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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
Major Balance Patch: Late October/Early November
Dizzy: October 2024
Venom: Early 2025
Unika: Spring 2025
Lucy; Summer 2025

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre Season 4)

>Nintendo Switch Edition Trailer

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>492029537
where is paracelsus
Doesn’t fit the transbian narrative
Why did no one else play Johnny to get carried then? He did get 1st 2nd 1st three Evos in a row so why did no one else play this character to get carried to amazing results?
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I'm right here. First for my beautiful wife A.B.A!
why can't he play any other game or character at as high of a level? because he's carried.
Jarvis, post the Leffen Xrd dust combo clip
Because Johnny is a low tier character that couldn't beat the likes of HC, Nago, Leo, Sol, etc. Also I assume he doesn't take Strive as seriously as he did Xrd? Regardless its known very well in GG that Xrd Johnny was a very difficult character to play at a high level.
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>omito haters
>in my /ggg/
get the fuck out, you tranny niggers
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Posting slipknot Ragna and Nu-13 to remind you that he should've been announced for Strive instead of Licy
nah i love omito im just trolling
Xrd execution is no joke so the idea that someone can play a character like Johnny and get carried is laughable. Hes actually one of the more technical characters in an already technical game.
Omito mentioned he wanted to start traveling to tourneys last month I think?

Also a Johnny beat one of the highest level HCs and Sols before he even got buffed.
How good are his buffs after the last balance patch?
Johnny's execution isn't even that hard. He's more difficult in the sense that he requires a lot of game knowledge to optimize. He's very difficult but it's not really execution.
He went from bottom 5 to top 15, so not great but significantly better than he was.
Johnny is quite good now. Buffs were pretty big.
Isn't Zato the most execution heavy character in Rev2?
Real good. He might be stronger than Slayer.
Yeah probably.
I could barely do shit with that character on pad
Now there's a proper sniff OP
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>stronger than slayer
The combo he was doing is just basic magic series though which doesn't require much execution at all outside of timing the jump cancel for the second half of the magic series.

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zato and every other negative edge character have never been execution heavy
you guys ever play someone who's such a complete retard that right before you 3-0 them you drop the combo and just start bagging the shit out of them
im literally disappointed that people play the way they do.
I genuinely do not understand this webm. It's so easy to do and he does way way harder shit in other games. What the fuck was his problem here?
He wasn't acclimated to fighters as much back then but also modern games have more forgiving input leniency.
whenever i play against absolutely incompetent mouth breather i just start flinging myself at them with the most retarded approaches imaginable just to test how stupid they really are
>leffen took 4 tries to land a dust combo for the first time
lol so this is the power of a top soive player kek
Leffen competed in MvC3 for ages before he played arcsys fighters
stop pretended to be me
Btw the artist including original A.B.A and having her head key screw thing on the right side and her being more insane than the others is a really nice touch
yep, and once again, required way harder execution than a dust combo in xrd. legit do not understand why he acted that way lol
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Could Jimmy get Asuka's war crime charges dropped?
sounds like alternative play.
>artificial difficult in chat
Ah, I see why games are the way they are now
>fuck new people
This is something I'll never get. Who says you have to even be doing a dust combo when you're new? Or using even half of your specials? You're brand new, not competing in evo, having a high skill ceiling seems to be seen as a bad thing now but it's not like the skill floor of mashing with your buddies isn't very low.
No I am never ever mean because someone always has to start somewhere and if they are continuing to rematch someone that is clearly better than them then who am I to shit on their mental when I can simply play the game
How come jokes Strive fans make are never funny? Is it a generation thing?
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>implying picrel doesn't exist
i mean if they're a complete noob it's different
but if they are a semi-competent player that just chooses to mash every time on wakeup, never blocks, mashes backdash etc no matter how many times they're baited? yeah you getting bagged
Daisuke seems to really like mecha and aspects of mecha design so why has he never made a mecha game?
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>Chink devs backpedalling on all those jap devs they poached because of Wukong's success
Its ogre for Mori. Hopefully he goes back to ArcSys.
Its zoomer twitter/tiktok humor, yes its a generational thing. Now you know how your parents felt when you laughed at Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny and Numa Numa dance in newgrounds back 2007
his RTS autism was bigger than his mech autism
you sound like a miserable boomer
copycat witness testimony scene but with doppelkreuz
daisuke's vision if it was actually good
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Arcsys should make a character that has a visual overhead that actually hits low and a visual low that actually hits overhead. Has this been done before?
joke about it all you want but remaining in punishable range when using mist finer is a choice
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I love moustache girls. So cute!
>visual overhead that actually hits low
>a visual low that actually hits overhead
That sounds fucked up
Also Jack-O 5D stomp
Testament dust back in +R, same with Millia dust in Xrd as well
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>a visual low that actually hits overhead
that's like every dust attack bro
YOU should stop pretending to be paracelsus, buddy. step the fuck off
I sincerely think DP RC wasn't a problem by itself, it only became a problem with the removal of 25% meter options, wasting that much meter on a reversal wasn't as appealing when you could spend half of that to extend pressure with something like FB Fafnir or a gun flame yrc or something, fix up a messed up combo with a FB Fafnir, control neutral with j236d as ky just do whatever, dp rc was prolific because there was nothing else to spend your meter on and still there's nothing
its ok you don't have to prove to us that you're retarded
Tencent started poaching Jap devs between 2020-2022 . You had Mori from ArcSys now being head of Studio Flare, Nagoshi who used to head Yakuza is also one of the notable devs who got their own studio from the chinks, as well as the Senran Kagura dev. One of the dev teams were I believe former Squareenix devs who did the Mana series. Yesterday, Tencent shut down that studio, right on Vision of Mana's release day because they werent confident the studios were going to make money, this was after Wukong's surprising performance. Turns out all the chinks needed were homegrown devs, they didnt need to poach Jap devs afterall, so now you have all these other devs like Mori and Nagoshi suddenly on thin ice.
The problem with DP RC in Strive is that you can win matches in two touches without meter, especially in s3 with OWA gassing up every DP character's conversions
Spending 50 meter to take your turn back is strong when it literally wins you the game
It's a shame that Slayer is so giga retarded that ABA is flying under the radar
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>playing tower
>having fun playing against mid tiers
>all fun instantly drained out of the game
>mashes on everything and just lose to better buttons
>mashes on everything
bro, kill him in two combos?
fact: unless you like playing against every character you don't actually enjoy the game, ESPECIALLY the protagonist
this but unironically
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But I like fighting against Sin.
sin is the only honest character in the game, not surprising
*Millia is the only honest character in the game
But I literally am Paracelsus
Why is wall damage some arbitrary value? It's generally consistent when it comes to each character's normals but it seems entirely vibes based when it comes to specials, not really related to damage or attack level or anything.
Why not have it be based off of move damage like stun was?
Can you give examples?
Hang yourself ramfurry. You don't know a thing about the Game.
geartoddlers will call anything non-universal and arbitrary "soul"
myself included
damage to the wall isn't prorated or otherwise subject to normal combo scaling, and so strive having varying reliance on normals vs specials between characters makes wall hp look kinda wack and hard to track

also wall damage exists even at the opposite wall but it usually regenerates so quickly it doesn't often matter but any damage dealt in a direction does wall damage.
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kill yourself
>look mom i posted it again!
I think my breaking point was fullscreen burst. I just didn't realize it at the time.
>oh ho ho he's in the corner
>and now he CAN'T GET OUT of the corner?
>hehehehehe im not missing this show
For being consistent with normals, every 5P, 5K, c.S, f.S, 5H, 2K, 2S is 300. Most 2H are 500 but some are 300. (multi hit moves will result in these numbers too like 150x2 for moves that hit twice). Every 6P is 500. You'll basically just see 300 and 500 damage with any normal but f.SS for Bridget and Nago are 700 for example.

