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Thread 404'd Edition ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Previous Thread: >>491898453

>Play Poppy Playtime

>Official Twitter (MOB)

>Header art source

>>Show Bibles<<

>Playtime Adventures

>Smiling Critters: Friends Forever!
>Let's Hop to the Moon!
Early morning Delight
Why do we assume the one named "Hour" is talking about how many kids are a part of Yarnaby? I think a different conclusion is that it refers, metaphorically, to the main BBs who took part. While it doesn't have their colors, the fact it's only 3 hands and we have 3 BBs for 3 Chapters makes me think there is a connection between the hands and Huggy, Mommy, and CatNap.

Next, "The Five Components" I think is actually addressing Yarnaby. There is the obvious connection to The Fifth Element, in which the namesake fifth element is a character named Yarn. This could be the fifth component here, the yarn to make Yarnaby, with the remaining components being the random kids from Ch3's tapes, Kevin, Joseph, Jeremy, and Samuel. Then the fact the magazine puts the phrases "Newest hit in the theaters!" and "A must watch" makes me think Yarnaby could be some kind of performer, or we could enter the Theater like Zach said we would, but in Chapter 4.

Next, "People", the one with Boxy Boo on it, seems to me a statement that Boxy is people. Or at least Boxy is still sane, he is still reasonable. Given we are confirmed basically to see him again, and Zach made it out like his appearence in PPT would be special, I like to think he'll be friendly or maybe even Ollie.

Finally, people draw a connection to the umbrella, and I think that will be Yarnaby's colors. Red-White-Blue-White-Yellow, in some stripped pattern. It also goes with him having 4 instead of 3 kids in him, but one of them might be stronger than the rest.
What the fuck happened to the last thread? That was absurdly fast.
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Imagine if Zizek played chapter 3
I wonder the same thing, unless it's another gacahafag swamp?
A what?
It probably was.

Gahcafags have an obnoxious tendency to spam a whole fuckton of threads which forces slower generals off the catalog.
Definitely sounds obnoxious. Surprised they don't just ban the topic from all the spam atp then.
Moon schizos will win.
Any theories?
The body that was found in Ludwig's house was planted there by an employee trying to be a whistleblower about what's going on in the factory. It makes no sense for Ludwig to have something so incriminating just in his house when there's an area with a bunch of security measures to keep eyes off of things.
The same radio broadcast tried to paint him as suspicious, like he tends to work late at nights and leaves at odd hours, but I think that's a red herring.
Hell, it even could be the player who did it. We know he was in the know about the stuff going on in the factory. Longlegs recognized him. He's strewn with survivor's guilt.
miss delight is ugly
The Prototype wasn't made by Playtime Co. It's something they found and have been trying to reverse engineer.
It's why despite the Prototype not needing to eat, the creatures Playtime made do. They couldn't figure it out.
It's why it took so long for them to make obedient toys.
It's why they don't just send some people in with guns and kill it, given how dangerous it is to everyone.
Who or what made the Prototype is going to be the enduring mystery of the franchise and there will be contradictory clues.
That's not really a theory...
I like this game the normal amount.
Can't say the same about the critters
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In that case, please explain why.
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Catnap's head from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoppyPlaytime/comments/1ajr7le/my_catnap_fanart/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
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With how much overlap there is between Glitch and Mob, had this dumb idea for bringing Shara Kirby into Poppy Playtime as a formerly human J:
>giant (human sized, like Miss Delight) knockoff Beast Wars-era Transformer
>has few memories from before she was pulped and poured into a giant toy, but the ones she has left suggest she was a hard nosed ladder climbing yuppie
>unwaveringly loyal to Playtime even years and years after she got pulped and turned into into a slave toy and the Massacre of '95 happened
>has a briefcase handcuffed to her full of whatever Playtime documents she could find in the ten years between the Massacre of '95 and your return (important financial stuff, important marketing stuff, important R&D stuff, irrelevant stuff, anything)
>introduction, instead of attacking you immediately or making it clear she wants to play a game for your life, is her interrogating you because you're the first living human she's seen since the Playtime salvage/extraction teams from the multiplayer game stopped showing up years ago, demanding information about the company's current status ("Is Playtime still in business?! Did someone buy us out?! If we went bankrupt who bought what intellectual property?!")
>after a whole thing of her hunting you, she gets pounced on by something nastier; as it has her in its grip and is about to kill her, she rips off the arm her briefcase is handcuffed to, bleeding all over the place, and throws the arm, briefcase and all, to you, so that in case you survive you can bring it to whoever legally owns its contents
>loyal corpo to the end
>but I think that's a red herring
Given that this is the guy whose wife divorced him because he spent more time at work than with her, I would imagine so. Working late and leaving at odd hours is probably just coming from his workaholic demeanour.
>Murder Drones/Poppy
This place is barely moderated as it is and it's made to be an intentional dumping ground for excess threads from /v/. It's not at all surprising that they won't remove the gachaschizos.

