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>PTR News

>Season 5: The Infernal Hordes

Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

Patch Notes:

Rax's Guide:


Event Countdown (World Boss, Legion):



Previous: >>490996850

Thread question: When will we learn about Mother's other children? I'm tired of Rathma
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I love /d4g/!
can't wait for vessel of hatred bros
there is legitimately a lot of customization now
>pick skills
>aspects and uniques
>paragon nodes and glyphs
>mercenary reinforcement
>2x runewords including 2 skills from every other class
If I want to occasionally pvp do I just join a pvp clan? I'm just tired of being zerg by 5 people all the time.
Are there really 6 people that pvp?
>six people in the pvp zone
yea fuckin right
Sorry if dumb/easy question, brand new player. At what difficulty/content does the game go from “everything is viable” to “meta only”?
Depends a lot on your grind threshhold, personally my motivation will ebb before I've really pushed the build as far as it can go
For me, this is about the point that I find out if my build is garbo and it would be more effort to make it better than it feels worth rather than a respec or reroll to another character
I'd say the pace at which you can tear through things. If you can get through harder stuff within say ten minutes when everything's scuffed then it's still good. Anything longer than say 15 has me looking at my gear and build. If it happens consistently I start looking to pivot.
If you're looking for a general landmark regarding around Tier 4 aka level 70. Got a decent amount of paragon point, the skill leveling is done and you got access to ancestrals on top of the most amount of debuffs the game applies to you.
Not really feeling the familiar teebehaytch
they need to make hydra great again
i think it could be cool
Nice summary
I'm assuming everyone just skips the campaign for the seasonal content. Haven't played since the game came out but maybe I'll go through the campaign again when the expansion drops as a refresher.
Yeah I've literally only played it once except for Act 1 that I did twice before finishing with the second character and a couple of times during the betas
Fucking love the change they made to paragon being realm wide
>make a season starter that's good at clearing and focus on helltides or speedrunning nmds
>get bored
>make a second character for boss killing
>get to max level and carry on at the exact paragon level you were at before
>instantly temper/masterwork lategame items with mats you've already farmed
>instantly set up runewords with runes you've already farmed
It's such a good change
Rogue being kind of fun lads
i'm trying to enjoy her but just always think about switching to my sorc
Why does every cocksucking build have tyrels might? That shit is like a damn cheat code. free 20% reduction free max ele resistance. They all act like t8 hordes are easy but of course they are when you have that broken mythic.
>he doesn't have multiple tyrael's/sparks
>Tyraels Might doesn't make slain enemies rest in peace
I am glad they changed the spark bullshit for mythical crafting. Now we only need 1 spark, which we probably still get from doing the seasonal bullshit and a bunch of runes which we will be able to farm by just playing the game. Haven't seen many people talk about that but its huge especially for solo players.
Don't you still need a bunch of runes? What if the legendary runes are more rare than mythics?
this is most likely the case desu
runes are tradeable at least and dont require boss rotas.
>Now we only need 1 spark
yeah, nice
>which we probably still get from doing the seasonal bullshit
but i dont think that will still give one, right now you get 3 of 4 for free and still gotta drop one random mystic. so probably no free sparks anymore
>last thread didn't die
are we back bros?
just watched their stream again and they said the old way (current) way of crafting mythics with 4 sparks will still be there. so we its either 4 sparks or 1 spark + tradeable runes.
ahh didnt saw that. nice
Where do you learn about basic mechanics and principles for optimizing gear? I just noticed the tooltip explaining that there is an armor cap that I had exceeded by like 10k points. And apparently Mastery skills secretly became Core skills at some point? I haven't played since the game came out and I dont really see anything in-game explaining what some of these resources and activities are.
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>Runes are not account bound
>Can craft Ubers with it despite Ubers not being tradeable

RIP this fucking game. Fucking pay 2 pig fucking system already. Fuck blizzard and fuck the shilling bots pushing this shit and streamers
We are so barack
idk man just git gud ;)
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Streamers are very happy with these shit changes
idc what twitchniggers think but the changes are actually good
d4jsp incoming
you still need 1 resplendent spark and you have to actually grind those out
and you can craft any mythic for 4 resplendent sparks so you don't actually have to trade for really rare runes
the game desperately needs really valuable drops that you can trade I don't know why you are seething
you get one for finishing the league specific things. atm you can farm them easily by just making new characters. with all the changes to alt leveling its probably going to be much easier to farm them if everything stays the way it is.
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Let's fucking GO
They only needed 16 months to turn D4 in D3 again
I'm guessing Jah (and whatever the "tier" Jah is on) will drop at about the same rate as Mythics, at least in the Dark Citadel because that one dude said the DC is the best place to find Runewords.
It's an alternative to crafting Mythics instead of replacing the old way.
Mighty Throw looks kinda bad too. Maybe the throw animation/throw speed scales up with AS because right now it travels waaay to slowly in a game like this.
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wtf is this
wasn't it undercity for runes, not dark citadel?
Good, We don't need unattainable shit in this primarily solo player game. This aint poe with an open stock trade market. I am 92 hours played this season and still don't have the mythics I want.
she cute
as a ssf poe player I can tell you that most things including endgame items are much more attainable there than mythics in d4 as a solo player. you are heavily punished for not doing cancer rotas with random retards.
oh right, yeah I forgot about Undercity
>1 new skill per class
>They are all fucking trash
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>play minion necro
>minion necro gets absolutely fucked in tier 8
>check out new stuff to come
>hoping for some sign of this getting fixed
>druids become minion druids
>necros get a bonestorm to put on our already existing bonestorm
no worries. horde will be nerfed, they didnt even mention it in the campchat. game will be all about Pit+NMD farming again
Its in a really bad spot right now. They initially wanted ways to target farm mythics but as it is now they are the best way to farm everything hands down. Best greater affix rate best mythic rate. They need to spread shit out more in the actual game.
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>play Andariels rogue (got it as my first mythic)
>want to get Tyrael's and Starless
>remember I have to grind for boss mats
>also remember I want to 100% the season journey and there's a "kill 20 commanders" objective and I'm only half way to the cinder objective
I have lost motivation to continue playing this season. I really did want to 100% the journey too but... 20 commanders? After people complained about the 5 unique commanders objective last season?
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>fuck it lets sell them d3 again and sprinkle some runes for nostalgiafags
just browse diablo.trade for items that sell a lot and if you get one, sell it and then buy 4000 blood.
Is there any detailed resource for Diablo 2 and crafting items with the Horadric Cube?
I want to know what the difference would be for me to craft caster amulets as a level 90, or level 91, or 92, basically what I get out of it for each extra level.
iirc you need to be lvl94 to gamble ilvl 91 amulets, those can roll +2 to all skills
You sure it's that high? I heard level 90/91 or something was the minimum.
not 100% sure, mrllamasc has a pretty good crafting guide video, maybe check that out
I will try to look for it, Lv94 would fucking SUUUUUUUUCK dicks though. Trying to find enough public Baalrun games to hit even 91 makes me want to fucking kill myself, when I'm here with no anni, torch or proper amulet.
>Patch 1.5.2
>The Season Journey task to defeat Helltide Commanders has been reduced from 20 to 5
oh, thank god

>Patch 1.5.2
Its not that bad. I finished after 2-3 helltides just bouncing back and forth between events.
What went wrong here?
The patch is so far away
it was lvl91 if you get the ammy you're crafting with from a terrorzone
yeah the leveling gets so fucking slow, what class are you playing
Is D4 worth mucking around with a bit these days if I don't plan to get the expansion? My cousin bought me it on release since it came out 2 days before my birthday and I didn't really like it, but I heard a lot has changed.

I know it's kinda silly to ask in the general for the game, but I would trust you guys to be impartial over pretty much anyone else online which is sad when you think about it.
Yeah. Popping in for a week or two to knock out the seasonal pass is pretty nice atm. Might feel even nicer with the expansion changes coming. Considering you got it for free, nothing's would really keep you longer aside from maybe caring to future proof some things ala lilith statues, renown, and campaign completion.
If you didn't complete the campaign don't bother playing. You theoretically could skip it and jump to seasonal but I really don't see why bother wasting your time if you couldn't even complete the campaign back then.
I did finish the campaign but I didn't collect those gay statues. Is that something you have to do every season?

