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Alleria and Xal'atath at the Dawntower, but the captions are inverted and reversed.

>Official WoW News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o03STclgxSc [Embed]
>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brOSi_rpGj4 [Embed]

>September Trading Post

Previous - >>492538347
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Dude, just let it die. Nobody is playing this garbage.
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>Hunter Narman says: Dawa! I must ask-
>Windsage Dawa says: Narman! I've brought you here to ask-
Dawa pauses for a moment in confusion and then laughs.
Narman errupts in laughter.
>Windsage Dawa says: Did we just?
>Hunter Narman says: We did. Want to get married?
>Windsage Dawa says: More than anything. I love you.
>Hunter Narman says: And I, you. More than anything
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What's the minimum cutoff for "sweaty" ilvl in the 1st week?

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post your ilvl
Oh damn it, I meant to keep the Alleria and Xal'atath half, but forgot to remove the part about captions.
revert double dip changes or else
>play caster
>start cast
>start cast
>knock back
>start cast
>one of the 300 mobs in the pull kicks you
>start cast
>mob dies before it finishes
how the diddly fuck did we get here
is anyone running keeper of the grove for balance? or is it all elune?

keeper looks a lot more fun but all the reccomendations are elune

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Thanks for the new thread OP
I can Breed
It's crazy how much better steady flying is when you're not traveling large distances.
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No I will not post my ilvl
But I will post my warband.
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THORGAST LAVA latest floor 5 stars gives 15k gold per run
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not as dead as your deleted character.
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water is wet
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>finally start doing the endgame campaign
>it turns out that not only was Baelgrim's sacrifice completely retarded and obviously contrived to replace him with another #itwasherturn girlboss, but on top of that he was also apparently the only person who knew a bunch of essential institutional secrets that will literally destroy the Stormriders entirely if no one can reverse engineer them
holy shit I hate these fuckers
i'm like 575 on 4 different characters cause i can't decide what to fucking main
626 (in Arenas and Battlegrounds)
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>The Fleet Arrives has been bugged since launch
>won't appear no matter how many times I try the wowhead comment's suggestions
>It's the one quest I need to get the rest of my deus vult set
Going to be real with you guys
Coming back to this game after playing classic feels hellish
It feels like theres no point to anything
It's all so.... soulless
I sense a lack of trust...
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>see rich mining node in the distance
>get to it
>it disappears
gotta love sharding
fucking over players for over a decade
>why doesn't the Troll Hunter trust a troll
who knows
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do we agree with her?
Just get good at flying. Practice your Skyriding in tight close quarter circuits. Dornogal is a good place to do it, there are lots of little open buildings with 3 or 4 doorways, such as Brann's place.
Practice using your speed boosts and dashing in and out of those buildings. Work on your turns and manoeuvring.
can you stop avatarfagging your nonsense posts that bring nothing to the discussion in this general
ever think they recommend shit combos to keep players down?
shadowlands poisoned any potential this character had
I want a return to Footman vs Grunt gameplay to be honest and I don't mean the shit in BfA I mean your starting peasant or peon builds a town hall and then you make more peasants or peons and then you mine gold and chop trees and then you build a barracks and a farm and then you train a footman and kill the enemy grunt or train a grunt and kill the enemy footman that was kino
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I've been appealing a perma ban since around 2007, they finally unbanned me today... I've just logged on. The memories man.
the problem with Anduin is that they keep writing him as a scared pussy who's going to eventually become cool in 2 more weeks for real! and then every expansion he resets back to the beginning
>wasting time getting gear that will be swapped instantly the second s1 starts when your professions will be permanently BRICKED if you don't farm all the weekly knowledge points with your alts

I seriously hope you guys don't do this
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They nerfed dust bags from the rubies.
what made them finally unban you?
You're retarded.
Is the awakening machine a fucking joke?
How is anyone supposed to fail at that?
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Unironically I asked chatgpt to craft an appeal for me, but I think maybe they took pity on me honestly.

I'm sure none of this stuff is worth anything / rare but it holds some personal value at least.
I think Anduin peaked in BfA and it would've been a pretty good place to set him on a shelf then move on to other characters. Also Sylvanas should've fucking died in BfA.
the item icons do look like tbc items
why did you get banned?
Why the fuck is the AH so slow?
but how would she have been able to tell the j'lor that she will never serve?
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wowinterface? curseforge? wha?

we are Vranxchads down here
They get off on emasculating Anduin it's painfully obvious at this point
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yeah im gaming
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>Also Sylvanas should've fucking died in BfA.
No, she should have married Anduin in BFA.
why did you buy the epic edition if you were banned?
I have never even in my life played WOW. I've played some other MMOs but never for long but they never interested me that much.
Recently I started replaying Warcraft games from 1 to 3.
While doing that, I realized that I have a kind of curiosity about classic WOW which I saw back in 2004 but couldn't afford, when Warcraft 3 was the coolest game ever. I kinda want to check it out, just run around watching the story and drinking the atmosphere. I don't give a fuck about raiding or endgame, I just kinda want to run around Azeroth in 3D for a bit, probably solo.
What is the best way to check out the Classic to about WotLK at this point? Official Classic servers? Private ones? Just running the server on my PC and running around in it alone?
Lack of other players is not a deal-breaker for me but it will probably be too empty without them, so I would prefer an option that has them, assuming it won't completely shit up the experience.
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Reminder for Sylvanas x Anduin shippers
nice, did you perma spam them or something? why were you banned initially?

i sold my shit in 2011 or something but can never get it back since my wow career was started on my friend's dad'S account
>restored coffer keys
>main source: world quests
>only 1 world quest offering 1/4 of a key

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imagine how bad the sales must be if they are unbanning the chuds
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I didn't stop playing when I was banned, I just made another account. I'm not really sure why I have that guy following me because I only paid for it on my main.
How old is Sylvanas supposed ot be anyway?
I know Alleria is supposed to be a lot older than her, even without the 1k years meme, and Vereesa a lot younger than her, but I don't think it was every really mentioned.
nah you're just uncoordinated and you move like you just got your body fairly recently
How is hunter?
My quest npcs and quest mobs are falling THROUGH THE FUCKING MAP

they are in the chests you get from doing worldquests, like the "elite" world quests that unlock once you've done three in one zone. Also the key shards are sometimes wq rewards.
there's should be a quest where you need to do 2 worldqs in that zone to unlock a worlq which rewards a whole key. also i got one from some shit like awakening the machines or some such

because countless joyless IT-professionals with 40 lvl10 vulperas or every realm compete for every single ressource just so they can feel like they didnt waste their life playing wow because they got "money" to show for it. also connected realms.
Goblins are sex, what else is new?
I hope you were kind in the GM survey
Classic WoW isn't really a game you can play alone. You can do quests but the quests are directing you into instanced dungeons that you need to do with a group. You can overlevel and solo the low level dungeons - eventually - but you don't want to do this.
I've only leveled as Survival, but that felt very face-rolly
if you're farming disturbed earth for example and hovering is required to actually see the small outlines because it's not on a map, dragonriding is going to be infinitely less efficient for that you mentally handicapped toad

