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#1846 - Brat edition

Halo Infinite's 13th Battle Pass, "Fleetcom", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Infinite Update (8/21)
>Latest Community Update (7/5)

Halo News:
>Fleetcom update brings Sandbox changes, VIP and Headhunter game modes to Infinite
>Paramount's Live Action Halo show canceled after two seasons
>Bungie and Creative Assembly veteran developer Dan Gniady hired as lead designer for next Halo game

Previous >>491580116
If this is the last thread, it would be appropriate
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You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1846

>Previous Threads
>>491580116 | #1845 - Headhunter
>>490897324 | #1844 - The Return of Achilles
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Remove Sprint
They Won't, but They Should
Remove Sprint
The Endless has arrived
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It's over.
/hg/ CAN NOT survive this.
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thread theme
>halo players hate sprint
>COD adds omnimovement where you can sprint slide and dive in any direction
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>omnimovement where you can sprint slide and dive in any direction
If Halo 7/Endless/Whatever had this, Bungiebros would be completely BTFO. What's the argument against sprint at that point?
could atriox handle the omnimovers.........
Halo is for?
Omni Movement
the omnimovers.....
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Do I have your consent to move in an omni fashion?
CEdad here.
When Black Ops came for the Reachbabs I said nothing, because I was not a Reachbab.
When Black Ops II came for the 4fags I said nothing, because I was not a 4fag.
When Black Ops III came for the 5 apologies I said nothing, because I was not a 5 apologist.
When Black Ops Cold War came for the Infinite paypigs I said nothing, because I was not an Infinite paypig.
When Black Ops 6 comes for me, I fear there will be nobody left to speak out for me.
Halo belongs to Jason Jones, not (((Microsoft))). The name of the first game is simply Halo, or Halo 1. 'Combat Evolved' is just a subtitle that Microsoft slapped on the packaging, Bungie and Jason were never okay with it, in fact they hate it.
Right before production, Jason sneakily changed the code of Halo 1 to make the M6D pistol far more powerful without telling the other devs. That is the most based thing anyone has ever done within the context of video games.
If you disagree that Halo 1 and Halo 2 are the best Halo games, you are filtered by the M6D and BXR. Seethe.
>forerunners (humans) activate rings 100k+ years ago
>few survive at shield installation
>re seed their species on Earth
>eventually Librarian (one of the survivors) visits Earth hence Halo 3 terminals
its not hard
Halo 1 = Halo 2 > Halo 3 > all the rest
2001-2007: canon
2008-2009: debatable
2010+: not canon
Worse pvp of any Halo: Reach
Faggot that keeps calling Halo 3 'odd' while being intentionally vague: Biggest faggot to ever defile /hg/ with its presence
Waifu tier: Miranda
Reach is not Halo
The ONLY way to save Halo:
>fix MCC glitches
>give MCC a Halo 3 style party system
>make new DLC maps for Halo 1, Halo 2, and Halo 3 (including old cut and unfinished maps and entirely new maps), sell these to still have income from Halo, give players a toggle option to be classic maps only, new maps only, or both in the match composer
>COMPLETELY stop working on and giving any attention to any new games
Literally the ONLY way to save Halo, if 343 is to save it.
Otherwise the only option is to ditch 343 and use 3rd party matchmaking services such as Insignia and Sunrise.
infinite released alongside cod vanguard not cold war
Filtered post above
When I tell you I didn't read these posts...
Nobody played Vanguard.
It's the consensus worst CoD.
Cold War had an abysmal launch due to rushed development airdropping treyarch in at the 11th hour just to be able to get a launchable product at all due to Raven and Sledge's incompetence and wasn't worth playing for 8 months but even then it was still more played than Vanguard and was the defacto CoD through 2021.
Hate me all you want. I agree with your stuff but add Halo 5 to MCC. At least anything but campaign. Also why would you add to the classics? The classics should stay classic
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Is this the halo thread?
it's just lil troll
this is the black ops 6 beta waiting room
I can't help it bros
I'm totally Black(ops) pilled
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I am anon you replied to. I agree add Halo 5, might as well.
>why add to classics
Adding maps changes nothing about the classic experience because you can just not play those maps and having new maps mixes things up a bit. There is a reason people make custom maps for the old games.
Of course if you want the true classic experience you need to play original H1 and H2 on original xbox not MCC.
King troll, this is the 7th time this week you said a game would kill /hg/.
Why does this sound like a halo theme?
That isn't King Troll. I am and nothing kills Halo more than /hg/
lots of forced posts lately
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/hg/'s dead...?
I raped Yeeze.
master chief collection server exe slash server browser when ever
>>COD adds omnimovement where you can sprint slide and dive in any direction
God I can already imagine the rage from fat sweaty geriatric halo nerds who can barely handle some harmless standard sprint as it is.

Ironically, omnimovement should be in halo over cod because thats how a spartan would actually be able to move canonically

you aren't king troll, I know him irl and he's on vacation with his gf in a place with virtually no internet access, good try though dumbass
>king troll
>ever leaving his basement
'JAB is back?
Exactly. I am literally the OG king troll and my penis is as small as Halo 5s player count
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>S tier
Reflection, High Noon, Solitary, Battle Canyon
>A tier
Zealot, Penance, Powerhouse, Countdown
>B tier
Breakneck, Boardwalk, Anchor 9, Ridgeline
>C tier
Condemned, Tempest, Breakpoint, Boneyard, Highlands
>F tier
Spire, Forge World, Sword Base
What’s a good way to find players for teams? Been playing solo due to buddies no longer playing this and I’m stuck in diamond 4-5
Other than asking on here I'd just play BTB with a mic on and talk to people. If people are social and cool than it's a positive
Most games I find myself arguing with faggots online doing poorly than I do talking with chill players. Sometimes I’ll find myself in a ranked lobby with an obnoxious latinx with an open mic or shitty accent. Might have to go on reddit since people on here don’t play unfortunately
We're being raided
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CE > all
It's called 1
Rabbits are not Halo
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>cat ear spartan
THIS is a halo infinite fan
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I'm a kitty, kitty, kitty
I'm a cat
If you mess with me
You're gonna get scratched
i still find games on Infinite easily for 4v4 and 8v8, 12v12 can be a bit hard if its outside of peak hours but still normally find a match, Infinite is not really dead when you have all these casual orlandos playing it
does anyone play destiny? i love the social aspect
Why? How?
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In retrospect, was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y6a6I3-zYE really that bad?
No I thought it was fine.
Alternate take on the gregorian chant theme to signal a start to a new storyline. Plus I think it works well as a female voice to represent Cortana's sacrifice.
I totally understand why people hate it though.
Halo 4's OST is really hit and miss for me. Obviously everyone knows about that infamous prequel star wars sounding segment, and there are others that also feel super generic. Some of it did work for me though. I especially like https://youtu.be/9Oj41t-UES0?si=kFSAjQHOZ_kCyz-C
The biggest problem with Halo 4 imo is that they didn't commit to it. It had tons of flaws but instead of staying the course and polishing them out to work better in the next title, they threw so much of it away.
Into the sun you might say.
Then they did the same thing even harder after Halo 5.
Yeah I would have been fine with a Requiem trilogy
prove you're not just a shill
>prove you're not just a shill
Halo 4's multiplayer is a fucking mess.
The Cawadoody style loadout customization does NOT work for Halo's style of play. Especially considering most of these maps seem clearly built for a more traditional Halo multiplayer.
And despite what I said about the OST earlier, a lot of the sound design in the game is wack. The sniper sounds rediculous. The carbine and warthog hurts my ears. The regeneration field is somehow even worse and may be the most agonizing sound effect in the series. The SAW, AR, and Spartan Lazer also sound pretty bad.
It's probably overall the worst main series game, though you could have a case for Reach or 5. I don't think there's any Halo game that doesn't have at least some redeeming qualities is all I was saying.
That's a wild take. I think 4's sound design is phenomenal, everything is so deep and guttural in the best way possible. There's just a lot of power behind every gun, ability, and vehicle. If the sandbox were better balanced, I think people would realize that 4 has the best sound design in the franchise. Seriously, the AR is pure sex.
Both are fantastic in my eyes. If you don't like them though, listen to this video, where it takes out the ejection port from the magnum and the tremelo from the BR.
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all the fucking sound effects are peaking the speaker all the time and are so distorted compared to the pleasant beef of the Bungie games.
they stopped doing that with infinite but they just made them all sound like dull booms with no character
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Halo 7
It has NEVER been more over
consensual Halo
Black Blops Blix > Baylo Bitchfinite
What kind of dogshit sound balancing do you have that results in your speakers peaking constantly?
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Baylo Bombat Beebolved > Baylo Bee Brodeebestbee
Baylo 2 > Ball
It's clear that Halo 3 was the best overall Halo. People who like Reach grew up with it. People who like Halo 2 are coping (And they don't even play, judging by the player population and lack of matches). What they really like was the Halo 2 E3 trailer, not the resulting Halo 2 on release (Halo 2 was disappointing on release especially after all the hype and parts of it looked worse than CE (such as texture quality and pop-in). CE enjoyers are alright, especially the Custom Edition enjoyers, those guys are the real deal.
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Just finished Halo 2 on legendary and holy shit, it was grueling. Its like the dev who designed it was going through a rough divorce and took out his frustrations on the player. The jackal forest near the end of Delta Halo gave me grey hairs and took years off my life. Anyways onto 3
Reach a shit
>It's clear that Halo 3 was the best overall Halo
Probably yeah.
I still think CE and 2 have higher highs but 3 has just such a nice consistent content offering and it's all really replayable to this day.
Reach is the ugly duckling of the Bungie games. I don't hate it but it really just feels like a step down in quality from what came before even if it does have a ton of content. 4 and 5 can suck a dick for all I care. i put weeks of time into those games and they just don't have the same appeal. infinite is a mess as a package but the mp definitely plays better than anything since 3 imo.
Congratulations anon. Welcome to the Hall of Fame.
The worst is behind you now.
You did it.
It just pisses me off that we didn't even need Halo 3 if a proper Halo 2 was made. We had no idea how bad it was during development, and how much we actually lost. The art style was absolutely gutted. No wonder it looked so lackluster on release because it was torn to shreds before it even made it out the door. This looks so good now, but imagine how groundbreaking it could have been on release:
It's so messed up. We were robbed of this.
>It just pisses me off that we didn't even need Halo 3 if a proper Halo 2 was made
bungie was too ambitious and Microsoft was too impatient.
And keep in mind this video is just a simulated effect by a fan. The stencil shadows would have looked even better.
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We're so back
have a nice day guys
you too
judging from Marty's recent interview it sounds more like the leads were busy playing corporate politics with Microsoft rather than focusing on the game
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>*lays big sprintmeat on the dualwieldsissy's face*
this franchise ain't big enough for the two of us......
>mcc updated on august 29th
Uh? What was that?
Nevermind. Workshop update.
lot of salty losers on mcc
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eepy bed time nighties
shut the fuck up
I have a dream that one day I will not be judged for sucking donkey penis and gurgling its delicious cum in my mouth
I want Kamala Harris futa penis in my mouth
What happened with Infinite's Battle Royale?
is there any mods that let you have the 4 player coop experience in halo 3 solo? like you can bring the arbiter and the two elites with you on all missions?
I dream of a world where i can snuggle my face into a donkeys balls and squeeaze them dry of juicy donkeycum
Would be pretty neat. Shame Halo 5 failed with its coop dynamic. Honestly I want coop to be part of matchmaking where you can join a random group or make an open game that people can join.
probably true too
Bungie gets way too much praise
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Martybros?? What kind of skeletons are in his closet?
He literally endorsed an insurrectionalist who asked his vice president to ignore the votes from multiple states where he lost and instead certify completely random slates of electors who were not voted for by their respective states just so he could stay in power.
So there's that.
Oh, and he uploaded music from Destiny that he didn't have the legal rights to.
>looked it up to see if its real
>it's actually the real lorraine mclees saying that
Oh man I am looking forward to seeing the mental gymnastics by the "MARTY IS GOAT" crowd about that.
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>He literally endorsed an insurrectionalist
Is Marty an Innie?
Forgot to mention that my favorite characters are Spartan Locke and Vegeta btw
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>Literal zero controversies just keeps making music.
>Gets to retire peacefully and go fishing.
>first Jeremy Soule
>now this
What is it with composers, man
Based Marty getting these fucking fags worked up
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Get off my planet!
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What's all this rubbish doing on my streets?
You don't got a license to set up shop here. Break it up and go home!
Imagine halo 2 in CE
Would be amazing
Reminder that Act-M*n is a nazi and so is Marty
Act-man deserves to be murdered in a maga rally and a liberal guns them all down like the facist pigs they are
Act-man deserves to have his family beheaded and executed in front of him
Act-man should get ra*ed in a jail cell by bulls from mighty india
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It's Halo time.
Act-man needs to be shot in the head on stream Isis style
Act-man should get raped live and then hung off a bridge with rope around his neck
settle down
Act-man should get hit by a truck, left for dead in the road and slowly picked away by vultures prodding and pecking at his stomach, slowly pulling out his large intestines and ripping out his ribs and throat
Act-man needs to watch his loved ones slowly burn in a house fire then spiral into a dark depression before killing himself via shotgun to the mouth
Act-man needs to get his jaw sliced off with a butchers knife and his penis ripped off by chaining it to a car
>Act-Man is bad because he's white
Never change, /hg/
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Brothers, The Great Journey waits for no one.

