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Previous: >>492501768

Alleria and Xal'atath at the Dawntower, but the captions are inverted and reversed.

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>August Trading Post
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>mfw I accidentally opened a new tab
>post your warband
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>kills you
how do you respond?
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>August Trading Post
Update the OP with this link please

I log off of my resto druid and go get my arms warrior :)
>gets back up
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Pic rel with a shit eating grin on my face.
you ARE playing as an elite paladin of the holy light, right? take me for instance. i'm actually the real exarch of the grand army of the light. Turalyon is simply an imposter
>Pop Enrage
>Lightning Lasso
>Bus Shock
it's still august, retard
I mean if Turalyonn himself said it, it must be canon.
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>he's minmaxing heroic dungeon week by spending a lot of gold to craft gear for few ilvl
Don't be a retard, m0 will be a daily lockout.
So what's the point of delves?
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remember what they took from you
Does anyone know if the renown epics are worth it?
They seem like they might be on par with basic mythic gear, just starting at upgrade level 1 instead of 4. Is that right?
>Really want to play warrior right now
>Also really want to wait for Earthens to level one
Ummm where are adventurer and explorer HELLO?
mother fucker theyre free
if you dont have like 7k of that shitty crystal currency i ask if youre even playing the game
when do m0's open?
to max our ur vault and make it seem like they did something these last few years
motherfucker I don't want to farm this shitty currency. I'd rather blow it on cosmetics than waste it on epics that'll be useless a week or two from now.
So I haven't played since the start of legion and just hit 80. What's the best thing I should be doing now? There's so much bullshit on every map but the game does nothing to tell you what to prioritize before M+ and raids come out.

Why are the darkmoon faire decks so cheap?
584 fury with weapons still 574.. still out dpsing losers with 590+ weapons.
>I don't wanna farm the currency
>I just wanna buy cosmetics i wont have the reknown level for because i didnt actually do anything
are you retarded
Single player progression, I thought?
Delve rewards will scale up to Heroic Raid or M+15 level.
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What did Alex just see?
>What's the best thing I should be doing now?
finish campaign then do WQ/normals until you can get into heroics then just wait for actual content to come out
>Why are the darkmoon faire decks so cheap?
they're shit and given out like candy with fishing
weapons don't matter anywhere near as much as they used to, also your fotm shitpick is undoubtedly hard carrying you as the only spec more faceroll than frost
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oh boy, another WOMYN in a position of power!

What the fuck are you talking about you absolute fucking retard?
I have the cosmetics unlocked RIGHT NOW.
Did you fucking forget that they all offer something cosmetic at like renown 1 or 2? I have more cosmetics unlocked than I have shards RIGHT FUCKING NOW you inbred shitstain.
Is there a way to see your progress to getting the Warden set.
>buys cosmetics instead of gear
>calls others retarded and inbred
1/10 because I replied I suppose
Unholy got oversimplified, Frost feels really fucking punishing for micro mistakes. I dunno what spec to channel my autism into. Combat seems so short rn, and odds are, it's gonna stay short into keys. I really like long setup based gameplay, so I dunno if there's any spec I can really play to feed into that anymore. I'm kinda thinking that Havoc and Enhancement might be fun, but I'm not in love with abandoning my DK.
>Retards talking about the shitty cloaks
oh jesus youre actually disabled
you do you big guy
just dont forget your bike helmet while you do it.
Does the storymode after the initial leveling gives you reputation?
play a dark iron warrior, laddie
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I miss her so much already
This is it.
This is my favorite song from this xpac.
Tauren warrior using the totem
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Like how the fuck do you have a shortage of this garbage shit
they piss it on your face for everything
There's literally nothing to do. heroics are so fucking easy I could solo them. I haven't logged in for two days. Great xpac launch.
what are the chances they fire everyone now that the dev team unionized
>Frost feels really fucking punishing for micro mistakes.
dumbest thing I've read all week

>I really like long setup based gameplay, so I dunno if there's any spec
try the remaining spec of DK so you can post something stupid about that too
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Heh good one however I'm too smart I know this is bait
Therefor you shall not be receiving my (You)!
kill rare spawns and do world quests until you have high enough ilvl for heroic dungeons, then spam them
get your professions leveled up, they have timegated progression so you dont want to wait on doing them
after you do that theres basically nothing to do since everything is locked for another 2-3 weeks, so just level alts i guess
>dinky little dungeon quest has a npc shaman tank
ok blizzard fuck you too
how come coomer artists completely fuck up perspective on titties 100% of the time? you'd think that's the literal first thing they master
that motherfuckers the whole group
Ur bad
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>Look better
>The female are actually smoking hot
>The male are absolute fucking unit
>They're available now
>They literally bully Nelves in their /joke
>They're available NOW
I'm convinced.
i made enough from farming gold to buy the 3rd warband slot, should i keep going for the 4th one or just use the mats for my profs
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She doesnt look like that. She looks like this.
>get kicked from group because tank pulls the entire dungeon and doesnt pop any mit expecting me to heal it all
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Don't try to dodge the point, vermin.
I was asking if the level on the renown gear was going to hold up or if it was going to be outclassed on the first week of Mythics, you subhuman piece of shit.

Don't be such an inbred fucking moron that you have to go and revise history and gaslight your pathetic little pea brain into believing a different version of events to protect your pathetic little ego, you cancerous waste of resources. Stop posting, loser.

>hurrr I was wrong and don't even have an answer in the first place so I'm gonna pivot and hope no one notices I'm literally retarded.
Answer the question or kill yourself.

Shit-eating subhuman sack of cancerous lab rat feces.

If you fucking retards can't answer the question, don't get mad at me. Get mad at yourselves for being failures, or your mothers for not swallowing you, or God for deciding to make you closer to a fucking pigeon in intelligence.

It's not my problem if you're butthurt over being morons.

Oh, and btw, I went and checked an item database from the beta and it looks like the renown epics do catch up to mythic drops at upgrade level 4.
I literally solo'd H SV as blood, can not believe how little there is to do for people that aren't grandmothers
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>2539779>>492539883 >>492540109
already made a dark iron paladin. this season its goblin warrior for me
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Shutup retard.
i found his socials and made fake posts of him being racist and sent it to his family
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>plebbitard has a meltie
Metzen is back. He's brining this aesthetic back with midnight (Danuser free expansion)
jokes on you, I'm from the south. try healing next time, or do you just wear that dress for fun?
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Frost lives and dies on obliterate windows and does tank dam outside of pillar/enduring. It's not fun to get a mechanic during pillar and doing tank dam on account of it. Unholy had all of its complexity stripped, it's incredibly binary and isn't about setups anymore. Festermight changes have completely killed all complexity the spec had.
I fucking hate button mashing specs and i'm complaining about one of the most complex specs in the game getting its complexity stripped, dumbass.
Good morning wowg
I slept on it and i think i still want to play
i dont speak to brazilians
Oh seems easy enough thanks. Managed to get heroic Ilvl simple enough anyway.

Delves feel like a waste of time at tier 3 unless I'm missing something
so whats the latest cope now that its all but confimed tww is floppa sloppa?
yes, delves are only worth doing with the higher difficulties unlocked later, you can ignore them
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Going somewhere?
Slop gameplay or slop story?
Ur just bad, you think you know about the game but you don't. Go back to flopping in mythic raids
Is it dishonorable to gear pvp gear in comp stomp?
I love goobers
the gameplay hasn't changed since legion. its mid at best
story? top tier sloppa
DO I START WOW ON PROUDMOORE OR MOONGUARD. Please make this decision for me. Every other west coast alliance realm is dead.
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Moon Guard.
Come breed elves.
have u tried healing?
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I'm kinda overwhelmed with all the stuff I have to do. No idea what to finish first..
I doubt I'll be able to farm 580gear in time for m0
What would be a good undead/forsaken/scourge allied race
ive gone up and down this entire graveyard
>retards in wrong layer lmao
point and laugh at this man
lightforged undead that stand upright and are better than standard undead in every conceiveable way or preserved undead like nathanos or jaina's brother
A naked tauren
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>even my male character is kveeling to the female character
girlboss brehs...
my fat retarded autistic rapist elderly stinky orc ate a grenade because he saw soldiers carrying them and thought they made you powerful. he then started laughing maniacally and flexing his biceps and cheering as he saw the nerubians running from him. i haven't written what happens next but I don't want him to die as he's my best character. it scares me because is he a mary sue if I write him out of this one. I don't want to ruin him.
Profs to make even more gold. Embrace your inner goblin
when you are lv 80 go do some world quests for 560ish gear and do those elite worldquests that require you do to 3 worldquests to unlock
rares also drop some decent stuff from time to time which is about heroic dungeon equivalent
finishing the campaign and getting renown to get some cheap 580s is good too from the rep vendors
'ez a ded git.
I’ve been playing fury since I came back to WoW in legion.. laughing out loud at the retards here.
what class/spec is he
your orc is pretty much hildibrand manderville at this point. best to continue writing him as a slapstick comedy himbo.
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yes save the coffer keys til delve 8 is available
Legion class design was so fucking ass lol. Literally useless without artifacts and legendaries
Fury is unironically the easiest spec in nuwow other than BM hunter. It also is the only spec we have that feels good since trannie devs decided to stick to the Legion class design. With the exception of s3 in df where I refused to use slam as a filler after they fucked up the rotation fury was king
Night elf players are being cringe again...
*needs rng lego to function*
chucky sneed my dude! chucky sneed!
can inscription make any decent money? I had it in dragonflight but I didn't really profit anything from it. I just made treaties and a couple of staves for my alts. someone told me mass producing inks looked like good money but I researched it and it seems dead. should I just swap to tailoring? I don't want to be a sweaty goblin but I do want my gold to not plummet from playing m+ this expansion.
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>take testosterone blockers for your hair loss
>start crossdressing as a "joke"
is it over for him?
yea but BGs are dead because it takes 2 hours to be fully geared and everyone who isn't shit is playing skirms
Already done with the campaign, went skriding collecting, farmed 50k worth of gold in grass and rocks, now I'm doing a couple world quests for delves keys and lighting fires to farm rares.
But man, the entire map is filled with nonsense.
name one.
>cant send a crafting order to my own character on a different realm
then whats the FUCKING point
uhhh grumbo the clown
Anyone else got the bug where your action bars change to another spec in the middle of a dungeon? Like this is kinda bad if I was in a mythic I'd be so screwed xdomg
Can I still cheat the name change system by deleting and restoring a character with the name being taken by another account while I use let's say a VPN or will Jews at Blizzard force me to buy a name change before bricking my character?
Not even. It's just the only way to deal with trash like you.
I asked a simple question and instead of just shutting up because you didn't know the answer, you chose to spout off like retards about irrelevant subjective bullshit.

