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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>492854051
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Xth for old screenshots.
which xenotype among all those you know of is the best for a pawn who is doing melee, construction and intelectual?
I'm thinking either blue oni or great blue oni but, is there anything else?
We got a few more colonists to join, so they took over a lot of tasks leaving him as the animal taming expert/animal cock attendant, He must have heard corrin's broadcasts because a stallion self tamed after letting it mount him a few times and he couldn't be happier. Now I'm actively fighting him not to enter the bug caves. I had to arrest him once because when his mood fell low he entered a wandering state and just so happened to "wander" all the way to the sealed bug cave door,
sixth for foxwives
If in the next page all of the ratkin isn't pregnant then it's not lore accurate
those are all ratkin males
I'll give you an example.
Assuming you've set up ffmpeg correctly and moved the video into the same folder, you should be able to use a command like this:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=-1:480 -b:v 700K -crf 30 -r 30 -an -ss 00:00:05.00 -to 00:00:30.00 output.webm

you start the command with this in order to use ffmpeg
This means you are inputting a file for ffmpeg to use
the name of your file and its extension
>-vf scale=-1:480
This will set the aspect ratio of your video. setting one of the numbers to -1 will keep the aspect ratio, but you can scale it. for example, the webm in >>492992993 was originally 1920:1080, but I set vf scale to -1:520, making it scale to 924:520
>-b:v 700K
This is the bitrate. Setting this at a higher number increases quality, but also filesize.
>-crf 30
This is also related to video quality. To be honest, I don't really understand what it does. Set the number between 0 and 60. Lower numbers means higher quality, but also larger filesizes.
>-r 30
This is fps. In this case it's set to 30
This means no audio
>-ss 00:00:05.00 -to 00:00:30.00
The video will start at the 5 second mark and end at the 30 second mark
come up with a name for your new file and change the extension to webm if you want to post it on 4chan.

Adjust the settings as needed to get it within the filesize limit.
Yes, and?
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Post your favorite Rimworld fanart.
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The scyther slasher movie shot one from the same artist.
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thank you for teaching me the basics
i hope my next webm won't be as blurry
No problem, anon. Maybe retry that webm or make a new one, but this time try to adjust the settings until you hit 3mb. You only used 1.67mb there and you can make your webms higher quality by aiming for the size limit.
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she confirmed being filthy coal burning whore
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good advice
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>started on a nice spot
>started as tribal
>animus tree is on a shitty spot almost on the corner of the map
>I preffer my trees to be near the middle or so
>cut it down
>tree scream debuff
>yeah, whatever
>heard you need 30 days for it to respawn
>a lot of shit happen, my character gets married, become enemies with the empire, capture and dismember beggars, etc
>tree respawns
>another corner of the map...
is there a way to increase my chances of the tree respawning in some area more at the center of the map?
I made a "temporary base" till the tree spawns in a better spot so I make my base around it.
Also, is there any way to increase my findings of nearby camps to raid?
I haven't find any since the start of my colony
>filesize is actually 4mb
Huh... Don't know why I thought it was 3mb.
Prove to me she fucks horses, send me a catbox link of a pawn on her image getting impaled by a stallion
Post your current colony.
Even the corin in you pic seem deadly tired of this joke
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My colonists really like having babies.
To do:
>Add another wall layer
>make more armor
>Begin construction of ship
>Add a few more turrets around the base
Thats dissapointment because those arent real horses.
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>make custom OP gene
>make custom OP xeno
>have sex with baseliner
>custom OP gene isn't passed
>It's a germline gene
>already had 4 abortions because failures coming
how does the gene passing works?
is it because I gave it 1 of complexity and +10 metabolic shit?
boys can't get pregnant
>how does the gene passing work?
It doesn't.
Install Better Gene Inheritance.
Not with that attitude.
kek saved
I use carryall which is basically the same thing, a glorified drop pod.
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r8 and h8
>Install Better Gene Inheritance
thanks, gonna check that out.
there is a gene that ensures all genes of the carrier are passed on, including that gene.
i think i saw it on one of the big and small heaven and hell races.
this one?
I supposed that if both parents where of the same custom xeno, the kid would come out with that xeno too, but I'm not sure now.
also, if both parents have the same gene, doesn't that make the kid to inherit that gene?
how is it coded in vanilla?
but I don't want recesive/dominant genes thing...
I like this gamble thing on genetics, but I'd like better chances, I'm not sure how the current genetics works but at least I'd hope that...
>if both parents have a middle horn, then the baby will have it too with 100% success chance (if it's a germline gene)
>if one parent has cold resistant, then the baby has 50% chance of getting that gene(?)
>if 2 people share the same genes because they are of the same xenotype, then the baby would be born with the same genes and that'd be a new "species"
I'm not sure how the current gene inheritance works, but this is what I was expecting.
Fuck trees and fuck scream debuff.
last one was a mistake, I mean, if I do some "eugenetics" and isolate people who carry certain germline genes, till I get a "desired result" and then start breeding those, creating a new "species".
But I also read that if you make a personalized xenotype, and have a couple of those, then the baby doesn't come as the personalized xeno (I'm not sure about this, I haven't tried it myself) on vanilla, instead of coming as the same persoanlized xeno as the parents.
germline genes have a chance to be passed on, 2 parents with the same germlines pass their genes 100%, xenogenes are never passed

impid+hussar=mongrel with some impid germline genes
>germline genes have a chance to be passed on, 2 parents with the same germlines pass their genes 100%, xenogenes are never passed
Is this true for vanilla?
that's exactly what I want but...
what are the chances if only one parent has that gene?
>Is this true for vanilla?
>what are the chances if only one parent has that gene?
It's just another lottery.
I think the new version of RJW broke lolium. My shotas are 13 years old and they only have 3% fertility.
The only thing different between this colony and my last one is that I have the newest version of RJW.
Isn't 100% fertility reached at 16yo?
with lolium you can set the fertility rate.
>made that post
>had the game paused
>come back
>suddenly fertilities of all lolis and shotas is way up to normal values
I'ts a Corin miracle. All hail empress Corin.
>It's just another lottery.
yeah, but how is it currently coded in vanilla?
I don't know if it does a rng between 0 and 1 for each gene and if it's 1 then that gene would pass, or if all the genes are put in an array, and only half of those come out or how it may be.
Will be interesting when this develops more.
each gene probably has a % chance, check the wiki it might explain it somewhere
>but how is it currently coded in vanilla?
No idea. Depends on what you're trying to acheive here, I did a lot of human sperimentation.. and I mean A LOT. Dropping broken pawns to feed other better ones (I'm a monster, I know).
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Comfy beginnings.
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Behold Osakar, the capital of culture!
based treefucker
What mod gives the nip stuff?
>install fuck psytrainers mod
>suddenly game feels more balanced
aaaaaah, i can finally play again
Did some testing and I think lolium is messing up fertility stats with the new RJW update.
Erin's furniture, T's style, Religious Origin and Unagi assortment
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What do you have to say for yourselves?
Did they even play it?
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>using they to refer to individuals
Marking your post as woke
Ah yes, I'm going to rebel against the tyrannical monoculture of the globohomo by consulting my political officer at chud central any time I want to consume media.
Marking this post as 'overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging'. You're done, wokey.
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>overtly pro fag message
Where? Male fags are literally most hate type of pawns in most colonies..
>pro transhumanist
As much as any game where you can upgrade your units by technological means.
>they them are used to refer to individuals
On the other hand - game has only two genders, male pawns used to be more attracted to young women, fags are disliked for hitting on straights, literally the best way to run a colony is to have everyone armed in a monocultural and monoethnic/xenotyped colony, recruiting useless pawns can get you killed, "refugees" betray you at the slightest whim etc.
What kind of try hard made that shit?
if we cant have trans people we cant kill trans people.
also we have ww2 germen tanks.
>male fag never tries to hit on your wives
>you can just punch his teeth out if he hits on you
Seems win-win, you are running a harem colony right? Your army should consist of male fags and eunuchs.
why the fuck do I even bother with conversion ritual
every single time they are either terrible or uneffective, no matter how high the succes chances are
Today I had a dream about genetically modified lizard maids
What a pleasant dream
Literally obsessed
A lot of governments promote lgbt faggotry at national level and retards try to fight the consequences
I have the luck to live in a country where lgbt is literally considered terrorist and just enjoy playing games
muslim or african?
>raiders dropped right on top of you!
>Death: Child 1
ah yes
>game is bad because you can kill fags and trannies in it
Neither. Muslim and africa don't have terrorists, they have faith fighters.
>impregnate girl
>check the spawn genes
>don't see the OP gene, abortion
for now I had 4 abortions in a row, I'm not sure if there's a limit on the number of possible abortions or if the wife will end without eggs one day.
The wife is just a seed tank for now, because she can't do dumb or smart labor... (she's a jester or something like that).
>He fell for the clussy meme.
>clussy meme
what's that?
If you extract ovum, basically you can have 2 pregnancies at time. Also growing vats, so you can use that human meat without mood penalities.
>e wife will end without eggs one day.
After 35yo the fertility of female pawns starts to drop. Don't rememebr when reaches 0% but basically after 40 it's over without ivf or fertility enanchers.
the reduce the pawn certnity faster tha simply talking.
It's clown pussy
I'm still on medieval age, extracting fetus with my pawn hands.
>Contains subtly pro-transhumanist messaging
Yes, and?
you can just use the convert ability of your preacher for a guaranteed certainty reduction
>Tynan is literally a nazi chud
>but his game is woke
chuds believe transhumanist means "humanity that accepts transfolx"
>child is about to have a mental break because it has a different ideology
>don't wanna ruin it's education with jail time conversion
>starts a fight
>decide to jail it
>starts sleeping in the sleep spot for prisoners (yeah, it was an improvised prision)
>remove spot
>immediatelly start conversion chat
>got an idea
>immediatelly release it
>imprison it next time, convert immediatelly and release
>only minus is the "I was imprisoned" mood debuff
how didn't I think this before?
The They imprisoned me debuff is going to stay for years
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I thought it was for like 5 days or so, didn't check
but it's better than the other 8 debuff it had because different ideology
reminded me of that old "I rape my wife everyday" greentext.
Nope. I once captured a pawn, make her a slave but she had great plant and and love story with a colonist so I convert into a colonist. When their kid was 4 the debuff was still there.. figures.
Funny enough she resent the imprisonment not the enslaving.
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92th for anime
imprison to convert is literally the first thing i do cause the games conversion mechanics are DOGSHIT tier
>the game still doesn't have a savegame compression feature built in
Is this what they call Horseshoe Theory?
most of my pawns were imprisoned, and I haven't realized that...
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>transhumanism is... le woke!
How is that mental illness called?
Trannies tarnished the idea of transhumanism with their shit, that is why people are saying this.
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you can also use 2 pass encoding for even better quality