...Not even me.
all different people, and I speak on behalf of /hg/ and the Halo community when I say we disown Act Man
Act-man should kill himself.
Act-man needs to be beheaded and have his neckhole fucked by indians riddled with aids
Act-man should have his dick cut off and force fed to him as apology for all the bigotry hes spouted and his shit channel
Act-man is a nazi and a bigot misogynist who needs to apologise to every minority and the jewish religion
Act Man is literally /our guy/ and I'm glad he lurks here.
The fact that he's living rent free in your heads just solidifies this
so sad Act-Man died of ligma
Halo 2 with CE's weapons and enemies would be the best singleplayer.
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>you are the minority
>you have no power
>your narrative failed months ago
>your guy is a nazi
>your guy is a bigot
>your guy is a sexist
>your guy is a facist
>your guy is a maga republican
>your guy gives nazis a platform to spread hatred
>your guy is a homophobe
>your guy is a transphobe
>your guy deserves to get killed in a lynch mob
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Halo 2 was too ambitious. It was like two generations too early for the tech it was trying to push. Even if they did manage to ship stencil shadows, the resolution/performance would have been too low. pic-related is only simulated/approximated btw, it's not even the real deal that could have been with pixel perfect shadows and dynamic lights.
sugma deez nuts
Damn that looks good
I guess it was literally just the lighting that made halo 2 look so flat and lifeless
The wizards at id managed it for Doom 3.
Skill issue from Bungie lmao.
you look like this, maga tard
Act-man deserves the death penalty and his channel taken down for supports nazi and transphobic ideals
you shove cheeseburgers down your throat
Act-man needs his house to burn to the ground while he's locked inside slowly incinerating and his skin peeling off from the flames while I record and laugh and post it on twitter with everyone supporting his death.
How hasn't the FBI visited you yet
Act-man deserves to get humiliated and pegged live on twitch and get demoralized and reputation destroyed forever followed by his house having a gas leak and exploding while he's in it.
its been dead for a while. Its current iteration is a vegetative corpse.
normies are gay as fuck in the current year. globo homo won.
Will jjab ever get his twitter account back? ;_;
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Imagine if all the plasma bolts and muzzle flashes could cast light. The textures and bump mapping were all designed for this type of lighting system, so it doesn't look right with the shipped version. But everything is already there, implemented, ready to look like this. It's just the lighting system that needs to be fixed.

That's why this guy is able to make this mod. He's not even touching the textures or the bump maps, only the lighting, it's like he's just returning it to normal. visual perception of Halo 2 has been completely wrong. The art style ended up being way different, and they didn't have time to change the textures to fit the new, flatter lighting system. They just left them as is, so it's like the game is just waiting for someone to put the old lighting system back. It's really fascinating and frustrating lol.
Act-man needs to be strung up against a wall and riddled with bullets from an M-16
Doom 3 is more of a tech demo. The gameplay isn't nearly as complex or dynamic as Halo 2's and they prioritized it. The biggest highlight in Doom 3 is swapping between the flashlight and your gun just to see the enemy. They don't have the crazy physics, sandbox and AI shenanigans Halo 2 had. Even just shooting the guns and hitting an enemy doesn't feel very satisfying.
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Act-man deserves to be pinned to the ground and sodomized by a gorilla.
White boys grooming asians is a tale as old as time. Never meet your heroes fellas
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Marty the Rapist isn't taking it well.
Expect BIG things in Gaza.
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>S tier
Halo 2, Halo 3
>A tier
Halo 1, Halo 4
>B Tier
Halo 5, Halo Infinite
>F Tier
(((Halo))) Reach, (((Halo))) (((3))) ODST
>Not Halo tier
Everything else
I don't get why we have to be so unhinged sometimes. It's just Halo, a normal AAA game. It's not even a controversial game (outside of the dev's/publisher's business decisions), but the actual content of the game is pretty bog standard and harmless. It's not an anime fighting game or a completely woke tumblr indie game. It's just Halo. It's so inoffensive and safe.

Yet somehow we get some of the most unhinged discord/twitter-tier posts sometimes, even for a 4chan thread. It doesn't make any sense. Even the community is fairly docile. Why do we have to force all this meme pretend drama shitposting. Why Halo? We have enough on our plate dealing with Microsoft and 343, why do we want all this other extra stuff?

And why is this anon pretending to be a social justice warrior all of a sudden but perfectly fine with calling other anons various racial or sexist slurs? Who is he trying to fool, he's way more racist and sexist than Act Man and Marty could ever hope to be in their lifetime combined. So what is his end goal? What is he trying to achieve with these posts? How does he want us to respond? Why doesn't he reply directly to Marty or Act Man on twitter if he feels this strongly about them and actually wants change? What good does posting this stuff here do, and why does he have to be so violent? At this point I'm more concerned with this anon walking around in public than Marty or Act Man getting into trouble on twitter. These posts are realyl unhinged and I don't know if he really means what he says but it sounds concerning.
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Are the mods asleep?
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Shut up bitch
Bend over
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More Halo, less Not Halo.
>bro sexual assault is hilarious!
It looks so good and it makes the flashlight actually useful in halo 2
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Not Halo, but still Halo.
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>he kept the rape mask
Doom 3 doesn't look as good on Xbox as you remember it.
It's a significant downgrade from the PC version.
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Just when I thought Marty couldn't fall further from grace.
We're going to get to a point where 343i literally stops using the Halo theme.
should've thrown a sticky
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>I don't get why we have to be so unhinged sometimes.
Sally should fucking kill Anne
We weren't testing for schizo but, congrats I guess
Obviously Sally will look for her ball in the basket. And when she doesn't find it, she might suspect Anne could have relocated it. But because the basket box to Anne, and she doesn't know for sure Anne took it, she would wait for Anne to return and then ask her if she's seen her ball. If Anne responds with no, she hasn't seen it, then Sally could ask if she could check Anne's box. If Anne responds with no, then Sally might be suspect she's hiding something. If Anne refuses to cooperate, then Sally could ask around and possibly gather evidence to incriminate Anne. Sally could also purchase a new ball but stop hanging around Anne from now on because she might not trust her anymore.

