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Bearded women edition

>The War Within

>The story so far

Reminder to have fun and not take 4chan too seriously!

Previous >>492354330
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nice qa blizz
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Cute and canon
How do I turn marks of honor into gold
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Druids are based.
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based on what
>have to wait 2 weeks to buy df pvp sets
based on dabbing on troons like you
God my realm is so fucking dead trade and city chats are dead at launch
whats the current meta for lvling? still dungeon spam?
finished all side quests I skipped on main and still need 2 lvls
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>do dragonriding quest
>150g reward
Dungeons to 76
Campaign from there
Have they finally discovered The Dykes Within themselves yet?
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why did no one tell me that Mistweaver is exactly like a DPS spec but with instant queue times? what have i been doing my whole life?
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Do you say anything at the end of dungeons? I was just running with some people who were super fucking funny. Are you fun in dungeons anon?
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I bet benedryll in Hallowfall is a Naaru and it turns purple because he and Xalatah are fucking
Depends on my mood and vibe of the group. Sometimes I'm cracking jokes and going with the feel of things, while other times I'm locked in just there to do my job
I prefer the former, having a good time and all
Do you just dump all your rage into Ironskin as Guardian Druid? How the fuck do people maintain such high stacks?
Fistweaver has always been god tier.
I've never used the chat in my entire time with the game. I wish I could but I never run into anyone talking. I play this game singleplayer
i wouldnt say exactly, but its definitely the most enjoyable healer
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>vote kick reason: back to queue
>it passes
know your place dps FAGGOTS
If they got rid of needing dnd and decay to cleave frost would be perfect
whats the least enjoyable
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i guess you could say he's a...cowboy bee bop
The void launches old gods across space to corrupt planets, maybe the light tried it too and thats what beledar is.
Can't believe anyone actually pays for this shit in 2024. Is the population 100% troons now?
>another expansion of being the guild bitch and keeping my head down and grinding professions to be gifted a raid spot for my useless ass class
Blizzard......please let me play.
That is the joke, yes.
I hate that I hate Andy this xpac.
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What the fuck
probably resto druid for me. if you just wanna heal bot im sure its fine but attempting to do any damage feels awkward and sometimes risky
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WoW is the most popular expansion ever, better than ROBLOX
Shills BTFO
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I've managed to kick people like you countless times. The trick is to be obnoxious in chat and then pretend that you're calling a vote to kick yourself. People just see "get rid of this kid" or something as the reason and don't check the name. BAM! Eat that timeout for 30 min, fucker!
For the most part, yeah. It's easy to maintain high stacks during incarn. Ursocs endurance and layered mane can help with increasing stacks but you probably shouldn't take them since thorns of iron damage is reduced beyond 4 stacks of iron fur.
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I am the avatar of death
can you get banned for calling someone a faerin in trade?
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my honest reaction to this information.
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Who gives a fuck about streamer opinions? Seriously?
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guys...what do...
File deleted.
Rate my TWW team
You're on a board who's adjacent is literally nothing but people caring about Twitter posts and Twitch viewer numbers as if they meant anything at all
Wow I fucking LOVE WW monk.

First retard-proof spec I have ever actually enjoyed. Very cool.
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never giving loot to opposing faction
Samwise art is the real essence of Warcraft, not those disney like renders we have today. I wish he did a redraw of those WC3 and WC2 wallpalers for 4k monitors.
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Attention whores feed off what? Attention. Starve them of it and they'll eventually stop posting bullshit that's not relevant.
My only regret is that I do not have four hands to pet them all with
Really wish I could appreciate footstuff with xalatath and all. Just does nothing for me, like staring at a blank wall.
never been kicked in my life
Easier said than done, thankfully the platforms they use are literally dying so it works out
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kill yourself
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For all the discussions I'd been seeing on this thing, I might be blind, but never saw mention of it turning purple on occasion.
So that came as a fun surprise to watch happen right after I got the dumb shot I intended.
I'm wanking to this rn
The game seriously looks nothing like that art. I dont get it. When I first saw some of these models they have now its just like what the hell bro its lame. how do you make a rotten zombie look lame and safe
Gotcha thanks, I noticed most bear druids don't use maul either which was where a good bit of my rage was going too
Ah too bad. I just love how Xally's feet are so soft and smooth looking. Nice cute toes. They look really nice and I bet feel good on my face
But sometimes a kink just doesnt do anything for you, is what it is
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Anyone want to be my cute elf gf? I
>55 minutes
yeah nah
Kill yourself
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i love pokemon
aw man come on why did you have to post this
it's great. regular NPCs like farmers and stuff run to hide inside buildings in mereldar when it turns purple
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lvl 77 now bros
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>54 mins
I've been kicked once because two retards were arguing in group, one got kicked and then someone said I was in the same guild so they kicked me, despite not even being in a guild. The other time I was healing a heroic and a full stack kicked me for taking some trivial avoidable damage.

Some people just deserve to die, simple as.
>Xalatath preserving the balance to keep Azeroth from being destroyed by too much Light like AU Dreanor
Best girl
>didn't level before the nerf
everyone laugh at this frog
pvre kino
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His scenarios really caught the feeling and environment of the RTS, I don't know if he did something for the MMO
I got kicked from an old dungeon while levelling because i did less dps than the healer
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is he right?
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>disconnect for 30 seconds
>get kicked
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It was really cool and the NPCs react accordingly
There's a rare mount that spawns when it goes purple by the way
I'd rather have this than Maye's futranny goonsquad
look at how tauren have slid through 3(?) model changes into basically being happy cow men
do people here actually use the warband character select? its so ugly
so...are they harvesting goo from a chunk of an old god to make their supersoldiers?
Blizzard needs to remove the vote kicking feature it's been abused wayyyyy more than it's used as intended
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i initiated the kick
yep. just like cthun made evolved qiraji
>I don't know if he did something for the MMO
Yeah he did
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Azj-Kahet had some pretty good quests and side quests. Not a lot of woke shit and a couple pretty funny ones. 8/10
Back to your containment thread miqote
Doing quests on my DK. Destroy everytthing.
Doing same quests on my MORE geared shadow. Getting bodied by mobs. What the fuck is this
This dude radiates pedo vibes, seize his hard drives!
stop spamming this shit, it isnt funny
Jesus christ
I crave the Orcs vs Humans conflict so fucking bad
No morally gray
No redeeming or misunderstood enemies
No girlbosses and incompetent or emasculated men
Just two factions killing each other without caring about warcrimes or sacrifices but just total annihilation with their survival at stake
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He asks the right questions.
nah, i liked dragonflight and i also like TWW. both are good.
any article on what the fuck this was about?
Sounds boring
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I cannot understand these types of humans. There are Vtubers out there, people without cams, voice changers, animal avatars.. yet this dude wakes up every morning, looks into the mirror, sees a rotten, discarded meth baby and thinks "hell yeah, I'll show the entire world this face that belongs into rekt threads".
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the only acceptable eceleb posting
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Can you stop posting literal snuff
Nobody thinks your jokes are funny or "based"
It's just weird to spam that video, not even in an edgy way, just really weird
Stop posting it ty
Are you roping other trolls into your crusade of getting goated now?
It's like ejaculating in the sea and expecting from your sperm cells to inseminate someone.
How do I turn on crab mode?
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>Only 77
Yeah, you'll never catch up. Better luck in midnight bro...
jelly worgie
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>those shoulders
I approve!
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What's your favorite lore-fact that you like of WoW?

Mine is that the Alliance/Humans' common isn't english. I always thought the scribbles on plaques were just due to low res, but they're latin. And Seasons of War actually has lyrics. The fact that, that song is from the human's POV of the orc's invading makes it so much more grander to me.

I see what you did there, you fuck.
how the fuck are servers somehow more laggy now than it was on release
She was 36 in bfa. She's like 44 now or some shit.
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Lol im tempted to play just to do this.
>Death's advance is a 100% speed sprint
bro what the F*DGE
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from 200k to 3.2m in a week with only one character and one profession
that's just rude
Tranny game
that each planet has a world soul which can turn into a titan
Shut up Blizzard Employee
Which makes it even weirder how my Kul Tiran druid can communicate just fine with the earthen, the nerubians and the underground ancient trolls.
Im talking about the snuff video idiot
How much time spent posting your professions and doing that shit?
Compare that to buying tokens and working a real job.
The essence of warcraft's original look and feel was a combination of Samwise's charm, Metzen's edge and Horley's vividness
anduin needs to give her autistic babies
achstually not every planet have a soul
Impetus, bro, wtf happened
is that tsm?
>Metzen's edge
So far I've seen Metzen being a pawn or someone castrated him on the way
So the Dark Heart just converts shit like Decay/Arcane into Void?
>literally calls her Aunt Jaina
Keep your faggot shit to yourself
rate my warband sisterbros.
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Or you could just save your real money and play the game for free.

