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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>492467889
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Second for anime
Anon will see this happening outside of his colony and be like "whoah, WIFE!".
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Xth for sovful builds
Well she isnt killing me so im still horny.
god i wish that was me
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I'm 1 mortal shell away from the final showdown.
>He's not fighting back
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Total bug victory, mechs btfo
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wife this! *posts*
jk there supposed to be only one girl in my colony, so im gonna rewind my load and let this girl get eaten by yitths. feel free to char editor into your colony.
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maria waiting patiantly for her parka
if you install a sex mod aren't you literally just becoming a cuck? you're watching girls you're attracted to have sex with other guys. wait, is god a cuck?
I self-insert as the animation engine.
Do the needful

self-insert as the horse
can i use facial animation to keep the old circles on some of my pawn?i kinda like the red on hussar
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This post is misinformation
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You literally admitted you fuck horses, give it up you fucking coal burning whore.
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didn't work, her eyes are grey but she still got those glasses
the bigger worked
now to try askbern
>Tribal three person start
>Three in-game seasons and I still don't even have time to get a research bench running
Why do I do this to myself lmao
>make colony
>add 4 "call people" (with 50% success rate) rituals in my ideologion (the remaining 2 were for ancient shit finding and the lantern one for happiness)
>make a temple to increase chances
>have enough food, but really need more hands to help
>call people (90% success or so)
>call again
>fail again
>call again
>X wants to join, she's a 7 year old child
>"whatever, I'll just use her as a hauler"
>pretty trait
>"not bad, may have potential"
>call again
>fail again
>Y wants to join
>80 year old or so old dude with asthma and barely can walk
>"okay... another hauler at least?"
>he has queued to pick up some eggs (got some chickens)
>"a colonists needs help"
>old dude just fell and didn't even reach the pen
>pick him up and put him on a "heal bed" spot on the floor
>he gets better
>"wanna betray the empire? some hussar will join you if so"
>hell yea
>the hussar has a bunch of negative traits
>the imperial following it barely has stats,but doesn't have unwavering loyal because I removed that shit
>convert the imperial and make him into slave
>hussar suddenly attacks the old man
>get tired of his shit and just capture him
>capture the old man too
>decide to recruit the imperial so he takes care of the fort
>carry hussar and old dude to the nearest town and sell them
>got like 900 or so silver for the old man (he may have had good stats) and another bunch for the hussar
>bought kibble with that
to be continued ->
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>get a message, girl need rescue, she's a 15 year old Yttakin
>well, at least she's not an old fart
>while going, get a message that a 3 year old child is being chased by some machine persona or something which will reduce the conscious of males for a while
>decide to wait for a bit
>reach the kidnaped girl place
>there's another dude there
>he falls with 1 shot from the auto shotgun I got from the imperial
>cure him (without medicine) get some medicinal herbs from the area and extract his heart
>make a butcher table with some nearby trees
>butcher him and like other 6 caged dudes who where there
>rescue the girl (she had pretty trait) and leave to a nearby town
>sell the human meat and some furniture and buy some pemiccam (I actually bought pemiccam on the previous part too, I confuse it with kibble)
>accept the fleeing 3yo girl
>the imperial and my MC move way too slow
>it's the machine persona debuff shit
>some person with a child is asking for refugee
>whatever, I really need help now
>it's a girl, with double focus on plants
>manage to farm my crops and get some wood with her
>she comes with a shitty male greedy child, but whatever
>every male has -50% consciousnesses right now, so the female is pretty useful
>getting a bit desperate, my dudes seem to fall dead any moment (they can barely eat too)
>3yo kid with a risk of mental break because of her ideology (ravaged trees)
>she starts a fight with the beast girl (who also was in a bad mood because eating meat)
>stop and jail both of them, set them up for conversion
>manage to get really lucky with conversion ritual with the child (I was worried about her education so I tried to convert her first).
>beast girl gets desperate too for eating meat and almost beat to death another jailed dude with paralytic aphasia (or something like that).
to be continued->
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>someone else asks to join
>a male, and shitty traits (investigation 6 with 2 focus, but I already have a genius investigator)
>send him away with the paralytic aphasia dude and a horse
>somehow he manages to carry the paralyzed dude
>send him to the nearest town and sell him for pemiccam
>empire asks for help with 4 imps
>yeah, whatever
>3 dudes asks for refugee
>they all have just combat traits, and bad mood traits, I'm pretty sure they'll betray me later (dunno why all the dudes with combat and negative traits always betray me)
>imps come
>4 women, 2 young and 2 old
>send the refugees to intercept them, and my main dude behind (he's slower than normal, probably for the heavy armor)
>the dudes get burnt down, 2 fell and need help and I use the other one to rescue one of those
>send my other dudes to rescue the other one
>manage to beat the imps (1 dead, 3 captured)
>a 60yo lady and 2 19yo girls
>1 of the girls has kind and ugly trait, and a focus point in plants (what for) and another on investigation (so useles, I have a genius already doing that)
>the other has jealous and beautiful trait (kinda useful to make kids) and 2 focus on shooting and 1 on building
>decide to sacrifice the ugly one and keep the other
>one of the refugees gets a mental break and starts a violent rampage against the female refugee from the other quest
>decide to jail him
>other 2 dudes "decide to leave because of my betrayal"
>they just fall over because they couldn't walk
>also jail them
And that's my tale up to now,
so... I'm on my way to sell them, because I'm not sure if extracting their hearts would count as "killing a colonist" even thou they are refugees.
I self insert in the horse
Does capturing and killing a refugee counts as "killed colonist"?
asking for a friend.
Had to dig graves for those fuckers but at least got 3 livers
Nice story.
its an intersting series of events, but its tl;dr at this volume
I always wondered why organs don't spoil like meat.
They don't? Fuck I have been storing them on freezers this whole time
>t.240 hours
They don't. I don't harvest organs anyways because it breaks RP for my colonists to be harvesting organs even though it upsets them. I only do it when someone already has a diseased organ that can't be replaced with bionics, like lungs.
I had a really good raid and can equip most of my colonists in armor, but do I really wanna put recon armor over perfection?
Convenience. Although I do think that making organ preservation more difficult would be a good way to balance organ organ harvesting.
i am going to sex that
It wouldn't matter because it's too easy to make a freezer. It would be better if the organ just decayed after a day no matter what, like real organs do. Maybe you could research some kind of nutrient vat to store organs long term, but you shouldn't be able to store an organ in a freezer and have it still function when you pull it out.
yeah organ harvesting is big money maker if you want, i used to do this and every raid i just saw stacks of silver walking to my base, no i make my money honest way selling drugs
>They don't.
They do. That's why I alway leave a scaffolding in my freezer for organs only.
Click on your organ and you will see there is no "spoils in x days".
Vanilla organs don't rot, only deteriorate.
RBSE makes them rottable if you're running that.
Before I waste my time putting it together is there a starting scenario for like a traveling nomad?
My idea for it is:
>start with a pickup truck, fuel and tent
>spend time travelling around doing quests or scavenging ruins for supplies and money
>RBSE makes them rottable if you're running that.
Yeah now I remeber. Vanilla doesn't. Haven't been running vanilla in months
There is the nomadic ideology in the VIE.
Is there some "success calculation" for organ extratction?
I'm not sure if it's easier to get a heart or a liver, but I usually mess up my heart extractions like 5 times in a row in my jail room with straw mat floor, torch for light and a good bed, (and my doctor has like 12 in medicine with that many failed attempts).
I tried nomad once in vanilla with 2 settlements, but it was a pain in the ass to not being able to go back to an abandoned settlement, are there any good mods for "camping" or something to solve this?
straw floor is dirty
I modded this back in.
Not sure what you mean. Nomad meme boost your mood for moving settlement or just moving away, while decreasing the longer you spent in a settlement. Also there are large bonus on taming and handling so you can basically take your food with you.
I don't think the nomadic life is meant to get far in the research branch.
I mean, I want to be able to freely move from one place to another, make some type of "camping settlement" with the current resources, but for example stay for a while in a place, maybe a smaller map than normal. I saw there was an option for that on the colony creation, I want maybe something like the maps generated when you get intercepted by raiders, maybe stay there for a while, emmigrate south on winter (where maybe is summer there), and such, and maybe come back to the north later when winter reaches south, but with the current "more than 1 colony creation", if you abandon a settlement, that map spot becomes unusable forever, I want something where that isn't an issue.
Set up camp let's you stop at caravan encounter sized maps at will, and there's Camping Stuff and a few tent mods out there. I had some success playing as horse riding tribals once, it can be done.
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>ancient urban ruins start
>colonist can freely go outside to do any tasks
>but cant freely go back into the bunker unless you manually make them
so close to being good
but I'm guessing it's cleaner than dirt floor, ain't am I right.
As >>492882019 says it can be done with the right mods.
>I don't think the nomadic life is meant to get far in the research branch.
I wonder, is there any new mod that has like research as loot with the new book system?
like as in, you read the loot and you suddenly learn the research
could be nice for a nomadic playthrough
>you read the loot and you suddenly learn the research
No idea. Also I never really had any luck with the schematics.
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Third fucking wave of drop pods in that room, this is so tedious.
>do I really wanna put recon armor
>turd colored
no thanks this is not sex
Must be a coincidence
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Is there any good harpie mods out there?
>Get assaulted by 5 wasters
>Their equipment - 3 have smoke launchers and 2 have EMP grenades

There was no way in HELL I was giving up my Archotech eye and Wake up Dependancy Genepack, not after 30+ failed gacha spins for it.
no ull jave to settle for the bad ones.
only techprof subpersona core does that, and those are vanishingly rare (moreso the more dlc/content mods you have installed.)
The schematic books added by 1.5 can teach you a research, but it goes by an amount of points per hour, and only while a colonist is reading it.
So those kind of go slower than just researching even with good-to-legendary ones.
that said they don't need a work bench, and colonists will read them for recreation so it's a nice way to passively get research on things you'd prefer not to make your focus.
That said, as they're random, there's no guarantee you will ever get one on the research you need/want at any given moment.
Showed up for me for the first time this playthrough hadn't a fucking clue what it was
No worries, I've close to 3k hours on steam and god knows how many before I caved and bought this shit game and I think I may have seen maybe 7'ish techprof cores total in all my playthroughs.

that said for a nomad run, maybe something like https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2868392160 might spice things up a bit in terms of research?
>get assaulted by 6 yttakin
>their equipment - 2 clubs and 4 poor quality knives
>they all were naked
nta but, I run these mods for tech research
>Research reinvented
>Research data + Theory
>Tweaks galore to start Animal tech
>Autogenerated techprints for anything above industrial
Theres a better dynamic tech mod but I can't figure out how to configure it properly so I stick with the tweaks galore one, which for some reason doesn't seem to work for my modlist. Also use to run random research but found that too anoying early game with stuff like VE Art.
Finally, FINALLY I have received the 5th Neuroformer, the final piece necessary for my inspiration engine. Eggsplosions in the chicken battery propagating endless creative frenzy. Gourmands satiated on a 1.5 chicken dinner. Thrumbos and prisoners alike KNEEL at my cockerel carcass throne. Fowl souls negotiate bargains on my behalf. Utter and absolute chicken victory.
is there any efficient way to put a paste dispenser?
I'm afraid of my corn or whatever I put there to rot before my colonists eat that shit...
but I'm also afraid of leaving it inside the freezer and make my colonists freeze trying to get some paste.
is it possible to keep one part inside a freezer and the serving to be outside?
How does modded rimworld rank as a medieval conqueror simulator? Is base Norland better?
>t. 100 hours on vanilla Rimworld with the occasional mod, haven't bought Norland
>How does modded rimworld rank as a medieval conqueror simulator?
Bretty fun.
>Is base Norland better?
Not in the slightest.
>medieval conqueror simulator
rimworld doesn't really simulate much of anything so norland certainly can't be worse at it
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Yeah the front is designed as a wall, this is my standard prison block design for reference.
>conqueror simulator
sir this is a colony sim
Actually maybe it woul be more accurate to say the entire thing is designed as a wall? Or maybe everything except the front, Rimworld doesn't believe in corners.
Clever design. Is it for RP purposes or do you just not have a chef.
can you remove their organs if the beds are one next another?
Try Songs of Syx
Neither, I want my prisoners to feed themselves.

