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A thread for Melty Blood and associated Type Moon properties, Under Night In-Birth and other French Bread games.

/melty/+/unibg/ #119: dress edition

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDuV1xld7wg

Tsukihime remake and FSN are out!
Uzuki patch is out and she is playable! (https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/portal/post-27191/)
Hollow Ataraxia remaster coming out eventually, probably!

>UNI Resources
Matches: https://replaytheater.app/?game=unib

>Dengeki Resources
Download and Rollback: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13xEvawJrCIsXpXghNbNIeK455HsFP8w4kh7kzP23HZQ

>Melty Resources:
Training/Beginner paste: https://pastebin.com/01eXYrVf
Download MBAACC community version, and set up:https://play.meltyblood.club/
https://pastebin.com/3fkP1jTC (MBTL Character Guides, kinda old now)
Matches: melty.games
Translated Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/b19fcbaf-f35e-4cb3-a38b-2c6e0dbfff96/melty-blood-type-lumina-piece-in-paradise
Browser OG Tsuki: holofield.fr/tsukiweb

>Upcoming Tournaments/Events
Find JP Events with: https://meltyblood.typelumina.com/event/
CoN6: Oct 25-27
CEOtaku: Dec 6-8

previous bread: >>490442326
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Disrespecting the Noel killed the thread. I told you you should be nice to her.
One day I will actually bother reading the Chronicle mode in UNI, I'm sure.
My bad
It was the thread of all times after all...
one of many
lobby tonight
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The removal of Sion has caused irreversible damage to this ecosystem
Kiss the Noel… hug the Noel… both at the same time the Noel…
Disregard the Noel
A discussion between Nasu Kinoko and Takeuchi Takashi on Fate/hollow ataraxia and the Fate franchise that in Fate/complete material V Hollow material, which was released in February 2012.

>What is 『Fate』 to TYPE-MOON?

Nasu: 5 years ago we said that "this will not go beyond one product," but even saying TYPE-MOON now is just another word for 『Gundam』. It just keeps changing forms and moving forward. That’s not to say we’re just artificially extending it, of course. 『Fate/EXTRA』 was a good test for us. It was fun to write, and fun to make. If the players also enjoys it then it’s a Win-Win, is it not?

Takeuchi: As a product I do feel like it has grown much more than I expected. Whenever we said that 『Fate』 was over and done with, it would refuse to die. I suppose it’s only natural to love and revere something that you have spent so much time cultivating and being so fulfilled by, and to become so attached to it. I don’t mean to be obsessive, but I do want to treat this with utmost care, as we have done up until this point.

Nasu: This is for us what 『Final Fantasy』 is for Square Enix. On a way smaller scale, of course!

Takeuchi: I know you may sometimes think "Not another 『Fate』!" but even "another" 『Fate』 game wouldn’t be 『Fate』 at all.

Nasu: We plan to our utmost into every 『Fate』 so that the players who have stuck it out with us so far love it just the same. If we can just do that the fans will still be with us even as they say "Ah, its 『Fate』 again."

Takeuchi: 『Fate』 is really interesting isn’t it? We have the room to think about new possibilities. We will not make a direct sequel, but we’ll go for anything that seems interesting.

Nasu: The 『Fate』 I want to make now is that one, 『Fate Musou』. (laughs)

Takeuchi: All in all, I’m happy that this book came out to bring TYPE-MOON circle prior to the release of 『Mahoutsukai no Yoru』.
>Nasu: The 『Fate』 I want to make now is that one, 『Fate Musou』. (laughs)
And we all know how that went down...
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It's like these threads exist solely to spare /afgg/ from Noel posting. We're essentially a quarantine zone.
Noel boobs are a containment area for my face.
Looks like the EVO energy is dying off
It's a four person quarantine but a quarantine nonetheless
Zombie games for a zombie general. At least UNI2 has somewhat active ranked during peak hours.
Speaking of Fate and Mahoyo, it's kind of interesting that they decided to include all of those characters from the former in MBTL, but nothing from the latter. Well, aside from Aoko, but she's also in Tsukihime, which is definitely the only reason why she's in.

Alice maybe wouldn't be the best pick since direct combat isn't her expertise, but they probably could've cooked with Touko and Beo at least. Type Moon do still want to make a couple of sequels to Mahoyo in some form so maybe they thought putting those characters in Lumina would give too much away? But the story in Melty is a disaster anyway and often clearly not canonical, so that shouldn't be a big issue anyway.

I guess it's more likely that, like Nasu says there, Fate is their Final Fantasy, so it's what they think might bring more people in? But with so many Fate characters already in the game, I doubt any one more would have a significantly higher impact on game sales than a Mahoyo character would've at the tail end of MBTL's updates.
I just think you guys are neat
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>Alice maybe wouldn't be the best pick since direct combat isn't her expertise
So she's a zoner. What's the big deal?
lobby up
kw: len
You will be kissed by Noel.
can you increase the volume?
Who cares about mahoyo anyway, bring back my girl Ryougi
ggs, thanks for hosting
Bring back my Hime.
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this is the ushi corner steal I used to use. I don't remember the full combo but autocombo 623B j236C jAC throw -> jIAD.
Delaying the jA jC makes a corner pixel you can steal, instant jAC makes it same side. If you corner steal just do a 214B combo to regain and loop it.
It probably works the same way with j236x after the airthrow.
Noel…the kind of girl who’d eat in bed…
*who eat the bed
The edible Noel...
Sacrifice is marrying Noel so no one else has to…
I love your boobs, anon.
when will it be her turn
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the ciel burger, available at participating locations
Noel scent job…
Dead by Noel's stench
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Wait a minute...
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There are no Sions left in Melty!
No Noel, no problems…
Is she hot?
perfectly acceptable mechanics:
wild assasult
drive rush
heat smash
brave counter
chain shift
removal of motion inputs