Hell, if you want to get really smart, you could invest 15 dollars a month into like a 401k, haha
Still shit loser
Why don't you go f-
....-ind yourself a cookie... because your warband is... cool...
I made the terrible mistake of rolling hunter for TWW and now I'm bored. I've legit just stopped playing because of how boring it is. Which is more fun, mage or shaman?
It's not free when you play the game for 8+ hours per day like a job to make gold. You're basically just buying gold with extra steps, except that your return per hour is worse than if you just worked.
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>He plays Hunter
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Nice suit.
People weren't hating it like I wanted :(
It's not rude. What's rude is jumpscaring people with pictures of roadkill in youtube thumbnails.
both enh and arcane are very fun, can always try ele if brainlet
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Either shes sitting the wrong way or I am.
how are they actually related though? doesn't look like she's his actual aunt.
>man puts penis into woman's vagina
What sort of pol brainwashing happened to you?
Look at the size of this thing.
He had kids. That ruins anyone.
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I just wanted to be picrel, specifically so I can expose her tummy and goon. Why does life have to be so hard?
I'm NEET so I don't work. Sitting on my couch watching youtube while cancel scanning is way more preferable to a job and spending $200 on tokens. Most of that cancel scanning was done over early access, only went hard for a couple days.


Nice mog.

That's too much even for you.
Can the avatarfags, furfags, and avatarfurfags
leave please, you ruin the thread
female worgens were made for vulpera cock
My battlenet friends list seems strangely empty compared to SL or DF launch.
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Thanks for your nothing input, person apparently contributing to the thread.
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>Male humans utterly seething and coping and malding
>the literal tumor speaks of others being the problem
/pol/ has tons of incest threads
South American retards deserve to die.
shes uglyhot
>expansion thematically fitting for paladin
>all paladin spec sucks
What did blizz mean by this?
They're talking about the game, you leave.
>That's too much even for you.
That's improper Dwarvish behaviour.
ret is top tier dps though
Now do it without owning the current expansion
Nice self snitching. So you frequent pol and insect threads? Interesting
Why no half-elves? U just know NE and BE fuck human men
They don't, they keep themselves pure unlike h*mans
Isn't there a spray or concoction that you can throw in a balloon towards a woman face to make all her makeup melt instantly? Wouldn't that demoralize them to the point where you can just go and slice their neck without effort? Fighting women should be trivial.
Mommy Valeera made Anduin pull out? Lame
Can't play much Tue/Wed, all my friends ran heroics endlessly the first two days to get max gear and stone upgrades. All my friends are done running heroics right now they said, running lfg. Start to realize that WoW without friends is pretty fucking miserable. Sorry to blog post just disheartened with this shit since I ran untold keys for them all and their alts when I only play one character.
is windwalker easy or hard
Is Arator Windrunner a JOKE to you?
You can take a photo of them and pass it through MakeApp, then show the result to her. It's basically the same thing.
Well the Windrunner family prove you wrong.
The miracles of modern technology...
>close friend ive known for years
>in BFA we rushed exalted every faction got geared up ready on launch for udlir
>despite logging into EA with me he hasnt touched reputations at all
>he doesnt play all day anymore
>he hasnt even logged in today
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Is outdoors code for not in bgs or arenas
He is for Blizzard.
I tried dragonflight briefly and didn't like it at all. I'm having fun in TWW.

>t. haven't played retail since 2019
male elves arent interested in having kids. theyre nigh immortal and they will have to take care of them forever. with a human, your kids will die before you, so you can keep having kids without worrying
the state of modern "mmos" if wow can even be called that, it's more like a single player theme park meant to milk you of money
what am I supposed to do
I'm level 80 and just running in circles
>I'm having fun in TWW.
This has been debunked actually
how long do you think it would take to do literally every quest in wow
back to your containment thread esl
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I don't mind sinking money into the carnival with all the rides and flashing lights, so long as I'm having fun.
I was about to engage you in good faith but then I've noticed that you're a coomer so retroactively all you said is irrelevant.
Mage would be a lot better if you didn't have to play arcane and memorize the 20+ step opener
Why would I not want to play the current expansion...?
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Human
>Female Blood Elf
>Female Void Elf
>Female Night Elf
>Female Pandaren
>Female Draenei
>Male Orc
>Male Kul Tiran
>Male Worgen
Meanwhile, your post will be REGARDED MORE HIGHLY if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Gnome
>Female Goblin
>Female Dwarf
>Female Worgen
>Female Undead
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.
Fucking true! I hate playing Arcane. It's total AIDS.
You're sneaking money for a script to change a value in database.
And last time I've checked Americans were crying even when they had to pay 100$ for a ticket somewhere let alone 200$ at a carnival or even a grill with friends and so on.
I dropped the class entirely when I realized Fire was the only fun spec. Feels weird to play a class where I'm only really enjoying one playstyle.
because you cant afford it. Im trying to buy a wow token but I just cant find a way to make money
how is it incest
Good thing I'm not American. I'm Norwegian. I spend on average $350 on digital goods, games and cosmetics every single month. I'm a whale and I'm not ashamed to admit it. This is my only hobby and I spend a lot of time on it.
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I can afford it though, I get NEETbux
you could've spent 5 hours per day confessing your inner feelings and secrets to then at the end of the day this is a treadmill and you're just a set of numbers on a table computing numbers and if you're not optimal they'll ghost you and replace you with literal satan if he's 2% better
i bet every (you) is coming from the same lunatic , just report the avatroons
I'm doing all the side quests. I'm waiting for DMF to do 2 zones side quests on Sunday, but I knocked out Azj-Kahet yesterday and will do ringing deeps today.
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she needs more screentime
Are you even reading my post?
cant wait for tokens to drop to 100k again and i can stock up on 2 years worth of subs
I know you're seeing yourself in a positive light, but from the bottom of my heart, the truth: you're pathetic but at least you're self-aware which is the first step towards recovery.
Are you?
>because you cant afford it.
I can afford it
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Moonkin rotation always had a rhythm to it. You could find the note and play it well no matter how long the fight went, in fact, the longer it went the better for you. It was like a dance. Force of Nature and Warrior of Elune never fit into this rotation, they were niche abilities only used in particular situations. Now both are mandatory and the moonkin rotation has no rhythm, it's horrific to anyone who'd ever learned to properly dance a moonkin before. Not saying it won't be affective, it's just that it's a dog walking on a piano. It's as bad as a playstyle can be, tho new moonkins may not mind it.
guys im new to tww whys miles morales missing an arm
did the evil herpes lady in >>492391194 take it?
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Who asked for this feature

how would you feel if you didnt have breakfast this morning
the cosplayer looks like a trashy bimbo
Tell me how it's any different from spending the same amount on golf, scuba diving, climbing, martial arts or whatever else?
Fact is that there is no difference. You sound jealous. Not to worry, you'll get more comfortable in your own skin once you get older.
who else #refundchad here?
feels good ngl
It's also building the entire toolkit around a literal row two ability. Moonkins have to key up bottom row abilities to properly build around two spells that are terrible.
That isnt going to happen
I play as male because I don't have porn induced confusion and inability to quit that addiction to heal.
2h frost is kino dual wield is cringe!
How do I spend skyriding glyphs?
*give up
my b, the state of this spec makes me angry.
I come here rarer than ever because this place is boring af.
But every time I come you guys complain about bank this not working, auction house being shut down, things being bugged, that being exploited... the state of the game seems to be seriously sad.
I'm not a nigger, maybe you should just word things better anon. Not my problem you can't afford the game. Of course professions no one is buying shit from previous expansions.
you don't. get them all and you get a mount reward. skyriding talents just improve as you level up.
You don't. It's just an achievement and mount to collect them all.
Those are respectable hobbies that men do. WoW is a manchilds hobby. I play too but at least im not a delusional cooper.
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jesus christ dude.
Retail WoW is unironically barely held together with bits of duct tape and gum. It's the reality we have come to accept.
You'll learn one day boy.
My realm was straight up bugging out yesterday and people were flying around without mounts and noclipping and AH was down forever
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Where do you think you are? Take a step back and observe. You're on a Tibetan basket weaving forum, in the video game section, in a thread specifically about World of Warcraft. Knowing this you still have the gall to complain about people playing and enjoying the game?
Are you completely devoid of any self-awareness?
They used to be a requirement for the Pathfinder achievement, but later on they reduced it just to the main story (Pathfinder) and so the glyphs are just a chievo that comes with the mount.
the 3 most famous thalassian elf women all fuck human men retard
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we love slutty jaina
Sure thing kiddo
It's melty hours again
You didn't say "now imagine trying to do this if you didn't have the expansion like me" you just said "now do it without owning the current expansion" - sounds like you're trying to get in some kind of own, like why the fuck would I want to not take advantage of the expansion rush?

