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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>492133314
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State mandated slug wives
FT long Slug penis trying in vain to impregnate me
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6th for anime
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Xth for sovlfull builds.
post the new rimrim bugwaifu, buggsy is an old hag now
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This post was a mistake made by an official inside of imperial internet defense force. Please understand that it was only a typo and the individual in question has taken full responsibility for his mistake.
Corin, in fact, is a virgin and she never had any sexual interactions with anyone or anything.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Surely there's a mod that lets a female colonist get railed by a Muffalo right?
Its Corinmod.
its linked in the OP of every /rwg/ in fact!
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Just imagine
>buggsy is an old hag now
>corin somehow isnt
Anime bias
Daily reminder : Corin is a whore, coal burner and she fucks horses.
who would be the corin replacement tho? no other anon is pushing his waifu as autistically here
Konichiwa, the real Corin here. I want to once again declare that horse cocks are the best and that baseliner girls should go for epona males (baseliners guys can go for impid girls). This is 100% my, korin, official stance on the matter and you are more than welcome to screenshot and post this post on future threads to enlighten newfags.
hell yeah RAPE RAPE RAPE that fucking waster SLUT kill ALL THE MEN and RAPE all the waster SLUTS
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Stop these posts
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don't worry, we all know some baseliner men are exceptions
Corin would never fuck tynan, he isnt black nor animal after all.
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>he doesn't know
which rimworld equivelent xenotype are niggers? i know pigs are middleasterners and impids are southamericans and genies are gooks but what are niggers? baseliners?
>tynan turns into jew
As i said - he isnt nig nor animal so corin wont fuck it.
Even that whore isnt that depraved to fuck a jew.
Hussars - brain dead short temper ZOG shock troops.
Wasters are jeets.
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She is NOT a zoophile or a coal burner (zoophile)
Stop spreading this myth
She would never fuck an animal
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jew feet
>1.5 Eltoro RJW Animal Animations - bestiality animations
>1.5 Canines Animations - sex with dogs
corin eating good tonight
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Khazar feet
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why does she has a cross necklace
Jews love to blend in.
>coal burner (zoophile)
>Corrin won't love me
Its over.
>the reason ratkin needs the hide hair with hats mod is to hide their jewish ears
at last i see
The real question is whether the boomalope setup increases colony wealth more or less than the equivalent refinery setup. Stuff like pawn time doesn't matter that much since you can just get more pawns. You could still factor that extra pawn into the calculation.
>you can just get more pawns

What's a good way to get more pawns?
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I'm sorry Anon, that might've been too harsh
I'm sure you'll find your female pawn waifu (baseliner) (black)
Thousand curses upon you
oh shit

here we go again
You can capture pawns into prison and recruit them. You can also heal a factionless pawn and they will sometimes join. You can tame a wild man. Sometimes you can get a quest where a pawn will join your colony as a quest reward.
pawns are the biggest increase to raid size and non-combatant animals are among the lowest contributors but once you hit raid cap nothing matters anymore
how do i capture pawns
without mods
I've debated about arresting the random groups of panws passing through and trying to recruit them but I'm concerned they would send half their colony to get them back.
You can capture enemy and factionless pawns without hurting your reputation.
You can capture the downed enemies and factionless. You can also arrest a factionless pawn if it's your guest. You can probably do the same to the friendly faction ones but I think that will cause a big relationship hit and the other pawns in the caravan could attack you.
can i arrest fleeing enemy pawns
No you would have to knock them down first. Also you need to designate a bed as a prisoner bed.
how do i down enemy without killing them
without mods
If you don't kill them outright you will see a ! over their head. When you see the ! over their head stop attacking, select your guy and right click the enemy and capture. It's easier to knock someone down nonfatally with blunt weapons and gunshots. A steel trap will usually instantly kill a tribal enemy.
i have benn playing for a few weeks now and enemies keep dying instead of getting downed
how do i down enemies without killing them without mods
Yeah I'm talking about without mods. If you have 8 colonists firing chain shotguns at the same enemy obviously he will instantly die. Just get one guy to shoot or hit him.
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wow. just wow.
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hahahahahahahhaahahahaha holy fuck, corinfaggot keeps taking the L's.
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Why does a child's skin color turn out like this when both parents don't have that gene?
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What mod is her hat/headwrap from?
Because skin colour genes dont matter and game doesnt account for that.
inb4 hundred jewish faggots posting about muh bbc - fuck off yids.
Anon... There's something Laney needs to tell you...
Looks like Medieval Overhaul rag. But dont quote me on that.
What mods would be good adding to a blindsight colony to make it more fun
It would seem even degenerates know that silver haired girls are superior.
i want to make a wandering troupe game where i go from one town to another, preform music and recieve goods and food in return. what mods enable me to do that?
Man I suck at kiting, wish there was a mod that warned when someone is about to get hit
So the Relic Data hack quest, can you really get close to 90 raids out of this bad boy? Is there any limit to the 8 hour fun train?
How does attacking a settlement work and how do I know if I'll win? If I do win, do I take over their settlement as my own and get everything so it would basically be like a second settlement?
does the beutifull trait increase the chance a comfort pawn will be raped (because more attractive) or reduce it (because high beaty give +40 to rleationship and friends don't rape friends)?
If you zoom out all the way the enemies are highlighted in red.
You can modify the "death on down" chance in the game settings. by default, the majority of raiders will die when they go into most down states (pain shock/heatstroke/hypothermia +), as they're a fairly good resource.

Without turning easy mode on, the most basic option is the shock lance. This is a 2 charge utility item (doesn't take weapon slot) with big range which can zap a pawn to the ground. There's a chance of brain damage. At least, or exactly one is sold by every outpost every restock. This is the bread and butter of "prisoner selection" you will be using. They run ~650 silver a pop, or ~325 a charge.

Another reliable yet obtuse option involves utilising toxic buildup. Tox gas buildup gives the death on down chance, however toxic buildup itself does not. The best way to utilise this is the Venom Fangs enhancement, a well armored pawn, a method of isolating the enemy, the ability to cast painblock, and preferably an enemy without the ability to dick on you in melee range. You essentially send the well armored yet unarmed pawn to chew on the guy you want downed until he gets extreme tox buildup, which causes unconsciousness, which results in a down. You can cast painblock on him to ensure he doesn't down to pain shock which might kill him.
Reasonable speaking this is not an early game strat.
>tox buildup
thanks ill try that
which har/xeno mod comes with toxins
>make human leather cowboy hat
>get excellent result (because production specialist)
>all my colonists wear them
>sudden a pod drops
>steel and wood visage masks (most of them of normal quality)
>unlock them so colonists move them to storage for later selling
>they prefer to wear those instead of the hats
wth, how does this work?
my hats seem to give better stats and have better quality and buffs (because cannibal ideology).
Yeah, the biofuel refinery is probably not expensive enough to offset the insane increase you get from having more pawns. Even if you include the cost of growing whatever crop you're fueling it with. The refinery is probably also safer, if your boomalopes are packed together, a single one dying could set off a chain reaction.
consult the book
I didn't know you could fuel from boomalopes
It’s a bit larger than an outpost and has a larger population. Probably about the size of a large caravan. They will flee if you down enough of them. Unfortunately, the loot is underwhelming, at least from the times I’ve done it. Eliminating a settlement removes it from the map, and I don’t think you can settle in that area until you leave the map. At that point their base would be gone.
Bring mortars, shock lances, and insanity lances.
I did a bit of reading and people were recommending rockets and all kids of stuff. Half my pawns aren't even armed and the ones that are just have ARs and the ones with a high melee stat have swords. None of them have any armor. I think attacking another colony would be suicide. I'll give it a few more colonies before I try.
Unless Jesus himself shows up in a raid I wouldn't waste the shock lance. Keep that for thrumbos so you can get as much fur as possible. For enemies just isolate the one you want and hit him with a club or your gun. Or you can shoot him a few times and let him bleed.
And this is just advice for a specific guy. If you just want a person and you don't care who it is, you will eventually come across an enemy that doesn't die by just playing normally. You also have a higher likelihood of getting new colonists if you have fewer colonists.
I wouldn't take a random colonist if he came decked out in full Cataphract, I will select at my leisure from the wailing horde with my ample lances.
If you don't have a healthy stock you either aren't utilising the caravan enough or, heaven forbid, not buying every single god-lance the game offers you.
That won’t work because they have a chance to automatically die upon being downed which gets higher the more pawns you have. A good pawn is way more valuable than some thumbo fur.
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New potential wife caught
Will need to replace her leg as I shot it clean off
Will the release of Norland kill Rimworld medieval modding for good?
He is obviously in the early game if he hasn't recruited a single colonist yet. So a random one would definitely benefit him. And colonists are basically interchangeable as long as they don't have stuff that prevents them from working. Obviously if you see a "great memory fast learner sanguine iron will industrious tough beautiful super immune gay jogger undergrounder burning passion and level 20 in all skills" then use your lance.
And really the only way to "lose" the game is for all your people to die. So in a way it's better to make the thrumbo duster than for your colonist to work a little faster. Even with only a minor passion in construction or crafting your guy will get to 18+ by the time you're ready to start rolling for masterwork.
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Also just got an elf child that was being chased by thrashpandas
She will be my sons wife
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AND my daughter was just born
Thats a lot of extra mouths to feed
Shame every single fucking animal on the map is either a boomrat or a boomalope
>He is obviously in the early game if he hasn't recruited a single colonist yet.
Nigger said he's been playing a few weeks, and as you stated, the game will gift you colonists up until a decent chunk
>So a random one would definitely benefit him.
On the assumption he is colonist deprived, that's bullshit, colonist quality matters MORE the less colonists you have, incapables and overlaps are quite crippling at low numbers, and availability is at a high point. If there is ever a time to be selective it's early. Later when your defences are less colonist based and your recruitment policy is "I could use another cook" not "I need a fucking COOK" the potential loss is less severe. In addition, pawn quality naturally increases over time in your colony so better starting stock pays dividends. You don't want the depressive small passion body purist gourmand being your quality constructor and your Industrious Jogger being the apprentice in the lategame, skilltrainers are reasonably uncommon in specific terms, and while genes have fortunately given an outlet to replace high quality pawns with a lot less cultivation you simply cannot rely on the gacha, it is pure evil. As well as this early game mood management and death spiraling is a real concern, so cycling a turboshitter colonist is asking for a risky moodlet that could turn a manageable aftermath into a mass breakdown, later mood becomes much more manageable and if you do gamble on a bad roll you can pretty easily eat whatever moodlet comes.
Well my assumption was that you dont edit your starting guys. If your starting guys are customized to be really good then sure. The mood debuff for losing a colonist is only -3, its not that bad. Even bad colonists are good for blocking doorways. Obviously if the guy is incapable of hauling and violence and cleaning and firefighting then you don't want him, but you will be able to find a use for nine out of ten of the randos that come your way.
>Well my assumption was that you dont edit your starting guys
Well yes, and the chances of getting a starting set that cover all necessary bases is slim to none. If your guys are not customised to be really good you need a fucking cook to stop mass food poisoning, and/or you need a farmer to cut trees and grow produce, and/or you need a doctor to survive rampant infections, and/or you need a combat capable colonist to provide defence, and/or you need a miner to provide resources, and/or you need a researcher to make progress, and/or a crafter to produce gear of acceptable quality (or at least to be trained to the task)....

