6 months later you can spark for Mika + 2 other bluefes unit.
why is sensei a gaybitch when it comes to sleeping with shiggy
Assuming i have zero pyroxene, would i have enough by the time Nagisa comes?
Sorry, it's over. You missed out in 25 pyros.
can confirm i made this post
i got mika like 3 times in this current fes already
You stilll have time to get the fucking crayons.
How awful. I'm truly sorry.
he knows better than to make love with a filthy commie
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Ugly feet
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Then forget about Mika, get NyFuuka + Nagisa.
Maybe get Ny.Haruna for PVP autism, and to make /bag/ seethe even more.
Would Mari let me have thighsex with her?
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ok then you simply need to make sure you have 48k pyros for the 3.5 anniversary
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FINALLY! Got D. Hina at 20 but more important than that I finally got Shigure.
Now if only O. Shigure was here too.
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>know you wont be able to resist drunk stoat if she gets on top of you
>know for a fact drunk stoat wont hesitate for a second
an ounce of prevention is worth several million credits in sotat child support
You're trying to hold on to the slim moral fiber that you have left because it's the only place where you can take pride in.
Which only makes the students hornier, some don't even want your consent and know you're halo-less.
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ok zaysed. already have shun tsubaki and iroha so thats a good plan
Log in now, go to the classroom and check the bin near the whiteboard
I can't cum in her...she'll get pregnant. What is the contraception of choice in Kivotos?
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student too thirsty
sensei only sexes pure, innocent students.
Where kikyou
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Hope Neru doesn't bite hard.
you guys don't realize but stoats spend like 50% of their lives preggo and the other half being in heat
it is not safe to be around one
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Ako hate is so forced. But it reveals tourists easily.
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All the condoms were tailor-made to your dick and come pre-poked.
These declining birthrates won’t shoot up otherwise
Because we care for stuff that matters, not something gay like skin color.
Miyu is for irrumation she woudln't bite
What video?
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brat love
You can ask the trusted Kaiser Corp brand pill at your local Kaiser Corp Convenience store. It's guaranteed to do what it's stated!
...I can't possibly see to every baby in Kivotos...nor could I have only a few. What ever shall I do?!
Ako hate is justified, and it reveals the best posters easily.
wrong and cringe
I would never sexo any student I'm a fucking teacher not a prostitute
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Racoon sex.
I just went and invested in Yukari. Just like dat
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Love you anon
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Weasels are very needy, Stoats moreso.
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Now that you mention it, /bag/ and /vn/ do share their sentiment when it comes to hatred against trannylators.
It's shame that /vn/ usually has to eat the dick, since their hobby is so niche, trannies pretty much own it at this point. So no matter how much you complain, there is nothing bigger to oversee their shit, and they would rather see it burn than change their ways.
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Today is your daughter's birthday
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desu is wide
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rare non sexual nonomi art
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Ballz deep inside Maki.
Miku when?
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Sex with the purpose of teen pregnancy with Noa
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No, it isn't.
pic too big, can I get a smaller sample?
Never. It's the only thing distinguishing Veteran Senseis from the New Senseis.
I'm so happy I can read jp (though I haven't read an eroge in ages)
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>hey guys, i don't like localizers either, but can we agree that people that complain about it are as annoying
Go fucking kill yourself you colossal faggot.
I want to smell her nonomis while she gives me a lap pillow
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Would anons even make excuses like that? They would just drop their pants instantly.
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Your other daughter
>the only thing
Just say there's no difference then
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Muchuki is the nicest brat you'll ever meet
not updated but thanks
hey, fuck you too buddy
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving my life
No. They would be too coy to do anything.
How would you divide your love between Kivotos equally?
>You decide to spend some time at the beach to relax.
>Then you suddenly see this: https://files.catbox.moe/hpb5bj.jpg

What to do?
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Fucking shit, green Momoi shafted once again? And she looked like a burst ST purple unit too.
And her l2d is so fucking good too.
Why do devs hate green Momoi?
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It's precisely because you're a teacher that you need to have sex with your students. Sure, you can hand them a BD and some tech notes and call it a day, but this style of learning simply doesn't work for everybody, if anybody. A teacher dedicated to the guidance of their students would surely supplement the standard curriculum with tailored lessons so each student can flourish and thrive in their own unique ways.
Yes; it's because of this that I will lay down my very own vitality and teach my precious students about sex. The right way.