Jesus christ indeed.
Are you the guy who spams >she >her in every tranny thread on /gif/ like it's his job?
I think you really need your neetbux
that's canon lore no matter how hard you cope and seethe
Ok kiddo
dey need it for dei
Trannies, furries and coomers really take over at night don't they?
I accept you concession
Of course its EU hours
EU is still asleep. This is when Americans are at home from work late at night, pushing the 5th can of alcohol to cope with the state of the game.
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Hello friends!
I'm new here from Reddit (have you been to our community yet? It's amazing!). Hope you are all enjoying the War Within. Blizzard really cooked in the kitchen with this one, am I right?? Ha-ha.
Hope to see you all in game soon. Oh and don't forget, head over to Reddit and remember to be polite for lots of Karma! #votekamala
you will never be a fury warrior
>around midnight in US
>afternoon in Auscuntopia
This is and the following 2 or so hours is literally the worst time.
whoever told me enhance is just a braindead buttonmasher that i could faceroll and do well on fuck you this is cancer

im going rsham
Stay poor
aren't healers played by addons?
why are 2h int maces in holy paladins loot tables when they cant even fucking press sotr without a shield equipped
Ah shit, I didn't even think about those God damn Australians.
that's warrior
this thing took like 30 seconds to solve. are people really having trouble with basic puzzles now?
Lol so assblasted
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i just blast. i'm a shitty typist so i stick to my job and hope the other four people understand pulling groups to LOS. it doesn't actually matter if they do or not in heroics, but its annoying to have dps touching the mobs before i have them all grouped on a corner for cleave.
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Not the same guy.
nobody has ever said that. enhance is widely agreed upon to be one of the most convoluted and demanding DPS specs, with a fast rotation, excessive keybinds, and complicated split second decision making, as well as an intense positional dependency.

it is one of, if not THE hardest dps to play, and extremely easy to fuck up, on top of also being highly fight/mechanic dependent
i did... took me about 1.5 minute
i like these though. these and the string ones. it scratches an itch.
Do I have to do these Delver's Call quests for the sojourner achievement?
no, but some quests do take you through delves
no. Pick them up anyway if you ever intend to do the delves because they give brann exp
>Champion! we need you to unclog the base's sewer pipes!
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Where can I get this slutmog?
is that the tranny pipeline haahahahahha
playing mistweaver with macro binds feels so fucking good i'm never playing anything else fuck fuck druid fuck evoker
My friend couldn't even explain to you what half the Enhance talents did in s3 of DF or how to play the spec outside of "dont waste hot hands or maelstrom" and "make sure u dont overcap hailstorm". He routinely parsed 96%+ in raid and was top 5% enhance in every m+ season we played. That spec is barely harder than fury.
god she's so fucking hot...
you have to pass the sex minigame
Just questing in Isle of Dorn and a war supply crate drops right next to me and I get ganked by a bunch of fag horde who instantly showed up.
This is what getting hit by lightning must feel like
Despite the dwarfs with beards, the rampant feminist propaganda and limited hype surrounding tww, I'm kind of enjoying this expansion.
Give it to me straight, am I huffing copium?
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>tagging someone with motw as you fly by
Poop quests are WoW's staple, your point?
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cant be me
its all up to your personal opinion and whether or not you're enjoying yourself.
>rampant feminist propaganda

this is a meme and not actually true
>i kinda like wow mechanics
yeah but its gated behind a horrid 6 hour cutscene
>doing mythic + is fun
yeah but its not even out for like 3 weeks
>raids are pretty good
yeah but i'll have to see that nigress all the time
>pvp is alright if you dont take it too seriously
yeah but every character is a girlboss and the game is pozzed to shit

ok, it's a refund for me.
tried mw, rdruid and tranny healer

all 3 unfun. is the role just lame or am i picking lame specs? Hpal seems kinda cool i might try that.
You should spend less time on this board if you take any of the shitposting seriously. You are a broken person.
Moonkin is the WORST dps spec in this game. Yes they bring some utility, no it's not worth it. Not right now. Shun moonkins, tell them to pound sand, ridicule them for being losers.
It's really not, I've lost track of the amount of times in this expansion the newly introduced male character is corrupt only to be saved by the by the vitreous brave female character.
how do i get better on not overcapping my combo points with feral?

it feels like the procs are constantly overcapping me with combo points and im wasting them. or should i just not worry about it?
horde can't win unless it's 3v1
I hate being called champion, specially on a fresh toon
I just ended up logging out and getting back on PoE. A few people wrote me on discord asking if I was done gearing, and I just said no. By my 12th heroic where I had noone to talk to, was beating half the dps as a healer, I just realized I wasn't having fun. It's not stressful, hard or anything like that. It just isn't fun by myself anymore.
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my ilvl 200 alts (didnt play dragonflight) take 10 minutes to kill each War Within quest mob.
i had mutliple trannies in pug raids hit on me over discord in dragonflight. seriously they make me want to vomit
...were do you think we are?
Why is fire mage always bottom tier I've never seen it be top tier unless mage itself as a class is broken for an expansion and even then the spec is always the third best option.
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Spend 2k gold on AH getting geared then.
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there's probably a priority list or flowchart somewhere, or perhaps your haste is too low and you're getting bottlenecked by GCD
just buy cheap gear on the auction house
Isn't that what real wow players always craved from the leveling experience ever since cata when you auto magically cleared everything in seconds?
I redeemed a woe token for game time to check this out and I really regret it. I don't think its for me anymore. Is there anyway I can get support to refund me
found the misosexist, be canceled
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is this good pls help
it was the premier dps spec for pretty much every era of warcraft because of how well it scaled with crit chance. you are cooked, my guy.
its always shit in season 1 and godlike in season 4 because of how it scales. retard. we go through this every xpac.
Try it out and let us know.
what about the fact that the competent grandson and granfather combo save the entire earthen race?

or the fact that both of the primary villains who keep trying to kill everybody are women?

or alleria constantly fucking up because she's being corrupted and repeatedly needs saving by kadgar and anduin?

or marrix and his entire sidestory?

you guys point to a few examples and then ignore the rest of the characters in the expansion, cherry picking to support some dumb narrative that isnt actually there.
as a tank that trinket accounts for 10% of my overall dps
its shit. fought 3 quest mobs and it only hit 1 time
Go to bed, blizzard employee.
Cool story. Do the Legion Mage Tower.
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Current warband. Some of the weps keep bugging on the login screen though.
i never realized apparitions accounted for so little damage. always seemed like they were a way bigger contributor
>the flop within
well that's another expansion down the toilet
here's hoping they actually do something good with classic+. even though they clearly aren't capable of making anything good anymore
maybe, just maybe the d4 expansion will be good (lol)
I got DCed for no reason then can't log back in. Cool.
nta and while I agree with what you posted, also consider
>how many times there are females replacing males in leader roles
>as opposed to males replacing female leaders
>also how many incompetent cowardly females there are
>compared to how many incompetent cowardly males there are
It's just too on the nose when you have a dialogue like "girlboss, you have proven to be so much better at everything by being a woman doing womanly things, you've done in a moment what a men couldn't do for generations!"
It's just so childish.
quit letting 4chan and asmongold tell you what to think chud
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is there anything in War Within with as much soul as pic related?
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looks like a cheap whore
>play wow
>literally get sweaty and smell bad
>only happens when I play wow
sisters?? help?
>Dragonflight was praised for respecting players time and giving them more freedom
>investors didn't like the fact that lots of players unsubbed between patches because they were finished with gearing in a month.
>TWW does the complete opposite and time gates the fuck out of everything including professions. All while having less content overall
It's a damn shame. Df was probably my favorite xpac since BFA and Wotlk. This shit will kill WoW quicker than Sneedlands.
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Still waiting on the sex minigame with Alexstrasza to be added.
no thanks. i didnt play in legion, was it fun?

apparitions were nerfed in DF after season 2. the tier set buffed apparition dmg and rewarded you for doing your rotation correctly and it was OP. SA was your top 4 dmg % in m+, now its back to <5% dmg.
I feel like earthen were basically earth elementals made by the titans, why are they robots now
stop dilating, let the wound close and heal. get corrective surgery if it doesnt
you might not get your nuts back but at least you'll start smelling better
That's besides the point. Do the Mage Tower. It's a challenge to see if you have a brain and know how to play your class and spec.
Your father is still waiting for you to stop being a pathetic gooner. Maybe one day.
notice that her skin is as pink as a pigs lol
holy projection
The hype really evaporated cause everyone hit max level and suddenly there's nothing to do. 2 more weeks BTW. Shadowlands at least took some time before it was despised.
It's a shame as war within has lots of good under the hood QoL upgrades that people won't even notice (like catch up mechanics in crafting and npc orders)
no thanks. i m+, raid, and do a little mythic prog with friends every season then explore open world/old expacs. does mage tower give you anything worthwhile?
warhammer 40k cult of the machine parody
I’m not the one posting cropped porn, faggot. There is no projection here.
Hasn't her skin always been that colour?
>Full resolution picture
what a retard
I don't know. I don't pay much attention to sluts.
actual retard
Added to the filter. Painfully unfunny
Guardian druid is fun and good!
Is there any point in playing modern WoW if all my online friends moved on and got married/kids while I'm not interested in raiding? Is it even a remotely decent single player mmo experience? After big dick pushing in BFA and DF I wanted to take it easy and focus on catching up on collections. Are these still an absolute pain in the ass to get with weekly locked 1% drop rates?
>Gooners having a melty
There actually is nothing to do.