ffmpeg -pass 1 -passlogfile "deletemelater.log" -i [etc]
ffmpeg -pass 2 -passlogfile "deletemelater.log" -i [etc]

the [etc] is the same commands you normally give to ffmpeg when not using 2 passes. what using 2 passes does is give the codec a better idea of which parts of your video needs more bitrate, instead of semi-guessing
>people are saying this.
Just the retards.
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this was more true in the past but recently the game has made faggot colonists much more rare so it feels more realistic. and dark colored skin is uncommon + associated with tribes, which is based and realistic.

what website is that from? seems useful
Cant blame people for being on alert when your shit sounds like some WEF approved tranny bullshiting.
You won't belive what I can blame on people.
Trannies love transhumanism and trannies consider themselves cyberpunk and transhumanists for "modifying their bodies"
is there any point in having more than one lectern?
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Gentlemen, I would like to inquire of ya'lls opinion on the current preview Image for a mod I teased here before. It just does not feel good, and I am too autistic to figure out what to do, I suck at Thumbnails.
Any suggestions...?
+ The Artwork is from Fonza
is there a better ranged weapon than the bolt action rifle?
I mean, even the sniper rifle feels lacking compared to the bolt action one...
Triumvirate maybe?
does that come from a mod?
I thought that only one person used it on every ritual.
Its Republic meme from VE memes
How do I stop game crashing on startup with large modlist?
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All not true
Please stop spreading misinformation
By not being a dumbass.
Rimworld is exceptionally crashproof, if its CTDing on you, you did something very very wrong.
you can still use it. using the ritual does not give the preacher a 20 days cooldown. the ritual is more effective than simply talking.
Idk lol
what is deletemelater.log
>did conversion ritual
>91% success chance due "nice temple" and furniture
>Terrible result 53%->75%
>close game and delete save
the cowboy looks like a wimp
needs more tumbleweeds
why asbergers, you think you are cool for mocking the people who are gonna use your mod?
guy in black in need golden stars on shirt and on shoes
sucky shoees, make boots out of leather instead not this fashion thingy
the pants are absoluly boring. have you seen western pants? have you seen western boots?
i think you should go watch a few westerners for fashion sense. also look at westerners and other imagery from that era and try to see whats wrong with the guns.
btw, have you red Old Shatterhand?
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Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan~
Remove cowboy guy's face
id say replace it with a more scruffy one, or at least add some facial hair
Also give him a poncho
Add the rest of the Gunfighter Ballads cover instead of the background.
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use cute anime girl instead
Stop anime
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one hundred and thirthy third's for anime
anyone here knows if Combat AI 5000 conflicts with Vanilla Combat Reloaded? my game just froze my pc two times against different raid types, but both times happened when i was trying to soft-killbox an enemy raid through a mini-tunnel structure... I think Combat AI bugs out due to not being able to find path AND Combat Reloaded also maybe fucks with the calculations
Go anime
Combat AI 5000 is made by a retard so maybe
>Vanilla Combat Reloaded
Seeing how it is some retarded niche mod and CAI5k changes a lot id say its not compatible.
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I've spent +2000 hours in this game and I didn't know it was woke garbage ffs my life is a fucking joke
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Nigger anime!
>CIV 4 is woke
>CIV 5 has no woke shit
Nice troll list.
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Can you imagine someone fucking wasting their time making this list?
built for white baseliner cock
>outer world and fallout 4 is yellow
>Rimworld is red
As i said - nice bait list.
>Sid Meier Colonization is blue with "no woke content"
Some of those are legit but some are just plain dumb.
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You'd be right, Anon, you'd be right
Here's her husbado
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No shit
It's pure mental illness
it really is since it already got 4 biters. even i almost bit on demon roots.
>Half life Alyx
>not woke
Absolute mental.
>AlexJones NWO Wars
Shame its such a short title. Its fun tho.
I hated how I couldn't make the fishers win a bigger wage than doctors in tropico 5, I wanted to make "everyone rich"
What's wrong with it? I'm greatly enjoying my current playthrough after adding it. My only issues so far is that Rimworld melee doesn't function well against an enemy that retreats and caring about self preservation means that once they lose the advantage in numbers, sometimes raiders will retreat and harass your base from afar until they're forced to give up.
Tropico was a curious case because on the one side you had the typical woke shit like fags, muh democracy, needing immigrants etc but on the other hand it was perfectly possible to have a nice nationalist, armed, atuhoritarian country that doesnt have penalties taken straight from some kike ass like most of the strategy/builders/4x games got for anything that isnt open border cuckdom democrapcy.
>What's wrong with it?
Nothing, that faggot is just baiting.
>try to make a balanced colony
>end up with 1 male pawn and 10 female pawns
How do I stop this from happening?
The guy that made it is an obnoxious faggot that's all
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>No idea what to do with new colony
>Started off with random characters, classic start
>3 females
>oskar faces
these female pawns are not sex at all
I use ferny's no mouths patch just so I don't have to see that lipstick
Is vanilla highmates expanded worth it? Any functionality with RJW?
Pretty sure it does not work without RJW
in case anyone is wondering, I would consider geological landforms another SHIT mod to remove
apparently it fucks up:
>faction generation
>event triggers for some reason
>quest generation
and probably some other shit that I discovered
There's a recent RJW VE patch for them IIRC.
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just a filename to a temporary file that ffmpeg creates.
it contains information gathered about the video you are trying to encode. it is written in pass 1 and read in pass 2.
i just used delete-me-later.log as a file name because you should delete the file after you're done with pass 2 (ffmpeg doesn't delete it automatically).
lipstick seems like a good thing if it was in vanilla. i keep forgetting the gender of the people since the portraits doesn't exactly tell. guess it won't matter after they put a mask on though.
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I just discovered electricity, the comfy tribal phase is over.
is this the case in 1.4 too?
God damn it, C: keeps running out of space!
Hm, I wonder...
>RimWorld saves folder is 58 GiB

Have you looked in your saves folder anon?
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Saves
all raw uncompressed xml too
Tynan should be shot
savegame shrinker is my best friend, also saves my end game tps
there's a mod that compresses saves
decreases filesize and increases speed
just wait until you find the 30 terabyte log file
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>Poisoning -> traitor -> firestarter
Well, that was fast.
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i 7-zipped them and it went from 58 GiB to 0.8 GiB
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>realize that boomalopes give gasoline when milked
>capture a female
>fail to capture another female
>try with another female and they get mad revenge
>2 females and 1 male attack my tamer
>beat the shit out of her
>go with my main attacker
>beat the shit out of it with a LMG
>it explodes and the whole place catches fire
>kill the another one
>same thing
>one left
>it's the male
>"shit... I better capture it to try to breed my own boomalopes"
>beat it with fists on melee and put it on a healing bed
>eventually heal it and manage to tame it
>suddenly see my other pawn doing something to it
>it got milked for 11 gasoline
wth... can males also be milked?
it's chemfuel produced to protect itself from predators, not milk
they don't feed it to their babies, it doesn't come out from the udders
they probably take a syringe or something and extract it from the nodules
Wait people don't realize that?
I have a colonist with Body purist squeamish -10 but nothing but a right arm scar. Although she is a custom xenotype. Could that be it? Like ears/tail?
>wth... can males also be milked?
I'm male and you can milk me anon

