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The New Cuteness Edition

Previous: >>491648847


>Habu Kazumasa no longer involved with Digimon games at Bandai

>Digimon Survive official website

>-next 0rder- Switch & PC re-release out

>Lost Evolution translation patch finally released

>Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING to release on US BD/DVD June 11

>Comic Chapter 5

>Web Novel Chapter3 & 4 released:

>Official website

>Official JP theme

>Liberator synopsis and character details

>Liberator initial announcement

>Digimon Dreamers online distribution update

>New manga from the participants of the Digimon comic award has been released

>Current /tg/ /dcg/ thread

>LM-04 announced

>Bandai Card Games Fest goods

>Look Up Piyomon & Gomamon figure pre-orders open

>New Ichiban Kuji lottery figures

>Adventure 25th Color Evolution 2nd wave US pre-orders open

>EN Reference Book

Damn Magentalizard.
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Rate this Digimon.
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I hope it gets something neat for an evolution and not just a knightmon with boob

that is a pokemon
I like it, but it can very easily drop the ball on evolutions
she needs some guns asap
No this is Patrick.
he cute
I like it
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>August is almost over
>The "anime" anniversary was nothing but even more adventure shilling
>Digifes got replaced by a wonka experience-esque exhibition with nothing but Adventure screencaps and concept art taped to the walls
I mean, it was what we all expected but still...
and belts, lots of belts
Hyper form when, Bamco?
It always existed, just wasn't depicted.
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That would mean Raibow/Iridescent Digizoid exists, but... Wait a minute... don't tell me that...
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this implies the existnce of an even rarer transparent rainbow digizoid
>caring about the card game
Counting liberator, it definetly got more promotion and attention than the fucking games
But Toei has nothing to do with Liberator.
I like it
You know that if Liberator was an anime this would have been Shoto's partner
Lizard bias too strong.
Well, it's because of Toei being uncooperative cunts with the licensing that every single anime card is stock art pasted over a lame background, so they do care in a way. Kind of how a neglectful absentee parent would leap down the other neglectful parent's neck if they felt disrespected by the other's parenting, but it's still technically caring!
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>with nothing but Adventure screencaps
Now, now. The rejects had their own little corner of shame.
>02 is the only one with screencaps
>All three of them are from the epilogue
Next year, Digimon is going to one place that hasn't been corrupted by Adventure.
Did Ghost Game murder some exec's family? It had a fat range of vital bracelet shit, some plush toys, the little boxes with the toys in them. It didn't need to be so bare... And fuck, just look at the book just loosely hanging open. That display case just looks miserable.
>Did Ghost Game murder some exec's family?
Well, going by some of the episodes, the writers were probably serial killers, so....
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Which one are you voting for?
Some did work on Colon, so that checks out.
Dukemon CM, because I legit like him, but thanks to you-know-who the winner will be Arresterdramon. Or Omegamon if nips overvote him. Susan as a darkhorse would be fun.
>no PM
why one movie exclusive form but not the other?
>Had Taichi get vored by DannyDevitomon
>Had Mephismon hold actual satanic rituals that violently killed sacrifices.
>Had Pedo Monzaemon and Oppossumon
>Final Boss vores like half the cast
>Had the fruit salad episode
Hmmm...the initial signs were there
He may overshilled to hell and back
but damn if OMEGAAAAAA is not a good design regardless
DM was in the last poll.
Thats just a gay Vaporeon.
...So, Vaporeon?
I dont remember any of that
But then I again I remember almost nothing about Colon and I sat and watched all of it early this year.
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will use her in the first game she is in
It will be in a Vpet and never in a game
He looks like he is begging for death
Guilmon if takato cant draw
how do you fuck up the head that bad but make everything else look passable?
Guilmon....ease up on the lemons....
I think it's line will probably work very well for dynasmon
>Agumon (glowing)
Savers was a mistake
Everything's a mistake to you guys
Do you like ANYTHING?
Just found out about this
I cant believe the absolute garbage nigger taste of this fandom
Now we will be cursed with ugly as fuck sprites forevermore
Yggy get off the internet you fraudulent jobber
I wanna pinch its cheek.
>go on profile
explains everything
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Tamers, and even then that's basic bitch.
Gundramon's spot really should have been Beelzemon.
my takeaway is that fans would rather detailed sprites than nostalgia wank
But the "detailed" sprites look like fucking shit.
I like Renamon
If they ever make 02 remake as a sequel to the adventure remake, I want BlackWarGreymon to kick the digidestined's ass even harder than in the original.
Taichi will turn BlackWarGreymon into his second partner.
Would headpat
doesn't matter much when the competition is even more chibified versions or a technical limitation from +25 years ago
The Digimon color sprites are absolute perfection.
Limitation breeds creativity and genius
You are also a shit eater
Your faggotry is why Drash and latino chads are dabbing on Adventurechuds in the polls. Nostalgia is for weak subhumans.
it also breeds sprites that struggle to reflect the increasingly detailed designs of these monsters
Fusion when? And let's be real, it IS going to happen and it IS going to be an Omegamon clone.
Omegamon with kissable lips...
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Which one, /digi/?
My childhood crush
they're both gross
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Obligatory coombait post
Why those twos look so disgusted?
They are at risk of catching the Sora virus
>non commozione!
Deviantart tier design like Gammamon.
Gammamon is literally just a white dinosaur, how is it DeviantArt
>Ugly sonic tier furshit evos
>Boring knightslop as ultimate
>Even has le edgy alter ego
Deviantart bullshit at its finest along with other fanfic garbage like male tamers having female digimon.
3 years of this shit
>Final form is knight-like
>Has an evil alt form
Woah, you mean, like every single fucking anime protagonist?
3 years of ghost gay killing the franchise and everything after it being dogshit designs.
Literally none of those points apply to Gammamon itself.
>this digimon is bad because this other digimon is bad!
>killing the franchise
You don't know what any of those words mean. Yes, even "the".
Almost like the digimon anime was a mistake. Just filled with shipping autism and knight jobbers.
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Drashio and some latinx troon are going all out to defeat Omegamon.
Damn, I should've voted for Omegamon.
>spanish traduction
Who the fuck care?
>spic translation
Who the fuck cares, we already have the english one
Its probably a Spanish undub that uses the Japanese evo terms
What a vindictive moron.
Maybe you just don't like digimon because you could easily stretch that to apply to agumon and guilmon and others.
Next Digimon Con for sure.
>Super Rumble forever locked in Korea
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Since Digimon Chronicles is canon to the TCG. And since Chronicles is canon to the 2005 movie and since that is connected to Re Digitize and Re Digitize having anime cameos.

