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Imperious Edition

Previously, >>491159871

>Breaking News
Amalia and Sorin banned (in Explorer): https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/august-26-2024-banned-and-restricted-announcement
Alchemy: Bloomburrow released
Arena Open starts Saturday - win up to $2,000
Store sells preconstructed decks


Duskmourn Debut is August 31 at PAX: https://www.twitch.tv/magic
Debut will kickstart spoiler season: https://www.magicspoiler.com/mtg-set/duskmourn/
Story has been pretty good https://magic.wizards.com/en/story

>Useful Links

>Free Codes

Are you spending more currency on Bloomburrow? Saving for Duskmourn? How much? Post your stash!
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How would you build it?
I most certainly wouldn't
fuck this card. imagine putting in your card game a reference to the worst "card" "game" ever made
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>Get Lost my Beanstalk
>Destroy Evil my Beanstalk
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Since it doesn't work with garruk's I thought it might work with this guy, turns out it does.
>ban amalia for being too powerful
>monoblack removes your entire hand on turn 2 and drops sheoldred turn 4
>monogreen has 5 mana on turn 2
How is this fair?
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>most broken deck gets banned so people stop seething about it
>people start seething against the second most broken deck
Vampires was the most broken deck
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yeah and how did that work out
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how I sleep thinking about the fools who spent 4 rare wildcards on Leyline Binding, while I waited for the OTJ reprint and crafted them with mythics, aka for free
Post fun decks only
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Is there a source that frequently updates untapped gg leaks for winning decks and stuff?
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youtube channels reading off of it for content
I said fun
>youtube channels reading off of it for content
thats a thing?
never underestimate a youtuber's laziness
I don't see any hexproof creatures, do you?
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Ayo thanks for the bake, was worried no one would bake during the night
Not really, just crafted a few uncommons for mono red and beyond that been just saving gold and WCs.
t. previous OP
I basically just amass coins and buy packs for everything when new set rolls in.
Spent 100k for Bloomburrow, got 55k right now for Duskmourne.
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depends what you mean by fun but at the very least I can guarantee you won't get any mirror matches
>11 equipments
>12 creatures, of which 8 can be dead copies in hand due to legend rule
dam son
put in a god damned fountainport or three already, you know fish and mites can wield swords
After the bans I might spend some wildcards building Ygra Oven to see how that works out, but I was never that thrilled with Bloomburrow. Duskmourn might be cool, there's really not enough shown yet to have an idea of how the set will play. I'm hopeful for Meathook Massacre II to be a solid path of peril replacement.
>12 creatures, of which 8 can be dead copies in hand due to legend rule
nah all 12 are legendaries :^)
It's not ideal but I don't see any other good creature candidates. The main idea of the deck is to use Kemba or the talent's second ability to put hero's heirloom on a legendary and swing with haste. Everybody runs 12 removal spells anyway so it's not like the creatures stay on board. Naya is already iffy so I don't think I could swing fountainport but mirrex is a good idea
>shit game design to sell power to retards
>"yo wtf why are people still mad about shit solitaire game design when the other shitty solitaire designed cards got banned?"
Honestly, who genuinely keeps playing this game besides uberautistic people?

only 8 of them can be dead cards in hand, copies 2-4 of legendaries
you have 4x kutzil, 4x kemba, 3x ahau, 1x nahiri. Nahiri will never be dead in hand, but 3x kutzil / kemba and 2x ahau can
there's no legendary rule drawback to running a single copy of a legendary, and with 2 of a kind its pretty rare
>how is this fair?
Don't you feel heckin smart when you deny your opponent the game by placing cards that play the game for you and make YOU WIN?
Buy more cards and you'll win more!
ah yes fair enough
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>ur dead lmao lol
nigger i just fucking booted up the game

no wonder no one plays this garbage ejaculation simulator
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you're crying about someone who kills you on turn FOUR in standard?
i just want to play the fucking game instead of wasting time and electricity just to watch some lgbtp+ suck his own dick

is that too much too ask?
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What will her casting cost be?
The absolute state of this game really shows wotc doesn't respects its customer's intelligence.

And truth be told, they ain't wrong. Fags still keep slurping up their cum.
you could play again UW control or domain instead. That way you get to watch them suck their own dick for 20 minutes instead of 3
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I know.
I haven't played Arena since Adventures in Forgotten Realms.
Tell me what I should get or build.
The best deck you could play right now is black myth wukong
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>jank brew? check
>play/low mythic queue? check
>opponent is playing cards I didn't even know existed? check
you've established netdecking in plat/diamond is shit, so just don't. The whole process of making your own deck, trying it out and tuning it is so much more fun than grinding the ladder. Have you tried simic tempo faeries?
I've finally gotten into Historic Brawl, because I got bored of Timeless and Standard is basically dead forever. What decks should I watch out for, and what decks do other people here use?
Fucking hell the memory leaks are back. How the fuck is a card game crashing on my PC but i have zero problems with Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3?
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>make your own deck
>btw have you tried netdecking?
Boring as fuck and i'd die to red/x aggro or hand hate anyway so there is no point in playing.

Netdecking should not basically play the game for you because wotc loves the prospect of short term profit only to lose 90% of their player base.
wtf bros
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turn 1 plains armored armadillo (?)
turn 2 plains novice inspector, yotian frontliner

at this point does the opponent have any reason to expect that if they don't immediately interact with my board, they're going to die on turn 3 to 32 flying damage?
like, why bother -2 liliana
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this is your daily reminder that the game is rigged
what a joke of a post. show the entire screen, at least
i imagine people who enjoy or even "ironically" play this type of mind numbing cancerous solitaire to be extremely disfigured basement dwellers with a huge collection of funko pops and rainbow flags all over the walls
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What the fuck would showing my opponent's board do? I drew 16/24 lands in the top 28 cards of my deck. That's a 0.88% chance. That was game 2. Pic related is game 3. A 5.61% chance. In succession, against a deck I have a 67% winrate against.
>knows the game is rigged
>still runs land counts netdecked from paper like a moron instead of leaning in to the algos

the fault is yours
I exclusively play my own homebrews. Don't project your copy-paste bullshit onto me, faggot.
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NOOOOOooooo you can't just play COMBO that's degenerate and filthy and evil solitaire basement dweller gaming combo is NOT ALLOWED
>What the fuck would showing my opponent's board do?
just how retarded are you? if you want to make claims about the game, why wouldn't you show the entire gamestate?
Because my opponent's two Urabrask Forges and two Virtue of Loyaltys had 0 bearing on the fact that I drew 16/24 lands in my top 28 cards of my deck? They just meant I died next turn. What the fuck are you even reaching for? What could my opponent possibly have on their board that would make you go "AHA! THAT'S the reason you drew lands in such a manner has a 0.88% chance of happening!"?
No one wants to sit through your triggers, if they know you've already won conceding saves them time.
What’s the combo I don’t get it
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this is what I ended up coming up with, I currently have a 16/12 w/l in low diamond with it. I think my biggest problem is no shocklands, but legendaries are hard to come by in this game. Any advice on deckbuilding is welcome.
Each of the battle deals 1 damage to opponent and opp sacrifices a creature. They cost 2 mana. Temp Lockdown locks up his the battles, Scrollshift releases them again and they all trigger once more.
the coomboer gets to play and feel heckin smart that he's epic flowcharting and you're losing and can't do anything about it because the game is designed by monkeys
I'd rather fight tooth and nails in a back and forth instead of either wasting my time not to play or just drop a land watch my opponent win in a single turn by interacting with his own cards.

But such a game would not sell to the modern gaymers who just play games just to farm wins.
wow sure is interactive gaming going turn 1 discard turn 2 discard discard turn 3 bandits class upgrade turn 4 sheoldred lmaoooo
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wow wotc sure knows how to develop and playtest card, am i right?
pls buy product!
if i wanted to lose because i chose the wrong color i might as well just go play hearthstone
It’s a good game for smart people made by even smarter people yippeeeeeee
The problem i have with this game is that it rewards brain dead non-strategies piloted by even more brain dead non-players who just win by virtue that their cards basically do everything, have self synergy and extreme hyper synergy with other cards in the same class who trigger their effects and make them trigger their secondary and tertiary effects because the other effects got triggered.

All the triggers and synergy is the equivalent of jingling keys in front of a baby.
>"wow look at all the triggers you triggered by triggering other triggers! WOW you are so smart and have epic skills! Don't you want to buy our products now?"

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hehe my opponent drop a land and watch me win in a single turn by interacting with my own cards :^)
wow that is such an amazing play!
I would recommend you purchase at least two boxes of the next expansion set Duskmourn: house of Horror™ by Wizards of the Coast™!
That’s a lot of dedication to record yourself jingling keys for ten hours holy shit what was the other hand doing I wonder.

Also if I buy the new thing I’m excited for will I be able to get EVEN MORE TRIGGERS?
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Finally. Forced 50% is real.
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The storm count is at 3.
>mount gag hates combo
>mount gag hates control
>mount gag hates aggro
>mount gag hates disruption tempo
midrange chads?
mount gag hates planeswalkers
>the gay sleeves are on sale
>the d&d sleeves look cooler but the gay sleeves are memeable
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>think anon's being hyperbolic and talking about pony sleeves or something
>go check
>literal gay sex happening on the sleeves
What in the fuck
>1card combos
>deny your opponent from playing the game control
>win the game before your opponent can play aggro
>win the game with aggro but with instants tempo
maybe we should stop being so heckin bigoted and jerk off to mlp sleeves, gagsisters uwu
The west has fallen
If the game was this cancerous and designed by lgbtmonkeys with a degree in creative mental illness, i'd buy paper products
>products are actually marketed to scalpers
you could walk into an insane asylum and hear more sensible conversations than you the ones you read in this thread
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does the bundle with the 20 alchemy packs for 15k gold count towards golden packs? do they ever do these bundles for standard sets?
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It gave me the style, bros...

But I don't have the land. Why the fuck would it do that???
>make anti aggro list
>reinimator, reinimator, greedy control list, reininator, domain ramp, domain ramp
very authentic matchmaking
well I tested it, it does count. the deal goes from great if you're really desperate for quick wildcards, to pretty bad if you're only thinking long term
I know this is bait but in two weeks it won't be
Best cards in Red to beat the black discard deck in Explorer? I'm not playing RDW, I'm on Big Red
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Why do you think he conceded here? Land?
case of the crimson pulse, duh
>opponent goes first
>opponent goes first
>opponent goes first
>opponent goes first
>unplayable hand
>mulligan again
>unplayable hand
>go first
>mana screwed
just uninstalled I wish I could like this game because I love a lot of the concepts and the mechanics but fuck this game lmao, see you bros on the other side
MTG would be better if it were an entirely different game with the same level of popularity

Leyline of Combustion is pretty funny but not enough all by itself.
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Remember during Ravnica Allegiance, when mono-red burn was literally just a shit ton of burn spells like lightning strike and skewer the critics?
Does that deck still exist in any of the arena formats? I don't want to play many or any creatures. I just want to vomit out instants and sorceries
I crafted a standard deck that I hate. Has anyone played boros mice in standard or alchemy? How is the win rate compared with monored?
see you tomorrow
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Shows as the best deck in mythic right now.
/tg/ schizos think caretaker's talent will get banned lol
imagine thinking wotc will ban a rare from the most recent set
wotc will only ban:
a rare or MR from a set about to rotate out
Pure burn isn't a thing on arena afaik but red storm and izzet storm are quite playable in unranked queues. Some new toys show up in every alchemy set.
I've played 4 winning games in a row in the Eldraine quick draft. Can I close the game and come back to it later tonight or will the event time out?
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Is there a plugin/mod to auto-concede the 75 pre-requisite 'opponent goes first' games before you're actually allowed to play the game?
You can take a break and come back.
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I went 3-0 in the event, rate my deck
no idea how to evaluate decks or even individual cards in words: the uncubening

your deck looks low-ish to the ground and BREAD-enough to go 3-0 but would probably not hold up well in a prolonged, systematic draft format with the same set where synergies and value engines became more relevant
It's literally Tocasia's Welcome with irrelevant upsides.
WotC shouldn't ban a card simply because players were too retarded to notice it before.
>Winning too much in draft
>Start getting starting hands with only 1 type of mana every single time in the last 3 games, forcing at the very least 1 mulligan
Insane how these jews try to force things
NTA, but that's what he built in the stupid all rares phantom sealed event. Everyone's deck was dog shit.
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>Winning too much in draft
>Only 1 type of mana again (fourth game in a row) AND I'm getting matched vs mythic drafters

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>Winning too much
I'll bet you also think transphobia is the reason you can't get a girlfriend.
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I haven't played arena in months.
>tranny shit out of nowhere.
lol mentally ill retard
>3 nashi
I guess this means he's about to die in duskmourn. rip
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>schizo calling another schizo mentally ill
you literally answered your own questions. matchmaking isn't just rank based, score also matters.
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in the story, the whole coffin gets taken
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opponents always leave 1 or 2 turns before the flawless victory
they'd end this turn with just 2 lands
Slower. The boros mice suck compared to SSS and Phoenix chick with a bane splitter and any other pump. It can be more explosive when it has a perfect hand and draw,but its way more inconsistent than rdw
Yep. If you play three rounds after another against uw as rdw and three times their start hand is
3 get lost and a mass removal on turn 4, you just know there are pre-scripted "you lose and need to spend more money to win again" matches.