I await your next 20IQ take
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>underground race
>one already seen in a delve
anons... i'm having a copium overload seizure... surely this is the expac....
Sylvanas was canonically barely more than a kid during Warcraft 2.
I need a 5th 80 before Wednsday, have done Warrior, Shaman, Priest and Hunter. Any suggestions?
ret templar has insane burst
stupidly insane
out of 10
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you can easily get 5 characters to 80 in a day anon...
Sethrak do not ss-serve.
sure I can, but I don't want to
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whoa dude
le big numbers
better nerf it quick!!!11 my tranny mind can't take Rets killing me!!!!!!!!
But you said you did...
2 subs*
are you poor?
is that karazhan gear?
pay up piggy! you want the bird, right?
you have mental instability
Reminder that they're also split between Faithful (Horde-Alligned) and Faithless (unalligned, but aided by the Alliance during a BfA questline)
So either the Faithless take up Xal'atath's offer and the Faithful become a Horde race, or (what is less likely) there will be a split in the Empire and Sethrak will become a neutral race, with the Faithful going to Horde and the (former) Faithless going to Alliance.
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I know that Ziv is often pointed at here
But what would you think if WoW got more "Dynamic" instances
By that I mean if each boss got it's own tracks, sometimes with vocal performance, sometimes not
>30 min queues as a dps
dead game damn
no, I just want to get a 5th until Wednsday, so I can level my Earthen at max efficiency. I already have 4 so I only need one more.
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I could forgive him being a bitch in BFA but I am just so done with him as whole. This was supposed the be the savior of the Alliance. He had the looks, titles and backstory and they threw it all away. Now he is actively abandoning his duties as king and taking lessons from a black woman. I honestly can't stand him now. He is legit a horrible king and in the running for worst king in WOW.
tranny sighted, tranny confirmed
let the killing begin
sounds like a gay way to waste the budget
Nothing about this is dynamic, they're doing shitty neon-colored mechanics in a tiny box and the game looks like shit (and the soundtrack sucks ass)
ziv music is dogshit and never ever fits the thing it's supposed to be paired with
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>Got this in a delve
>No one is selling them on the AH but they're selling the normal knives.
Maybe I should shit a few of these out...
wow players will never accept this just because it would remind them of og (they have an aneurysm everytime this happens)
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I genuinely think it might happen in a later patch, we just have to wait and see!!
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my good friend timbo just said "people who mog into full sets" are the wow equivalent of full kit wankers lmao I AGREE
The Horde and the Alliance unironically need fewer races, not more. If anything the Horde should be orcs only and the Alliance should be humans only. The war is over, the factions have no reason the exist.
ok hear me out
crafting all this shit with blacksmithing is so fuckigng expensive and getting the skill points takes forever
but i see that mining is really lucrative with easy skill points and only a bit of flying around
what do you think?
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This is wow at its core
Don't mention budget when your budget financed gay frogs and centaurs a few years back.
Denial, there is such a thing as "Objectively good" OG wouldn't be as popular as it got if it wasn't nailing it's score.
The fact that it's probably true is sad
Is it worth buying a fuckton of mats off the AH to level blacksmithing?
anon they are bop, you can only sell them through crafting orders
>try frost dk
>constantly full of runic power and runes
ill just stick to unholy
I'm a fucking retard....
>Don't mention budget when your budget financed gay frogs and centaurs a few years back.
it took some gay intern an hour to program that in and it's not the meat of the game. WoW has an endgame while ziv doesn't because it allocates all of their budget to flashy cutscenes that you watch once thus there's fuck all to do outside of trials and the MSQ
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damn I knew people were jews on tipping but holy shit
then you must be doing something wrong
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Why is Grom's hairstyle not in the game?
Only woman like Anduin. Any respectable man thinks he is faggot and can't stand these weak type males.
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They should just nuke the retarded allied race system and incorporate everything into the main races like picrel, unique ones like vulpera would just become a normal race
think the mag'har orcs got grom's hairstyle. and some of the orc hairstyles from the WoW movie
>OG wouldn't be as popular as it got if it wasn't nailing it's score.
the score is just completely generic uplifting orchestral sloppa over and over again
>OG wouldn't be as popular as it got if it wasn't nailing it's score
weebs are so unbelievably delusional it's unreal
you vill craft it goy
im a sigma.
>it took some gay intern an hour to program that in and it's not the meat of the game.
And it took several days for quest writers to write the script, the context and the location, each quest has a lot more work behind it than you think.
And it works
Then prove me wrong
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yea it's mining time
thats stupid...
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I still don't get why Xal'atath wants Alleria to do something?
Can anyone explain because now she is just teasing her. They honestly seem to be like a average lesbian couple at this point.
>And it works
no it's shit, random zone scores from WoW rape the shit out of even the best Ziv scores
keep up the good work anon, I will be buying
>did the theatre event 4 times
>only got 1 key

Is this normal?
I think something similair to your picture may happen in Midnight, since the two most obvious allied races to add would be high elves and amani trolls which are just recolours of the existing elves and trolls.
Or we just get diaper goblins for both factions
Xal'atath wants Alleria to cheat on her husband with her and suck her feet
no you're a faggot
yes, its a weekly
>They honestly seem to be like a average lesbian couple at this point.
Anon, just because they try to beat the shit out of each other doesn't make them lesbians
I want to play a caster. I'm leaning towards arcane mage because I love the talent where you randomly get time warp, or maybe shadow priest. I am not interested in ele at all.

Do you have any suggestions on which are most fun and not bad?
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>They honestly seem to be like a average lesbian couple at this point.
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you're welcome anon, soon im full on bismuth points
For the record this guy detransitioned
Didn't alleria have a woad eye tatoo or am I forgetting something?
I think that was supposed to be the void corrupting her, but who knows anymore
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I guess I'm a cuckold then
her blue wc2 tatoos?
she washed them off
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your game is just barely more popular than lost ark. most people don't give a fuck about it. if you asked anyone who touched video games about WoW they will know what it is but not XIV. At most they probably know it as a wow clone for pedophiles like every major streamer who tried it back in 2021.
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nice self flagellation floppy mace physics blizz
>Steam numbers
You realize you sound as retarded as the doomfag spamming Twitch numbers right?
Do races matter at all anymore? I can't find ANY opinions on which race is best for pve mage.
>delves don't matter
>hero talents are just regular talents
>another hideous new race
>account wide rep system and warbands even though everything you would was already shared account wide anyway
>spider suramar is terrible and full of glitches
great expansion retoilets
there's a reason why the ball and chain flail never actually existed, you know
flying ruins the game
spriest feeling kinda weak im ngl sisters
Twitch viewers are not players, so it's not even comparable.
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I'm thinking it's over for real this time.
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>buy now
>only 100k-1.5m gold anon
>buy buy buy
>too late for token hope you buy
>gonna be BMAH from here on out
HD Quel'serrar
>dumb gold beetle mount
>some troll stuff
>a polearm
Having a weapon that you have absolutely no control over half of the time is awesome anon, idk what you are talking about!
go do the same thing you already did 20 years ago for the 20th time you classic shitter
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>when the big dick energy comes straight for your face
meanwhile classicucks are munching on age-old shit in their dying, empty realms
i get just about the same and i went full mount
>spider suramar is terrible
opinion discarded
nta and don't play xiv, but you can't connect your original account to a steam ID so almost no one uses steam unless they're brand fucking new. It's not like PoE where using launcher is pointless so everyone is on steam
god her old look was actually perfect
>the gauntlet in darkflame cleft
this is going to be a nightmare in m+
You just know she lets that draconid on the right fuck her into the floor whenever no one's looking
she's so pretty bros
Did you come into this thread just to make yourself mad?
It's only 10 bucks that's like 1 big mac man
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Gnome cockstalker secret hero talents
He needs to get over it already and move on. I do think Faerin will teach him to use the Light again.
>a black, differently-abled woman is speaking about the Light. Be quiet and learn.
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Find a single flaw.
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One good thing about WoW becoming a single player experience is I can finally level these characters without some loser reporting me the second I log in
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was he a baby until now?
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>diplomacy removed
yeah ok and now? what do we get?
not pregnant with a litter of worgens
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I play brewmaster because I think it's comfy. Simple as.
The two littlest toes are about 4 miles long.
No, I play WoW more than OG lately, I just prefer XIV's way to handle it' score and think it would match well with WoW
Only trannies play that race
nothing, you got to abuse it for 2 decades so be happy
what does this shit do
I hope Faerin dies

two charges on your hearthstone
do i need to bind fire blast as a frost mage?real estate is full
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Human
>Female Blood Elf
>Female Void Elf
>Female Night Elf
>Female Pandaren
>Female Draenei
>Male Orc
>Male Kul Tiran
>Male Worgen
Meanwhile, your post will be REGARDED MORE HIGHLY if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Gnome
>Female Goblin
>Female Dwarf
>Female Worgen
>Female Undead
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.
You are not only stupidly fat, you're also stupidly retarded.
she sells a mount and a bunch of fomo transmogs starting at 100k gold, all going into BMAH rotation in one hour
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I found a gold making method that is netting me 10k/hour right now
make a youtube video about it
oh well i got 50k gold
human male paladin incel hands typed this
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i found a gold making method that is netting me 300k+ gold per second
its called a wow token because im not poor and my time is valueable
Share, anon!
No big draping cloak. The archers in WC3 had big cloaks that covered their whole bodies.
You and I both know Faerin will be leading the Alliance by the end of Worldsoul.
I make 30-40k just from gathering anon...hope this is fully passive
the greatest injustice is still that my remix guy didnt get to keep 36slot timerunner bags. come one that was unwarranted
in case the retarded faggot saying that Reaper's Mark does less damage than Death Strike is still here
I agree, especially since they didn't even give me replacements for the ones in my bank slots
wait who is saying that?
how can someone be that retarded
he is beyond retarded if he thinks the other hero tree is better than that one for blood lmao
she needs a knot
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>I've been going full fundies so I don't have to dismount.
S-sooon... How does gaining knowledge even work anyways?
I wish the idiot who told me it's impossible to keep >90% uptime on roll the bones was still here. I just done three dungeons and never dipped below 94%. Suck my dick retard
I play human male ret and I don't say this
I was just in Darkflame and the entire group got kicked and the dungeon reset
i love bliz
Come on now share with the class
what was the worst m+ dungeon ever and why was it uldashit
You guys said Comp Stomp was easy but we keep losing
Delap just scored
Ed Sheeran must be buzzing right now
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resto shammy is liderally just spamming riptide for ghosts
and using healing surge
absolute kinema
ya bud we're being overflowed with fotm retards that know nothing about the class
Anyone remember what even happened in dragonflight?
The only thing I remember was those tiktok advertisements where they samefagged to twitter criticisms.
so did we beat XIV or did we lose?
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i urinated in the dornagal bathing pools
Name fun specs for tank and dps please. I will really appreciate answers
major losses
For me, it's always paladin.
we defeated some villains that nobody gave a shit about
oh yeah alex mommy was there
that's about it
You're saying you can't hover while Skyriding? That's clearly a skill issue with you
blood and brew
idk what you like to do as dps ele
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This you?
I fucking saw you running around earlier.
Prot Warrior continuously remains fun to me for whatever reason, but I learn to Blood DK too.
I continuously want to play Brewmaster because it looks fun as fuck, but I think I'm too retarded for Monk.
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>Flail automatically starts bashing the gooner trannies face in
i am enjoying shadow priest but i feel like it's doing no damage compared to other classes
FUCK meant for >>492574351
Based WrA chad
I wouldn't bother getting out of bed for that
But I thought that we were supposed to all go YEAH STONEBRO when Stonebro did his thing and we clapped and cheered out loud!?
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I had sex with Alexstrasza for almost two years straight.
xiv is taking a massive L right now because dawntrail was shockingly bad
found a hyperspawn
~50k gold /3 min
How's fishing for gold making?
Join the prot warrior chads bro.
>How does gaining knowledge even work anyways?
i have no idea really, still wondering myself
i know you get some from vendors and treasures
some passpiggy in the last thread was trying to prove that Sanlayn was better than Deathbringer for Blood but doesn't understand how the base spec or either hero spec works and had a melty trying to understand how Reaper's Mark and Exterminate work
what's more efficent/smarter ?
>mining/herbing on all alts for alchemy/jc + enchanting/tailor mains
>herbing/tailoring for those mains

i guess mining cause i think cloth is cheaper on the ah than ore?
>How's fishing for gold making?
terrible but I'm only around 200skill, not even 1/5 of herb by itself. I just skip them now unless the pool is buried treasure
>tank spec
Enjoy finding a raiding guild lmao.
>S-sooon... How does gaining knowledge even work anyways?