Does that mean everything is interconnected?
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>Sonic tier-evos
I wonder if Mirei and Mameo ever gossip about what a loser Ryo is
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Did you miss the shitposting wave after bamco announced that they wanted "to make Digimon be seen as a single interconnected series instead of individual works on their own" for future developments?
That was all Toei. Bamco couldn't care any less as long as the cards keep on selling.
>Being in Lacuna (Liberator's digital world) is dangerous to Digimon and slowly kills them off
So, what do you think the big twist will be
Its not nostalgia, they look objectively better
Neither and both.
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Maybe. Ryo's handheld failed, the power level mon he's glued to is a fraud almost on par with Seraphimon, and he's hated by people with common sense along two subsects of shippers and an auteur schizo writer
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>It just gets bigger
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>dubfag is a sonic autist
says it all
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Latinx sub simps need to stop having actual troons/tumblrites in their fanbase to be taken seriously.
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Burst Mode.
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Oh, my love!
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I was just doing my biweekly check of Wikimon to see if there are any new Digimon, and I finally understand the appeal of reptile childmons.
I love her.
In what way is this any worse than the average MCmon's digivolution?
Started out mechanical instead of becoming it over time.
digivolution line*
>Started out mechanical
You mean, like Shoutmon?
What part of Shoutmon is a metal?
Everything. Tou ca even see bolts in his body.
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No, thanks.
Also, thanks for the booba.
voted for OMEGAAAAAAAA so he would commit 41%
It's just the source anon.
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No, why is it a shitstorm? Isn't Digimon a multiverse thing anyways since Xros Wars???
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A bit earlier than that, I think.
Strongest Tamer?
Taichi 2020
New Century because of story reasons
Taiki manga and it's not even close
Masaru (no digimon)
I want to headpat her so badly
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Kneel or I'll wish you dead.
I hate Nezhamon, they did him injustice. Why most Gods get to look as accurate as possible and then he gets some cyberpunkish nonsense.
Isn't the most popular incarnation a Shrek-like movie?
Is the general consensus on Elizamon masc or fem?
>chink shit
Who cares?
It is an it.
He has the wheels and the spear. What more do you want? That's way more than what Marsmon or Mercurymon got
Didn't they confirm in an interview that they try to deviate away from making digimon designs into just literally their design archetype?
Mean to >>492367979
>I don't know the first thing about Chinese gods
>let me just look up pictures of this Nezha fellow
That's just Goob from Meet the Robinsons
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nobody here would even know who any of these eceleb tranny faggots are if you didn't repeatedly spam these twitter screencaps all the time, kill yourself
I saw that Nezha movie when babysitting my niece. Unironically feels like a digimon movie but replace Nezha with Aegiomon.
We know about Drashiro because he's constantly shitting up Digimon polls to a point that we got Minervamon X
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Do you think Elizamon will get new baby 1 and 2 or just use prexisting Digimon?

We actually have another frill necked lizard...well its a frill necked lion for some reason. I guess the idea was the frill was a mane. Honestly I wish they kept it for its evolutions.
>Queen Elizabeth style 'clothes'

Overall enjoyed every anime except appmon and tri. I only ever played Story Dusk, Cyber Sleuth and Hackers Memories and Next Order but I enjoyed them all too. I need to try World 1 but I suck at videogames. Vpets are neat too. I don't think there's a kind if Digimon I hate just Digimon I enjoy less than others. Some types of Digimon I like the least have some of my favourite Digimon. I enjoyed Vtamer, Liberator but didn't like Seekers never read anything else but the new 4 manga which I loved. I dont care about the tcg because I have no feiends

But I only go here sometimes because holy shit
Yeah, all Digimon can be whatever gender they want, obviously, but there's usually a fan preference.
I just finished watching Beginning. Now that I have watched all the grown-up Adventure movies, I have to ask:
>What the fuck were they thinking?
>WERE they even fucking thinking?
>How the fuck was any of these craps released?
>Who the fuck approved these shits?
>What kind of fucking deal with the devil did Bamco do to survive?
>Did any of the writers restore honor?
>all Digimon can be whatever gender they want
That's not how it works...
Also i think Elizamon light-blue bowtie make it look a bit male
Seems okay to me.
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I want to touch her frill
there have been male Lilithmon and female Lord Knightmon
>male Lilithmon
The Beginning was clearly a throwback to those old 1950s sci-fi movies, the ones where the main characters stand around in a lab for most of it because there was no budget for multiple locations or action scenes.
Digimon Savers Another Mission
Evolves from a motherfucking male Renamon too
proto Miyuki/survive-pissfox....
>2 out of 3 Renamons have been psychotic
Are Renamons propense to mental illness or something?
Well it's based on ninetail youkai which was very malicious and vengeful. Also perpetrated fucked up shits like having the chink emperor set up cannibal party etc.
Foxes are like:
>eats your liver
Well, Pokomon's profile says: "Depending on how it’s raised, it can grow into an incredibly reassuring Digimon". Guess raising it wrong turns it into a psycho
There's surprisingly few Kitsune mons
C'mon Bandai, where's my
we need more Beastmons
I always wanted a tanuki to go with Renamon
Ukkomon and whats his faces story reminded me of the Twilight Zone which is probably why I loved it so much. I loved Ghost Game too I hope we get more horror Digimon shit one day. Survives Wendimon and Plutomon shit were great for it too.
I would have loved it too if the advertised main stars, like V-mon, were in the movie for just a bit more than 15 minutes.
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Wishes upon Ukkomon for a Beatmon harem
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post evo lines
>Ukkomon's tentacle curls
>you get a Beastmon harem
>but if your bond arbitrarily runs out, they all disappear
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Manbomon moving up in the world.

Adventure truly was a mistake
Why are spics like that?
Because Digimon is stagnant and overly safe or something.
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Might as well post these.
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>burgers think only drash and his pals is out for them
>Couldn't beat or even fight Sneed
Roy and Hiro stomp
They don't give a shit
No one cares about German faggots and their male Renamon.
Masaru by the end of Savers. Game MCs are weird, since you can have any monstrosity you want
No one cares about shitty Pizza memes either
Apocalymon sucks ass to start with. Bad localization is his only redeeming feature.
and its all your shitty dub is remembered for
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Digimon The Movie exists and retards like yourself getting pointless heated over the dub at all.
I care about male Renamons...
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Forgot this one
>Digimon The Movie exists
>frankenstein abomination that makes zero sense and is a great showcase into why localization is a joke
Not the win you think it is
Renamon unironically works good for a Hanumon evolution and Saberleomon. They got them yellow fluffy garurumon feather things.
Its still remembered for better or worse, and that's all that matters. Doesn't help plenty of trainwreck dubs garnered success for some reason. Looking at you DBZ and YGO.

Kinda based
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five years of this autistic faggot having the same exact shitfits every single day on this general
>frankenstein abomination that makes zero sense and is a great showcase into why localization is a joke
It also had a kickass soundtrack
Most threads are reruns. Wonder if I should skip to only popping in when a new chapter of a comic drops or something.
Digimon fans are fucking morons dumber than the worst Saban jokes. You gotta accept it.

Probably for the best.
Well, he clearly is here.
All star was only memorable thing and that was at the very end. the rest is generic 2000s rock
Holy shit. I won't say it's easy to make a plush, but I'll say that's really funny.
And that's still more than the weak-ass Japanese OST; no one even cares about it compared to most sub/dub arguments.
The Impression That I Get?
All My Best Friends Are Metalheads?
One Week?
Bro, I'll take Requiem over your shitty generic ass stuff any time of the day.
Yes. Sorry it hurt your feelings.
>Looking at you DBZ and YGO
Those are actually remembered. Digimons dubs are a wet fart by comparisson
I don't think you know what generic 2000s rock is if you think two ska-punk songs and a goofy rap rock song are that.
The fact that Digimon's retarded elitists have to keep gaslighting people for 25 years is proof the dub is remembered. 99% of people who watched Digimon "properly" are just obnoxious propagandists whose voices are only heard because the dubfags don't wanna fight deranged faggots
>Decode translation
No way in fucking hell that Drashitro knows Japanese. He's taking Romstar and Co.'s work, the shameless twat full of himself.
He really needs to be served a slice of humble pie.
More like dubfags getting too uppity and then immediately trying to dial back wheb they realize that their shitty dub barely has a basis to stand on
ah nvm misread the pic. anyway fuck trannies and fuck drashitro for subverting digimon
Nah, you guys are subhuman losers who have to keep trying for 2.5 decades to change the opinions of other subhuman losers. Digimon subbies are faggots who accomplish nothing of meaningful value
aww man, I don't wanna vote for Omegamon, but...
you are bitching against this on a korean basket weaver forum. you are just as much of a lowlife as the people you are arguing with
Adventure mongrels deserve nothing, and Omegamon embodies everything wrong with Digimon. The egomaniacal latinx and troon are the lesser of two evils
ok, drash
Almost a good pic but its missing her cute little fang
also wheres her penis
Ok tranny
Se- Fusion when, Bamco? Alternatively they and Mastemon should pull an Imperialdramon PM.
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sending a mugendramon to doomnigger's fabela to kill and rape him and his boyfriend eceleb
She would tell you that Owen is bigger
you say that like its a bad thing
Bamco should finish Sparrowmon's digivolution line. The whole naming after warplanes thing was cool and Mervamon deserves something better to fuse with in order to get her golden wings.
getting really strong vaporeon vibes here. I'm scared and aroused
based sex haver
Does that guy just stalk every Digimon related thread on all boards?
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Mindbroken Adventurecuck mad that the latin gods chose better options.

