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Diana edition.

>BugTrap, crash to desktop, freeze/lockup? Find your crash log, stalker.
Check your Documents or game install directories for the xray_[your name].log file. If you can't find it, look in the location specified at the top of fsgame.ltx. Copy the last few lines from the log and paste them here if you want any help.

>Quickstart Guide
>Mod Guide
>Miscellaneous Guide
>Start guide, beginner tips, and much much more
>HUD guide, modding basics, mod reviews, and AMK mod guide
>Performance Guides, Steam settings
>Common misconceptions about Shadow of Chernobyl game mechanics
>The Zone Manual: Every Mod You'll Ever Need for the True Ukrainian Experience
>Running STALKER. on Linux

Lost to the Zone >>491432517
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Mods and Repositories | Often outdated; use only as a last resort!

>Shadow of Chernobyl
>Clear Sky
>Call of Pripyat
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
>Downgrade Patches (drag-and-drop)
>Unpacked Gamedata + GSC Backup HDD assets



>Oblivion Lost Remake

>Joint Pak (Cumulative Pak, OP)

>Call of Chernobyl Repo

>Don't have Call of Pripyat but want to play Call of Chernobyl?
-skip_reg on the .exe starting path after " or if you're using CoC on Steam game>properties>set launch options
Alternatively, use this registry file https://mega.nz/#!uoYinJ7I!Lqj2DNIAkaVkcFUa1PLZzj80cVhAFK5D-9zbU2Iy5KI

>Xetrill's Modified LuaJIT for CS/CoP - improves performance, especially in script-heavy mods.

>Anons Call of Chernobyl Definitive Edition Repo:

>Shadows Addon + Anon's English translation

>C-Con Modlist
Blah blah blah S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, but when is GSC releasing the long-awaited sequel to Codename: Outbreak?
That hand model gives off STALKER vibes.
I think it's the glove.
Explanation of the image? I'm behind on the lore.
If anyone is interested, an old version of amk from /sg/

I'd love you forever if you uploaded everything to mega
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It's from a mod called Diana. It's a janky but charmingly retarded mod where you play as Diana, a woman looking for her father in the Zone. I sadly don't have the download link, it was posted in /sg/ some time ago.
If it is difficult and practically impossible for modmakers to make a completely procedural generation, in which the landscape and building are generated by themselves. Then why didn't the CoCksuckers and anomaly-fags make a procedural generation of the maps layout? In each new game, or even after each blowout, the maps layout changes. The spawn is adjusted accordingly - if the escape was teleported to the north next to the CNPP, then the monolith squads will immediately run to it from the north, and the player will have to fight them off or run to the south where there will be a transition for example to ROSTOK or MILITARY. I think some experienced programmer from the stalker modmaking would have done this in a few weeks.
Level changers are fixed into the all.spawn but I suppose this could be done through scripts. However updating the world map would be impossible.
freeplayshit induced brainrot seems even worse than miseryshit
This better be something I can break in and get something useful instead of another quest item that will reward me 60 pistol ammo and 3 medkits for hauling this to Swamps or some other God-forsaken shithole
Both Freedom and Duty are majorly gay. That is all. Have a great day, anons.
jesus christ
WHY THE HELL DO YOU NOT LIKE IT, ASSHOLE? I proposed the only working solution to make vanilla maps not boring shit, where you know everything by heart. Everyone, fucking everyone, complains that they're tired of the same maps with the same spawn. Replace everything and add a hundred new ones - and they'll get boring. They shit out three new maps in the addon, nothing changed. We're just replaying the cave in Solyanka for the thousandth time... Hospital with burgers in NLC. Uh well, that's right, fuck replayability, alife should timidly, strictly and carefully not ruin the IMPORTANT story quests, which we've played through a hundred times since 2007... CotZ port for IWP, is that something interesting in your opinion? Oh fuck, now I'm going to take up the good old CoC with great interest, because cool guns with quests from DoctorX and without analmeme itembloating is so good!
also you didnt do shit
>mentions NLC
Is this the level of brain damage I will end up with after finishing it?
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I accidentally downloaded the old Goldsphere, is it worth it to switch and lose my progress or should i stick with it?
Freeplay is like a slot machine
Every once in a while you randomly have an amazing, unforgettable experience straight from your dream Roadside Picnic movie, but for every one of those there's about 15 hours of tedious bullshit
Nothing like a casual stroll from cordon to outskirts and bac just to kill 1 guy.
> amazing, unforgettable experience straight from your dream Roadside Picnic movie
In trilogy or story mods you won't get even that. Of course, if you've already completed it once.
Just sprint circles around them, you're faster.
Apparently this shit barely understands what's going on and only imitates the coherence of frames
In 1993+31 it takes hardware a thousand times more powerful with much MUCH more energy consumption just to make something a bunch of nerds did in 15 months? sad.
I'm this guy >>492161623
Am from a post-communist shithole myself. To be sure, I didn't mean Stalker was a flat-out parable or cautionary tale. If the whole idea of c-con had been just that, an analogy of communism, then they'd have been more straightforward and overt with their references. It would have been a lot more annoying and in your face in trying to make a point. I just think GSC took that massive hybris as a starting point. Sovlfvl pic btw, saved

Here it is, all-in-one mega for AMK Repo Edition

i aint telling you whats its used for nigger
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diana my beloved
nowadays everyone talks about hip, but diana is the og stalker waifu
>Build FT-200M
Sexier than Diana
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a piece of art
Thank you based anon
Do i need to downgrade my edition of SoC? Thank you, by the way.
yep, it's in the install instructions, pretty easy with the OP resources
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The ending is such soulful jank. That star transition between the clips fucking kills me.
I wanna rip a bloodsucker and have it be named cumsucker
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That was the bunker fever setting in
Don't say such things.
Him running into an anomaly afterwards would have been the icing on the cake.
How far in are you? The mod is prone to problems.
>The mod is prone to problems.
I'm another Anon who's also playing old GS because the OGSR one's UI and HUD looked like ass. I applied this hotfix here:
as it was recommened for GS in this Steam list of certain mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=french&id=1843122174
I didn't encounter anything too buggy aside from normal jank yet, but I'm also still only in Outskirts, so that may not say much.
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What would you suggest if I want to play a stalker-like game that is not stalker?
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Known this forever
Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, Metro Exodus, Zero Sievert, The Final Station, Escape from Tarkov, Darkwood
In no particular order and most likely not even very "stalker-like", but at least somewhat "stalker-adjacent" in some aspects.
>a stalker-like game that is not stalker
Some here may even argue that this description fits Anomaly, Gamma, EFP
Guys, I'm having trouble with getting New Arsenal 7 set up. I goi it off the C-Con list. I try starting it from the .bat and xrEngine.exe and it gives me error 0x000007b. I downloaded the vcredist linked in the AP mod page, still no luck. I have the VC redists from NLC installed as well. I tried administrator, no luck as well.
wasn't it SIRCAA?
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My fellow people of german descent up to some shenanigans yet again
>playing as bandit
>need to go through rostok from army warehouses
>go in 11 dogs on the ass end of the map
>kill them all + the duty guys and go into wild territory
>second I come through the door two duty guys on the other side of the destroyed truck totally out of my line of sight aggro and run around the truck to try and kill me

I get why people praise the AI these games, when you're in a firefight its like fighting actual people as you don't know what to expect but other times it behaves so weirdly like there's no way these guys should have aggro'd on me unless they can see through the truck or something I have no idea what triggered them, but it honestly sucks as I'm playing as a stealth sniper so everything time I let of one silenced shot suddenly every single enemy rotates and guns me down like they have telepathy or something. Hopefully analmeme will fix this at some point.
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>in secret [...] from management
certified slav moment
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None of these are stalker-like or stalker adjacent. Fuck off.
I don't really understand the reputation/goodwill system alongside the disguise system in Gammameme.

>People are completely fooled by your disguise
>But you still gain permanent reputation for doing things

install it again in a whitelisted directory.
You need the latest vs redistributable too.
The 2019++ one
>hitler wanted to destroy europe
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And he was very successful.
Subverted my expectations honestly

>implying I asked for help
Figuring to whom I might take suspicious objects are the very few things that still can stimulate my brain in this mod
>Zero Sievert
- collect artifacts
- shoot bandits and other factions and loot their guns, ammo, items
>The Final Station
- weird and mysterious shit happens
- humans mutate and attack player
- Strugatsky bros inspired
>Escape from Tarkov
- shoot and loot slavs
- чики бpики
- mutants
- horror
While these games are very different from Stalker, they are comparable in those aspects.

Forgot to add Into The Radius
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Forgot pic
>days without jewish tricks = 0
Did that. Still no luck.
Normal SoC with the OGSR engine works btw.
Is that with or without the translation?
Have you tried it without?
running as admin?
It's the one from the C-Con spreadsheet. It's already translated, at least that's what the spreadsheet says. And yes, I did try admin with the bat and the .exe. I also tried compatibility mode. Still nothing.
Nevermind. I got it working. The solution was putting the OpenAl32.dll exe from OGSR GitHub repository into the bin_x64. That .dll wasn't in the NA7.rar archive. I got the OpenAl32.dll from the NLC library, and thought it would work, but it threw that 0x000007b error. It's now working. Thanks for the help, anon.
Nevermind, I got it working. The solution was putting the OpenAl32.dll from the OGSR GitHub repository. The dll wasn't in the NA7.rar. Thanks for the help, anon.
so you didnt t have openal installed already?
well we trued, at least you got it all working. Have fun
Thank you based bandit
I'll get over giving your boss level 2 artifact
>zero shit
>top down indie pixelslop, extraction shooter
>the final solution
>things being weird doesn't make it stalker-like, otherwise You Are Empty, They Are Alive!, and tons of other weird shovelware games would be "stalker-like"
>shitting your pants in tarkov
>tacticUNT extraction shooter
>pseudo-horror that looks and plays like a free flash game from 20 years ago
>into the ASS
>vr extraction shooters with bad knockoffs of neuroshock/prey 2017 enemies and "anomalies" that are just circles
>your face
>your ass
>what's the difference?
only metro then
dark wood is gud tho
And I'm done for today

>go into red forest with Lynz SVD
>take out a few monolith by the guard tower no problem as there's a bandit fighting them too they're all more interested in
>progress through the forest and take out a few more
>get myself into a nice sniping spot very close to the train tunnel tucked behind a rock thinking I'll be able to pick off a few monolith here safely as I'm far away from them on max magnification
>can see a 1 or 2 monolith by the train carriage camp
>take one cleanly out with a headshot
>suddenly immediately getthing shot at from over 100m away through think bush I can't see through by other monolith at the camp