First of all, I'm sorry.

There are basically 2 sources of knowledge points, also known as kp.
First are the one-time gains. These are the ones you get from gathering stuff for the first time and the rep ones. Notably, the world treasure ones (which give you like 24 kp total by themselves)
Then there are the weekly gains. Those are the "use to get 1 point" items you get. As well as the weekly. As well as the inscription thingies.

So basically, in practice, you start playing, you get a fuckload of them, then it goes to a weekly rhythm of about +10 a week Haven't done the math.
It's funny, this game had no flails until Legion added the mage tower challenge flail skin despite the fact that Warcraft: Orcs and Humans knights were armed with flails. How the fuck do you leverage a flail into mounted combat? The height advantage? You can get that with any other weapon.
did stonenigga even do anything in trannyflight? he was in the cinematic but just stood on top of the tower doing nothing all expansion
why do black people not play wow
yeah he was born during vanilla WoW.
Like there a whole dwarf questline Magni, then King of Ironforge, sends you on about Moira having been kidnapped and taken advantage of by Dagran Thaurissan the Dark Iron Emperor. You get sent into Blackrock depths to "rescue" her from "captivity" but in fact it turns out She ran away with Thaurissan willingly to get away from Daddy and she even helps him fight you. She was repalced with "Priestess of Thaurissan" in cata, but canonically thats Moira and she''s already knocked up, by her own design.
too complicated
>what do you mean you picked that hero spec? don't you know the other one is optimal? OOO:
Not enough players who are literally goku
wow is a brown man's game
Thanks bro, I guess I'll see if someone's made a map of all the treeasures yet. And the weeklies are just from the mining trainers right?
I'd imagine it gains tremendous momentum and an insane amount of pinpoint contact pressure on a shield but yea not great
For some reason, they combined the unbanned with my current account, so it looks a bit weird, I have double certain titles and achievements. I want to level this guy but think I might just keep him in his ultra TBC form.
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>just bullied a guildmate enough to make him quit
This is the kind of guy who would queue healer and tell you he won't heal if you take more than 1 pack at a time.
Trying to bring down others to their low level, can't wait for Blizzard to put explorer gear in follower dungeons so you don't have to interact with them.
I play wow and am black.
too busy having sex
nta but gathering professions also get a once weekly 4 KP as well as numerous 1 KP (not sure how many but it's at least 4) from gathering itself
You don't swing a flail forward. The horse's forward momentum is working against the momentum of the flail, if anything it's moving slower.
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Forgot pic
This but unironically. I don't know a single black male who plays anything other than Fifa and GTA. They're literally too busy having sex with white women to play a dumb white game like WoW
As a tank bad healers posses a good challenge to otherwise boring content.
Soloing packs while they seethe is always fun.
Stop harassing them, faggot.
that's not even remotely how physics works my brother. I've probably tutored 500 students on this exact problem so lmk if you need help understanding it, unironically
no way they combined them, you mean 2 licenses on the same battle net? they specifically posted like a year ago they dont practice that anymore but if they really did (eg you have your 2007 characters in the same character selection as the substitute ones you were playing while banned) then i guess you won bigly
What exactly was the lore? Wasn't Emperor Dagran brainwashed by Ragnaros or something like that?
This strengthens the theory that Orcs are actually germanic, not black. And it's unsurprising therefore why the Aryan master race faction of Orcs and Blood Elves dominate this game in every field while bluetarded allycucks suck lorepills to cope with the seethe over being unable to win any races to world first. They aren't even people they deserve to be squished like shitters with a big great shitter squish that will squish all of them into little shits so that we can use them as fertilizer because that's all these useless cunt bluefaggots are good for, they do not deserve to live or play our World of Warcraft video game. For the Horde!
what about that black wizard streamer
The truth is that flails are a fucking meme weapon that basically never saw actual combat in the real world. Flails are trash.
Music is good
How the fuck haven't they fixed AH yet?
>fixing stuff
keep him a time capsule.
you can get another rogue to 27 in an hour.
Yeah I'm afraid those were computed in the +10.

Also, look into the phial that allows you to see camouflaged resource deposits. Since those are "new" nodes you can get a few kp from those.
brown hands typed this post
Oh I didn't know that's a thing, what's the name of the phial? And thanks!
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No I don't have the same characters, I have to log in to my seperate account that I pay separately for to see them, but for some weird reason I have the TWW epic edition stuff, and I also have achievements etc. from my current account. They seem to have half combined my account somehow. Look at some of these achievements they don't make sense at all.
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DEI hires need a consultation session before they can start to work.
Meanwhile look at the pretty female bearded dwarves!
I still don't have the loremaster achievement because the scarab truffle quest in azj-kahet is STILL bugged, atleast on the EU.
i assure you that no one is attracted to anduin other than old hags past their prime itching for a son to raise
>Blizzard makes realistic gay couple
>Blizzard makes unrealistic gay couple
Why can't you stop complaining?
Phial of truesight. Gives you some gathering stat and the ability to see the hidden nodes.
Go for the cheap version since that's going to allow you to see the nodes all the same. Should be some 200-300g. These are even better if you have herbalism since there are more different nodes but it's worth it either way.
Because gays bad or something.
ret is pretty high apm
is fury even higher?
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wtf bro
brainwashed no.
this is back in vanilla wow when baddies could just be baddies and didnt need to be victims of circumstance or really be good people at heart.
He was a megalomaniac, like his after and his fathers father. He's an evil dark dwarf king, he doesnt need lore. His like great great great grandfather is the dude who SUMMONED Ragnaros into azeroth, created blackrock mountain and the burning steppes around it and fucked up half the EK in his failed attempt to Dominate a god.

He wasn't MC'd by ragnaros he and his followers worshipped Ragnaros as a god and used the power they gained from him to fuel their wars and conquests.
anduin sees the writing on the wall - the Yass-pocalypse is upon Azeroth and you can either make yourself relevant to the incoming Gynocracy or be replaced.

That's why he offers a sympathetic ear/ to be an emotional punching bag to every relevant woman he can find. He's ingratiating himself to the new order... which has the side effect of also ingratiating him to the women in the playerbase.
looks like some people are permanently ahead on herbing due to a bug on reset day causing the infinitely farmable (but extremely rare) knowledge item to drop way more commonly for characters with certain rng seeds. this bug was silently fixed
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>you have 3 personal crafting orders
>go to the crafting order table
now what
Holy shit thanks bro.
Why are people camping the spawn when 99% have warmode off
Btw, this is alliance evil, he was basically pro-union.
Black people base their entire personality around one of two things.
Sports or J-slop.
Wow doesn't have either. Also why the FGC is highly popular among blacks, cause they can see it as both sport and J-slop
holy no problem shit bro
much higher, fury war makes your wrists hurt unironically. ZERO downtime. if youre in combat you're button mashing or you are bleeding dps.
There are rapists, child killers, cannibals and democrats.
It doesn't mean I want to see them in video games I use to escape this eldritch deformed real life.
well damn is whirlwind still a filler?
fem gobb rights!!! strop treating us like portable onaholes!!!!
also because fighting games are rhythm games
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why didnt we get this race
why did it have to be the #freebleed race?
Stop dressing as portable onaholes.
Fury and Prot warrior are kinematographic.
Btw I have a panic attack if at any point I am not pressing buttons.
Because the game isn't allowed to have Horde-coded races after BFA.
would've been cuter with spider eyes desu
if you pick mountain king, thunder clap replaces whirlwind
Because everybody was clearly asking for yet another dwarf race
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THEY/THEM sisters, we won.
The Horde is non-canon after BFA so that makes sense.
This would be sick
Why did they replace the human with literally nothing? They should have made it so that using hearthstone gives you well fed buff or something similar
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Fuck them kids, why didn't we get the OG bugchads.
>fuck them kids
Sanest TFT fan
It's amazing how this simple change makes the writing feel like a complete joke, i could not take this storyline seriously. The bugged audio cutscene also didn't help
those are evil
they are never being made playable as they are narratively evil
you will not co-opt true warcraft fans' wish for real nerubians to beg for cop-out fake anthro nerubians
do people actually read quest text
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Guess I'll finally grab the Xpac, I play solo and alts and I heard it's the most solo-friendly expac to date. I hope it's at least better than that garbage Dawntrail, quit after just 2 weeks cause I hate Wuk Lamat so much it's unreal.
We don't need another twinky thin race so soon after dracthyr
You get 2 charges of heartstone and reduced cooldown for it.
And still have the secondary stat buff.
Stop complaining, protagonist race.
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Read in detail
Kek don't even read what I gotta do.
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I'm trying to decide between DK, DH and Warlock for my 2nd character.

