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>The War Within

>The story so far
Reminder to have fun and not take 4chan too seriously!

Previous >>492383149
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first for pokemon snap
Remember to report Avatar/Signature use.
Don't mind :)
I mean BM is trash DPS-wise but what's hard about hitting Call of the Wild and having a 19 second Beast Cleave uptime you can keep refreshing with your KC
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So is brewmaster okay or will I get cucked by literally every other tank
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>I will not play this piano simulator again.
>I will not be time-gated again.
>I will not do dailies/weeklies again.
>I will not raid with 19 retards again.
>I will not play arena with 2 retards again.
>I will not wait hours for an M+ group again.
>I will not play WoW again.

I am chillmaxxing deluxe right now, enjoying what life has to offer.
Is shaman like the class which reflects gooners the most?
No impulse control, you just let any voice and idea come through you without any guard etc.
A demon hunter is one harronir sloppy away from being cured of depression
she doesnt think 5k+ main stat is le good
It's okay. Pretty good for Ovo'nix iirc
I'm sure you've got 20 renown for all 3 pheromones to proc
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Post Paws
It's still trash for casters
So are Shadowlands raids soloable now at 80?
i thought you were talking about the egg
OFC you'd think about eggs you troon
WoW has got to be the best hangover game ever. Just spent 16 hours completely ignoring how bad I felt

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gem :)
The Maye Within General
can the auction house come back now? i have work soon and need to sell my shit
Even better for withdrawal
Big shoutout to the based retards undercutting profession tools by 90%
>Open thread after some gaming
>Check previous thread
What did I do to upset you this time
Better than being Within Maye I guess
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Kind of bothered by DK's only getting the Four Horsies powers as dps specs. You'd think Blood could do with a little extra damage from others they're keeping threats away from.
Replace Raise dead even, summon random horseman.
It's also a good shit life time waster.
Makes me forget about my shitty life.
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Now that the dust has settled, why did The War Within flop and can blizzard recover?
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I'm pretty sure all the auction house memery is really because there's another dupe glitch going around because all of a sudden there's a whole bunch of people selling TCG mounts in /2
>lol the charger twitch drop
No I mean a suspicious amount of people selling a suspicious amount of mounts
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Can confirm, been binging wow since losing 8k in a single day a few months ago. Dont care about the lost money anymore, at peace
Nah it's just another way to reward EAcucks.
They aren't really subtle about it.
Now that the dust has settled, how did Blizzard make the best game in a decade?
The DK and Mage nerf can wait.
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What is this ranking
man they werent kidding about the rebalancing. just did a 74 leveling dungeon and it felt more like a heroic than a regular dungeon. took us like a solid 2-3 minutes to clear each boss instead of 10 seconds like a few days ago
vaginal cavity size
poster quality
Races he'd fuck.
These are all the same metric
wowg avatarfag tier list
the lower you are the more likely youre a faggot, a tranny or both
dwarf players are the most whiney bitches around so that checks out
Can you still do mass pulls between bosses?
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should i level fishing
yes its mandatory
EAcucks are the ones losing out from this though? The only benefit to buying EA was to have a 3 day headstart on crafting / resources, with the AH down poorfags can catch up
the AH still works for EA accounts its only down for regular players

the tank will live but depending on the mobs you will probably lose a dps or two. not even standing in fire but the just general pulses of splash damage that auto target all overlap.

its definitely not to the point where you need to go pack by back, but i'd maybe break halls into 2 pulls if everybodies dying. if the DPS is dead its gonna take way longer to clear it anyways.
Brew is looking good at the moment. Not the best tank at the moment, but certainly not the worst. They slightly lessened the ability bloat, but being monk there's still a lot of buttons to press.
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say hello to my SQUAAAAAA
pricing would be the tell more than anything. first few weeks always have these kinds of people pushing their old crap. worse now with cross realm you'll have to go check what the lowest ah price is in the region because the people spamming runs can just jump on that kind of 0 risk flipping too. more than ever anything people advertise in trade at all is probably grossly overpriced.
you can lessen the button bloat of monk further by macroing shit. its slightly less efficient but they have a lot of stuff off the GCD you can bind buttons together
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>le dreamworks face
Post proof puff pass
>get bored so i go to the vindicaar to see azeroth from orbit
>watch it rotate
It's so bad. The proportions are mega fucked or azeroth is about as big as our moon.
Next expansion, you'll be able to buy fortnite dances for your toons to do on login screen
This was made by a woman forma de la biofem
so what exactly are the keyflame events all about?

you're just generating your own wqs?
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Weird, but okay.
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>tank pulls 239 mobs together
>mobs pulse aoe dmg on the group
>knock up everyone periodically
>put swirlies on 90% of the floor because its so many mobs
>aoe cones in all directions
>69 of the mobs have an important cast you need to kick or you get ccd
>wipe instantly
>tank writes dont stand in aoe
what the fuck is wrong with dungeons in this expansion
i havent played retail in a while whats going on i cant complete a leveling dungeon without wiping
also imagine playing healer in this expansion the whole group is at 20% life all dungeon because the crackmonkey keeps chainpulling
>join bg
>temple of shit
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aw shit its spook o'clock
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So should I just be doing every WQ in each zone?
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Evoker should have had a tanking spec that wears mail
There, I said it
>join bg
2024 and pvp gearing is still masturbating while defending lmao
Did they buff the loot from rares or something? Just got a 577 piece from a rare
1/5 of dwarfs are pvp metatroons doebeit. Should be A at most.
if you want to
>side with the vizer because she is a hot spider mommy
Wow I just switched from Dalaran-US to Moon Guard, game feels so much more alive. I've been missing out
i assume this was stonevault, ideally the tank shouldnt pull every pack at the same time before the last boss
Crackmonkeys will have to stop chain pulling, that's the lesson here.
Blizzard obviously don't want you to pull a whole dungeon, but instead of putting doors that open after you clear the two designated packs like XIV does, they made it hard.
So it's optional? I wasn't sure if it was like other expacs where you have to do a certain amount of WQs a day for a box.
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do the $20 transmog items in the store show up in the trading post
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Wow, I thought you guys were just exaggerating as you faggots usually do but even the normies fucking despise Faerin
Maybe dps should use their defensive CDs instead of dying?
I bet most don't even have them keybinded.
if anyone cared about what you say or think you wouldnt be goonposting here 24/7
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god I wish that was real
its really every dungeon i played so far
every tank is like this
and if the tank is not playing like this the dps start pulling
it feels like late wotlk on crack OGOGOOGGOGOGOGO
now let's do a wowg guild together...
at least half of the chuds on the internet are russian trolls or bots
t. knower
everything is optional
if you like doing them and want the reputation do them
tanks havent adjusted for the increased damage of the mobs yet. part of the problem is the mobs also arent hitting tanks hard enough to punish them for overpulling, so dps/heals pays the price but tanks just shrug it off.

bad tanks will ego trip and blame the party
if you want to get invited to m+ and raids yes
There was one, once. Few wanted to join. It still exists.
Cinderbrew Meadery is the worst for this.
Join a raiding guild with me
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le dreamworks face is a clutch for shitty soulless face models
r1 parser, is there spot for me. t. enhancement.
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Just bee-lieve in yourself
Thanks nigga.
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>when the kino is about to hit
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Check out what I just got made
Don't care if it's good or not
Yeah it's really nice over here
Download TRP3 even if you aren't a roleplayer. Just so you can see people's profiles as a people-watching thing
Sometimes they're funny sometimes they're cringe sometimes they're cool
>queue into dungeon day 1 as a tank post early access
>healer gets mad at me because I don't know the route

everyone is terminally mazed now
Yeah I just like seeing trade chat popping or even just people interacting. Dalaran's been a ghost town lately
Post your mog and I'll decide
>she's not fully decked in epics yet
explain yourself
>forgets to swap to dragonriding and dies on the last boss
now think of tirion, varian, terenas, alexandros and the other men who were chaste all their lives after the death of their spouses
How am I supposed to see the pheromones procs on the ground when the aoes are vomiting sfx
>buggy garbage that locks you into the ship's interior and continually tosses non-grounded minions overboard during 2/3 boss fights
I haven't run that dungeon once since the first time

