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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>August Trading Post

Previous: >>492469107
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>Hunter Narman says: Dawa! I must ask-
>Windsage Dawa says: Narman! I've brought you here to ask-
Dawa pauses for a moment in confusion and then laughs.
Narman errupts in laughter.
>Windsage Dawa says: Did we just?
>Hunter Narman says: We did. Want to get married?
>Windsage Dawa says: More than anything. I love you.
>Hunter Narman says: And I, you. More than anything
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Post your character RIGHT FRIGGIN MEOW
>play fury warrior
>here have prot warriors thunder clap
>or arms warriors bladestorm
well i'll go fuck myself I guess.
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Anduin "relearning" the light from the new crippled nigress is even gayer than him and Wrathion naked in bed fighting over who tops because they're both retarded bottoms
But only if she has a dick.
lol, look at this retard
2 80s so far
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When will we see more of her. She was the best thing so far of this entire expansion.
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>void mutation
>vagina, nuts, horsemeat, knot, sheathe
I won
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>healing bgs
>retard warrior goes in on 1v5 and gets curbstomped
>"nice heals"
i'm 580 on my main
now what for the next 2 weeks?
Into the trash it goes
>see ravager is in the game for Arms
>entire hero class tree is designed for Bladestorm
>ravager and bladestorm are a choice node
>forced to spin
I quit
It works with Ravager
The DEFINITIVE main hub tier list:
>Vanilla Stormwind
Simply the GOAT.
>Dalaran (both versions)
Probably the most iconic wow city, and I bet we'll have it back soon.
>Vanilla Org
Mudhutter central, but at least the mudhuts are comfy. The bank is kino and so is the cleft of shadow.

Comfy but a bit sparse.
>Vanilla Ironforge
Nice, but it gets old after a while. Counting it as a capital because it was used as such for a time.

>MoP shrines

Soulless but not irredeemable


Right now the new city lands in OK tier, maybe a bit lower. Need to get a feel for it.
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I'm axed out. Time to overcharge on crafts while I got concentration.
Can you just throw me in the sink garbage disposal instead
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All of this is happening just because some bald guy decided to touch him a little bit.
Well you're in luck because the next six raids are all gonna end with us thwarting her plans only for her to reveal we actually aided her plans.
>horsecock on a velf futa
>not prehensile fully controllable tentacle penis
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Why is ele never allowed to be good?
Was that greek faggot denied an M+ spot back in legion and now he's eternally mindbroken?
Anduin is a stealth top.
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What do you think her ponytail tentacle and tongue are for, they're tentacles anon
Too quick, fester in the bin
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about to log off and level my mage
How about a paper shredder
>try crafting
>lose tens of thousands of gold
>try herbalism
>literally FREE money
holy shit bros fuck crafting, i have found the light
sorry body type 2* I know pronouns offend you
>triggered by a 3 letter word
You snowflakes are so cute.
>spend an hour getting like 30 herbs
>sell them
>some dude buys them all and relists them for +15% in 2 minutes
>3 days later chinese bots shit up the market irreparably
you a bitch and youll always be a bitch
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o nyo
The key is to have two useful professions on your main char and gathering on your alts, thus funneling everything into one GIGACHAD char.
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Human
>Female Blood Elf
>Female Void Elf
>Female Night Elf
>Female Pandaren
>Female Draenei
>Male Orc
>Male Kul Tiran
>Male Worgen
Meanwhile, your post will be REGARDED MORE HIGHLY if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Gnome
>Female Goblin
>Female Dwarf
>Female Worgen
>Female Undead
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.
Cute priest
>lose tens of thousands of gold
You should've played during early access
Dammit /wowg/ I need more pictures....MORE PICTURES OF KNAIFU!
>they don't know
but if i have a gathering prof on my main i can gather while doing world quests
also does it even matter if the crafting prof is on your main or your alt? reputation is account wide
I just sharted my pants
The new professions are made specifically for 1% of people who want to learn and waste time on this garbage. Just gather and sell, it's a waste of anything else
What the hell do these mean
You keep posting it and nobody gets it

Fury has used bladestorm tons of times.
My human male paladin uses the african-american skin color.
>Not just having 4 diaper gnomes in their own WoD garrisons with 2 crafting profs each and abusing guild crafting orders for anything you need made
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What spec mage are you
I'm enjoying Arcane a lot
I mean it probably doesn't matter anymore, but in the past you could craft great soulbound gear, which is why it made sense. These days I don't know. Haven't played in a few expansions.
leveling alts is fucking terrible holy FUCK
adventure mode still sucks fucking dick ASS
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Will this suffice
Most fun caster right now?
Are you trusting that the AH will flood with items as soon as it becomes operative, crashing prices?
Because I sure am.
so do the campaign again you dumb fuck
it and dungeonspam are the only valid ways to level now
and dungons start sucking ass at like 75
pet battles :)
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Mage obviously. Three S to B tier specs, ranking from Arcane (S) to Frost (A) and Fire (B). You'll have fun no matter what. Ask me how I know.
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>tfw realizing I go to bed now and tomorrow I am all free to play WOW all fucking day.

Feels good lads see you then
licking dracthyr tails
i get a lot of enjoyment out of dunking on ret paladins as a chadrrior. on the meters in pve and literally in pvp
watching them use all of their faggy light spells, trying so hard, only to get railed by a dude with a sword is just so right, you know?
588 is pretty high, i got bored at 575 and said fuck it i'll wait for mythic0s.
hope you don't get sick
spellslinger frost for the frozen orb spam is pretty fun.
in hindsight they should have promoted eitrigg to the head orc in the horde and have thrall there as his consigliere
>play prot war
>pick mountain thane
>still play the same but get gazillion more dps
feels good to be a tank player
>girlboss having to teach the king how to do what he has been doing since he was 8 years old but right this time
I knew that the story would be garbage, but Blizzard always manages to surpass my expectations, sadly only in a negative way nowadays
I could have gotten higher, but I didn't budget my Weathered Harbinger Crests properly, so I kinda fucked up.
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So what do I do now?
Licking underneath fem dracthyr tails
spread your ass for me
Start gearing for the season
actual underage still stuck in school
as expected from a frognigger
don't engage
think i settled on a pvp main, got him decked out in honor gear too
now i just need to decide what to play for m+
which tank or healer carries the hardest?
is there an in game way to make a chat tab keep the history of a chat instead of wiping when you log off? or am i gonna need an addon
Licking dracthyr tailhole
Why are you so rude
Eitrigg is just too old at this point. He's what, 70+?
Blizzard fucked up by not introducing new characters years ago and building them over time until they could take the reins as the orcish leader. There's no one left who could possibly fill any kind of leadership role besides Thrall and any new characters will have to be suddenly shoehorned in.
finally someone younger than me (21)
>Blizzard fucked up by not introducing new characters years ago and building them over time until they could take the reins as the orcish leader.
they literally did do that and then turned him into Hitler and killed him because Alliancefags bitched
>There's no one left who could possibly fill any kind of leadership role besides Thrall
I think you're forgetting Mrs. Thrall, chuddy
It's kind of tempting. the constant thunder claps seems fun but I'd have to get a shield and one hander somehow.
Years of being worn down by children (like that guy) and women lowering the quality of everything I once enjoyed
from what i understand orcs are still formidable even in old age
they litearlly gave her some title/job in DF and made it a joke that thrall thought it was going to be him and got told lmao no sit down for Stronk Woman
Post goonfuel
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>his ilvl is below 570
>he's below 585
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>wait to hear from Aleria
I have 6 80's and still don't know what to main
>bragging about wasting your crests
I'm over 580 but I'm also retarded
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Eltrigg's currently the leader of the Blackrock Clan in the Horde.
He can still do leader-ship roles if they want him to.
The main problem is all the young orc characters left, really are women and that's something that stems from the fault of Cata-BFA.
Nazgrim should've been the Orc leader
>below 590
game really went downhill once The Poors were let out
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Which npc would you turn in to a nerubian RealDoll wowg? Reminder they retain their exact body, full consciousness, cannot make sounds, and are wrapped in a layer of soft, squishy magical spider silk.
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Shit I need help! I'm starting to have the WoW itch but I know that I'm going to have buyers remorse in less than 48 hours...
i wonder what ilvl i'd be if i wasn't retarded and didn't gear 4 characters at once
So why is there random level 80 elite bullshit everywhere?
End game grinds.
If you're so poor you can't spend 50 dollars one day and feel fine with it I feel sorry for you.
To give good specs like frost DK something that dies in 3 gcds instead of 1.
they could introduce a nazgrim jr. character, nazgrim probably fucked. im surprised they didn't do anything with garrosh and the leader of the dragonmaw clan to have garrosh jr like dagran jr just sitting there until the time was right to bring them in
>and I bet we'll have it back soon.
It literally went boom and pieces of it are scattered over the island or at bottom of the ocean.
It's not about the money, it's about not taking stupid decisions and having self control
Im using the guild discord but no luck there either. fuck me
*undercuts you by 1 copper*
is there anything more brave than playing rogue?
get knotted
>100 parser
>guilds still let you on stand-by
Not even 100 parsers have it easy.. it's so over...
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>wasting your crests
nigga if your plan is to pug M+ as a dps your ilvl being sky-high is your best friend

