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Previous Thread: >>488404267

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Ako thread
Just got here. I really like the rabbits. Why do they get shitposted?
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Hoshino cunnilingus
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Son LOVE!!!!!
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Sex with Gyaru.
It's over.
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they are one of the least for (you) clubs in the game
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Actually are the mobs and NPC students also voiced in the Korean VA version now? Or did the dev team mean that only the voiced bits of the main story like Hoshino's tadaima are voiced in Korean in the latest dev stream.
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Honestly surprised the janny knew which thread to delete, even tho it was made earlier and the OP didn't seem like a troll thread.
Is it fine to have Ibuki only at 4*? I already completed the whole shop and already got 15k event points.
Reason I'm asking is because I don't want to miss out too much on the x3 commissions and x3 hard.
What the fuck is it about Midori that makes her so much more sexually appealing than the other gamers? Hell she looks identical to Momoi but Momoi does not radiate half the sexual aura Midori has
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It's that easy
>least for (you)
not anymore
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because of story skippers
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which one do you want to lay with the most
and why is it Miyako?
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We have a janny browsing /bag/ 24/7 so
miyako is my wife thoughbeit
oh shit nvm I'm blind, I didn't see Hanako. But still similiar type of roll
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this is the oldest maki image in my folder
>ue30 level 88 57M7 dhina borrowed 3 times
Fuck me. I just realized the event has "post game content". I wish they made such stuff obvious.
Now I'm reading there were dailies? and some items only appear on certain days?
Am I just bricked now?
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The janny is a good father
just look at maid midori momotalks. it's insanely lewd
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I need to cum hard again
All those girls in the roster and you choose to make your wife the underage one...
Yes, you only want to use her with Iroha anyway.
Only 5* if you want to start bond autism.
You miss out on like a 2% damage boost on Iroha
Don't forget to stretch, anons.
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No, CN is the only version that's fully voiced, KR voices just replaces JP voices, doesn't add anything new.
>Basking in the brilliance
>Of their Serenade
Nigh song. Serenade also fits the event's party theme and the title still keeps the day/night theme. I frankly don't see much issue here, Sunlight Girl sounds weird.
I like then all do far but
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Wrong general loser
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Has science gone too far
sex with maki
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My precious desert rose.
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>her sister only wears the uniform
>midori goes all the way and wears a full lingerie underneath her maid uniform
>says she'll take any punishment you give her
>and says she's willing to serve you, her master
I don't know. Maybe because she just looks cute?
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is torment possible if you can build this one but they're all 3*?
or does the guide only assume slow clears with full ue50s?
The dailies loop so you can still do them, but you will NEVER reach lvl 20 piano mastery.
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You can't choose who you fall in love with.
I cannot find any english translated ones but her L2D is gigasex
there's a second go around for the missions and items, so you're okay on that front. You'll miss out on a few piano rewards because you won't be able to max it out, but it's still worth doing as much as you can
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It's mostly Miyako who gets shitposted
Because we share a planet with homosexuals
watch a video and see how close the students get to dying
I nutted to this picture several times
Of course. I love child pussy the most.
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>came in here because maki birthday
>maki sex and kisses everywhere
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Maki birthday smooch
Moe and Miyu are the only rabbits I've ejaculated to
That's it? Okay who cares then goddamn 2% is nothing. Going to start doing x3 comms till next week.
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SEX with Maki
Need to act quick!
the younger the better
>permanent valentines event
>only the two regular story stages are playable
wasn't there extra story for doing the wakamo stages? where's that?
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Maki cunnilingus
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Just go with it.
Fuck me. I remember reading the gameplay guide on the first day of the event and not seeing anything about dailies. I must be blind.
Why the fuck do they change the rewards structure for every event and not make things obvious.
Thanks bros.
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nom nom
C104 is next week
What are you looking forward to?
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God, /ourchairman/ is so FUCKING COOL
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Don't forget to love your son
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I love my cool wife
After she gave me a rub down in her asmr, I love miyako now
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this is the cutest Maki image I own
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Maki love
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The gloves make me think she is talking about a prostate exam.
>incest thread
god I love boys
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I love her
the mari tentacle doujin
No chance. Borrow a maxed Hina and build a team around her. Azusa instead of Ako.

Maybe you get close enough to be able to finish the boss with a 2nd team using your own Hina.
Next PVP season is gonna be 6v6, how fucked is it gonna be?
>Read Makoto's momos
I'm starting to think there's something in Gehenna's water.
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marina is so fucking retarded holy shit my sides
I made that other thread. It's OK. I would have deleted it myself if OPs could delete their own thread. Was just blindsided by Maki's anni having already started in JP.
Anyone got that website that show student annis in real JP time? I gotta make up to Maki later.
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On the run
>Tea party
A mess

The strongest
If I went for the selector ticket, I guess thats definitely for picking up Himari or Ako?
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needs 5 children minimum
because the game adds content as time goes by? we're on year 3 and you expect the events to be identical to the first event?