-3 is pretty substantially bad because your colonists are all pissed off because they have a mishmash of eh traits, a shitty environment and half of your work needs have no competencies so shit is constantly going wrong, and every shitcolonist you take is a solid reduction on your chance of filling all future roles that need to eventually be filled.

You could argue that more roles to fill = more chance that the dice rolls in your favor, that's fair, but if it doesn't you can be in deep shit, and conversely to the above, the scope of roles you need to fill to have a fully functional colony in all capacities being so large means that the opportunity cost of duplicate roles will lead to the aforementioned issue where your competent pawn is a shitpawn, because double dipping on any filled role is far more costly while an unfilled role is impacting your colony and the double dip is impacting your ability to fill the role.
>-3 is pretty substantially bad because your colonists are all pissed off because they have a mishmash of eh traits, a shitty environment
this is literally only true on sea ice, in any other vanilla biome you can have a nice shitshack and mostly happy pawn(s)
If you start with random colonists then random recruits will be around the same level. Obviously colonists dying is bad, if you have more people though it's easier to use tactics like blocking. You would rather the ok colonist die blocking a doorway than lose the game or lose a good colonist. You get the -3 either way.
And for all those roles, you don't actually need them right away. You can just train up the minor passions. A lot easier to just recruit mid guys and train their minor passion than to find fully trained up guys. It'll take less time.
As for combat, having two level 0 shooting pawns is better than having one pawn at level 10 shooting. Just get one with a knife to stand in front of the shooting one. The enemy fights the level 0 guy and the guy with the bow/gun gets to shoot from point blank range. If it were just the one level 10 guy, then what would end up happening is he'd get one or two shots off, likely missing both, and then the enemy would close in on him and start shanking him and he'd die or get injured.
A trade caravan came and it said one of the visitors was the fiance of one of my colonists...
is there anything I can do with that?
like some hidden quest or something?
or do I just wait for them to leave like nothing happened?
If its a slave then you'll get a huge mood debuff when they leave but otherwise it doesn't mean anything.
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I guess she doesnt like bitter foods
A mortar direct hitted one of my three starting colonists and my favorite of them while he was sleeping in his bed. I’m so fucking pissed off about this. Mortars are supposed to be inaccurate.
Nate had two children and was almost solely responsible for nearly every constructed thing in the colony.
Biotech is unironically the best dlc
I love the family aspect.
I love my precious babies.
>55 hours in game
>just realized you can send a caravan to an adjacent tile

Looks like my mining issues are over
Dont the sieges usually take a long time to set up and you can mortar them first.
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I have made a critical mistake
I was busy fighting a drop pod raid and getting my attackers organized and ready.
Do you guys prefer the deep scanner or the long range scanner. For me it's the deep scanner because I hate caravans.
We're rimworld guys, of course we sleep while two factions are raiding us at the same time.
yes, sieges are pretty easy to counter, 3-4 mortars just counter fire in area and most of the raiders are dead
Did bnetter this time,

>send caravan with food and a muffalo
>settle the tile
>deconstruct/mine a bunch of shit
>send them back to original area
>abandon colony
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>first time playing anomaly
>4 gray flesh in 3 days
>finished analyzing, inspecting
>metalhorror emerged from 4 colonists and 3 prisoners
>wrecks my other 2 colonist
>last pawn runs towards exotic goods trader
>caravan gets obliterated by the metalhorrors without any of them dying
What the shit? I didn't know metalhorrors are this powerful. What was I supposed to do? It all happened in only 4 days.
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>raid after everyone is incapacitated and or dead
>mad muffalo
Is Cassandra joking with me right now? Do anomaly events not count as major threats for storyteller purposes?
It's nice how everything explodes only 9 days after activating the monolith. Don't know if I want to retry.
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Please control yourself, Yellow.
boomalopes save you pawn time so you need less pawns with them
>get mission to host some rando who will stay for 20 days because wanna experience other cultures stuff
>she becomes lover of one of my colonists
>she will leave soon
will I see her again?
or will the love end when she leaves?
Have her lover kill her then feed him her corpse
Is there a mod that replaces the piggers and chewbaccas with nekos or kitsune?
nope, I'll get like 3 implants and some nanoshits (the stuff that heals almost anything) when the mission is completed and she leaves.
I'm using this and the anime faces one
I used mofumofu yttakin before but it kinda fucks up their metabolism because they don't have naked speed anymore
maybe try
hd head attatchments for facial animation
I think only vulnerability affect rape chances
Wait, pawns can actually get r*ped?
I'm getting black screen on game launch, what are the usual causes? Game loads w/o mods.
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I bet.
with the rimjobworld mod, and you need to allow it in mod option
without mod, pawn may get kidnapped by hostile factions but its never disclosed what happens to them
there is a mod called better loading
it tells you what is being loaded
put it right after harmony and before all dlcs
what traits increase vulnerability and what traits decrease it?
is rjw compatible with vanilla traits expended for sake of vulnerability checks?
if you install the porn mod
Tough (+), masochist (-), I think it kind of works like the global certainty loss factor. If it raises them like kind then it raises vulnerability, if it lowers them like abrasive then it also lowers vulnerability, but I'm not sure. Weapons and clothes may also affect them. You can tamper with vulnerability thresholds for rape and stuff in the settings if I'm not wrong
Don't know about extra traits from mods
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Interesting, this mod will run on it's own, but with the whole list something is blocking it. Thanks though.
try changing loading order- make the mod run as soon as possible. then the loading will get stuck when you reach the one blocking it.
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Getting some, after removing the lower half of my mod list
Why would I use a mod manager when steam/ingame works just fine?
because it doesn't work just fine, you just think it does because you don't know better.
starting up mod manager is faster than starting up the game. mod manager also have ability to search workshop for mods while game does not.
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With achtung removed it loads to this point before black screen.
>mod manager also have ability to search workshop for mods while game does not

You still gotta restart the game, workshop search works well enough. I'm just trying to see if i actually need a mod manager or not.
with mod manager you start the game after you fix your mods. ingame you need to start the game TWICE- once to manage your mods, and once again after you finish managing your mods.
>workshop search ingame
you need to read the logs of the mod
I didn't say it was in game, I meant in the steam client. Why would I search for mods in game?
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searching for mods is part of mod management. some people like to manage mods ingame, but it require to start the game twice, which takes up time so its unadvisable.
again, ewwww

let me tell you a story of experiance i had with steam
there is a game called 'princess maker 5'. don't worry if you didn't hear of it. game worked fine on my 32 bit xp computer as this game was like 20 years old.
thing is game is jp only and its tl was stuck in a limbo. i needed to use stuff like agth and hooks and online tl and stuff to play it.
than steam version came. official english release. i heard the tl itself was bad, and some content, like father daughter marriege ending was removed (and after playing the game i think they also disabled daughter bust growing beyond b size before age 16 but maybe that was just one playtrough). i was still happy for english release, and was kinda expecting various censorship because western culture in general sucks, so good news overall.
steam api prevented the game from running on my computer. game was perfectly fine before, but now because of steam it could not run at all. messing with a game in that way is a sin in my book.
another example:
i wanted to play kof xiii. i pirated a version with steam api. since its such an old games it threw errors on my win10 64 bit pc, but because it had steam api it didn't run at all on my 32bit xp one.
tldr fuck steam.
ill be honest with you i cant read this stuff.
I kinda can, but not welll enough to know what to do with it.
multiplayer is notorious for not working with many other mods, you should probably severely trim down you list
which multiplayer mod does rwg uses?



i want to play with you guys
none, though if someone was willing to draft a modlist I'd play.
not gonna lie, it would be funny raid other peoples bases
it would either be constant pvp with zero base building or it would be singleplayer but easy. either way it would be worse than singleplayer.
Raiding anons bases and capturing their female pawns!!!
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Every time.
constant pvp could be fun. forming alliances could be fun.

remember, palyer does not have infinite pawns to send for raids.
yeah except all the pvp would happen when the defending side is afk. not very fun to log out and come back to a totally burnt out colony. unless the colony just disappears when you log out, in which case people will just start combat logging.
have you never seen people play online rts games?
isn't there an option where your colony is invisible when you are offline? it won't stop raids already in action but it will protect you from offline raids
>making a colony of waifus for anons to rape
j-just don't kill them...
I made a mod that replaces piggers.
But you guys probably won't like it.
what is worse than a pigger
a furry
>colonist is about to have a mental break because demanding a neural supercharger
>manage to build one
>it's slowly charging
>finally charged
>shitty child playing nearby runs over and uses the charge before I could even react
>other colonist gets a mental break and hides in room
I would get mad, but I found that pretty funny.
>nooooooooooooooo my chargeeeeeeeeeer
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Post Ideoligions.
>Male supremacy
what if they were aiming for grim?
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sadly I forgot to edit the description
the joke is that they are gay homosexuals who do anal sex with each other.
>Male supremacy
based because it's a gay colony
no females, no hypocrites
Homosupremacy should've been its own meme.
Sex with the new DLC girl
Sex with Brusalt
Sex with Elaina
Sex with Jenni
Sex with Momi
Sex with Veron
Sex with Julo
Sex with Vermillion
Sex with Tsukimi
Sex with Nanako
Sex with Serach
Sex with Bell
Sex with Yoonseul
Sex with Yosimi
Sex with Norma
Sex with Tomomi
Sex with Strawberry
Sex with Apple
Sex with Twilight
Sex with Bubbles
Sex with Blossom
Sex with Buttercup
Sex with Charlotte
Sex with Esther
Sex with Marine
Sex with Femcel
Sex with Katarina
Sex with Glowie
Sex with Kraut
Sex with Saki
Sex with Eve
Sex with Nurse
Sex with Aurine
Sex with Kealana
Sex with Mint
Sex with Snowdrop
Sex with Katya
Sex with Toxos
Sex with Stream
Sex with Snickers
Sex with Dudina
Sex with Corin
Sex with Hilda
Sex with Alboio
Sex with Erin
Sex with Kylar
Sex with Layla
Sex with Ryane
Sex with Uskos
Sex with Cindy
Sex with Sappy
Sex with Sera
Sex with Mink
Sex with Harper
Sex with Setsuko
Sex with Zen
Sex with Doris
Sex with Amalia
Sex with Rikki
Sex with Date
Sex with Brooke
Sex with Allie
Sex with Auric
Sex with Zamora
Sex with Lena
Sex with Flynn
Sex with Impids
Sex with Highmates
Sex with Hussars
Sex with Wasters
Sex with Dirtmoles
Sex with Baseliners
Sex with Moyos
Sex with Ratkin
Sex with Anty
Sex with Revia
Sex with Askbarn
Sex with Slime girls
Sex with Fox girls
Sex with Cat girls
Sex with Bunny girls
Sex with Moose girls
Sex with Dragon girls
Sex with Dog girls
Sex with Monkey girls
Sex with Maru girls
In rimworld.
Are there any mods that throttle psycasters and limit them? Especially with VPE I always end up with one godlike pawn capable of just killing 1000s without even entering the fight.
>no hypocrites
just don't use warlord
Why dont' you remove VPE then?
Who the fuck are half these people even
That aesthetic looks cozy
Because my problem is not that its overpowered, its that its overcluttered. A mod to limit psycasts to 10 per pawn would be cool or something like that. Yes, I could just impose rules on myself, but thats not the same thing.
Use some sort of C# Editor like dnSpy to tweak the value
I don't know, but another mod to limit a mod looks like a slope to me.. That's how people ends with 400+ mods?
I have 252 mods running smoothly together, whats another one gonna do
I just use PsiTech with some abilities ported from VPE when I want a less hektik psycast system.
Remove psytrainers and limit the max level on VPE mod settings to something low like 8-10 to be able to at least max a tree and maybe get a few low level stuff from another.
multiplayer is incompatible with facial animations...
what is even the point?
It's over!
Honestly? More than half of these shouldn't be on that list. A lot of female pawns posted on that list appeared like 5 times at best
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I just handled a seige with just one pawn and he didn't even come out injured. This feeling I feel at this moment is almost better than sex, holy fuck.
>oneman siege
The fuck..?
I wish the material gear is made of wasn't so random.
>dog leather pants
>lizard skin duster
>human skin scarf
imagine if the materials made sense, with cannibals having lots of human leather gear and stuff like cloth and plainleather being common while ancients always had hyperweave or synthread.
You know you can set the materials in the workbench right?
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Bro your reading comprehension?
talking about the NPC's
How do I stop cheating and just start a colony I'm happy with
I'm not at fault if you type with your dick.
turn off devmode, remove char edit.
I'm not him, he made perfect sense.
>remove char edit.
How do I do goodlooking pawn then?
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3219801790 Try this
>char editor
>pawn editor
Ok, what's the difference here?
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probably will lose it to the first enthusiast converter but eh.
Never tried it but it should let you make pawns without the cheating that is possible in char edit.
Yup I read it now. Looks like an evolved version of char editor with a far better interface. Gonna give it a try.
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Anyone know how to solve this issue?
Was playing fine just the other day
Really not looking forward to the idea of un-subbing and re-subbing to every mod
download one mod at a time next time. try restarting the game after refreshing steam dl if you haven't already.
unplug your ribaworld from steam.
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This doesn't seem normal...
Google gave me shit answers
make a copy of your mod folder
uninstall rimworld
get a pirated copy
install it but don't connect it to your steam account
copy your mod folder into the new free rimworld copy