>game runs like putrid dogshit
>looks like shit
why the fuck am i playing this
you're an addict
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I also came back to moonguard from wyrmrest (was on moonguard back in TBC) The game actually feels like a fucking mmo on this server with its own niche communities
Onyxia definitely fucked that. She's a broodmother and he's her puppet, it happened. Pretty casually implied in the comic that she was on the arm of the weak half of Varian.
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>i cant complete a leveling dungeon without wiping
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>horde SEA monkey is a cuck posting vatnik
checks out
How's horde side on MG?
There isn't.
RIP, staying on WRA I guess...
Where do I go for the big horde rp scene?
MG needs more vulpera
you see the issue is the healer did no such dps
I think Wyrmrest is pretty much THE horde RP server.
idk why but this made me burst out laughing
fuck you
>tank chain pulls 40 mobs, 25 of which are casters which he builds 0 aggro on
>stunning them does not lock them from casting and the group can interrupt 10 at most
>healer needs to at least drop one HoT on the tank so he doesnt die from pulling 8 trash packs
>casters immediately aggro on the healer as the tank is just spamming unga bunga abilities in the mosh pit he created instead of any of the caster mobs
>healer gets 2-shot, then the group dies 10 seconds later
this will be every m0 PuG after next reset up until Season 1 starts
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no, IMO tank is not in evokers class identity, they are magician above else, what they should have is a meleemage spec that uses azure strike and other extreme short range spells instead of casts and channels. Like spellcleave and breath attacks. No casts other than charge spells.

Dragons are nor durable, they are a high AC low Con creature and if you can penetrate the armor they are quite fragile and cannot survive hits.

The mail tank should be shaman and/or hunter.
Thanks. I wasn't sure but next time I boot up and make my horde chars I'll go there!
Lay off the weed
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Fellas don't forget to pick these up off the AH, they are very cheap
You don't, really. WRA WAS the only Horde RP realm. Nowadays WRA just has small guilds that keep to themselves mostly.
Check the forums, I dunno if they still do it but when I RP'd there were regular guild fairs where all the guilds sat around in SMC and tried to recruit (you)
god I wish that were me
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What is a populated Alliance server that isn't Moon Guard and has a bustling community that isn't toxic cunts? Friend wants to try the game but I don't want to scare her off by recommending hanging on Moon Guard with me
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I'd play a tank shaman but only if they bring shaman to human / nelf / velf
reminder to instantly hide any front facing selfie avatar tranny
Moon Guard if you want to see people talk.
And Moon Guard isn't so bad just stay away from the problem areas and either don't install TRP or make it say no ERP or something
is frost dk the most npc spec+class in wow?
Post-MoP really killed off Horde RP. Faction pride died and the RP suffered.
>*frost mage

Opinion seemed retarded but once I've opened the image I understood that we're dealing with a coomer; everything now being discarded, naturally
>gives good reasoning and thought
>ummm ummm errmmm coomer
u sure showed him
horde just died with garrosh. I was a big Orc fan, fav race to play in WC3 and garrosh was everything i liked about the Horde. Honor, blood and thunder.. Tear down trees, impale your enemies kind of vibes. That all got thrown out post mop and now horde is 90% elves, was ran by an elf and human for two expansions and now is some weird democracy with no one true leader
>gooners unite
okay, i've finally gotten the hang of balance and i like guardian, but i just cant seem to get the hang of feral. tracking like 5 different dots on each target on top of energy and combo points and tigers fury, i keep fucking up. and i dont like either of the hero specs for it.
He's not wrong tho. Never listen to coomers, brainrot isn't just a meme.
How often do you guys report people? I know it doesn't do anything but I can't go 30 seconds in a major city without reporting people. Either they look stupid or are playing as a race I don't like.
An example is the AH in the new city, people who just right straight in to the back wall need people be taken out of the gene pool. Mouth breathers like that need to be systemically executed. I obviously can't do that so reporting people is my little bit of help.
Anyone know of an addon or weak aura that keeps track of how many people you reported? It'd be a cool number to see.
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Do you have it?
This gay interacial porn spam brought to you by the prison-gay russian faggot who hates elfposting and "avataring". Filenames in cyrillic, saviors of the white races btw.

This is the sort of shit the guy pearl clutching about Moonguardians has saved on his pc.
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577 ilevel and +1 femworg
Good enough progress for one day
gn wowg
>only 577
shitter confirmed
no...... give me another chance.........
why all you faggot hunters look identical, same gear, same everything?
Tank probably played at beta, because he bought EA.
So should have you!
Next time buy the most expensive edition to not be a chud, chud!
Keep coping tranny. Another person being a different kind of freak doesn't make your kind any better.
I am the same hunter in all these pics
I was femvelf because I stepped on a transmorpher beacon
creatively bankrupt just like their tier set looks
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>the vague anti-alliance leader posting didn't work so he had to resort to literal cuckshit posting
why are seaniggers like this
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>when the blood dk pulls every pack between each boss making us wipe repeatedly
>when fire beats both arcane and ass at the overall
he is right
when i watched that scene i also felt that Varian homage was forced
whoever wrote it just ignored the difference between circumstances
Varian jumping to let other go was the only option, so he was heroic
Anduin was just stupid
i just report roleplayers using profanity but also butchering the words with their attempted Dwarfish/Gilnean/Draenei accent that makes said words bypass the maturity filter
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Sorry I'm a kind of a tread setter
how the fuck are you guys already gearing im not even 80 yet.
fuck how long do i have?
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the guy with the shitty female troll is a literal faggot
3 weeks
>im not even 80 yet.
Fucking how?
September 10th
desu instead of varian mekkatorque could have launched his mech at the demon war machine

we know he had an ejection seat from BFA
I would bet it's the same fag who's been doomposting the whole time, babbling about gay shit despite multiple people confirming none of that is in tww.
Now tww is out and everyone can see for themselves, the "ahahaha" posting doesn't work either, so he tries to nuke a whole thread like these retards sometimes do on /v/ when a janny just deletes a whole thread when there's too much nsfw spam.
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i don't know what pants to add, mail btw if anyone has an idea
why is AH closed
Yes, it's the same voice actor, he's voiced many characters.
That was the futatranny all along.
holy shit the eng ah in oribos still works
you make fun of him for thinking everyone is his schizo now you think everyone is him?
We could have just gone back in time and do it better.
Or pull another Varian from other dimension.
>a literal faggot
He admits as such, yes.
there is nothing wrong with being gay

doomchud here
it's not me
I hearg bots caused it to implode. I need to get a glyph and fugg if I'm learning inscription for it.
being gay is objectively wrong, evil and retarded
Worth it to do heroics for the gear RN or just keep doing world quest boxes and delves?
are all mage specs NPC tier this expansion?
what realm are you playing on, I'm a scribe
Hey faggots, why all armors are just body paints?
It's worth it to get valorstones and crests and items
Go back
oh. oh never mind then i was worried for nothing. Thank you.
i come home, i hop on, I quest i log off and do something else when it's evening.
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Anduin botta get him some glowing chocolate pussy
Thanks for the offer but i'll wait for the AH to come back up. I have to leave in a few min anyway.
If that were so, why did god make poking the prostate feel so good?
Doesn't Anduin kinda acknowledge this later on? Iirc, he says something along the lines that he only did it because he thought the "sacrifice" would restore his access to the Light. Its not explicit, but he's basically going "yeah, that was retarded of me. I dunno bro, I just want to smoke my Light crack again"
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Pipe puzzle? I love pipe puz...oh.
If you don't have 300 fishing already you might as well uninstall, you're so behind it hurts
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This is your doomposter btw
Unironic tranny pooner that also spams gay porn in the old wowg discord just like you're seeing here
Discord name: shadowcrest
AH is down for anyone who opted to skip the pipe puzzle instead of doing it.
WOWG status? i might join depends on realm
not going to join your tranny hub
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didnt realise they had gear like that
can confirm
Are warlocks?
This mentally ill troon has been spamming this for the last 1.5 weeks. Legit obsessed
the avatar trannies false flagging lmao
why does she have a dick
I made it on Moon Guard, but it's dead. I'm still parading it's corpse around, though.
would hate to see your reaction if you lost actual money!
It was real money chud
>still up
How long do mods goon, on average?
Maye has posted his irl cock and it never got deleted
What a lad.