also it is obvious. arona gives you a guide when you first open an event (that you skipped), and you can check the reward page for what you need (that you didn't read)
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It's Maki's birthday so name (you)r biggest achievement in any game
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It's endearing.
How doable is red Set without ASS?
dumbasses who get mad that they hated you at first
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How the fuck the ps2 is already 24 years old
Blue archive
borrowed Yosh + DHina is enough dps for 97
Professor NiyaNIYOOOOO
Hey at least she successfully dethroned Cherino for a couple of days in a week in vol 4.
I managed to beat Cuphead's tutorial level.
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>want maid twins, swimsuit coppers and of course the anni units
>only 6k pyros and the free sources have mostly dried up
Can I make it without buying pakeji?
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I don't want to break my Torment cherry with h*na
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Yeah whatever, not gonna debate a white knight.
It's known that this game can be pretty opaque about shit like what mechanics are and stuff. And I said rewards structure, nothing about identical events so yeah seems like you don't read too well either. I'm out.
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cop cunnilingus
but i love it when girls call me trash and hentai and glare at me
is hina at her core a girl who wants to be lazy but can't
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>Atsuko cute little ones
>Hiyori's fat ones
>Saori's voluptuous ones
>Misaki's rocket ones

Beauitful pic
might want to read that post a bit better mate. you're embarassing yourself
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Get out kot.
goddamn it, brat'd again
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I got to Amon's fight in Yakuza 5
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Everyone laugh at the Mikafag who thought he could make an OP with her in it.
fox hours?
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I'll do you one better
I love boxes
Should I be worried? I feel worried.
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I beat Bioshock on hard difficulty
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my wife saori
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Stop kissing your son, that's weird
Making my son ovulate and ready for baby making sex with just a kiss
Could be worse. Could be M*ka.
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Fine by me, but why are you posting a cat?
>mogged mutsuki
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coom in doom
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Is Arknots a sister gacha to BA?
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Don’t worry bro. She only resorts to drugging and satellite tracking when she puts the bunny suit.
I mean what I said
I finished Ys Origin in Nightmare.
But that's a dog
Question bros... https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Banner_List

As I understand the global server is like 6 months behind, right? Because looking at the JP event banners we're getting hina now (JP got it for January it seems) so we will be getting Saori (Swimsuit) for December/January correct? seems like a dumb question but I'm already seeing ppl saving for those

Beyond that banner list, do we have any idea when we will get re-runs etc? I want to get Kasumi
Also I fucked up big time, I rolled 8k for Hina (didn't get it) and now I'm finding out we have KinoAru incoming... next month? why did I even roll for her I didn't care much desu, do you guys roll for everything like an animal or are able to control FOMO and miss out on some of these?
>roll on oji-san
>get ui and hot spring shigure
>roll on fancy hina
>get oji-san.

I don't... understand... these banners...
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This is what I am working with. I either don't do enough dps or someone dies while I heal the relic to apply the debuff
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Got me in the first half not gonna lie
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Suzumi alt when
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Who are core set students and how much investment do they need?
she says this after
>bugging and stalking
>breaking and entering
>drugging you
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I know no one cares but I cleared my first torment today. Thanks whoever had the only s.Shiroko out.
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Happy Birthday Maki!
Glad to see more and more people fighting for the truth. Maki's momos might not be safe from the trannyslators either so make sure to double check Makibros. I'll be rereading her JP momos as well since it's been so long.
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at least the ligmas are gonna be something I guess
Get Hina to UE30 if you can, the jump from 4* is very significant
Good part of BA is you play ten minutes a day

Bad part is you play ten minutes a day whether you want to or not. Use up all your AP instantly, use up your AP from the cafe, buy AP from the shop, reset shop, buy AP from the shop, reset shop, buy AP from the shop, reset shop, etc. No matter what you do you run out instantly, even when you want to keep going.
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i love schoolgirl thighs so much
>this was made from a drawing that was made from a webm where Hina did absolutely nothing
Aside exceptions reruns tend to be about a year of difference, in which case a new unit that was NPC-only usually gets added
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if you were the one who asked in club chat on NA, that was me. Good job
there were like 20 torments before this bro
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Have this version for the future Dr. Cox
good to know my intuition remains accurate
bit less good to know that I'll be date raped at some undetermined point in the future, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when the time comes
I want a cute gacha game with a nice story and fast dailies. If I wanted a second job I'd get a second job.
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Almost hit 1 billion credits for the first time but now I'm down to this
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You can do torment with other students...
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I want the opportunity to keep playing if I desire to keep playing. There should be AP restoring items you can stockpile over a long period of time.
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You had your chances
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>seething Mikafag
You love to see it.
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I downloaded half life 2 for free and bunny hopped one time
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It’s your own fault though. If you educated your Veritas daughters better, they wouldn’t be anle to track your satellite location. Akane wouldn’t find you nor deactivate your locks, you wouldn’t get drugged (with likely aphrodisiacs included) and none of this would have happened.
But you just couldn’t say no. And now you are violated with your balls dry
>You fuck up and have to wait an entire year
damn that's brutal. I'm not gonna miss on Aru (dress)
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Post sex fox
Raids can be a massive time sink if you want them to be.
>even when you want to keep going
I'd rather go on with my day
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>top 3 anime all has incest
How can Blue Archive capitalize on this? Introduce a student who is also Sensei's imouto? Having a student who considers Sensei as an oniichan more than a Sensei seems nice
Where can I find a girl like Hina?
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How would Trinity students fit their wings into their clothes?
>There should be AP restoring items you can stockpile over a long period of time.
Even if there was you'd still just sweep the AP away, what's the difference?
Near your local dumpster, searching for credits
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I taught everyone I knew how to duplicate rare candies
Hey bros I'm a new player, what's the fastest way to increase my sensei level so I can level my students?
Kivotos exclusive
Hopefully soon.
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Sex with my daughter Ibuki
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Wash your penis, /bag/.
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>korea has players who were lvl 90 1-2 days ago because they have been refreshing ap 20x per day
These madmen.
Miyako wouldn't say this
Nigga you 're supposed to read wtf playing you talking about? Lmao
I want Yuuka to nag me.
The otaku have not lost their spirit
>Should BA be about incest
You kinda can't, don't confuse the themes
BA is about younger girls getting together with their teacher
Its like asking how BA can cash in on older girl shota stories, the answer is you can't, don't mix of the themes of the story. Understand what your story does and do it properly rather than trying to force a theme that doesn't mesh with your current theme. BA is about sexing high school girls. Sensei can't have a sister for real, closest he can have is someone like Yukari who just pretends.
nbr is retarded, sucks and is a cowardly cop-out. either go full blood-related or don't do it at all.
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Not yet
But I did it with all 3 characters...