And to the shizo screeching wotc and hasbro advertisers itt, if you play a few 100 matches a day, you can't hide such shit, its plane obvious as day and motivates to ruin the game for others
I'm higher rank than you and never put money into this game
went from 30% to 46% in 3 days simply by focusing on tilt management
I concede 25% of my games before I ever play my first land, makes game 10x more enjoyable
this guy gets it
you will never be even decent at playing this game. regardless, your lack of frustration tolerance will cost dearly in real life as well.
I have come to peace with this game and embraced it despite its flaws. I accept that if I am on the draw against aggro, I'm going to lose. I understand that if I mulliganed and opponent is on discard, I will lose. There is no reason to play these games out, yet I can find plenty of fun and enjoyable games where I may win or lose if I simply requeue.
I made it to mythic with this simple strategy and had fun on the way
my dead grandmother could probably make it to mythic, anon
Dead grandmothers make me horny tell me more
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God damn I love magic the gathering arena on mobile devices
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>I play this and draw a card
>I sunfall and draw a card
>You counter it? I still draw a card
>You kill it? I already drew a card
>go 3-0 in midweek thing
>immediately queue and concede 6 matches
you did do your part to make arena a more welcoming place for less fortunate players, right anon?
No fuck other players I’m in the midweek roping or kicking ass just to keep people from having fun
Cooked game cooked company cooked thread fr fr
>play 10 games
>4 hyper-aggro
>6 discard
>1 blue control
Wtf where is the creativity. And it's the same copy pasted fucking decks too, which I am convinced must suck at least on the discard angle because I'm running my own janky unbuilt discard deck and beating theirs.
I did my part before I won
>build u/b/r go 0-3
>rebuild into an a an attractive grand unifier deck
Keep drawing only 1-2 land, and go 0-2
>realize it didn't auto add land and I only had the 6 dual lands in my deck
>rebuild for axtraxa and go 3-0
>turn 1 enigma jewel
>turn 2 collectors vault
>turn 3 malicious eclipse
>turn 4 atraxa
easy game easy life
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Critique my deck, anons. I run goblins on Explorer/Historic trying to win as fast as possible to get my 15 quest victories each day. I got the basic idea from Let's Talk Limited and modified the deck with a couple of non-Standard cards ("Rundvelt Hordemaster" to power up the horde and repopulate after a board wipe, "Scorching Shot" to deal with "Sheoldred, The Apocalypse" or other big creatures).


4 Battle Cry Goblin (AFR) 132
20 Mountain (ONE) 275
4 Hobgoblin Bandit Lord (AFR) 147
4 Fireblade Charger (ZNR) 139
4 Den of the Bugbear (AFR) 254
2 Play with Fire (MID) 154
4 Hulking Bugbear (AFR) 149
4 Goblin Javelineer (AFR) 144
3 Scorching Shot (OTJ) 145
4 Rundvelt Hordemaster (DMU) 142
3 Sneaking Guide (ZNR) 164
4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan (NEO) 152
It’s a mobile game Skinner box it isn’t meant to be fun. How retarded do you have to be to think you can just play a game like magic for free whenever you want. Eling my effing a off rn.
>play 10 games
I’d drop all the scorching shots, play with fires, and -1 sneaky goblin. Id add 4 monstrous rage and 2 witchstalkers frenzy.
24 lands is too many lands
For discount goblin aggro I'd test as low as 17 and expect to run 20 at the absolute maximum

Other than that not much to talk about. You'll win on the play sometimes and mostly lose to stronger decks the rest of the time.
But 24 is the correct amount if you want your dens to bugbear everywhere
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How's jeskai control on standard?
I haven't played in ages and just getting back on, crafted red because it was cheap and I had some other cards but I find it insanely unfun.
I'm usually an izzet chad but izzet seems like actual dogshit right now.
most sane mtgag poster
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Rate my 21 land control deck
it revolves around caretaker's talent
Is it fun/decent?
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you guys suck, while we're out here schizoing all day, /tg/ is making booba edits
I just went from diamond 4 to diamond 3 without a single loss with lizards. I love this deck. I'm sure I'll lose a shit ton now
I don't want to run 24 lands and pay 4 mana to bugbear
I want to run 18 lands and pay 3 mana to krenko
amazing, anon! congratulations on winning
>*checks notes*
4 whole games!
It's 6 games and a 6 game streak is nice
>fucking fateful absence's art
Dies to removal tho.
Nah jk I forgot all about krenko
Looks like it can be fun if not rushed down, doesn't really have a lot of means to deal with planeswalkers though for a control deck imo.
rushdown is an issue and especially wombo RDW but anything slower can have issues with edicts and lockdown and big butt blockers for cheap
pretty easy to be on turn 3 and have made opponent discard 2 cards, sacrifice a creature, and I have a 4/4 and a 2/2 flying who can attack walkers or defend aggro

but its really reliant on the pixie+elder engine to get through early game
so you weren't baiting? jesus

control doesn't exist in best of 1
not that you posted even an attempt at a control deck, mind you
Yea it's a bit luck-reliant for aggros, but if you can get going might be fun. How does it fair against other discard decks too?

RDW nigger found.
Anyone playing any variation of atraxa in their deck is the biggest fking faggot imaginable. Disgusting subhuman maggots
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>red aggro
>mouse aggro
>hand hate
>dino ramp
>white aggro
>"bro why does this game not attract new players?"
I will beat up wotc card designers so hard i'll transition them back into men, cure all their mental illnesses and raise their IQ by 100 points.

Godfucking dammit do i need a lobotomy to even slightly enjoy this autofellatio simulator?
I've won some discard mirrors because the engine actually dodges hand disruption at sorcery speed if they try to race thoughtsneezes, and if they just use removal on the creatures they wind up empty handed first

if you've got pixie + mistbreath + nightmare on the battlefield, then even if they discard/exile everything in your hand, you still get to untap, put a +1/+1 on mistbreath, make them discard and lose 2 life and reset
Every single deck boils down to "you don't get to play the game" Zero board state worries. Zero strategy, zero thinking. Just ramp brainlessly, counter everything brainlessly, aggro brainlessly. MaRo needs to be publicly stoned to death and this disgusting company needs to lose another 30% of it's DEI staff.
I played three B03 since I logged in.
First one is braindead domain atraxa ramp. Just braindead braindead disgusting fucking deck. Oh you don't run counterspells or aggro, autolose. MY BAD!
>second game vs braindead atraxa reanimator
>oh you didn't draw graveyard hate?
lose on the spot
3rd game mono U counterspell tribal with djinns.
And log off. I didn't play in a week since. Took me three games to close the app. Fucking disgusting subhuman meta. How anyone finds enjoyment in this cancerous braindead meta is beyond me. Literally the worst the game has ever been.
post your list, so that we are all enlightened about what a schizo-approved deck is
>refuses to play draft, the board-centric format
>gets mad his format isn't board-centric

it is very clear that some real-life frustrations are seeping into your game. normal people don't get this mad about their matchmaking. work on those issues, they're more important.
No wonder everyone just plays aggro. These fucking decks are retardedly braindead so you HAVE to win games by turn 3-4 or they just cast their IWIN atraxa herd migration counterspell every turn boardwipe every turn fucking faggotry.
Red players, you guys are alright. I hope you fucking slaughter every single ramp faggot today.
OR, I can just not play the game and uninstall it since it took me three games from a week long break to close the app again. You faggots have fun with your skinner box faggot simulator, time to go play monkey man simulator instead. Get aids and die faggot. Your game is shit. The company is shit. The economy has never been worse. Bend over and let daddy MaRo shit down your throat and make sure you ask for some more. Btw make sure you buy our hekkin awesome reddit tier black aragorn marvel overpriced card art !!!!
>B-But where have all the players gone?!!!!!
Playing better games lmfao. Kill yourselves. This community deserves nothing but the absolute worst possible things to happen to them playing this fucking roulette slop simulator
I wish I could have a look at the actual playerbase numbers from the launch of MTGA till now, it would be fucking cathartic to see these fucking subhuman pieces of shit bleed players dry every single year. Fucking pieces of garbage 3 year standard deez nuts, get uninstalled bitch. And this is coming from a guy who used to be a paypig. Disgusting fucking subhuman company.
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I've been playing magic since last year and my friend recently have me her old collect and holy shit, I get it oldfags. Some of the old cards so fucking peak, it's insane.
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This one too, and Sphere of Law.
>even the official artworks are nothing but modern masculine women with superhero jawlines
fucking imagine turning your game into nothing but aggro slop with shit art and hope fucking trannies and normies who ruin everything they touch fuckin buy your shit

Seriously, somebody should drop a game design tutorial at wotc hq's door.
Lmao, this nigga mad.
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i was so focused on shitting on the game i forgot my edit

Here, put this into your game and should hiring tiktok addicted zoomers to design your card and you will attract new players.
>just play the gamboling format bro
Ok retard you can stop replying now
Cool it with the esl
And yeah if you don't play limited you're an npc
Whatever you say retard
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here, saggier and bigger

my neighbour's dog could bark better game design than wotc axewounds
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now where the fuck is MY DEI investment, you stupid niggers?
I have actually won games with this brew

somehow, I'm not even kidding, I've won games where I discarded my entire hand on turn 2
might even be remotely playable if I had copies 2-4 of harvester
nah, small tits are better
you have bad taste
Are all aggro players already at mythic? I sat down to play some standard after just doing starter decks for quests for a week and I didn't see a single red deck the entire time which is unfortunate because I'm built to fuck red decks and now everyone's 100% black
>100% black
because everyone in bo1 queue just copies the latest cgb video
i dont fucking care
tell wotc to stop fucking around
based patrician anon of culture

cringe pornbrain /pol/anon
your mental illness is far beyond catharsis
why does this game lag so much more than anything else I have ever played
Every time I come into this thread I feel more and more afraid of the mental health epidemic fucking up men worldwide.

Bros. Perspective is everything in life. Touching grass is unironically good for people. Breathe. Relax.
just lost to atraxa domain after about a fucking hour because I decked myself
sunfall herd migration sunfall herd migration sunfall

won against black discard in couple minutes because lmao my hand goes from 0 cards to 3 cards to 9 cards and their bandit class does nothing
not just aggro players, but yes. I made mythic august 4th with multiple Tangled Islets in my deck
yes anon, beanstalk + things that don't actually cost 5 or more but pretend like they do is a good combo
>Perspective is everything in life
Also good to remember these threads (and this site) is only a small slice of the populace. It'd be like going to a sports betting forum and coming to the conclusion that all your neighbors are gambling addicts as well.
for me, it's the one where you couldnt tell commons and uncommons apart
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I bet you'd like me to touch grass, Rosewater. You want me to leave my house so lightning can strike me and you can say "IT'S JUST VARIANCE BRO" and then I end up going to a hospital and hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to people with names like Steinenbergengoldenstein and have no choice but to seek solace in 12 hour gooning marathons and Magic the Gathering Arena but I'M NOT FUCKING FALLING FOR IT
schizo rambling is all you read here though. it gets exhausting
>schizobro is an american
not surprising
Arena forces meta matchups if you build to beat a deck you won’t play against it. You can call me a schizo all you want but this is 100% true.
praying for you, bro
Am I on the play? I win
Am I on the draw
- is opponent slow on load? i concede
- is opponent on aggro? i concede
- is opponent on discard? i concede
- is opponent on counterspell tribal? i concede
>I give myself a bad winrate because...I just do, OK?!
>I care about winrate because.... I just do, OK?!?!?!
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>Am I on the draw
>- is opponent on discard? i concede
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Sure, but how about we just turn monogreen also into turbo t4-win aggro?
Sure as fuck is FUN and INTERACTIVE to play!

hehe but just stop asking question and COOONSUUUME BRO TOUCH GRASS AND STOP THINKING BRO

I will literally pay for wotc employees to get their high school diploma if they don't stop designing solitaire
lmao 2cat
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>life is unlivable
>games are unplayable
>"yo why is mental health declining world wide? just consume and touch nature bro"
I am honestly starting to understand why kids shoot up schools and brown people run around with knives.

Anyway, sisters, what's the newest epic youtuber with the heckin amazing meta deck that requires me no thinking and make ME WIN so i can feel heckin valid?
>has no life beyond video games, 4chan and reddit
>wonders why is depressed/mentally ill
many such cases
opponent goes first
opponent ropes on the mulligan screen
opponent takes 30 seconds per priority
opponent is on aggro
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jumpstart bros it's time
because I play the game, simple as.

Not caring about winrate is simply cope. You only wanna play favorable, and are too much of a pussy to actually try when you have to.
games aren't unplayable, you're just depressed and can't enjoy things
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say their name.
>i am litcherally in your head
Yeah, why wouldn't i want to surround myself and subjugated to people like this?
No matter, just consume videogames and stop questioning game mechanics.
Mistakeus, annihilator of game design.
Try it yourself and switch decks see what happens. If you git gud enough you can even switch archetypes according to time zones and peak players for a good time.
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theres nothing really all that egregious about Eldrazi game design. theyre actually appropriately costed for their powerful effects. the problem ALWAYS and WILL ALWAYS BE the methods in which WoTC adds in order to "cheat out" monsters before they should normally be intended to be casted.

especially when most of them have little to no protection and can be taken out by removal before they get a chance to swing and trigger their most devastating archtype keyword.
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>the problem ALWAYS and WILL ALWAYS BE the methods in which WoTC adds in order to "cheat out" monsters before they should
So, isn't it a game design mistake?

Every single card is not-broken in a vacuum.
>they die to removal
If i got so much mana that i can cheat out Mistakeuses, i probably have enough bs to protect them.
I sometimes take a piss after a mulligan
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brainlets ITT will seethe and cry over big creatures with abilities even if they're not cheated out, like they do with atraxa
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Alright my list is refined
I'm definitely convinced armadillo > skrelv. If a creature is just going to die 1:1 with removal it better eat big shit with 4 toughness and ward 1, or actually be a real backup threat and scry machine like warden. And actually blocking the first few turns, and the fact an armadillo with 2x +1/+1 counters on it can hit someone for 8 damage makes it worthwhile
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>perpetual buffs stay on commanders
>but perpetual nerfs dont

I hate these dogshit fanfiction cards.
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I thought I could make a fun budget STANDARD deck with slimes but I forgot about needing 20 rare wildcards for your fucking lands. Back to brawl.
When when they go back to command zone you get to choose if perpetual changes stay. If they have both a buff and a nerf, they have to keep both or remove both.
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This one roped me for several minutes, especially on the last few priorities.
Rope to play a land, rope to attack, rope to watch my spells resolve
I made him sit here and wait, since from his perspective on board I was dead and salting out, right
Just report. As soon as a rope appears, the support page is opened and the name in the field and on the next turn a log is made
I would be reporting 75% of my opponents
I am literally being roped on the mulligan screen as I write this
Yep, that is what you should do. Make the support work
7+ mana cards are supposed to be coup de graces . obviously they cant print "You Win" on a creature like this but you can get pretty damn close

>If i got so much mana that i can cheat out Mistakeuses, i probably have enough bs to protect them.

that isnt the case at all though. thats not a problem of mana so much as its a problem of card advantage. You can get out Ulamog with a Looting+Goryo's veng. nothing in that combo would hint at a protection spell.
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>now you're getting roped by support too
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>obviously they cant print "You Win" on a creature like this
Yeah, that actually only costs 2 mana.
Anyone have good lizard lists that are working for them?
what should I play in the timeless challenge bros? I feel like trolling show and tell players with stax pieces but I don't want to instalose to energy and counter frogs
>opponent spams "your go"
>I haven't taken more than half a second at any priority throughout the whole game
>instantaneous play
>opponent is salty because he's getting bodied by my deck
>his graveyard is: go for the throat, no witnesses, get lost, go for the throat, go for the throat, starfall invocation, chimil (?), go for the throat, get lost, vraska

They can't take what they dish out
>7+ mana cards are supposed to be coup de graces
I am not memeing when i say this but this is genuinely bad game design as much as counterspells/negates are.