Now, for all we know, this could be a normal interaction between these two. Anne and Sally could be very close friends and play pranks on each other like this, so maybe my initial observation was too quick to make the jump to the conclusion I came to. Maybe Anne was paying Sally back for the previous prank. There's not enough information to really understand what's going on and what should happen in this particular case.
>But because the basket box to Anne
Should be "Because the box belongs to Anne".
Changed what I was going to say but didn't proofread.
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You have a gaggle of spastics easily led by inner circle handlers especially when it comes time for "street action," where the Redcord backed units like "The R*gulars Narrative Control Squad" excel.
Marty cornered me at the Halo 3 launch party in 2007 and started stroking my hair and telling me about Paul McCartney or something. When I said the Beatles sucked he looked disgusted and groped my ass hard. He whispered in my ear that he was just "looking for golden eggs" down there and threatened to show me what Tartarus was going to do to Miranda.
Nice fanfic, yeeze
Halo 1 > all
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What drew them to Halo in the first place? It doesn't even fit the type of fandom that would come out of Halo. If it was Undertale, or Coffin of Andy and his sista, or even FNAF, it would make more sense, but not even those fandoms get this unhinged, and those games seem more likely to attract the extremist type of woke furry audience. There's nothing really flamboyant or 'autistic' or rebellious about Halo to encourage this kind of behavior. It feels so random that they just happened to decide to congregate here.

We had Helltaker General right next door not too long ago and whenever I clicked their threads AND posted about Halo in their general by accident (Thanks to some of our thumbnails looking not-so-halo at a glance), they were chill, even though you'd expect them to be crazy, based on the game's art style and content. But that's what we get here instead. There's barely any chill here, it's mostly these random unhinged shitposts. It's too chaotic for such a straight-forward franchise.
We call it CE here, ma'am.
>Undertale, or Coffin of Andy and his sista, or even FNAF
>not even those fandoms get this unhinged
You're a furry, aren't you?
Who is Yeeze
No, but these are the games I imagine furries would play. They also seem to like anime fighting games. And they're also associated with the woke crowd and you see them complaining on twitter a lot about Trump and stuff. But somehow they're here too. Maybe even more unhinged than those guys.
Bro seriously took the act man posts seriously
a silly billy
I know he was joking, but why was he spamming them. Just a couple was enough and we got the message. Was he waiting for a reply? Maybe we should have replied/reacted sooner? Just trying to figure that part out
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Idk who cares
Act man did NOT like those posts. At all.
Next time try to limit it to only one or two posts. I'll try to reply faster next time as well.
Ok I was getting worried there
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Marty has contacted his lawyers. He's NOT happy with how this thread has slandered him and his friend Kelly Von Act. Expect big things soon.
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really makes you think
is this true?
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what an ugly mod
Marty once presented his 'goose' to me and told me I needed to please it or I won't get my golden egg.
I... have literally never thought of doing that....
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Even the barstools are overdesigned in this game
Why not just increase the top movement speed instead of having two distinct movements? Halo doesn't need sprint to speed things up
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finally a gamemode for us gamers
Holy kek
Is it over yet
i miss desert bus
why did spics have to ruin it with their shit maps and air vehicles?
it was literally confirmed that the demons stole georgia
the fact that 3 weeks later mutts havent revolted and people still spam this narrative is insane... americans are pathetic
Halo 7 announcement when?
who cares about some foid getting (not) sexually assaulted 25 years ago? the ego of these bitches thinking anyone cares
Phil Spencer confirms that Destiny 1 was planned to be exclusive, but they passed, to create Halo 4 and 343

Phil Spencer at PAX : "We have passed on signing [exclusivity] on Destiny 1"

Thankfully Gareth Coker is still around but the problem is that the Halo story is so impossibly shit nowadays that any composer is gonna have a hell of a job finding any source of inspiration from it
okay I didn't ask but okay
Halo 2 had the most cut content of any game in the franchise.

>wall leaning, and there was also talk of ai using flashlights to find you in the dark after you shot out lights, that lighting system was later of course redone
>There was going to be a whole level after Quarantine Zone where you're driving through the labyrinth of tunnels under the ring in a "Forerunner Tank", avoiding the Gravemind's tentacles as they flew past like freight trains.
>In the original script when miranda was in a phantom she spoke with truth. Their plan was to send chief into the pit where the gravemind was and blow him and the flood up
>Strapping a bomb to Chief's back in the chamber directly below the index chamber in the center of the Library
>Flood leader effectively disabling the Ring by living on the trigger. Definitely showing that the flood is winning the 1000 year war with the sentinels on this halo opposed to installation 04's containment.
>the flood invasion of earth being the a layer of the final "act" of the script. Something about "we wanted everyone to end up in the same place at the end". Ultimately, Chief, Arbiter, Truth, Cortana, Gravemind, and Mendicant were all supposed to come together, at the Ark on Earth, and there were a couple twists involved, but that's where it's shrouded in mystery

By far the weirdest thing about Halo 2’s development is how Bungie grossly overestimated the power of the original Xbox and how they wasted a lot of time and resources on various things they knew well in advance simply would not make it into the retail game like the e3 demo and a new engine the hardware wouldn’t be able to support. They also wanted it to be a tactical shooter early on before changing it back towards the end and it really shows in how the enemies behave and how the game is horribly unbalanced on Legendary

Halo 2 had a lot of kino in it's core despite the flaws, sometimes in part because of the flaws
It was a pure passion project
>Halo Bulletins
Matt's Halo Updates (6 October 2000 - 5 October 2001)
Frankie's Bungie Update (16 January 2004 - 5 November 2004)
Bungie Weekly Updates (12 November 2004 - 17 June 2011)
Feast of Bones
Bungie Interviews

The Art of Halo: Creating A Virtual World
Halo Books

>Halo Original Soundtracks

>Behind the Scenes Making of Halo
Halo Macworld 1999 running in real-time on a Power Mac G3
Halo 1999 Backstory
Halo Archive
Making of Halo: Combat Evolved (Ultra Rare Xbox magazine DVD)
Halo: Combat Evolved Devs React to Speedrun (Marty O'Donnell, Marcus Lehto)
Halo 2 Alphas
Halo 2 Killtacular Documentary
Halo 2: Artifacts
Halo 3 - Full Documentary + Bonuses
Halo 3: ODST [Behind the Scenes]
Halo Reach Developer Commentary (2010)
Work of Rob Stokes
Max Hoberman dishes on Halo 2's crazy development
Martin O'Donnells YouTube Channel Archive
we're being raided by the marty army
I'm not reading nor watching any of that

WaW > Halo 3

BO > Reach

BO2 > Halo 4

BO3 > Halo 5

BO4 > Infinite

CoD won.
Probably because you can't actually do that
>16 word long post
Non-canon bookshit
i can confirm this is all sanctioned.
t. inside the k.t circlejerk
>*heavy breathing*
>*tenses muscles*
>*sphincter opens*
>*toilet overflows*
>*reflexively kicks stall door off hinges*
>*grips toilet seat so hard it shatters*
>"AAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............................ ohohOHOHOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH...... I'VE OUTDONE MYSELF"
>*orb of black matter floats to the surface*
>*jega enters in uniform, plunger for a hand"
FUCKING.............. KINO.....................................................................................
Joe and Marty wrote and directed all cutscenes in Halo 1 and Halo 2.

>The story for Halo 2 grew out of all the elements that were not seen in Halo: Combat Evolved. Jason Jones organized his core ideas for the sequel's story and approached Staten for input. According to Staten, among the elements that did not make it to the finished game was a "horrible scene of betrayal" where Miranda Keyes straps a bomb to the Master Chief's back and throws him into a hole; "Jason was going through a rather difficult breakup at the time and I think that had something to do with it," he said.

>It was early 2003 and Jason said that the “Phoenix” team was demoralized. But he’d promised these guys that they would have a game, so he went over to be their creative director and project lead. There were probably 15 people on this team. Joe and I took him out to lunch and said, “Jason, you can’t do this. You cannot leave the Halo 2 team.”

>I told him: “This is the most important project Bungie has. I told you that you were going to get bored working on a sequel, but you convinced me you were going to hang in there, and put all your energy behind this.” He’s like, “Oh, I can do both!” Like he could run the “Phoenix” team and once a week check back in on Halo 2. Joe and I begged him, told him that wouldn’t work. And he did it anyway.

Bungie hated the halo 2 scarab and shi kai himself said it looked like a stupid basket on legs.

Max Hoberman designed Halo 2/3's maps and multiplayer. He didn't work on Reach. That's why the maps were just direct rips of campaign levels. He and his team designed the whole thing in the crunch time of h2 release like map dual wielding, design and all that stuff.