Hard to know what's more fun right now between Deathbringer Frost and Fel-Scarred Havoc. Both look fun.
ok I'll bite, explain to me which part is wrong
Sometimes, butnin that case you can also hear Lilian say they/them/themselves to refer to that spider multiple times
Why don't you just play singe player games?
I will never understand solofags.
Why XIV won?
What did WoW do wrong?
Is it just me, or is class gameplay really bad rn? Like m+ isnt out, but I just dont rememeber any version of the game where baseline open world and dungeon kill speeds are this fast at this point. Like what the fuck can I do for real combat times that isnt just hitting training dummies for hours on end?

I really hope this shit gets slowed the fuck down, classes cant do their rotations in any content rn.
Went away from it's fashy und freshy roots to lefty judaism.
It didn't
Because you have schizophrenia
It was bugged? I assumed it was just blizzard being lazy/rushed.
>Other classes gearing
>No you need to use pawn pro shops stars so you know which stat is better because muh math and
>Prot warrior
>See the ilvl? Big good
i could be leveling my fucking earten paladin rn
if blizzard wasnt gay
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>gooner and /v/ bait hours
man morning /wowg/ is total dogshit
When is M0 opening?
better than avatar trannies
It’s way too fast and that’s why my fury warrior does a lot of damage. Packs die in seconds now.
both deserve to get changed in the same room as my 8 year old daughter, without any women making them uncomfortable by observing or questioning them, to make them feel validated
the horseman sprint feels great. no other tree has a node that comes close to that one, they took the class's biggest weakness and inverted it. haven't seen levels of design violation like this since MoP's darkest moments, you should at least try it before the verdict rolls in.
So just like every other time of the day?
you have an 8 year old daughter? why? you know that makes you a cuck right? you probably play alliance so you're used to getting cucked though heh
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this is a real and unironic non-shitpost
holy shit
quest text?
i literally spam the action key as fast as i possibly can
>both deserve to get changed in the same room as my 8 year old daughter, without any women making them uncomfortable by observing or questioning them, to make them feel validated
This is bait btw
Morning /wowg/ is just peak Europeon hours
*hits pipe* women are from another planet but they are luminous. I love and support them.
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Whoa what's this?

Are there time-gated delves or something?
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im pretty sure thats part of a quest
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>This effect can only occur once every min in the OUTDOORS OF KHAZ ALGAR
Oh so it's completely useless
how do you do the mage tower? i keep getting knocked off the map by a move that doesnt seem to have any wind up or cast bar
The problem is not the RNG itself. The problem is that these are supposed to be limited and in the first day they werent.
US only problem btw.
the trinkets feel stupid good this xpac. world drops and dungeon trinkets are on the level of previous raid drops. we getting power crept?
You mean the eyebeams? You have to turn toward them.
It's not even a trinket just an item in your back
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i dont think so? are the eye beams what knocks you back? something is flinging me like 100 yards instantly. i think its the boss but i dont see an animation or a cast to look out for
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The eye beams do fling you back. So do the infernals if they hit you.
No they've never added more content after launch, never.
man tww handy notes is bugged to hell and back
deepgrove petals are limited, the 4 knowledge flower marks the end of deepgrove petal drops for the day.
the roots are allegedly what continue dropping afterwards.
>they drop once per day
>they drop infinitely but it's such a low chance it may as well be one per day
>they are intended as knowledge catch-up and will drop more for latecomers
we don't know which is true, but a bug was definitely present.
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>one time use
This heroic dungeon week has really enlightened me about how bad the average WoW player really is. When I tank, it seems they manage to pull packs that didn't even exist before, they get lost, they over-agro while I make a big pull and die and I swear the damage is always:
>1. Big Dick poomper
>2. Me, the tank
>3. Below-average dps
>4-5. Healer neck in neck with crayon eater
Its like there is some algorithm that balances out the shittyness of the average player. Thankfully healers seem to be on average pretty okay.
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i didn't pick rider
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*sniffs you*
blood after being told deathbringer doesn't get a charge talent called Let It Be Finished
where i can get some wowo wawa mods bro
You're weird
what is is that is actually going on in the AH tho? i think its all those 1 quantity listed items that get cancelled? like if the bulk of a material is listed at 150g there's single listing popping up at lower prices and then they cancel them?
>waaah my healers are bad :((
Maybe don't queue DPS then retard? If DPS queues weren't 15 minute long I wouldn't play healer.
2 scoops... kino
realistically, what ilvl should i be when m0 comes out?
>most civilized horde player
She fucks orcs.
Do you need to use totems?
cloudburst is still there but you just press it then forget
520 with MoP CM achievs and 36/36 mage tower on standby
>be bad at the game
>blame others
Follower dungeon enjoyer?
woober goes PLAPP
I'd press healing wave but the cast speed increase from tidal waves isn't working on it for some reason
is that a bug or a talent I havent read
healing in nu-wow sucks so much im not surprised all the good healers have checked out of pve. you dont even heal really, its mostly a dps rotation
571 seems good, m0 will drop 593.
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>keep needing null stones
>"gotten from mining"
>how the fuck do i not have any ive mined a fucking billion stupid rocks
>look in warbank
>start actually reading tooltips for items
>see little red blob
>turns 5 into null stone or w/e
thanks blizzard, for making me feel retarded because you decided to i dont know, not mention that step on the actual item, and also make literally only one of the crafting items need to do that so far in the entire expansion? good choices, well thought out design.
>no class with a mech suit spec
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see: gelbin
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>log in for raid night as totemic resto
>raid lead says "hi Phil"
>tell him my name's not phil
>"Phil Seer" (as in farseer)
>log off in shame
You are a dumb fucking nigger if you use totemic in dungeons. Once raids release we can have this discussion again.
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Alright hear me out
> Class order halls
> But focused on your race instead
> Make the human and orc hall shit on purpose
> Nelfs get the druid order hall 1:1 to piss them off
> All resources go into to the allied races first
Why would this be a bad idea
I'm blaming DPS losers who queue up my role. I should get priority queue.
Because then it throws favouritism at Void Elves which get too much attention already.
>unlock mereldar
>it's full of niggers
what the fuck, it's worse than fucking Detroit
what the fuck happened
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>instead of making it more like the iconic Warcraft 3 hero they decided to suck off Shadowlands for the hero talent tree
I hate nuBlizzard so much it's unreal
>Human order hall is just instanced Northsire
>Orc order hall is just instanced Valley of Trials
>ike the iconic Warcraft 3
like what?
enh summons wolves
ele has earthquake/chain lightning
you want farsee to be a actual spell or what
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I support the White Race Hall
Warriors in pvp need to get shit on with nerfs.
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Why are all the descendants of Thoradin and the old Arathi who were ALL WHITE suddenly negros?
Did they find Wakanda beyond the storming sea and get bred out of existence?
Would bathe with.
Unironically fuck dynamcuck flying.

>Launch into the air
>Get stuck into a tree
>Fall down like a bee at night

>Be flying around to pick up herbs
>Gather three herb nodes
>No more energy balloons to fly, have to sit on the ground like a cuckold and watch as they fill back up with air

>Flying from point a to point b
>Almost at point b
>No more energy
>Lose momentum, fall down, have to wait almost two minutes until I can finally reach my des tiny nation
what race and gender if i like blacked? serious question
dont fly up while the tree is above you
dumb cunts
Three different kinds of skill issues. Nice.
White female blood elf
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Im surprised that prospecting is still profitable after gem prices tanked so hard
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Blood elf. Shouldn't even bother asking the question.
Characters who are not in TWW should not be able to buy and sell TWW materials or gear.
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Next xpac is another class. How hyped are we for TINKER?

btw. Its going to be some shite like Emperor of Blackrock, Bloodmage, Sorcerer or Gladiator.
why blood elf in particular, night elves or void elves also exist

Okay, why
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bro wait everything on the left is underground or what
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Seriously fuck whatever shtibag watched too much SAO and decided crafting needed to be this autistic bullshit.
yes everything but the isle is underground
They turned their back on their family to go join the negroid-coded faction to get ORCED
leicester are definitely getting relegated
i'm retarded now wonder im playing warrior
quite a few classes and specs need it. archon holy priests are spamming uber powerful halos that heal and do crazy damage
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the wc3 class is based off of the rpg books and vice-versa, they play off each other

could have drawn more inspiration from the rpg
imagine not wanting your own personal wolf chariot throne
Because they're in a faction with orcs, tauren and trolls, black-coded races
>the war within
>war is waged underground
Metzenkino is back, baby!
Theoretically, could I get good enough gear by just doing dungeons? Maybe a crafted piece or two? Or do I need to fly around the whole world and do all the quests for rep and world quests etc

>t. levelled to 80 and never making it out of the first zone
you can get 580 just doing rares and treasures and upgrading greens
just about every endgame activity in TWW gives you upgradable gear
how come playing my prot warrior just feels so much better than any of my other chars so far?
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the creation of tinker is a spiritual process. chris metzen has taken several blizzard talent monks on a cocaine peyote journey to the heart of the World of Warcraft source code. in the deep warp they either fucking die or find the original 1998 incarnation of Monte Gazlowe, who lives inside the code of a rock in the barrens. it is important not to look at him. if you look, mountains will fall. they must listen to his olden voice and scribe now the blueprints for the tinker class.
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I'm about to queue into my first heroic as healer on my paladin after not having healed for ages.
How cancer is healing in this expansion?
does this dagran fag get acked or do I have to put up with his faggot face all xpack
male human paladin
tinker? more like
boomer meltie
this is it
this is the straw that breaks my back
this is a main quest fuck off im done
>farsee to be a actual spell
its is and has been since vanilla wow though.
I have to say, but those have to be the COMFIEST ZONES YET.
Except for the last zone. Fuck the last zone.
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World quests can randomly give you decent gear, and the gear seems to be scaled to your current ilevel in some capacity. I'm 582 and a 571 piece of gear dropped from one which could potentially be valuable if you're looking for a specific stat combination.