Ys Origin's Boss theme (Scars) makes me hard.
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Highest rank on ladder in multiplayer games. One of them came up in came up in an interview and got me a job because the guy heard of me.
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Noa is good for you?
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Anything with Hoshino or Hina
Move to Japan and find that Ibuki cosplayer
>6 months behind
That's correct, yes.
People are saying that they are saving for those characters but it really doesn't take that long to save up. On average, it takes less than 2 months for us to get a spark's worth of currency (200 rolls).
>do we have any idea when we will get re-runs etc?
It usually takes about a year for events and banners tied to them to be rerun.
So for Kasumi's rerun, it'll probably be around March 2025 for Global. She is a permanent pool character, so there's always the chance that you'll just get her from random rolls.
>KinoAru incoming... next month?
That's about right. I'm assuming you're still fairly new, so that means you still might be able to get to 200 rolls to guarantee that you'll get dAru. This Aru is also a permanent character, in case you don't get her.
>do you guys roll for everything like an animal or are able to control FOMO and miss out on some of these?
I'm a gacha vet (this is a bad thing) so I've been burned enough in the past to have good impulse control, especially in BA's case since we have months of foresight on Global. I tend to only 'waste' rolls on characters I really really like, and then make more 'sensible' decisions for the other banners.
My JP account is usually a lot lower on funds, but it still fairs decently well.
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That'll be Serika.
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Probably something Dota related
Toki sex
this is a yuri franchise though
Sensei is a c*ck basically
refresh 20x
>Like half of the playerbase is going to do their first Torment today
>Posts about it before the daily reset to syphon all the kudos
Other Torment virgins BTFO.
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Refreshes. 1AP point spent = 1 Sensei EXP point acquired.
Hardcore players use up pyroxene to refresh AP so they level up faster.
That aside you can buy 90 AP from the PVP shop and the shop itself has a refresh option costing 10 AP which can be done 3 times a day. So people usually hoard PVP for events or double drop weeks to maximize gains.
As you are new I don’t think you have many coins to spare though.
God I want to fuck that samurai shota
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>came up in came up in
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>that d.ako positioning
no matter where i place mine she will always ALWAYS walk up to the front and draw aggro forcing me to waste resources keeping her alive
no i cant destroy the cover
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>resetless 1T insane with over 1:30 to spare
Man Hiero is comfy
Man... Hiero... is comfy...
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Confess your sins /bag/In my headcanon Sensei is basically Rean. Hell, most of the gacha/JRPG faceless MC's I imagine them as Rean. He literally broke me with Cold Steel and I don't know if I can ever recover. Haha...
That preg compilation releases soon, doesn't it?
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Doctor recommend a dose of Noa at day
I will...to the next BA girl posted...
>can't torment
silver looks better anyways
Cute squirrel
I think Ako should be locked in a room full of aphrodisiac gas.
I literally said I wanted a game with a nice story. Why the fuck are you quoting me?
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jesus christ this guy precasted kokona heal on the first debuff
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Only anime Ive been watching this season isnt there(Kinnikuman)
On the hit mobile gambling game AZURE CHRONICLES™
Why is she shaking her butt like that?
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Insane isn't enough for plat?
Mari wouldn't day this.
Not actually sure I have one. Beating the Prologue in DMCV even though it's an "unwinnable" fight felt really good. It is definitely fairly challenging.
I'm not a "very good" gamer in general, just pretty good.
>low on red winter mats
damn you oshiggy
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I beat Fatalis with CB in iceborne
Torment isn't even enough for plat.
It has to be a good Torment.
Better but not quite there yet. I'm either fucking up the timing with the relic debuffs or my units have shitty gear/skill levels
Wait I have to spend the gacha currency for that right? Maybe I'll just wait then, I'm definitely more interested in getting more cute girl
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I use similar team but they are UE40 mostly and I'm still struggling so no I guess. Maybe you can clear up with some shitters around though.
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I am legit fearful of our update schedule with Isakusan leaving.
Also I wish we got doujins with multiple buttjobs similar to how we got some with double paizuri.
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She would night it
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thats very sad and pathetic
probably hero of the alliance in cata
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I now pronounce you Lady Chise
>rank 1.4k
I hope not, I'm a globalchad btw.
Don't AP refresh it's not worth it.
I have very few genuine opinions toward BA and I only ever take the side of whatever makes the most people upset.
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So now they got us laced,
Two multi-millionaire Vigilantes catchin' cases,
Helmets, get ready for the throw down, the shit's about to go down
Me and Natsuggie about to clown
I'm losin' my religion, I'm vicious on these Gehenna pigeons,
You might be deep in this cake, but you got the tea missin'
Miggas be actin' like they savage, they out to get the riches
I've got nothin' but love for my miggas livin' lavish