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Very attractive jk feet legs desu
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Sex on birthdays only is the most logical and sound way.
Can someone post Hoshino
I would. I'm 29 and still a virgin, I don't know sex because I spent most of my life as a wagie and playing WoW before it turned to shit.
I wouldn't go to the beach to relax, i fucking hate it there.
The sun burns, sand everywhere and the water is salty.
What of the children?
imagine being afraid of these instead of just banging them until they can't stand
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Please respond
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a bird distracted her
sex kinda sucks anyway
have you exhausted momotalks and story
It's because /bag/ is full of self-hating Western weebs (and Westernized SEAfags) who not only despise their own culture, and thus hate when they have to see it in media they expect it to be absent from, but also suck off Japan so hard that they shit themselves if any aspect of the culture they spent the last 20 years of their lives worshiping isn't brought over 1:1.
im sticking to extreme. silver looks better anyways.
>Miyu could see you clearly when she looked at the falling star
When does she say this?
>You decide to spend some time at the beach to relax
I wouldn't
>adult human thinks he has the stamina to overpower 4 horny students
You will be ridden until your dick tuckers out soft. And then they will keep riding you nonetheless.
In the OP is a resources section, use the pyro planner from there and fill it out.
It depends on stuff like raid and pvp rank
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>happy birthday, Kokona
>today will be a very special day for you
Sex with children.
Nagisa comes around mid October. It'll be tight but you can probably make it.
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You can't say that
Low test individual.
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Stop shitposting and falseflagging with my wife.
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No, i have 68 message and rabbit squad 2 chapter, final ep entirely and the jap school.
sex with rio
Student pubes
Hairy student pussy
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In her Momos she can aim at a kilometer of distance which is the rabge she trains. In Volume F, Hina is impressed cause Miyu can aim even further than that.
In the CGs that show each student gazing upon the falling sensei, Miyu noticeably stands apart, blushing and averting her gaze.
People quickly made the connection.
you'll be fine if you're active then
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Shut up nigger faggot
I would make excuses because being a virgin over 30 makes me afraid she'd laugh at me...
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Cope, Mikafag.
>is the most trusted student
>is the most powerful student in story and in meta
>gets more fanart than Mika will ever have
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>only gets the dick once a year
That's how sensei is asking for rape.
Only having sex with hairy students!
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If you hate the translation so much why don't you just play on JP? They've very clearly demonstrated they have no intention of getting better. All you're doing is pissing in an ocean made entirely of piss.
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But I do!
Mikabros can't learn another language. Their brains are too tiny.
Someone has to take responsibility
Nigger faggot
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Now that I think about it, aren't we a bit too casual with Ako?
Even Eimi or Toki didn't manage to make Sensei react or aruge that lively.
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Not giving you an (You).
I love my wife Mika!
My precious students are on Global
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You're literally the only one that does.
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I love Mika (I also love my other students) and I play on JP.
>being casual with a pump and dump hatesex slut
What's the problem?
You are giving him attention anyway
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The answer is to bully them enough until they rope, and john nexon is then forced to hire someone else.
Hopefully someone half decent, instead of someone fully retarded.
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Rolling for Akari soon
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> Slut
You can't call her that, just call her hatesex student.
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Based Cheese.
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I'm in danger...
I want to see what lies beneath the starry sky
Don't think a teacher should have sex with his students tbqhwyfmlm
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I love children.
Are the translations done by nexon or a third party?
>tfw can only read
I'm sorry, I'm retarded.
Kokona thinks my dick is too small at 14cm
I can tell you don't know what particles to use properly so you're simply leaving them out.
Yes but only 5-10% of the people complaining here actually report this shit to Nexon.
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But I play in jp sv? come to this sv
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Very true. I always win. Mikafags stay seething and coping.
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Hey, what the hell. You can't just copy my defense. That's cheating.
Distinct lack of Neru ITT...
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Seia cunnilingus
>mihomofag is seething and falseflagging
>scatfag is trying to evade getting filtered and ban evading posting mika edits
>Bought a new monitor a few months ago
>Forgot it has 120Hz mode
>Finally switch it on
>buttery smooth
Holy shit, now I get it!

Blue Archive
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>skip the story
>mtl and tl anons spoil stories on patch days anyway
Skip chads stay winning
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They call Mika 000.
0 alts
0 events
0 fans
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Just learn gook
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(You) don't lose to little girls, do you /bag/?