You do not want anything that gives a player a definitive game-ending option or advantage as close as "you win" as possible or risk snowballing a player into a guaranteed win in a mutliplayer game.
>Inb4 but games would last too long then
1st they don't because aggro exists
2nd that's another huge game design flaw if the game "needs" game ending options and the answer to games lasting too long is monored that ends the game in 1-2 turns without the other player having any agency in the game.
3rd These cards got even worse because they break their own rule of "7mana me win game" because you can cheat them out way sooner

The game becomes who can solitaire and snowball the fastest and players will either not want to play others or actually preferring playing by themselves because the second player becomes basically irrelevant.

That card is alright for an 8drop, but it would be cancerous in a game state where non destroying removal didn't exist or if we would follow modern game design it would have haste, hexproof, lifelink, deathtouch and double strike and some bs etb that either wipes the opponent's board, makes 50 4/4 angel tokens or makes you draw 10 cards for free.
Now it depends what other cards that have some sort of added synergy with it like giving it permanent hexproof like Sigarda wich would it make it nearly impossible to play around.

Card advantage should always translate to more options, not kick your opponent in the balls, beat his already dead horse and call his mother a whore.

At that point; why even make higher cost cards? Just remove mana from the game and make it a yugioh clone already.
which packs should i be spending gold on?
I don't know what would give me the most value
the other thing about 6-7+ mana cards being a free win snowball effect is that it makes decks that cheat them out broken
its not like you're reanimating a big dumb 8/8 flying vigilance indestructible with summoning sickness that only blocks 1 attacker and is answered 1:1 by exile removal or bounce or whatever

instead it goes like this:
>t1 land
>t2 founding the third path, free the fae / cache grab
>t3 squirming emergence, getting rakdos joins up, getting lumra
and now its turn 3, I have 9 lands on board, a 9/9 reach vigilance that deals 9 damage when it dies, and I've got another squirming emergence for turn 4 lined up from third path, and that will reanimate lumra again if you kill it at sorcery speed.
>Card advantage should always translate to more options, not kick your opponent in the balls, etc

I think that is an ambitious design ideal.

what does that gameflow look like?
I have card advantage, my options are broader than your options; how do you design a decision space where your options are still interesting and productive?
Whats the best format on arena rn?
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if you cheat avacyn angel of hope into play on turn 3, its just the same clock as if you played evolved sleeper on turn 1 and pumped it every turn and attacked in, except that drew you +3 cards. They both goldfish on turn 6
>opponent does nothing but play lands for 8 turns, spams "nice" and ropes out
Motherfucker, you kept that hand and played Mirrex into my demo field. What were you expecting?
explorer doesn't have alchemy troonshit and has more cards than standard
What’s a fun deck?
RDW and save up wildcards for decks that catch your fancy
always grind RDW to fuel your other decks
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thoughts /mtg/sissies?
would be an auto-include if it got more blight counters per sac, as it is idk
I'm having good luck with it in several decks. There are quite a few 1 mana cards that put 2 permanents on the board in a variety of colors. Once I get something consistent put together I'll post it for review. It's been pairing really well with blue and "three steps ahead"
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It's not ambitious, at all; you just have to put gameplay and players first before profits and the illusion of power to that cucks buy your shit and think they're heckin epic skilled.
>I have card advantage, my options are broader than your options; how do you design a decision space where your options are still interesting and productive?
That's really simple:
You take what mtg and ygo do, and completely avoid their shitty card design.

Cards should not do 10 things or be "boss monsters" who are themselves difficult to get rid of, nor have extreme self-synergy, self protection, create resources just by existing or way higher reward than risk.
turn the 4 into a 1
make the sac requirements non-token only
You can proliferate and force opp to sac and if they can't sac, you won the game
if you have innkeeper at 3, it already comes with two counters, prolif makes it 4, so you can just do 20 damage the next turn

You asked for thoughts.
those are certainly thoughts
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i actually do genuinely like braids card design
>effect only triggers at the end step and if you sac something of yours
>opp has the choice of what to sac
>if they don't you draw a card
although idk why they fuck they always do the 2 damage thing
1 would be enough
same with shelly, why 2?
bugwoman already has death touch and 4/5 for 4mana
Buy alchemy packs, build alchemy decks, thank me later
>30 minute grindfest against tokens with three talents out winning by decking them
Goddamn, that was fun. Abzan has made me appreciate playing control.
>opponent plays evolving wilds on turn 1
>never sacs it, just allows it to hold priority the entire game
is there a difference between standard and alchemy besides digital only and rebalanced cards?
wizards sends the top alchemy players a free box of hrt pills every month
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Is there any way to bait the system into assigning your 'signature' cards into what you want?

By signature cards I mean the 2-3 cards that are ALWAYS either in your opening hand or your top 3 cards every single game without failure.
>is there a difference between standard and alchemy besides it's a different format
this confuses the shufflerschizo AND the matchmakerschizo
>my list is refined
>manabase is all basics
your list is not refined

didnt look at your spells btw
knock yourself out

your only real choices are whatever packs provide golden pack progression. obviously if you play standard, choose among those the ones that are in standard
standard and draft, same as paper
probably the

Have yet to see a good deck with it. Playing a bunch of 1/1s that make tokens then sac everything does not work, because the 1/1s arent threats, so I just take 4 dmg then remove the viper.
play 60 plains
I think I got my sister pregnant and I don’t know what to do broskis
The only nonbasic in the entire format that could be used in that deck is cavern of souls and half the creatures don't share a type. Its far more likely to stop you from casting WWW on turns 1/2 and being able to cast cage at all (2x cavern hand = unplayable) than to stop someone from countering... your 1 drops

There's really no 1 drops worth splashing in dual colors or even stuff like combat courier or haywire mite or mockingbird. I played green with pawpatch recruit, mightcaller, etc rabbits, if you have 1 drops that die to removal people will just use removal on them. They need to replace themselves or be too big to kill or actually justify their threat
if only there were lands that make creatures or turn into creatures...
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I love this fag obliterator so much.

Nice hand full of counterspells, shit for brains.
been getting really lucky with 750s, recently.

After 72 quests tracked, the average reward is up to 615 gold, the highest it's ever been
no lands that make creatures or turn into creatures and let you play WWW on turns 1/2
>he doesn't know
After testing it extensively I can say, its pointless to play during EU day. without exception, 7 days in a row, the game becomes unplayable with shit match ups and shit hands dominating in 89% of all games. Funny, as soon as it is EU night, that falls down to a probable 55% and one gets hands, draws and match up and combinations one wouldn't think would be possible playing only during the day.

Hasbro and wotc need to go bankrupt
for me it's the opposite
the game becomes unplayable during after work and nights

truth be told no actual people play this game
it's all bots
>for me it's the opposite
I wonder why this could be...mmm........mmm...................surely....no, no....
i clearly meant EU nights
Its too consistent. One in 10 games is okay
Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia is not a split or multiple personality. Schizophrenia involves psychosis, a type of mental illness in which you can’t tell what’s real from what’s imagined. At times, people with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia lose touch with reality. Their world may blend confusing thoughts, images, and sounds together. Because of their distorted reality, people with this condition may show strange and even shocking behavior.

Delusions . These are false, mixed, and sometimes strange beliefs that aren’t based on reality. The person refuses to give up these beliefs, even when shown the facts. For example, a person with delusions may believe that people can hear their thoughts, that they are God or the devil, or that people are putting thoughts into their head or plotting against them.
> no actual people play this game
it's all bots
with the amounts of rounds I played, I can most likely confirm. The repeating "names" that are poorly trying to imitate a "culture" speak largely for bots.

Its funny when I started playing again, I gave them feedback - now the only feedback they get is instant concede or land drop, draw concede
And they never reply to your emotes, take hours to make the most brain dead plays or simply always have the very specific deck that beats your deck

it's gotta be bots.
its a lot of bots
but the 1 to 10 keeps remaining consistent
Its so consistent that it makes no sense to spend anything on "events"
So, Standard aggro kills on turn 2~3, Standard combo kills on turn 4. Was Standard always this fast?
not since Mirrodins artefact affinity failure
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When to see a doctor
People with schizophrenia often don't know that they have a mental condition that needs medical attention. As a result, family or friends often need to get them help.

Helping someone who may have schizophrenia
If people you know have symptoms of schizophrenia, talk to them about your concerns. While you can't force them to seek help, you can offer encouragement and support. You also can help them find a healthcare professional or mental health professional.

If people are a danger to themselves or others, or they don't have food, clothing or shelter, you may need to call 911 in the U.S. or other emergency responders for help. A mental health professional needs to evaluate them.

Some people may need an emergency stay in a hospital. Laws on mental health treatment against a person's will vary by state. You can contact community mental health agencies or police departments in your area for details.
standard combo can kill on turn 3 with a lucky hand, but most are turn 4
>muh combos, muh combos
as batman would say,

WHERE ARE THEY >>492317617
this Maha cardback would be so much better if it wasn't animated, holy fuck
Look at eldraine 1.0 standard for contrast

The best decks in the format were fires of invention, jund sacrifice, various adventure shells (even after clover was banned).
The midrange decks could not win the game before turn 6-7 or so, it was not possible on any draw. They could get ramp into turn 4 fires and drop cavelier + bonecrusher and win in a couple swings.
The aggro decks could not seriously damage you before turn 4. In fact no possible line could ever kill you on turn 3. Only when Winota was added could they go t1 dork t2 innkeeper turn 3 winota and somehow get lethal damage with blade historian + whatever, which involved massive luck

normal RDW killing you on turn 4 back then:
>t1 fervent champion (19)
>t2 robber of the rich (16)
>t3 bonecrusher (13)
>t4 boulder rush, gendercleave (-4)
normal RDW killing you on turn 3 now:
>t1 swiftspear (19)
>t2 swiftspear, monstrous rage (12)
>t3 monstrous rage, shock (0)
>t1 heartfire (20)
>t2 manifold mouse (16)
>t3 monstrous rage, burn together (-3)
>t1 plot ruckus (20)
>t2 plot slickshot (20)
>t3 slickshot, ruckus, monstrous rage, twinferno (-2)

Nobody ever needed to run 4x cut down 4x disfigure in old formats or whatever other shit equalled them, just to survive to their own turn 3
squirming emergence SHOULD be a tier deck now, its consistent enough and kills on turn 3-4, hell on the play you can kill people faster than they can play kutzli's flanker
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>she plays or cares about formats that aren't pauper, commander, or brawl
>calling reanimator combo
no wonder /tg/ makes fun of us
reanimator has always been combo idiot
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c'est ne pas un reanimator deck
>emergence right there
>not reanimator

If I win by attacking with 10 hasty pestermites am I an aggro deck?

>turn 3 squirming emergence on rakdos joins up, put etali into play, cascade into metamorph, sacrifice etali, cascade into squirming emergence, bring back etali, cascade into gishath, attack, lethal and also find 3 more dinosaurs who all trigger more cascades and death damage
12 games in a row on the draw and counting
I only started keeping track 12 games ago
game 13 on the play
only fair I note this
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Let's play Mt. Gag Bingo
>eat 3 fight spells from phyrexian obliterators
>sacrifice 17 total permanents
>still win the game
tokens being permanents is pretty retarded ngl
>positive symptoms
didn't have any tokens
I gave up 8 lands, 7 creatures and 2 up the beanstalks, also he killed one with the fight spell but the carnosaurs/hulkburster were bigger than obliterator

you have a lot of extra permanents when you can pay 1 black mana for a 6/6 menace deathtouch draw 2 cards
but it doesn't work against control lists because they just spam endless sunfalls + blockers and you will actually mill yourself out
>you will actually mill yourself out
that's why a lot of beanstalk decks play Jace. you can't mill yourself if you can mill them first
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the woman who wrote the kamigawa story is kinda cute, anons. if you had a gf, maybe you wouldn't schizo out so much about card games
he roped me for the first 3 turns
I made the game take half an hour
I told you, anon. You should dehumanize your opponent, it will make you tilt less.
A half hour game isn't tilt, it's the ideal. Anything shorter can't be savored.
it was like 8 turns long
>90 minute matches
>12 hours to get my daily wins
yeah, nah
sometimes it's hard. When a cunt netdecking some tier 1-2 shit hits me with a sleepy emote because I used removal on his permanent, I can't help but get a little mad. Really nigger? You're bored because I killed your "answer now or you lose" card? I have to run 12 of these because of this dogshit meta, and you're stomping your feet going "no that's lame let me win"? Kill yourself
is it bad manner of me to target myself with a liliana ultimate and sacrifice all my permanents except a single bandit's talent when my opponent is at 2 life and empty handed
no it's hilarious
>up to 49%
I can do it, bros. I can play this game
>cunt netdecking
your mindset is wrong from the get-go. You're setting yourself up to get mad just because of the cards the other side plays. Netdecking isn't wrong, either - it is in fact the only sensible way to play without setting money on fire
The only sensible way to play is to jam shitbrews in casual queues and never touch competitive constructed at all
Can someone explain to me how the "auto pass" button works in arena? Because the way I'd expect it to work it's not how I see it play out.
Is there a proper button I can select that tells the game "No, stop bothering me with every goddamn interaction, and quit telling my opponents that I have spells I can cast."
>You're setting yourself up to get mad just because of the cards the other side plays.
Netdecking is tryhard by virtue. It's just a permanent state of anger where you're either mad or slightly less mad.
I had a Juri and Mayhem Devil on the field when I swung into my opponent's Obliterator.
Shit was fucking hilarious. My entire field exploded and I dealt 17 damage to him at once with it.
Hey dude why don’t you have a melty about it. Why would anyone try hard in a game were you only profit by winning? Truly a mystery.
>Why would anyone try hard in a game were you only profit by winning?
No, you profit by having fun.
If you only have fun when you're winning, then your ROI is only half of what it should be.
>playing for fun
Ngmi if you want to play for fun why are you playing an unfun game
Bitch, I can have enough fun for the both of us.
100% there's nothing wrong with netdecking, but don't act all butthurt bm-happy because my haha jank pile happens to run 4 lightning helix, 3 elspeth's smite, 3 torch the tower and 2 rebel salvo. I run them because of you, you're the reason. It's your bed, you made it. Sweet dreams faggot
this is the third time today my opponent has conceded when I played collectors cage without showing lethal, before he got to see my hideaway card, which could have been 5 lands for all he knows