Yeah, from the foot.
bretty good, gonna use something like this but with VE Paste so it's more compact.
>VE Paste
>more compact
only if you're having a central paste creation area/storage area with multiple jails/hospitals/colonist feeding sheds.
oh wait you can use the small dispenser bit standalone with hoppers. I keep forgetting that.
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protip : next time, make a post like this only after you completed the item without butching it.
colony = colonialism = conquerer
>only if you're having a central paste creation area/storage area with multiple jails/hospitals/colonist feeding sheds.
Yes generally that is the idea.
>oh wait you can use the small dispenser bit standalone with hoppers. I keep forgetting that.
Good to know you can make it even smaller.
we have food factories that make burgers and stuff in 2024 but the rimworlders never figured it out even though they're like 5 million years ahead of us?
Sex with the new DLC girl
Sex with Brusalt
Sex with Elaina
Sex with Jenni
Sex with Momi
Sex with Veron
Sex with Julo
Sex with Vermillion
Sex with Tsukimi
Sex with Nanako
Sex with Serach
Sex with Bell
Sex with Yoonseul
Sex with Yosimi
Sex with Norma
Sex with Tomomi
Sex with Strawberry
Sex with Apple
Sex with Twilight
Sex with Bubbles
Sex with Blossom
Sex with Buttercup
Sex with Charlotte
Sex with Esther
Sex with Marine
Sex with Femcel
Sex with Katarina
Sex with Glowie
Sex with Kraut
Sex with Saki
Sex with Eve
Sex with Nurse
Sex with Aurine
Sex with Kealana
Sex with Mint
Sex with Snowdrop
Sex with Katya
Sex with Toxos
Sex with Stream
Sex with Snickers
Sex with Dudina
Sex with Corin
Sex with Hilda
Sex with Alboio
Sex with Erin
Sex with Kylar
Sex with Layla
Sex with Ryane
Sex with Uskos
Sex with Cindy
Sex with Sappy
Sex with Sera
Sex with Mink
Sex with Harper
Sex with Setsuko
Sex with Zen
Sex with Doris
Sex with Amalia
Sex with Rikki
Sex with Date
Sex with Brooke
Sex with Allie
Sex with Auric
Sex with Zamora
Sex with Lena
Sex with Flynn
Sex with Impids
Sex with Highmates
Sex with Hussars
Sex with Wasters
Sex with Dirtmoles
Sex with Baseliners
Sex with Moyos
Sex with Ratkin
Sex with Anty
Sex with Revia
Sex with Askbarn
Sex with Slime girls
Sex with Fox girls
Sex with Cat girls
Sex with Bunny girls
Sex with Moose girls
Sex with Dragon girls
Sex with Dog girls
Sex with Monkey girls
Sex with Maru girls
In rimworld.
>remove some rarely used mods to shrink my list
>reach a point where I want to use them and just add them back anyway
Actually the year you start is 5500. They know of the burger in urbworlds and in glitterworlds it has become obsolete. Tynan discusses this in his book.
5 million years from now, people realized such food is bad for health
arent the colonists in some of the starting scenarios from urbworlds. why cant they make a burger machine. i think tynan was just shortsighted and didn't realize we would discover automated burger factories irl. hope he addresses this lore inconsistency.

and ground up insect paste is better?
>why cant they make a burger machine
He spends 3 chapters on this anon
I have seen some mods in the steam workshop which have custom genes, how can I make those?
I never made mods before (except editing someone's texture replacement with my image edits), and I want to know what I need to do to make custome genes, and maybe custom ideologies (like allowing killing children/colonists without issues for some hardcore raiders gameplay).
show me then if he explains why there are no burger machines
>and ground up insect paste is better?
yes goy, now eat your bugs
>and ground up insect paste is better?
Yeah? What does flavour have to do with nutrition?
>why cant they make a burger machine.
Because burgers are alt right White man patriarchal invention that cannot be allowed by a hecking chungus wholesome pupperino loving chosen people like Tynan.
who is this "Corin" girl?
I am not sure if it's a reference to some other game or if it's some internal joke from this thread, and I'm curious.
any good tutorial so I can make my own mods with my custom genes?
I want stuff that isn't there to make some elitist eugenetics gameplay, but the current vanilla genes are a bit lacking for me.
Its a resident thread whore that fucks everything with a dick - nogs, horses, animals etc.
See >>492862713
for proof.
>looking at stats for sidearms in CE so I can have something light for my woman to use.
>notice that spear has a higher mass than a halberd (2.00 to 1.85)
>the same mass as a club
>knife is heavier than a beer (.50 to .30)
Like yeah sure maybe it is a big fucking knife but spears are pretty easy to handle, especially what I asume is a short spear. Did the CE team really not tweak these values from vanilla?
very kind of you all to satisfy his dysphoria by pretending he's a girl
Corin is a girl and a whore.
Corinfag is a cuck and race traitor.
No one calls Corinfag a girl.
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some anons donut steel that gets shitposted about because their avatar fagging gets anoying.
It really depends. The difficulty depends on how complex of a functionality the gene in question will have. Your best bet is to look at how the vanilla genes work, both the XML and C# components, and go from there. Start with the modding guide on the Rimworld wiki.
thanks for the guidance, but I don't see any "gene modifying here", any tips on how to try that?
do I need to learn some scripting stuff or add some extras?
some ritualposter's oc that has been around since the thread was revived out of /indie/
(he used to autistically bump and keep the thread alive back then)
nevermind I just saw the "Modding Tutorials/Xenotype template", I'm going to check that later when I reach home.
oh... it seems to just add xenotypes, and not gene creation (which is what I'm looking for).
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The barracks are finally done. I may add TV's later depending on how resources turn out.
>but muh squares
the squares are not why it is sovlless
Do you guys refrigerate your meals? I honestly see little point, if they aren't being finished by the time they spoil you shouldn't be cooking them in the first place.
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The high stellarch died of acute lead poisoning as he was about to get back into his shuttle. Nevertheless I hope that he enjoyed his stay at my colony!
>High Stellarch
>visits some random backwater
Incredibly stupid you can even get that rank to visit but honestly story told
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I never really bothered with making custom genes, but if it's some simple shit like making a new trait giving you +100% shooting accuracy, you can probably just copy-paste an existing one and add whatever line is relevant. Maybe even draw a new icon for the gene if you feel like it.
Of course, if you want to make a Corin gene that adds a need for horse cum, it's a tad more complicated.
>A fucking 5.56 bullet does more blunt trauma than a war hammer
>Fifty Tribals Jumping your dude in power armor can't pin him or do anything besides harmlessly beat him until some spearchucker decides to kill half the raid for your one guy with a pipe bomb
Seriously, The CEdevs should hire HEMA autists to counter-balance their Gun wank.
t. Gun Autist
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I stockpile 100s of meals and keep a fuckhueg freezer.

In unrelated news my base is currently being raped by a double apocriton 17 centipede blaster raid.
>Fifty Tribals Jumping your dude in power armor can't pin him or do anything besides harmlessly beat him until some spearchucker decides to kill half the raid for your one guy with a pipe bomb
if chickenpluckers CQC mod was actually balanced and not just 4fun it would be a solve this.
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You see, it's quite funny that I made this "wealth management" conscious choice not because I was trying to manage wealth but purely from the autism that I know reheated food sucks and want my pawns to have better.
In a way I'm justified because my cook just fucking died. I made some bad decisions.
>"You hear that?"
>"Hear what?"
>"That! It's clearly gunfire, nows are chance to escape while they are preoccupied."
Bonus points if you have CE so they get blown the fuck out even faster.
I wish, but it wouldn't solve most Melee weapons becoming completely Redundant the moment you get a monosword/zeushammer, they just end up bloating your stockpiles. Even early game guns have some practicality in the late game, they even get sabot, HE, and ap-i ammo which extends their usefulness.
I've honestly never made it to late and stay tribal/medieval/industrial so I can't comment on that.
The whole empire nonsense is dumb as fuck at rimworld's scale. especially with stuff like "people can live their whole lives as yeomen, but you are so special you can rank up to it and beyond by killing some random rabbits chasing this whiny dipshit."
I feel like it makes sense if You don't engage with Royalty at all
>Can't open medical bill menu anymore
Nyooo....what broke this...?
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The hyperborean fox beat Kozlov after she made clicking noises at her, guess she was insulted by being treated like a wild nigger.
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>tfw it only took seven years for you to reach a point where you can comfortable start decorating without worrying about wealth minmax or need facilities.
Time to play Rimworld.
>guess she was insulted by being treated like a wild nigger.
Shouldn't have gone streaking on other people's property then
So, the redhead's name is Nina...
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Yes, and I'd reload for her anyday.
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Please god someone teach me how I can disable the rjw sexsounds for animals I'm going insane
>Sex 1 from masturbation, virgin
No way she's a random.

Mon frère
Of course she isn't randoms don't get pink eyes.
what did anon mean by this
revia and miho are both kitsunes
is "kitsune" a xenotype from some mod?
forgot image
is dead mans switch good questionmark
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It's another mod's xenotype, yeah
Hyperborean foxgirl aquired, time to make her wear the girliest dresses ever. What would be a better name for her, revia have a quite small pool of possible names.
Who's the lucky girl that gets to ride that shota?
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The more I build this base, the more I want to just attempt to convert it into a space ship
what the fuck did you literally make a map thats surrounded in mountain. does that mean raiders cant even get to you
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Owari da

Your story is over my girls.
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No there's still a entrance for raiders, traders and vehicles to leave through
what mod
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He's 22, anime just do him dirty
>lucky girl
Priestess the most important girl in the colony Until I appoint a Matriarch
that mountain do be lookin like an underage boy tho, respectfully
>>492929469 meant for >>492925747
My colony fell and burned to the ground
what should be my new one?
Scarlet Stahlbrak?
SoS2 space station survival
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I thought setting Xenotype Spawn Control to 100% for my custom xenotype in the PlayerTribe tab would mean all joiners would be my xenotype, but this 8 year old girl is a pigskin.
I don't wanna throw her out, but she's rivals with everyone simply because she's a dirty disgusting PIGGER. Now my cave elves have a pigger child laborist to do all the organizing and cleaning though.
>Only one possible entrance
God damn, anon, you might as well have that shit locked DOWN with a gate or toll booth, or something.
how does drop pod raids and mech clusters affect you?
sameway it would anywhere else? They come down from the sky.
his dudes are all wearing fucking tribalwear, he doesnt have enough wealth to generate those raids lol
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haven't gotten a drop pod raid yet, same for mechs.
yes but then there is still drop pod raids and clusters
since when were jumpsuits considered stinky tribalwear
even without mountains you can just build a 2 thick wall at the edge of the map. any raiders that come in from the sides will be funneled to the hole in the wall. there has to be a hole or they will tunnel through the wall. also, some raiders might break a piece of the wall, but afterwards they'll notice there's already a hole and leave. that's why the wall has to be two thick.
The strongest warrior wears the frilliest dress, that's revia law
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I just got done with a rimworld of magic archonexus run. Really went with the powerfantasy 5 bionic monsters and legendary gear.
Not sure what to do next. I honestly havent done any of the anomaly stuff. Should I go back to that save and power through it?
Otherwise I was considering trying out vehicles for the first time in a new run with hospitality.