don't forget to prevent rimworld from putting large garbage files on your pc by making the target location read only.
Why is the pirated copy necessary?
if one mod is getting updated, thats the mod responsibility
if all the mods get updated thats steam responsibility
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good morning
Can I import the files for my modlists in rimpy into rimsort?
why is the imp's face so squished
Too much sex
why would you use rimsort in the first place
rimpy works fine
>double passion plants Impid
Do I even bother to train it?
marry her
if you need plants, and you can always fix it with a +plants gene later
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I don't like where this is going
oh yeah forgot I could just stick a xenogene in here, problem though I am stuck in the medieval age at animal tech level due to research mod mishaps.
Corin would approve of this
It's just a dog snuggling its master you freak
need a mod to adjust the map temperature. tile is just slightly too warm during the winter and i'm missing the snow
Try forcing a climate adjuster event, and hope you get one that lowers temp.
don't forget your mod
yes, just like that
Is it important to have separate rec rooms and dining rooms, or can/should those be combined?
Do hospitals need chair+table?
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>Sex with Askbarn
thanks, i fell for it
here you go bro
You get no stats benefit from separating the rec and dining room. It's better for pawns in the hospital to be fed by the doctor so they don't have to get out of bed.
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Someone having a loyal pet that snuggles up to you in your sleep? She would indeed
Corin likes animals
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I know exactly what I'm doing with you
Put him next to Tynan.
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give him a vagina and let him pump out komodos
already have it installed. ill try
and hope i get to see something nice.
komodo s
Are devilstrand clothes worth it? It's the best cloth you can get reliably. Thrumbos take 1.5 years to bring to maturity while giving you big threat level and eating a lot of food. Hyperweave is rare and can't be farmed. Devilstrand clothes are basically equivalent to thrumbo/hyperweave clothes of 1 quality tier lower.
Though devilstrand's only use would be for selling or making clothes, since for furniture you're better off just using cloth so you can reroll for high quality and so that you don't increase your wealth.
I always rush devilstrand so I can have everyone in full devilstrand duster + flak vest on year 2, it's pretty reliable
nigga how poor are you? hyperweave is like 6 bucks ea
Who is selling you enough hyperweave to cover all your colonists in hyperweave clothes. I'd like to know so I can add him to my comms beacon contact list.

It's annoying that it doesn't grow in hydroponics. I'm going to have to really expand my base wall to get rich soil.
Caravans and orbital traders, also i use mending mod to repair my clothes, it would be retarded that you could not repair clothes but still make assblasting charge rifles and mechanoids
Ok well clearly my post wasn't aimed at someone who uses a mod that alters the balance of clothes.
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When I'm desperate for more I just plant devilstrand on random rich soil outside of my base perimeters, if they get burnt by raiders then so be it
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Sarg God I Kneel!
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My base has a pretty short growing season so I would have to harvest early. I'm just going to expand the base to some rich soil patch and make a greenhouse there.
Blunt attacks are more likely to inflict painful, non-lethal wounds. Use maces or fists to down enemy pawns if possible. It's easier during the early game, and becomes harder later on as your attacks become more lethal, but by that point you'll unlock other ways to get new colonists.
An enemy will go down if they reach a certain pain threshold, so you want to inflict maximum pain with minimal grievous wounds. Slashing and piercing weapons like swords, bows, and guns are much more likely to destroy internal organs or create life-threatening bleeds.
Blunt weapons can still do that, but are less likely to.
Literally me
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Good bye Oskar, we hardly knew ya
Any mods with Chocobo type animals? I want a big birb to ride in caravans or for battle.
ride ostrich
or get biomes prehistoric to ride dinos
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me when i google "chocobo rimworld"
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>ayy bro I got a lead on your idiotlegion's relic
>just get in the shuttle bro.
>get delivered
>accidentally one of the terminals
>shit bruh. what, nope. quest faild. shuttle runs the fuck off leaving my colonists stranded half a continent from the base.
Here's hoping this upgraded bangbus can save their asses.

Erin's FF animals for 1.5
Erin's chocobo for 1.4
yay chocobos! (continued)

Looks pretty cool, if only you didn't need the rest of alpha abominations for it.
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nope nothing.
i guess ill use char editor to give her a different xenotype.
That I can do, though I don't have that mod. I do have megafauna though. Seems like way too many dinos though...

Thanks, I saw earlier, unupdated versions of it, and thought it just stuck at that state.
>raid announced
>I don't see anyone new in the map
>suddenly pods fall over inside my base
>they fall over where the babies are (made a room for them because it was annoying to hear them cry while sleeping)
>they start burning the beds
>some kid went to "put the baby on a safe place"
>my melee pawns where nearby and manage to beat the shit of them and put out the fire before the stupid kid reached to "rescue the baby"
I didn't expect stuff like this to happen...
any good countermeasure for that?
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the crime: being an abomination
the verdict: switching xenotype to something that isn't abomination
the punishment: rwg can try and tell me what xeno should i take instead.
you can put them in mountain caves, but than you run the risk of infestation
if you put turrets in strategic location inside your base, enemy invaders would probably attack those before burning furniture. be warned, those can explode.
foampop are a good premeasure for a fire but that won't stop invaders from killing your babies if they decide thats what they want to do next
lastly, traps. there are various traps you can put inside your base. spike traps are a start, but know that there are mods that sometimes add various defenses like pitfalls (low damage but slows the enemy alot) and caltrops (a bit more damage much less slowdown)
dude installs this many races AND HAR races and wonders why he's getting bugs
make her a pigger
I love Akabarns
i only got 100 mods. the less mods the less bugs.
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Thanks bro, its kind of a mess though and now I'm realizing I fucked up making it far too narrow and too close to a river. The temptations to restart are already creeping in..
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>ass status
Time to get these nids some more friends I guess.
They're a semi organic perimeter wall, but they also kinda just doubled up my colony size. mostly my own fault by building all those walls to block LoS from snipers and such.
since they're draftable they make for good violent meatwalls for my colonists to hide behind. So most figth happen out in the open anyway.
I may need a small army of cleansweepers to deal with all the slime though.

Anon that's the kind of crime that'll get the empire to nuke you from orbit.
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Make it STOP
>only 8 days.
It hasn't even begun.
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Any mods you guys recommend from the past year? I have not been in the loop. Finally finished installing some necessities and a few newer things that caught my eye.
so its 1 vote for pigger and 1 vote for highmate. since its a tie i think ill take malakim.
>11 colonists
>750,000 Wealth
>No recent misfortune
>6 Cultist hate chanters show up

Should I be fucking scared?
Your storyteller really loves you
only six?
prolly not.
just 2 on one em save for their thoughest dude which you 1v1 with your thoughest dude.
make sure to set it all up before attacking since downing too many will wake them up.
Also don't forget you have to kill them at least 2 times.
There's gotta be a catch here...
If it is that simple, one's a hussar, so I might bleed her out.The gene gacha has been incredibly malicious this run and I really do want go-juice dependancy.
not always. usually that's just the thoughest ones.
which makes downing distractions even more important.
especially with the no-retreat bullshit. since stragglers WILL kill your livestock or break your generators or something
Yeah cultist raids can get very annoying
well the catch is they may revive as >>492588080
states, and they never retreat so they're a pain in the ass by definition.
Ah I spoke too soon, apparently hate chanters don't arrive simultaneously.

There's... there's a lot of them now. A lot.
Ok, but the chanters are the threat, others are just brute thugs. You've to disrupt the ritual before it ends.. you don't want it successuful.
That ain't hate chanters brother, they're just a psychic drone that lets you kill them until they decide they want to fight.
The threat here is that there are more than 100 of them, so far.
Big and small break the balance of the game at all?
also when playing with analmalous content turned on. always play reload anytime mode.
anomaly is horrendously badly balanced.
cultists are relatively low raid-pointwise even though they're much more trouble than your average industrial raider or even most spacer raiders due to low pain from inhumanization and no retreat

Similarly sightstealers, despite being weak individuallly, can chain their events together via the death calls calling in more.