unacceptable completely unplayable mechanics:
holding 1D in blockstun
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You forgot to include reversal edge as an unplayable mechanic
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No Sions...
wait for 2xko
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Arc culo
why would she do this
because she's, y'know
All she does is play around.
Does big Noel trust you?
gay and retarded... life is so hard for her...
Best girl front and center!
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It's Noel!
good night
Noel sexo
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she's doing her best
Next year for sure bro
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Noel won.
noel too
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nuh uh
I thought she was wearing a mcdonalds shirt for a second
Noel's flask-like physique...
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dumb king
saber is a colonizer she colonized melty blood and lead all the fate characters to it
typical brit then?
no she has all her teeth
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Smart king!
Brush the Noel…
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the last quarter of the year of len
Another year without Sion... and now without Medea...
Flush the Noel!
This kills the Noel.
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Pluck the Noel...
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It's over for Noel.
Good morning bros
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The six Nanases of Under-Night.
working on a new community event for lumi
too bad Nanase is shit
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True. The best Nanase is non-Nanase.
Custom hairstyles would go a long way towards making 2D fighting games cooler. It's a shame this almost never happens.
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she's cute at least
>regular Medea instead of Lily
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len wasn't allowed into lumina because she kept sitting on the cake
There was a really nice one with medea lily and len but I keep forgetting how to find it
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Why did she do it?
Still no Noel merch…
eventually noel bro
Hand over the Noel, now!
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come and take it from me!
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I need her
Would anyone like to play some games in about 30 minutes?
I can run a quick FT5
let's do it
GGs. almost wanted to mirror but that sounds a little too kuso for a short session
ggs, I should probably stop using 5c in blockstrings, got punished for whiffing it a few times.
The biodegradable Noel...
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pciel fundraiser!
what character?
lmao look at all the P.Ciels. They could almost fill out an entire side.
f len, I'm too used to uni buttons having huge stagger windows so I kept missing the cancel into 236a
Ciel hate.
Becoming Noel’s pet…
Petting Noel's head...
Stupid fucking cat.
Noel... too fat to fight back?
She just rolls over like the boulder in Indiana Jones
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Sion time!
yeah as F-len 5C is more of a combo/neutral button than a blockstring tool. 5B being plus and huge is pretty useful for just harassing with 5B 5B, and you can cancel into 2B or 3C for staggers(3C is ridiculously fast at 6frames).
smacking noel's butt
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you too could be a maid main
I miss fighting solo kohaku
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Finally back home from a week away from melty. Any mbtlers in this thread?
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i love my blue wife
maybe tomorrow, i finally got everything set up at my new place
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Len best girl.
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thank spin len
Noel is the kind of girl who’d crawl into your bed at 3 AM…
In space, no one can hear Noel scream like a seagull.
I dont know shit about tsukihime, but are we going to have to wait till the remake finishes just for the possibility of sion in type lumina? Since to my knowledge melty bloods story is like a spin-off of tsukihime that takes place after the events?
Nobody knows except nasu, who will allow it when he wants to allow it. After RG is just an assumption. MB's "plot" has been moving along with every DLC batch.
Noel is what killed the dinosaurs.
That's the safest bet. Original melty was set after a hypothetical Satsuki route in Tsukihime, but MBTL doesn't really have anything resembling a coherent setting/plot yet, outside of the Neco stuff. iirc, it was marketed as some weird hypothetical prequel thing, but that doesn't actually make any sense. We just have to wait for Type Twomina to see if there's actually going to be a serious plotline outside of some of the arcade stories, but I would be shocked if Sion didn't come with that title update.
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put her in
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At this point, I don't trust current Nasu to handle Sion...
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i'd handle sion's fat tits(she doesn't really have those but I will pretend with her)
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>she doesn't really have those
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they are large but not FAT
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who killed noel this time?
she got some milkers they just seem pretty standard in tsukihime
You can thank Takeuchi for not doing her egyptian milkers justice.
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how big should she be?
mbtl in like an hour
The other type-moon characters with her exact bust size are Tamamo and Astolfo's master (pic related). Funnily enough, they both constantly show their cleavage
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The consequences of her actions got her this time around.
Wheelchair girl looks cute
kw: /melty/
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I want Vergil in Type Twomina
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ggs. Fun game.

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I really wish somebody would translate this...
the nappy
Slap that bad boy in the google translate app
Dead like half the site hours ago
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Collecting Noel’s booty…
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Look at that, Ciel ruined everything again!
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Literally the greatest fighting game of the generation
imagine the input delay
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reunion desu
I can't wait for Twomina to make everything red
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If Sion looks like that when ported to unib, how would a unib Ries design look like?
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Len marriage
Actually, someone had drew a mockup of that along with other characters like Aoko and stuff before MBTL. However she looked super stiff so I didn't like it.
Sadly you'd be losing out on the smooth idle frames!
i started playing fgs in like 2008 SCIV and later got BBCT and SF4 and spent hundreds of hours playing them on my parent's projector. I didn't know it back then but I was likely playing with like 8+ frames of input delay. I just learned that way.
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blue girl laying in bed shocked expression
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Smart, sophisticated cat.
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Smart, sophisticated fat.
I can get on in like 30 min if you're still around.
I can make a lobby in a few
lobby is up if you're still around, kw: /melty/
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>dropping multiple game winning combos
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so is mizuumi no longer up to date? I swear to God I can't get Vlov's 22A~X > j[C] to connect. Am I being retarded?
list the full combo you're trying.
literally just the BNB ender listed on the site
> 22A~X > j.[C]dl.j.B > 5B > RB1 > RB2 > j.A > j.B > j.C > AT

should I not be starting with 22A?
that's for the end of a combo. Easiest thing to do is 2A 2B 2C 5C 22A~A j[C] falling jB 5B RB RB jABC throw
raw 22A~A against someone on the ground doesn't lift them high enough and they land before the j[C] so you need them to already be launched.
he says some funny things sometimes
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ggs. Is it just me or is it hard to tell when DAN is low shielding?
Yeah, her crouching height is similar to her standing one, I feel the same about Neco.
At least it's a little understandable for neco since she's two feet tall. Anyways, today I learned that DAN's arc drive is wacky.
i want to use mash at climax but I don't know if I'll be ready in time, it feels like I'm progressing backwards.
Any particular reason why? Your Arc seems really strong, drops aside. That aside, in my shitter opinion, I think you use Mash's specials to approach too often. It works a pretty often on me, but I assume better players are going to be more prepared for that sort of thing.
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biggest thing is that arc doesn't work well with the newest system changes. Fitting moonskills into her combos to cut down on people's recoverable hp is difficult, especially in the corner, without losing damage. I know a lot of the old big damage routes and conversions but I have to completely rework them to fit moonskills. Mash on the other hand can just 4B+C, 2B+C(in the corner), or j6B+C at a ton of different points and kill recoverable life while usually gaining damage and not needing to adjust her routing much.
On the other side of things, mash has a ton of advantages. Incredible plusframes in pressure with 22B, 2B+C, 22C, and 4B+C, when I remember to use them. She gets 4k off of a 2a anywhere on the screen. She actually has a crossup button so I don't have to worry quite as much about rununder and stonehat.
I'm dropping the basic combo a ton and I'm overusing certain tools while underusing others which comes together as a pretty sloppy gameplan.
To fix the first part I can go back to practicing the combos ever day but it's the second part I'm more worried about, as you point out my approaches are really predictable and I don't know how fast I can fix those habits to a degree I'd feel confident with.
I also want to play hamakaze from kantai collection
Noel kiss…
Noel ass, heavy as brass…
You’ve been touched by, you’ve been loved by… a Noel criminal.
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good morning
>*goes to no internet box*
Lumina would be better if they removed DAN and all the bullshit 50/50 Left/Right mixups from the game.

Setplay is garbage and everyone knows it. Anime fighters are basically just a genre full of
1. nonstop 50/50 garbage gets sent at you from 8 different directions
2. you burst or pushblock or do whatever bandaid comeback mechanic Arcsys put in the game
3, you send some bullshit back at the other guy
etc. etc. etc.