You are why these threads are routinely so shit. It's that exactly behavior that turns these threads to shit. You saw a legitimate gameplay question and lost your inbred minds over the mere possibility of someone having a different opinion from you.

I know that's a sign of autism but you can only hide behind your disability so much before people stop giving you any leeway.
This dude made a lot of money with Inscription https://canadiatv.com/how-i-made-87-million-gold-in-the-last-year
Be warned though you have to be logged in a lot since it takes like 2-4 hours to mill all your herbs, the profit margins are slim so you have to craft tens of thousands of inscriptions
Tailoring is a hell of a easier to make money with, just do both your daily crafts for an ez 3k net gold gain per character every 8 hours.
rile it up the at least 50 more bugs including
>npcs dying in front of you
>auto loot not working half the time
>weapon despawning
and countless more!
yeah it looks like a lot and i suppose it is designed that way
i think its 7-9 renown with the reps and you can buy a piece of 584 gear from each besides the spiders
the lamplighting thing is good for hallowfall rep at least and getting some crystals, bountiful delves give 570s as well if you wanted to uses your keys early
i accept ur confection.
didn't read but shut the fuck up retard
Don't treat wow like a job

Just RMT a bit of gold you don't even need gold honestly.
put him in your guild
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how to fix wow, by anon, (me)
>autistic fishing simulator that requires external fishing reel hardware for PC, similar to racing simulator autists to catch all types of rare fishes across azeroth in a semi-progress/sandbox gameplay loop
>hardmore M+ where if any of the party members die you lose all your items so m+ gameplay mode instantly dies
>a nice card game where if you win you get to see a sexy pinup FEMALE race begin to strip with hd modelled armpits and feet, creating a new sector of coomers to keep the game afloat
>Dark Irons get 10 million more customization in terms of hair, and all that
>Femdeads get to have cute Victorian-era hair cuts and if you give them flowers (player to their own PC character) they blush and say thank you, turning the game into a VN-romance mini-gameplay
>all californian staff members get fired with no sev package
>india gets nuked
Professions can be fun (not Inscription though its literal slave labor)
didn't read your last meltie and somehow you strummed up another, just go back man no one likes you here
did they make any kind of changes at all to mythic raiding in TWW? last time i did it was shadowlands and it made me want to kms. completely sucked all the fun out of the game
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Guild: Elysian
Realm: Quel'Thalas
Recruitment: Laralie-ArgentDawn (alliance) Gargot-ArgentDawn (horde)

If they aren't online or you can't see the guild on guild finder then join the community and ask for inv there, simply use this code in the community finder in-game: RKP45WrTYz4
No, only like 10 guilds will be able to clear it again this time. You plebs have to wait for the massive 80% nerfs a few weeks after the race to world first is over.
Shadow priests in player versus player combat are fun and good!
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I LOVE FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is this bait
You're not wrong desu
fury warrior ofc
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warlock, dk and monk hero talents looks cool
Not yet, but someone from wowhead said that blizz is discussing internally a revamp of mythic raiding, similar to m+
based ion will shoot it down
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I wanna tank but i dont wanna have to know where to go!
ffxiv child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. ffxiv cartoon world with rainbow unlike wow with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. ffxiv like playhouse. ffxiv playor run from wow fear of dark world and realism
I dont see what they could do differently for raids that would be an improvement unless they structure it similar to like Lost Ark raids.
just pretend like you know what you're doing, and if the DPS complain then kick them, you can get a replacement in seconds
Have they even added anything interesting to fishing since Legion?
>replies to himself
>can't break his plebbit syntax
>rekt by autofilter
why are tokens soulbound and not warbound
hope so
mythic raiding is just too fucking difficult. heroic raids were challenging enough but i still found them fun. mythic? its a job that you pay a sub fee for
it irks me that there's content in the game that rewards the best gear but ill realistically never be able to get it
No, it isn't
Just go wherever you want, the brain dead morons will follow you no matter what, even if it is to their deaths.
Because there would 100% be a bug to get infinite WoW tokens if they ever tried it.
you also get a replacement tank in seconds. I just respec to blood when they leave and we have never gotten past two pulls before were assigned a new prot paladin
just play classic
But for what purpose
I just want to move the tokens from one character to another. Its annoying theres no way to do that
do any other free trialers roleplay as an npc
didn't a new expansion just release? why is the thread just avatarfagging and erp?
thats all mmo threads
People are already bored cause Blizz decided to hard timegate everything this xpac due to lack of content caused by their new retarded "storytelling trilogy of xpacs in 6 years" idea. There's literally nothing to do if you have common sense and patiently wait for m0 instead of grinding hcs.
The Dragontroons becoming irrelevant once again
Thanks, I was looking for this. My classic boomer friends couldn't understand the new gearing system and these infographics helped me back in DF.
>Early access 3 days early
>Content doesn't release till 2 weeks in
lol my ass off
But why
what daily crafts are you talking about with tailoring?
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>the hardest content in WoW right now is a Heroic dungeon

Guild: Elysian
Realm: Quel'Thalas
Recruitment: Synx-Quel'Thalas (alliance) Laralie-ArgentDawn (alliance)

how do i get honor gear FAST
to delete a character
I'm loving this expansion
Why do you not main a druid?
Duskweave/Dawnweave, the third specialization in tailoring unlocks the ability to craft them every 16 hours (later improved to every 8 hours). If you spec into it on every alt you have its just easy, guaranteed money every day. As a plus this specialization also unlocks new bags to craft for even more easy money.
*I'm not logging on synx today, message Contrition-Quel'Thalas instead
I dont have any primary or secondary professions at all from any expansion. Its nerd shit. I just make extra money by being good at the game and selling runs
I bet they'll just drop this whole trilogy shit halfway through too and then quickly sweep it under the rug, just like how shadowlands was supposed to be the beginning of danuser's cinematic universe about the first ones and the cosmic pantheon, then when shadowlands flopped they just quickly cancelled the whole thing and left the story at a cliffhanger, 3 expansions later there's still nothing "to come", they'll push through the turd that is war within then midway the second expansion they'll be like whatever let's just release a random expansion about how trump sucks
Compared to DF how good is the zone design (I thought DF had some of the best leveling and zone design to date)? Also how woke/pozzed is tww compared to last feelings dragons and gay centaurs?
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>disc fucking sucks
>boomkin fucking sucks
>mm fucking sucks
>fire fucking sucks
>the entire class of rogue fucking sucks

>resto shaman best healer
>frost DK/fury best melee
>warrior/bear best tank
>arcane best ranged

it's like they genuinely designed the entire expansion to cater to complete fucking retards
Do you guys think they will make the Frostborn Dwarves a customization option similar to how they did Man'ari? This dwarf expansion seems like the time to do that.
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I have become insane
classic raiding rules. too bad era is well.. era, and sod is a retailified mess
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>doing final parts of campaign
>establishing horde embassy in dwarf city
>notice literally every race is present except for the forsaken
no idea if this is because they literally dont have leadership anymore or if it's going to be a plot beat
a lot of girlbosses but that's it
and the girlbosses arent particularly annoying
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girlbosses and disability-rhymes-with-CAPABILITY but they overloaded the entire game with so much of the 2-step quest combo so I just quit reading anything
name one trans person and gay person in ttw
>reported a guy for suggesting reporting people to get them banned because he didnt like what they were doing in a battleground
he was in the wrong right? am I going to get b&...
Hallowfall = Azj kahet > Isle of Dorn > The Ringing Deeps (except for the Kobold parts, they're cool)
Everyone agrees yes?
Lilian apears in the campagne later on, but that's it.
Did you also notice that Jaina brough along Dannath, Kurdran and Turalyon, all important and established lore characters, whereas Thrall brough his nepotism baby sister, a literally who female orc and Liadrin (again)?
Expansion good? How is Monk?
A lot of intermediate and advanced specs were also heavily simplified, and the content meta is like 10s combat time and 40s bosses. The actual gameplay feels really spotty rn.
brew shit, ww shit, mw ok but isn't s-tier in anything but probably 2s so it's shit too
Personally I like the expansion. I am holding off on Monk until Earthen are unlocked for fists of stone and build in knuckledusters.
tauren and forsaken and trolls and goblins none of their storylines feel like they matter at all anymore
I don't play monk but i have heard good things about the dps and healer specs
Monk is in the best state it's ever been
You can't restore characters for now, it's probably fucking with warband system so they removed it until they find a fix.
ww and mistweaver good
brew dunno
dps and healer specs play better than ever
i think brew got less buttons (which was an issue)
nobody plays this tranny shit barry
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I bought the helmet and sword and polearm instantly too, they're really cool
Ok anon, I know you posted it just to show off your transmog and I must admit - weapon+glowing balls combo looks kino.
how do I get glowing balls mog...
press M? don't all dungeons have maps now lol
alright I think I'll just go alch/tailoring on my priest then and flush inscription, and maybe lw/bs on my shaman if there's anything easy to gain from those, if not probably just mining/herbing
The guild itself? no.
The level of the players in it? yes.
It's a /wowg/ guild, what are you expecting?
Nice very cool
hehe i owned u
You're a fucking idiot.
His wife is clearly the man in their family, that's for sure.
well to be fair, the Forsaken had a huge spotlight on them multiple times and I feel they are trying to brush that whole Calia Menethil bs under the rug right now.
...did the Tauren even have a real story in wow? I honestly don't remember.
>still cursed with my 545 quest green bracers
buy an explorer green from the ah
>not particularly annoying
>Delves in early access
>Sporebits are unkillable and skyrocket around shitting explosions
>Eventually they stop skyrocketing around but are still unkillable and shit explosions where they are
>Then theyre killable and only do one explosion
>Now theyre killable, do one explosion, and unlike all the previous itterations, they actually do noticable damage to enemies
We're literally the fucking beta.
Thats why shits weeks off. Thats why they werent touching shit till the 3rd.
Not enough people joined the beta to test shit, or blizz just didnt care, that theyre doing it with live.
This is just one fucking example of shit being actively tested/changed like a fucking pre-release.
What a shitshow. Also stopping at L3 delves was stupid as fuck shoulda been at least 4/5.
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>This screen appears on your computer
What do you do?
Whatever TWW scenario I just loaded into. Probably the machine one.
Did they nerf healing spells in dps specs? I noticed when leveling both ele shaman and shadow priest that my heals hardly do shit anymore compared to what they did in DF
Shit eaters just do not care how fucking bad this game is or how bad things are in the game.
They just keep eating shit and demands more.