Secodning the Prototype not being made by Palytime Co. Its just some fucked up thing they found one day and have been attempting to replicate. Ludwig figured out the secret to it with Poppy, but everyone else has been stumbling blindly since.
I'm surprises that the inubis animation hasn't come out yet.
Yeah... you're right...
I remember one of the artfags from /v/ threads who drew some Poppy art was primarily a Murder Drones artfag.
I miss him already...
Its time to move on
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You're right. It's about time this general gets its own artfags and we need to be the ones to step up. I'll start.
But letting go is hard...
Well, its something!
Yeah, something awesome.
Is this OC?
Late Night Delight
Looks like the ARG sleuthing continues.
Can't believe we forgot to take Chapter 1 into account when we tried to decipher the meaning of things.
What if Huggy but AWESOME!
Let's go!
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How many classes were there in TF2 again?
Was that all of them?
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I still miss him.
Another storyboard which I have mixed feelings about. On one hand new content is awesome, but on the other I kinda don't wanna get too much spoiled for when the full episode comes out yk?

It's been a while since I watched it but didn't he survive?
In fairness, a lot of people didn't think Chapter 1 had anything left to analyze.
Felt like it peaked when that one dude played through the entire first chapter completely blindfolded.
>peaked when that one dude played through the entire first chapter completely blindfolded
You mean AstralSpiff? His gameplay footage is fun to watch.
Yes, but the issue was the lack of FORESIGHT that previous things could CONNECT to the current things, like how the past affects the present and all that?
rick may didn't
Given that they're doing a recap of previous chapters, it makes it seem like chapter 4 will be the last one.
If the poem is self contained, like A, B, B, A, then the next two lines would likely either be sandiwched in between the lines (A, B, C, C, B, A) or at the beginning and end (C, A, B, B, A, C)
Wonder how late into things the Miss Delights were made. They seemed obedient up to a point but also the fact that they're designed to teach kids, which means they have to know certain things, could indicate Playtime Co has figured out how to instill knowledge into their creations.
Total Scoutin Chicken death.
Since the toys eat, do they also poop?
Y'all need to stop bringing this up
It's important for the lore.
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The world deserves to know. What happens when the toys eat?
I know there's shitposting, but this is just shitposting.
The food most likely either stays in their stomachs or is 'absorbed' into them somehow. Keep in mind that whilst he wasn't anywhere as well made as the other BBs, the guy who got turned into Bron had most of his organs including his intestines removed. Which implies the toys flat out don't have most of the parts needed to even process the food they're eating.
Okay but the food needs somewhere to go or else it would eventually make the toys explode. I think they learned to poop without their large intestines like how platypus learned to digest without their stomachs.
>platypus learned to digest without their stomachs
As if that animal isn't weird enough already.
How do they do it?
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I assume the BBs eat something at least. Who knows if they are all made to eat certain things, and maybe the best one is a meat-slurry made out of recently-fired employees.