Lumina almost solved the issues with the genre until they added DAN and everyone discovered these retarded air drift left/right mixups which they loop on every knockdown.
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i spend like an hour and only got this 4 times i hate this ender.
If you don't have the perfect height the 236B at the end doesn't connect and if I can't do it properly off a standard starter idk how I'm going to do it from more random stuff like a2a or having to run forward after 214B to get the pickup from outside of the corner
623A~A can only be delayed so much to fix the height and everything after that needs to be done as fast as possible
also not sure if it works off 5AA 623A which is more reliable than the 5B 623A after 236[A]
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>opponent gets a hard knockdown
>have to use defensive mechanics to escape
this game sucks bros
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Understandable. This probably won't help much, but usually when I want to introduce/increase a certain option's usage into my toolkit, I make a conscious effort to exclusively use that option for a night or two just to try and curb my established habits and get more comfortable with that option (or, to put it another way, I consciously try to never throw out the option that I'm overusing). After banging my head into the wall for a while, usually I come out with a better understanding of when/where to apply each option instead of, for example, braindeadedly spamming 3BC and j.[C]. It's probably not the most efficient method if you play multiple games though.
Noel at the bank, what will she do?
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put her in
you won't believe this
sorry bro I was option selecting, better luck next time
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Okay, here me out.
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lobby in one hour.
Just enough time for one fotm valveslop game with friends.
who's your favorite? for me it's paradox
I like Dynamo and the minigun bitch, but I'm also new to mobas
Is it open beta or closed beta?
lobby up
KW: Len
I think it's still closed, otherwise I'd be playing it right now too. If you're friends with people in it, they might have a code to give you
>only those who want
Guess i'll be waiting on it then. Looking forward to trying the Marvel game in December too. Seems like a nice spin on the formula.
people with access can literally give a code to everyone on their friends list, if you want to play I'm sure someone in the community tab or even on this board would be willing to add you.
If you play in the lobbies I'd be happy to add you and send you a code. If not, I'll still add you if you pinky promise to do so in the future.
I can't make that promise right now but if I do end up making the jump and become a semi-regular I'll earn my keep to ask to play that beta. Thanks for the thought anon.
just post your code
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Noel is your friend, ah ah.
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ggs. Thanks for hosting. I'll cook some funny webms up in a bit.
ggs friends
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arc pollo
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thank you all for not causing me any problems
The Noel burger, buy it now.
Big snuggly Noel…
Is there any trick to delaying Nanase's j.2[C] in her BnB consistently? i always hit it too soon and the j.236[A] bounces them wrong, or a i delay it too long and they recover

The BNB:
5B, 2C, 5[C], j5[C], dl.j2[C], j236[A], rejump, j5A, j8C, j5BB, j2C, 2C, 5[C], 214B~C
Trying this right now, it feels more like you're supposed to delay j.236[A] than j.2[C]. Not sure what you mean about j.236[A] bouncing them wrong unless you're talking about accidentally crossing them up, which delaying j.236[A] more appears to fix.
>unless you're talking about accidentally crossing them up
thats pretty much what im talking about. hits them at an angle i cant really follow up the combo with
>delay the j.236[A] instead
ill try that
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Fuck Trashu!
I like the original Sion look more than the UNI look. But knowing FB, they'll just copy her UNI design over.
we love peakshu here, sir
See? Respecting Trashu killed the place
Who's the artist for this if you still have it?
Thank spin Len...
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Pretty sure we're at the mercy of Takeuchi there.
>inb4 he just transplants purple rin into tsukihime
It's Sionover...
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Will he be in Type Twomina?
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Noel is the kind of girl you'd forgive...
he fuckin better be
Noel stubble-gut...
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i worry that they will use her uni design/moveset because her classic combo routes focus heavily on looping moves and that wouldn't work with SMP.
when her combo routes involve a ton of j[C]s or repeated 214B restands it's going to kill damage so they'd have to rework her anyway.
noel will save us
author's note: noel did not infact save /melty/
When do you fellow geeks usually play?
whenever somebody posts in the thread
when we do
if you are looking for type lumina there is a weeky lobby at 6PM PST every tuesday.
People will host their own lobbies every 2 or 3 days for other games.
I think most people in the thread at this point are NA.
To be saved by Noel, you must accept her into your heart…
Noel is so thin and pretty, her eyes shine brighter than the city…
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when will it be ogre
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she's trying her best
Thank you.
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As long as they don't import her unib/fgo personality...
What's her OG Melty personality like? Haven't played arcade modes read the story, etc.
We've all been saved by Noel this whole time...
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ciel sensei would save lumina
games anyone?
Did you end up finding any games in the public space?
I played some ranked matches in uni2, there's typically plenty of people queued at this time.
I see. I made the wrong assumption that you were asking for games in Lumina (though I should probably grind that anyway).
I usually don't specify a game because I'm willing to play anything, if someone wants to play something in particular they will usually mention it in their post.
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Seibahlanced meal
mbtl in like half an hour? I gotta cook dinner first.
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Who was in the wrong here?
When in doubt, is always Arc's fault.
I'll play a few matches
kw: /melty/
What font is this?
ggs, I wish my brain would stay on when shields appear on my screen
ggs. same, same.

i used the c and k from suck and the o from blood. no idea what the font is.
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We need neco fou
what would that even look like
I dunno. I'm just an ideas guy
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The trademarked Noel bathroom trip after drinking too much…
thank spin len
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Pom poko!
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Sion morning!
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Mashing the Mashu!
Noel butt
Noel's butt killed the thread...
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This is a good thing.
Spats are something so great
The fat in the spats…
Noel in retail…
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What are better, spats or burumas?
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That one seibah clone from fgo made me side with spats
Good point. Spats it is. It should've been her instead of vanilla Saber. Darth Maul Saber is superior.
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people still use that?
why not?
anyone wanna ft5 in mbtl?
kw: /melty/
ggs, that last arc damage was sad
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ggs. Lots of close games. Something about this game makes it hard to call it after one ft5. I think you would have closed out a bunch more rounds if you abused IAD more also it would help me get better at reacting to them.

>that last arc damage was sad
Yeah, I couldn't resist seeing how little damage it would do.

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+8 seibah
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The Noel stride...
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put them in
Keeping Noel company…
i'd take the +8 without pushback over my +12 with pushback
hood morning
WHAT morning????
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sensei...allow me to steamcharts post...just this once
RIP in peace to the Bungie veterans who worked on this trash heap, the worst acquisition Sony has ever made.
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Seibah is ded
Noel afternoon...
okay that one was pretty funny
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>Noel (literally) sucks
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The Noel suck... makes you feel like Muk...
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The thread splashed...
Noel ate my heart…
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put her in
Noel wife… call that the life…
Defeating Noel in a battle of wits…
It’s the end.
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sex sometimes?
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Sex is cancelled
why did she take sex away
wtf put the sex back
Manga is updated btw
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Sex is gone. Have a Sion.
can I trade the sion for sex?
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The Sion is not a currency!
Noel sex
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kw: /melty/
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Seibah time!
Noel time.
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ggs. Still don't know what's up with that Roa guy.