have to impress the retards who know fuck all about you when you show up in their recruit page
Over-all Orc leader's probably going to just be left an empty seat now that Thrall's kids are slowly growing up.
Role's likely just reserved for either one of them, my guess probably the girl because Warcraft hasn't really had a female Orc warchief yet and it'd be the kinda narrative twist Metzen would write.

As for lack of Garrosh Jr? Yeah, Warlord Zaela is probably the biggest dead end character I've seen on Horde side. The amount of lengths she goes for Garrosh as soon as she joins in Cata, to siding with him in SoO, to leading the crew that breaks him out of his trial in Pandaria. Just to die in a dungeon revamp felt all set up, 0 payoff.
Nazgrim Jr wouldn't be hard to do, but Nazgrmin's just sorta stuck in a void now that he's apart of the Four Horsemen. Not much further to develop around the character
Most parseniggers are terrible at doing mechanics
voljin properly leading the horde would've been cool imo.
So I can laugh at the scum that can't pull 5 of them at a time with an extra dozen adds and aoe them like I do on my dh.
Prot or BDK for M+ tank?
>being in a guild
puglife is the only life for me
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but i.. im not..
>wasting crests
i'll be fine dont u worry lmao
Assassin is the most broken melee spec at the moment
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>tempest is now target capped beyond 5
>only massive multi-target option completely neutered
enhancebros.... the noose is tightening... it's over...
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>can't raid mythic with a guild anymore because my new job's schedule is inconsistent as fuck
I hate being an adult bros
If you want to pug and carry go BDK, if you want to pug and suffer go Prot
is it even worth it to fly around and herb/mine for gold?
prot warrior or paladin?
>he doesnt have a 606 weapon
just unsub now, it's over for you anon
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Which class are you gonna level with your Earthen? I was thinking warlock, but now that I've given it some time I worry about long queue times and a miserable overall experience.
Maybe Paladin and just queue as everything?
The play is to buy all the herbs/ore you can right now then sell them come the mythic raid release.
How the fuck can an earthen be a death knight
they are made of fucking stone
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>entire plot thread in wrath about how earthen cant be corrupted by the lich king's magic
>forget all that and make them DKs
Single minded fury Horde Earthen wielding hammers and rocking orc women
I mained BDK since Wrath. While it's strong, it's also painfully boring. You'll spend most of your time trying not to die during the initial pull of each pack, preemptively popping defensives and spamming Blood Boil. The Blood Boil sound alone will drive you mad. Trust me on that.
time is convoluted..
do you remember when Alliance send non-humans races to fight forsaken in cataclysm so they couldn't be ressurected
yeah me neither
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>*Stabs Saronite shard into your ass*
Psh, nuffen personal stone-boy.
i was gonna level a paladin but they delayed their release so much and now i already have a max level paladin. Now i won't be playing earthen so soon
If you guys don't know they used to be able to be DK, but the option got removed.
That BlizzCon slider might be dated, I don't think they can be DKs.
So... whats bolvar actually up do with the whole void coming to consume the world and all reality thing
paladin is looking mighty mid so far
He's letting the Deathlord borrow the Four Horsemen
Don't you mean body type 1 and body type 2?
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Bear druid is fub
excuse me, I raised them that means they are MINE not his
delete this NOW
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wtf happened to this game
Weathered crests will be useless for M0 gear since veteran track gear only uses carved crests after 4/8. Use 'em.
Stepping out of line of the pecking order? Bolvar's gonna hear about this.
How do I find a boyfriend like that
>saclet is an attention whore
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Jaina is not real I'm afraid
it's literally and unironically over for enchudsment
>managed to pick a class with 3 useless specs
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Convince me to not give blizzard 21 dollary doos to turn my druid into a kultiran
guys pls
Addon. Use Elephant.
I keep forgetting there is an elevator to the surface in the ringing deeps
>finished the huge grind for sergberg
>only 4 crack shards
It's over...
play a better class
I can't, their forms are the best
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Bumping this, I canā€™t make up my mind
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why dont you want to be a cool fem tauren?
It doesn't matter what your race is because you use your mage tower skins anyway.
... Right? Anon?
575 is a totally sane place to stop. You don't want your tyrannical practice to be happening live on a +7 key.
will eathern be worth it for the gathering racial
i cant its a solid choice the forms are good

you need to be a kultiran normal model only when you arent in some form of content or are a resto player. but only trannies play healer and especially rdruid so you'll be fine.
Dracthyr is better
>literally any race/class combo
>asshole on forum: um actually it does make sense you know the culture spread and they absorbed it and really they could have been there to be death knights so really its okay and makes sense
i cant play kul'tiran male because i cant unsee that their death animation has them teleporting mid-air in their animation awkwardly. like if you kill a kul'tiran male their body teleports midair instead of seamless transition
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Cat is the only good one and nobody plays feral, the gorilla bears are ugly
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Table for two
No. Not until next expansion or patch at the very least. Prices are already sickeningly low. It's over.
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Give me a reason why Earthern can't be DK's, when all it took in WC3 to be classed as one was picking up a Runeblade
I like balance druid but why do I have to be a fat owl and why is my spec so shit so consistently
erm your glyphs?
Druid is the best class though
>bro boomy is so (((undertuned)))
im not falling for your tears chudkin, this routine only works on blizzard employees.
>he isnt zandalari
Spriest status? Are we back or is it over?
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I wish they didn't run like retards though
>lvl70 tank just soloes whole dungeon in 3 pulls
This shit is so dumb.
The Woman Within
should been The Loli Within
>someone made their charater a meme outfit which everyone does in mmos with cutscenes
>this somehow trigger asmongold to go on a far right rant about how the gays are runin gaming

snowflake pussy
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How much chain could a chainomancer chain if a chainomancer could chain chain?
fuck off chud
So sick of spic Area 52 DHā€™s pulling the entire room and dying.
kt forms are bussin
When is the last time you remember taking your meds?
Balance is one of the best specs in the game and has been since wrath, parsebrain.
wowg's what do i want for dinner
also how bad is rogue really?
i exclusive only heroic raid, somes mid keys. right now i am slotted as fury warrior but our raid is plate and 2hander stacked. if i swapped to rogue i'd be 1 of 2 leathers and the only dagger or 1 of 3 1hander users (if outlaw).
The girlboss within
>had no idea how knowledge worked
>just invested my points anyway assuming I'd be able to respec
what makes it a good spec if it cant do good dmg
im a resto chad
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Fire mage status?
/cast [target=mouseover, harm][harm] Chain Lightning
/cast [target=mouseover, help][help][] Chain Heal

How do I make it so that if I'm targeting somebody but mouseover myself, it casts Chain Heal?
>needing these dual macros
keybindlet detected lmao
try reading what your non-damage spells do
Not feeling too good sis...
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Ok Anon.
evoker is the only character i have at 70+ and now i dont feel like playing it. what do i do?
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Can Azshara come back already and give us playable Naga
thats fucking gay and retarded "buh buh buh it has le utility and le bear form" okay and its useless if any other druid spec is better (resto and usually bear) AND you can do better damage because half the cast can do most of that shit better anyway you fucking dogshit low iq ape.
lazy 'groids at blizzard really cant find the time to make themed mounts for each of the races for paladin
>calling keybindlet a resto sham
>Female blood elf
>name: Couch