That said, getting gear from Normals and Heroics is perfectly viable and easy. You don't have to do all the quests for rep, but some of the factions offer a couple purple pieces so I think it's worth looking at each quartermaster to see if you give a shit.
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switch flight style then you retard
because tanks are completely broken since dragonflight. they do top damage, cant die, and specialize in cleave. the most perfect class for an mmo
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>season crest limit
whats this faggotry
i skipped DF
this isnt season total right
its just how much you can have at once?
Instead of order halls just make the cities all racially homogenous and also remove non-whites forever
World content is for solofags.
Heroic dungeons award the best gear.
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>He's unaware that Dagran is the future king of the dwarves
He will probably have a boyfriend by the end of the expansion if he doesn't get acked and replaced with a strong black dwarf woman with a beard.
yeah, i'm also not allowed within 5 miles of children, shit sucks, i just want to play
anon, just do it once then never ever do Hallowfall again.
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>be undead spriest with xal'atath literally in my hand
>p*ladin tells me to play with children
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I had fun doing this quest with my DK. It made me realize how infuriating this game is to play for people who genuinely roleplay and try to get immersed.
Bearded dwarfs are stoneskinned, /pol/cel.
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Okay, that's good. I will do heroics when I have the ilvl for it then.
It's been around four days that the AH has been practically unusable on EU, including a 10 hour complete shutdown. Items disappearing left and right when posted, the infamous ''item not found'' error and the overall super delays responses
yeah it's really silly, being able to pull 10 elites in sieghold at once solo and killing them with no trouble while hardly even geared at this point, meanwhile any of my dps chars so much as even look at 3 mobs and they almost die.
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VOTE Arak'nai 640 KC!
no, it's not an inventory limit. you get 90 crests of each type for the entire season so you can upgrade a total of 1 and a half pieces of gear. it's to stop people scumming upgrades by farming easy crests. get fucked baddie.
>high apm & most stressful tank to play
I am... the warchief.
How do you even find enough ores to prospect? Picking shit up takes forever and yields nothing and the AH is unusable
Also does prospecting higher star ores give anything?
why retail feels like gay lgbt fiesta
please unnarstan very smol team very indie you bitch bastard guild bank be investigate auctionhouse working try restart game
honestly, Arak'nai is the hottest char of the expansion so far, especially since she is permanently showing of her spinerette.
Solution is pretty simple: Limit what addons (TSM&co) can do with the AH.
>you will never get wrapped up by a nerubian who then proceeds to inject you with venom that liquifies your organs for optimal slurp-consumption

The problem is the massive presence of bots spamming the ah to manipolate the price, blizz need to come down with a ban asteroid, just like they did a couple of weeks ago with ow2, 500k banned in a day, cmn.
Yuropoors are such a small playerbase that blizz just doesn't care.
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Has Khaz Algar gotten a nice interfactional ERP spot already? Trying to broaden my cumrizon beyond the Alliance Elves.
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>premades queueing with a level 70 in random BGs
i dont think ive ever seen such a broken fucking system in WoW
It's still just Goldshire
to be fair I didn't notice a single gay character this expansion so far. Not like DF where they waved them in your face constantly (like having a quest where you have to bake a cake for the faggot crafter couple, very subtle Danuser)
It's not enough to ban them when the stupid retard at blizzard refuse to take away the gold they made by DDoSing the AH
why are you faggots being almost positive about this shit what happened to all the based doomers who rightfully told you that WoW was never coming back did they leave?
they whitewashed xal'atath
>add upgrade system
>cripple it because your sheer retardation cant balance it
whyd i come back to this shithole game full of broken systems and retards
wow won.
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EU is a dying market thanks to the massive immigrant flow and fertility issues.
because it's crippled like you
Take the beast master pill, I pull as many enemies as I can collect
But brownoids love wow, it's the main audience, just look at this general.
they literally hadn't received any attention until this expansion retard
Remember people nagging about princess troll in BfA, it almost feels quaint now.
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Isn't it straight up impossible to do this order since it drops from a raid?
I remember complaints that yrel was a forced strong woman archetype who never earned it
i mean writing is so mid everything feels like my little pony land but you're dying from cancer
>interfactional ERP spot
Those exist?
BM sucks bad tho
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Why does Blizzard pander to blacks so much?
They do know that black people don't play WoW, right?
This is one of the most retarded things to run into while leveling.
>Fly around L71
>oh a rare on minimap
>L80 elite bees and shit for no reason
I think so if they haven't gotten rid of elixer of tongues or crosstalk.
what would qualify as non-random
damn he got some big ass feet
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How do I gain renown with The Assembly of the Deeps? Other than killing rares and picking up stuff..........
Random: the fucking bees in the middle of the first zone, around the level scaled wolves/etc.
Non-random: the little corner in ringing deeps thats obviously its own L80 area.
the entire area being lvl 80
yep was going for rares while leveling
and then there were bees
The problem is californian white women and "women" and you know it.
that character isn't for black people. what black person would want to see an ugly pitbull with no arm? it's for fat white people who want to feel like saviors from the safety of their living room, without having to interact with the black community or burdensome cripples.
>join bg
>prot paladin in team
How the fuck do I get Antoran Charhound to drop? Been trying since Shadowlands...
>user was banned from plebbit for this based take
its like 1% drop chance, you just farm that shit forever until it drops.
>its for fat white people
>fat white people
>white people
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I'm having fun so it can't be that bad.
Genuinely feels like it'll be a top contender for solo delver and it's a fucking scourge in pvp since you can play unmatched line of sight games and literally never need to stop moving.
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Bugged quest

Blizzard you absolute FUCKS invest your billions into QC

Also the lagg is INSANE rn
I fucking hope so, I got a LFD with whom I wanna hatefuck an Orc lady and a Kul Tiran who needs trollpussy.
can the dog charge proc when you don't have line of sight
bro these level 80 campaign quests are fucking ASS
It's not bugged its just retarded.
Just loot the sand piles.
>actually works
Holy shit fucing blizzard
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Tasty steering wheel
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I still don't have loremaster because this quest is still bugged for me and most people on EU.
Absolute clown devs
is there a way to get LFR vault of incarnates tmogs right now via catalyst or some shit? or do I need to wait until they allow us to Q it in midnight?
why is lillian voss reporting to alleria windrunner? what the fuck is this chain of command in khaz algar?
my friend who works for ziv said that wow launch totally dominated their launch and most of their writers are now living in shame.
Will you suck me and let me knot your throat?
>the dawnbreaker
christ what a shit dungeon
It's not bugged, you're just retarded. Click a dirt pile. Wait for the bug to dig. Loot the truffle. Repeat five times.
I'm dogshit at making gold, but since Remix I was able to reach character cap and have 65 alts now, so I am looking for ways to utilize alts to make gold. Any tips? What professions would work best for having multiples of? Tailoring and Alchemy both have daily cooldown crafts you can make that sell pretty well, which would work good for multiple alts, right? Are there any other professions like that?
Every time I hear "noun + descriptor" all I can think of is the thugshaker.
No, it's bugged you retarded faggot. First I and everyone else in the area was unable to even interact with the piles, then I checked back today after a hotfix and now the piles are just gone.
I've tried abandoning multiple times, disabling all addons, reloading etc. Doesn't work.
sylvanas is doing janny duty in the maw and vereesa is who knows where, may as well report to the third sister.
I'm on EU and have completed it on six chars today. You're just an idiot.
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would you want me as your raid leader?
pajeet devs and tranny art designers killed the game
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What's his endgame?
what could possibly possess you to play this thing six times
terminally slopaddicted freaks
Go look up the quest on wowhead and check the comments. It's all people pointing out it's bugged. When I was there there were like 20 people running around the area asking if it was bugged because they couldn't do it. Now there are no piles in the area.
It's bugged, atleast on my server.
No. A raid leader should a be ranged DPS class. A tank can't see shit up close to huge enemies. Healers are otherwise too occupied. Melee DPS also lack the full picture.