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Is this still true?
He zones until he gets bored and then he airdashes at you and does a bunch of overheads until you die.
>using shield B
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Oh, in that case, I know exactly what's up with that Roa guy.
i'm actually not sure but shield B sucks big time currently so try to avoid it.
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I know it's bad, but if it's true, that just makes the nerf even sadder.
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Vlov isn't allowed to complain about air unblockables
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Yes, it's why moon management is important. Instant tap shield gets normal hit by instant shield B.
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This Halloween... Noel is...
Massage the Noel…
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to make you feel better, this is what it did 17 years ago in MBAC.
The musky rat-like Noel…
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Another Sionless week...
White Len’s animations evoke a feeling
who is that in the upper left
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is MBTL boring?
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That's every fighting game developer
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i gotta play in this blazblue bracket but if I'm not dead after I'll make a lobby
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can you see all of me
Just in time for the movie
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New official Noel merch.
I am all I am all I am
this is huge
It's actually a very small badge.
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i look like this
Old Melt > NuMelt
melt isn't in either version of melty
A scoop of Noel…
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a comically large scoop of noel
It's noel so it's always big
*always fat
wtf go back?
Noel hugs purify the soul…
>concord dead
another amazing melty blood victory
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Dead like Concord kek
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the thing that had the Noel button has completely new sprites for Hisui and Kohaku btw. You can go through the sprite dumps, this one does not exist in the blue glass moon files
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a team event for the community, involving multiple top players and a 1000 dollar prize pool.
lumina lobby in 2 hours
>Frosty Faustings
lol, lmao I'll never look at that tournament the same way again after the Strive scandal and ElvenShadow vehemently defending the troons while banning Lunar (who while annoying doesn't deserve the ban for calling out the parasites of the FGC)
nah, he does. has for a while honestly but if it's all just bullshit he can fall into a hole. that's what they're supposed to ban you for.
it's kinda sick that all the awful terrible people hang out together though imagine having a friend group consisting of shinku and lunar
The lack of Uzuki lewds a month in is saddening but expected.
Ded gaemu. Maybe if they turned it into a multi-media franchise it could gain traction but they're currently too poor for that and it probably wouldn't be a success in the era of isekai and kaiju heroes.
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shinku looks like someone typecast to play a guy that tries to fuck drunk girls in a movie
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lobby kw: len
I'll be honest I have no idea who her character design is supposed to appeal to exactly
ggs, can't play much today unfortunately
Time to hop in though sadly I'll be stretched for time.
Say, did they fix Random to include the classic Melty tracks or is it still limited to Lumina tracks?
>red name
Also, with how busy this lobby is I'm surprised it's a zombie general. I'll get 1 more in.
GGs bros and thanks for the games. Hopefully I can join more in the future and get some practice in for next time.

Out of curiosity is it usually rematch lobbies? Personally I'm a 1 game 3 wins to move from the seat kind of guy but I understand everyone has their preferences.
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ggs. Usually we do FT2 with a 2 win max if it's 4 people or lower. Then we go to FT1. The Tuesday lobbies are more packed than usual because we get people from outside the general.
You can adjust the random filter to include them
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ggs. Who is going to take one for the team and hit me with all of Kohaku's gimmicks 100 times?
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yeah if the numbers are low I try to let people ft2, but when it becomes crowded I remove it so more people can play.
I post about it on disc/twit as well, just trying to generate overall interest, more of a community lobby than a thread lobby. At some point I'll start doing like, actual clips and to see about getting more people into the game in general. That's my overall goal with this but for now it's just community lobby night.
Makes sense.Some people want time to execute what their practicing and getting 1 game might not be enough for them. while I'm still a firm believer of win limit and keeping rematches to 1v1 setting I respect it. Hope your plans to grow the community works out. Seems like people aren't shying away from hopping in at least so far.
Nice, I'll have to check in on that for next time.
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Kamone has gone too far...
At first I thought that Alice is a bad pick cause they'd need a new design for her. But since her looking the same in Mahoyo collab is a plot point (as well as massive spoilers about her identity), then it doesn't matter at all. As for Touko she definitely shouldn't have Mahoyo design, it's either KnK or Case Files for her.
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len dlc in december btw
good morning
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Bad morning
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These two have two things in common
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arc but good
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butt good
Noel-inflicted gum disease…
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arc's butt good
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Noel in September...
UNI2 anyone?
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I'll play if you're still around
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Kara no Kyoukai
Melty Blood
Fate/stay night
Fate/DEEN Ernest Gravehill/Tachie route
Fate/unlimited codes (Each character's storyline script was written by Kinoko Nasu)
Mahoutsukai no Yoru was announced along with Girls' Work and a Tsukihime remake
Fate/Zero: Onegai! Einzbern Soudanshitsu
Mahoyo (Part 1 of 3)
UBW anime (Nasu wrote all episode scripts)
Fate/EXTRA Last Encore
Tsukihime Remake (2 of 6 routes)
Fate/EXTRA Record