Similarly shamblers have such low raid points they'll number in the hundreds even if you have like half a dozen colonists.

tldr. anomaly contant is horribly balanced and you're better off reloading every so often when it throws bullshit at you.
Shambler army was the most fun event I had to be honest, really did the night of the lviing dead thing well as I desperately tried to fix up the biggest connected building in my complex I had withdrawn to, retreating into ever smaller sections of it as I failed, desperately trying to run the clock out. I had popped an animal pulser at the start to stagger them, that isn't an option right now as I just came out of toxic fallout.
That run ended to devourers, I know Fire is their weak point but as I'm sure a lot of you do also,I loathe fire as an offensive weapon, Obviously it's geared far more towards enemies who don't have to pay the price.
>Shambler army was the most fun even
This. Also Shambler would drop death in three days if left alone, I guess that balances them out?
The army has like 6-12 hours per shambler, three days would be a bit much as they swiss cheese your perimeter fairly swiftly.
Is the stonecutter table the only way to get blocks?
I mean, I got tech to regenerate limbs and such, but I can't have an auto stone-cutting?
then have a mech do it retard
I mean I'm not gonna disagree with you guys. but it is a massive pain if it hits at any moment.

I'm extra salty about shamblers since I run the distress call improved mod. but shamblers just means I need to forfeit the location.
150+ shamblers is nothing to scoff at when you only bring a handful of colonists. and the "survivors" aren't helping shit.
you are correct.
either get a mod to get a better stone cutting table
or get a mod to have non-colonists perform trivial tasks.
for vanilla options lthere's biotech dlc, which adds a crafting mechanoid.
How do I handle security? I don't want to do killbox AI breaking shit. I've always been bad at this side of things. Usually just put up perimeter walls, sandbags outside of gates with some traps and walls to stand behind adjacent to every sandbag.
>150+ shamblers i
It's when I started loving the minigun.
so when a raid hits you just stand there by a wall and shoot till everyone is dead?
Are any of the Vanilla Races Expanded worthwhile or are they just bloat?
I'm trying some of them, starting a new game right now. Specifically Insectoids, Piggers, Highmates and the lizards. The rest just add too much extra shit from what I skimmed.
>Once again stuck trying to decide between making a jungle beach colony or a riverside colony.
with braindead tactics like that you might as well just install CE, at least that way the battle will end faster. if you wanna git gud you need to make use of kiting, using bait/distractions, jumping, shield belts, vanilla psycasts, lances, etc. but honestly if you're using oskarbloat none of it is balanced so you should have pretty OP choices available to you to let you go one man army. otherwise if for some reason things are still hard, just lower the difficulty, both threat scale and adaption. no point playing a game if it's not fun
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>it's real
corinbros they're laughing at us...
for the ones I have currently still installed:
Phytokin - mostly just use it for the fem only gene, so honestly a waste of space that I haven't bothered clearing out.
Sanguophaggot - the extra xenotypes are meh, but the buildings for managing hemogen are neat. good for a sanguo run, or an run you happen to recruit a a sanguo variation.
Highmate - mostly okay for what it is, but mostly bloat, most reason to keep it is the loving ability when not running rwg.
Pigskin - legit good, gives piggers a proper place and niche in the world in theme with their lore, boarskin are a neat extra.
Insector - mediocre, obviously intended to work with instectoids expanded 2, but that mod works fine withouth them, and they don't really work fine without it. alternatively you can use ideology expanded. but either case insectors are kinda bad on their own.
For most of the other VE races I've tried them but they just weren't my taste.
sadly its a mare. really disappointing, such a noble and pretty being...
glad to see piggers are getting love due to oskar efforts
sometimes two negatives make a plus
>Sanguophaggot - the extra xenotypes are meh, but the buildings for managing hemogen are neat. good for a sanguo run, or an run you happen to recruit a a sanguo variation.
I agree with that. The buildings are the real selling point there, make managing deathrest a lot more easy.
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I am a boring ass fucker. I pretty much always do some rendition of Christianity or Christianity-adjacent religions. I'm also bad at names.
it's honestly the one time oskar did the lore justice.
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pigskins are still ugly. was worth checking i guess.
Nothing can save pigs from ugliness
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>Destroying the ancient evil right out of the gate as a fresh Lost Tribe
It's a good feeling. Eat shit, bugs. The funniest bit is that I forgot that I was running Arcane Technology, so the Man in Black couldn't actually fire his magnum and instead served as a brief distraction and medicine kit delivery service before being decapitated.
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bowling pins with boobs
>another balancing breaking mod
>yeahh I'm so stronk giuse
More or less, bulk good traders tend to sell ~1000 of any stone block, and so do some outposts but the weight makes them impractical.
Another option is whenever an event hits a caravan or you raid a camp, there's a chance Grand Stele's generate on the map that generates, which can be deconstructed for like 125 or 175 of the corresponding block.
Aves in Sargbloat animals.
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Ah yeah, Borsch time.
thats every mod tho
a jew
Its amazing how much more soul simple window mod adds..
Jews are not implemented.
File deleted.
is toni a premade pawn?
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yes they are
Traitors are already in the game.
jew here, i never turned traitor and killed the refugees when another faction asked me to.
i remember when the jews in my colony stormed the mayor's office to try to overturn the vote and hang the vice mayor.
I have never made a mountain base in this game. It always sounded kind of too safe and boring. Maybe I should try for once. Go with a mountainous ideology or something.
Jews never been so hot and fuckable like ratkin are
Are there any mods that add difficult mountain conditions or raids? I saw someone post a temperature mod recently that makes regulating temperature in mountains difficult, but the performance hit was immense, and it was incompatible with SoS2.
I've done it once, when they offered a bunch of medicine and my pawns were dying of plague. I peacefully arrested the refugee (singular) and then just let her go when that satisfied the quest condition.
I've never done it intentionally, but I lost a child refugee to infection my last playthrough which caused the rest of them to get all pissy and start breaking shit, which then led to me killing them all. Got a sweet arm out of it though
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i'm never using this mod again
>he can't deal with cheat raids with his cheat mods
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Anon, your pawns...
Just make the infestations harder
Is there any point at all in bothering with melee when using CE+CAI5000? I'm getting kited so hard that I might as well be playing Starcraft.
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>come to /vg/ for rimworld discussion
>its all animefags and deviants
Of course
melee is pointless with CE unless you have specific setups or want to lose limbs
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What do bros
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Comfy pawns.
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I failed 3 times in a row with 98% chance...
how the hell does rng works here?
how ironic for the first random colonist to join to be named "Mother"
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damn, I forgot to add the picture
last one is basically cheating but too comfy to pass up
second and third would be pretty cool if tyshart didn't add mechaniggers popping out of rivers in 1.5
Kinda wanna make a goblin xenotype now. Damn. I still haven't messed with that system yet.
>mechaniggers popping out of rivers
Oh christ, that's a thing?!
>why do mech clusters feel so easy now
>realize reinforced mechanoid 2 never updated
what the fug
I like CE.
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This looks kinda nice
>hmm ill do a save our ship start
>finally after going through long the motions of picking ideology and colonists and shit, time to start
I hope they can implement mousing over making the roof go transparent
based cooking expanded enjoyer
Is it possible to set up a colony that's full protected and independant of the outside like traders or invasions, etc?

In Dorf Fort it was possible by literally sealing yourself inside a mountain and creating your own food/other needs
mountain base + turn the insectoid faction off when picking world factions
Guys, when is child loving expanded dropping? I need to have an 11yo Highmate fuck pig pussy cow in my colony that keeps the colony high on mood via being a cum dump for everyone.
You can make a mountain base but I guess it's not the same thing. You need to set up a killbox at the entrance to kill invaders, if you don't leave a way in they will break into your base. If you don't want that you will have to play on peaceful, but that would make being protected feel meaningless.
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>Wild men wander in
>It's three women just wandering around in an enclose area of the map
>A couple days later hear the sound of melee
>One wild woman just ripped the leg off of the thirteen year old wild child
Jesus Christ.
nati looks kinda pleased
Will fleshbeasts summoned from Draw Fleshbeasts ritual attack hostile fleshbeasts?
>pit gate
>overrun by fleshbeasts that split on death
>colony wipe
>half of colony is gone on emergence
>colony wipe
>30 shamblers
>wreck the walls
>wipe to the next raid
I love this DLC
Book, now.
>they're just all killed and i can only watch
>day 7 into colony
gee whiz thanks randy i sure didnt want to play rimworld
>day 7
kek, I had a colony ruined by muscle parasites before I even made 4 buildings too
You're expected to have a wall of ghouls to deal with this.

Except for devourers, those are fucking bullshit.
How much do ghouls count for raid points? If they don't increase threat by much maybe I'll just start raising an army because every major threat is always either a wipe or one step close to a wipe
3 at least to block a doorway. They don't deal as much damage as a well equiped melee pawn but a tough neandhertal Ghoul with plating and stoneskin can tank an absurd amount of damage and heal it off in mere hours.
Alright, I only have one melee pawn so I'll focus on getting some then.
So genes carry over too, huh. Are ghouls just effectively regular pawns without skills but with rapid healing?
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>someone reported pixel nipples
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Story achieved.
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Thoughts on Sanguophages?
I see it seems harder to move a bunch of animals, but it didn't look that troublesome to move 2 horses with 1 pawn, is there a limit of "animals a pawn can handle" for caravans?
I don't know if the handle skill is related or if there's some default value of how many people are needed to control the herd.
This is why you rescue those poor souls and bring them back to your warm hearth for domestication.
They are lot more useful with mind numb serum to counteract pyrophobia. If I'm not doing a vampire theme I don't bother.
We already have lolium
just so you know
the princess from never ending story
is a jewish-iranian decent
you can take biomes caravans. all of those are basicly mountain bases.


Her head (and other leg) were eaten before I would have had time to get there.
Also they were useless. No skills, not even worth slave labor.
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They always may be maids, so long as there is enough food.
>colonist is 15
>another colonist won't romance because too young
15 aren't kids... is there a setting in core or rjw to fix this or do i need to install lolium?
>have a husky and a labrador
>the labrador goes to the kibble room and eats kibble
>the husky always eats my best food
is that shit like that?
is there a way to make the husky also eat kibble?
my people are starving because of its shitty behavior.
this is why you install gook OP har mods. gooks know that killing your favourite character don't make a story good. westerners think that game of thrones is a good book and that is why their games are like that.
once had a vampire on my colony. with proper deathrest facilities she became very usefull. her natural healing made her excelent for melee despite orignally being a genie. the blood need was not an issue since my colony was quite big so i could afford having blood extracted from colonists here and there. made her sleep in the day because she hates the sun, which kinda hurt her relationships with others, but she joined everyone in designated recreation time so its ok.
what the fuck are you talking about schizo
The vanilla game with no mods or dlc is pretty well balanced.
>Have spreading diseases
>Everyone gets it
liking this story
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First time finding one but are revenants actually supposed to be this tough? This is centipede levels of tanky.
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Revenants are vengeful spirits that have risen from the grave to destroy their killers.

The revenant appears as a spectral, decayed version of its appearance at the time of its death. Its pallid skin is drawn tightly over its bones. The flesh is cold and clammy. The sunken eyes are dull and heavy-lidded but, when the revenant faces his intended victim, the eyes blaze with unnatural intensity. The revenant bears an aura of sadness, anger, and determination.

