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Room edition

Previous: >>492140243

>Breaking News
Sorin and Amalia are now banned in explorer
Alchemy: Bloomburrow released
Standard and brawl precons are back in the store
Duskmourn preorders start tomorrow


>Duskmourn Spoilers

>Useful Links

>Free Codes

General thoughts on duskmourn so far?
First for eternal spoiler season
this is just kicker
No, it's a Talent that you can do in any order.
It's a MDFC where you can choose to later get both sides.
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>free shit on t2
>autowin on t6
wow another flavor of aggro deck
wow how amazing i can't wait to spend gems on this so i can feel epic skilled at card games wow
it's going to be so fun playing against this warrior mono white aggro deck every game wow
>mono white aggro deck
One-point-twenty-one nigga what? Did you just wake up from a coma you've bee in since before rotation?
>free shit on t2
Does nothing on T2 and pigeonholes your T3. You definitely don't drop Innkeeper T3 running this.
>autowin on t6
How many creatures do you normally control on T6?
The OP card doesn't go in an aggro deck. It goes in a Caretaker's Talent deck.
that's even worse
the card isn't great but it's slightly better than this.
t1 drop a non-toy creature. t2 drop dollmaker's shop and swing with your 1-drop, netting a 1/1 token. t3 is not pigeonholed.
You are correct. I was thinking of it slotting into Boros or Monowhite Caretaker and didn't consider just running a 1-drop.
What 1-drop are you running?
Crawling Chorus gets the ball-rolling almost guaranteed, but there's probably something better that makes a token on death I imagine
depends heavily on the rest of the shell, the rest of the meta, and the rest of the set's leaks.

in a vacuum these details matter:
>the 1/1 toy token is an artifact. potential for artifact synergies.
>the 1/1 toy token does not enter tapped and attacking. it's not the fastest. counterbalancing with a 2/1 on t1 may be helpful.
>evasion is helpful to safely get your trigger. an extra toughness has a similar but lesser benefit.
>the room being an enchantment may be relevant.
just within white and colorless, these 15 options are all worth considering depending on the rest of the deck.

looking through these, i like the 3 pesky fliers a lot. they'll chip in for quite a bit, get you some triggers, and when you open the larger room they will probably close the game.
So would temporary lockdown exile dollmaker;s shop if it has only been casted as a two drop? would it exile it if it was casted as a two drop then had its room opened or vise versa? does casting the two mana side let you draw a card with up the beanstalk or are they considered two different cards depending on which side you cast?
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read nigger, read
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So casting the two cost side would draw a card with beanstalk...?
his ramblings have begun

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Ah ok rooms are just split cards that can activate the other side on the battlefield
It's really heavily telegraphed and you effectively impossible to cheat out.
The card value is good in a vacuum but this feels to me more like "win more" territory.
Bargain, which allows you to sacrifice enchantments, looks interesting with Duskmourns enchantment land & enchantment creatures.
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every time i play this game I end up regretting it

this is such fucking bullshit. on the draw vs the most aggressive start possible. every time every game feels predetermined. i just want some back and forth
>White Aggro
>Win T6 no question asked
Man I hate this game.
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skill issue
i bought a lot of gems and you're going to watch me win and you're going to like it
stupid noobs
If you are running 1 Drops, why not make it White/ Red for Haste and some control ??
>some control
what did he mean by this?
3 Island
3 Swamp
4 Forest
1 Dour Port-Mage
1 Ancient Ziggurat
1 Dreamdew Entrancer
1 Grolnok, the Omnivore
1 Clement, the Worrywort
1 Leaf-Leap Guide
1 Yargle and Multani
1 The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride
1 Gitrog, Horror of Zhava
1 The Gitrog Monster
1 Froghemoth
1 Valley Mightcaller
1 Mistbreath Elder
1 Tatsunari, Toad Rider
1 Valley Floodcaller
1 Command Tower
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Bellowing Crier
1 Guardian Project
1 Unclaimed Territory
1 Secluded Courtyard
1 Pillar of Origins
1 Spring Splasher
1 Long River Lurker
1 Waterspout Warden
1 Splash Lasher
1 Skyskipper Duo
1 Lilypad Village
1 Unwilling Ingredient
1 Gray Slaad
1 Yargle, Glutton of Urborg
1 Sunshower Druid
1 Poison Dart Frog
1 Three Tree Scribe
1 Clifftop Lookout
1 Crocanura
1 Fountainport Charmer
1 Steeple Creeper
1 Stickytongue Sentinel
1 Treeguard Duo
1 Excavating Anurid
1 Trollbred Guardian
1 Oakhollow Village
1 A-Uurg, Spawn of Turg
1 Pond Prophet
1 Lilysplash Mentor
1 Papercraft Decoy
1 Faceless Agent
1 Bloodline Pretender
1 Coalition Construct
1 Three Tree Mascot
1 Distant Melody
1 Webweaver Changeling
1 Gladewalker Ritualist
1 Masked Vandal
1 Guardian Gladewalker
1 Graveshifter
1 Venomous Changeling
1 Changeling Outcast
1 Mistwalker
1 Fabled Passage
1 Captivating Crossroads
1 Plaza of Heroes
1 Mana Confluence
1 Three Tree City
1 Windswept Heath
1 Wooded Foothills
1 Scalding Tarn
1 Bloodstained Mire
1 Mudflat Village
1 Flooded Strand
1 Marsh Flats
1 Misty Rainforest
1 Polluted Delta
1 Verdant Catacombs
1 Watery Grave
1 Overgrown Tomb
1 Breeding Pool
1 Ornithopter of Paradise
1 Patchwork Banner
1 A-Thran Portal
1 Arcane Signet
1 Solemn Simulacrum
1 Roaming Throne
1 Vanquisher's Banner
1 Metallic Mimic
1 Adaptive Automaton
1 Polliwallop
1 Littjara Kinseekers