After Halo 3, Max Hoberman and Jaime Griesemer left Bungie and Sage Merrill became Gameplay Design Lead for Reach/Destiny (lol remember when everyone blamed him back then)
Women unironically ruined Halo and COD
It's over
This is Halo
Not for Angels!
this is SUICIDE
Imagine going through all of that over a toy from Halo fucking 4. Of all the games, that’s the hill you die on.
Remember Halo 2 cutscene pop ups?
haven't played infinite in 2 years is it good yet?
It was always good
It's better, but I wish 343 would stop being weak cucks about adding weapons and vehicles. Don't give me that balance shit as if more weapons and vehicles ever made the average person angry.
It's better, unless you are one of those cosmetic addicts then it's worse than before.
ask again later
halo fans detected
haven't played 2 in infinite years is it good yet?
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>Sage Merrill became Gameplay Design Lead for Reach/Destiny (lol remember when everyone blamed him back then)
Is he why we have sprint, DMR, and armor abilities?
>the game is horribly unbalanced on Legendary
>filtered by jackal snipers
Only idiots can't rekt jackal snipers
If you didn't like it back then, you won't like it now. It's the same game, but with more Forge maps.
reach a shit
Reach is good with mods, and I don't ever boot MCC with EAC enabled anymore.
>remember infinite campaign is on pc
>get excited, can finally stop replaying 1-3 campaigns
>go to play
>$60 usd
is this a joke? who the fuck is paying that? i really wanted to play it
how do you boot mcc without eac enabled and whats your favorite mods
why are you reaching for shit
>filtered by jackal snipers
I think these guys are overrated. At most you might lose a few minutes because you forgot their possible spawn locations, but usually you have a nice checkpoint right before them and can just start over. The real assholes are the drones and the jetpack Elites. Once you lose sight of them, it's over. They can go and be anywhere, and it's a hassle to kill them and you're probably gonna waste a bunch of ammo because the Elite shields can regenerate if you don't kill them quickly and they spawn far away or move out of sight sometimes, and the drones have like +10 damage resistance to the BR. Why the hell does it take so many shots to kill a drone.

And you don't get nearly as recent a checkpoint as you do with the jackal snipers, so when you die you lose a lot of distance/progress. Jackals only take one headshot to kill and they get stunned by sniper damage to their body if you miss the first headshot. And if you're lucky, sometimes they don't shoot first, so it's kind of like gacha where you can get a nice roll. You don't get any rolls against jetpack elites and drones, it's just a straight grind and they're also harder to hit because of their mobility. It's just hard work and higher stakes against these guys compared to jackal snipers.
>how do you boot mcc without eac enabled
It's just an option when you open it on Steam.
>whats your favorite mods
Reach Evolved is my favorite specifically for Reach, but it isn't compatible with the current MCC version.
Yeah, Jackal snipers are a meme "halo 2 legendary hard :(((" answer.
Drones are the true terror. They were an absolute horror of bullshit during my LASO run.
>filtered by drones
you're a drone
your mum's a brute and your dad's a jackal
halo 4 being destiny instead sounds awesome... then you look at the micro-transaction shithorse destiny 2 has become then realize you were wrong ..
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Not him, but:
>Halo Reach Mythic Overhaul Firefight
If you want some quick matches with extra variety with the sandbox. It also spawns AI allies for you and you can trade weapons with other Spartans, and you can get reinforcements.
>Halo Reach Mythic Overhaul Campaign
Basically the same mod for the campaign. I like how it shakes up the sandbox and enemy encounters.
That guy's campaigns have too much shit in them for me to want to bother. Giving the Carbine DOT and every other Grunt a shield is retarded.
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>have too much shit in them for me to want to bother
For me, it's the opposite. If there's not enough new stuff added and it feels too similar to vanilla, then I'm just gonna stick with vanilla because at least I can earn Spartan points and stuff to unlock things. It needs to feel like a brand new fresh experience if I'm gonna give up extra hard drive space for it. I probably won't go as far as Cursed Halo, that's too extreme/silly for me, but I do want to fight some new or remixed enemies and have new weapons and vehicles to play with, plus some balance tweaks to the existing sandbox.
I got my fill of kitchen sink mods back in Custom Edition, these days I'd rather have something with more thought put into it. Jaqui's mods try to force too much bullshit in with only minor changes to the actual gameplay. And the changes he does make generally suck. Or are a "look what I can do" sort of feature like the boss health bars in his 4 mod.
What do you think of Ruby's Rebalance mods? Halo 3 kind of started getting extra creative but Halo CE and 2 seemed like a reasonable attempt at keeping the vanilla flavor while still rebalancing the games. The secret areas in CE were nice.
>5s Fuel rod cannon
Interesting didn’t know 5 models were available.
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I didn't see much point in CE's because I think that game is already rather well-balanced, but his Halo 2 one caught my eye back when it was new. 3 tried to fix too much while inevitably leading back to the same problems he tried to avoid, but with a different weapon. His flare replacement was really stupid too, totally clashing with the overall tone of the rest of the game. The upcoming update for 2 is barely a rebalance at this point, but I'm still interested mainly for the AI changes.
I've always leaned towards multiplayer, and getting any lobbies to play modded stuff is like herding kittens.
not him but what do you even do on these mods? do you just boot up a random custom game and kill things by yourself? i wish i could have fun like that still, i only have fun on mcc by either achievement hunting or spartan point hunting (challenges)
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That webm in particular is just an AI battle on a retextured multiplayer map. I like it because it adds more than just AI but also Spartans and new vehicles. Think there are also new enemy types. For these I can usually play them and get my fill for a few hours. Then I unsubscribe.

The ones with real staying power are the campaign mods and the firefight mods since those have better pacing and more replayability. AI battle mods tend to give you everything all at once, so after you've played a few waves of reinforcements it can get repetitive because the spawns don't really change it up, and if there's too much AI on the map, sometimes they'll just stop working. I really like Halo 3 and I always wanted to have big AI battles that I saw on youtube, so MCC was the first time I really got to experience it. Especially those massive desert maps with the Covenant anti-air guns and scarabs wandering around with all the vehicles and infantry clashing together in the middle of the map.
Not Halo.
>That guy's campaigns have too much shit in them for me to want to bother
This is a problem with 95% of modders, even myself before I learnt how to plan properly.
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Dank vs Yeeze
Nobody wants to let an idea go and call something finished.
why does blood keep splattering but neither of them are actually hitting each other
Yeeze sliced Dank's wrist before this scene started. Every time he swings his sword he's spraying blood everywhere.
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shut up
Black Ops
I said shut up
you shut up
dead and boring game
Is this the Halo general?
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>boring game
>playing on easy
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halo shmaylo
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>filtered by jackal snipers
Based Marty, and he ain't wrong. Women ruin every environment they're in.
Black Ops 6
To be fair, I sort of had a little suspicion about Marty when I rewatched his "Bungie Halo 2001 Home Movies" video. Him and Dan Orzulak(designer) made a joke about the leather sofa in the office being their casting couch.
Based and Forerunner-pilled
So, before the retcon, why did Forerunners and Precursors go to war?
Truth's plan was to light the rings and survive on the Ark, then re-seed the galaxy with Forerunner technology, and present himself as a god to all the new life in the galaxy. The Great Journey, as it was preached, was a lie to get the Covenant on board; the true Great Journey is the journey of Truth and those he would choose to shelter in the Ark with him to a position of status as a god in their newly conquered galaxy.
You CANNOT refute this.
The only thing that is unclear is when the Forerunners lit the rings why did they not shelter at shield installations? The idea of shield installation was already there in 2001 as Cortana mentioned it in AOTCR.
wish I could preload the open beta
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Take care Anonymous, what you say is heresy.
Is it? Oracle, what is Halo's purpose?
I was talking about you implying that shield worlds as we understand them now existed even as an idea back in 2001. Only a bell end would make such a case.
And I was finishing the Tartarus-Thel dialogue you initiated, nigger.
Go play AOTCR again, what the fuck would 'shield installation' mean besides somewhere to shelter from the Halos?
You're not making the bell end theory seem any less valid.
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I wish the composer of my favorite game wasn't a lolcow.
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This would be a been a nice opportunity for theme to bring back the falcon they have been working on for years now. You know with the whole reach theme they keep spamming.
>it's still just king of the hill
Who cares?
Halo has been played.
it's time to ask the important questions. why can't i bunnyhop in halo?
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Too floaty
Didn't stop me from doing your dad.
Rabbits aren't halo
Thank god it's over
L won. Light literally had to resort to supernatural cuckoldry to "beat" him.
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Halo. (Rebalanced)
I was going to say something mean to you but then I saw that you were nice to the dinosaurs and careful to not run them over so I won't say something mean to you
shut the fuck up retard
Official confirmation
>mint quits
halo tubers should just anhero at this point(00 is okay)
As always, our boy keeping Halo alive
>Halo 3 Combat Evolved
Nice, Halo 3's art style was always a good match for CE's a-
>Halo 3 Elite animations and AI being used
>2 months ago
The amount of R E A C H these people have to do to paint Mint Blitz/Marty/Joe as a bad guy is truly hysterical.
That project is never being finished.
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Only M$ and 343i fear this gameplay and remake
It's just so hard to people to be a decent human being.
Mint is a sellout shill
for people*
Get rekt bitch
if any of you were in that ce ctf game just now
you got fucking stomped
>Mint Blitz
It's mostly a meme
He says the stupidest shit possible on a constant basis. For example the recent McLees controversy had no reason to exist
Outside of Lehto who apparently yelled at him I don't think anyone thinks Joe is a bad person
oh shit
If the project kept CE or Reach's animations and AI for the Elites I would be excited
But the Halo 3 Elites are by far the most boring ones across Bungie's games. CE's are among the best if not the best so a downgrade like that is too much to forgive
/hg/ just doesn't like to have fun anymore
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So that's it? She seems to look back on it like a fun memory. Why the change?
>wears a creepy mask and touches hair
They do shit like that when you go to the haunted houses and the people are in costumes. Not saying Marty is a saint since he does kind of come across as an ass, but I don't see him doing literally anything wrong, especially again since it was a Halloween party.
>He says the stupidest shit possible on a constant basis. For example the recent McLees controversy had no reason to exist
tits or gtfo
>or Reach
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Purity spiral extremism happened. Your guess is as good as anyone else.
>wish I could preload the open beta
everybody can
>play BTB for the first time in months
>every game is join in progress when we're down a cap in CTF
>every game is full of hero ranks on the enemy team whoring vehicles
I stopped playing BTB back when the Mark IV core released because every game was one of these
>"our score is 11 vs their 15? time to give up and afk at base!" - my team
>against a 12 stack of xp farmers for MUH HERO RANK
>team that completely ignores all vehicles in btb heavies and now the enemy has 3 tanks
I just got out of a game like that last point. The enemy had 3 Wraiths and 2 Banshees at the same time, and we lost by 50 kills.
No one on my team broke 10 kills, I lead with 9.
Trying to get their five seconds of fame and use it for a new job. Exact same thing also happened to rooster teeth.
The Marty Army has arrived.
I hate how dark everything is and requires that stupid VISR from ODST.
Black Ops
Six of them, in fact
down your throat
5 filtered post above
has there been a meme coin about Halo?
Halo 5 had better customs than Infi
Black Ops
Are you enjoying it?
New Thread
>they're talking about halo more than us
It's over.
Running a cheeky Firefight session
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the custom games browser
To play as an Elite, pause game, click ur name
Thanks for playin'
Got some ideas for wacky updates.
More games in the future
I miss 5
Deselect all Objective modes. Slayer modes only. Fun restored even when losing terribly.
>Are you enjoying it?
best CoD in years
what happened to the ten years of support for infinite
Reach a good shit
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Marty sissies?!
why? is it in gay pass?
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>she deleted the tweet
I won't apologize to Marty the Rapist.
He kept the fucking rape mask
>which is nothing compared to what I'll do to you
what did Marty mean by this?
Come, human, it is easy
Do you think while Marty was touching Lorraine's hair the halo theme played in his head?
It's so over...
C'mon Lorraine it was the 90s
>*lays the goose on the art sissy's face*
Be nice to the goose.
It's '99, Lorraine, let's party like it's Y2K we only got a few months left lemme taste that Asian cooch
touch my goose, Lorraine
make it quack
>Take the goose in your hands...
Marty now makes a quick series of angry barking noises, and yanks Lorraine sharply in front of him. He then bangs his fist on the kitchen counter.
>...and do as you're told!
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Forced? Well, now let me see. You know, I don't have any idea what that means.
It wasn't consensual that's for sure
I've heard Marty whispers the halo theme in his victims' ears as he rapes them
He moans it actually
Act Man awfully quiet
Halo is fun
Halo is not the subject of discussion at the moment.
It should be, this is the general for that game series after all.
I don't like Halo
Then why are (You) here?
One more word, Anonymous, and I'll rip your eyes from their sockets!
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filtered post above
filtered post between
What is your favorite type of sangheili?
Is Rtas an Ultra? He wears white armor...
its called desert bus not desert air vehicles you fucking SPIC RETARDS
Fatal Error!
So actually last night I was playing Halo and drinking lots of lukewarm gin. And I think I identified the problem with Halo Infinite. When you look at it your eyes see the game but because of the art direction in Halo the video game style is a lot more different than it used to be before. Like for example in Halo 2 you had with The Arbiter.
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What time does the update hit?
When are we remembering something else? Like 4 or 5.
I drink to forget those games! Those are the 343 games! They fuckin suck my fuckin cheese nugget dick my dumpster diving slimy cock.
its so funny how dead this franchise is
We’ll all be dead one day. Very soon everyone alive will be dead. 120 years bang gone babababa.
343 gave the Master Chief a sexual penis which he didn’t have before and it quite frankly doesn’t work for the storytelling that made this series great.
I rolled down my window and I could hear the distant screams again. Oh yeah, they must have got the new Halo update before me. Oh yeah, they must be having so much fucking fun that they babble and scream. Halo is back