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Look at this cat.
She's utterly useless for Hiero.
She brought shame to the entire cat bloodline.
Shamfur Dispray.
>trying to start a waifu war
I love all my students equally.
I know Japanese but I don't want to make a 2nd account. It's basically playing a 2nd gacha and you'd have to pay me to do that.
Hopefully some discord trannies and twittards are doing it as well.
went to 60 to 165 and while my desktop stuff looks smoother I don't think I'm better at video games as a result
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Reverse ntr is still ntr
>that fucking anticlimatic splosh
Who the fuck translated this
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What kind of present are you going to give to Maki on her birthday tomorrow?
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just obtained dress hina at 360 pulls
then s. hoshino at 380
just my fucking luck
now I'm down to 16k pyro, I hope to save enough to spark Mika next year
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I love that artist
That's someone's son...
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Don't open, trap inside
Nothing. I don't even have her.
I'm with you. Saya is so fucking hot
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You can say that /bag/ cares about the little things
A refuel of white paint
My dick in a box
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Imagine how different this general would be if Mikafags weren't so easy to bait
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She said there were free Kaiten toys in the van…
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If John Nexon doesn't rush to fix every single thing I have issues with I'd be very disappointed indeed.
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Not allowing her to sleep tonight.
Either beat Radahn without using a shield, or you're no longer my son, and must bear my children.
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>try torment hiero with sunohara "lock on onto cock" kokona
>curse must land on hoshino or azoos or it's over
>try coomer team
>probably has ue40/ue50 ako as prerequisite
>really need some good curse cycling or koharu or/and azoos just die after second bigass attack
you told me it's fucking easy, you liars
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We get roughly 24.000 each two months. You have 6 months, you will be fine.
I mean it's one of the easier Torment because of D.Hina now.
It takes 2060 gray reports to go from level 88 to 89, in case anyone was wondering.
あっ 冗談分かったw
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>Either beat Radahn without using a shield
Quickstep gang reporting in
>falseflag didn't work
>back to scat
>gay reports
Tell me more
Damn. Being a latefag sure sucks, sorry anon.
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It seems like this girl only has two types of lewds:
domination loss v.s. complete lolidom

What is superior choice of the two and why is it lolidom?
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>Niche hobby
>Still refuse to learn javanese
No sympathy, worthless general
Thanks. Now if only there's an easy way to level up my own EXP...
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I'm not even baiting them, I'm just spitting facts. No one likes them and they will never be included in our thread culture. It doesn't help that Mika herself is incredibly unlikable and unpopular here. It's their fault for liking such a shit tier student.
Dude same. I've had to write several emails in japanese and it was pure torture despite reading jp every day
gook ako is in charge of /bag/, effective immediately
Nice doll, where can I buy one?
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Nah, not really, I don't get horny at all
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Honored One
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>back to scat
He never stopped, mikafags just stopped posting her for a while
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I- uhh-
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Stop thinking in terms of reports and use AP as a metric
Anon those people are just black. They aren't made of feces
I am not impressed by the power of 3D..
Hoshitno and Shitna
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Marry Saori
7 children, each.
>I admit I'm behind meta schizoposts shitting up the thread
glad to know
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Mika will never have a beautiful friendship like this.
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Rio height status?
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Sometimes I wish I was a rich saudi prince or an oil baron. I would unironically surround Nexon HQ with those protest trucks for months on end until they fixed the fucking translations.
They should kiss me
it also cost 721k credits
I was talking about leveling students...whoops.
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Hug evil women
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I love seeing my students cry
It triggers this weird parental instict and desire to protect them
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She spooked me on yesterday's free rolls instead of Eroy, I think I'll give her a good spooking
Asking about Neru's piercing and then she tries to give me one...
>first Hina/Hoshino doujin
>it's futa instead of threesome with Sensei
>not doing the correcting with a real penis
miss me on this trash
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I love seeing my student's smiles.
It triggers my desire to impregnate them.
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What's the deal with the Kokona UE40 meme? Some autismo strat to save a millisecond? 5star seems to work just fine
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There's very little opportunity to write in Japanese to an actual Jap on the Westernet, after all.
Might see if I can get a JP pen pal who's studying English and then practice with them while they practice with me.
This except Mika
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obviously I meant spanking
I love seeing Yuuka cry.
It makes me smile.
This small thinking is why you're poor.
If I were a richfag I would just buy myself into nexon and fire all the trannylators.