Do any mods actually fix this, both the NPCs shooting at you through shit you can't see through and this ESP everyone in the zone has that casues them to immeidatly return fire on you no matter where you fire from even when using a surpressed weapon, its incredibly immersion breaking.
Inferior version.
Fuck Sn1ck and fuck all Sn1ckkers.
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only 4 hours in, i decided to give OGSR a try and holy shit it looks weird, the hdr is cool but the rest of the game is almost making me dizzy
if you find anything game breaking please post because im tempted to move back to the soulful version
you better buddy up with that x18 bandit, he's a bro
a bro that fucks you in the ass the moment you fall asleep, but still a bro
HOLY FUCK that looks bad.
I've been playing vanilla for many years, last year dabbled in some minimal mods for SoC and CS. About to jump into OLR 2.5. What am I in for?
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yeah but why? i can't put my finger on it. I also wonder what happened with HDR, the last "game" i remember it in was Half Life Lost Coast
Try fiddling with sun rays or ray tracing settings.
Oblivion had a HDR option and honestly it looks better without it.
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>mod has no anomalies
>the dev does this
You bastard.
My biggest problem is the colour, it makes it hard to focus on something in the distance from the clutter and effects. I'll probably just set everything to minimum and call it a day
Yeah, it literally looks like someone added a piss filter.
Recently beat OLR 3.0 and got the bad ending. How do you get to the generators? Which route leads to level12?
Others want me to shoot him to clear the X-18 entrance which is tempting because the other option is gathering shitton of food for Borov and there is no fucking way I will waste my time doing this, but first I need to pay visit to Sid since I remember a pic posted here where Marked One was asking him for strangely similar amount of food and the punchline was basically Sid telling him he's jewish or something.
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>drag the vanilla textures folder into gamedata (except for ui)
>replace all
>delete the user.ltx that came with the mod
And the mod instantly looks much better!
HDR never went away. What changed is the fake "HDR" that just stood for dynamic brightness adjustments got replaced with actual high dynamic range that you need either an """""""""""HDR"""""""""""" monitor that can belt out 8-bit with dithering or 10-bit signals but aren't certified as true HDR, or a real VESA-certified HDR display to use.
Not all games have actual HDR as an option, and the old "HDR" that games like Oblivion and Half Life boasted got merged into general postprocessing shaders.

>mod has no anomalies
into the fucking trash it goes
I cant tell you how many old mods I've done this too, even renaming textures and replacing them for trees etc
it always looks much better
i see, thanks for replying
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Scratch that, actually. I've encountered anomalies in the Garbage. Seems like it's just the Cordon and the Swamps that don't have them.

Also I thought this was a fucking stalker at first and then I damn near shit myself.
if you resolved nimble's situation peacefully, borov is is the cheapest and most efficient option
>if you resolved nimble's situation peacefully
I ran to Darkscape to recover pda from dissolved boar and after everything everyone left in one piece if that's what you mean. Borov asks for 20 vodka bottles, 40 tourist delights, 40 loafs of bread and 20 energy drings. Doesn't sound very economic.
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If anyone else is playing Save and Protect - Killer there is a stash hidden on top of the hangar in the Garbage.

This mod is very desolate. Didn't run into a single stalker in the Garbage.
I love spotting those fuckers at a distance and then you can snipe them
type this in console and then talk to Borov. You prob killed some leftover bandits on Cordon
flush !kotovod.disable_info atp_bandits_open_fire
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So THAT'S this huge emission that fucked everything up.
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>walk into the X-16 building in the yantar complex
>the space anomaly teleportation sound plays
>game freezes up for 5 seconds
>5 new stalkers appear on the minimap counter

I'm tired, bros.
God, this is fucking ridiculous

Thanks, seems it worked. I did kill bandits near the sanatorium transition while trying to retrieve jaket for Nimble, but they were hostile. Still, great fucking design, 0 failsafes for situation player has no control or knowledge about.
>psy damage
The thought of a crazed stalker perched upon a rock taking pot shots at dogs is comical.
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>What am I in for?
buildo kino.
>Radwind playing in background
Soul amidst sea of mediocority that is this mod
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I got into X-16 in Save and Protect - Killer and I can't even turn off the psi emitter. This is bullshit. I'm going to bed. Good night, /sg/.

Tunguska: The Visitation looks pretty kino but I haven't played it. Hoping someone else has.
Played through the whole game two years ago or so, I'd recommend it.
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What causes this?
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Traffic violations are taken very seriously in the Zone.
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From leddit
>Lean is V/C
This is so much worse than the yellow paint, what were they thinking?
>PDA no longer displays location of current quest (on compass only iirc)
WTF? How else am i supposed to navigate to the location if i plan to disable that retarded compass?
>no low crouch
>lean is V/C
What mutant made lean those keys instead of Q and E?
>not taking notes from GAMMA
This is good, at least.
The same way you do in Modern Bethesda games AKA you don;t
Sometimes there's a straggler which joins the sanatorium group for whatever reason, so yeah
I hope you're wearing your mask when facing psy mutants
You can see objective locations on the map in Skyrim/F4 you retarded fuckwit
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>Brings up Analmeme three sentences in
that's unironically the only mod they know on reddit, it's natural that they will bring it up whenever possible
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>different face shape
>different eye color
why are they doing this. first strider, then scar, now hermann. and the worst thing is that all these characters were originally based on looks of real people. gsc could have recreate them properly now, but instead they choose to turn them into generic looking dudes.
>plays demo
>talks about default binds for some fucking reason
Lean is switched because the "new playerbase" will not even use it
To be fair there's probably nothing more to talk about at this point
Yeah, facial shape I can understand with different engines, but completely changing the eye color? Where most have brown eyes? Come on.
Let me guess, that dude died in the war and was identified based on his tattoo
>grenade spam
Clear Sky chads are eating good
It's a shame the devs only read reddit and thus no one would ever notice these discrepancies.
He looks Russian now, like he's from the Kazan area.
>bolt throwing is not in the tutorial and must come later
If they removed bolt throwing.......
It's been in all the other trailers, so they have not removed the mechanic.
What's the go to mods nowadays? I used to play a lot of CoC
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OLR 3.0
it depends on what you are interested in.
immersive milsim shit
still updated?
what's that?
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>no low crouch
This is honestly perturbing. Using low crouch to duck behind obstacles during a firefight and peeking out to take shots at the enemy is peak immersion.
anal sea
it's a milsim in disguise
honestly low crouching has always felt janky to me, i'd prefer prone like most games
There's really no point in it existing
that dude's name? strelok.
Why didn't the c-con just tell everyone to fuck off?
>X to sprint
>honestly low crouching has always felt janky to me
probably because in vanilla its abrupt an jerky, same with leaning.
thankfully mods fix that
They basically did with the psi-emitters.
How do you guys not get bored of running around the same maps? Why aren't there any mods that add any new original new maps?
anyone got mods to install on top of iwp other than doc x quests?
Except, there are redditor
weak bait
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The vegetation mix because CoC ground texture looks like plasteline and CGIM or the True Stalker atmosphere depending on whether you'd prefer more realistic, but still visually appealing lightning and weather, or a more stylized one with pronounced warm colors.
Both of the addons are on their Discord.
Picrel is the True Stalker atmosphere in action.
Was the True Stalker aesthetic made into an addon??
>creates mind raping waves that turn you into a zombie
>people atill try to get to you
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>no mutant looting since SoC
Mutant hunting in STALKER is so much fun. Why did GSC cut it out entirely?
bolt throwing isnt in the demo either. Likely a feature you unlock later
leaks indicate that there will be lootable mutant body parts like in soc. so it most likely will be unlocked later on in the game - you are a newbie in the zone, so it's understandable that you wouldn't be able to skin mutants from the get go.
>leaks indicate that there will be lootable mutant body parts like in soc
That's awesome.

>so it most likely will be unlocked later on in the game
Not so awesome. I love how SoC doesn't have any unlockable stuff per say. It's so cool how the game just drops you in the world of the Zone with no restrictions. I know there are areas the player can't get to at first like the Red Forest but I mean in relation to game mechanics.
I'm curious, has anyone ported over the Gunslinger gun textures into Anomaly for the Old World Addon? Seems like it wouldn't be hard to do.
>X-18 in NLC requires closed-cycle respiratory suit
Ehhhh, guess I'm taking my hard-earned artifacts to Sakharov
check moddb
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Anyone tried this new Team Lite Call of Chernobyl? Looks like some soup garbage but on top of CoC.
I played ZS for 5 minutes, the game is a literal 2d pixel art stalker copy made in gamemaker that for some reason requires more resources to run. The absolute state of indie devving.
>no "blips"
That one hurts.
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Decided to check it out, opened the Moddb page, saw there are no radiation purging artifacts, and promptly left the page
>no low crouch
consoles were a mistake
it's a PAX demo man, do you really think the game will actually throw a bloodsucker at you literally during the tutorial?

That is for me a bigger flag that the demo doesn't represent the final game than no bolts and no mutant hunting, you NEVER throw your final boss enemy at the player so soon.
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This mod is getting on my nerves with all these fucking mutants on meth
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That has to be just for the demo. The bloodsucker is one of the most iconic and recognizable monsters of the franchise. It makes sense they would include it in the demo just as a showcase/fan service.
what mod.
edit the mutant profiles
Goldsphere OGSR
>edit the mutant profiles
what file and what do i change?
config\creatures\m_snork.ltx or some shit like that.
Movement speed was your complaint yes?
>Not so awesome. I love how SoC doesn't have any unlockable stuff per say.
true, but since they are putting a lot more emphasis on the narrative in s2, it's not surprising that some gameplay mechanics will be blocked at the start. it will be the same with bolt throwing - you will "learn" it after a cutscene near the beginning of the game, in which richter throws you a bolt. so i imagine that at some point early on you will also "learn" how to loot mutants. kinda like in ubisoftslops, but well, we can't expect the new game to be like the old ones really.
I agree with you there. It's gonna be STALKER but a triple AAA slop title.
I see the animations but not the textures
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Did you activate all the switches on each level? You can only activate the top switch if you do that first.
I mean, if this is lab 16 you're talking about.
>he missed a switch
>laughing snorks.gif
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Yeah, I did. I ran all the way down and none of the switches work.
X-16 is set up differently in this mod. The main path is blocked but there's a teleport anomaly that teleports you over to the main control room on the top floor, so you already start off at the top.
How perplexing
chuck a grenade at the brain
Indeed. I bailed on this mod, it was kinda ass anyway. Who sets the carry weight to 40kg?

I'm gonna try this mod instead.
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>mod takes place entirely on build yantar
This could be good.
Build Yantar is the best map
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What did he mean by this?
He means that they want to pull a bethesda
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There's some soul to be found here.
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>the modding scene is a little bit of a Wild West right now where you need to download files, replace files, etc.
HOW DO I $game_data$ = true| true| ?
>$game_data$ = true| true|

people still do this
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Fallout 76
Opinions on Open X-Ray?
what about it
I should really use grenades more...
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>you vill only install preapproved mods from our store(tm)
It's done. S2 modding is oficially dead on arrival.
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>the fuck is this shit?
Motherfucker sleeps like a child on a bed for bigass men
Anomalous sleeping.
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It's okay, but it feels like the development stagnated. It seems that IX-Ray kinda overtook Open X-Ray in terms of new tech, stability, performance and developer tools. They also have a working, albeit currently unstable, SDK, which is still developed
Are they gonna do to you what they did to that hobbling guy?
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It's pozzed.
kek, those guys actually seethe about muh liburuls and other engines (rightfully so, because most other engines have a shitty performance like ogsr) in their discord. It wouldn't surprise me, if they're ziggers, but I don't care about any of the autisitic politics in this fandom
Time to fork, adding the +NIGGER license.
reload last save, like it says
it's a small price to pay for fully implemented sickness system, so much depth)))
Just beat SOC.Been trying to beat COP but got obsessed with GAMMA. really need STALKER 2 in my life. I've been nonstop listening to Firelake.