xenotype is considered a body mod
germline isn't
>realize that boomalopes give gasoline when milked
been playing for 6 years without knowing this
Is your cum chemfuel because you're useless otherwise
Cum from an optimist should give colonists who eat it a mood boost. It's a known fact that the hormones in cum can affect your mood.
this but colonists will only eat cum that matches their sexual orientation
>Contains: Vegetarian, Meat, Female lubricant
>Contains: Vegetarian, Meat, Semen
Female "cum" is just mucus and pee. It's not good for you. If anything you should have a food poisoning chance from eating it.
well we're already deep into hentai logic
It's not hentai logic. You feel better if you eat the cum of a happy person. This is real life.
well are you speaking from experience
Yes, get it straight from the source. Cum is sterile (from germs) when it comes out of the spout. It's probably the safest raw food to eat if you get it straight from the source.
what are the minimum mods required for a medieval playthrough?
Qol mods to your liking
Medieval Overhaul + this one https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3246144126
Either Rimedieval (blocks you from getting some quests) or Medieval Fantasy Themed series of mods + Remove Industrial Stuff
RimFantasy: Medieval Overhaul Edition
This is the bare minimum
There's a lot of other mods adding fantasy and medieval stuff like MO: Barbarians and Profaned
Trying to make a single megabase feels hard after usually making city/town kind of feel with multiple buildings, maybe I should have done a mountain base for that.
>overtly pro fag message
"Pro-LGBTQ+" probably refers to Sparkles, a transgender Kickstarter backer-designed pawn, with a custom set of backstories, much like a bunch of other backer pawns. For all intents and purposes, Sparkles is considered female by the game.
isn't being considered female what they want?
I started an extreme desert colony, whats supposed to be "super hard" about it I encountered 0 issues?
I think you should legitimately blow your brains out for being such a massive faggot
>a dry thunderstorm starts
>my dude goes to extinguish fires
>suddenly goes play hoopstone
>dude starts burning because the place was on flames
wth... are the pawns retarded?
You tell me.
extreme biomes are only a challenge because they require you to not suck and occasionally require luck early on depending on your setup, otherwise the only difference is the monotony later on since often it's just endless mechs since humans fuck off. also getting traders is more difficult
i dunno i think sea of ice / ice sheet is actually hard to play but then again for some reason the temp is only like 30c + on avrg so it not really edging that heatstroke
most idiots that play those biomes do cannibalism anyway which trivializes the one main issue which is getting food, but even if you ignore that it's the same shit, endless mechs and the humans that do show up have to dress for the cold which means less protective equipment which means they die faster. the challenge in these biomes basically ends the second you get hydroponics

i'm doing an ice sheet run right now on 1.5 on losing is fun without cannibalism, instead going for dryads and holy shit is it easy, i was set for food without even touching hydroponics, it's boring otherwise since nothing fucking happens
What's the best biome?
I sure hope loliumdev updates lolium to work with the new rjw update.
depends, but if you mean the "easiest", temperate forest
Basic bitch temperate forest
vanilla does have sex but it only happenes when both pawns sleep in the same bed.

where is the file stored?
i hope the rjw dev fix rjw to work again with lolium
do you guys miss when gamers werent so sensitive. crazy that even rimworld is considered too woke now.
like on twitter i had to turn it to followers only mode because every day theres a new random gaming twitter raging about some obscure new game for being too woke… like i just don't care. just dont play the game and dont show this shit to me.
boreal for snow kino
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miho getto
the small trait doesnt really fit her
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Sex with Impid Girl!
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I sure hope they don't borrow my table to eat lunch and trample all over my rec room with their animals...
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So much this
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I'd rather have sex with a slug instead.
I will literally never have sex with a Moyo or an Impid girl and this fact makes me want to kill myself
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What is this weird fucking meme? They work fine in 1.4..
Cute! I miss 8 bits anon, his builds are always soulful
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is there a mod that lets me travel from sea to river to land?
yeah its in the vanilla game even, transport pods
the way back?
Srts or vehicle framework based mods.
Transport pods from vanilla are fine if you give them more carry weight.
>1.5 mod update
>gave them high libido
>gave them fertile
>pregnancy cycle is faster than humans so they breed like mad once they find a mate
>gave them xenophile
>gave them a unique trait that increases beauty by 1
>cries like a baby every time a prisoner that literally wrecked their colony gets executed because they're a xeno and xenos are friends
>gave them tinderskin
>metabolism went down from +2 to 0 despite that
>dies to any fire threat without any of the sanguophage advantages
They really did just say yeah no yurans are only good for sex and fucked them sideways
>gooks are retarded
many such cases
>They really did just say yeah no yurans are only good for the incinerator
>>high libido
>>pregnancy cycle is faster than humans so they breed like mad
sounds like rabbits yeah
Sex with the new DLC girl
Sex with Brusalt
Sex with Elaina
Sex with Jenni
Sex with Momi
Sex with Veron
Sex with Julo
Sex with Vermillion
Sex with Tsukimi
Sex with Nanako
Sex with Serach
Sex with Bell
Sex with Yoonseul
Sex with Yosimi
Sex with Norma
Sex with Tomomi
Sex with Strawberry
Sex with Apple
Sex with Twilight
Sex with Bubbles
Sex with Blossom
Sex with Buttercup
Sex with Charlotte
Sex with Esther
Sex with Marine
Sex with Femcel
Sex with Katarina
Sex with Glowie
Sex with Kraut
Sex with Saki
Sex with Eve
Sex with Nurse
Sex with Aurine
Sex with Kealana
Sex with Mint
Sex with Snowdrop
Sex with Katya
Sex with Toxos
Sex with Stream
Sex with Snickers
Sex with Dudina
Sex with Corin
Sex with Hilda
Sex with Alboio
Sex with Erin
Sex with Kylar
Sex with Layla
Sex with Ryane
Sex with Uskos
Sex with Cindy
Sex with Sappy
Sex with Sera
Sex with Mink
Sex with Harper
Sex with Setsuko
Sex with Zen
Sex with Doris
Sex with Amalia
Sex with Rikki
Sex with Date
Sex with Brooke
Sex with Allie
Sex with Auric
Sex with Zamora
Sex with Lena
Sex with Flynn
Sex with Impids
Sex with Highmates
Sex with Hussars
Sex with Wasters
Sex with Dirtmoles
Sex with Baseliners
Sex with Moyos
Sex with Ratkin
Sex with Anty
Sex with Revia
Sex with Askbarn
Sex with Slime girls
Sex with Fox girls
Sex with Cat girls
Sex with Bunny girls
Sex with Moose girls
Sex with Dragon girls
Sex with Dog girls
Sex with Monkey girls
Sex with Maru girls
In rimworld.
Huh. I thought it would have been even longer by now
i have sail from alpha mod but the boats i have can't into rivers.
it works but again, i won't make it in time. isn't there a way to at least pick haul the boat after i reach the shore, or row the boat in rivers?
its working as intended.
>runs as slow as humans
>is as strong as humans
>is as big as humans
>but burns like paper and resistant to toxic gas for some reason
Only the sex and the furry part are rabbit-like, maybe they should've given them pyrophobia instead of tinderskin
I can accept you want to play rimworld for the combat experiance if you can accept i want to play rimworld for the cum bath experiance. don't dish my waifus just because they can't hold their own in a fight and have no choice but to submit.
Redpill me on the named ones
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yoonseul is taken
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Taken by death
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My wife...
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bell is a satyr alpha bitch
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yes anon
your wife
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bready good
I have no idea.. i think its possible to just sail and then caravan on foot rest of the way i think..
I love her so much
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Idealistic, persistent, rather calm, somewhat cold outside but caring inside, Empress
Snarky, smug, outspoken and brave, genius, bio scientist (proud mom of at least 5 kids)
Empathetic, romantic, naive, dork, extremely skilled brawler, Rotfish

Here's a picture of Alboio since you probably already know how Corin and Hilda look like
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Post your current colony, and help me design a new temple for my sophian pain is virtue colony
>9 colonists
>only 1 with any decent skill and passion in shooting
I need to pop open these ancient dangers and hope for some decent ancients or I'm gonna get fucked up real soon
>Sparkles is considered female by the game.
Because game has only two genders and it is a setting with uber sf tech.
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Are there mods that reduce the upkeep of animals - by training or food?
I installed alpha animals and mythology and am enjoying building a menagerie, but i forgot that animals can go back to being wild… and also they eat a lot… and they need to be re-trained if you want to use them for attack/defend/haul/rescue…

My farms and handler pawns are fucked because i like hoarding wild beasts
I want to add Corin to my game
donnu man
maybe some mods have better growing crops to either enhance your food production or straight up raise the nutrition of your pen

what do you think of
Sex with wild beasts
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then add the right mods so she wants to join your game
>want to go back to Rimworld
>second day straight trying to make "perfect" modpack
How is that illness called? At some points i just can't start playing without spending hourse or days looking for mods and then making them work together.
its a rare illness called 'having high standards'
Don't waste time trying to make the perfect mod list or you would never play. Just stick to what mods you need now.
Is there anyone still modifying VE mods to not require the framework?
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>where is the file stored?
it's a path like all input/output files in ffmpeg and most other commandline programs.