For specials let's use Sol and Ky's DPs as an example
Sol S is lvl2 and does 40 damage = 500 wall damage
Sol H is lvl2 and does 35,40 dmg (35,100 on clean hit) = 150x2 (300) wdmg
Ky S is lvl2 and does 48 dmg (52 in ss) = 500 wdmg
Ky H is lvl2 and does 60 dmg (66 in ss) = 500 wdmg

Why have Sol's H dp do 300 wdmg when it does more actual damage than both of Ky's and Sol's S dp and they are the same lvl? They could have done 250x2, plenty of other moves do that.

You can get into the weeds of how each character uses their DPs differently but I tried to find an example of something similar being different and this was the first that I thought of, I really don't want to go through every character's specials and find similarities and differences, my original observation was just at a glance. You could also get into the weeds about how each character uses their normals differently but those are generally consistent.
this is what people think strive johnny is actually like
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it's so they could give ram infinites while everyone else has to actually interact with game mechanics
>Why have Sol's H dp do 300 wdmg when it does more actual damage than both of Ky's and Sol's S dp and they are the same lvl?
he needs it, pretty sure this was a buff to HVV when they took out DPRC right? just sol things
Why do they keep buffing ram every season? Isn't she strong enough?
>Isn't she strong enough?
Yeah H DPs got their wall damage lowered. Leo too. It happened in this patch: https://www.guiltygear.com/ggst/en/news/post-2266/

It's there more as a combo tool now.
guess we doin pilebunkers now
Slayer's 2H having an even better hitbox than on previous games doesn't make sense in a game where everyone now has big ass extended hurtboxes
Learn the matchup
see i don't know none of this shit and ill still a beat yo ass nerd ass nigga stfu
Ram isn't that strong.
Ramlets are literally too stupid to win
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target acquired
why arent you black
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I thought I could leave lobbies forever, I thought I could turn my back on it and play people my own level until I ascended.. but something shifted inside me. I crave it, I need it, I need my as kicked.. I feel the untruth of the world every time I make a mistake and don't get killed for it. I feel it when I drop a combo and say "fuck it yolo" going for an immediate follow-up close slash or guard crush. I need to see the visions again, the Johnnys I can't even approach despite mistfiner being "-15", the Milias with the progressive throttle, all the people who won't even bother to use their burst or meter half the time.. I must experience the pain again, the shame.
I'm not sure if she definitively is, but May is honestly a pretty likely top 1 contender this patch I feel.

Rn May has basically all the strengths a character could 'require' to be a top tier. In terms of her defense, she has a super strong 4 framer that hits crouchers and leads into soft knockdown oki, well above average health, good reversal super that leads into great mix with 100 tension that other chars just don't get (also beats a lot of anti reversal tools like danzai and doing a reversal back), and an insane jump that you can use to escape the corner in a way that's usually not possible. Defensively speaking she's insanely well rounded and only lacks a meterless reversal which 'was' notable before but due to dprc being removed I'm not really willing to consider that a standout issue or major strength she's lacking

Her offence is fantastic, she has extremely strong simple strike throw that's definitely tied for best in the entire game thanks to a +3 c.S that's also YRC and burst safe so it shuts down many universal defensive tools while also being more plus than average Command grabs being insane aside, her regular throw also leads into a left right safejump which can either wallbreak with resources or lead into looping 3 way mix where you can represent throw and other mental stack options too. None of this really being a knowledge check and something you just need to hold is a super underrated strength, you cant really just get better at dealing with a lot of her offense I feel other than just reading the player
May has been the secret top 1 since season 2 gave her a TOD but Slash is the only good May player.
where is your melanin
Fight me Yt boi
>I need it, I need my as kicked..
play the tower, your least favorite character to fight piloted by a 200 ping latinx is waiting
no one wants to lose a latinx
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Why don't Bridgets do this more? Seems easy to set up.
Most bridgets don't know how to play the game.
every half-decent bridget does this
also yo-yo needs to be nerfed it's too advantageous on block it's gorilla nonsense
I've never seen a Bridget do this, not in my personal experience, and I've fought high ELO Bridgets, or in high-level footage.
The average Bridget player has a brain rotted by estrogen pills.
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>all of the music is in english
Dub bros... did we win this one?
It's in Engrish, don't lump based Engrish in with your dub trash.
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elphelt bros...
It's Engrish, retard. Naoki even deliberately fucks up his pronunciation for the aesthetic.
>Naoki even deliberately fucks up his pronunciation for the aesthetic.
based if true
You're not fooling me Tiger! May's a well-rounded, upper-mid tier whose lack of extended meterless pressure, mix, and conversion keep her out of top tier. But the whole pro scene remains completely mind broken by Slash's 2022-2023 gapping, so they'll continue to place her top 1. Maybe LK continuing to job on her will help get the point across.
Bridget is legit insanely broken
You have to be 10x better than the Bridget to beat them in most matchups.
I would pick xhem up myself but I can't play a character I despise that much, design-wise.
Even if he wasn't a confirmed tranny he's still a faggot ass character made for faggots.
>I've never seen a Bridget do this, not in my personal experience
>and I've fought high ELO Bridgets
Tell me you are from a shit region without telling me you are from a shit region
just win neutral
I an from a shit region but I've never seen Bridgets from good regions in tournaments or other high-level play do this either. It also doesn't even seem like something advanced enough that it wouldn't be done eveyrwhere anyway, unless it's somehow harder than it looks I'd think even mediocre players could reliably do it and benefit from it.
You have to be mentally retarded to lose neutral as bridget
this was taken into consideration when making bridget actually
Had to have been, genuinely. Especially the over the top buffs they threw at the character since release.

What about aisha? gg's most popular song doesnt even have Naoki or engrish DUB WON
Nigger, Arc World Tour 2024 is live right now and the first match on stream was Nago vs Bridget and had this shit, and they were random japs even not even anyone noteworthy
>Elphelt is bad Leo
>ABA is bad Slayer
>Anji is bad Sol
Any other examples?
Spell Testament backwards bro.
Asuka is cool Happy Chaos
What did he mean by this?
If you have to ask it's already too late.
You had to be there back in the day. It was for the oldheads.