Yuh, I've got a pit named Umika, she Albinerino
I've got a house out in the hills, right next to Red Winter
And I think I've got Haruna's Beamer
But my dream is to own a cafeteria,
Like Cherino my negro, and do it all legal
And get scooped up by Akari in the scooter
It feels good to you, Junko-bubba
You see, this is for the G's and the keys for newyorkFuuka

Now, follow as we ride!
newyorkFuuka the rest, two of the best from the Gourmet Side!
And I can make you famous
Nagi's been tryin' for years, so how can she blame us?
I've got no fear of a felony
I never stop bailin' these Afterschool' G's
If you got it, better flaunt it
Another warrant
2 of Kivotoz Most Wanted
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Check your shops. I’m talking about the PVP one (Tactical Challenge).
You can buy extra AP there and the very PVP coins can be used for that specific shop’s refresh.
It won’t use pyroxene
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>wake up
>Miyako is on top of you
>she starts tickling your feet
what do you do
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I've never actually played a touhou game and only listened to covers from FELT and Shibayan.
That's it. I'm going to cum.
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pulling my dick out of chise and being crowned king arthur
thank you bro
I'm actually lvl 60+ I just never gave a fuck about planning. surprisingly I have almost all the ones I care for, except Neru, Kasumi and some others. Last time I got Aru new year so I'm still pretty satisfied with that one
Insane hasn't been enough for plat since Himari released lol
Azusa's sub skill ain't doin shit in Hiero right?
For the record, it went down 50% HP
Who is the Tom Brady of Kivitos?
I'm sorry, bro.
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Why is she so breedable?
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Never read a thing
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I unironically want a daughter like Aris.
I have no lewd thoughts towards Aris at all; I view her as my daughter.
Every time I look at her I always feel like I have a daughter-father connection.
I would willing to do anything to obtain a daughter like her.
I'm willing to find a girl with blue eyes just to produce a daughter like Aris.
I'm searching for a girl with blue eyes to increase my chances of having a daughter like Aris.
I really love Aris I really do.
I love her so much, I'm willing to do anything and I mean anything for Aris.
Happy birthday Mackenzie!!!
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Kei Impregnation
I want a daughter so bad. I would love a daughter like Rio.
JPniggers said even low torment clears weren't enough for plat
Here. This is probably the most Eng complete guide I've seen for this event.
Course it does
I want a daughter too
so I can take her to buy groceries with me
and she asks for cookies and stuff and I say yes
>I'm willing to do anything and I mean anything for Aris
>she wants to marry you
now what?
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Was the main commander in WvW for the entire server and built a guild from scratch that ended up carrying the world to 1st place more than once in GW2
>wtf, how did you get in here?
>miyako stop
i hate getting tickled and i dont like the idea of someone touching my feet
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N.W.A (natsu wit attitude)
I put a ring on it
Churro's cute flat chest
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Big horns
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Does anyone else like (student)?
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what does babzoos want?
>the whole raid depends on who Hiero curses

Brave John Nexon
serious question, what do you get from going beyond and do that? do you get some sticker album shit, memories or what?
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It's Alice.
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Based Dad-sensei. Come join the rest of us who are trying to make our daughters' lives more fullfilling than our own.
Throw that ugly peroro plushie in the trash.
Skullman is the superior choice