Besides, Adventurefags deserve to be trolled, because their mindlessness is why we have 8 melodrama movies and a reboot that's the opposite problem with the modern movies
x3 doko?
I'm pretty sure the shit Drashito does with Arresterdramon and XV-mon can be counted as a fetish by this point
It probably is, but Adventure deserves it for its overuse. Now all we need is random Arresterdramon violently dismembering Imperialdramon and Omnimon feat the mangled bodies of Taichi, Yamato, Daisuke, and Ken.
>Y-you deserve it
No, I don't think I deserve watching a random Argie's almost fetishistic commissioned artworks of a purple lizard humilliating a blue lizard just because I like a franchise where colorful lizards beat each other up
Yes you do, because you're a nostalgiacuck or at worst, an apologist for nostalgiacucks
Stop fapping, Drashiro
Accept Adventure/nostalgia as a whole is a mistake worse than Hunters, and I might consider it.

U mad bro?
Nah, just waiting for the day Drashiro gets outed as a pedophile like almost every big youtuber and his Empire of dirt crumbles
We'll get a new latino chad and he'll dab on Adventure with Appmon or something. Digimon's latin chad fanbase will always find a way to defeat the evils of nostalgia and Adventure, and make the subhumans glued to it seethe.
>tfw doomnigger was Drashiro all along
>Nostalgia subhuman posting nostalgia porn fox
Almost as bad as Adventure.
Either that or a REALLY pathetic LARP
Anyways, Digimon
What do you guys think Elizamon will evolve into?
Telling the truth is not the same. Sub mongrels can't change anything at all despite being the ones in the right. They can only annoy the dub niggers enough to pretend they watch the show properly, because a lot of Digimon's plot is basic bitch tier

Only for the Mastemon born from Angewomon and DarkKnightmon's DNA Digivolution
I mean, you have murrlogic's example...
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>tfw drash and his monkeys are keeping minerva relevant and cause more fanart
truly cunnychads always win
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Omegamon + Omegamon Alter-S fusion when, Bamco?
>Either that or a REALLY pathetic LARP
It's probably some underage latinx who idolize Drashit as his "Hitler". I think you guy should stop giving him attention to be honest,
>What do you guys think Elizamon will evolve into?
Some noblewoman type. If they really want to unapologetically reference Fate then Bathorymon/Countessmon/Carmillamon. QueenElizabethmon is also possible but we just got Queenbeemon....
Masaru and Takuya
I love digital Liz!
I think the clown angle is unlikely at this point. Probably a noblewoman lizard like the others said. Would be cool if she has some magical attacks.
The melancholic gay vampire who loves, then kills, young women?
To be honest, I thought the novel's ending was rushed and frustrating. Laura had no involvement in the defeat of her own twisted lover, and the whole slaying felt contrived.
Not seeing it at all. At best I expect lordknightmon 2.0
Let's wait for the evos to see if it's a future waifumon or just a trap.
She could evolve into a Leomon tier bara and she'd still be a waifumon to me
You are all under the assumption Elizamon will evolve into a humon. Much less a waifumon.
Elizamon's Ultimate could be the very first Dragon's Roar waifumon
Dragon's roar will never be tainted with waifumons.
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It has the frills, is sassy and is described as being elegant/refined.
I don't know if he's SeanPazdera (who still go daily on the DeathBattle video Red and Charmander vs Taichi and Agumon, more than 8 years after its release, to trash talk anybody who support Digimon and still claiming that they cheated and also claims to be the victim) or Isdra99 (a 35 years old dude who watched everything related to Digimon, not because he likes it, but because he wants to know everything to prove that Pokemon are stronger with argument like 'Humans in Pokemon are stronger than Hulk because of lenient fall damage in PLA and so Pokemons are even stronger' among other shit), or if we find the third weirdo of the unreasonably overhating Digimon retard trinity.
Its probably just another no name schizo that takes advantage of how easy the fanbase is to bait.
Sounds like the average faggotmon to me.
We don't know if Eliamon will be Dragon Roar, then sorry but there is already a dragon roar waifumon (in some unhealthy minds, a female Fladramon would be a waifumon)
*Elizamon (my Z pad bug -_-...)
Holydramon isn't goon bait and is hated for not being goon bait also its really fugly regardless of that.
Laura is too attached so she misses her friend, even knowing about her habits.
I mean, all fanbases are easy to bait (Nintendo fanbases in particular, like the guy who destroy his ps4 because Genshin Impact looked a bit like BotW, and I also remember Ratchet A Crack in Time to be accused of plagiarism because of spherical worlds like Mario Galaxy, despite R&C 2 having 2 spherical worlds in 2003).
My takes on Pokemon are
Gen 1 and 2 are the best generation and it becames shit afterwards
Nowadays, Pokemons looks like Digimon, too much humanoid monsters
Nowadays you also have too much objectmons and jobmons
Digimons are stronger and is a better franchise in quality and Pokemon is only popular because of advertizing and its fans being sheeps
Pokemon is for kids
If you're an adult and you like Pokemon. Ugh! Grow up!
Pokemon is too easy and doesn't require strategy
Graphiscs are bad, remember that Ocarina of Time tree?
Pokemon promotes animal fights and slavery
Pokemon stole Mega Evolution from Digimon, Digimon did regional variations first, Poke-Amie is a bad ripoff of Digimon VPets, Sun and Moon plagiarized Yokai Watch
SV is unplayable and too buggy
Double version per generation is a scam
PalWorld did better with a single game without relying on a fanbase of sheeps and without spending millions on advertisements or plushes. They just release a good game. Not like Pokemon.
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Not soon.
...does that say DM-POO1 on the side?
as in prototype 1
Thanks. Should have used slashed zeroes IMO
>Sun and Moon plagiarized Yokai Watch
I was gonna ask when that shit happened, then the images of Ash doing cringe-ass poses while having that steven universe-like face came back to haunt me...
whats this
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Is there porn of this?
Be the change you want to s- Actually, on second thought, no.
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I don't understand why Marsmon needs Saberleomon and Dinotigermon in there