Kliff 2D and Testament’s 5D that comes from the ground
kliff 2d looks like a low and is a low, what do you mean
Maybe I’m thinking about something else, I think he has something weird that hits where it doesn’t look like it should. I don’t play him.
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lol why is hos 2s fucking 6f
I guess you'd say that one but I've never seen it as anything other than a low
I've only been playing for a couple of weeks now but do you really just have to sit there and block all of this shit? I can never really seem to get even a 5p in without getting my ass beat for it and some of these combos feel like they go on for 20 seconds at a time.
I dislike playing against elphelt but elph players write bibles about how to deal with her, you have a slew of options against her bullshit
The Sol could've done deflect shield at any point
He could've 6P'd the 2S 5H gap and DP'd the wild assault or the grenade set
I think everything after that was mostly real though
Bridget is good as a character except for the retcon
hot take: the dumb part of this webm isn't the elphelt mix, it's how much meter she gets from her string
Bridget is cringe fag bait since day 1
Based fag bait
She needs it unironically, her meter build is the only good part of the character
Jap tournament, DarkNecro vs Nage on right now
tyurara makes this sin toon look kinda good
Hello May up-player, could I ask what this TOD is? You seem knowledgeable on the subject, you speak with such confidence, so I was just wondering
I’m so sad about new Abas design. We could’ve had something great.
They took it away before the end of season 2. That's just the start of her top 1 status.
slimy rat
What, you doubt that it exists at all? I don't save a lot of webms but I'm sure some anon has it because it got posted here all the fucking time.
>has been the secret top 1 since season 2 gave her a TOD
you really think anyones reading this and thinking she doesn't have it anymore? sick of LK and sqtranny niggers pretending she's better than HCSOLNAGORAM
If you weren't new you'd know the TOD I'm talking about.
You know why THEY up play May
>have to rush down pot because if i don't he'll play ridiculously lame with fs and 5h all day
>does bmf when i actually get up close
this matchup isn't fun anymore
skill issue
>"ABA is a counterpick char" - Lord Knight
>Gobou plays ABA against Tyurara Bridget and makes HIM switch to Sin
Okay. Let's see that Top 1 May now.
Man, just look at how Gobou manages ABA meter (he doesn't)
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Well would you look at that
Another stacked tournament without top 5 Slayer in top 8.
Did Mocchi win AWT with Sol "Bottom 5" Badguy or was Sol actually strong those patches the whole time?
Sol was always strong. Mocchi did not suddenly show up and win AWT that season
Only he and Skyll were doing anything with the character. So many stacked tournaments he couldn't even crack top 8 in.
Why would you ever have to manage ABA gauge as long as you do the right combos to get it back and can dash block? It costs practically nothing to use because any hit in jealous rage can be turned into a wall splat and any wall splat can regen the gauge as long as you have 50 meter and any combo done in jealous rage would give 50 meter. The only problem arises when ABA runs out on the opponent can zone but then she has dash block and slide to get close and overhead to get something going and therefore build gauge which costs practically nothing to use because any hit in jealous rage can be turned...
You get the point, there's no real risk to this supposed risk/reward character, especially with free rc when the gauge runs out
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Your time is running out, ABAfags.
>Only his good players did will with him until Umisho, Steven, Tatuma stopped being retards and stepped up their game
wow what an observation
2 more weeks until TY wins something
May is definitely better than Ram nowadays. Ram isn't even that good.
To be fair here in NA you have to go through the hoards of HC players
He just let it run out, even when he had time to change.
only gobou can do that
ABA is such a stupid character
Her neutral is throwing shit at the wall until it sticks and she gets her win condition both from bursting or getting bursted (just like HC mind you) or from her 4F jab
Imagine if Nago could combo into bite from mashing a 4F 2P because that's exactly as retarded as what ABA does
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Bedbros, our agenda is crumbling....
>she gets her win condition both from bursting or getting bursted
nigga why are you bursting normal mode?
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hypothetically speaking...
how hard would it be to mod a new character in strive? Like, a full blown character that doesn't replace anyone, kinda like an update Arcsys does. With music and stuff
Gobou went to sandbag with ABA and still won the tournament lmao.
If he picked Asuka no one would have taken a set from him, you are delusional if you think otherwise
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i don't know what strive modding scene is like, but if there isn't any documentation made by the community, then you'd need prior coding/modding experience to make it possible. and i think custom coding is pretty hard.
a tranny already modded in Goku with his own character slot and online compatibility
I don't think he was sandbagging, he's been playing ABA and Goldlewis much more than Asuka recently.
Gobou washing Arcrevo Japan with Asuka last year was the reason TC3 mana spell got nerfed lol. That is why Gobou is on the ABA grind.
Hmm, I see. I guess I'll finally have to learn to code, I guess. Maybe then I'll learn to gamedev somehow
>webm related
wait what the fuck is that a real mod?? is that available online???
there was no need to specify that a tranny did it, but I'll check that mod out
I strongly believe he's miles ahead anyone from his region in pure skill.
He could gap all of japan with any character.
>uh actually Gobou was sandbagging.
do ABAfags really think their ”fail state" matters?
> I guess I'll finally have to learn to code, I guess
it's not hard to get into as long as you follow tutorials. i recommend starting small to get your feet wet. first with text editing, music/sound imports and texture edits to get an understanding on modding basics. there's usually tutorials and stuff for that. then you can learn to model imports and script modding then work from there.
>is that a real mod??
It's real but the creator never released it.
Dark Necro would wash his ass if he played Asuka. Gobou would not even play that MU before Asuka got nerfed
well, I already tried modding with my Potemkin voiceover mod. Which somehow works only in Japanese I dunno why, but at least it kinda works. Maybe I'll try something else, but simple too. Either way, thanks for advice.
>It's real but the creator never released it
It works only in Japanese because you only replaced the Japanese voice I bet
no, I've replaced both Japanese and English lines
The dude that made the custom character mod made a guide for modding arcsys titles
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breadly sin
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Sex. With Delilah
TYRANT...RAVE why is the localized name tyrant barrel he says rave or am I deaf?
Where is the Delilah swimsuit mod for download?
Sin says barrel when he messes up and rave like his second dad when he gets it right.
He says barrel when he hits the followup late and rave when on time, I don't know why they named the move after the fail state though, it's also called barrel in japanese
i assume they call it barrel to differentiate it from sol but he says rave when he gets it right because he's mimicking sol
>barrel: informal - drive or move in a way that is so fast as to almost be out of control.
The imperfect version gets the barrel voice line
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on trannybanana
I think there were a few on pixiv that were locked behind fanbox so you might find them on kemono. I dont think gamebanana allows actual revealing swimsuit mods for her.
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why doesn't daru pick a better character? is he stupid?
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Monthly strive lobby is up.
Room code: 694200
Region: Same
Hosted in: NA west coast
>What happened to the xrd lobbys on thursday/friday?
got sick as shit from covid.
Feeling much better now today.
what 3.5 Sol Badguy does to a mf
He also lost to a Bedman
Covid isn't real faggot
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>no gilly gear
>soive lobby
It is. It ain’t shit though
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GGs man I'm gonna go eat lunch
I am gonna miss this button after the October patch :(
Who wins here /ggg/
Slayer. Not because he's broken, but because Baiken is terrible.
Slayer always wins
did you even look through it
a bunch of them are empty and have no details

he didn't write a book or even provide any information, there's an intro, some really basic stuff about BBscript and a bunch of empty pages
Well, I mean when nearly every character since Season 2 gets to have better mix than I-No without sacrificing neutral or damage... And then HC forces all of the mechanics she could potentially benefit from to get neutered, only for him to still be top tier... Yeah, it's rough.
I just read the readme page where he said that he was archiving resources. My bad.
they need to fix her air dash.
The fact that he still plays this game despite HC's continued existence is crazy
Still up?

Glad I'm not the only one who has this view on Bridget.