If a revenant is dismembered, the severed parts act independently, as though guided by the revenant's mind. The revenant's willpower causes the parts to reunite. It can also regenerate 3 hit points of damage each round, except for fire damage. It is immune to acid and gas. Although a revenant's body can be cut apart by normal or magical weapons, the damage is temporary and does not destroy the revenant. Only burning destroys a revenant -- the original body must be completely consumed and reduced to ash.
That was a seven hour non-stop shooting hunt, what the FUCK was that.
take the HAR pill, or install CE for easy modo
lolium or rjwpe unless your dude is less than 2 years older
If I use a resurrection serum on a corpse I found while attacking bandits, do I have to capture them to actually recruit them?
Their name is blue in my hospital...
Time to start a new colony. Kozlov has managed to convince two pawns to accompany her to a quite neat modded biome. Eye ripping will start once a basic base is set up
Since I quite like Kozlov, here is some sloppa:
ai art is kinda cool. is there a free way to do it that doesn't require signing up?
>Ro gave it a thought and she is convinced that some warcrimes are justified.

Based Ro.
It's a shitshack, but it'll work for now until the mountain is mined out. Also, Kozlov in her tent slop:
I use civitai but you need to sign up to use it
Ro is such a nervous wreck she'd probably nuke the world so she can feel more safe in her mountain bunker
>siege, all snipers
>rush in for close combat
>every pawn gets one shotted
>didn't even get near the raiders
that's enough rimworld for the day
what was your gear?
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>not using Locust armor
>not even using jump packs
use zones
devilstrand clothes, flak vest, flak helm
apparently the flak helms were trash and did jackshit
what did you equip in your utility instead of jump packs? smokepops? shields?
snipers have increased damage the farther the target and flak helms only protect 3 head parts anyway, charging a group of snipers is probably one of the single dumbest things you could have possible done

if he had shield belts the story probably would have played out differently
I was already tired so I just said fuck it let's go it's just 7 dudes and it's raining, I didn't know I was fighting a group of real epic gamers with 14+ shooting
coincidentally the only guy with the shield belt was the first guy that had his brain exploded
>if he had shield belts the story probably would have played out differently
that depends if he soround the enemy before attampting to move to melee or charge blindly from a single direction.
Sex with Kozlov under the moonlight...
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Kozlov is a normal baseliner just like you and me
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No hagmaxxing?
What's the theme, what's the story
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My first raider is a corpse that is addicted to psychite tea, what a guy. I'll rekill him tomorrow, i'm sleepy.
The void will fix that, and the general premise of this colony is Kozlov leading a bunch of blind psycasters to fight the undead, dark archotech spawn and ze bugs (I am tired of mechanoids).
What's that mod? Looks real cool
>to fight the arch*tech
friendly reminder that with vanilla races expended pigskin, pigs do not count as humans for the sake of canibalism. so you can butcher them freely if you get raided by them.
it's already easy to set cannibalism precept if you care from the start, why bother with bloat just to get around even that, might as well install a tilling soil mod and make 500% soil for infinite food, at least you'll have less bloat that way
just saying if you already have that mod, it doesn't becomes mute if the only pigger in your colony dies as it still has it uses.
>canibalism precept
that affect is much bigger than single edible xenotype. also, don't you need some memes to even allow the precept? the number of memes is limited
cannibalism acceptable actually doesn't need any memes
>its easier to convice people to eat other people than it is to convince them to eat mushrooms
>its easier to convice people to eat other people than it is to convince them to eat onions green
but.... onions green is people!
>so.ylent green get filtered to onions on 4chin
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>Procreation with baseliners
Dont ask a baseliner supremacist the xenotype of his gf
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Many such cases!
>install Insectoids 2
>get +1000 error messages cause shit is not deep saved
>le official modder beloved by reddit is a massive fuck up
To the surprise of absolute no one.
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jokes on you, my gf xenotype is baseliner
>incapable of cleaning
No gf material.
What body type does she have canonically? Your pictures so far showed her as cute flat shortie, athletic sex amazon and voluptuous curvy mommy
the wonders of an aesthetic shaper
Has 1.5 performance been fixed?
Have most of Owlchemist's mods been forked well or replaced with suitable alternatives?
We love hags here
Did owlchemist leave modding? :(
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>get a starvetion notifiaction
>confused, i have plenty of game in the fridge and none of my pawns is forced on a job atm

>truns out one of my pawns is a herbivore that vomits if she eats meat
>had to harvest some food so she could eat something
does installing sterilizng stomach let herbivores eat meat or is she on plant based diet for the rest of the days?
cleaning is for xenos. masterace should take care of kids and be pretty while us man are doing real work.

shut up pedo
Have any mods broken 1.4 compatibility in an update?
Last I recall (2+ months ago), he was going to come back, but I just checked and none of his Steam Workshop mods are 1.5 yet (besides).
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I didn't know that creepjoiners could have different heads and bodies. I like the timeless one.
He looks like he seen some shit...
>proxyheat got replaced by oskar slop
what the fuck
busy raising his kid and wage cage
If bionic hands don't fix trotter hands then I would assume that wouldn't either
Any interesting 1.15-only mods?
Last I remember, there was a missile mod and some addons to A Rim Reborn.
And reddit will eat that shit up and ask for more.
hello future anon
what new DLCs will have been released by 2030?
we have virtual reality rimjobworld now
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I-is bad cooking still passable?
1.5 modding has really gone down the shitter. All the good mods getting eaten up by bloated oskar slop. Anyone that resists oskar's shekels stop modding eventually.
also is there a mod to disable premade pawns?
The AI is fucked up in they head.
Caravans are mostly fine, but if any caravaned animal gives birth while on the map your colonists will release the entire herd (and spend a couple of hours wrangling it again).

Ensure you are usign a caravan spot. There does seem to be a kind of jutter that occurs when dragging animals, I believe it's when they attempt to eat while being roped at any moment when they are still? Obviously more animals means more chance of that occuring, so bigger herds will seem to be less managable.
you can just delete them from the files
What does /rwg/ want to see out of a cooking/food mod?
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Since Serach is an Impid she's naturally smaller than the other xenotypes. She's only about 160cm tall and naturally has smaller breasts, which were originally a B cup size but have since grown to C cup size after having kids. She has a slim and somewhat tomboyish figure over all on account of how Impids love to run around everywhere. Around her lower appendages and digits her skin starts to become more hardened and scale-like due to her lizardesque genes, and she often has to file her nails so they don't become too sharp. Her eyes were originally orange at birth but due to her recent psychic awakening and copious consumption of Eltex elixirs they have since turned a light shade of blue. She has horns like most Impids, except unlike the short and blunt ones most have she was one of the rare ones to have naturally longer, curled-upwards horns

Pic related, Serach cooking dinner for her husband and daughter.
>naturally smaller
I am 160cm, wish I could breathe fire
Does your female pawn peg you?
where are those files located
if I were an imp then I would end up being 125cm, only then will the answer be yes
I wish lolium dev would make an ideology expansion
What would you want to see in it?
in the game folder
I want her to give me a browjob
why these retards keep asking if i want to lend half of my colony for weeks, i would be dead by next raid if i did that
rjwpe has precepts but they are buggy af/dumb because teens count for anything related to a child.
they se you have no food to support everyone
>starting a new colony
>started with a male
>some female joins
>gets pregnant
>boy comes stillbirth
>slave kid is playing around (yeah, captured a kid with nice traits but i didn't see the "unwavering loyal" shit before)
>"mad bomrat"
>attacks the shitty child which was nature running
>rescue her
>"X raider attack"
>beat their shit while the kid is attended by the sedated wife
>"X raider attack" (same as the ones before)
>"they have started their attack"
>go to intercept them
>"X raider attack" (the same dudes)
>slave kid dies while being treated (from bomrat bruises)
wtf randy...?
If you look at your book your wealth goes down when a caravan leaves
btw, should i just remove the "unwavering loyal" shit?
I mean, what's the point of that?
it says "if you unmark this, there only will be less people, the unwavering loyal are an extra".
but I saw some quests like the empire treason thing which always have unwavering loyal people, will those npcs dissapear and I'll get an empty base invasion?
I'm not sure what shit the storyteller means.
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>colony relatively peaceful
>go afk to get food
>come back, see LYNX HUNTING PAWN
>click it, zooms to pic related
fuck around and find out
is there any good reason to keep the "unwavering loyal" option active?
or would it be better if I just disable them from my game?
i hunt down all predetors as soon as they enter my map (inless they are like, trex and i have only starting gear) to protect my pets and children
>Rescue some retard who got attacked when passing by the base
>Patch them up
>They immediately get up and start shit talking our glorious ideology to our dear leader
>Leader breaks both their legs and leaves
What do you use for hunting predators? Sniper rifle?
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what mods do i need for pic related?
My base is totally walled off so snipers are impractical for defense. Whenever I get the hunted colonist notification I just direct them back behind walls and the predator paths away to a different prey.
Snipers are great but if they aggro it'll suck. I personally prefer to draft two pawns and kill predators manually, especially against bears.
are there trannies in base game?
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Technically but the are functionally real women, rjw allows you to make actual trannies
Yeah, you can create your self insert
As a background lore but not really represented in-game.
my hunter main. with good enough naimals/shooting the predetors don't know what is killing them. with enough luck the beast is dead by the time it can dsicover who is hooting it. some predetors don't even fight back, like foxes who may hunt my cat but do not fight back.

if my hunter get discovered and i get the revenge warning, i draft nearby pawns and they do what they can to kill the beast. sometimes its ranged weapons, sometimes its psycasts, sometimes they act as walls to protect the other pawms.
how? I need to reroll for eternity?
That's so much micromanaging. But I guess combat in this game is pretty fun and most of the time if you're just looking at the screen waiting so you might as well occupy yourself that way.
pets can't be directed, unless you have something like 'accompany master whie drafted' but thats not always available.
No reason to let the pets beyond the walls. And also I usually butcher any animal that self tames. I have a zone in my corpse freezer where I send the animal to, then mark it for slaughter so there's no colonist time wasted. Basically every animal in this game is more trouble than it's worth.
>disablity and pride share the month
did gays ever realize what that means?
Yeah, same you do irl.
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Well she is married to you, anon. Its only to be expected.
Its the month before.
there is a mod 'charcter editor'
your month actually happens after the gay one.
pet animals can nuzzle your colonists.
> Basically every animal in this game is more trouble than it's worth.
execpt boomalopes
since they are adjacant, we should combine mine and your month into a single one.
Boomalopes have a revenge on tame chance, and it's really bad if they do end up revenging since they explode and start fires. Even once they're tamed, they're not really worth it because you don't have control over the rate of chemfuel production. You either won't have enough chemfuel or you will have too much. If you have too much, it means more chemfuel in storage, which means a bigger explosion if it catches fire. Sure, you can sell your extra chemfuel, but that means putting it near your trade beacon instead of in a safe bunker away from your other valuables. Then on top of that, if one of your boomalopes dies, it could start a chain reaction and kill all the other boomalopes in the same pen, or burn down your chemfuel storage which is probably near your boomalope pen to cut down on travel times.
*docks my penis into your foreskin*
>but taming can revenge
nonissue. wildfires aren't a problem if you don't build your base out of wood. and at any rate can be extinguished quickly if you mark home area in their location.
>not have control over rate
untrue. you have control over the number of boomalopes you have.
>having only one trade bacon
nigger what
>boomalopes exlode when they die, causing a chain reaction
a boomalope exslosion doesn't immediatly kill other boomalopes. make some smoekepacks and wall your chemfuel with granite if you really do put it in close proximity to boomalopes.