I may have a problem
>I may have a problem
Yeah, you play GAMMA.
Jokes aside (not really), I'm also itching for 2. Don't forget to play Clear Sky.
Does this work with any of the vanilla games or is it just for developers right now?
works currently with CoP
Why do these xray engine modernization mods always get finished for COP first?
COP xray is the one that needs least improvements, aside from porting to 64bit.
I'd much rather see SOC xray being improved
this ain't a wish granter, but still worth a try
The worst thing is that it is scripted including for all NPCs. For each NPC, even offline, sickness are processed.
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september has come, it's time to replay call of pripyat
play CS:Call of DUTY/Faction Wars. anime mod when?
>Why do these xray engine modernization mods always get finished for COP first?
Probably because it's the easiest one for doing such a thing.
>I'd much rather see SOC xray being improved
There's the OGSR engine for it (without any new stuff OGSR brings)
>seems that IX-Ray kinda overtook Open X-Ray in terms of new tech, stability, performance and developer tools

wow thats amazing how so exactly?
What do you mean with "how so"? I already said that it performs better, loads faster and has bug fixes and additional features. It just is a better base for future mods, than Open X-Ray. They also added DLSS and FSR2.
You can read more about it on their ap pro page or on their github.
> I already said that it performs better, loads faster
You didnt.
I said how.
>and has bug fixes
so do they all
>They also added DLSS and FSR2.
and? why is that good?
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lorebros, how do you think are monolithians converted from regular stalkers into fanatics? is being exposed to psy emitters enough? it's never really explained afaik
Protip, there are rational reasons to join monolith, but the game wants you to think otherwise. Story is told by the victor.
They were originally a regular faction like the others that were obsessed with getting to the wishgranter according to SoC. So I'd imagine the perfect storm of seeking the wish granter, psy exposure, and the mental conditioning that you see at the end of Clear Sky is part of the process of someone joining the monolith. They are basically a cult at the end of the day.
The first members became fanatics when they entered the Radar area and the Brain Scorcher got them, but they do recruit new members using psi emitters (Brain Scorcher being the most famous one, but probably not the only one). It's never specified how exactly the conversion goes, but I assume the psi emissions break their minds and allow for further brainwashing once captured, similar to something you see in the CS ending cutscene (which is the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. agent brainwashing, a separate thing from Monolith recruitment)
After beating SoC for the first time I would listen to Dirge for the Planet at least once a day for probably 2 months straight. It's good shit

Pretty sure it explains it when you beat SoC (the good ending)

IIRC the monolith are programmed by the wish-granter to protect certain individuals from plebs but are weak enough so that someone like Strelok can get through and join the C-consciousness
See >>492737440
Thanks, i also turned down pseudodog fly speed because i was tired of remembering my Half Life Deathmatch days
This will never not be satisfying
>similar to something you see in the CS ending cutscene (which is the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. agent brainwashing, a separate thing from Monolith recruitment)
when was this established as canon? from what we know, the brainwashing tunnel at the end of clear sky IS the way stalkers get turned into monolithians
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Why is there a fucking fighter jet chasing me across the maps? WERE THE MI-24S AND BTRS NOT ENOUGH HI-FLYER?
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>get inside control room in X-18 in NLC
>collect docs
>about to leave
>in the light of flashlight notice levers which restore power in some sections
>flip them
>damn I almost missed them
>start pressing F on random shit
>pic rel from PC casings
getting that itch again
what should i play
dont blow your brains out
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what puzzles me is their number. factions like duty and freedom have like a few dozen members at most, maybe a hundred in their prime. and then you have monolith with a few hundred members.
i wonder about scorcher's involvement in this process. in soc it's stated several times that it zombifies people, then at the end c-con says that they are using it and other psy fields to recruit agents. cs ending shows that s.t.a.l.k.e.r. agents are brainwashed in some corridor.
taking all this into account, i guess that scorcher used to generally zombify, but sometimes its victims somehow fell under c-con's control and were subjected to further brain processing, and became either members of monolith or marked agents. but who knows.
>the monolith are programmed by the wish-granter
the wish granter's involvement is not mentioned in any way, surprisingly.
nta but marked agents and monolithians don't have much in common, apart from being brainwashed. agents don't care about monolith and aren't fanatics, and monolithians don't behave like regular people. so it wouldn't make much sense if both were created in the same process.
>so it wouldn't make much sense if both were created in the same process.
so you pulled that piece of "lore" out of your ass. good to know.
I don't know, I pulled that recording from a PDA I found in the Trash Compactor anomaly.
You have angered the Armed Forces of the Slavic Union, now you will receive punishment.
so did you by saying that "from what we know, the brainwashing tunnel at the end of clear sky IS the way stalkers get turned into monolithians". we know that from what? nothing implies that this is the case. we know two things for sure:
1 - marked agents are programmed to blend in with regular stalkers and perform a specific task. they don't care about the monolith and monolithians shoot them on sight. and they are for sure created in the brainwashing room shown in cs ending cutscene.
2 - monolithians care only about the monolith, they don't perfrom any tasks besides protecting it, they don't behave like normal people and thus wouldn't be able to blend in with them. we don't really know in what way are they converted.

it is logical that they couldn't be created by the same process, because they have nothing in common. it's not putting something out of my ass, it's a logical assumption. your assumptions isn't based on any logical element.
Oh, perfect timing, absolutely don't play NLC like the other anon suggests
It's shitty time sink with quality control so microscopic it would make release CS cover in fear
I'm playing it right now
>finished X-18
>leave to the surface
>military is conducting a raid, naturally
>kills story character that decided to settle here
>every single time I reload I just can't reach him in time because he spawns basically at their gunpoint
It's impressive how with expectations already in the dirt it still manages to disappoint me.
Whenever I think that it had enjoyable section it must immediately remind me what a vasyan piece of garbage it structurally is.
>words words words
post source, proof or fuck off
so what do you recommend instead
>i have to have everything handed to me like a child, i can't draw my own conclusions through observation and logic
good talk, fuck off as well.
you are asking me about source, but you haven't provided any as well. again, why the fuck did you say that "from what we know, the brainwashing tunnel at the end of clear sky IS the way" if nothing implies that it is?
First you tell me what did you play, what did you enjoy. That would help working things out.
well last time i actually played all the originals for the first time and when i was done with those dicked around with some random russian mods I don't remember half of them. I'll take anything at this point
Have you tried not being a retarded completionist and
a. do his fucking quest beforehand, BEFORE X-18?
b. stop being a complaining bitch and accept that your actions have consequences?

Either way, un-retard yourself now. You're not the first and you're not the last to fall to this completionist virus.

Absolutely give NLC a go. It's not the most polished experience due to the 32-bit engine and some jank, but structurally it's exceptional and there's no other stalker mod like it. The economy is very deep, the artifact system is fun and the plot is superbly written.
>if nothing implies that it is?
the ending of clear sky is a strong enough implication for it to be a decent explanation as to how stalkers get brainwashed by c-con
i'm willing to believe that it's a similar process, but for reasons which i already told you it couldn't be the same exact room. so if anything, there's a different brainwashing corridor where captured unconscious stalkers are thrown in the same way, with the difference that the screens and speakers in it affect them in such a way that they become monolith fanatics and not undercover agents. that would make sense.
let's hope S2 clears some of this shit up. I'm tired of there not being an explanation for most of the mysteries of the zone
What's that mysterious song that starts playing when you enter that main village in the Outskirts in Goldensphere
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Do we know if the cave level influenced the CoP devs to include those obnoxious tunnels near the Burnt Farmstead and Fuelling Station in Zaton?
don't worry anon
you might be hating the mod throughout, but you already fell victim to Stockholm syndrome. by the time you finish it, you will love it and nothing will ever bring you as much joy as anal sea

many such cases
Go with ol' reliables like Valley of Whispers or Spatial Anomaly
Check Shadows Addon for not-over-the-top overhaul SoC story and buildo visuals

>shitty design is your fault
Spare me your bullshit shit mod apologist and don't play the accept your consequences card. I played and accepted my mistakes in more demanding games, because there was actual learning curve and they weren't result of absolute carelessness of developers.
Btw I managed to saved him, because ironically his path finding bugged and he didn't walk into the cross fire. Vasyanism backfired and saved the day.
Hi Syak
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I finished games/mods I didn't like before. Things are not likely to change.
that just seems very nitpicky
shit like that happens in every mod. I had to redo a certain quest 4 times in VoW
mods where the vasyan AI net (the famous spot where mercs can clip through the floor as a "ladder") is fixed in WT is in single digit numbers

moral of the story: fuck GSC niggers

at least stalker 2 will be a polished turd without any daring ideas
>more demanding games
Name them

Do you have nothing better to do, anon? Ironic of me to ask, I know
Ofc shit happens in every mod, but it was never as frequent as I've seen in this mod and it sticks so much more due to how much backtracking there is.
Resident Evil 2 (Hardcore), Starsector, Remnant I & II, Dark Souls III (the series never resonated with me, nor did I see the "genuis" behind it, but it had some engaging fights and hidden quests)
Any pvp game for that matter. Tarkov before it went to shit, Planetside, Squad, DayZ (meh game but still, I could go on but let's keep it to FPS.
>Do you have nothing better to do, anon?
Currently not really, dinner done, duties done, it's Sunday after all. Nothing in my backlog, waiting for Space Marine 2 to release.
I wish you luck to finish analsea, anon.
Moreover, I wish you try to enjoy it (impossible).
>>492747563 - anon
Stupidest thing I've heard in ages if not a joke.
the mystery is the point, ever watch twin peaks kid?
Thanks I'm trying. I don't find it completly hopeless yet and I've seen worse.
>the mystery is the point
It really isn't. There's far too many inconsistencies between the games to have a set "mystery". It's all mumbo jumbo with contradictions.
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Can i have some thoughts on Metro?
What does it do better/worse than stalker?

I liked SoC but the most fun was CoP for me.
i never played any mods except for some very light ones for SoC to fix some bugs
Gamma gameplay is absolutely no different from Misery gameplay. What have modmakers been doing for 10 years?
refining miser gameplay (it's still shit)
grok tries hard to capitalize on RPG aspects via weapon/armor parts
Should I play the AMK variant of Oblivion Lost 3.1 in the OP or a different one?
>Can i have some thoughts on Metro?
>What does it do better/worse than stalker?
the linearity of the first two metro games allowed for very tight storytelling. 3rd metro game is more open world and sucks by comparison
METRO Exodus is a massive shift in direction from the first 2 titles, so henceforth, METRO = METRO 2033 + Last Light.