You think that's where she lost her virginity?
does thaumaturgy ever give recipes
Going to be SO MUCH porn of this
>try reading what you can do in minigames
That's all nice but im still benched in raid because you have to spend 3 seconds shifting bear to survive fucking anything.
yeah the fact that he needs them to play the spec makes him a keybindlet thats the entire point of the post you ESL mongrel. Hang yourself and cleanse the gene pool.
i think it's a creatively bankrupt woman who is so lacking in creativity they just use the closest object. the female version of men who name characters swears and unfunny puns.
The real game is the open world and Starfall is one of the best specs in the game at it
>try it out
>less damage than the healer or tank
there's no way a couple thousand stat for the team and 3% crit buff outweigh this dogshit
do the hero talents for prot pally make it feel good or is it still the same dogshit spec
You're forced to play one if you're doing 20+ but they are bad if you're a normal player doing normal keys
Still dogshit
whiter than you
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>leveling alts from 70-80 with dual gathering
>ez 400k gold made so far
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>disc buffs despite being best healer
unironically feels worse
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why the hell does this kind of players in wow exist?
Serious question
what the FUCK?
glyph of stars, and we have large buffs coming next week
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Augvoker gets it's praises not only from the damage it provides (which in the end is about equivalent to any otherr DPS)
But due to the actual utility it brings to the table.
>30% armor to the tank
>Mana to the healer + 5% damage / healing buff
>Crit for everyone
>Massive main stat buffs
>Vers buff from epowered spells
>Defensive CDs with the wing thingy
>Every movement CD reset for the party with the press of a button
>MS / Stamina buff
>AoE CC thanks to wing buffet / tail
>Shield thanks to Breath of Aeon
>Passive off healing thanks to the Fire breath talent which sends more flames out
>Fire procs thanks to casting fire breath during Ebon Might
>Only 400k for hours of grinding
Ahahahaha imagine skipping early access
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if theyre saying that in /say you can report them
There should be a bust slider so you can make Blood Elves flat.
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Extremely based.
If you actually use in-game chat, for any reason at all, you deserve to be reported and banned.
How big is her cock?
they did paladins dirty huh. does holy at least feel better?
>caring about gold
What do you niggers do with it all? I've got like 300k and I cannot imagine running out
idk I'm not gay enough to heal
>Write ticket
>Include every pic in that "imgur" link
Just imagine the GM waking up at 7AM to answer customer support having to read this shit
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This is the weirdest shit I've seen erpers do in a long time.
AU Garrosh will come back inshallah
I would spend that 300k in a single month because I don't have a real life job and must subscribe with tokens.
if youre playing paladin, youre gay enough
Dalaran was destroyed in Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3.
He was always hitler, it was only afrasiabi who wanted him to be a good ruler
>Introduce new role
>Only have 1 (One, the number that comes before 2(two)) spec that can do it
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which way, white man?
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How do I skill further into the Generals skill tree? I've unlocked the required reputation but I cant select any skills.
aryanfall, of course
I play all the tanks, even the gay one
wow tokens
i will never give blizzard a cent
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PSA: If you need some free mage food just go queue a follower dungeon, grab the bot mage food, then leave. You'll keep the food (though not the buffs).
Au garrosh doesnt exist
AU garrosh is a thicc paladin mommy
Grom had a kid but is not garrosh
hmm idk it seems like the easiest to max
>people retarded enough to actually raid mythic and rated pvp in the modern day are turbo cringey furry/BBC fetish autists
I am shocked. I am surprised.
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You're basically just a stat stick lol.
Is the mobile playstyle still king for DH? I want to play DH but my nerves can't stand flipping and darting around the stage while fighting a stationary target surrounded by murder pools which is every fucking raid and modern boss.
Yes, and I get easy KSH
KSH has always been easy lol?
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>Getting carried
>Openly admits to this fact
>Thinks any achievement gained that way matters
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>it's another "Tank pulls everything in the first room of Cinderbrew Meadery" episode
>thinking that matters when you play a meme spec
oh no no no...
Then why are you
Then why are you seething?
nta, was just explaining that KSH has always been easy, no matter the class
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Tenu ba la.
sounds like you dont actually like the mobile playstyle then. theres probably a low movement build out there, there tends to be one usually
Right, I don't like it, but it outpaced the stationary build by a significant margin. Hence my question if that has changed..
>balance the worst spec
>feral second worst
>resto is mid at best
>bear is meh
druids got fucked hard
I called the Area 52 tank a retard that pulled it and got everyone killed twice.
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i will not play disc. i will stay holy.
i'm right here, baby
Because you would suck me off if I did it as Fire mage?
Their exact words were ā€œWAIT A SEC I WANT TO PULL EVERYTHINGā€ and they got the healer killed right away.
no, you cant have it both ways. just like how the fury warrior who only wants to use 1h weapons cant have the same dps as the one willing to play his class the way it was designed.
Imagine if they actually debuted a Stormrider class that had mounted combat like On a Paler Horse as a central feature.
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i nearly choked on my water laughing when i saw this
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This makes me feel really grossed out and uncomfortable
I don't like this
Disc was fine during beta, it was a huge mistake nerfing it to the ground before release and now trying to fix it
Iā€™m playing Oracle Disc and Iā€™m having fun.
a new baloray delano
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So like, can I just not do these quests or what?

They aint on my fuckin map or anything.
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we could have it both ways by just either baselining or making it so fury warriors can transmog their 2hs into 1hs

but blizzard refuses to do this because ???
>you will never quest through Storm Peaks while shitposting on /wowg/ during Legion's launch EVER again
>but blizzard refuses to do this because ???
uhm ah em uh ah erm PVP OPTICS
how do i play retail? like in classic it was more about exploring the world and not really caring about the story and not even reading the quests. but in this it feels like i need to pay attention to the story and read the quests? bc right now im so bored
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>Blizz got me again
Oh well, time to level on druid and herb/mine while I figure out what I want to play
>you will never shitpost about shadowlands while afk in oribos ever again
I want to go back
there are zero spec-killing changes coming next week, just ask what the new fotm retard spec is instead of these retarded posts thanks
>hmm im going up against someone that has 2 1hs...swords? but...but he isn't stealthing s--AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ITS A FURY WARRIOR BLIZZARD WHAT THE FUCK HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN TO ME AIIIIIIEEEE

realistically they could just add an overhead class/spec icon over someone's head so you always know what you're going up against (same as pet specs)
Character restore when?
I think I've settled on
Main dps: Ele/enhance (still deciding but will stick with character)
Alt tank: BDK
Alt dps: Warlock (dunno spec, probably destro)
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I was here during legion and no one even fucking liked it you guys are frauds, every thread was shitting on the game. Every thread was just skovaldposting interspersed with complaints about world quests/legendaries
I'm only missing the bottom one and apparently is linked to world quests
i sorry sar no characte rrestore do not delete the character sar please do the needful
I finally found an answer. Those ones need level 80. I'm 79 since I was doing them on my alt.