did you not have enough last thread?
Yeah you control the number by killing them. See the problem yet. And you're talking about building 2 extra structures for these boomalopes that don't an advantage over a refinery. That's like the definition of not worth it. Also it's firefoam poppers, the smoke packs are for defending against ranged attackers.
Also you're probably going to say to castrate them once you reach the exact right amount, but the thing is your chemfuel usage can and will fluctuate (like if you're firing your mortar). If you use a refinery, you can just set a stockpile limit. If you use boomalopes, you don't have that luxury. And if they're castrated you can't even expand your production if you need to until a random female shows up on your map.
>Yeah you control the number by killing them.
or by releasing them back to the wild.
you decide how much fuel you need per day and recruit boomalopes in accordance. if you make a mistake you release or recruit more.
(do make sure you only have one gender of boomalopes)
>2 extra structures
a pen and ?
>firefoam poppers are for ranged only
you can put them everywhere
The granite pen and the extra trade beacon. Smokepop packs and firefoam poppers are two different things.
there are times you use a lot of chem and times you use little. plan ahead, make space for extra fuel and don't let yourself go in the red for too long. its not different than growing the exact amount food to feed all your ccolonists and leave a little extra for trade, hospitility quests and the occasional prisoner.
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Fawxes :3
you don't need smoke for boomalopes, unless your mod boomalopes to shoot stuff.
>extra trade bacon
trade bacon is a single tile object
if you really don't want to make a new rrom for chem , you can put the pen a bit closer to your storage, like 7 tiles away at the nearest point.
You brought up the smokepop packs, I never said to use them. Anyways, the point is that there is no advantage which justifies the extra work you put it. Right now you're just bringing up a bunch of work you can do to mitigate the downsides, but you could also just use a refinery to do the same with less work.

With food I just grow excess and keep it in storage. It's not dangerous to store food, it won't ever explode and destroy a chunk of your base. With a refinery you can convert that stored food into chemfuel on demand.
I don't get how someone has trouble storing chemfuel.
if you are using vehicles, you can store fuel in fuel pumps.
he is grasping for straws.

>extra work
boomalopes are less work than refinery.
>click pawn while cooking, look at xp gain to watch it go up to see how much they get from a meal
>notice skill decay happens AS they are cooking
Am I crazy or did you not just say to build 2 extra structures to make boomalopes almost as safe as refineries.
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to get around your retard points, in practice it's just
>Pawn gets chemfuel from boomalope
>Pawn hauls chemfuel into storage
but you insist that it's more complicated than that because of "x" so workarounds are offered (and likely not even implemented because it's unnecessary)
Alright that's it, I'm fucking getting Boomalopes to farm. No way it's any slower than refineing.
My point is it's extra risk for no benefit. Your point is that it's only a little extra risk. You see how that's not that convincing to me.
The benefit is that it's the most efficient (and free) source of chemfuel for a "risk", if you don't want to take it that's fine but the benefit is clear as day lol
>You see how that's not that convincing to me.
u do u
You pay in risk. Growing some extra rice doesn't affect your colony. Having a chance that raiders will set fire to your stack of 800 chemfuel is game ending.
Also if you want your boomalopes to be resource free then you need a pretty large space for them to graze. Not very space efficient. You have to choose between the two.
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That's a chemfuel storage issue not a boomalope issue, last post I'm making to you btw
Boomalopes arent free source of fuel.
No its boomalope issue because they too explode.
It is a boomalope issue because you can't alter your chemfuel production on demand. With the refinery you just change a number on your bill to perfectly match your chemfuel needs, with boomalopes you have no way to instantly change the chemfuel production, especially in the positive direction.
Imagine using mortars instead of facing your enemies in the field like a real man. Couldn't be me.
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What the fuck is this horse shit.
>install CE
>Use exclusively melee
It might make the game slightly higher, I personally find it more anoying so I just turn it off.
Tbh id disable it. I swear there is some hidden mechanic that makes any pawn worth a shit to be loyal and forcing you to deal with the worthless slavery system of Rimworld.
same as the other guy, it feels like almost every unwaveringly loyal pawn is someone really fucking good but would you really disable it and dishonor tynan's losing is fun philosophy?
there is now a vanilla way to clear it, as long as you have/use Anomaly that is
what mod is >>492362579 this
which mod?
the face
Oskar faces (vanilla facial animation extended or something idk) They don't usually look that good btw and are normally quite bad.
thanks gona give it a try anyway
I think it's cool. It makes sense that some people wouldn't betray their faction.
Thank you bros, I just disabled it and started another game (everyone died in my colony)
this is what happened
>some really good young pawn attacked my colony
>it got high on juice
>it was a pain in the ass to beat it with fists to try to not kill it
>got it to the prisoner room
>tried to cure it
>died of shock (or whatever, didn't notice)
>had a resurrection serum
>used it on the pawn
>didn't realize it was actually an "unwavering loyal" one
>my pawn got KO because it gave priority to rescue the dying prisoner instead of healing himself
>game over
I don't have anomaly btw (I don't see any good reason to install it, all the "features" looked like a pain in the ass and I'm not masochist.
nvm think its this, thought Oskar made it honestly
late but piggers elastic stomach is very good, especially with nuclear stomach from royalty
but boomalopes are not about being faster its about saving pawn time and only require little space per lope
I don't care anymore, just going to see which of the two retards is more correct.
I remember in my first gameplay, I had constant visits of slave sellers, that was before I installed ideology and royalty.
Do those dlc remove the slave seller?
I have never seen one again.
or where should i be to have constant slave seller visits?
They should add a quest where your ally asks you to come defend them. Kind of like how you can ask your allies for help but in reverse. And maybe the gain you get from doing so would be a permanent reputation gain instead of one that decays.
reputation floor should be a stat desu
some of the anomaly things are frankly OP and I think it generally makes the game actually easier
like the unnatural healing that just replaces lost limbs, organs and shit
or rituals that just steal like a dozen years of a prisoner to make your pawn that much younger, or the 'death refusal' being a cheap substitute for the deathless
you sometimes get pawns that may betray you but also may not and stay loyal that have crazy bonuses like not having to eat or sleep at all, what the fuck
some others may not be just that op/broken, but are nice to have like the ability to conjure fleshbeasts out of thin air to fuck up besiegers etc

there are just a few horror thingies that can royally fuck you up with little chance to prevent it, like the 'metalhorror' fucks that can "hide" in your colonitsts until they came out, just one of them just anihilator my colony of 5, most are manageable, and sometimes even kinda fun
How old does your colonist have to be before you consider putting him on penoxycyline.
>Something is bugged with my rjw load orders and ducks keep giving each other blowjobs.
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Never done a mountain colony before, so I decided if I was gonna, I'd do something a BIT different than my usual boring normal-ass Christian-esque colonies.
Instead I made a xenotype of cave elf tribals; sunlight sensitivity, bug blood, Nightowl, ugliness and some other stuff. Tunneler Darkness ideology with some extreme bigotry. Nothing too crazy, but for me its quite a different setup. Only fear is that I'm running tribal and the bugs might wreck my ass? Dunno.
this, there should be two raputation stats - current reputation and basic reputation, and both should move by your actions but only current rep is deceyed with time
>cave elves
>not making drows
Sounds like Ideology's doing, for slave traders to occur the faction they're from need to approve (or at least accept) slavery.
And most of the time those Ideo's belong to initially or permanently hostile factions.
Try befriending some faction that allows for slavery.
Also note that slave traders are more rare once you hit the pawn cap
What's the alternative? Dox the the modder, tie him up in a basement, and waterboard him for cardinal sin of daring to collaborate with Oskar?
Are these textures from a mod? Looks a bit different from vanilla
No, waterboard oskar.
And yeah, shunning people who cuck to fagskar would help too.
The walls are from Rebuild:Doors and Corners.
Rest is NL Facial Animation, Vanilla textures expanded, etc.
Drow are cool but I was thinking closer to Falmer or the Morlocks from The Time Machine. Pale skin and sheit.
>Rebuild:Doors and Corners. Vanilla textures expanded
Nice, thank you anon
>Oh, no! Please don't shun me, anon-sama. I'll never speak with Oskar again. I'll be a good unpaid slave for you!
Oh its you, fagskar. Nvm.
>Kino retexture so that tribals won't be using modern-looking stoves and shit.
>Linked and locked to some ridiculously bloated neolithic mod with way too much bullshit and cheats.

there is also a neolithic style (for ideology) but i don't remember if its alpha memes or vanilla memes extended
Did 1.5 make all headgear bigger?
The new RJW update breaks everything. Don't mindlessly update without reading like I did.
what happened
>Sex Part Rework
>-Major refactor of sex parts. Breaks saves and submods, but should be less bug-prone.
>-Removed flank bodypart. Udders are now just another kind of breast.
-Added a simple sexual fluid system - parts can now define their own fluids, filth and effects on consumption.
>-Pawns can now consume insect jelly straight from the tap.
>-Cleaned up part stats screen.
>-Size description of harvested parts is now relative to baseline human size.
>-Added info about harvested parts to inspect.
>-Fixed egg production in artificial ovipositors (none currently exist but if they did they'd be fixed).
>-Fixed succubi failing to drain energy if they or their partner lacked a food need.
>-Removed some unused, nameless hediffs that were clogging up the dev mode menu and couldn't be filtered out
>ratkin have vehicles
>break saves
>>-Size description of harvested parts is now relative to baseline human size.
so you can harvest insect oviporator and install it on a human?
Do custom xenotypes populate saves?
Like if I made a colony of a new xenotype with said type set as preferred in my ideology, would I at least get new recruits and shit from said xenotype sometimes? If not that sounds lame and pointless as an option.
No, it just removed the head apparel scaling for narrow head types. Pic related is 1.4.
>>Linked and locked to some ridiculously bloated neolithic mod with way too much bullshit and cheats.
Probably because its a retexture of said fucking mod, you retarded faggot.
Steam workshop is really lacking some sort of update tab
These days we get quite few big mods but the older mods are constantly getting massive updates
And this is 1.5. I hate it.
there's a mod out there that enables a xenohuman faction, one that will also contain your custom ones, forgot the name though
Yes but its a little rare. Honestly just breed them yourself.
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Why are her tits so saggy?
In actual non-maintenance update!
she's really a 89 year old granny who just used rituals to make her appear young again.
My storage filter doesn't show any thing besides hit points and quality, Any idea how to fix this
Pic on link because for some reasons I am not allowed to post images
https://i.postimg . cc/k4KsH9jY/Untitled1.png
Blargh. Well I don’t want to make these fellas hate everyone that shows up to their colony if none of them will be their “race”. It’s a small colony start, three people… Do children age up faster than adults?
… Actually I guess I could just force them to grow faster in the xenotype trait.
thanks, that might be the thing, the only ones with slave approved are the "supremacists"
I guess I should have changed every other ideologion to accept slavery
yeah they do, do you even bro its right in the game difficulty.
>4x aging for children by default up to 8x
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honestly the amount of damage those faggots can take is ridiculous
thats what tynan does as revenge for gooks making op hars because they don't believe losing is a good storytelling.
holy moly, they still do actual work on the mod?
>Removed flank bodypart
about fucking time
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It was his own fault for not making actual endgame threats to lose to. Storytelling falls apart when the next chapter is "And then old enemies encroached once more in the same pattern. But lo, they now mass in slightly greater legion! Purchase my tome!"
Why limit yourself to that when you can embrace anime and instead get: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg8_7SfwdfY
Is there a mod to get pawns to decorate their own shit? I was replaying Borderlands 3 and was really impressed by how comfy and lived-in the ship/home base felt as it filled up with people from the planets you visited. It made me wish my pawns would do that instead of demanding enormous empty bedrooms.
Colonist Deco.
And your only other options is just go with VE Props and decorate shit yourself.
And yeah, i hate that too.
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Second raid beaten, the gryphon contributed the most to this battle. Slop:
what stat determines what animals can spawn in 100% polluted biomes? I know the default is just toxrats and toxalopes, but a few mod animals still spawn too. is it tox resistance?
This game needs a fishing minigame
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>as fast as a decent car
>vanilla don't have cars
what did they mean by this?
why do you think caravans go faster on roads? there are taxi guys who drive your dudes around. you just don't get to see them, but they're there.
A precept to protect my shotas/lolis from getting raped/to make them rape meat. Precept to make child marriage sacred/abhorrent. Precept to make shotas/lolis sacred/who cares. I'll try to think of more later.