1 Glarb, Calamity's Augur

Get your free MWM wins
Already got them with Gitrog Ravenous Ride. Giving him a landfall ability on ETB is disgusting.
Spectrum sentinel just has better flying in this scenario
If you're in Boros, there's that dude with haste that makes a rat token.
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>opponents opens with triple sideboard card
never give up! (at least not in matchups where you quite favored :^)
>play against 1 sheoldred deck
>lose all motivation to play
who gets demotivated that easily? sounds like crippling depression. and by a creature that dies to removal before it does anything, even.
If you still play this game you are a massive self hatting faggot
MTG is pretty demotivating. It's the worst of the card games currently except to be fair I know almost nothing about YGO.
Does anyone actually enjoy this dogshit game?

Looking over the thread it's like Worlo-levels of beaten, abused dogs desperately clinging to something that used to be good in a futile hope that it'll get better and return to what it used to be.

Why haven't you left yet? You know this is a textbook case of abuse victims, right?

I want to make fun of you, but it's genuinely pretty sad.
as with every game ever made since the internet appeared, meaning you should know this by now, the people who enjoy the game spend time actually playing the game instead of shitposting in forums
I just do dailies with the free decks and play my free draft once a week
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What if I enjoy the game and my break from the game is shitposting online? Huh did you ever think of that smart guy dumb ass?
Nobody cares about Arena players anyway.
im blaming the holiday but yesterday was the most toxic day of arena with back to back creature removal, counter spells, and shellys for most of the day. tried (Yargle) Brawl/Commander (whateverthefuck it's called) and hated it, though it helped me put together a budget frog deck for "honest" games. but you better believe that I got my 15 daily wins with RDW after seeing the absolute state of things.
wait a minute...so you faced creatures, ways to kill creatures, AND ways to counter creature? damn you're right. what a wild meta
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the sneedcore
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can someone help me cut here? I drafted so many playables that I'm not sure how to proceed now
>local draft dead
>local limited in general dead
>nobody to play pauper with
>nobody to play standard with
>nobody to play pioneer with
>too poor for other formats
>wife doesn't like magic so no kitchen table
>i don't want to play commander
at least in arena i can draft and even have a chance to do it multiple times if i get lucky
Is that supposed to be you on the left?
bro that's too many cuts...start with high stride, though
does wotc even do draft promotions anymore?
no, i just enjoy drafting for the equal grounds and consistend theme of the drafted set. for the sake of it, so to speak.
well, after cutting three high strides and the two nighwhorl hermits I still have 11 cards too many
I think a lot of people like drafting but it can get expensive quickly so I'm not surprised there's less interest in it these days
when i ask at my lgs (happens every time i really like a set, i really liked bloomburrow so i asked for that) the people there seem to be confused by the idea of drafting and i don't think anybody every seriously considered trying it. they're all commander players, never played anything else.
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i'm down to two cards left to cut
Idk man maybe mind spiral and one of the 5 drop creatures
Guess they broke the game with the Last update
this shit is unbearably laggy
I got disconnected during the opponents turn as if I had roped
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This fucker might legitimately make me stop playing draft. I think I've never won a game where my opponent dropped that guy execept the one where I played bat tribal
play bat tribal then
Dies to removal
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>Don't play white or don't have the one banishing light you could steal from the other white drafter in your hand? Tough luck sucker
I just lost a draft and got so pissed off I took a shit right in the middle of the living room
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Another 3 years of red.
Bloomburrow draft sucks anyways. Weenie aggro in 10 different color combinations.
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>lose 2 games because too many land draws on draft with 17 lands