Daughter impregnation
Your biggest problem is the lack of permanent def down. Ako is more of a secondary source for that. You need to include a unit like S.Shiroko/Nagisa/Noa.
I want to make a daughter with Yuuka.
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should I try clearing torment… asking for a friend
i don't have kokonuts
at least you don't need to critmald any more with dhina and dako right?
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Autism be damned
This girl cannot grill
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Chise's vagina probably smells really strong...
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Bab(ka)zoos just wants friends who won't bring up her cringe past..
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>i don't have
You know the answer.
How competitive is your server senpai?
that rape dungeon looks scary
How much investment does dAko need?
I was shocked to see her handle herself in her momotalks.
Is... Makoto not that bad a person?
so… no?
wait till you find out shes not actually retarded
Threadly reminder that
I just...to Shunny...
thanks for the reminder
cumming inside children in Kivotos is ok
insane is still enough for plat for peroro
You're lying.
I already impregnated her though.
great now I think pac is cringe thanks to r*isa
this but Irak (where I live)
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I shouldn't
yes you can use kohar
Makoto is perfectly fine until Hinadev decides she needs to be wanked so Makoto becomes retarded to shill Hina
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Hag daughter?
I hope my daughter becomes a gamer so we could go game shopping together
I would tell that's not possible and teach her the risks of such relationships.
I love her!!!!
I'm willing to sacrifice anything for an Aris daughter
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Thanks for making yet another glorious Makoto-sama meme. Mizz Hina's simps could never create something so sovlful.
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I love Kokona's tight child pussy and how wet and tight it is and how it makes sloppy noises under her moans every time I thrust in and out of her.
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I WAS JUST PRETENDING: the character
i want to watch kazusa masturbat with a vibrator so bad...
I should have saved the mspaintbro chart.
holy cope
i will try
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Maki's vagina...
I'll validate this when I can start getting her trust up to read the rest of her momos.
Cunnilingus on every single BA girl. No penetration, as that could lead to pregnancy.
nowdays can't you program a bot to RP as her and make her your daughter or some shit
don't be lazy and just do it
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wtf evil arona
What did you do? Please, explain
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No, I want a biological Aris daughter
my first gf had me on that for 6 months I could finger her max
Is Hina just that strong or Hiero is weak?
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Can he say that?!
hey can I get a qrd on
no porn so it's fine
Hiero had a hard life.
was stuffed by sensei penis in a tent
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Is it ok to farm Gehenna tech notes for futureproof?
>Just farm whatever you need
That's the problem, I'm good on everything according to the planner except for red winter mats, but only if I get spook by OShiggy.
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I gotchu famiglia.
At least it's not M*ka.
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Bing. bing, BING!
Or what
this but anal
Had the same and she broke up with me before I could go any further Blue Archive. I'm still a virgin.
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Thanks bro
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Also my shitty aim and underleveled healers apparently
I want to have sex with Alice
Post adult pussy!
I'm sad. Can someone post Hoshino?
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I feel like someone's making fun of me and I don't like that
no sir I don't like that at all
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>forgot image
whoops hehe
I want a daughterwife, dont care about the rest
>evil arona
So normal arona?
Nexon did my nigga Hiero dirty...
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Maybe I'm being a schizo but I have the theory that the more of a daughter someone here sees Alice and the less lewd thoughts they have about her the more they want to fuck Key
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Oh okay that makes more sense. Thanks bro
who is the pregnant student?
Ready for torment? i gave it 1 try in mock and managed to do this with just 1 reset in under 10 minutes...this raid is probably going to be torment to plat even in NA.
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She need to reduce herself to the lowest common denominator (average gehenner) to appeal to masses.
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How the fuck does Gehenna survive. I assumed since the Prefect Team is keeping order and the Pandemonium Society is their student council, distributing budget and the like that they could sustain the school or something.
But fuck. They don’t function.
Iroha is the only one doing something and they’d send her far away to seduce Sensei.
This entire event was Makoto botching one thing after another including even Ibuki’s pudding. Again. The school is literally haunted. It has multiple clubs breaking it inside out and breaking out of prison every day, it has monsters as a common occurrence to the point they specified pan-chan was an “unusual” monster, it has Makoto hiring a portion of those retards to work for her.
If they ever went into war with Trinity it would be a miracle if they didn’t lose the war by internal struggle first.
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lmao this fucking guy
imagine thinking chihiro will get ANYTHING in the next dacade
maki may get an alt since the devs did say they were surprised at how much of a hit she was but chihiro? HA your odds of getting that are about as good as me getting another alt for my wife
Hiero stopped being feared ever since sHoshino was released. It's sad, before that, Hiero was feared
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my wife
M*ka impregnated by black guys
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I love the Rabbit Squad
I recommend getting the bi-weekly AP pack if you are new
It's especially helpful right now since there's an event on and triple rewards lasting for one more week
Also rush the missions to get as high as a cafe comfort level as you can together with crafting furniture. No need to 3 star them all since just the clear will grant you the upgrade mats. You can also consider going through the story since they reward you with cafe furniture with a good amount of comfort level.
whomst is your wife bro
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damn that pic is as korean as it'll get
You really need to full heal that green beacon ASAP whenever the debuff is gone. That's your biggest source of damage increase. Consider running 2 healers if necessary.

Buffing with Himari/D.Ako won't do much for your if there's a 90% damage reduction wall in front of you.
She's not your mom though
I want to feed Miyu the spiciest ramen on earth and watch her squirm in discomfort.
He needs to do Goz and Pelolo dirty next.
please don't take pictures of my pregnant wife carrying quintuplets without permission, thank you. if you want to take a picture you can always ask.
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you already know
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I'm thinking I need Saki's sweaty boobies on my face.
Spicy ramen is disgusting
Mika should die
i want to stick my finger into that gap in her panties
.....Who said that? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?
she behaves like a dog in her swimsuit skin what else could you pOSSIBLY WANT
I used a (borrowed) Kokona instead of hoshino and that exact comp, UE40 Hina though. in my experience chinatsu solo healing wasn't enough for both the curses and the green orb.
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Arisu my daughteru...
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But Aris is a robot?
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Students who would be into femboy Senseis?
5 bux says you didn't even do the Toki/Nagisa/sNonomi required first TOR Hiero.
Ok fuck this I'm going to bed
Ok. I'll try double healer. I just liked Himari's cost reduction skill but I don't have a replacement for d.ako
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marriage followed by multiple pregnancies
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You're a bad person!
Key is a result of personality disorder my daughter is diagnosed with.
My daughter can be schizophrenic, but I still won't have sexual thoughts about her even if she trend into Key
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Niggas iffy uh, blicky got the stiffy, uh
Got the blicky uh, drum, it hold fifty, uh
Scuuuuuuuum Gaaaaaaang
you're supposed to have sex with kei while hiding it from alice
oh, right. fair enough
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Tsurugi behaving like a dog in a casual outfit
This vid creeps me out, it doesn't seem like a dude patting his daughter, the body language is like a horror movie
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Pop these niggas like a wheelie, nigga
You a silly nigga
Alice throat
where did those shells come from...
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Trinity girls make do
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loreschizo time:
>noa had aris' railgun in the early drafts
>the railgun was supposed to be related to the ark
>surname is "ushio"
>the kanji literally mean "raw salt", but the reading is a homophone for "tide" or "current"
>noa is noah
>noah's ark
meta theorizing: noa doesn't appear in the plot as often because the writers don't know what to do with her, now that her role is given to arisu
the same goes for suzumi, whose role as trinity arius spy was given to azusa
the same goes for nonomi, whose role as healing big tits onee-san with a notebook was given to yume
its more like ayoung dad
like me & Arisu
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read makoto's momos. she's actually a great leader that looks out for the wellbeing of all the citizens, even at her and pandemonium's expense. her people actually really like her. she never mentions these things because its all normal to her.
What should expert permits be used for?
Good morning! It's Thursday!
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good post
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Mika makes doodoo
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In the hood with them Billy niggas and them Hoover niggas
Yeah if you have this webm saved you are probably a threat to public safety
Because it wasn't his daughter. that was an adult female squatting.
i love how the smallest things in this game has the school's log on it
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Yeah but if you remove the "s" from Ushio she becomes Ohio Noa like fr ong
It's Wednesday fucker.
it had like 50 clears on EU iirc
this but if you post itt
why does makoto have it out for hina
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I (me) did this
wtf it's the 4th saiba sister
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that was just stupid enough to make me laugh, good job squirt
she jealous
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>FGO just announced they will continue for 10 more years
The fuck? How much more can they milk that game? Can BA even last half for 5 more years?
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>her people actually really like her
Does /bag/ like Pan-chan?
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literally because too much hinawank. she's suffering the same way we are.
>he never got caress and pats
lmao even
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that's a really good edit
can you do this for the rest of the characters
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anon open a history book they can just use anyone obscure who's ever existed
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>students have to live in school-owned housing or risk homelessness
>have to buy everyday essentials from school-owned stores
>all for incompetent student councils to either piss everyone's money away or embezzle it for their personal gain
Live in Kivotos is hard...
wtf cute
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okay but kanna did you know the Trinity student Hifumi was part of the Tri-way Masked Mizugi Gang?
>*smallest form of parental affection*
>Uhg, this is hecking problematic against trans ppl
Makoto = Bejita
Hina = Goku
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how come it's fine when haruna blows up a restaurant but not when wakamo shoots someone for a justified reason (stealing my wagyu beef)
this is outrageous, it's unfair
this, dude's arm looks young, maybe her big brother?
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Delicacy in certain countries
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Hifumi the tard wrangler
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>no Mikafags for the entire thread
And look at how peaceful this thread is. It's so much better when they aren't here. Maybe they finally realized no one likes then and left?
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How much cultural relevance do they still have to lose at his point?
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>work together in the past and defeat grand emperor hitler figure
>sudden rivals afterwards
merely a smokescreen
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Takane anal
Haruna is cute.
Nobody gives a shit about Haruna, she's a lost cause. Wakamo can do better
he just rawdogged gf when they were 14 or 12
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Her momos are great