METRO is more normie-oriented but still has that slavic janky feel. I've never modded them and they don't need it. Despite being newer, the METRO titles are more traditional and linear in their concept. You don't return to previously completed levels. The third game has some open exploration though, similar to Far Cry. The first 2 METRO games are very cozy and the levels are small but atmospheric.

The METRO titles also have more polish and appear like AAA games. Visual fidelity holds up well even a decade later. Modded S.T.A.L.K.E.R. however can achieve the same results if not better. There are lots of Ubisoft-esque climbing animations and scripted sequences where you don't physically control your character, for the sake of 'muh immersion'. I can tolerate it for the most part.

The stories and characters are good, especially in 2033. Most of the game (this applies to all 3) is sneaking around or fighting through human camps, or fighting against mutants which are action oriented. Inbetween there are large segments of exploration. Usually after a big fight there will be an entire area that is just exploration with a few mutants and environmental hazards. There's lore and stuff to collect and lots of NPC conversations to listen to.

I could go on but you should just play them. METRO is a great franchise and if you're too lazy to pirate it at the very least then idk what to say.
>Can i have some thoughts on Metro?
Pretty solid gameplay, interesting story and setting, very linear except the last game, 3 was more on par with SoC. 1 and 3 ran like a dream for me, 2 was always a bit of a choppy mess, could never pin down the cause there.
I need to play this on a VM
on win 10 it was broken and had weird scaling issues
didnt get past the first map
Could play the one I just uploaded
It's not mine but it's originally from /sg/
Is there any QOL mods that work for OLR3 without breaking it?
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How come so many modders overhaul the visuals for everything but NPC models? It's either "vanilla but fixed" or HD models that look like ass and no inbetween.
krov' budesh?
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SOP but its currently broken
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>MFW it takes 29 shots total from the Fast-shooting AKM-74/2 to kill two soldiers right next to each other
Just aim better
retard here joining to play the game news as a motherfucker appreciate all the info shared in this game o7
>5m away
>aim for head
nobody cares
respectfully, an hero to not dishonor your family
no one cares about your low budget kungfu panda game faggot
>There are lots of Ubisoft-esque climbing animations and scripted sequences where you don't physically control your character
ew, i fucking hate those.

how do they fare in the atmosphere department? that's my main draw to stalker.
no other game has even given me that tense feeling of exploring an abandoned lab with a fire ghost thing lurking around
>install srp
>check "make bullets actually go where you're shooting" button
>suddenly your shots land
Not my problem.
Stalkanons, got anything to say about Lost World Troops of Doom? It looks interesting but I can't find shit about it because it's so obscure.
never heard of it
Grok calling OLR3.0 a-life bloat on reddit is incredibly ironic considering his entire modpack is the bloat simulator.

Kinda feels like hes butthurt that he cant fit the A-life into his modpack.
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You're tripping man. It's just a big bird. Please ignore this bird and carry on with your stalker activities.
Watching videos of anomaly packs benchmarks on yt. People with top systems like i7 last gen or 7800x3d crank up the settings to the max and get 60 fps, 20-30 fps drops with a large crowd of NPCs. How is that even possible? They don't know there is no point in high detailing and rendering distance in anomaly settings?
Also grass can be turned off and it is logical and believable to explain by a dead vegetation pack with scorched earth textures, or a winter pack with snow. Shadows from the sun and grass also can be turned off and believable explained by setting 24/7 foggy weather. Foggy weather will also reduce rendering distance.
Lmao, is he actually bitching? He is the last person who should do that.
> bloat
Yes it is, too many scripts for small things. You can create stalkers movement all over the map in vanilla SoC same as in CoP. Squads in CoP use the same logic as patrolling guards in SoC in the rockie village, military block post, depot, bar, freedom base. But in SoC they have an area of action only in the specified places, while in CoP GSC upscale area of action throughout the whole Zaton/Jupiter.
you still don't get it? aleksey yasenev implemented almost everything possible for alife back in cop. moreover, in cop they planned to add trading npcs with owl/hawaiian, you can find in cop files unique voice files of trade for stalkers/duty/freedom groups
life simulation is almost only lua scripts. only the most fundamental skeleton like AI grid, waypoints, offline/online switch system, is written in the engine, and it is absolutely unchanged from the builds. yes, get it, foundation of alife, whether in cop, or in anomaly, or in OLR 3.0, has not changed since the 19xx-22xx SoC builds, all the improvements to the simulation are only lua scripts, OLR 3.0 alife is bunch of scripts.
that's why olr 3.0 and anomaly with AI/alife addons have shitty performance due to the load on one core. for each NPC scripts process hunger, thirst, diseases, radiation, bleeding, task/quest, inventory, movement, all this on high-level abstraction single-threaded script code
scripts to implement an unscripted system is bad because... uhhhh.... um...
first game has a very nice slav post-apoc feel to it IMO, second game less so (still has decent levels though), third game is very different from the first two but also has tense atmosphere at times, especially the final level
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Grok is pidor
Kek if anyone knows bloat it'll be him
>Find grass shadows restoration mod for SoC
>Have to overwrite xrRender_R2.dll
>Game stops at splash screen
>Replace the mod's dll with the original
>Game works fine again
Why can't it ever be simple?
first time?
I'm gonna play OP-2 since I've never played it atleast I think I never have. the one weird mod I remember playing had a "dream" section or something where you're in a cave and there's a bunch of little rats everywhere or something. I don't remember much but I remember that's when I stopped playing, no idea what mod it was
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>you need to download files, replace files, etc.
He makes this seem like a huge deal. Is it because zoomers and gen alpha don't know how to work with computer files?
yeah well it is know that he's retarded and a novice modder at best.
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Any idea what might be causing this flickering in OWA?
I know how to use computers and I'm not going to go through the trouble of cobbling together a bunch of shit to make a game playable. If it's not in a single vetted package that is known to work properly it can go fuck itself.
That's not really what I mean. All I'm saying is that "drag n' drop into the gamedata folder" isn't hard, but these guys make it sound like it is.
Also if that is the way you think why are you playing janky games like STALKER?
mmm, i'll try the first couple ones then and see how it goes then.

Get out.
we could be playing stalker 2 in three days. let that sink in
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mod organizers like jsgme, dltx were a mistake for the stalker "community,
Apart from gammashit, what exactly is wrong with mod organizers?
>Hello stalkers and welcome to the Anomalous Dugout
OLR 3.0 bros I need help. I'm stuck on the radar quest where you pump out the water from the basement and reroute the psy shit to a different part of the zone. It tells me to enter a master code but I can't find where it is so I'm assuming it didn't spawn in or fell through the map.
There is a room in the previous corridors that should have unlocked with dead scientist or briefcase, I don't remember exactly, but it should have a key card you need to use with computer and the code is combination of numbers from the 7 docs you collected.
>bumrushing soldiers with a sawed off shotgun is better than killing them with AR at distance
explain this
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So, nothing?
i wish i could thank him in person for what he does, because without him the english-langauge ""stalker content"" on jewtube would be limited almost exclusively to gamma playthroughs.
no, none of this
if you cant figure out why, I have no interest in explaing it
ok turns out I was stupid and entered the final code wrong
it happens
Nothing it is. Thank you for this meaningful exchange.
why did you post?
did you not understand?
you think my post wanted to have a baack and forth discussion about it?
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>no argument
actual retard. Congrats.
t. actual retard
you can have the last reply kiddo
well I personally think mod managers/organizers are great tools and I appreciate them as they have helped me learn a lot about modding a bunch of different games
Thanks for your (unrequested) opinion (faggot).
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no problem
dx10 or dx11
it stops doing it when you're closer
dx11 yeah and it does stop when I get really close. is it just a problem with the pack? I don't remember this happening when I've messed around with anomaly before but maybe I'm wrong, it's been a while
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here have the non shitty version, friendo
> is it just a problem with the pack?
technically no. moreso the renderer
becuase OGSE and now Open xray-16 cut out DX9, you are stuck with using dx10/11.
there are a few things like that, that happens
you'ree see it around light sources primarily
but this is x-ray so its never going to be perfect, I settle for stable but with some light jank like that issue
op half the shitlinks in your post are dead can you care to fucking UPDATE THEM at least?
yes I'm aware OWA is a coc mod
I was just mentioning ogse for the sake of it
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holy shit kill yourself
thanks bro
The OP in this stupid fucking dogshit general is never going to get updated because nobody here cares enough about this shitty dead series let alone is capable of speaking English as a primary language. Go look up sodium nitrite and ingest some you fucking niggerfaggot.
what links?
new here?
but thats wrong, you self loathing faggot :^)
You're right there's about two links that got updated in the last decade and there's still dead pastebins. I hope your mom gets raped by a pack of Indians and forced to walk home barefoot.
Floki's gaming corner is another great channel, he plays all sorts of mods, even obscure/vasyan stuff.
Modus5 makes pure kino, but you have to wait for it.
There's this kid RossBoss making mod reviews, and they aren't bad. He has the potential to get far.
Wavey and KontraktWolf make a lot of An*maly slop but cover other mods as well.
I probably missed some, if any anons here know of other YT channels covering non wannabe Tarkov mods I'd love to hear.
bitch bitch bitch and you do nothing
Smelly brownskinned faggot
oh yeah, i forgot about floki, good content. i know about modus5 but don't watch him that much, plus i've already played all of these "mods you've never heard of" from his videos years ago.
never heard about the rest though, so thanks for the recommendations.
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>Also grass can be turned off and it is logical and believable to explain by a dead vegetation pack with scorched earth textures, or a winter pack with snow. Shadows from the sun and grass also can be turned off and believable explained by setting 24/7 foggy weather. Foggy weather will also reduce rendering distance

Always felt like this was the biggest stupidest trend in gaming and specially mods, covering absolutely every bit of ground in dense grass so thick you no longer see any landscape under it looks like fucking shit and it hits your performance inorderly because it all has to sway with the wind and interact and all that fancy nonsense.

