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Cute and canon edition

>The War Within

Previous: >>492443667
Rogue Dev hates the class
EU Servers that have actual people and not layering upon layering ??
god, anime truly makes everything it touches worse. that looks godawful
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>Hunter Narman says: Dawa! I must ask-
>Windsage Dawa says: Narman! I've brought you here to ask-
Dawa pauses for a moment in confusion and then laughs.
Narman errupts in laughter.
>Windsage Dawa says: Did we just?
>Hunter Narman says: We did. Want to get married?
>Windsage Dawa says: More than anything. I love you.
>Hunter Narman says: And I, you. More than anything
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>more evoker buffs
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So from what I have gathered every crafting profession is worthless and you have to be a poopsocking NEET if you want to make any gold at all?
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Orgrimmar should have had its own Valley of Heroes with the Warcraft II Horde leaders: Kargath, Grom, Gorefiend, Dentarg, and Deathwing.
why is there a penis attached to your nose
>Frost, Balance, Enhance, Arcane all nerfed to shit
well there goes all my characters
fuck this expansion
this looks so fucking bad holy SHIT MAN
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Feels good.
>noo -5% damage??? i do NO DAMAGE now nooo i kneel
farm knowledge
Why does wowg love vulpera so much?
why do you keep posting this, balance got huge buffs
I leveled mine yesterday and didn't see what the devastation players were complaining about.
I was still TOPPING and even once I was close to an overgeared level 70 while level 79
respec to frost
fix rogue FIX ROGUE
i'm not a gooner, but i must say, they're making it hard.
They make good wives
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>The weight of the world hangs upon the Aspect of Earth, a burden no mortal can bear. As Thrall embraced its power, he was consumed by living rock and forever changed.

How is it that HotS devs came up with cooler lore concepts than the WoW devs? If Earthbreaker Thrall was canon and Thrall became like picrel after defeating Deathwing, Cataclysm would have been 100x better.
we dont, they are coffin dodging sandnigger rats
the 7th legion purge squads should have finisher their job


Affliction lock or Druid of the claw Feral?
What the fuck should I play now that frost dk is dead?
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>Pack leader beast master buffs
FUCK YEAH. Let's go beast bros, post your pets.

I like grizzled ben because I play a dwarf and I feel like the dwarf from the original cinematic. But I'll probably be using spectral gryphons in raids/dungeons. Undecided what ferocity pet I want when I need to fill in for lust.
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Anduin what the fuck did they do to your face?
not that your ingame model has ever looked that great
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Actually, it sucks that the Priory is full of NPCs with nearly identical spells to Paladins, but 1000x better in every way. Your consecration? Ticks for like 2k damage on enemies with 2 million hp.
Their consecration? Ticks for 1 million damage. If you don't move immediately you die.
Guild has a fairly active core of players, most of them are in discord. Playing other games but hanging out. Nobody feels like doing anything WoW related, waiting until next week.
I know there is a group of people that feel Blizzard "respecting our time" and not keeping us stuck grinding away on WoW is a good thing, but people not wanting to play the game this early in an expansion feels like a fuck up somewhere. I know raid and keys are not available, but I still don't see how that is a good thing. Not having anything to do and logging out feels like a quick way to end up with loads of players not logging back in.
no, the aspects losing their immortality and bikinis was much better
Metzens cunt daughter
>actually reading analgauges bullshit
im amazed you didnt have your pronouns in your post
Why are leftists allergic to calling White men men? Why is it always boy?
OOF That's not good.
if your consecration does 2k then you're not using consecration
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Extra handlebar

The issue is that your ilvl gets worse as you level, so by the time you're 80 you end up being pretty weak and pathetic. Not if you're aug though, of course
>play rogue since vanilla
>swap off in TWW because stealth is dated dogshit, the specs are shitty, and they phoned in heroics
>change to warrior because fotm
>warrior basically gets to mash any available button for double the numbers and 1/4th the apm
this game is shit how is this allowed
>level up to level 70
>start doing War Within quests
>mobs have more HP than me
>if I pull 2 I die
why is it like this
Would he then be a foil for Magni?
Thrall is sick over losing his Orchood but Magni embraces it, and then after Azeroth falls silent and Magni loses faith Thrall encourages him, having already gone through that?
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>why is it like this
Poor folk, like you, get it harder
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mushroom hat grind
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Is this the worst balance the game has ever had?
>Rogue basically unplayable
>Fire Mage worst DPS in the game
>Boomkins lol
>Prot and Ret Pally basically Vanilla levels of terrible
yea if you hit the expac and didn't gear upbeforehand it feels gigashit now
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the classic gryphon skin. they don't have running animations so they fly along the ground. spec gryphon, BFA gryphons run along the ground with their horrible folded up wings. stormrooks aren't much better. I wish dash or bestial wrath would force their flying anim.
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Where do you think he went?
>>Prot and Ret Pally basically Vanilla levels of terrible
gonna laugh my big nigger balls off if a patch arrives and rogue is not addressed at all
Happened 15 minutes ago anon
should have bought the early access poorfag
true and organic real post
where is this ret bad meme coming from? it's like df season 3 all over again
The wow writers unironically listen to him and follow his and baals word.
no they fucking dont stupid
Damn that asmon's rich vs poor wow players video was eye opening, really good stuff in that.
start guffawing anon
blizzard went from "we'd rather you not play demonology" to "what the fuck is a 'rouge'??"
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imagine if this belf had giant fucking tits
I'm not going to take you seriously when you have a UI like that and clearly need to look at your action bar when playing the game.

Opinion discarded, inept troll.
>Ret players are frequently bad.
>This makes people who don't play ret feel they are bad.
>Bad ret players think it's their class that is bad.
In Dragonflight after their rework I never invited one to a dungeon unless I knew them because I got tired of them doing fuck all and not using any of their utility (Same with pug spriests).
Indeed. People in this general shit on Asmon but he is one of the most astute, shrewd, and insightful investigative reporters of our time.
>still watching puppet streamers
>not even cute ones like vtubers but roach king himself
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For some reason I have two skull of the Man'ari
One for fucking, one for sucking.
maye defense force in full assault today

its true, anything with gay anime style should be discarded immediately as the trash it is. just looks bad and very cringey
whats the qrd
Why does your character look like fem Diablo from 3
>you can make gold via pvp now
a toast minigamers
prot vanilla bad meme will never not make me laugh
it's just like i'm back in mop
how is it not a meme though
I agree but a lot of people are jealous of him
He has some stupid takes but in general is pretty level headed on most things, not all ofc
Ret got both a buff and a nerf is it good or bad im not a mathfag
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Good genetics
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>The tauren buck-breaker is a real thing and has been in HotS for years.
The HotS devs were truly ahead of their time.
Imagine what he'd do to a vulpera with his fat fucking tauren cock
its a 1% buff if you were stacking mastery like a non-retard
the amount of ret-tards in df I ran into that didn't interrupt a single time or know they could bring a cleanse was too damn many
then they got overbuffed and it'd be spergs just blowing their load from range while tanks were rounding stuff up and dying for it
king's honor friend
i remember when some faggot prot paladin tried to tank in MC
our firemage pyro>pom+pyro'd and took off like a rocket, laughing his ass off as the dog chased him with the stumpy dwarf idiot trying to get aggro back from fireblast hopping+CS spam
>the warrior lead shitting his pants on vent laughing
Professionfags ITT have told me that crafting becomes better as patches roll on because it's essentially a constant easy flow of low-effort gold. No idea how accurate that is tho
HotS unironically has better WoW content and treats it better than WoW. Look at Valeera's skins and tell me that it isn't better than WoWs version of it
fuck off zoomer
Tyrande hots skin is even more sex
I have EXTREMELY low IQ and am rather quite sluggish;: what class and spec do you recommend?
BM hunner
BM hunter
Blood DK
>press Death Strike button
>heal for 3 million HP
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bm hunter
BM, Frost DK
I just realized guilds are cross realm now, so is there really any drawback at all from picking Moonguard?
Friends told me it’s a bit better than normal realms unless I plan to PvP and from what I’ve seen online people tend to like the RP realms even if they don’t Rp.
bm hunter
female night elf BM hunter with 2 wolf pets and hide everything transmog
Should i buy TWW + 1 Month sub, delete all characters i ever made
Start fresh