>cut it down to 16
>next game instantly have to mulligan twice for lands AND I still don't get more than 2 lands after several draws with 26 cards left in the deck
I hate this disgusting piece of shit rigged garbage game so much
yeah good luck
>all the sleeves have Antifa members on their artwork
What did they mean by this?
>mythic player uses torch the tower to fling his heartfire hero
imagine how high the winrate would be if rdw players could read
I read some where foundation will be valid until 2029, so from this perspective it would make more sense to invest more in it instead of duskmorn, no?
It's time to make a stand chuddie.
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>Exploring the dungeon
>Random encounter of trash enemies
>Turn on auto-battle
>Entire party attacks a different enemy each, all enemies focus on a single party member and burn her down in one round of combat
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It’s almost complete bros I can’t believe how fun it is
pyroclasm is coming back. it's so over for so many of you shitters lmfao.
Cause RDW didn't have enough overstatted 1 mana pump spells. Now you can pump and get a free 2/2 body nice! Fucking disgusting braindead subhuman company. Another meta of must have 4 1 mana instant speed removal and 4 2 mana instant speed removal in every single deck just to be able to play the game
>maybe magic isnt so bad I was just overreacting
>play 1 game
>going second against mono red
It's time to add in a non artifact non permanent mana rock that can be tapped for one mana for whoever goes second.
They should unironically do this for the alchemy format
Standard has turn 2 kills, what good is pyroclasm?
turn 1 counterspell? i leave
turn 1 discard spell? i leave
more than 1 ramp spell? i leave
wash away? i leave
more archive cards than me? i leave
silver bullet card? i leave

i simply do not humor autoloss games.
They should unironically do this for literally every format. Every single set that is released, the win% disparity on going first/second just gets wider and wider.
Also, daily reminder that this is the WORST the game has EVER been and if you still play it you just hate yourself that much.
None of you are having fun. Even your wins aren't fun because most likely you won because of the same bullshit RNG that made you lose, just flipped on op.
>blind mulligan
>have to discard if you mulligan
>going second automatically gives you like a 30% chance of winning
>one player always just sits there doing nothing because the land system fucks them over
>games are often over or already decided by turn 3
so where exactly is the skill expression in this game?
control has to build for the entire meta. reducing the number of cards i need to deal with spam creatures increases the amount of cards i can use to deal with anything else, reducing the wrath turn from 3 to 2 let's me play fewer lands, increasing the amount of cards i can use for everything else, strong counter cards will reduce the prevalence of wide aggro in the meta, increasing the amount of cards i can use for everything else... it's so much value. my historic deck alone gets like 6 card slots freed up.
Insane. Turn 2 kills become even more likely.
Its a slot machine to pull and be amazed at probabilities while waiting - what the truck are you doing in a games general if you don't get the basic about what a game is. Nigger do you play anything
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>Load MTGA
>Play history
>Queue against aids deck
>AFK and take a shit
>Queue against yet another deck that completely counters mine
>AFK and jerk off
>Play against someone taking their time
>Rope them every single turn and watch a twitch stream until they concede or i win/lose
>Play against blue/white aids counter deck
>AFK and fuck their girlfriend while they wait for me to take my turn

Get on my level you single digit IQ chimps, you are playing this game 100% wrong.
I'm so sick and tired of losing against or winning with i-win cards and board wipes
but if you don't play them you just cannot play the game

might as well just go throw money at a casino
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>Now you can pump and get a free 2/2 body
You could already do that

Any duress / IOK / thoughtseize cancer ass cards on turn 1 = concede

If you play that kind of deck, kindly find the nearest bridge to jump off.
thanks for the free win faggot

Sure thing chud, have fun next game where it happens again, and again. Until you realize no one wants to play against your gay ass deck, forcing you to play something else.
The people that play MTGA sorted by population:

1. 200+ card Bots that somehow top deck every single answer every turn
2. Net decking negative IQ chimps that smack the keyboard until they win
3. Faggot nigger control deck players that get to play a full game 1 out of every 10 games
4. Everyone else

Fuck you all
The extra power makes a big difference, with scamp and heartfire. Even more if you're flinging them.
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>20 dmg turn 3 with 2 mana

Was worried that frog event would take forever, but opponent 2 gave up while he was winning and opponent 4 scooped as soon as I joined.
>zombie aggro
>mouse aggro
>red aggro
>U ""control"" hand hate counterspell spam
>you just don't get to play the game
>the game and playerbase that ranted for decades about how they aren't yugioh turned into a worse version of it
ironic that wotc purposefully sabotaged duel masters because they knew it would btfo their solitaire simulator
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>otter aggro
>fairy aggro
>green aggro
>boardwipe spam
>pw spam
>boardwipe AND pw spam
>dinosaur spam
>play shelly and wait until you win
why do they even bother making commons and uncommons if all you're going to play is rares and mythics?
>frog spam
>food token spam
>Jace mill
>artifact spam
>bat spam
>bird spam
>knight spam
>token spam
>all you have to do is follow the flowchart and the game plays itself
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this is /vg/
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i enjoy coming itt and looking at the absolute miserable slopeaters and the bottom of the barrel subhuman shills way more than i enjoyed mtga back when i played it

there's literally no reason to play the game, mh3 and the last two nu-extended sets killed it. alchemy could seem like a viable format except it's just aggro spam or heist decks at the top levels

it's over, move on
Can anyone play? I can't connect to the game at all just a black screen and a few minutes later an error.
least schizo schizoposter
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if mtg were still a real game, a format like edson from ygo would have taken off years ago. something like from CHK to WAR, only cards released in those sets allowed. you got 15 years of cards to have fun with and it ends right as magic turned to shit and arena took off
wow this frog event is complete ass
The sharty retards need to piss back off to their dead image board
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>play frog event
>it's just frog aggro
come the fuck on man
>this surprised you
it doesn't.
It just makes me wonder what the fuck is wrong with these bots
60 start hands in a row below a value of 70 in a deck valued 1500 by the reddit tool
yeah, the machine learning crap rng is completely broken
Aggro decks play lots of uncommons and commons.
I played Bant Helga and just dropped the most broken fatties I could stack in a deck. Won the first three games and called it a wrap.
>Aggro goes second
>instantly loses
>goes first
>instantly win
Fun game :) Big thinking man's strategy game btw
>opponent goes first
>opponent goes first
>opponent goes first
>did you have fun? :)
>Spend the entire game losing
>completely ignore all 5 previous tuns by casting a single sunfall and win on the spot
>did you have fun :)))))))
>cast a 5 mana board wipe exile
>get a 7/7 token that is immune to removal until you flip it
>did you have fun :)))))))))
>maindeck 4 vexing bauble
>maindeck 4 relic of progenitus
>maindeck 4 anger of the gods
>only get matched against Sorin/Vein Ripper combo
Timeless is such a shitshow.
> Did you have fun? :)))))))))))))))))
Yes, I did have fun.
>whoever goes first/second
>whoever draws like a human
>whoever doesn't get land fucked
These 3 things literally determine 99% of every win or loss
How do you feel knowing there is actually zero skill or strategy required in you "strategy" card game and every deck plays itself and the winner has nothing to do with how you pilot the deck?
Going first is so fucking broken. It's the difference between red deck being OP and being completely trash.
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you fucking schizos aren't even posting spoilers, holy shit

anyway, the Elevator deck is coming together!
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and yet the same fucking players keep winning
congratulations, you just discovered one of the many reason why bo1 is a fake format. by the time they go first in game 3, your deck is filled with aggro answers
B03 is just as bad as b01. One player gets to go first twice. The other doesn't. Same shit.
>playing mono red to grind
>30 games and not a single other mono red only 100% removal.deck
>go full greedy control
>first 2 games against mono red
So this shit is pretty much rigged right?
>yeah, but how about muh pro gaymers?
Yeah, no shit the progaymers are going to be the biggest metaslaves every single time, with their own focus groups doing nothing but extensive playtesting.