>Marty like the idiot he is opens his mouth about the dude fired for repeated sexual harassment allegations
>when he himself got handsy with women in the past
>gets angrily outed by a woman from bungie who is at this point far more respected than he is
He keeps making things worse for himself. At this point I don't know how Marty could destroy his legacy any more thoroughly
he did nothing wrong
What did he say now?
I just want to stop seeing this shit. It’s like TMZ celebrity gossip who the fuck cares?
When I was 13 at the Halo 2 midnight release Marty O'Donnell came up behind me and started rubbing my shoulders and offered to give me a private tour of Bungie and called me "the perfect specimen" whatever that meant.
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Halo 1 and 2 deserve a remake

There are so many ways in which the early Lee Wilson/Joseph Staten storyboards improve upon the story.
>Johnson and Chief preparing to drop on Regret's ship before the slip space jump
>The Covenant already having been at and set up on Instillation 05
>The Arbiter failing to capture Miranda and Johnson before the Great Schism
>The whole Arbiter vs. Chief, Johnson and Miranda vs. Tartarus and Brutes vs. Flood Hulk scene
>The Gravemind having to form a mouth out of a tendril to talk rather than just being a giant not!plant by default
>Mercy's death
>Cortana's terminal getting shot as Truth is fleeing, which is what causes Chief to have to leave her behind on High Charity
>Second award ceremony with Chief wearing "something nice" and no cameras, looping back to the opening of the game
>The humans are Forerunner reveal
Pretty much all the stuff that never made sense in game can be explained by them. I can get some of this stuff being cut, like Mercy's death; the Regret fight blew and I don't think they could make Mercy and better or different. But the stuff like Cortana's terminal getting destroyed? Why the fuck cut that? She has absolutely no reason to stay behind on High Charity in the final game. It's so much better and so much more of an emotional gut punch.
>Is he why we have sprint, DMR, and armor abilities?

Yep. Max Hoberman was against Spring and Armor Abilities
because the series is dead. useless drama has taken the place of actual enjoyment of the game. do you think it would be as mentally ill in here if we actually had cool lore to enjoy and look forward to? cool recon armor to unlock?
Best thing is for MCC to get more focus , new maps, Playlist, added weapons and vehicles and a lot more mod support and more.
server exe > matchmaking > power gap > custom games > bookshit (lore)
Halo will never die fully I can still find games in halo 5. It may never be Halo 3 era again but MCC and Infinite will be played for awhile.
>Flag must be at home to score is dumb and only made sense in CE when you could solo drive a flag
>Total control is shit and normal time based territories should replace it.
>Infinites KOTH scoring is trash and should go back to time based
Marty Army....WE WON!
Loadouts should come back and were only shit in match making. Yet they allow great custom game options. Loadouts should also allow specific traits per load out.
The Lehto Legion remains undefeated.
Hoberman confirmed weapon loadouts were confirmed for Halo 2, but only in custom games

It was 343 who wanted CoD-style Loadouts in Halo 4's Infinity Slayer gametypes
Exactly they should be customs only or specific match making. The custom games and special modes you could make with loadouts would be great. The biggest and most obvious one is class based modes similar to Team Fortress. I'd even add spawn in vehicles as part of loadouts.
Salvatorisisters.....we won.
Meanwhile Six Days in Falluja was the highest rated steam release on day 1
Is Kashiiera (the one making Halo 3 Combat Evolved) a tranny? Does anyone have pics of her?
Based Max.
I heard Reach was Marcus Lehto's game so I, probably unfairly, blamed him. Is it safe to say Marcus had nothing to do with sprint, DMR, and armor abilities?
Did he do only art, visuals, and maybe storytelling?
>Halo 1 and 2 deserve a remake
And they are getting one. https://www.haloreborn.com/
>pp grabber
>dead project
Every now and then I visit /vg/ and I feel only dread knowing that this thread will still exist. I want you to die and free Master Chief from this hell
How can you say such that?
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Tell them... we died swell
Let it die? And disobey the Hierarchs?
I find it interesting that Atriox doesn't have any beam rifles in his entire arsenal. Beam rifles were the only weapon that could defeat Tartarus.
Yeah, that's a man. Any female modders (female) that do exist are all working on Skyrim mods, Sims mods, or cute RPG Maker games. No female modders exist in Halo. Sorry.
>Is Kashiiera (the one making Halo 3 Combat Evolved) a tranny?
No, and that's a good thing. Halo is for everyone.
>no proof from either of you faggots
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They're a modder, what do you think?
Your original post got filtered so obviously you're only going to get replies from faggots
Next time don't post like an npc
Filtered post above.
Do better.
Only faggots use filters. kys retard
You're looking at it wrong.
>Given: There are no female Halo modders.
This is a postulate. You use this assumption (basically a fact) to help find solutions to other problems. It's like questioning gravity. We know it's there, you don't need to prove it.