The reason I'm posting this forced and shitty meme in every thread is that this game is so dogshit and deserves to lose players.

If I have influenced 1 or 2 people per day to rethink their decision to play WoW, I have succeeded.
>What a fag.
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cool guy
Trinkets then
>Use: Gain X stat for Y seconds. (Z minutes cooldown)

Trinkets now
>Use: Triumphantly raise the thingamajig above your head, empowering your whole being with supreme power, which marks you. When marked, you feel empowered, gaining X stat, which lasts for Y seconds and slowly fades, but increases with power if you keep attacking. (Z minutes cooldown)
no one but subhumans play this game, checekd youtube earlier and found a zoomer that started in shadowlands and he's the most mentally ill person I had the displeasure to encounter on youtube
What a joke. I posted an MS Paint edit of Hazel with a cock and got banned for it, meanwhile actual porn is allowed to stay up with no repercussions.
which games are you playing right now?
>the doomtroon is in fact a mentally ill troon
I too once posted a Hazel picture that was innocent, because I just repost images from old threads that I scrap and that got me banned as well.
There's a moderator that does not tolerate her face around here.
Dang, and you do this for free?
Based. At least he's not fooling anyone that he likes cock.
tell me you're iq is lower than your shoe size without telling me you're iq is lower than your shoe size
>you are IQ
IQ also has a verbal intelligence component and yours is bottom of the barrel
>me wearing my new war within season 1 tier set
How does warlock's mobility compare to mage
avatarfag falseflag
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It's over...
>queue for heroics tonight
>first group is an in progress dawnbreaker that does not understand the basics about the 2nd boss and keeps committing suicide against him
>quit and enjoy my dungeon deserter
>queue again later and get an in progress ara-kara
>br tank keeps pulling the entire instance and dying because we have no fucking healer
>quit again
Yeah you know what I think I am going to keep my 545 green bracers until raid/mythic dungeons.
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So are Faerin and Anduin a confirmed couple now?
how new are you?
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
On a basic level it's worse because Mage blink and invis are reactive abilities you can use to avoid shit
Warlocks need to plan ahead with where they put circle and Gateway but utilizing them with preplanning puts them ahead of mages simply because gateway can be used by others as well
Is Feral druid still about snapshotting big bleeds still?
Snapshot was removed from the game in 2013
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fun dps specs?
The one you like
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so what do I do when I hit 80?
>anduin reduced to a crying broken bitch who will be replaced
>khadgar dead
>turalyon little more than a housewife

do the chuds have anything left? and how do we destroy it?
Go back to bed grandpa it's 2024 currently.
colossus arms
slayer and thane slayer
diabolist demonology and destro
spellslinger arcane
templar ret

thats about it
Yes, and when we go to where the Arathi empire is he will be crowned emperor
snapshoting hasn't been a thing since mop. for good reason also.
shank kid npcs
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i am more motivated to play the game because of you
avatartroon banned hahahaha
Are you able to change who you side with in the Spider zone? I was going to pick a seperate spider on each alt but i guess youre locked to one a warband or are you technically leveling all three at once? Im not too clear on how this works
nah im sure maye is still here shitting the general up
>my ancestor

there is a chud on the writing team
Wait. Anduin Lothar existed not even 100 years ago. I thought the Arathi expedition was at least 1000 years ago. This doesn't make any sense
Enchantment Shaman
The fuck are you on about you melted spaz?
see how that avatar troon replied to me lmao
you realize its a fake screenshot right
its a very good troll to make it look like datamined dialogue but it isnt real. The resemblence line is the giveaway
Holy based, what a hero.
does that mean feral is fun now
snore within bros.. we floppin?
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we bussin, blasts are bein had
Where are all the players? Why this game is so dead?
how the fuck does every other general have a shitposting trooncord latched to it.
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small indie company
I thought you guys were memeing when you said TWW is not for russians.
But this shitting and spamming makes it quite clear.
This xpac is killing dad gamers I love it
imagine having cuck porn on your pc
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trooncord is getting uppity again...
doomsissies will persevere
avatar tranny
>russian translation makes gay centaurs as "blood brothers"
>suddenly game is no longer sold in russia
You only had to follow gay centaurs but you made them heterosexual.
Moonkin rework inc bros, trust the plan
why imagine when we know maye/joshua posts here every day and his ssd is littered with futa tranny porn of his characters
not feeling ret anymore bros...
as I said before
anything is better than avatar trannies
you will always be disgusting
>do RDF heroic as TANKchad
>start grouping up mobs
>first half of DPSissies die due to their inability to hold it in their pants before I group up mobs
>second half die to avoidable swirlies
>finish mobs with healer

I wish you could do heroics with followers...
you do realize that every gooner in these threads watches gay porn, trans porn, interracial in grid layers on multiple monitors simultaneously?
Is it worth getting an mmo mouse or can I function just fine with a normal one and keyboard?
Yeah but not everyone is a gooner (like you).
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>kiss me Turalyon
I like current rogue they just need to
>fix the fucking stealth and deathstalker bugs
>just bake SnD into the class already it's just one extra keybind for no reason
You only need mouse4 and mouse5 on top of the usual 3 mouse buttons. No need for one of those 15 button ones
My post only works under the underlying fact or presup. that I'm not a gooner, which in fact I am not. I have long ago quit porn and masturbation entirely.
I recommend easypeasy hackbook.
MMO mouse is a crutch for people that can't bind 40 hotkeys.
Normal mouse is fine as long as you don't have girl hands.
>not even 70k

the dead within
whats a gooner
do you want to be left behind because someone with a mmo mice was 0.1% better than you in metrics?
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it will help but not needed at all. you can do 100 parses and get glad fine without it.

formerly coomer
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>Doomjeet is a smelly ugly pooner
cant make this shit up
this but furry porn
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>I have a headache dear
an arsenal fan
So there's the portal to dornogol from Nerub. Is there one for hallowfall too?
Based and furry porn pilled.
Blizzard employees are helpless against doomLORDS.
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Any must haves from this months trading post before it goes away?
>Zesty Nibblers
avatartranny trying so hard lmao
This is what happens when you are mean to futatranny. He tells his pocket janny to take a break and starts spamming.
No, Faerin refused a barrier free portal for disabled.
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>yes sir she got himself sum of dat coon pussy
She's repulsive, you delusional fucking nigger.
I only goon to gay furry porn and furry wow races
>the troll freak lost his mind and is flooding the thread with porn

How many times has this happened now
coolest warrior race combo?
coolest shammy race combo?
I would still kiss her even though she looks like an ayyy lmao here desu
Fem draenai
Fem draenai
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how is TWW? i'm tempted to buy and resub.
Delves are just Torghast but worse
oh man ahahaha can you believe it
the avatar troon false flag melty
and the instant uppity reply before
It's complete shitshow, not worth your time or money.
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warrior - human
shaman - orc
did you enjoy dragonflight? it's more of the same.
Honestly wait a month, or two.
Because it's a shit show right now.
>second expansion in a row nobody in my guild came back
>asked and got the same rough answer from all of them: "why do i care about which loot pinata is trying to send people to the shadowlands for their harry potter sorting hat meeting with elliot paige".