I always hated Bridget and will continue to hate Bridget
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>Some Random Bedman gets 4th at AWT Japan
Is Bedman? secretly good?
Ashihana literally has a youtube compilation of his Xrd Bedman, my guy
We don't care about that crap here.
If it makes you feel any better mahvel 3's tomorrow.
Didn’t ask
Changed the region to ALL.
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ggs bro
The Bedman v Leo matchup is whack
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god i wish that were me
How the fuck do you get close in Strive to do, for example c.S combo starters with Ram? I'm low rank and my games are usually just counter hits with far slash and pokes here and there until I win or lose.
after a hard knockdown you can run up and time your hit right as they're waking up. This is called a meaty
>couldn't they just block on wakeup
yes but even in Celestial people don't like to do that
you can also almost always start cS pressure off a gap closing special into red roman cancel because RRC extends their blockstun. in addition Ram's delayed sword explosions can provide the opportunity to cS as well
go watch some tape bro and try and steal stuff
alright I will look into it, thank you.
c.S is usually used on opponents who are waking up
this is called a meaty and bad players will not block it because they are bad
good players will sometimes block it and you have to learn to condition them to expect you to do something else so they won't block it but that's advanced tech you don't have to worry about right now
don't know why I play this game when I hate it
Minus frames. Stagger. Strike/throw mindgames.
>How the fuck do you get close in Strive to do
you use your neutral skip
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Hear me out. We got the cyberpunk girl so it’s not crazy. What if we got Saya (who was in Nitroplus Blasterz) as dlc?
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I had a lot of fun playing Rev2 today. /ggg/
Why didn't you make a lobby to play with us?
you know no one would join.
you know that's not happening
? We've been having lobbies here with the public Gilly Gear ones and that fag from /fgg/ also posted his lobby link here last week, a few joined the last one but ofc the public one has had more randoms in it. But getting games in Xrd is always nice even if the private lobby only had like 4 or 5 people for the time it was up
We don't play that crap here.
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Your loss
Well I'm not gonna waste my time hosting when I can join one of the public ones or discord
You don't wanna play with /ggg/ers, your brothers, but you do wanna tell everyone about playing rev2?
/ggg/ doesn't play that crap.
/Ggg/ has been being mean to me recently, so I'm being a tsundere hoping you guys will get jealous...
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Thoughts on this move?
overpowered, stupid and long overdue for a nerf
That visual effect seems different than how it looks in game
>play rushdown, mess up my meaty, get back thrown
>bothered, but shrug it off and try again
>same thing happens
>mental completely and utterly shattered, never dare to go for anything risky on offense again
>lose 15 points from the set
Thought I got past this but some things never change, I guess. I just want to run offense man.
I overuse it because it's more difficult to punish than Bandit Revolver plus it hits high. It can also be a handy string ender if you blank because KD. Plus I guess you have timing option in the air to fuck with people trying to 6P / airthrow you.
I regularly do bandit bringer, backdash, repeat to knowledge check and they always block it at least twice. I'd say I'm glad I can use it but that would just get it nerfed
whenever i play sols who use this in blockstrings i always go for the air throw callout even though it gets me killed sometimes
It’s goofy but eh its fine to have something in this game that doesn’t always lose to 6Ps. He gets an HKD if it hits, I get a HKD if my 6P hits
>its fine to have something in this game that doesn’t always lose to 6Ps
this causes the soiver to shit themselves in rage
Baiken's farts. Discuss.
And how do we feel about Kapel?
Cringe and broken
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Everything Millia has is terrible and she works ten times harder than the rest of the cast.
I wouldn't mind any move if defense wasn't so hopeless in this game like why does getting knocked down once have to end the round
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how the fuck did I get a hammerfall here?? is it some input reader bullshit or is my copy of the game haunted
I refuse to believe this is minus
How plus or minus an air move is depends on how high up the attacker is when it block/hits
Sol is only minus if he hits people above the shoulders. At the waist level and lower he's plus
It's also worth noting that Sol's most common mash button after, 2K is as fast as most of the cast's fastest button
jesus christ it was not a good session in tower today boys
What doesn't kill you
the fuck are you trying to input? Budget ICPM? Heat knuckle?? Fucking judge gauntlet???
that would apply if losing memepoints didn't kill my soul
Kapel is the only special that makes me think yep that's a nigger coded move
It really embodies the concept of getting free shit for behaving like a retard
idk man I was absent-mindedly mashin while waiting for a match. probably garuda or something
true true
honestly man i had unlisted myself and was having a lot more fun
i hate sweating so hard every match and getting mad if i lose
but at the same time i want to hit top 10 for my character. idk, i don't think its worth the mental stress anymore.
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What's Millia 6H(1)>j.236K/H good for?
I also don't get how to get same side after cS airdash resets, even if I jump back and mash dash I still cross up
Is Bridget worth learning? I will try to ignore the retcon.
lobby's still up if anyone wants to play.
Bridget is one of the only fun characters in the game.
You one of those fags who whine about the high damage characters and wish characters like I-no and Millia were better?
i'm paracelsus
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>What's Millia 6H(1)>j.236K/H good for?
turbofall into grab, and once they start expecting it, turbofall into kapel to catch their backdash and grab. kapel is actually worthless though out of 6H aside from cancelling out of a whiffed 6H but even then you're getting punished regardless.
>how to get same side after cS airdash resets
you mean after relaunch? you have to superjump
this >>492632532
why does crossup pilebunker need to exist when slayer can also do a safe high low and a pressure reset at the same point
His neutral and defense are actually really bad if you can't deal with him once he finally earns his offense off of multiple hard reads, maybe just stop whining and go learn the matchup.
because it's reactable and he's -14 if you react to it
>His neutral and defense are actually really bad
bro would just do mappa hunch or a random ass 2h and i'm already in the mix what do you mean
One thing I like about Strive is how I can pick anyone and learn a character in less than 30 minutes, thanks to everything being so universal. I can't really do that in the older games without more dedicated time
This but dbfz
skill issue
i agree unironically
lower the fucking damage
Because it's cool dumbass
man this game sucks nowadays
early on you could just avoid nago and hc and have a decent match
now almost every character is a gorilla retard no skill abomination
can't wait for 2xko to come out man fuck this game
2xko will be awful. Nen Impact is the only good upcoming fighting game. I don’t hate strive though.
what's good about nen impact?
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>doa impact
see you on 2xko nigga
i dont hate strive either but i am sick of it at this point
2xko is fucking awesome, and im excited for nen impact too. the 2xko alpha was so damned fun. i miss it.
Die low health slut
HxH characters. I hope they can live up to how unique each character’s abilities are.
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Lobby's closing for an hour earlier today.
tomorrow's mahvel 3.
Until next month.
I look like that
From the trailer it looks very slow and clunky, also its assist fighter cancer
i better see ppl in there tomorrow
I don't play tag games.
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What if all the females were 12 feet tall and IKed every male character with every button? Wouldn't that be cool?
What if we got iconic character Zappa from Guilty Gear
not really a gg player but who is the easiest character to cum to?
ramenthal? baiken?
why is elphet thick now?
8 years
Should have voted harder.
Strive fucking sucks
ram if you are high T
millia if you are black
elphelt if you are a latent homosexual
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Nigga pulled out the year old twitter screencap.
I like how BB and Uni look aesthetically but you can’t deny that some of the dorky designs are hard to swallow. The only chuuni core design with mainstream appeal is Hakumen. The Strive designers went on record saying that they made all the male characters beefcakes for broader american appeal
Based Buzz.
Rev2's input buffer is annoying me. My forward input is dragging after I release button. Causing me to dash 623 when I meant to dash 236. I want a dash macro...
We don't play that crap here.
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Your loss
Input 4236 instead it's like this in all games
what do we think of king LK's May matchup chart Maybros? Is he gonna get washed by a Zato and drop the character?
I cross referenced it with Slash’s chart. It’s okay. Also everyone with a brain knows May can beat Zato with ease. It’s not a hot take, my guy
Ye I know it was more a dig at how often LK jobs. In particular I was thinking of that time he got washed by a random Axl and dropped Millia
It’s funny how ABA and May fags both just hate the MU
>Jack-O even
>Eddventure thought the MU was more hopeless than Ram, and we all know how he feels about that MU.
>Slash puts it in Zato tier winning
>LK has access to Nitro, EVO champ, Jack-O enjoyer, as a training partner
May wins the Jack-O MU because she can just jump out of her pressure.
what's a subtle anti trans dogwhistle i can use as my profile message? I wanna communicate to those who knows that i hate those but while having the benefit of the doubt and not making myself immediately hated by the good players clique.
Cmon be creative
YWBAW is very subtle methinks
this fucking guy picked MY niche main and he is doing better in three months than me in 2 years. I don't suck mind you but i used to be knows as that char player and now they are all talking about and praising that faggot? How do i put an end to this? Gatekeeping tech is not enough cause he knows where to find it and now people are getting ''inspired'' by him to pick it up.
Something anti-porn, relating to first wave feminism suffragettes, Jenny ROM, or Harry Potter.
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Best Buddies Circle
Axl Wound
i like this one lmao
alright i see thanks