>pic unrelated
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Brown fox VGHhhhh
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>Spends all day mining one compacted machinery node while cave elves sleep
>One wakes sup, immediately mines two nodes and mocks her
>kid has 7 in shooting having never fired a gun
children op
Do you have a video games mod?
it's in vanilla biotech
>started a colony
>have 1 dude (the one I started with) and 7 women who joined later
>none of the women knows how to cook
what the hell...?
post-feminism moment
Mod to make slave workspeed penalty lesser or outright removed?
What armor is that?
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Post your bases. Let's see your creative designs.

Any tips for my current base defense?
Currently, I have narrow tunnels with spike traps that lead to larger rooms with IEDs before going into the base to be hit by turrets. I also have turrets randomly throughout the base to assist with drop pod attacks.
Lastly, I have a tamer with megasloths to be used as tanks until I can get centipedes and a Diabolus. I plan to make cover for raiders to hunker down at, then have a Diabolus come out from a door behind and vaporize them.
>geysers are a bit far from where my base is
>decide to put some walls around the geo generator because raiders seem to enjoy attacking the generator first
>use granite to make a wall around
>put a steel door to have access if it needs repairs
>the door catches fire every now and them
does the generator makes heat?
I didn't even put a roof over it
what'd be the best way to keep it safe then?
should I put the wall at some distance from the generator, if so, how far should it be?
I wanted to use as little material as needed, but it seems it may have not be a good idea.
there's no other way, you have to just use a steel door and replace it forever. there's no other way to access it.
Armor is from Aobas Dead man switch mod
(It's mainly about industrial styled mechanoids with the ability to have different loadouts)
make a little distance so there's a proper room
then remove roof area
(game auto-assigns roof area)
if that doesn't fix it, consider using granite doors, since you won't have to open it very often
This base looks really nice to me but why do I feel like it's going to be pretty bad at fending off bigger raids
Once the raiders get past the initial killzone, especially if they're melee, you'll start getting friendly fires from turrets
Lone autocannons are going to get destroyed fast because they suck at shooting at very close ranges, I'd stick with regular turrets to fend against drop pods
Having several paths to get inside your base seems like a quick way to get pincered and overwhelmed, two squads with one low shield pack each will do significant damage to this base
I don't see too many spots for your pawns to actually shoot the raiders safely on the killzones
If you're sending the megasloths out to fight they are genuinely going to get shredded by your own turrets
Maybe I just don't really like turrets, anything bigger than the standard is very costly, makes raids bigger, very prone to friendly fire including against other turrets unless you like micromanaging the hold fire button, will explode and cause even more damage, they don't do damage too reliably except against my own pawns for some reason, and will shut down mid combat on bigger, longer raids because their barrels need to be replaced
>Maybe I just don't really like turrets
because Tynan nerfed them in 1.1
can't have shit in vanilla
turrets are just expendable melee blockers. the main problem is the all is too thin, if a raider loses pathing he'll bang on the wall and make a hole.
one eclipse and this base is gone
me when i can't see 3 geothermals
>only 6 batteries
>2 sun lamps
>gajillion turrets
good luck flicking all those switches, hope there's a bunch of random unconnected power lines to quickly switch to
>not using [Og] Automatic Power Switch
>increase your tps
How can this increase my TPS? What's eating the TPS?
geothermal = 3.6 kw
sun lamp = 2.9 kw
10 autocannon = 1 kw
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I've fought a few large raids already with mixed results. Some groups take too many losses going through the tunnels and then being hammered by turrets, causing them to flee.
Other times I had large groups of shamblers arrive, and as you alluded to, they got into melee range and there were friendly fire incidents. I lost one child to it.
The plan now is to send in megasloths once enemies get close and bring back my ranged pawns. since megasloths are pretty tanky and I can breed more of them, I'm not too worried if they die, plus I can make them into food if that happens.
In the case that I get pincered, the plan is to fall back into the base and have the randomly scattered turrets provide ranged support while I reposition.
I get the point about using regular turrets, but I also want defenses with range and armor penetration. I'll probably find more areas in the base to put regular turrets in case of drop pod attacks.
I wanted to do something that wasn't a standard burnbox or killbox, and this has been pretty fun.
Ironically, I just had a mech cluster show up with some power cells. Took care of the mechs aside from the assemblers and turrets. Wish me luck.
the turrets
when unpowered, they are (presumably) not searching for enemies
>and ground up insect paste is better?
yes actually. same meat but the machineremoves the toxics rather than add to them.
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>machine that can reserve you age has the same power usage as barely 7 light bulb
what kind of fucking lights are these
CE hates melee
some of my colonists are herbivores, however the rest of my colony eats meat. in order to make sure my herbivores have meals ready i have 2 meal bills- one simple meal with only meat, the other simple meal without any meat.

because the meal counter for the porpuse of 'do untill you have x' count them both in the same counter, unless i do 'do forever' there could be case where my herbivores don't have any meals because i already have 30 meals in the count, all made of meat.

due to that, all my excess food is in the form of meals.
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Got them. Today was a good day.
I've never built a mountain base please don't laff at me.
I actually wanna turn it more into an organic underground village, houses eventually separated from the mountain walls etc. Everyone will be long dead before then though.
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Also don't laff at me for forgetting the image.
its not in the rjw option?
'kitsune' is a xenotype from the mod 'big and small - youkai' which also has nekomata, red oni and blue oni
epstein island. don't forget to set aging to 1:1
horseshoe trains shooting
Island drug plantation.
It looks nice for your first mountain base. I think you'll be okay against small raids. The rooms seem tiny, and you'll get the cramped interior moodlet if only 4-10 tiles are accessible in a room. 11+ accessible tiles will solve that. Not a big deal if you counter that moodlet with something else.
I'd have to double check, but I think smoothing the floor gives more beauty than laying flooring over it, but that may depend on the material. Same goes for walls. If you're doing it for aesthetic purposes, it looks pretty good.
You may want to have an outdoor area at some point. colonists can get upset if they're underground for too long, unless they have the trait for it.
You can't get hit by mortars or drop pods, but beware of infestations.
>The rooms seem tiny, and you'll get the cramped interior moodlet if only 4-10 tiles are accessible in a room.
To be clear, I was referring to the bedrooms.
Also, I can't count tiles.
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okay, so I'm looking to get back into Rimworld. I'm currently trying to assemble mods together. Last time, I had mods that worked okay but at some point either the glitches glitched past the point of no return and kept my save from launching properly or a mod updated and FUBARED my anomaly save that I had going. Either way, I unsubscribed from everything and picked a collection and subscribed to those. will that be enough to help prevent conflicts?
Depends on what you subscribed to.
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some of the mods are like this, should I care?
Also, I miss old Monstergirls but its a HAR-based race selection and I don't know if it ever got updated to 1.5. The closest I found to replace it was AlphaGenes but does anyone know of any (primarily visual but if it has a gameplay effect too that's a bonus) cute parts for making monstergirl/furry races or some races that are 1.5 + Biotech compatible? All I found is shit like angels, vampires, demons, super boring shit. Give me something really alien, strange or nonhuman.
Is it safe to have the gardens and wind turbine exposed to raiders?
They're a Tunneler+Darkness tribe - they don't care about cramped spaces if thats what you mean. I actually didn't even remember that precept existed.
Coffin contains EX nearmare yes, actual content is still in the main mod, pretty sure the ex mods just turn it on using the same method that vanilla does to load in xenotype lists and ideo stuff to vanilla factions.
Also the EX variants are absolutely OP. Witch has a number of abilities with a day long cooldown (berserk, slow, some form of damage increase on affected targets, a DoT cloud that doesn't wake mechs making it pretty much always safely dispatch mech ship parts) and large radius, and a 5 day "Everything that isn't one of three races becomes a meat blob" button. Most of the rest of them have some form of significant damage mitigation or reduction present, as well as a lot of them having powerful active and passive abilities and are in general hilarously good at combat. iirc Silkrea EX race when wearing their unique apparel has 0% incoming damage factor, for example, and also has the ability to teleport like, 50 tiles every 5-10 seconds, summon berserked super-buffed bugs in a simmilar radius somewhat less frequently and a debuff blast that I can't really specifically remember what it did. All three of these abilities also didn't need line of sight. The Solark Ex variant gets a dragon mode that massively buffed their stats as well as having the full size antigrain blast every day rather than every quadrum.
Any of the EX races that can show up as enemies are effectively bosses as well, and for that reason you don't try and use farskip abduction if you have idhale EX race unless you really enjoy getting reamed by accident early on.
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>Any of the EX races that can show up as enemies are effectively bosses as well
I'd imagine wealth would have to be pretty high in order to make them show up. In the case they do, any tips for beating them? Or am I fucked?
>and for that reason you don't try and use farskip abduction if you have idhale EX race unless you really enjoy getting reamed by accident early on.
I've not tried farskip abductions yet, but don't enemies arrive in a downed state?
So what are the best sex mods?
no but so far im only single man raids
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how do i force my pawns to plant when i know temp is high enough?
For you?
it's [Canines Animations - sex with dogs] made by Alpenglow
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Some may still works as intended and you only need to change the 1.4 requirement to 1.5 in the xml file, but most mod will breaks and need to be updated to 1.5 by their author.
You can try running with it first to see if it works or not.
that's all you need for lovin'
you may want some mods to tweak romance
Yeah a single ihale EX is pretty much a 10k raid points wise. I had a quest which had multiple waves of them which was amusing given the backup I got. Regarding the skip abduction... Being downed automatically triggers one of the five the idhale EX's autorevives, resulting in them generally immediately getting up and proceeding to lay waste to your base with their second phase attacks which outright just fire explosives in all directions automatically while they're running around trying to beat your colonists to death
Ihale Ex specificaly has a damage gimmick where you have to hit with any melee type attacks to then make it vulnerable to ranged attacks, and kill them five or so times while they're auto retaliating with explosive shots in all directions and summoning suicide bombs around anyone that does shoot them. Also meleeing them too much causes everying around them to instantly get downed.
Xenoorca EX, just spawns as part of raids and has a number of nasty aura effects as well as I think teleporting into anyone that shoots them kinda like Chaoura do and overall just being a tough thing. Haven't fought the Littleluna/Neclose ones since they never spawned on my playthrough the aya races, but from what I understand from testing they're more of endurance matches while they cause hell throughout your base (Littleluna one in particular just downs you the instant it gets into touch range unless you're the xenoorca ex race). Afaik there's at least two 'littleluna' bosses that are structures with other gimmicks going on but never encountered them in a normal playthrough because you have to fight dunamis first to get the summon item for them.
But outside of Idhale Ex dumpstering on them I don't really get how you're even supposed to fight the second one since it summons creatures with like 1200 DPS or something like that and constantly bombs the entirety of your map (and additionally bombs anything that attacks it).
>Playing solo start as super charismatic rapist cult leader
>after 5 colonist easily recruited everything snowballed pretty hard
>almost 20 colonists and 5 babies in 2 year.
>all babies are the cult leader child
>have almost no defenses because I can always call empire help.
>a feisty nymph wandered into the colony
>"Well I could use someone that could wield a zeushammer"
>she became manhunt so we need to beat her up to capture her.
>capture success now I need to convert her to my ideology before taming her
>the cult leader want to rape her, maybe because she's beautiful and wounded?
>nymph went berserk after the rape
>the cult leader head exploded from a single punch
>the entire colony become sad and mad(he's everyone friend, husband, or father.)
>big raid happens
>call for empire help as usual
>the dumb soldiers from the empire walk into one of my colonist line of fire and get shot accidentally
>every factions are now mad to my colony
>almost all of my colonist are in the verge of mental breakdown
>another big raid, no help this time, 0 shooting skills? Here a shotgun, go stand in the hallway
>another big raid, it's from a colony that got mad because I drop pod them bunch of toxic wastes
>the colony is now reduced to two colonist, one builder and her daughter who walled herself up deep in the base