I'm on board where my opponent is presenting lethal attack next turn, he scried the same card to the top of his library 4 times with a warden which is now big enough to block my creatures, even with the cage +1/+1 I don't have lethal, so I NEED a big spell from it.
now as it happens I had thunderous debut and would probably smack him for 100 damage this turn
but he had no way to know that
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What's your favorite jank card?
Mine's probably vine mare. Combination of a weird stat line and aggressive doom blade immunity make it a fun card all around.
They should have given it protection from ni… I mean blacks. Shit I mean black.
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This guy. Looks like such shit on paper and then you slap it down and it silver bullets 80% of the bo1 queue while making annoying blockers to protect itself and ping.
New to standard, what dual lands should I go for first?
the ones that you pay life to produce one of their colors
starcraft as an esport:

>one player scouts the other on a 3 player map to figure out which spawn he is in, without revealing his instant scout, by having his probe only get in range of a single mineral patch to see if any was mined from it, then builds photon cannons outside the base he thinks he confirmed, except the other player had outmindgamed him by mining from every other patch except the outermost one and left it untouched in case he tried that scout, resulting in the rusher building in the wrong, empty base

magic as an esport

>one player mulligans down to 3 cards and concedes
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>Nobody ever needed to run 4x cut down 4x disfigure [...] to survive to their turn 3

>adds Legion extruder
>sacs a banesplitter to come beating with a pumoped 3/3 after all regular beater were removed
current rdw build. for now the most stable I've tested. Preferable to the RB build. It isn't as explosive, but more consistent. Also Phoenix Chick is greatly underestimated. Except against Bats, there is not much in the meta that prevents it, on its own dealing 3 - 4 damage for 1
its cute but its not more consistent
yes you traded the explosive power of burn together and the reliability/versatility of shock for
>4 copies of jitte even though it can legend rule itself, meaning up to 3 dead draws possible if you don't have extruders to sac them and even if you do you probably don't want them, and jitte is not aggressive and its only actually decent combo with heartfire hero, whereas the other creatures don't really care
>4 copies of legion extruder, which is nothing but a 2 mana sorcery speed shock unless you have one of your 8 artifacts (5+ 3 legendary rule), which also loses their damage output.

Its a double dose of inconsistency. One card doesn't work with copies of itself and only works well with one other card. One card only works with two other cards. If your hand contains the wrong permutation of these effects, its gimped
The consistency of RDW is what makes it broken right now, every spell you cast is basically going to deal more damage to the opponents face than a lightning bolt for 1 red pip, its just going to do it via different methods.
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>A half hour game isn't tilt, it's the ideal
after 10 most rdw just conceed because they get bored
jitte triggers heartfire, sss and spear and is a mini ramp with its untap target land. So worst case I sac a jitte that is not attached to trigger and attach the new one, or the legion sacs it makes a 3/3 and another jitte comes
>no burn
I got annoyed of burn because my hands either were
>creature and burn, no pump
>pump and burn
with the mtga rng I remain with the current build
jitte does all those things but only heartfire gets any bonus from it above the baseline, because it gets a counter on equip
but jitte is also very unaggressive

in the normal kill window you only get 6 mana total in 1/2/3. Jitte costs 2 of that mana, and if it gives you back 1 mana then it cost you a net 1 mana to do nothing. You need to equip it and attack twice before it gives you more than the +1/+1 and remove a blocker that you get from War Squeak / Hammerhand for 1 mana, and that can also trigger 2 mice valiants at the same time (but you don't have emberheart)

A build can still be all creatures/pump and no burn, without the inconsistent black mana
>cacophony scamp
>heartfire hero
>monastery swiftspear
>phoenix chick
>emberheart challenger
>slickshot showoff
>monstrous rage
>felonious rage
>mirran banesplitter
>demonic ruckus
>callous sell-sword
that's up to 44 cards and you won't go 16 lands so you need to make cuts from those
also you should be running 2-4 copies of rockface village
Yes, the build is a tick less aggressive. Turn 3 kills still possible, but it more like 4/5. And the jitte is mostly used to untap lands, remove blockers preventing the last damage to go through and get saced for 3/3s, the +1/+1 is rarely used
>emberheart challenger
one of the most overrated cards in rdw, I tried it, I tried to like the mice, but when you play on thin mana the challenger has a tendency to reveal 2 MV cards that get lost in the graveyard or lands after a land was played. The card annoyed the shit out of me.
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Don't feel bad about crafting legion extruders, they are crucial to this shitpile of a deck
not at all. The most fun matches were when the opponent removed 4 creatures, only extruder and 2 splitter on the field and a 3/3/ with a splitter finishes the job
If you went 20 lands and cut one each of phoenix chick, ruckus, challenger and felonious rage, that would be;
>11x 2 mana spells (can't plot ruckus from exile)
>29x 1 mana spells
>20x lands
odds of hitting a 2 mana spell are only about 1:6, and 2:3 it will be nonland action if you have 2 mana open

But that's all upside, its just bad slickshot #5-8. Even without the card draw its the next most aggressive 2 mana red creature in the format, 3rd best is just the same thing but 1 less toughness
20 lands for some reason means with my luck 5-6 land drawn end of game. No thanks. 17 feels sometimes too much, but 16 and below it just increases the 1 land draw and missing land drop turn 2 - 4 too much.

I played against quite a few build like the one you suggest, and its kind of a curse with the challenger, it usually does not much, is chumped or removes a win option from the deck. The manifold on the other hand, might of the meek and the war squeak are really nice cards, but there ain't much for them to trigger; and I played Boros Mice and was just constantly annoyed
Server is kill?
works on my end
have you tried to unplug and re-plug?
I'm gonna have to agree with the other anon suggesting 20 lands for your build, especially if you're committed to running 4 copies of extruder. The fling variant with sell-sword is barely functional with 17 lands and gets stuck on 0-1 lands way too often, so I'm running 19
In all honesty you should probably drop the extruders and run sell-sword instead, then you can get away with 18 lands
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Also you REALLY fuck the matchmaking algorithm when you play a deck of niche 1-of jank cards like bumbleflower's sharepot and it matches you against people like this
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I can win with 1 land, its a lot of playing around and praying the opponent has a bad round too, but its in the realm of possibly with heartfire
and with the lands, I'm rather stuck on 2 lands than be 4 lands turn 4 with one in the hand. 18/19 the chance is too high for a flood to happen, so its 17.
also, its not like I don't play the other rdw, but the extruder jitte one works the best for me
Why are people playing this maindeck in standard? Against what cards is this good?
Urabrask's Forge
Sheoldred (still around)
every ETB
every planeswalker
every creature with prowess, HH, and SSS
easier to list what it doesn't hit right now
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>its not like I don't play the other rdw, but the extruder jitte one works the best for me
What rank are you in? That shit would not fly in plat.
I see now thanks
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currently between 87% and 83% Mythic
beside the extruder
top most played cards in standard, all of which are significantly neutered by it (ie aclazotz and sheoldred are still a 5/5 and 4/5 that out-body it so its not an answer, but it neuters the draw ETB creatures):

>fabled passage
>liliana of the veil
>demolition field
>atraxa, grand unifier
>temporary lockdown
>slickshot show-off
>knight-errant of eos
>archangel elspeth
>heaped harvest
>leyline binding
>jace, the perfected mind
>vraska, betraya's sting
also important to note its one of the few ways for control mirrors to actually stop atraxa piles since cavern of souls exists
can't counter atraxa, can easily kill her but she still draws 7 new cards
people play tidebinder just to make domain reach a hard wall
>fabled passage
God I love a good Stone Rain. In blue. At instant speed.
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finally found a fun timeless deck
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got a second code for these so one of you guys can have it, have a nice day lads
don't you have like, 3 pretty useless cards on board in this matchup?
>nothing for phelia to blink for value
>no triggers to shut down
>opponent was already on blue mana
You're the man
I've been playing this game since release and I've made a point of roping people at least once a day.
The devs probably pass your reports around the lunch room for a good laugh.
I've never once been reprimanded or warned. Mm
>realize I lose
>go take a piss
>grab a new glass of water
>imagine a fat jowly face getting redder and redder as his porcine hand clicks on the "report" button
Would play if this were true, that's several hundred dollars street value.
>implying they even care to open up the report page
bet if you happen to utter something not extremely positive of the gays and happened to have your ign linked to you you'd get banned in an instant
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>tfw brokie
guess im not trooning out
>set a stop on opponents upkeep
>scrollshift my hopeless nightmare so he has to discard the card he drew
>rope ensues

Reported him to wizpolice of course
I love when the opponent salty emotes, it lets me respond with the Sheoldred Shush.
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“Rope!’ cried Sam, talking wildly to himself in his excitement and relief. ‘Well, if I don’t deserve to be hung on the end of one as a warning to numbskulls! You’re nowt but a ninnyhammer, Sam Gamgee: that’s what the Gaffer said to me often enough, it being a word of his. Rope!”
based discard mage
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>mythic with a homebrew
feels so good. no man in the world has cast more kamahl's druidic vow than i.
mythic means nothing unto itself

at 95%+ mythic everyone is on netdecks filled with the most meta cards. At least half of all players are turn 1 swiftspear / heartfire hero RDW
at 80% mythic its a pile of total fucking garbage that would make kitchen tables ashamed, people play disenchant and attentive sunscribe
based nonschizo johnny
>top mythic players homebrew
>bottom mythic players homebrew
>middling players netdeck
The midwit meme is real.
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Am I the only one who hates this card? Having to play a big creature into it because you got no choice is such a feelsbad. If they got removal to back it up it feels almost impossible to beat because they keep getting extra sacs. Only haste and going wide beats it.
it's a three mana removal spell that lets the target choose which creature gets destroyed, it's ok
removal spells dont stick around and can turn into wincons
if you lose to a liliana of the veil you are bad at life
It's gay because of discard but I like it because it reminds me of all the dumb takes surrounding it before it was reprinted.
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those people are 99% right - the only place they err is their severe overestimation of their deckbuilding and analysis skills. the rigged shuffler/matchmaker is a tool to help you build a better deck. the system is literally finding the hole in your deck and searching for the most powerful truck to run through it and bust up your win streak. your job is to listen to that feedback and patch up the holes so that it has a very difficult job doing that. the schizos are right, what they don't realize though is that they deserve their treatment.
I'm using 4x mudflat village, 4x lupinflower village and 4x monumental facade. In the same deck.

god I wish thalia was still around
i literally got matched with a 200 card deck stallbot

does that mean i got everything covered?
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I am taking so many prisoners today
Is there any point in grinding ladder after hitting mythic?

i only hit mythic once because i was in the mood to grind
If you're top 1200 or 250 you get some extra stuff. Other than that, no tangible difference.
Idk if I can expect this kind of advice from this thread but how do I get over this "omg my opponent is so lucky they got such a specific draw / favorable matchup" kind of thinking?
Stop thinking that when it happens and pay more attention when you get lucky.
The same way you are able to enjoy this steaming pile of trash of a game designed for brainlets: You stop thinking and consume card board.
Name one matchup where it's bad. Keep in mind:

>Every aggro creature has an ability
>Cheap flash 3-power creature actually threatens control
>Beats uncounterable Atraxa
>Shuts down planeswalkers including the Vraska OTK
oh god it's a bo1 "player"
Dehumanize your opponent.

Pretend it's a single player game and each opponent a new procedurally generated random encounter.

Unless you also get mad at single player games, I guess.
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I might have fucked some stuff up and omitted a lot of other shit, so check the sources for details:

The Arena Championship - highest tier of play and rewards in MTG Arena. 3 per year. AC6 is July 13-14! We're currently in the qualifying process for AC7, sometime in Oct-Nov. AC7 will be very different from previous ones. Structure hasn't been announced yet, but player count is going from 32 to uncapped, and prize pool is going from $200000 to $250000. AC can also get you into in-person tournaments. Top 16 qualify for the Pro Tour, top 2 for the Magic World Championship.

How to get into the AC? "Just" get 6 Wins in Day 2 of a Qualifier Weekend (QW).

There is a QW every month - each 4 QWs feed into their respective AC. Every QW uses a different magic format.

Getting into QW Day 1: Finish Top 250 in EITHER ladder the previous month, OR Get 1-3 wins in the previous month's QW Day 2, OR reach a cash prize in an Arena Open the previous month OR Get max wins in a current month's Qualifier Play-In (see below).
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QW Day 1 is Bo3, can only be entered ONCE, plays until 7 W's or 3 L's, rewards 500-12000 gems, and grants Day 2 Entry for 7 wins.

QW Day 2 is Bo3, 6 W's or 2 L's, rewards 250-5000 gems. 1-3 W's gets you into Day 1 of next month's QW automatically. 4-5 Wins: same, but for Day 2. 6 gets you into the AC (note: once you are qualified for an AC, you can't play in any Play-Ins or QWs for that same AC).