now why can i see her nips and only a hunch of her panties
There's a bit more than that but it's a biggie
You cannot be saying this when Strive designs exist
But I can though. Strive designs are dudebro approved. Xrd chicken legs Pot looks dorky but his Strive model actually got normal people to try him out.
on what planet are uni's designs better than strive
winrate: 41%
This planet
Nobody can think Strive Pot looks better than Pot, unless you're on crack. Testament too, what even happened to go so wrong?
>thinking two extremely basic (and in vat's case not even good) loli designs make up for the rest of the cast being boring at absolute best
Okay you're on crack, Vatista is peak loli
that's len you tard
vat is a nothing design, like most of uni's characters
there's nothing about that game that's distinctive or appealing in a visual sense. pretending otherwise is complete delusion
Len is better that's true. Vat is still really good and the best uni design.
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nta but Wald(((stein))) and Merk look cool and distinctive
Strive pot looks better than xrd pot by a landslide and I say this as the guy that ranted about strive designs the other day. I think my perspective was skewed on REALLY disliking some designs while ignoring that the redesigns are boring and serve better as a safer option at worst (sin) while at best they look pretty cool, like axl. I wish arcsys added the sf6 thing were you can use the old designs
Both are worse than Pot without the helmet
merkava is a good design
i think wald looks fucking retarded but he is at least recognizable
i'm mostly talking about the smorgasbord of mid-2000s light novel designs when i say uni's designs are nothings. they're not visually distinctive at all, the only unifying factor is ironically the genericness.
>Strive designs are just as weeb cringe
>posts lolis as good designs
I pity your lack of self-awareness
Bro gets his opinions straight from youtube
Arguable, I think helmet pot looks more unique and fun as a character
the fuck are you talking about
who cares enough about uni to make youtube videos about the visual design
kinnikuman > jeans slave
Strive is a social commentary more than a fighting game. I think I’m starting to see Daisuke’s actual vision.
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>input is poorly explained
You are about to say they don’t count. Lolis are a core part of fighting games. I said Strive designs are generally worse and harder to take seriously. HC is one of the few exceptions.
Bad bait
I accept your admittance that you have no argument.
When tasked with arguing against the absurdity that "Strive designs are hard to take seriously with excsption of the smurf" an honest man can only call it bait
Happy Chaos is a badass
Where is the marvel lobby u lying fuck
Doesn't really look like a top 1 character matchup chart
Caught super covid, sorry
did you check the marvel general?
What's the commentary?
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wenissu muthafucka
but it's happening in the air too, during air combos.
NTA but all Guilty Gear games say something about war and humanity, you're gonna have to be specific
What is this from?
I think that's Xrd. Not 100% sure though
Company Director's YT channel.
I mean is it some guy's twitch stream or what
Did people stream Xrd?
Pretty sure Maximilian Dood did once
ctrl alt Cookie
does anyone have the video of him getting his ass kicked by slayer that features the twitter screencaps?
The whole world is kinda mean.
online players are such sore losers
i was literally on a pixel of health and this faggot ass ky player just stopped moving once i started a combo on him at 50% health
Tower has people with such bad attitudes.
Constant entitled ragequitters.
you sure you didn't get desynced? they probably stopped moving because the game was finished on their end and no more inputs could be sent. strive online is bad.
The only time I've ever had desyncs in Strive was playing with (or playing against) someone with a mod desu
I use to get them all the time to the point I was expecting it. 2 or 3 in every 10 games or so. Unplayable. It probably has something to do with my download speed, but I always had a good connection and no mods, so who knows.
That definitely sounds like an ISP issue. I've never heard of anyone else with that issue desu
>I've never heard of anyone else with that issue desu
I mean the only way you can tell is if you look at your replays, or notice the opponent is "playing differently". And since most people don't do that they probably just write it off as a rage quit. The game doesn't give you a communication error message or anything to sync the games back together.
I mean your opponent just ceasing to hit buttons or block is pretty noticable. Unless you play a flowchart offense mix character?
imagine playing a """fighting game""" where you genuinely don't notice your opponent completely stopping all movement
Well both players' inputs are still being sent, so even if the game is desynced they're still throwing out attacks on your screen, and blocking your attacks on their screen. So you never really know. They only stop moving once the round/match is over on their end and there's nothing to press.
i've never gotten desynced before and the ky did the same thing the round before but i just killed him a few seconds after
Oh. Then that Ky is a little bitch.
>the ky did the same thing the round before but i just killed him a few seconds after
you need to understand and accept that rollback implementation is completely fucked in strive, its very common to have flashes of the win/lose screen for a few frames when someone is low hp, and one time a friend and i were at one touch each when the netcode couldnt make up its mind and we actually both had won on our screens, showing a 2-2 for me and a 3-1 for him.
the ky must have had his match end screen up already on his client and his inputs only going towards the ui
how come the only time i hear about this problem is in this thread from one guy
>made someone ragequit
>who uses my character
>on my celestial challenge (he had a yellow aura btw)
you're cooked darklord
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>one guy
see that just makes me think you're trolling even more
Yeah, sometimes I larp as the 'new girl' in mmos for the extra goodies. Sometimes it gets taken too far and I end up erping in a discord server somewhere. One guy even asked for feet picks, so i panicked and ran to the dollar store to buy a cheap razors, a dress, nail polish, and sandals. I know I shouldn't, but I need to keep up the bit or i'll lose my benefits.
based Kybro. btw um, are you single by any chance?
I-I have a boyfriend.
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Lobby when?
Lobby soon?
Lobby doko?
A Rev2 lobby???
We don't play that crap here.
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Your loss.
Who are the we?
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Can't wait for Jam to get in! just 400 days more!
Dizzy is only 123lb, is Ky dyel?
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He isn't struggling to lift her. He's struggling to not ravage her before carrying her to their bedroom.
Maybe my man should go back to the fetish cowgirl picture instead of whatever that is.
i've been trying to learn her recently, but she's kind of overwhelming. there's too many buttons to press.
In xrd?
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I have two homosexual acquaintances who started playing Strive
both love Bridget's theme
make of that what you will
conclusion: everyone who plays strive is a fag
not like this xrdsisters...
our greatest champion... has betrayed us...
roll back my nuts
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Season 4 doko
doko kana... kana...
Will they fix I-no's air dash in season 4?
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At this point it's working as designed I think
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one mistake into unreactable loops backed by infinite meter woo
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i love slayer
My eyes do not shine.
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Slayer kind of gives me Pot vibes where he has a million ways to trans out better players
what a girlboss!
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what do I do in the Slayer v Justice matchup
I imagine using 2H near her while shes shooting rockets works
That profile picture cannot be real
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>white character have brown or black skin colored alterative skin
>nago doesn't have a skin/chroma that makes him a 8 ft Aryan trap star
ngl, feels bad famalam
but seriously imagine picking a fucking negro johnny
they should remove 3/4 framers and take axl's 5f away
shutup tranny
Thats just what it means to strive, unfortunately.
The masculine urge to rape catty posters who reply without replying
So can someone remind me why Zato and Jhonny are considered Low Tier?
this dude has been in a coma since last year
johnny 2d is an unblockable when he has card out
no it isn't
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asuka 6k is an unblockable when he has this in his deck
Asuka's zesty leg lift is unblockable
that retard did not deserve a (you)
but you do, ya big lunk
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hotashi is so unfuckable not even a failed male incel turned abomination will throw him some shitbussy
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>mfw I see femboy bussy
Theyre cool and you dont want to be cool in strive, you want to be easy
>He thinks he is getting Jam again
Jam is never going back and ArcSys is just gonna remain silent and pretend she never existed, Chinese market is now too attractive and profitable to have a 'making fun of the chinese' character ever again unlike previous games where they were designed only with Japanese sensibilities in mind.
>the most viewed strive stream is xrd
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Color 9, no?
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>see someone with touhou name enter lobby
>no one matches with them
>they leave
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I can still not get over how rad this design is wtf
I still miss his goofy cross tie and red shoulder cape that was alive
thats ramlethal. an actual A10 nago is needed
I was looking at top elos for each character and realized that there are only two who aren't in the top 100, Baiken and May. Baiken is expected, but May is supposedly an uber top 1 character (I don't think so, but frauds gotta gaslight). Anyway, I realized that LK has now taken the bait twice where he's switched to what he thinks is a solid/top tier character, only for them to actually be mediocre/middling.
But it's shit?
>downplaying May
>dude in a suit
>dude in a suit
Your problem?
Baiken's enormous pepperoni nipples
Ye she's strong, I'm just assblasted that the discourse around her being top 1 has gone on this long. Like if she's as good and easy as they say she is, one of the many NA/EU tierwhore players would've picked her up by now or some randos should've come out of the woodworks like they did for HC/Leo/Goldlewis. But they haven't, so she's either not as good and/or not as easy as they say she is.
it's literally just slash mindbreaking them
why does ram sword toss beat gio's dedicated anti projectile move...
Yes that is the design intent
spend days learning a character in training, only to forget everything once you get into your first match is soul crushing.
do some matches vs the cpu at nightmare or the arcade first
oh right. i forget those modes exist. it isn't just online and training...
>cpu at nightmare
is there something higher than lvl 99 maniac? uh
How do you set levels? It's just maniac for me
Good post
They don't take into account her weaknesses because that would accentuate why their mains are fucked up. For example, she has relatively short pressure sequences that she can only extend with meter, pretty lackluster standing mix, and relatively meh mid-screen conversions. All her top tier competition doesn't suffer from these issues, but that's never pointed out. If they were honest (especially the HC frauds) they'd have to acknowledge that their primary winning tactic is pushing non-interactive bullshit, they're not actually FG geniuses, and Slash, who is supposedly the king of a retard character, is actually substantially better/smarter than they are.
It's actually the latter, not the former.
She's much harder than they say she is.
Strike/throw is not a weakness with her cS and command grab
Also RWA solves her midscreen conversions. Now her gay ass fS gets a wallbreak while Bedman fS still barely works
Rev 2 lobby is up.
Name: gilly gear.
Password: no pass.
Lobby connection req: 2 or greater.
Hosted in: NA west coast.
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There are too many buttons to press with short windows of time. I thought gorillas were easy?
Disagreed. It makes her insanely meter hungry. S2 may had the meter less midscreen conversions off of ch 5k and that was broken but having to use WA to get any midscreen pressure and conversions is a weakness other characters don't have
Press better. It doesn't take thought to push buttons. Are you stupid?
Shut up strive baby. You don't even know what I'm dealing with. Kys
incredible how the AP guy has spent like a week in xrd and has already developed a superiority complex
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>i get on +R
>i go 3 and 20
>i stop getting challenges
>i stop playing
>i get on +R
>i go 3 and 20
>i stop getting challenges
>i stop playing
slowly but surely...
I'm playing a harder game. I'm now better than every Strive top player.
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>AP """"guy"""'
3 wins... pretty fuckin good m8
You play Jam little nigga
3 If I'm lucky...
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I've played Xrd for months last year tho.
I'm playing Ky.
more than me
it's not developed i'm just naturally better than anyone here
>twatter troons actually turning on Bridget
Fucking finally
He probably regrets getting into competitive fighting games. All signs of terminal depression if I ever saw one. He should move to a 3rd world country so he snaps out of it.
I played Xrd before Strive came out Soiver. You're branded a Soiver because you'll never outgrow your shitter phase, and instead of improving your fundamentals, you lash out and draw your tentacles into other games to try and hide your mediocre-at-best gameplay which doesn't match your ego. Vignette did it. BCK did it. Glad you're joining them in the Hall of shitters.
how long do I have to stay in a third world country to cure my depression?
I'm actually farming most people in xrd right now oddly enough. It's honestly surreal. Sure I'll lose to the rank 20 something i-no, but for someone who doesn't have much matchup experience in this game, my Strive fundies carry me hard.