Dunno if I hated it cause I picked Druid, I really wanted to be a gay wolf furry faggot but werewolf build seemed super fucking garbage without any legendaries or whatever they call the SUPER LEGENDARIES.
>every season
Thankfully no, it's just a bonus you eventually wanna get but the bonus is hair-thin at this point. Renown levels have more importance.
>being a druid let alone a werewolf
That explains a lot. They were incredibly slow to come online back during release. Unfortunately they've kinda forgotten that shifting is a staple of druid so it's middling eight times out of ten when it comes to seasons.
>That explains a lot. They were incredibly slow to come online back during release. Unfortunately they've kinda forgotten that shifting is a staple of druid so it's middling eight times out of ten when it comes to seasons.
It could be why I was not really enjoying the game, just felt really weak all the time and even after I finished the campaign I ended up not getting any of the required legendaries to play Werewolf.
Paladin and from what I understood of watching the video, wouldn't level 90 be enough?
And Am*erican "w*m*n"
Yes, D4 is a lot better now than on release and it's the sort of game that's fun to play for a week or two a couple times a year if you're not interested in playing persistently.
Do you know if they have any support mentioned/planned for people who don't own the expansion in the future?
They mentioned, I believe this week, that the next season(6) is going to be free for everyone. Afaik the runewords are gonna be an expac only thing
Alright, maybe I'll try it out then. Thanks a bunch for all the replies anons, hope you have fun if you plan to get the expansion.
KWAB expansionlets are going to be so underpowered next season. guarantee they'll be SEETHING lmaaaoooooo
Damn you got me good.

Thanks for making me laugh anon.
The fags who play on eternal realm have already been seething on the forums, pretty funny
Yes, they've talked about what is and isn't included in the expansion. I would play the game now and see if you're enjoying it, and if you are you'll likely want to get the expansion anyway. But if you're strongly averse to getting the expansion under any circumstances you should still be able to have plenty of fun with the game, I think.
>eternal realm
psychotic desu
I don't think the game is for you. You got filtered. That being said Diablo 4 is good now. 1000x better than it was at launch.
Massive Gem Changes Coming to Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 - New Gem Tier, No More Max Life

I suspected that there would be another gem tier since they have their own tab now along with runes. Never thought they would ditch the max life though
An interesting move if nothing else
can't wait for vessel of hatred bros. i wish we had a clan to play in that was active
Hopefully we get decent cosmetics for season six. It'll be interesting to see what Spiritborn gets during their introductory quarter
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what did beavis mean by this?
didn't they say there's a ton of cat mounts
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>trade for runes
You didn't build that mythic.
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God damn these things are fucking stupid. Its either these or some random fucking fireball I can barely see that kills me in the infernal hordes.
These things are so damn deadly they need to have a cast bar and a red outline of the projectile path that you can actually dodge. They also shouldn't spawn in packs of 10 like this.
Imagine not playing LS and never realizing these can even spawn because they soak 10 stray spears offscreen
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I had a barrier up 100% of my maximum life 30k so 60k life total with 5 dark shroud shadows at rank 10, maxed armor resistance. One shot from these takes away 75% of my hp. Its insane.
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I don't think anything can possibly be more fun than S1 WW barb
can't imagine not playing LS desu
Fireball is fun
power > fun
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Why can't Blizzard make attractive looking characters like Square Enix? Is this why WOW is getting its ass kicked by shitty ERP simulator?
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ugly is in, it's like safe horny but reverse
Bros, how do we save the franchise? PoE2 looks like GOTY material and it's free
back to your containment board tranny
need rawhide after wasting all of mine rerolling and someone mentioned that legion events give about 1k and i can confirm which is great news
I don't own the game, but I play it with the game pass. I'm wondering if I can buy the expansion and play it without buying the base game
i reckon so
Nice, ty
I don't know what your problem is
My barbarian&necro&rogue make my pipi hard
Why is Lightning Spear sorc so popular when chain lightning sorc is so much better?
Maybe for fun
But chain lightning is the definition of fun.
I know this is d4 general but there is no d2 general. Anyone happen to have spare Goldwrap in ladder right now? Will trade it for
Immortal King's Will that has 39% mf and 40% is max
no you are also a retard. you havent even stated if its hardcore or softcore. I understand that you are probably softcore since 4chan is mainly for casual normies but still
don't be mean to d2 friends
My bad, didnt think it would matter that much. Sorry, I'll be going now
Just tell us if it's hardcore or soft
I think I'm just going to play sorcerer as my first toon from now on. Most braindead class to play 2bh.
yeah no. this aint wow yet
Fields of Crimson...
Anon, I'm sorry that the other anon was mean to you
I can't help you, but I love you. Kiss me
Please fuck my gaping asshole.
Soft, still havent got it even while grinding non-stop. Necrobumbing your thread at the sametime
what class?
Sounds like barb
Diabros how would (you) fix the magic and rare items? they are fucking useless now, my take:

> rares and magics can get GAs
> rares and magics get up to 3GAs
> an unique crafted from a rare gets 2 extra tempering chances
> lower the unique drop rate
> salvagin rares and magics with GAs could give you Obducite and the other yellow material (but kinda low so pits wont be useless)

This way NDs could work for farming these rares and magics, until you can do pits
Rares are now called magics. Legendaries are now called rares. Uniques are now called legendaries.
>I know this is d4 general but there is no d2 general.
Technically there is in /vm/, but it's pretty lifeless atm.
lighting spear is levels better than chain lightning. cl does look cooler though
My gear is so bad I'm tempted to buy shit from an online trader and then trade my way into some actually good shit.
I am concerned about my gear. I'll say, for me, fixing my paragon board and leveling it up provided such enormous improvements on each subsequent run that I'm not changing my gear too much, as it is.

I will need to change it as I go further but I drastically underestimated how important a good paragon board with leveled glyphs was.
Ballistas are awful. They are especially tough because on a pure-minion necro it can be hard to get the pets to target them and ballistas absolutely 100% must go first, or they will basically one-shot you or leave you one. At least on rogue I can run over and shotgun them ASAP.
Give the new season a shot. Its free. I enjoyed Diablo 4 when it came out but was left feeling "interested" in playing more. I was new to the game and didn't really get all the systems. (I'm still learning them.) I wasn't completely sold on it and other games easily lured me away after completing the campaign.

What helped lock me into Diablo 4 near the end of Season 4 and the start of this season was the change in the helltides. They weren't hidden behind a longer grind between the completion of the campaign and the march to higher world-tiers. The hell-tides give you a lot of non-stop action and exposure to a really nice, constantly elevating risk-reward activity. Doing this immediately, as you'd experience if you started playing this season, will give you a much better and consistent sense of reward. The gameplay loop of Diablo is frequently very iterative and being able to experience that earlier in the gameplay loop along with the escalating pressure of stronger enemies appearing as hell gets enraged, will at least give you the chance to decide for yourself whether you like the game or not. Doing the campaign, especially at launch, was taking a quick guided tour. That isn't the main game by any stretch.
Horde mode was/is such a great mode. But I swear, the "horde" exotic drop rates are a bit too low. Add a seperate chest or something. Way too many runs and I have never gotten a mortacrux but I have so many duplicate uniques.
this game is pretty easy what's your issue buddy
Strange, it's the opposite for me, I've had more than I could ever want
i'm here for the pd2 new season announcement...
I love mommy so much
I hope she comes back
they still haven’t added a horadric cube so potentially they could still be part of some item specific recipe
otherwise the most likely fate is something like D3’s treasure goblin unique that eats rares as you play and periodically shits out a leggo/unique
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first char I made this week since launch month and I got this, do i sell it and use gold to buy other items or keep it? I don't know prices everything seems inflated
Use it if you aren't interested in buying items. I sold like 60 boss mats for gold and now I'm loaded.
Finally leveled a rogue to 100. Now to never touch this class again
I still need to level Druid and Sorc to 100 then never touch this game until xpac.
how do people have like 20 hours in game and 2-3 purple items?
usually that's not their first character at that point
Just did around 20 Uber Duriel runs of the 20 I got 6 fucking mythics in a row jej I think seasonal gives you a much higher chance it’s definitely not 3% drop rate
is it better to get crit/vuln damage versus your core skill damage?
ubers are a 7.5% drop chance
Oh shit really? That explains a lot I have all of them on eternal but been playing season 5 and having a blast at the moment
apparently there's a 1.5% chance for any unique dropped by those bosses to be a mythic and tormented versions are guaranteed to drop 5 mythics
How do you get your attack strength up? i am chain lightning sorcerer and i can do up to tier 55 pit, but the boss takes forever.
unironically switch to a decent build
Do we have any idea of Spiritborn's paragons? Seems obvious they'll do one per spirit
every other class has 9 boards. I don't think they've been part of the datamining so far
Is there a way to enable attack in place without holding shift?
was riding through the pvp zone bloodmarked of course and another rogue attacked my rogue and i btfo it like 5 times in a row. just kept coming back kek. i left after i extracted all of their mats
what's the appropriate response when you get btfo in a pvp zone? god i wish they would do something based like adding a kneel emote to every class
i've only been btfo once and my experience (and my experience being the btfoer) is that you just keep riding back trying to kill them. the best is when you btfo two or three party members repeatedly
Inner Sight seems like a no brainer if I'm building Crit on my Rogue honestly. The free resource is a nice bonus too desu.
Diablo 2 ladder 8, I'm struggling to get much together while everyone's rocking a dozen Jah and Ber runes worth of stuff.
i got zero(0) from around 15 Tormented kills. and there was someone else sayin the same
you just lucky bro
I'm bored. I need more endgame content
bros i dont want the event to end its been so much fun to slaughter hordes of goblins and level faster
not yet
I'm going to start a second necromancer (I'll try blood surge) and just grind through the ranks to get a resplendent spark. Then I'll do it again on a rogue (basically the same build on the rogue though). I don't really feel like doing LFG to get carried and I'll narrowly make it through just getting to rank 20 with the seasonal vendor before I can probably solo kill tormented bosses. Not going to waste matts on regular an/duriel since I've done about 14 kills on each now with no mythics.
Sorry to hijack but did diablo 2 remaster get any qol updates on the keybinds etc. after launch?
whats the boss farming etiquette when joining a random group? ive saved all my mats and never done any bosses that require summoning