Danuser killed the brand.
This >>492423078 basically DF without the faggotry.
so now that the dust has settled, what went so terribly wrong?
Nothing. It's going great.
Your mother got pregnant
That's pretty funny
same but new but the same but also new
This really happened, I was there.
it's alright so far
have to wait to see how m+ and raiding is though
very alt friendly
>wait until it gets better
We heard that same cope in every expansion and it never gets good.
have a 70 boost, want to use it on a female nelf to just gather (dont want another druid) was thinking hunter for nelf bow lore OR rogue since i might play around with it in arenas. Ill only be leveling via gathering nodes.
Ability bloat.
Many classes have filler abilities that could just be deleted if the main ones didn't have an unnecessary 6 sec cooldown.
better than dragonflight in almost every way, and dragonflight was above average already.
>all these white males being ruined/killed in TWW

is genn greymane ok? is he safe?
You're not wrong but things are fundamentally fucked as of this minute with shit like Earthen being locked, Auction house, current fucking closed, being unusable. Bugs et cetera,
if you WANT to play TTW, if you HAVE to.
Wait a month or two.
check this ancient /pol/ thread when people started to discover gooners, back when tumblr still existed and its evil was more visible to research

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Fuck I should have just went gathering for both specs.
Early access killed the only fun that all MMOs have in common.
So with this warband shit I could play an ally character on MG and a horde character on WRA with no real issues right?
The worst character in wow? I hope not.
The stone dwarf was de-petrified.
The archeology dwarf is still the best companion.
Stop doom posting.
We just got rid of the dad jokes character that overstayed his welcome.
it's DF but less gay
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>Ability bloat.
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Wtf is his problem?
Didn't he already retire? That's good end for wow characters.
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I haven't seen this in delves yet, can you not get it til' season 1?
What are some must-have AddOns if I want to make the game comfier? No UI replacements like ElvUI, pls
So far I have:
What else?
Waiting a month is already too late and two is already a suicide. Expansion launch is only time when game is worth to play.
He officially passed the kingdom to his daughter in that shitty reclamation questline.
just this week ive seen 6 tanks trying to chain pull everything to the first miniboss only to sprint straight into that hall and dying
Addons ruin your 1 pct lows so use as little to none at all preferably and constantly measure which ones cause the most damage.
I used immersion but i highly suggest checking out dialogues. Its like immersion but imo much better and you can click through with space. Its made me easily read and enjoy the sidequests
He's retired in Dragonflight and gave the leadership to - surprise surprise - to his daughter because he's weak and old :)

Just like everyone else in this expansion.
already replaced, im sure they'll get around to killing him later.
I got the shoulders.
So yeah I think you can get it, it's just rng.
I keep getting shitty rings and trinkets mostly.
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The War Within is good
Thanks bro.
>wow is still dead even after blizzard bent the knee for the chinks
This really says something
I wonder how much the trannies at Blizzard must seethe that they have to capitulate to the filthy roach-king every expansion, not to mention pay him.
Chinks transitioned to the single player mmos called gacha.
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Why hasn't he come out and said that TWW is good yet?
This feels like the beginning of Skyrim - a bunch of retired old men are carried into the small town (expansion) where they are all executed one by one.
For all the complaining you idiots do about them there are literally zero confirmed trannies in the game

Seek help
I don't think I'm touching heroics. The Darkness on normal is bad enough.
Most women in Dornogal are trannies since they have beards.
At least she was somewhat long established and his son dead.
Kingship being passed on a woman isn't anything special and you'd be retarded to sperg about that.

But the way they go about this in TWW is dumb indeed, be it the machinist or the stormrider chick.
caved and bought
whats looking better of these two
should i play my mage or a shaman i only want to play a single character this time around
are the follow dungeons janky are do they actually function well?
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Bros pls... I'm about to make a grave mistake.
They just changed trannies to retired old men who are replaced by daughters and strong women.

It's just another way to make fun of men when it used to be gays and trannies.
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I find it insane how WoW is one of the few games out there where new players are actively encouraged not to give a fuck about the story and just eat the slop right up.

Nearly two decades of lore (not even counting the Warcraft games) and new players are somehow supposed to give a shit about who Thrall, Jaina, Khadgar, Magni or Anduin are. The writers are then saddled with carrying a story most new players won't know about forward while introducing new characters and villains for them to latch onto, creating a disconnect between old players and new players.

Level Boosts, Chromie Time, Dungeon Spamming. If you're playing through any given expansion you finish dinging max level way before you actually finish the story of said expansion. It is a complete disregard for decades of writing and world building. How many people are WILLINGLY going to go back and experience that shit once they get to the current max level?

It would be like telling someone to read Harry Potter at the second to last book. It would be like telling someone to skip all of Breaking bad except the 7 last episodes. It would be like telling someone to jump into the entire MCU at Spider-Man No Way Home. And its not even the players that mainly perpetuate this mindset, its the fucking company itself.
Yeah imagine playing male human instead of fem vulpera. What a fucking mistake.
>not current expansion
new to wow?
Anything on it current expac doesn't count.
quins right
If I'm going to be a furry I'm going to be a worgen and they can't be paladins.

stop, don't summon it
shaman always gets shit on with patches
I seriously can't move the quest dialogue box anywhere I want OR make the text bigger, without addons?
mage is not for the noble human mind, it's for npcs
I love my fempera rogue
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They'll kill Lor'themar in Midnight, I can see it happen.
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>literally zero confirmed trannies in the game
Then you have a new race where 95%+ of the females have beards.
Is it possible to get a majorty of the old leagion druid skins (not gorrila bears)
I also love your fempera rogue
she loves you too
>elf Expansion
>perfect chance to kill an elf male and give the elf players a good shock to keep them in the game.
you can get everything but mage tower skins
Metzen isn't responsible for this story right?
Chris Metzen.
>Lor'themar will be replaced by Lady Liadrin, another female elf
Just perfect.
Where is sloppa anon it's been ages?
Did the Yawn Within drive him off from WoW?
He came in when TWW was 10 months deep in development and in the recent interview it was heavily hinted that he wanted to change shit but couldn't and that's when the whole trilogy concept became a thing so that he can mold it.
What issues do you mean?
He backed out at the last minute and gave us a 10 month development excuse.
Wake up fools. Metzen spoke to danuser in his dreams, it's all his fault.
Dwarf women can have a beard since Tolkien

I don't think little changes will fix this
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They really are on a mission to kill off all the notable male characters. Anduin is next.
What I mean is I wanna know if I can have a orc warrior and a human alt on two different servers and it functions basically like if I had two horde characters on the same server.
game should be equal 50/50 male to female characters ratio. This is why most males must go.
Where are the normal and dark Iron Dwarf beards?
im 100% convinced he took out a lot of the california gay shit and changed faerins personality around. There is NO way the way she acts and sounds in game matches the cinematic they showed of her. They just couldnt change the cinematic since it prob was in pre production much much longer and harder to swap
flying ruins the game
All men and women are equal, equality right? :)
That's why there must be an equal number of women and men.
Exactly, the Metzen interview was hastily recorded the day it was uploaded because they saw pre-expansion sentiment for TWW was overwhelmingly negative.