Anyway. Do you have the game installed? You want to play?
NTA but I've been noticing a lot of people that feel around my level (shitter) in Xrd public lobbies, it's kinda nice and not what I expected
Right? I was expecting the same thing when I started to play again. But most people I run into are getting into the game it seems. It's a lot better than being thrown into the deep end immediately like if I played BlazBlue.
Do you want to play? Or are you done for today?
Omito asked my missus out on a date once
we can still play a bit if you're up for it
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>damn I swore I had meter to RC that stun dipper
>I say to myself
>knowing full well I didn't have meter
gg bro. controls were driving me nuts but i tried to play through it. it's like the one hurdle i'm trying to get over.
You're aware that Ky is a giga brainlet character in Xrd right?
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Did you seriously just play a set with me, give me a ggs, then turn around and to call me a brainlet right after? Were you just pretending to be nice or...?
What specific thing about the controls is the problem for you?
That wasn't me!!! I'm nicer than that, I don't even know what characters would be easy or hard to play
I mean, they overtly said that fighting games weren't healthy for them and quit. As soon as they did that viewers also hemorrhaged from often 1k to around 100 and that can't be too great for the ego even if you know it's going to happen
Oh, sorry about that. It’s mostly just issues with inputs dragging/dropping, or not coming out the first time. I’m pretty sure it’s a mix of my own mistakes and the PS5 d-pad, not the game itself. It was just frustrating when I tried to dash and it wouldn’t come out, or when I tried to dash, stop, then use Stun Edge, but ended up doing Vapor Thrust instead. It clouded my judgment and I lost focus. I love the dash macro in Strive, but I just need to get good at doing it the traditional way that's all.
>troon who gets filtered by strive's high level of competition runs away and shills xrd
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Did you really ask why I had issues with the controls, only to call me a troon right after I shared my honest thoughts?
Me holding the stick, just like my avatar.
that was my first post faggot
i dont give a fuck about your personal drama
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Giovanna got that "3 mids in a row, then a safe on block ender" type of mix
Oh yeah that's understandable, I'm glad my char doesn't have any dp inputs and I dash less frequently (but I was messing up trying to dash into you and getting hit, I think it's 6 frames before I can parry teleport so I just need to time it better and not go for such small gaps. But it felt good when I was able to go across the whole screen. Speaking of you tend to do very committal attacks in neutral which cant be canceled easily, sometimes when fighting people I'll go for it but they will already be going into a different attack so they automatically turn around and hit me)
Please stop assuming every person in the thread is me... I have no ill will against anyone here including you
Reminder, the GAWDs of the FGC know trash when they see it and lo, that trash's name is soive.
>youtube content creator
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>lil soivah doesnt know about the classics of the FGC
Look up 'EVO Moment 37' lil soivah. Educate yourself, see what real hype, real fighting games looks like.
Another streamer not giving Isuka an honest shot... sad!
God damn that Kytranny I played Xrd with was trash!
>evo moment 37
>he jobbs and losing in a game against a literal who in a 30 person tournament
I wouldn’t play with you again if I were him.
Marina from Fear and Hunger snaps them out of 2 years of "Bridget is actually a good trans representation ackshually."
thats the exact same "le parents raised xhem as female to protect xhem" thing though
jonathan tene on top 1 sol:0 top 8 results
jonathan tene on mid tier zato: top 8 every tournament, AWT event win
What could it mean
Think I care what that retard playing a brainless char does? Once a Soiver always a Soiver.
zato players have 0 fundies
No that can't be it
Try again
This nigga is literally streaming with a vtuber right noq
niggas will post shit like this and hate on ai art in the same breath
Going with your soul will always be better than meta slaving
that motherfucker did not pick zato because he has a soul
lmao, even
Guilty Gear is fucking ruined. Holy fuck.
>with modern gief
Fucking lame
and ywnbaw
>a metered fireball... has a strength compared to non-metered fbs???? why would they do that??
ram shouldnt have shit at all
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>want to play strive
>brain cloud starts flaring up
I just can't catch a break...
I think you were only the second bedman I fought, so I was still trying to understand what was going on. (You honestly remind me of the good bedman I played here in strive lobbies) He really doesn't play too different from his strive counterpart. If you're still here in 3 days Please play me again. I'm going to do an anime training montage. I'll played bad today. Or add me on steam if you want
I think I know of that good bedman? in strive lobbies, much better than I ever was as bedman? in strive. I'd say they are pretty different characters but they both have the end goal of getting you in the corner and applying pressure so that you can't leave. And yeah Bedmans are pretty rare so if you don't know what's going on or how he mixes you up then you can get fucked up. I don't think you even knew you could break the seals at first, you just went right past my Task A' seal, having one of those behind you is never good.
I'll also try to train up some, I know that I was dying while still having a lot of meter left and getting hit because I was busy Task Aing when I should have YRCed, I'm still not used to doing that. And I think I only went for the instant overhead once. And I think I should have been using 2H and 3H against you setting up your projectiles. And I think I need to get better at converting into better setups off of my stray mashing hits, sometimes I would just suddenly stop because I didn't know what to do haha.