You know what needs more detail? dirt and rocks. Most of the ground in the wilderness is dirt and rocks, piles of rocks, big rocks, different colors of rock, different shapes of rock, dirt that's dry, dirt that's wet, dirt that's compacted and tight, dirt that's really loose and soft, dirt that's black, dirt that's red, dirt that's yellow, etc. This kind of shit should be more advanced than flat textures with specs on it by now, fucking put a parallax map on it instead of covering up the flat soil with fake looking plants.
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I have lost all the respect i had of the OGSR Goldsphere, i don't know if it's a fail in translation or how are you supposed to do this without a walkthrough?
jannies you niggers stop rangebanning me, i been trying to post this since yesterday
thanks for this post anon i needed a good chuckle
fucking shitter
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>i don't know if it's a fail in translation
Well, the original text on the cross does say "the red's master settled in for the night by the camp/car park (cтoянкa can mean either)", I don't know why the ENG translation decided to change that.
>how are you supposed to do this without a walkthrough
That's a common case with many old-school mods for SoC, in OP2 devs even specifically recommend to play strictly by the guide so you don't fuck up some sequence.
I just found out that saving with grenade pulled out will cause crash when I will try to access my inventory in NLC

Marvelous, I don't remember it having such range in og Goldsphere
concession accepted
Do any of you based anons have the last screen space shader version that worked for Anomaly 1.5.1? I think it was called update 17.1?
>saving with grenade pulled out will cause crash when I will try to access my inventory in NLC
The power of X-ray truly is unmatched.
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Have fun in the caves
even better with the ragdoll sound
figures, i have a dislike for using walkthroughs in games/mods i haven't beaten once but if it's balanced with one in mind what can you do

Anyway, is it possible to enable the crosshair while aiming down sights? the iron sights are very misaligned in another mod im playing
That video is hilarious.
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Holy hell how did I miss this, thank you so much anon
no problem, its not so cut and dry as a packaged mod, but you can download the code and copy over what is needed.
what exactly? fuck if I know. but hopefully it helps you.

if anyone actually has the released screen space shaders 17.1 version, please post it up somewhere.
Yeah I just downloaded it into a zip from github, extracted and repackaged it into an archive with all the shaders in the right file places and then just downloaded the custom exe from around the time this came (august 2023). Everything works like it's supposed to

Here are the modded exes
How do you put artifacts into capsules in OLR3?
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>Everything works like it's supposed to
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Typical Freedom member
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I remember circa 2016-2018 we were worried Stalker 2 would no longer have a grid inventory because it was impossible for console casuals to use PC-based UIs
gnight /sg/
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They tried to improving the miserslop (and it's still shit)
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Which means aside from Crafting/Looting he made everything else much worse than originally was.
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skill issue
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What are you expecting from that retard? Also don't watch Reddit too much, its gives you radiation poisoning.
Who the fuck thought making SoC enemies even more bullet spongy was a good idea. I had hope for Curved Road, but having to magdump a soldier using AP ammo tells me this is yet another generic SoC govnozborka
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it's nearly the 5th...
I weep
Better with two more months in the oven so they can fix one (1) bug. People will complain regardless
Brain room
2nd floor
Burner anomaly
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finishing up my cop playthrough, the second one this year, and i feel the need to replay cs. replay it again, for the third time this year. and after i do this, i'm more than sure that i will feel the need to replay soc, for the third time as well. i don't know what causes it, but i've been stuck in a cycle of playing the trilogy over and over again for several years now. i don't play any other games, i don't even have any other hobbies. it's just work and playing stalker.
and all of these playthroughs were, and will be, in vanilla. i don't even know why, i've played many mods but in the end i decided that vanilla is fine. the only thing i use is a fixed file for cs that makes drifter correctly sell the flash drive stash location.
Two more weeks, just a few more tweaks!
No thanks, I'm scared
i need some stalker themed pepes
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thanks anon thats actually the only one i found online that i like
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I haven't played in 2 years, anything new for Call of Pripyat? I think I finished Anomaly the last.
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ahh fuck everything, im going to play OP2.2
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Gonna give a shot to Gamma.
have fun
The only thing that I hate about OP 2.2 and what's killing my enjoyment is the fact that the developers added nothing to allow you to keep track of your progress. It feels like a game made to be played with an excel spreadsheet. Things irreversibly breaking when you don't do them as the developers intended are also a vasyanka staple.
keeps making these
I posted the last one which I saved it on August 2015. No idea about the rest.
CS is kino, it's better than CoP
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Never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad M*crosoft is forcing GSC to make S2 to run on their shitbox S, because it probably means the PC version will be optimized as well.
You are hoping in extreme vain
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Can't you let a man dream?
I'm sorry...
Anomaly seethers still being losers as usual KEK
That's a classic. Isn't there also that burner anomaly through the dead soldier's groin leaning on the wall atop the stairs when you go to face the controller that raped and murdered Ghost? I think I remember my first playthrough wanting to check if he's lootable and quickly finding out he's not
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>i've played many mods but in the end i decided that vanilla is fine.
I think you're at peace with yourself.
Captcha: SSPN2
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What's /sg/'s take on the STALKER2? From the trailers it seems they included most areas from the original trio so I'm hopeful.
I've been waiting since the original Stalker 2 announcement back in 2010/2011. I'm just looking forward to explore more of the Zone and interacting with the factions, honestly.
asterisks aren't quotation marks grok, you fucking esl retard

fix it then, its not hard
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Can someone provide an explanation as to why people hate Anomaly/Misery?

They're the only mods I've played (~500 hours each) in addition to vanilla (2x playthroughs each), but I notice they get a disproportionate amount of hate in this general.

Actually blackpill me. Why should I not enjoy anomalyslop and miseryslop? Is it the gameplay, cringe devs, or what?

I also see a lot of criticism of CoC, but idk much about that one. I was going to try it next.
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Most people seethe about the item bloat, which is a valid point. However i think the worst aspect is that it attracts all kinds of retards who don't care about the trilogy to itself thanks to le best survival shooter and it's free videos on youtube. I personally know a guy who played GAMMA and got filtered by inventory weight when he tried playing SoC.
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there is no valid backbone nor engaging features, it fails even as a sandbox
>lean is-
I don't give a flying FUCK what default controls are. I WILL be rebinding to my preference like always. Hopefully with the magic power of UE5, I can bind lean to M4+M5 instead of having to map numpad keys to my thumb buttons again.
>no mutant looting
For fuck's sake, why does everything including GSC just cut that out? Gathering parts for trading and quests was one of the best parts. Bare minimum, it paid for the resources expended dispatching the mutants.
the zone changed his eye color :^)
Because it's the latest official version? That's obvious enough. It's why if someone were to modify the source engine in some manner, chances are they aren't going to use the original CS:S/HL2 branch, but the 2013 or whatever the latest source 1 branch was.
It's from some of the SOC devs, and some early build footage makes it pretty blatant that it started from SOC/Xray source.
That being said, there is little reason to consider it the same way you would Stalker. It's based very heavily on a series of novels with a tighter story, even in the more open Exodus game.
I guess, in a way, playing it will give you more of a feel for Stalker 2 ahead of time, since that will also have story segments and scripted sequences.
>no mutant looting
though as far i know this assumption is only based on concept arts of mutant body parts from the last year's material leak, unless someone who played the leaked build can confirm that looting mutants is indeed a thing.
Xray, no matter how you modify it with flashy new engine branches and ebin postprocessing shaders ripped from reshade, is incredibly biased toward running everything on core 0, because it's an engine old enough to hail from the times before multithreading. Various things in both official updates and these "openxray" branches put a few things on other threads/cores, but the bulk of everything is still on core 0. If you overclock core 0 alone on your processor, you might do better, but that's all it can do.

>he doesn't know
Only for those who were in the paid alpha.
>he doesn't have the preload
Anons, from the era where OC was created instead of reposting facebook frogs and wojaks.

/v/edditors are retarded, and if you look at the thread you can see it's blatantly been posted as an excuse for proxy-fighting the ongoing war by cheering for one team or the other.
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>meme shaders
saved from page 10
>Zero Sievert
How can this literal turd be less performant than the original stalker.
Enough of this lol, why would anyone care? GAMMA is great on it's own, Stalker is not for everyone, why would you seethe that some normie won't appreciatenthe trilogy, it was always a niche series?
I'm a stalker since 2004 previews in gaming magazines, played enough trilogy and story mods to now enjoy Analmeme and GAMMA because it's pure gameplay, you get to wander the Zone back and forth getting immersed and interacting with A-life, but for the tacticool survival shooter crowd it's the best thing there is.
You and your kind are retards here, because no one cares that you're crying
>GAMMA is great on it's own
wow, thanks for clarifying you're retarded.
Hi Grok. When are you adding shitting and jacking off mechanics for maximum immersion? Don't forget to add toilet paper consummable with a 0.5% drop chance from purple stashes.
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>Marked One gets tired
>down an energy drink to beat the last section of road faster
>turn in quest
>Marked One lets out loud yawns by now
>barely walking
>ok time to sleep
>pic rel
Ah yes, the consistency, the attention to detail, outstanding
NLC btw
sounds like me on a saturday night, just lying paralyzed but with horrible heart palpitations and shortness of breath
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>it was always a niche series
This is a lie because it never was.
jokes on you, he already added PDA messages of stalker finding TP and charging loads of rubbles and supply is limited.
drink water,it'll dilute the shit in your system
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revolutionizing idea, why won't GSC hire such visionaries?
this link is dead

is Gamma really that bad? I never touched it or seen any gameplay
bumping because i don't want to manually fix every broken weapon
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So which porn actress is her face modeled after?
>is Gamma really that bad?
Imagine MMO with the most mind numbing grindy mechanics and 0 payoff. The use of "Wide as an ocean deep as a puddle" to describe something was never more justified.
What people fail to mention about Gamma is that you can just tweak a lot of its options to tone done the grinding aspect of it.
I don't have a problem with Gamma itself but I don't like the dude who made the modpack and I don't like a lot of the vocal fans of Gamma because they don't even really like actual Stalker, they're into the tarkov-esque shit in Gamma
Lmao, you retards dating eachother? You realise that Stalker is a single player game, right? The only bad thing that Anomaly modpacks may do to the community is the influx of casuals to reddit. But you chads don't go to reddit, RIGHT?
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I'm not feeling the atmosphere in Stalker 2
You will still be left with tons of useless shit, uneventful world and repetitive activities with 0 depth
That's kind of the problem with all of the freeplay mods though isn't it? There's really not much to do except find shit or escort.
>vector in the zone
That's true, "endless replayability" is ultimately a fool's errand, a buzzword and let's be honest - sandboxes build on top of stalker are simply poor even by the genre's standards.
> i think the worst aspect is that it attracts all kinds of retards who don't care about the trilogy to itself thanks to le best survival shooter and it's free videos on youtube.
Ok that I understand. People are constantly recommending STALKER and the popular mods for it on reddit --> therefore they inevitably become infected with the normie virus, and nobody appreciates the trilogy.