Your type of answer is always retarded.
You should post the decks as well and i'll tell you if it's player skill or simply the deck being auto-solitaire
Forced meta. I changed 6/60 cards in my deck and now I’m playing against completely different decks. Went from mono red and discard to flyers and control…. Lmao
What an unfortunate name

Wow you mean the people who’s job it is to shill this game play it like 2 full time jobs plus a squad of play testers keep winning? Whoa bro what a shocking revelation fucking retarded asshole.
>Phantasmal Image is back

ha ha yes eat shit Atraxa
>keep 2 land hand
>don't draw another land the rest of the game
I hate this fucking game so much.
>keep 3 land hand
>draw 3 lands in a row and lose
I love this fucking game so much.
Why can't it just be random? Is that so hard?
This games alright. I just spent $75 on the planeswalker wildcards and gems one time deals now I’m set for life big time whaling better watch out for me bro.
I quit best of three because of lands. Every fucking match is a one land opener into a 5 land mulligan. Now worth it broski. Haven’t won a single match of best of 3 yet.
...I thought skill didn't matter?
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>instantaneous roping begins when you finally have the decency to topdeck a land
You can be as skilled as you like, but if you don't have the data to back it up it doesn't matter.
I see. so the game is say, 0.5% skill, 0.5% data, 99%
>whoever goes first/second
>whoever draws like a human
>whoever doesn't get land fucked
and somehow you agree that the 1% is enough to keep the same players always at the top. interesting math, to be sure.
If you play enough matches, sure.
What can you possibly do to beat Going First red aggro as green? They'll have at least a guy or two on turn2, I'll get out a turn2 creature, but then they can buff their guys with Prowess/Equips and be stronger than my 2drop and I don't have the mana to play something to buff my 2drop at this point.

If I survive to turn4, I can turn things around and I have won from here before, but it's basically game over if they already have a bunch of attack on Heartfire Hero since it'll nuke me with all of its attack power when it dies. What can I possibly do to beat red in the early game while going second?
Mono green is not playable in this removal centric format.
>>493151487 me
As mentioned before, if I go first, this goes entirely in the opposite direction. They can't do SHIT when I'm the one who has priority over the board. I'm a turn ahead and have extra mana to beat them. It isn't even close.
Oh! I play Alchemy, there are very few mass removal spells, so green is great in this format. :)
With Duskmourn it feels like design wanted fully commit to the theme, but the art department realized that a lot of 80s horror was heavily inspired by gothic horror so they predominantly took inspiration from that side of it to keep it looking like Magic. The result is that Duskmourn is 90% indistinguishable from another Innistrad return set, but then on every tenth card there will be a random television or modern looking sneaker. Very odd.
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This is ten percent luck
Twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure
Fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

Also pic related
Yeah, man just stay cool when you have your opponent almost dead then proceed to draw 5 lands in a row from a 20 land deck.
I've gotten to where I only run 19 or 24 lands in a deck no matter what. Anything in between makes it too easy to flood or screw.
Wanna try that again without sounding mad? Check the pic again and read it this time.
>Wanna try that again without sounding mad?
This little fucker is so cool
>Every creature is now cut down with no abilities
>Planeswalkers? lol no abilities
>Forge? Sythesizer? sorry no tokens when you're a blank card
you should kill yourself
Whoa, I actually won a game going second.
"AI" is the goat, don't you like the rng "learning"
and always make sure to give positive feedback, no matter how special ed the "AI" acts
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>A-actually it's not a TV it's like a portal to the ghost world or whatever.
>It's literally called screen.
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Oh great, this one is even better
>Maggie had always wanted to be on television.
>>A-actually it's not a TV it's like a portal to the ghost world or whatever.
Who are you quoting
>never played magic because by the time I got into card games it already went woke
>just watched a couple videos on the blatant match fixing bullshit they do behind the scenes
lol. lmao even. you guys have got to be double retarded.
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which is the better list and how would you improve it
post links
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>board clear
>board clear
>life gain
Do people really have fun doing this?
nevermind, it's obviously magda, no contest. I might run 4
the only people left are those who are unwilling to jump ship to anime games or too stupid to learn netrunner.
>Mono Green Aggro
>Doesnt need mountains cause it play itself
This is getting banned
ah, yes. The mono green aggro deck. The mono green aggro deck that plays instants and sorceries. The combat trick mono green aggro deck that runs 4 mana enchantments. The spellslinger mono green aggro deck that runs 2RR sorcery speed permanents. That mono green aggro deck
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Skill in a card game would be to take cards that don't do much on their own and that barely work together and make them work as best as possible.