All happened in the span of four in game days.
Sometimes Randy really doesn't hold back punches. I'm going back to adventure mode Casandra
should have had a female rapist leader, not a male one
Sounds horrifying. I'd wonder if using shock lances constantly may do the trick for the five Idhale EX autorevives, although I'd have to get a melee hit in to make it work, it seems. But yeah it sounds like you're SoL if it shows up in a farskip.
Maybe a biomutation lance would work as well, but it'd be a waste of a good prisoner. I would hope the lances work on the other EX races.
If that fails then I guess you have to defeat a modded OP enemy with your own modded OP weapon.
Did you win any of your encounters with them?
>start thinking about removing mods i dont use
>cant force myself to actually shitcan them because i start to think of all the moments i could use them
>never do
>loop repeats itself every few weeks
I hate this.
I looked up what an ""average"" spear weight was at it IS around 2.00 kg but that is for a LONG spear like the greeks had not a SHORT SPEAR that the gameplay represents. If I could keep be attention for more than a few hours on modding I'd make something to rebalance medieval/neolithic weapons.
That would also mean organ farming prisoners would require holding them until you had an opportunity to sell/use them, which is ALSO what happens in real life. Boom, another reason to have large prisons and interact with prison mechanics.
>large prison
only if you're using a lot of organs at once
raids give you a constant deluge of potential prisoners
No, to sell. My thinking is building up a stock of prisoners each raid and then harvesting them all when a trader or trade ship comes and you can immediately flip them.
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Looks fine
I had a mod idea a while back that would make organs both spoil and get ruined by freezing, but would also add small spacer tier cryptosleep containers for storing them and transporting them. With this arrangement, before you learned to make them yourself, you could either have a live donor (willing or otherwise) or buy an organ in that container (you get to keep the container).
>medical emergency cuz prisoner is starving
>turned out i didn't have any cook at 1
>immediatly assign 2 cooks one for forced butchering the other for forced cooking
>colonist A start delivering a piece of meat to starving prisoner, draft her and she just stands there with a dumb expression
>colonist B starts delivering raw meat to prisoner, draft him to
>finally a meal is ready to give to prisoners while half my colony is idlying while drafted

>have my warden carry a proper meal to the prisoners
>get attacked by one of the prisoners, a ratkin with 17 melee (she wasn't escaping, just stressed)
>subdued her but got hit seriously so went to bed to rest while another made sure the starving prisoner got some food
>meanwhile my doctor didn't treat the warden cuz she had priority 2 in doctoring (for the same reason my cooks had priority 2 in cooking)

>finally notice one of colonists still awaits medical treatment
>sends my medic, who was busy hauling berries or whatever, to tend the wounded
>as she was tending him, got infection
>i got mad and character editor his infection away
>treatment done, now back to life as normal

>get another infection in the same place
>i get mad, character editor the infection away, and also the rest of the wounds away
>take that, randy!

i really should just lower the difficulty
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It keeps getting worse.
newfag here, just put in my first 100 hours into the game and im getting bored of only playing with humans, will the workshop mods that add new races conflict with each other or can i just add a bunch of them? also which dlc do you guys recommend getting first?
i have yet to see a race mod that conflict with other race mod, but try not to add two races with the same name (ie don't put two mods that add a goblin xenotype)
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Corin is the heavenly Goddess who leads her faithful Corinists to a brighter future!
>save that i had ~200 hours in gets fucked by updating to 1.5
>plan to use devmode and character editor to recreate it
>start laying the framework
>get bored after a few minutes and go to a different save that ive been putting time in
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>has save that he wants to keep playing
>updates to a version that is known to break a lot of things
a bunch of my mods were breaking because of steam autoupdating them so i gave in and went to 1.5
giant mistake i know
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Just get local versions of the mods with Rimpy, couldn't tell you how since I use GoG version but it should be possible.
guess I won't be updating my mods
thanks for beta testing
nigga just remove raw food from the allowed food list
does it affect prisoner meal?
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did i get this right?
0% psychic sensitivity, so you'd need to use someting else somehow to raise it first.
Also you can't capture them, after the fifth down they disappear and leave ~100 material or so, you can use 1k to make a item to summon a recruited one (or use it to make utterly broken gear). Didn't actually try the biomutation lance but it'd probably deal with them without any benefit in the same way that a rimatomics nuke technically works since the center area of the blast is 'removed' rather than 'killed'.

In terms of winning, I tried a few methods (originally tried doing it with a sizable mech force acting as the melee attackers) but eventually settled on exploting the fact that the rimsenal kinetic guns 'count' as melee attacks despite being ranged (initially at least, one of the quealeea royal-only weapons also counts as this and is significantly better at this role so I used that later on) and skipped them into a section where all the projectiles they fired would be absorbed by my SOS2 ship shield, then had charge snipers + kinetic rifleman fire at them while everyone else made sure to kill any suicide bomb spawns before they went off.

They're interesting though because of the gimmick means that no amount of absolute raw power is going to work if not applied correctly which is really neat. Was great to watch them just shrug off everything the first time as they approached though.
how to anime look??????
please help please help please help
[NL] Facial Animation - WIP
[NL] Facial Animation - Experimentals
use both
it has more impact when you reverse top and botrtom
how do I get the anime hairs
you can make a new one or change the default ones for whatever you want, including prisoners and guests
there are many mods for hairs.
personally i only have https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2072106893
is there a praticular hairstyle you are looking for?
alien pawns, like ratkins, come with their own hairstyles and you don't need to install
Search for AFU, Ponpeco, Unagi hairs.
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Just a character i've made a few years ago
Absolutely not true.
Corin is pure. Pure!
>(he used to autistically bump and keep the thread alive back then)
B-but i still do...
So true!
Gimme the sloppiest Corin slop
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W-what does sloppiest mean
is there other mod that adds little 2000's tactical gear, rimmunation 2 add just shit ton of same kinda gear with same stats
Speaking of ragequit, the vaporize explosion is really satisfying for stress release before reload.
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still a lot of work to do
gonna redo the killbox, take the wall down make it open to outside
TMC mods
losing limbs isn't a big deal when this game literally has so many ways to replace them.
also usually when my guys arent hauling stuff its actually because i forgot to unset their safe zone after the raid.
did you copy your oc from fire emblem and just remove one r lmoa
holy shit lol, don't play those games so didn't realise that.
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Gun nut mod series? Zardoz Armoury?
What does that picture have to do with NTR?
Anon your mind is tainted
Anon this is RimWorld general, not Corin general
I can't just spam slop
Actually no
Believe it or not but i did not think about fire emblem at all when i was starting that original save
The only similarity is in the name
name + hair color + eye color + skin color
Corrin has red eyes Anon, rest is fair
Corin is from a cold planet so i wanted her to have pale skin, hair and eyes kind of add to it
It's possible that i subconsciously thought of Corrin when making her, but i seriously have not thought of her intentionally at all
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fair enough
anyways heres my oc his name is Sonick, i came up with it myself, any resemblance to another character is purely conicidental
Is that a recolored of the famous Sonichu?
FE corrin is more blonde haired than silver.
also the FE one doesn't fuck horses.
>Gun nut mod series? Zardoz Armoury?
sorry i meant apparel, like armor and webbings
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>also the FE one doesn't fuck horses
she's missing out
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She doesnt fuck horses
>Loli highmates can spawn
>Highmates are Created to fulfill as Concubines
>Vanilla Highmates expanded allows you to get Loli Catgirl Highmates and lowmates
>You can apply the lowmate Genes to a loli pawn if you find the related Genepacks
What did Tvnan Svlvester and Oskvr Potocki mean by this?
>B-but i still do...
yeah but it was pretty dire back then
the thread manages to mostly stay alive these days
What's the mod that adds those enchantment thingies on the guns? I want a holy AMR too...
You know exactly what they meant by this
what's the problem anon? can't phatom pervers nobles who want to groom their Lolimates into the truly perfect concubine?
>You can apply the lowmate Genes to a loli pawn if you find the related Genepacks
to no effect, it's all coded to take effect after sexual maturity (hardcoded at 16 bio years)
Lolium fixes this.
at wich point it no longer matters what Tynan or Os*ar meant, now does it?
Unless you have hard proof they use lolium, too.
Lolium is oskar's favourite mod.
next dlc will integrate lolium in vanilla
what mods does Tynan play with?
i would like to take this moment to remind everyone that tynan is in the rjw discord
>developer is in the discord for the biggest mod made for his game
Remember that insects are friends
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I decided to mess with some of the advanced versions in debug mode. That Nearmare EX one has a pretty insane summon ability. I've not seen them show up in high tier raids, and I don't think I want to.
But it turns out shock lances work on the Nearmare EX, so there's that.
>pawns sad cuz no priest
>my pawns are either kids or people without social capabilities
>use ritual for 50% chance of recruit
>"X brave wanna join"
>it's a female highmate
>"hell yeah, they are good at social"
>"incapable of social"
WTH randy?