My response is that liking the popular mods doesn't make you a normalfag. For me vanilla SoC was the pinnacle of the stalker experience. But I can't just play SoC over and over, as it would get boring. Maybe there's mods that preserve the spirit of the trilogy better than the ones I've played, but my experience ends with the two aforementioned.
>hurr durr it's a shitty mod but the worst it'll do is completely obliterate the existing community by flooding it with retarded tertiaries (Quaternaries?)who have no understanding of the base game and demand their tacticunt tarkov extraction shooter sensibilities be catered to by all official and unofficial media
I want an AI demonstration, showcasing the features of A-Life
zero sievert is fun but idk the game maker engine i'm guessing
Shill article or genuine?
I actually agree with some/all of the criticisms in your picrel. However,

>Once you're set, and you can go anywhere you want, there's nothing to fucking do except bitchwork with generic quests
>There isn't anything new or meaningful to visit or see
>you can absolutely annihilate an army of a faction

The way I play counters this by ensuring I never become overpowered. I usually do "vanilla" 1-life Ironman runs with difficulty and NPC aim tweaked up, and very few gameplay changes, and I keep the built-in burner, electro, and boar 1-shots. This way I have to literally tiptoe everywhere or else I will lose my entire run. I've never even been to the radar after 500 hours. The one or two times I've been to limansk I died instantly. That's what keeps the zone feeling fresh and unexplored (except for the rookie areas, which admittedly get boring). My hobo phase lasts so long that I never have a chance to get bored or feel like I've done everything. A bandit with an SVD will end my run from max range even with a mid-tier suit. A single pseudodog will do the same. Most of my early income is spent hiring companions to escort me.

>And because they have such a tremendous goddamn focus on gun variety and survival items and tacticool shit, it doesn't even feel like stalker.
100% agreed. Tactifag shit is the most obnoxious trend in FPS history. That's why I don't add any weapon mods except for those that rectify inconsistencies, and give more true-to-life sounds and reload animations. None of the gunslinger/boomsticks cringe. I'll never touch GAMMA. The zone should consist mostly of eastern weapons anyway.

>there is no valid backbone nor engaging features, it fails even as a sandbox
I always saw Anomaly as an upgrade to the freeplay mode that's unlocked at the end of SoC. It's for when I'm done with a vanilla trilogy run and just want to roam around, find some artifacts and hunt bounties and shit for "muh immersion". I don't need it to have an end.
The community is not in danger, relax. Unless you consider the subreddit or youtube comments section part of the community, which would be honestly pretty embarassing.
And GSC doesn't give a shit about Anomaly, Stalker 2 will be Stalker... hopefully
>you can tell me anythign about anything
this link is dead

heres the last snapshot of it
no we consider discord server circle jerk and review bomb/downvote squads the "community"
>the community isn't in danger
Analmeme/gammababbys are literally in this thread right now. You're probably one of them. Fuck your anti-gatekeeping attempts.
>Analmeme/gammababbys are literally in this thread right now.
true, I am here. that being said time to continue playing op2.2
Yes faggot people can enjoy both Stalker and Anomaly. You're gonna have a meltdown when this general is only Stalker 2 talk aren't you
I have nothing against gamma. it is provides a somewhat good enough roleplaying experience for those that just want to play as a normal stalker in the zone. afaik the only other option is Stalcraft but that game has a lot to be desired.
Are you incapable of following a chain of discussion? We're talking about the community being flooded by outsiders and tourists who never played stalker and only know of it through operaterdrewski/jackfaggs types and their "this game is FREE..." videos of gamma. The types who get mad about anomalies and mutants being in the zone because they distract from their milsurp autism.
Yeah and my point is Stalker 2 is going to be 1000x worse so buckle in buttercup
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>The types who get mad about anomalies and mutants being in the zone because they distract from their milsurp autism.
S2 being a normieslop cutscene simulator where you start with a M4A1 is going to be the funniest shit ever.
the FREE game that doesn't fake SURVIVAL
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>Analmeme/gammababbys are literally in this thread right now. You're probably one of them. Fuck your anti-gatekeeping attempts.
Yep, I'm a GAMMA fag, I also like wacky soups, story mods and the OG trilogy. Does that make you poop your pants too?
>Are you incapable of following a chain of discussion? We're talking about the community being flooded by outsiders and tourists who never played stalker and only know of it through operaterdrewski/jackfaggs types and their "this game is FREE..." videos of gamma. The types who get mad about anomalies and mutants being in the zone because they distract from their milsurp autism.
I am aware that we now have people like that. In my country we also have regular irl Stalker larps, multiple active forums dedicated to the franchise etc. Stop being a child, this is a beautiful game series with a dedicated cult following, and you're foaming in the mouth about some normies playing some mod? Do you fear they will take away anomalies in S2 and replace them with more collimators and supressors because of them? Stalker games are just a decent platform for Tarkovfags to have a single player game, and yeah, they say some retarded shit, but nobody is taking them seriously so who cares. Again, community is fine, and imo whoever hates Anomaly is no Stalker fan as it's pure gameplay on all the maps with working A-life
Sometimes I think buildo-only fetishists like you get created by spite and too much time on stupid discord channels
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Scar is enjoying that too much
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>buildo-only fetishists like you
nta but how did you come up with conclusion?
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holy kino
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Make AI slop out of this one.
Hey, /sg/. What is your opinion of what we've been shown of Stalker 2 so far? Stalker was one my favorite game series and I played a tonne of it 2011-15. Can Stalker 2 turn out to be good or are the naysayers complaining about the yellow paint and Ubisoft towers right?
i think its going to be a swell game, a game that we will all play and then complain about afterwards as per
ok new here maybe i am missing the point so i am level 3 with the zep mod and i thought it was supposed to be interesting? but it's just still linear progression. should i be installing content mods or some shit?
looks ok, the yellow paint is valid complaint though
I hate console subhumans so much it's unreal
this. can't wait for the doomposters to ramp up shitposting. that'll be funny
Do we know anything about how mod friendly it will be? The casualisation shouldn't matter if we can get decent mods
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but who knows how their "official mod support" will be
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>from the era where OC was created instead of reposting facebook frogs and wojaks
God I miss those days.
Be the change you want to see, anon
GAMMA is my Stalker 2 Chornobyl
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you vill only get preapproved mods from our store goy
The workshop wouldn't be so bad, and it would stop people like Grok from stealing and taking credit for other people's mods since all he really does is make a giant mod compilation.
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>GSC forcing modders to be accountable on shit like the workshop and mod.io is an indictment on people like grok and russian modders dumping everything together with no credit to actual creators
gee, i wonder who could be behind this post…
Real talk, I don't know what you're implying. I've used the steam workshop with enough games to not see any real problems with it.
>any real problems
Eventually (really only a matter of time), the workshop will be filled with shitty zoomer meme mods. This is true for most games. Pride flags, furry bait and fetish porn, dead memes etc.
Not to mention that corporations can just issue a C&D and take down anything they deem "violations of copyright" like Nintendo did with Gmod
will you ever stop with this crap
No I enjoy it and it's related
Well I'm not enjoying it, so please stop.
if you really don't see a problem with centralized subscription based modding then you're hopelessly beyond saving.
>Yellow Paint
Easily fixable with an option to turn It off
>Ubisoft towers
There are no Ubisoft towers you Just disable the psi-emitters for that One mission
are there any requirements for veteran/master loners in sevas and exoskeletons to appear in zaton in cop? there seems to be none in the beginning of the game, it was only when i came back from pripyat (without finishing the storyline yet) that i noticed them.
thats not how this works kiddo
You dumbasses realize that just because they are hosted on the workshop means they can't be hosted elsewhere, right? You can still download Warhammer 3 mods from third party websites and the like. It adds a level of convenience that's nice, is all, especially if the mods aren't using stolen assets and wouldn't be taken down from potential legal action from having done that, like all those mods that just rip assets from Tarkov or CoD or whatever. Hell, half the mods for XCOM 2 are all direct asset rips from games as skins for your dudes weapons and armor. It's all as much as the devs would tolerate. Chill the fuck out.
Stalker 2 is an actual stalker game. Even a newfag who never heard of stalker before starting with 2 is going to actually be experiencing stalke, not some tedium simulator about fighting guys over the right to own 12,000 pieces of garbage so you can improve your 12% rifle to 13% and maybe afford one single medkit.
Mental illness, most likely. Maybe this is his first rodeo, he hasn't witnessed fandoms being destroyed by retarded mods and influxes of newfags who have no interest or respect for the topic of the fandom and insist upon changing it to fit their whims. The Doom community, just naming one, has been utterly demolished, unrecognizable compared to what it was in the 90s and 2000s. Though that situation also had a lot of oldfags being melted into skinwalkers or demons wearing the flesh of their former owner. 3DMM as well, totally destroyed.
You can only put certain artifacts into it like the radioactive bolts/dangerous stuff etc. You do it by clicking on the capsule.
Lore behind this?
>cool ass program from 1995 for making keyframe-based movies
>it's from the old microsoft kids suite, so it's simple
>also runs at 6fps while animations were filmed (mocapped!) at 24, but it's 3d models on prerendered backgrounds for windows 95 machines, who's expecting more?
>big community forms around it making addons and movies
>height of the era was during the early-mid 00s, lots of goons from when somethingawful was only bad for being 10buxland and getting high on their own farts with superiority complexes were members
>time passes
>og members are in their 20s and past college now, if not older, less time to make dumb movies for friends
>new blood at the time is still pre-social media dystopia time, those who don't get filtered by veterans giving them shit are still able to breathe good life into the community
>more time passes
>more and more old members leave, new cancer appears that's just godawful
>enter the cancer era of the internet (ca. 2016-now)
>some old members ask for their accounts to be deleted for "privacy" and "safety" (this wasn't a community where people dumped racial slurs or anything, at worst there were dick jokes and "retards" and "faggots" being used, and adult oriented movies didn't have the "18+ ONLY MINORS DNI GO AWAY REEEE" faggot shit communities like twitter believe MUST be plastered on anything and everything)
>some delete their own movies, just some of them that might be "offensive"
>a lot of movies are lost to time anyway due to the file hosts going down
>one of the main guys who did the biggest modding work for the engine, v3dmm, and various other things including maintaining the source code fork in recent years is a tranny now
>some old members have outright died
>site owner just deleted decades of posts for "muh old user privacy" and locked most forums down behind an account wall, a move nobody liked
>the active userbase are now all retarded kids and thirdies, unrecognizable
>site owner just deleted decades of posts for "muh old user privacy" and locked most forums down behind an account wall, a move nobody liked
Damn. I hope the groverhaus thread still exists archived somewhere.
If there was a groverhaus thread there, it would have been in the off topic forum, which was one of the main targets of mass deletion.
chill out
I said please, what more do you need.
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sounds pretty sad desu
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mrs strelok
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Ol' Tejas Strelok likes them big mouthed latinas eh?
>I'm not feeling the atmosphere in Stalker 2
Even in the alpha it's there. You just gotta play it.
Yellow painted ladders are yellow because they are yellow in their real life counter-part. There is no "linearity" that would constitute any sort of incentivizing a direction with colored ladders. It's a misleading non-issue from retards.