Quit in ~ 2 weeks
12% more starsurge and 20% more starfall more than makes up for it.
The damage should not be on the builders. It should be on the spenders.
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do i level the devevoker or the fire mage next
Now that the dust has settled, was he right? Is this what the Black community thinks of TWW?

i started fresh when i came back in DF. much easier now with warbands
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max level campaign is pure shit

whoever said it was good must be straight from /lgbt/
How's it easier with warbands?
All i see is an endless list of characters on the right
Is there anyway I can transmute one type of herbs to another? Like how you used to be able to transmute different awakened essences in DF?
BM Hunter
>didn't interrupt a single time or know they could bring a cleanse was too damn many
These are tank/healer jobs.
No-one has said that.
>t. 1400 io every season and wondering why no one invites him
cheevos etc are account wide. BUT if you have old reps grinded, don't delete now. only TWW and DF reps are account wide for now
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eheh memes
you mean /tttt/?
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>Update rolls out
>Queue for Ara ara~
>Leave after the first boss
>No penalty
So nothing changed? Why were you all getting your panties in a twist?
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2H Frost is kino!
How is PVP looking so far bros?
>2h enh never ever
torn on if i shoud get xpac + sub
on one hand some new stuff i guess
on the other
>chat spam
>don't wanna raid / m+
>give 0 shits about the story
all of that for ~ 65 bucks? ehhhhhhhhh
I hate to agree with the tranny gnome but he's right. I had the same thoughts during that exact moment.
>i will always be there for you alleria
>and the next time i push you away?
>.....i will wait until you ask for me back
Like this read like such a cuck line. I expected his response to be "i'll fight for you even harder" or some such, but instead he goes for the beta cuck response of "i'll wait for your call after you've finished the cock carousel" type shit.

And yes, this entire expansion being centered around Alleria is actually insane, this bitch has nothing to do with dalaran, she has nothing to do with xal'atath, she has exactly zero friendship and connection to anduin. Why is she the center of the story who somehow has a rivalry with xal, feels the need to council anduin, and everyone feels really really sorry for her about her losses (????).
Seriously what is going on. It's like their handling of shadowlands was so fucking awful that they were forced by the community to ditch sylvanas in the maw when they wanted to bring her forward as a good guy character. This entire storyline feels like it's supposed to be for a trying to redeem herself sylvanas, but because they can't they just figured another windrunner sister will fill the gap just fine. Didn't even think to use the one who actually lives in dalaran though? So retarded.
>this entire expansion being centered around Alleria
Been a self insert since SL
Why buy a game if you already know you don't like most of it
it's okay 2h frost is trolling atm anyway
so servers are meaningless right?
i should go to some dead server and try to snag some cool names
>2h frost good at the end of DF because of Fyralath
>ruined in TWW because the "razorice explodes" talent is so OP you have to dual wield
We don't care
why not?
>TSM is made by inbred autistic fucks that think everyone knows that addon inside and out and plays the AH just like they do
>try to buy one (1) enchant
>enter 1 into the quantity field after TSM tries to set it to SEVENTY TWO
>click "Buy"

God, every fucking day codemonkeys prove that they're the scum of the earth and can't do anything right. It's a miracle they don't drown themselves every time they use a toilet.
what are we doing for the next 13 days exactly?
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the retoilets are rebelling
>servers are meaningless
They are?
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not you
sounds great thanks. I won't be rerolling then
Servers matter a lot for economy and overall player interaction in your random groups
Skill issue
I wish this game had a 2h melee spec that was like pom pyro mage where its all about setup and positioning to get one good swing in that nukes the target. Literally all single target damage focused and it plays like a monster hunter great sword
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very cool game
Level your stable of 12 alts. One every day.
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i got two characters to 580
Alleria wasn't even in shadowlands. That's the point. She appeared in the game after warcraft for the first time in legion, did her thing on argus, and has been out of the picture ever since. Now she randomly shows up in the TWW prepatch and has been the center of the story since.
>bothering to get the sunwell dogs
It's cute you think that's impressive
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Unholy DK is that closest thing that's currently like that. Arms warrior used to be like that in Legion/BfA when it had all those fucking things that boosted mortal strike damage to ridiculous amounts.
Pretty goat
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>banned for 1000 years
>You're Doing That Too Fast
haven't tried it, Quinn's vid demoralized me too much
>we dont know how to design this shit specc so lets just overtune it
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>everyone still sitting around shitposting
>meanwhile the Jailer has the sigils
>ALL of them
>chud makes one comment about faerrin
>banned until the end of time
non-skyriders in SHAMBLES
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Does WoW need more simulation life features?

Objectively ask yourself: does WoW need housing? Why or why not?
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>1.x era bug is still in the game
it does so it can attract more 30 something single women i can sexpest
No. Garrisons showed us we'll just sit in them all day and kill the game.
I just like them, sister
>Skill issue

Ok, I'll freely admit that if the excess items resell at the current market rate, I'll make a 30% profit on them. If that happens, I'll give TSM some grace.
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Say that again.
WoW needs a lot of features. For examples, bikinis
has anyone had this issue where your game gets off-center? like if i want to interact with an object i have to have my cursor multiple inches below it? its like my game has gotten clipped in half
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Very pretty goat and nice doggy
yes instancced housing
more mtx to sell
more mtx to grind for
>Not having anything to do
Sis, your delves? Heroics? Leveling alts? Did you really do ALL of the content that quickly? It just came out a week ago. Get a job.
Whats a good old dungeon to farm with drops that will actually sell on Ah
>the sexpest is at it again
i did all of that while at work
Enh did literally negative damage in PvP, trying to playing one and 1v1ing a warrior or DK or something was like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Even with a 60% buff they're probably still dogshit.
kinda based but kinda creepy
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Are they a couple or what?
i can't believe josh came back
So here's the deal
>Low/mid pop server
Chill enviroment and yes you can get some common names for your character, I think with Wat Within they released un-used names. I got myself a 5 letter common name for a toon the other day.
>High pop
Easier to get crafting orders done
Easier to sell boe's (those are not part of global AH)
Maybe easier to join a good guilds (if you wanna mythic raid or something, since those will be advertising on their home server chat.. I would think)

All-in all you can't really go wrong with server choice in this game. This isn't WoW classic where if you're on a dead server it's truly grim... due to no server clusters and lack of cross-realm grouping.

One thing I would check is if the server is occupied by a certain country, like IIRC Ragnaros on EU has a lot of polacks playing on it.. so you see a lot of polish in chat, which could be annoying.
the only server/faction specific thing that matters is crafting orders and latency

moonguard cities are full of people socializing so its pretty soulful. the actual guilds on moonguard suck shit, but maybe that will change with cross realm guilds
Get a real job.
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Let's grab a coffee qt3.14
>old dungeon farming for money
sis...they killed that years ago. either you craft or you buy the token, there is no other option.
If they cuck Turalyon it will be par for the course atp
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There's been a visual bug for weeks now that can show you as having two of your weapons equipped. It's mostly retarded, but double skulls is cool.
but office jobs are real jobs?
Banned for ten thousand years.
>nigger behavior is chadly
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>yfw the world soul saga is all about Alleria rejecting her gay ways and embracing marrying and reproducing with Turalyon.