Blizzard will come up with another bullshit excuse if Midnight flops, probably hinting that Danuser wrote it or something.
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And to rub salt in the woonz the next dwarf king is Dagran, the femboy bookworm dwarf.
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this guy looks like he's been an alcoholic for years
Indeed, the original cinematic had a 5-minute scene of Faerin swinging her BBC around the camera but Metzen put a stop to it.
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Metzen is gonna save us.
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This is from original 5-minute scene where Faerin humilates Anduin with her BBC.
why aren't we allowed to have ANY male hero figures anymore? TWW was meant to be a departure from the and im sorry to say it like this pure faggotry of DF so why WHY why cant they just let anduin get his shit together after seeing how bad hollowfall has it, why cant he be inspired to be a good leader for his people through witnessing a poor one.
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You know what would've been kino? If the TWW cinematic - instead of Thrall randomly finding Anduin in a desert - had been an alcoholic Anduin drinking himself to death in a tavern somewhere and then Thrall finds him and convinces him to put down the bottle.

Something like drunk Alistair from Dragon Age II.
the cinematics they showed of her for marketing did not match her personality at all

in fact I'd say this entire expansion feels disjointed like several people were fighting over its direction
If you look at current male figures, they are all fucking bitches or cucks - look at Baine for example. Pathetic piece of shit who gets nothing done without her Highmountain whore.
you reminded me that there's a blood elf player who posts several pics of himself with several hall of fame players or arena gladiators talking about being BLACKED and guy got futa/nsfw mods, tons of pics of him in the stockades or outdoors.
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You just know that Anduin is gonna sacrifice himself after knocking up Faerin with some mutt babies
Why would an elf go for a black human when she has orcs and tauren?
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>have to stop farming wax because i'm having too much fun with cyberpunk

go on without me waxchads...
thanks for the spoiler fag
>instead of Thrall randomly finding Anduin in a desert - had been an alcoholic Anduin drinking himself to death in a tavern somewhere and then Thrall finds him and convinces him to put down the bottle.
Sounds a lot better than what orignal cinematic was.
>make a druid
>spawn in
>see 50 dudes in one spot with the same name
>don't really like the new music
>Dornogal theme gets stuck in my head anyway
>Arena players and high end raiders are niggers
i mean yeah?
>After the current expansion trilogy there's a timeskip and Anduin's black daughter will become queen of the alliance.
>in fact I'd say this entire expansion feels disjointed like several people were fighting over its direction.
Indeed. Is it a dwarf expansion? Is it a nerubian expansion? Is it an Arathi expansion? It was originally marketed as a dwarf expansion but they've barely appeared in the marketing, and it's been nothing but Xal'atath for the past few months.

Reminds me of BfA which was similarly disjointed. Is it a faction war expansion? Is it an Old God expansion? There was no straight answer. Interestingly, both BfA and TWW had their creative leads replaced during development - Danuser replaced Afrasiabi during patch 8.1 of BfA, and Metzen replaced Danuser 10 months into TWW development.

So if I had to guess, BfA was originally a faction war expansion until Danuser took over and suddenly we got Nazjatar and Azshara and Old Gods. Similarly, TWW was originally a dwarf expansion until Metzen took over and suddenly we have nerubians and Xal'atath and the void.
They have no ETA when the character restoration feature is going to work again, do they?
Can someone explain the Arathi empire to me?
As for as I know it was an ancient human empire.
But the Arathi expedition we meet claims they traveled from the empire 15 years ago?
Shit bro I hope that's how it works.
>if I had two horde characters on the same server.
Meaning what exactly? Most things will be shared except specific class/faction stuff. You also have a warband bank for any items you might want to trade. I don't know if you can trade gold cross server.
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>campaign quest: Play with three orphans
>Arathis were in our part of azeroth
>Fucked off at some point
>15 years ago Emprah had a vision of a holy race war and sent some guys back.
Faerin even calls it the old world.
There is another Arathi Empire that splintered off from the old empire that is still around and supposedly very powerful beyond the Storming Sea on an undiscovered continent. The Hallowfall expedition came from that place because their emperor had a vision, their fleet almost got completely destroyed crossing the storming sea.
maybe chromie dragged them all here from the wakanda dimension
And actually, you know what - in the same tavern, you could find an orc and a human male drinking together, just like those two from the MoP cinematic or it could actually be them but you meet them years later and they have become the best of friends.
floppa sloppa
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Arathi empire splintered into 7 kingdoms, but we find out there's a hidden 8th kingdom who are the most like the old empire. They led on an expedition discovered an island with mists of pandaria tier you cannot find me magic. The guys we meet are an expedition sent out by them 15 years ago, also everyone in the nation is an half elf or something.
Are we ever getting the beefier and cooler forest trolls as a playable race?
Okay, so I just checked ingame and you can 100% send gold cross server/faction through your warband bank. 2h CD per character. Other than that at least the new reputation should be shared. So, yeah you're gucci, probably.
I get nu-blizzard wanting some "representation" but this is a bit excessive no?
Why are 90% of these Arathi who are descended from Thoradin negroids?
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Funnily enough, there is a cinematic depicting exactly what you described with those very characters.
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Actually. This should be the DK summon ability
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so many niggers in Hallowfall...
They could be in the background or if you find the same tavern in the game, you can actually find them and talk to them for some stories that they share from the past years.
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what are good audio settings.?
0% on everything
Thanks bro.
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People say Alchemy is good but in my experience it is really fucking lame and I hate the RNG craft system. Should I swap to Inscription?
All zero, start your own playlist from Youtube and put DBM to the max so you can hear sirens and gunshots.
bro you're imerrsion?
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I have rewritten Faerin's dialogue to accurately reflect her race.
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You should still google it to see if there's some thing that isn't implemented, that might be a deal breaker, tho
>avatartranny general
I'll start posting in the next one
Is it a good call to max out the most basic shroom and ore node first before investing elsewhere so that I get more of the respective Null resource? I am trying to learn how professions work.
>Blizzard devs at work
>general slows down
>Still haven't gotten tempered potion or flask of tempered chaos

she's a troll now?
too many cooks in the kitchen
if i had to guess there are between two and four separate creatives with different visions
one person (maybe danuser) clearly has a thing for magical robot people and is responsible for everything to do with the earthen and titans, this is the same person who was responsible for all of the robot races in shadowlands
one person (probably danuser) really has a hankering for sultry powerful women and is probably behind xal'atath and alleria and the weaver, this is probably the same person who was responsible for sylvanas in shadowlands and vyranoth in dragonflight
one person has a fondness for quirky strange bestial races and is probably responsible for the kobolds and the pheromones-fetish nerubians, this is probably the same person who was responsible for the niffen in dragonflight
one person read too much jules verne and decided to create a steampunk empire beneath the earth, dunno what they were previously responsible for but hallowfall is genuinely kind of cool so i hope they still around
Why is colossus such ass to use vs mountain thane?
Wait so Arathi are the Americans of Azeroth?
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>button vs passive
hmm i don't know nigger
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I am still leveling it but its already kinda paying for itself with some of the items
I gather my own herbs though
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the auction house has fvllen
Who do the earthen appeal to?
i shouldn't bother spending resources on upgrading anything in preseason, right?
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I thought reputation was account wide now? Why is this not the case? I should be exalted with everything....
literally no one
just like mechnomes
you can spend the shittiest crests because you dont need them for rewards that drop from M0 and above
trans people.
I just took my boomie into heroics and I'm being destroyed on the dps meters. This game is no longer fun and I'm rerolling to elemental shaman.
does anyone know off the top of their head if the shield from ursocs fury is also granted by thrashes bleed? or just the initial damage? am i getting little ticks of shield as the bleed goes? its hard to tell
All devs are in NA now, so if the EU AH is down in their nighttime hours then though luck
they weren't able to do it all and once, too much work
they said something about hopefully being able to do one expansion with every major patch, starting with the most recent
Imagine a big stinky trogg raping you at axepoint and forcing you to suck his unwashed penis. Imagine choking as you take the trogg's schlong and taste all the smegma that has been trapped under his foreskin for years, if not decades. Imagine getting a whiff of the trogg's rancid asshole which he has never wiped.
They're working top down, so they will add them eventually
All 0 with Ambient 100% up to DF where they stopped giving a fuck about the ambient track, then all 0.
the games balance (lol) is currently fucked. dont read too much into it. there's upwards of 50% difference between the top and bottom performing DPS specs at the moment, gear and skill being equal
you could just go to a truckstop to get your weird fetish fix instead of inflicting it on everyone else
Fair. Guess I'll have to be patient then
Just tell me whats the spec that is doing top dps right now is and I will reroll to it immediately. This game is only fun when I'm doing more damage than the other players.
Where are the daily quests btw?
why would you post this anon?
right here >>492429253
Ahahaha ok that gave me a pretty good laugh, thanks.
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down to join aswell, post guild pasta
Arcane mage
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To these
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DwarfChad here. Not me, I will stick to playing Dark Iron and occasionally regular Dwarves. Dark Iron are perfection and will never be beaten.
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>They finally fixed the selfie camera
We are so back
This thing is so great! It gives you both charges of your hover back, so youre running with 2 charges of hover at 30 sec cd, reset on deep breath which is at 1min cd and can be further reduced by charge spells ...
Scalecommander bros, were winning bigly!
frost dk
Hope you 3 guys enjoy it.
REMEMBER WHEN remember when Blizzard invented an extra day in february to scam us in the trade post this year lmao its true check your calendars last year february had 28 DAYS this year it had 29 DAYS
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I can't wait for Midnight, I just want a bimbo'dorei gf nooooooooooooooow
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>love Mistweaver
>hate the other Monk specs
>open world content as a healer is incredibly slow
Reminder to report and ignore avatar posters