do you get full bags if you pick all loot from 1 tempered boss? how often do you get to go back to town and deal with loot? how long does loot stay on floor or get despawned?
Are those features everyone jizzing about available without the VoH purchase ie that's still just for the story and the gameplay stuff will come to the base game
In the past seasons:

>Some runewords
> Infernal Zones so you dont do pindle x10000
> Charms that broke inmunities
> Bug fixes that enable some builds (tornado, MA sin, lighting nova)

From season 7 (or 6?) onwards there haven’t been any major updates
If theres one thing D4 did pretty good is making the females actually hot
May I see it?
for toremented bosses, best etiquette:
>link your mats to show you have the required mats for the agreed upon rota
>confirm summoning order (usually just alphabetical)
>quick trip to town after every kill to stash/salvage/sell
yes your stash is almost completely full after a tormented kill.
new leveling system will be game wide. runewords, dark citadel, etc will all by locked behind the expansionxmpn
Are you 'aving a giggle m8
>neyrelle will never get fucked futa mommy
Worst timeline
so how is this general doing?
very stinky
Post someone hot.
Is this good for a rogue build? I really don't know much about how armor works in this game. I have an armor piece that gives +2,625 armor that I can equip instead.
Is there a setting somewhere that makes it so I can't click on things unless I use a hotkey? I keep clicking on shit I don't want to, or picking up trash I don't need.
does aether despawn in hordes if u dont pick it up in time?
Any thorn minion builds that can do torment bosses pretty easy without ubers?
>I don't think anything can possibly be more fun than S1 WW barb
Diablo 3 WW barb in that season where they introduced the ritual altar in Tristram. ALL GAS NO BRAKES
Change your move button?
poopdick kissy kissy
dirty holes go licky licky
Quality post before my poopy eyes.
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Bring 2010 back.
isn't thorns more of a barb and necro thing? i think necro minions gain % of the necro's thorns and barb has some bleed thing attached to his
but hey it's a unique so it's bound to be strong regardless
I don't know. Maybe this build by Perra. I'm using this one so I have it bookmarked. He upgraded it a little. One issue I have with it, and he says it in the video, is that he has an exceptionally cracked chestpiece with ranks to golem mastery. In about 40 hours running a pure minion necro I got one and it was in world tier 2 so I couldn't even upgrade it.

You can also try this one. Both are pretty good. I actually take the ring of mendeln off and use the great feast aspect.


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what is the benefit of ultimates gaining these skill types?
Is it a waste of mats to do the non-tormented versions of the summoned bosses for purple items? I am L100 but the tormented ones take forever and eventually I get 1 shotted. Unless I farm lower tier pit for fewer masterworking items, there isn't any other way to make chain lightning sorc any better without the andariel hat.
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I don't see any other general to ask but I'm reinstalling Diablo 2 Resurrected and I want to spice it up with an overhaul mod. Remodded seems good enough, any other options?
So will D4 ever steal the PoE thing where future leagues/seasons have pared down versions of prior seasonal mechanics?
Would anyone ever know since they don't get out of seasonal/league realms?
Dear lord, barbarian feels trash to play.

They really need to buff the charge/leap/kick combo so they have something fun. Because this bash meta absolutely blows.
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im being boosted
Hello boosted man
Thank you
had a scammer try to get me to trade all my materials to him because he had to place them on the alter. jej
i miss my wizard gf
I'm new to this game as of a week and a half ago. I'm enjoying myself, but I hear that everything I'm doing is going to be thrown in the trash come the new season. Kind of lame, do I at least get to keep my gold and materials? What is the season start like for returning players?
i had my first guy dip out when it was his turn last night. the other guys were pissed, and i had extra mats so i just covered the dickhead who left's spot. blocked his bitch ass afterwards though. that's the first time it's happened to me in hundreds of runs over the past three seasons
your character just moves to the eternal realm, all your gold and mats gets added to existing amounts so you don't lose it. anything that's in your stash goes into a 3 month? long temporary remove only tab so if you have anything you want to keep (mythics, boss mats, etc) in your stash you'll have to remember to log into any eternal character to transfer it to the permanent stash
the BIG change is that they are messing with item power and all existing items at 925 for example will get squashed down to 540. That seems to be the target to start in the new Torment 1 difficulty so if you keep playing existing characters you will start to find upgrades again.
The new Torment difficulties will drop item power up to 750. Legendaries/Uniques with a greater affix are now called Ancestral items and they get a boost in item power as well to 800.
A new season is an opportunity to try a different build or different class and start the grind again. We don't even know what the season will be yet so there could be something interesting that makes you want to play something completely different
Do bosses take less damage after the second or third stagger bar? Struggling in 120+ pits.
It might seem lame at the start but once you've done it a few times you'll understand it more. You can only get so much gear unless you're trading with Chang or have streamer bennies, no shame in quitting a season, its not like WoW where you have to play every day or fall behind.
Getting 2 characters to end game on a fresh account was an enjoyable experience so I'm not totally against a clean start. Though I'm not the most experimental of gamer so I hope build guides get put up by the no lifers in good time. I enjoy following instructions and replicating results.
If you haven't already, bite the bullet and get your rep rewards for each region and all the Lilith statues.
>so I hope build guides get put up by the no lifers in good time
The preliminary are already out for next season kek, you've got nothing to worry about with that.
This. I did the season with rogue but can't be buggered to switch build for t6, so I'm casually rolling up LS sorc, hopefully get Tyrael's because I'm a sucker for playing dress-up (but fuck paying $25 for armor LMAO).
I was actually trying to do that today. But for some reason it isn't booting up right now... I'll try again later. thanks for the feedback anons. oh yea, when does this goblin even end, I love being able to passively collect these boss mats while doing activities other than heltide and NMDs.
why are you poor
guess it depends on their passives/glyphs/lego nodes.
not digging them going out of their way to make ults a thing. fucking moba shit that should have stayed with d3.
running t7s login to join
But I want t8s
ok ill switch to my sorc bro
when is the ptr? tuesday?
On the 4th
sad that i'm poor and have to play on xbox. i'm off that day so i guess i'll throw raxx on the tv or something
Thoughts and prayers
Traderie is fucking broken and it's getting on my nerves.
Fuck trading
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But if I'm not jewing I'm not having fun!
I'll maybe buy that too next season. Not gonna make 4 more chars myself for Sparks again.
I love mommy lilith
I do as well
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I am a little perplexed there are so many people playing in HC this season. It hasn't been this packed since S2.
cope raxx and modz told me hc was dead
only 48 hours until ptr don't let it die bros

Has anyone ever achieved lvl 99? How is it done? I've never gotten further than 97 and that required a lot of patience.
i think i got to 98 once maybe on a sorceress
lvl 98 to lvl 99 is harder than 1-98
As someone who started seasons late 3 times, I'd say it's fine/fun. You know the tricks to level up faster, and you know your builds better. The idea of starting with a clean slate is also nice because loot matters again. I find myself mentally excited about a new drop. I find myself more engaged when I'm trying cover a gap in a build that emerges because I don't have a drop. It's cool.