It's funny and sad at the same time.
Thanks for proving my point, retards. This is why everyone in your life abandons you. You're too fucking obnoxious to tolerate. You don't make even the slightest effort to not be the most abrasive and stupid piece of shit on the planet.

Yep. Something like half of all game-related questions I ask and 1 in 5 of any other kind of on-topic reply I make gets this reaction from these subhumans. They legitimately don't realize that their middle school level trash talking is far more pathetic than anything else. I know they're not even fooling themselves so I don't know why they always double down and get angrier and angrier.

I suspect they just have the mindset that if they're going to feel even the tiniest, TINIEST shred of cognitive dissonance, they're going to flip out and punish everyone else by smearing shit on the walls and screeching. Their skin is so thin it might as well not exist, so even a gentle breeze triggers them.
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take as many female vulpera captive slaves as possible
It's okay for other people to like things that you dislike, anon. It doesn't devalue you as a person.
Nuh nuh XIV bad too tho XIV bad nuhhhm gotta watch whopner
They went from making enforcer type girl bosses to mother Theresa type. Which is a little bit better but still fucking annoying when exagerrated (Faerin) and coupled with pathetic male character (Anduin).
Frankly it's so overloaded with female characters of the same flavor (girl boss) its hard to decide who is worse.
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>tfw no lust
>ask a stupidfuck question if veteran gear is equivalent to veteran gear
>write 17 books about how everyone else is an insufferable retard
get some help and stop blogging
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Why did you decide to advertise it? You are gonna get a shitload of dead characters and horrible assholes..
You are such a baka.
im from redditstead
Get hype, its my favourite BG.
wait where's the new bg we were promised
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what a clusterfuck of a design, looks like a centipede in a burqa
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I was scanning through the skies
and missed the static in your eyes
Something blocking your reception
It's distorting our connection
With the distance amplified
was it all just synthesized?

World of Warcraft Xally is my favorite anti-hero we've ever had and will ever have
Let her win.
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it's been in the game since prepatch
This outfit design is such a downgrade. Way too intricate pattern and fucked up contrast of the colors.
Previous design was way more refined and complete.
man wow armor is so fucking ugly now thats one of the reasons i stick to cloth
Thoughts on Silvermoon realm? Particularly in terms of pricing on AH and orders
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I like this face.
Looks like someone that just found the best disguise and is about to sneak into the aerie peak in the hinterlands.
always ALWAYS pick the highest pop realm within your own timezone. There is zero reason to ever play on a low pop shit server.
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This shit is sickening. Why does blizzard employ women still? They cant write for shit and they cant design for shit. Fuck all women to death. They ruined video games forever. But also fuck men to death for allowing women to ruin video games.
wait wait wait wait wait
do they seriously kill off the only cool earthen in the first zone?
seriously? I've done at least 40 bgs and haven't seen it yet...
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>Human racials are completely fucking worthless now since I don't do PVP anymore and rep is gone
>Thinking of swapping my human wlock/dk and warrior to other races
>Have 0 fucking clue which race to pick
>Used to be a big night elf lover since I'm a lanky guy myself + I loved Teldrassil and Darkshore zones
>Teldrassil and Darkshore got fucking torched/ ruined while elves are left with no capital like gnomes of the past. Don't give me this bs about time traveling to relive them it's not the same
>All their models look like shit after rework, constantly constipated faces - literally not a single smiling face to choose from
So night elves are out of question which leaves me with:

-Void Elves

+ coolest looking heritage armor and beards
+ probably strongest racial in pve other than nelves
- kings manlets

+ tall and bulky = based
+ I like their new corrupted aesthetics I unlocked in the past, the red skin would look hardcore af on my warrior
+ decent racials (got no access to race sims atm but flat bonus to str/int/agi and 20% heal seem always nice)
- lame heritage armor and hooves

Void Elves:
+ good aesthetics (discount high elves with right choices)
+ probably most versatile and very good racials for all 3 specs I play
- scrawny manlets

Please help me choose
Yeah but Steelvein is also cool
Ahem Ret
You can choose to queue for specific maps if you really wanna see it
Whole lotta retards outted themselves recently saying "my spec feels so good whoa!!" and such. What a bunch of fucking subhumans.
Racials havent been a deciding factor since wod
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My opinion would be a bit biased.
yea I didn't know it was in the game, gonna queue up rn
ok seriously do we know what these azerite fartclouds in the sky are for yet?
Yeah but i think it was nerfed in a DF patch
then why 90% of 10% of the highest rated m+ players abuse night elves and dwarves?
You have a lot of bros!
my warlock is still human even though I am still pissed off they killed diplomacy for some useless racial
if I was to swap, I would swap to draenei
void elf is good for aff/destro but it's racial doesn't work with pets and that triggers my autism too much
would be 10x better with 5 draenei females
They give you those crystal resources used to buy renown shit
Is there an addon to remove beards from female earthen yet?
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>outhealed by a blood dk
Raiding is the only endgame content where racials don't matter much.
High end M+ they matter a lot.
PVP they have always mattered.
Rogue not picking NE is hard nerfing yourself.
Oh, fuckin worthless piss.
>dialogue still written for 10 year old reading comprehension
I'm kinda livid honestly. The war storyline in Battle for Azeroth had a higher level of writing than this.
Well, she got a Scarlet Crusade infiltration outfit, so the thoughts not too far off.
i wanna roll a monk (heh) but pandas piss me off what should i do??
do night elves look goofy as monks?
Because they hate fun and are a very small min maxing extremist part of the playerbase
yea man really backed up your argument with this one, how will he ever cope
Probably worried if he brought Baine he'd immediately be trying to suck Anduin off in front of his new ebony queen
There is no cope or anything going on here, it only matters that much to a minuscle part of the playerbase, just play however you like. It's not my problem if you are a soulless sweaty like them, just make sure you are enjoying it
dwarves make fine monks
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Thanks for the answers. Hooves and horns look a bit silly but I still pick them over being a raging alcoholic shortking. Plus, having different skin colors like blue, purple and red gives me some neat transmog ideas. Draenei it is.
Racials do matter but I don't plan on pushing m+ above 2500 rating for the keystone hero and I've done it with "shitty" races in the past.
Disagree, but also not opposed.
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Skedgit Cinderbangs, my beloved, I am indeed your little Coinchamp
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>You will never be a cute gobbo gal's little coinchamp
I can't do this anymore man
Anyone who acts like this towards racials absolutely plays some garbage race like Vulpera and gets salty whenever he sees a good race using their useful ability. Enjoy your 4 extra bag slots or whatever your rat race gets, I'll keep shadowmelding out of spell casts.
Buy some drums nigger.
Are the two anons who were interested in that dead wowg guild I made on Moon Guard still around? If you really want an invite still I can throw you one. I just got home. Just a fair warning it really isn't alive, and it might not be the epic cool one you remember. It's called The Clover, and it was made a while back.
Fuck no this Area-52 rat can bring his own drums if he's too dumb to think Warlocks have bloodlust
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Look at this chad of a man :D
Since Lone Wolf was nerfed is it okay to actually bring a pet as Marksmanship now?
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You can if you try.
>There is zero reason to ever play on a low pop shit server.
Less competition for names. Though I managed to snag a name I like on Silvermoon which is why I'm considering the move. Because the main disadvantage of low pop imo is the higher ah and crafting prices. Like I wanted a green fishing rod and it was 500g on argent dawn and 1500 on my mid pop realm. Stuff like that annoys me lol
so farseer is just summoning ghost niggas to help you? neat
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sorry fren.. at least you did damage!
Who the Alliance brought was great and made sense (the Sons of Lothar are of course going to show up to kill the cunt who murdered Khadgar), but I don't understand why they picked those two WHO orcs. Liadran was fine, but could they really not think of anyone else who would be remotely relevant?
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There's no such thing as low pop anymore since almost every realm is part of a merged group known as connected realms so realms that are low pop are usually merged with 5 other low pops forming one full realm that shares AH between. There are few non-English realms that are still standalone and low pop, u can abuse them to farm rare mounts etc.

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Hey anons, what's a nice addon to move the castbar of my target? I need to see cast bars to know when to interrupt but the basic UI has those things super tiny in the bottom.
silvermoon is cute and funny
greens very cheap
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>ask a stupidfuck question if veteran gear is equivalent to veteran gear
As if someone returning to the game after ages away knows what the fuck that means.

>write 17 books about how everyone else is an insufferable retard
And every chapter was spot-on.

>get some help and stop blogging
Sure. And you stop losing your shit and exploding just because you don't have theory of mind and can't comprehend someone without different experiences and thoughts than you. Your life wouldn't be so shitty if you approached people lacking knowledge that you have by sharing what you know instead of spazzing out and throwing a fucking riot over how stupid they are for not knowing everything that you know.