ffmpeg -pass 1 -passlogfile "c:/folder/deletemelater.log" -i [etc]
ffmpeg -pass 2 -passlogfile "c:/folder/deletemelater.log" -i [etc]

if you don't have an exact path it will be relative to the working directory of the command prompt
for example if you are in "c:\hello" and run ffmpeg all non-absolute paths will be in the hello folder
it's called crippling autism
i see

than i think ill use that
is there an ffmpeg command that crops a video?
-filter:v "crop=w=640:h=360:x=320:y=180"
you can screenshot the video and use mspaint to get the coordinates
why are you corrupting this innocent man to use your satanic CLI tools?
just use WebM for Retards for cropping, trimming etc.
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just use webm for retards it does everything you need with a nice gui and was made for 4chan
what theme are you going for?
Any mods that fleshes out children learning/development a bit more?
sexperience so they can study the important skills
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Then add her
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>Corin is a wanted war criminal hiding out in the Rim under an assumed identity
the plot thickens
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don't discourage people from learning how to make even better quality webms
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Post webm
i asked
ffmpeg answered first
so this is the path im going
apt name
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two trader groups came at the same time but i have nothing to sell
Webm for Retards is the ideal beginner ffmpeg learning tool since it actually shows you what ffmpeg command it issues under the hood as you fiddle with the parameters in the GUI.
>Mermaind already have lots of friend
Haven't checked rwg in the last day but looks like she is doing nicely
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2 trades followed by a raid... the ratkins shot her dead i ain't even mad
the raid was from a quest, with the fish she now rests so i get to take her meds and some good loot arrived in peds
I know it's already been answered, but for future reference, you can look at this for help with cropping videos: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2020/01/ffmpeg-how-to-crop-videos-with-examples.html
im not as active in talking about her adventure
but the deserter (anna) was the first webm i posted, dealing with imperial chase. the imperial i caught alive, but i realeased her because she was too boring to recruit. the miho came asking for shelter from some yithkin i think, well that wasn't an issue. Anna came crashing and she joined on her own after i rescued her. she is mixbread undead so she and noga (the kid) aren't getting along very well.
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should i by a ratkin slave?
Buy all and free them
Get Zinnia. She can keep your base clean, make stone bricks, and is cheap to buy.
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Does that look like a japanese castle to you?
Building something practical AND thematic is hell.
oh no
the ratkins left while i was doing some base touches
the last autosave was after they left the map
the save before that they didn't yet arrive
well that was pointless. at least i managed to make some cash.
Is there a mod which allows me to bind a hot key to a pawn's bio menu?
>barricades count as fances for pen
>sandbags do not
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>when my colony is female only
nice of them to give her industrious when she can't do anythi-
>craft: double passion
should i cheat and give her lesbian?
well i guess i shouldn't cheat
ill give her a hydrulic dick and make her a comfort pawn untill i get a pawn with decent animals
you rike it
cringe anime combat
being a slave overrides the block, she will be able to do everything except art and int
also you can make her a lesbian without cheating with biotech and rjw genes, if you feel like it
is rjw actually balanced or do you just use it for horny
>rjw actually balanced
There is literally zero reason to use rjw besides being horny
its a good way to increase the number of babies in your colony.
I think default settings will make sex eat up at least 1/3 of your pawn's work hours and the mood bonuses are crazy but unnecessary on a thriving colony so I would say no
It kinda is, both penalties and bonuses from sex are fairly balanced.
Its also a very customizable mod so its easy to tweak it to your liking.
Ignore the baiting >493409296 faggot, he has been baiting about RJW for years now..
And RJW is a good mod when you want to run few colonies like harem or brothel.
in the base version it adds the horny need and your pawns having sex, so they waste some time and get some mood buffs for that. It's pretty fair I'd say, maybe even makes low population colonies a bit harder since they don't have anyone to fuck with
what can get too easy if you say add some shit like say the fantasy races submod, and suddenly they are have ageless deathless and shit
>what can get too easy if you say add some shit like say the fantasy races submod, and suddenly they are have ageless deathless and shit
Oh that one is fair >>493408343
Fantasy Races from LL is a mod that adds like 10 standard fantasy races like foxgirls, cat, orcs etc and they are all ageless, deathless and stuff so it kinda devalues these genes if you are into the whol gene gacha mechanic.
>drop a smoke in front of mech turret
>it can still shoot me
love it
damn maybe thats why everyone here seems to think pawns move too slow by a factor of 3
>so it kinda devalues these genes if you are into the whol gene gacha mechanic.
even if you don't play gene gacha, or maybe even especially when random pawns being deathless and ageless join your poor ass barely above tribal colony it's a bit busted
does deathless mean they cant die? so you just cant lose the game anymore?
they can die if they get a headshot or get eaten or maybe burn to death
but if the head is intact they get into a coma and return back to life once the wounds heal/infection ceases/etc
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idk why but that just seems really cringe
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Only destroying their head makes them die, nothing else. If they sustain other mortal injuries ( like destroyed heart ) they will fall into a coma until the cause of their "death coma" gets resolved.
yeah, kinda
it was introduced with biotech, but vampires have a lot of downsides, and extracting the gene and then implanting it with archite capsules is at least a bit of a pain in the ass, so it still felt more or less fair
on the other hadn we have a fucking ritual giving death refusal so I dunno
Link me lolium real quick please I wanna make a cunny farm colony
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I had a big impid raid earlier. They sapped the walls.
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if you manage to get friendly with a hostile faction, the probability of raids should go down. otherwise there's no point to doing things like capture and release, since the reputation gain is meaningless.
>had way too many boomalopes
>tried to sterilize the 3 males
>botched it with 2 of them
>now they are pretty much in a shit state
would they explode if I butcher/sacrifice them?
make a animal sleeping spot outside
mark it for hospital
carry the dying boomalopes there
also, do boomalopes explode when they die of old age?
one of them is reaching the 15 year lifespan.
yes, exploding next to your haystack next to your turret shell room is peak story
>1.4 only
its over cute and funny bros...
do yurans work with CE?
Why do my colonists tits keep disappearing? I tried setting the size by "RJW CE size" but after a reload the just vanish, even though the health tab says they are size
No pic because of range ban
She's already a war criminal, no need to hide
Looks cool to me, maybe you could add some ground shadow or stairs on that passage between the castle and shrine(?) to make it look more z-lvl
probably some fuckery with 5.5 rjw update
Haven't updated yet, thanks to some anon warning in the previous thread
>1.4 only
it's over anomaly bros
>"all important mods are updooted"
anomaly niggas are paid shills
No one sane updated to 1.5
b-but milira...
What's wrong with 1.5?
RimWorld with every DLC is €100 (on sale). What the fuck?
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they will get lolium eventually. untill than you can have moelotl
It exists, it ruins performance of the game, it breaks mods and it sucks ten kinds of dicks..
chat is this real
the book
read it
wrong link
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What's your favorite biome to play on?
Extreme desert
Alpine meadow.
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It depends on the settings but for the most part, RJW and its submods add far more detrimental things than it does beneficial, both in amount and severity.
Even arguably the most controversial thing, the Submit button, is of questionable worth as getting repeatedly raped enough can effectively put a pawn out of commission for far longer than simply recovering from near death would take. The negative moodlets from it can be brutal too. I've gotten rid of pawns that have gotten raider gangbanged before because I didn't want to deal with one or two quandrums of:
>Raped x5: -63
>Anally Raped By Girl: -22
>Dizzy: -10
>Unwanted Pregnancy: -10
>Raider came inside me: -10
—ontop of the huge consciousness hit from the Feeling Broken hediff.
arid shrubland
I usually play on Tropical Swamp if Tribal and Extreme Desert if not.
what about having lots of babies in rjw which means having more op pawns?
Do you leave mech cluster walls and siege sandbags intact? My map is turning into a pretty cool battefield.
but you get the choice, so you can choose whichever option is more beneficial for the situation. there are plenty of situations where you would rather the person get raped than die and taint their clothes.
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As the sun half-heartedly rises over your colony, you are woken by a great commotion outside. Upon investigating you discover this creature standing over a pile of pirate corpses, yelling obscenities and brandishing its weapon in front of your base.
Your reaction?
Temperate forest because it's pretty.
Rape battle, it's a win-win
>got gene extraction
>got ovum
>impregnated it
>genes are a failure with a massive food intake too
how do I get rid of this shit?
I can't find an option to abort it.
can i blast psycasts from inside a car?
Well apparently i favorited it lol
I think this will help a little but not with the farm aspect
Looked up some stuff - animals logic helps with training decay, idk about food though
Surrender and give in one every single one of her (sexual) demands.
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fox sexo
I was about to start a new game with Revia enabled. How does the retexture mod look?
just set a stockpile for it outside and let it deteriorate
if you have that stockpile switch mod you can wait till it gets hauled and then set it to no interaction, so that nothing else goes there
Can children submit?
Driven by your wild lust, you sally out of your base, weapon in hand, intent on forcing yourself on the strange intruder. You foolishly swing your sword, trying to cut through consecrated steel plate. The blade simply bounces off. She brings out a war hammer, flips it around to the spike, and drives it into your helmet. The spike fails to go through, for the swing was quick and one-handed, but you are left hopelessly rattled and defenseless. The woman-at-arms tackles you to the ground and easily jams a stiletto into your helmet's visor.
You die.
The post-blood clarity is actually quite devastating.
Strip down, walk out, lie down in front of her.
One pawn start is borderline unplayable these days
You literally get only children and completely useless pawns
Noo she was supposed to rape me as punishment for trying to rape her!
Damn. Someone do another scenario.
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Why don't you try asking the dev about it?
Anyway, I never used CE but I see a Yuran CE compatibility patch on the workshop so try that
You can do that with IVF, just keep extracting ovums and you can have 10 kids in 1 year easily by stealing them from prisoners
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I just rape her
Breed Ratkin. Impregnate Ratkin. Roundhouse Thrust my cock into a Ratkin. Slam Fuck a baby into a Ratkin's Womb. Creampie Lovely Ratkin. Fill a Ratkin's hole with my love. Launch my Love into a Ratkin. Stirfry my seed inside a Ratkin. Toss Babies into Ratkin in heat. Fill up a Ratkin's Tank. Judo Throw my benis into a Ratkin. Twist open Ratkin Hymen. Report to the world of my Pregnant Ratkin wife. Karate Slam Ratkin with my meat. Take care of my Pregnant Ratkin. Trap my dick into a Ratkin. Make love with my Ratkin Crush. Liquefy a Ratkin's Vat. Eat out Ratkin. Insert myself into Ratkin. Ejaculate into a Ratkin's Chamber. Fuck Ratkin in steel toed Boots. Cream up a Ratkin's Oven. Fuck Ratkin Silly. Mandatory Impregnation for Ratkin. Help Ratkin fetuses Grow. Drown Ratkin in love with my Greasy Cock. Blast into Ratkin with my "Ray Gun". Help Pregnant Ratkin down the stairs. Feed Pregnant Ratkin lavish meals. Breed Ratkin armed with katanas.
4chan's law: every board will turn into porn
...And that's a good thing.
Any mod that adds a raw food precept or allows my pawns to eat raw mood/eat without a table w/o a negative moodlet? Eating raw corpses would be preferred
goodnight /rwg/
you might have to build a bunch of artificial structures prettymuch everywhere or prettymuch pave the entire map except for an area near the middle with absolutely no unnatural structures in it, which sounds agonizing honestly so maybe it'd be better to use a replanting mod or devmode
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>try a modded storyteller
>20 traders on the first year
>only 2 raids
>next year comes
Oh I see, it's THAT kind of storyteller.
The only good storyteller mod I've played is Perry Persistent
was going to do that, but I saw I could sell it for 50 silver, so I just sent it to the nearest town.
I wonder if the defective son of my knight will come back for revenge or something later
Founder of Corinism and the wife of Anon (You). Has two half Impid children.
Goddess who bestowed Serach the purpose of spreading Corinism
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>play with cats
>fox prisoner goes berserk
>can't risk killing her with a sword, just punch her
Apparently the cooldown for unarmed Kiiro melee attack is 0.2 or something, she fucking lacerated the bitch in seconds. Cats are scary.
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It looks better now, good idea.
Rat sex.
licking rat vagina...
what are the stairs from
>4 more days on vacation without Rimworld just after I got into it again.
Fuck. I should gotten a steamdeck or some other meme shit.
Doesn't sound appealing