Btw that joshnny that claims they dont make ops? yeah....
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OH NO NO NO i finally get a nice transmog for my paladin tank and they GUTTED prot pala?

>the city of me
i wouldnt believe a single post claiming its that rat, he's usually just lying anyway to get a +1 chortle from his other trannies in his discord clique

shit stirring reprobate
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The fertility levels of Quel'thalas are going to bloom once the human men move into Silvermoon in Midnight and receive their complimentary bimbo'dorei gfs
>join bg
>enemy team healers 6mil hp
>our team 1 healer 3mil hp
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Ranking the specs I've played so far based on personal enjoyment of the design
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>make cool dungeon
reminder emplussers are subhuman
The direction is THE WAR WITHIN. It's literally the title ffs.
Every single faction has internal turmoil. The unbound and the oathsworn. The autists and the not-zombies. The lamplighters and the night whatever. The loyalist nerubians and the ones for ascension.

There are some symptoms of script conflict, mostly with the oathsworn which constantly go from "I have one directive and it's my whole reason for living and the thing I must dedicate all activity to" to doing retarded shit like any human. This is extra stupid when they all become unbound by the end.
>que into dawnbreaker to see why everyone hates it
>3 people somehow constantly die while flying even after being rezzed
it appears it's an issue of wow players being low IQ
mine's 65, 50, 50, 70, 60 and without any other hardware effects. this game is a pain since the voices and music are all over the place. the difference between the older out of town stuff and some of the blaring city stuff makes for a lot of ctrl-m. then if you adjust for some of the really loud grating voices you'll barely pick up on some of the softer female talking heads before they are done talking. i don't think normalizing it works well either because of the ambience getting boosted too much.
bruh just fly away lmao
What's good about Frost? Only been an Unholy man myself for all my time playing as DK, might give it a go.
So Thrall is the Warchief (Peacechief) again? btw the campaign was pure kino.
item was not found
where is this from?
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no, he's just the face of the horde so they have to have him on screen because all of the other horde leaders are unrecognisable literally whos
>they took shadowdance from outlaw so now the only tool i have to re-enter stealth window in combat is vanish which resets enemies if you're solo
very cool singleplayer experience thank you blizz
desu shadowdance and ambush were irredeemably retarded design choices for a spec they want to be a swashbuckling pirate
>new questline
>man in charge is bad/old/retarded
>your questline finish by putting a woman in his position
how many of these are actually in the xpac? i think i already did 5-6 of these epic and original questlines and i'm only starting doing secondary quests
Frost feels really good, I really like the way you effortlessly flex into AoE when needed and there's not a lot of super contextual bloat buttons that you rarely use, you use what you have and it flows together really well because your abilities interact with each other.
They look like generic NPCs...
uh sis? the entire spec is based around subterfuge windows?
>subterfuge windows
The last moments of the campaign, I won't spoil you but this is a kino moment
I agree so give me a talent that makes vanish not actually make me vanish so i dont keep resetting these overworld bosses on muscle memory
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The dungeon is shit.
does the new tyr's guard believe in the holy light? or is it the new onions faction?
First main raid boss is a stupid spider queen that got tricked.
Kill mplussers. Behead mplussers. Roundhouse kick a mplusser into the concrete. Slam dunk a mplusser baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy mplussers. Defecate in a mplussers dinner. Launch mplussers intothe sun. Stir fry mplussers in a shit. Toss mplussers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a mplussers drink. Judo throw mplussers into a wood chipper. Twist mplussers heads off. Report mplussers to the FBI. Karate chop mplussers in half. Curb stomp pregnant mplussers. Trap mplussers in quicksand. Crush mplussers under an elephant. Roast pagans on a gridiron. Eat mplussers. Dissect mplussers. Exterminate mplussers in the colosseum. Stomp mplussers skulls with steel toed bootsi. Cremate mplussers in the kiln. Lobotomize mplussers. Grind mplussers babies in a mortar. Drown mplussers in liquid gold. Incinerate mplussers with greek fire. Kick old mplussers off a cliff. Feed mplussers to the lions. Slice mplussers with a dagger.
I don't think I can take anymore girl boss moments, this shit is painful to watch and my gf is making fun of me for playing a "girl" game
can the goblin racial best deals anywhere actually be used to get you more money or is it just a discount
Frost is the best its probably ever been. It really gets boring after playing it for uears. A shame im burned out from the spec. Enjoying Aug a lot now so I'm not mad.
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>even the ''forest trolls'' have a BOSS QWEEN
is this only available in NA atm or did i somehow miss this part/cutscene? since i've not done last chapter of the campaign still a 4/5 progress
The Horde's storytelling since the fall of Garrosh has been catastrophic. Absolutely no figures have emerged, and even the Taurens, the historic race that everyone (Horde and Alliance players) liked so much, have not been able to take advantage of the Horde's vacant leadership position.

Thrall should just become Warchief again, and that would be a good foundation for turning the Horde back into a faction that counts.
is it possible to overdose on cringe? Think ill take a break and play something more manly, like barbie horse adventures
I'm EU and I just saw that part right now. Are you still in Azj-Kahet?
Are herbs and ores not personalized? I thought they've been for a long time in retail, but I see shit disappearing all the time.
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i must have somehow missed this entirely or cutscene just refused to play?
tww slopped and flopped. it is what it is guys. it happens
with the ridiculous amount of crying anduin does he better be fighting a evil doppelganger in his head,

Just hope we split his spirit into two pieces so we can kill pussy anduin and side with chad evil anduin
Damn, guess you better go back to xiv then.
>nipslop vs deislop
hard choice tbqh
It's a shame. It would have done a lot better with a more diverse cast. For Midnight, I'm thinking atleast 75% of the main cast should be bipocs. No "fantasy" races doesn't matter. Actually the whole concept of fantasy races are inherently racist and we should be moving away from it.
They stay around for a while until enough people have picked them; there may be a timer as well that starts once x people picked them. In any event if you see something you like zip over there asap.
Nta, it's at the very first part of that campaign, when the alliance and horde ships arrive, such a huge spoiler oh no!!! That's Thrall sitting inside one of the ships.
14.0 will be different
oh wow okay lmao i guess that cutscene never played for me
I can't be the only one who hates gathering nodes since DF or whenever they introduced the nodes fading out a few seconds after being tapped. Fucking terrible design
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Why are WoW artists so afraid of making their characters not conventionally attractive?
they made a black cripple monster that is hard to look at, and you still aren't satisfied?
Because then they won't look like what they're supposed to be.
Are you living in an alternative dimension?
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>not conventionally attractive

you mean ugly? they make loads of ugly characters
Or maybe brownoids are just retarded and have a literal throne in every ship.