Feel like Buu sitting in front of the Hourglass right now
Not him but I can play for a little bit
kw /melty/
GGs. It's late, but I couldn't resist getting a few in
ggs, lobby closed
Time to break the glass and force Mushroom to speed up on finishing Lost Belts.
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She's cooking.
The lostbelts are already over, now is going through a blatant filler. They announced that part 2 is finally ending next year though.
>Honorary /tmg/ thread
>The recent month has been TM wankfest
>Zombie thread
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no timmies till red garden
No Noel, no work.
playing video games with my friends I don't care
Noel emission? Continue the mission.
There's /tmg/, /fgog/, /alter/, /vn/, /v/, and /a/. Can you think of a convincing reason to visit and discuss in /melty/ over those unless you're already here for the fighting games?
noel is in this thread i can smell her
Noel's stench killed the thread again
the noel shower...
Noel’s got a… uhhhhh…
Cuddle the Noel…
The only thing I thought was particularly interesting was the new Hisui and Kohaku sprites but there's not much to say about it other than
>hey he said it would be roughly 4 years until red garden way back when, remember guys? isn't that kinda funny
what's this game about?
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How do you even say you play melty and then want to ban someone for being a lolicon, it’s a loli game.
Defeated by Noel’s big butt…
no it isn't and nobody was banned for that
fortunately no one was banned for that
It’s not a loli game trust me please it’s wholesome Reddit 100 just ignore the source material and character designs PLEASE
he's already gone, you can quit the strawman stuff. no one cares anymore
This is referring to any of you. I’m sorry if it makes you mad but you’re embarrassing yourselves.
You get banned from anything by the tourist freaks who act more degenerate than lolicons ever could if you like lolis, despite melty and under night both being made with lolicons in mind.
there's 2 loli characters out of a cast of 20, relax.
those "tourist freaks" that ban you have been hosting events for 15+ years. Frosty Faustings has existed longer than lunar has been playing fighting games.
Whatever you do DONT read the vn Len came from. Not a loli game though uhhh I just like the characters uhhhh fuck fuck my narrative is falling apart SHIT JUST TRUST ME THIS ISNT A GAME FOR LOLICONS
Everyone knows and no one cares. He's just an asshole and the dumb false dichotomy you are trying to force as a worldview is what actually got him in trouble
stop pretending like you actually read kagetsu tohya
Except the only reason anyone wanted him banned was because he beat a twitter player and likes lolis. Neither of which should be a bannable offence because what’s the point of playing if you can’t take a loss, and what’s the point of playing a game made for lolicons if you want to send death threats to lolicons? And that’s not to mention how much antis end up being genuine threats to society. It’s projection and tourism both.
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post your favorite loli character from the loli fighter. Here's mine.
I read it but I know you didnt. That’s why you’re a tourist and a freak. Keep getting mad that you can’t change what the game is from or the overall community.
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i love this loli character from loli game
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Uhhh da noel? Errrmmmm she’s not a loli SHUT UP. Len? FUCK uhhhhh DOESNT COUNT ONLY WHOLESOME TBINGS HAPPEN WITH HER NOTHING LEWD! Miyako? Uhhhh shit I forgot about her uhhhh
Everyone is a twitter player you fucking moron
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my favorite loli from popular lolicon game dengeki bunko fighting climax ignition. this one is a real mesugaki(a japanese term I learned by being japanese)
FUCK I only talked about uni for twitter clout I didn’t know STOP I PROMISE THE DEVS HATE LOLIS AS MUCH AS I DO
remember when a lolicon groomed sonic_sol into liking DAN?
now list all the other characters
The line of thinking falls apart entirely pretty fast when you realize that not only
does everyone uses Twitter and Discord, the entire reason people that don't play these games pretend they know this stuff is because Lunar posted dumb shit on twitter and got nabbed for dumb shit on Discord.
He's the biggest "twitter/discord" player of them all.
Yeah I was there it was pretty funny.
Official art btw but I assure you the devs HATE lolicons and DONT WANT THEM ANYWHERE NEAR THEIR GAMES THEY SUPPORT ME ON THIS I SWEAR
the devs DO hate lolicons that's why kamone made DAN and miyako and vatista so dogshit.
also you know the 2nd biggest tournament for TL is hosted out of a blue archive server right?
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People like Lunar are controlled opposition to take attention away from the existence of MK players who practice the strings and fatalities IRL
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never played BA but I love the character designs
Keep getting mad that people like the characters in the game, he buffed vatista last patch and he wouldn't have them in the game at all if they weren't designed to appeal to the target audience which includes lolicons.
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Yeah it's peak I have to do my dailies.
Just saying though, the notion of any real lolicon oppression in the scene is laughable at best if you actually talked to any of these people. I could pull up like 5 different top players uohing over cunny in like 10 minutes but they aren't bothering anyone so no one cares
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>Keep getting mad that people like the characters in the game
keep seething about yuzuriha
My fellow wholesome melty blood fans erm we all disavow this can we pretend it didn't exist CAN I MOD IT OUT AND REPLACE ALL THE LOLIS WITH BRIDGET GUILTY GEAR
jbel, who is a far better player than lunar could ever dream about being, retweeted bare miyako pussy and nobody gave a shit beyond saying "jbel why did you retweet that"
I'm not afraid of tits I'm talking about tourists like you who pretend the games don't appeal to lolicons intentionally. A little surprised there's some here though. You guys usually stick to twitter so they can dox and swarm anyone who calls them out.
no, nanaya is literally me irl
No other threads makes me concerned when coming back to see more than 15 new posts within an hour like this one does
>official art
Isn't it guest art though? I know they put it in the game though.
you get used it...
It's still official art if they use it for stuff isn't it? Point remains the same either way the devs are not against lolis or lolicons.
>the devs are not against lolis or lolicons.
when did anyone ever say that they were?
>the devs are not against lolis or lolicons
Of course not. Kamone's video introducing UNI2 for EVO this year had the Linne laying on bed collector's edition wallscroll.
Twitter and here. Probably discord and such too but I dont touch that nastiness. They say lolicons should be banned for liking those characters despite them literally being in the game and designed for lolicons. That's why I called them tourists, like annoying people from another country who come into yours and act like they own the place.
And they pretend that didn't happen. But everyone except tourists know its a lolicon game. Tourists know too but are in denial and angry about it.
I agree that there's a good filter of normal people who don't play these games when they see little girl characters as fighters but I think fans of theses games are indifferent at most to looking down at least for some particular players (so far I've only seen it for Lunar because he tends to be overly expressive on the matter to the point of exhaustion).