what else can i do for pawn interaction other than iInteraction bubbles
I can't believe im plowing fertile impid pussy every day in an alternative universe
Our world is so gay
blow its head off with a charge lance
do something not vidya and not internet
is there really no way to remove mountains in vanilla. annoying having these 5 mountain squares that keep pooping out insects.
>you can do that with vfi
which require research time, electricity and materials
with 4jw you dont need to leave tribal
just build walls over the tiles
i guess i will have to. initially i dug my base into a hill, didnt expect there to be those mountain squares. i'm going to have to move all my stuff away.

also, is there any reason not to just connect your dining room, rec room, research room, workshop, and warehouse all together into one huge room? wouldn't that make it extremely impressive with no extra work.
radio voice
jp radio voice
Just harder to maintain impressive status if there's junk laying around. I usually just build dining and rec together then lump the last three into a single room and hope the AI throws me an early Genie so I don't have to build a seperate sterile room.
junk? you mean like detritus on the floor? or are you using zones for your warehouse still? i use shelves, it's more space efficient and you don't have loose items reducing impressiveness.
I run deep storage so it's still an issue for me,
You're right about research time and materials but you can always just implant the fertilized egg into the prisoner again. You don't need growth vats.
I put a bridge and wood wall over some mud, but now I can build moisture pumps and I was wondering...
should I remove the wall and bridge for it to work?
I'm not sure if I should leave the thing with pure dirt so it gets "dry" or how does it even work?
whats the advantage
reaserch get speed bonus from cleanliness so a sterile room is better
can't live without cheat mods

that bonus doesn't really matter as long as you have a pawn with passion in int, even if it's only small passion and not a genie you'll be maxing things quickly on default speeds, you also have books
I think you don't need to remove anything, it'll just turn anything somewhat wet in that area into buildable terrain regardless of what's around the pump
well... I mean, I don't know what will happen to the bridges then, I just want to put some granite walls and sandstone floor in there, but it's my prison, and there's someone inside, so I'm wondering if I should remove the walls or how will I notice I can switch them.
how long does it usually take to dry it?
does going above 0 cleanliness make it faster? i thought it was capped.

i meant what does the mod do better than vanilla.
It's slow as shit, it takes a year or something to fully finish. You can see how much it already drained the area later, there will be a second circle indicating it. The bridge will just be on top of dirt after you're done, you can remove it normally
Deep Storage simply makes more shelves of varying capacity, with the ones with the most space adding a grab or dump timer, slowing down hauls of steel, unless you pallets, which lowers beauty due to it being 'in the open ' so to speak. Ever since they added shelves there isn't much of a reason for it, to be honest.
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My current colony
It's very cold outside
seems worse than vanilla
thank you, I'll just wait then.
>Mob Faces
Hot, I hope you survive
sex with little
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Going above 0 makes it faster
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darn it. well i guess i had to move the research and hospital out from the mountain anyways, so i guess i'll combine those when i move them.
>Game gives me another female pawn
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>there is literally a protease inside your heart that's called Corin
C-Corin is forcefully in my heart and I can't get rid of her? Is that what you're telling me??
Yes. You never had a choice.
Arid or anywhere else that's growing season for the full year because I like farming
If I'm feeling ballzy I play on that Alpha Biomes one that's completely filled with the stunlocking spiders since it's a much more interesting challenge than ice or desert
>bonus doesnt really matter
when one use mods with over 10k reserch points per project it does.
>heh these fag raiders cant do anything against my armored car
>suddenly driver gets his fucking brains splattered when the armor breaks
you can just increase the rate then, 3x research will demolish even that 10k
rejoice https://gitgud.io/LoliumAnon/Lolium
Does it work with the new version of RJW?
hi im brand new to rimworld and loving it, i just recruited someone from another colony that needs to stay for like 20 days, except under her bio it says shes a spy and was raised as a child spy.

im the vampire gene type and so i was planning on imprisoning her and using her as a blood bag, but it warned me that i could get invaded from her colony, what do?
30/60 temperate forest has all 4 seasons and both extremes with cold snaps and heat waves so you have to prepare for everything and you get access to 99% of the quests

also basing biome difficulty by temperature doesn't make sense since the map itself can be just as important if not more, if you do a mountain base where you can't get drop pods or a map where you're protected on 2 or 3 sides that can change a lot
fuck i accidentally arrested her and now the quest has failed, welp we will see what happens
Backstories don't affect anything like that.
What was the quest?
Was she from a faction?
>Another female pawn
backstories are just stat changes and determine what jobs that pawn can't do, she wasn't going to betray you or anything
>she wasn't going to betray you or anything
That's exactly what someone who was going to betray you would say
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with a clean room it can be faster. a 10% increase from clean is still a tenth increase to speed overall.
it was for a desperate vagabond, she is now imprisoned bc i need a bloodbag
that's just a randomly generated quest name
click on the quest and take a screenshot
>inb4 steam deck
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and that's still nothing compared to this, this is vanilla dlc too. your pawn will hit 20 int way before coming close to finishing that too, and if it matters that much you could just make a second bench, your cheat mod races should make that easy
I know that's probably for an uber aya race variant but holy shit
>compared to
they work toegther.
>only precept
150% speed
>with 10% from cleanliness
165% speed
every bit counts.
Moelotl's slave attire is kinda wack
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not sure, what I can say is RJWPE breaks world generation with the new RJW while that lolium isn't. I haven't noticed anything breaking yet too
>every bit counts
in that case a second bench would be worth much more, and if it mattered that much bookcases would come into play too. also the best research room isn't full sterile tile, it would have hay everywhere walkable and sterile tile under everything else
Check the fertility of your male colonists. For me it was breaking and displaying too low. I'm looking at the code and trying to figure out where it's breaking to maybe offer a solution but I'm not so good at C stuff.