Any guild leader that's not a ranged DPS is either only doing LFR or Normal, but never anything else.
I wish my weapon could speak
Is “Pajeet” the new “tranny”? Just filler shit you throw around like a monkey throwing its own shit?
to be forgotten
>Male dwarf badass and knowledgeable
>Female dwarf is a weak retard
This is woke too? you twitter brained faggots complain about everything
What class are you guys gonna make your Earthen?
He was actually varimathras the whole time.
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I buy rank 1 aqirite for around 20-25g each
I crunch it with my bare hands for a few minutes
I sell the products.
It was absolutely insane gains when gems were still 300g+ but now it's closer to like 10-20% gains. The AH is fine on Moon Guard most of the day.
higher rank ore gives more stuff. There's only a small difference between r1 and r2, but r3 seems to be around twice as many gem drops. I don't bother and only prospect rank 1 for now.
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the fk are you saying I was class master in BC people came all over the realm to ask my adivese you are a noob BEACUASEE IIIIIIC CANN NPLAY MANY CALSSSEES IM NOTT ONE CLASS I KNOW WHOW TO PLAY MANY CLASSSES

who knows, dreadlord lore is now completely and permanantly ruined
baldass boostedass BITH
Bought the expansion and didn't get my boost. What dogshit is this?
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people also came to me what gear to use and if they needed a wedding I used to go many wedding is in the catherdarl

people said I want you to be in my wedding

I was going and went to many wddding ins wow
Elixir of tongues is mostly just used for Dalaran RP, there's no interfaction ERP spots as far as I'm aware. Most just ask for that in Goldshire (and then make crossfaction groups through group finder)
You can fix him if he's actually a triple agent for the Light. He wanted Jailer to lose so that Azeroth could be converted into a Light Titan or w/e. He's probably the guy behind the Arathi in Avaloren and will be Xal'atath's main opponent during the final Light vs Void clash.
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i hate this
>remember dreadlord lore from shadowlands exists
god damn it
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I have always been shit at making gold, I have less than 50k on my main and I'm an alchemist. What should I be focusing on farming/crafting to earn some gold? I've also been doing cooking and that's netting me some gold, but not much.
That applies to ALL lore. It was already fucked before SL but now it is completely and utterly unsalvageable.
you think in that case he would have mentioned denathrius or zovaal
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Old lore
>Dreadlords are aliens
New lore
>Dreadlords are aliens from a different place than we thought
What the fuck.... how could they....?
Why is every other nigga still clinging to this game like this.
did they nerf rogue's melee range
What should I put points into for mining? Almost 60 for on mount mining and not sure where to go from here
acrobatic strikes was removed
can you still convert primal storms gear to lfr vault mogs in df catalyst?
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I'm home...
One words: orc warlorcks
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"Class master".. In TBC. I nearly overdosed on cringe from reading that. You're here in 2024 bragging about something you did 2007. Kinda like some retarded has-been football player.
>"My forth touchdown was really my best. I faked out Prologo, went to the right and sprinted 75 yards up the middle of the field and then I scored!"
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Denathrius was alright
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nack in the day you have to work hard to be goood

not like today uj ust install addon and watch YOUUTUBE TUTORIAL


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How do you even get mining knowledge? I've been mining and herbing every node I come across and I got 44/60 on fundamentals. Haven't gotten a single knowledge point for like 2 days now.
>Is now ruined.
The Shadowlands additions were an improvement over the many retcons that came from TBC to Legion
You should not be able to reduce someone's movement speed below 50% in pvp.
25 man raids with 10 people AFK could still get it done. In fact back then bosses didn't even have enrage timers, so you could just stack healers to get kills. Retard.
He is coming back but i hope he is more angry instead of smug because Xal'atath will give people smug fadigue at some point
The Dreadlord lore would be a million times better if they didn't spend so much time on classifying and codifying the general Spiritrealm of wow.
There's the mortal world, then there's the Otherworld. And in the Otherworld, there are creatures that represent the spiritual presence of the mortal world, sometimes malicious, sometimes benevolent. Shrimple as.
But now they destroyed the spirit realm and made it another mortal realm but with inconceivable powersignatures (unless required otherwise) so that these neatly segregated parallel realms are even worse to reconcile with each other.

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can we send one of these to blizzard's hq
your ignorance doesn't make something filler shit
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>I was
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They should lean fully into the Castlevania inspiration and bring him back as a giant demonic fel/death bat boss.
I thought he was compelling until shadowlands. I really don't want him hear him cry bitch tears he killed some blue smurfs that were already fine mindwiping people while he was mind controlled. Not to mention he looks fucking dog shit ugly. Thrall I already gave up on since they don't know what to do with his ass.
I'm not sure either anymore, I'm stuck at 50/60 for mounted mining and it's been stuck on this for about two days.
I was finding mining and jewelcrafting knowledge items to pick-up in the world (Dorn) by flying around their civilization/houses but I can't find anymore. There's also a few in the Ringing Depths as well. They either respawn on reset/weekly or they're just finite, once found gone forever.
Because mining actual nodes hasn't netted me any knowledge in god knows how long.
I think there is a weekly limit on how many of those rare knowledge bonus stones you can get. Check your journal if you reached that.
Yeah and J'lor was foreshadowed since warcraft 1 and totally wasn't made up during the Legion!
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What herbalism spec do I pick for inscription?
doing delves as a healer is literal torture. brann does about as much dps as my fucking mindbender
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Am I supposed to know who these Arathi Light people in the giant cave are? I don't know all the lore, but the story acts like I'm supposed to know about some expedition from 30 years ago.
>Denathrius comes back
>has remornia consume Xal'atath
atrocious ui
alright, made it past phase 1 of the mage tower, now im getting hung up on the big demon.

turns out doing it without food was a bad idea
Melee should never have anything less than 95% uptime on ranged classes.





>Illidan comes out of nowhere
>breaks remornia in half
>summons world ending event
>sometimes the hand of fate... must be forced
they truly just want me to switch mains huh
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Who cares other than autists? Just ignore the shit parts of the game until it gets retconned out.
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>Blizzard is cucking you out of points to arbitrarily drag out the time it takes to get your bonuses
Classic, I should've known.
you click combine and get 100g, you lazy motherfucker.
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>kill generic banshee sylvanas in reign of chaos
>create a time paradox
nice, but give me one without the faggy flag at the top.
WoW has discovered the best form of storytelling, just throw everything at the wall and retcon anything players don't like.
By 14.0 Shadowlands will have been a vision of N'Zoth, several books will have come out showing what a huge deal the sword was after it appeared and Teldrassil was actually burned down by the Arathi Emperor.
Yesterday I learned the are the DIE people that fled the original Nazi Arathi kingdom.
They fledto the another undiscovered continent and started to racemix.
And for the sake of dissing the Nazi empire the decided to racemix with elves and niggers to prove their point.
Warrior self heal
Where is it
>fail the culling of stratholme mission in the human campaign
>WoW is no longer canon
"I'm a REAL hunter now!"
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>Alright Tichondrius, these are your orders. I need you and the rest of your kin to colonize this planet out in space and build up an entire fake civilization, with rules and regulations. Just to trick every cosmic power in the universe into thinking you're not working for Team Death, so they let you into their groups. Why you ask? Because it's funny.
bro your victory rush?
Pure metzenkino
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*fixes ur paradox*
MAPs are people too
Ok, used it once, elite still stands what now
Denathrius being the big bad of Shadowlands would've been way more interesting than Da Jailor. I consider Castle Nathria to be one of my top 5 raids (aesthetically). It's such a shame blizz just throws away old content after each patch lol.

it's also very funny they named a boss encounter after cumtown. No idea how they got away with that one.
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>ywn give Arak'nai the brood she canonically wants
>ywn be crushed to death under her massive spider ass in traditional Nerubian mariticide afterward
Crafting profs are hard to make money from unless you already have money to spend on bulk materials. You can do stuff like dump your concentration into DPS potions or whatever to make a bit of money but it's gonna be hard limited by concentration regen so it will end up being a slow trickle at best.
Mining/herbing is probably your best bet in terms of raw farming. People meme about bots ruining the market but prices are still pretty alright at the moment. Pump your knowledge points into bismuth/luredrop/arathors spear, throw on a phial of truesight or two, then go flying around hallowfall or ringing deeps for a bit.
They nerfed the fuck out of the wax turn-ins, but disturbed earth is still not the worst thing you could be doing with your time. You can pull some pretty expensive materials from it and it gives valorstones.
What do you think he told Varimathras?
>uh yeah I'm going to need you to sit in that dark cell and get tortured for decades and not just teleport back to the Shadowlands, ok?
why is there so many fucking pet battle wqs? I don't want to do them, but they give the same rep as any other :(
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>Fight a fury warrior in pvp
>They heal to full 6 times while also taking greatly reduced damage while being immune to snares while doing tons of damage
What are you complaining about
What does female night elf feet and/or pits smell like?
Calm down, they said on official forums that they are investigating AH lag like a week ago :)
Who cares man
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wait until you do the Maggots In Your Gash quest.
>Alright Varimathras. I need you to slay your siblings, to convince Sylvanas you're actually on her side. This will be apart of mine and Zovaal's plan in a decade. Then you need to actually secretly be working with your siblings so Sargeras doesn't suspect you and the Nathrezim are up to nothing sus. Finally, you're going to need to throw the battle at some point and spend ten years getting tortured by Demons for failing the Legion again, but don't worry. This is apart of the plan.
You do know you have the same abilities fighting 'elites' in the open world as you have in pvp, right?
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Where are all the Rogues, I've done tons of Normal and Heroic Dungeons and I think I saw two Assassin Rogues all together since the start of WW
That doesn't mean anything anon
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haters deserve this expansion for bullying huns. from the game.
thing's the haters did:
>call huns incel
>call huns newfag
>call huns samefaf
>call huns summerfaf
>call huns night elf and bals
>tell huns she has not badass
>tell huns she didnot palay in mop and is a newfag instead
>tell huns to fk of