What even is the point of posting on a public image board if you can't handle people not knowing what you know or having different opinions?
Why did Chris puss out on Blademaster hero talents?
Because they are tryhard NEETs unironically
Nobody does that type of content anon
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holy sneed
Why is 2h frost shitting all over DW
I thought they were close now
I went from taking 10 sec a mob to fuckin 2shotting shit. wtf.
silvermoon - human pally
draenor - belf pally

What's the common used pulling strategy in heroics?
Whole rooms pulls or 2-3 packs at a time?
if your name is sven
you roll silvermoon

if your name is ahmed
you roll draenor/kazzak

it's that shrimple.
turkish nether
i am nordic
and i despise well you know, brownoids
soooo manly man it is
hhhhm ww monk or surv hunter or frost 2h dk or back warrior
how is that even possible
I dunno.. He didn't die or anything. I guess he just sucks.
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DH Has been nerfed to the ground, not as hard as Hunter but still a LOT
argent dawn :3c
so what drove you to tourist over here from plebbit? mad you couldn't say nono words and still get updoots?
i don't see a future in rping anon
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it doesn't, your anecdote is objectively wrong
Good. Whats the most dead server I can join? I dont want to see anyone else.
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How come I can't unlock this elevator on my alts
I have it on my main
IIRC hey said it was because they couldn't give warriors Mirror Image or Windwalk and its not Blademaster without them
Comp Stomp is up? Based if true, was about to farm my green gear
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i remember all the way back i made a character on crushridge
a druid
and it turned out the server was some sort of italian/spanish server, nobody spoke english
They should make Blademaster a melee arcane orc mage archetype build, instead of arcane missile spells you have stabby attacks.
ballbusting session with xal'atath
I thought about making a gathering char on one of those realms just to farm and get cheevos.
Unfortunately mage is likely getting a chronomancer healer spec if they ever give all the classes 4th specs.

There is a chance we get a straight up "Spellblade" new class in midnight since we are going back to blood elf territory.
What is the source
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>Returned back to the Warband camp naked
>Knowing stares and smirks from the other characters
>Nerdy mage autist awkwardly staring away

yea I got one round of DUNK in before they took it down and put up more comp stomp
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human ret paladin
Why do the comps in comp stomp have 10m hp
That guy is probably bad but both hero spec of DH are trash,
The first one is about throwing glaive and was designed with DF S3/S4 tier set in mind but the bonus got removed in TWW. On top of that, shit is bugged, haste is not taken in account so when you press throw glaive, it puts a full long ass gcd on it making the gameplay bad.
The second one is all about the meta 2min cd, if you don't have meta or can't use it on a shitty pack, then it's just an useless hero talent.

To anyone reading this, don't be fooled by the dps of DH Havoc in heroics, the packs are dying so fast that the dh dps seems good because the initial burst damage. The class will probably be shit.
game so dead dude is RPing with himself, blizz just give us the content already
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dx 11 or 12? what does vrs do? resample quality?
If you are struggling to kill the comp stomp NPCs I have bad news about your future pvp endeavors
The voices in my head make great rp
>Go check vendor because want swords
>6 hours, 55 mins left
you go from getting kinda shit on in some 1v1s to taking 4 with ease once you fill out honor gear, just solo defend a base while you're in shit gear while you watch some shows
mfw no gooner anon to level new expansion with~
same way everyone bought the beetle anon
Wouldn't you hate it when I drop aggro because I'm too busy gooning to you..?
So the full/low/new player shit literally means nothjng
But you're an elf?
The harsh, piercing light of the crystal in the ceiling hyper-melinated the Hallowfall Arathi, turning them into a race of black-ass coons nearly overnight.
Yes it does
hows the free gear update work?
that polearm looking kinda nice actually...wish the gun were way bigger
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mfw i would let the mobs have a go at you
Tinker and Bard make more sense for a class addition, role wise. Game needs healers and ranged, and it needs classes that can soak ranged weapons. Tanking and melee are thematically saturated. Like trust me I think Fighter/Mage is a way cool class, cooler than most of WoW's combat magic classes, but what does it do that DK, Pally, and Shaman don't already do?
they mail you all your gear/inventory then give you a bunch of greens on your character that are probably much better
can i use it on newly created characters?
listening to minecraft music while fishing
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How the fuck did I manage to get 3 frost mages into my group.
Is frost mage the new cool thing to play?
they heard arcane is getting nerfed so everyone is jumping ship

Blizzard is just 0 fun
Making me be in front as a healer, so rude anon~
Hopefully a few mounts too~
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those are some uncanny new faces wtf
slotting out of lone wolf is like a 2-3% dps loss but i love being able to bring my lil nigga
the leech is pretty good too
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>basedret face
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why are the human faces so weird??
Post your squad:
>Dwarf Hunter Beast Master (Delver and PVP)
>Panda Monk Brew Master (Tank and Healer)
>Night Elf Druid Feral (DPS and PVP)
I really want to play just one character this expansion, but all my friends are leveling a shitton of alts and muh warband shared renown etc is making me feel FOMO about it. I played 3 characters in dragonflight and everything felt better when I had just the one. didn't have to care about getting vault keys on my shitters or crafting expensive items with my sparks etc.
redpill me on sticking with one character pls.
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>But there's Versatility on it
>But there's Versatility on it
>But there's Versatility on it
Why is this stat everywhere? It feels like a joke sometimes.
I dunno how human males are so popular
their faces are fucked up
what shoud i specialize in scribebros? should i go for the alchemy equipment or the cooking equipment?

whos willing to spend more money on equipment? i feel like alchykikes are rich fucks while cooking is more for the mountcheevos crowd
which specs are fun
you're only being invited for BL and dismissing pet after bosses is a giant pita so sure
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Man, I'm at 562 but I just can't get any haste in here. A bloodDK needs endless haste.. what is this 8% trash.
>be me
>stop playing wow because there's troons and fags
>start a year long cocaine, booze, gambling binge
>now 30 pounds overweight
Should i just get back to playing troon adventures? I don't want to hang out with prostitutes at 4 am anymore
ww is probably the most fun energy user rn
I hate how if you change skin color THE WHOLE FUCKING FACE CHANGES TOO
Fuck sake blizzard
I usually start on the KP shitters since it's free skill points and I farm up enough mats with resourcefulness to get mine free every week for all characters
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what a cry for help post if ive ever seen one
MAXKEK from KEKUID is advocating for micro transaction class flavour lmao. Like blue fire for mage.

KEK cunt has blizzard hand firmly up his arse
dont you get like 10% from having bone shield up, you would have 18% in any situation that matters
Anything monk, beast master, anything shaman, prot warrior, feral druid, blood DK
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best i can do
you kinda pumping for such shit gear lol bdk bro keep it up
this is the only good face they have
Any tips for a one-month-playing newbie and fairly fresh 80 playing a tank? I understand the current content available and have gear for heroics but haven't tried them yet since I've only done solo stuff during leveling 70-80. Did a few dungeons pre-TWW and on MoPmix but haven't queued any as tank yet. I just wanna socialize and play with people at this point. Or level alts, but idk how to do that now that MoP is gone
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and beards look like SHIT on it
beards in general look so tacked on, low quality
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>huns boughted the gold
the treatise for knowledge points
Is there any simple addon that JUST lists timers with my atonements and on which players? For 5 man content.
Lookin like Raiden in the original MK movie.
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Lol this looks like archer with a stache
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which dps to play if i want to cuck people instead of get cucked for a change
just do it, its the only way
people will suck yo dick if your're a tank anyways since it takes 40mins for dps to queue
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My video game character is a shadow priest!
hmm you think thats better than going into the equipment stuff?
Ret, Frostmage, Frost DK
colossus demolish is stupid it i hate the two little swipes before the smash it should have been just one big fuckoff SLAM that does three million damage with a 2 sec cast time just like back in vanilla
real niggas remember the slam>mortalstrike cheese
Which class? The thing about tanking is understanding a pull before you pull it. Know where you're gonna tank it, how you're gonna pull it, etc. and face it away from your group. The very basic tricks are using corners to make sure ranged enemies come over to you, and utilizing your silences and interrupts for the same purpose.