Getting into a Qualifier Play-In: spend 20000 Gold, OR 4000 Gems, OR 20 Play-In Points.

Getting Play-In Points: 20 if you finish 251-1200 in EITHER ladder (being high in BOTH ladders does nothing). 1-4 for getting max wins in eligible Limited/Constructed Events (the ones that are permanently going on).

For each monthly QW, there's a Bo1 Play-in until 6 W's or 2 L's, and a Bo3 Play-in until 4 W's or 1 L. They each give 500-6000 gems, use the same format as that month's QW, and reward a QW Entry Token on max wins.

Tokens are redundant (you can only enter each QW once), and are only valid for THEIR SPECIFIC QW.

Because Play-Ins can be entered as MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT, and give 500 gems for 0 losses, you can and should at least use these to turn all your play-in points into gems.
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make magic heterosexual again
My opponent didn't pay 2 to smothering tide and I didn't get a treasure
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>you can earn lots of money playing the game
ah, this is why the game went to shit and turned into a gambling simulator, because wotc keeps listening to ""professional players"" who have no interest in having a well designed game.

So, if i win a big tourney and comment on how the game is shit, do you guys think they'll pay me the money?
oops you didn't have a counter spell and/or instant speed removal for every single priority pass you lose
>Mill down to 1 removal spell and the land to play it
>Opponent goes first
>He gets his combo off before I can put the land down
only 8 hours left to the reveal of new reddit-tier flavour and pun-down mechanics :^)
Non-arena mtg player here
I’m halfway through the thread and you guys bitch more than commander players wtf
Thought you lads would be cool and I could talk about rcq season
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ah yes the classic mice control
Anon, it's digital magic. It's completely sanitized of all the social aspects, and you don't get to choose who you play with. The people who flock to this version are usually whales who got evicted from their pods.
Why would you expect anyone here to be chill?
Start by not caring about winning so much and enjoy the match for the match itself.
If it was fun and interesting up until you lost, you can still take that with you. Remind yourself that being bored is always, always worse than losing. Reserve your anger for people who are lifeless spuds.
New player here this game is great but what’s the best way to get
What the hell is going on? I constantly get hands with one ot 2 lands, have to mull, miss land drops. I surveil and still muiss land drops. I draw and i still miss land drops. The fuck is this faggotry? How am i supposed to beat aggro when i am stuck on 2 lands??? It's one thing to get a few bad draws but this has been happening all day. Since when are 24 lands not enough for the algorithm?
its called bad luck
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Check out my shitty home brew pet deck for explorer. It works ok simalcrum into knuckles int colossus is funny that’s the deck.
No shit. I know what it is called but this is abnormally bad luck since i surveil, draw and mill the top of my decks. Mulling 3 times and still having a hand with only 2 lands when you have 24 lands in a 60 cards deck is just fucked up especially if you keep being unable to draw land game after game after game after game after game after game. This is not rolling dice in real life. This is a computer program.
The best way to get is to carefully watch posting rates on the board and then aim for a 9 or a 0
>he doesn't Get Lost his Offspring to generate two FREE map tokens
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>24 lands
post deck right now
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Absolute devestation
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>nothing for phelia to blink for value
phelia is there to exile opponent's creatures permanently while containment priest is in play, also to reset meddling mage and anointed peacekeeper into different cards if necessary
>no triggers to shut down
I run 4x nulldrifter as card advantage, you get to keep the body if thrull is in play
>opponent was already on blue mana
he has basic islands but I removed his black and green sources, meaning he couldn't remove any of my creatures, specially meddling mage naming show and tell

>pretty useless cards on board in this matchup?
you misunderstand, it's not a creature value deck with some hatebears, it's a hatebears deck with a few value creatures
I'm not trying to specifically beat show and tell, I just have a bunch of hatebears that are good against different types of linear decks
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honest magic
>spent a bunch of wildcards on lizards because mono red was getting boring
>turns out lizards fucking suck because they aren't fast enough to kill control

i should've just saved my wildcards for a control deck
There is no honest magic this set
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Cheating in a format full of cheaters is FUN
>have a fully crafted aggro deck
>decide to spend your wildcards on...another aggro deck!
scientists baffled
>bazaar closed beta in october
it's over, arenababs
Run Case of the Crimson Pulse, if you dump it last control decks will almost always spend their Get Lost on your threatening creatures first (Gev/Jasper/Flamecaller seem to Get Lost a lot for me). Then you just drown them in 2+ lizards a turn
My build runs Lili as well, helps you strip down to get it solved while also slowly eating at the opponents hand.
where the fuck are you seeing control
>wondering wtf this was
>see Reynad
Oh lmao, it's finally coming out? It looks like Disneyshit, it's not even going to be on Steam because they want you to make a Tempo account.
Religionbros...what is God doing all the way down here?
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I hate this card so much it's unreal.

not only gets everything exiled so you get no triggers and can't recycle your creatures they also get a big token that dodges sorcery speed removal and can block and attack planeswalkers.
I wanna do some loli tribal, but I'm unsure what cards to add, any suggestions?
>accidentally plot slickshot instead of casting
>op taps out to play brotherhood's end
>draw a pump spell which lets me swing for lethal
well that worked out
ranks just reset, and there's STILL no fun decks in standard
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it begins
How the fuck do I beat UW Control with Phoenix? I only got 8 threats and they can easily deal with all of them. All their shit exiles so I can't even recycle the phoenixes.
>play ranked
>aggro white soldiers
>aggro red
>aggro black zombies
>aggro green
>viper on t3
>nothing but brain dead aggro but in different flavors
this game really is just normie slop
Ranks dont change what get played retard, nothings changed since yesterday except everyone getting a couple packs and gold
no one tell her about modern
why fall for such bait?
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it's over
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Was this deck really that bad? Only managed to get 1 win. I thought it looked promising because red green was so open.
that splash is not worth it
Deck is fine, though anon is right and you should've cut white. Sometimes things just don't go your way, or maybe you misplayed in your games.
If you drafted with gems that’s fine but if that’s a gold draft deck you can’t do it that way have to be better spend some
Did you guys see The Jolly Balloon Man? It looks pretty good with Jackdaw Savior, Ojer Taq, and Sanguine Evangelist.
How does that make any sense
>white has the best 3 mana removal in the game
>lets give them an even better one
I play control but I hate playing white. This is suffering.
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White has the best 1 mana removal in the game now too.
give me a fun timeless deck
Anyone still playing this game should consider conceding IRL
no one plays this game
in game it's all bots and this thread it's maybe 4 people
I wish I live long enough to witness the downfall of WOTC.
wotc goes out of business and gets bought by gygax kids
There is not a single company on the entire planet that deserves to get annihilated like this disgusting subhuman company
jerking off seems more of a constructive waste of time than playing this trash
I'm playing control and stroking each time I destroy a creature.
Only thing your playing is your heterosexuality
3 mana boardwipes. Yep Im glad I uninstalled this game. Have fun in your aggo or removal/boardwipe simulator
Oh yeah baby, use that rope. Give me more of that salt.
Sorry im actually playing fun games. Im sorry your still addicted to this skinner box faggotry tho. Don't worry im sure you won't have a bunch of games in a row that makes you reconsider living or anything.
I know I won't, mostly because I'm not a little bitch.
>not a little bitch
>playing MTGA
>playing control IN MTGA
:( poor guy
Imagine how much you have to hate yourself to willingly continue playing this game in the state it's in. And not only that, being one of the 4 schizos who routinely post on here.
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Show me on the doll where the Sunfall touched you.
>Mulligan to 0, concede
>Mulligan to 0, concede
I am enjoying myself
who gives a fk about sunfall faggot, you just got obliterated on turn 3 cause you didn't draw an untapped land kekw.
>Jodah players: Here's how I have 1 mana of every color by turn 3
>Me: I can't get double black in my mono black deck
Dang, that sounds terrible. Good thing I know when to mulligan for a playable hand.
You sound like a massive faggot. Sorry to your parents.
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games's not fun so i'm not playing
threads not based so i'm not posting

what's your motivation to play this and interact itt regularly when 'going pro' is a scam and you're spending money in this instead of making any

i mean i cannot see a single case where an informed, healthy person would make this its main game to play, and i'm not even talking about the rigging

whenever i still bother to play this i laugh my ass off at how dumb the players are. like, as i if i'd wish to spend my time playing with 'people' who can't count past five, suffer from severe adhd, are barely literate or just have nothing better to do than take 2 minutes every single turn. and i'm not even complaining, i just rope them myself but the point remains

well anyways, off to playing a better game and see you itt in a few days~
I play my hand out until I run out of cards and then alt f4. Have fun watching all my heckin ropperinos bitch head.
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Oh yeah, that's the good stuff. Are you gonna mash "nice" a couple dozen times too?
More people would actually play and pay for this game if it wasn't so brain dead.

There is only so many times even a normie gets to win by always following the same flowchart with the 80% winrate netdecks before he gets bored of it.

This should be a good reminder that most who think any game is unfun and boring, don't bother actually voicing it; they just drop it.

i follow indie game releases weekly, if it's not 2d, it's out. also if it has gatcha girls, 'modern' features or a black (not brown) protagonist, it's out.
newfag here, draft mode is fun as fuck and that's all I play beside starter deck dailies
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>i don't play the gambling simulator, i like the other type of gambling simulator
Either standard rotation is too long, or they need to ban more cards.
No I closed the game while you sit through my rope stack since I played the first handful of turns. I’m currently edging to Asian Andy’s stream
on turn 3 and 4 i attacked for a total of 31 damage (with trample)
is standard in a good spot?
I started plugging and artf4ing.
Sometimes it don't affect my rank.

I do this to shitters who stall only to then drop the i-win card that plays the game for them.
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Love Davriel. Only fanfiction card that should exist.
Really do love that haste is just fucking primary in green now teehee I love that all these overpowered creatures ALSO attack immediately!
creatures should not have P/T higher than their mana cost, cards should have no more than 2 lines of text
>taking apart Atraxa with Deadly Cover-Ups
God, I almost came when they got down to six cards in deck.
Hot take: This won't do anything until Lockdown leaves the format because you don't want to kill roided-up Heartfire Heroes or Caca Scamps, you want to exile them so they don't punch you in the jaw on their way out.
Fair Magic 3W
Each player sacrifices lands until they have 4 lands, and sacrifices each other permanent that can tap for mana. Each player gets an emblem that says "if you play a spell, if it costs more than 4 mana, exile that spell instead" and "if a creature enters, if it costs more than 4 mana, exile that creature instead"
Hi urza

What actual good green cards have haste right now besides the Hydra
>as long as Kaito has one or more loyalty counters on him
Well, yeah he'll be dead if he has less than that.
not if he's a creature
They changed that rule?
>PW still don't count as creatures
>board wipes can still be abused
>counterspells still exist
>toxic still exists
game designed by monkeys for baboons
>obvious bait is still posted
>newbaboon doesn't even know what bait is
>Bape of Nightmares
I get that they think the walkers popping out of the frames looks cool but they overlay the cost so it's still readable they could and should do the same with the text.
least retarded mtgag take
>free 2/2 + free card selection + free graveyard fuel
and I thought Get Lost was bad
don't be a greedy bastard filling up with demo fields, foundries and fountainports, then
I agree, I'm just hyping up the new card.
think I'm gonna hang out in /tg/. I don't know why you schizos try so hard to kill the thread, but you win.
karlov pre-release code

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thank you anon
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Haven't played since LCI because I wasn't feeling it, although I've checked streams a couple of times to see what I was missing. Today youtube informed there are previews so I went to check and I see this, fuck this game just fucking burn it.
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>well done, Lili, well done
so you were around for Strixhaven and you still think a math card from the math character is weird
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>Crafted 2 mythic thoughtseize instead of the rare version
and you should craft the other 2 as well. mythic wcs are useless in comparison
Give them to me if they're so useless.
i would happily trade my mythic wildcards for your rare wildcards at at 3:1 ratio
>*turns Domain into a Budget deck*
nothing personnell
Already had one version of each so I'm set for now
It's an abomination with really inelegant bookkeeping.
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>red deck gets to go first, because the game is rigged to let them always go first
>gets me down to 2
>rigged game with rigged draws wins me the game.
Turn after turn, just drawing fucking duplicates and thankfully the rigged system that tried to force a loss on me didn't realize that Vantasaur spamming against aggro shitters will win me the game if they can't find direct damage. This is such a niggardly game.
it's too rare to see much play in draft and too bad to see play in constructed. don't worry about it.
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If a deck has haste creatures in it it should automatically go 2nd.
>turn 1 dark ritual->imperious bloodlord->saint elenda

o i fucking cum
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Why am I forced to stare at this when I play this awful game?
I love the party horse
Nothing beats the card sleeves that look like heavily played unsleeved cards. Rope yourself if you play those.
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this guy had 2 sonar strikes in hand for the longest time
reactive kill spells are so bad in a bat meta
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Milled this crackhead 15 times until i took out is approach of the second sun and didn't hit his gaea's blessing and his deck was smaller than mine... I should win right?
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We defeated Mr Neverdie! he drew gaeas blessing and casted second sun then I was just going to mill him. What a fun 40+ minuite game to be had
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ok, real talk now