T-Thanks Blizz.
boralus is better than shattrath thoughever
why are the fucking MERCHANT'S SCALES on the BANK instead of the AUCTION HOUSE
>Every thread was just skovaldposting
god I miss him
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I just like playing holy paladin. It's fun. I wish disc was good, but this is a serviceable second for me.
>guild bank suddenly eats 80% of shit in it
>tons of people report it
>blizz shrugs and holds their hand out for $90 for a third of an expansion
sir we are working on it please do the needful delete this post bastard
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>hot takes that are fucking retarded
>Yo guys, here are these super powerful items, they are so strong that we capped the amount you can get on a single character.
>Some are bad though, but that won't be a problem, you have like four tries to get it before the hard cap will prevent you from getting any more.
>What? Select the one you want? You can have that when the expansion is basically over already, don't want to keep the new players from feeling the excitement of hitting the legendary they need.
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Hold me, I'm scared!
Good concept but it could be better,artist is lacking
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>female voice
oh no no no orc priests how do you respond to this
why does the auction house have a cup?
I got sephuz's secrete and prydaz first on three fucking characters
>tfw got Sephuz's for my first legendary on a warlock and every time I complained I would get spammed with people going "hurr durr it's actually BiS if you just spam fear on adds every time the effect is off cooldown"
All orcs are trans icons, this is well known
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Look what i've found
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Personally the only thing that I like about Void Elves is the idea that they did embrace void enough that it started affecting their look. Purple skin is one thing, but it is a cool effect to see it through their hair as well, tentacle pony tail is a pretty sick look. And the short styles having glowie tents weaved through it is cool.
The only thing cosmetically that would get me to play one.
People trying to play them like High Elves or Alliance aligned Blood Elves are boring and wasting the look! But hey, thats their preference.
unironically its the reverse. classic is nicer when you get into the story and read quests. in retail you shouldnt pay attention to any of that and focus on gameplay
Of what?
I aint readin allat tranny faggot nor do i even care desu
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Where's the slop, bros?
maybe its because im not used to playing caster but doing pulls in dungeons feels very awkward and clunky on all the warlock specs ive tried compared to when im in the open world/doing bosses
reminder: Arms ALWAYS finds a way. Warrior is top dog. It's literally the protagonist class. you will all KNEEL before the brown overlords, as it is written and has been written.
why the fuck is widow arak'nai so sexual
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>"I don't care so much that I'm making the effort in keystrokes telling you I don't care."
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>afk at literally any hub
>yawning sneezing farting grunting pissing shitting cumming sound effects coming from one of the NPCs
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For some reason I just never really considered Velf as something I'd play. But I really like them. I like that they have their own aesthetic in architecture and accent
The purple eyes with purple eyeshadow is really good looking to me
And yeah the tentacles in their hair is just really neat, I love that feature a lot. I'd like for velves to have more customization options seeing as how giga popular they are
Also cute feet cute legs and perfect boobs size
Hey pal fresh off the bus from r/4chan or something
why did you post a picture of my gnome
Why do people hate Augmentation?
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>tfw your legendary was worse than prydaz
i got this piece of shit as my first legendary
i care enough to tell you i dont care and to elaborate on it since you asked but not anything more tranny faggot
Love you too, buddy.
someone call onyxia we need a soul separation on anduin stat, his bitch side is out of control
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male mag orc shammy
fem drae priest
fem gob rogue
male DID hunter
So hows the expac going fags
how many times do you think onyxia raped anduin
>first onyxia
>then sylvanas
>now xal'atath
what is it about anduin and evil women?
>bear is meh
no one tell him
>BM hunter
Dream wife
well he is safe now, he is well above her age interest
No way BM hunter is that high
>loaded game 4 diff times today
>its update each time
the fuck they doin
how incompetent
crazy how much fun veng becomes when fel scarred turns your meta into a "im going to delete this entire pack by myself" button
How are classes doing less than the aug? That doesn't seem right
falsified af
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spotted the retkek
your gay ass class will never be on the top lil bro
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I could fix him...
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Went back to finally do emerald dream story so i can get the alt night elf color set on my rogue alt. I could hardly stomach it. Holy fuck was like 90% of it so stupid. You mean to tell me this dude could have just got inside but refused to swing his axe? Why did he take 600 hours to kill alexstraza when he had the chance? Why does everyone talk...so....slow. Why am i SERVING FOOD AND DRINKS at the celebration when IM SUPPOSED TO BE A CHAMPION WHO HELPED. This whole thing sucked ass and the bad guy was the worst villain this game has seen.
Aug got giga buffed, it no longer does less damage than the tank. It's about Boomkin-tier now, not good but not awful either.
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does your gob have a jew nose?
unironically not bad at all

cant speak for others but i tried a bunch of shit out and everything i tried felt really good
>all 3 shaman specs
>all 3 lock specs
>3/4 druid specs (fuck feral)
>all 3 warrior specs
>all 3 troon dragon specs
>all monk specs
>all paladin specs
everything but Elemental felt good and that's because it was dumbed down and (imo) made a lot less interesting to play. But even that feels fine as a spec.
as a healer i find this an exotic test of skill, the ā€œliterally attempt to pull everything in the dungeon at once botā€
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Yeah it was extremely shit and made fun of by everyone
Awful patch storyline
That's not very cool.. I liked it being a support class. It shouldn't do damage.
>slutmog nelf
stopped reading right there
I aint gonna read allat tranny faggot also kill yourself
It still is a support class, it's just an OP one now.
>got the owlcat druid form on my troll druid
>not avaiable at barber shop on my NE druid
>every other form I've got is unlocked
sis thats literally the heritage armor for nelf
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every raid tier since what, legion? ARMS makes its way to the tippity top.
it is what it is.
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That is our heritage and traditional garb, you green-skinned Horde Gnollfucker.
What's with that tree?
kys tranny
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you guys are alright dont wow of warcraft next week if they dont revert double dip changes
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>DI dwarflock
which would u pick /wowg/
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Dark Iron
canon trannoid counter?
should i process the ore into bars to sell or just sell raw mats
In TWW you are a fucking janitor that helps put up flags etc in your faction embasy.
You are the waitress so Anduin and his gf can do little RP.
Shit like this belongs in side quests, but instead in the main campaign the "champion" that has saved Azeroth God only knows how many times at this point is just treated as a glorified waiting staff member.
nigga you do both
such smugness, makes me rock hard.
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i kneel to arms chads
This is literaly contrarianism and flip flopping. You actually have no idea what you want
this will never stop happening because boomers insist your character remains a "faceless adventurer" even though you are quite literally the most powerful being on azeroth. they don't even know why they want this, its literally just asmongold stepdads parroting each other's opinions in an infinite circlejerk
Yeah this set sucks. Looks bad especially on nightborne
My lock is a fem gnome. I have a DI shaman though
>doesnt know how to use statistics
this really means nothing
You're not some staff member. You're hanging out with the king of Stormwind as friends and equals, Anon.
bring back elite pvp sets so i can keep them pleze :(
Wait, are these Amirdrassil parses?
God I love Shortstack ladies
Oh I forgot, NUwind goes in good tier. Miles better than NUgrimmar but that park district being broken for 10 years or whatever was ass.
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Completely new player, do I want everything here on my hotbars or just stuff relevant to my class and the mage utility spells?
>4chan is one person
Do your job better metzen instead of seething and coping here.
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Who else is making bank on retards who can't figure out how to craft?
those are pre-patch amirdrassil parses.
Just the stuff relevant to your class rotation and a few utilities
You don't need to keybind Fireblast or Cone of Cold or Slow Fall as Arcane for example
Anything that you might use, you want on your hotbars. Ideally you want to keybind everything too.
If your friends treat you like you get treated in wow, I truly feel sorry for you.
Wait I did the serving drinks thing but I never got the additional colours.
I'm praying for my Male Kul Tiran with a femgnome voice. Please, Blizzard.
>those are pre-patch amirdrassil parses.
Our answer?
are you surprised when male holy priests turn into a female when they die?
>They silently nerfed wax bags
It's over...
Should I level a priest? Is it fun?
hate ravager
hate spear
can i just not take them?
Yup. For once I'm well-positioned at the start of an expansion to profit off of idiot. I can't wait until my market dies so I can tell people about it, because it's painfully obvious to me but the fact that I make 2k-5k profit every craft and the mats I need are all over the AH tells me nobody else on my realm has figured it out.
bee yourself
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What pattern do I need to go buy to level this further
How can I get more KNAWLEDGE
AH actually works for you? giwtwm
why wont people help me summon a doomguard in dungeons
take me back warriorbros...
>faggots now do extra boss to avoid the faggot penalty for leaving
absolute state of retail niggers
I made 10k by reselling null lotus for like 3 hours. That was fun.
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Cute noob
Because it kills one of them and Doomguard is also just not good to even be worthwhile
That spell is a flavor spell, for goofing off with your friends or guildies
holy fuck dungeons are miserable at 70 now
fuck this game
Thanks anons, feeling a bit overwhelmed so that helps a lot
>why do i have to play this game?

people suck
Sounds like a skill issue. I had a 70 DH tank do dungeon in 3 pulls total just couple of hours ago.
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stop wasting my time new faggot
every arcane spell should be on your bars.