If you want to stay in the eternal realm and finish up last season's build, you absolutely can. If that's rewarding for you -- maybe you were a couple of good (re)rolls away from some good solo kills -- you can do that. I actually like the restart.

There won't be another one, most likely. The game is already as blowhard as it can be. The only options are shuffling stuff around or rolling back the blowhard changes, neither of which are appealing to devs (because they are inherently narcissistic). I guess Blowpai can step down?
I hate some of the pd2 changes. The very first iterations were fine but they went borderline overboard with all the mapping and poe stuff. at this point it doesnt feel like d2 anymore.
>played for about a week now
>lvl 100
>haven't spoken to anyone
>haven't joined a party
>haven't done anything besides just spam nightmare and that 6 wave shit
I thought this was an online game, I sometimes see a ton of people afking in town but that's about it. No one talk besides advertising something to sell.

Is there even a guild system in this game? Is there a 4chan guild?
>wanting to interact with anyone
Go back to /poeg/, this is my favorite anti-social video game of all time.
You should be able to sign up for a clan from the game menu, if you want to do that. There are also discords for the game where you can join up for w/e you want to join up for.
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Do critical strike damage affixes factor into the attack power? I would've thought the equipped staff with blue gems would be better because of all the extra crit, but the green gem one brings attack power from 24,000 to 35,000. It's hard to tell which is better when playing. I can do high tier stuff because my character lives through it, but the damage is meh. Only can get like 200 aether on T6 horde as chain lightning sorc.
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>He doesn't attend rotas
>He doesn't do T8 in a party for maximum aether fodder
>He doesn't sell shit items and use the gold to buy god-roll items
>He doesn't partake in the only conceivable enjoyable aspect of this game which is scamming the fuck out of retards and then reposting on diablotrade
someone make a new 4chan guild.
>chain lightning guy
not replying to that idiot again
>there's a bunch of 4chan clans
>attack power
Meme stat.
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>spiritborns literally won't ever die
Are they changing the 70% default cap with the DLC or not? Because 6 ranks of antivenom gives you 30% max poison resist kek
>unbroken chain + 100+% damage during iron maelstrom on every piece of applicable equipment + earthquake damage buff + rumble + ancient’s oath
>still deal shit damage with iron maelstrom
This skill fucking blows
do NOT every worry about "attack power"
i found two last time i checked and they were both ded
I think there’s always been another cap at 85%
still, cool unique idea
I never done 100% because of those faggot requests there's always some clown shit and I refuse to bother with it
Its okay for fucking around with but as soon as you reach the "endgame" there's a point where game going to feel like a job for barely any progression basically grindy shit. Don't be a cuck like the streamers no lifing perfect anything
You can clear t8 easily without nolifing
i think you're probably bad at the game.
looks like my brother in law
I don't like the pvp in this game
Sorcerers are op
when does PTR start?
KEK oh no no no no
something like 30 hours from now supposedly
Do you guys get more aether when you do t8 alone or in groups?
Fastest way to level while doing useful stuff for the season? Just coming back after S1 to give it another try.
Personally I thought it was helltides, being efficient and opening as many chests as possible, while prioritising whisper objectives in the helltide because whisper turn ins also give a lot of xp
But other people will tell you that hordes are better
Either way, levelling is now much quicker and less painful than it was in S1

Thanks, I just noticed some of the new objectives for that which is nice. The 3x heart boss worth doing?
It can do big damage if you aren't prepared. I don't do it if I'm holding a lot of cinders having learnt that lesson a few times. You do get a lot of drops but if your objective is to get to max level ASAP it probably isn't efficient.
But whatever, the game is about having fun so do it if you find it enjoyable. D4 is really great at having these set pieces with pick up groups of randoms
Hordes are objectively the fastest way to level, don't be autistic like me wanting to level glyphs. Personally, my latest char I did
>bum rush my ass to WT3
>start doing NMDs to get glyphs I need for paragon board
>eventually reach WT4
>get all glyphs by now, should have some horde tokens by now
>horde T2 to level 85, start doing T3 (level 100) to 100
Hit 100 in 11-15 hours depending.
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>played for a couple weeks now
>3 kitted out max level characters
>rushed total of 5 characters for the purple sparks
>got all the purple uniques
>slayed uber lilith for the first time EVER
>now just helping clan mates: the other night was running a lvl 80-something clan mate through tormented bosses, and he got a tyrael's in the first run and then a 4 GA harlequin in WB
If anyone is still looking for a clan, check out <FREN> clan; I'm the leader, and there's a couple anons from here who joined in the past. I'll be mostly doing PTR when that goes live tomorrow, but I'm happy to help boost other people through whatever for the season.
Which Sorcerer build is it that's filling my whole screen with fire?
Fireball with gloves of the illuminator; it's pretty fun, I switched over from CL around level 80 and haven't looked back.
I just started the last character I need for the fourth purple spark. Should I go shako or starless skies?

I'm thinking of going after the Uber Lilith kill on either my barrage rogue or my minion sorcerer and I'm thinking starless skies ring but Shako seems to have a lot of hype.
Shako is really good for the cooldown reduction, but if you're having mana issues then starless skies can really help. I personally made a shako first and then happened to get a starless drop from a tormented boss.
In the helltides? If you can get carried (lots of other people doing it) then go for it. By all means, participate and throw some hearts in to keep people there. Don't voluntarily seek to farm it on your own, or by yourself. It's too slow. Infernal hordes are the way, or just getting more kills in the helltide. The boss fight itself is was slows your kills down.

The only thing I'd say about NMDs and the leveling is that your glyphs give you such power and are so necessary that you may as well do them around level 70 or so, because that's when the game starts to feel like a bit of a slog. And NMDs basically let you choose the sweet-spot of enemy level. To me, it isn't worth it to get into "NMD Tier lists" but I think running them is good because you combine the very important tasks of leveling your character and your glyphs.

If you solely want to bum-rush the vendor track, then tier 3 hordes as soon as you can do them comfortably. If that is your major goal, then tier 3 hordes. It's really getting into that additional wave with the stacked boons and banes that pushes the horde mode over the top compared to tier 2. You might actually run good NMDs if you are facing at level hordes in tier 2.
I will sex this cutie
Thank you. I'm thinking my issue is mana. Was the tormented boss kill really hard? Is there a sign or an activity I can use to "guess" when the time is right to kill the tormented boss? Like, "if you can do NMD 1XX then go do tormented solo?"
Have fun with dodge ball of doom
Damn, I didn't know what time the event ended, I was going to spam goblins to fill out my codex.
Hmm trying to remember... me and my buddy were rushing our leveling with high NMD and doing hordes to masterwork stuff... I'm thinking we were lvl 100 and had all of our paragon glyphs maxed, maybe just a couple masterworks, and then decided to try a tormented boss. Idk if we could've done it sooner, but we just kind of took off from there. It really is worth it to find other people to pool stygian stones with and do a whole bunch of tormented bosses at once, even if it's just one other person.
And as far as the uber lilith, I think what cinched it for me is figuring out the phase 2 flying skulls thing. Get that high movement speed and outrun the skulls in a big arc; EZ.
Thanks. I need to max out the glyphs. Definitely. I drastically drastically underestimated how important that was. I put my two mains on hold for the vendor rank/reputation rush but I'm going to max out those glyphs. I'll probably re-roll masterworks as well.

I really do need to get into a rotation. I'm in a discord and I should just do it.

Yeah I was hoping to use them to gear out my returning character. Just hit WT4 as the event ended. Oh well, I managed to fill out most of my codex, even got max a lot of rolls on some of the rarer ones so I can't complain.
I know that stuff become account bound when altering it but what makes something untradable outside of that?
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Rate my battlemage mog.
what is the damage value of your splintering energy aspect post patch?
I like it. It looks very grounded and almost realistic. It looks... appropriate. Which isn't a criticism. A lot of stuff in Diablo 4 leans extreme. Which I like, but sometimes it is so extreme it looks cartoonish and not dark fantasy. That's a classy mog.
NMD 100 knocks out the glyphs pretty fast. I'm so glad they got rid of those stupid enemy rooms and such.
They didn't touch it anon
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was not this number before patch
I don't know for sure what it was before patch, but I just did a T7, and lightning spear still slaps just fine.