Gigachad Metzen bringing oldschool boomerism back into the game.
why is auto loot still bugged
Be real here
Nobody denies rapists are chads, Anon
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>Objectively ask yourself: does WoW need housing?
>Why or why not?
I want a slave pen for my orc characters to keep captured human women in.
10% of the playerbase does high end m+/ce raiding. the other 90% one shot old expansion raid bosses to collect 1% mogmountcheevo drops

adding player housing and putting new 1% drop rate furniture in old raids would make 90% of the playerbase jizz their pants
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So when is it their turn for heritage armor?
no ogres
no leper gnomes
no naga
no tuskarr
no broken dran
no crack addict belves

..... hairy troll na'vi
BEARded ladies!!!!
I guess it really is American hours if we're worshipping blacks now
this is cute
I can't decide if the retoilet community is smart enough to figure out this is sarcasm.
goodnight bros
remember to support the judeo-masonic world order
none. i read some tsm autists gold making guide where he ran some old dungeon to gather crap to make a mount. he made 10 mounts and took 200 days of relisting them twice a day to sell them all. to him, this was a good way to make money. to me, that sounds fucking retarded
When they lose some weight.
Why don't they just rename this game World of Niggers? I checked and it isn't trademarked.
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Sure that sounds nice
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The light always returns
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>have spend almost 600k leveling enchanting
>Make a widely demanded, already established race playable and generate lots of revenue
>Noooo... Sorryyy.....
>Invent a new (ungodly fucking ugly) race

Why do they do this?
what would their heritage even be? they got an entire expansion with chinese armor. their starting gear is chens set. mop remix added 10 different straw hats and barrel backpacks. what else do you need?
>have 3 WQs with ring reward
>theyre unique-equip
>4 dwarf races now
Orcs, Trolls or Tauren?
Game needs slavery bros
>bothering with professions in any way or shape
fucking cuckold lmao
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Will hailstorm remain the best 1h sword forever?
Double it pass it to the next
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Redpill me on these EU realms
bros why can't i go past the login screen after updating
we dont claim the new ones
they're some kindof shaved vulpera or something.
The only realms worth rolling on
>Tarren Mill
>Twisting Nether
Literally who
>Howling Fjord
Literally who
Dead + chimps
Pick the most populated one with the most people on the faction you wanna play. Its why I as a alliance picked Silvermoon
>vanilla dwarves
>dark iron
counted this a few times and the most it came out to was 3
>barely 1/4 of the mobs in dungeons are melee now
no wonder tanking feels so fucking shit this expac
>leveling a profession that has to sell all of its products on the global AH
enjoy your 1 gold profit on each product sold...if you even make a profit at all. LMAO!
i hate liggers
they are all turbo perverts
>Ummmmmm.... tank? They didn't pull those on the beta...
I've mained rogue since TBC and im sick of the abuse.

I'm SICK. I will NOT re roll!!!! I REFUSE!!!

This but female velf and belfs
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>Ummmmmmmmmmm......................... TANK? This isn't the MDI
Why didn't we use zereth mortis to print everybody a robot girlfriend?
so what's the strat with rogues constantly crying about their class while assassination is blatantly overpowered? trying to avoid the nerfhammer or what
>here’s another elf allied race this time with tusks
So what the FUCK do I do
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>healer that plays off unit frames is complete dogshit
Isn't Assassination the best melee ATM with frost DK?
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Guild: Elysian
Realm: Quel'Thalas
Recruitment: Contrition-Quel'Thalas (alliance) Laralie-ArgentDawn (alliance) Gargot-ArgentDawn (horde)
Just gather like its a korean grindfest if you need money or buy a wow token lmao
Kazzak or Draenoer for horde?
Which one has french on it, i wanna avoid those
but what can you gather that actually makes money?
>click disturbed earth
>it shoots out giant semeny globs
>loot healing potions by catching them
uhhh..... what did chris mean by this......
I'm on Argent Dawn
Any of the new shit, hence korean grindfest, not good money
That makes no sense, all healers play off unit frames. Blocked.
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I had a lot more fun last night spamming Heroics than I did today playing through the homosexual max level campaign.

I'm gonna stop this midway cause it's killing my desire to play the expansion. I don't think it even gives anything important as a reward so no rush to do it. Back to kino non-story content.
Moonguard guild wowg when? now is the best moment to start one.
Ret is the same as DFlight just better. I mean, they're still a upper-middle of the pack DPS but that's where they belong for being so utterly simple to play
>gather like its a korean grindfest
holy shit thats exactly what this game is now. it reminds me of the cope mmos i played as a kid when my parents didnt want to pay for wow. but now wow is literally like those games now.
what the fuck am i even doing anymore
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Fuck now, wait for the next patch?
has Tww already surpased Legion as the best expansion?
How do pros heal in this game now if not with the unitframes?
I've made like 20k just by taking mining before I started levelling. I dunno how much that is to you but I'm probably set for the expac now.
>fixing for some retail gameplay after weeks of classic private server HC
>log in, try out a level 10 evoker, fully expecting the gameplay to hook me, ready to part with my money
>genuinely excited, then...
>every mob dies in 1 hit
>quests may as well complete themselves
>don't even have the opportunity to play the game, no point using anything other than azure strike
>zoom to quest giver, zoom to quest, instantly kill 10 mobs, zoom back to quest giver
>this continues in every zone against every creature until level 20 when I'm told to part with my money
>try a follower dungeon
>same shit; bosses die in >10s
I really, really, REALLY want to like wow, and play retail. But this is soooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking boring. I'm not playing wow, I'm just spamming an aoe. When reduced to one button, the exceptional class design doesn't factor in at all; an evoker is functionally the same as a demon hunter, which is exactly the same as a warrior.

I get it, I know it gets better in mythic. But in the run up to that, what the fuck is this "gameplay"? I can't even play my class. I have a self heal? Nice, who gives a flying fuck, I DONT FUCKING NEED IT.

>go on the wow forums, see if anyone else has said anything
>anyone who mentions this is shut down for being an elitist or a "classic andy" (pick one)

I really don't get it. I want to give blizzard my money, but this is ass. This is genuinely fucking boring.
So far I've spent (not including opportunity costs) 40k leveling enchanting to 75 and tailoring to 60. How fucked am I?
When can I start making money with these instead of losing money?
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>office jobs are real jobs
any guild we make will just be used by schizos to target and harass us.
Its been tried, over and over, it never lasts.
We all have different interests and there never enough of us into any particular thing to relaibly make groups. Even the M+ wankers struggle to fill a 5 man without pugging someone.
well what if i cant do the new shit
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>when can I start making money
if the raid is below 2/10 tier (impossible) it would surpass legion first patch at least, the rest time will tell.
They gave up on giving a single fuck about the pre max level experience ages ago, anon
I made 40k off a single recipe. Getting recipe world drops to sell on AH is the easiest way to make a big wad of cash rn.
i genuinely had a harder time levelling in xiv than i did in wow. wow is a total sleepwalk until mythic. but then nobody knows how to play in high level mythic because theyve never had to learn their class before
if i didnt already have a real life friend with a higher end raiding guild i would not touch wow
Hows RP
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>i genuinely had a harder time levelling in xiv
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is icyveins more reliable than wowhead?
Yeah some guy ITT always - and I do mean always - has a psycho breakdown over it or even just small groups of anons that play together
He seethes and stalks and rages and harasses anons playing together nonstop to the point its not even worth the trouble anymore
is not below 2/10** ffs
are kaheti excavations just bugged? (heh)
talking to the npc to start them does literally nothing
I'm not RPing
No, please. Not like this.
whoa 40k nice bro
literally came out of the ground I kno all I did was pick it up
isnt that a testament to what a sorry state wow is in right now though
>wow is a total sleepwalk until mythic. but then nobody knows how to play in high level mythic because theyve never had to learn their class before
This is the first fucking thing I thought while playing. I thought "new players are going to get to a dungeon and get their world rocked".