You don't even really need Bancho
Because it's funny how after all these evolutions he becomes the digimon based on the god whose greek and more well-known counterpart was notorious for its jobbing.
jupitermon's line canonically starts with elecmon...
Pretty sure that canonically (if by that you mean Heroes!) he has never been given a rookie level. Also, I prefer to have straight lines for groups, Marsmon already had Elecmon and Pulsemon is an MCmon.
>has never been given
was never given*
Mega level for Taomon (Silver) when, Bamco?
give me a child level for youkomon first
Mutant Sakuyamon is visually one even if it evolved from a seemingly regular Taomon and is a Data.
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>Toei is too far up Adventure's ass to make a Liberator anime
It's not fucking fair.
Too scared of mindbreaking their writers or making a Astra farting/Nidhoggmon tier episode.
The last time we had a non-Adventure anime the main writer had a mental breakdown
Almost on par with the last Adventure director saying he was done with the franchise after his second movie was flushed out of theaters.
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jellymon sexo
>Director-san I have an idea fror the new ghost game episode, so it's about mushrooms who use women as living incubator to grow more mushrooms and when they harvest them it's so painful the women scream in pain
>No director-san, I don't have a raging boner, it's just my....phone, yes that's right, it's just my phone in my pocket.
Understandable, imagine being hired as a director for a kid show and those are the kind of plot you have to deal with.
>The episode where a guy gets a catgirl gf
>The episode where a witch TFs schoolgirls into more witches
>The episode where people become bricks
>The episode with the yandere plant monster
>And so on
Never forget the fact we had an episode about necrophilia that swerved into Zeed
I mean, he's the director, so he greenlit them all.
Of course, but it's because he was minbroken
Damn, I dread to imagine what would have happened if he were maxbroken.
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We would have gotten the Taichi zombie horde episode and more crucifying.
Now hold on a second, I've seen nothing in the news about Ghost Game's director having a mental breakdown. Got any sources from unbiased media?
He got PTSD after witnessing the GG writers kidnapping and murdering Toei's CEO
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Does Beelstarrmon X have smaller boobs than the baseline?
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Well it was the writer and he didn't have a mental breakdown but writting for ghost game nearly killed him because Japan. The guy often translate interview so even if there isn't a source, it's at least believable.
They seem to have the same size.
no way you can mix up ル and ロ. get your glasses prescription checked
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Fun fact "cul" mean ass in french
Speaking of this guy, he got kicked out of Twitter because he's Brazilian and their government is banning Twitter
Guess he'll have to post all his stuff on his website/blog now.
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Gotta go fast
No one reads blogs anymore. His reader base basically got decimated overnight unless he starts promoting himself on TikTok or something
Well, he does has a Bluesky account, but I doubt that'll give him any engagement either.
Why Twitter got banned on Brazil anyway? did someone talked shit about Lula?
Twitter doesn't have anyone responsible for what they do in Brazil they were banned.
The Brazilian government and Elon Musk had an argument over spreading misinformation and an insurgency. Musk pulled out of Brazil over death threats and the Brazilian government gave them 24 hours to supply a representative otherwise they're banning the platform. Musk didn't comply, so they're banning Twitter and finding anyone caught using Twitter with a VPN $8000 per day
Every social media platform needs legal representation in Brazil. The very divorced 53 year old Boer memelord posted a poop emoji in response and is now reaping the consequences.
It sounds like a shitty excuse to go full Maduro and ban social media
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It's so fucking funny how Musk public image went from eccentric tech genius billionaire to retarded middle aged man with the maturity of an edgy teenager since he bought twitter.
It is a lot easier to manage a good public image if you don't appear in the open.
Twitter did have legal representation. Elon Musk just pulled him out of the country because the Brazilian government was threatening to arrest him when Musk refused to censor certain political figures
Source that Twitter had legal representation in Brazil
Brazil should've changed its name to Turkey so that little Muskrat would do it with no bitching.
And what makes you think Musk would let his workers in Turkey get arrested? The choice was pretty clear. The Brazilian government was the one that wanted Twitter banned, and with this decision they got exactly what they wanted
They fear Miku
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It's sort of ironic the final thing that trended before this whole debacle was Brazilian Miku
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I wonder if Rho will finally kill himself and i also hope Twitter get banned on Argentina too just to stop Drashiro rigging polls
>And what makes you think Musk would let his workers in Turkey get arrested?
Well of course he won't let his turkish worker get arrested since he won't whine about freedom of speech and start censoring everything when Erdogan ask him. Musk is not a libertarian, he is just your average right wing authoritarian cocksucker.
Considering the tedency of holy digimon to become the partner of the little siblings, I wonder if Shotamon will ever be forced into babysitting duty.
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I don't think Lucemon will ever be a traditional partner. But I could see a little sibling tamer with a Luxmon partner.
>sounds like a shitty excuse to go full Maduro and ban social media
Given that el lulo (and Petro, but who cares about that narc) is the one that tried to push the "let's ignore the fraud and let him repeat elections" strategy for memezuela, is no surprise even the fishman president got more balls than him this time
Drash still has other autism venues. Adventure will find a way to lose to whatever retarded suggestion he wants
long ass legs
thought he was naked until I saw his knees
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Probably but expect a lot of wacky hijinks.
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In september there will be a japanese waifumon anthology
WTF, even in Russia you're not punished for using VPN.
Russian higherups probably don't know what a VPN is.
>banning Xitter is... le bad
Nah. More countries should do it.
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It's a good premise for a Digimon story at least. Imagine a Musk-like CEO running the Digital World into the ground.
I hate the guy but the concept of social networks is cancer. it's just
>a bunch of entertainers with agendas and fake personas making public posts to influence public perception and opinion
>corporate announcements and advertisements
>retards posting doctored images putting up facades to improve their social standing
>private echo chambers hoarding info that's hidden away from the web
>isolated silos that aren't federated, each site is completely isolated from the others, making it cumbersome to share things freely. you're forced to register, once per service to make things worse
>targeted ads and the sale of dossiers of data collected behind your back. retards without standards are completely unaware of this and don't care until a breach bites them in the ass and also makes it to the news (see cambridge analytica scandal)
it's the complete opposite of the internet as it was conceived
Fingers crossed Brazil bans 4chan next. Quality of these threads would increase exponentially. After that we just need to figure out how to get rid of the germans.
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>Protag visits digital world
>shitload of popup adds harassing everyone
>ton of people complaining with their voices being bleeped if they say any harsh language
>auto-muted if they say any unapproved things
>zoomers running around with their appmon making a shitload of noises as they apprealize
>protag laments at how the digital world used to be free and cool, but now it's just become an extension of the real world's constant data harvesting, censorship, and consumer culture
>Gets his partner datamon to hack open a gate to the dark area
>waves to the small group of people gathered and talking "Sup anons"
>"Sup faggot. Oh avoid the glowniggers over in the corner there."
>"Ha, don't worry, I could see the recolors from a mile away. Datamon's already put up 7 proxies. So, how's the plan to destroy israel going?"
>"Pretty smooth. We finally got the machinedramon's working. Way tougher to get right than Chimeramon was. The tripfag says he's already got metalseadramon and he's working on the X-antibody so we'll probably have the Aegisdramons and gigaseadramon ready by August."
>"Based. Is the evo reqs for machinedramon in the pastebin?"
>"Yep, he's listed as 'shogunGekomon'"
>cringe 4chan worship
>it's from a /pol/tard
every time
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You remember that one time lovecraftian digimon tried to breed with Kari?
As fun as it is to shit on Musk, this is mostly on Brazil for wanting to censor free speech. If Steam gets banned in China, you don't call Gaben the one who ruined Steam for the Chinese people
>this is mostly on Brazil for wanting to censor free speech
"Free speech" isn't available on privately owned platforms, especially one that still flags the word "cisgender" as a slur.
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what is his canon partner/evolution line?
>free speech
Neptunemon, Pile Volcamon, Tyrant Kabuterimon
Tackle the argies first.
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So, when I roll up with ONE DigiSalmon in my inventory, MetalSeadramon wants my head on a platter, but this guy gets away with shit like this?
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X-antibody form when?
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PileVolcamon + MetalEtemon/KingEtemon fusion when, Bamco?
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Opinion on digifakes?
The only people saying "cisgender" are using it as a slur. Everyone else just says "normal"
The superiority of natural carriers of the x-antibody
The polls aren't hosted on twitter tho
Though i get a feeling we're gonna see a lot less mentions of Xros and Appmon under Digimon posts now
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they're either really good, or freakishly bad.
If they ever gives Savers a sequuel, should Yggdrasil come back as Norn?
Only if Masaru gets to punch her in the face again
From my uderstanding from this mess of a story we're going to get a new RK who is going to replace Gankoomon and was made from the data of the 7 Diablomon X that merged with the SGDL into Ogudomon X. So I guess Armagemon is taking both the MetalSeadramon (gaining a natural X-Antibody carrier version) and the Megidramon (getting "purified" into the RK) treatment.
No it fucking isn't you Musk dickrider.
Welcome to 2020...
Are we actually getting any new Xros Wars digimon added to the reference book because of this Xros Wars booster set?
I was hoping for at least Shademon Nene Version (we got the luminamon one)
Does anyone even take the mutant digimon seriously?
Why not? Musk was already following the rules and had a representative office set up in Brazil. It's not like he pulled out of there just for shits and giggles
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Can you twitterfags go back there already?
>I'm ban-
Don't care.
No he wasn't now pull his pencil dick out of your mouth and stay on topic. This is the Digimon thread not the "fellate a fat retarded billionaire" thread
That faggot who does nothing but post everybody that mentions Drashiro is seething because he can't use Twitter anymore
Is DCGO playable on a phone/tablet?
Would you rather have another argument about how much Bandai deserves to get their polls rigged by Drashiro because of all the Adventure wank? This is at least an intelligent conversation that doesn't devolve into people screaming slurs at each other
Then explain to me why Musk is in the wrong and why Brazil is innocent in this situation
explain to me how your needless dickriding of that narcissistic criminal retard has anything to do with Digimon first.
>This is at least an intelligent conversation that doesn't devolve into people screaming slurs at each other
I'm not dickriding Musk. I'm looking at the facts objectively and coming to my own conclusions on who was in the wrong. This is similar to the poll rigging situation where both sides have viable reasons for why they support or condemn Drashiro's actions
I'm looking at facts objectively and coming to the conclusion that you should fuck off back to /pol/ where you retards belong.
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You're as big a dipshit as the cocksucker, seeing how you dragged up an argument from hours ago just to cash in on beating the dead horse for (You)s. Now you try to hide behind the "LETS TALK DIGIMON GUYZ" while spamming your own shit, instead of ignoring the retard and actually posting something relevant.
Sorry I didn't have any OMEGAAAAAAAAAs and Taicucks in my post. I realise this is the only way for you to understand a conversation
the samefaggotry here is fucking unreal.
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>Does anyone take r*colors seriously
Good one anon!
I guess the five or so people that know about/remember them, might like Red dress Lilithmon.
I kinda wish the distinction would matter in something.
What would the outcome even be? RapRockMon?
Kinda funny how the virus and vaccine types switched.
Neutral. Don't care much desu. Some can be cool, but then you have shit like >>492554540
It makes sense everyone in this thread would bite bait so easily. They're all a bunch of depressed manchildren desperately clinging onto a dying franchise that hasn't been good since 2001
PileVolcamon and KingEtemon (also) have the whole pro wrestler thing going on.
I think you wanted to respond to >>492551837 .
Voltobautamon (Fusion) + Zeedmillenniumon fusion when, Bamco?
s'up chuds
Which Diggyman game should I start with? World or Wonderswan?
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Mega level for Gizmon when?
You're right
Honestly weird that they only put in Luminamon Nene when they did
She only showed up for like 2 pages, but Shademon Nene was there for half the manga
Fuck off, weeb.
Not a chance, fat manchild.
Child when?
>Can't handle other people preferirng the english terminology for the levels.
>Calls other people manchildren.
Go get your diapers changed.
Sorry buddy, but I just won the argument by DEFAULT. Now it is YOU who is the poopy baby! Not that you ever weren't, you clearly have problems growing out of things if you still feel nostalgia over such an embarrassingly bad dub.
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Garbage design
This art looks pretty interesting. Do I know the artist from somewhere else?
The artist made illustration for other tcg, like pokemon and duel masters.
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The 3d element is really nice and refreshing. I hope to see more of him.
You know what to do, kneel
Yes tainted you retarded porn addict.
Only after you kill yourself. Keep crying
Now kneel and seethe baby boy
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Kill yourself first
You're doing well sweetie know say it without crying
You're such a good boy i'm leaving know, keep kneeling, seething and crying for me ok?
Beefags are so fragile to get this mad for rightfully saying their design is shit.
Just out of curiosity, do the assets from DW1 like the digimons speech bubble exist somewhere on the net?
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Ok, I found some at least. I wonder, what the fuck do you need to do to get the one on the right? No matter how much I hiked the price, I don't think I ever saw the dudes in the shop get that pissed.
>"NO, U! NO, U! NO, U! NO, U! NO, U!"
You should not be in this site, kid.
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Fusion with GrandisKuwagamon when?
The most honest Angoramonlinefag.
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Mamoru zettai ni
My brother in Christ you literally no u'd me back with that post, and 3 hours later at that.
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>I don't have any favorite ultimate levels
Can you get any more pathetic, kid?
Are we having another autistic fight, /digi/?
Fighting is cool and based
/digi/ has nothing but autistic fights. The usual schizo will basically bait in any way he can, and since no one here has any self restraint it will just turn into a nonstop shitflinging session. Honestly wonder which side is more mentally ill.
>doesn't like Lamortmon because??
>can't even name a human character they like
Fusions when? Also, how would you name them?
>Also, how would you name them?
I'm ready for the new game. Why the fuck do we get so few anyway, even arena fighters and simple rpgs or action games would be fine by me, they don't have to be these massive visual novels or have hundreds of characters.