Also, what'd happen if I make my settlement in one of those "umpassable" mountains? (I'm not sure if that's even possible).
Can I put it surounded by more of those mountains? (I'm not sure if the map generator can create a cluster surounded by umpasable mountains or if there's a limit so there's some way to always move from one point to another)
you can put your colony on an island in the middle of the sea and still get foot raids.
fuck now i want to do navy themed colony
can you even walk in the middle of the ocean?
I have been curious if that's even possible, or how you start if you do so.
when the world is generated, youd sea there are some islands away from the landmass. you can start in one of those islands. however, even starting one a deserted island won't protect you from foot invaders, it won't stop traders from coming either. but there won't be nearby colonies to trade with.
CE+ CZARsenal
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Middle of winter, god I wish I had thought about this campfire sooner. A few mushrooms are exposed to light but the but the rest are growing again now and I can turn this into a vent when I eventually get electricity and coolers.
I'm a dumbass.
What happens if I add hair/clothes texture mods mid game? Will it break?
he is so me...
It will be very painfull
You're a big guy
My best shooter and hunter I've had from the start is a depressive loner who's had her husband cheat on her 3 times. Now she's had her spine severed by mechanoids and is stuck in bed forever

I'm tribal so I'm a ways away from getting her a bionic spine but i'd like to keep her around until I do, she's cool. I'm having trouble keeping her mood up though, is there a good way to fill recreation for someone who is permanently bedridden? or a way to get them moving around again? Vanilla needs a wheelchair
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>pawn gets mad
>punches explosives in storage
>whole storage explodes
> is there a good way to fill recreation for someone who is permanently bedridden?
get a televesion
you can steal sun generetor in a raid.
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I captured her as a gene farm but now that I think of it maybe I should recruit her as a hauler/meatshield?
>reform my ideology and pick the craft culture meme from oskarbloat ideology
>-50% tend speed
and you can't change memes in dev mode, if you try to it will remove all your memes and give you the one you selected, you can't select multiple ones
>Royalty is released
>Its mediocre
>Oskar releases Psychasts Royalty and Deserters expanded, Making the DLC worthwhile and rich in content
>Ideology is released
>Its mediocre
>Oskar releases Memes expanded and various Ideology mods which greatly expands the playstyles for the DLC and allows for fine tuning and role play
>Biotech is released
>Its mediocre
>Oskar, Sarg, and other modders releases a dozen xenotype mods with genes allowing you to create the monstergirl of your dreams
>Becomes one of the best DLCs available, especially for coomers
>Anomaly is released
>Its mediocre
>Bad reviews because Oskar and sarg hardly made any mods for it

Lets be honest, half the reason people would want the DLCs is for the Oskar/sarg bloat associated with them, and half the reason why anomaly is Shit is because there's no major expansion mods for it
Ideology is fine without oskarbloat.
Biotech's best mod is AFU cosmetic genes and lolium.
out of 11 cows that have been born in my colony so far, all have been female
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Just killed my first "deathless" enemy.
Will this kill her or will she suddenly spawn in 7 days?
Note that I have also removed her skull.
Leave the gate to your pen unlocked and you won't have any problems
maybe its the other way around
fun games inspire people to show their love with creativity
fun expensions begat mods, not fun mods make the expension
the reason for mods for biotech is because its good.
the reason biotech is good is NOT because of mods.
the reason no mods for anomally is because its shit.
the reason anomaly is shit is NOT because lack of mods.
All i can think of as a tip is to double layer your walls that are away from your killbox
Infused/Infusion something like that.
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forgot to upload my own base-- I need suggestions on where/what shape should i build a new temple... also why is the anomaly ritual spot not appearing for me? i searched all over google for it but couldnt find anyone with the same bug, i started the game with the ritualist meme but with the ambient horror option in the storyteller so i got no monolith, is that the reason?
give yourself reform points and reform again
I think i doomed my colony but I'm curious what 2x size mech cluster will look like when I haven't even had a single random one on this colony
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>check reviews
>all "very positive" on steam
retardbro, your propaganda doesn't even align with thread opinion
how do I spawn one of those? sounds fun
dev mode > explosion > vaporize
>game barely start
>3 starting colonists are finishing building their barracksXstoreroomXkitchen
>dinosaur hunting one of my colonists
>order her into the safety of building
>dino give up
>build another door to the barracksXkitchenXstoreroom
>as soon as the wall is down, dino comes in and starts attacking another colonist, biting her hand off
now tell me that returning the colonist via character editor in this scenerio wouldn't happen during extreme frustration
>its your fault
yeah thats why its frustrating
I'm way too retarded, but I want to do my broken genes mod to play it by myself.
I know how to put stuff in the mods folder to have custom mods, and my nearest thing to "making my own mod" was to switch the sprites of another mod.
Which mod would be good to edit some genes?
I'm not sure if it's just some "edit an xml" thing, I just want to make some genes and I'm not sure if there's some recesive/dominant setting or how they are made (I probably want to add some bigger horns and wings to make demontype).
AFU Cosmetic Genes
I'll help you Anon
thanks, gonna check that when I reach home.
I just checked the steam page, and it seems to be just "cosmetic".
I'm curious if there's another one with custom genes which add stats, so I can use it as a layout to create mine too.
Remind me, Lucius is her father, Nero her little brother, Lucia the mother and Eldigan her guard, correct?
As in, she has the deathless gene? Deathless doesn't actually mean immortal. It prevents most forms of death including complete organ harvesting, but destroying the neck/head/brain will still kill you.
>I'm curious if there's another one with custom genes which add stats
Yes, it's called "Biotech". You do realize most vanilla genes are simple +0.1 manipulation or -4 cooking, yes?
yeah, but if it's not isolated in files in some folder I don't even know where to start to create my own.
>losing limbs that early
thats a reload from me
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Documenting this so I force myself to deal with the consequences.
Bros... My grower/shitty doctor isn't going to make it. Fucking plague.
Yeah I think she died from it, at least I noticed that the body was gone and I don't think it had been 7 days. So she must have died.
Quick, get him into cryosleep until you have a rez mech serum!
Did you designate the bed as medical?
Bruh I'm per-medieval and I actually don't know where my ancient ayylmao spot is even on this map yet.
She's gone. I forgot she's also the only one that can cook. And the only of my original three that had ability to do social. Fuck.
But at least the Pigger servant child has 4 growing and 3 social. Books have been helpful. I'm still beyond fucked now though. And ready refuses to give me more colonists. Wonder if its because I messed with Xenotype Spawn Control to try and only get my xenotype.
Yeah I'd reload that, because it doesn't sound very fun to play out. You do you though.
Yes, designated as medical, forced them into a ceaseless sleep schedule, had the Pigger feed them. They overall tending quality was just too shit I guess. Highest medical besides her was 2. I feel like I did everything I could think to do this early.
why didnt you have them self-tend retard
>They overall tending quality was just too shit I guess
Whenever that may happen, I set my medic able to auto medicate.
There seems to be a lower score of the treatment when they self tend, but most of the time they self tend way better than any other pawn with low grade medicine would do.
I did. Self medicate honestly probably did more harm than not because they wasted that time when they should have been resting. The other guy survived no problem.
made a good story
i had a guy without a leg for a year until i bought an arcotech. it's a game, not real life. if it was real life obviously i would instantly give him his leg back, but the whole point of the game is you have progression over time.
get communicable diseases, it's kinda kino when the whole colony gets sick.
Try this

<GeneDef ParentName="GeneTailBase">
<label>furry tail</label>
<description>Carriers of this gene grow a fluffy tail which partially protects them from cold temperatures.</description>
<iconColor>(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)</iconColor>
<overrideMeshSize>(1, 1)</overrideMeshSize>
<rotDrawMode>Fresh, Rotting</rotDrawMode>
<offset>(0.1, 0, -0.25)</offset>
<offset>(-0.1, 0, -0.25)</offset>
<offset>(-0.5, 0, -0.15)</offset>
<offset>(0.5, 0, -0.15)</offset>
anyone knows how to either get acanthamoeba from alpha animals to drink water or disable thrist for it? I tried to disable thirst in dubs hygiene options using bodytype filter but it's not showing me any of the body defs this thing uses, AA_Protoplasm, AA_Nucleus or AA_JellyfishTentacle
>pixelated hair
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Anyone have and recommendation for facial animation retextures? I don't have any issue with anime. I just don't like the way Nal's art looks.
I really like the aesthetics of pic related, but there are only three of them, and it has have Vanilla Textures Expanded (which is half decent and half shit) as a dependency.
its insane how much hauling in general takes up, its the main reason why I simply cannot play a colony where there is not access to some kind of movement upgrade either through spine implants or neurocharges
thanks, I'm gonna try when I reach home, I'll try to combine it with this >>493018031 and see if there are results
pawns simply move too slow for the games timespeed. Forced to make extremely compact base.
>mech cluster
>drop a smoke
>have my colonist peek a corner and fire rocket launcher
>he hits the rock he was hiding behind
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Found the base values now gonna try to remember how to make a patch.
Marrying and impregnating Courageous
aight it's done, I doubled it to 6.0. Time to see if it works and if it is too fast.
6.0 barely notice a difference in testing so seems fine asuming it even worked.
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What does this symbol mean? Teeth above the head?
Your gonna get vore'd no idea
I have the barebones functionality of my food mod working. (Bread and wheat) :)
It means its rape train ability is on. No pain, no stagger, extra speed.
Greetings, Gentlemen.
To my fellow Modders,
what is your craft?
What are you working on?
What Program are you using?

As a small side question,
Which VE mod do you think lives up as an arguably decent vanilla Expansion? What would you like to see from them?

As for me, I've been busy working on the Weapons pack I have teased some days ago.
Only XML needs to be finnished by my friend.
Here is what I've been working on mostly today, these are the current Weapons for the Security and Enforcement Pack. Feedback and suggestions, also for additions, is welcome and encouraged by me!
making bare bones increase to global movespeed
I like big maps and big bases
>Which VE mod do you think lives up as an arguably decent vanilla Expansion?
VE Paste
>your mod
Saw it on workshop, looked good.
I used to make mods for a few games, SOLDAT for instance. Haven't dabbled in vector art much in a while but I have to admit I've been really tempted to fiddle around making some shit in Rimworld. Xenotypes and items. Definitely would need to warm back up though, haven't done any art or even pixelshit in two years.
>what is your craft?
Art and XML
>What are you working on?
Cooking and food mod, mod to add capes/cloaks
>What Program are you using?
Clip Studio
Clothing, social interactions.

Your guns look good although it seems like everyone and their mum makes gun mods.
Oh, does it have an official name?
I think it's odd to not see any mention of that ability in-game except that cryptic symbol.
You could have just used the out of combat move speed boost mod. Doesn't break combat too.
I want the combat movespeed to be fast too though
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I know that many people make Weapon mods.
Many people start with it, but few realy try to do so in an gameplay friendly way.

Sad thing is, how many good weapon-packs have you seen since WWE?

I realy don't think there have been many.
Yes, mine might be bloat, but I think overally the game might be more enjoyable aswell as hopefully more immersive once I get a few mods going, which is when I plan on making other stuff aswell, and maybe join a team casually, but I will never sell out like Oskar.

I wanted to make a vanilla friendly cooking expansion too, maybe we can collaberate.
Feel free to hit me up or so, should you get to see me in places like the CE Discord
...just don't expect me on the main server, since I've been banned there, funny story.
How'd you get banned?
been thinking about this as well, the solution i came up with for my imaginary game that i will never be able to make is that items that get hauled give a speed buff to whoever is carrying it.
the buff is greater the closer the carrier is to the midpoint between the start and destination, and the buff is only a lot for great distances. so it will be a acceleration/deceleration effect and it doesn't matter if somebody hauls only halfway and then somebody else take over. the remembered start location would get updated after the object has been still in its destination for a while, the destination is updated (and distances recalculated) as soon as someone starts hauling.
been playing a lot of city builders, base builders and such. if resources don't teleport distance always becomes a huge issue and i think this would solve it. it can probably be exploited though, if you don't want military units to be able to reach spots on the map quickly and they are also able to haul things.
I thank fuck every day that the Pick up and Haul mod works.
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btw something i find very frustrating is not being able to hold the mouse button and drag down on the work tab to quickly give everybody priority 1 on hauling and then do the same to quickly return them to 3. same with cleaning or "being a patient".

i don't understand why you can't do that on the work tab after all these years.
Very long story short: Accusal of Transphobia.
While partially true, the mods are extremely biased, especially about pride shit.
Honestly I'm happy to be gone there.
They never acted like my real friends to begin with.
Don't feel bad about it, the left can't survive without bans, self-censorship via the chilling effect, and lies.
I don't mind.
While I doubt you are a believer in Christ, take Him as an example, He is and represents the Truth eversomore than we, but has been treated way worse. If it is said that He as the Truth has been mistreated, why shouldn't we be?