I'm spamming Ara ara~ for the melee trink and then what? My Brann is capped. I'm not getting journey xp. I can't do Mythics, I can't do the raid.

I'm bored.
>Is it even a remotely decent single player mmo experience?
holy fucking shit
It's a much better single player MMO experience than most. Your collections are all shared and if you get cloth mog on a platey it goes into your collection so collecting's at an all time high.
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>every single paladin is wearing arathi cosplay
Isn't this like the 5th time you have posted this today?
>if all my online friends moved on and got married/kids
This has happened to me so many times in my life. Even as recently as dragonflight long after i'd given up on even trying to make friends, i somehow stumbled into a new friendship. 2 seasons later his girlfriend got knocked up, they got married, she shit out the kid, and he's now a barely around dad gamer. Gone again.
>wow that's a great armor
>why are people wearing it?
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>can dragonfly in Shadowlands now without the pathfinding shit
That's okay I guess. I would probably have to finally learn to do the professions to make gold for black market boxes - the problem is I fucking hate them and they feel like a 2nd job while I'm not handicapped enough to sunk hundreds of dollars on wow tokens on a bunch of pixels.

What's the old content balance btw? I remember you could solo some SL content in DF. How are things in TWW? Can I start soloing SL mythic raids already?
I don't wanna wait until Sunday to turn in quests bros i wanna do them nooooow
Have you faggots considered maybe it’s time you grew up and stopped centering your life around a shitty video game?
Say gg or gg wp if the run was really good
Roll the item if you don't need it or roll for someone's else item
Say "Portal"
Cast portal in current capital
Leave group
No thanks. I'm just going to ride escapism until I die.
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Where's my shit blizz?
im soloing Nathria mythic right now

its perfectly doable except I forgot that Sun King mythic requires a healer and I never bothered to do the skip quest
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>Be half idling around
>Get whispered and teased by a thicc femboy velf
>He clearly wants dick
>Eh, sure I'll bite
>Start to RP, haven't gotten to anything lewd
paladins are extremely fucking cringe. this has been known for a long time
i didn't one pull the entire dungeon and got yelled at and the dps tried to pull and got one shot and me healer left so pretty normal
Can you just not post stuff like this in the marketing thread please.
Mmmm.. you can probably do SL mythic but it'd be a bit of a struggle depending on how geared you are. By the end of DF I could do Mythic BFA without blinking so
because you're a cringe retard gooner autist who is attention whoring on a 4chan thread
i take it back
josh was a nigger
world of warcraft: the war within
Everything* outside the main campaign quests gives such shit ass XP
fuck you blizzard, you stingy cunts.
*dungeonspam notwithstanding
Cool, another genetic dead end removed from the gene pool.
You should just be grabbing every single quest along the campaign and just doing whatever is already in your quest area for supplementing
yeah guessing its first time seeing gore so he feels the need to share it
>>492356220 #
>was the jailer in the lore before ?

Yes. He was hinted at sutbly in many books, quests and easter eggs long before Shadowlands. For example he was clearly alluded to in Edge of Night and, in addition, he's been seen indirectly as far back as Warcraft 3 (think for yourselves instead of listening to streamers and redditors on this one).

He orchestrated literally everything since Warcraft 3. Even if you pretend he wasn't planned in advance, you can't deny he's got both the cool factor of being an epic shirtless Thanos and characterization that stands up to scrutiny. He makes an interesting contrast to villains like Arthas (scheming in the darkness instead of having his story told outright), and brings some much needed sex appeal to the cast of villains.

What is he good at?
>Surviving in The Maw
Cool, so he was thrown into super-hell and bent it to his will. He wouldn't be much of an ultimate villain if he just got raped there for 100,000 years.
>Domination Magic
Metzen had been making up bullshit rules for magic whenever it suited him for years. Let's not pretend it's any different, it's a new version of Shadow magic that gives the authors more breathing room.
>Infinite Army
Oh so like the Legion, except no one complained about them pulling infinite demons out their ass.

So what is Zovaal shown doing? In the intro quest, you're made to help your friends escape his grasp.
>Throwing Baine off a cliff
So basically he's based.
>Not killing the heroes, who are surrounded by his infinite army, by swarming them with his infinite army
This went over most people's heads. He clearly had an ulterior motive in letting them live.
>Stand on some rocks and shout
At this point I'd like to point out that Zovaal is genius. He's standing far away from you, a hero who has killed everyone he's ever been within 40 yards of, and sending his minions in while he formulates a plan.

I love Zovaal. It's a shame he never got a HotS model so we could get some good porn of him.
The neon hair social media scalper at blizzard kneels before the erpgods
Dang they knew all that no way
Is it really that good?
Feels like mass hysteria at this point, like "they farm it? Then I must farm it too!"
The meta is to pug dungeons till 76 and then reach 80 with main story.
Btw what's the average 70-80 leveling time after the hotfix nerf? Anyone knows?
ok, not actually that bad on single target. about a 3 min fight details on a 30m hp rare with me kiting to not die
Ive got enough boosted XP from warband bonus i can hit 80 before campaign ends
the problem is im getting sick of doing the fucking campaign
but nothing else is viable unless i want to take three fucking days
it stacks up to like 5+ and gives you 5-6k main stat without doing anything
and it gives 1k haste
>Best human civilization in the game whose aestherics litterally scream "Warhammer Imperium Holy Warrior" all over the place

This is like whining because locks loves to cosplay as Diablo
>were vulpera in the lore before ?

Yes. They were hinted at in many books, quests and easter eggs long before BFA. For example they were hinted at in a 2005 book with a detailed paragraph and, in addition, they received lots of solid world-building lore after they were introduced to help cement their place in the world (think Azuremyst / Eversong levels of worldbuilding).

They are literally the best race. Even if they weren't foxes that people can go uwu about, everyone would still play them for their racials and inimitable desert dweller vibe which adds to the game world. They make a wonderful contrast to the Zandalari exiles (thriving in the desert with their beloved Alpaca companions), and bring some variety to the Horde.

What are they good at?
>Surviving in a desert
The tauren had been living with migratory caravans for generations before the Horde helped them resettle Mulgore. I bet they're glad to have new friends who can help fix their wagons!
Oh so like Goblins, since their brains are innately leaned towards scheming and quick thinking.

So what are our friends shown doing? In the intro quest, you're made to help some Vulpera do shit to prove they're worthwhile.
>gangbust a union of peons
So basically adapting to their Goblin allies' cultural corporatism. Also lol at how well that quest aged
>tell the nightborne, who have been making wine for 10,000 years, how to make wine
Gotta lend a hand. Even if they're out of their depth, the Vulpera bring an implacable and humble energy that can inspire the best out of their friends.
>kill some naga
At this point I'd like to point out that the Vulpera are genius. They are pointing you, a supposed tactical master and legendary hero, towards problems and going "Deal with that" and taking the credit to cement their place in the Horde.