We can use this information to narrow down the population of female modders. For example, we know that there are no female modders in Halo, therefore we can search for them in other games like Skyrim or The Sims, instead of wasting time looking for them in Halo, when we already know they don't exist.
We, the /hg/ community.
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filtered post between
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>(you) https://youtu.be/a7KuNZ0sRys?t=68
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Am I the only one who always found the insurrectionists to be interesting/the good guys even before 343i?
Like, the first ever published piece of Halo media, Fall of Reach, sees the UNSC kidnapping toddlers to train as child soldiers, cloning them with terminal cancer to not raise suspicion, and using those child soldiers against the insurrectionists, all before intelligent alien life has even been discovered. It's pure coincidence that the atrocity that was the Spartan II program was good for something rather than just a plain old atrocity. Also in Ghosts of Onyx, Dr. Halsey casually remembers the UNSC nuking the colony of Far Isle as a sort of footnote. The UNSC were fucking evil and just happened to encounter a greater evil.
This guy is such a little faggot
There were only 5 issues with Halo 4's loadout system:
>Weapons that can instakill like Plasma Grenades and the Boltshot
>Plasma Pistol to completely neuter vehicles.
>Perks and cutting player traits to return them as perks.
>A distinction between "primary" and "secondary" weapons.
>The lack of on-map weapons because of loadouts.
Black Ops
the rebels were always the good guys in the extended universe and ONI was always the bad guys
The problem is none of that was ever relevant
lmao never ever
501st for watch those wrist rockets
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343 should really just make a Halofront already.
This modder proves its possible: https://youtu.be/2Yr_ikmM22U?si=e8H-LlzAqqOLtypF
Play Ruby's Rebalanced mod.
Play Black Ops 6
>>Given: There are no female Halo modders.
>no proof
at least we aren't concord
conquest multiplayer games are all dead as fuck right now
microsoft won't bother trying to copy that shit and copying is all they ever do with halo
so why did chief jump out of the covenant ship at the start of halo 3?
halo games are all dead as shit now
got his ass thoroughly KICKED
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>unnamed reguloid uses Battlefield to bait ITT
>2042 nearly kills Battlefield
>unnamed reguloid uses CoD to bait ITT
>MW3 nearly kills CoD
>unnamed reguloid uses Starfield to bait ITT
>Starfield becomes a laughingstock
>unnamed reguloid uses Concord to bait ITT
>Concord gets aborted
Despite being a dead and shit game itself, Infinite has managed to attain pyrrhic victory each time. How is it so powerful? Or rather, how is the reguloid that constantly invites these comparisons so incredibly weak?
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>conquest multiplayer games are all dead as fuck right now.
More so from management incompetency than the genre being fundamentally bad. Battlefront 2 died from the lootbox shit, but resurfaced for a while only to die due too EA needing all hands on deck for BF 2042. Battlebit died due to being popular mostly with disgruntled BF fans. The moment a better replacement came out its was designed to die. Planetside 2 is 12 years old but still has a loyal fanbase. I still think a Halofront would be a smarter decision than something like the rumored halo 1 remake.
What do you even mean by battlefront? Halo would be terrible for that. If you want another conquest game go post in battlefield general.
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>How is it so powerful?
Because something most halo fans don’t want to admit is that 343 unironically makes fun games with fun gameplay. The problem is that they don’t play or look like halo games. Halo 5 is unironically a good game. But it sucks as an actual Halo game. Same goes for Infinite. Infinites gameplay is fun and the forge is insanely flexible leading to crazy custom games. But none of the features where there at launch so most halo fans just wrote the game off. But there will always be a small dedicated fanbase due to the polished and fun “haloish” gameplay.
Halo VS Apex Legends - Cross Tag Battle
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Follow the drinkin' gourd
Follow the drinkin' gourd
For the old man is comin' just to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinkin' gourd

When the sun comes back, and the first quail calls
Follow the drinkin' gourd
For the old man is waiting just to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinkin' gourd

Follow the drinkin' gourd
Follow the drinkin' gourd
For the old man is waiting to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinkin' gourd

Well the river bank makes a mighty good road
Dead trees will show you the way
Left foot, peg foot, travelin' on
Follow the drinkin' gourd

Follow the drinkin' gourd
Follow the drinkin' gourd
For the old man is waiting to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinkin' gourd

Well the river ends, between two hills
Follow the drinkin' gourd
There's another river on the other side
Follow the drinkin' gourd

Follow the drinkin' gourd
Follow the drinkin' gourd
For the old man is waiting to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinkin' gourd

Well, where the great big river meets the little river
Follow the drinkin' gourd
The old man is waiting to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinkin' gourd

Follow the drinkin' gourd
Follow the drinkin' gourd
For the old man is waiting to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinkin' gourd

For the old man is waiting just to carry you to freedom
If you follow the drinkin' gourd
so he wouldnt die in crash
he didn't fly so good
yea but only 5 is good, 6 is bad
1,2,3 great
odst,2a,5 pvp,reach campaign good
reach pvp,4,5 campaign,6 bad
reminder that Actman is a nazi
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We know.
see? "ourguy" is a bigot and a nazi lmfao
>fit chad pretending he thinks fat incel is cool
lmao his profile pic reeks fake dude bro, thinking old le good and sticking to safe takes, whenever he has his own opinion he exposes himself as a nazi or a moron
actman is also a misogynist
Act-man needs his channel shut down and his family executed for being a nazo sympathiser
Act-man needs to be shot in the head with it being livestreamed to set an example for what happens to nazis in the modern day
Act-man needs to have his family shot in front of him one by one while he gets his stomach slashed by knives
Actman deserves to be buried alive with other nazis like pewdiepie and jontron
Actman needs to have his dick cut off and fed to his mother and have his eyes gauged out with a fork like the dirty nazi he is
Act-man deserves to get hung from a skyscraper and his corpse dedicated on
It wouldn't be this bad if they were still updating MCC.
Actman should be deplatformed, cancelled and exposed for the fake basedbro that he is and get arrested and raped for being a nszi
Actman needs to have a butchers knife chop his limbs off one by one before putting him in an incinerator
Is this lord schizo's work?
anyone playing BO6?
Actman should browse this thread and understand he is universally hated and looked down upon, beginning a depression which results in his suicide
Act-man should one day get mugged and raped by a gang of black men and then raped to death by b b c
Act-man needs to be pegged by a Jewish black man and vet humiliated before having his jaw snapped open by a forklift while his jaw is nailed to the floor
It's just one guy
Act-man needs to be crippled by a cybertruck and forced to watch his wife get fucked by a bbcbull for the rest of his life before being executed at age 90 by a blackcock suffocating him to death
All different people we just hate actman as should you. Bigot
speak for yourself lmao not lmao it's actually very sad you should talk to someone
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Glorified chat room for the powerful outer hexagon group
There's no sound btw.
Wait, why do you need scandalous pictures of that?
Rooting for the underdog is a common trope.
I agree.
Infinite's gameplay is garbage, 343 somehow made an FPS with 0 satisfying guns. You have to wrestle everything like it's a milsim, but still deal with the typical Halo TTK.
Halo 1 > 5
No shit
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Halo 5 > 2
this man has had sex many, many times
oh wow hey look at that more king of the hill bullSHIT
poster above is merely a peasant of the dung pile
poster below is king of the hill
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Everybody shut the fuck up I can’t even hear myself think. Let’s all just chill out, relax, sit back, get up, get down with the sickness, capture the hill, Remember Reach, and GUARD.
poster above goes 3/23 on longshore
poster above the poster above just can't learn the natural flow of the spawns
>There's no sound btw.
Yes there is
do not reply to replies to filtered posts
theres nothing in there that deserves filtering unless you have 2+ replies (mass) filter
Unyshek is a liar
Surely you realise your critical mistake.
Surely you realise being ambiguous is a recipe for disazter.
Now you're just tryna be smart but you look like an idiot and your shit's all fucked up.
Ayyyyy I’m Rememberin’ Reach ova ‘ere!
i don’t even remember what i had for breakfast yesterday let alone the battle of reach
>bro he didn't leave please believe me I'm trying to save face here!!!
cant play shitfinite update cause it randomly says i have windbg running now. what do anons? besides go back to mcc
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Why are they expecting me to pay $20 for armor that was only meant to be earned by people who grinded their asses off for it in the last game? At least when they added Recon on Reach, it was still only obtainable through gameplay and not microtransactions
infinite is for barbie doll dress up, not playing
>didnt even put it in the bundle
they literally cannot help themselves, its sad cause i hate UE. oh well.
Recon was a pre order bonus wasn't it?
One attachment variant was. Base helmet and other attachments were earnable
>destiny channel
step over
People cried about not being able to earn it, because God forbid you give your most dedicated players a cool reward for their time.
Reach did it best.
filtered pedo post between
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Why did /hg/ waste 2 years grinding for armor they could have bought for $20?
>Based Max.
>I heard Reach was Marcus Lehto's game so I, probably unfairly, blamed him. Is it safe to say Marcus had nothing to do with sprint, DMR, and armor abilities?
>Did he do only art, visuals, and maybe storytelling?

>Hardy LeBel

>Max Hoberman, aka Yeroen
Halo 2 and Halo 3

>Steve Cotton
Halo 2 maps, Halo 3 maps, and created Forge World

>Sage Merrill

>Kynan Pearson
Halo 4

>Lawrence Metten, Tom French and Josh Holmes
Halo 5

-Max Hoberman & David Candland creating Halo 2 XBL

-Halo 2's "Killtacular" - developers going over the maps available in the Bonus, Killtacular and Maptacular map packs, and their designs

-Max Hoberman dishes on Halo 2's crazy development
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Remember when Jaime Griesemer and Max Hoberman left Bungie after Halo 3 and Sage happened (lol remember when everyone blamed him back then)


MERRILL: Well there’s the notable absence of the battle rifle. The DMR is definitely intended to replace the BR. We didn’t want to create another “one gun to rule them all” which is what the battle rifle had become. We want to push the player to a particular play style based on distance and which weapon is being used. We’ve turned the skill requirements up in a lot of ways and the DMR is going to require a bit more precision (and less luck on account of a burst-fire spread) than the BR did.

In general we’ve tried to refine the sandbox, focusing on specific roles and range filled by the weapons that are left so each has a purpose. As a result, the SMG is also gone. There are already superior weapons in that range and the SMG is just a s------- version of the assault rifle. And without dual wielding, the SMG has even less of a purpose.