That Kito Sakeru Noa doujin was disappointing.
Ended abruptly and with erectile dysfunction.
I just dropped a 250 on my chest and it kinda hurts
she would dab... incorrectly
>defeats Hoshino
>Hoshino=Majin Buu
seems about right
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I hate both W*kamo and H*runa. Both of them should rot in jail.
I never read doujins
Kg or pounds?
a 250 what
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At least her alt was a welfare brother. cChihiro being the face of the event but not being rollable was a kick to the nuts. her being the welfare would've alleviated so much pain I've suffered these last 6 months. I'm honestly half expecting her to stay locked in NPC jail
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>complains about things like weed Hare and Mizz Hina

>also /bag/
>calls Arisu Alice
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Based but add M*ka to that list.
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only the weak
gay, oh well, I'll do your daghter then
Squirting on Noa...kissing her...
You mean Aris
Less bad then, if it was kilos I'd be much more worried
You mean AL-1S
Any other name is moi propaganda
You mean Aliseu.
I felt so dirty by how hinadev went out of their way to make Hina the single most perfect little inhuman character in the game. Especially when she started singing, I just couldn't contain my laughter and see how silly it was.
Good news is that we're more than half way done with this awful event.
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It's Aristotle
This pic reminds me, are we ever getting more content/story with gematria? It seems like they simply forgot about them.
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you must keep hope and think big chihiro anon
what if she comes out and becomes THE busted student of millennium, gameplay wise
imagine the constant art flow that would follow
But does /bag/ like Peroro?
I'm not calling Guts "Gatsu" you massive fag
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Sensei knows Wakamo can improve
Wakamo is for Australian Senseis exclusively
>moi propaganda
Alice always spouts whatever Momoi told her anyway.
Other gachatards to seethe and a mysterious 200% increase in doom/concernposting over the state of the game out of nowhere.
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It's 아리스
God fucking damn it I fucking hate you fags so much
Fucking chipi chapa posters
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uzawa laser...
Shuro's flat lickable chest very erotic
first time I tapped her in my café she slammed her head on a table
same business as whenever we get significant content and big announcements, then
Hoshino is more like Piccolo.
Once Hina stops Pan Pan (Pure Evil) from destroying all of Kivotos, Makoto will finally admit Hina is number one.
>Fucking chipi chapa posters
Y-you too bro
Haruna is crazy beyond repair.
this. fuck EOPs
>At least her alt was a welfare brother.
at least your wife's playable
Wait, does Guts speak like this in the manga? Haven't actually thought to check the raws.
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Chapa frenemy!
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Who's Mr.Satan of Blue Archive?
Hoshino is Gohan.
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>kids could risk being homeless
>their parents don't do shit about it
I could see why some don't trust adults
Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I need Aru cuddles
Shes not french
I will get Wakamo pregnant
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memes aside that sounds peak american
You could always, you know, live outside Kivotos
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the mic is off dummy
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Francis is going wild and Maestro and Black Suit need to repair their bodies.
With the introduction of basement dweller as a "past" Gematria member I'm guessing they will either add more members or shift the focus back to the old crew soon. Though there is also the Kachoufuuketsu they need to get into in terms of new antagonists.
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Name 5 reasons "racism" against g*hennoids is not completely justified.
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we literally had an entire story with their involvement
That makes me sad, when will Seia get to see the light of day? Senseis the world over want to know
We all agree that Green is better than Pink?
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Now it's all coming together.
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Thanks for this anon. Almost missed the crayons. I only inspected the trash can twice.
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have sex with her now
>add more members
There are no more members. The existence of a mysterious 5th member, that they exiled and recruited Beatrice in his place, was mentioned in the story before. They mentioned that that is all to the number of Gematria members.
I'm not the only retard who read it like this, huh.
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i stand with makoto
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Rarest student !
Reminder to support BA animators
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Students owe me sex
Hm, today I will waste 5 single roll tickets.
lol, ew
It will be hilarious if that member is also a woman and Gematria's most retarded members are consistently women.
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>Physical strength
>Attack potency with guns
she isnt disgusting, she is cute
Aris "daughterfags" only care about her looks. She's a shitty roomba who calls (You) a useless mascot and never did anything daughterlike.
Bro that member is the basement dweller. Should reread the story (vol 3 and F in particular) for a refresher when you got the time.
Why does she have a t-shirt cannon
I've seen 0 gameplay of her and for the longest time ai thought she didn't exist until I saw someone use her in pvp a month ago
Rough sex with ichika in every schoolroom, love hotel, and SCHALE office
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daughter this
daughter that
what you need is loli mama
dadfags in general are like shipfags, they need to stretch things a long way to make it possible, and just like shipfags, they are an entry ticket for other annoying faggotry
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I've lost the ability to be attracted to flat chests. I love titty monsters now.
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>check the thread for the first time after posting the miyako asmr summary
>nobody is reacting to this
>barely single replies to the first few times it was posted
this place is full of dekinais
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The event kinda sucks story wise. What a waste of effort to tell a boring story.
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because it's her ingame weapon ?
ASMR makes me feel ill so I don't pay any attention to it.
>implements 2 more female Vocaloids