I love the Vulpera. They're a poggers race that make my dick point straight upwards.
Spam dungeons you fucking mongo, it takes a few hours tops.
>it stacks up
Okay makes sense, weird that it doesn't say anything about the fact in the tooltip, like you usually do.
I have to routinely stop every 5-10 minutes for 2-3 minutes or more. I cant "spam dungeons" without being a leeching fucktard or kicked. :|
it happened in Romania.
The guy is a 30 years something NEET and the old lady is his aunt. His grandpa died and his kids (his aunt and dad) inherited the apartment. The aunt immediately told her nephew to fuck off and rented the apartment. He was always expecting to be allowed to be move there.
>wanna give wow a try again
>remember 2-3 days of work I had to put in into setting up addons last time I wanted to do m+
>immediately lose interest
I really wish they banned addons in endgame content. They're too fucking powerful and the whole game is build/balanced around them which btw is why so many people don't bother with high end m+ keys and CE raiding.
Is it ever possible to get support to ever do anything
>I really wish they banned addons in endgame content
seconded, addons are a plague. Add a damage meter to the standard UI and ban everything else
It's so good that everyone accepts the fact all the melee will leave as soon as the first boss is dead
>>remember 2-3 days of work I had to put in into setting up addons last time I wanted to do m+
It must be hard going through life as a retard.
is TWW worth coming back for
Too much work.
they'd be forced to rework the game along the lines of making it possible for the average working memory and cognitive load to hold every information required to clear end content

which is a good thing ofc and the game would feel more fair with wider popular appeal, as mere skill would be rewarded more
Not sure yet desu. The zones and music are really good though.
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>Just straight up spamming snuff now
What is this shit dude
Go back to your previous gimmick this one is just unfunny
depends why did you drop it in the first place
how do i setup TSM for big bux like you
definitely not
Is there a timer for the motherfucking Tka'ktath rare?
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my cousin autistic marvin belly flopped on a guys car like a walrus
the guy asked him what he's doing and started a fight. I told him not to.
marving beat him up on the fight.

he will belly flop my cat when we get home in revenge

its over
Unless you maxxed out everything during the early access, you will be forever behind the curve. Dont bother
gearing process for starting is so easy now
very alt friendly.
love the fact i can switch around characters without worrying
slower than dungeon spamming. side quests are only good for rep and cosmetics.
>posts on 4chan.org/vg/wowg
>calls others genetic dead ends
Everyone and their mothers already killed him, its piss easy to camp compared to other timesink rare mounts like Poundfist. You even get a zone warming where he shows up. You have just bad luck
the aesthetic is all dwarf which is very comfy. the zones are okay but the buildings are nice af. the quest line is really short compared to previous expansions. much better than DF.
faggots need to stop with this meme, noone gives a fuck about the tranny comics and light novel garbage
Yeah, they even changed how the deserter works again, namely because of that.

Feels really weird though, it doesn't say it should stack in the tooltip, feels like an oversight.
Fastest leveling now? Just spam DF dungeons?
I just started a couple of days ago, is it true you have to wait like 10 hours for re spawn?
people are nice enough to list it in group finder atm, I'd either camp him now before everyone has the item or resign it for some time.
Depending what's your primary goal:
Deader than ever before
Same treadmill with 8 new dungeons and 1 raid. Same crests. M+ getting nerfed overall with old +16 rewards now being tied to +20 (currently known as +10 as they tuned difficulty and made them harder from get go so new +0 is like +10 in DF) so even less people will be able to fully gear through them. Never cared about CE so I can't comment and most people agree with me as number of parses and logs in mythic raiding keeps dwindling with each and every raid.
Those paypigs eat good in TWW due to warbands, easier to get transmogs/class specific rewards from reputations as you unlock the rewards on all alts if you got the rep on your main. Transmogs are now transferable so if you drop a plate armor you were farming for on your cloth wearer it automatically gets unlocked for every alt including your plate wearer. Farming old mounts still sucks dick and is a chore that doesn't even reward you with gold anymore. Overall not bad but could be better.
>Lore and story
>Professions and gold making
All farming/passive gold methods got nerfed to the ground so it's all about crafting orders nowadays. Feels really dogshit because you compete with literal bots that use addons and notifications or outright AI to advertise and craft these automatically. If you liked crafting in DF you will definitely like it in TWW cause it's the same thing + QOL improvements like NPC orders, catch up knowledge on alts with weekly caps being additive etc.
Depends: i kind liked It

>Best zones and aesthetics since BFA
>Very alt frieldly
>Hallowall is one of the most original zone they even designed
>Everything is timegated if you like it

>Barebone rushed main story
>Alle zones storylines are "men evil/weak, women strong (no faggots propaganda compared to DF tho).
>Everything is timegated if you dont like it
I completely skipped DF, so...

Can you make personal crafting orders for your alts?
I feel like I'd be having more fun if I didn't start playing until next week. I don't raid anymore, so there is absolutely fuck all to do.
The hero talents have been hit or miss. Some classes got better talents then others, and it's not close.
PvP has been shit so far, it feels like WoD again where my Alliance characters have 80%+ winrates in randoms. Maybe once the season starts it'll get better but I'm not hopeful.
The questing and stuff isn't to bad. They've put out worse, but I never found myself overly caring about what was going on even when I was reading the text this expansion.
Biggest issue right now though is there really isn't much to do besides spam heroics.
levelling warlock in anticipation of there being an atiesh lego so i can get it and mog it on my survival hunter
Most say five hours at the bare minimum. If you want to cheese it, just log on during the daily reset hour of your region. 99% of peiple got it this way instead of randomly camping
>Everything is timegated if you like it
I literally don't know anyone who'd like timegating other than the Karens of WoW who can't stand the fact that they're now time restricted, slow, bad or all combined so they literally seethe when some nerd with free time on their hands clears endgame in 2 weeks.
yes, even with 40% from all the alts buff and wm on dungeon spam is still faster
yes. gets the quests done, gets the trading post monthly work order goal done.
should I use my weathered crests or no
worst avatarfag
Write your congressman and the city will look into the issue
you're supposed to mog a 2h sword and larp as a blademaster with your camowindwalk and flanking critical leaping strike.
I can design an automatic transmission valve system from scratch. It still took me like 3 minutes to solve one of the 3 you have to do in that Ringing Deeps quest in town. I logged off for the night.
Just did a bunch of heroics with a DH who would pull half the instance. We cleared them but holy fuck i was sweating. Is DISC just undertuned? I feel like that was harder than anything i did in DF
i wanted pipe dreams and not gay sliding puzzles
I was tunnelling on one piece in the corner of the last one shifting a bunch of pieces to get to it and I completed it without seeing the solution
ERPers, please start using these models ASAP.
>be pissweaver
>drop da stomp and spin with da crane
do be dat easy doe frfr :)
The problem with the pipe shit is it controls like fucking ass. If you could tell it where to actually go instead of having to block off all the other fucking paths it wouldnt be so bad. But no, retardation.
You say that but I've been leaving after the first boss with no deserter debuffs
You're hot are you single and do you like afab girls
Which mod is that?
I'm actually in a position to take advantage of profession income for once and want to track my sales.
>Subject - Anduin. Was possessed and killed some people, feeling joy (someone enjoyed Supernatural too much cause that's Dean Winchester case). Clear psychological trauma.
>Former priest, paladin, who fought for 1000 years, witnessing countless deaths, corruption and fall of allies.
>Cant help Anduin.
>Kind woman, who experienced countless losses of her people, including the fall of Arthas who faced psychological trauma clearly. In her guilt status for years, appearance of someone like Anduin would have make instantly jump on this cause and try to help him to atone her sins.
>Cant help Anduin.
>Wise old man who lost his son and find a new one in Anduin.
>Cant help Anduin.
>This chick who lost her eye and arm.
>This is the one. This got to be it. The best fit to help Anduin!
>Helped Anduin.
>By saying 'Just get over it bro, it will become better' essentially.

When I say I dislike Faerin I mean this and not the fact that she is a nigger. The reason for her existence makes no sense narratively, so her being a crippled nigger comes off as the priority of the writers themselves.
Hun, he's a car guy.
They're all very gay.
That's what they will be changing, yes.
>attempt to watch some tww pvp on twitch
>click random pvp streamer above 1000 viewers
>as soon as the first fight is about to begin, twitch interrupts to show me a 180 second long unskippable ad
how is this the most popular streaming website this is legitimately unusable
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why did they remove the Observer as a summonable demon
the whole campaign centers around evil women who kidnap, brainwash, murder, and deceive.
is there anything in particular i should be doing? i am just mining and herbing and doing events/rare/world quests
Sorry love. You like nerdy boys?
That insane orphan who keeps yelling kill more mobs needs correction badly. Cocky bitch trying to order me.
are you niggas seriously bricking heroic dungeons
>/wowggers/ only post images of them isolated and alone in a cold soulless static world.
>not serving under the greatest npc of the expansion
Silence fishfucker her quest for vengeance will never be sated
is resto sham or mistweaver more effeminate?
im trying to decide what to roll (male vulpera btw)
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I was making a reference to this
gb2 gachashit
Get with the times grandpa. It's 2024. Majority of zoomers and millennials have 500 friends on Facebook and steam but suffer from crippling depression and suicidal thoughts because of loneliness. 30% of genz will never have sex.
Heroics to gear up for raiding/m+
yeah but he wasnt wrong about his summary about your autistic existence
Prot warriors, is it worth it in multi target fights to constantly apply rend to everything or should I just keep it on my main target.
Be nice to loser girls they're really cute and deserve love
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Why would I spend my time in a dungeon with loot I don't need and no other possible reward rather than drop and requeue for the loot I do
>Doing the final boss of Kriegval's rest.
>"Oh I ran of out candle."
>Heroic leap over to grab a new one.
>Get grabbed mid-air by the boss.
I didn't know that could happen, was actually pretty neat if it's not a bug.
dude is a grown ass man
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Once this gacha tier product goes on an inevitable sale I wanna focus on gold making and collecting stuff from old content I missed on. What's the most time efficient class I could make to storm through old raids? I'm torn between druid and dk. Any other suggestions?
I've grown to appreciate autistics honestly. They at least seem to know a lot about one specific thing and I probably wouldn't have trains and planes without them.
Tried lvling a free prot paladin yesterday. It was a lot of fun. Might come back
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How are we feeling about the new Trading Post?
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>got the green fire warlock tome off a rare my first try
cant you literally buy that shit from the AH for like 20g
it's a learning cliff, just check out youtube tutorials on how to start setting it up. penguin2rt is great
the warden armor looks cool
gotcha, ill check him out
it was 15k and why spend when i can get it myself for free
The 1H Axe is the only thing I like.
Thank god, I wanted to skip a month.
>main survival hunter with alchemy
>green drapes
>alchemy bandolier
Not great, not terrible.
boring, but Im fine with that gives me a month to spend less. A lot of months lately Ive had to pass on stuff I wanted for lack of currency.
TradeSkillMaster aka TSM
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Where is Faerin?
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>Playing WoW while listening to FFXIV music
Best of both worlds
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How's the rep farm going non-avatarfag anons?
Sending disabled people into war is banned in some countries.
hope ur full bis heroic already, if you cared you'll be getting fucked in the ass for the next two weeks getting it if you havent
>queue for heroic
>need loot from first boss
>kill it
>their group gets a new dps in 3.2 seconds