HOW IS THIS GOOD GAME DESIGN? The weirdest thing to me is the classes are all fucking fun to play, SO WHY NOT JUST LET US PLAY THEM LOOOOOOOOOOOL fuck blizzard
Otherway round in my experience.
na dps not kicking or helping reposition at all while standing in fire is pretty fun actually
rushing people to max level and letting them fuck around in LFR and LFG is better for retention than dropping them into dated buggy cata content and a bizarre time travelling plot that makes no sense and letting them pick 1 of 3 dud previous expansions.
This time'll be the charm. Where's the anon that said he has the bones of the last one.
Porn and gaming really have nothing to do with each other. I wish the janitors/mods would double down on killing the commer activity.
Normals are already seeing wipes to boss mechanics. Heroics I foresee being a big step up and a good entry point to mythics.
Game is a complete joke until level cap though and has been for like a decade or something. It's why everyone leveled alts in mopmix.
ok going belf pally on draenor
if you mean class guides then it's usually the same person writing both
last expansion some icy veins guides didn't even mention the jewelcrafter neck sockets yet the wowhead guides did
is there a way to not see other players at all and just play the game like its single player? whats the deadest low pop thing i can roll on?
tired of seeing these fucking losers in heirlooms ruining my immersion
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I'm holding onto the guild name <Mentally Ill> that I put onto an alt of mine
I never really intended to do anything with it other than have the name
It's probably best if someone else makes a guild since I'm busy with other responsibilities
>it is now quarter past 10 pm
>i have taken 3h to choose server, character, class and haven't even created it
>haven't bought xpac or a sub

Fuck sake
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imagine decapitating her vile head with the Ashbringer

total voidshit death
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anons how can I get to shadowlands raids in the maw/zereth mortis without playing through the entire fucking campaign? I bought the flight master heirloom map but it's useless aside from getting to revendrel for the one raid
Thats a good thing. Level a free trial to 20 and just satiate your WoW itch on that.
Survival Hunter has no business being this goddamn fun.
i mean yes i am a shitter
i don't have a lot of time to play
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newfriend here, is there character model mods for this game? i tried to make my goblin look like this but it's not possible with the base character creator
I can't be guildlead either, do you know any anon that would bit this role?
choose threads of fate and skip and then skip to zereth mortis, providing you have already done all that on at least 1 char already
>want to play a different class because the one I picked is boring
>dont want to grind the same shit ive nolifed to 585
it's over isn't it
Old Queen got jacked.
slit your throat, and you're not new
I have, 3 characters. i want to experience hero talents and see some new zones. But 60 bucks for all of that?
Gonna sleep on it i guess
I can't believe they made us lose against a random fucking goblin in one of their scrap mechs in a cutscene.
Who the fuck wrote this shit?!
>Here is how powerful your character is, he get's bodied by a random hobo in a cardboard gundam cosplay.
It is though, this isn't modded beyond breasts.
Ignore the schizos
Wake me up when its a scourge expansion
Wow that was cool human male paladin rp
Not really, best we have are ugly body mods that just make your boobs really big. WoW sorely lacks in the player customization department
Like I could be a guild leader, I'm not opposed to leadership at all, but I just doubt many people would join or play frequently
If enough people showed interest I will move guild ownership back to a main character of mine and do the needful
Nerubians are right there
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Why isn't this 36 year old woman getting married and start having children.
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MoP remix is over and so is this panda girl's journey
May she rest well in the Maw
I leveled a character through there after the fact but I don't think I 100%'d the main story, is that a requirement for threads of fate? I looked that up and many people said it didn't exist anymore
If you have to twist yourself up inside for a purchase its usually not going to turn out well man. You should be excited to spend money and really want to play it. Waffling around is just going to be buyers remorse
there is no face that has freckles, that eyeliner, and red lipstick though. is there more customization you can unlock in-game? my friend told me there isn't

sad if true, i knew this game left a lot to be desired cosmetically but this seems really limited
I might just be too tired
Gonna hold out on buying until tomorrow
>class tuning on tuesday
>no rogue changes
ummmm who is designing this classs lol??? no one ?
Made me feel bad also. Me, the destroyer of worlds, bodied by a goblin in a generic mech. Sad writing.
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>sad if true
It is true, and also why many people play on an RP realm with an RP profile just so they can describe their character how they'd look even if they never actually roleplay
Uhm you may be right actually nevermind what I said
so should i hoard coffer keys until season 1 starts or like.... whats the meta bros
I miss old Asmon wow streams bro's.
wait you get 5% extra xp? how
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Bros, we were on South Park... We were on Jeopardy...
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she's only 36? how old was this slut at Stratholme when she abandoned Arthas?
5% exp for every 80. caps at like 20% or something
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It caps at 25% for 5 characters in total.
Play on a better server. Mine is like 0.1% Horde and there are still 30 people in Orgrimmar (why are you looking there anyway).
and only 4 shown on screen LOL
early 20's
>Transmog is green
>Transmog is blue
>Transmog is red
simple as
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>non US hours
>no gay porn spam
Really makes you think.
Wait wtf
Brb time to speed level my 70's
Male or female
As a pally?
Please respond. Where are the dead realms
do it.
Why is he looking in a zone that nobody is in and comparing it to the hub of other game? He's being disingenuous is why.
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zamn zamn zamn
I feel like conceptually prot pally got the best hero tree in the entire game with Lightsmith but they nerfed it into useless before launch even happened, and is now just GCD bloat...y tho
Treehouse niggers need to be gassed.
Yes, I've had a similar thought. But considering how weird the warband favorite screen can be, one more would have probably summoned demons from the lowest pit of the Cosby Suite or something.
Its a stupid thing to get annoyed at, but I fucking hate this about warbands. A minimum party size is 5, for dungeons. A warband should be 5 characters, not 4.
And it was so easy, just have him pick up the dwarf woman or the little robot as a hostage and make us press a button to have the golem kill him from behind.
>get called out for being disingenuous
>do it again
don't think tww even needs xivg shills to fail but at least put some effort in
You literally can do that face with no mods.
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It's over.
you didn't correct me on anything, you were blatantly wrong. backpeddle all you want I guess, don't really care
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class/race for this feel?
fem belf mage
there was a drama free wowg guild in the first tier of shadowlands. we got half way through mythic then everyone got bored and quit
Day 4. I can already almost navigate Dornogal without looking at signs or maps.
I've still got it.
Fem human but only if you have a worgen boyfriend
Too limbwristed to click?
I recommend drinking more soilent.
4, maybe 5 slots left btw, need druid players and maybe a tank and maybe a healer, need atleast 1 evoker player.
be seeing you
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She is more barren than the barrens.
She is more desolate than Desolace.
She (daughter) aged like milk...
>tfw no panda bf on argent dawn eu horde
it's over...
Can humans and orcs have kids?
monk bros, status?
NTA but try recreating it, you literally can't. It's a bunch of different features from different faces.
tfw no goblin gf
>mistweaver still plays like a less fun hpal with more mobility
>windwalker best its been since maybe release
>who the fuck cares about brew honestly
my headcanon is that you are the ick on eck guy
Goblin Paladin DO IT
Is it worth it to use crests on adventurer shit or will I be bricking my account?
I know who's hands wrote this post
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>level tailoring
>like 5k gold to get to max level
>level any other profession
>massive 300-500k goldsink to reach cap
why do the inferior professions cost so much money?
how can my latency be 52ms but i press a button and it takes 2 seconds for the spell to start casting
52ms + tax + tip
might be slight zone lag because there's too many in one zone
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Don't forget to cuddle a worgen today /wowg/
holy shit wtf is the point of this game
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get a life
if nothing means anything and everyone can be whatever they want (the main themes of the dragonflight and TWW) why cant i have a fucking goblin paladin or an undead druid?...
god is giving me a sign
i wanted to come back after like 10 years to play this garbage but i cant actually install it
having the stuck on initialising bug, which seems to be somewhat common according to forums and shit
anyway thank you baby jesus
Servers are fried. Has nothing to do with latency. same reason you gotta loot multiple times, repeatedly talk to quest givers, etc.
Nigger the servers shit themselves completely the second more than 30 people are on screen, nice mmo
I know a single perso that likes Mandaren on AD EU...
I think...
why cant my dracthyr be a spicy shortstack dragon gobbo girl?
thanks for coming to /wowg/ to tell us you aren't playing
cope seethe dilate.
your addons with low framerate probably gives you massive end-to-end latency

usually wow shitters are so mentally gone that they don't notice it, even with 1000 addons and 2-10 fps 1% lows constantly - you're fighting a computer on easy mode with automation after all
bro your glamour?
Great news! Your assigned dilation station is here: >>492480248
>ask wowg what class has the least buttons
>they say BM hunter
bro you fucks are liars
i have four fucking action bars it sucks dick
Why is half the shit in the fucking game ignoring pets eating its fucking dick off and spamming its taunt? Delete hunter at this point if you hate it this fucking much you coward faggots.
>SoD getting a mega dungeon
Classic won bigly.
Retoilets lost.
>he didn't buy the collector's edition for the half latency + better connection feature
oh is it another area already in the open world that theyre going to slap an instance portal in front of?
mega dungeons already existed in vanilla you fucking dip
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>arcane is shit damage and less fun to play now
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>Fire is already under performing
>Nerf lit fuse into complete uselessness with a 4% proc chance and a 63% reduction in damage
>Finally get buffs
>30% extra living bomb damage
>Proc chance still abysmal
>Damage is still laughable
erm, why is bnet advertising her old model?
I don't remember making this post
I just did it, it's just the eyes that look different since it's probably a screenshot with one of the goblin idle animations, with her eyes half closed, at that specific time it's literally the same.
what am I doing wrong
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>he isnt even ilvl 580
at least ur not rogue.
>roll earthen
>crush gems
gemmy :)
Dont use traps
i actually posted that shit because i thought there will be a fix but after reading 10 reddit threads and 20 forums posts its basically a known issue with no fix
luckily i didnt buy the game first
they really should put this shit on steam already
All vanilla wow dungeons are mega by todays pussy ass dungeon standards across the entire gaming medium, those dungeons are fuckhuge
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I heard Jaina needed someone strong and virile enough to knock her eggs back into production.