and then explain why this game is bad? gee. you know I wonder. when you bully a pro and a good player from the game and invite only newfags, why the community gets worst. bullies should GO AND DIE!!!!!!!!!
And then We Get Post Lkke This. fk of cid. really. show me when You Got the Item like in picture - it wonth happen. instead you ctronibuge nothing to wowg and insult a Class Master of Hunther, Daemung Haunter and Hunther again.
I will fucking explode if it is another drenai radioactive space garbage.
But niggers or orcs as the game likes to call them don't worship it so we should be fine.
how do i reset my profession points
rogue is a dead class
holy shit
i'm not playing a class that needs 30+ buttons to do mediocre damage
Rogues are apparently in the shitter and people only want to play the hot FOTM classes (whatever those are).
SL is embarassing because its very clearly some nu male onions lord writers fan fiction
>all that stuff you wrote?
>actually it's just set up for MY writing
>people are gonna love the 3D chess meme!
Verth Mortis is Dr Who Redditor sci fi at its peak
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oh.. noo, no no
no no NO


>Downplaying rogues
There's gonna be at least 4 of them in the world first raid clear
hun, your meds ??
Anons do you think it would be fun to resub without getting the expansion and just playing through dragonflight and maybe farming stuff like the class mounts.
i dont wanna unlearn it i want to reset the points
If I roll on an RP server but don't want to RP, will they kill me on sight?
Still doesn't make them fun to play.
That's the only way.
imagine the smell
The damage is okay, gameplay is little bit...
>faction change orc monk
>it's processing
>done processing, I am still an orc at the bottom of the character list and I have the option again to faction change
>log into character, still an orc
>click the faction change button, go to do it with the same appearance and name
>"cannot race change character"
what the fuck
Do we have any lore players in /wowg/ at all, I had a question because I missed it through the questing (Im redoing it all on a lt slowly)
The Arthai we see are from a larger Empire right? Is that empire underground too, implying there are insanely larger caverns inside Azeroth or are they on the other side of Azeroth itself? Also who is the faction/enemy they're fighting, is it another human faction or something new?
okay, so xendar and genedar are both interdimensional naaru ships

so there's a naaru in there presumably
>an actual retard itt pretending to be a retard ending up double retard
>just sounds like a jeet
can't. they're permanent.
no? i play on WrA and have never rp'd in my life, nobody cares
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It really was all part of J'lor's plan huh...
The boring option
>It's just another normal Naaru chilling up there
The cool option
>Using the absolute mess of the AU time-line that the Horde left it in post Mag'har quest, Yrel and her Naaru masters manage to figure out a way to connect the timelines again, resulting in Genedar, being Beledar, forced into the planet waiting for the Crusades orders.
>This will be your Mega Dung
>Is that empire underground too, implying there are insanely larger caverns inside Azeroth or are they on the other side of Azeroth itself?
Blizzard just make this stuff up as they go along.
is hunsing still a thing?
that doesn't reset your knowledge stupid
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I'm on Moon Guard... how much sex am I having?
damn i totally fucked my specializations by dumping 40 into Bountiful Harvests and then 35 into Botany. RIP, no big deal.
its actually significantly quicker to run random heroics than it is to complete delves. not even really close either
Making the auction house region wide was a mistake but it's ok since this harmed the gold making capabilities of players and it will force them to subscribe if they want to keep playing.
The rest of the empire isn't undeground. And the ones udnerground are fighting part of their own people that started worshipping the shadow
I miss old Festermight. New unholy feels boring as shit, and doesn't have a distinct enough damage profile from Frost.
>cringe guard
i dont care
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kiddo If I could nuke you thru tcp/ip I would
I mean the games been out for 20 years Anon, it's not to surprising they're running out of things to write revolving around the original idea from the RTS. I mean, how else are they gonna add some fresh stuff in to keep getting revenue?
I remember them implying a couple years ago that Azeroth is far larger than what was once thought of which makes sense because we've only ever seen one side of it.
Its like the least bothersome thing in the game for me.
>i can't read therefore there is no lore or explanation unless it's a pre rendered cutscene
Go back to /v/
> harmed the gold making capabilities
I forgot how common boosting was. Last I played trade chat was an endless torrent of paid boosting services. Did they ever clamp down on that and force people to play the game?
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Rate my orc DK-themed DK mog theme mog.
The nu-crafting is so fucking stupid. You'll either need like 4 alts per profession or you literally can't do shit. Blizzard can't seriously expect people to just slowly grind profession knowledge and then they can craft shit once expansion is already over!
Only as a tank or healer.
DPSissies are better off doing delves.
>10 different types of minions
>triple disease
>summoning free mages every deathcoil
>not distinct enough from obliterate obliterate obliterate

The Arathi Empire is on some continent far enough away that everything on the map currently is referred to as The Old World.
The Arathi of Harrowfall only manage to get there, do to being sent on an expedition on orders of their Emperor thanks to a Vision he saw to part-take in a great battle between light and dark.
As the Arathi were sailing towards the Old World, they were consumed by a bright light and found themselves upon the shores of Harrowfall, with Beledar shining above them. An experience you can have in game yourself, if you try to fly up towards the Beledar.
WotLK out of 10
Definitely not.
>Sanlayn literally has the same rotaiton as Obliteration.
Fuck off DK tourist.
I will pick up the class again when blizz remembers it exists
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Only 1 piece of this is from WOTLK
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So for how long is Blizzard just gonna do nothing about the autistic auction house jews breaking it for everyone else?
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I will be healing your random dungeon today. I'm not going to cast a single healing spell
i thought san'layn hero talent is some cool vampire stuff but is some boring shit and jihad undead summon
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>Yrel, seeing that Dreanor is about to fucking blow up, takes her people and leads them to the Genedar in a last ditch effort to escape the planet
>Light/Time/Space bullshit happens and it gets teleported into the core of Azeroth around the time of the first Dark Portal opening

I like this.
right after they ban the thousands of bots who spam the same area and run the same low level dungeons 24/7
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my ilvl is 555 because ive been leveling alts and doing professions
am i bricked now?
DF crafting is literally designed around people who have 12 max level alts on multiple servers and devote their entire life to playing the game non-stop
What exactly happened?
It's probably fine, you'll get a less rank 3 herbs but getting more herbs from the finesse you get through botany will make up for it a bit.
>She is patient, that one
Talking about Xal'atath btw.
>map of khaz whatsit has a bunch of ocean on either side when you zoom out and hover over it
>gonna have more old bob underwater nagga bullshit
oh boy i cant wait to unsub
Rogue is a power crept class. They used to be the kings when the game was simpler but now that most classes can also do what they do they've fallen off.

I'm not sure what you can do to thematically make Rogue interesting. They tried to spice it up with Outlaw and pushing the pirate theming into them but unless you straight up give them magic they come off as a boring class like Hunter. And if you go to far with giving them thematics they just turn into ninjas
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Which mage spec is gonna be best now?
Auction house on EU has been completely busted since launch and the other day the auction house was literally disabled for ~10 hours while they "fixed it"(didn't fix jack shit).
It is most likely because of bots flipping items and auction house addons posting massive quantities.
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That's so terminally retarded. We have space travel. We have flight. We even have dragonflight. How can we possibly not have mapped out all of Azeroth's surface by now?
Yeah I can't maintain uptime because I'm moving at .05% of my normal fucking rate
absolutely nobody is playing sanlayn. dont try to use that as a talking point

>complaining about passives in unholy when frost is 3 buttons and 100 passives

do you even play the class? unholys passives at least do interesting things. if you cant find joy in the best unholy has ever been you may need to hang up your runeblade. you're a fucking idiot
So rotate through you 10 teleports?
it's over for you gobbro
Same reason no one realized there was an entire landmass full of Druids, Nightborne, Vykrul and Moose Tauren during WC2 when the Orcs paid a visit to Sargeras' tomb.
still arcane or frost
Easy they can just do the Next Cosmic Realm expansion because that's why they wrote the Chronicles, so that they could do a bunch of cosmic realm expansions.
Or they could just fucking stop already. I'm so fucking done with this setting holy shit.
Yeah Rogue's niche used to be that they were fragile but top melee dps. Then we learned that fury warriors are better so they don't even get to be that in Classic.
They were also great for dungeons being able to stealth ahead and sap shit but then we learned that zugzug aoe everything down was the optimal way to clear dungeons.
They don't even have locked doors to open anymore. I'm not sure what they can give Rogues, Tricks of the Trade is nice if you're boosting a retarded tank but otherwise is a dead ability since threat is so easy in WoW. Maybe a bonus to group loot? That's thematic. Otherwise you'd have to create a problem for rogues to solve, like certain npc abilities that need to be interrupted multiple times and then rogues being one of the few classes with interrupts that bypass that requirement or something?
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I managed to do it
The lack of replies proves that this general is full of doomers from /v/
You need all renown rank 4s
yeah guess Gul'dan and Cho'gall must have missed the giant landmass to their left n their eagerness to get inside the ToS
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>rogue kick doesn't apply a bleed from a bootknife to the balls
Welcome to MMOs, retard. The entire point is to create an economy where people need things from each other, not to enable to you bubble yourself in and become an entirely self-sufficient machine.
beledar is the spaceship that'll take us to k'aresh in midnight.
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it will NEVER be topped
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>Faggot Swede
Every single time.
>not to enable to you bubble yourself in and become an entirely self-sufficient machine.
*gets gear as good as crafted purples for free running LFR without ever speaking to a single person*