Sincere apologies for getting philosophical, this is not the board for that after all, bless ya'll anyway.
I gotta go to bed now. See you frens!
The way the pawns just turn into abominations with no effects, no alerts, and just disappears from your colonist bar is terrifying
The mods are extremely biased, and everyone in the modding channels just crowd around the popular people. Especially the art channel.
What the fuck is this
korean autism folded 1000 times
I downloaded AFU gene cosmetics, some xenotype factions, Big and Small and a couple offsets, and Alpha Genes...
Hmm, what to make, what to make...
Collect all monster girls for your bestiary
>Refugee joins up for a week after one of my original three colonists dies
>Now my xenos are outnumbered by other breeds
Dimwatch has fallen.....
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I tried with some mods, and made my "custom OP" gene, but I only found references to "forced traits" and some to "effects"
is there some xml guide of what the current genes do?
I don't know where to find the "base files" to copy those, for now I did

<description>Carriers of this gene have "Test" trait.</description>

I want to know how to add more effects, I just copied the "forced traits" from some other gene mod (which I'm not sure how it worked), but for now I started from zero with that one file.
nevermind, I just found out it's all inside the "data" folder in the same location where I put my mods.
I'm gonna check that out to make my custom gamebreaking OP mod
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fucking nigger
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>You do not have permission to update this.
The fucking worst.
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Kozlov I don't think it's proper to cuddle with your fox colonist in the medical tent right after you indoctrinated her...
Did Oskar hold him at gunpoint or something?
Oskar doesn't need to threaten, he just slides you a fat stack of cash and you listen to your new lord
>tfw you're forced to stand at attention inside the tent for the local archotech to generate his stories
Hi rwg enjoyers, here's a free key for stranded alien dawn on steam
stranded: alien dawn 2YPAI-NJ859-J5ZMZ
please lmk if you redeem it.
Thanks anon
>anomally has all the 'important' mods
When are we getting an actual rimworld clone? I thought Tynan was a hack and anyone could make it?
I heard about this new game called Dwarf Fortress
It's not as popular and deep as Rimworld but it's still quite alright
cultivation simulator
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Is this some kind of mental illness?
The cool bit is that Cultivation Simulator is only a Rimworld clone on the surface and ended up becoming it's own much more complex thing. Doesn't really scratch the same itch due to that though.
or he just doesnt have time to update a free mod that he makes no money off of.
then why block others from updating it
why specifically give it to oskar
Didn't even know about ProxyHeat.
What do you think of 'Celsius'?

I've been using it, it's rough to adjust too but I enjoy the added complexity.
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>playing on boreal forest
>one of my colonists is herbivore
>first year, no hydrophonics
>autumn finished all wild berries
>come winter barely survives on some meals my raiders found
>come spring food starting to grow but she is already on melnutriation extreme
oh noes
just update it anyway and reformat the code enough that it's "original".
pride flag
>ukraine flag
Is there any mod that integrates medieval overhaul into the game so that it can be played in industrial age and later?
buck broken Brawler
How well does it run, performance-wise? Do you have a lot of enclosed rooms with doors, or sources of hear in your map?
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>devilstrand colonist gets burned
>runs all the way to the other side of the killbox for 15 seconds
>enemy pawn gets burned
>shrugs it off and casually beats the imp to death while burning
I love this game. What's the explanation for this? Because it's an inhumanized cultist? Because it's a tough melee 19 hussar? Because it's raining and rain doesn't affect my colonist and they still run around on burn? Because it has a normal megasloth wool parka?
Because napalm sticks to children
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For my computer there is no performance impact at all compared to vanilla. I get more performance issues from the pawn pathfinding.
Tynan dictates that you lose a pawn there.
>lose a pawn
It was a 25 cultist raid. There were 5 tough pawns, most of them were hussars and they have death refusal. It was a wipe. I lost the colony.
shoulda used the reload feature that Tynan gave you because his story generator sucks fucking ass.
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Both of you dumb dorks are blind, how would you know if the room is nice or not
I did. In fact, I reloaded on more than half of every new anomaly threat I encountered so far because it was always a complete wipe. The problem is that on the second attempt I often win without a single colonist downed, fucking me even harder on the next threat because the adaption factor doesn't help. This DLC might genuinely be too hard for me.
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Slowly but surely I will soon start begin to convert this colony into a space ship
If I turn someone with incapable of violence into a ghoul, can they fight or will they be useless?
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some pawns can shrug off burn. for example,
vanilla races xpended hussar

you should check that pawn stats or genes and see if you find anything.
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Ferny is just a certified Alpha Male.
if you weren't good before anomaly then it's probably going to kick your face in, but it makes things way too easy if you're already good since there's so much that can be easily abused. i mean you can literally turn your sea ice run into being as warm as a temperate forest
looks nice but it also looks like CE but for temperature, making so many changes to core mechanics half your other mods will break
I still don't know much about the new tech and the new threats are either long lasting or brutal enough to leave me reeling for days, so it's really hard for me to grow in power. I don't even want to imagine the ending raids, but I'll struggle along until the end.
get lasered fleshniggers. Also I only just noticed Ro gave herself the title of Maid. The idea of a jittery, anxiety riddled slug maid is quite nice so I'll be keeping it.
before anomaly a certain sanguophage build was the ultimate melee, even more so if you went to the extra effort to custom make it. with anomaly you can get something even better with a fraction of the effort. before anomaly there were very few ways to restore missing body parts, with anomaly you can restore anything, though that's somewhat more random its not too rare. there's a whole bunch of other stuff too
>459 mods
Will it work?
I really don't want to remove anything, there are just too many good mods
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beginner number
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>no anomaly
you sir, are based.
Does it work?
It shows up as a hediff called Rage Speed when active. I'd assume the ability itself has the same name.
>I think it's odd to not see any mention of that ability in-game
Yep. Chimeras are one of the few enemies that require a bit of strategy if you're fighting them head on. That, or lots of guns.
Anomaly just looks like it adds tond of new ways to fuck up your colony... and that's it?

Can those of you that played it pitch it to me?
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You wake up in your wooden bed (good) next to this.
It's basically Royalty 2
It's pretty shallow but give it time and people will get used to it and mods will expand it
New threats are way more interesting and challenging (which is why a lot of people don't like them) just like mechanoid clusters
New stuff that you get for interacting with DLC is pretty good although it requires delving into all those anomalies (just like psycasts)
I just body blocked them with ghouls
It also adds new ways to fuck enemies up, but you're forced to deal with the anomaly threats to get them
be nuzzled
Scramble to get out.
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read the file name. of course it work, still waiting for RJWPE to update tho
my strategy is always just to have a tunnel with 3 ghouls at the front and shooting colonists at the back so i don't see any difference fighting them.

i see that chimeras does some kind of visual effect (circle pulsewave?) but i have no idea what it is or what it does
>RJWPE and not lolium
unfathomably cringe
whats the difference
is it updated to 1.5? does the one from LoliumAnon work?
Swift sex.
because in lolium you can set the age of consent and age of mature and in rjpe you can't?
it adds a whole bunch of ways for you to become op too, you can literally build a bunch of shit that was exclusive to traders like lances or things that were pure luck like temperature controllers
>can only raise the map's temperature
shit mod
lolium works perfectly, despite being 1.4
>You can love android so much that it becomes self-aware
Based Oskar
what would be the point of raising it outside your map
I wanted to lower it.
would that be useful anywhere outside the jungle?
The desert? Modded biomes?
Turning my map into an icy hellhole just because?
if temp is freezing
caraven food won't spoil
literally the only interesting thing i can think of is to turn ice sheet into sea ice with literally no one ever showing up, but then you might as well just play sea ice. raising heat is a lot more useful otherwise since it can have a real impact on crops dying. the one dumb thing i can imagine doing related to what you want is using the heater in the jungle and turning it into the opposite of sea ice with fires starting every other day

it'll spoil once it leaves your map anyway
>bro why do you hate fagskar?
Precisely because of shit like that.
You can do that on map roll.
Set it to the Ice Age, play neanderthals.
>not wanting to have man doom his map through his own hubris
think about the story
Oskar is the douchebag of rimworld modding
I have a hard time blaming them, I could really use a fat stack of cash
you should, theyd make more money charging for their mods
Try to tame. Insects are our friends
>obelisk clones my most powerful colonist
should I be concerned
I already dealt with his organ decay
don't tell me what happens actually I want to be shooked
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One of the Ayameduki races. They're all big titty anime girls, so it's a great way to bloat up your game. Make sure to grab the translation patch.
liltuna has no face
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Works on my machine.
You probably just need to reorganize your mod load order.
what is the right order?
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This is what's working for me currently. NL facial animation, both experimental and WIP, is higher up on the list.
wheres litluna
Just put it after Nearmare.
I only had it enabled earlier to test the faces, but I already disabled it.
>Just put it after Nearmare
Nearmare EX
Does RJWPE work with the latest version of RJW?
You may have multiple face mods affecting Littluna. I had a similar issue with the other races. Check if you have the Wrelick facial mod listed on >>493111438 active, then check if the Ayameduki Race Facial Animation mod is disabled, if you have it.

>didn't have fawd
im dumb
should i disable the ayameduki race facial animation?
Gathering strength for an attempt to update Call of Cthulhu/Rim of Madness to 1.5.
>should i disable the ayameduki race facial animation?
Yes, and enable FAWD. Hope it works.
bloat or soul?
I'd like it if medieval vehicles like this actually required the animals displayed in the graphics to build, but it's essentially just a car that uses hay instead of chemfuel for fuel.
Did RJW rework insect breeding?
i too
now i wanna do xenoorca run on an island biome
i keep starting new games... but at least its more due to passion for new experiances rather than boredom of current ones
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Fair enough. General is way more lively than before
Lucia is her sister and Eldigan is her brother. Everything else is correct
That's an old version of the game where mods were still pixelated rough diamonds. Please understand
so many anime artstyle mods, so few actual anime mods
there should be azur lane and love live i think
anyway there aren't a lot of colony anime
azur lane is not an anime
there's kancolle
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An Azur Lane mod that is more than just outfits could be nice.
my point is all the anime mods are just eye candy. compare to minecraft where a fatetard made a mod that adds all the magic from fate into the game.
gachaniggers would poison every other game with their autism, you need to be gassed to the last
rimworld naruto mod
checkmate, atheist
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mod update
with character editor, you can also keep in their personality and age, effectivly making a colony with your self insert and your ship harem

dibs on hatsuharu
That's right.
Imagine the story generation.
which mods let me use bones as building material? i want bone huts
bones mod
So I want my next colony to be a Greek themed one, any mods to help with that? Googling doesn't give much results
use character editor to make all pawns gay
rjwpe for shotas
Kek, What about buildings, items and other shits?
What is even PE?
who knows...
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if i start on the tropical islands here, ill have a lot of rivers to take my boats inland
>What about buildings, items and other shits?
Sure, make them gay too.
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or should i take this island here, which has less diseases but there is a suspicious toxic cloud nearby
or maybe take an island here, sorounded by land so ill have many places to go play in
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maybe this?
sophian and neolithic are good keywords for your search