why the fuck are you complaining about this? heroic dungeons arent m+. you dont get bricked by leaving
>er*dar poster with a shit take
par for the course for braindamaged demons
dont care, gonna be doing m0s with my aug buddy and get guaranteed invites
You don't use rend my guy, it gets automatically applied via thunder clap.
Nobody cares about dps dropping.
But when a healer or tank leaves the party usually disbands.
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Pretty shitty.
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That's a toy, you can't get Eredar with green streaks like that.
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I'm fucking retarded. I somehow missed that, so with how often thunderclap is cast I can just take it off my action bar?
what should i be doing for getting more rep
the same sentiment applies even if it's a toy
now take your gotcha post and shove it up your axwound retard
Aw, it's okay to be a little stupid
world quests
Correct. You never physically use rend and you shouldn't even have it on your bar. It's all passive through thunder clap, it'll be up 24/7 on both single target and aoe.
can demons breed in wow?
Do you need a contract?
Whichever shitwad decided anything that casts shit should ignore pet aggro and just hit whoever it fucking wants to? can they kindly be shoved into a woodchipper because theyre obviously a brain damaged pedophile.
thoughts on brm?
Stop being poor
>Married grown ass man
>Female willing to "hold hands" (if u know what I mean)
>Willing to put out unlike Wrathion
>Legally an adult unlike Wrathion
Learn to read the subtext.

Not with each other but they can breed you.
lol the rookery really feels like a big fuck you to melee characters. first boss stays out of the arena or teleports from one side to the other for most of the fight. second boss spends the whole fight standing in his own damage pools.
>Legally an adult unlike Wrathion
This is still the most braindead take regardless of shipper discourse, he's been an adult and a drake for a while now
not my problem

t. survival hunter and ret paladin

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So when are they going to fix this busted quest? I swear, I've been trying to do the loremaster achievement and every other quest is fucking bugged.

Embarrassing company
>the grift cycle is starting already
doomgods won bigly
>theatre event
>some fucking retard makes a raid group and fills it up
>completely unplayable until they all fuck off again
I'm so tired of modern media.
I've tried to go on youtube and see what people say about this game, hoping they show gameplay. And it was just a very fat guy saying WOWZIE THIS IS brilliant, so good so good without talking anything of sbustance, an obvious paid shill then there were tens of reaction to reacting videos. Pure cancer.
those arent melee classes
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One quest cock blocked me from this for the longest time, it took me installing btw quests to finally find it and get it.
yeah, going from 600g to 150g, I'm just going to ignore them unless I need to complete the world quest quest.

Worth it for the mog.
>Sojourner of Hallowfall
Oh? Did they change that one quest so it isn't a weekly for some reason?
Since that's all I had remaining.
Skill issue. Feign death next time noob
If they are hidden that's one thing but this quest is literally just straight up bugged.
Can't interact with the truffle piles on the ground and I checked on wowhead etc and comments are just filled with people having the same issue.
Fucking retard faggot devs.
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so she's sterile?
Why does she look so porno? Why would such a shape be formed in the chaos of twisting nether?
Best money making professions that require little to no effort?
sucking bbcs in goldshire
my clitty is twitching at the thought already
>skill issue
Hello small disabled special needs child. Let me tell you little timmy how WoW works, there are mechanics in the game that mobs target non-tanks with, to keep fights dynamic. This has been given to regular mobs, so many mobs that cast spells, even if all they do is turret them for 200k a pop, shoot random secondary targets, no matter how much you taunt them or your pet does.
Next time try not to prove to everyone reading this public forum that youre an absolute fucking retarded dipshit, it makes you look as downsie as you are. Hope that helps! *thumbs up*
whats the best way to get specialization points for blacksmithing and mining? how do i farm this shit?
Mining+Herbing, fly around and gather while watching something on the other monitor and sell the mats.
what happened to his face, why did it rot off
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me after eating fempanda ass
>Fly for a minute
>Have to afk for a minute
Dynamic flying sure is fun...
AIDS + monkey pox from anal sex
sounds like you're just very bad at it
the only feature im interested in is delves are they any good?
thanks anon
you just don't know how to dynamic fly properly
Only tier 3 is available now and so far it was a faceroll.
If you enjoy world quest you will enjoy delves.
torghast but shittier and artificially slower
They have potential but right now they are capped at level 3 which is a complete faceroll.
stop being bad at video games
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> t.45 year old faggot dad with 15 minutes of gaming time per week who gets confused by high speeds
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*parries ur crit*
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So I need 551 for HC.. and normals only drop 554.. which would equate to about 2 weeks of hardcore grinding specific dungeons for the exact drops I need...
This seems kinda asinine. How do u guys get 551?
Does the "point up and aim back directly at your destination" trick still works to maintain speed for longer or did they nerf the only fun and skillful thing about dragon flying already?
the ah
More pics please.
They are Torghast with other kinds of dark other then only grey, no cool powers and even heavier focus on mechanics and gimmicks.
No reward in the end unless you have a key.
i hit 551 by just doing quests and the main story quest drops 570+ pieces on you. its not hard
You are probably too retarded for any content above normal anyways if this is your roadblock.
>ghost pops out from out of nowhere and does 55k to me and kills me