In the end it's just another day (though I did get a good laugh at FGO reddit banning any discussion of Kuro swimsuit last year although that's only loosely related due to TM).
Look anywhere on twitter in a post relating to lolis or lolicons within the fgc. Even anime fighters with characters blatantly designed for lolicons like melty and blazblue get them. Comments on any post about Vikala in granblue too. Look above in this thread if you want.
You hear it about Lunar the most because he's a top player thats known and doesnt kneel down for the tourists. I would say its just another day of dumbasses being dumbasses but the problem is it actually affecting you being able to play because tourists have too much power due to the infestation.
As long as the characters continue to get made and played what's the issue? I don't think anyone takes character banning requests seriously at all (outside of Smash Bros Brawl).
show me 3 instances of people in this thread saying lolicons should be removed
They ban the players from tournaments saying they're sexual deviants, which is fucking ironic considering who is attacking lolicons. They'll act like cunts if you play the characters though but that's on them and entertaining.
Look at the people posting arc and kaguya like that changes the fact the devs make characters that appeal to lolicons too. Bet the people posting Arc havent even read tsukihime let alone kagetsu tohya.
>They ban the players from tournaments saying they're sexual deviants
Source on these bans?
Frosty Faustings for one. TNS did it with a guilty gear player but I dont know if they banned lunar.
That's not really related to "banning over lolicon content" though. That's just being in bad company.
It was because twitter players raised a fuss over him liking lolis that they said "oh this person is problematic but we cant tell you why its so awful" when it was he retweeted art of a character from the game theyre running tournaments for.
Pretty sure he got banned for using too many hateful slurs to prove a point of what groups of people are allowed to get away with volatile mannerisms in FGC (aka the trannies). The one time he did get banned for his lolicon content it goet revoked days later.
That proves my point then, lolicons are particularly targeted.
One guy is not the whole lolicon community but I'm not gonna convince you otherwise. Thanks for the thread bumps I guess.
No, one guy just gets people hanging off his dick because he's an asshole. That's it
posting characters is different than saying to remove players.
They were trying to post them as if it means the game doesnt appeal to lolicons too. Because they wanted to support the idea that the devs dont like lolis.
Except it happens to every lolicon and they say the same shit under any post by the official accounts of a game when theres a loli.
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delusional to think that it's a "lolicon game" when there's 2 lolis in a cast of 20 characters and to think that pointing this out means I want to remove any player, you just have to accept that the game is for everybody and stop your barely-coherent screeching.
Everybody would have to include lolicons when Len has literal h scenes but tourists dont like when you point that out as you can see here.
>every lolicon
if you think that's true you know basically nothing about the community besides whatever you glean off twitter drama
post hours and/or a lobby
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again you're just making stuff up. "It's a lolicon game" is a stupid point because the loli characters are just token inclusion by way of percentages. If you put 1 black character among 9 white characters it would just look like a token black guy. That's what the lolis are here. It doesn't matter if the producer is black when the cast is 90% white. Being a lolicon is like being black in america: you're a minority and you will never be the target audience. You're more than welcome to participate but never start to think this is about you. See how popular arcana heart was, a game that is 30-40% loli characters.
you can't fearmonger "they're coming for you next!!!!" because they aren't coming for anyone. a handful of retards failed to keep decent opsec on edgy statements and thinly veiled tranny rageposts and got busted for being what tranny retards said they were the whole time despite the community bending over backwards to find reasons to let him play and stay unbanned even if it was causing problems constantly. he failed himself and realistically everyone who tried defending him in the past with reasonable statements, which is most of the actual community.
sucks to suck but you don't have a divine right to shit on the universe because you pressed buttons good in one game sometime 2 years ago and have a good amount of followers on twitter. simply how it is in real life
I know plenty about the community, you're the one pretending theres no anti loli push. Why would I play with a pissy tourist or post my hours for you to comb through the reviews? It's a simple fact, the game intentionally appeals to lolicons and type moon does it even more. Tourists hate that and you dont need to go very far to see that. If you see anything from the community at all you've seen it.
Except the devs designed them for lolicons specifically and have official art that proves it. There's a wide variety of characters and that includes lolis, many of which are major characters in the story. You also just proved you know nothing about type moon and the vns. Stick to your discord.
Okay but have you considered you've failed and will continue to prevent the characters from being included in the games, being played, and being liked? Sucks to suck indeed.
If you won't play me, I can only assume you simply do not own the game and are thus a tourist. Post a lobby this instant true believer
len wasn't a properly designed character in the original tsukihime
illya had no route in the original fsn
knk has no lolis
mahoyo has no lolis
all the loli content of tm is side content to appeal to a niche demographic and the developers know this even if they are lolicons themselves.
I want her to handcuff me
I want Len in more than you probably do. You don't play anyway, why would you care?
You just admitted to never reading the vns. Good job.
You want her for gameplay and will obsessively suggest you hate her design and story.
I will not because you are not worth my time. Sorry if that makes you as mad as your failure does.
>You want her for gameplay and will obsessively suggest you hate her design and story.
Wrong yet again. Trying to goon. God you're bad at this, stop projecting shitty ragebait and make already coward.
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>You just admitted to never reading the vns.
all of my statements were true.
>will obsessively suggest you hate her design and story.
you seem really dedicated to making things up. You should check out >>>/lit/23769091 and share some of your fiction writing.
lolis are sick i love animegirl slit and chest
lunar can fall into a cold body of water though
that should be the main takeaway
I hit the nail on the head huh
Kagetsu tohya had h scenes with len, a loli unless youre going to cope about that too
I mentioned that all the loli content is side content. KT is side content. That's exactly my point.
Are you trying to make a joke here or are you genuinely going "DOESNT COUNT PLEASE DONT LOOK"? You guys are too funny. Now I know you didnt read Tsukihime or KT.
Neither of those things are what I'm saying. TM has produced content for lolicons but it's never the main titles. TK is side content. Prisma Ilya is side content. Tsukihime didn't have any lolis in it because len was only revealed in KT. Ilya didn't have any Hscenes in F/SN. Mahoyo didn't even have loli characters. These are all true statements.
KT is a whole other vn. You could at least look it up before putting the clown makeup on. Prillya is another series.
What do you think side content means?
Side content suggests theyre not full things or their own thing. KT is a full vn and Prillya has a massive amount of content. Youre trying to discredit the parts you dont like as "not serious parts of type moon" and you look pathetic doing it.
I'm not discrediting them I'm saying those are not type moon's main properties. KT is an entire VN...of tsukihime side stories. It isn't a proper sequel but a spin-off. Side content. Not the main story.
Primsa isn't F/SN or F/UC. It's a separate, alternate universe spin off. Again, spin off. Side content. Not the main thing.
How is this difficult to understand?
It's a spin off as much as stay night is of tsukihime. They're whole things. How are you too dumb to realize that means they're part of type moon? Prillya is a whole manga with anime adaptations and everything, and KT is a whole visual novel with h scenes.
>dumbass semantic arguments
who fucking cares
whatever at least I'll never have to hear anyone whine about this shit from any side now
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>How are you too dumb to realize that means they're part of type moon?
again just making things up, I never said they aren't. You are too wrapped up in your own warped vision of the world to even see what people are saying, you just read what you want to read and pretend they said that.
Main content is Tsukihime, F/SN, Witch on the Holy Night, and Kara No Kyoukai. Anything else is secondary content to appeal to niche audiences, except F/GO which exists to farm gacha idiots for cash. Fate/Samurai penis might be a complete game, Carnival Phantasm might be an entire anime, Koha-Ace might be an entire manga, but none of these are the main series.
>Thing I like
Main content the core of type moon!
>Thing I dont like
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ngl that's why I've always hated 4heroine posting. It's pretty reductive to the rest of the (now significantly greater) volume of multimedia work type moon has produced over the years off just not being a core visual novel.
Its mostly by people who havent even read any of it too
where did I say any of that
where did I even say I didn't like it
You're the one who's deluded himself into believing only the parts you like are truly type moon.
I like Noel.
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I never said they aren't type moon and I never said I don't like them. I said they aren't the main focus. Some of the things I like the most aren't the main focus and I accept that. Carnival Phantasm got tossed aside so they could make Fate/Grand Carnival instead because they care more about gacha players than fans of the original works. I accept that. There's no single-player tsukihime spinoff games like fate/extra or fate/samurai because fate is more important to them than tsukihime. I accept that. I don't even like fate in general but I accept that it's the most successful thing TM has made and it will get the most focus. You should possibly accept that loli content like KT and prisma are also sideshows.
Extra is also not a spinoff any more than stay night is a spinoff of tsukihime. You don't like the content in KT so you try to discredit it when it is indeed a type moon visual novel. You should just accept your failure to change type moon. You clearly haven't touched most of it which is why your understanding of it is shit.
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stop fighting!!!!
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trannies: you're a pedo
lunar: no i'm not and go fuck yourself
trannies: see how he acts towards us he's toxic and a threat go get him banned
>repeat for 4 years
trannies: you're a pedo
lunar: i'm getting real sick of these trannies
and that's how a transphobe is born
>Extra is also not a spinoff any more than stay night is a spinoff of tsukihime.
a parallel world video game is a spinoff, yes.
fate isn't parallel it's just a different timeline entirely.
>You don't like the content in KT
never said that
> it is indeed a type moon visual novel
never said it wasn't
>your failure to change type moon.
never tried to do that.
This only happens if you are really, really stupid
Your claim is it's a "sideshow" despite being a full fledged visual novel of its own. By your own logic you'd have to put Mahoyo below Prillya since Prillya gets more content. That's the opposite of a sideshow. Len, who mainly appeared in KT, got into Melty Blood and was teased for Type Lumina as well. Your arguments are all over the place and you have no clue what you're talking about other than screaming "DOESNT COUNT".
1 singular person: please stop talking about fucking lolis in twitch chat
lunar: no, fuck you, lolis are based, I love illya, I'm black
multiple people: wow this guy wants to fuck lolis, I don't like that
lunar: everyone hates me when I did nothing wrong
twitter crowd: let's kill lunar for being a pedophile
other twitter crowd: the trannies are bullying a based loli enjoyer! death to all trannies!
lunar: I'm not transphobic or a pedophile I just want to be allowed to play videogames
twitter crowd: you are transphobic and a pedophile
other twitter crowd: holy heckerino lunar is so BASED fighting back against the nu-fgc trannies!
event organizers: yeah we're letting lunar play at our events because he hasn't done anything wrong
twitter users: what the fuck how could you do this, lunar is a transphobic pedophile and nobody likes him
lunar: actually I am transphobic and trans people have ruined everything and they shouldn't be allowed to play the games that I like
event organizers: oh
the ultimate irony is he's still actually trying to apply an intersectional lens to people being mean to him because he's retarded, it's why he keeps on bringing himself being black up. he's just replaced white with white+some kinda gay for untouchability in his world view. with that in mind it's probably been like this the entire time because he's been saying some variation of "because i'm black right" forever
he made a little chart in his dumb ass stream it was the cringiest shit I think i've seen in a while, impaired mental state
The full title of prillya is "Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya." It's clearly a spin off of fate. Kagetsu Toyha's product description says it's a series of stories in the world of tsukihime.
>other than screaming "DOESNT COUNT".
never said anything didn't count, despite how many times you insist that I did.
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instantly disprovable:
You did though you said its side content despite it being a complete visual novel. It represents type moon just as much as tsukihime does. It could be called a sequel but not a spinoff. Prillya having more content than Mahoyo destroys your argument by itself. Len wouldnt have been in Melty Blood if KT wasnt part of type moon. I'm sorry this offends you so greatly but type moon does in fact appeal to lolicons.
That ain't happening until one of them decides it's time to cool off. Just ride it out.
you seem to simply take offense to the word spin-off when there is no reason to.
The amount of content doesn't disprove anything, if that were the case then F/GO is the only thing that matters.
I never said KT wasn't a part of type moon.
Of course type moon appeals to lolicons, that's why they make secondary content directed at that niche audience.
>fighting game loli tier list
>Es from blazblue
>Ling from tekken
>Athena from king of fighters
>Nakoruru from samsho
the fuck
he's retarded
You claim theyre irrelevant to the discussion because you dont like them. If they were "sideshows" they wouldnt be getting more content or being full fledged games. But since youre clearly offended too much to have a genuine conversation I'll listen to >>493354471
and ignore you being stupid now,
you missed the part where those "multiple people" have been posting open death threats to him for years and one of them even confronted him in person but because they were buddy buddy with the tourney organizers they got off scott free while lunar was always the one getting in trouble for clapping back. and also the part where sonicfox going up on stage in his fetish suit is totally fine but having "msgk" as your tag means you're a threat to humanity.
what is this supposed to disprove
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Lunar, do you want to fuck any of those virtual children?
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what's the fighting game equivalent of the DCEU
what children
You say that like he wasn't also buddy-buddy with TOs either. The one thing they can't ever actually let you get away is, pardon my HR speak, unambiguous bigoted remarks though, threats and other shit can be dismissed under the guise of memes and shittalk and bringing it upon yourself by being a fucking loser on social media. There's nothing to deflect onto anymore because it's a completely different class of thing in the public eye so the only remaining options are to apology tour (can't do this because everyone already knows that you're full of shit and around other people that are full of shit) or double down (today's stream lmao he's cooked)
From what I heard it sounded like people knew for a while too, just that no one wanted to break the glass.
or rather: framing this entire thing on the grounds of
>I like lolis and people are being mean to me about it
is infinitely more defensible to the average non-culture warrior weeb with a name on social media than
>I hate trannies that beat me in fighting games and the people that enable them but they can't prove I think this
which is why he'd always frame it that way, and dumb people would take the lolicon bait because that's also easy which would also invite young naive lolicons to try to defend themselves through him as proxy
however now hating trannies is also a part of internet lolicon culture partially because of shit like this so pivoting to explicitly hating them barely loses any of the dumb ones now
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Why do you like lolis and メスガキ again?
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because they have petite bodies and act sexy. go google piper perri, rara kudou, GaboVillain, or ywuukii
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so are nanase and wagner ok or only vatista
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Why are you attracted to petite bodies that act “sexy”?
You will now write an essay on Noel.
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When Noel's gameplay was first revealed, there was a lot of excitement not about her key throw special, but instead her 214 special, which restands opponents. Restands in fighting games are relatively rare, as they offer strong reset opportunities. In Current Code, only C-Mech Hisui and C/H-Sion had reliable access to restands, and only H-Sion was known to abuse it for reset purposes.
For the first few months, Noel players would make use of the restand to go for throws, lows, or even her overhead special as a mix-up. It was very stressful to play against. However, as the game evolved, and was patched, people stopped using this technique, and instead move to getting knockdowns with her strong okizeme game, notably her very hard to see corner left/right setup.
Sadly, even these advances in technology did not keep Noel around. Over time she became less and less popular as Noel Fever died down. However, Dead Apostle Noel was found to have very oppressive okizeme of her own, including a crossup break. A number of high level players using Dead Apotstle Noel terrorized brackets with her before she, too, fell from popularity as the dreaded Pciel Champion rose to full dominance.
In the Melty Blood of today, Noel is a rare sight, despite numerous buffs such as her getting a true meterless reversal with 22B, jump cancels on her key throw specials, and many, many adjustments to her hitboxes and frame data.
The biggest change Noel has faced since the release of type lumina was decreasing the volume and frequency at which one of her voice lines played. If this change was a nerf or a buff is still up for debate.
Noel is one of the few characters in the game to appear in an EVO top 8, firmly cementing her place in the game's history regardless of how popular she is in the current day.
Former Melty Blood Champion and all-around fighting game legend GO1 also played Noel when the game first released.
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Noel is one of the characters with a 6frame 2A. While some characters that have an extra frame of startup on their 2A have one less frame of recovery, making it 0 on block, Noel, like Saber, instead has extra range.
This is a trend for many of Noel's normals. Her signature polearm that she uses for her 2B, 2C, and 5C normals provides her a lot of reach. 2B is a large, 2-hit normal where the first hit can potentially serve as an anti-air and the second hit is a low with a lot of range. The dual-hit nature of the move means the long range part of it has a lot of startup, making it awkward to use if you are used to pressing 2B for a fast low in pressure.
Her 2C, on the other hand, is a single hit low with a lot of reach and good startup for the amount of range it has. Aside from these strong base attributes, it doesn't have any special properties.
Her 5C is a very unique move, being one of the few normals that has negative pushback, instead pulling the opponent towards Noel, as any individual would want to be. The pull-in effect allows a Noel player to create more mixup opportunities that other characters wouldn't get.
Noel's key throw is her most complex special, even having a unique gauge. When a key is throw, Noel is able to do nothing and collect a great deal of plus frames, or dash cancel forward to trade plus frames for closing the distance. The final option is to throw another key, frame advantage while putting herself into the air.
Noel will carry 10 black keys into each round. With so many ways to use them to her advantage, you'd think she would have brought more with her. Noel is a very silly girl.
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Noel is also one of the few characters to appear in another character's moveset. While everyone knows that Neco Arc has a chance of summoning Saber, did you know that Noel, being the helpful individual she is, shows up to assist Mario when he activates his last arc? This interaction is a great display of the friendship between these two characters. Mario holds a lot of respect and affection for Noel, giving her cute nicknames like "fatass." Noel likes Mario a lot, because she's a highly respectable teacher that is great with kids.
Noel also has a positive relationship with Tohno-kun, one of her students at school. She keeps an eye on him because he's anemic and she's very worried about him and wouldn't want him to get hurt.
Between her good looks, cool moves, well-balanced playstyle, alcoholism, and large number of friends, it's easy to see why everyone loves Noel. Is she the perfect woman? Yes.
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(i should have been writing my novel or the script I was paid to write but I could not ignore the prompt)
Thank you for your service noelbro, 0.07 noelcoins have been deposited into your account
>From what I heard it sounded like people knew for a while too, just that no one wanted to break the glass
yet they didn't have stock pile of evidence from years ago, they only what recent post.
yeah because that's shit that was being posted in the open
why would you talk about about stuff that happens in voice calls or dms? that directly incriminates you
how would leaking dms or voice calls incriminate you?
>get crossed up pn the regular in MBTL
>barely if ever get crossed up in UNI2
That's a design decision right?
anime oki vs strike throw
reveals that you are both untrustworthy to the people you're snitching on and that you, to some degree, allowed this stuff to happen to normies which means you're still probably bad. net social loss if you actually care about that shit which a lot of these people probably do, that's how they get you
Yeah. Kamone removed the one l/r he actually had a problem with, the game is supposed to be a l/r fest
>tohno's 5[C] unblockable beats kouma armor
>arc 5[C], warc 2C[C], pciel 2[C] don't
going to piss and shit myself over this dude's main character privilege
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Mini Sion
Getting paid in Noel love…
bayonetta crossover when?
no smash bros characters in this game please
Smashing the Noel!
I'll play if you're around in about 20 minutes
I'll be around. What do you want to play?
I'll play some uni
kw: fgo
got trapped in a loading screen but I was about to head out anyways, ggs
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Getting Onslaught phase 2 / Abyss phase 3 vibes.
Kamone is a hack
abyss phase 3 was so cool man
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They say, Noel appeared in the doorway… pack of beer at her sides…
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Uh oh...
You're saying he actually wasn't banned for loli even though every single mention of him by trannies is for being a "pedophile" instead of being a "transphobe?"