Just tank normals to get a feel for tanking, the stakes are so fucking low, and you'll learn the dungeons.
Moonkin rework inc, trust the plan
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That's not good enough. With Cds, I managed some 110% haste in dragonflight. This is no good.
Well I managed m+23 on 10 beers so I'll be fine with this trash gear. Just gotta keep grinding.
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Brewmaster. I've tanked all the follower dungeons except the ones that open up at 80. I get how to play my spec and at least how to keep aggro/live, I just don't understand the routes people take through dungeons so I've held off I guess. Normal is so easy you don't need to know anything so I guess I'm worried about not knowing mechanics I need to know also
I am
a female goblin who loves female panda asses
Hi. I am a female panda and I adore female goblins.
>Havent played in years
>Bought TWW normal edition
SHould i just boost a char and see where i end up or have the skills changed that much ?
just type that you've never done the dungeon when you walk in, then don't pull like a giant pussy and it'll be fine
Switch to wind walker and run some heroics to watch what other tanks do, I swear to god everyone is a fucking guide following tranny so you'll see people do all the YouTube skips and shit in week 1
how many years? 20? 10? 5? 2?
it only takes a few hours to hit max level at any rate
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God I remember seeing that when it was first made. That guy was funny.
Okay, I've finished the campaign, done the weeklies, did the relevant world quests, geared up to 570, did heroics... what now? I've been playing for like 20 hours total but it kind of seems like I'm already completely out of things to do. Am I missing something or like... is this it? This is the expansion...?
Wouldn't my gear be absolutely dogshit for WW? I don't mind swapping but I figured my stats would be ass
I hate boosting, you end up spending just as long as you would leveling in just figuring out your fucking action bars and class mechanics
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>queueing as a tank for comp stomp
Welp too late
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Can't queue with fren cause they are alliance filth..
back to soloing everything, nobody besides me on this nasty bench.
you did it!
you beat wow!
shadow priest with the voidweaver talent that steals health from your party
and then just PI yourself
You can just be an elf on the alliance you know. Both of those races look the same anyway.
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ye u better kveel BIHCH!!!
It literally doesn't matter in heroics and also your trinkets are like the only thing that isn't the same for ww and bm at this stage in the game. You're not worried about secondary stats or enchants or anything. It doesn't even really matter if you know WW. You're just tagging along and watching the tanks a few times. Read a quick start guide for WW, it's pretty easy to operate at like 75% efficiency.
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No, I'm a bloodelf. Fuck those regular cunts.
All I need is my shadowmourne. She's gonna be with me all the way till the end. She never betrays me.
Why do you hate us?? What did the horde ever do to you?!
is there actually a point to grinding for gear right now because i've just been leveling my alts and fucking around with professions this entire time
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How is Brewmaster frens? It's my fav tank
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was it autism?
I think you can put together 570s just doing normal delves if you want. Who gives a shit for the next 11 days?
Ok this was a dumb idea how do i refund
you can probably get by on you main buying full explorer and upgrading to 580
or kill all rares/treasures/wq then upgrade the rest you have missing
hcs are only there for trinkets at the moment
I need you to understand, I love the Monk class, genuinely. I have more monks than any other class because I just find them fun. That being said.
Brewmaster is a paper tank.
I'm sorry
Go away maye
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fem belf death knight is F tier aesthetics by the way
Well I played WW in MoP when leveling this char so I have some idea how to play, I just figured swapping would destroy my stats. Fair enough though, thanks, I'll try some as DPS to get a feel first. I just wanna play with other people now anyways
should probably do heroics until 580-590 if you're a DPS, but yea it's pretty shit atm
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Watch me care for your opinion.
This little bloodelf is my beloved.
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Is it worth 900 tokenareenos?
Also any must haves in the dying embers of this months post?
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>there is a light in her eyes
did anyone proofread this shit?
decapitating avatarfags
What even happened to Shadowmourne? Did any NPC get ownership? Surprised it didn't come back for a downgraded DK Artifact weapon.
Big damage, harder to play but not that hard, you need to actually pay attention to surviving because you'll get sucked into a DPS mindset and your healer will have to work harder to keep you alive than, say, guardian or prot warrior. You need to do you job and take care of your stagger damage and use your free heals.
doctor i want a second opinion
I thought they'd be needed to make the queue pop but then I queued tank/DPS and learned the truth
I hate Faerin because she is a
count me out
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Isn't it weird that Kurdran cracks jokes about Dalaran? Why doesn't he mourn Khadgar? Has Blizzard forgotten that they are supposed to be friends?
Nothing wrong with that sentence / phrase dude.
>upgrades trinkets before weapon
yes it was and you're a noob, you dont need gear
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>Not playing with a friend because of faction
mary sue heckin valid nigger amputee who cuntsplains how to be a good person to anduin
can you pitch the camera up a bit?
my camera is literally on my chars ass
I want SEX with Faerin because she is a
is the valorstone discount active yet?
He looks more like Arthas tho. Turalyon is supposed to have short hair.
next time, censor the name of every character or none at all
it always has been
Alright wowfriends, where's your designated e-gf seeking location? I need an elf or draenei gf now
Dance for me
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I mean this
None of this would have happened if Drenden recited the prescribed cantrips described in Dalaran's The Schools of Arcane Magic - Abjuration, a text readily available for all sort of ascended magus
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would you let me in your m0 no bigot wholesome chungus only 100% sigma rizz group wawegee
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PvP as BloodDK is still mega fun. I'm just an immortal asshole.
Don't waste resources prepping for mythic before the season starts
it's like two years too late for that
the pcu died and faded into irrelevance before shadowlands was even over
'asshole' being the keyword
>pvp tank
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>ah unusable for a week
i wanna post my mogs and battlepets brehs
i have 1k stones left im not gonna upgrade anymore
i shall wait patiently :)
we love waiting !
Not my fault you didn't bring a warrior to counter me
Khadgar died?
Is this a europoor issue? I've been using it just fine since early access and it hasn't failed since.
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Got a DK fren
I wouldn't mind gearing up to 580/etc but gearing from dungeon sucks. Just an infinite grind where pure luck decides if you get anything. I got 3 boots drops in a row.
Will anyone pick up sloppa anon's mantle and do requests?
it was down for half a day and people are still larping that it was the entire expansion
Needed mining to skin the ram again
Most desirable tank in m+? I want to coast
takes 30 seconds to scan each item and then another 30 seconds to post it and then it has a high failure rate so can start over again
i dont know how people are so used to pain to accept this but i cant post my 100 items like this lol
He didn't even talk to Turalyon or Alleria lol
Maybe it's in part 5 of the max level campaign?
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>dungeon with npc
>delve with npc
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tfw no playable rat
im also surprised how much more fun the game is when youre playing with bots instead of mentally ill meth junkies
warrior or bdk, bear if you're mentally retarded. There others are straight up shit
So what's the deal with professions? I picked up skinning and leatherworking but idk how any of this works in wow at all. I've just been skinning everything and seem to have my skill maxed now. I picked up some knowledge items through completionism but am not sure really where to go from here. Kinda wanna swap leather for cooking too. advice?
cooking and fishing are secondary professions, you can always have them in addition to your two main ones
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>Sucks u
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vulpera say hi
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I always wanted the band to get together again but this is just way too fucking late for me to care. https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/60172498/#q60204462
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I will be tanking your random dungeon today. I'm pulling all the mobs. You won't survive.
yep i just can't play caster after years of melee
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why do my abilities mistweaver feel like they have this big input delay on it? this doesnt happen with any other spec, but everything on mw feels so sluggish, like i have negative haste stat
>start cast
>start cast
>knock back
>start cast
>one of the 300 mobs in the pull kicks you
>start cast
>mob dies before it finishes
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hey ive noticed this too
and it is not like i have shitty haste
i press tiger palm and for some reason it feels like the ability only goes through at the end of the gcd
instead of instantly happening
which is weird
Did Stonevault, City of Threads and the Sacred Flame dungeons while leveling and felt like they were all right, I had fun. Today at max level I got hit by Drkflame Cleft, City of Echoes and the Meadery one, holy garbage dungeons.
Please save me..! I'm giving it my 100%
I fucking hate Gorlocs, their annoying sounds and the way, whatever place you encounter them, their spawn rates seem faster than the reproduction rate of rabbits.
brehs how do I gear up
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what on gods green earth has happened to this game
>Salandria little blonde orphan girl
>grows up and is given lesbo pixie cut
leave my daughter alone you retard fucks
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I'll try monk and dk and if i don't like it then back to warrior, this is torture
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this is more like it
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Do people not feel the need to take Blood Tap for Blood DK? I always thought it was a nice little bit of utility when you need it, but would you say it's even good nowadays? Maybe situational?
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>dx 11 or 12?
DX12 should improve performance in CPU-bottlenecked scenarios, like in raids. If your card supports DX12, use that.

>what does vrs do?
Variable Rate Shading. It reduces the quality of certain shaders to improve GPU performance. In theory it should be almost unnoticeable, it's supposed to be "free performance"; in practice I've only tried it in RE Village and Monster Hunter Rise... and it sucks ass in both of these games. The drop in visual quality is obvious and the framerate doesn't even improve by that much.
Try it out. Again, this only helps the GPU: if you're CPU-bottlenecked it won't improve the framerate.
thank you anon
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me when i see mentally ill gooners posting on wowg.
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Oh, and Resample Quality doesn't do anything unless you're running the game at a lower or higher resolution than what your monitor supports (ie, Render Scale lower or higher than 100%).
If you're upsampling (below 100%), FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) should be the better option. If you're downsampling (higher than 100%), Bicubic should be better.

If in doubt, keep the render resolution at 100% and ignore these options.
Which delve is considered the easiest for the purpose of Bountiful Delve runs?
just play marks hunter lol
especially if you're worried about aoe burst, salvo multishot -> rapid fire does like ten million damage in 2 gcds
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my angry wife...
Most WoW players try not to add extra buttons to their bars. They will always take the passives route when available.
I'm not the gm, but it made sense for me that a wowg guild gets people from wowg.
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>now playing: Earthen Countryside A
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we dork sulls
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so much comfy kino
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Nothing looks good this month
i don't like the CLASS FANTASY
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When are we getting that hair...style
Bro your face
me but with ohnara plains
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That's exactly why I stay in my own guild. Trust me, that shit always backfires. Never do such a thing. Keep a close community of only real friends. Never let randos in.
>First time playing agian
So uh, professionwise, should i just go with flower picking?
I won't have the time to invest into professions in the longterm
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>PvP in WoW
thats fine world of warcraft hunter kind of sucks
Flowerpicking and rock farming or skinning
Just sell your mats on the AH
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Also, what's this quest? It has an icon i have never ever seen before
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Would u prefer to fight me in Tekken instead?
Bring it, bitch.
Why? It's asymmetric combat fighter as a counterpart to the frontline infantry fighter that is the warrior.
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That quest unlocks eredar skin for draenei, the red or purple goat skin with different eyes
oh ur the same alisatroon from tekg
kill yourself
Most fun melee spec for single target?
Most fun melee spec for multi target?

Don't care how meta they are just has to be satisfying.
Ahh okay!
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and the one who makes the fallout threads, and the one who posts in total war threads..
You can't escape me.
Everyone goes on about how great crafting is now... but the best thing to do is just gather ingredients and put in a crafting order to get shit made for you. Even if it costs you 5k and all of your own mats, it's WAY cheaper than the effort of leveling a crafting profession

The only exceptions to this are tailoring and engineering - tailoring because you need it to gather cloth now, and engineering because you need engineering skill to use anything made by it
how do I gear up and find a guild???
post cock
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hahhaha i want to play as a super skinny dude
That's against the rules
the zones are so big in terms of ceiling like that looks so stupid like a cave that wasnt manmade shouldnt be that big.
What is the one on the right wearing?!
fempanda brewmaster or femgoblin disc priest
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really seems like an everyone but western american realms problem, like blizzard just fixed things for themselves and have no performance metrics going elsewhere. haven't tried in 24hrs but basic posting gear/cosmetic stuff for me has been permanently throttled pretty much the full time on eastern realms since EA began. at least yesterday western stuff was closer to normal reset day and just a little slower, and not starting at the action limit and only allowing a post every 15-20 seconds like east has been.

it was even worse than the normal throttle. it'd be nice if the ah was actually split and not a big fake clusterfuck because outside of reagents it's about 85% the same people as usual. the power user types don't leave and it's just going to be a few extra multiboxers trying to snipe recipes or mogs on realms. those types of scans get cut down hard in under a minute but it seems like they are treating everyone like that almost from the start. the few characters i have with longer favorite lists hang just loading that and normal posting without tsm is even bad.
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Troll heritage but using this
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Why do i have this quest marked as important?
Dear God the new Player Experience is beyond bad
how are people getting renown 16 for that best vendor item?
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>Decide to do all the side quests before heading to the next zone
>First area is okay
>Get to Ringing Depths
>Shit tons of worthless side quests
>They all have several parts to it
>Keep being forced to go back and forth and back to the first zone
>Ding at lvl 80 just as I enter Hallow