ill get this green fire if its the last thing i do
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For people with cojones please
The fucking quests drop 570? Then why do normal dungeons even exist? This is fucktarded.. fuck..
wow losers were like
>dragonflight is so good
only for tww to come out and
>dragonflight was shit! tww so goood!
It would have been easier if you just bought EA edition chud.
Good boy, nice butt.
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I did this tho. Anons said that's not a bad thing to have.
Curve and Cutting Edge have become completely meaningless since boosts are so common now.
The only thing people care about is parsetrannying.
>fresh account
>use the level boost for the latest expansion since it came with it
>boost the rest to max
>pay for a spot in aotc and ce
Now I get to link it and do wh atever i want.
That's not wow loosers, that's paid shills
Every time expansiin comes out people like asmongold bellulae and others come out of their dens and spam Piog, Wow is back, it's finally good shit aimed to boost own metrics and Blizzard MAUs.
Then everyone got milked and they go back to their doom mode. Why? To artificially portray new expansion as something better than the previous.
Wow Influencers arent your friends, unless you are blizzard worker.
Even when they doom they do it to sell you the next expansion.
>Under 3 digits age
Lol k Bl*ckoid drakonoid
How the fuck did you get sojourner of hallowfall, the memories of the sky requires 3 weekly timegated quests, so the last one isn't doable until next reset
It just popped and said I got it. To be fair I DID do all the side quests on an alt and main so maybe thats why?
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You know that everyone can just open your armory and see that you only killed the last boss once and instantly know that you're a boostfag right?
He's just a reverse jap trope. Instead of the 1000 year old loli he's the 12 year old adult man. Looks like an adult in both forms, acts like an adult, thinks like an adult, is considered an adult by everyone who isn't Sabellian talking down to him. Considering he walked out of his egg with a fully formed plan to murder the biggest threat to the world it's been like this for a while. Game even points out that dragons mature way faster and there's a difference between dragon years and human years.
Boost culture sucks, I miss casual bad prog guilds
huh, weird. Congratz on having it a week before everyone else I guess lmao
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it's fucking 570 ilvl gear youre replacing next week when the season actually starts why tf are you grinding specific gear instead of just running the fucking dungeon for any ilvl upgrade
Que for epic bgs on horde side.
Alliance premade. Alliance premade. Don't think it's an alliance premade but my whole team drops group at the start because someone says it is.
Find the horde premade communities. Ask if anyone wants to que up together. Crickets. Wait until later, countdown ... 3 2 1 que. Drop que. Countdown... drop que.
Take the que. Horde is almost out of resources in AV. Manage to get out of that bg before premade community takes que. Get in que and join bg with them. Win. Just farmed the alliance at a graveyard. Didn't even feel fun.
Not even trying to be a doom sissy but this hasn't been very fun so far.
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I got bullied for weeks in year like when fyraak released. They all told me I'd never do it that I'm a shitty tank yet I tanked this dumb asshole and showed em pics and they all had to eat their own cocks cause I'm not a bad tank. I even tanked m+23 all in time.
And now it's all "worthless", huh..
Well fuck you, I worked hard for that stuff and I'm proud of it.
Wrathion ended up being made out of 3 dragons though, that's how we made him with titan technology. So he's maturing at MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE
>next week
Next week isn't September 10th, which is when the season actually starts. Also, it is literally the only thing to do. I already have a good ilvl and everything but the trink I need.
And, again, there is literally nothing fucking else to do. Brann's maxed, WQ's are done, rep's grinded. Fuck all else to do but AH rig and this
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That's a thing in japan too, look up Baki
People will just see you only have 1 kill with no "regular" progression like all the other bosses multiple times and realise what's up.
I know too much about Baki already I don't want to learn more
I don't pvp much but I was liking the idea of maybe doing some BGs. Is that what I'm in for?
>Black is born and already has a plan to commit violent crime
Knaak based?
>omg muh addons
just get DBM or bigwigs it takes 2 seconds to install anything else like weakauras is for fine tuning shit you wanna track and it's not needed at all. Without weak auras it would feel cancer as fuck to get serious about spec specifics
i have a massive crush on moira rn
I love nerubians so much they should just make an entire game of nerubians
*Pisses on you*
Knaak didn't write Wrathion. I forget who did but he really liked Wrathion. Kaplan maybe? I don't remember.
Thanks bro.
parry this
*cums on you*
>No WC3 Nerubian campaign
>No nerubian class
>No nerubian race
>No cool cockroach bosses (fixed soon?)

It's so fucking Joever...
But maybe we'll be Barack...
Dave Kosak, that's who it was. I knew there was a K.
What does the crab version of nerubian child look like?
>Makes vanilla kino by nerfing the lil Timmy and lil Daniel class
>Proves darkies are inherently violent
>Loves Big Boob
Truly our hero
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These guys are unironically some of the coolest creatures
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Fyrakk was easy as fuck to tank.
You can watch as I make Dagran a little brother or sister.
I love them.
Bonus points because they are funny in game quests. I like the general and the bug farm dude.

Basically I'm just not gonna do the farming
I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna do it is all
Anub Arak was a fucking bro, I miss that nigga like you wouldn't believe
Why would Anduin say this...?
don't care what u say, I'm proud of it
Alright I will give it a shot what server we playing on?
Moon Guard for ERP Alliance
Wyrmrest for RP Horde
Proudmoore for LGBT
Illidan for Chinese sellers
Stormrage for middle of the road
>all those holograms of him asking for help and the queen telling him to fuck off
What a bitch
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Why can't I run delves with my warband instead of with this useless dwarf?
pezado trooned out
>Wyrmrest for RP Horde
i have a character there but never see any RP
red pill me on colossus protection warrior PVP
I'm on kel thazud but servers don't really matter anymore. I haven't been in a wowg guild since WoD and that was full of attention whores but I've seen other generals pull it off.
I still don't get why the Nerubians are here
Is it just new lore/retcon?
Before their entire empire was supposed to be below Northrend no?
Where are they?
What did that (((whore))) say about our lieutenant?!
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>Really like this helmet.
>None of the variants are the right color for my mog.
Kill me.
It's guild-only really, but go to the Valley with the Vulpera in it and people RP in the bars there
It was all over the world.
The northrend one got butt raped by the scourge into utter submission so they went underground and hid like cuckies because undead CHADS mog void and poison faggotry.
It's just a different nerubian kingdom
im so fucking tired of seeing every retuck wearing this set
i wll happily look at t2 or the tbc recolor from argus again
First minute or so explains it
please be single...
In azj kahet, look for those scroll+magnifying glass icons on the mini map
aww look the baby found >>>/gif/
You sound like a jealous nofun fag.
Polish micro Dickie vs BIG AMERICAN MANDIGO NEGRO COCK isn't a fight lil polish cuckies can win...
Lil sis saw ONE American soldier BBC and dropped to her knees in cucky worship.
explain why that webm triggered you
There is a more purple one not available to players yet
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Anub'Arak did nothing wrong.
Good to see he moved in with the right crowd at the end.
Scourge niggas don't let each other down.
ret troons are just so tiresome
Why do mages use their barriers in town
Guess I'll wait for that.
Doesn't he explicitly fucking hate Arthas and the scourge?
i didnt trigger me ive seen worse shit just tired of you thinking youre edgy by posting this shit here
will enchants and gems get cheaper over time?
Never know when you'll get ass stabbed.
So now that we got the cucked and completely sanitized version of Nerubians as our next race of buddies, what will be their epilogue? What will be the conclusion of their story?

>Ascended Neferess gets her brain fixed and she returns as Queen
>Ascended Neferess gets mercy killed because she's a big dumb mutant
>The Severed Threads elect themselves as the new Council, declaring that once again a singular leader is BAD in Warcraft and we must introduce DEMOCRACY to a faction
>The Severed Threads end their war with the rest of the overworld and become staunch allies of the Alliance and the Horde
>The Severed Threads tell us to fuck off at the end because they rather be left the fuck alone just like while Neferess was in charge
>Beledar's son is black
people trying to match their transmog with their mount is genuinely the most autistic thing ive ever seen
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what is the intended way to do this? i'm on the green fire questline have googled and found no mention of people getting ganked by 5000000000000000 ghosts during this stage of it
That's the cool thing about the scourge, you don't get free will to complain, we all love supreme leader :^}
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Guess what.. a lvl 71 rogue. 60ilvl and 9 levels below everyone else.. but.. well.. lvl 71 I guess. Awesome.
i have ret fatigue
get ghosted
calm down Howlah
Probably has some weak aura blaring in their ears and causing them epilepsy if they don't have it on.
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I personally go for the most jarring combo possible unless I'm RPing.
dyeable armor when
ive been in here for about 45 minutes and i have no idea why this is happening
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pedo futa avatarfag status?