Having cards that trigger or meet their triggering requirements by themselves, create more value by themselves existing on the field or just with one other single card, are only a huge threat to your opponent but no real risk for you, are the opposite of skill.
The fact that you can reset the game in your favor with something like Sunfall, should be evidence of how you do not need thinking or card management skills.
Or how most aggro decks can kill you in 2 turns without needing or risking interacting with the opponent.
Or how toxic decks don't need to interact with their opponents as well and only need to put 10 counters on opp to win the game and how the opp cannot ever interact or remove the poison counters.
Or how you're forced to play black if you want easy access to generic creature removal.

imagine if i had a card that said
>"Whenever a creature etbs, do 1 damage to opp for each creature. At the start of the battle phase create 10 1/1 tokens with haste. Opponent can't gain life."
Where is the player agency? What choices are left to be made? What options are available to your opponent or what are your risks by playing that card?

Mono red aggro creatures all costing 1 and having haste, prowess and access to lot of buffing spells and effects that give them extra stats just for being targeted by the players spells, isn't any sort of skill; it's just casualized machanics to sell card games to normies.
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im gonna put this on my Rot Priest deck and there is nothing you can do about it My Rot Priest Deck is pretty mid TBF
I’m new to mtg and am a dirt poorfag trying to conquer my local draft scene. If I invest a million games into mtga and its draft mode will I have the potency to dominate.
it's literally rigged don't bother.
irl drafts are full of cheating as well.
One of the most important aspects of doing well in draft is format familiarity, so yes familiarizing yourself with the format on mtga would be good for doing well irl.

The basic fundamentals like threats, removal, etc and how to prioritize them is important too, depending on how new you are.
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I'm going to have to look at this cancer in every single commander game for the rest of my life. Fuck R&D this is worse than Chronicles.

You can't just spam draft in Arena without paying or already being good. Back episodes of Limited Resources and Cockatrice are a better bet for getting good on the cheap.
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posters itt are so fucking pitiful it's unreal
how so?
in the balls
first two lines are retarded, so I won't waste my time reading the rest, sorry champ
definitely. it beats, by very far, playing creatures and praying they don't have an answer.
what are you mad about today? The plane that the house consumed had TVs. In fact Valgavoth was simply one of the many demons powering their technological advancements.
Let me guess... you somehow need more?
Watch videos of pros who explain their decisions alot to save a lot of money. Numotthenummy does this and is reguarly a top mythic player
Nice spot removal bro
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Much thanks for the tips and resources Anonymous(es).
I can't remember and can't find it but I'm pretty sure they explained that the TVs weren't actually TVs when they announced the set some weeks ago, I'll drop that criticism since I can't find the source, though.
a lot more
Duskmourn is almost out and Azorius control still hasn't decided what its wincon is. You see Jace, Teferi, and Elspeth, Caretaker's, no Caretaker's
but anon

we are all schizos here
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>STILL the best piece of art on Arena
how did he do it, bros?
why would someone backhand a dagger to slash downward?
true true
>b01 is just an aggro simulator abusing go first win coinflip
>b03 is just another goodstuff value pile simulator
Daily reminder this is the WORST the game has EVER been and if you still play it your a self hating masochist.
>go second vs RDW
>go first vs RDW
"strategy big skillo thinking mans card game"
Every single fking deck is the most braindead flowchart zero IQ zero strategy retard coinflip simulator imaginable. How do you fucking faggots get even the smallest amount of enjoyement from this cancerous game?
>how do people really have fun doing this?
They fucking don't, but you NEED to run that many retard braindead interaction otherwise the really fun healthy and balanced RDW just wins by turn 3
KYS RDW abusing faggot
In Alchemy, there's a mechanic where cards can "perpetually" add +1/+1's to your creatures. For all intents and purposes, it's like adding +1/+1 counters, but without the counters. Creatures will keep the +1/+1 bonuses no matter where they are and the bonus cannot be removed.