New RJW version said it would break most submods.
Anon, your cleansweepers?
some guy has deserted the empire of god and wants to join my colony, says he can give psychic powers, should i let him join? i become an enemy of empire of god
you would have to limit it to that room, a cleansweeper won't be able to keep a kitchen clean 100% of the time either if you allow it to clean much more than just the kitchen
i want to eat maru marbles
don't do it, the deserter questline is very barren
nothing interesting
how do i get a component? i need a heater
mine compacted machinery
yellow/brown/orange-ish stuff
deconstruct ship chunks
does ruined military stuff work?
the one you need to destroy? no
so i cant break this stuff up for components?
lol no
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it's not?
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Winter is finally over and everyone survived
Except for pets
Except for the refugees (two survived and were imprisoned as bloodbags)
you can have 2 benches in a clean room. works better than two benches in non-clean room.
how do i get better clothing? i cant find cloth and winter is coming
kill animals
get leather
make parka
fluffy ones work best like muffalos
>find cloth
only by growing or trader
but you don't have time for that
im still so new, ive been surviving for a while off just rice fields, how do i skin an animal? do i need a slaughter table or something?
when butchering animals you get leather. you can use leather to make jackets (but not parkas).
notice, some leathers are better than others for heat. foxfur is better than birdleather, for example.
yes, butcher table
make a bill to butcher animals forever (everything other than humans)
I think it's in the production tab
or the kitchen tab, but I think that's from a mod
I'll try testing the 1.5 version on my game.
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what the FUCK is up with this race what do you mean I should just cook the eggs
okay, is it a good idea to have the butcher table in a room separate from the kitchen?
not used to humanoid races laying eggs?
pretty common trope, not just rimworld
butcher table is dirty
yes, butchering is very messy
it's also quick to do so you can just put it outside, the outdoors work speed penalty won't hurt much
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jailhouse rock!
apparantly the nymph didn't like it maybe
i mean i got 'terrible rave'
i guess i need a better room for CELEBERATION COMMON
thanks! this game is a lot of fun, i thought it would be too overwhelming but its great
/tg/ here
you have to eat all the eggs
dont forget to spam left click while they butcher so you dont get your base haunted by the animal.
it might get very frustrating later on but keep at it
its ok he probably doesn't have anomaly
on the clothing note, i just had a trader come through that has 2 sheep for sale (male and female) should i buy them and maybe make clothing from their wool or is it too hard? they cost around 500$ and i have like 1800 bc im a vampire start
I hate this. Next time just stick to nekos or kitsunes.
this sounds very familiar but I don't know what it's from
also if you middle click on a guy while hes working you give him an encouragement token which boosts his work a little bit. you have to click once every in game hour.
Sheep wool is nice. You can get a muffalo or alpaca wool for free if they're around your colony by taming them. But I like sheep wool because it's white and looks nicer.
is little pregnant yet please tell me shes pregnant
the colonists will sheer them every couple of days.
you are pathetic
is there something to fix other races ending up in race factions like ratkin being a part of the revia faction
Sam and Keiko pregnant
okay i have some muffalo nearby but they arent tame, should i buy the sheep or try for the muffalo?
If you can't feed them they're just going to die in winter and you'll waste money, you can't shear them immediately anyway
what the hell man
do you have high enough animal skill to tame mufallo?
mufallo are better but the chances aren't 100%
depends on your food
if you have tons of stockpiled food for the winter, then do both
if you're already stretching it, then don't do either
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Can anyone suggest a good design for a greenhouse
okay i just started researching hydrophonics bc i realized im gonna be fucked without food in the winter, not sure i can support the two of us + the sheep for the winter, so might just slaughter the muffalo nearby
>waifu pawn from someone's playthrough and beg for status updates
I watch vtubers, and I still think you're pathetic.
haven't played in 3 years
just learned prepare carefully is shit
character editor is supposedly not shit but its ui is shit
then i heard about pawn editor

is pawn editor worth using over character editor? is it missing features that character editor has?
character editor is best option
well good thing i dont care about your opinion
i think its fine if they asked premission from the player
Real rimmers plant corn in spring and drown in cornapocalypse in winter
real storytellers spawn a toxic spewer or nuclear wintet mere days before the harvest is ripe
kino every time
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bun on bun
sex with Cheukasa
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alas, it was a heroic end
wtf NO!
That tomb is a freezer, right?
Bun on my face
no, she's gone forever
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>has bed
>has animal bed
>sleeps on floor
I think she can't use those because she's not in your faction
can i wear clothing tainted by corpses without negative repercussion's?
They get a mood debuff unless they're a psychopath, have bloodlust or is a cannibal (not sure about the last one)
wow my wife is actually a psychopath so that works out nicely
you're actually fucked up
can i hunt with a sword or does it have to be ranged
you have to manually draft and attack with melee to hunt melee
Draft my colonists and take positions. The invaders are made out of flesh and we have charge weaponry, so this shouldn't take long.
>my wife
Okay guys this needs to stop
It's a literal blob on a screen with 2 black dots attached to it
It's not a real human, she's fictional, she's all pixels
It's all 101s, she's fake
You can't wife a fictional sack of potatoes
"Her" personality is made up by you
You need to go outside, touch grass and talk to real women if you want a wife
my wife anon is so silly
there is a mod for melee hunt
i love my wife, she has red eyes and once my genes have stopped regenerating i will make her a vampire like me!
please stop saying stuff like that, my dear wife anon
is it wrong to imprison a 10 year old child and turn him into a blood bag? the winter is come and im all out of blood, i do not wish to feed upon my wife !
Yes, but don't worry about it.
Just take good care of him.
it's wrong if you chop off his limbs so he doesn't rebel
it's not wrong if you beat him up every time he tries to escape, that's his own fault
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>raiding a farming island camp
>my pawns are mermaids so i have the terrain advantage in moevment
>enemy is still melee at this point of the game
the winged enemy pawn did give me a fright
im confused by the merchant window, am i buying or selling? i see the tooltip saying negative is selling, but who is selling? im retarded
The negative means you are giving them silver.
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is it a bad idea to kill/imprison people who are part of a faction?
It makes that faction mad.
If they are raiders, doesn't matter, they're already hostile.
That blob has more personality than 90% of real life NPCs these days.
okay i have this little kid that joined and i was gonna make him prisoner and feed on his blood but hes doing a good job cleaning... what do...
extract blood bag
or use the sanguophage ability
if i drink from him without him being prisoner will he run away?
Shota bloodbank
You're so lewd
I don't think so
save first, then see if there's a mood or opinion (towards the blood drinker) penalty
my wife is also also a 15yo psychopath im living the dream
it says he victims become horrified but are otherwise unharmed, also im playing the permadeath mode
he's a colonist now, right?
he won't leave unless he has a mental break and rolls the gone wild mental break specifically
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>its a 'non-combatant runs into the battlefield to rebuild a trap and gets her leg shot off by a uranium slug turret' episode
i wish i would stop forgetting to lock the doors
why ripscanner
that's not a colonist, right?
surely my one vampire can kill 3 rampaging raccoons right? i have no gun, only a sword
depends on melee skill, armor, and RNG
should i risk it? the quest gives a decent reward
do it
im scared if he dies my game is basically over
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I am not prepared for this
Good morning I hate tesserons!
i killed them with ease btw
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>take a quest that would bring a breacher raid
>had the bright idea of signalling for a mech boss to help with that
>mfw I mistimed the summoning and the raid by mere hours
>now I have to kill war queen and then the raiders will show up
Shit, I'm definitely losing a couple pawns today.
I restart the game if I lose even 1 pawn
this lil nigga just drew this on my floor, what does it mean?
you can just lure it around or delay it by letting it break stuff like useless walls you quickly build
Oh nonononononono....
my characters keep getting foodpoisoning how do i fix!!!
Anon do you realize that this is literally what chickens, ducks, etc... do? Right? Where do you think those infertile eggs come from?
do you have someone with good cooking? make sure the kitchen is clean
no one with good cooking? make your kitchen tiny so that only the counter is in the room and the seat area is a doorway
she is bored. build her a toy box. and possibly school desk.

you need to take care of the cause
a. incompetent cook
does your cook/s have enough skill? is they don't have high skill but have good passion they will eventualy get enough skill to not mess up things.
b. cleanliness
a clean kitchen is important. but don't fill the kitchen with sterile tiles, those get dirty easily and are hard to clean. a simple floor would suffice.
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I dont get it
does food dropped by raiders cause food poisoning issues?
I'm using "a moyo in water" mod to eliminate moyo mood debuff, but how can i edit it to include other races?
it can. you don;t know who cooked it afterall.
I don't think so.
is it possible to increase the range of the launch pods?
I wanna give gifts to a faction, but it's outside the range of my pods.
my wife got pregnant but its really inconvenient can i abort the kid how do i do it
it would be an operation
you may need to research fertility procedures first
there are 4 levels of nsfw mods

a. completly safe
b. somewhat questionable
c. somewhat lewd
d. lewd

aside from a, you will have hard time finding those mods on the steam api. you better just search google for mods, google has everything except maybe some on the d catagory.
so if you thought youd want a mod with your anime waifu and steam didn't find anything, maybe google will fill in the blank.