Who'd they be?
would it be possible to swap the chibis in the Vol 1 Ch3 Hoshino vs. Hina cutscenes
if so what would be a funny swap
Welp. Thread ruined.
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>gacha vet
>has accounts both in Global and JP
I'm so sorry for you. Not a good addiction to have unless you have 6 digit income.
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im not fucking my daughter
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I'd prefer if my wife stays niche so she doesn't become a slave to metafags and used as endless shitpost material. I'm quite happy with the current dedicated Chihiro artists and if I could, I would fly to comiket to support them. I still have my spark ready for her, even if it meant skipping Anni/BlueFes and staying a silverlet for another year.
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I prefer hebemamas. Lolis don't have enough thigh surface area for the optimal yoshiyoshi experience. I want Nikomama, Hifumama or Achumama to call me a good boy.
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Rin and Luka, I don't think there's much of a debate.
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I spent 0 dollars on this kusoge yet I have all the students I want.
Is torment Hiero 1T? How are you supposed to do it?
I have a lvl 88 Kokonuts and she can't fully heal the lantern...
I have a maxed Zoos, a maxed 3* D.Ako, maxed S.Hoshino, will borrow a maxed D.Hina
Beating every EX (besides 1), INS, and TOR raid on release
You might think it's a meme/whale check but doing it for all of them was hard as shit but fulfilling
every team here is 1T
Either 4* or 5* Kokona is required
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Gogogogo sensei
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Then I will fuck her in your name
You need at least UE30 Kokona to heal the torment lantern
>half a twin and a 20+ year old hag
Wew, worth a paycheck for the rolls.
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I will feed those to my lovely wife Himari
post the haniwa edit
you forget how she:
-goes on a walk with you and tells you how much she had fun being with you
-always comes crying to you when something bad happens and you're nearby
-tells you about her likes and dreams with a smile
and daughters calling their daddies names is in part and parcel of being parent
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shop will reset in less than half an hour, go grab your stuff if you haven't already
>other students get ipods and laptops
>Hina gets this shit