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Just waiting to try out the PTR tomorrow. Some thoughts:
>torment levels like D3, but they are level locked. If you unlock with one char, then does second char in same season/realm also have it unlocked for speed level purposes?
>paragon unlocks transfer to secondary chars, but unlike D3, that second char will have to be lvl60 to access (instead of right out the gate)?
>everyone gets 10 additional skill points to lvl 60, but what about people who already cleared all renown? They still get the extra points too, right?
>"health, armor, and core stats" are getting "revisited"--so what will the new armor cap be?
>monsters have no lvl displayed--even in NMD?
>if paragon boards are limited to an extra 4 on top of the starting board (so only 4 legendary nodes), then these boards better be beefed up. My sorceresses all have 8 paragon boards right now in this season, so.....
Ok and then moving on to the VoH expansion. I don't see why anyone would continue to play the game without the expansion. The new class has an OP companion skill, significantly shorter cooldown for ultimate, damage-over-times that actually do quick damage, looks almost like a combination of all the good things from all the other classes. Without the expansion, one would be losing out on not just the extra OP (at least for this first season it's out) class, but also
>new area
>with new renown points
>citadel (if I understand this correctly, citadel is limited to expansion, right?)
>followers (for what it's worth)
>runestones (for what it's worth)
Like don't bother trying to keep up if you're not playing with expansion next season.
So currently, without momma's blessing, what's the fastest to 100? Helltide or Hordes?
bros my necro feels way shittier than my wife’s sorc
What negromancer you playing?
Are we gonna get a mid-season patch or are they gonna be to focused on the PTR?
Minions and Bone. We just got 50 but the difference has been stark for at least 5 levels
that's weird, minion necro should be afk clearing everything. Mind posting your build?
i doubt it. it probably would've been today's patch
sent a request to join :)
>guaranteed 5 mythics tormented
crazy person here
Oh shit that was me and I meant guaranteed 5 UNIQUE drops for tormented lol. I was probably a few beers deep.
Difference... In what? Clearing speed? Survivability? Minion builds tend to be very reliant on Mendeln for AoE clear and obviously if you played something like Barb, you would still be even further behind due to having to actually run next to enemies with some builds. It's not like i cry that my brother is playing a Perma-Cataclysm druid and auto-clearing everything in situations where he gets the chance to get his train going, but i sure as hell don't cry that bosses die in a Rupture or two on a Bleed Barbarian. If you're comparing and complaining atleast give some metric to go on.
Is Mendeln still bugged? I think pure minion builds are strong. I like the idea of actually playing the role of a commander and buffing my minions and setting up curse corpse and golem DPS rotations.
I searched FREN but there's a ton with that name, what's your name?
Mendeln kinda sucks for end game, especially since you want to put aspects on your rings and you're spamming the corpse skill anyways.
K I approved you!

It's <FREN> clan, I think the info says "FRENs helping FRENs" or something derpy about "no normies reeee"
That's what I understood from looking at a lot of guides and videos. I didn't know how much of that was due to minion builds just really benefitting from aspects vs the ring not scaling the damage minions do through other sources. I actually really like the aspect of the great feast on a ring. With about 7 essence per second you get crazy damage and essence per second is never bad anyways.
I just joined all of them since the description are all derpy.
I just look at the leaderboard, the 2nd nec which is a minion build has only legendaries and maybe 1 mythic. Just google Gigachad Mage, that's the best one they have a Shadow and Golem variant.
Thanks! Always interested in thinking about my build.
Not the clan guy but you’re retarded. It’s the only one that is <FREN>
I finally got 2 different chests with ranks to golem mastery and I'm happy for that but I also don't remember seeing much of anything attractive on that chest beyond that. So I'm really worried it will mess up my build. I think it my throw off my armor cap. I don't know whether to be happy that chests with golem mastery actually drop or cry that its otherwise a weak roll.
>I can run T8 hordes comfortably for mats now
feels good having the mythics I need
Not worth it imo, 7 is way faster and the mats you get is more or less the same
perhaps, though it feels weird running t7s because I rape everything in it so hard that it feels like I should be going up a tier
How is it "faster" when it takes the same amount of time unless you're running a homebrew build?
damn, the Goblins got tired of us stealin their shit. That was fun.
As the only Ice Shards Sorcerer in the entire game, there is way too much RNG to get BiS items. I don't want to play with no hands with a Frozen Orb Lightning Spear build that's gonna cost way too much money for BiS. Does anyone find it funny that all these streamers have BiS gear in 72 hours, but regular players like myself waste time, gold, and materials on RNG only for it to brick? Do they play with alternative drop rates or what?
lol jfk you can beat that at lvl30 as a rogue to go straight to T4
it's called streamer luck. Also the power of an army of simps who will just give them what they need.
D4V2.0 is gonna be a shitshow
Streamers have thousands of uber kills at their fingertips and thousands of people willing to give them perfect rolls for cheap or even free.
personally, I can't imagine being one of those losers
They're not playing the same game as us, clearly. I feel blessed anytime someone lets me drop into a horde and die 200 times for the exp, or even let me leech off a Tormented Boss. I feel blessed when I get some Stygian stones for free. Streamers getting free shit from losers who want brownie points? These losers minus well wire them money directly, gets the job done quicker
Is there a place for D2 discussion?
I mean, people in the past usually just state /d2r/ or something along that line in their post to show they're wanting to talk about D2R specifically.

But really 4chan isn't exactly the best platform to talk about video games for retro multiplayers.
excited to watch ptr shit tomorrow lads.
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So the tooltip says that Armor peaks at 9230 @ lvl 100, but that's only for lvl 100 mobs. What about mobs above that level? Should I get more armor for those, or it's a hard cap?
9230 is the hard cap.
finally got the secret title since they nerfed the helltide commander req
was destroying people in pvp zone and then got humbled by a lightning spear sorc a few times kek
game is NOT working for me rn
game's working like shit since the season dropped.
it's back up (for now)
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How the fuck do people survive T100+ damage? how much HP should I have? since they removed all the defensive stats what the fuck I'm supposed to do? And no, "kill before you get killed" is not a valid answer.
about as good as any of the sorc stuff I've seen
I hate the sorc posture and shape, probably its enhanced by the male sorc being such a ponce that he's unpickable
why are you even playing pit
>inb4 he doesn't know you can get 1000 neathiron from a single t7/8 infernal horde
almost bedtime then ptr to see if the game is saved
Whats on the ptr? The expansion?
S6, I think the expansion stuff is limited so you can't make a spiritborn
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why would this be account bound? I don't know what I did to the item to make it account bound I never used it
S6 stuff isn’t on PTR. We don’t know what the theme is yet. The PTR will test the progression changes (different difficulties, new passives+skill+ultimates with skill level, lvl60 cap then paragon to 300 cap, lvl100 cap for glyphs, using Pit runs to uprade glyphs instead of NMDs, using NMDs instead of Pit for masterwork mats)
I'm also wondering this. Did that come from a boss or a lootbag/box? Maybe only boss drops are allowed to be traded
You got it from a loot bag
I'm thinking of jumping into a discord to look to get carried for some torment boss kills. I have materials. Is the carry something I need voice for? Are there things I should know beyond just being chill?
How is it that streamers and jewtubers just seem to have perfect rolls and a million mythic uniques for damn near every class?
Dont even need discord. You can just ask in trade chat.