what does this button ACTUALLY do
It shows cards that contain all the colors you selected
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it actually looks at color identity
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which I THINK is why this filters always shows nothing?
That’s a colorless symbol. There’s no such thing as a multicolor or colored colorless spell. So the colorless symbol with a colored symbol and multicolor card filter does nothing, retardo.
They should invent a new format that
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why is there so much red
I feel like I’m having a stroke looking at art this set what is this shit. It’s really making me want to beat the shit out of my pet cat.
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I hit it so hard the other day and it’s eyes never went back to normal because of this game
I played over 75 games last night and every single one was against mono green artifacts I hate the matchmaking in this game so much I even spent money and it’s still just the same deck
Rian in such a bland normal sounding name...
>getting super anxious before each draft game
it's so fucking over.
When I get anxious before a draft I scream at the top of my lungs and punch the wall. My parents don’t like it but I don’t care in gotta be in too form for my magic the gathering career they just don’t understand what it’s like and how famous I’m gonna be
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It’s just a little it’s fine
Horror set and red is traditionally a scurry color.
The anxiety and the risk is what makes every win that much more delicious.
Another mono red deck and I just threw my mouse across the room and broke the fuck out of it and my bedside lamp FUCK
I told you bro
I think instead of getting help I’ll drink and do drugs and play magic the gathering arena mobile version. That should work hell yeah thanks for the advice dude and if anything bad happens just remember it’s YOUR fault.
don't ask me how I know, but Domain is supposed to play 25 lands, not 26
What the fuck guys i thought i was a schizo like anon
I just played against UW control again and I got so mad I crashed my car into a bridge pylon FUCK
What’s with this mono white control token deck this shit is the most annoying and gay shit I’ve ever seen
Will Valgavoth be a viable reanimation target for Timeless or is he outclassed by the existing options?
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its ogre
not a chance, you need to untap with him to get good value
bro just reanimate atraxa?
I just played against reanimate for the 37th time today and I got so mad I took a break and went outside. I smashed the shit out of the dog house with a bat now he’s homeless lmao tough break lol nigga
I like how this faggy website just assumes I’m suffering. I’m having a great time! GREAT!
New player here the game is fine but why is my opponent whispering to me I can hear them saying negative things in my head about land att choices and sleeves and stuff even things they can’t see on screen they were making fun of my room and curtains also. They should quit that.
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How's simic cookies?
I am so sick of aggro shit and it feels like I either play aggro shit or spend 80 rare/mythic wildcards for a domain deck that dies to one possible ban.
>im tired of Aggro how’s this Aggro deck play
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My mono black sacrifice deck, works surprisingly fine even against meta decks at least compared to my other brews. Any major oversights regarding the theme?
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>yo, red aggro is a problem in the game?
>no worries, i gotchu, sister!
>have a non-legendary perpetual solitaire machine that makes stronger tokens with trample every turn!
>and guess what, it even destroys them at the end of the battle step and makes a new one next turn!
>but you know what's heckin amazing? IT GETS STRONGER!
They ban weak shit like invoke despair but this cancer they see no problem with
Abzan Control, brother. Aggro does nothing if you kill all their creatures and gain 30 life with White Sun's and Cornucopia.
Looks good but it reminds me of that one time I lost to moon black and got so pissed off I accidentally jacked off to baby pictures of my dead mother
Why latest sets feel like gacha events?
Name a time when magic wasn’t just gambling. It’s always been a gacha game but with the bonus of an over inflated secondary market. Change my mind.
It seems that the only sane reason to get into mtg is to buy up sets to then resell at a mark up.
And retards will buy them for some ungodly unknown reason.
If you have a hooked nose for business you should do fine try it out and see
It seems to me that card shops would be prime targets for robbery. It's not as if MTG cards have serial numbers or any way to track them. Is it that criminals just haven't thought of it?
The criminals realize even if they got the cards for free selling them to middle aged men with poor hygiene and no social skills just isn’t worth it
>3 hours ago
Might have been me, I reported you for stalling, sick of being roped. Hope you get banned
I just played 16 games in a row against tooth and nail and I got so mad while I was taking a shit I got hemorrhoids fuck this game
they wouldn't even have to do that. just sell them to TCGkindom or whatever. how would anyone ever prove it?
It doesn’t mention anything here about purposely hitting animals with my car so I think I’m good.
I play mill so I can look at homebrew decklists in graveyards and then steal them or make fun of them on stream
Absolute psychopaths
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You just haven't thought about it hard enough.
1st off
Stealing from a lgs or any small non-corporate shop is brownskin behavior. Don't do that.
It's even riskier because most keep inventory and they will notice and call the cops or make a report, if shit's missing. So you already fucked up if you steal from an lgs and then magically start selling product you cannot prove to have bought.

If you actually wanted to get away with it, you'd need to wait at least a year or more to sell, scatter the product around so it can't be traced back to you and you would need to sell that product at a lower price than the current market, you would also need to sell it like drugs and hope that whoever is buying isn't someone you stole from or someone who'll go blabber around that you (or any of your associates) are selling.

The safest way would be to open up boxes and sell singles, but the aforementioned steps still apply.
You would also be a fool to sell on any platform where you have to link your real name to.
>inb4 but what if the platform would be in on it?
In crime, you don't trust anyone you cannot fuck over yourself.
They can still play the genius card of credible deniability;
>"uuuhm we didn't know nuffin"
And you're the one who gets fucked over.

Even if you stole a box or product 20 years ago and tried to sell it, especially because it's old product you'd need to show any evidence of legitimacy.

The type of card product you should steal is something no one will care about missing.
As of my credentials; I stole lots of shit successfully as a kid.
Some shop i stole regularly yugioh packs from knew i was stealing, they even asked me to show my pockets which i promptly did, which of course were empty because i had a side holes in it and the packs were inside the bottom of my sports jacket.

Man, sometimes i think i should have become a mobster instead of wasting my time playing card games and jerking off.

Stealing is bad btw
unless it's the government

woodland lab is fuckin' cracked son
timeless is a shit format though, you shouldn't play it.
You wanna get together we can armed robbery a lgs during fnm and get the entire bag shit I bet we could make at least $2k easy mane and it’s only like 4 felonies for both of us.
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This thread is AWESOME this game is AWESOME this is so AWESOME
Any discard players ITT? Wondering what the fuck you are winning against to still be playing that garbage after a month
post the prerelease codes afterwards please
I just lost to this crazy discard token mill deck and I got so mad I peed a little and called in a bomb threat to my church
>You just haven't thought about it hard enough
you thought about it too hard. you're making it out to be that cops would treat some mom-and-pop card game store being robbed like a massive bank heist, and
>oh gosh you just can't sell it cuz they'll totally trace it back to you, somehow
what an absolute fucking midwit.
Who asks you to verify you actually bought a card when you sell it on the secondhand market? Absolutely fucking nobody. People are more worried about fakes.
There's no method of tracking an individual magic card once it leaves the pack. At all .
I'm not talking about shoplifting dipshit. One man with a gun could cow an entire store full of nerds and have the entire contents in a duffel bag in his van in less than 10 minutes. MTG cards both singles, packs, boxes, precons, and that's just MTG. There's also pokemon and yugioh that suffer the same problems. And don't even get me started on games workshop shit. It seems to me that game stores are soft targets that people have simply not noticed due to obscurity.

This is all just a thought experiment, of course.
I use this avatar in the hopes that it annoys people.
I use that sleeve because I actually think it is cool.
What card shop just has power nine or some other rare cards just hanging out for to steal and also low security? You’re gonna steal a bunch of boxes from the lgs and sell them below value to make maybe hundreds of dollars? You’re gonna steal the case rares and part them out for hundreds of dollars? I’m telling you the real money is running up on events with a few niggas and robbing decks, the prize pool, the entrance fee, the case, the boxes everything mane think about it.
I like the way you think. Go on.
But also: why would you need to sell them below value?
>Noooo you can't just steal from an lgs running a predatory business model selling overpriced product and doing preorder scams because... that makes you brown or something
Sept 24 is when Duskmourn releases. It's a spooky set. Hopefully there will be skeletons in it. I play Corpses of the Lost. It loses a lot, it's not very good.
>running up on events with a few niggas and robbing decks
Someone did this a couple weeks ago at the pokemon world championships
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>nooo no one's gonna care!
>people do it all the time!
No one's gonna care except the ones you stole from, because it's their bottom line you're messing with.
And i guess the more you keep doing it the more they're going to ignore it?
>but muh cops!
Listen, if some guy got their shit stolen from and all of a sudden some guy goes on selling shit that comes from the shit that got stolen and can't provide proof of purchase, anyone can can get royally fucked, even those who have nothing to do with it.

It would take one jewish nigga just wanting to fuck around and call up his 200 lawyer cousins and uncles or some shit.

This would indirectly crash the whole tcg market because if the whole market is built on stolen goods;
>the law will DEFINITELY get involved
>LGSs won't buy up your shit anymore, neither will other people
>TCGtrading platform trust and reputation will tank

Or is the thought experiment on risking trouble just for a measly handful of packs?
>who would ask you to verify
Have you read the post?

Risking trouble just for a couple hundred bucks is the most nigger thing one can do.
50k+ a pop would be reasonable, but for 2k or less and for the amount of work and risk, people needed to vacate a shop which you need to share the profits with? Man, that's fucking retarded.

And if you think you can just gamble and go
>but what if they have super awesome rare power 9?
It would be in a safe or actually in a bank safe
>but i can crack a safe
no, nigga, you can't and you shouldn't if you don't want to damage the goods
Go on during the day; maybe you'll get shot.
During the night? Good luck not attracting attention trying to break in.

But damn, no wonder mtg card design is like it do.
good job, you just shat in the plate you eat.
People will just take more precautions or just not go in those places anymore the more it happens and gets known about.

Niggers can't even do crime correctly. Goddamn.
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Oh, apparently manifest dread is just called "manifest" on the token card.
>nooooo they'll call in the FBI and backtrace you through traffic cameras
I think you're one of three things:
1. a pussy
2. a flgs owner
3. a schizophrenic
nigger how are they going to catch you? there's no serial numbers. no one asks for receipts from the nigga they're buying from. have you ever bought secondhand and then gone "ummm well golly gee do you have receipts to prove you bought these?" No. you fucking have not.
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>"nooooo i will do crime and get away with it because... you just schizo pussy lgs owner!"
Nigger, you already got caught just by thinking like this.
You wanna hold on to your stolen shit evidence of a crime shit or do you wanna stack paper NIGGA? You don’t just do it once and retire this shit is PRACTICE.
Wow it’s morph, the literally worst mechanic, again! Fucking awesome Mark!
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>oy vey, how dare you suggest robbing my jewish business that I use to sell overpriced boxes to timmies and run preorder scams
Somehow I lost to opponent reanimating their Lumra, Bellow of the Woods on like turn 3. They returned a billion milled lands. Didn't seem fair.
>nooo it must be le jooos if you dont want to rob small stores with at best 1k worth of product inside
Do you need to up your minor crime arrests statistics, glowie-kun?

If you hate lgss so much, just don't buy from them and they'll be forced to sell their stock for cheaper and you can flip that legally and without having to risk anything.

How are you this illiterate and retarded?
magic then: kicker but it's called something different
magic now: morph but it's called something different
how the mighty have fallen
Niggas be thinkin robbin stores is exactly like playing monored and no one can do nuffin bout it
You practice on fnms in random areas, you can even find fnm locations on wizards website teehee. The you move up to regional ptqs. These niggas are nerds with $300+ decks and there’s dozens of them inside of a juicy card shop. You just have to roll in prepared and you can take it all my nigga.
I won't defend wotc. But calling a mechanic, "Just X but something diffrent" is just abstraction on your part. Good job genius.
too nervous to live
too weak to kill yourself
you make a good point.
>walk into store
>draw down on fat sweaty men
>they look down at the table in shame as the store clerk dutifully puts the cards in the bag
>walk out
>no one pulled out a phone
>no face on camera
>man they gonna know it was you fr fr
LGS kikes like you deserve to be robbed and beaten. Hope the next person you refuse a return for smashes your windows faggot.
I hate the deck, but I wasted most of my wildcards on it and need to get at least some use out of it before I move on. Based on my intuition it's decent against monored, obliterates counterspell decks, and basically autoloses against domain and convoke.

Some niggers did that at Grand Prix Kansas City over a decade ago and WotC never hosted a major event there again. I hate nigggers.

Makes sense since it's a power crept version of the manifest ability.
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Go do it then and tell me all about the fiddy bux you made.
Nigger how are you understanding:
>Instead of risking trouble for a couple bux, risk trouble for big bux
>don't it bro!

No wonder card design is fucking brain dead with negative IQ shitters like you playing the game.
That's like saying Scry 2 is the power creep version of Scry 1.
>go do crime
>police stops me
>pull out counterspell
>they can't arrest me anymore
fukken gottem
>"i am going to go rob a bunch of fat autistic males of their precious card board"
nigga never experienced tard rage
Scry has always had a number value attached, you mouthbreathing moron.
I'm right though.
Right would be something like megamorph is power crept morph or manifest dread is power crept manifest. Scry 1 and scry 2 are both just scry.
Manifest dread is just manifest 2.
Yes? Scry 2 is better than scry 1. If every instance of scry was scry 1, and then they suddenly started making it scry 2 on all new cards, that would be power creep.
Yes, when numbers go up that is power creep.
If you don’t make direct eye contact with the victims and you conceal your identity sufficiently to won’t be identified. The next problem is not getting shot by anyone in the store, you need numbers or a state we’re the pussies can’t legally defend themselves. I wonder how many pussies play mtg? They probably don’t carry to the local qualifiers do they? You find out and report back for fun and science!
> oh no my heckin store ownerinos
Get a real job besides selling a arpg gambling sim to autist, FUCKING FAGS !
so Hasbro is now trying to force 22+ lands. Anything below and 75% chance you stuck on 2 for 5 rounds. Tested over 3 hours
Do we have a mathmatician with us who can explain this?
can attest to that as well
if i run anything below 21 i don't draw more than two
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You can’t turn off auto tap. That’s cool this game is really cool.
glad winter is coming, gonna abandon this game again and hopefully forget about it for another decade again
Yeah you say that and then bitch when I hold priority this is why youre a fucking third world retard faggot
The bad guy held priority for one rope and I got so pissed off I bought cigs for my mom that was on oxygen and then she tried to smoke and exploded and died
You can change the setting when you're in a match. If you hover over the option it'll tell you.
Oh you can only change the options in a match? Fucking retard design go kill yourself probably play the game for money for literal change every day you fucking nigger. Hope your 2.50 a day shilling magic arena feeds your entire retard family with rice you faggot nigger.
I’m asmongold by the way.>>492802739
I got so mad playing starter duel I fuciking fingered my little sister and recorded it. She squirts like a dolphin
>get color screwed and miss three land drops
>opponent puts me at 9 poison by the time I hit my fourth land
>twenty minutes later I win
Goddamn I love when play gets that tight. If you're here fluffyballs, I want to thank you for the game. I wanted to give you the Norn Hearts emote along with the GG, but I didn't get to it before you left.
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Seriously Anons. Don't give up. Don't tilt and make plays without thinking. Figure out what will let you live one more turn and to hell with it if they draw the nuts, you did your best. I was at three lands, two of them colorless, when they had me one hit from death. Three turns where if they played a Charge of the Mites on my endstep it would be over. But you have to make them have it, and when they don't you get to taste the sweetest victories. There's no thrill in solving a puzzle that doesn't present a challenge.
>probably running two shellys, liliana and kaya
>"oooeemgee guys it was so heckin epic"
man, you oughta just shut the fuck up with your cheap ass brain dead board wipe deck

i run into your deck every other game and it's the most annoying shit ever.