Weird because a player in Strive named Sneed had trannies come after him after they saw loli on his feed with the same exact playbook as Lunar. Only after the fact did they start speculating he hated trans people. Really makes you think huh.
people in /ggg/ speculated that sneed was YWNBAW long before he started winning tournaments outside of 4chan. That is not a conspiracy, it's just people being fucking stupid.
Those are two different people and nowadays I've only ever heard trannies on twitter think they were the same person. /ggg/ knows they aren't because they've been together before and YWNBAW was not nearly as good as Sneed is.
of course they are two different people, there was never any proof. Point is the speculation started in ggg when nobody else knew sneed and then leaked onto twitter because people are stupid. I was there at the time.
he wasn't banned for loli because he wasn't banned for loli. if they were going to do that they just would have
if banning someone "for lolis" was actually a thing there wouldn't be any need to wait for anything else. likewise he'd have never been unbanned for anything because he never stopped liking lolis. pretty simple A+B shit but you don't know what's actually going on because you get all your information from Twitter here
>b-but equally stupid people on twitter called him a pedo!
yeah and nothing happened from that because they don't matter and that accusation has no weight pay attention
No he was literally banned for loli from several online tournaments just like Sneed was. Both of them were ostracized from the community long before this FF shit because trannies targeted them and got their clique to force them out. Whatever reason Lunar is getting banned now doesn't change what's happened to him in the past.