Sensei really does plays favorites
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moderate yet extremely based way of looking at things
i hope only the best for you and your wife chihiroanon
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Can you keep up with me?
yes, you included. make sure you sign up for japanese 2 for the fall semester
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I do have a decent income but I specifically limit my spending for gachas to a small amount. My body and soul remember how many times I got burned by shitty odds when I didn't have access to cash, so I'm very reluctant in my spending. This is all a good thing, really. There's no reason to work so hard only to then waste all of my money.
Currently, I just buy the monthly gift pakeji and nothing else. If I try out a new gacha and I like it, I might buy the beginner packs or whatever, and maybe I'll buy a selector once in a blue moon, but I never just outright buy rolls.
BA girls for this feel?
S ranking all of DMC 4 as Vergil
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should I spend ligma on atsuko
I played pro leagueoflegends team during season 2.
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She is very good so yeah.
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>1t Torment with 40+ seconds left
pretty, I'll still stick with Hardcore runs tho
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Does /bag/ like feet-focused L2Ds?
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>gook voices
>turn off the video
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pvp, kurokage, set, and general tank+healer striker combo. you cant go wrong.
Gookakos aren't the illness
But the symptoms
What, green lantern has Hiero hitbox in it? Why would he be targeting it with Nagisa instead?
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I had 3 100% files on Kirby Squeak Squad.
I don't think the raid will be torment to plat.
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I know it'd never happen. But I want Otomachi Una and MAYU.
But no one uses MAYU much anymore. Una is still popular enough.
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Who will be my waifu after Yuuka?
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It will in KR and maybe in EU
kill yourself
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>literally everywhere I see on the net is people who got better pulls than me
ngl the noose seems very tempting right now...
Why does Arona hate me so much...
Post British Nagisa.
She's funny.
Ask Yuuka
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Sex. With Hina.
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asking because i'm trying to clear hiero underlevelled without kokona
shoshino, atsuko, dhina borrow, ako, himari
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Same to you Tsurugibro. She WILL get her time in the light with the upcoming Trinity event. Hold strong and save on
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You aren't a filthy wife hopper right /bag/?
What's the rotation for the Nagisa D.Ako team? I tried it and Hiero had 18M left
Who's best fox?
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cool seia
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I made this post. I forgot to mention that its after marriage.
Hopping into Mari's bed.
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In BA I only have 1 wife
Saori and Haruka will be my favourite students until I die.
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mari hopping on my cock
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>I forgot to mention that its after marriage.
Shut up Mari, I will fuck my students BEFORE marriage.
My wife is the entire C&C team
If you fuck your wife before marriage you're a filthy male whore.
>just barely cleared extreme
dhina is strong, but I guess the actual wall here is having maxed koharu or kokona huh
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I...I am a male whore..
Wakamo looks like she stinks badly.
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Say that again
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>in BA I have only 1 wife
I knew it. Sensei fucks other gacha skanks/vidya whores/anime sluts when he goes outside of Kivotos. Even if not, Sensei lost his virginity to some random girl a long time ago. That is why he is experienced in stringing along unsuspecting students...
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Wait, gifts are canon?
Let's beat up all the filthy gehennoids.
>in BA
M*ka used to be my wife until I realized she sleeps with black bulls exclusively, so I moved over to superior girls like Hina.
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play the fucking game sensei
>men biologically desire multiple women
>get mad at men for pursuing said desire
Make it make sense.
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I miss this meme..
Leisa pwning Hoshino woould've broken /bag/
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Getting Chise addicted to sex.
That's an arthouse drama with a tragic end, don't.
it's more of newfags confusing the term waifu with "anime girl i like" or "wife"
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mari please hop on my penis
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>women biologically desire the best men around
>get mad at women for pursuing said desire
and you know (you) won't make the cut
Women are possessive
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lmao even
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I've seen some pretty garbage offtopic posts attached to Hina images, even by /bag/ standards, so I had my suspicions the resident turd-worlder made them.
Now my suspicions are confirmed.
pat pat pat
I came inside Alice
Remember: Make an early thread before the Mikafags try to snipe again.
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to overcome a base desire is to ascend in body spirit and mind
self control and moderation are the basis for a good life
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Student for this feel?
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This is student-based game, not a wife-based one.
Why would you ever not have pakeji running? That’s 9 more tickets with a reasonably price pyro allowance
Mari said as she jerked me off.
My phone? On.
My bed? Currently occupying.
My Blue Archive app? Opened.
My 2nd phone? Showing a picture of my skill rotation.

Yep. It's Hieronymus time.
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Of course not. I don't change wives. I add more wives to my family.
guh... phew... I almost missed today's curtain call
no difference
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There is a Mikafag under your bed
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I'm a haremGOD
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damn and Hoshino fell asleep even
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>My 2nd phone? Showing a picture of my skill rotation.
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Do NOT say it.
Hina Status?
These links never work for me, do you really need an X (gon’ give it to ya) account?
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rerun never
I never understood that. The timings are so precise you need to have the rotation memorized. You can't be referencing it in real time.
>resetfriends WILL succeed!
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treeset my beloved
Did Hyeronimus mechanics change? I don't get the lantern to heal in the second phase, and the team wipe doesn't wipe me, it just leaves me with 0 HP but alive?
There is a second lantern but I can't heal it or anything.
I think I'm doing things very wrong because I barely got to 20m health even with Dress Hina.
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BASED treeset anon
check out the insane guide anon. some things are different on insane
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Good night ded bag.
Kill niggers
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bwo didn't go akomode...
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I really should lay off the gachas for a while.
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There is only one gacha, and it's blue archive.
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I still enjoy reading other stories.
Rolling with my kind of shit luck is bad though.
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I only play BA too
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I don't think any other gacha has held my attention for longer than a month or two.
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its shit luck by design mind you
but yeah BA only myself as well
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To each their own. I'm loyal to my biases.
Also Blue Archive came later.
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The Seiascript...
I'm right here...
How do I know it's not an automated AI response.
the seiascript strikes again...
how do I know you're not an AI response?
AI can't suspect others of being AI of it's own volition because it's incapable of suffering from autism.
Now answer the question and don't answer a question with another question.
what if I also don't suffer from autism? does that make me AI?
>don't answer a question with another question
Already failed the captcha.
Seiascript is confirmed real.
its true i am the seiascript
an AI wouldn't fail a simple question though
An AI designed exclusively to pretend to not be an AI would actually fail that question every time trying to constantly deflect which is the easiest conversational tool to teach an AI when going on the defensive.
I'm starting to think you know too much about AI...
Surely, a script programmer would know a lot about AI.
I don't...
I actually use AI for some of my work but haven't trained any.
Am also talking out of my ass, which is a great indication that someone is human.
I've played around with claude, blew my mind the first few times I asked it to code something. Still need to figure out how to incorporate it into my toolset to actually take advantage of that for work.
I'm also shitposting which AI is not that great at, I assume...

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