forgot pic
pe is for pedo experiance
Thanks man, that's a great looking mod
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or perhaps this nice sea where i can truly immerse in the sea-farer experiance
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Any good mod releases/updates lately?
Last time I played was a few months ago, shortly after Vanilla Expanded Vehicles I think.
>start with naked brutality with my personalized OP xenotype
>can basically solo everything with him because of how OP I made him
>X wanna join she will stay for16 days
>hell yeah, some help
>she's pregnant on third trimester or so
>"Y wanna join, she woke up a machine person and will reduce consciousnesses of females"
>whatever, my main guy is male
>the joiner was a child
>but she was of my OP xenotype
>pregnant woman immediatelly falls because of the -50% consciousness debuff
>"Z is asking for medicine to heal her loyal pet"
>she's 3 years old, also capture her
>child is born, it's a male baseliner
>woman can walk again, and breasteed him
>also, the time she asked to stay is over, so she decides to leave
>she's leaving the baby behind
>"hell no"
>jail her
>on my way to recruit her
>now I make the other children to feed baby food to the baby meanwhile my only guy capable of real work does everything else.
This was pretty fun, but I'm not sure why whenever I start a solo, whoever decides to join is either some old fart or a child most of the time.
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>naked brutality
>personalized OP xenotype
>give it time and people will get used to it and mods will expand it
Its been four fucking months and there are still no good mods that expand on the anomaly shit.
It fucking sucks hard.
Fun. You should be familiar with this concept.
I'am. You, on the other hand...
for masochists, only suffering is fun
>make everything artificially harder
>mod difficulty off of it
Every fucking time.
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More like autistic faggots who cant comprehend people having fun in some other way than their approach.
to see how well an OP character can survive
and see how creates everything from scrath

why do I have to till down a tree to get chocolate?
I mean... aren't there any fruit trees?
I don't have to cut down a lemon tree to get lemons, right?
when life gives you chocolate...
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More like autistic faggots having fun in autistic ways.
>Reach electricity from a tribal start
>Want to restart
Every time. I should just make a colony start next time. I was thinking of doing a new run on desert or something with Random Genes and xenotypes as the only spawns to join my colony. Mos Eisley colony basically, with more chaos.
its like musou games - its about the power trip.
you know there are monster hunter games - there are few enemies but those few are very strong.
musou games are the opposite- dozens of enemies, all die in a hit or 2.
both id say are equall difficulty.
now imagine if musou games had monster hunter power levels. very hard.

naked brutality is like musou games with monster hunter strength. people who seek challange play it, but filling the area with enemies may not be just for challange. sometimes its just for power tripping.
VE insectoids
I just read that you can combine animal personhood and human primacy to have tamers who can actually eat meat.
How true is that?
Is there any order on how should I add my ideologies so I can negate stuff?
Now give tribals the power of the atom anon
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my least prefered activity of starting a new colony is done.
now to reroll xenos forever.
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I want to make a tribe of nature follower androids. Animist meme with no animal killing precept. Is VRE androids what I 'm looking for or is there any better android mod?
Nah, think I'm done. This was a test of mountain bases, and frankly I'm not a fan. I'm a huge homo for outdoors organic settlements with perimeter walls.
0-3 Desert
4-6 Jungle
7-9 Grassland
0 Wastes
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>Naked Brutality
>Use personalized OP xenotype that is god awful at combat, construction, plants, and medicine
>Add RJW to the modlist and make them extremely beautiful and a wimp
Now we're gaming.
time to get some impids
bro did you ever think to highlight the memes and see what each one adds and negates when you start a new game?
You can use it for that
not really sure how to do that.
I'm not sure if the order of picking it up matters.
or, you know, you can just pick rancher if all you want is taming buff
>finally find a pawn im ok with
>click next without first putting said pawn in the 'take with you' section
>character editor the pawn i did take to have the same traits and passion as the pawn i left behind
nothing personal kid
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alright, time for Solelet to choose a location to sattle
>islands have shallows all around so raiders and caravans can come on foot
this is not what i signed up for...
hnnnng cumming on foot
>bloatmaxx my game with aya races
>its another 'child cant wear the race's clothing because its only for adults but also can't wear vanilla kid clothes so theyre forced to be naked for 13 years' episode
fuckin hell
How do you plan on leaving the map to deal with a droner or something if it's all blocked?
vehicle framework and alpha vehicles set sail

also biomes islands add swiming

the har i have is a mermaid

no foot, only fin
Well then you could try using a map editor mod to block it. I'm pretty sure it would stop raids. Unless there's an option in geological landforms to make deep water all around, it forces an opening by default.
>the har is a mermaid
Then how she walks on land?
my current modlist has around 120 mods and is working perfectly, not even a single red error shows up on startup. but I've got a sudden urge to add all the progression mods that restructures a lot of VE content and other mods categories.
thats a good idea, but i just realized if i did that Solelet will have nothing to hunt

maybe ill only block 2 directions
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it's the other type of mermaid
>didn't play Rimworld for couple years
>half of mods now pozzed with Oskar framework
It's over.
Did you remember to add https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3147664706&searchtext=mermaid for her to enjoy?
Count your blessings, in the other timeline, JecsTools became the mainstream framework mod.
I want to start a "combat ideologion" run, starting with a fluid ideology, but I'm not sure if to start with supremacist, or raider.
I saw that supremacist can't do charity to get points. Most of the time I got points by doing charity in worthwhile, but I think that "suffering for not helping people" ain't really a "combat oriented" clan thing.
It seems that raiders may be able to do charity, but they seem to have this "haven't raided in a while" mood debuff, but as I said, maybe this charity thing isn't really good for fun/roleplay/gameplay.
Other way to get points was with executions required (I was pretty good at that, while harvesting hearts), but I wonder what can I do for the raiding thing?, how do you get the info on nearby camps?
I don't want to raid settlements and maybe delete them, because I want to have a constant supply of enemies, and removing everyone from the map doesn't seem too fun to me at least.
I forgot, is there any good mood to have more than 2 specialists?
I'd like to have my 2 combat specialists but also some tamers or workers.
There is a bad mood for no specialist once your ideology hits a number of followers.
Btw why starting fluid and not setted already?
just remake those mods to work without the framework. most of them have foss licenses anyways.
this looks nice. ideology style or new items?
Not tested myself but the page says ideology style
because I'm not sure how the ideologies work and maybe some situation may make me change some ideology, like for example I may need to add guilty or something to reduce pain mood, or even rancher to get animals constantly if I decide to move somewhere else.
Rjw updated and it breaks all the sub mods
ideology no limits
>broken HAR children
toss them in the growth vat then set their traits and passions using overpowered mods or straight up cheat mods
hopefully the dom mods are still ok. the sub mods probably wanted to be broken anyways.
even sub mods get the 'broken' health debuff which makes them work at 80% efficiency
>accept a quest to destroy bandit outpost
>says there are 2 yttakin there
>send a colonist
>there's nobody there but 2 hostile boars
probably pawn generation error
any mod that makes ritual opportunities a pop-up rather than a condition or incident hint or whatever you call what they are in vanilla?
yttakin often raid with tamed boars along, so probably these pigs get counted in raid/quest outpost as pawns
An 'Alert' apparently, and it seems I can postfix it to generate a DiaOption.
there should be some kind of quick way to start a new game in vanilla without playing without any DLC. i can imagine new players being completely overwhelmed.
you can disable DLCs just like any other mod
i'm saying there should be a way to use all the DLC and still quick start the game without being bombarded with a million options. a way for new players to quickly get into the game.
>Decide to create a Scrapper desert colony of ragtag xenos with the Xeno crash landing start.
>End up spending 435634645 hours just meticulously going through every premade xeno and customizing it more to my tastes after adding Alpha Genes and other shit.
Oh god kill me, I'm never playing the game.
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Ohayou mina-san, I'm happy to report that Ken-Sama is living a slow life (Permadeath) in another world.
protect the mazoku girl
but where's her wife Monmo?
sword-kun picked the blandest cheat of them all, didn't he?
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Apparently Manhunter Pulse not only works on Noctol enemies but they consider each others enemies. One cast of the pulse make them all take out each others, fun to watch.
I seriously don't know of any good reason to install anomally.
I don't consider myself one of those SCP fans.
Only 1 pink girl allowed sadly.
A katana is the strongest weapon after all.
They have child clothing called Artificia Child something, there's even three variations that you can make in the artificia sewing machine
it's more fun content and variation. i guess if you have mods you don't need it but why not?
was vampires added in anomally or before that? i like the books a lot but i haven't played for a while so maybe that wasn't added in anomally
vampires were biotech
right, the dna thing. makes sense.
ghouls, tentacle limbs, and rituals are neat in anomally
sex with all of them
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I am a retard.
Mistakes happen, don't lose your head over it
wtf is this setup. why are all the defenders behind all the valuable shit, in two separated layers for maximum ff.
What mod adds that paperdoll body?
are there any mods that add shotgun/nonlethal turrets?
i was gonna put a few near my prison to quell escapes in combination with "prisoners should fear turrets"
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I will give this a shot but if a single pawn dies i'm reloading, what the absolute fuck game i'm not ready for this
the game is about learning what works, he'll get there.
personally i turn off friendly fire because it happens too much.
It doesn't happen too much. You can't ff on adjacent squares.
looks cozy with indoor tents like that.
in what looks like a house inside a cave
if you always play in a way where it can't possibly happen of course it doesn't happen too much
>if you always make food of course you don't starve too much
>if you always put out fires of course your base doesn't burn down too much
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Well that's fucking horrible, at least those two Noctoliths are somewhat close together
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you can't possibly think that's comparable to combat, which can be played a lot of different ways.
its the GRU, they're coming for your toilets.
The raiders were supposed to come through the road, that's just a small alley I didn't put much thought into.
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Well it's over
looks dire
oh my god why would you make your greenhouse out of wood
Get to da choppa!!
Pawn Quick Info
Had a volcanic winter event and was running low on food and had only wood available, needed something very quick. Then I just never switched to stone walls.
you get to rebuild it with stone now so its a win
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Think this is too big a place to build a base? Using the natural hills along with parameter walls.
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wow those are some real saggy boobs
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I wish more mods had custom backgrounds like DLCs
A lot of mods already have some kind of OC mascot so it requires minimal effort
real rimmers use porn backgrounds
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>activate monolith
>one void structure spawns exactly in the middle of my base
>the other spawn just outside of the base
>instantly swarmed by metalhorrors
>metalhorrors from the other structure starts breaking my walls
>30 trispikes are flooding in
Only 3 hours and I got deleted with no way of retaliating
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that's a weird khezu
>Toasty 1800F for the dumb bugs that tunneled into my cave full of incendiary bombs and wooden tables