And every time i win, it's because none of you netdecking retards can think 1 turn ahead
how many of you have monored decks on standby just to grind quests and such?
because if you're doing that for some other reason, you know you're not really playing the game right?
like, those decks are all the same, they're not real, and you think you're playing a game but you're not?
same goes for monowhite angel spam but at least there's some risk there
I love my wife, Rankle's Prank.
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PoV: You're about to endure the most mentally retarded nigger play the second faggiest deck imaginable.
Hiro really needs to fire the entire moderation team and remove all api keys from them. The bot infestation in this thread in an attempt to bump this crap is sad
There’s no bots here lol
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>RDW exists in explorer and is pretty much the same thing just with kumano and more efficient buff spells
There is no escape
What is with subhumans playing rats in Brawl? What kind of an unironic sub-sapient dipshit enjoys playing the same card 20x in a row and turning their creatures right?

It doesn't win. It's not fun. I genuinely can't fathom the kind of ape you'd have to be to play this shit.
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Building your own deck and then winning with it is FUN
>yet another standard dominated by 90% midrange generic goodstuff piles
Why do people enjoy standard again?
its fun to BTFO them with hero and scamp
>Based on my intuition it's decent against monored
your intuition appears to be really fucking bad. why would a deck that tops out at 2 mana care about discard?
>countering target spell is another crime
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get better soon

do you hate the card THAT much?
>every time I commit a crime my grandpa comes back from the graveyard
>starts boring the police with stories about working the appalachian coal mines
>I escape by exiling three cards from my hand and paying three life
schizos are not gonna like this one...

midrange goodstuff is not dominating standard, at all
>probably running two shellys, liliana and kaya
There is not a single creature or walker in the deck. Wincons are cottage, white sun's twilight, or waiting for the opponent to deck after removing their wincons with cover-up. Sometimes grabbing an opponent's beater with virtue. It's a deck built around knowing when and how to best answer the opponent's threats, a proper control deck. And you're seething a lot about a deck with a less than 1% playrate.
it's pretty easy to counter it in explorer though. just play any lifegain/midrange deck and you're good.
Because I'm running 6 kill spells, 3 Lilianas, and 2 Sheoldreds. I guess you haven't figured this out yet, but RDW folds like wet paper when its creatures die.
>steps in your path
>dies to removal
scoop time?
GG no RE
Six kill spells isn't nearly enough to consistently deal with RDW. You need about twelve.
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I love beating people up with bad cards explorer is amazing
By decent I meant that I win around half the time. If I kept a hand with 2 removal spells I pretty much always win, 0 removal I rarely win, 1 I sometimes win. Since it's 1 game the match up feels very coin flippy; I can really only keep or mull based on whether I have a reasonable curve.

I'll reiterate that I don't like or recommend my deck, I'm just kind of stuck with it because it consumed my wildcards.
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Heh nothin personnel kid
why are you mentioning liliana when talking about beating RDW...
>I guess you haven't figured this out yet, but RDW folds like wet paper when its creatures die.
Read the post before you reply to it.
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>here's your manabase, bro
here's a hint. if you want people to read your posts fully, don't start them with utter retardation.

you just did it again, btw
Alright the metalwork deck is actually good and now I’m working on the sideboard
are decks from untapped any good?
I built the bat deck and im just getting my ass kicked non stop
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There's a really funny interaction between Quintorius and Virtue of Courage that I'm trying to build around.

Ignore the fact that this deck would be "better" with 4 caretaker 4 urabask forge.
Is there any Format without digital cards?
explorer and standard are it in mtga
everything else is full of alchemytroons
thx, digital cards suck my bottom
Keep on conceding to turn 1 Hearthfire Hero I guess, because it's clear you don't understand how play against creature decks.

Also draft and sealed as long as you join the regular queue.
Holy shit people still play this shit? I thought we all agreed to abandon this garbage when they started banning box art characters in under a month of launch and latching onto every single nerd gimmic they could find.
>decide to play mill today
>100 card deck
>150 card deck
>200!!!! card deck
>60 card deck but the person throws a tantrum and ropes me as long as possible before conceding at the last second
great game wotc
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Don’t let your meme stay a dream if you succeed you will cream
>260 card deck
>two decks in a row with cards that directly fuck mill players
this matchmaker is obviously rigged and anyone who says it isn't is just coping.

a matchmaker weighted to fuck over mill subhumans would be better described as "based"
roper crybaby detected
>just spam board wipes and removals whenever the opponent tries to play the game and then when the opponent has exhausted all resources, you just use virtue to res their creatures or use cottage to chip at your enemy which goes back into being a land so it's mostly protected
the opposite of monored aggro doesn't make it better in any way, it's as cancerous as t2 windecks

>hehe ur seething
i win against that deck all the time. I still think it's annoying and an example of bad game design.
Are you retarded?
>less than 1% playrate
You don't even know how percentages work. Go figure.

Damn, this really is a low iq game for a low iq audience.
>yugioh; floodgates are bad
>mtg: floodgates but only for your opponent and that give you an advantage... also ward or some other innate protection
And i guess in the same set there will be some enchant or artif that will say
>if your opp draw, he loses life/discard those card/you gain life
Now pair it with the black talent card and shelly and hand hate

goddamn, wotcmonkeys really don't know what the fuck they're doing
that card is commander garbage, anon.
>i don't have time to grind mythic every month, i just do the dailies and settle with plat
also reddit:
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i know
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Magic has very few cards that even compare to Yugioh floodgates.
MTG's approach to passively restricting your opponent mostly involves taxing, not outright stopping them from playing. And even out of the cards that just stop your opponent, those cards require hoop-jumping, build-arounds, aren't legal in most relevant formats, or, at the very least, cost mana.

Yugioh has several dozen costless cards you can flip on Turn 1 that end the duel on the spot unless your opponent has the exact out, which they most likely don't main deck, and their game has no mulligan and an opening hand of only 5 cards.
>There's a really funny interaction between Quintorius and Virtue of Courage that I'm trying to build around.
Shouldn't you run more copies of them, then?
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Uh oh stinky
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the thing with those ygo cards in most cases is that they restrict both players and that specific card won't be useful if the opponent only has 1 type of creature whether its effect monster, fusion, links, syncrhro or xyz. The player still has the choice of what to keep.
The player who activated that card also cannot opt out of it and they can fuck themselves over unless they have other cards that can remove it or play around only having one type of monster on the field during the combos; which won't be getting you far.

Ygo still doesn't have lots of legal cards that take away resources from your opps hand while restricting them in any way, even though the game has no resources system like mana.

>ygo has very few cards that compare to mtg
high noon = summon limit
humility/damping matrix/elesh norn = skill drain
counterspells = negates

there is probably way more comparisons that can be made but the point is that most cards in mtg mostly only restrict your opponent from playing while giving you some sort of advantage, even game breaking advantages your opponent cannot recover from unless they have even more broken outs that cannot be countered and your opponent can't hexproof in any way.
>but cards cost mana
mana is quite irrelevant in mtg after t5
>the thing with those ygo cards in most cases is that they restrict both players and that specific card won't be useful if the opponent only has 1 type of creature whether its effect monster, fusion, links, syncrhro or xyz. The player still has the choice of what to keep.
"Type" in Rivalry means creature type, not card type.

>The player who activated that card also cannot opt out of it and they can fuck themselves over unless they have other cards that can remove it or play around only having one type of monster on the field during the combos; which won't be getting you far.
Doing full combo and then flipping Summon Limit on an opponent's turn isn't "fucking yourself over". You wouldn't run the card if it hurt you more than your opponent.
Not to mention modern decks can just tribute their own floodgates on their own turn to make it one-sided.

>high noon = summon limit
Not even close.
>humility/damping matrix/elesh norn = skill drain
Costs mana.
>counterspells = negates
Negates aren't floodgates.

>mana is quite irrelevant in mtg after t5
That's five more turns than the average Yugioh duel my guy.
>facing boros mice
>first game he goes first keeps a 1 lander then concedes turn 2 cause he didn't draw a land
>wins second game by brainlessly hand vomiting
>3rd game he keeps a 2 lander and concedes turn 3
Took me
To close the app again for the week. And I won that game. What a complete fucking disgusting subhuman retard LOW IQ ZERO SKILL skinner box simulator made for literal faggots posing as some high IQ "strategy" game.
How the actual FUCK can any of you sit there and willingly PLAY this game? Holy fuck I have never been so disgusting in my entire life. The fucking STATE of MTGA.
It's like the game was like yo bro you didn't play for a week, heres your complimentary free win by forcing opponent to literally not draw lands.
>P-Pls buy some gems g-game isn't r-rigged I swear!
I cannot find the fucking words to explain how sorry I feel for people who still play this game. Imagine how much self hatred you need to have within yourself to not move on and actually play fun games. You are better than this mt.gag. You don't need to do this to yourself. Dig Deep. This game isn't fun.
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>"Type" in Rivalry means creature type, not card type.
it's irrelevant and even worse because all yugioh decks are tribal, with the exception of generic link monsters which you would mostly use for the etbs.
Gozen match is the same thing.
>Doing full combo and then flipping Summon Limit on an opponent's turn isn't "fucking yourself over"
Yeah, if only there were cards in every modern deck that have generic spell/trap destruction or negate open cards or something.
>You wouldn't run the card if it hurt you more than your opponent.
And no one runs it because it's slow, it occupies deck space and can be removed easily by every deck.
>Not to mention modern decks can just tribute their own floodgates on their own turn to make it one-sided.
No. You need to run specific cards for that, hence why only non-tribal non-meta decks ""might"" run summon limit.

>not even close
it is though
high noon is even better because you would be running it in a slow deck anyway and you can choose to get rid of it and do 5 damage as well.
>Costs mana.
ok and?
Making your opp discard or mill also costs mana.
>Negates aren't floodgates.
I was just making a comparison of similar card design.
>That's five more turns than the average Yugioh duel my guy.
ok and your point?
The game core systems are different.

Ygo is hyperconsistent and the game is you fetching any shit you want from your deck and optimally establishing an end board that locks your opponent out from playing the game.
Mtg is hypersynergetic and it's mostly with cards playing off one another only for the initial casting cost and creating so much value ending in one player snowballing hard to an unbeatable game state.
Both games allow for low risk-high reward plays because the point of the game is to sell cardboard to power hungry nerds.
Both are huge game design flaws.

And both games, the more they keep going, the more they keep turning into solitaire, but this is also true for every type of pvp game in the current era.
Why the fuck does it not let you change the sleeves on a jump in deck? That's the stupidest thing to gatekeep.
Yugioh has unironically a higher skillcap than MTGA does. There. I said it. Knowing when to actually interact with your opponent during his combos takes way more skill and game knowledge than this braindead remove/counterspell every single card opponent plays because every single card is an instant must remove threat that wins the game.
Reminder that this is, by FAR the WORST the game has EVER been. If you still play MTGA, you are a masochist who hates himself on a profound level.
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i unironically play this game so i can shit on it while being nothing but right and learn more about game design.
Same with ygo.
>ygo or mtg
card games in the current era require no skill because the games play themselves now
And unlike these massive fucking faggots at WOTC, yugioh devs actually update their limited and semi limited cards pretty frequently. I cannot stress enough how much pain and suffering WOTC deserve. Fucking disgusting subhuman morally bankrupt company.
ok this is an actual intelligent take
>it's irrelevant and even worse because all yugioh decks are tribal, with the exception of generic link monsters which you would mostly use for the etbs.
This is just outright wrong. There's a reason why both Gozen and Rivalry are on the banlist.
>Yeah, if only there were cards in every modern deck that have generic spell/trap destruction or negate open cards or something.
Not in the maindeck. Find a list with generic backrow removal mained. Then remember no mulligan and 5 card opening hand.
>And no one runs it because it's slow, it occupies deck space and can be removed easily by every deck.
Floodgates find themselves in most relevant decks, because they're one-sided gamewinners. This is why they've been systematically getting banned.
>high noon is even better because you would be running it in a slow deck anyway and you can choose to get rid of it and do 5 damage as well.
Every single Yugioh deck plays 5+ cards on the first turn. The average Standard deck is playing 1-2 cards per turn for the first few turns of a match. High Noon is hardly a floodgate.
>ok and?
No cards in Yugioh cost mana. You're comparing a Turn 1 card that stops your opponent from playing and also goes off after full combo, to a MTG Turn 3 card that mildly taxes your opponent as your only play for that turn.

Everything in your post is just glaringly wrong and can be verified with a simple search.
Like this. This isn't even a debate or an argument, you're posting objectively wrong information.
>playing standard
You get what you deserve
Pretty based takes overall. While I would agree that yugioh is braindead just like MTGA, I cannot help but feel it somehow requires alot more game knowledge and IQ to navigate all of the intricate combos and decks opponent can play. You actually need to understand how opponents decks work in order to functionally disrupt them. Compares to brainoff sunfalling at turn 5 or temporary lockdown at turn 3. You literally don't give a fk. You just slam that shit.
Almost every modern yugioh match is one player solitairing through a flowchart and then instantly scooping when the opponent reveals any handtrap. It's just as braindead, but with extra steps.