What a fucking dog shit zone it wasn't even cool or anything. Like the only thing that was maybe okay was seeing the kobolds get their own place and the goblin spa with an immortal ghost.
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It's almost rep day!
that means it's part of the main campaign, or am I missing something?
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Because that is the quest that leads you into The War Within content
It is marked as important so new players know which quest is important to take to get to the new stuff
based and rep pilled.
Its an episode of
>chinkoid tank chain pulls to show off what a badass hardcore dude he is in this leveling dungeon where he scales absurdly and cant die
>but he's actually a total shitter maintains positive threat on less than 1/3 of the pulled mobs and theres a dozen or more loose running around hitting the dps and healer causing multiple deaths slowing the clear overall and forcing him to repeatedly grind down huge packs by himself while people run back
but you know hes a big bad dude who definitely does not have a tiny pathetic asian pp because he plays a tauren death knight with an edgy bones transmog and he pulled 30 mobs a in a level 72 dungeon.
from frostmourne and chatspamming/emoting in automated addon moonrunes btw, so you'd know that like a real pro player he kicked one of the literally 20 casters he pulled while other 19 spam void bolts on the healer.

god i fucking hate inferior complex subhumans and retarded shit they do to compensate.
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Other races in Troll heritage set drops the top layer detail of the set and they just wear the wraps beneath.
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But i got this quest right after login
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>you can still abuse phasing in world pvp
they just don't give a fuck lmao
Slayer Arms for both unironically
Oh, I think Harbinger quest was for the pre-patch storyline, to get players ready
You can do it or not, still relevant to storyline should only take a few mins
Soooo.... delves are just Torghast but worse
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oh my bad, you're a troon
uh, ret paladin is probably more your speed. make sure its a human male with the ashbringer transmog and scarlet crusade tabard
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>tank starts gathering mobs
>retards start bursting mobs before tank gathers them
>healer heals the bursting retards getting agro too
>tank proceeds to solo the pull

The saddest part is the retards don't realize they are the retards.
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>Hated SL for all the npc talking slow
>They double down even more with the earthen dwarves but also make it so they have no emotion
>Always run into one of them that talks forever about shutting down

I don't give a fuck about some npc I just met and then they do it all over again anyways. You are fucking worthless titan shit left overs.
>I can do a bunch of +3 and get heroic gear in the vault
Comfyness detected
It always comes back to warrior doesn't it.
>smack enemy
>simple as
I come from xiv and threat generating is vastly different here.
bros.. they did it... it's comfykino...
we fucking won...
he's looking kind of stacked
i cant deal with everyone in the game thinking youre a retard so i cant play hunter paladin or druid
what it does, it does very well
with no fluff or gold lightbeams shooting out of every orifice
Is there gonna be bloody token gear when the season starts or did they get rid of that shit?
Haven't played that in years but the main difference is that not all tank specs have spamable aoe ability while gathering mobs.
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What is the point of comp stomp
the elite paladin Turalyonn will hear about this, you just wait
man retribution doesn't feel strong, am I doing something wrong?
I mean, the whole point of a wowg guild to have people from wowg.
strong compared to what?
its a support class. you aren't really supposed to do as much damage as a real dps, or be as tanky as a real tank. it's a hybrid
Same as any other brawl, a stupid little gamemode you are only meant to play once per week for the weekly quest. BUT without the other normal pvp weeklies available yet, spamming comp stomp is the current fastest way to farm honor.
You need to use a butt plug while playing that spec.
With the release of the new expansion is it possible to do follower dungeons starting at level 10? Is dragonflight in the leveling rotation yet?
easy honor farm to get alts into to pvp gear with having them murdered by geared pvpers in bgs.
What's with the Ret hate? Has there ever been a more persecuted class in the history of the WoW?
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I don't get the point of the resto druid's hero talents? Like one is just doing slightly more healing or the other is doing some weird extra damage that just increases healing you get. It barely even procs...
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>It barely even procs...
yeah i wish it proccd more
especially the dmg portion
And that's a HORRIBLE point. Like, I couldn't think of a more dumb thing to do. I'd rather post my address in here.
shamans (by blizzard)
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Ret has always attracted the worst type of players, even as far back as vanilla when it was an unplayable meme spec.
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I just won a 1v2 fight vs aff lock&rogue
Yeah, you gotta wait a good couple seconds for the tank to use some abilities and get that meter going
Is there a reason why they locked regular flying despite it being 100% worse to use? Skyriding is just better.
sod fixed this problem

>retribution doesn't feel strong
Mate their hero talents are insanely strong
i turn on regular flying if im lazy
fury is TOP dps
they pretty much gave hybrids all the tools in the world to do everything now so they're not just relegated to healing/supporting, and big surprise the game is a giant fucking mess. the best part is, both shaman and paladin are so busted, yet they are STILL complaining and demanding more. paladins in particular.
you give these cunts an inch and they take literal miles
you dont understand paladins really needed the brez it was the dps with the lowest amount of utility
how does rare work? are they all on long timers, day specific etc? I've not found a single rare
raw kino
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Just better u say? In no way. It's my preferred way to move around. Lemme see u hover in skyriding.
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>SoD is a homogeneous mess
>retail isn't
I'm currently playing a Stormbringer Enhancement Shaman, and I like it really much
do you know how the other heroic specs work? do they play nice?
im not talking about retail. paladins dont have a brez in sod, although that might actually be cool and thematic for the class
people who play the game (the devs included apparently) only view the game through the lens of wowlogs parses, and not all the parses, the top 10%. if their class isn't in the top 10% it's automatically dogshit. so what if your paladin can heal, go invincible, remove all kinds of debuffs, gets a free mount, has strong buffs etc. not comparable to warrior dps? ITS DOGSHIT BUFF IT BLIZZARD
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would u trust dis shammy?
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Nuwow looks so bad holy
i didn't mention retail
but yeah, i dont disagree with you
Post face
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Modera could fucking GET it
>get told to just queue into heroics and do them as a newbie
>dungeon where I have no fucking clue where to go, huge ass map with enemies everywhere
>make it to boss, starts doing wipe mechanics that I don't understand
>party disbands
great advice guys thanks for that one. i'm going back to grinding rep
Remember when there was a dark faction
remember when there were genuinely dark undertones in WoW
Like when you entered outlands and there was a road across the entire zone made of the bones of drenai
now its all avengers disney shit and both factions are basically the same
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this is what follower dungeons are for
also git gud lmao (unironically)
you can skin now without a skinning knife?
When the FUCK are they going to fix their 25 year old dying servers? The fucking ping in these heroics feels like its a full second, i swear sometimes the skill doesnt go out until after the next god damn GCD
Made me swap to the other game, community in wow has been dogshit for decades now
New players get literally NOTHING
What happened to Hunter that made everyone hate it? Outside of the lackluster Hero Talents BM hunter seems literally the same as it was in Dragonflight
I did follower dungeons up to 80, I just hadn't done that one yet. I'm literally brand new to this game bro, I don't have addons to play for me or experience to know wtf any of this is. That's why I asked for advice and was told they're faceroll ez and to just queue. It was shit advice clearly, I'll watch guides next time.
Sounds like a you problem
You now remember Legions Class halls
cute boobas
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3rd 80 acquired!
imagine the lifetime you're wasting.
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what's your ilvl anons?
It takes 3 hours to get to level 80 anon...
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Grats 'mon

I go eep, goodnight wowo gee
if im running druid of the claw guardian do i still want to pick up the galactic guardian lunar beam talent line?
G'night King.
581. I think once I upgrade all this heroic gear it'll be bumped up.
Cursed with a shit belt and turboshit bracers that I can't seem to get rid of from heroic dungeon spam.
But I have 11 worthless 571 chestpieces though because RNG is FUN!!!!!
ret unironically flows super well
>on phone
>click on spoiler message to read it
>it's a link
>forcibly immediately launching me to some website
putting links in spoilers should be a bannable offense
>hero talents ruins my spec
Yeah great thanks for that one Blizzard.
How? Just dungeon spam?
Is honeymoon over? Is it worth getting TWW?
why isnt your cock in my mouth you fucking loser
Let's be honest

This is clearly a half orc and whatever elf got cucked thinking it's their son, is retarded.
what a nice ass
not at all
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>Create a dungeon with original ideas and enviorement hazards that dosent allow you to bot it while alt-tab
>Players "NOOOOOOOO worst dungeon ever do NOT dare to add It on Mythic+ Blizzard, or ESLE"
New nelf capital is in DF
Cause its in mine, bitch.
I love me some big muscular space goats
wtf let me get the balls then
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After running this dungeon as a tank, I now understand it entirely and think it's fun and quick. My first time through as DPS I was SO fucking confused on what was even going on. The moment I ran it as a tank, it all clicked naturally and I wasn't confused anymore. I think the openness of it scares players.
do tell
>join bg
>enemy team 3 assa rogues affliction warlock
>your team dog shit
>thought it was a cool dungeon
>hear people hate it
>look up the reasons
Thread turned pretty gay all of a sudden.
yeah you showed up
seriously is no one else lagging in dungeons?
Well first off, it's unnatural to be able to use your mount in combat. That's weird as shit and goes against natural instinct when it comes to WoW.
Second, people are bad at controlling their dragon flying because they're MMO players and they've never played another game in their lives.
Third, there's so many enemies that you're capable of skipping that it probably really confuses players when they see all this shit at once. This isn't an issue when tanking because you can just guide everyone else to the right spot with pings and naturally lead the way.