Every returning weapon will feel a little different. The entire damage model for the Spartan has changed so every weapon has shifted some to account for that.

One of the biggest changes is how the shield barrier and transition state is being handled. Previously you could get a headshot through shields – if your opponent had 10 points of shields and you did 15 points of damage, the remaining 5 points would bleed over to the head. That is no longer the case in Reach.

MERRILL: Reach still plays like Halo, but armor abilities change the game so much. People will be surprised how much they miss them when the beta ends and they go back to Halo 3 and you can’t Sprint or jetpack or Armor Lock. They’ll be surprised at how well the abilities work in combat. We’re pretty happy about the results there.
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Hardy LeBel designed CE multiplayer, inspired by Nintendo 64

Max Hoberman designed 2/3/2A multiplayer

Sage Merrill designed Reach multiplayer

If Hardy Lebel and Max Hoberman who created Halo's multiplayer says it's not an arena shooter but a party shooter, then Halo's multiplayer is a party shooter.
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I still don't get what he meant by this
It took them long enough, but it seems like every coating for armor/weapons/vehicles is now cross-core. Except for Packed Punch which is still bugged and only displays properly on the Bulldog.
It's important to note that, while Hardy intended for Halo's multiplayer to be a party game, he still embraces the competitive community that's still playing it 20 years later.
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Death of the Author
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So when are they putting Brute weapons such as the Spiker in 6?
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343 meant that humans are actually not forerunners and that to read The Forerunner Saga by Greg Bear to find out the truth
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But humans did come before
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It's important to note that, while Miyamoto intended for Mario Kart and Mario Party multiplayer to be a party game, he still embraces the competitive community that's still playing it 20 years later.
The game needs to be fun before it's pretty

How can we sell MTX
I don't know any of these bitches but I do know that Halo is closer to an arena shooter than anything else. The only difference is the slower movement speed and 2 weapon limit. And those things are not integral to the arena shooter genre.
>I don't know any of these bitches but I do know that Halo is closer to an arena shooter than anything else. The only difference is the slower movement speed and 2 weapon limit. And those things are not integral to the arena shooter genre.

When did Halo stop being an arena shooter and start being a CoD class style shooter?
>The only difference is the slower movement speed and 2 weapon limit
And the health regen, and the density of pickups on maps, and the lack of movement options.
when they removed on-map resources with Halo 4 and replaced them with ordnance drops.
Then it went back to being an arena shooter with 5 and still is with infinite.
Is Fortnite an arena shooter?
Yeah if you want to be a nit picker you go ahead. No one's going to take you seriously though. Or you could respond to the actual argument.
Never played it so no idea.
It's important to note that Spiker and Brute Shot belong in Infinite.
Halo having 2 mechanics in common with arena shooters does not make it an arena shooter. By your logic, Minecraft is an arena shooter because you need to get weapons from the map.
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There are people who are genuinely excited about the prospect of 343 doing a CE remake. Imagine being so retarded.
>There are people who are genuinely excited about the prospect of 343 doing Halo 4, Halo 5, and Halo 6. Imagine being so retarded.
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>Marty O'Donnell
>Jaime Griesemer
>Hardy LeBel
>Max Hoberman
>Joseph Staten
>Marcus Lehto
>Vic DeLeon
>Chad Armstrong
Unknown, likely democrat due to pronouns in bio
>Lars Bakken
Unknown, likely democrat due to pronouns in bio
>Frank O'Connor
>Paul Russell
>Robert and Lorraine McLees
>Luke Timmins
>Michael Salvatori
Your reductionism is not a marker of honesty. I have no reason to engage with you if you continue being a twat.
You set guidelines, and I'm following them. There is nothing dishonest about finding your reasoning flawed.
you've been done
you did him
Aight, not replying to that twat any longer. Reminder that you cannot negotiate with narcissists.
Will the Great USA melting pot project ever be united?
Let's see
>Players will start with a basic load out that is upgradable via weapons and power-ups contained at certain points in a map.
>Arena shooters may employ movement mechanics that allow for skillful gameplay, such as strafing to avoid gunshots,
>using rockets explosions from weapons to jump higher,
>or using items to otherwise move quickly throughout the map.
>These mechanics are often paired with relatively fast movement speed.
Not Halo
>Maps in arena shooters are structured in a way that facilitate interaction and combat among players, often utilizing elements like portals or jump pads to provide additional options for movement.[1]
That's 5/6 i.e. Halo is a B grade arena shooter
That's what most shooters were back then
Things like counter strike broke the mould and it basically split the genre down the middle
I'm glad to see the formula hasn't dissolved completely because of battle royale and extraction shooters
Fortnite is the new Halo
>halo 4 jet pack
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>>using rockets explosions from weapons to jump higher,
Barely. It's never used in real gameplay because it leaves you so vulnerable.
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Reminder not reply to the narcissistic nit-picker
Used in CE liberally when there's an OS on the map ex. top base on Battle Creek
You're such a woman.
2 maps, one game.
Weapon control is totally different in an AFPS compared to Halo as well. The tool of destruction in almost every game is going to be what you started with, because pickups are few and far between. You can practically ignore power weapons and still come out on top. If you tried to just use the MG/Gauntlet in Quake, you wouldn't get a single frag.
Really hard to respect a man who gives an honest answer to a nit-pick. You're either a retard or seek to recreate your childhood trauma.
>In general we’ve tried to refine the sandbox, focusing on specific roles and range filled by the weapons that are left so each has a purpose.
>The DMR is definitely intended to replace the BR. We didn’t want to create another “one gun to rule them all” which is what the battle rifle had become
Honestly, the DMR would have been more manageable if they didn't nerf the AR into the ground as well.
Astro Bot is gonna rape halo.
>Reach still plays like Halo, but armor abilities change the game so much. People will be surprised how much they miss them when the beta ends and they go back to Halo 3 and you can’t Sprint or jetpack or Armor Lock. They’ll be surprised at how well the abilities work in combat.
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Reach lost a lot by not having powerups on the map.
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>he still hasn't taken the fortnite pill
Teleporters too.
>2 maps, one game
Still counts and it's more than 2 maps if you count situational usage (Prisoner and Chill Out)
The question isn't "is Halo a hardcore arena shooter" it's "is Halo an arena shooter"
The answer to that question is yes
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why is the explosive effect in h6 still SHIT
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nah teleporters sucked ass
man cannons and grav lifts had already taken over in 3. only maps that were remakes of CE maps had teleporters and all the same problems remained
teleporters aren't inherently bad but when you can't see what's on the other side, they are open to abuse and you see a lot of that in halo
Man cannons and lifts suck because they're loud and put you on a predictable path. The only problem with teleporters is that Bungie were fucking retarded and removed telefragging from Halo 3.
>when you can't see what's on the other side, they are open to abuse
That's part of the risk of using them.
but the risk of using a man cannon isn't important?
The risks involved with taking lifts is disproportionate to its benefits.
oh you're the nit-picker
I hope you get better
Do you know what nit picking is?
It's when you disagree with me
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Looking back, 3's brute concept was a little too close to the elites' stature and silhouette. They just had fatter limbs. They should've stayed closer to 2's designs.
Nit-pickers need not reply
Okay. Carry on.
One way teleporters are fine, especially if used sparingly (maybe just one per base to get to the middle of the map faster on foot), and better if supplemented by a man cannon. (BTB) In regular 4v4 it's probably not necessary for man cannons or teleporters.
trouble with 2 brutes is bungie wanted a ton of different ranks which would've been hard with that style. maybe you could say the lighter the skin the higher the rank...
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You could say that...
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escharum playing mafia 3
Jega playing Yakuza 3
Ghosts and Wraiths self-destructing immediately after hijacking them on the Gyrefight map is exactly the kind of “NO FUN ALLOWED” bullshit I expect from 343 Industries. fucking time.
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Jega watching Naruto
Sasuke is unironically the best written character in Shartruto though
We know, Jega.
I thought Halo youtubers were against that. Did they suddenly decide that they wanted a remake?
I still don't understand why 343i doesn't have more teams to work on spinoffs to fill in the gap of mainline releases. Like between Halo 5 and Infinite we at least had Wars 2 and I think another twin stick shooter. Just make a spinoff as an excuse to use elements from the Halo CE beta and call it a day.
have a nice comfy night halobros
Cheeky firefight in 5 minutes
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the browser
To play as an Elite, pause game, click ur name
Or ... not
I crashed the game with my latest mod.
More like 10 minutes, provided it's a quick fix.
you too :3
thanks for not posting anything mean
niceness always prevails over meanness.
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Firefight is up
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the browser
To play as an Elite, pause game, click ur name
Decided to add Corvette
343 couldn't even handle putting MCC together. They couldn't handle making their own 'trilogy', they couldn't even handle Combat Evolved Anniversary without completely gutting the art style. Infinite was their best attempt at making a proper Halo game and they still couldn't do it.

How can we expect them to handle rebooting the original trilogy lol. This is some clown-level shenanigans. It's going to be unfinished, unpolished, ugly, and it will still have sprint and probably some form of armor abilities/equipment. It will have battlepasses and microtransactions out the ass. In fact they won't be able to keep up with the battle pass content like we've seen with Infinite, and they're gonna sharply drop off until it's drip-fed and bugs and balance fixes aren't finished until several years after launch. We're not even going to get forge and customs on day one. Let's be real. History is just going to repeat itself as it usually does with 343.
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Which was worse, halo 5 and infinite or concord?
>343 couldn't even handle putting MCC together. They couldn't handle making their own 'trilogy', they couldn't even handle Combat Evolved Anniversary without completely gutting the art style. Infinite was their best attempt at making a proper Halo game and they still couldn't do it.