I'll work on these things for the next time we meet!

I'm not too fond of adding people on steam but I will probably be around, if you see me in public lobbies then feel free to call out to me, it's fun to fight people of the same skill level. I feel like the only reason I won so much is due to you not knowing bedman's tricks. Very fitting for his character lore-wise.
why did it take courage to wait until season 4 to release venom
Let out a loud scream and it will go away
>tune into TNS
>first match is anji sin
>next match is ky mirror
we are fucking back
>I don't think you even knew you could break the seals at first, you just went right past my Task A' seal, having one of those behind you is never good.
I didnt lol. I thought they were permanent and I had to play around it. You always had one set up after I burst too. Your corner pressure was definitely really good. You were hitting me with a few mixes with the hover dash too.
>tune into TNS
>first match is goldlewis hc
Nothing ever changes
just fart it out bro, works for me
Anyone up for an ft 20?
In what game?
What is even up with the high pitched screaming in Baiken's theme
is it some samurai thing
You should do something better with your time
You are right, anon. Thank you for reminding me
me? I'm learning to solder.
that's fucking funny lol
That girlfriend they're going to pick up? May.
TOTSUGEKI!!!... lol
Sometimes I think people are coping about Strive being a party masher and other times I tune into a tournament with 200+ entrants and see a top 8 player getting hit by Goldlewis doing run up c.S
bro it's the mental stack you wouldn't get it it's so hecking difficult to block
Delusion like your gender
yall really out here soivin huh... couldnt be me, couldnt be me
thanks for calling him a soiver, now we'll never hear the end of it. his fragile ego won't allow it.
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Imagine shooting a man with your last bullet… and he just stands there unfazed… that’s what it feels like to not use blue burst the entire set
Both of these TNS commentators have extremely punchable faces
You don't like the sleazy trailer trash drug dealer from the 80s aesthetic?
we don't talk about king pedo like that here
I firmly believe that the Ky mirror is more Street Fighter than SF6 is
every single street fighter is full of bullshit, strive ky mirror doesn't have much bullshit going on
Isn't that a rule of Alternative Play?
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Shut up. Die.
Yeah I think it is.

>Rules of the EX-Celestial: Alternative play.
>Rule 3: Never use blue burst.
Crutch mechanic. Doesn't teach you how to play defense. They'll bait it anyway. Save your burst, tank the damage and avoid getting hit.
>Rule 3.5: Never bait blue burst
You'll never bait it anyway, so just give up your turn and try again.

Looks like Alternative Play has made an impact after all. Was Company Director right all along?
i am super invested in this /ggg/ story arc
if it ends in "ap guy plays xrd a couple times and then drops it" i'm gonna be upset
>ap """"guy""""
strive risc is such fucking cancer
>dude just punish the card toss
>dash forward during deal to try and punish
>johnny mashes his 9f f.S and it wins
ok fags
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ft10 OCE anyone?
they should make mist finer stance a parry and let him cancel into a dp too I think johnny needs it
ok but the parry would actually be cool and on theme
I'd say strike/throw is significantly weaker than high/low or left/right now that you can DP throws. They really didn't think that change through.
that change also affects high low desu ne senpai
burst is the only form of defense apart from the costly yrc and should be spent immediately to prevent unmanageable snowballing. only dp assholes save burst. you think you don't need it like you were good or something but the match has become unwinnable before you realize you've fucked up like an idiot.

there is no defense. win the random neutral exchange or die.
I am on east coast, but would be down
Tene's a much weaker player when his opponent can interact in a meaningful way. That goes for most Strive pros thoughever.
Just through latency alone it would be a terrible experience for both of us, I say we both don't deserve that.
Understandable, have a nice day, anon
douyatte chiisai nigga?
tanyao nomi
And a konnichiwa to you too, young lady.
this isn't majong anon, this is Strive, a complex trans women's game
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Negative edging
want to have a set? I'm ec
Lobby's closed.
Nitey nite.
sure, are you still here?
kill yourself faggot where's the marvel lobby you lying bitch i hope you die from covid how about that
park 42
the only time i’m ever tempted to send someone a message that they’ll never read is when i play against someone using backdash like a dp
That's me.
If your close slash has less than 6 active frames, I’m gonna RPS. Deal with it
i’m just gonna recover and hit your backdash recovery but go ahead man
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I've got some outside stressors that could use working out through shitty button perss violence, anyone still up to play?
You guys are still going on about that AP garbage?
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>2 hours between >>492970910 and any previous post
apaprently not. i don't care. ec37 you down?
Sorry bro
never said I live there. that's just the standard room