Or whenever the BBs go into a monthly(?) maintenance, they get cleaned out of any residue inside themselves as well.
They have enzymes in their intestines (no acid) and grind up their food with gravel before they swallow it.
normal Daily Delight
File deleted.
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There are no mods to get down
Ah, so this is the hour when mods are asleep, then?
I'm not sure if you've noticed from its being mentioned over and over, but the mods don't do anything around here unless you post something extremely bad
The phrasing felt a little too vague but I think I get what you're trying to say.
Still, I guess as long as it's not too derail-y enough, small cartoon hordes wouldn't be so big an issue worth reporting over.
Untrue. I posted softcore gay porn in /tf2g/ and got a ban for it.
What state is Playtime Co in?
Probably one of the Rust Belt ones. I'm betting on Michigan because of Ford personally.
They mentioned the "Midwest" on one of the posters regarding the orphan adoption program, right? That might narrow things down a bit.
>softcore gay porn in /tf2g/
So these are the kind of anons I'm sharing this place with.
And I'm a regular too, so you're just kinda stuck with it unfortunately.
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So it's gotta be Ohio, Indiana, or Michigan then?
Five days late, but this song got a pretty good animation.
Anon, this general exists because of gay dog and gay cat posting. You knew what you were getting into.
>You knew what you were getting into.
Spoken just like a scientist at Playtime Co. to a BBI.
We like to be on brand in this general. Ups the immersion.
I liked the video where he saved Eugene in choo choo charles
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Elliot Ludwig when he visits a toy store and sees a PJ Pugapillar with one less segment than usual
Do you wanna do the Cave Johnson thing again?
So is Bunzo dying going to be a recurring gag?
It already is.
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I want one of these.
The Prototype was not made by accident. Now parts of him are used to turn children into toys, but they are always flawed and incomplete.
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Sometimes you're a Bunzo in a room full of Catnaps.
This really says a lot about society
If only we could be a Catnap in a room full of Boxy Boos.
We need answers.
And the question is: What is the question?
How am I supposed to answer that if I don't know what the question is?
That sounds horrific.
Well I thought it was nice...
Yeah how come that's kinda slowed down as of recent? It used to be the entire general (along with the show bible and mommy/delight posters), but now people are talking about the arg, the other smiling critters, and even the lore more than they are sharing ship art of the gay cat and dog.
We chose to put most of that in the /cm/ thread so we don't simply flood the thread all the time. It'll pick up, especially if we keep FUCKING FALLING TO PAGE 10.
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Can Dogday save the White Sox?
I doubt it.
why cat tied to bat?
Mandatory humorous inclusion of other character
If you want me to go back to posting more gay shit, I'll happily get the shirtless 6pack Kickin in here
For moral support.
I see Miss Delight is trying to steal Mommy's spot of the hottest toy of the factory...
Wonder if there's a reason why they decided everything should have gone to shit in 1995.
Rumors are circling that Mob will move their social media presence to BlueSky after X got banned in Brazil can't believe the Euphoric Bros won that fight
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What do you mean rumor has it?
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They can both rule equally as the hottest toy in the factory
we're a containment board, the dregs of the site.
>Were such dregs that even more dreg-ier than /v/
Hurts to know the truth.
Say no more https://twitter.com/Mango_Limonata/status/1823645748837122183
I fucking love chicken breasts
Bully him.
Why would he care? Chicago doesn't exist in the Critterworld.
And if it did, it would make their lives worse by its existence.
I would so hard
>make their lives worse
clearly you've never had a deep dish
This does help those generals who don't have terminally online thread schizos though, since /v/ have developed a "culture" so thoroughly against the rest of the site, and /vg/ especially, that a lot of their worse actors refuse to come here. But on the other hand, this makes this place a perfect breeding ground for schizos who invade the OTHER boards instead.
Deep dish inside your mom lole
Take it back
Deep dish is good, but it's more a calzone than a proper pizza.
No. : )
Don't calzones got everything on the inside since it's wrapped in dough? Deep dish has everything normal except it's deep and the sauce is over the cheese.
You're a real jerk yk that?
Why didn't they just tell that guy 'Yeah we have cameras in Huggy's eyes as a security feature. There's already a big statue of the guy in the center of the room so it's as good of a place as any to have some.'?
Because Playtime doesn't give a shit about people whether they be guests or employees. Human life is meaningless to them.
>Come up with a believable excuse as to why there'd be cameras in a giant Huggy statue
>Fire the employee for some random bullshit like a week later
>Kill an employee and orchestrate a coverup
It's the same company that uses a giant vat of lava to dispose of defective products, I guess.