Nice evolution, idiots
they should add a flame turret that you reload with chemfuel
My flame turrets usually shoot once, set everything on fire, and then explode. Reloading isn't necessary.
i think you can put a fireproof barricade around it
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This wasn't exactly hard, more annoying dealing with pawn pathfinding to safely build torches. Every battle I regret giving Ro that Incinerator, won't change it though.
there is
choose a premade ideology
NTA, but I don't think you understand.
Just the ideology select window with all the icons and colors and text is going to be overwhelming to a normie.
the only time i picked caraven half the map was still outside and everywhere inside there ware bugs.
I always thought that ideology have not enough stuff, at least mods fix it
looks cozy
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had Solelet build her new base between 1 and 5. the nautilian style is cool, and it even add structures that can only be built on water.but im on an island, not an archipelego, so i don't think ill use those.
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>barely 3 days in
>already a raid
oh i forgot to haul the initial item drops
>I have the best raids, people tell me this all the time, they tell me President you have the greatest raids.
why is the president raiding you
i donnu.
also, he just stands there moving nowhere and allows himself to be shot. i hope this save isn't bugged.
he won't leave until you snap a screenshot of him posing
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>manhunting pack
>2 fish
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i reloaded an autosave just so i could screanshit him but now he moves.
im not gonna figt him now that he moves, not my fault he didn't move before.
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a kid just wandered in. i wonder how should i nickname her.
>Probina Bryennios
Prob is to touch
touching in hebrew is nogaat
ill call her Noga, which is also the hebrew name for planet Venus. how fitting!
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had to build 4 coolers to save Noga from heatwave. ironic.
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Finally finished Anomaly, vanilla. The threats were significantly more difficult than regular raiders. It was smooth sailing once I got 3 ghouls, I was just spamming provocations and tearing through entity after entity but the final monolith activation was insane. The other ending raids are fucking jokes compared to this bullshit.
Most of the threats were actually pretty fun to fight through if not stressful or complete bullshit, and it always kept me on the edge for the entire 6 in-game years. It did feel like a huge mod instead of a DLC, it's the only DLC that I feel like I would rather uninstall after I'm done, just like a themed mod. It was really fun and was a very worthwhile experience, but I sure as hell won't do another anomaly playthrough, ever. At least not without mods. Stop, Drop, and Roll!, in particular. And something to stop my idiots from "crawling to safety" right into a fucking sea of fire.
Now I can finally play the 1.5 mods.
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>same temp inside as outside
what is heating my place
your target temperature is 21 dear
my bad dear I didn't see that it's 41c outside,
I use RJW but not because I'm a coomer or anything.
It's just that you can't really raid a rival base without raping everyone you've downed when the fighting's done.
check your roof dear
you dont have a roof
i can see a tree still standing inside your walls
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>aya races really hate the heat
i picked the wrong place for an island
44c outside
is it too late to move
should i save my girls with char edit or something
in my version if i don't have a room fully roofed it remarks it next to the temp.
room is roofed.
if it was missing a roof it would say unroofed instead of indoors
also trees can exist indoors they just lose their leaves eventually
might be a 1.5 or mod thing tho idk
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>Paralytic Ablasion for 36 days
Good Christ. Should I bother?
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now i need to nickname the new girl, rhode palalogos
shes mixrace undead, delicate and a snob, whos good at cooking and plants
I'll call her Plachta for now./
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they lied to you when they said marble doesn't grow on trees.
You might want to get a mod to hide hats
>pawn is half saclean (Nexaga)
>can ONLY wear human clothes, which doesn't fit the art at all
that does it
a. cheat her into a full saclean so she can wear clothes that actually fit her figure
b. remove nexaga from modlist, start a new game in colder enviorment
b.i. import my first pawn
b.ii. import my second pawn as well
b.iii. only import ideology
b.iv. start from scratch
c. same as b, but in a watery cave instead of a cold island
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i bet you really miss her now
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My wooden buildings are white, what could be causing this?
whats that biome, anon?
Looks like https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3240799928

and so my collection grows

>race:warship girl
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the level of simplicity i'm talking about would pick storyteller, ideology, and a starting location for you. only giving the new player the option to pick his starting colonists
(with the option to auto-pick those as well, which is semi-random to give balanced stats across the starting colonists)

every menu when starting a new game can be clicked through very quickly but as a new payer there's so much information and you have to read a bunch just to get to the level of understanding that you know how to click through the menus quickly
wouldn't new players just go to the toturial?
Well..somehow you get inside her...
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I love getting inside of mechanical girl
To boldly go where every horse have been before..
>Game stopped launching because of mods
Fuck it, I'm doing medieval colony this time since you don't need that many mods
Any good mods that add fantasy tech stuff?
>don't need that many mods
If you only knew how bad things really are..
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I did medieval modlist on 1.4 and you really don't need too many mods
Most fantasy/medieval mods are pretty large and feature complete
I'll probably wait until picrel finally comes out
Well I wanted to try a med run, but my list bloated to over 300 mods so I left it lie.
>over 300 mods
Even considering qol stuff there just aren't that many fantasy mods
>touhou music mod isnt suopoported past 1.3
>get costum music mod
>go to moriya shrine and make my own toho playlist
rancher is objectively the best meme
Tōhōfags are a plague
I just tried the tutorial, seems to be only core and doesn't involve any of the DLC. There should be a simplistic view to get into a new game for all the DLC without overwhelming.
how the fuck do i savescum metal horrors? they are breaking my save
the moment you find a grey flesh, save
play normally until it emerges, take note of the progenitors
load the first grey flesh save and imprison the progenitors, interrogate or execute them with your main combat team ready
oh wow so my save is kinda fucked now, i have 2 mature metal horrros and 2 small ones in my 7pawns colony.. ty for the tips though
you can body block them, I faced the same problem and had only one melee pawn but as long as you don't get ganked you can manage with a bit of luck
problem with metalhorrors is that they are also tanky as shit despite shitting out damage
Is there any alternative to rimedieval? It breaks pawn and quest generation
Zun is the Bach of our times. just listen to this

and don't let me start about the fanworks
Try Medieval Overhaul
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I need a mod that limits technologies
I don't know anon, all people wants is just an yeoldtimes slap of paint >>493233810.
Btw I didn't had any problem the only time I ran rimedieval, are you sure it is the source of problems?
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>are you sure it is the source of problems?
It changes quests and equipment generation on pawns so you can't use some great mods like this one
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>memed relic quests
I defeated the first metalhorror infection by making my guys sleep and live near the turrets,, and now i have another metal horror infection and probably many more because i keep getting grey flesh that has different codes.. i think this will be the first colony i abandon directly instead of getting bored of rimworld as a whole
>i keep getting grey flesh that has different codes
Holy shit that's horrible.
If your cook was infected the first time around all the meals he made are still contaminated and will keep reinfecting the colony.
post ideologies
I forgot that only women can be the leader with female supremacy so I’ve decided to use surgery to change my male boarskin sanguophage into a woman. Once he’s a she with tits, a vagana, and a womb, she’ll lead my colony.
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Boarskins are probably my favorite VE race. They’re crazy good as sanguophages and if you manage to get one with the tough trait then make it a sanguophage you’re dealing with an immortal and nearly unkillable monster.
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Very modded run of anomaly, first time i "finish" the game properly besides an early alpha playtrough, 8 years in and we finally shut down the monolith, got some midly interesting characters out of it thankfully
Why Pal is nude?
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Dub's bad hygiene, she's taking a dip on the swimming pool probably
Colony in question (dont look at the activate windows popup, im broke and spanish)
>im broke and spanish
I won't judge pal.
Nice colony btw. But the copters? Never saw copter before.
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Vanilla vehicles expanded, stinger and bumbler, those bad boys helped me with moving around cargo and raiding power so much...had two more but the noctosphere destroyed them, along rhodonite's highmate malewife, whole reason i got enough ultra melee weapons for my brawlers trough trading and cloned sanguophages at all

I also have a truck that never use because of offroad uselessness and a small boat that a fucking raider destroyed, the copters are just faster to move around, and have good storage capacity for raiding or trading
Wish i hadn't uninstalled rimworld already to share my ideology
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>activate windows
/g/ windows thread has a permalink in the op excactly for this.
for me i'd
powershell (as admin)
irm https://get.activated.win | iex
and got rid of it
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>OP y wont the compootay start up anymorr?
>dont look at the activate windows popup, im broke and spanish
And retarded.
>Vanilla vehicles expanded
Ehhh.. /nwg/ talked me out of Oskar mods. Probably I should give it a chance. Love the idea of copters.
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Its basically expensive reusable drop pods, i like it to not have a third of my workforce days away from home if a raid or any situation ever springs up, i also get to save up on rations in exchange of burning fuel
OP compared to vanilla as every oskar adjacent mod, but still good eats and plays
Why are your colonists playing cards and chillin instead of putting out fires?
are those things dwemer spiders
Pro tip
>Press Print Screen on your keyboard
>Press Windows key+Shift+S
>Press windows key
>Open snip & sketch
>Next to new, click the dropdown arrow
>Snip in 3-10 seconds
>Reopen Rimworld
This is cool but it doesn't seem to show up by default when looking for mods on Steam. Is there some filter I need to disable?
Maybe op's pc explodes if he tries to run a browser and rimworld at the same time so thats why he quirky like that
im more inetersted in how to capture a gif, or a webm that is the right format for 4chan
ff mpreg
Can't seem to find where to enable it, but some mods have the mature/nudity/sexual content tag so if you haven't enabled viewing of that content on your steam account the mods won't show by default too.
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sup newfag
I used OBS to capture >>492992993 and then I trimmed it down and converted it using ffmpeg.
Both are free and open source. I followed this to learn the basics of ffmpeg, but it's a bit out of date now.
Some commands like -c:v libvpx and -c:a libvorbis are no longer needed since 4chan supports vp9 and opus now, and ffmpeg should use those by default. This is good since vp9 is more efficient, and will have similar quality for less bitrate. They also removed title metadata, so there's no longer a need to add it.
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Im using Gifcam, pretty neat and let you crop your gif too then convert them to webm
I used to put armchairs on my pawn's bedrooms if they had babies so they could breastfeed when needed without going to the kitchen, now i realize i've put cuck chairs on their bedrooms
File: ambush.png (3.5 MB, 1920x1080)
3.5 MB
3.5 MB PNG
oh i already have that. how do i record without sound? or does 4chan support sound now?

ill look it up maybe
>how do i record without sound?
Not sure, but you can record with sound. When you edit it with ffmpeg, add -an to the command. It will remove the audio.
gamers would rather crush their balls than learn to use the command line
File: download.jpg (281 KB, 1920x1358)
281 KB
281 KB JPG
>Playing as semi OP naked brutality self insert (I put all of my stats at 10)
>Base is coming along just fine a few months in
>Galatross wanders in
>I want to tame him
>Fail fail fail
>Decide to stop for now because I don't want him to rampage
>A few days later a huge raid comes and they accidentally shoot him
>He goes mad destroying the raid and is now coming after me
>Pawn won't make it inside in time because of injured leg
>Tell pawn to just submit and hope he won't be eaten
>It mounts him and then calms down
>Pawn is cumflated but alive
>A few hours later after my pawn has recovered from his injury and repairs I have him try taming again
>The galatross goes mad and instantly downs him
>It mounts him again but instatames and bonds itself
>Character is still down but has Aheago'd
>He gains the zoophile trait
>For the next in game year he becomes a cocksleeve for the Galatross when he has free time
The Rim is a magical place, I never expected that kind of hot story
what happened after the year
File: settings.png (81 KB, 1224x947)
81 KB
well im willing to learn, please teach me a bit

what is that?
is pic related a fitting settings?
>what is that?
FFmpeg is a command line tool I use for converting and editing videos. You can get it here: https://github.com/BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds/releases
In your case, you probably want the one that ends with win64-gpl.zip
You can set up a folder and direct command prompt to the folder you have ffmpeg in, but if that's too much of a hassle, just take the ffmpeg file and put it in C:users/(username). This means whenever you open the command prompt, it will be ready to go.
>is pic related a fitting settings?
Looks fine to me. You'll have to record a little bit of your game, then go watch it and check the quality. Adjust your settings as needed.
>well im willing to learn, please teach me a bit
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJsRWgGJKwo
Ain't that a fucking turn
its not about how it looks but can i post it on 4chan. is the format the right mp4 format?
well i recorded a 40 secs video and its 15mb
i think i can trim it with ffmpg
what are the commands for
cutting a few seconds from the start
cutting a few seconds from the end
converting to a different mp4 format
reducing resolution of vid
can you please teach me those 4 commands?
which xenotype among all those you know of is the best for a pawn who is doing melee, construction and intelectual?
I'm thinking either blue oni or great blue oni but, is there anything else?
slow learner neanderthal
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>shameless shilling
Nice try, Oskar, but i will not play with your shitty mods.

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