The ps1, gba, ds and ps2 had such a good variety of games.
>massive visual novels
Savaiv was supposed to be a small something in-during the wait for the next story game... Not that any of this matters, seeing how the Digimon game division seems to be fucking dead.
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It's been six months of radio silence since "more information coming soon". I think we're going to have to rely on fangames for awhile.
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>new digimon game gets announced
>its a pokemon let's go knock off
>1 vs 1 turn based battle system
>you capture digimon with shitty motion controls
>pic related is the entire roster of the game except for 1 brand new digimon line created for the game
how would you react?
Disappointed it's not Digimon Racing 2, but I'll play it.
Should it be Beelzemon and HeavyMetaldramon?
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For starters, I'm not exactly a big fan of HeavyMetaldramon. Also, I prefer the fusion being between "siblings".
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>doesn't like Lamortmon because??
It's not husbando material
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Kew kew kew
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>Ruli with Symbare/Diarbbit: your pic
>Ruli with Lamort: my pic

Clearly whoever drew that original grid above does not like the idea of Ruli getting broken by MAMORU
It is more closely related being an Impmon branch than Beelstarmon which is just convergent evolution and resulted in B:BM.
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Digimon has worse things to nostalgia over. Dub did nothing wrong in all honesty.
Silence, faggot
Lamortmon weirdos are the type of degenerates who'd draw Ruki becoming a Renamon and getting spitroasted by Takato and Impmon
>get ignored the first time
>reply a second time with "silence"
Bit of a redundant thing to say, is it not?
I see. You have my condolences.
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Ok, apparently the pic didn't make what I mean by "siblings" clear. By "siblings" I mean digimon that have some connection to each other, but have nothing in common with each other's digivolution line, like the sun and moon duo of the Olympus XII. Also what you're describing happens only in Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th. In most cases Beelzebumon BM is just an upgrade of Beelzebumon, not a fusion. But if yu're going to insist on that, let me change it a bit:
Reminder that according to Liberator BeelStarmon's pre-evo is Gigadramon
That wasn't me, kid. I guess I'm not the only one here that doesn't like toddlers from /jp/.
Does anyone give a fuck about Liberator outside of making jokes about the official OC Donut Steels based on the digivolutions of the canonical OC Donut Steel of Agumon.
>Does anyone give a fuck about Liberator
Yes? The threads are pretty alive whenever a chapter/new mon reveal happens
Can't it go from any l.5 card with 3 Musketeers property?
Yeah but so far it's that is two buff dragon men
More during the latter than the former
And you can also evolve it from an older Revolmon bypassing 5 at all.
But then why do you have Sakuyamon and Kuzuhamon? They share Renamon