Should've been both of them spit roasting Sensei with their futa cocks desu
I love seeing Sensei disheartened
It's kinda hot
>still level 88
uhh bro? I didn't even do any of the ap saving autism or pyro refresh and i'm 89
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It's threesome tho
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I see people looking for ue50 Kokona and I don't know why
To disable the hosh you simply need to grab the ahoge
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Oh no! Let me lick it up for you!
but she shot me.
Momoi is the gamer and simply better.
unironically nip twitter
tell the illustrators you like their works
or the ramen pics they post look delicious
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The thought of being pampered and used as a sex toy by a fragile petite girl is hotter than anything else sex could ever offer. My mind has been completely consumed by the thoughts of being played by the Professor and I will never be able to look at any other woman or character again.
Girls don't play this game, do they...?
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Nagisa (Canon) alt when?
Still better than what Mika did.
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Why do you think Mika is popular?
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That's the marrying ritual in Arius, don't be culturally insensitive Sensei and marry Saori.
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look at she go
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>she go
because 99% of /bag/ is literally globalcucks and summaryfags. including myself there are how many moon readers here? 2? maybe 3?
Didn't knew gooks had this many trannies
ngl dsaori is hot af frfr
And that's exactly why Mika is universally hated here in /bag/. Because we're all men here. I think the only people who like Mika are trannies
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and now she's overprotective of you
The casual momos are cute, it's basically a full date. Complete 180 of how the vanilla momos go.
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Pregnant Nagisa is the canon one
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Merry Christmas!
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lol it's scatschizo making you like a fucking sheep you are
Is Shigure really a stoat? I thought she was supposed to be a snow leopard
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What percentage of the playerbase do you think started playing because of racist momoi memes?
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We need more cute Niya2 instead of lewd Niya2.
Buddy, /bag/ is only half fluent in English nevermind nihongo, you need to rein in your expectations
Do not engage the schizo
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>missing both kokona and nagisa
>tfw stuck in hardcore for yet another event
playing on jp =/= ability to read japanese
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dont be a nigger midori
them playing on jp don't necessarily mean they can read stories in nip
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so on top of shooting me for reals
she's now shooting my heart?
I'm not a shooting target I'm a teacher
If you hate it so much why don't you go to your dead threads at /vmg/? Also don't forget you will never be japanese.
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>he's posting mika on cooldown again
Kek, still broken
>Mika cucked once again
You love to see it.
It's scatcuck and his mihomo bf erping with each other. No one cares about fake poll except them
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I'll let a girl shoot me if it means I can have sex with her after
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Just do Extreme with Koharu.
You do have Koharu, right?
>play global because I was too lazy to set up a jp account
>read jp events when they release anyways for practice and to avoid getting spoiled
could be worse
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Trannies hate Mika because can never become like her. They are malding and balding, and brainwashing weak-willed anons into hating Mika.
Mika should die
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She's neither
In a cute swimsuit yes
>eop and illiterate
who woulda guessed? the post was about shitty translation quality, something that literally doesn't affect me.
There are probably a dozen or so, not including those who are learning or only understand kana or whatever. This is across all time zones. Putting it into a percentage, I'd say maybe 10%?
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It's never too late to jump ship anon
The more you wait the harder it will be on yourself after
I stuck with global for a year before switching to jp
When are we getting reports conversion
Serina also gets the job done
or any healer, really
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the stautiest stoat that ever stowed the stout
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Eventually Mikafags will get the picture and leave our threads, right?
Learn Korean instead!
If you have D. Hina and S. Hoshino you can do it by borrowing a Kokona or another good healer. If you have good healers you can instead borrow a Nagisa or the likes. Depending on who you have and at what level you should be able to 2T it at least. Don't give up anon, try different comps.
Why do you think Mika is popular? She is perfect for self inserting.
Cosplayers shouldn't exist, even the good ones are shit
No, they will continue metaposting.
10% sounds kind of generous. I was implying more along the lines of people who can fully read and understand the story in japanese which can't be more than a handful at best.
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Factually correct
Why falseflag with Hina out of all girls?
eventually he will realize everyone knows he is falseflagging as hina and stop right? lol
These hours are always like this, pay no attention to it.
With that tail?
She's definitely a stoat
Those are bullshit numbers my guy
Yeah, however I like the grace period to plan rolls out too much. I'd be too nervous/anxious about banners without it, I don't normally like gachas and it's a reason why I've stuck with this one.