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Did someone said gay shit?
I still dont understand why people suddenly try to make a big deal out of Brazil.
They contribute to about 20% of everything awful about the web
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the other chick is Miss J, a SCP monster stuck in a computer
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Not at all respectfully looking at his chest
Hoonie still going strong with their rarepair
It's like that one video of the emerald tree boa yawning
I get the feeling their dynamic is like a good girl-"bad" boy kinda deal.
Which works almost too well if I think about it deep enough...
Isn't that more him and crafty though?
While Crafty is a good girl by nature, I feel like that's less so the thing about her compared to Bobby, since I kinda see her as the sort of "ultimate embodiment" of the good girl archetype.
Fair point, I'm more partially towards kicken and hoppy regardless so I think either one works for that.
My beloveds.
Why is he so damn muscular.
You meant to say Kickin X Catnap or Dogday right? (Maybe even all 3.....)
He's just built like that, and I'm happy for it
Nah dog and cat gotta go with each other, it's too cute. Also polyamory is gay.
>Also polyamory is gay.
Yes that is the point.
Even children are bullying Kickin...
Really, they'd have so fewer problems if they actually stopped trying to outdo Umbrella in the hilariously evil department.
He's slooooowly making progress.
They'll be making out again soon enough, don't sweat it.
New FNaF game is copying Poppy Playtime. We won.
Which one, Into the Pit?
What's the rundown on that?
No it doesn't
There's a new game called Secrets of The Mimic coming out next year. They had a demo at pax and it's nothing like Poppy.
Ah, right.
Way to get my hopes up, you stupid chicken.
Kinda rude man, he just gave a suggestion
>No it doesn't
Yes it does
>toy factory
>mascots that look nothing like old animatronics
>posters all over the place
>chase sequence
>mimic's catchphrase is "time to play"
It's very Poppy-esque
Dude, all that stuff is in basically every mascot horror game. Poppy didn't even pioneer any of that stuff, let alone hold a monopoly over it.
By this logic we can now finally deem Poppy Playtime as a Bendy clone
already fell off
wdym this series is only getting better and better with each entry
it used to be big in popularity but now it's just... there, turned to a has-been if you will
None of that is specific to Poppy.
Again the series is still getting new stuff, but it's in development now. I know at least for fan content it's a big part of Indie Cross, Bendy is basically the second antagonist of that.
>it used to be big in popularity but now it's just... there, turned to a has-been if you will
These words are gonna become ironic as fuck in 2-3 years tops
Bendy is probably up there with Poppy itself in terms of popularity at the moment. It's the only other big mascot horror alongside Poppy and FNAF that still has a major dedicated fanbase.
Indie cross was like two years ago man. And you're acting like people still gave a shit about fnf even back then besides children.
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Neighborchads, where did it all go so wrong?
Alpha 3
Check out Hello Neighbor Alternate Reality, it's actually amazing and shows just how much they fumbled this game
Hello Neighbor 2 was also a bit of a disaster. They kept changing things and rebuilding things from the ground up, as if they didn't really know what to do with it. Then they over-promised and under-delivered the final product.
I sense /ihg/ was the canary in the coal mine for how the indie horror community will be going forward. People seriously saying Fnaf copied Poppy Playtime is something that would've never happened a few months ago, I can only imagine how much more retarded things will get.
Not sure why you're talking shit about them, we had good relations with those threads
I thought the threads died because everyone hated each other.
An exaggeration. The Banban fans posted their stuff and people would make fun of em, but there was no fighting about it. There were really only two arguments that happened, the first being some twerp sperging out about furries (IE Indigo park) and some weird argument about the lore in Amanda the adventurer and if its a good game or not
Threads died because there just wasn't enough interest for the other games posted in there with our thread, the FNAF thread, and the regular horror general thread getting posters that could've gone there. The Banban and Indigo fans were mainly what was fueling it, with the rest of the overlap coming from us
Honestly, Amanda the adventurer has been the only mascot horror game that has done the whole "cute innocent thing that is actually evil" completely straight. Shit was the meme word for word.
Before the paid versions, yeah. Then they pulled the demonic conspiracy corporation shit instead of just the creepy anomalous TV show demon.
It's getting an update and heck even Huggy will appear
>some twerp
>This video contains content from Paramount Global (PMN), who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds
This is starting to get ridiculous, but I guess it's proof it's not just burgers on at this hour.
Okay, use this video then:
My brother in Christ its blocked the same way, its the same company
I'm in burgerstan though
They did, but there was enough overlap with us that I would not be surprised if posters from here were at least a major contributor to why it lasted as long as it did.