That's retarded, wasn't it different S1? I thought you could overcap for higher level mobs? Well I guess I can replace an aspect now which is good. Guess I need to generate barriers or something for more ehp.
because they play a lot and the mats for boss summons are trivially easy to get and you can then spam bosses
plus the goblin event dropped a shit load of items
They changed it with S4 I think so it functions more like resistance and you just need to juggle your affixes/aspects to get to cap. I'm sure they knew they would be making the changes coming with VoH (and PTR) where monsters are always at the same level as you and scale based on difficulty you've selected and tier of Pit/NMD/Horde etc.
It's a good change
Any Barbs using the Wildbolt aspect? Seems like a good alternative to Steel Grasp? Have to test the range on it myself I guess, if I can't fill the screen with shit I might as well make the screen come to me.
if durial and andriala have same loot table why are mats cheaper on one, why would anyone buy mats of the more expsensive one?
"This build does over a billion damage and doesn't require any mythics"
> key to the build is a greater affix on a +skill perk that is arguably as rare if not more than a mythic.
Thanks. Come to think of it, i see that from time to time. i didn't know if that was acceptable or not. I'm definitely going to purse linking up with people. I need to get to farming tormented bosses
How do summon rotations work in terms of loot drops? If I'm in a group but I don't summon the boss, does loot still drop for me? Or does loot only drop for the person that summoned the boss?
is there any bonus reward for doing all objectives in season journey?
You get all the equipment, only the person who summoned will get the boss materials

There's always been a hidden achievement/title for completing every season task
what is it this season? i only played on launch
Did the mythic spear pop greed shrine?
Would this farm goblins?
Could I have literally just sat afk with numpad trick farming 100 goblins every 10 minutes?
is this the diablo immortal general
>partake in the only conceivable enjoyable aspect of this game
playing arpgs for the social aspect. what a god damn loser lol
Do we have all the new legendary glyph effects?
xpansionaddon isnt even out and we already have everything data mined. poggers
datamining trannies were a mistake
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How to begin to fix PD2, currently a pile of shit:

1. Bring back universal teleport. Does not have to be Enigma. Could be shuffled around different items as the seasons go by. Also, restore Sorceress teleport to the LoD instantiation (no blowhard damage debuff).
2. PD2-exclusive content has retarded damage values that reduces said fights to constant near-deaths and chugging potions like a retard even at maximum resistances, pdr, blocking, etc. Reduce them all by 50% as a start.
3. Call to Arms was symptomatic of there simply being no good option to increase life in the late game in LoD, too, indeed. However, the PD2 "solutions" are even worse, i.e. practically removing it and relying on shitty corruptions to get 40 to life in as many items slots as you can, or Jah runes in sockets. Extremely janky and, of course, far more "cookie cutter" than simply having a CtA on the offhand, since far more gear slots are relegated to the same modifier.
4. Mapping is abysmal. Surface area is too big. Layouts are too annoying save for one or two maps. Monster distribution is always even so you have to "mow the lawn" every map. Inventory always fills up due to exaggerated size and item quantity. Mercenary always dies due to moronic blowhard damage values. Unacceptable number of mandatory town trips. Completing a map does not matter. Rushing the map boss does not matter. Map bosses only drop one shitty PD2-exclusive item, terrible rarity. Shuffling map doodads is terrible. Map events are all worthless. Pure junk. Either streamline and speedup mapping or remove altogether.
5. Generally, putting the endgame fights behind five different items with blowhard rarity is an awful idea for online play. Also, all the PD2-exclusive boss items are turboshitty relative to fight availability and/or design (absurd damage values).

You're welcome.
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>streamer got to level 60 in 20 minutes by exploiting strongholds and party mechanics
I suppose this is what PTR is for.
based raxx
>playing arpgs for the social aspect.
My irl friends are the only reason I'm stilling playing this shit game kek
>no valid license
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Ancillary stuff, nowhere nearly as important:

6. Corruption is a bad idea with LoD rng. Either remove bricking or drastically increase corruption quality. Moreover, it constantly further reduces the (already very low due to LoD rng) total number of valuable items by bricking, which increases their prices, and it also constantly keeps their prices artificially high in general since RED TEXT=HR LOL11
7. Crafting is a terrible mechanic both here and in LoD. Remove.
8. Make all rares always have six modifiers, change gambling to rares only, add imbue mechanic for rares (something like cube a rare with a Ber for 20% fcr), all to make gold viable as trading currency.
9. If Blowpai is THAT concerned with "build diversity", he can remove the (admittedly dumb) skill synergy mechanic, give the fully synergized damage to the skills themselves, making hybrid builds normal.
10. Although universal melee splash is obviously good, the LoD meta was something like ranged had big splash at the cost of mediocre single target damage and melee had top tier single target damage at the cost of no splash. Currently, crushing blow and deadly strike are almost turned off in PD2 (you have to squint to see it), so nothing is really good for single target (especially for bosses), and everything seems to have been turned into a monoculture of splashslop/mapslop (which is not even that impressive, really, relative to, say, LoD corpse explosion or lightning fury). Again, "balance" always backfires.
you going to jail nigger
I finally got a Uber, and it's an Andy. I know rogues mostly use it but what other builds can I use to push with it?
I don't even know what to buy with sparks as sorc, I have ga max life shako with x3 improves into cdr but spending sparks on shako to get ga cdr seems so unlikely not even worth it
you might as well, even CDR you take orb off your bars and LS becomes an auto attack
Tyrone's armor
Anyone able to get into the PTR?
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>*Loads PoE2 in the chamber*
what the fuck are all these acronyms?
Fucking zoomers
why would gear from goblin bags me account bound? whats the motive?
fuck you, that's why.
What should I be aiming for defensively as a Barb? I was crushing T2 Hordes very easily on my 80 barb, decided to try t3s. Got crushed instead. My damage seems fine, but being melee I'm taking hits and I was popping regularly. Are resists not memes anymore? (Last played S2) Do I have to have them all maxed? Armor capped. About ~30 generic DR plus another 35 on CD. 7.6k hp. Still felt awful.
Why can't i get into the fucking ptr?
Get a meta build homie
Normalizing the numbers was a good idea. Much better to see 6000 damage than 60,000,000,000,000 damage
That and the removing enemy scaling pissed off a lot of wowfags so this wholew update was worth it just for that.
This is cool too
Err is there a way to upgrade the $40 pre-order to the $90 one?
>anything above 75 pit
>instant death no matter by what mechanic
Are you supposed to just dodge? What's the point of putting all this defensive shIt on?
You're supposed to kill them before they can do anything and you need tyraels might with dmg reduction masterwork
Where's your doggo anon?
>no pet
based retard
Just helped a rando from chat beat lilith feels good bros
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Why is Necro the most flat? She's flatter than the male barb/druid.
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Do not question dfc
damn no ptr comments bros? i can't play it i'm on xbox
Getting infinite loading screens so I can't actually play it but I noticed there were bunch of new hairstyles available lol.
>new hairstyles
oh that's cool i guess. i saw on reddit that the campfire screen for create a character is kill and that's gay
Yeah it's pretty much korean mmo style now but the actual char gen is the same
Expansion area is tiny as fuck, like dry steppes size
damn i thought it was a bit bigger than that :/
It's pretty average, no?
I haven't played much but I'm liking the stat squish and early progression. Anyone played into Torment levels? What do you think?
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looks good to me desu
Have you tried spiritborn yet?
that's a data mined image, no access to it (or spiritborn) yet
>vessel of hatred is bad