>still dont get the reference
yeah yeah brainlet we get it your brain can only take in shit from twitter, your discord clique and rule34
Nerubians (living) never really hated people that much lil bro.
You help them in wrath.
We also know JACKSHIT about them other than
>The funny prince joke
>They are void/OG worshipers but not always
>Hate the scourge for obvious reasons
>Anub is a title
>Very diverse body plans
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woman moment
The what class
wtf is this from, i finished loremaster tww and still dont know what cutscene this is
R*t trannydin and Pr*t palacuci.
You forgot the part where they are descendant of the discarded parts of the old gods.
They are evil in nature and there is no redeeming them.
They will backstab us at some point.
promo material made by a dying child or something
Moonguard or Dalaran realm to play on?
Moon Guard for life on the server and a bustling economy
Dalaran for normal people
Yeah, one of the first things you learn in their city in TWW is they don't distinguish between most other races virtually at all.
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God I'd like to rearrange something else too.
Agreed, we should strike first.
We should start the war of the spider again, I am sure DKs are bored, they could use some chicanery.
Yeah I've played on Dalaran for the last couple of years but it's been turning into a bland ghost town lately. Might try out Moon Guard
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Join goonguard to play with the na vg guild that the top avatranny already abandoned out of shame and realization that... NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY WITH HIM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA
>They are original, natural inhabitants of azeroth
>They are directly genetically related to the silithid/qirahi
>lil bro
is this some new tranny catchphrase one of the avatarfags picked up from twatter this week?
>Nerubians (living) never really hated people that much lil bro.
earthen literally state theyve been sworn enemies of the nerubians and they know each other quite well
>b-but earthen arent alive :(
>You help them in wrath.
Yeah the grand total of two survivors that are alive and have no other choice
>We also know JACKSHIT about them other than
except we just got an entire zone about their customs, culture and history
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You won't be bored you'll just get uh, interesting folks from time to time
Dis land Be troll land bug.
Do not make me go get de big stick roach-mon.
>Prot warrior main
MM hunter, fire mage, or misweaver next?
its a cinematic from the flop within, blizzsofts new mobile game
Is the avatranny in question the maye guy?
Lmao, I've missed random schizoids like this. Alright I'm sold
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Hilarious the one war the trolls won was against a bunch of bugs
Yeah they're something
yea that's correct and he posts several characters per thread so when you think there are different anons posting, it's actually all just him. at the moment he is spamming a hunter (op image) and some mage (blue clothes) you can usually tell by how shitty his characters look :)
Wasn't funny the first time you posted it, BITCH
>make a single thread on the official forums with a slightly inflammatory title
>hundreds of (yous)
only fromdrones are more eager to defend their purchases
Lil bro...
The point is that before TWW we didn't know JACKSHIT about them so for once it isn't retcon spam because they didn't write shit.
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got the race change ready for the earthen drop
Is the nerubian trinket really worth using?
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Arathi girls belong to retchads
Why do you want to be earthen?
has there ever been a bigger oxymoron?
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I really like these two.
how is that related to what was written before you underage retard?
i first played wow when classic came out and i liked it but i only ever reached like lvl 55. and i tried playing retail on and off but never really got far like to the 2nd dungeon bc i just lose interest. is it bc i skip cutscenes? and dont read the quests? am i supposed to watch them?
Lil bro... Your reading comprehension...
You'll get it when you
Are these biological females orrrr?
Lmaoo, his hunter's mog doesn't look too bad
>taking an enormous dps loss
desu at some points i wish this general wasnt infested with avatartrannies trying to troll others this hard when they get bored of goonposting their ass looking characters and cropped porn
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anon you got it all wrong. Asmon has been relentlessly shitting all over the expansion after his stream didn't even hit 60k viewers on launch. The cycle is broken..
crush this gem
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Any other patient gamers waiting for the inevitable 50-60% off sale to get their epic edition and chill for a month or two without being a mazedfag like the pre-order/day 1 piggies? Grinding m+ and getting keystone hero in 2 weeks while not being capped by timegated crests or crafting knowledge hits different.
yeah i'm also a poorfag
Was that you? He did talk like an anon
They think I am ig, all of these convos were started by others at random
for autistic M+ tryhard and SPR SRS PRO GAMERS who cant do mechanics do no dps and ragequit after one wipe.

The answer is moongaurd it is the best overall wow server, it has everything including something no other server has, a healthy and active social community.
If ever, consider something like these customizable mounts.
Just a few special pieces from current content.
What makes them so good
>The answer is moongaurd it is the best overall wow server, it has everything including something no other server has, a healthy and active social community.
particularly since we treat the likes of m*ye as social outcasts in RP too, you can tell that is a good sign of a healthy community
You got low IQ lil bro, it's okay someday you'll become old enough to get reading comprehension.
Literally never, because recolours are how they incentivize doing things in this game.
yeah there's zero chance they add them to all armor
mythic/heroic/... versions of tier sets would look extremely similar if you could just dye them to any color
>I think about how much I hate you every day.
<simple easily googleable question only a retard would ask to pretend threads not bot infested dead shite and 2-3 of the same addle brained attentionwhores>
there must be something wrong with my brain, these pipe puzzles are the hardest shit ever for me
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absorbing the fel energy turned me into sonic the hedgehog as i spun in the air for a good 10 seconds
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would you invite me to your m0 no leaver group wowgeee
For me the trick was: picking the square you want to use, bring it where you need it
the pipe puzzles really exposing the people who didnt play osrs and do their hard clues
Not until that number turns blue, darling
as expected of pedoins
Yes, we doing BIG DICK melee runs only.
If you dick ain't big don't get in.
No. Level up more of your gear. Stop hoarding flightstones. At least stop at 580 when it starts needing crests.
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>give me attention please
if you were even remotely accepted in any community you wouldnt be attentionwhoring here and on twitter retard

now take your meds and kindly overdose so we have one less transitioning troglodyte leaving their digital footprint on the internet
Dudes mad his niggermusic meme goes over peoples heads.
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>muh poorfag
I'm literally in the process of purchasing a house with no need for mortgage. I'm sorry that you lack self-control and make poor purchasing choices. I'm sure buying $90 games just so you can afk in the city as the company behind them extracts more money from you by gating the fuck out of everything is very fun and wise. To each their own I guess.
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othergame poster here
what is the ACTUAL totally honest /wowg/ opinion on TWW? Is it markedly better than previous expansions?
post house
The real expansion content unlocks on the 10th. Check back in 3 weeks.
Better than the last two
Still sucks
dunno expansion only started
ok, I will if I remember
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female vulperas - D tier
other females - C tier
other males - B tier
I like the zones and the dungeons, the voice acting and writing is fucking awful
>join leveling dungeon
>tank runs into 20 groups
>runs into 15 groups
>runs into 20 groups
>now hes playing normally
what the fuck is wrong with wow players? i havent had one leveling dungeon without atleast one wipe yet because people are high on meth or some shit
story is gay and written by trannies but it's fun otherwise. better than BfA through Dragonflight
not him dickweed
just commenting on your unhinged obsession.
you talk about hwo youve cast him out but you're his biggest fan, stuck on him like a rejected ex gf.

NO ONE ANYWHERE gives him more attention than (you)
Because *farts*
so what are we supposed to do while we wait for raids and mythic plus?
We're doing it in this thread right now
Because that would require blizzard to implement follower AI in more than just the dungeons, you think they got that kinda time??
Also probably because babbies would throw a tantrum about "if my warband's doing these with me, they should be getting loot and xp too!!!!"
/xivg/ is laughing at us again...
Quests, rep, mount farming, pvp, achievements, or alts
Follower type content is the one thing that wow sucks at compared to other MMOs
This, so much this.
It's only one guy obsessing over her, NOBODY in this general ever complains about avatarfriends, it's only schizo-kun who got rejected for ERP.
>not The Snore Within
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You can pet the heckin caterino
level one of each class so that you can play the designated gets invited to shit class every patch
nothing, they're literally trash
their racial is worse than lightforge draenei or vulpera
if you pick earthen you're basically retarded
gemmy earthen
you vill invite me
i am healer
Rank S,A and B all men
You're absolutely correct, you need only the best racials for mountsmogschievo farming, you need that 0,1% edge on that 5 minutes single target patchwerk.
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That Death Stranding WQ wasn't anywhere near as painful as I thought it was going to be.
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Funniest part is when you get into a group like that and the tank keeps repeating the same fucking mistake over and over and over again like an actual npc ape.
Like, it didn't work the first 10 times, what makes your retarded ass think it's gonna work this time?
what the fuck am I looking at
so which specs require high effort and which ones are dumb?
Bots are smarter than the average WoW pugger
earthen be like
crush that gemmy
So when will the AH be back online?
don't be retarded, some races have way bigger effect on dps than others, draenei and vulpera have a racial that is on the GCD, so basically unusable for most classes
earthen is even worse, it's a charge up
He seems to have woken up today and immediately started schizoing, meds haven't kicked in yet apparently.
the end game of gooning
IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a serious question.
Do people roleplay normally at all? Are there people who never engage in the ERP and just roleplay in general?
m*ye/joshua's dad after he googled Maye Linvail with SafeSearch off
plenty, they just don't post here
So you just woke up seething at nothing today, huh?
Both of blood's hero talents are kinda peepee poopoo pants
>All these cinematics
Bruh I don't speak yapanese lmao I skip that shit
How often does Barcelona turn shadow
Blud what are you saying? This isn't /sp/, discuss Barcelona their
If you play as a female character, you're a tranny, since we're all males here.
Deathbringer is a fun burst build.
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fun specs?
I started playing WoW in 2006 when I was a young teen.
I had a lvl 32 troll hunter and had a lot of fun.
I left shortly after burning crusade because family/money troubles.
If I went back, what should I know before I re-addict myself?
>tfw remember the shivers of computer time running out and being told to get off
>the one thing
I don't ERP because it's boring. But finding an RP partner who isn't looking to goon on the side is hard
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>valorstones are discounted on alts
im actually gvvning
Hunter most fun ranged spec
Warrior most fun melee spec
My playthrough is stalled since the Auction House is dead.
I do both when bored enough. E dependant on where and who, I barely seek it out if I'm not at the obvious places.
destro warlock is alot of fun
Is it safe to say that DKs won bigly?
Sorry I don't care about what coomers have to say on this or anything at all really.
unholy rider
Same desu.
so depressing to hear it, when I was playing wow I wouldn't even use the auction house, why waste any gold just to level 5% faster?
>playing wow
Why the fuck would you do that to yourself?
I was young and naive.
Bros, I don't think the nerubian trinket is very good...
Ur mums an unholy rider
My name is unholy btw
try to aoe as beast mastery for a few minutes and every spec you try after will be fun
Thor aka prot war mountain thane.
Because i know you won't kick me. You all play content at MY leisure dps shitters.

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