I volunteer, because Thrall is a cuck and Anduin is a faggot.
can you post a screenshot pls?
>The company thats had countless lies about early access/etc is lying about content in the game, again.
Shutup buy the pig. Don't forget to unlock earthen, thats available right now, we promise!
No. You will not make fun of that guy. Leave him alone. At least hes actually discussing the game. This thread is nonstop avatar posting and arguing about shit nobody cares about.

false flag avatar tranny lmao
>Thrall is a cuck and Anduin is a faggot.
Male Vulpera are both of those though
I wish they had kept her looking like this, but just updated it a bit.
Not a fan of her new look. Its too much 45 year old trying to be hip vibes.
Nah the frame is too specific
>*walks up to you*
>*move my ring hand towards your face*
Cause it's way better than the new one, duh. It's not that blizzard doesn't know, it's just that they don't care.
what else can i take off my bars
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would you let me join your mythical 0 no leavers WEEKLY!!!!!!!!! chill run :) every welcomed???
okay so you can't make her look like that, good to know
>Drop 2.3mil into a mobs face with misdirect on pull
>It completely ignores pet
Half this game doesn't even work at this point what the actual shit
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Yes, sorta like how retoilets are getting no new zones but updates to Quel'Thalas/Northrend for $90 each (plus tax) (plus tip) (plus late access fee)
If you want to fix it, you have a corrupt battlenet install. you have to uninstall it, delete all remnants of bnet and blizzard in temp, tempfiles, and program files. google how to fix a corrupt bnet install for the step by step instructions.
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>got this beledars spawn 2nd try
>never gonna use it because the mountain dew code red version from sneedolands is better

thank you blizz
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There will be Goblin, Night Elf, Worgen and what-have-you Paladins when they introduce Tauren Demon Hunters and Evokers.
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i accept your concession.
Can't have ore coming from anyone who didn't exploit the artisans acuity bug now can we
>you have to uninstall it, delete all remnants of bnet and blizzard in temp, tempfiles, and program files.
i did that except i chose not to reinstall, cya nerds lol
>ebin rare mob reskins mounts
there is literally no reason why worgen and kul tirans shouldn't be paladins though
that bear is purple
there's a 0% chance you went to %temp%. You didn't know it existed until I told you in this post.
VulperaGODS.. I kneel...
would you lead a wowg guild?
There's no rhyme or reason to it. The terms of them being Paladins that I talk about are just by looking at the fact that Tauren can be 80% of the game's classes, which just feels odd.
I like dark fem nelves
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Anything else I should add to the Fel Fire themed warlock? Destruction, obviously.
>he wasted valorstones
i'm a software developer you think i don't know about something as basic as %temp% mr. hackerman? LMAO
This game isnt even an RPG anymore I dont understand why they even pretend with class limits. Its not like it stops really stupid combos
When can we play m+
>i'm a software developer
Sure thing kiddo
So wait, you can loot toolboxes, that give you a buff in the awaken the machine scenario
The buffs stack to 100
The toolboxes are unique
Noone tested this shit. Not one fucking person.
confirmed highschooler. RIP.
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Its literally an AI generated expansion. They already said this
christ what is wrong with the auction house
3 weeks
You DO have warmode on right?
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The lone crusader...
next you should teach me about alt f4 and ctrl alt del
oh wait you can't because i'm outta this shithole
smell ya later
Why are you wearing a dress, sis?
>highschoolers caring about wow
very optimistic
the youngest person playing retail wow is 37 years old
Frost got a sub 3% damage nerf
>hiding in bear so we can't see your shit mog
Who cares? I beat it without buffs with ease. I don't think Blizz want people to be struggling with weekly loot pinatas.
NTA but I'm 20
the lone retard
>caring about mogs
get a life tranny LMAO
Yeah it's fucking over for frost...
Don't worry I still have the 80 knowledge I exploited after several days with 0 punishment
after months of hard grinding i have hit 100k gold how can i double that instantly
Literally unplayable
I swear to god there is nothing more based than a Prot paladin / Holy paladin but holy shit retardins should be annihilated
if you didn't care about mogs you wouldn't have been in bear form for no reason as a resto druid. checkmate retard, thanks for playing.
i heal in bear form
>This shits broken indicating a lack of effort or competence.
I miss when you could be prot/holy hybrid spec. Thats what I did back in the day and classic.
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Ive been in the guild i've been in for like 3 years now because of a random invite and i've never spoken in guild chat
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Um, sure. My point was when something makes something that is night unlosable easier isn't a big deal in the scope of things that need to be fixed. Rogue is still unplayable, for example.
I have been playing since Legion and have never ever used the chat window or typed anything.
sad! This is my experience every few years when I come back to wow. I'd give anything to find a comfy, close knit guild of the kind I had back in vanilla, but I just can't find them, maybe they don't exist in nu wow.
Buy high sell low
It really is that simple.
i can't believe you still post here but i miss you dude, you're the best goblin poster
>maybe they don't exist in nu wow.
they do they're just boomers that have stuck around forever. I am in one. We only add new members when we desperately need a role filled and nobody wants to do it.
Gratz for being a part of a shit in a cesspool guild.
Dead class lmao
>The buff stacking to 100 being limited to literally 1 making things easier.
Youre actually illiterate. These are the people defending blizzards incompetence.
Actual retards.
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just me and my demon buddy
gonna do a hc dungeon :)
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The lone protector...
>Loot mob
>Doesn't loot
>Close loot window
>Loot mob
>Loots this time
Would top this nigga alive in every M+
>open npc dialogue menu
>can't accept quest
>walk a few yards away and return
>open npc dialogue menu
>can accept quest
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>Black blood
>It's red
I'm gonna sneed it
she's sight-challenged, chud
azj kahet is fucked, especially in the lower places of the zone for some reason
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>wax boxes nerfed by 70%
>bots caught on to the gem prospecting bug
>blue D/E shuffle is becoming far too painful for the decreasing profit
I guess it's back to the gathering grind....
it was never an issue back in the day. why is this a common occurence in nuWoW?
>BM hunter has gone from Big Red Retard eating people in PVP in 2 seconds
>to just big retard
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>losing all my haste on mistweaver as i level
What the fuck are the giant roots from?
Post rogue mogs
spamming braindead heroics just to upgrade your items by a few ilvls before m+ gets released feels so fucking unrewarding
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ok good atleast its not just my client shitting itself
anyone knows a solution for battle net getting stuck at "updating battle.net update agent (45%)" ?
Confirms my suspicion that rogue transmogs are the worst in the game. Like holy fuck it's so hard to find even 1 that's half decent.
I'm turning on warmode bros, im so nervous i might shit my pants
The lesbian titan planted a big tree with Elune and Aman'thul got mad and plucked it but the roots seemingly persist.
What's the point of doing the campaign if you're already 80?
to fight the villian at the end and to conclude the story of the exp- oh wait nevermind
Well, my point is there are no rogues anymore. But, yeah, there's not too many.
So, just for the story? You don't get anything extra like in the better games?
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Looking to be the second expansion in a row where she's a bank alt.
Do you think pandaria remix will ever come back? I missed the event and now I'm sad...
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>turn 360 degrees and fly away
>cant log in again, please restart the game :^)
>decide to go dunk bwl for T2
>searing gorge
>100% memories remaining
isnt that over
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>open a BM guide
>"switch to survival while we wait for buffs"
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>getting crafted pvp patterns from boxes while I farm compstomp
>they're all selling for me on the ah at 30-35k
>4 so far.
>120k gold from compstomp
I love expansion launch so much.
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>ask AI for help playing rogue
>it gives instructions on how to delete a WoW character
This isnt fucking fair. I cant afford the expansion. Im drowning. I need gold bad
Of course you did. XIV is tedious and boring as fuck to level in
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no idea, never had a reason to complete any story in wow expansions. always lead to rep gate locked and lost interest.
yeah just like this one
buy a token
yeah I am? that's not even hard? you don't even need to spend crests for that
>get the coolest pets of the expac
>can't use them because exotic
feels horrendous
anon he cant even afford the expansion much less a token. it's best not to pay attention to the poors.
>play ret
>half of expansion get called retarded for playing bad class
>other half get called fotm chaser
y'all niggas need the light
A token doesnt help me make money though.
smartest wow player
holy shit why did I make my character a fucking female blood elf THIS SHIT IS ASS
It doesnt though. Like not actually MAKING money. I turn $15 into gold, but I dont go up.
no wonder you're a broke ass nigga irl.
Am I retarded or does Dornogal not have trade chat? Only the services chat. I don't wanna go back to Org for shitposting.
Is ele decent in pve? Now that arcane is braindead might as well play something visually pleasing.
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go get your free SRS at the barbers king!
I dont think you guys understand what im saying at all
male blood elf is just as bad, Faggy ass animations
i don't think you do either
I make a female blood elf
I goon
I delete
engineering or blacksmithing anons
i only pve and play ret, warr, and rogue.
im fairly deep in engi but it's seeming fairly shit.
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>20% honor less when transfering to another character
For what porpoise?
>balance of power is account wide
>breaching the tomb is account wide