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Have you accepted Makoto as your real heroine already, sensei?
Yuuka is Rio's substitute, not her successor
Dumbass noob question but can you skip a tier when you level up equipment, like can you go from T1 hat to T3 fedora etc?
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Be sure to make an early thread so Mikafags don't try to snipe. I can tell they are going to try. Not like it matters because we'll all ignore it anyways.
That's sad. It's weird how people would rather metapost than talk about the game. I guess Mikafags don't count as people though
The thing is I'd probably need an healer for the relics and an healer for the team, right? I might lose too much dps if I do both
I don't do that. I prefer doing it with my own units. Or not doing at all like in this case, I guess. But I'll keep trying with more healers. Maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic
Holy based
To make it easier for Hinajanny to report them to mods.
No, you always pay all the intermediate costs
Because he's fucking retarded
I see, thanks. I thought for sure I fucked up and wasted resources lol
if that was the case then how could nexon limit your progress by forcing you to get mats for every single tier? nexon employees have to eat too bro.
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Only Hina x Ako threesome allowed in this general
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So it has canonically been multiple Valentine's Day, Christmas, NY, etc. so multiple years have passed, but not a single student has graduated or moved up a grade. How do you explain that other than (You) being a shitty teacher and should be fired
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Kivotos is limbo.
I sleep
Sounds fun
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sorry it's teaching feeling, you're healing her and will be married at the end of it
who said that they have the same amount of school years
please post that mari cosplay
Kivotos is going through an endless eight scenario and Sensei is the only one who notices
Think of angel beats
It's called "who gives a shit".
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>finally made every student I wanted 5* today
I'm almost out of elephs but fuck it. Life is good.
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Hoshino cunnilingus
>I don't do that. I prefer doing it with my own units
I get the feeling, but at the same time you are making life harder for yourself, especially if you're F2P since you'll lag behind until you get at least 1 meta dps/support of every type and the resources to power them all up.
But it's your game so play how you want, but do post your roster if you want team recs.
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We can craft more gifts selectors after this reset right? Monthly shops should reset in a couple of hours, at least on JP.
students can only graduate once I get them pregnant and take responsibility for them
Time is Kivotos is convoluted
Anon, they rewrote literally every laugh in the game as heehee. Even Hina and Ako in this event go heehee.
In the raw text they all have different laughs so its immediately obvious who is who, english erased all of those laughs and rewrote them as heehee
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> Teaching feeling
Saori mod, when.
yep, in 2.5 hours
And affection check is tomorrow... gonna have to use those skip tickets.
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ok as a new player I did 2 sparks but didn't get Mika. I did something retarded and decided to try my luck more and first 10 roll. My retardness paid off but of course I'm fucking stopping now.
mari would keep a rape baby
oh yeah? prove it
prepare to have your mind blown when you see detective conan's timeline
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Bold of you to assume a Kivotos schoolyear is equivalent to an actual year
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Anyone here in EU with ue40 OShigure? Pls lend me your fat racoon
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you saved up your 60(?) tickets, right
I will destroy her hymen
>sensei has linked with the first student
>he didn't let the age of darkness (iori) come as naturally ordained
Explain yourself
Birthday thread
It's one of those timeloop horrors where the mc is unaware they're looping back into the beginning of the year at the end of the year
>Look up the name of the event so I can list issues with it
>Sunlight Girls’ Night Song (陽ひらく彼女たちの小夜曲) or Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade in Global

They really do just change the names of absolutely everything randomly
You can see her go heehee in the start screen of the event
Trannylators are inconsistent as shit and don't understand the value of characters having their own laugh, they keep switching it up constantly. I don't know if they're testing the water to slowly be more accurate, but they're still going heehee sometimes, which makes it weird.
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pay her back with impregnation
>gook ako face
>picturesque hina face
>humanoid doodle sensei
I think I got inflicted with all poison, scarlet rot, and frenzy looking at that.
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spending this image so that natsu is not killed
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a real hero
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*slurp* *sluuuurrrp* *suck* *sluuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrp* *SLUUUUUUUURRRRRRPPPP*
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Natsu... NATSU!!
Seia... hate...
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no witnesses
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Natsu, how could they have done this to you... it's joewarida for you, Natsu.
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no seiavivors
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nom nom
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No survivors, it seems.
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It's over
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I lived, bitch
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Good ending...
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what a twist
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