>arcane explosion
>alter time
>frost nova
>greater invisibility
>ice cold
>ice nova
>mass barrier
>mirror image
>shifting power

these should also be on your bars, then you can add the utility stuff it you want (slow fall etc).
it's gear you fucking moron
have fun when you get a random with 350 ilvl in your group
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Which one of you loonie troonies is it
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TWW needs more deep male characters that arenĀ“t morons or willing to die on a whim, every character in this game is one-dimensional
Huh. Looks like all the hecking systemerinos werent a problem at all. In fact, the lack of them actively killed the fucking game.

Fuck you casual filth. You ruin everything.
Took you only 2 hours in prepatch to get 480+. Who's the fucking moron now?
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I'm 580 now. Now what?
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I'll be your hero, Anon.
how the FUCK do I do this quest? I've tried everything
what the FUCK
use the telescope you bozo
>wasting two hours of your life on that garbage event
lmao and I know you did it on multiple toons. subhuman shill.
It's unclickable
yes I'm level 80
yes I did the intro
sorry I meant to say I can't even find the quest
>join a comfy guild
>be one of the better players
>few other people that are also among the better players
>we get on well during leveling and they are fun to hang out with
>one person that I can just tell doesn't like me, its clear as day
>any time they're in a group/discord channel I'm excluded
>any time they're not in a group/discord channel people are begging me to hang out
>raiding is great because its a big enough group size that drama like this shouldn't matter if I'm good I'll get invites
>for dungeon content its much more cliquey though
>the person that seems to have an issue with me is an officer and part of the inner circle and not terrible at the game, so if it was between him and me I'm guessing he wins in the guilds eyes 9/10 times (as has been shown so far)
>I especially hate doing M+ on my own since its shit to do in pugs and fun to do with a group of people you like and I foresee this as a problem?
Wat do?
I really like the core of the guild and its only this guy that seems to be a little bitch. But I really want to get my guild and community situation sorted asap so I can hit the ground running when M+ releases
Now you can finally play the game.
I'm not the one crying right now.
this was like the only bad blood dk legendary lmao. i remember it having so many amazing options. service of gorefiend was my first one and it was so underrated because of its synergy with umbilical eternus giving you so many infinite absorb shields in m+
ancient copypasta
people will reply anyways
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No worries it will all come to you naturally
For now just focus on your Arcane buttons, but make sure you're buffed with Arcane Intellect at all times and use Prismatic or Mass Barrier when threatened

Your rotation for Arcane in AOE should look like this:
1. ALWAYS press Arcane Barrage at 4 Charges, do not delay it
2. Keep 1 Orb on cooldown, using it right away. Save the other orb for when you're starved on Arcane Charges

>Evocation fully channeled to get Siphoned Power buff & guaranteed Clearcasting (Even when you are full mana)
>Arcane Blast -> Arcane Orb -> Arcane Missiles (Evocation always grants you Clearcasting for Missiles)
>Arcane Surge -> Barrage -> Touch of the Magi -> Barrage
If Barrage spawns and Orb, congrats you hit the lottery, press Barrage again and again until it stops
>Consume Missiles right away
>Fill with 2x Arcane Blasts after Missiles when you have nothing else to do
>run heroics over and over for one of the two weapons to drop
>they still havent
Footjob me
That's why I have my own guild with me, myself and a few ancient characters from friends who don't play anymore.
It's awesome
Do so, and get rid of Metzen, he is better than Danuser but by much
you are 30 years old, you should be above this
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>want to get the deus vult set
>quest I need to continue down the chain to get the legs have been bugged since launch
Now we fuck your slampig of a mother, faggot
>surv hunter
*declines u from every key on m0 week*
whats "weird" shit?
b-but it's the highest dps of the three specs...
>Release a dog shit story in shadowlands that comes out of nowhere and isn't based on warcraft while stomping on the old lore
>Refuse to elaborate any of the story from that expansion and just say wait and see

Why did the players accept this?
My question exactly, was hoping the troonie who has this profile would tell me
Male worgen and male humans send female toons the strangest unsolicited shit
they didn't
they have tried to move as far away as possible from shadowlands lore ever since, though the damage has already been done
They never do, except maybe on 3rd world (american and ESL) servers. Haven't played there so I wouldn't know
>Heh well it's never happened to me so that means its not true
>Better throw a quick jab at other countries while I'm at it
I'm right and you're wrong, so either kill yourself or prove your point.
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I think I need to find new gloves and boots, but otherwise this is coming together nicely.
That mog is pretty sweet, aside from the Scarlet tabard.. The white crashes with the rest of your gear.
>Queue for Heroics
>People leave after not getting their loot
Why are people like this for loot they will replace in 10 days?
Why do they need max damage?
Wait a few more weeks for all your work to be undone.
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Really sick mog, try these boots maybe?
NTA but it's more like people who didn't get at least 580+ will cry on the forums about not getting invited to groups.
Just smelled my sisters used panties.
What class should I play?
Worgen Druid
Shit, I'd need to do Venthyr for that.
NTA but either prove YOUR claims or sit down and shut the fuck up, retard.
Didn't Blizzard put in a punishment for leaving early?
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They believe themselves to be hardcore gamers and godtier at this game, in reality they are guildless and friendless and pug everything cause nobody wants them
That's literally me, except I don't think I'm hardcore or godtier.. Now I just feel sad.
Why would I need to be invited to groups? I'll just run heroics after the item lvls have been upgraded and be higher ilvl with zero investment. XD
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Shouldn't take very long honestly, can just blast through the quests iirc
Or maybe if you have anima leftover you can buy the renown boost item from the vendor near the flight master in Oribos, I forget how exactly you get them
Imagine being so utterly pathetic you choose to samefag just because you can't prove your point. Kill yourself.
every dungeon in this expansion is fucking dogshit so no one wants to bother finishing them
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Should've known
I feel like all of them are enjoyable
I usually leave when an annoying dungeon pops up but so far anytime I had one I just pushed through
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How mad is Towellie?
above playing and enjoying 1 of the 2 forms of the content the game has for me?
>le red scarlet grusader paladong desu vult!
you cunts are so boring its unreal
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It's fine as long as you donĀ“t spend your entire day playing this game, this is a social game first, everything else is second, always remember that
>Long haired gay furry tranny nerd
Gentlemen, WoW's target audience.
>social game
ok retard
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You stretched really far for that one anon are you ok?
Don't worry about it :))
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Tell me right meow
>8 year old pc
>Starting to show its age
>can't even go into Legion Dalaran without game being a slide show
I'm prepared to just walk into a Best Buy tomorrow and buy a prebuilt
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dont get one from best buy
holy brown
People will say they had two weeks to get 580
It's part of that new set from TWW. Lightning-Scarred Legguards are the full name of the ones that I am using there, don't remember where they came from.
above participating in high school level drama. as a grown adult, you should be able to communicate with people effectively.
>"hey man, its clear that there is some animosity between us, wanna talk about it so its not uncomfortable for everyone else in the guild?"
problem solved.
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It's not that nobody wants me; I just don't how to connect with people anymore. I mean I wish their was a guide somewhere to help extremely anti-social people find people to play with. One of the main reasons I play this game is because this general is one of the only places on the internet I feel like I belong.