remember to get your class hall mounts chuddies
shutup and farm piggy your time was respected
Are the earthen voice acting supposed to be terribad?
:O thanks for the info anon take my karma
I do though. Can you just help me or tell me what you don't understand? The WoW token wouldnt help in my case.
>he doesnt want his cool class order mount

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Im a tank who progressed through half of the bosses on mythic in all 3 DF seasons and I cant find a new guild.

is this the equivalent to not being able to find a job as somebody with a good uni degree?
Orcs, Trolls or Tauren?
maybe dont play ret
why do people hate retribution paladisn
male belves are fine
male belf players on the other hand are the most retarded third worlders you will ever meet
they used the fact that they're supposed to be emotionless robots as an excuse to hire dogshit VAs and give them no direction
wait so i need to actually be doing delves?
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This done in /wowg/
The reason that none of the max level cutscenes voice acting audio works, is because the voice lines accidentally got encrypted under the same encryption they're using to hide Chapter 5.
Code-monkeys at their finest.
which women are built for belf men?
frost dk chads
why did they do us so dirty with the nerfs
tauren, goblin, forsaken, nightborne
>tank:bear druid
>dps: frost dk or fire mage
so whats the OP meta healer i level first
How'd I type done when I meant to type verdict?
Apparently the code-monkeys are in my brain too.
belf women
race mixing is haram and lorthermar is a dirty race traitor with jungle fever
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So this expansion is basically legion but
>the cool fel green is now a shitty dark purple.
>The cool demons substituted by lame ass tentacles.
>The last boss, a badass demon titan, substituted by strong wehmehnz xalatah
>The iconic Illidan who sacrificed everything substituted by a bitch that also embraced the element of the enemy to fight it except it's got no cool mutations or anything so it's exactly the same but lamer
>The whole class hall and cool artifacts with skins and colors substituted by 10 passive talent points called "hero talents"

So this entire expansion is a shittier Legion, way more expensive, and with way less content.
I can't even level because I keep dying in the world... all I can do is be complete dead weight in dungeons and get carried.
frost dk got nerfed
>do the arathi zone
>anduin genuinely does nothing at all, he could not be there and it wouldnt make a difference
Is this where we're at now?
brainlets and contrarians hate ret.
Its a great spec and has been every since its legion rebuild and even before that it was pretty good. But post legion ret is a goat spec, its not complicated, its not High IQ or difficult to play.

It is just fun.
this expansion is nothing like legion
it's actually like the opposite
the classes are all fun to play and not locked into a gay fantasy, but the story, characters, and content is total shit
theyre always crying about something as see here>>492490032
dumb faggot class that is annoying as fuck in pvp
Just like you right now
Futa Draenei
The current classes are literally the "extended" versions of legion
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Still the best dps in the game.
we deserve it after we got hated on so much in the previous xpac
im merely answering the question. this gotcha moment probably sounded better in your head.
I disagree
they've been slowly undoing the damage done by legion
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>fire mage
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dude has
>dies to make kween the queen
written all over him
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As a policy, none of my characters miscegnate. Except my goblins. Who have no standards.
Do not slander me.
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outlaw roguefaggots for the 3 of us left should i be wasting my opener stealth window + 2 vanishes right after another at the start of the fight to try and get this procced as early as possible
>sarkareth mythic mountskin still not made low drop%
Why? Is it because the thing drops from LFR anyway so there's no point??
Calm down sexpest
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BUILT for nonstop eskimo kisses
They're right, it does look like he has cornrows
can you still buy stuff on the bnet store with wow tokens anymore or is that gone
Total Goblin Sex
Yeah, but what is Nobbel's opinion on the story?
God, it pisses me off so much.
Half the time I try to overload a crystallized ore node the portal never appears but the 12-hour CD is triggered.
There's another bug where if you fly too close to the ground at a weird angle your character will rapidly slide or teleport forward a bit and somehow this triggers a DC because your movement values are out of player bounds or something, but this happens a few times per day for me while mining so far because so many mining nodes are on or near slopes.

There's no reason the game should be this bad, but MBAs and corporate culture in America ruined Blizzard. They're understaffed and have a revolving door of relatively unskilled workers coming in for mediocre pay, and you get what you pay for.

Had Blizzard never merged or been bought out, this wouldn't have happened because this all comes about because shareholders demanded "line go up" and the executives accomplished that by overworking the devs and doing layoffs. Now the game is in a state where they need to take a loss for a few quarters to rebuild their skilled workforce and do a lot of repair work but that will never happen because shareholders are subhuman scum that live to leech off the work of others and don't care if the game is good so long as their portfolio keeps increasing in value.

If any executives at Blizz ever actually did what was necessary to fix the game, they'd be fired ASAP and their actions reversed before they could bear any fruit.

People need to wake up and realize how fucking cancerous the lazy owner class is because they're doing this in every fucking industry, including healthcare, veterinarians, elder care, childcare, housing, transportation, education, agriculture, etc.
>he doesn't know
It's been buffed and mages are exclusively fotm rerollers
>only one guy grabs the free electric aoe buff
I wonder if you could apply to the revolving door, make a bunch of stacked characters with rare or retired items, then just keep the login info to sell it when you leave the company.
This guy gets it.
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new 'jak just dropped
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Can this make fire competitive? Is it fun or one button like arcane?
and ear scritches
What the fuck is this face
ive overloaded nodes before only for them to vanish before i could harvest them afterward
DYL futa?
literally made for my average human sized penis
helo prety lady u london
Theres a fishing derby in hallowfall!
its 2 buttons
You now remember Maye
It's ridiculous that they still can't figure out how to stop nodes from phasing out or despawning halfway through mining them, too. It feels so shitty to players and it has such low potential for exploitation that it makes no sense not to do whatever it takes to fix that issue.
I don't know what professions to have
I just want something that doesn't suck ass and I want some possible income
on saturdays only I thought
how do we feel about futa draeneis?
On Saturdays. And it's only Saturday if you're East of London in the world. It'll be midnight in London in 30 minutes.
futa is for closeted fags
Good if you're Maye
Bad if you're a normal person
Mogged by Futa Orcs
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They're going to kill him aren't they?
>anyone in /wowg/
I'm normal
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talk about wow
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Why would you want to
This to be quite honest with you family
arcane is your designated spec this season mage piggy
They haven't introduced a daughter or niece yet. So he's still safe for the time being.
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>fire is still unplayable dogshit
>arcane got killed
magesisters what the heck is this... you told me we were their favorite class...
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Tailorchads, do I go for crafting armor, bags, or the daily cooldown?
Gotta figure out a way to make sure a woman's running their society one way or another.