Knew this would happen when they had a tranny and 20 year old intern explaining everything during the campfire.
it's not bad I'm liking it a lot
thought they fucked up with the affixes again when I was seeing +5 health but then I realized I had only 73 health total
it's probably a little too easy in the early levels, as soon as you get rares in every slot it's a cakewalk but it's easy to get a build up and running and it all feels pretty smooth
and btw, Colin is extremely based and I think the troon is only there because they got called out because the campfire chats were all male and almost all white
what a tummy slut. gotta get me one.
Rogue is a better tummy slut imo
Ok I'm giving up on PTR, can't play for more than about an hour without an error that causes logout and I have to reset keybinds every time I log back in since it won't save. Looks good though, excited for expansion release. D4 is good now.
Yeah it's black screens and infinite loading screens every 5 to 10 mins
I have shako tyrael's and starless and they're all good to have, if you're missing any of those I'd go ahead and grab it
I just tried launching PTR, but it says i need to update my graphics driver... which I'm hesitant to do b/c of everyone having so many problems with random crashes on regular D4 after the driver update........
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What is the way of the Barbarian /d4g/?
The way is to play any other class. Barb is shit this season.
im lvlin up with it rn and it feel bad ngl
I deleted my barb fast--it's been ruined in the name of "balance". Literally don't waste your time on it.
prove it
is paragon levels resetting every season or carry over in season6+?
I remembered I had forgotten to do the flushdns thing and I've been playing for a few hours now and no probs. The new character screen didn't display when I first launched until I updated nVidia drivers
https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/82450#:~:text=Type ipconfig %2Frenew in the,Return key on your keyboard.
they'll definitely reset
they carried over to PTR because it's just copying your existing characters to the PTR realm
but the good news is that the paragon levels transfer to new alts on the same realm so if you grind to lvl 300 you are done for that season no matter how many alts you create
are people serious with these trade prices? I'm not sitting on billions of gold just yet and I'm trying to pick up a decent chest armor.
>Are people serious
>I'm not sitting on
Sell a single good item and you will
300 paragon seems like 150+ hr efficient perma farm xp grind, last levels 1 billion xp per
Why are mats to summon Andriel so much cheaper than Duriel when they have same loot table? Who is buying eggs for 50m each and why?
In Hardcore, Andy is more likely to kill retards than Duriel. That's why Andy mats are cheaper.
she takes longer to kill and is more deadly
u telling me 4 ls sorcs arent killing it in 3 secs ? i havent done those bosses yet because i dont need any items from them
>raxx hating on crusader's monument dogshit stronghold
he's just like me
they would but there are forced time wasting mechanics
any barbs here who played the ptr? the dust devil glyph is supposed to give 2900% increased damage at level 100 with 100 str. is the number really supposed to be that high?
Just finished act 5 and the game is quite nice so far. Is there much left of the main story anons?
>act 5
nope. not until next month buddy
How do I get my most up to date character in the PTR?
On softcore it's pretty obvious. Andy is summoned with Zir and Beast dropped mats, the mats of those bosses are the easiest to reliably farm in the game through helltide and NM dungeons and are the cheapest.
Duriel is summoned with Grig and Varsh mats, Living steel is honestly harder to get than blood, but his loot table is WORTHLESS so steel is the cheapest in the game. Meanwhile fucking HEARTS are a nightmare to get and are almost as expensive as eggs themselves, the only way to reliable get them is to spam grim tolls and trees, completing 10 tolls gives you fucking ONE, two if you're lucky, and it also usually drops fucking gear and blood as well when you complete it. The best chance to reliably farm it is to complete the tolls and how that you get a lucky spawn of the shitty mob that might pop up when you complete one for a trembling hand or some shit, that you then have to fucking run to the alchemist to transmute into a single heart.
how important is masterworking 12/12 for non-mythic unique builds?
wtf I sign off to see if it would help fix a bugged side quest and now the game keeps crashing on log in.
>5 day old thread
if you're comfortable doing the content without it, it doesn't matter i guess
imagine being the blizz shill having to keep check and keep this thread alive with your pointless posts(not me I'm not waiting until page 10 like he does)
rip bud. i can't do hc because my internet sucks ass and some days i get dc'd multiple times. i did level a druid to 50 once for the achievement but that's it
still not able to log in on xbox. I'm not the only one having this issue. fml
since when bud
3 hours ago
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left or right
>So 53.5% more damage (101.65 after masterworking)

>Right aspect gives 3 times 3.5 (you won't deal poision), so 10.5% damage
Only question I have is does the aspect buff affect further up the layering of the stats making it better

The real answer is sell both and buy a Lucky hit/CDR GA
I mean I assume the unique bonus isnt additiive like the non phy damage so it isn't just 101 vs 10

also I just do not understand why mucus eggs are selling for 50m+, how many do you get per tempered varshan? don't you basically get your money back summoning him ?
Blood and Fear are easiest to farm, and those bosses drop items everybody needs so they are spammed constantly, leading to the market being saturated with dolls and Shackles. My sorc alone has 2 rows in my stash of shackles I never use because I don't do beast enough.

Meanwhile hearts take much much longer to get and are deliberately cancerous to obtain for who knows why so therefore Varsh is summoned less and there are less Eggs on the market. Compare this to shards of agony, living steel is very easy to get and thus people get shards all the time so they are about the same as andy mats.

It costs more to summon Varshan than it does Duriel. The answer is because hearts are a nightmare to get.
Ignoring stones because they are on both sides of the equations
Varshan - (Heart) 30mil per mat
Duriel - (Egg) 50mil + (Shard) 5 mil = 55 mil

Varshan - mat x15 = 450 million per summon
Duriel - mat x 6 = 330 million per summon
People tend to forget you can get hearts by converting the other bits like head, bone and hand with 1:1 ratio
Yeah, and the only way to get the transmute mats is doing grim tolls
>10 tolls
>1 hearts (usually pumps out 2blood or 2 fear) potentially 2 hearts if it rolls that instead of the others.
Every fifthish toll you do will spawn this thing on the ground that drops a single transmute mat.
Half the time you usually get more mats doing tolls (the only way to get hearts) out of doing tolls which is funny.
more of the other mats*
What the fuck is grim toll?
what the FUCK is a grim toll
The Grim favors, little icons on the map, after 10 of them you talk to the tree.
struggling to keep playing this season lads. my sorc is basically OP as fuck and has mostly BiS items with the exception of a couple GAs

my rogue could use some better gear (better umbacrux, fists of fate, and one of those impossible to roll amulets for andy's) but it's just kind of boring to play.
Barbarian is pretty fun since the nerfs, no more powercreep OPness
andrial mats are like x3 cheaper than durial so I have no idea why people are even buying eggs when you can just do andrial for same drops
Duriel doesn't have cancer stages blocking the kill
you weren't kidding. I decided to list a stack of hearts and made a billy in minutes.
This is a great change, I really missed the sense of having max level be a challenge and offering a diminishing reward and being able to start a new character and continue the grind is a good middle ground
I wish they would do something based and put a seasonal challenge behind getting to 300 but I know they never will
>streamer tards hype up le ebin goriller x le centipede from their super lowbie snapshot preview
>PTR datamine shows insane shit like Sepazontec with 23 to 24 ranks to Follow Through
>FerocityXFurnace maxxing with Jaguar overcap
>Eagle on hit with Kepelek and Gorilla main

That yurofaggot from the goblin inc channel is already stealing builds and calling them his
The expansion is going to be so sloppy, there will be so many broken builds. I fully expect another repeat of the reddit melty from pre-season when the inevitable nerfs come too late
what most fun class dis season?
Have the new legendary glyph effects become available yet? I want to see if they're worth getting excited about.
She looks like the homeless lady that was begging at my local gas station.
then I bet you could get her to suck you off for a dollar. seems worth it
She's not stupid, but she was willing to do it for $20 especially when she's really jonesing. She doesn't have a lot of her teeth but she is willing to swallow for $20 and plus now that she knows I'm not a cop she tries to flag me down after work.
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anon, I was joking.
Oh I mean I was joking as well... hahaha...
damn you really get like 1-2 levels with every stronghold now lmao
>companion druid is really strong
>I like that One With Nature key passive allows you to have all companion passives for FREE
>the retards should have added Oak Sage spirit as a 4th companion choice
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never forget...
Post your tummy slut
God damn
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whats the verdict on ptr barb?
Turns out you can drop NMD sigils for expansion dungeons. It had a placeholder graphic instead of the icon in key inventory and I was able to use it but when I tried porting to the dungeon it stopped me
The new paragon system is fucking ASSSSSSSS
its even more restricting. I mean I understand why they did it I just dont like it.
I'm really not looking forward to these new changes in season 6, but at least the new spiritborn class and expansion things will keep it interesting until the following season when devs decide to backtrack on the stupid stuff.
It's basically the same thing except you're not allowed to completely ignore almost every rare node just to add as many boards as possible for more glyphs/legendary nodes
If they add another 5-10 boards per class and a some new glyphs it will feel fine but I would support adding 1 more max board than it is currently
adding more boards and therefore glyphs would potentially be to strong seeing how some glyphcs add 3000% damage. I guess everything is balanced around these numbers. they would only create balancing issues if they enable more glyphs. not saying that I like the new boards (they are worse). they pretty much already designed themselfs into a corner.
Yeah you're probably right, I haven't levelled glyphs much yet so I'm not considering how ridiculous the lvl 100 bonuses are
how much real money is 1 billion gold in seasonal atm? Just wondering
a few minutes of burger flipping. not worth it even as a 3rd worlder. dont bother
im not even buying I just wanted to know how much gold is worth when people are buying these 30 billion items on trade websites, I went on g2g or whatever and it said 40000 was liek $5 and that didnt seem right

>1bil = 18fg
>290fg = 10$
15-16bil for 10$ but thats assuming you buy the fg directly from the site. the actual value is probably more like in the 20-25bil per 10$ range.
Anyone trying out the runes? Anything fun to report?
installing the ptr rn. I am more interested in their drop rates since you need them to craft uber uniques.
I can't play atm but I think you get them from a PTR npc. They don't have the expansion undercity thing in the PTR that drops them afaik
yeah I know about the npc I mean their natural drop chance from doing content. farmable runes means we dont need to do boss rotas.
why are item prices so gigantic in the trades? Is gold that easy to come by in the game itself?
is infernal hordes going to be part of the core content?
Infernal hordes gold chest