He does give credit to the mod creators. You're just a fucking faggot.
Want to play vanilla soc as my first experience with these games. Is it possible to play the games with a Xbox controller? Only use K&m with management and defense game.
motherfucker is a fps game
its meant for mouse and keyboard, if you've never mouse+kb fps games then start now
It won't be the same as the old trilogy. You're not gonna hear loners humming old soviet songs anymore and the style has shifted from pdas/stock 2000's guns to ipads and picatinny's with lasers/red dots. The new map has effectively made it a soft reboot as now alot of the older locations/quests no longer make sense. For example the brain scorcher has been moved to the corner of the map under Yantar and skadovsk is now in the great swamps above CS base.
finally found it, you have to go into the weapons files and change "zoom_hide_crosshair" to false, not as quick as i hoped but still easier than fixing the shitty sights by trial and error.

The fuck is this retardation? im only banned in a schedule? still not buying a shitty pass
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>He does give credit to the mod creators.
>fully broken
>y cum it no shoot gud
I hate console faggots so much its unreal

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the pic is unrelated to my problem, i have this AK that with no spread that all the bullets go up-left the sight. i finally found a scope so all that search was useless anyway
Sounds like your scopes overlays are fucked up and the point is not centered.
was res and renderer are you using?
No no, the scopes are fine, the iron sights in some of the weapons are fucked. My res is 1920x1080, no clue about the renderer, im using dxvk anyway
Of maybe you just need to adjust the aiming coodinates
We don’t even think about you, beta male
>console babby
>y-you're beta m-male
lmao even
what mod and what weapons?
I might be able to just aim them real quick
Yeah. You’re sure acting like alphas... lol so delusional
how do you do it? by trial and error?
the mod is SGM 2.2, i don't remember the names but i think it's the new ones that the mod adds
im not such a child to believe such faggotry.
go touch grass
I use the hud aiming tool in the op if possible. Requires vanilla xrgame.dll
Or port it to anomaly, aim it in debug then copy the coords.
where did you dowload it from?
pretty sure I have that one downloaded already. which weapons are screwed up?
I can probably just fix them an post info here
Pretty sure its the ironsight config tool in here.
It can be a pita to use but go for it
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
i can't check all but heres the ones that i remember, AKM 74, most of the .45 acp pistols, pmm, hpps, p9m and i think the mp7
jesus why so many wtf
how is True Stalker?
cool, good experience
no replay value
what mod would you say has good replay value? just curious
standard cumslinger arsenal. anything that doesn't have cool looking animations wasn't added. aside from that it plays like any gunslinger fork.
very cool levels. a bit too green in some places for my taste but that's that
okay for the most part but my main issue is getting knocked out a million times and too many cutscenes. fun to play through once in a while but not something that you can play over and over again like anomaly
like i said previously a bit too green in some places but overall pretty good looking. some areas are also waaay too saturated
>final verdict
decent. solid 7/10
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i thought that it was a meme. does it actually make a difference?
Maybe it's just placebo but it does seem to run a little better than the regular dx11 exe on my 5800x3D
i remember someone here counted it and it was like 30 something kek
is worth saying that it's very stable and you can fully beat it without a walkthrough
I wouldn't be surprised if they removed aspects of russian culture or fired some of the russian devs due to the war thing. I'm fully expecting good content to be cut for arbitrary reasons. The "made in Slava Ukraina" tacked on every trailer like a Kojima game seems to confirm this.
thats a good question actually, im not sure i can name one, they all seem to be 1 and done, just some are very long
any way to remove these retarded shadows when looking at a certain angle?
r2_sun_near_border 1
r2_sun_near 20

should work but you can fiddle with it to your liking
thanks chief
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Sir This is So F*cking Smart ... Skynet Would be Blushing Seeing This
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what's up fags
SoC > CoP > CS
muh dik
here anon, I did adjusted a bunch of them, if not all of them.

I included an updated spawner script too. launch the game with -cheat_mode flag and once in game F2 brings up the spawner.


I forgot just how jank old mods are, kek
>I did adjusted
*just adjusted
after decades of playing on granny's black friday compaq laptop i have finally built myself a giga pc. i am excited to enjoy stalker with real graphics my friends
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Drink some water you'll be fine.
Anon you're dead, you pissed off the air force. Enjoy the missiles up your arse.
Have fun
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FPS boost that doesn't make graphics worse

Make 24/7 foggy/cloudy weather, this allows us to turn off shadows from the sun and grass (they don't exist in reality in such weather anyway), reduce the detailing and rendering distance, turn off wetting of planes and puddles with reflections. Not rain/thunderstorm, because rain requires wetting of planes, puddles and reflections that eat up FPS, and thunderstorms require shadows from the sun to draw shadows from thunderstorm flashes. Shader fog is also very beautiful, almost not consume FPS and looks better than ugly LODs with poor anti-aliasing at a large distance. This will also allow to reduce the range of alife to 150-300 meters

Install dead vegetation pack with scorched earth textures or a winter pack, this allows us to turn off all the grass at all and it will look normal, unlike summer vegetation, where there will just be a grass texture like in flat britain fields, it will be implied that all the land is scorched or covered with snow.

Turn off flashlights from NPCs and reduce the number of light sources as much as possible. It is assumed that all NPCs wear night vision devices at night so as not to reveal their position.

Change textures of all water and puddles to a frozen swamp, weapon textures to the most rusty/dirty, this will remove the need for shader reflections on them.

cut out all dynamic objects as much as possible, they require a lot of physics, logic and SSAO/shadow processing, it is assumed that they were all stolen by stalkers/monsters/zone
Also shadows processed only on single core with all game logic
This will be fixed only in new project/la DC gunslinger
so even if you play most graphical mods like anomaly custom, you still need to do all these procedures since the monolith engine is no better than the default cop xray in terms of optimization and avx is a gimmick. that's why people's with 7800x3d have 60fps instead 240
It's just guide for optimization
good hunting stalker
you can go even more radical. zone replaces all surfaces with white surfaces...
> no 4k textures processing
> no bloat with mipmapping
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zone replaced the entire zone territory with a flat plane. your pc no longer need to process any level-related geometry.
Don't pla th egame at all. 0 % cpu usage, 0%gpu usage
what the fuck is this audio
What if I'm want to play with VR through VorpX? I need rendering two screens with unique geometry with at least 4096x4096p resolution 120 fps for each
SoC > CS > CoP
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2,5 months left to stop neeting, find a job and earn enough to upgrade my pc and play stalker 2. wish me luck bros
same applies.
so how we feeling on this beautiful september 5th? this wouldve been a great launch date for me since i'm in my last two weeks of freedom before classes start again.
nice SCAR. but he's no anime grill.
we could be playing stalker 2 RIGHT NOW
is it true anything soviet related, posters statues any soviet imagery is removed from the world in STALKER 2? I've been seeing this said but I can't find any articles on it or anything
No articles or anything, it's immediately apparent when looking at the trailers. They also allegedly removed the soviet posters from the OG trilogy on consoles.
Why Is there no SGM+ STCOP 3.7 merge yet

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like stealing content from other games/modders was always a thing in the stalker community but no one does that so patheticly like Grok did
Clear Sky is the LoL of Stalker.
>LoL is shit
>Clear Sky isn't
What did he mean by this
doc, your finger...
anomalous finger
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>10/10 mod of your dreams, perfect gameplay, atmosphere, quest design, visuals
>Has that one feature that makes you lose any desire to play it
Name it
vasyan dev is technically a feature
why is reddit cucked
bizarre question
explain yourself
the retarded tedium for the sake of tedium
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Damn those nazi communists.
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>irrelevant analmeme modpack #3618
>but this time made by vatniggers
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Holy shit, who cares. Redditors are beyond retarded.
>someone saved my screenshot
feels good man
exactly my point.
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>drama revolving around reddit, discord and anomaly modpack
the real question is why do you care.
In 2014 Ukraine banned all communist symbols kinda like the germans banned nazi imagery so you're probs not gonna see any lenin statues in stalker2
>playing in n64 mode
>It won't be the same as the old trilogy
That's the idea. The zone changed. Sure, there will be refferences to old events but it's not just a remake of the OG trilogy.
>I wouldn't be surprised if they removed aspects of russian culture
decommunization is a thing. Doesn't matter that ukraine was a soviet republic, that history is about to be deleted.
>I'm fully expecting good content to be cut for arbitrary reasons
they have already cut a lot of stuff shown in the 2020/2021 trailers. The stuff in the alpha doesn't really show a lot of censorship, so I'm curious how things will be in the final release.
Legend Returns, even in story mode.
Mods are meant to be one-off enjoyments thougheverbeit, and there's always more Stalker mods waiting.
anime is weeb cancer gtfo
>all those broke jank shit guns
no, better off using vanilla coc's guns
mindset issue
Me when I modified the .ini to allow every weapon repair item to repair weapons in any condition. Like what's the point of having weapon maintainer items if they can't be used? It's like saying "you can't use a bandage because you health is too low" or "You can't eat sausage because you are too hungry", and guns in this game like break after a few hundred shots.
no. shit mod issue.
***shit aspect of an otherwise good mod issue
based and correct take
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skill issue
>that upvote to comment ratio
>Oh yeah, that's right. I'm hated by most of the world these days.
lmao. why would that be, i wonder…
Anime website, newfag.
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theres no skill in jumping through tedium hoops becuase the modder is a vasyan fuckwit who thinks that dumb shit is immersion
I'm playing GAMMA and my carry weight dropped from 64kg to 44kg, no sleepiness, no hunger, no thirst, healed at a medic but it's still the same. I can't seem to find the reason and I don't want to revert to an older save.
post your cock faggot

>canned reply #17
if you can't adapt, you die. you probably got filtered on cordon, it's okay
what I really like is how it achieves so much without item bloat like misery and every item plays tightly into the economy
Maybe it was a backpack or piece of equipment that you changed?
What ini setting adjusts how close or fog starts rendering from the player?
Getting real tired of True Stalker ending its cutscenes with me staring down the barrel of a gun.
Hey faggots how have y'all been here?
I have been been playing SoC. After playing Anomaly for a while it is nice to go back to the roots. Has anyone played that new Anomaly Custom shit? Is it good?
This days I have been playing Anomaly mainly vanilla.
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kek, picrel comes from that account
average anomaly player
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Lol you don't need to change .in files you can literally change these settings in the menu.

Also, it matters because the challenge is supposed to be weapon maintenance. If you go below 35% you need to entirely replace parts, and if those parts are worn down or broken you can only repair them to a certain point before needing to rely on parts from scavenged weapons. It isn't that hard. I get it being a pain in the ass but it isn't like it makes no sense.
>Tranime website
yeah I'm a noob at the series, mommy's boyfriend bought me the series on xbox.
I play a bit after my lunch of tendies and chocolate malk.
someone told me it was a good mod so I downloaded the game to play on pc its my first mod ever
Huh. You can have shooting stars and bolides in game? Is that part of a mod?
>Average OP 2.2 player
yes, i have seen it, thank you for asking
lol get on with the times grandpa
lmao my bad. Forgot to remove the name shit because Im at work.
to answer your question - i think it's a random event akin to a blowout. i kept hearing radio crackle for the duration of it, but otherwise nothing happened
Is this from the Diana mod or Anomaly?
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The memes were true lmao
Narodnaya Solyanka 2016
wtf, chernyy stalker? is that you?
EHRM, it's CHORNYY, bigot
Kek this
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have sex
she'so beautiful and valid
wife material
>decommunization is a thing. Doesn't matter that ukraine was a soviet republic, that history is about to be deleted.
Again, what's exactly is so bad about totalitarian symbols crumbling away into irrelevancy, again?
He looked like a faggot and now looks like a faggot but with long hair.
>"most beautiful 'woman' you've ever met"
Holy cope. TTD
thats not cherrypickign you fucking retard
Probably because it's obvious propaganda and one-sided, as opposed to being forgotten more naturally without some form of enforcement.
Ngl, the flashlight upgrade in NLC is fucking dope
How communist symbols falling apart from the lack from the elements and lack of maintenance propaganda?
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While playing First Days of the Zone - Creature in the Mist, I noticed the mod has a pretty soulful song on the radio. I tweaked the audio file and recorded Zone ambience playing in the Yantar bunker with the song.