>The Banban fans posted their stuff and people would make fun of em, but there was no fighting about it.
There very much was. The Banabanfags really loved stirring the pot or starting shit if they were able. And the shit about Amanda and Indigo Park was completely cancerous.
When they kept fucking up their own Alphas for no reason and released an underbaked project.
You know what? Let me just type out the point here.
>some twerp
The trifecta of school-based evil.
Baldi is extremely nice when he isn't possessed by Null, he only wants to play hide and seek
His hide and seek still ends with him killing you so it's pretty bad still.
I thought he just spanks you with the ruler?
It's kept intentionally unclear what he does, but it's heavily implied that regardless of mode, he just kills you.
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How the hell hasn't he lost his teaching license by now?
Because all of the teachers and school staff are equally psychotic.
poopy midtime
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n-no u
Be real here, anon.
It's so mid that its "fans" don't start appearing until this recent Chapter. And they're only here for the Critters.
The game is mid at best and mostly just trash at worse.
Once this is over, all that's going to remain once the game ends is just a new /cm/ general for the Critters, and of course it's going to be a males-only club too.
There's nothing really more to create for it. It may as well be like Over the Garden Wall in terms of staying power but much shittier.
Why anyone puts up with continuing this charade is just beyond me.
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i mean i only said that as a joke. i kinda agree with you honestly, being one of said "just here for the critters" fans.
To be fair, one of the reasons why it didnt took off during the first two chapter was due to the whole NFT bullshit, people made fun of the game out of spite. If chapter 4 is underwhelming, then yeah, its dead. But if they manage to make it as good as chapter 3 then I can see a lot of people coming around.
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Over the garden wall kicks ass
Yeah, until something like Infinity Train comes along.
Sorry didn't read. Next time attach a smug anime girl to your shitpost and I might give it more than a glance before hiding it.
That's over the hedge you buffoon.
What's Kickin's problem?
He's a tryhard.
The way he's pointing at Bubba, what's his beef? What does Bubba have that threatens him that he needs to make snide remarks to Crafty?
He's the type to put others down to get ahead in life. You can see how little he thinks of himself in how much he feels the need to have constant validation. This combined with his insecurities about being fearful and the fact that he's fearful in general makes him want to tear others down to stand up taller.
Stop being weird and projecting Anon, it just sounds dumb.
How do you know he's even pointing at Bubba? It could be at Hoppy racing ahead, or to the OC girl Dogday's getting a piggyback ride from
It makes more sense for him to be pointing at that girl or Hoppy anyway, since Bubba’s also pointing toward them
>Catnap's kid is called Theodore
>The Hello Neighbor neighbor's name is Theodore
2024 is just not a poppy year.
spooky year
2024 is just a poopy year.
>Kickin will often protect Catnap, although he does not fight, Kickin becomes his "shield"
Kick's so based
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He's so yes
Here's an idea on how to make other characters more popular.
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Rarepair time
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Fricken sweet
Chicken sweet
He deserved better.
It's all connected.
He murdered his friends
Why didn't the Prototype kill Poppy?
Ted --> Fred
Guy sure seems to like drawing hoppy snuggling people.
Well, I reckon there's not just a single Hoppyfag in the thread now.
He wanted to rape her
Kinda distasteful man
why dont you distaste deez nuts lmao
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>Catnap, Deep Sleep, Sleeping gas
>Dogday, Wide Awake, forcing people to wake
There's no reason to assume that Poppy is built in a way that allows for rape to happen. Or the Prototype is built in such a way to be able to rape.
If there is a will there is a way, he is willing to murder thousands, if he kept one traitor alive it must be because he wanted to torture her
Why can't you just be normal
Normal people don't spend time on /vg/ talking about Poppy Playtime.
Fine, "normaler"