When will humans be able to be druids? I'm tired of waiting aaaaaaaaaaa
you will play the battle royale
you will like it
I'm glad blizzard is putting more women and disabled characters front and center
Have they ever scaled with ilvl? I don't think so.
Kul Tirans can be druids.
>thrall has a daughter

ok how long does thrall have before he dies or is replaced?
fat people aren't human
This, it takes a lot of courage to do this in current chud centric video game climate where these economic terrorists will attempt to destroy your product.
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he's 100% dead in Midnight
>only one alchemist stone
>its just versatility
god fucking damn it
Isn't that his wife?
Whats the most retard tier healer
Disc Priest.
most retarded post ITT
it's just the discounts for max rep with factions that have player rep. like i think you could just make a new goblin and get the wrath mounts discounted or you could resell vendor mat type shit before others on the ah in df but that kind of thing is all there is. probably can sell something this time if you find the right vendor in tww.

i think it's like a 60 second timer after someone touches it where anyone can get a roll. not sure about limits but the timer is quick enough where you don't want to be undergeared and caught up in a 2-3 monster fight for someone else to come start the timer.
>beeline for for one of the better glowing ore deposits
>it disappears while my mining is 50% done
This shit is so dumb.
isnt that bad though
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>another girl boss

one of these zones has to be free of this right?
thank fucking god
Can someone be honest with me. Can you enjoy this game as a casual gold/profession farming and achievement/mount hunting experience? Is it even plausible without treating it as a 2nd job? I find m+/raiding too tiresome and toxic and I'd like to chill but I haven't played since BFA.
Shit has always and still die to 2 hits. Git gud.
Just remember that it's only subversive enough to be overused because it's so rare IRL
this is the first expansion i'll be playing solo so i will tell you in about 3 months
>casual gold/profession farming
That's literally just flipping burgers at mickey D and buying gold with real money
You can't compete with bots
>Can someone be honest with me. Can you enjoy this game as a casual gold/profession farming and achievement/mount hunting experience
sure why not
but as usual an online game has a lot of people to contend with
if you keep up with your profession knowledge should be fine
Brewmaster or Mistweaver for a male vulpera?
Thanks for this very in-depth post, I think you're correct about the music feeling all over the place alot of that even more so across expansions. they outside most if not all of their sound these days so that probably doesn't help.
>casual gold/profession farming
No. You just lose to bots and people with million alts who are better at making gear right now than you'll be at end of the expansion.
Mistweaver, tantric healing femworgs, femperas and fempandas.
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So there's no point in playing then I guess. Thanks for answers.
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Poons run this shit
The GirlBoss Within
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wholesome trinket
Best class for old content speedrunning for my mount/tmog farms? I'm thinking feral druid but I kinda hate how they play since Legion.
The fact there are so many black arathis literally confirm this theory
Mobility? DH maybe, priest isn't bad also
I think the reason why the high elf pop was so low after the troll wars is because nearly all their women went to arathi to get bred by humans.
i fucking hate dragon flying
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>the woman within is a girlboss expans-
dh or druid for speed or mage for aoe and range
>the snoozeflopslop girlboss woke dei troonfest floppa sloppa woppa within
Thrall begins his transition next patch
Why are germans so low IQ?
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>girlboss "expansion"

he hasn't done anything yet
guys I applied to a guild 24hrs ago and it's still pending
it's so over isn't it
>tank pulls whole dungeon
>no interrupts
>heal everything anyway cause i'm that guy
you chuds could never
ugly feet

canon depiction
>Brandishing Alliance Colors
Humiliation Ritual, Cuckold faction.
soooo..... whats the main reason you came back this time??
I'm here to relentlessly mock schizo-kun.
his daughter is going to have an alliance tattoo on her ass when she takes power.
I know you're shitposting but I feel it still merits saying: those are Frostwolf Clan colors. If he's not representing the entire Horde he's going to represent his clan, first.
>gold/profession farming
no, botCHADS rule gathering professions and (((goblins))) have so many alts they don't give a fuck about concentration so you will never be able to compete with them for max quality crafts
>achievement/mount hunting
mountsmogscheevos is what you do 99% of the time outside maze/raidlogging, there's also a lot of fun side content that most people ignore, like pet battles and old stuff like building the garrison/doing class hall quests/all the fishing stuff, etc etc
>Tank fucks up by chain pulling
>Blames healer
>Me, a mage, get vote kicked because the tank was too retarded to check who was who
I just ended up running follower dungeons until 80 after that. Incredible that actual bots play better than 90% of players.
"""friends""" told me they toned down the insanity, they provided Metzen as proof

in other words I as tricked by idiots, most of which have already quit.

it's nice of anduin's gay orc dad to wear blue alliance colours to make him feel at ease :)
So what's the consensus on Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp in dungeons? Do I use it on the first available boss or?
>Geared up my frost DK
>Decide to level a resto shaman
>All the dps combined in my heroic groups do less damage than I did alone on my DK
>Get tired of this bullshit and switch to disc priest assuming it does more damage
>None there's no damage or interrupts, get permamently feared and silenced in the Stonevault
This is awful
Yjk each black human paladin probably had a personal harem of 10 bimbo'dorei
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Bitch be taking my gimmick?
>"""friends""" told me they toned down the insanity, they provided Metzen as proof
Why doesn't TWW have a gay centaur spam yet?
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take it easy sisters...
wowsisters.. i thought this was the glorious return to form? metzen was meant to lead us to the promised land.. not this sloppa...
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This is genuinely gayer than the centaurs in DF.

Pretending everyone is some close-knit family unit between the factions is hilarious. I have these leaders telling me their personal feelings and relationship status randomly too when all I did was like 2 quests for them.

The people writing this are mentally ill.
Tanks are overtuned af right now. Both survivability and damage wise.
for regular content yeah, for maze+ it depends on the affixes and the bosses/pulls, dunno about other people but when I tank a dungeon and I specifically invite a class for the BL I'll tell them myself when to do so
If you know the dungeon will take long enough (10min) to have it up for the last boss, use it on the first one
Otherwise save for last boss
Can I buy the new mats/items from the tww xpac if I don't have the expansion itself?
>stopped raiding after getting CE in Sanctum
>just heroic raids AOTC week 2 + KSM
>wanted to see how my server looks like in wowprogress
>guilds who couldn't kill SLG and Painsmith have every single CE from Dragonflight
>same guilds are world 700
>they require you to play meta and have a geared alt
>decided to apply to one since I kinda wanted to try out the new raid on mythic
>šòŷbőy officer with beard wants a literal discord interview
>told him I'm not interested and just linked him my logs from progression full orange and purple on multiple roles and multiple specs across multiple tiers
>after a 45 minute silence he just asks if I can play Aug