The only time there's any real thought in the game is when both players brick and suddenly we're actually reaching Turn 3 with half-baked boards on both sides.
Ye as opposed to playing limited, then watching the winner or loser get determined by land draws just like standard. Literally the same fucking thing.
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Play explorer and I play like dis
sure it's all flowchart, it is braindead just like MTGA. But you have to at the very least KNOW how the opponents decks work in order to disrupt their combos at the right time. Meanwhile MTGA is so fucking retarded you literally HAVE to cast that 3 or 5 mana boardwipe the moment you can because otherwise you autolose the fking game on the spot. Tell me short of actual combo decks in MTGA where giving a fuck what your opponent is playing actually matters.
If you go to your profile and select a sleeve as your favorite it should be that one.
That's a fair point.
I'll also concede that Edison Yugioh is a lot more intelligent than either game.
you HAVE to remove that turn 1 hero.
you HAVE to remove that slickshot
you HAVE to remove the lili
you HAVE to remove the preacher
you HAVE to remove the atraxa
ect ect ect. Your fucking choices are already made for you because every single fking nigger card in this game is already game winning by itself.
Meanwhile if you cast say, a hand distruption in yugioh at the wrong moment, they can just keep their combos going. While both are braindead degenerate card games, MTGA is somehow even more braindead. Not to mention the disgusting fucking land based system which is probably the biggest fucking source of MTGA's frustration.
You can mostly ignore Lili and Preacher depending on your state
Removing Hero or Slickshot wins you the game on the spot
You don't have anything to remove in Atraxa other than Atraxa and removing it usually means you win on the clapback
>you're wrong.... because you just are, ok? wrong information wrong information you're wrong because i say so! Because yugioh and mtg are different you're wrong! NO MULLIGAN! fucking gottem!
Are you genuinely fucking retarded or can't you actually realize that both games have different core mechanics hence why they're played differently, YET in substance, they are the same game with major flaws?

Almost gonna make me post a soijack
that sounds about right
but yugioh has quite the same generic problems as mtg has
which luckily they got recently banned because komoney has been figuring out that negates are fucking brain dead and a shit mechanic
>you just slam that shit.
And that's the main issue with mtg.
No thought, just drop board wipe and win.

There is really no real player agency, you just put card on field and win.
>ignore lili
>lose half your permanents including lands
Preacher is a weaker example of a must remove, but the point stands. Almost every single fking nigger card in this game is game winning by itself. The game has been so MASSIVELY powercrept in recent history that the ENTIRE game devolves into a braindead handvomit simulator of can you vomit removal more than their threats and vice versa.
Gone are the days of actually thinking about boardstate.
Gone are the days of intelligent trading of creatures
Gone are the days of cost/benifit analysis of using cards.
You HAVE to answer the majority of cards instantly or they just win the game by themselves.
Add that to the fucking mix or land RNG, and you have a game that is not only braindead, but unfun to participate in. Even games that I have won in recent memory have not been enjoyable, because I didn't do anything to win them.
I won them because the opponent just didn't draw well. And vice versa.
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i have your IQ test results right here, Anon
At least the fucking company updates their fucking limited and semi limited ban list frequently. MTGA honestly wouldn't be so bad if these fucking niggers weren't too afraid to just shake up the meta every now and then. Even if it's for the sake of just shaking things up because they are stale.
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This is getting hilarious from scientific point of view. mtgas rng is no rng, its some kind of index subjectively "valuing" cards and deploying certain values as start hand. The issue is while it seems to work with plane boring meta decks, its breaks when the card "value" is different in a particular deck - started and conceded 250 games and its just hilarious how improbable the start hands were but how well they would fit in a card value index system.

If this is some machine learning crap on top, which I suspect, it would be even more hilarious as a plane old boring rng would probably give more probable results than big data AI crap that naturally would tend to a median of boring and stale
>>you're wrong.... because you just are, ok?
You're wrong because I posted a repository of tournament-winning decks that show most of what you posted is wrong.
Look at the very first tournament-winning deck on that database:
it wins via a one-sided floodgate that happens on turn 1 after a 20-card full combo and has no main-decked backrow removal.

Look at the second deck on that list:
it wins via a first-turn twenty card full combo, has no main-decked backrow removal, and would instantly lose to both Gozen Match and Rivalry because Rescue ACE and Fiendsmith and the entire deck uses a half dozen different types and attributes.

These two decks alone singlehandedly prove every single one of your points wrong. About Gozen/Rivalry, about floodgates, about dealing with them, about their instant viability compared to Magic's counterparts.

It's tangible evidence. I'm sorry, anon.
>winning because of a one sided floodgate turn 1
>winning because one person doesn't draw a land
These are two different things btw
Yeah, but how are they going to sell sets to nerds and losers who need to power fantasy if they start balancing the game?
>you're wrong because muh tournaments
>you're wrong because i don't understand the game
one more type of these low IQ posts and you're getting the soijak
>how are they going to sell
This is basically the core issue. It's fking corporate greed killing everything it touches. It extends far beyond just childrens card games and plauges just about every form of entertaintment available.
It's not like paper magic has been fucking dead since covid already. Im sure having cards stick around for an extra year will suddently get everyone to return to their local game store. Absolute fucking subhumans.
hasbro or wotc or whatever pajeet dev mill the subsidiary that maintains what is likely some "AI" crap got tweaked a few days ago. The sub 20 land decks simply don't work anymore and 22 seems to be the sweet spot with 23 going already fast into flood territory.

Currently the entire "rng" seems bogged again, everybody is pissed
Am I getting baited or something?
I linked my sources, I explained what the sources contained, I pointed out directly, line-by-line, how the evidence contradicts what you've said.
Which part of what I wrote is wrong?
Are you suggesting that tournament-winning decklists don't count as evidence? Why not?
Or are you calling me retarded simply because I'm taking you seriously and trying to have a legitimate conversation?
And yet, people will still defend this company whenever anyone posts things about how fucked their RNG is. When EVERYONE not only knows its fucked, but can objectively feel it almost every day playing.
Afterall why would the shady multi billion dollar company thats been caught doing shady things in the past continue doing shady things for profit? That's unheard of!
whatever they do they do it wrong. They are not incentivizing spending currency
I mean its the trend, way to pull some "investors" money out of the pocket, sell some data with the "AI" hype - if I were in there shoes I would do the same, but would likely fire whatever amateurs they contracted to do it... well no, fuck the customer, the pajeets are cheaper, higher profit margin
This is why the best thing people can do is just quit playing the game. At the very least take a long break from the game. Nothing is going to change unless they bleed enough players to have these subhuman DEI retards get their heads of their asses long enough to make meaningful changes to their game. Fuck ANYONE who willingly spends even a penny to these goblins.
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>It extends far beyond just childrens card games and plauges just about every form of entertaintment available.
Pretty much.
Even film and game critics have spoken about the writing in these mediums because the people working on them are exactly low iq zealots who want to """appeal""" to the widest audience possible and they only hire their own kin.
Which results in the absolute cancerous bland state of most entertainment media.

It's the equivalent of like everyone doing open world theme parks because of elder scrolls.
>I demand to be taken seriously but i won't do the same for you BUT perhaps you're just heckin trolling and baiting me because i WIN?? gottem!!! UR WRONG UR WRONG!!!!!!!
I'll take you seriously when you stop trying to play solitaire here as well and desperately trying to fish for a gotcha.
That's not how conversation work.
You are simply wrong because you are basing your whole argumentation on
>ygo isn't mtg
And if you were capable of comprehending the written word, you would start to realize how anything you posted is kind of irrelevant and misses the point.
never underestimate the power of false feedback in an organization that runs on system theories
>>I demand to be taken seriously but i won't do the same for you BUT perhaps you're just heckin trolling and baiting me because i WIN?? gottem!!! UR WRONG UR WRONG!!!!!!!
What are you even talking about?
I'm literally quoting each of your lines and addressing them individually.
If I weren't taking you seriously, why would I be doing that?
Why would I be linking evidence? Why would I be explaining how what I link correlates to each part of your post?

Meanwhile you're literally shitposting and not even addressing a single thing I've posted. You haven't commented on the decklists, you haven't addressed any rebuttals. You've just made up weird greentexts (who are you even quoting?).
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>refusal to engage in shitty semantics or bad faith arguments is now shitposting
Are (you) done?
I cannot stress enough how important it is people just take a break from this game in it's current steps. You know all of their new overpriced store bundles they keep adding is because they are bleeding players. But it's not enough. They need to lose enough players for them to actually have a wake up call.
I will take hasbro axing another 20% of their disgusting staff as a consolidation gift.
You posted things that were wrong.
For example, stating that all yugioh decks are tribal so gozen match isn't very good is an objectively wrong statement.
The reason it's wrong isn't because I said so, it's because you can look at decklists like Snake-Eyes or Fiendsmith decks with an engine and see that they run multiple different types.

Which part of that is bad faith? Which part of that is semantics?
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Anyways like I said earlier I haven't played in a week and it took me
which I won btw, to close the app. I am once again uninstalling as of this moment. I urge everyone to do the same. Fuck MTGA. Fuck WOTC. There are games out there that are worth your time. This isn't one of them.
Fuck corporate greed. Fuck jannies. Fuck trannies. Fuck DEI. Fuck corporate greed. Fuck diversity.
That is all. Peace out.
My fun by now is trying to hog their system like with the 10 land rdw going mythic
when you realize you aren't having fun
>you aren't
Just uninstall. Do yourself a favour. Your better than this.
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Was this you just now?
Its unfortunately still too hot to hog Zucks data kraken again. Was promised an La Nina event from September on - still sweating like a pig after 15 minutes of blade and sorcery. so for now hasbro gets false feedbacked
No, I'm currently just building trashpile synergies with certain probable draws and mix in what I suspect their "rng" valuing as a high value card - I want to be able to see which match the "rng" wants you to win and which you will lose with a higher probability
Oh, anon, you don't need to schizopost about this.
We already know every card has a weight and we figured out what those weights are a while ago.
We also know the matchmaking knows what each weight represents, which is why mill decks get paired with 200+ card piles all the time.
Thank you very much, that saves a lot of time
Hunted Bonebrute is so good. Apparently Disguise is handled as a special action. What does that mean?
It doesn't use the stack and can't be responded to.
is there a legend to it. the values all seem to be a multiple of 3 but that is about it
You'd have to ask >reddit, they're the ones who figured this out and compiled it.
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oh well - lurking doesnt mean interacting
Hopefully they made some faq
Play limited.
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they all might be dirty neolithic slaves but their crop is free. problem solved
now fun with exploiting
>play limited so you can lose due to land RNG just like standard
Great idea! OR I can have this game continue being uninstalled and have WOTC metaphorically stuck my dick
Play casually for free with like-minded friends.
people that play this game are not playing it to socialize, if they would they would play paper magic. Know your customer base - this isn't vr-chat, wow or even a black jack round, its more like a one armed bandit or slots
I play Arena to socialize. I 1v1 my boyfriend in it all the time, or one of us will play while the other watches.
Post bobs and vagene
Is there any good tech for getting Wishclaw Talisman back or getting rid of it after I use it but before it goes to my opponent?
Pack your deck with stuff like Deadly Dispute, activate the claw, sac claw in response, profit.
It's over

you don't need any tech, you just build your deck so that your best card is better than their best card and they can never pass it back to you or they lose on the spot.
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Ojer Axomil entering the battlefield when you have Warleader's Call on the field burns tyhe for 5 direct, and then it continues to burn the for 5 direct every single time any creature enters the battlefield. Meaning you can play 4 creatures or creature tokens and kill your opponent without attacking. Surely there's something to this.

It's also in the same colors as the token deck, and Anim Pakal is another little card that kills quickly with this little combo, since if you have her out before you play Ojer you can actually kill them on that same turn if your attacks hit them.

The other benefit to this is that you don't have to play bad cards that are part of a combo, these all do stuff on their own and can be slotted in the token deck or whatever.

Virtue of Courage, Ojer Tac, and Quintorius are a few other cards that feel like the fit in with these.

Something fun to build around, and I like making my own decks and got tired of some of the other stuff I've been playing.
>Gives your opponents card draw
>Isn't in the same color as smothering tithe
what's the point of this shitty card
The only issue is that if they have any kind of removal for Ojer or if you don't open Warleader's, your deck is mostly half-baked.
It would probably be better to lean into one of the three directions you're aiming for, assuming you're >>492883290
Either go full Warleaders and just make Boros Convoke,
lean into Ojer and add in options like Artist's Talent and ping cards that capitalize on him,
Or full-on Discover with Quintorious.
Because otherwise you end up with a worse version of any of its three pieces.
I wish the irish still had fight left in them, what a way to fucking die
you've got to be shitting me how solitarey this heaping steaming pile of shit is
>yugioh devs actually update their limited and semi limited cards pretty frequently
just testament to how broken and far-gone the yugioh meta is
We just had a 30-card banlist and nothing changed lol
Easiest ways are having a sac outlet or tutoring for a card whose effects will also deal with the talisman.
Hero/slickshot need pump spells to win
Unironically seek help
If I could ban any card from Bo1 it would be Monstrous Rage. I think red would still be strong, but the role token granting permanent trample means creating chump blockers is a useless strat against them, and instant speed removal is the only thing that works.
meme quotes are a /qa/ culture thing
You're not the first person to come up with that deck
How the fuck do you guys even build ranked viable decks in this game? In Master Duel you can get a feasibly well performing deck that can take you all the way up the ladder in like the first 2-3 hours of booting the game up if you know what you're doing. But here the grind is fucking abysmal, like, legitimately bad for new players. Any tips? Getting a bit tired of my mono black bloomburrow jank deck jobbing hard in bronze.
step 1: disregard ranked
step 2: play another game if you want
step 3: fun
Are you good at drafting?
Do premier drafts, go infinite, own every card
Practice offline or with quick drafts until you're good
Log in every day and just buy 10x packs to get the Golden.

Once you have a constructed deck, it's pretty easy to go infinite in the Events. Aim for Standard or Alchemy since those have the cheapest entry.

After 2-3 months of daily playing you should be at a point where you just have everything you need to stop worrying about the economy. Or you can just drop $100 on preorder bundles tomorrow and skip all of the above.

Yes, it sucks. Yes, MD is more generous. The one thing we have over MD is rare protection.
Use all your free codes
If you're netdecking, search specifically for budget decks
(I'm assuming you're f2p)
I pretty much just played Jump In or a starter deck for my first couple weeks. Over time I swapped cards in that deck as I learned what wasn't actually good and in about two months it turned into Golgari Mid, which stayed my main deck most of the past year.

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