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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>493255558
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What names do you like to give your colonies?
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Slug sex!
slug girls? in rimworld?
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6th for anime
Anyone else tried building a wall around the entire map? I feel like it's pretty broken. Haven't finished building the wall yet, but I think once I do, sieges won't be able to set up until they go through my chokepoint. Basically won't have to worry about them anymore.
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>shitty old woman refugee comes with shitty child
>suddenly see my priest giving a leson to the shitty child
>was gonna cancel it because I don't care if the shit child who's gonna leave in 3 days learns or not
>suddenly my midge goes right between them for no aparent reason
>find that funny and leave them be
Damn... those midgets are funny
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Game literally sends me only women, even as raiders
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Food has arrived
you know what to do
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Well, it probably awkward for them
probably pawn generation issues
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Baseliner sex!
there's a borderzone where you can't build, I'm not sure if that mortar thing can pass there, because I haven't had any mortar invasions yet.
Pretty sure its not enough space for sieges, also I think enemies can't build there either.
they can
Faction name: Real Human Beans
Settlement name: The Good Village
I too have this problem, and it's not even the game's fault. I just coincidentally recruit 4-5 females for every male. It's happened in almost all my playthroughs, and every time my colony becomes a soft amazonian matriarchy.
soft amazons...
t-thanks moyos
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post family
Why would the slugs gift me this?

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