Irvine trannies are so retarded, hory fucking shit
most wasted zone ever
>cool ass spy shit
>revolution over-arching plot
>assassins creed but not shitty city design
You are so dumb it's not even funny...
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>something's not quite right...
>an illusion? what are you hiding?
>something's not quite right...
>an illusion? what are you hiding?
>something's not quite right...
>an illusion? what are you hiding?
nta but yeah that was their INTENTION to try and seed more community interactions but the problem is they already killed server communities with all the cross-realm shit added over the years so forcing players to whisper 2-3 strangers once every season for crafts and then get jewed hard on 'tips' isn't exactly going to reverse any of the damage done.
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>noooo i should be able to get everything i want just by clicking the log in button nooooo!!!!
you are the problem with the gaming industry
faggot killl yourself
Fuck you
Legion REMIX so we get ALL the mogs.
>butthurt retard
>17 seconds apart
uh oh meltiepoo meltpants
ura fucking faggot
But the Vindicar is quite literally fully manned and still orbiting Azeroth, and has been floating up there for a fucking decade in universe. They would have noticed the large, undiscovered landmass on the other side of the planet.
>addicted to dungeons
>can't stop myself from q'ing up
>healer so 1-2 min queues
>never get anything done in the outworld

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The Kobold shit started out cute but quickly got grating and fucking annoying.

Learn when to fucking stop.
Nigger NO-ONE "needs" things from someone else, they just make an alt and pump knowledge points into different specialization with it so they have multiple bases covered. If you use AH to supplement your professions are you the dumbest person in this general ever.
>learn when to st
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Which dungeon has an upgrade to this trinket? I'm playing Unholy DK and I feel like this is better than most of the other trinkets where I have to sacrifice sheep and make 4 sandwiches to get a slug to appear and if I attack the slug 8 times my haste goes up by 3%.
Supposedly those fire buffs only come out to 2% overall
ok im sorry...
Good luck nigger, I'm behind seven proxies :D
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True, they should've gone harder on the superior cave-dwelling mole-people.
wowhead you retard.
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>t. man who thinks making 10k/hr is a sick rate
you have to spend money to make money
if you're wasting your time providing for the actual people making money, you're the dumb one.
I'm honestly amazed that they haven't repeated the murloc au several times already.
canaanite hands types that
i cant wait till midnight when we're free of this retards stink on the game
were going home bros
just one more expansion for pure metzen kino
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lore has improved
hope he kills himself desu
None of the things you're jacking off are anything other than augments to abilities we'd already press in the first place. Why the everliving fuck would I get excited about them?
No, i would rather suck elven futa dicks
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Oh no It's So Overbros, someone is having fun and learning how to effectively play the game whatever will we do?
You literally can't breed
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the dialogue in tww is honestly worse than df
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new thread ?
If someone put a gun to my head and forced me to turn his brains to mush with a hammer I'd do it with a smile on my face.
the sometimes robotic sometimes not dwarves suck, but anything beats... the old... writing...
Now fuck off furrysoiboy.
>n-no u!
Seriously end your existence nigger or go back to africa where animals like you belong.
you can't have my mage tower appearances in legion remix. calling the jobless disabled community council tranny now to write a manifesto, he already cancelled the korkron war wolf so it's over for you.
>machine speaker shows up
>autismo robot lady
>half a zone later shes sassy and cracking jokes
can yall niggas not keep something consistant
>immediately starts seething when shown to be retarded
I accept your concession. Maybe stop being poor and some day you'll understand.
>the jobless disabled community council tranny
I didn't realise there was someone incharge of it
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Characters are written by whoever's in the office at the time.
i dont want that gay shit
i wanna replay legion from start to finish with 7.3 legendary changes
lvl 80
im bored
Keep licking blizzards asshole, maybe one day your masters will reward you for being a good slave they won't
i make beledar groups and kick every animal that's doing their full tryhard dps rotation before everyone makes it to the boss in time
>everyone remembers legion good because out of 7.3
>also everyone remembers bfa bad but because of 8.0
>legion was just as bad in 7.0
>bfa was almost as good in 8.3
what is the reasoning behind this
Be nice to kobolds!
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what did the pdf mean by this?
>if you don't suck at math that means you're a bootlicker
go on, waste dozens of hours trying to be "self sufficient" instead of participating in the market like a normal person. The rest of us will still be here making money and progressing when you give up.
BFA led to the assassination of /ourguy/ Josh "The Kike Slaying Machine" P. Riest.
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>Doesn't help Arthas against Mal'ganis
>Gets her own dad killed
>Captured in Shadowlands but easily 'escapes' practically by herself
>When asked gets evasive and says it was 'another maw walker'
>AFK while Varian and now Khadgar are killed

It's coming.
>people are still asshurt that some people are leaving after the first boss
kek i already got the trinket in ara kara but im still doing it just to send a message. feels good to be a tank bvll
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you live in a basement and can't make a new thread?

Yfw a DPSissy speaks up to his tankbvll superior
If you defend blizzard when they give you shit then yes, you 100% are a brown tongued and skinned bootlicker.
Blizzard has given crafters a boon. Just because you're a low IQ faggot who seethes when you look at something you can't understand doesn't mean it's bad. That's why you're projecting like a brownie /pol/ack pretending to be white.
>Good dungeon run
>Ask if anyone wants to do another
>Only the 3rd place dps sticks around
Why. Every single fucking time, why.
I was usually best DPS in dungeons always and did hours and hours of dungeons back in the day
Don't bother, he's a seething and filtered cryboom.
7.0 was a complete clusterfuck but it was still infinitely better than 8.0
Black panda lips... Around my bvll cock...
Wow isnt a social game anymore
any way to set mouseover casting ONLY on raid/party frames? who the fuck would ever want it on unit frames
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I'm only doing dungeons now when call to arms is available. No bag, no heals
I'm starting to regret not looking for a guild until expac launch...
make sure you save the augment runes to sell for mythic raid release
they will 100% spike in price then
Is Argent Dawn EU playable for Horde? Or any other highpop server that is nice to play on for Horde?
why did you post a picture of fruit?
AD, if you like roleplaying
Kazzak draenor tarren mill
Is Siegehold some sort of daily area I just haven'tr unlocked? There were a ton of Ragnaros spics mass AOE farming the whole joint. I can't tell if I am missing out or this is just mud monkey behavior.
Such a boon that you are literally the only person who thinks it's good. I hope metzen pays you for working overtime.
wowg Guild status?
its full of my merchandice
end result:
>people spitefully can't queue for 15 extra minutes for not forking their time out to strangers
>kicking a new player from a dungeon for going the wrong way now guaranteed gives them a 30 minute game ban
all in all a good fix
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>Turn settings all the way down.
>FPS is STILL dropping below 60 in dornogol
Why the fuck is this game optimized like shit?
Obviously not advertised here.
>machine cult inspired race from wh40k
>instead of promoting the disposal of flesh and promotion of machine focus on bearded women
The absolute state of nuWoW.
>now guaranteed gives them a 30 minute game ban
Anyway if you don't play dps than queues are and always have been instant.
>ummm acktually everybody agrees with me
I won, get over it.
or they will continue to be the MT because it's the least active role in the entire raid which allows them to control their team, but go off with whatever retarded shit you were babbling about
probably wont happen without some actual effort by a GM. there is enough guildless spergs here to easily get one going. the problem is /wowg/ has about 3-4 literal psychopaths who will join just to spam tranny shit

kind of a shame that this general cant even get a single group together to do anything
I can't imagine the potato PC that can't run wow on 60 fps.
>died at 3% left on kruul

fuck man, this shits starting to give me chest pain
Why does almost every cinematic Xalatath is in theres at least one shot of her feet
I can run every other game on earth well above 60, it's specifically this fucking game.
name one of the psychopaths

you can't
I meant when leaving after 1st boss. instead of the 15 min cd you have to wait out 30 min deserter.
im not giving you faggots any attention, you know who you are
Then it must be an addon issue.
Basic wow is really low performance friendly.
Even notebooks with intergraded graphics can run it.
It's the safe horny equivalent of the titty camera pan.
it doesnt work as a pedo statement because their whole schtick revolves around corrupting something innocent
7.0 was better than 8.0 simply because it was first
8.3 was worse than 7.3 because 7.3 was epic and 8.3 was not
And the replies
>Am I supposed to know who these Arathi Light people in the giant cave are?

It goes back to warcraft 1
There is a giant flying octopus called "The Guardian" flying around close to it.
99% ensured it's some old gods shit.

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