>Ship jumping
>First boss
>Go to the church
>Go the little house
>Second boss (with optional third general if you give a shit)
>Back to ship
>Third boss
>Follow the golden balls
>Third boss continued

I just think it's a simple case of players getting overwhelmed.
Do they have to make every woman in this game ugly now I don't even care if she is dark. Just I am tired of the ugly dyke cuts and she has the most retarded design. Did they drop Talia and Wrathion for this bitch?
>join bg
>enemy team decent
>your team 2 under geared ret paladins
>gold from wow tokens going down
fuck, what do?
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i hate mages so much
so squishy and i never see them iceblock
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>blizzard made MORE dragon riding dungeons
so glad I didn't buy this garbage lmao
mostly easy mog farming with the marks. i don't pay much mind to pvp gearing but it's probably decent catch up gear for anybody. i know df was giving sparks pretty easy too.

they start at 10 and i think it does the df popup starter on log in for anyone under 68.
i did them all when they came out originally and unless you are overgeared or just have to get up to do something every 5 minutes i wouldn't really recommend them for anything past one time quests.
Least we don't have to look at Alexstraza in the loading screen anymore
Im glad we dont have to talk about
>muh feelings
>but im a dwagon
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A moment of rest before returning to the grind...
The only people who can't dragon ride at the most basic level are either
>keyboard turners
>only game they have ever played is wow
My computer just shits itself going too fast on it and slam against a wall and disconnect.
>You don't like eating shit because you just can't HANDLE IT!!!
I guess you got me anon, more shit for you to gobble up
does arctium stuff works in 5.0
BDK rotation feels clunky.
or pet little frightened critters
this shit eaters cant help them selves
if this post ends in 9, on god t-dubs is bussin
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>open the game for the first time since dragon flight release
>first thing I see is anduin crying big ol baby tears in his twink outfit
>close window before the cutscene is even finished
yeah, nope. WoW just isn't made for people like me anymore, moving on
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Besides the three pieces you can get from reputation vendors what else is there for 580 gear.
Elites don't drop it from what I've seen.
this white girl has 100% taken black cock
I think I will pick up TWW during black friday sale. I hear dragonflight was quite good and TWW is even better.
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very organic posts
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Did she vote for biden and get the vaxx too you porn brained freakazoid?
Should I spend my Alchemy points in flasks or potions?
>join losing bg team half dead with 0 kb
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>be me
>do thing
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You guys also find yourself never pressing Vamp Strike?
Especially when I hit Vamp Blood and all of the heart strikes turn vamp strike.. I just.. don't wanna press them. That's a horrid idea. I wanna keep pressing blood boil and death strike. Why would I ever wanna press a shitty button?
The entire tree is only for the Lichborne buff and AoE movement speed. But that's still miles better than the other trash tree.
i dont think its too bad, just a little rocky at the very start of a pull if you dont rune wep or have no boner shields
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>he isnt ilvl 626
Flasks, get the extended time.
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cheevies... mounts... mogs...
these are the pillars...
don't bother with sanlayn, it just aint right mechanically
this post was brought to you by exterminate gang
>join fresh bg
>team all 4mil hp undergeared
take the blood tap talent and then macro it to your marrowrend, after the marrowrend cast in the macro sequence.

dramatically smooths out bloods opener
>finally encountered gatherer bots at a node
it's fucking over
Gotta be honest with you bros
Don't think they cooked with this expansion so far...
So explain to me, what is the significance of doing PvP/BGs atm? Rep?
Getting your green gear
Getting your full honor gear ready for the season

There is also gem/recipes you can buy with honor that sell for a lot
Nothing, it's just a mini-game anon
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>War Within
>No conflict within Alliance, no conflict within the Horde
>No conflict between Alliance and Horde
>Its quite literally just some skirmishes happening between the locals in a couple underground zones

Cool, very epic.
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>The Dawnbreaker
>Darkflame Cleft
>The Meadery
>City of Threads
As a new player, please don't tell me there are more dungeons like dawnbreaker. That was one of the worst instances I've ever experienced in an mmo (no not because you have to fly for a mechanic on the first boss)
Look at the post above you
no dawnbreaker is a very oddball dungeon.
ther are a couple like i scattered through WoW, but like maybe 1 dungeon in 30 is some weird thing like that.
You can't queue into Solo Bg Blitz unless you are fully geared in pvp green minimum. You need around 11k honor to get all items.
I can get that for 15 points, question is if I want to go all in on flasks or if potions are better profit early on.
I have the recopies for the currently most in demand flasks and potions (by blowing up a ton of times), but I am not sure which usually has better profit margins when you are invested in the tree. I have never been an alchemist, but I kinda enjoy it so far.
Darkflame Cleft is the worst one
>>No conflict within Alliance, no conflict within the Horde
why the fuck would you want this THOUGH?
this never happens with the Alliance, and when it does happen to the Horde it ends up killing one of their leaders
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>11k honor for FULL gear set
>7.5k honor for ONE profession recipe
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Why is this system so shit? If a bot endlessly lists and delists an item you literally cannot buy it anymore
have fun killing people lmao
next season would be very funny
So are they planning on making delves timed like everything else? I used to be okay with Torghast but they changed it to force you to rush it. I just want to take my time without worrying I am cucking myself on rewards.
I don't like the that boss because you can't dismount early. I always sail through the air using my flight momentum when I'm heading into combat so I feel like a bad dude. if I dismount early it's a 50/50 if I clip straight through the floor of the ship.
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>comp stomp is up
luv memes
luv gooning
simple as(s)
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why did she suddenly get gray hair?
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>Grim Batol and Siege of Boralus as M+ dungeons
turned white from the grief of seeing dalaran blasted
should've been a toggle you can turn on whenever you want blizz devs have -2 INT
I so fucking love bots in normal dungeons I can afk, eat and use the restroom without stress. How long have they been in the game?
is this canon?
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orc cum removing the blonde dye
Mid dragonflight? I think around there. Yeah, I agree its great. Free buffs and mage food too. Can spend 2 hours in the same dungeon without some fag zooming through.
Uhh.. u want me to pick the horrid trash tree instead or what?
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just downloaded this on friday, my warlock was squashed to 14 and now im 20
do i buy sub or buy dlc
if i play casually will i get to 70 in 3 months? thats the only sub time i feel comfortable buying considering a month is 20 bucks here
Mana residue from the explosion at theramore
Sub first and if you don't burn out you can pass the time farming old content or something if you are close enough to an actual sale.
>if i play casually will i get to 70 in 3 months?
bro this isn't vanilla. you can hit 80 in a couple of hours.
I miss Xy'mox.
I miss the brokers in general.
It takes you a day max to get to 70 lol. And then a couple more hours to 80.
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Like, I've got the choice between a couple really good talents and a tree of absolute garbage.
Did they really trivialize levelling that much?
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Nobody would still be playing this game if leveling took as long as Vanilla. Hell they had an entire expansion (cata) for the sole purpose of making leveling not so shit.
Sure but it still took a good ten or fifteen hours to level.
>put item in AH
>it disappears
>try to buy some items
>item doesn't exist anymore

Huh, so this is it.
ground damage is still so fucking poorly telegraphed
like the yellow piss stains in sacred priory dungeon
>6 hours ago
so do i just spend 20 bucks for a month and see how it goes? ill do that then

how do you guys do your subscriptions? how locked into wow are you, like yearly sub or do you come and go
"And afterwards I say, Oh goodie! Me can't believe me survived that one! Heeheeheeheeheehee!" Said the fat rapist.
"Unfathomable odds." Remarked the Forsaken Magister. "Especially the part where Kael'thas, who owed you a favor for saving his life, swapped out the grenade with a dud 10 years earlier. And to think your alter ego tulpa Dark Grogtar the Hedgehog then swapped them back in self-destructive fit of angst and fury... Truly, you would be dead if it weren't for your adamantium skeleton and healing factor."
Remember how long it took for them to fix the sire denathrius red swirlies on the red floor in the red room with the red lighting while fighting the red boss with his red sword spamming red abilities?
wtf pvp season is 9 10
why do people keep blaming dungsinger
metzen knew
he liderally voiced thrall
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Yes it's 100% albanian autism
oh, and do i just do quests and stuff to level? is there any locked paths if i dont do quests and just keep doing dungeons or whatever

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Preach brother.
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deathbringer is the meta tree though, simply better in every form of content
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help me pick my color scheme (weapon, hair)
i kinda like the new september green tabard since its such a nice looking green, reminds me of the older DND art.
reverse baladar
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>tanks picking damage talents
That's where I leave the m+ group as healer
On a fresh account it will direct you towards the Dragonflight expansion to level to 70. Expansions have a main story questline now that's easy to follow.
>sh*dowlands mentioned
A tank is supposed to pick the defensive talents so he isn't forced to run away from the adds like a weak little bitch
Red or blue. The blonde doesn't mesh well with green skin.
san'layn currently does not function. the ratios are too low so it doesnt actually work
it's better defensively as well but apparently you cnnot read
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thoughts on the nice green tho?
It came back up yesterday I dunno how long for I managed to get that glyph I wanted. I would avoid blendering(list) your items until its fixed.
>buy expansion + 1 month game time
>can only play a week of the season
this is an old character that i made but never played, im currently in orgrimmar just doing quests that feel kinda familiar like that lumber machines one