Or Dukemon and Megidramon? Guilmon
Your idea of sibling is built on lies. I hope none of the ones you are begging for ever come true.
You have a lot of problems...
nah, Gigadramon is Gundramon's pre-evo (and Megadramon is MagnaKidmon's)
Fuck it, if they're going to half-ass her like that...
Those don't have the [Three Musketeers] trait.
Lilithmon is good in red.
And I don't care about the card game.
>pride flags
no thanks
And I don't care about Xros Wars recolors or Petit Mamon.
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Only 2 meters?
Yeah, but, unfortunately, she'll have to share for now.
The alternative was going to be a line with the Sistermons, but there's just no good Ultimate for it.
Lamortmon was a mistake only liked by this place's bestialityfags
Ladydevimon in usual colors only is missing "has guns" but has other connecting parts like spare faces.
La Petite Mort lol
I guess, though I was hoping for something more unique.
Whoops, wrong one.
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Why bother bumping? There's literally nothing to talk about. Just let the thread die until something actually worth talking about happens
>That fucking dress
What was Rumiko thinking? It looks even dumber than the shit Mimi wears
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we have an alarmingly small amount of evil women perfect levels
tsundere gigadramon girl that becomes a confident extroverted beelstarmon on evolution
It's one of those weird blind spots Digimon never really bothered to fill up. Like how we don't have a proper bear Perfect since every single one we currently have is a plushie
>Like how we don't have a proper bear Perfect since every single one we currently have is a plushie
Callismon's DRB Entry KINDA implies we may see one soon?
>Although it is considered to be a Digimon that evolved from the Gryzmon line, all Callismon are mutants that evolved from individuals that underwent data abnormalities. It is unknown whether the data abnormalities responsible for this occurred suddenly or were caused intentionally, and because its population is small, there are many mysteries surrounding it such as its ecology and evolution requirements.
Isn't that just a reference to V-Tamer?
What more do you need when you have the devil, spider, and cat?
We've had Blizzarmon for ages, and we recently got Polarbearmon.
Funny how they're both ice types
Blizzarmon isn't a bear