Their cannons are canon as far as I'm concerned.

Studies prove the opposite is true. Gays prefer masculine bodies.
Dicks on feminine bodies work specifically on straight men because it combines the attraction towards feminine features with the instinct to compete in the presence of another erection. Straight males have higher drives to mate females when shown the erections of other males, and this holds true for every species of mammal tested to date. Combine the female with the erection and you get a visual illusion that tricks the straight male brain into getting more aroused than usual.

tl;dr, if you're not into futas, you're probably the fag, because you're either not into feminine forms or you have no urge to compete with rival males to impregnate females.
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I hit 80 yesterday, why did I learn all my WoD shit only after just logging in today?
no, it's Metzen magic, he's bringing males back into the WoW story finally!
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>If you're not into futa you're a fag
I hate it when I agree with everything someone said but they say one line that just throws it all away
Otherwise based and true other than that
being aroused by a penis makes you pretty gay
Craft me some bags and sell them to me cheap please
no, fire is still unplayable
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Would you want me as your raid leader?
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Oh my god I hate timegating!
Why would I want to do heroic dungeons all day? They are sooo boring!!!
I want to gear up in mythic+ which is actually challenging. 3 weeks of timegating should be a crime!
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>see interesting gameplay feature
>buy xpac
>gameplay feature removed before season even starts
>money stolen
anon do you know what autogynephilia is?

Which feature?
why would you need to stare at a cock to get harder? why not simply have a stronger reaction to the female form than your rival? this is some intense faggot cope ahahahah
>anon do you know what autogynephilia is?
Yeah but I don't want to be trans I just wanna be a guy that likes cute girls and dicks w/o being ghey
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The plant explosion threw me off the cliff and killed me.
Gardening is dangerous
Why do NPCs always talk like... this. We need to... stop doing that.
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>see spec under performing by at least 30%
>buff it by 2%
whats wrong with these retards
The city of threads is just a fucking terrible suramar.
Did Shadowlands even have drops? dont think it did.
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You now remember this gem
Which is more kino
>Void corrupted Khadgar raid fight
>Void corrupted Sons of Lothar raid fight
Liking dicks is gay anon. Its not a girl if there's a dick
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what do we think of Dornogal? better than Valdrakken?
>corrupted Sons of Lothar council fight
would be actual kino
you are not supposed to play fire this season it's not the designated spec arcane is
that's how it is with warlock and mage they have a spec that's the spec every season and if you don't play it your are doing subpar dps no matter what
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That's what fantasy is for
It's not meant to be real and trying to pin the real world on fantasy is a sign of low IQ
yes but thats not hard valdrakken is literally bottom 1
Dornogal is kinda lame looking
Harrowfall should have had the capital
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good job pajeet coders with fuckuing up the game
can't even finish a quest
everyone saying it's bugged on wowhead as of today
patch didn't change anything
There is no suffering like tanking for a low DPS group
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Man, there has to be something other than just 'hurr durr, Blizz dum' for why this seems to always be the case.

>Designated spec
Maybe desu. Prob a lot easier to manage balance if you have a few specs that are 'designated' for certain content. Would prob also explain why tanks are generally balanced decently well since so few people play them.
it looks like shattrath but the music is far better so its pretty comfy idle zone
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Dornogal, the single most amerimutt-inspired location in WoW:
>huge, uncomfortable roads
>ugly, boxy grey architecture
>most houses are closed
>empty and sad
>need a mount to get around
>NPCs are gross, short golems with an american accent, also there's bearded women (like in the real US of A)
Boralus, the Magnum Opus of WoW city design:
>Cozy, normal roads
>Beautiful seaside architecture
>Many houses are open and have cute rustic interiors, promoting roleplay opportunities far and wide
>Filled and bustling with NPCs
>Can easily walk (or even slow walk) to wherever you need
>NPCs are a charming mix of New England and British accents, just brimming with personality

>literally exhausted all content in 4 days besides retarded farms
>season doesnt start for two fucking weeks

so... what do i do?
and no im not leveling alts lmao
It's not good. There's no central location to people watch at, which is what I judge a city on.

Dalaran 1.0 and 2.0
Ironforge / Stormwind

>Boring but everyone's clumped
MoP Shrines


So Orc Futas then.
If thats how you want to cope
A unicorn is a magical horse and futa are magic trannies
You're a fag that needs to pretend people are stupid for seeing stuff as it is because you can't handle reality
From what I understand, the Arathi have been in Hallowfall for about twenty years.
So, since around the events of WC3 or vanilla WoW?
better music, Beledar void/light cycle is really cool, the overall best zone in the xpac and best faction
its kinda suprising that its not the capital when you think about it
I'm not really into orcs but they can look nice when done well
Impossible to fuck up:
All of them either give passive income from doing dungeons/world quests or are gathering professions which you cant lose money on. Personally im Herbalism/Mining Druid (for instant flight form) and I will swap Mining with Tailoring before the weekly reset so I dont get bricked by missing my weekly crafting skill points.
healing for a low dps group
>Ironforge in good
>Boralus in mediocre
Though I disliked DF overall, I liked Valdrakken more. I like the giant tower overlooking lower lands.
I'm gonna say it

I hate leveling my Evoker right now. It is such a drag.
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Nostalgia makes me want to buy it but I know it will never be the same
Would you say it drag(s)on?
Ofc not, they will be into you.
>There's no central location to people watch at,
sure there is the Overlook between the Inn, Delve Shed, Bank and Auction House.
like 70% of the city pop is gonna be there at any given time.
I'm not based enough to be futasub
Frotting and mutual handies only
Ew nigga
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Valdrakken was horrible and made you constantly spend dragon points just to get between the AH, professions and bank. Mcgarnagle does the exact same stupid shit but instead of a few annoying hotspots where the writers tried to be pithy (and as a consequence you have to see the same sequence of dialogue every fucking time you pass by) they just slapped bearded ladies all over the place. It feels like if the Niffen quest hub was made bigger and a capitol city. Meridell is too small despite looking better, doesn't have all the city amenities and also makes you spend dragon flying charges. All of these places do. The only place that didn't was a little town hijacked by goblins, which is probably where I would leave my hearthstone if it had more than a Coke machine and a repair guy. If Undermine doesn't blow us out of the water with a capitol hub as nice as Ironforge I'm chalking this up as another failure by the Didn't Earn It committee currently developing Blizzard slop.
Thank fuck this isn't your homo char with the glasses. This one looks good.
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bro what is this low rez image blizzard has on the front page of battle.net lmaoooooo

fucking idiots literally scaled up a thumbnail. Blizzard Quality (tm) btw
>doesn't want to be gay
>gay fantasies
Is ele dead now?
>blacksmith trainer is a bearded female earthen named dearearaner or some bullshit ass garbage
>emotes constantly
>uses he/his in them
ahahahahahahahahahaha o shid fug
metzen really did save the game
Non-con to con it is
feels exactly the same I can't tell them apart
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I'll be DPSing your random dungeon today
its like there is a potluck at blizz to design the most unappealing race
>fatass kultirans
>diaper gnomes
>now gender fluid women with beards
next expac will have us ally with the great mighty poo people. they will all have indian accents
So you're admitting you're a fag then
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>same boss
>same gear/trinks (same ilvl wep)
>gear is crit/haste which favors BM and not SV's mastery
>the results
I think I want alchemy for the flask duration
maybe I'll get herbalism to support it and call it a day
my dude is inscription/alchemy now but I didn't do shit with inscription in dragonflight
as long as you don't DD my dungeon.
no one cares tranny
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Let me fix that:
>Good - Compact, efficient, relatively direct paths between most destinations
MoP Shrines

>Bad - Convoluted and/or spread out, mostly indirect paths, repetitive set pieces make it easy to get lost

>Terrible - Sprawling and/or has clusterfucked paths, can never go directly where you want to go