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>Their twitter has Monkie kid art
Cross fans just can't stop winning
Listen, given how much Poppy hates 1006 we cannot rule out the possibility that he raped her
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Please just shut the fuck up
Sorry Poppy. Derailing the train and nearly killing the player makes you the bad guy. It's the poop jar for you.
Why are you like this?
There's 0 evidence that the prototype is even a sexual organism. You aren't following the lore!
Honestly, staying awake for long periods might be even more fucked up than Theo just knocking you out and giving you horrific nightmares before eviscerating you.
>t. Prototype
What about the others?
Bubba breaths out mentats.
Hoppy breathes out test
CraftyCorn spews hallucinogenic gas
Picky pukes
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The boyfriends on a lunch date
A better question is who would be the duo of the SC BBs that we see in ch 2? Catnap and DogDay were obviously paired as Night and Day
Best boy finally got his how to https://youtube.com/shorts/pBrN5qOgy0Q?si=nw4N99zSWBo01mr4
Gay bump
what happened to calling threads Chapters?
Another gay bump? Don't mind if I do!
Amber is a cutter btw in case anyone thought she was sane
Okay, no one asked though
I'm just giving my theories on what could've happened
This is true though, however it's still very strange that he locked her up instead of killing her, so what if he was protecting her from the others? Like what you said makes sense, but why would he not be a sexual organism? Well because we see he's a robot, he is made of metal and wires and because of this has no feelings, but you know who isn't made of metal, at least not entirely? Everyone else, Huggy, CatNap especially are made of meat and felt. So if every they wanted to, they could've taken Poppy and raped her, I mean we already see how DogDay got raped, so CatNao at least has the will to do it. This is why she got locked up instead of killed, CatNap wanted to fuck her so pressured the Prototype to keep Poppy around. While he wanted CatNap to be happy, he wanted him to stay focus, so kept Poppy out of CatNap's reach so he couldn't "play" with her whenever he needed to be on patrol. However, in an update to chapter 1 they added the red gas to Poppy's room, meaning CatNap must've been allowed to enter the room to put Poppy to sleep, and maybe even rape her.
You're mentally ill
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You guys can't keep using "no game news" as an excuse for acting this insane
Very well thought out post
Please touch grass.
The early thread death might have fucked it. You can always ask OP to go back to doing that. We aren't far enough along that keeping track of when what we last titled the threads is a big issue.
I'd say given how things have transpired for the past few threads, this place is just getting the kind of posters it deserves.
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Oh yeah? If you love her so much why don't you marry her then?
It's Hollowknight syndrome except on a much smaller scale. It's only been a few months since chapter 3 and everyone's already going nuts.
This is why episodic games are a terrible idea. Instead of just developing a title and being able to currate the hype to your liking, you create this big hype train for each new entry which looks unstoppable until you reach the ending and the train crashes and burns.
It's mostly drive-by shitposters in all honesty. Most of the thread usuals have been pretty chill.
So for everyone who isn't that anon, realistically, why doesn't the Prototype kill Poppy? Or Mommy? Or Catnap?
What happened to the indie horror thread?
Died a bit ago due to disinterest, there's still /horg/ which is where most people went >>492467738
>Or Catnap?
Games are released in chapters because it's better to make more money. It generates more and more hype gradually over time and people have to pay for each chapter individually which almost always comes out to more than what a game of similar size would be as a full release. BATIM started and revolutionized this concept before every indie horror game started copying it like Dark Deception, Indigo Park, and of course Poppy Playtime.
I wouldn't really say BATIM "started and revolutionized" doing that, considering storybased games have been releasing/selling individual chapters/episodes for well before that. IE: Telltale's the walking dead which is the earliest I can personally think of off the top of my head.