I think it's a yeti
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Polarbearmon is pretty much a plushie and Blizzaramon is a yak
AncientMegatheriummon is the yak though. Korikakumon/Blizzarmon is the weird yeti
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No Megatheriumon is a musk ox, although he's named after a giant sloth for some reason.
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>Almost all the digimon designs are shit
Post a good design then
He won't because that's his shitpost gimmick
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Why did they give the fox woman delicious thighs?
reminder she's a child level (out of 10)
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ShineGreymon X when, Bamco?
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I miss GG
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Season 2 never ever
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i just happened to remember when people itt insisted Jellymon was named Jerrymon and that she was a he
it was one dude, who may or may not have been shitposting and even people back then laughed at him.
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hard to forget when the same thing is happening with Elizamon currently
imagine owning a plushie of yourself
narcissistic fuck
>a rival character with a female mon
Even more relevant since Owen seems to be actual rival character (or at least "abrasive foil" type) rather than Kiyoshiro who is just a Jian type (male best friend? Senior/more adult male friend type? Don't know if the archetype even has a name).
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Kiyoshiro is the Jou type, though. The cowardly guy who gets dragged around by his partner's antics
The main difference is Kiyoshiro has an ego.
So in pokemon new pokemon only appear in the "Core" games, anything else is just an rearly preview promotion for sake of core games. Well, aside from "Crystal Onyx", "Kaiju Dragonite", or other alternate forms. Is this also the case for digimon, or something like manga-exclusive digimon can appear? Which games are considered as "spin-off", anyway?
Any Digimon appearing in anything pretty much counts outside of some truly esoteric ones like production scribbles that could've been (the three dudes from the V-Tamer manga) or contest participants without proper sprites (HolyDigitamamon, Huntermon, Zombiemon,Earthdramon, etc.)
closest thing we have to a spin off is Appmon
those guys are still waiting to be used again in anything
other than that new mons can come from anywhere, games, tcg, anime, manga, etc
and are usually immediately added to the reference book
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Perhaps, since Bamco seems to want to fix the mess they made in Xros Wars they could also start fixing appmons by turning Warudamon to a perfect/ultimate digimon and witchmon's digivolution.
it's for market research purposes, honest
its crazy that people want to fuck this
People want to fuck weirder things. Feminine "cute" lizard is pretty normal.
Lizard is fine, too
digital monsters and virtual girls
Virtual girls are forgettable boring dime-a-dozen shits that downgrade digimon.
Are there any already existing digimon you could see becoming the next MCmon? Personally I think MasterV-dramon has some potential, if it he gets the GeoGreymon treatment and is given digivolutions that are increasingly different from V-dramon's.
I don't think Bamco or Toei remember that he exists. Even in N0, where you could have the equally forgotten red and gold Vdramon, this guy was nowhere to be found.
did she ever stream it again?
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How about SnowAgumon? It's about time they give him a proper digivolution line.
They already made the Appmon have their own DRB, so they decided against retconning them into being Digimon
The issue is that Master V-dramon looks exactly like normal V-dramon, so they'll have to redesign him first
>Are there any already existing digimon you could see becoming the next MCmon?
not really
>Are there any already existing digimon you could see becoming the next MCmon?
Dracmon feels kinda like he missed his shot. Dude was an anniversary mon, yet was not really used in anything besides a noncombatant in XW. Even his RK form is usually used as "Da big boss to beat up" to the point that he doesn't even speak in CS. Compare to Hackmon who got put in tons of stuff.
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*Meant DracOmon btw. As in this guy
Actually he's indigo instead of blue. That's why I brought up GeoGreymon, who looks a lot like Greymon, but their digivolutions are increasingly different. With that being said, I could see him getting a more muscular look.
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Still way too close for most people to notice. Just give him some extra spikes or a belt and we're good
I wonder if Dracomon would've been used more if they kept the original idea of Examon being Yellow Coredramon's final evolution. They could have used Slayerdramon more as the "canon" line since he's a cool dragon knight and possibly expanded on his story about fighting the Four Great Dragons
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Blucomon as an MCmon....someday....
How strong would Botamon Burst Mode be?
As strong as the plot demand
The king, here to save the world from Adventure
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I wonder if they're going to give Zephagamon a jogress Super Ultimate with Cendrillmon and Ghostmon's new Ultimate
Elizamon will become a weapon for Zefaggotmon.
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>11 de Septiembre
Damn, Drash is planning to fly two Arresterdramon into the twin towers
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>September 11th
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I want to suggest FlareLizardmon, but it feels way too similar to Agumon and the Greymon-species digimon.
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we just need a vaccine one to complete the set
>twitter screencaps
Pink and blue angel gremblin..........
Digimon's fanbase is a mistake that surpasses modern Adventure or its dubious English localization a hundred fold
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so a female luxmon recolor
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>Taichi takes estrogen
>Now he's a mc in a Cartoon Network show
Let me guess, it turns into this:
Fusion when, Bamco?
>pay us 20 dollars through buying our fake currency and you will get the fox, but you can only do it now because we are never signing the deal with toei again!
chinese gacha games are a fucking disease
Can you just join them, when they join the 41%.
So, I have an Airdramon, that refuses to eat and whose weight is quickly reaching negatives. I need Megadramon, and I know that he needs like weight 50 or so. The fuck do I do?
PLEASE fucking kill yourself
forcefeed it duh. you should be fine unless your name is taichi
You want her and you know it
Won't his discipline/happiness hit rock bottom?
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voted for omega
drashiro is a faggot
just praise
>but muh discipline
floppies and scold when it refuses
>b-but I'm poor
holy shit just savescum, use savestates, or something
>>b-but I'm poor
>holy shit just savescum, use savestates, or something
Nah, that's not a problem.
Dukemon X + MedievalDukemon + Megidramon X fusion when, Bamco?
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if they ever did they also get a free rival digimon as a 2-for-1 package deal.
I've voted 3 times for Arresterdramon
Based. Omegafags can't browserscum like the Arrestergods,
Big woop, I voted five times for SUSanoomon. Argies kneel before the chad storm god.
Even better. We can make Omegamon last place if we do this.
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Speaking of forgotten mons, Yanmamon and its recolor gotta be 2 of the most forgotten Digimon ever.
>storm god.
>Dominant materials: The light and fire ones.
So fucking stupid. It'd be like naming the Ancient Spirit Evolution Amaterasumon if the dominant materials were wind and water ones... Wind and water Ancient Spirit Evolution when, Bamco?
Lizmon couldn't save us...
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anything from DW1 isn't even in the top 10
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What's this about Renamon in a Chinese gacha game?
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Some trash pandering to Impmon and Movie 6 niggers
If you're playing DW1 then the Mojyamon thing for money should mean after a certain point you never run out of bits
I dislike that person and their overall tweets but this single time it's not wrong. Always confused her with genderbent Taichi in fanarts
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Why is Impmon always mentioned with Renamon?
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Because his conversations with Renamon imply he likes the piss fox sexually, according to furfags. Seriously Renamon gets paired with the yume imp or Takato's OC because lol.
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Thicc but not Sunariza girl thicc
>piss fox
this anon has the most obnoxious and retarded posting style in this whole general. Retarded prudefag catholic turdie can't handle the fact that Digimon is most popular for cooming
>Renamon mongrel got triggered
Not my fault your favorite mon is as boring as Adventurewank.
Blue Archive fans are currently fractured. A lot of the game's lead writers and artists are leaving to develop a new game with the exact same artstyle and setting as Blue Archive called Project KV. They are claiming that the person in charge of the project, Isakusan, is a traitor who was using company funds and manpower to develop the game in secret while still employed under Nexon as they were able to release the game half a year after he left the company. Isakusan was also earning the highest salary in the company, warning over 800 million won which is even more than what the CEO and project director made
Okay but what does this have to do with Digimon
Its probably just a filler bump
It's an interesting look at a company that is not treating its IP well enough that key figures are jumping ship, sort of like what going on with Bandai and Digimon. Supposedly, Nexon is biased against Blue Archive and is giving more promotion and resources to The First Descendant instead even though it's not as popular as Blue Archive because it's a primarily Korean game, unlike Blue Archive that targets a Japanese player base
...What key figures are jumping ship in Digimon? We've been stuck with the same dudes outside of Habu who didn't even leave, just got relocated to the toy division because the new game is taking ten million years to come out and probably won't until next year at the very least
And Habu's releases are considered as some of the best things to come out of the franchise, just as Isakusan's Eden Treaty and Volume F are considered the best stories to come out of Blue Archive (and some of the best writing to come out of a gacha game in general). Losing him means the future quality of the video game branch is in jeopardy, especially since there is no anime or toy division that's picking up the slack
>Losing him means the future quality of the video game branch is in jeopardy
I don't think it's wise to already call the new game shit when we know literally almost nothing about it
>or toy division that's picking up the slack
What's the card game?
The new game is still partly directed by Habu, so it will still fall as part of his releases. And the card game, while popular, is hardly a blip in the radar when it comes to profit as the One Piece Card Game makes more money than it
>is hardly a blip in the radar when it comes to profit as the One Piece Card Game makes more money than it
Okay and?
There's no reason for Bandai to give Digimon any extra resources if it's not making as much money as they think it should
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>Standard doomposter babble
Why are Blue Archive posters the second worst thing on this website after /trash/fags
>Why are horny pedophiles the worst thing on this website
You answered your own question. Good riddance, I hope their game dies because of this bullshit
why is digi at page 10
Wake up, /digi/
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love renamon but i'm not spending a single dime on corporate pandering, no thanks
digmon tamers collaboration with a game called Legend of Mushroom, game is available mostly everywhere but the collab is only currently happening in thailand and vietnam afaik (don't bother trying the event anyway the game is just some f2p trash and the event is full of paywalling mechanics)
He's all 10 materials at once, light and fire just initiated stuff. His main attacks are Lightning based ones.
>BA tirade out of nowhere just to make a barely tangential doomer statement about Digimon after anons railroaded him five times.
So this is what untreated schizophrenia looks like.
>Movie 6
Upsets you that much, huh.
Doomschizo is notoriously anti-RukiXTakato. To the point that he will drop some literal fanfic whos that ship them mid-rant. Dude is buckbroken.
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Characters that might exist.
>Mindbroken by my doom facts
I'm too busy reading what other people thought about the Doom Patrol comics to play with you right now. Maybe tomorrow.
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Cancer worse than Digimon's English dub and Runaway Locomon
which doom patrol comics? Morrison's and Way's have always been the best ones but I've not heard of a new run

So the answer is to watch both?
Maybe but your frame of reference is so shallow it barely means anything at this point
it is absolutely hilarious that spics in the digimon community are literally the only ones who not only consider Digimon's dub uniquely bad, but are the only ones who consider it bad at all. It was long heralded as one of the better mass market dubs and is a big reason Digimon even still exists, but it makes turdies seethe
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>or Takato's OC because lol.
It's just a case of opposites attract each other.
Which one?
Lui. Haru at his worst is just on par.
>light and fire just initiated stuff.
And are the main theme of his appearance (because Omegamon is as creative as Bamco can get), which is the main issue.
Also, no, while has a lightning-based attack (Yakusa-no-Ikadzuchi) his most used attack (Ama-no-Habakiri) is light-based.
Shouldn't you be sleeping right now, Pedro?
if you can reach the bonus condition(battle 30 times) then you won't need the weight. 3/4 conditions is all you need to evolve.
From insider source, Toei will not make another Digimon anime within the next 2 years. A script is being planned, but right now the focus is to work on One Piece and wait for the reception of Daima.
Bandai is currently seeking options to make a web series non affiliated with Toei.
Digimon is not popular in USA anymore, every non english dub used the Japanese opening.
Biggest Market for Digimon right now is China, they make up 80% of the customer revenue.
Digimon is a mistake that lived for far too long, and should've died forever after Frontier.
>Bandai is currently seeking options to make a web series non affiliated with Toei.

this is interesting because it seems to show conflict between the branches. Toei is fucking up SO badly that even Bandai, as bad as they are, are having to go around them
Digimon is a meme franchise only liked by autists, and the corpos humor said autists every now and then. China just happens to have the highest concentration of them.
digimon is more popular in the west than it is in Japan
>b...but only Adventure!
The nips are obsessed with nothing BUT Adventure. Western normies at least like Tamers too.
exactly how does wan piss and draggin' balls existing preclude a Digimon anime also existing?
Tamers niggers are subhuman pseuds, furries, and Rukato faggots. Their tastes are irrelevant
>Source? Trust me bro
One piece anime has all the top animators working on it right now. There hasn't been any big Toei related movies in a long time as well because of it.
when is this shit going to fucking end....
Dragon ball Super was axed because it was getting more traction than One Piss.
Oda had to throw a tantrum that the animation quality was not up to par compared with the big shows and it was alienating modern fans from the manga.
Now everyone at Toei is just working on that stupid pirate show that nobody gives a fuck about.
>finally, a tamers crossover
>only in chinkland
that's surprising
Never. One Piece is a big shot shonen. Digimon is a novelty show that only attracts beaners, chinks, and the most hipster fujos.