Now, Dornogal?
I'm leaning towards putting it in Good tier only because it was made with flying mounts in mind and it's compact, efficient, and direct if you fly everywhere.
If you had to walk in that city, EVER, it'd immediately be below Shattrath on the list.
Is the tranny in the room with you right now?
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Is the expansion good?
Which answer makes you give me more (You)s
You know /wowg/ is fucked when Mye is the one with the sane take.
>he cares about (you)'s
If I get to to make fun of some fag into futrannies, any reply will do. I'll keep comboing you as long as you don't tap out
Stopped reading after MoP shrines in good.
Terrible bait, tranny.
>can literally make gold quicker farming mobs and buying materials than farming the materials
everyone thank your blizzard for ruining everything for the sake of their chinese overlords
>futranny cope
This isn't /d/ or /lgbt/
We don't pretend women can have dicks here anon
It's only alpha
They'll tune the classes a few days after mythic comes out
If anything, this makes fire being shit even more egregious.
They genuinely have no clue how the spec works and are balancing purely off of spreadsheet data in a vacuum. The proc chance remains 4% per pyro cast, which is fucking abysmal, and while the damage is being increased by 30%, we're starting from a base damage modifier of 15% of spell power so it's still only a tiny bit of damage.
Meds kicked in I guess
do most futafags even try to pretend sincerely that it isnt gay? I always figured they were just coomers that didnt care either way.

delves are unexpectedly fun and now that they're in the game I hope they stay, I love dungeon crawling
>posting a scottish closeted faggot who loves the last of us tvshow because the gay sex episode was well written
im not clicking that but i doubt that nigga talkin about WoW
please off yourself
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balance druids are still shit
Futafags try to pretend they're not gay in the same way anime-only pedophiles try to pretend they're not jerking off to the idea of having sex with children
hilarious that this expansion has multiple dungeons so shit that multiple people leave every single run after a certain boss
ok whats gay about a girthy veiny cock attached to a girl?
>they were just coomers that didnt care either way.
I'm coom-agnostic lol

The only thing I don't tolerate is people trying to say I'm an egg or trans in denial for liking futa chars
Fuck right off with that nonsense
I'd love to see profession based Delves. Can be super economical by reusing old dungeons too
>Mining expedition into Uldaman
>Alchemists brewing up a big cauldron with some witches in waycrest manor
The girthy veiny cock
Yes. Its so weird. I love finding random ones in random boards. Found one on /vt/. Had him going for a while. A lot of them are on /aco/. They all have the same tonal dissonance issue too. Some of them bow out too quick though. I like getting them to try and explain their thought process. Had a guy say futa were like mermaids once. It was hilarious
Having an expac with a new and innovative housing system as its core feature would no joke save the game. If they have any intelligence at all, they should have been working on it since SL.
>latest /v/ leak confirmed TWW has sold less copies than Concord
Holy. Shit.
been like that every expansion thoughbeit
They probably say that because you beat off to men with tits and call it something its not to cope with that fact.
Like people saying the crafting in this game is good when its absolute dogshit beans.
>crafting orders cant pull from warbank
>crafting can
retards made this game
actual disabled retards
DEI has gone too far
>much like your thirst for men with tits
You're more a tranny chaser than a tranny then. Unless you're an rpfag, then its kinda murky
in heroics? Nah
Insider here. I'll give you a fresh leak as well.
____Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight______
Based anon, I hope you find more guys to tell you what they like about cock soon.
hate us cause they ain't us
It's all in your frame of mind
You see man with boobs
I see cute girl with wiener
I am happier than you
The M+ season is going to be a glorious shitshow. I cant wait for the pissrage from the gofast retards.
i thanked you nigga what the fuck more do you want
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>nolifed a bunch of 70s in Remix that I can now use for the free enchanting mats so I can actually level the profession on my main
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>level 80 on my warrior
>nothing to do
I guess I go level an alt then.
Which class should go with? I have paladin, rogue, and evoker at 70.The rest of the classes are not far behind 70 though. And I still have 2 boosts.
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this is my farm flag
there are many like it but this one is mine.
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When will they introduce their first futa character into the story?
Or better yet, reveal that Tyrande is futa, maybe? She always had that girlcock energy and to be honest her dress is kinda baggy?
Futa is a straightchad fetish thoughbeitever
You probably should have started looking for a guild before expansion.

You could try the server forums if you're aiming to dialback on difficulty. Otherwise, I'd assume the typical Mythic guilds are the type to demand resumes and shit
>open world guild hall in the main hub
How is housing going to fix raiding?
Can confirm, I'm gay and I'm not into futas because I see them as women with dicks instead of men with tits.
what a weird fucking post to make

get help
True, all of it
So real for this

How do we feel about knotted-horsecock void elf
It's honestly the perfect spec.
Your damage is always fine~great
You can keep yourself alive
You're tanky
You can ignore mechanics with shields
You can get out of fuck-ups and bad spots with blessings
Your rotation is easy and your ST/MT profile is simple.
the balls are the best part
Only in WoW2. The current engine is too shit to support such a feature. Would it be cool? Yes. I'd make a gooncave and fuck with so many men that you can't even imagine.
This nigga understands.
What are the differences between fullpackage futa and dickgirl
Isn't it just cock+pussy+balls for both
This as fuck
Yeah, you tell yourself that. Its how you cope with looking at tranny porn
Futa is in a weird way straight because I like boys and I don't like futa
Can also confirm. I'm bi and I'm into futas (women with dicks) but also busty boys (men with tits). They are two separate things and not at all the same.
>A man (newhalf)
If you're a woman, sure
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Literally just joined this thread
What does any of this have to do with wow
I don't think it's possible to make a city better than valdrakken. It will always stay the best.
The new city is alright I guess. I find dwarven structures horrendously boring.
they hated him because he spoke the truth
>fag draws a tranny
>he does not want to be a fag
>writes down story
>this is magic person who is women but has penis
>give it a name
>he now feels he is not a fag
>doesnt understand shit hes talking about
>makes up retardation
>posts it for world to see
>shits his pants in a rage at his mom not having his nuggies ready
>Futa(no balls)
This is the gayest fucking post in this thread.

If there's no balls it's shit.
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It's true I think
A lot of women don't because at the core of it, it is a male's porn fetish
You also like boys because they're masculine, and futa is obv female bodies
Azeroth's girlcock got revealed in a hidden cinematic
>Anduin "White Pussy Crybaby Boy" Wrynn needs a BIG BLACK BVLL to teach him about how not to be sad :(
Jesus Christ
No wait I misread, sorry, balls are the most important part of a futa
>play fury warrior
>here have prot warriors thunder clap
>or arms warriors bladestorm
well i'll go fuck myself I guess.
But I also like girls and I don't like futa
>Reaching hard to make it seem woke
WoW won.
Yeah that's pretty normal
You are normal
>has to cope this hard over a tranny fetish
Trannys dont have vaginas hope that helps!
I guess the FTM ones do.
But ew. Ew.
The dick makes a man body anon
If the vagina mattered there wouldn't be a dick
Futa fags only ever care about the vagina when people are calling them fags forking dick
I met a FTM on Grindr. She was cute but crazy
>Futa fags only ever
If it doesnt have a vagina its not futa, its tranny
Help that hopes!
>futafags only ever talk about the dick
>vagina only exists as rebuttal to claims of faggotry
Yes, I know. Futafags are retards
The DEFINITIVE main hub tier list:
>Vanilla Stormwind
Simply the GOAT.
>Dalaran (both versions)
Probably the most iconic wow city, and I bet we'll have it back soon.
>Vanilla Org
Mudhutter central, but at least the mudhuts are comfy. The bank is kino and so is the cleft of shadow.

Comfy but a bit sparse.
>Vanilla Ironforge
Nice, but it gets old after a while. Counting it as a capital because it was used as such for a time.

>MoP shrines

Soulless but not irredeemable


Right now the new city lands in OK tier, maybe a bit lower. Need to get a feel for it.

Boralus was mid at best, and Dazar'alor was god fucking awful. In layout, I mean. The aesthetic was fucking kino 10/10 but having a fucking flightpoint between the two halves of your city was fucking retarded.
Buddy dated a ftm. Til she cheated and took his desktop.
She also went back to being a woman.
>do the prepatch and gear my alts with full 480
>this means literally every drop while leveling in adventure mode is going to be trash until level 80
holy moly
Most fun caster?
what shield is that?
Fug off
Go easy on him. He experienced 8 "once in a millennia" catastrophes in less than a decade.

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