At best you could say BATIM popularized doing that for short indie (mascot) horror games.
gay and stupid
We still don't know what's behind the doors to the Innovation Room in the giant Huggy area from chapter 1. Some might assume that it's where the experiments are taking place but honestly, I doubt that given how close it is to the general public. Maybe behind a series of locked doors it leads to the brutal stuff but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a front where they talk about how great their toy ideas are.
You're so right, let's just go back to schizo posting instead
Yes and the model sucks and I hate it. I want my full game, right there immediately when I buy it, I don't like waiting months and months for the next 100 minutes of content. It's so much more enjoyable to just be able to play a game start to finish at whatever pace you want and not needing to refresh yourself on what happened in the previous Chapter because that released 11 months ago.
Take it from someone who was looking forward to Scorn, you do NOT want a scenario where a game that was split into parts is suddenly going to be developed as a whole game.
This. It's why I'm worried about Don't Fret.
Is Catnap stupid?
You guys have high hopes for the movie?
High? No. but if its as good as the FNAF movie then I'll gladly watch it
>Movie adaptation of a video game
lol no. Best these things can gun for is pure mediocrity.
I meant it in an endearing way
Should've made that more clear, lugnut.
It was tacitly implied numbnuts.
>worried about Don't Fret
Irony, my beloved.
Either he's Ludwig and still loves her, or he's Rich or not human and it's unknown
It makes me happy that a good 40% of porn for this game is vore and digustion
No it isn't, its not even 5%
Speaking of, how are there 15 images of this random OC on e621 lmao
So it wasn't just me that noticed.
Guess he must've been some kind of OG autist for the first Chapter.
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He is, he's in the official Discord and posts often, he even has his own fursuit of his Huggy
Small world.
Does this Greeny Weeny have a name?
Clearly Hoppy is trans
Considering the file name its probably Gnarly Charly
How very, uh... marketable.
I don't follow
Gnarly can also mean cool.
Do you have a single source to back that up?
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the most reliable source of them all, the special zone from super mario world
It’s sad when you think about how Catnap’s death was basically the best ending for him. He was electrocuted and set on fire, likely fatally injuring him. And even before that, his entire life was just being used as an experiment and roaming the halls for years as living cat character without much food or interactions. The prototype did him a favor.
poppy deadtime general
what's this game about?
Gay dogs or smth idk
We also like the other gay animals here thank you
Was going to tell you but these niggers >>493281304 >>493282595 killed my mood
Glad I could help
>Wah wah people like the game for reasons other than the ones I do
I'm just simply stating what I see.
He's gonna have to live as an amalgamation of screaming souls trapped together as part of the protptype now. Not exactly ideal.
You're a security guard at a pizzaria and the animatronics are possessed by the souls of children that were murdered by the genius psychopath who built the animatronics. It's a resource management game in which you have a limited amount of power to use to keep doors closed and to check camera feed. The goal is to survive five night shifts.
That's Tattletail retard
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When are we going to get a cartoon already?
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By who?
MOB or us somehow?
I mean the Prototype stabbed him through the head, so he's likely braindead
His brain could be located somewhere else in that Catnap body to be fair
Well, these "drive-by shitpostings" are starting to happen too frequently now.
If you guys just want an actual 'quality' thread, you might as well move to /cm/.
The Delight posters and those who somehow like the girl Critters can make their own thread on /c/.
She's crushing Bubba to death!
Right now Gemstin is the one leading the charge on that front. I'm not sure what kind of autism fuels him but he is pretty dedicated.
What we're back to doomposting already? I don't see what's so cataclysmic about the drive by's, just ignore em.
Someone said it in the last thread or two but Gemstin and Inubis are basically singlehandedly keeping the smiling critters junkies alive atp, at least in the animation department although I personally prefer Gemstin
>Not sure what fuels him
It couldn't be all his episodes having over 1 million views, and 7 million on the most viewed one...
Youtube rewards watch time, not amount of views. In order to get the big bux you need to have a bunch of videos per week making decent numbers. A video every couple of months makes you nothing, even if it gets over 5m views.
Don't even try to tell me you wouldn't be encouraged to keep going if you had a video you uploaded get 7 million views lmao
I wasn't even necessarily talking about money making anyway. Those views help his legitimacy as an animator, and they could translate to bigger things down the line for them.
It would look good in a portfolio, I will give you that.
Especially considering how much he improved the animation and voice acting in such a short time. Like the first episode was basically a slideshow with four poses for each character, as well as how basically all the girl critters sounded the same. Now in the most recent one there's a ton of unique poses for each shot and it flows well and everything, plus he somehow managed to give each of the girl critters a unique voice.
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Wonder how much longer it'll be for their newest episodes to come out
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hi anons
You're both wrong. That's obviously Bendy.
Cat in a box...
Dog with a bone...
Now combine them.
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>Bubba sitting alone reading
He's literally me
People would go crazy if this was a smiling critters game
I'll probably pick it up, looks fun and extra schitzo
Are they hot?
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You know it
I don't actually
Fucking finally.
I'm officially hyped
Playtime Co and weyland Yutani teamed up. How big of a disaster will it be?
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This image reminded me of something an anon mentioned in a past thread. They always post the critters by themselves, and when the wider PPT cast is shown, they are never present.
That image is specifically chapter 2 tho, which would follow a trend of them only doing art for each chapter on their own
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Dayum dolls look like that?
I don't like GH since they starting shipping Catnap can Crafty, but this one is funny.
>Yea man I like it because it's funny no other reason
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Dude, this is actual slop. I know we're all here because we like the mlp ripoff characters in a kids horror game, but this is a step above even for me. AI voices, weird kink shit, overly expressive animation intended to draw kids attention, the whole shsbang.
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