I thought it was really interesting when my opponent played Maha. The toughness of my perpetually boosted creatures only lowered to 1 of their base stats before the perpetual boost. So, a 1/2 creature with four +1/+1 perpetual boosts (5/6), became a 5/5 when the opponent summoned Maha. It's a very strong mechanic if you can get it going.
It'd work the same with +1/+1 counters, Maha only modifies based toughness.
This is true, yes, but because perpetual boosts aren't counters I initially assumed that the base stats were being modified. It wasn't until I saw the Maha interaction that I learned they're "invisible counters that aren't counters." They're not counters, so they don't interact with effects that involve counters.
Faggot game made for self hating subhumans. Let's discuss alchemy mechanics like its going to matter when win or lose is determined by whoever goes first/ whoever draws better like every single match in every single format. Fucking subhumans.
All 5 of you MT.GAG general posters need to off themselves in the most painful way possible
No one gives a fk you subhuman maggot. We all know it's going to be powercrept subhuman braindead cards and the game will still be shit.
Shut the fk up stupid retard
thats what you get for playing mono red subhuman oxygen wasting dysgenic filth
thank you for your service
Uh oh someone’s having a baaad time oh no.
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>godless shrine untapped
>i evoke grief
>resolve discard
>respond to evoke trigger on the stack with Ephemerate
>Ephemerate resolves
>i choose another card and make you discard it
it's turn 1, i have a 3/2 menace guy and have taken your 2 best cards. your go!
so tell me, anon: why do YOU deserve to win?
I cast lightning bolt/ swords/ path. Wow that was a close one.
do you actually believe i wouldn't take removal out of your hand as the 'best cards' to answer the current boardstate? unless you hand is literally 'show & tell+omni+lightning bolt+lightning bolt' i'm taking both bolts every time. bro you don't actually know how to play magic.
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>shhh, you wanna get sued?!
Aneurysms claim another anon. Oh well.
>game 1
>whoops! your opponent was playing discard all along! shouldn't have done that!
Ok go play scam and see how it works out. There’s a reason it’s on arena and that’s because it’s solitaire garbage that folds to any kind of pressure. You’re forgetting you also lost 3 cards to play your gay little combo.
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nice tokens bro
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And here are the rare duals.
played this ramp/landfall deck

a few notes if u wanna play it, i was too lazy too change (u have 5 hours)
>graveyard cards like artisan is bad in it
>scute swarm sux in it
>needs more basics and more lands in general up from 33 to 40 or so
>add a bit more removal (just remove a few artifacts/useless frogs like yargles and the metallic mimic
>dont forget to either include snow lands or remove into the north
>two-sided lands dont trigger the ability of the gitrog monster so either remove them or dont sacrifice them if u wanna draw
>its really fun

stomped those netdecking legenvd wannabes faggots into the ground anyway

pulled of overwhelming forces a few times against them because these niggers do no damage and are too retarded to play 1-2 counterspells

make sure to save up your search lands for when the gitrog monster comes down
you should kill yourself
anon, I...
>kill yourself when this general dies


>touch grass

Which way, schizoman?
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No, U
you should really kill yourself
touch ass
Kamigawa lands at home
(these are still pretty good desu, strictly better basics will always be good)
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Well bend over for me then for daddy, faggot.
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who else comfy?
I kneel
If you keep antagonizing me I’m about to get REALLY mad and you aren’t gonna like me when I’m mad
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Thats cute
>there are ppl ITT at this very moment who still unironically play MTGA

what else is there?
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i do play scam though
Just chill out, bro :^)
>Clumps your cards
>Mana floods you
>Mana screws you
>Gives your opponent the nuts draws
>And the highest of high rolls
>Rigs your mulligans
It's just a game!
>This art
The fuck, they are ok using AI slop this blatant? NGL I've been suspecting it for a while now...
Is paypigging supposed to be a flex now?
Show rank
>outing yourself as a draftlet
>opp drops pw
>board wipe
>you can't play the game anymore
great game design wotc
imma definitely buy gems
anon thats the victory condition. when they do that you're supposed to concede and go next instead of drawing the game out UNLESS you have a combo out with counterspells, veil or thoughtseize to protect it.
If you think draft is rigged, then play constructed.
If you think constructed is rigged, then play draft.
If you think both are rigged, then you shouldn't be playing this game and you're a retard for being here if you hate the game.

Follow this simple flowchart the next time you're about to make your 100th post complaining about the same thing.
Epic wizard battles are about explosions and mosnters fighting, but Duskmourn makes it about summoning... rooms?
you can game the rigging algorithm. fat urza guy does it every season and then says shit like 'you must be top 100 mythic to post here'.
it does take some amount of effort to do though.
i will spoonfeed you only these points
>cards have weight
>deck archetypes seem to have preferential matchmaking
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I havent spent a dime on this game.
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How do people get this nuts decks in quick draft?

I struggle getting playables because all I see is shit cards and the bots send confusing signals.
>he thinks we pay

reading the picks of other players
Daily reminder this is the WORST the game has ever been and if you still play it you are a self hating masochist. Have a nice friday!
Yeah, sometimes it feels like the bots switch archetypes every time they pick a rare.