im a bit confused with where and what i should be doing, so if i sub and start the dragonflight dlc i should be able to level fine with that?
>>tanks picking damage ta-ACK
I like the green tabard but am also unsure if it would mesh well with the red or blue hair.
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Why did they add these?
Go find Chromie in Orgrimmar. She is a little gnome bitch standing on top of an hourglass. She lets you pick what expansion you want to level in.
red > blue > green
why did i use 65 bucks for this
>so if i sub and start the dragonflight dlc i should be able to level fine with that?
You talk to Chromie to pick what expansion you want to level through. DF is gonna be the newest and most polished one.
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see the bottom :>
song for your troubles anons
I completely forgot I bought the Epic edition when pre-order opened. Feels good to have a job and money bro's.
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>comp stomp also gives valorstones
It's still top left
Bottom left red hair with green tabard is the best now that I'm seeing all versions of this. The colors just match well since red/green are already complementary colors.
ok thanks guys, feels kinda fucked knowing i dont have the common knowledge the majority of players have
it took me a while to figure out where to resummon my mount
Who cares, at least it does SOMETHING. The other tree forces the DK to give up his deathstrike and boneshield cause that stupid spell costs runes.
Am I tripping or did they add more realms with War Within?
anyone else just zone out when quests appear
it literally refunds the runes you cast on it + has a 50% chance of giving you more free runes on top of it
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Is mage just squishy in general or just earlygame? I wann play some cool caster character but I can only fight 1 enemy at a time, while my evoker can do basically whatever I like and feels way better to me.
Only problem with evoker is that the dragon race looks like shit while mage has cool armor looks.
And I'm not sure if I'm gonna like warlock honestly.
Sometimes I forget my own name desu
Shadow Priest? Elem Shaman?
ok so you're retarded. got it
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>4195 valorstones needed to upgrade the rest of my shit
Oh my fucking god.
mage's solo ability is balanced around the fact that they get infinite free goyslop to eat between pulls
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thank yee once again anons..hair choice now?
Does it have the mega extra power generation of heart strike? no?
Does it generate boneshield like marrowrend? no?
Does it make bloodshield? no?
Does it skip global CD? no?
Well... that makes it the worst button to ever press.
A blood DK build 12 boneshield, spreads plague, then cycles through heartstrike, bloodboil, deathstrike, repeat.
There is 0 room for that shitty skill that deals LESS damage than a single deathstrike without heals or shield.
I have never in my life seen a more worthless button to press in blood and this is no joke. It's fucking horrendous.
3rd still
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>you will never go space adventures on a broker ship
I prefer the 1st one. My second favorite would be the 4th one.
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How are those 2? Shadow Priest looks very cool visually, no clue about shaman.
I'm only like lvl 20 with mage but I'm an insanely slow leveler
xymox was cool
>that deals LESS damage than a single deathstrike without heals or shield.
based nigger incapable of delaying gratification
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>Upgrading this trash gear
If you want a cool caster that's hard to kill I would try shaman. Mage is not a really easy class it's kind of a noob trap despite what people say about it.
Brokers and Revendreth were the only good parts off that abortion of an expansion.
Scalie gets literally everything furries wish they had mechanicly in WoW. Second expansion and still insanely strong.
death strike does 100k damage, a fully buffed Reaper's Mark does 300k in a small AoE. You are actually a 70 IQ nigger unfit to live in modern civilization
What else am I gonna do? I might as well be strong for whatever upcoming shit there'll be. Yeah it's gonna be easily replaced in some mythics but that's forever from now.
thanks anons
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Deathstrike hits for 200k, that trash shit reads 120k dmg in my talents.
Can you not even read you illiterate fucktard?
Yeah, and costs 2 runes and a GCD, which could have been spent to cast a heartstrike to fund another deathstrike.
.. lemme guess, you leanred math in the fucking ghettos of nigmurica

And in the end you haven't tanked anything, u know, the thing you are supposed to do as tank.. TANK.. no, you dealt less damage, didn't build any shield and didn't heal.
You are beyond stupid.
i need gear
so im trying out arms warrior with the hero talent Demolish and i dont know if im crazy or if the game is just buggy but it feels like, at times that the last strike you do just.. doesn't do anything or register as a hit? the 1-2 strikes all show damage numbers but last strike, nothing. it seems bit random too that at times everything seems to work completely fine.
>Can you not even read you illiterate fucktard?
you're the one who read 1/4 of the text on an ability and then complained it doesn't make sense
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Alright, I'm out. I am diagnosed with autism but you are clearly on the intelligence level of an american.
This won't go anywhere.
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Ik who made this zone, but they cooked.
>americans wake up
>thread goes shit
really funny that all overworld enemies instantly become boss battles once you hit level cap. level scaling is so fucking stupid
Reminder that this pass user retard is the same guy who thought pres evoker's echo was a useless ability at a time where it was doing 50% of their healing (he was also bricking 15s by doing 50k HPS in season 2 gear)
>get about 3k gold each time healer is in need for heroic dungeons
>for content i would have done anyway
thanks i guess
is it worth getting herbalism to support my alchemy needs for M+, or would I be better off getting something like tailoring for an income and then buying the herbs?
DONT farm wax anymore
dust bags gives 8-10 storm dust now
seriously though when are we going back to 10 man raiding? surely they realize no one likes mythic raiding as it is rn
what's that
dust bags? elaborate?
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wot keyboard should i get bros, playing this has made me realise that using this keyboard isn't quite up to scratch anymore
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having a blast
we are so back
Yeah they nerfed it around 12-13 hours ago
don't engage with the passfaggot he does this on every general he's genuinely brainless
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>hmm hmm hmm...
mein godt.
you should be able to upgrade any gear to the highest possible ilvl
the valor system was fine
this crest system is retarded
I like crests better
>you cant even report people ingame for spam anymore
Wrong opinion.
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>you can't even rape alliancecucks in the head until they suck your balls and uninstall
based Welshman
oh you're from new zealand?
>you can't even
>164g from a dragons rider purse

why are they so jewish this xpac?
>new zealand
I am one with allah
this anon is built for BBC
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name 1 advantage this needlessly convoluted system has
they know everyone has 45 level 70 alts from mop remix
It's not tied to your faggot m+ rating so you can actually progress without needing to do faggot dungeons for faggots (like you)
don't reply to me btw, I already won.
I feel like the last strike (which is the only aoe one) doesn't go off if the mob you are targetting dies.
>big pull
>use big 10 stack demolish
>mob i am targeting dies
>lmao 0 dps for you faggot
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>needlessly convoluted
bro probably needs assistance to breathe
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i know you're a clueless newfag into blood dk but imma just let you know this singular talent mogs the entire sanlayn tree by a big margin defensively so your argument about tanking is irrelevant
sanlayn is a complete failure of design and you'll find out why once you do anything above heroics m0 for the first time
yea but other WQ give over 800 for collecting like 6 bugs or so
progress what
if you're doing mythic you're going to do m+ anyway
yeah this is what im experiencing, but even when the target is alive, i still get like 0 dmg at times. its very inconsistent
That reminds me of how Travis Willingham (Turalyon, Gazlowe) goes by the name Rapebeef or something in CoD.
rapist is NOT a class
here's my takes (im very important)

>killings rares is fun
getting some random warbound stuff is fun even if i probably only toss it in the warbank and enjoy the illusion i might use it on some alts
too few toys, too many shit where you first have to meet some prerequisite
>questing feels stupid
there's hardly any rewards, no [5] quest for rares or whatever, i just been doing tons of sidequests and there's 0 rewards except very rarely
>dungeons are meh
i dont hate them i dont love any. there's hardly worthwhile dungeons quests and the questgivers arent in the instance
>dornogal is cool
>delves could be cool maybe?
>streamlined profession specs are cool
but there's still too many different mats and everything is extra expensive just to keep you busy i guess which is bad
>free for all pvp areas
what is the point
>worldsoul event
no fucking clue, anyone got worthwhile rewards for a highscore?
>hallowfall northeast bonfire quests
just for some currency? its way too propped up

also how many tokens are you idiots buying on EU? holy shit the price is almost at NA levels
damn i thought he's a genuine newfag to wow, embarrassing lol
Never played WOW before. Just watched videos of others playing it.
Is it worth it for a newbie to get into it now.
Since I am starting now when the game is already 20 years old, how much work do I have ahead of me?
no he's just a pug lord shitter who thinks hes better than everybody while performing well below average and refusing to learn to play properly
wtf I love turalyon and gazlowe now
>page 9
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business is booming!
No. Fuck off astroturfer.
>7 hours ago
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Which one lads
and this is a good thing
Herald of the Sun, because it pisses people that hate Tauren Paladins off.
the ai slop looking one
So reached lvkl 80 what do I do now? how do I fight the evil void woman
Templar, deus vult!
Yea. Pick one of the new player realms, or an RP server like Moonguard or Argent Dawn. Then just play the game lol
Where's the girl trying to push her threads? Seems like now was her perfect opportunity
Bros..... i might go Templar for the LIGHT
non-retarded replies only please. Thank you.
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Well shit
Why are you laughing? Is this a trick and Moonguard and Argent Dawn are hard?
>how do I fight the evil void woman
You need to properly equip yourself. Now, unfortunately, all of these leaders you'll meet, all of whom expect you to help them, and all of them that are covered in gold, silk, studded in gems, and surrounded my riches...
well, they're too poor to help you so you have to spend the next two months doing daily world quests, grinding through dungeons, and whatever else so you can afford to equip yourself to save them. Good luck anon!
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is that...
IM GOING... N'SANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Send help I though relogging would save me.
well something is always hard on those realms :^)
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/wowg/ has become insane
i tried templar but i get good results more consistently with herald, also feels it flows better but overall they perform about the same. at least from my experience in heroics
Outplayed and boring
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I was wondering why I couldn't just make a gun for my hunter friend and then saw "binds when picked up". That's why I wasn't seeing the engineering gun on the AH, too. That's retarded as shit, but I guess this is to encourage the crafting order system?
How is hunter?
Bro just enjoy the story dude
Not everything has to be about conflict
Every fucking wow youtuber just has 2 modes. Extreme dickriding (early in expansions) or shitting on the game (later). These people are like fucking robots.
So they are just like everybody else that talks about WoW?
Youtubers learned that controversy creates engagement which creates cash, but they mistakenly tried to apply that to the two more weeks and it's so over angles which doesn't work. People want fake anger, they don't depressives shitting on things.
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whats this?
WoW gets what it deserves.
I like to talk about my good WoW experiences and lament how I can't have those anymore for reasons that are only partially related to the game being designed and written by troglodytes now.
set in stone
Earthen duh
You know those street performers painted grey and standing motionless because being a statue is cool and talent apparently?
>maybe if I start pretending to be le enligtened centrist it will mask my obvious doomerism
wow won chuddy
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Well I had fun talking about WoW on the /tg/ threads in 2018 after Legion and it was fun to play Legion because I felt like a badass, I started in WoD by the way (but didn't raid until Legion (only did normal raids (no LFR though that's for casuals)))
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It's So Over in Two More Weeks
I Can't Breed
Can't have a general for a dead game.
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my stand after doing all the quests
ain't bothering with farming rep like a loser on alts

how do you get fast rep? I need to hit 4 to continue with the campaign
im about the same, just i think renown 5 with assembly
you can max the reps if you do the same kinda campaign quests on multiple alts? or are they warbound reps somehow capped
just do the side quests
Gay homosexuals still playing wow,amazing.
The achievement tab...

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