Yeah they said they are reworking it though so I dunno what it will be. Hope they remove ability to craft the keys and make it a rare drop and leave the drop rates as they are
i've never seen a female druid or male necro
I been playing with some milf (literally in her late 50s with grandkids) for months now and she made a female Druid. She a legit Diablo fan.
>Infernal hordes gold chest
that doesn't exactly tell me anything. How much can you get from those that you could earn enough to get billions of gold?
It scales based on how many aether you get in the run and there are stupidly broken builds this season that absolutely demolish T8s and get shitloads of aether.
Billions of gold has been trivial this season4
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Wish I knew how to replicate this
>update graphics driver
>game either crashes or takes 5 minutes to enter world
>opening inventory freezes for 30 seconds
>seeing another player freezes for 30 seconds
>activating a mindcage freezes for 30 seconds
>teleporting freezes for 30 seconds and dumps me into an empty void with no mana or hp but a functioning chatbox
i fucking hate this game
is this slop good yet?
stfu hornlet
>watching Elon's stream on twitch
>fucking 50 year old billionaire
>cleared 130 pit easily
>can solo 7 horde
>can't even do 70 pit without not clearing
How the fuck am I a worst player than Elon? It almost feels like all he does day to day is play D4 and shitpost on Twitter.
>27 blood for 1 summon
>20m each

why do other bosses have only x15
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he returned to monke
beast is also 27
varshan and grig are 15
duriel and andy are 6 of each item
>Can't clear pit 70
Are you using rare gear or something?
What's the best way to get a sidequest back on track when the objective disappears whenever you get close to the marker?
Fuck buying items and trading
why the fuck do so many side quests bug out and the objective just fucks off. fuck.
why would someone be doing side quests in diablo 4
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This right here is why I didn't update graphics driver
>go to map
>click on right side
>abandon quest
>do not pick that quest back up again
What the fuck you can abandon quests?!
>He comes on 4chan VG to larp as a merchant that got booted from biz

Time to update my filters again. Grifters behave exactly like Microshift poopjeet scammers
The fuck?
I still didn't buy the expansion
I did, I boughted. Was excited for the stat squish and the early levelling was somewhat better than current season but I now think S6 will even more fucked balance wise and have even more bugs. I’m also nearly convinced that even if they don’t actually have 2 different teams working in tandem on seasons, they actually keep 2 distinct development versions running because it seems like bugs from past seasons somehow are back like they haven’t fully integrated past patches.
But ai will say that s5 PTR was also a mess and it recovered pretty well in time for launch
I just want to know how the story continues
Why would they leave one of the most important objects in sanctuary to a teenage girl being followed by a "dog" who's clearly one of the prime evils
everyone knew the dog was Meph and she stole the soulstone before leaving
the real shit part of the story is that Meph should have been the BBEG fight instead of Lilith, player should have sided with Lilith and she should have been betrayed and killed by Mephisto. Meanwhile, Inarius should not have jobbed to Lilith and instead should have been judged by the Heavens and maybe killed by Imperius or something.
Mommy and Daddy both killed, humanity has a grievance with both heaven and hell, perfectly set up for story arcs defending Sanctuary against invasion and people would not have been upset at not getting a real boss at launch
>she stole the soulstone before leaving
and the wanderer and what's his name just shrugged and went on with their lives lol

I like your version more, Inarius jobbing was garbage
played a little bit of ptr with my ww barb:
>runes drop everywhere but nmd seem to be a good place to farm them
I am sure its going to be easy to farm 10x high runes for the mythic craft
>difficulty seems very low
I was only paragon 120 with 2-3 paragon boards but could right away play on torment 3 and 4
>gain offering while moving rune seems op
tried stuff like gain dark shrouds every 15 meter. seems to proc every 2-3 seconds. coupled with the do x if you gain a skill from a different class its really strong but I am sure people will find better combinations.
>leveling super fast
did 2 nightmare dungeons and leveled from 119 to 123 within a few minutes. I am sure we will reach max paragon within 1-2 days

overall the game seems easier and even more casual friendly.
>I am sure we will reach max paragon within 1-2 days
299-300 is around 1.1 billion xp.
monster are always at your level. even now leveling is linear. you level up, monster level up and you get more xp. currently leveling from 70 to 71 takes pretty much the same time as 90 to 91 since you also gain mobility, more aoe clear and whatnot. I would be surprised if they implemented an exponential xp curve.
The levels aren't difficult (they cap at 60 now). The PARAGON levels are definitely exponential. I had about 200 paragon unlocked with the characters brought over and I only managed a couple of levels with about 4-5 hours of not very serious play and it goes all the way to 300.
I'm sure it won't be that hard to get max in a season across multiple characters since it's universal to all characters on the realm but it will still be much more of a grind that it is currently where it's a cakewalk
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>block the rat-faced jew channel on my youtube feed
>he whores himself out to virtually every other gaming channel that will have him and they all put his ugly rat visage on the thumbnail
I will never be rid of this fucking rodent
I guess he means the red haired weirdo
Beavis is goat
he is? he plays softcore, steals most of his builds from random asians, actually makes them worse by making useless changes and is getting free boss mats from his mindless twitch/youtube viewers. as a player or build creator he isnt really good.
you're right, but he gets a pass for looking like Beavis
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are paragon points unlimited?
>t. first time making it past level 60
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well thats a bummer
why? no one like the unlimited level shit from d3
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theres so many nodes. and you can add more. i like collecting the nodes.
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Anyone having weird problems with PTR if anyone is even bothering with it?
I've been getting and absurd amount of hard freezes on random fucking shit.
>change audio
>click on Make a character
>Click on Make a character and switch to Druid
>make a Druid open up the skill tree
>freeze ect.
Never had this shit happen before, even during closed beta test I had maybe one crash
Not had those problems specifically but the character select screen didn’t display for me until I updated nvidia drivers
Yeah it's unplayable for me, black screens and infinite loading screens left an dright
most D4 jewtubers steal their builds and content
The french faggot from the goblin channel stole the Nature's Fury Landslide storm build from the no name players in the D4 main discord who theorycrafted the whole build since the S4 PTR.
If the forums weren't such dogshit they'd be less able to get away with stealing builds, but no one serious about the game posts there, they only cry and shit themselves with whining posts.
wish i could get a ga shako or tyraels or fists of fate

doesnt look good for you if you plan on getting them in the expansion.
I got ga'd running speed on tyrone's reeeeeeeee
so what I get is everyone and every build is going to run the same 2 runewords. the one for the warcry and the other one for petrify. epic
only if you’re a metatranny that outsources all fun and all thinking to some weak faggot who doesn’t even see the sun and acts like a faggot clown all day for manchildren
there’s shitloads of rune effects and shitloads of ways to trigger them and you’re supposed to actually think about cool things you can do with your own build, which will probably be viable in endgame anyway
choosing something sub-optimal just because you are a special snowflake. yeah dude you do you.
thanks for confirming yourself to be a soulless metatranny
lost braincells reading that thread. those faggots just want the game to hand them everything on a silver platter
>w-what do you m-mean the bosses aren't dropping the BiS item constantly????
fucking retards AAAAAAAAAAAAA
The same people are like
>Can someone please explain to me the point of seasons?!!
But the strangest thing is that I would fully expect them to continue to play an eternal character with almost perfect gear way past the point that anyone sane would get bored and start a new character

I found a website that tells me the TZ that is after the next. is. Is it possible to see even further than that?
Where exactly are runes dropping on PTR? Do you only get them from the boost NPC or are they locked to specific Torment level?
this shit is so ass using robs lighting spear build and do extreme shit damage
Did you even read it? They are right. The boss loot is trash
So they will transfer the season character to the eternal realm. Do any of your materials or gold stay? Can you bring things like neathiron to the next season?
to be fair, like every single barb build is gonna involve Earthquakes and Dust Devils so they are probably gonna use that "summon an Earthquake" rune
Nope, you can't. Only the exploration rewards transfer
your stash goes into a giant temp remove only tab
next season will only have obducite not the other 2 so I’m not sure what they’ll do but probably they’ll get converted at some rate down yo obducite
Not mommy enough

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