No, I'm not implying that we need a NA /wowg/ guild. It will never work.
Thanks for the run down, that's the most direction I've had yet. Do you ever use Arcane Explosion?
What does female night elf feet smell like?
Costco? Where then
owl shit
Grimmaces ballsack.
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If you donĀ“t have friends you are playing this game on hard mode, this game has always been designed around guilds and group content, why do you think every streamer out there does m+ 25s and beyond and mythic raiding, this game is easy if you have friends
>finding out that rune spell warding is gutted in pvp
fucking mage mains at blizzard
No worries. I've recently learned Arcane myself so I'm learning along with you. No I never use Arcane Explosion, because Missiles and Orb generate charges as it is, and you want to use Clearcasting on Missiles
I'm not participating in it. I'm actively not participating it which is why I haven't said anything. Besides there's no winning with these people.
"Hey bro I can tell you're a little intimidated by me because I'm a better tank, but if you don't mind can you sit out on guild M+ from time to time so I can play in good guild groups too?"
>some retard playing WoW in the same guild
bro you good?
you wanna talk about being socialized wrong and ending up an overreaching weirdo?
you sound like you're the problem, anon.
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>Friend asks me to look into a Spirit of Koosu account
>Contact a seller for him
>Offer 2k
>Seller's looking more for 4
Damb. Hunter pets are pricey, huh?
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Normally I'd agree with you but that Arathi plate set is pretty cool
I want to see you getting server first in
any full server doing PUGs
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I love playing Death Knight too much. I've tried to give other classes a chance, but DK's pure "fuck you" energy is so enjoyable.
>m..muh server first
>m..muh race for suprem sockshitter
I've got as much chance of getting one in a pug as you have in your guild. I don't see the problem.
>paying this much for a video game
>a video game that will be obsolete in 3-4 years when WoW 2 is announced
Recommended server for noob on alliance thatā€™s not stormrage/sarg because Iā€™m autistic about ping
If there is a WoW 2 they'll let you transfer everything just like Overwatch 2
Only actually fun alliance na server is MG.
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Lmao, why are you crying if you donĀ“t care about the game at itĀ“s purest form, you donĀ“t have friends nor you do end game content, why are you here troon?
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I like delves. Are these gonna scale up to being relevant? t. Beast Master
just press for 2k, its not like people are chomping at the bit for that
Deathbringer blood is so fucking fun, especially when you luck out and chain proc free Reaper's Marks. I need to get better 1h weapons so I can try frost too
>why are you crying
why are you a faggot jew spouting pilpul when youre obviously buttmad about your insecurities in your shitty guilds performance?
As a tank I never get punished
Is he a gay tranny? He also grifts like Grummz on twitter. I can't tell where this retard lands on the spectrum.
You are just a troll but you should look into what people pay to play magic.

It hasn't been implemented yet but it's coming.
They disabled account transfers back in July so now everything's drying up apparently
>It hasn't been implemented yet
>the only time when it's needed the most
IĀ“m just stating facts, you are the one crying about friends and about being guildless, my guild doesnĀ“t give a shit if i perform or not because they are my friends, you are just a sad person dude lmao
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>This penalty will apply to early leavers in all Group Finder dungeons, not just Ara-Kara, City of Echoes.
lmaoooo the direct callout. this is exactly what I'm doing at this very moment, joining killing and leaving
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>pretending to be someone else
nigga you gay
why you like this
I am a DPS. I am replaced in .5 seconds. And I'm BM so I'm just slowing you down.
whats a decent ilvl stopping point for m+ week? 580? or is 585+ just a minimum?
Did they add those chainmail bikinis yet?
oh shit i see what happened
you cryin so much you couldnt see you replied to the wrong post
you seething so hard you got double vision
you sitting there lyin bout people drownin your KB in tears
580 is fine for M0
I quit. At least I didn't spend any real money this time and had enough blizzard balance to buy this dogshit expansion and game time.
you're going to be punished you bad boy.
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Today I will show them..
You have to understand this is only phase 1 of part 1 of a huge story. You're going to regret bowing out. The team has huge plans going forward.
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Are rogues good right now?
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>not aug
youll be real mad when you miss the chance to pay full price for the next third of the expansion!
this reads like a shitcoin ad on /biz/
>wasting your crests now
>no 606s
anon wtf...
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buy the pig
diamond hands like magni before that one quest
midnight to the moon
>it's an alpha, they'll fix it
>it's closed beta, they'll fix it
>it's open beta, they'll fix it
>it's early access, they'll fix it
>the expansion only just came out, they'll fix it
>it's only part 1 of the trilogy, they'll fix it
Seems like these two are the biggest Alliance servers on the west coast. I saw here that MG guilds suck, could I just join one from a better realm

phase 1 of part 1
wtf how do I get epics
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How do you do fellow arfrathi.
When will wow go f2p?
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Does anyone know if Delves only have 1 Bountiful Coffer? I don't want to roll in with only 1 coffer key only to find the delve has 2 or 3 coffers at the end.

I expected no better from a retard like yourself.
Stop replying with your middle school bullshit.
im not triggered youre triggered!
wait shit hold up
im not triggered youre triggered!
It already is(*)(**)
when they uncap free trial gold limts
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Haha look at my elf's butt
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How's frost DK atm? I was thinking after finishing up on main to go with my DK next.
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>Frost got nerfed
>I play Unholy
You can literally macro yourself pushing 1-5 constantly and do better than 90% of the other DPS.
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post your warband
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yes but

>playing unholy
unholy will be nuked soon just like chudhancement mark my words
Playing Horde feels like a daily humiliation ritual and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.
dead game? dead game.
so is mind sear not a thing anymore? priests have always cast that shit on me, but now that i'm leveling a shadow priest it's not even a thing.
>marked out names
>left falize
sup Falize
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>Why yes, I am unable to derive enjoyment from a video game unless its current activity metrics are met and/or exceeded. How'd you know?
>get 5 alts to 80 for 25% xp boost
>get excited to stack it with wm 15% xp boost for 40% xp
>it's slower than dungeon spamming
I hate it
definitely an overnerf too since DKs are the only class using weapon enchants atm, surprised they didn't touch precious blood but I didn't want to play a warrior this expac so I'm glad
TBC: horde expansion
Wrath: alliance expansion
cata: horde expansion
mop: horde expansion
legion: horde expansion
bfa: horde expansion
shadowlands: horde expansion
dragonflight: alliance expansion
tww: alliance expansion

grow up
Why would they nerf blood? Not like it does anything amazing
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>horde fucking suck at battlegrounds
>cant turn on merc mode
It is so over.
nta but Horde is a joke, those expansions didn't do them any favors
TWW: Anub expansion*

That WHORE did /ourguy/ Anub'Arak dirty.
didnt include wod for obvious reasons
Little morsels
He already was a boss twice. How often do u wanna revive the asshole?
Until he gets a cool boss fight.
No ToGC doesn't count.
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every time I make fun of someone for being a "lifelong 1500 player" I just say it to upset them but these people actually exist?
Gonna get even faster with the 10% exp buff from Darkmoon this weekend.
>stick with lilliana voss for over ten fucking years
>no update whatsoever on valdred moray
Play hots and have him fight deathwing or something
That's me. I don't give a single fuck about PvP in this game. I got High Warlord back in Pandaria though.
Neferess left that dude for dead, there's an old message from Anub'arak requesting reinforcements but we all know what happened
a key character from classic who became forsaken in cata
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Forgot picture.
you do realize we can see your entire account through hide achievements easily, right?
Way to go on getting AotC on argus falize. That's a great mount.
I don't follow.. How is that relevant? I have no hidden achievements.
Are HOTS servers even active, it's not on the bnet launcher
this is not a key character
>Are HOTS servers even active
>it's not on the bnet launcher
It is. Look closer.
The blind amputee black elf lesbian isn't the real protagonist, right? Its just a joke for phase 1 of part 1 of the Epic Trilogy Chris Metzen wrote for us, right?
Stop putting down valdred moray
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Arenas are for faggots.
PvP was never meant to be a sanitized e-sport. It's supposed to be chaotic and unpredictable, like battlegrounds and the open world.
Your ability to look up the meta and how to counter the specs you're facing means nothing. The ability to come out on top of a 3v1 gank while at 50% fighting mobs on an escort quest means everything.
Shitters will seethe, but this is the reality.
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>5th least popular game
SO what is the verdict? The game good or not?
does the colossus gnome have bigger tits too
don't listen to the dude replying to you
you either stoop to his level or just deal with it
OR, you can do the chris hansen method
create a different account and entire female persona, get in contact with him, start ERPing, say you're 15, and leak it to the guild
Pretty new to the game, i just hit level 80 on my 2 characters. I wanted to play Paladin first, then I tried Warrior. Which would you recommend I main overall?
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Old pic, three of these are 80 now
Frost DK
trying to decide if i wanna level mage or hunter next
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Not bigger, but noticeable, he rocks em pretty alright.
theyre both fine choices and ultimately it will just come down to what did you enjoy more while leveling?
personally, mobility is king in wow and warrior has it in spades. yeah the pony is "serviceable" but doesn't feel as fun as charging/leaping imo. if you like healing its always nice having the option to do that on paladin though
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Imagine being afraid of people looking at your character names. Pussy.
what's the most fun hunter spec to level from 70-80?
>have a full raid
>mount still doesn't drop for anyone