Clearly you arent skillfull enough to top deck every answer you need.

Seriously though the shuffler will choose who wants to favor based on a lot of factors, it is a conspiracy theory until its a fact.

WOTC already showed that they are doing shady shit in the back ground and they gaslight their players into thinking they aren't until they are caught, then the fess up and/or change it.

Imagine throwing your money at a digital card game where the game company is actively gaslighting and manipulating you into spending as much money as possible or you get shitty picks in drafts / always get a match up with your counter / always go second etc.....

Seriously just go play paper at your LGS.
Just do yourselves a favour and quit this game. Your not having fun. WOTC is a terrible company that only cares about milking you wallet and gives no fuck about product quality.
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Like what do I do here?

Hunter talent is a clear signal to go green
Vinereap mentor to go golgari
Questcaller and carrot cake to go white
Mentor for UW birds
Mindwhisker for blue

but now the best cards are black and red which i didnt see pack 1 at all
Nigger who gives a fk what you draft. You winning or losing will be determined by whichever player misses a land drop lmao
cut blue
Anon that's p2p1. There's no signals there because it's a new pack. You're supposed to look at the last cards of pack 1 for what people didn't take.
Drop the blue, pick the rabbit response and lean into GW. You have enough fixing to splash if you get passed a bomb. This is pick one, it has no influence on what you'll see open so don't focus so much on what the best cards in the pack are.
All of this draft strategy talk only to realize your going to win or lose because of RNG in game
>craft a good draft deck
>oh you didn't draw a land for two turns
>should have played better
>craft a shit deck
>oh opponent didn't draw a land two turns in a row
>he should have played better
Shut the fk up disgusting braindead general acting like theres any strategy in this game. Go spin the roulette wheel but don't for a moment pretend like theres any skill involved in this game.
I’m buying $50 worth of gems and draft tokens today. Feels good man.
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urza here

not every season since i quit the game and i suggest you do the same

sure i could be top 100 mythic but bragging rights don't mean crap when the game is absolute dogshit. mh3 killed it and it's not coming back. historic/modern will keep rotating faster than 'standard' and that's hilariou. i blame konami's business model

now to play better games, non self-harmful games. bye~
There is no rng it’s all skill sorry you’re retarded and suck at games. Everyone knows card games are pure skill and not rng at all that’s why gambling is so popular because it’s skill based and not luck.
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can someone even try to explain this fucking matchmaking?
Rank doesn't matter, especially not in constructed. You have the same internet resources, you're using the same cards, you read the same guides and primers. There is no mystical quantity that is different between you and him, assuming you're not super low IQ or something random like that. High rank in this game just means you're familiar with how the game works and you play a lot. You probably pay attention while you play and minimize random player errors. Basic stuff.
Stop playing a faggot deck and you won’t have to play in the homo matchmaking pool. Nice sleeves and lack of interaction too, epic!
IoK and a creature that has to attack to trigger are both the definition of interaction anon. Stop using terms you don't understand.
so the matchmaking is based on the deck, is that what your telling me?
So if I start playing today and netdeck a top tier deck i get paired against rank 1?
that entire deck is based on interaction you fucking retard
this but unironically
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>spend resources of basic land cosmetics
>now I can't afford a decent manabase
I don't need to try and explain it. Taking one look at this month's calendar explains it. specially since you're playing a dead format.

really weird post
>creatures are the definition of interaction
somebody should screencap shit like this
>tHe EnTiRe DeCk iS INteRACtion thoooo

Lmao you kept a hand with no interaction in a deck that revolves around interaction. Re-re-re-re-RETARD.
why does every aggro deck people freak out about refuse to work for me, I want to play something that's not fucking golgari
You're probably being too defensive. Playing aggro well means knowing when to sacrifice board position or card advantage for a few extra points of damage, and how to play the line between overextending and letting them stabilize.
Stop playing standard it’s gay
I don't know, people don't play much aggro in Brawl.
>every aggro deck people freak out about refuse to work for me
what was the meaning behind this message?
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well this is what I ended up with
first of all, inquisition is interaction. Second, the hand is a good keep: turn 1 inquisition. Turn 2: Tamyo + brainstorm + fetchland = draw 3, shuffle, flips tamyo, leave tamyo ready to bring back something from graveyard
Gray merchant in UB…? What?
Whatever you say retard post the screen of that game showing you won.
I did actually kek
but no i don't screenshot random wins
Uh huh post rank then

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