Shota in colony +4
Loli in colony -4
Raped a child +8
Raped a child -8
Married to child +10
Married to child -10
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Kozlov finally got to rip her first set of eyes, look how happy she is about it. Cute Kozlov AI slop here:
rjwpe already has some of that
Do you know how to get its precepts to not apply to teens?
i don't care about that shit so i disable it but i looked at the defs and don't see anything about age so i assume it just uses what vanilla considers a child, even though children become "adults" in terms of work and losing learning at 13 they still have certain things like work speed and body size/chance to be hit that scales until they turn 18

don't know how difficult it would be to change but it might not be hard to add an age range or restriction somewhere
Well maybe its some weird interaction with a different mod. Any time I fight a teen raiding my base I get awful "harmed a child" maluses stacking up for the age range of 15-19 which is def not vanilla.
I'm a shotacon not a pedofile :^)
does telling the children to stay inside disable their own learning?
I had this child, but after another one got eaten by a sudden attack of rats, I decided to tell it to just stay inside where the fences are (to reduce risks), but it stopped doing skydreaming/drawing/nature run, even when there's open roof in a big part where theresn't even a pen (I just marked it around the anima tree so nobody would bother it).
I set it to "anywhere" again, and it started doing that skydreaming thing, and also the floor drawing stuff, so I don't know if there's a way to try to keep them safe but also with good education.
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>I'm not a pedophile, I'm a gay pedophile
I haven't played the game since a month after Ideology came out, I don't know shit about anything since.
But that should be a comfortable number. Now I'm trying to decide if these cave dwellers should have babies the human way or if they should squirt out eggs. So many options.
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both are hot it's a hard choice
like i said vanilla considers at least until 18 still a child, not sure about 19 though, so if the precept just looks at the vanilla code that could be the issue, unless the dev specifically didn't intend that? either way you can just disable the harm precept or change it and see if that fixes your issue
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crap, I forgot to attach an image so my post doesn't get ignored.
I don't think it would be intended that way, there would at least be ways to change it.
it shouldn't disable floordrawing for example but it will disable skydreaming and nature running, you need to zone them to a pretty large area but it is possible, you can even zone them away from an area in real time while they nature run for example in the opposite direction of a raid so they don't stay safe but don't stop. you can test out the range by pausing, changing the zone range, and refreshing the childs actions (draft then undraft or force any action like picking up and object then canceling) and seeing what they try to do
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3318966203 Sportball bros....
as far as i know the dev just threw them in because someone asked, he didn't even write the descriptions someone else offered to so i wouldn't be surprised if not a lot of thought went into them and if no one complained he wouldn't fix or change it
ah I see.
can this shit play rimworld? not much mods, perhaps performance and a little bit of QoL
That, yes. When you inevitably bloatmaxx it? No, not really.
4GB RAM will get your TPS killed 6 years in on pure vanilla + constant freezes on tribal raids and will make you want to smash your notebook on boot if you use a lot of mods. Speaking from experience.
>The unattractive gene trait makes everyone of the same xenotype find each other disgustingly ugly instead of just other groups/factions
Alright well, restarting AGAIN...
just get the ugly together mod or something
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I love these little TPS killers like you wouldn't believe.
SAR asses are so big it makes everyone look like the hunchback of Notre Dame
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I enjoy them being dumptrucks throughverbeit
has someone made a tranny mod? having traits pre-op(has mood debuff until operation) & post-op. can bully other pawns and meltdown if misgendered? that would be freaking funny
There was a tranny mod but I don't know what happened to it.
if it becomes post-op, has a high chance of infection and forever on medicine,and chance to kill itself would increase
just looking at this mod makes me tired
I'm going to make my own cooking/food mod.
will it be functional and worth making for gameplay reasons or will it only be for flavor
What sort of gameplay functionality do you want to see out of it?
if it's complicated to make then it would be nice if it has bonuses to stats like conciousness+ or just mood buffs that last longer than regular meals, maybe the value can be lower for balancing reasons or maybe something it gives effects that are entirely unique instead
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Ripping out eyes is my colony's specialty
Is there not an ideological precept for "you can share a bed outside of marriage but only with a lover, just don't go sleeping with random people"
Your options seem to be prude (prohibited outside marriage EVEN IF LOVERS) or have sex with anyone (free)
Why can't I just let dating people sleep together but not have a camp of ugly bastard NTR
Furniture style mod?
Free is what you want and it doesn't mean what you think it does.
It will feature wheat as the crop of choice to make things like bread. Don't know yet if I'll have milling to create flour first, I feel like I'll have to add corn flour and rice flour too if I add milling. I want to replace the in-game "meals" for actual foods. Aside from the 3 basic meal replacements (Including vegetarian and carnivore) As well as different cooking utensils (Think Harvest Moon where you had to buy all the different kitchen items to assemble a full kitchen) to help manage the influx of new recipes as well as adding functional decoration to kitchens. I'll make different food that have different effects. Maybe even stat boosts, but I might have to make a mod dependency on the vanilla expanded framework. Although I'm not sure how nice oskar will be about me using his framework to basically make a mod that replaces his vanilla cooking expanded.
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It is not enough for Kozlov to cut out eyes, she needs to be able to explode them as well. Exceptionaly cute slop:
A mixture of Profaned and oskar memes
ty, stripping profaned now.
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New colony time, I wonder how long it will take for me to abandon it for foxes again
Not him but for me a good food mod would

>incentivize producing a variety of different ingredients
>not have an optimal solution
>reward investment
>require little to no micro after setting something up

If you do go the way of stat boosts a good way to do it might be to tie different types of bonus to different types of ingredient. Not saying these bonuses specifically but something like all dishes with a starch (flour, potato, rice, etc.) giving a bit more movement speed, all dishes with meat giving more work speed, and so on. Increasingly nice dishes require more varied inputs but give bigger and more diverse rewards, or you can go the other way and get even larger bonuses to a particular thing at the cost of getting little to nothing in the others. That way you might have a general purpose diet but if you really want to play with it you could also make a special one for sick and injured people, or soldiers, or laborers, or whatever else it happens to be. All without also having to memorize the specific benefits of a big list of different items like you do in Rice Cultivating Civilization, which attempts something similar.
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>a few days later...
>A group of travelers is passing by...
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If it replaces the currently available meals entirely then I don't think it needs to have clear advantages over regular stuff like stat boosts because they're forced to make them anyway. The ones that download the mod will already people that enjoy the niche.
If it's only additional recipes, then more pragmatic players like me won't even look at the recipe if they're not worth making. Having complicated methods to make meals needs to have solid results for proper satisfaction, or else it'll only feel like a hassle. It'll probably be hard to balance, though. Covering up weaknesses in the vanilla game is also nice, like being able to make food without the risk of food poisoning even with the worst of chefs, an alternative for tribals without paste dispensers but with extra costs and such for balancing.
Some of the VGP mods like VGP Garden Gourmet already have super complicated ways of making meals and it already makes me scared of trying it because of how many different benches there are, and it sounds like a space-managing nightmare. The original VGP Vegetable Garden already has some extra recipes and drugs like tea and coffee that are very simple and I love them, but they're a tad too powerful sometimes. Anyway, I'm just rambling now. Good luck with the mod.
Don't replace the meals. I have cooking expanded and didn't touch it yet, all bloat should be optional.
I like the idea of milling. Making cooking a multi-step process sounds interesting. Other intermediate ingredients could be chopped veggies made at a chopping table and so on. It would be cool to see a cook doing everything you would do in an actual kitchen in its own table.
>require little to no micro after setting something up
That's the plan. It should only be as complicated as making beer from Hops.
>tie different types of bonus to different types of ingredient
Yeah, that's possible with oskar framework. If people think its a good idea I'll do it.
Noted. I'll try to organize the lists so they're not too overwhelming. That's what having different production tables would be for, to better manage the list of recipes.
Can the negative mood from removing a warcasket be “counseled” away?
So is 1.5 still not worth moving to?
Did any mods break 1.4 compatibility, or am I safe to update them all?
This game needs to add onions and soibeans
All negative moods can
yeah, there should be endgame only events whos very nature is much more severe than any seen before
-rebellion among colonists who may not want to leave. more likely if they ware very happy during your playtrough so they have fond memories of the colony.
- extreme weather condition to reflect the intensity of charging up. such condition is random but always more severe. for example, a heatwave will go past 60 degrees even on ice sheet, toxic fallout enters any room that has a door to the outside, etc
-raids will specificly target your ship, and will come in close proximity- that apply to dropods and inffestations as well
- charging the ship will create quakes, which means roofs in mountain bases will start collapsing, bodies of water will start raising etc
maybe lolium?
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
this sounds like pure suffering
are you guys just really good at games because I'm still suffering in late game, I don't get the complaints about vanilla being too easy
it can but you need to reduce settings like shadow and lightning and weather effects to a minimum
speaking from experiance.
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Would you let Kozlov cut your eyes out? She'd really appreciate it if you said yes.
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That depends. Are you using a mod to make Blindsight actually work?
only if i get to eat her out fuck her ass fuck her vagina fuck her legs fuck her feet fuck her arms fuck her armpits fuck her hands fuck her breast fuck her mouth and fuck her hair
anytime i want.
Also what's the situation WRT life extension, and unmarried women?
Rimworld has a death on down %, this can be changed in the options.
Essenitally it means that any non-colony pawn has an additional chance to simply die whenever they get downed to most factors. This includes being beaten up by fisticuffs, as pain shock is a death on down. IIRC, the main things that don't death on down are tox builfup (but not tax GAS buildup), and blood loss, as well as the shock lance item designed for downing.
Unwaveringly loyal pawns have different checks, and ideally the amount of non-unwaveringly loyal pawns who don't die when they are downed is the same whether the option is turned on or off, and the unwaveringly loyal pawns are a bonus.