shit sucks
What, you couldn't tell but the lack of forward curve of the wrenches on his tabard compared to his medic on the other side?
explain the not posting names thing
are you players forum trolls?
Why would I give information away for free
for me it's surv
Or better yet, should I level a hunter or rogue (both 70) to be my skinning/lw alt? I'm indecisive and can't make up my mind.
Why are people afraid of posting their names?
Do you guys expect some Anti avatarfag force to come shoot your characters if you do?
I liked a cleaner view of the camp with no ui and no character selected to stand in a combat pose.
So sue me.
you are a nobody?
Paladin has cooler looking abilities
As for Warrior if you want to just swing a sword around you can do that in literally every other fantasy game ever made
Lets see yours then
Unironic schizophrenic on wowg that has spent years stalking and harassing people and their guilds
Best to just not provoke the retard's ire
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>run into a brewmaster monk in pvp
>every single ability is chunking me for 20% of my hp
>tiger palm alone hitting for over a million
I think they made a woopsie with the pvp scaling on this spec
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I am a lazy nigger and I ain't leveled shit
So? Do you browse without VPN's? All information is money
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>posting names on 4chan
what part of 'anonymous' did you not get?
I'm so sad at the state of moonkin in TWW. By far my fav spec, but it's painfully unfun. I think they'll eventually tune it to be competitive (almost always is), but the hero trees are absolute dogshit. First season in a long time I may not be moonkining. Elemental is probably my fav of the specs I've played so I may go there instead.
Every picture I've added on here has had my photos in them. Scroll up and see for yourself.
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>Haranir getting druid forms before Goblins

Fuck you, Ion. I want to play as a goblin for all classes.
Is Wintergrasp bugged or what? I was on def two times for the quest and won it easy because the castle walls take barely no damage. It feels like you need 10 engines hitting it for 30sec to destroy one wall.
Why do you pretend like it's not your shitty trans discord cabal fucking up every thread and being dramatic attention whores? Behold: the cabal ruining /wowg/ every fucking day for years on end.


Be sure to let Blizzard know about the TOS-breaking erotic roleplay and TOS-breaking player model mods they abuse.
>is old content bugged at launch of new content
All signs point to yes
a disproportionate amount of people in /vg/ are genuinely unhinged, it's best not to even risk it
>people apart of LGBT
>consciences for actions
Back to Azralon with you
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I don't really have 4. My hunter is just a meme.. but piggy is cute
Are the frost DK nerfs live
cause this still some hilarious bullshit if so lol
i straight up don't care what they're doing, bro
Holy shit that throws me back
sorry my game needed repair
been bugging out all day
I blame my SSD
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Boy did I call it or what
Why'd you change your warrior's name Mayelinvail? I can still find it it's only a matter of time.
Throatpunch whoever told this retard to try and sound like gollum when VAing this shitty earwax rat.
Because nothing good will come of it. No one is going to throw a compliment your way. It will just be "2k Andy", "only one cutting edge, probably bought it", "775 mounts, rofl no life".
didnt ask
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>The Dawnbreaker
>Darkflame Cleft
>The Meadery
>City of Threads
>Trollanon revealed
Oh cool.
>It will just be "2k Andy", "only one cutting edge, probably bought it", "775 mounts, rofl no life".
I still remember when a guy posted his like 10 + CE kills and was still being called a shitter/boosted
crabs in a bucket lmao
I just hit 80 and I'm going to give my assessment of this expansion so far.
>first two zones are blah, Hallowfall is pretty cool
>VA is distracctingly bad
>not a single new character I care about
>the hero talents are soulful
>the quests are pretty bad but getting better.
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U guys like my piggies?
I did genuflect to palatard anon, even if I believe he is an annoying negroid.
pigge :D
is this a germanic pig farmer with germanic pigs?
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I literally quit 1 quest before finishing the campaign.. I'm a tard.

No, Drachenlord is a fat ogre who used to live on the DrachenSchanze. He's very famous and has a lot of haters.
What are Rexxar and Misha up to these days?
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>When I see Faerin
on the shelf with muradin and vereesa
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I want Sylvanas and Xal to have a bitch off on-screen.
I think rexxar is chillin in desolace
I dunno who that purple cunt even is but I'm pretty sure sylvanas would buttfug her
Sylvanas will probably show up in Midnight so you'll have your wish then.
Leave them where they are, trust me
turn sharpening off your game looks like shit
Sylvanus would get this smug bitch on her knees
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This idiot is supposed to be using the console
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How do you not know who Xal'atath is
do u guys think dadghar is really dead? I'm not buying it. off screen death? yeah fuckin right
he will be a raid boss we have to kill (humiliation ritual)
I dunno.. was she in shadowlands or something? I only saw her bully sylvanas sister in a few cutscenes during the campaign.
you gotta be like 7 years old to think paladin abilities look "cool" lmoa
*Tips fedora*
He's gonna come back in a wheelchair according to wowhead datamining
Blizzard are not finished with his humiliation ritual yet, expect him to show up in the 11.2 raid as voidghar
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each class still has half a dozen things that have no business being on the talent tree
we're reaching autism levels beyond human comprehension
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His name rhymes with something
>going to the official wow forums
why do you want even more brainrot?
>mere warrior
>their class hall is literally valhalla
I hate paladins so much
if its between playing the floppa within or reading genuine spergposts, the latter is more entertaining
what he means is the WoW playerbase is a bunch of stalking niggers and Blizzard are a bunch of enablers

everything you do
at all
can be easily traced to your characters, whether you hide achievements on them or otherwise
the only way to have a shred of anonymity between alts is to create separate battle.net accounts entirely

third party sites datamine (through APIs, fed to them for free) the shit-that-shouldn't-be-public-by-default databases and there's no way to hide anything

So what he's saying is
because the name is visible in >>492528725 anyone who actually gives a shit can easily find all of your other character names
even after you change character names, that's tracked too, and they'll even know all of your current/past (deleted too) characters ever made in the history of your battle.net account
any new alts you create will be tied to the same ID and you can't hide

even if you didn't post your name there people could still mine the transmogs and put two and two together and figure it out
blizzard enables this
and they also posted your battle.net ID in your forum posts so anyone with a browser plugin could link your alts with ease and that's still a thing

all of this
brought to you by the people who wanted to force your Firstname MI Lastname DOB / Email / Address all in your char sheet with Real ID but had to dial it back because people doxxed the devs and community support people at Blizzard but believe me
Blizzard want all of this stalker bullshit and it won't be going anywhere it has been like this ever since the Activision takeover in like 2008.
Absolutely zero privacy in WoW.
Literal stalker tools are supported and given not only a green light by Blizz, but tools to further enable them to track players and tie alts together in unstoppable ways.
Fucking AH doesn't work! STILL! How can they fuck it up this badly? I just want to buy some god damn Elementium Bar. There is no fucking way it's in such a high demand that I can't get a single one!
guarantee you that paladin is brown irl
I understand all of that. It's just that I don't give a fuck if people can look at my achievements or find my Battle.net handle.
Canonical class power levels:
>Overpowered lore figures
Demon Hunter
Death Knight