Stop trying to gaslight people.
>did they start speculating he hated trans people
...they did though. It's never actually speculation. People knew for a while in both cases.
Wasn't why he was banned from any melty shit so I don't actually give a fuck. Work out that granblue shit somewhere else, I don't give a fuck about that or any of you
>they did though. It's never actually speculation. People knew for a while in both cases
LOL kill yourself you retarded fucking tranny apologist. Nobody """knew""" Sneed was transphobic or whatever bullshit you're spouting.
Now I know you're just completely full of shit and basically admitting this whole thing is all just a front for trannies to go after people they don't like.
If annoying retards kill off annoying retards I'm left with a lower amount of annoying retards in the world. Doing God's work, why wouldn't I clap when shitbags are forced to fuck off forever even if it's by tranny hands lmao
go after people who don't like them, you mean.
>and then they came for me
see >>493342459
The joke here is that he wasn't ostracized from the fb community because the TL "tranny clique" isn't actually very strong there to begin with. Joe TL player doesn't care about lolis at all or liked them and the general top player clique was his friend or at least nice to him. The actual FB organizers tried keeping him around including the most important one, Shinobi, even when it was pretty unpopular on social media to do that. There wasn't any internal pressure, he just couldn't shut the fuck up ever and it continually cost him good will from acting like a moron
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when was the last time there was a comfy picture of ushi
>someone removed the line about one cute picture of saber and one comfy picture of ushi from the OP
truly the west has fallen
Some of you guys need to stay on street fighter or tekken if the character designs in melty drive you this insane.
the insane one wouldn't be satisfied by the designs in those games.
If lolis bother you so much why not play the games that don’t have them? Makes you seem suspicious when you keep projecting.
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this is what i'm talking about. You come in here screaming about how the community out to kill all lolicons and nobody here says they hate lolis, they just say that your claims are false. Not one person here said they don't like lolis, they just said that lunar wasn't banned for being a lolicon and you start accusing people of random bullshit because of that.
There’s definitely antis here and too many in the community for the content the games have.
>too many in the community
also no, just like the lolicons, they don't play. You look at the responses to lunar's ban announcement and it's people who don't play celebrating and people who don't play saying it's the worst decision ever and the fgc is ruined. The people who actually play don't fucking care.
You picked a side so you don’t play
I can put it back, I always thought that one was pretty funny
No one here even brought it up. That's been you people. We went almost two weeks while completely ignoring it while you probably came here cause he made the cope stream. Stop talking about losers and go away
Thanks for the bumps though
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*Seibahs you*
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look at her go
Noel in da pool…
the lunar situation is the endgame of TOs like shinobi failing to take action when it mattered, and trannies not getting publicly banned for shit while others have been banned for less.
Why don't you bring it up to Technicals if you're this upset over it? Surely he'll come to his defense. Not much use being upset at this graveyard of a thread.
go away
if lunar loves lolis so much why doesn't he just open a portal to gensokyo? there are tons of lolis there.
that nigga is a secondary
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good night

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