Less people care about Digimon than One Piece. One Piece has all the niggers, pajeets, and spics agendaposting. Digimon is just a novelty brand only remembered for Adventure and maybe Tamers.
>doomschizos, dubniggers, argiespics and newfags hand in hand.
I think I liked it more when the threads were dead
I think you're lost. Here: >>>/pol/
wan piss isn't going to last forever
Its the fate of a franchise full of faggots who wanna spin the roulette and see if we land on a Xros Wars/Frontier brand gimmick show or nostalgia trash purely because the spooky no plot show was good feat Survive being polarizing.
Eh, light in his case seems pretty connected to lightning and destruction. Fire is the odd one out
you're already in the post, no need to beg for even more attention.
>novelty brand only remembered for Adventure and maybe Tamers.
faggots like you should be strangled and the tossed half-conscious into an active volcano.
plenty of video game fans who grew up on the PS1 games, and a small bunch on the DS RPGs.
We are stuck with webcomics and fanfic mangas while coping for the next videogame.
What actually killed Digimon is the lack of handheld devices in the market right now.
A guide dang it pet sim that didn't even sell a million, a mediocre novelty fighting game, and the weird prototype to Cyber Sluts really ain't enough.
>What actually killed Digimon is the lack of handheld devices in the market right now.
The nintendo switch is the highest selling console in history????
no he's right if you look at the nips nearly 100% of what they vote for in polls is shit from ADVENTURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE
All they need is a solid game released right after the next pokemon game launches and is a massive disappointment. Use the name association to their advantage and catch that audience like a rebound while pokemon is weak. Make the digimon interaction a big focus to really give it that world 1 charm without the Vpet gameplay that would scare away the normies. Just really try to nail that partnership aspect people are craving from a monster collector game. Push the card game at the same time with a virtual client to capture the yugioh players who are being beaten with a lash by Konami. Then you get some Vtubers to play the game to market it. Jaiden makes a video about it and boom, massive success.
Yes, and all we got is multiplat ports. Bandai can't even do games for the switch it's too high budget for them. They need shit like 3ds and the psp
jaiden is an absolute fucking retard and Digimon evolution not being "it just gets bigger" like pokeshit makes her cry and shit herself.
I was about to post this exact same thing.
Also adding, Jaiden is a dumb cunt that thought the premise of World sounds lame. Any stupid whore who shits on the Vpet formula can suck my dick.
Is that the stupid bitch that tried to pick a fight with Rule 34 artists?
i will never ever get over the fact that people said
>Jaiden whatever you do don't play Digimon DS you will not like them
and she said
>so I decided to play Digimon DS and wtf now I hate Digimon?!
>tfw CoolBoy existed as the game master for the old TCG
I guess he is the Pegasus of Digimon
you can play it alongside the collab at https://web.lomtth.com/ and choose a TH or VN server btw since the south east asian version is not firewalled
Just go back to your containent zone, /pol/ack.
You will never beat this:
>Digimon Knuckles
My dad is a Digimon, is this gonna be data squad 2?
>Digimon Recollection
Basically Yokai watch
>Digimon Paradox
Some edgy shit, but the most interesting of all the stories
>Seekers spin off
Best art, but ehh it's Seekers
>Royal Knight shit
Dreamers died for this???
she is indeed a dumb cunt. But she's a POPULAR dumb cunt that alot of pokefags watch. She'd be a big shiny neon advertisment.
>that alot of pokefags
why would anyone need that shiteater audience? 98% of them will bitch and moan about the new game, then buy it anyway.
pokemon fans don't even like pokemon games.
i know. they like to sit in digimon threads and doom/shitpost all day.
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>wikimon has no recolor tag
this is preposterous
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>why would anyone need that shiteater audience?
But the point is she wouldn't like it
I'm not going to join in in your echo chamber.
what I was trying to say is the vast majority of pokemon fans (i.e. the casual scum, not the loud minority of autists) hate RPGs. that is to say, they hate turn-based gameplay, stats, equipment, building a team comp, etc. they only make an exception for pokemon because it's dead simple, tries to hide as much as possible that it's a video game, and it's the series they grew up with as kids.
>didn't even sell a million
it got gretest hits and platinum status you cocksucking faggot. that's at least 400k sales in less that 6 months.
furthermore, DW2, DW3, rumble arena, and digital card battle got greatest hits status (i.e. at least 250k copies each)
remind me how many autists bitch daily about mons not getting their own exclusive evo lines? e.g. yukiagumon, psychemon, elecmon, elecmon violet, unimon, gizamon, toy agumon, callismon
>remind me how many autists bitch daily about mons not getting their own exclusive evo lines
only Pokefags do this. Actual Digimon fans want diverse digimon that can bridge forms, like the Pendulum Z's did, not boring linear forms.
>another /digi/ derailed by spergs bitching about off-topic shit
good for you, now fuck off. All you can talk about is Pokefags, so join them
>how many autists bitch daily about mons not getting their own exclusive evo lines?
Newfag refugees do that, yes.
if you need fuel to keep the engine running, you don't use leaded gas to save a few pennies. it will destroy the engine in the long run
>She'd be a big shiny neon advertisment.
She made a Digimon review by chosing DS games and then shat on the entire series. She is an ugly chink with 0 taste.
yeah like he said her Digimon review is about 15 minutes of her saying "I have no interest in this series and think its stupid for this list of superficial reasons but I'm going to play it anyway, but I will deliberately do the opposite of what everyone tells me to do because ______. This is Digimon's fault and proof that Digimon is bad."

Like she spends a bunch of time talking about how she hates that Digimon can talk and that the evolution system branches instead of giving you restrictive themed lines. It's different from Pokemon so she hates it outright.
What would you like to talk about, anon?
The problem could easily be solved if Bamco changed Sistermon Noir (Awaken) from a champion to an ultimate.
What One Piece have anything to do with Digimon? It's not owned by the same company.
Same animation studio
sounds like a dumb hoe
>Make shit up
>Completely derail discussion
probably referencing >>492831247 wanting jaidenanimation to promote the new digimon game in their plan
Talking about >>492828446
>Mash a VN, Tactics game, and a Monster collector together

>Choices don't matter, game forces shit endings on you regardless, until you unlock the arbitrary right answer
>Tactics = Walk to side of NPC and use 1 of 3 moves whilst bosses stand still for 40 turns of walking across map
>Monster collector with 100 monsters (including evolved forms for each tree)

Still can't get over how you fuck up 3/3 on this
>>Choices don't matter
They literally do tho?
>You get dinosaur A, dinosaur b, or dinosaur c
Wow great choices bro!
>Hey let's avoid this problem completely!
>Nah we're all gonna go straight into anyway, fuck you lol!
>Hey let's use this dialogue option
>No, you didn't get enough points for that to work, because we restrict them to pad out game hours arbitrarily!
Is this your first nip "your choices matter" game? SMT does it all the time
Dialogue choices exist to give you points for the ending
New thread?
They have variants/sub-species listed in page of related
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>game forces shit endings on you regardless, until you unlock the arbitrary right answer
To be fair they likely wanted Ryo and Shuuji's death to be obligatory to first run.
First run without death would be pretty boring. I heard some people who play moral first already complain it was boring and got surprised when they read harmony/wrath.
Also most people agreed that truthful was pretty lackluster ending aside from "everyone live yeah XD" happy ending. Though I would say morale also guilty of this unless you are adventure purist.
I personally think harmony is the happiest ending while wrath is the most "interesting" ending.

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