what have you got to lose?
Strive is shit
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anti thread nuke post
I want to cum on his face
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johnny is so lucky..
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Why wouldn’t you? This has me confused now.
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I haven't visited this general in almost 2 years. It feels pretty sad around here.
We got those end of season blues
When this fag transcended humanity he became a gear with a cock not some agender freak.
What? Becoming a gear always removed their manhood
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Baiken's feet in my mouth
He said bang slam backdash bang curse bang 5d bang full screen wall break
Happy Chaos? The guy who just presses H whenever he wants to do anything and everything? Yeah he's about as technical as the dude who flies instead of jumping who dies in one hit, or the chick who has to microposition herself to not die in her own strings.
While we're at it, put the RNG guy who literally just spams shit uninteractively for 30 seconds so he builds enough meter to do it again, and again, and then gets positive bonus on block to do it until chip death. Yeah he's SUPER technical because he's random*
Is Goldlewis the character with the least relationship between his story and gameplay? He's supposed to be all about defense but they made him a high damage oppressive mixup character? Why? Did they just forget what he was all about?
Why not make him slow but have a shield similar to Xrd Jack-O that stops projectiles? Or some armor moves? Or guard cancels maybe? Anything defensive? His main gimmick is instead that he does the same move 8 different ways, what the fuck does that have to do with him as a character?
>he is supposed to be about defense
bro, he is an crusader vet. Being a defense secretary just means being the politically correct top dog of the military. His security meter is basically just waiting for his military budget to get approved. Absolute defense is a forced SOAD joke and also being tongue in cheek about the best defense being offense
it's a commentary on the shift of US political policy after WW2 causing the renaming of the post of secretary of war to secretary of defense
I really like the way strive is rn except I'm getting tired FAST of all the Johnnys, Slayers, and Abas man. Strive would have like twice the playerbase if Arcsys were more attentive about nerfing busted/overtuned/annoying shit in their game.
>least relationship between his story and gameplay
That would be Johnny. His oki is not risky gambing
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Is Strive Fujocore? How come there aren't any transmen (women) playing? Would more come if we call it a manly game?
Lobby's up.
>aren't any transmen (women) playing
biological women are worse at videogames so they're not as notorious, but the biggest simps for answer, sin, sol and zato that I know are all transmen, the catch is that transmen are self targeting menheras at worse whilst transwomen project their mental illness towards everyone else on a regular basis. I will take a billion transmen over one singular transwoman
maybe you have like 15 fujos who like the characters but they avoid the fighting game part at all costs, especially if they see who'd they be interacting with
Anon he has a massive shield and throws back a rocket in the story, he was clearly supposed to be a defensive character within the story but it seems they stopped caring about that for the gameplay.
One of his design concepts has him wielding a rocket and you think the story mode bubble shield defines him a character? Daisuke literally went out of his way to state that Goldlewis was designed without his involvement so what makes you think that the story mode animated at 13fps by 3 interns precedes gameplay design. Defense is a joke just like how Strive Faust pretends that he is saving lives by braking your shins. Its like saying the Iraq invasion was self-defense
they're all too busy playing granblue
I often find I'm drawn to characters that are popular among fujos except I just think they're cool instead of wanting to have sex with them, but this fag is too much even for me.
I've never met a fujo
They should refund all purchases of strive and seek better options
fujos and yumes play granblue
4 day /ggg/ threads....home
This but bara bait
This is why I dont play granblue anymore. No cute girl would get a skin like this.
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I love eddy
what the...
Based Cygay and Snoy
/vg/ coomers have such a victim complex
playing aba it feels like keygrab being plus sorta removes a lot of the challenge of pressuring without being in CHIMPMODE
it would be broken if you could dash cancel into it from 2k but you can't, you kinda just get them to block 2k and that's it
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guys bad news i got the final review from the therapist and he said i don't have adhd so there is no justification for me being such a retarded slow learner. But it emerged i have really strong autistic tendencies like lack of empathy and ritualistic and obsessive behavior. So now i'm back at square zero with few hundreds less in my pocket. I could have been an autistic savant but i guess i'm just one of the dysfunctional dumb kind. Giorager out
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I hate ABA but the range is mediocre
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Want the sexy clown pope milf
Make one and I shall join
i'll play for like 20 mins if someone opens
Are deckers crossed arrows or PC symbol?
Made one it’s called gilly gear join up bros
SteamOS is just Steam
forbidden beast pretty...
Is Ram honest?
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sure. why not
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Ariels would've been a much better choice than Lucy
No, he's a gambler that always wins. Ludo
Makes sense. Hopefully the anime at least adds a few more women into the fandom.
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mid tier and hard to use to their full extent btw
May is the problem
yeah... i'm thinking johnny needs buffs NOW
>may player
me when im retarded
Isn't +R May actually mildly difficult
Wow... Brisket! <3
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he is though?
I hate lists like these because dishonest fucks like Johnny get to seems honest and shit
>the top 5 is hc, nago, goldlewis, bridget and leo
How do people watch this game?
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Can't wait for those Johnny buffs next patch. Clearly he NEEDS it.
all i'm saying is he has to manage resources so he's balanced
>Actually there's some errors here, 2 Johnny, I think I missed GOBOU's ABA and Goldlewis too, so move those 3 up in your mind
Slayer? I agree. Managing Universe is hard.
I should apply this one with sin so they make beak driver as bullshit as before, make elk hunt faster and safer, give hawk baker a clean hit hitbox and give hoof stomp a held version that works like bull bash so he gets better combos
it's funny because he actually did have to manage the bite buff in xrd because it went away on block
even that would have been too hard for strive slayer though
Gaben disconnected me from my gat dang internets.
Lobby's back up.
She would've been better than fucking Answer in Xrd
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I would also like if Ariels were playable but nobody would be better than Answer as he is Xrd's best newcomer and one of the best Guilty Gear characters conceived of.
You would've got him as a side character in the story still I'm sure, maybe only Chipp's arcade mode. That should've been Answer's fate from the start, what makes you like him so much?
Xrd was the first fighting game I really got into and I initially played Ky, at which point I wasn't really invested in the game, but the thing that really made me decide to sink my teeth into it was I went against an Answer online and seeing him in motion and how cool he was made me want to learn him. He's still one of the most fun characters to move with in any fighting game I've played because of all he can do with his scrolls and he has cool moves outside of them like his counter and command grab too. He's also the best animated character in Xrd in my opinion, with only Dizzy maybe beating him. I also like the thing of Chipp being the president of his country, but his design is still pretty much just a ninja throughout, especially in Strive where he doesn't even wear the glasses in his outro, and Answer leans much more into that executive ninja aesthetic to make for something unique visually that I really like.

I think he's a unique character visually and mechanically and him being in Xrd will always give Xrd something that other fighting games don't have for me, even +R despite being very similar overall, and I also have some sentimental value with him seeing as he's pretty much the reason I got into fighting games in general.
Based Answer lover. :3
I agree btw
The point is there’s only like 2 people who want the retarded clown girl and answer, but 2 million+ want the fotm femdomslut so unfortunately from a business perspective Lucy was the better choice
i'm still in shock people actually like answer's design
answer sucks, garbage character
If you don't like Answer, fuck you.
What if the next guest character is a Guilty Gear guest char? Wouldn't that be Hype??
The only cool character that’s missing is Jam
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this dude is named strawberry lmaaooo
I don't understand why people who seem to not like Strive continue to play it, like they complain about core issues of the game that come up in literally every round like the wall or whatever but they keep playing it, why not do something else?
aren't those different circles
aye yai yai
das raciss
Daisuke really thought he cooked with Bedman and Gios themes
On twitter there's lots of people who will complain about Strive and then keep playing it. And sure everyone complains about the game they play but these people seem to hate it but have some addiction to it
Which game is it that Testament can just go back and forth with grave digger?
Street Fighter players complain about their game too, but keep playing it.
Tekken players can't stop complaining, but they won't stop playing.
"Ay yi yi!" cries the SNKspic in between sessions of trying to convince the internet the ugliest fighting games ever made are actually beauties.
They all complain... wait... I guess 2XKOGAWDs didn't complain... huh, I guess they just wanted to play the game more? Maybe it's just better? Draw your own conclusions chat, draw your own conclusions...
Plus R. Don’t think he’s in xrd.
I meant there was some other XX game where he could just keep going with it, idk if it was an infinite or not
Oh, not sure then. I never played before plus R.
feel free to try an older version of accent core in fightcade, they might have it there
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I won't be elaborating
The Leo sneak
i have hated it for the better part of the past few years yet still played it for basically the whole time, winning in strive is simply addicting.
and then you have one of the literal worst possible experiences in all of video games by losing to 1 mistake, which leads into a series of wrong guesses. essentially it's literal gambling but without a cash risk
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ah, daisuke succeeded in making strive feel like mahjong
>any character with a dp or parry
good one
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skill issue
That’s the point of strive pretty much. League has this thing where they rig 50/50 matchmaking to make you play more. Strive does this but with how you die from one hit and everyone can do it because there’s no execution barrier.
Why don't you play a different game?
imagine still complaining about meterless reversals after they took out DP RC
because in other games winning isn't as easy as landing 1 close slash while they don't have burst, while feeling as good as, idk, sex x100
new thread
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you dont know how annoying and limiting it is to play vs it when your entire character is built around oki setups
Is this that one cowgirl "vtuber"? trans?
ok wtf are sin's options in neutral?
ok i still don't know when i'm supposed to input dp for dp reversal during a blockstring

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