tl;dr don't use steam to search for mods.
have her drink gasoline.
where did you find them other than here and loverslab
any examples of the mods?
You should have come outside
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At start
>Haha, yes, fuck! Our colony is free sex colony! Join us for sex! Impregnation sex is preferred and pregnant women are respected!!! So have sex!
>12 kids to feed
>10 lactating mother need extra food
>sometimes they're also out of the job to breastfeed their babies
>toxic fallout slowly killing all of my ricefields
>because everyone is friend with everyone, even 1 colonist death could ruin the mood of the entire colony

Welp, I guess there's a reason why people planning their parenthood.
some mods only circulate as links to gitgud projects
some mods are discordonly because live under the dominion of the antichrist
some mods you need to register on the FBI honeypot site to download
an example of type c. mod is compatible bodies 2, a mod that is required for thigappe.
simply searching the steam workshop, without logging in steam account, won't let you even see the mod. if you directly try to go to
without a steam account, you will get an error.
because i don't have a steam account, i went to
and got it from there.
an example of type b. mod- when i wanted to get kurin off steam i found
which has dependency on De-generalize Work which i don't want.
the mod i eventually got was

which has no such dependency but didn't appear in my search because mild nudity.

now it could be that having steam account give you no problem when searching the workshop for those mods but i don't like how ecchi content is treated nor do i like how internet megacorps are responsible for children education instead of their parents or at least their schools. well even if you don't share my radical beliefs on the off chance you aren't logged in steam 24/7 - or the chance that type c don't appear in normal search even for those that do- google, or your choice of a search engine, is better for you.
>raising kids
you are supposed to eat them or at least sell them as slaves
prepared food generated by the game will never give food poisoning
You are supposed to have sex with them
RJWPE is on allthefallen
so make one of them a cocksleeve and get rid of the rest. you can always make more.
I like to raise my children to be superior colonists and then get rid of the progenitors
do so when you have enough labour to keep up the food production.
thanks, i googled it and now im defintly in some list
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they're on their way now
That website gives me the heebiejeebies
>site logo is tight pussy
>site background are two lolis
>there are no posts anywahere nor a search function
>>obviously you need to be registered/logged in first
at this point i left. i'm not gonna come back from my home computer. might make an account with a fake email (or get one off bugmenot) and use a public computer to viaw content, maybe even dl stuff.
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is this what they mean by the phrase 'built like a brick shithouse'?
Why some creepy furry pedophile always camping to make the OP for every general? I wish the feds would cut off your NEETbux
you have to go back
le meaow
ratkins are pure
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careful bro we all know what happened the last time someone said that
so are you gonna screenshot that ratkins are pure and post it everythread?
The site has a wiki of their mods that you can find from search engines but idk if its updated
what face mod is this?
Are they safe together with anomaly's Death Refusal? Or will they not resurrect from Death Refusal if the head is removed?
https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Death_refusal doesn't say anything about the head.
I was about to abandon my SOS2/Quasimorph run and start a Sanguophage/Ghouls run-- but then i found out that ghouls can't even haul, they are just melee units that do nothing else. sad that you can't do a vampire with ghouls castle RP
can't you use character editor so ghould can haul?
how about a dirtmole colony that worship bloodfeeders?
deathless isn't a modded gene so I'd say it works with death refusal with refusal only activating when the head explodes but I dunno
Why no one has yet to port Rimworld of Magic away from jecstool which conflicts with a shitton of other mods? there's a relatively new framework called "it's sorcery" that maybe can help with that.
probably can use character editor yeah but that's just too much effort imo, or i will have to try to fully mod ghouls.
as a side note death refusal works as in ressurects a pawn afer he was in the gene ripper, so you can get multiple cores out of one prisoner
I wonder, does it also regrow essential organs? So one could keep casting death refusal on a prisoner and then extract multiple hearts?
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hey anons, just left the surface of my rimworld. what do next? any tips?
in CE, is there any point in using ammo with penetration higher than target armor? mechs have 24 sharp armor at most, but for example 12x72 conc ammo has 60 sharp pen
Kill luddites. Behead Luddites. Throw Luddite babies into incenerator.
least deranged archist
Crash on a new rimworld
I always take golden cube just because of how much I love the chatlogs.
This is my dream video game. Make it true please.
Rimworld + Stellaris... (good performance too)
I never thougth of checking the chatlog when I get a cube. What do the pawns say?
They just constantly talk about gold, cubes and golden cubes.
>Colonist joked about the noblest metal with Colonist
>Colonist talked about the possibility of Golden Hypercubes with Colonist
Yeah the golden cube is really nice, isn't it?
What if we had two golden cubes tho?
No! How can you say that? There's only one golden cube! Are you crazy?
But if you get 4 golden cubes, you could make an even bigger cube!
It does have some edge to it
I was wondering if there's anything like a tech or adding more gas to send them further.
make a pitstop to admire the cube
Brother a golden supercube would take 8 cubes... even if you were (and this is in jest) simply a fan of rhomboids of the noblest metal in general you would only require 2 golden cubes in order to realise such perversions.
there might be a mod for that
launch horses and everything you need to form a caravan then go from there
sex with Corin
here we go again
A horse made this post
I got a creepjoiner with deadlife dust just now, and then 6 Thrumbos wandered in.

Would it be worth the butchery cost to keep a box of Thrumbo corpses to unleash when suits? I assume I will be able to reuse them if I periodically return them in a door held open structure with fireproofing and so on. I am in no need of meat.
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yeah, me
if you cut down all the wild trees on the map would they stop growing, or is it like grass where they will grow out of nothing.
Try it and post the results.
>Literally just Fate's resident witch loli, but with tits.
>You needed AI to make this.
That's my plan, the only caveat being that it's likely to result in my perimeter wall being btfo all things considered, so I need to work out how best to accomodate this fact.
Yes, because the bullet loses damage to penetrate the armor. In that case you're only losing 24/60 of the damage.
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A-Anon... That's the joke
Hilda spawned in with witch loli hair
Is that a positive statement?
Why would you install the gun mod just to use gay scifi lasers?
So just use an actual picture.
what lasers retard? besides the caliber I mentioned is for a gun added by CE
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my barn got hit with incendinary mortar
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>started a colony with a solo OP personalized xeno with OP personalized gene.
>get a bunch of people
>if they are useful, I keep them, if not I sell/gif them to the nearest town
>unlocked the fertility tech
>extract ovum of whoever I capture
>impregnate it right there (I like to imagine my dude jerking over the cup right there at the prison cell in front of the female prisoners)
>if it has my OP gene, and some other "useful genes" I conserve it
>sell it to some merchant if not
>unlocked xenogenetics
>suddenly got an idea
>"what if I try to isolate my OP gene to implant it to someone else later?"
>extract genes of my OP character
>didn't get the personalized gene
>try it with every baby with that gene
>also no results
>have a bunch of "failulers" eggs with the OP gene and other shit genes
what would happen if I put the failures in a vat, just to extract the genes when they are born?
would I get a "baby killer" social shit if I extract them to death?
or should I extract the shit and then send them flying somehere else to not get bad rep?
yeah, this game is making me into a psychopath
i don't know about the kid thing but you can do it to adults like raiders you capture for sure. if all else fails use those OP genes to earn cash for some shock lances
I don't know if the game keeps track of who put them in the machine to die, so you should try. Anyway it's just a temporary opinion debuff, other factions don't care about your rep
i got a quest to watch after an iguana for a few days... should i?
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I can't!
How many burgers is that?
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I tried to make my own "deathless" gene which is inheritable and non-archite.
In the sanguophage xml from the vanilla data it says:

<description>Carriers of this gene have archites in the blood which will sustain their life processes no matter what. As long as the brain remains intact, a carrier of this gene will never die.</description>
<li>Can only die from destruction of brain.</li>
and the only difference I saw between that and other genes was the "<geneClass>Gene_Deathless</geneClass>" part, but adding that to my custom gene didn't seem to work and the baby who inherited that gene died from donkey bruises (unless the torso counts as neck and would have died anyways, I'm not sure how the deathless work).
Has anyone made a deathless personalized gene or know what should I do?
i have a very unhappy prisoner but cannot sex her with RJW, what do
a. did you set her to be a comfort prisoner?
b. if the prisoner is an alien, make sure you disabled age scaling. ithout it, your 30yo miho would seem underage because she can live 3 times a normal human (so she is 10 and only pedos approach her)
>what should I do?
Stick to the vanilla one.
if I put my 3yo kids in a vat to grow fast...
would they get the learning bonus if I reach it to 100% before making them enter, or should I leave them outside if I want the skill/perk bonus to apply?
Vat babies are stunted as fuck unless you use one of the vat learning mod.
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>draw girl
>derp it's a boy
Reel's Facial Animation Textures
Why do the sanguophages go out and try to take on the hunters? Why can't they stay put until the hunters are dealt with? Do they just leave as soon as their meeting is done or are they actually trying to kill an armed mob ten times their size? I can't ever complete this quest.
>colony is in boreal forest
>have to buy wood because of constant toxic fallouts
what do you need so much wood for
there is a cougar near the animals i need to hunt, is it safe?
someone should make a mod that adds in world map locations that explain all these events. like an ancient psychic superweapon for psychic drones, an old nuclear reactor for the toxic fallout, a huge insect hive for infestations, an automated factory for mech raids, volcano for volcanic winter.
Yeah, as long as the animal isn't currently a 'Manunter' or tamed by an enemy faction it shouldn't be hostile.
Sure, just don't send the shotas.
Someone named Tynan Sylvester.
I wish mom would've left me near these kinds of cougars...
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>draw a boy
>call it a girl
someone named oskar
should be part of 'vanilla races expended- wasters'
Simulating the whole world is just not worth it. Alll gameplay is in the colony.
it's just Archotech satellites dumping waste products from whatever they are doing, makes sense
my shota got eaten by a bear while i was deathresting, its just me + my wife + the prisoners now
can i kill a level 7 wolf if i have 17 melee? i do not like him being so close to my home, although he just killed a raider
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its not simulating the whole world. its just adding stuff to the map. like the other factions' settlements explain why you get visitors and caravans and raids. they only load up when you send a caravan there to look.
I love female pawns! I love female pawns! I love female pawns!
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I wish vanilla RimWorld had a setting on women for pregnancy planning that you can set between two values: "Try" or "Avoid".