Reminder to thank Sean Cooper (kornman00) for fixing Custom Edition and MCC after 343 abandoned it

>Five Long Years. That is how long ago I started at 343 Industries, working within the very small Publishing arm of the organization.

>Over those five years, I have of course worked on Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Starting with the initial 2018/4K “let’s try that again” update, then adding Reach, then porting the games to PC, then releasing each game’s development tools, and most recently adding “plug-n-play”/Steam Workshop mod support. Plus, many other things under the hood.

>Using some simple search filtering of those results, I can roughly break down how many commits related to which things (although not exhaustive)

150 commits — Halo Wars 2.
654 commits — Halo 1
572 commits — Halo 2
586 commits — Halo 3
469 commits — ODST
435 commits — Reach
372 commits — H4
241 commits — H2A MP
783 commits — MCC Frontend
57 commits — MCC dedicated server driver
152 commits — a fork of H1 built on the original Xbox code/content, then HaloPC, then Custom Edition, then various noodling, some of which eventually was added to MCC’s H1 code.

No one expected Concord to be good. But people were willing to give 343 and Halo one more chance so they let themselves get hyped up. Even people who had low expectations of 343 were let down.That first and second season of Halo Infinite was messed up. Man I almost completely quit Halo because of Infinite. Halo deserves better than this.
Session down again. Updating the gametype. Possibly adding another map.
Considering Glacier or Unearthed.
These maps have individual gametypes tailored to them, so it takes a few minutes to get set up.
>Reminder to thank Sean Cooper (kornman00) for fixing Custom Edition and MCC after 343 abandoned it
How is this guy not in charge of the entire franchise.
what other boards do you post that on?
Alright Session is up again
COMBAT EVOLVED in the browser
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Listening to Ye with Yeeze...
Brutes are nothing without Alpha Atriox and Sigma Tartarus.
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>everything S*ge said in these quotes
I hope that faggot is in gaza right now or something, he deserves it
So I'm playing the Reach Firefight mode...
Why are Jackals my team mates and not marines?
>playing R****
Still wondering why Halo 4 and Halo 5 got shit for fucking up weapons, removing things, sprint, ADS and yet Infinite is loved despite doing all that even more
I swear Halo youtubes are faggots and idiots will literally obey them. If Infintie came out during Halo 4 or Halo 5 it would have been trashed. Yet a nice trailer that looks kinda classic and retards act like it's Halo 3.
Halo 6 pvp is trash. Only retard redditors disagree. Halo 5 pvp is the only good "modern" pvp. 2a is good but I dont really count that as modern since it has no sprint, armor abilities, etc (just avoid maps with speed boost)
Headlong, Zanzibar, Colossus
/hg/ - Halo Infinite Seething general
“Rent Free and Crying Like a Bitch” edition
reminder that Act-man is a nazi
Act-man deserves to be beheaded live on tv
Act-man deserves to have his life savings taken away from him and used on torture devices to skewer, stab, slice, shoot, rape and torture act-man
Act-man should be raped to death
Act-man should be shot on one of his gay livestreams and pissed on my a wolf
Act-man is a fake based bro who has bad takes
I don't hate Halo 6 fully but it's not the pure "back to roots " shit I keep hearing tubers say. I swear just because campaign was Chief only it somehow means it's "classic" when Halo 5 was much more fun, had more unique customs and a much less greedy shop system.
Act-man needs to get fucked in the mouth by a powerdrill
To be fair there are other reasons people say that too. The art style and even color pallette are closer to the old games and the main enemies are elites and grunts. But other than that yeah I agree with you. Original trilogy is the best by far but I had a lot of fun with 5 too, far moreso than Reach, 4, or 6.
Act-man is a facist
Halo 5s real crime was campaign and being released broken and half assed. Yet so was Infinite yet funny how halo 5 got shit that people still won't forgive but Infinite was totally fine. It's like tubers forgot when 343 said Halo Infinite would be 100% complete day one. Funny how that's forgotten.
For some reason the POV panels of Chief having Truth in his carbine sights have lived rent free in my head for decades.
I think it might be why I preferred the carbine to BR in Halo 3.
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>super pervy
m-marty bros?? you told me it was a nothing burger
Yeah the 5 campaign is pretty bad. I don't really care about 5 campaign and 6 being bad though, I will continue to play and enjoy the original trilogy. And for new stuff, fan projects (MCC map mods/Digsite, H3 CE, Halo Reborn, Ringworld Alpha, Branching Sickness) are far more promising than 343.
As for 343 broken promises didn't Bonnie apologize for 5 not having splitscreen co op and promising to not make that mistake again then doing it with 6? 343 are slimy big noses.
343 I think are just retards and fools and not evil. MCC was shit and they fixed that for free, added custom browser for Halo 5, were fully supportive of Bungie games and even adding things to Halo 3 and more.
Not sure about modern 343 but Halo MCC and Halo 5 era did have some good people doing some good things

I still think MCC is one of the best of its kind
Yeah I do give 343 credit for MCC. Giving us online enabled version of 20 year old games is a lot more than a lot of devs would do.
But I wish they would hurry the fuck up and fix the Halo 1 running riot announcement (when set to classic medals not unified). Supposed to be at 10 kills but instead its not til 15
Again, and speaking more halo 5/MCC era 343. They are more like a full retard with a pretty good heart but will fail often. Sure 343 can't release a game without it being broken, half made or just shit but they have been good about fixing things. Usually.

Maybe I'm wrong but in terms of remake buddles it's probably the best, it's 6 full games and not only that they added stuff. Not to mention the mod support it has. 343 should probably just focus on MCC
Sharty O'Donnell bros...
>343 should probably just focus on MCC
They really absolutely should. Give us new maps as paid DLC to fund the support, let players toggle new or classic or both maps in matchmaking. And add digsite weapons to forge. Add forge to Halo 2. So much good stuff could be done.
>10 different models for the br in shitfinite
>none of them have an ejection port
Even more pathetic that Halo 5s numerous clones of weapons were at least a little different. Silenced weapons wouldn't come up on radar, scoped gave different zoom levels. I'll agree halo 5 had maybe too many but at least they were a little different
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Can someone explain to me why the Halo community is seemingly obsessed with this thing? It's fucking hideous and yet it keeps appearing in mods and now Infinite.
Reminds me of people that buy a classic AK47 and add rails and tacticool add ons
What gets me is shit like this. Why is there a random ass block infront of the trigger guard? And another angular block sticking out to make getting a cheek weld as uncomfortable as possible?
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It's based on a piece of concept art from Halo 3
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Pic related and link in case someone wants to try and say it's Reach concept art. Lots of people assume it is. Possible they revisited it for Reach but it was originally for 3. Didn't notice the strap was added in MS paint til I looked at the actual book again lol.
You've done him.
He's done you.
I thought they would go that route after seeing the two scarabs on the covenant level on Halo 3 and Halo Wars. But ODST and Reach had vehicle hallway levels. They showed a big ass battle with like 100 warthogs at the beginning of a Halo Reach level but after the cutscene there were no hogs.
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THE Ardent Prayer Furedight mission is very fun!
Halo 4 Fiesta on Ragnarok is pretty good. I wish they cycled through the maps though. How do you just play on one small map 24/7? You see this on other Halos too. Yeah the map is good, but not 24/7 good. Every Halo game has a couple good maps, you don't have to just stick to one all day. Even the bad maps are fine if you have a mode like Fiesta or Swords where the weapon layout doesn't matter.
>try to play reacharound firefight
>"Estimated Wait: 0:20"
>can't find a match at all
Australia moment I guess.
I was having some server issues about an hour ago. Maybe it was on their end.
Has anyone seen a drawing of Master Chief with his helmet off, with his face looking all pale and covered in bioelectric wires? I've been looking for it for a long while now, and I still can't find it.
He was in his CE armor, with his helmet sitting in his lap and with a solemn expression on his face.
No idea who the artist was.
If only it would show up over the Tempest remake.
In my canon playthrough, Chief never used a bubble shield
in my canon playthrough the master chief thinks i'm his father
In my canon playthrough, Chief gets lost on the way to the Pillar of Autumn's bridge and dies.
In my canon, Disaster Chief is from Zimbabwe.
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People seem to forget they were scrapped for a reason.
The recent obsession with canonizing cut content is sad.
Brat summer is over.
The Reach AR will always be an abomination. It's up there with 343i's covenant redesigns in terms of "completely missing the mark and destroying the design".
which halo game is the most brat
Brat isn't Halo.
Hawk Tuah is Halo.
The concept art LMG was still cool.
I'm aware. It's ugly as hell though.

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Canonize Slugmen.
canonize THIS
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Speaking of canon, I thought it was actually canon but only in Halo 3 for The Arbiter to play the Gladiator and be the one fighter who wins the whole war in the end of the story.
Too generic. The Saw is fine.
Generic is fine. It has a clear design lineage with the AR, and it was likely cut because it bears resemblance to CE/3's AR and not Reach's. The SAW doesn't even look like a Halo weapon.
Saying something doesn't "look like Halo" is completely meaningless. CE, 2, 3, and Reach look completely different from one another.
We call it 1 here.
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The first 3 games have a clear visual connection. Some of the art was changed, but nothing was completely overhauled like what happened with Reach.
1 and 2 share 90% of the designs. 3 is when Bungie gave up on details and consistency, and Reach is greebly tacticool shit.
I like all the Bungie onea
I bet you would, reachtard.
It will be okay, I love you.
Reach is CE 2 confirmed
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