>Can pull off some heinous shit under the right circumstances


>Some Guy
Sorry chump, AH trading was for early access only.
Farm your own resources.
>someone with light tried to help someone regain their light but failed
aw damn!!
nta but can you explain how people can find your entire account from a single character name that has account wide achievements hidden?
Anduin is a plate-wearing priest, he can top when needed
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I'm not going to farm Cataclysm resources just to use the Loot-A-Rang. This god damn system is just so insanely cringe. Let's say there are 100 items listed for the same price. I just KNOW that each of those items will be given a temporary ID of 0-99 and that Blizzard WILL try to sell ID 0 to every single person looking to buy that item. Why not randomize the ID for people trying to buy from a pool of same price resources? It's not rocket science and would prevent the whole "Item not found" or whatever bullshit.
lore characters are misleading. if anything, the player character is the strongest, given their accomplishments. the only differences in player is determined by their class order hall in legion. so if we were to go by that it would be something more like
>inter-dimensional godhood tier
demon hunter
>cosmic but based in reality tier
>mostly based in reality tier
>its just a building tier
death knight
>sewer tier
Remember, Warrior order hall is basically Valhalla, which they can travel to and from at will. They are immortal
>not overpowered
a druid killed archimonde by merely blowing a horn anon
thats not what hes talking about
AH probably has some antediluvian code that prevents that without erasing everyoneĀ“s account that didnĀ“t play in 2004
i was under the impression that the player characters don't actually exist in the lore. the lore characters do all the accomplishments, our gameplay is just a vessel for that
I would consider that 'the right circumstances' ala having an army of wisps
Player characters aren't canon. Rating it by buildings is also dumb as hell because DK's are canonically busted as fuck even if gameplay wise Frost is a cuck
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>2024 texture
what would give you that impression? everyone acknowledges you. they all call you "champion" and so on.
it's dialed back obviously because you can't have 1 person be the strongest lore character in an mmo, but the whole argument is stupid anyway. technically, turalyon isn't even a paladin anymore in the traditional sense, at least not in any way comparable to the player. illidan isn't a demon hunter etc. they're basically their own classes
The TL;DR is
Blizzard basically makes everything about your account publicly accessible.

Going more into detail, yes you can hide achievements but that's not enough. You still have the sum total of your achievements that can't be hidden and beyond that you also have account-wide pets.
Ever rename a pet? Well, every one of your characters will have that Lil' Ragnaros named fieryboy and that, paired with the fact your Warlock has 2000 achievement score and your Warrior has the same, with the same fieryboy Lil' Ragnaros pet, and all of your other pets are the same, you're basically done. They know you're the same player.

This sounds autistic.
Like, who the fuck would bother to put these things together?
Well, it's literally all data accessible through an API and this allows people to datamine it. There are dozens of sites that link alts together and every account is unique.
Because Blizzard is purposefully sharing stats and data about every aspect of your account that you can't opt out of, you can't ever hide an alt.
Even if you create a level 1 to post on the forums with anyone curious enough will be able to link that to your main characters because the data to link them is out there.

This is all intentional because Blizzard supports this shit. They actually wanted worse, they wanted your real name tied to everything you do but they settled for this shit instead after many death threats were sent to their employees and enough of them agreed that it would be reckless to go any further with their privacy invasion and attempts to tie real people to their game characters.
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>mfw hookin up with flynn again for some adventures
Isn't he a fag?
sylvannis was a hunter, but she became an undead banshee. would that mean hunters are the strongest class lorewise? doesnt make fucking sense does it you nigger
the fact that the champions of azeroth are never mentioned in any book or comic or any other piece of wow media other than the game.

books say that Varian killed Onyxia, Thrall thwarted Garrosh for example
Yeah he's forever ruined because Golden made him and Shaw canon because her twitter taintsuckers liked it
There was a guy in an old guild that I used to play with who was exactly like this. Thought he was the protagonist of WoW, constantly lore dumped mid raid (thought that was pretty kino thoughbeit) but always made off the cuff remarks about how Paladins were basically the most important characters in WoWs lore since Warcraft 3.
He'd get VERY quiet though when he'd lose on the meters though, especially when other melee beat him.
>sylvanas was a hunter
No, she was a ranger. She never had a pet.
>muh MM
Lone Wolf did not exist in WIII just like Necromancer as a playable class does not exist in WoW. There are similarities but they are not the same class
compare this to literally any cinematic from dragonflight, or tww for that matter
fucken hell, lads...
The closest thing to a canonical player character is some random ass nelf priestess who canonically opened the gates of AQ. That's it. Player characters are just rando adventurers in the lore with no powerlevel to speak of
He talks about it in game, too. He stayed in spidertown because he wanted the find the dagger Shaw gave him.
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such decor
much wow
Makes these adventures even more "adventurous"!
Post ur leveling jams.
The Dwarf Warrior that first got Thunderfury was also found dead in Legion.
That's a nice touch
Buddy this is how 99% of humans decorate their home. They put shit into a corner and pretend it looks good.
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it's comfy
I don't even give a shit about moonkin dps at this stage in the xpac. If we're UP so be it. But our entire defensive toolkit seems to revolve around shifting into bear whenever something bad happens. That is multiple gcds and no fun at all. If I have to bear form a large portion of fights, it doesn't even matter of my dps is good...I'm going to be a burden. And I'm the fattest fucking caster alive, should we be the tankiest too? It makes no sense what they're asking us to do.
Why does it matter if someone knows your character names?
In terms of music OG Stormwind is the best.
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Lich King was killed by "a group adventurers" in canon
You guys like how they turned wow dungeons into diablo 3 rifts with the mythic+? I feel like of all the content wow has had the dungeons changed the most going from spending upwards to 2 hours in vanilla BRD to the speedrunning approach we have today
I remember the icons we'd use for CC, square was trap, moon was sheep, triangle was sleep and diamond was banish
Sometimes I miss the slower methodical approach where each pack was a boss fight in itself idk there's nothing really like that anymore and mythic+ turned out to be massively successful in the grand scheme of things
look up what an owl is under its feathers and understand
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post up your $40 gaming desk with anime figurines that overflow into your IKEA bookshelf for us
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>missing 1-2 sidequests in each zone and i have no idea where to find/start them
IsnĀ“t there an addon for that?
you still do that, except much more quickly. then if you have a static M+ group you eventually know all the routes and everyone's job without using markers at all to shave a few seconds off the time.
In most cases it doesn't matter.
In cases where bullying, stalking, harrassment are involved not being able to hide or play an alt without people is bad.
Some people get targeted by crazies and Blizzard gives them powerful tools to bother other players.

In most other games and in earlier WoW an alt could be hidden. Many people still believe that to be the case and think things like "hide achievements" gives them that same privacy when it doesn't. It's all done in an underhanded way and that's the biggest issue. If they want everything to be public, they should have not hid their intent and done it without announcements. They know if they actually drew attention to this stuff more would oppose it but they're being sneaky. It's just scummy.
honestly i always thought the whole valkyr valhalla shit was kind of gay, some dirty dingy stinky arena would fit my orc warrior's unga bunga better
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>Max 180
>total 225
pls explain like i am a literal drooling retard pls and ty
that's literally the EXACT opposite of what he just described wanting, are you retarded?
there were some quests that give you packs of 15 crests which say "does not count towards seasonal cap" i am pretty sure
>>492537332 here
forgot to add that i'm trans
your max is 180 and you have 225
there are events and quests which award crests that do not count towards the maximum. it'll say in the reward text whenever you get those ones.
Crests given from the reputation perks aren't taken in account.
Picking them up is not possible beyond the 180 limit. You may still get awarded more from quests, such as reaching specific Renown thresholds.
im going into m0 in greens and there isnt SHIT anyone can do about it since i play tank
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>doing hcs with one more than one mage
fuck me why are they so squishy
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Look up what an owl looks like when it wears clothes outside of its feathers. It's fat as shit, and that's me. Fat and squishy and I'm mad about it.
lmao they forget to use their barrier spells half the time
I think there should be room for both kinds of experiences. I heard that's why they made mega dungeons although there's usually just one per expansion.
hello it's me, 590 tank doing pisser groups just for fun. FUCK YOU and I'll leave if the dps are shit too
yeah they will give normal raid gear, and heroic raid gear in the weekly vault
monks presumably since they do that mostly already otherwise a magic user or druid
Lore-wise? Monk or Druid.
In-game? Probably BM hunter or Demo Lock because your pets do half the work for you.
Technically healers, too, I guess?
Evoker augmentation, no one care of what you do, just press ebon might on cd.
New thread:
I have friends who are leveling full sweatshops of alts for all professions and it's giving me massive FOMO about what professions to use but in reality I just want to play the game and not give a fuck
If you haven't already maxed your professions you should just do herb/mining until the second raid tier
900 level and only 1.6k stamina? Necks right now have like 5k. Is current expac the highest health we've ever had on our characters?

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