If set to "Try" it work as it does now, if set to "Avoid" it reduces the chance to get pregnant by 90%.
I want to have a small colony with relationships and I just can't banish or enslave the legit children of the people, forcing the colony to grow larger than I want.
can I "fix" the nearsight gene with bionic eyes or something?
>FTL technology but no glasses
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The ungas fear the samurai.
Anon, check the social tab.
Sex with Kaito
>Seeds Please: Lite
>Simple Chains: Lumber
>Simple Chains: Steel
>Simple Chains: Leather
>Dubs Bad Hygiene
>Arcane Technology
>Tech Block
>RJW STDs, Sexperience, and Menstruation
Any recommendations for other mods that make colony management more involved and demanding?
back off my wife, bub
tried character editor, seems good
ui isn't great but nowhere near as shit as people said
the export file is a little unhinged but probably works
>weird filename on linux
>pawn slots are associated with line number in file (have only 1 pawn saved to slot 70? enjoy 69 blank lines in your file)

is there a way i can create a pawn in character editor then put them randomly out in the world somewhere instead of my colony? maybe assign them to a faction so they might show up in raids or events?
Yeah sure she's your wife
out of all the female pawns this one is yours
no way.
you're right actually little is my wife
Yes, I suggest Pawn Editor.

What are you talking about?
a man can has multiple wives
will having both pawn editor and character editor fuck anything up? it might be a retarded question but i just learned prepare carefully can massively fuck things up
Prepare Carefully is (apparently) save corruption central. Character Editor is a mess, and Pawn Editor was made to replace it. There is no point in having both.
life lessons or research reinvented
variety matters
>saw that if a kid dies, my pawn gets a long lasting grief mood
>decide to just extract the genes of a failure vat kid and send them as a gift in a pod
>the kid still appears in the social tab as an "ally"
will I suddenly see them again one day?
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holy shit, i thought the little heart icon was just a marker they added to show people they were in a romantic relationship with.
it doesn't look anything like the other buttons in the game so i didn't even think about clicking it when i was looking for a pregnancy planning option. thank you anon

but i think "avoid pregnancy" only being a 75% reduction is ridiculous. i could understand if it scaled with your tech level, something like:
25% chance if you don't have Electricity, 10% chance if you don't have Microelectronics, 1% chance after that. the higher tier you have in science (research) the better your people should be at avoiding getting knocked up.
what's wrong with character editor? i heard about pawn editor but it seems pretty new so i assumed it could be missing features that character editor has
just started playing again after a few years
Imagine having sex with the love of your life and you have to pull out
that's the other 25%
Having industrial or above technology should irrecoverably reduce your pawns fertility and add increasingly severe mood maluses to parenthood to simulate """advanced""" societies' population dynamics, with only primitive or luddite factions existing in the wild and your colony being dependent on immigration from the aforementioned to sustain itself in the long term.
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Imagine wanting to have sex with a katawa shoujo.
I don't need to imagine.
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>what's wrong with character editor?
I don't remember.
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condoms. preventive pills. day-after pills.

i get that when your colony is on Africa-tech-tier it's 75% reduction but as you advance in research the reduction should be much higher.
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just assign your colonists to take their contraceptives anon.
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>contraceptives and birth control
damn… they were right… rimworld has gone woke…
Imagine having a male pawn with a vasectomy status hediff. What a cuck.
where is little? is she ok?
She lost a lung but otherwise fine
I use her as meat shield
i have no animal taming skill, is it wise to buy a wolf off a trader?
If your skill is below the minimum level to handle it, you won't maintain the wolf.
dont hurt her!
abortion operation when?
isn't terminate pregnancy option already there? Pretty sure there is
game didn't dare to use the word abortion? never actually checked if there is such a option, there probably is
Are toxipotatoes safe to make pemiccam with?
I ran out of corn due a cold snap followed by a blight and a dry thunderstorm which burned all, so there's this farming campsite which has toxipotatoes, but I don't know if those are safe for cooking.
The description says it's dangerous to eat them raw, but is it safe to cook with them?
i've cooked with them, as far as i know it's completely safe unless eaten raw. maybe there's a hidden increase to cancer or something but i would be surprised.
just checked and there is, with no research needed
and with fertility procedure you can do reversible vasectomies for men and IUDs for woman
thanks, I'm gonna raid that place and make pemmicam with the meat of the dudes guarding it.
should i let her join? she follows my faith, and is a psychopath like my current wife
while we're at it, can rwg also just play the whole game for me.
sure, what's the worst that could happen? It's just a child after all
>kid died because it was skydreaming near some donkeys which became manhunters simultaneously because randy shenanigans (and immediatelly sent 3 manhunter lynxes before I even killed the donkeys).
>decide to isolate the children area so this doesn't happen again
>3 children (of different mothers) just reached 3 years old
>go to nearby site because ran out of food and need to raid to survive
>suddenly a prison break
>2 of the wives beat the shit out of them, but get pretty roughed too
>remaining wife is a highmate, so she can't fight for shit (and she's the medic too)
>immediatelly after there's a raid from some cannibals
>all my combatants are downed
>go with my 3-4 year old children armed with just a bolt action rifle
>manage to headshot every one of those cannibals
>the children also take them as prisoners so my medic extract their hearts and make a feast with their meat
damn... that was intense...
Creepjoiners is never worth it
thats what i thought, i had another person try and join earlier who had a tentacle arm and a similar story, i had to kill him 4 times because he kept regenerating
I disagree, I had two healers with unnatural healing last game and one guy who didn't need to sleep or eat at all
and the one and only metalhorror attack happened because someone was bitten by a sightstealer, not due to being a joiner
>kid died because it was skydreaming near some donkeys which became manhunters simultaneously because randy shenanigans (and immediatelly sent 3 manhunter lynxes before I even killed the donkeys).
I'd just revive the kid with dev mode
there's nothing more annoying than the game deciding to just delete your colonists without any way to react
shit like drop pod raid landing on top of your pawn and instantly deleting them
the way you react is you build a walled area in advance without wild animals because you know manhunter is a really common event. and when a drop pod raid happens you can automatically pause and move your pawns away from the shadows.
Show her, I need to know if she's sex or not.
>pause a millisecond too late
>get crushed
am I playing touhou or rimworld
do you have a mod that disallows automatic pausing? that's your fault.
They're a gamble, but sometimes they're very worth it. Particularly the unnatural healer, it's literally free mech serum every month.
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This quest is a bit unbalanced, I'll send the rat.
Get run and gun
my prisoner went insane and is going berserk but im just repairing the door, will he stop eventually (he has no arms)
What is it with mod authors absolutely torquing the shit out of modded items. I get that some of it is overpowered, but when I look at a merchant and his inventory that one bullshit object at 4000+ is ridiculous.
she was 14 with a mohawk, she went insane when i ignored her and summoned these demon things but i killed her and them
do genepacks get used when I create a genogerm or there's no case on having the same gene repeated?
>do genepacks get used when I create a genogerm
no the genepacks are yours forever
>or there's no case on having the same gene repeated?
gene packs don't get used and you can sell any duplicates
anyone have any hidden gem mods?

heres mine: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1544006397

I used it since like 1.0 and it adds a slight challenge to the early game since everyone has to sleep on the floor until you can hunt enough wool or grow enough cotton to make enough beds for everyone.
how the fuck do i get more colonists? ive only had 1 kid joined that died to a bear in like 2 days or irl time
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cute little!
whats your mod for the mob faces
New Thread

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>>or there's no case on having the same gene repeated?
Thank you

Also, I don't know what my midget is doing at the comms thing, who's she calling?
is it worth it to sell a heart at 72% quality? one of my pawns came with it
i just got hit by volcanic winter and ive been relying on solar power, what do i do to survive?? i almost have my hydrophonic farm set up
cute, i like the dresses.

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