> better alife overhaul for anomeme
> thirty scripts with tens of thousands of lines of code for each
> OLR 3.0
> even more scripts and thousands of lines
I just want to understand alife and set it up perfectly for myself. If it's just "Brownian motion of NPCs", then why so much bloat? I'm staying with SoC...
Vasyan modders will gaslight you into believing that NPCs need to do 27295027 arbitrary functions all at once, offline and online, because...
Meanwhile AT MOST a dozen of those are actually cool and meaningful and will probably impact the gameplay in an interesting way
Why does the OGSR UI look the way it does? I don't just want to say "soulless" but...well, it's more that it looks like a placeholder. Very bare with no style, purely functional.
The little radio messages that pop up in the corner of the screen feel so sad now and disconnected from the world, they're just a bit of text that pops up down there. No personality.
It's a pity because I like the physicality the engine brings to the game.
What does A-Life do? Is it like those routines NPCs do in Bethesda games or Ultima VII? Or something like in Sims when NPC is hungry they try to grab shit from the fridge?
That's the reason the devs gave for these symbols being removed; lack of maintenance of those structures?
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it's just kinda like, the name for the AI systems that make the NPCs more interesting than most games
pretty sad there's been few games as ambitious with this sort of thing in the last 17 fucking years, especially with how popular open world games became

This is a good read
in my opinion, a simple algorithm that would drive NPCs to all sorts of waypoints is enough. without any crap specifying the group, map, rank, place for mining artifacts, capturing points, ignoring important story quest smart terrain, etc. we just take a common class that unites all sorts of NPCs/mutants, and just chaotically drive them around waypoints with periodic rest at these same waypoints. so that NPCs stop for rest/guitar/jokes exactly at the place of waypoints, it's atmospheric to see stalkers resting in the most unusual random places on a bare field, and not in pre-prepared places with pre-set boxes, chairs, mattresses, fires... smart terrains are only needed for story NPCs.
yeah the death of something usually is pretty one sided.
yeah cuz its that simple
Do you think structures that have been abandoned for 40 years now, now with both gunfights and anomalous activity having occurred, are going to stay perfect? Just so you can jerk off to the hammer and sickle?
I really hope STALKER 2 has a good system for the AI and has NPCs moving around and doing stuff not just spending the rest of their life getting sores on their ass by the campfire
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Controls how NPCs/mutants behave but SoC's A-life system is pretty amazing compared to other games. When you encounter a pack of mutants and the mutants flee once you kill the majority of them, that's one example of a-life.

SoC's original AI dev went to fight in the war. He could be dead.
The promise of A-Life has always been to me, the idea that NPCs have their own lives--independent of the player. That's the ultimate immersion for me, to feel like I'm inhabiting a more /alive/ world with the potential for surprise/chaos and to feel less like the hero or protagonist of the story. The Zone feels less like it was made for me and more like I arrived in it with everyone else. Tough to think of anything else that inspires that feeling, when most open world games are a checklist with you firmly at the helm driving through faceless fodder. Known quantities.
Lost to the Zone
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You and me both, fren.
Based noticer.
I see tranny delusion never stops.
You are right, it is just that how to make that promise alive is hard to get right. I think schedules are not enough, npcs should somehow react and have goals on their own which may affect other's goals. Also players should be able to understand what's going on.
>I added EQ
That doesn't say a lot, what does the EQ do / What are the settings?
More importantly, how is the mod?
Based ESL
14.5 for me
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Has the mod been good so far? I heard its quest design is pretty specific, can you play without a guide?
IQ issue
alife is easy, engine is harder
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good day /sg/
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Thats one of thereason why im not visiting reddit in the first place (also who the fuck cares)
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havea good day for you as well
I have come to the conclusion that anime fags, anti anime fags, and pirates, function as the vegans of 4chan in that they must always proclaim their action and intent.
Lmfao I'm playing too and it really starts ramping that up in Garbage huh? first with the carpark bandits and now the stalkers stopping me from leading the soldier. Cutscene ends instant buckshot in my face. I guess they didn't think it through for master difficulty
back when i played i rmembered this used to happen sometimes and I had to take off and put my carryweight giving gear back on
>trying out ‘anomaly custom’
>emission starts
>strident ringing sound starts playing
is there a way to disable this?
>playing anomaly custom
>mod hacks my pc and it realizes that i live in america
>blows up and takes half a block with it
typing this from the hospital rn. 3rd degree burns over 95% of my body.
worth it
>playing the anti-LGBTQIA+ zigger modpack
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>playing the anti-LGBTQIA+ zigger modpack
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>SoC's original AI dev went to fight in the war. He could be dead.
Nah they would have announced that just like with the CS dev that gave his likeness to Loki
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Classic. I am currently playing SoC with its overhaul Memories of the Zone. I actually encountered Wolf at that spot in Army Warehouses, alive! Standing a few meters from the fire. They fixed that shit. I think I never saw him alive after he leaves Rookie village until now
Bye bye, thread
so how do I mute the fucking strident sound? is there a file to delete or what..
Im playing AMK from the op, any idea why my game started suddenly crashing every minute while in wild territory? It doesnt seem related to anything, as i can bruteforce my way through it with enough restarts. It was working just fine when i first got there and escorted kruglov out.
I never looked into the game files or how the game functions, and I've never programmed, but even if you found the exact file, couldn't deleting it lead to problems if the game expects it? I would just edit the sound file to be silent.
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yeah, deleting the some sound files worked. thanks
morituri te salutant
should i ever clean out saves i have like 50 quicksaves already
so edit it, change it.
Nothing stopping you but yourself.
which amk?
anything in the log after you crash?
>using quicksaves instead of hard saves
ypu should be fine but you can cut the old ones out of there and paste them in a backup folder such as backup_saves, outside of your saves folder.
1.41 AE, and nope, nothing in there, the games just insta dies.
no fucking difference
bitch ass lie
doesn't matter if i press f5 or type "save username - quicksave" into the console, it does the same thing
Many thanks for this, i'll make sure to fully beat this mod for your effort
I sometimes wish the music on the internet had the same shitty quality as the radio my dad had on his old shitbox, brings me back.
poor egghead he seems quite traumatized
Problem is, that never came to be. Alife is very static. COP having squads randomly move to locations was the closest you got. SOC has the appearance of having more ALIFE, but in reality there are just stages that are set based on quest progression flags that lead to static setups changing and different people spawning at different places. TES Oblivion actually has more of what people are wanting out of Alife, and that's the super cut down version without all the features Bethesda intended to have due to issues like console limitations and hungry npcs getting killed for stealing food.
what version?
have you tried ctrl+v in a notepad after crashing?
If its still blank, we got nothing besides the regular suggestions.
Reinstall, whitelist install directory, redistributables, gpu drivers
> hiflyer last online is 5 jule
We need polished 3.0 release
Balance is broken, stability is broken, graphics on dx9 is broken, unnecessary improvisation and ideas from disdocs
finish this damn 3.0, make LADC-like version with improved graphics and gunslinger to attract a new players
SOP won't be able to fix quest and story bugs, they don't have sources of spawn
It was stupid to release 3.0 at once. The developer took on something he couldn't handle. It would have been much better for mod reputation and stability if 3.0 had been split into several versions like 2.6, 2.6.5, 2.7, 2.7.5, 2.8, 2.8.5, 2.9, 2.9.5, released every new year.
lay the foundation in the form of alife and freeplay in 2.6 in 2015, and with each new version add new content
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>and hungry npcs getting killed for stealing food.
wow just like real life
You have been visited by The Electra of Total Mutant Death.
Safe passages and free shotgun ammo will come to you in NLC, but only if you post THANK YOU BASED ELECTRA in this thread.
Snowfall and snowstorm is most atmospheric weather
I don't play nigger level changer so I don't care
>8k and up texture
when will they learn
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>game set to low quality, 800x600
>weapon on hud disabled
800x450p on 1600x900 monitor

xray have 800 pixel limitation only horizontal, which is why you can't set 640x480p or 799x600p
i have a crt lying around somewhere but im too scared to open it and make it work lest i break something
otherwise just for funs sake i turn the resolution all the way down on stalker even though my monitor is 1920x1080
im gonna play gamma again
I am amused by the low resolution effect, it makes the image look very soulful, especially in combination with filters like VHS, graininess, stripes. I sincerely do not understand the /v or /g regulars for whom even 1080p is not enough, cringe and "poorfag". I'm sure these are propoganda bots from nvidia/samsung/taiwan_tech_comapny_name/government which promoting consumption and spending money for new tech, it's primarily beneficial to them.
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not bad honestly, looks better than the average analmeme repack with 5 gorillion graphic mods
looks like the world view of those top down stalker screenshot that were posted
surely using the crt is better than just letting it collect dust
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>dumbass kids are thinking the horrible experience I had playing the games on a toaster laptop 18 years ago is "le sovl"
Get off my fucking lawn.
stupid nigger
It was broken in some capacity when I stored it away and I forgot what happened to it.
I just think it's neat to sometimes play in a different way. Not really "SOVL" for me, just interesting
Only low FPS was horrible experience. And very low detailing settings, where LODs are drawn after a couple of meters, and objects are drawn before your eyes. 480p resolution and dx8 is fine now and then
>30 medkits
I don't think i ever carried that much. It's always 5 each, not including scientific, and I usually don't even end up using military medkits
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get some sleep grandpa, you are getting grumpy
>Often outdated; use only as a last resort!
Maybe it's about time to revamp this?
Absolutely ultra settings with path tracing ray reconstruction in silky smooth 60FPS in absolutely every game. Thanks to DLSS ultra performance and frame generation
Stalker on Doom engine
thanks for the new weapon dead stalker i will put it to good use
i hate the fucking walk to the bar. fucking dogs and cats
>true stalker
don't waste your time with that garbage. the game gets worse and worse the more you play
>fucking dogs and cats
use a pistol to fuck those critters up. don't waste shotgun or rifle ammo on them
its alright so far, im having fun but that might be because i havent played anything stalker in two years. i miss the a life though

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