The system is essentially designed to give you more prisoners without additional recruitment options because prisoners became more useful outside of recruitment as the game went on for harvesting blood packs, mech cores, genes and so on, as well as slavery. The cost is that the distinction is done before downing, and there are legitimate ways to down any pawn so if you were willing to do so you are making a certain amount of them unviable from the offset.

Without altering the death on down chance keeping it checked on is essentially sacrificing quality for quantity.
I would very appreciate it if she would get out of my sight
is there mod that lets me click weapon or armor and it has little button which says smell or destroy? i hate playing micro manager with work tab
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I am using blindsight unified which gives some pretty nice boosts
There's only woman so no one is married yet, and deaging will happen with Chronophagy rituals
Kozlov will be cutting your neck along with your eyes
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character editor and give your girls thin bodytypes

you are right i am sorry i just wanted to show off how original i am

girl is capture target from suzukuri karin
and is an expy of another character from koihime musou
That makes a lot of sense. That's actually a really good feature for the base game because that means you can usually fix your colonists organs after a big raid.
>Kozlov will be cutting your neck along with your eyes
but i just wanted to make love to her...
>3 for 3

I will join your cult.
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how exactly does blindsight not work? it's strong enough to be abused in vanilla as is, that anons mod basically makes pawns blind in name only
Sar is that what I think it is sar?
the body is thin sar
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>decides to make a colony where there is 1 female pawn as the comfort pawn and the rest of the colonists are males, with the idea of filling the colony with enough guys she won't have time to work
>make her night owl so she won't interact with other pawns
>make her prude because i like it more when they don't
>thought of making her a mysognist but decided not to, i don't want to overload her with traits.
>>new lovers
think ill give her misagonist trait just to test their love.
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I have finally removed minify everything
free yourselves from the cheat mod
'qol' has to be the worst 3 letters ever for the modding community of games in general
I played pure vanilla recently and the only QoL related stuff that I suffered in was item storage. Looks like I'm not too deep into cheaty mods yet.
Who gives a shit though, if you don't like something in the game and a mod changes it then just use it.
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>had refugee quest
>one of them is a decent doctor
>had him do an op on one of my guys
>nigger fails and somehow decapitates the poor sap
I would beat him to a pulp and enact so many hells if I wasn't too deep doing this quest. Guess that'll teach me to never relax against these people.
do it locally and if you get models off of huggingface you don't need to sign up to download them, though civitai usually has better/more specialized models
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A rat fell from the sky with my ideology, guess she'll join Ro in mining out the mountain.
You need to romance her before sex
what options do i have to do it locally?

which do you recomend?
>crash pod
>send one of my colonists to rescue
>she just up and leaves the map
Damn the first distress signal I went to had kinda lackluster loot (one shard) so I've been ignoring them, this one had an archotech eye as well as the shard.
you guys are as unhelpful as ever
>given misagonist
>love is still at 100
>now the two are getting married
i don't know what i did wrong, either i shouldn't have caught the wildwomen (who is getting all the rape instead of terntra) or i shouldn't have changed the lolium age of consent (the minotaur is 15)
whats a good way to break up pawns?
maybe just don't be a degenerate
ever thought of that
what is your grievence? as a layman myself, i don't know much and i avoid giving advice in matters i don't understand but maybe i know enough
storey generadted
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what makes you think im one
>mfw i here the street paddler outside and i confuse it for the voice radio alarm
I guess the easiest way would be automatic1111, just google that, tons of guides out there
tnx ill try it
>Eveliet has a crystal-like item called 'emet even'
>Emet, in addition to be related to the golem folklore, is also the hebrew word for 'truth'
>Even is the hebrew word for 'stone'
as a weeaboo kike im happy to see a heeaboo gook
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forgot image
What portrait is worth 10k silver
already left the trade, i only remember its something to do with another aya race and its not a decorative piece but more a research one. maybe idearn.
Ayamedooks is a jap
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>triple the fuel production for half the work
less likely to explode on death because less likely to die
>even produce eggs
>only downside is needing 4 times as much food (space)
dinos are op, no wonder the game dev had them go extinct
On another note I did try to run a neolithic tribe and quite like 30 minuties later..
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how the hell does the empire get themselves such pawns
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rip waifu
i hardly knew ya
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i say the cost is probably for balance porpuses
>50k silver in total
>nearmare's busted variant is also 50k
>meanwhile one of silkiera's broken variant is only 10k
Is Silkiera the easy mode of Aya mods
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rjw is not big and small compatible it seems
I don't see any problem there
You can't expect RJW-anims to have correct offsets for every bodysize combo.
The animation offset editor is there for a reason.
there is also this
el is the hebrew word for god
tselem is the hebrew word for figure/shape/likelihood (appearance)
humans ware created in the shape of god (betselem el) according to the bible
and eve is the first women
(but everyone know the last one)
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>I think I'll pllay Rimworld again
>Timew up update mods nad re-create the lsit
>Ok, new RJW version broke all submods??

Well fugg.
huh so the empress also functions as a mobile hive in addition to producing royal jellies i like the idea of using prisoners to give birth to these boss insectoids honestly
Thats the silkrea +1 version (like the church or mecha nearmare). You get the actual broken variant via the cat tickets.
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Nigger fox wandered in. Should I civilize her?
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>cold inclined
>A50 eyes
That's not a nigger, that's a hyperborean that never fell for the agriculture meme and lost their dietary vitamin D intake.
miho > miho kitsune > kitsune > revia kitsune > revia
it may not seem it be, but it be as is.
most important mods were updated to 1.5
most important mods updated to 1.5
most important mods and every mod you could want also work on 1.4
anomally is 1.5 only
is anomally worth losing the rest of the mods? your call.
Stupid question for people who ran more than 1 colony: Do timezones exist and matter?
Don't the newer mods (not necessarily anomaly related) only work in 1.5?
yes but most of the issues people thought would need mod have existing mods. newer mods are mostly touched version of old ones or more waifus.
I installed 1.5 only to get more waifus
I wanna get destroyed by miliras
well 1.5 has bees vivi race) and jecs lite (if you want to use rimworld of magic without killing your pc)

what did you try
what annoyed you
what bored you
>what did you try
Neolithic, tribal start
>what annoyed you
Nothing specific. I wanted to start with a small gang and get a medium fishing village.
>what bored you
Without research there isn't much to do besides foraging. Gets boring fast.
the power of plasteel long sword (masterwork) compels you!
it also breaks RJWPE and RJW Genes, basically Any RJW addons need to be updated (animation hasn't broken so far tho)
baseliner male medieval knight (Ascetic, Body Purist)
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Same baseliner male medieval knight (Ascetic, Body Purist) after his meeting with my minigun armed 8yo.
ideas to add spice to your game
a. try raiding. there is neolithic vehicles if you want to move faster on the world map. maybe try stealing/buying high tech stuf, or try a build/mod that lets tribals stand toe to toe against high tech
b. install a mod that bloats the research tree to add more items you can research
c. get the eveliet mod and try to work towards a godess that your tribals can worship (see >>492834296 )
lastly i want to share this old video game with you:
really fun game
but the player who made that video didn't even know you can cast bridge on another land instead of casting 3 times on the sea
>bring minigun to a honorary duel
no shit he died you bastard. behead yourself. hope your king abandons you and your wife leaves for the blacksmith. how low of you.
I'll try another run later maybe, when I'm done with my vampire psycopath with cult of peronality.
Maybe a fire worshipping tribe of neanderthals.
for the fire worshippers, know that the firekeeper is the only pawn that doesn't get a mood debuff when extinguishng wildefires.
also trhe fire keeper can stil do doctoring and wardening.
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Does the coffin contain the EX version of the Nearmare, despite the source saying Nearmare Race, and not Nearmare EX?
How broken are the EX versions, anyways? It doesn't seem like I'll afford them anytime soon.
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gookbloat, not even once
hows tynan choco-starfish, chump?
People shouldn't complain about free mods that they have the choice to just not download. But people who use those game balance obliterating mods should also not complain about the game being unbalanced and blame the game's dev for it instead of the mod's dev.
Some mods have very nice things in them with a bunch of retarded bloat. Vanilla Expanded series is the best example of this.
>Vanilla Expanded Furniture adds 2 new chairs
>there's nothing wrong with the vanilla chairs
I think the race variants come with the base mods for versions before 1.5, only 1.5 needs the EX addon
Plenty of stuff to blame Tynan for without mods
>Wounded pawns go ignored or crawl to the hospital by themselves as your doctor does fucking whatever except doctoring even if it's set to prio 1.
>wounded animals still count as critical, meaning with enough of them your doctor will starve/exhaust themselves trying to tend your insectoid/dryad/thrumbo horde unless you set the animals to no healthcare.

Which page of the book does Tynan admit he is a massive socio/psychopath again?
Is this kind of thinking inherently Canadian?
I haven't seen anyone blame tynan for a mod's mishaps
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>doctors wont tend reeee
>doctors will only tend reeee
>calls someone else a massive socio/psychopath
>animals are useless!
>>don't use horses because has vehicle extended
And it's also provided free of charge.

You can fix this with like 4 right clicks per raid.
>Doctors don't treat tending pawns as critical
>Doctors do treat tending animals as critical
>this is perfectly normal in anon's and Tynan's minds
Animals are pawns tho
i want to copulate with female pawns
is there a mod that sepertes jobs of doctor and a vet?
You have a point and it's very unreasonable to say something in the base game is obsolete because they installed a mod that made it obsolete in the first place, but I was thinking of stuff like
>man this (insert raid type added by mod) sucks! can tynan even code?
kind of stuff and that never happens
Guy who said hyperweave was too easy but had a mod which mends clothes.
Usually when the doctor doesn't immediately tend it's because they're eating first, since they're hungry after spending a ton of time fighting off the raid. There's no job that will override eating. You can still manually override the eating with a right click.
please reread my original post >>492850983
I explicitly stated that they do in fact override their needs when tending animals.
They do this for firefighting too.
They used to do this for tending humanoid pawns too in older versions, this got changed for some reason however.
>You can still manually override the eating with a right click.
Yes, sure, but that's not the nature of my complaint.
My complaint is that the behavious is not consistent between pawntypes, and that somehow the replacable unimportant pawns (animals) get treated by the game as if they're important.
It would be much more logical to me if it were reversed, where tending your human pawns is critical enough to supercede you're doctors need for food, but tending to cow26's bleeding udderblister can wait till after lunch.

Sometimes they don't because you don't have the proper tier medicine.
ive never seen that before, you probably just had a food profile that forbidded pemmican and only had pemmican left in storage or a similar situation.

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