I wonder why people don't bother with mythic guilds and raids anymore kek
uhh chuddie you have known jaina for decades by now and in legion (where the story dropped off) the playable character is a notorious hero so it makes sense for them to speak to you in close terms
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>The people writing this are mentally ill.
>Pretending everyone is some close-knit family unit between the factions is hilarious
If aliens invaded Earth tomorrow you would see Putin and Zelensky shaking hands instantly.
calm down ozymandias
t. father of 6 working 3 jobs
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The best part about this was Thrall acting like he was good friends with Alleria.
Does he not know Alleria once genocided Orcs out of pure hatred for murdering her little brother?
this is an awful idea. just stop being a bindlet
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>third wheel Liadrin
humiliation ritual
Thanks bros
>The Horde has been so thoroughly genocided that Lilian Voss of all people is now a major Horde representative
>it's down to RNG if you succeed of if you have to try again
Whoever designed this should be fired.
>we're all good buddies now

you guys killed the majority of the night elf pop recently and killed an enormous amount of humans when you came through the black portal. There should be tons of alliance heroes crying out for blood right now.
why is the new race in the middle
Pretty sure someone woulda brought her up to speed on Thrall being a cool guy with them around the time they started directly allying with him in BFA because her sister was being a bitch.
>getting filtered by the reading check
oh nononono
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>if tanks dont let you restealth you have to manually apply rupture single target
I get that its not really a dps loss but man this sucks
>culled night elves

these horde guys are alright
No it isn't.
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forgot the pic
No, the best part is Alleria acting like she's Anduin's mom for some reason. No, actually, the best part is just how familiar Alleria acts with anyone who isn't part of her actual crew. She barely knows any of these people while Danath and Kurdran arrive in silence.
The item was not found.
did something happen to the game? 2 days ago my 75 alt felt strong? today im at 30% hp every fight?
ranked from cutest to fugliest
>were never getting our guild banks restored
>people will just shrug and eat shit and continue to support this incompetence
>unrecognisable literally whos
if you dont know who everyone in that picture is at a glace you a total newfag.
>She barely knows any of these people while Danath and Kurdran arrive in silence.
I couldn't believe that either. She had a conversation with fucking Thrall and Jaina and not Danath and Kurdran?
I'm guessing it's because the majority of WoW's playerbase would have no idea who the Sons of Lothar even are.
>how can we make them as ugly as humanly possible?
>I gotchu, senpai
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>le epic high risk high reward node
>objectively worse than any other node even if you mine it "right"
>mfw there's unattended breastmilk in the cafeteria fridge
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our favorite faggot is back!
I guess we should be grateful they even show up.
NTA but you can recogise who a character is while also still acknowledging that the character is a literal who in terms of relevance/importance in the Warcraft universe.
and hes with flynn
the forsaken are irredeemably evil. someone like Calia would be overthrown in minutes if had one proper writer.
>the guy you don't expect is the actual fag in this picture
it's perfect
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Keep going, I'm close to getting bingo.
I didn't realize you'd left.
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>still no way to be a sword and shield dps spec
that was the funniest movie
female dark iron dwarves have so many cute options
sod fixed this
>he doesnt ele shaman
what about female earthen
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Johnny Kej
Wowhead or Icy Veins for class guides?
>poopsock friend group is already pushing 590 ilvl

Was autism a mistake?
They had Gladiator Stance in WoD and it was pure kino. You had to be there.

No fucking clue why they got rid of it or haven't reimplemented it by now.
fuck me that's grim
>Theramore was a legitimate target.
It was though.
holy shit you're an idiot
idc that you're probably thinking warr or paladin. you're the moron. you kys
>buy a bunch of crafted shit
should i play my rogue or shammy in this expac?
they are taller
based image
Seriously just make it cosmetic, how hard can it be
It'd work so well with Mountain Thane, too.
>how hard can it be

These guys can't even get banks to work.
Shaman is unironically a cuckold class. Fuck outa here retard I want a fucking sword and shield warrior spec not some voodoo nature cuck making it literally rain on people
the fuck do you mean cosmetic? i want to have a shield and sword esthetic while doing dps and not have to be a tank.
why are his "opinions" still relevant?
Smartest /wowg/ poster.
zoomers raised without parents don't realize when they've been grifted
i miss the old asmon
i miss methodjosh
we will never go back
i feel so weak and underpowered at level 71 wtf happened
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The judeoinfluenced writers should know that Forsakens are written to be self acknowledging, knowingly pragmatic CUNTS because they need to SURVIVE since they've already died once. What is with the nuwriters and their desire for marvel whipped dialogue and hog humping moralizing?
Shamans class should have been removed back in Wrath, they became irrelevant after BC
useless class
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they are rich nodes that take literally half the time to mine if you're not a retard so no they aren't worse they are actually better
if you're not a 0 iq brazil monkey you literally mine the node before the circles even pop up
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>Shadowlands - Sylvanas yass queening her way through the realms of death destroying powerful artifacts and ultimately defying the Maw patriarchy
>Dragonflight - bunch of girl dragons having daddy issues with the Titans until they 'yass queen' themselves into their own destiny
>War Within - single mother who paid the lava levy for sleeping with dark irons yass queening her way through the underground

they're nothing if not consistent, at least
Was about time.
I hate it, worgen paladin is THE combination I want
>september trading post
>absolute and unbridled dog fucking shit
its going to be like that huh
im actually shocked the earthen have a male leader that isnt incompetent or evil or weak
>the lava levy
I don't mind dagran thaurissan II THOUGH
its trans
I've always liked Flynn.
Plus he's an example of an actual well done gay character.
cope and seethe you stupid niggerrotten brainlet, tww is a visible step up and moira and dagran are two of the better written characters
>croc mount
>handcanon gun
>the fucking plunder storm set
its based as fuck, idiot
robots dont have genders or souls, so I suppose I was making assumptions. but its more 'male' than any of the other new leaders recently.
>Tfw you realise Moira is the WoW equivalent of a White woman who sleeps with black men to rebel against her father and ends up as a single mother with a black baby.
I had no idea this game was capable of such poignant social commentary.
is it worth coming back this time? not like the last 6 times...
tww flopped. hard.
why is everyone using ashes of alar im supposed to be special
Trying to choose my main for world soul saga. Who would you say is a main character class of wow? Is it warrior or paladin? (white male human of course)
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What's in the sack? I've been tanking the whole time on casual hours and haven't seen it
Mooods maye is at it again
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Is there ever anything of value in those satchels?
paladin or druid
wild to sperg out when you don't understand how EZ nodes work
Lmao, have fun repeating that in 2 weeks.
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Neither he nor Shaw displayed any signs of being gay until the mentally ill “shippers” they let write this slop decided in Shadowlands pre-patch that they’d be too busy blowing each other’s backs out to save Anduin from getting captured by maw NPCs
chump change
A large part of TWW is Paladin themed so I'd go with that
How the fuck do i make money
>augment runes
holy SHIT
>wow officially got a blacked couple with absent father
good one anon
>Who would you say is a main character class of wow? a story of shadow vs light?
gee i wonder anon what could it be
i buy tokens dunno otherwise
wdym i got it on my 1st heroic try
or do you think i farmed this?
yet you're the reason for it
is it too late to refund the game?
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two healers at 580
should be enough for m0 BALASTING
Holy or disc priest?
cant wait for you palacucks to be surprisedpikachuface.jpg when we fight both void and light in the last titan. so let me say this one last time

white human male protection warrior is the main hero character of world of warcraft
You should be complaining about you're toon not getting credit for anything and never having actually done anything important. Don't know why worlo players are fine with just being le nobodies.
voidweaver disc is pretty cool
>good one
its true though
It's always Warrior since Vanilla.
if you aren't raiding you are literally trolling playing disc in any content, including pvp
clearly you dont know how they work
shove your retarded face into the node and it takes 0.7 seconds to mine
the bombs dont even start coming out until you walk up to it
fucking retarded brown rat, kill yourself now
they aren't rich though, they have the same loot table as normal nodes, you constantly get 1 ore off them

they look like they all fuck orcs exclusively
so you don't understand them lolllll,
its warrior. dwarf lad warrior. h*mans btfo
yeah thanks for conceding that you're a retard that failed the reading check
false, dumbass
>he says this when blizzard forgot muradin exists
bros I don't feel like playing wowie
New thread:

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Is this Sargeras' sword?
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>no replies

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